Wednesday Night WarZone
Charleston, South Carolina at the North Charleston Coliseum

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

David: WELCOME TO WARZONE! I am David Tanjic and always with me is Travis Best!

Travis: I am the best!

David: We are just a little over a week away from Assault, and the tention in the locker rooms are building.

Travis: I hope it turns out to be as brutal as Oblivion was.

David: Well this is the HWC, burtality is the key to survival here. I'm sure Autumn Lewis won't let down with what ever she got's planed. But we have a great line up for tonight!

Travis: I've seen better matches from a soggy match book!

Tag Team Match
BloodLust Slayerz vs Agent Jobber & Air Raid

David: Well here we go first match of the night!

Travis: And another pointless Jobber match.

David: I would think you would like this one self they are fighting the Slayerz.

Travis: BloodLust Slayerz are above these peons as they would say!

David: Well Agent Jobber and Air Raid alreay waiting in the ring.

Jean Fortello: The following is for one fall and is a Tag Team match......

((The lights go out. Before the music plays a deep voice of Beowulf say "Summon The Drums of War."))

Jean Fortello: Coming to the ring and at combind weight of 500 lbs......... BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!

((Possession starts to play and the beating of drums start as thier theme does, followed by the crwod brusting into boos. The HWC-Tron show scenes from battles some look like their are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring threw it letting out a battle cry. They jump into the ring waving their weapons and trash talking the crowd feeding off their haterid. The ref removes their weapons from the ring as Palimon and Air Raid move to the out side of the ring. Beowulf grins at Agent Jobber circling around him.))

Travis: This will be a killing!

David: I don't know with the Slayerz losing streak lately that's why they are fighting Jobbers tonight.

Travis: Oh yea then why are they booked against Blood Dragon at Slaughter?

David: Pain to pushisment?

Travis: Shut up and call me match!

((Beowulf and Angent Jobber tie up with Beowulf getting the upper hand by slaming Jobber hard on his back. Beowulf pulls Jobber to his feet and delivers a brain buster. Jobber looks dazed and tries to get to his feet, he gets to his knees but is meet with a few hard right hands by Beowulf. Beowulf pulls him over to his corner and tags in Palimon, Beowulf holds Jobber while Palimon takes his turn beating on Jobber till the ref comes and breaks them up. Beowulf goes on the out side as Jobber tries to fight back. Palimon whips Jobber to the ropes and leaps over him on the rebound, Jobber tries to hit a closeline but is met with a drop kick from Palimon instead.))

Travis: What I tell you these guys stand no chance against the Slayerz!

((Palimon climbs up a turnbuckle readying a swanton when Air runs over and pushes him off the the turn buckle. Palimon is sent crashing into the guard rail, Beowulf leaps into the ring and goes for Air pulling him into the ring. Bewoulf takes a swing but air ducks it, spins around him and delivers a drop kick of his own to the back of Beowulf sending him over the ropes landing on Palimon below.))

Travis: I can't believe this ****!

David: Watch it, it seems Air Raid is taking it to the Slayerz. I bet Smalls is going insane just seeing this.

((Air Raid raises his hands and reseaves a small pop from the crowd. On the out side Beowulf tries to help Palimon up put his pushes away, now looking mad Boewulf reaches over the railing and pushes a fan out of his seat and takes a folding chair. Closing it Beowulf slides into the ring and comes after Air, the ref tries to take the chair from Beowulf but he is mad enough that he pulls away and swings the chair at the ref knocking him down. The bell rings in DQ of BLS but that doesn't stop Beowulf, taking the chair he beats it into the back of Air Raid till he is no longer moving. The crowd angerly boos at this sight as Beowulf smiles and raises the chair.))

David: BloodLust Slayerz lost to two Jobbers but they don't seem to care.

Travis: Of course now all they care about is the damage they inflict!

David: If this keeps up no one is safe in this fed. Well while the EMTs are tending to Air Raid we will be right back.

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

(("Click Click Boom" hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, The Enforcer, Draven, Blood Dragon and PitBull are all standing there arms folded across their chests. Scott and Zoe walk out from behind the curtian and lead their men down to the ring.))

David: What's going on here? Why is Bad News coming out here? This isn't on my format.

Travis: Who cares? Look at Zoe! She is a little hottie!

David: Do you ever think about anything besides sex?

Travis: Is that a trick question?

David: Never mind.

((The members of Bad News have reached the ring and have been posing on the turnbuckles for the crowd, however now that the music has died the Enforcer has tossed the world title belt over his shoulder and has a mic in hand.))

Enforcer: Ok, let's get right down to brass tacks shall we? For those of you that may not know, this weekend at Slaughter, Draven and I will be stripping the Kindred of the HWC world tag-team titles. But I understand that despite finding out that Chloe was working for Martin Smalls, Seph wants a rematch at Assault for this. (He indicates the world title belt hanging over his shoulder) And I have no problem with granting him a rematch. However, Seph, if you're watching this, turn up the volume and get real close to the screen cause I got something for you. You see, this is not gonna be a regular standard match, it ain't gonna be a ladder match, or a hardcore match. This is going to be an EXTREME DEATH MATCH!

((The crowd goes nuts even though they have no idea what it is.))

David: What the hell is that?

Travis: Well if you shut up and let the man talk I'm sure you'll find out.

Enforcer: Now, I know you're wondering what the hell an Extreme Death Match is. Well obviously I'm out here to tell you what that is. First take one ordinary deadly device like a Hell in a Cell, then make it even more dangerous by hanging weapons from the top of it. You know, the usual hardcore toys, baseball bats, kendo sticks, 2X4's, street signs, lead pipes, and nightsticks. Wrap a few of them in barbed wire. Then take 4 ladders, place them in each corner of the cell, outside the ring. Those are used to get the weapons up at the top of the cell.

David: This sounds dangerous already.

Enforcer: But wait, there's more! If you order now, I'll throw in the fact that the cage is locked from the inside by the referee, so that no one can get in and we can't get out unless the referee unlocks the door. But here's the kicker Seph old boy, old sock. In order to win the HWC world title, you will not have to pin me for a measly three count! No, no, no! You will have to pin me for a FIVE COUNT!

((The crowd goes nuts as Draven stands behind the Enforcer and counts off five on his fingers and holds his hand up as if to clarify to everyone what the Enforcer just said.))

Enforcer: So to recap. A Hell in a Cell. Weapons hanging from the top. Ladders in each corner of the Cell used to reach the weapons. The door locked from the inside so that Bad News and the Darkside stays out. And a five count instead of a three count to win. One last thing, Seph, I'm not a patient man, I want your answer at Slaughter!

(("Click Click Boom" starts again and the members of Bad News head out of the ring, a challenge for Seph hanging in the air behind them. Camera cuts to Martin Smalls standing in his office watching the show on a big screen tv. He hears his office for open and close thinking it's BloodLust Slayerz.))

Smalls: Extreme Death Match! WHat kind of crap is that, and who have them the power to make that macth!?

Autumn: I did!

((Smalls closes his eyes tightly and turns around to face Autumn. She stands there looking at him hard with her arms crossed.))

Smalls: Is that so?!

Autumn: Yea it is! Last I check I was still the President.

Smalls: You can have your "Extreme Death Match" for Assault, but just wait for Slaughter..... I got a few matches of my own to make!

Autumn: We will see!

((The two look at each other hard before Autumn turns and leaves the room.))

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

Hardcore Match
Bobcat vs BloodDragon

Jean Fortello: The following is a Hardcore Match, making his way to the ring from Rock Hill.......

((The go off completly as Korn's "Thoughtless" begins to blast over the P.A. System.))

Jean Fortello: BOBCAT!!!

((The Bobcat walks out from backstage carrying a trash can filled with weapons, and flames begin to burst from the sides of the walkway as he makes his way to the ring. Once he's in the ring he step to the middle and flames burst from the four turnbuckle posts. His music is cut off as Downfall comes over the speakers, and the arena pitches into darkness.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent from Melbourne, Florida....... BLOOD DRAGON!!!

((Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. Bobcat comes from behind and slams a pool stick into the back of Blood breaking it with the impcat. Blood falls to the mat and Bob pulls out a small bag from the trash can of weapons and spills jacks all over the ring. Turning to Blood again Bob grabs him and pulls him into a suplex driving his back into the scattered jacks. Blood sits up crying out in pain as he starts to bleed with some of the jacks stuck in his back. Bob cat pulls him up again and knees him in the face followed by a chop to the chest. Blood winces but comes back with a powerful closeline knocking Bob on his back and before he can get to his feet Blood starts stomping away on him.))

Travis: Blood's snapped!

Davis: Here's a man who truly lives up to his name, the blood shed as seemed to have worked him into a frenz.

Travis: What are you talking about he's not a dragon.

Davis: Thats debatable by his actions.

((With a few kicks to the head making sure he stays down Blood slides out of the ring for a moment, pushing the time keeper out of his chair then taking it Blood re-enters the ring. The ref stands in his way but gets pushed aside. Blood takes the chair and thrust the back into the gut of Bob. Unfolding it Blood sets it down over the chest of Bob and takes a seat.))

Travis: What is he doing?!

David: It looks like he's just sitting there taking a break while Bob is squrming benieth the chair trying to get free.

Travis: (laughs) Blood just spit on Bobcat, I would hate to be Bob right now. He just can't stand in his brother foot steps.

David: Don't count him out just yet.

((Blood looks down on Bob and talks trash before finaly getting up and knocking the chair off him. Blood pulls Bob to his feet and whips him into the ropes, Bob reverses it and kicks Blood in the gut then delivers a DDT. Bobcat covers him for a quick pin..1. kick out. Bod gets up and goes over to the trash can and dumps out all the weapon inside and wedges it between the ropes in the left front corner. Grabbing Blood, Bob whips him to the turnbuckle but Blood reverses sending Bob flying into the trash can. Blood drops behind him and rolls him up. 1...2.. Bob break the hold and rolls onto his belly, Blood gets on him and grabs his head and starts beating it into the mat. While Bob is dazed Blood grabs the chair and moves it so it's under Bob's head. Again Blood grabs his head this time smashing it into the steel chair. Bob grabs his forhead and curls up in pain.))

David: Blood is burtal tonight.

Travis: He has to be he is taking on BloodLust Slayerz at Slaughter, this is a pradise for him.

David: Well he is showing no mercy to Bobcat in the ring.

Travis: Yea and still the idiot won't stay down.

David: Bobcat is trying to seek revenege on Blood Dragon for putting his brother on the injured list.

Travis: If he's not careful he will be joining him.

((Blood bends over and starts trash talking again before pulling Bob to his feet, busy with the match Blood fails to see BloodLust Slayerz running to the ring. Palimon slides into the ring first chair in hand, while Beowulf pulls out a table from under the ring and sets it up. Palimon stands behind Blood when he finaly notices Beowulf, he drops Bob and turns to be greeted with a chair to the forhead busting him open.))

David: What are they doing here they already had their match!

Travis: Looks like once again they have come to take out the trash!

David: Where's Bad News when you need them?

Travis: Out getting drunk?

((Once down Blood beats the chair a few more times into the body of Blood before dropping the chair and leaving the ring. Beowulf starts to climb in when Palimon shouts orders that it is time to leave. Bobcat starts to come too and sees Blood laid out and crawls over for a pin. 1...2...3 NO BLOOD GOT A SHOULDER UP!! Bob cat looks at the ref in disbielf.))

David: I can't believe it after the beating he took he's still fighting back!

((BLS stop at the top of the ramp in shock that Blood kicked out. The starts to head back to the ring when Bad News come running out from the back after BLS. BLS duck a blow and high tail it out threw the crowd with Bad News hot on their tail. Back in the ring Bob pulls Blood to his feet and whips him into the ropes, on the rebound Blood ducks a closeline from Bob and comes back with a closeline of his own sending Bob staggering back and tumbling over the top rope. Bob hangs on and pulls him self to his feet on the out side of the ring. Blood grabs a chair and before Bob can get back into the ring Blood swings the chair hard slaming it into the head of Bob who is knocked back and crash lands threw the table.))

David: Did you see the impact on that swing!

Travis: I hate to say it but I think the only thing the Slayerz manage to do was make Blood mad!

David: Bobcat just suffered the same fate as his brother Dozer.

((Blood whipes off the blood running down his face and drops the chair before dropping him self to roll out of the ring with the ref following. Bob doesn't move and Blood pins him where he lays. 1...2...3. The bell rings and before the ref can raise his hand Blood gets up and runs off after where Bad News chased BLS.))

David: Looks like no time to celebrate.

Travis: of course not, there's more ass to kick. I just hope Small's boys get out okay.

David: Your the only one that cares.

((The camera cuts to the backstage area where Chris Murphy stands in the interview area beside Livia. Livia stands there in a stunning black leather dress as Murphy holds the mic to his face…))

Murphy: I’m standing here with Livia Deats to get Sephiroth’s response to the challenge issued tonight by the Enforcer. Livia, the question on everyone’s mind is how is Sephiroth? Where is he tonight?

Livia: Mr. Murphy, my master is fine. Now that he ditched that bitch he’s been trying to recruit new members of the Darkside.

Murphy: Yes, is that why he’s not here?

Livia: You’ve got to be kidding me! This is the “other” show, Sephiroth du Lac wouldn’t be caught dead at the “other” show. Seph wouldn’t show up here unless he had to. No offense but compared to Sephiroth this show is for the “little people”!

Murphy: I see… so let’s talk about Sephiroth’s reaction to the challenge. What is Sephiroth saying now? Will he fight Enforcer?

Livia: Murphy… I am but a mere vessel for my great Sephiroth. A mouthpiece if you will and trust me he loves me to be a “Mouth”-piece… but anyway Sephiroth speaks for himself most of the time. He’s training right now for the upcoming Tag Team Match at Slaughter but he said that he will respond to Enforcer’s request at Slaughter. So, if you want to know what Seph thinks. He’ll be at Slaughter and so will I. Right where I belong beside my dear Sephiroth.

Murphy: So, Sephiroth will make his statement at Slaughter… one more question Livia. It’s been said that Sephiroth is recruiting for the Darkside simply to replace Chloe. Is this true?

Livia: What?! That’s ridiculous. After all why would he have Chloe…

((She suddenly turns her back to Chris bending over seductively while slightly raising her skirt in the back.))

Travis: Oh my god!

David: Whoa!

Livia: When he could have me?

((Chris Murphy almost drops his Microphone as Livia giggles and skips off.))

Chris: (In a high pitched voice) Back to… (Coughs a bit returning to his normal voice) Back to you guys.

Travis: David, did you see that? My pants have turned into a circus tent.

David: I did not need to hear that!

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

Standard Match
Green Haired Frog vs Jeff Wylde

David: This next match pits a rising star who has been undefeated in his first three matches so far in the HWC versus a seasoned veteran who has broken more bodies than his opponent has seen in his career.

Travis: YEAH!

David: I’ve never seen you so happy about Frog having a match.

Travis: Not Frog, you moron. Amy! Amy’s going to be out here!

David: Didn’t Jeff promise to hand your ass to you on a silver platter if he heard you talking about Amy?

Travis: Yeah, but he’ll be busy with that loser Frog!

Jean Fortello: This next match is set for one fall. Introducing first, weighing 209 lbs. . . Green Haired Frog!!!!!!

((The lights dim and Tainted Love flares up. Suddenly Frog appears on the ramp, he runs to the ring and slides in.))

David: It looks like they’re giving Frog the first entrance, to give him another chance, but, going against Jeff, I don’t know that it will help.

Travis: Shut up! AMY!

David: Travis, sit down!

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing 280 lbs. . . . “Wyldeman” Jeff Wylde!!!!!!!

((Tainted Love fades, replaced by Reckoning Day by Megadeth. Jeff walks out onto the stage, Amy one step behind him, and pauses at the top of the ramp raising both arms. Jeff looks from side to side before lowering his arms and heading to the ring. Frog takes the initial attack, putting the boots to Jeff, then dropping an elbow between Jeff’s shoulder blades. Frog gets to his feet, and Jeff brings him down with a knife-edge chop to Frog’s shins. Jeff gets to his feet, meeting the rising Frog with a boot to the midsection, and going straight into a flowing DDT. Jeff starts kicking Frog in the head, Frog rolling outside the ring, to regain his thoughts.))

David: If Frog wants to win this match, he’ll have to find a way to use his speed and agility against Jeff. At this rate, he’ll be a doormat for Jeff.

Travis: Amy. . .

David: Aw, jeez! Travis, if you’re going to drool, put a napkin down!

Travis: Sorry.

((Jeff appears to be striving to get outside the ring, to continue the assault, the referee attempting to hold him back. Meanwhile, Amy has already perched herself on the guardrail. Frog turns in time to see Amy’s attempted spinning wheel kick, and duck under it. Amy hits the ground, many of the fans wanting Frog to make sure Amy stays down. Frog looks at Amy as she starts getting up, then shakes his head, rolling into the ring.))

David: Moves like that will cost him this match. Amy’s already proven she has no problem getting in there and mixing it up with the guys.

Travis: That idiot just hurt Amy! Kill him, Jeff!

David: Oh, now you’ve made your pick.

Travis: Yeah. Amy.

David: She’s not in the match, you jackass!

Travis: Yeah, but Amy gets my vote every time.

((Jeff pulls Frog to his feet as he enters, the referee’s attention directed to Amy momentarily. Frog sneaks a hard low blow on Jeff, lifting Jeff for a piledriver. Frog hits a tremendous piledriver. Jeff’s head driven into the mat, he lays prone for only a second, then moving to stand.))

David: OH MY GOD! Jeff just got hit with a piledriver that would have, at the very least, worn a man out slightly, and he’s already moving!

Travis: Look, Eddie! Amy’s getting up!

David: Travis, I’ll give you 200 bucks to be quiet for the rest of the night.

Travis: Deal!

David: You just talked, moron.

Travis: Dammit! Gimme that 200 smackers, you communist hippie!

David: I told you before, Travis, I’m not a communist.

((Jeff rises to his feet, Frog blinking in shock, then dropkicking Jeff’s right leg, at the kneecap. Jeff topples to a knee, Frog beginning to shoot rapid rights to Jeff’s head, Jeff’s head recoiling with each blow. Frog dropkicks Jeff’s face in the kneeling position, Jeff toppling fully. Frog hits a senton bomb, then goes outside, onto the apron, jumping to the top rope, then jumping, spinning in a 180, and jumping again, spinning once more, dropping a leg on Jeff’s throat. Frog goes for a quick pin. 1. . . . 2. . . Jeff kicks out with emphasis, sending Frog flying over the far rope with ease. Frog’s flying body crashes into Amy, dropping them both. Jeff goes outside the ring, to check on Amy. As Jeff turns back to Frog, who has already gotten to his feet, Frog catches him with a properly placed superkick, Jeff falling like a felled tree.))

David: Jeff’s concern for Amy cost him there.

Travis: That’s not right! Where’s Mr. Smalls when you need him?!

David: What’s Smalls going to do?

Travis: Fire Frog! He attacked Amy!

((Frog hits an Asai moonsault onto Jeff, then goes to the ring, again. Frog hits a split-legged moonsault from the ropes onto Jeff. Frog picks Jeff up, slinging him toward the stairs. Jeff hits the stairs back first, falling over the stairs to the other side, and laying there. Frog slides under the bottom rope, rebounding off of the far ropes, and jumping over the ropes nearest Jeff, as Jeff slowly makes his feet. Jeff falls, again, Frog grabbing a chair from ringside. The referee gets the chair from Frog, before Frog can use it. Frog grabs the top of the stairs, carrying them toward Jeff. Amy, by this time, has already gotten to her feet, is in the ring, and, from out of nowhere, hits a 619, resembling a baseball slide, kicking the stairs back into Frog’s face, her legs ricocheting with a thud louder than the one made by Frog’s head impacting with the stairs. Amy rolls out of the ring anyway, Jeff getting to his feet slowly, confusion showing on his face like a bad TV show. Jeff rolls Frog into the ring, following Frog. Frog simply lays in the ring limply. Jeff picks him up, tossing him into the turnbuckle hard enough that the turnbuckles curl slightly, just short of breaking. Frog falls facefirst to the ground.))

David: Frog may be regretting his refusal to stop Amy from involving herself.

Travis: Are you encouraging Frog to attack her?! What is wrong with you?!

David: I was stating a fact, Travis. And put those fists down unless you plan to do something with them!

((Jeff just then realizes Amy’s condition, moving to check on her. As he stays there, Frog gets, groggily, to his feet, staggering forward slightly. Frog hits a baseball slide to Jeff from behind, sending Jeff into the guardrail. Jeff pulls himself away from the guardrail, sliding into the ring, and getting to his feet, murder in his eyes. Frog hits another superkick, then getting to the top rope.))

David: Frog looking to capitalize, and end the match. Where do you think you’re going, Travis?

Travis: I have to check on Amy!

((Frog jumps, high into the air, going for the Pond Hop. As he comes down, it becomes only too apparent that he didn’t weaken Jeff enough. Jeff catches Frog in midair, holding him up for a powerbomb.))


((Silence. The camera moves back slightly, showing Travis rushing toward Amy. Jeff makes the pin. 1…… 2……. 3!!))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, “Wyldeman” Jeff Wylde!

(( Jeff takes no time in celebrating, going outside the ring, and moving to stand behind Travis. Travis turns slowly, seeing Jeff. Travis begins begging off, trying to avoid Jeff. Jeff levels Travis with a harsh right hook, laying him out easily, then picking up Amy, carrying her up the ramp, toward the back. ))

David: Well, Jeff followed through with his promise. If Travis is smart, he’ll stop talking about Amy like that. But don’t put money on it. (David laughs.)

((Camera cut to the underground parking lot with a limo waiting with the engine running, then Smalls head pops out of the sun roof and cries out.))


((Leaping over a few cars comes Palimon and Beowulf running hard with Bad News gaining on them. They hear Smalls yelling for them and tear off for the limo, just as they reach the limo a garbage truck cuts off their only escape and smashing the front end of the limo. The Slayerz turn away from the limo and race over to the truck to move it while Smalls gets back into the limo where it's safe. Beowulf jumps up on the truck and opens the door to only get kicked in the face by the driver, Palimon stares with deep haterid as the driver turns out to be Patriot. Patriot hopes out and starts beating on Palimon who quickly joined by Bad News. Draven breaks away from the fight and goes over to the limo.))

Draven: SMALLS!

((Draven garbs the door only to find it locked.))


((Draven kicks the limo a few times and tries to peek in threw the tainted window, finally tired of it Draven smashes his fist threw the window. Reaching in Draven grabs and pulls Smalls out of the limo threw the broken window. Smalls covers his face and begs for his life as Draven throws him hard against the limo then drags him over to the truck, in the back ground Enforcer is slaming the head of Beowulf against the truck while his face is covered in blood. Draven Lifts Smalls up and tosses him into the trash and filth of the truck.))


((Draven walks back over to the rest of Bad News as Blood gives Palimon a snap suplex into the hood of a car. Enforcer and Patriot stare each other down before turning away and going their own way leaving the destruction. The camera pans over the broken bodies of Palimon and Beowulf before turning back over to the lifeless body of Smalls covered in garbage, the camera fades out on that image.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))