Wednesday Night WarZone

Philadelphia , Pennsylvania at the First Union Center

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

David: Welcome to War Zone here at the Sold out First Union Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.I'm David Tanjic!

Travis: I'm Travis Best! Can we skip the first two matches?

David: No! Wait a minute! I know why you want to skip them... It's because Cleo is here tonight isn't it?

Travis: You read my mind Davey! So who do we got up first?

David: A match between Green Haired Frog and "Playboy" Mike Krazy!

((The lights start to dim and "Tainted Love" begins to play. Frog suddenly appearson the ramp, and runs to the ring and slides in.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 209lbs, from Falkirk Scotland, the Green Haired Frog!

David: The crowd really loves him tonight!

Travis: Yeah but if they're like me, they'll love Cleo when she comes out!

David: You're hopeless!

(("My Way" begins to play as Mike comes out and taunts the crowd a few times. He jogs down to the ring, slapping hands wiht the crowd on the way down then gets in the ring and does some flexposes.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 230lbs from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, accompanied by Eryn Thomas, "Playboy" Mike Krazy!

((The crowd erupts into cheers for their hometown hero. He waves to the crowd a few times before the bell sounds. Frog catches Playboy off guard by grabbing him around the waist and goes for a suplex. Playboy hits the mat and Frog smiles as he goes to the top rope going for a senton bomb. He lands square on Playboy making his body flinch under him. Frog gets to his feet and raises Playboy to his feet groggy, but still aware of where he is. Frog goes for a neck breaker sending Playboy to the mat again. He goes for the pin. 1...Playboy gets the shoulder up and Frog looks at him in disbelief. Frog gets to his feet and starts pulling Playboy up only to get the low blow.))

Travis: Owwww...That's got to hurt!

David: I think all the guys in the crowd here tonight are thinking the same thing!

Travis: Maybe Playboy will make a come back!

David: He might yet!

((Playboy gets to his feet and gets to the top rope and goes for a corkscrew moonsault. He hits it and lands on Frog sending him to the mat. He goes for the pin. 1... Frog gets the shoulder up. Playboy gets to his feet and goes for a power bomb, and he hits it. Frog is out on the mat and he goes for the pin again. 1...2... Frog gets the shoulder up. By this time Playboy is getting quite upset and he goes for the top rope again. He goes for a swanton bomb, but Frog rolls out of the way just in time as Playboy comes down.))

David: Playboy looks like he's in a lot of pain after he landed on the mat!

Travis: Yes, yes it does! Well what do you expect? He didn't look before he leaped! Don't you get it? You know that old saying? You know that old saying? Look before you...Never mind!

David: Yeah...This could be anyones match really...Both of these men are very talented! But I think Playboy might be able to pull this off!

((Frog makes it to his feet first and heads for the top rope again, and goes for the split legged moonsault, and lands right on top of Playboy making him flinch in pain as Frog lands on him. Frog goes for the pin. 1...2...Playboy gets the shoulder up and Frog pulls Playboy to his feet and does a DDT putting Playboy to the mat again. Frog goes to the tope rope and goes for his Pond Hop. He hits it! Playboy is in a lot of pain by now and Frog goes for the pin. 1...Playboy gets the shoulder up and Frog sighs. He gets to his feet and pulls playboy up, but is hit in the midsection by Playboy with an elbow. Frog lets go, as Playboy grabs Frog around the waist and gets Frog up an inverted Powerbomb. Frog hits the mat and lays there for a few minutes before being lifted to his feet again by Playboy. He goes for the KraZy Kutter and Frog hits the mat again.))

David: My god neither of these men are going to give up are they?

Travis: I wish somebody would! How long has it been?

David: About 2 minutes!

Travis: Damn! It's got to be longer than that!

David: Nope!

((Playboy goes for the pin as Frog lays on the mat. 1...2...Frog gets the shoulder up and Playboy hits the mat with his fist before getting to his feet and grabs Frog only to hit him in the midsection with a couple of elbows. Playboy lets go and falls back to the mat. Frog goes for a crossbody as Playboy gets to his feet. Frog knocks Playboy down again, before heading to the top rope and goes for his pond hop again. Frog goes for it, but Playboy rolls out of the way and Frog hits the mat. Playboy and Frog are both down. The knock out count begins. 1...2...3...By the count of 4 Frog is up and he grabs Playboy setting him up for a superkick right into Playboy's jaw! Frog's foot connects with Playboy's face and sends Playboy to the mat. Frog goes for the pin. 1...2...Playboy gets the shoulder up and Frog can not believe it!))

David: My god! Neither of these men will stay down! This is real determination for you!

Travis: Yeah I guess you could say that! But if they go much longer we won't get to see Cleo destory Creeper tonight!

David: We will! I know you want to see her...

((Frog gets to his feet dragging Playboy with him. Frog goes for a neckbreaker sending Playboy down to the mat. He goes for the top rope again and goes for his Pond Hop and hits it right on top of playboy! Frog goes for the pin. 1...2...3!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner Green Haired Frog!

(("Tainted Love" begins to play as he makes his way out of the ring and heads backstage.))

Travis: It's over at last! I didn't think it would ever end!

David: You don't have any patience do you?

Travis: If some of the sweet ladies would let me play Doctor with them I would have some patients!

David: That's not what I meant! We'll be back after this!

((Cut to a commercial for HWC HardWear. Be the first to own HWC: Aggression! THis feature length CD contains themes for the top name superstars of the HWC! Be the first to blast the Black List's theme as you walk down the halls of your school! only 15.99 S/H required! Call 1-800 HardWear today!))

David: And welcome back to War Zone folks. That last match was something else.

Travis: Yeah it was long! Hopefully this one will be a bit quicker! I want to see my Queen!

David: You'd fall at her feet if she asked you to wouldn't you?

Travis: I'd be her ever faithful and loving servant for the rest of my natural life!

David: It doesn't surprise me! It really doesn't!

(("The Shortest Straw" plays on the PA, with blue, and white lights flash in the enterance way. After 15 seconds of music Klaus steps out, glaring at the fans,his arms folded, then power walks to the ring. He rolls in beneath the bottom rope, then makes a "Cross Hammers" gesture with his fists, his arms crossed left over right at the wrists above his head, still glaring at the fans.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 245lbs, from Bremen Germany Klaus von Hammer!

Travis: That's my boy! He's going to kill Lone Wolf tonight!

David: I don't know about that Travis! Lone Wolf is probably one of the most vicious men that are in the HWC!

Travis: Oh yeah...He's the ex-con isn't he?

David: Yep!

Travis: Klaus can still take him!

(("Of Wolf and Man" hits and everything goes black. Lone Wolf steps out onto the stage and lets out a howl before making his way to the ring. After climbing into the ring he goes over to the corner closest to himand sinks down in it just watching his opponent waiting for them to make their first move!))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 249lbs. from Billings Montana, Lone Wolf!

((The two of them look at each other trying to gifgure out what the other's weakness is. The bell sounds and they lock up. Klaus takes Wolf down with an arm drag and puts him to the mat. Klaus picks Wolf up and goes into a German suplex and Wolf hits the mat again. Klaus goes to pick Wolf up again only to get hit in the midsection by Wolf with a couple of elbows. Wolf uses a hiptoss and puts Klaus down to the mat and goes for an early pin. 1...Klaus gets the shoulder up!))

David: Lone Wolf thought he could get Klaus down...It's going to take more than that...

Travis: That's true...It's going to take a hell of a lot more to put my boy down!

David: Travis just...Just...Never mind...No matter what I say it seems to go in one ear and out...

Travis: What did you say?

David: Never mind...

((Wolf gets to his feet and uses another hip toss on Klaus. Klaus is pain but slowly gets to his feet. Wolf gets to the top rope and goes for a corkscrew clothesline taking Klaus down once more. He goes for the pin. 1...2...Klaus gets the shoulder up just in time! Wolf is getting rather mad and is looking for a way to put Klaus down for the three count. Wolf goes for a snap suplex but is hit in the midsection by Klaus by a couple of elbows and sends Wolf staggering back. Klaus goes for the hanging suplex. Wolf hits the mat and Klaus goes for the pin. 1...2...Wolf gets the shoulder up and Kalus just shakes his head and grabs Wolf getting him to his feet. Klaus goews for a full Nelson slam. Wolf goes down again,but Klaus picks Wolf up again and goes for a powerslam! Wolf hits the mat and Klaus goes for the pin.1...2...Wolf gets the shoulder up, and Klaus can not believe it!))

David: Wow! This anyone's match!! It's going to be a repeat of the first one I think!

Travis: Oh god no!!

David: Don't worry after this you'll see your Queen Cleo...

Travis: It's all worth while to see her...

David: You need a girlfriend very, very, very badly...

((Klaus gets Wolf to his feet and goes for a full nelson slam but is reversed by Wolf, who does a full nelson suplex to Klaus. Klaus hits the mat and rolls in pain. He slolwy gets to his feet, as Wolf gets to the top rope and goes for a suicide Dive. Klaus moves out of the way as Wolf comes down and hits the mat. Klaus picks Wolf up only to hit in the face by Wolf. Wolf goes for a hip toss and sends Klaus back to the mat. He goes for the pin. 1...2...Klaus gets the shoulder up.Wolf goes to the top rope again and goes another suicide dive. He hits it and lands right on top of Klaus. He goes for the pin again. 1...2...3...))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner Lone Wolf!

David: Wow!! Lone Wolf really did it!

Travis: Damn it! I didn't think he could do...I'm out by 50 bucks so far tonight!

David: I've warned you about betting on the matches!

Travis: I know you have...But it's like a weakness...

David: Yeah...We'll be back after this with our main event!

Travis: Yeah!! I get to see my Cleo!!!

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Bad News, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows Amy and Jeff playing the game. Amy is using Jeff, and Jeff is using Amy. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

Travis: It’s main event time boys and girls.

David: Creeper versus Cleopatra. This one has been brewing all week long.

Travis: I’ve got something brewing for Cleo.

David: It never ends with you does it?

Travis: Not if the lady is lucky, it doesn’t.

Jean Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now ready for our main event. Introducing first, from The Second Tier of Hell, the HWC’s new Hardcore Champion…. THE CREEPER!

((Demonoid Phenomenon hits, the lights cut off, lightning shoots from the rafters, striking either side of the stage, and leaving two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flaming areas. Then, the cameras back in their original position, in time with the music, the fires explode upward, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering, and the turnbuckle is doused completely, revealing The Creeper standing on the turnbuckle, right where the fire had been centered. Clutched tightly in one raised fist is the HWC Hardcore Championship.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, hailing from New York City, CLEOPATRA!

((The arena goes dark, as Gold Lust begins to play. Gold lights begin to move over the crowd and comes to a stop on the back of the stage, as something rises up from the floor. It's a Egyptian sarcophagus. The lid of the Sarcophagus slides open and there stands the Pharaoh Cleopatra. She opens her eyes and makes her way to the ring not hearing or noticing the crowds cheering for her as she makes her way to the ring and in her hands she carries the scepters of Upper and Lower Egypt. She climbs into the ring and removes the golden crown and hands the ref the crown along with the two scepters to put on the outside, and faces the turnbuckle, still occupied by the Creeper.))

Travis: Very nice entrances.

David: You’re mocking them.

Travis: Why don’t people want to just kick ass any more?

David: You’re about to see just that, shut up and watch.

((Creeper hops down from the ropes and calmly walks right to the middle of the ring. Cleo just watches him for a moment before realizing he is calling for her to hit him.))

David: Creeper is offering Cleo a free shot to start this match.

Travis: ….

((Never one to turn down an opportunity, Cleo walks over to Creeper and punches him in the face. The shot turns Creeper’s head, but really doesn’t faze him. The superkick Cleo follows the punch up with, however, does. Immediately, she is on Creeper stomping on his downed form.))

David: Cleo is showing Creeper no mercy tonight.

((Pulling Creeper to his feet, Cleo shoots him into the ropes only to have it reversed on her. As she nears the ropes however, she quickly runs up them and moonsaults onto the Creeper who was following behind her.))

David: Amazing display of quickness by Cleo.

Travis: …...

((Taunting the crowd, Cleo gives Creeper enough time to get to his feet. The look on his face is enough to reveal he is a bit more than annoyed. Rushing the still taunting Cleo, he clotheslines her almost out of her boots. Picking her prone body up, he immediately presses her over his head, before dropping her body down into a DDT. The crowd breaks into thunderous cheering, and the Creeper thinks it might have something to do with the move he just pulled, but neither superstar in the ring realizes that Blood Dragon is now standing up on the stage area.))

Travis: What is he doing up there?

David: Now you talk?

Travis: Well if you hadn’t told me to shut up.

((Reaching down, Creeper grabs hold of Cleo by her hair and pulls her to her feet. Still holding her hair, he begins slapping her in the face a bit. Cleo responds the only way she can think of at this moment, and swiftly kicks Creeper right in the balls.))

David and Travis: OUCH!!!

((As the ref calls for the bell to disqualify Cleo, Creeper shows his rage, and pain, by immediately picking her up and nailing the Epiphany on the already dazed Cleo. Creeper has still yet to see Blood Dragon, and that much is evident as Creeper backs away from Cleo’s prone form, and bumps right into the body of Blood, who sprinted to the ring as Creeper was lifting Cleo for the Epiphany. Turning quickly, Creeper throws a blind punch, which is ducked by Blood and turned into the set-up for the Dragon Suplex. The crowd erupts, as Blood tosses Creeper’s body over the top rope, to the floor below.))

Travis: What is Blood attacking Creeper for?

David: I assume we are about to find out.

((Calling for both a mic, and the Hardcore Championship, Blood stands in the ring holding the belt above his head. After a second or two, he tosses the belt over the top rope onto Creeper’s body. The crowd is still cheering like crazy, and Blood soaks it in for a second before speaking.))

Blood: Hey Creeper. Maybe next time you should tell your friends to make sure they finish the job. I know when you pull yourself off the floor you’re probably going to be pretty pissed, so how about at Assault you put that belt on the line and I promise you all the revenge you can handle. Normally I’d let Enforcer take back what is his, but he has his hands full for the moment. So Creeper, what do you say? You and me at Assault. Any kind of match your deranged little mind can think of, for the belt that rightfully belongs to Bad News. I’m sure you know where to find me.

((Dropping the mic, Blood quickly hops out of the ring as Seph and Soth have made their way out from the back to help their fallen friend.))

David: What impact by Blood Dragon, apparently he has taken offense to Creeper breaking his word to the Enforcer. The Creeper wins the match, but loses this mini battle.

Travis: I think he took offense to the ass kicking Seph and Soth handed out to most of Bad News after Slaughter last week.

David: What an exciting night, I can’t wait for this weeks Slaughter. For Travis Best, this is David Tanjic saying Goodnight.