Wednesday Night WarZone
Salt Lake City, Utah

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position))

David: Welcome back, ladies and gentleman to our first Warzone in three months! We are broadcasting live from Salt Lake City, Utah! I'm David Tanjic and as always..the idiotic..Travis Best.

Travis: Blow me. I got pulled away for this?

David: Whatever. Ladies and gentleman we have a packed night! The Creeper takes on Blood Dragon in a grudge match, Mystic J takes on Wendell in a Falls Count Anywhere match..and our main event...Jeff Wylde takes on Dozer!

Travis: It's not a grudge's a standard match, you announce team reject.

(David just rolls his eyes as the first match goes underway.)

Travis: I can't believe I have to sit threw another one of these.

David: What? It's a match like any other.

Travis: No it's a match with two nobodies.

((Jesse comes out onto the stage and makes that hilarious fisting motion from the TNN Star Trek commercial before he throws his hands wide. He walks down to the ring and slides in, waiting. The crowd cheer as Jesse does the fisting motion again.))

David: Nobody or not he has a way with the fans.

((Awake blast over the PA system and out walks Air Raid stalking his way to the ring. His eyes fixed on Jesse, Jesse just stands in the ring grinning at Air Raid. Once Air climbs into the ring he stands before Jesse. The two stare each other down till Jesse shows him how to do the fisting motion. Air just stares at him doing nothing, Jesse shrugs and turns away. Air grabs his shoulder and punches him in the side of the head.))

Travis: Air feels the same way I do about Jesse, he's not funny.

David: Well it was a cheap shot at Jesse.

((Jesse staggers a bit from the blow then hits him with a close line from hell, Air falls and holds his throat while Jesse stomps away on him. The ref breaks the two up, Jesse grabs Air by his hair and pulls him into a hard scoop slam. Jesse then gets down and starts pounding away on Air's face. Air kicks him off and hits the ropes, before he can hit a close line of his own Jesse stops him cold with a thrust kick. Air falls to the mat again.))

David: Air just can' seem to get the edge on anyone.

Travis: He should of just stayed home!

((Jesse tires Air up in the ropes and starts beating away on his mid section, the ref tries to break them up but jesse pushes him away and pulls Air free. Jesse goes to whip him into the ropes again but doesn't let go pulling Air back to him, Jesse knees him hard causing Air to flip over and land hard. Jesse pulls Air to his feet who's now dazed and winded. Jesse does the fisting motion again then hits a Changing the Channel on Air.))

David: Oh that was burtal, its all over now.

Travis: Good!

((Jesse covers Air who's out, 1...2...3. The bell rings and the ref goes to raise Jesse's hand but he pulls away from the ref and rolls out of the ring. He pushes the time keeper out of his seat and takes his chair. Rolling into the ring the ref tries to stop him but Jesse threatens to hit him. Going over to Air, Jesse raises the chair and starts beating away on the montionless body of Air Raid.))

Travis: Hey he keeps this up and he might make it somewhere in this fed.

David: I thought you just said you hated him.

Travis: You talk to much.

David: But.....

Travis: Shut Up! Time for a commercial!

((Cut to a commercial for HWC HardWear. Be the first to own HWC: Aggression! THis feature length CD contains themes for the top name superstars of the HWC! Be the first to blast the Black List's theme as you walk down the halls of your school! only 15.99 S/H required! Call 1-800 HardWear today!))

Falls Count Anywhere

Wendell vs. Mystic J

("Outsmarted" hits as "The Genius" Wendell Graham Bell walks out slowly from behind the curtain, donning a white lab coat for the entrance. Green, the color of intelligence, randomly fills the arena. He holds his head high in defiance of the average wrestling fan, occasionally stopping to prove his intelligence to a fan using an abacus.)

Jean Fortello: Weighing 273 lbs, He is Wendell, 'The Genius' Graham Bell! (Wendell climbs into the ring, and stands there, throwing his hands up. Mystic J's music kicks up, but there is nothing. No pyro, no nothing. Jean makes her way to the center of the ring, holding a clipboard.)

Jean Fortello: We at the HWC regret to inform you that Mystic J has been fired, for not complying to HWC rules and regulations. Winner, by default is Wendell!

(Outsmarted hits and Wendell scowls, shaking his head. He storms from the ring, pissed as hell and not in the mood. Camera cuts to a commercial.)

((Camera opens up on Travis sitting in his office, there comes a knock on the door and a ring crew man sticks his head in.)

Crew: What do you want on your Tombstone Mr. Best?

Travis: Tombstone?

(Travis thinks showing a little cloud of thoughts, it shows Amy wearing next to nothing holding a pizza. The thought cloud pops as Travis' face goes from joy to horror.)


(As he sits at his desk Chaotica pops up and hits him with a chair. The sceen changes to the of Travis running from a angry mob of wrestlers with hardcore weapons, then changes again to a tomb stone that reads "Travis Best, Rot In Pieces." Travis wakes up from his thought by the crew man.)

Crew: Your Tombstone Pizza is here Mr. Best.))

((The camera returns to the ring, focusing on David and Travis)

Hardcore Match

Blood Dragon vs The Creeper

David: This is definitely NOT going to be pretty!

Travis: Who cares? It's a HARDCORE match!!!

((David just shakes his head as "I Don't Give A Fuck" by Hed Pe starts to play. As the music begins to pick up throughout the arena, a blood red hue encompasses the ramp and ring. Slowly but intensely Blood parts the curtain and steps out onto the stage and takes stock of his surroundings. Only when he is satisfied, will he then slowly work his way down to the ring. The fans give a minor pop, mostly because he survived an assault by Armageddon. Then "Demonoid Phenomenon" by Rob Zombie kicks across the PA, silencing the crowd and making them look around a bit. The music hits, the lights cut off, lightning shoots from the rafters, striking either side of the stage, and leaving two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flaming areas. Then, the cameras back in their original position, in time with the music, the fires explode upward, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering, and the turnbuckle is doused completely, revealing The Creeper standing on the turnbuckle, right where the fire had been centered. The referee jumps a bit before calling for the bell.))

David: This is a hardcore match, as you stated earlier, Travis. But these two... Well, they're downright spooky!

Travis: Blood Dragon's all right, but the Creeper just plain stinks.

((Blood and Creeper tie up collar and elbow, a solid lock to open the match. Then Creeper jams an elbow into Blood's stomach, sending him reeling backwards. Blood hits the turnbuckle and grunts a bit. He comes charging out, fists swinging wildly. He catches Creeper square on the butt of the jaw and sends him backward. While Creeper's trying to get his senses back, Blood slides out and starts rooting around under the ring. Out comes several well-identified objects... Tables, fire extinguishers, Stop signs, garbage cans... The fans cheer, knowing what Blood Dragon can do with that stuff! Creeper arms himself with one of the fire extinguishers, but Blood hits him with a previously-unseen steel chair. Creeper reels backward, then gets his sense of location and dives for one of the garbage cans. Grabbing it, he turns and throws it at Blood Dragon, hitting him in the upper torso. The crowd "WOO!"s with the impact. Unseen by either competitor, a single slit appears on Blood's skin. He's been cut...))

Travis: I don't believe this... Blood Dragon's been cut and he DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE IT!

((Blood Dragon charges and hits Creeper with a spear, knocking them both clear out of the ring! They take it to each other, using the stop signs as head flatteners. There's a kendo stick there too... Blood grabs it before Creeper does. He cracks it over Creeper's head not once, not twice, but three times! The kendo stick breaks on the last hit, sending bamboo fragments flying everywhere. Creeper laughs a bit before hitting Blood's jaw from below with a fire extinguisher. Blood staggers back, reeling into the security railing. Blood starts pouring from his mouth, indication of some kind of internal injury.))

Travis: I like blood, but this...

David: This is too much.

Travis: You took the words right out of my mouth.

((David and Travis watch silently as Creeper tries his best to pick Blood Dragon apart bit by bit. Now if you've ever seen Blood Dragon wrestle in the GWF, you'll know he isn't one to give up easily. With a blood-curdling roar harking back to his days in the GWF, Blood Dragon turns and unleashes a frenzy of lefts and rights, sending Creeper back against the railing. With a 1-2 combination, Creeper drops like a stone. The referee begins the count. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings and the ref lifts Blood's hand in victory.))

Announcer: Your winner, BLOOD DRAGON!

((Blood moves shakily backstage. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he got it bad with that shot from the extinguisher. The Creeper just lies there, holding his head in his hands. The camera cuts to a commercial while the crew cleans up the mess they made.))

((Scene fades and goes to commercail.))

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enforcer, Kidd Rock, and Obake are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearance is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

((Camera fades back to David and Travis at ringside. Travis is kicked back, feet on the desk. David grabs a cup of water and splashes Travis with it)

David: Wake up you slacker! It's time for our main event! Sleep one more time and I'm gonna let Commissioner Howlett know.

Standard Match

Jeff Wylde vs. Dozer

(Travis eeps and quiets down as Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at ligthing like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring intimidatingly))

Jean Fortello: Weighing 345 pounds, hailing from Rock Hill, SC..Bulldozer!

(Dozer steps into the ring and awaits Jeff Wylde. 'Reckoning Day' by Megadeth kicks up and Jeff walks out onto the stage and pauses at the top of the ramp and raises both arms, and looks from side to side before lowering his arms and heading to the ring.)

Jean Fortello: And weighing 280 pounds, hailing from Sydney, Australia..Jeff 'The Wyldeman' Wylde!

(Jeff steps into the ring and wastes absolutely no time. He lashes out with a kick straight to Dozer's midsection, doubling him over. The bell sounds and Jeff keeps leveling kicks off at Dozer. Jeff whips Dozer into the ropes..Dozer comes back and clotheslines Jeff to the ground! Dozer starts to stomp on him incessantly before picking Jeff up into the air..powerslam! Jeff gets right back up! Amy's name can be heard screaming from his lips in pure anger as he kicks Dozer square in the nuts! Dozer bends over, dropping to one knee. Jeff steps back, bouncing off the ropes and delivers a stiff ass Shining Wizard to Dozer, dropping him down. Jeff runs over to the ropes..hops up..and delivers a SICK Frog Splash onto the back of Dozer. Dozer screams in pain and Jeff rolls off, grabbing his ribs. The ref begins to administer the mandatory 10 count...1.....2.....3.....Jeff stands and grabs Dozer..but Dozer blocks! Dozer grabs Jeff by the throat, but there is someone on the turnbuckle..Jeff points, and Dozer turns...It's Amy! She leaps off the turnbuckle, and delivers the Hellraiser on Dozer! She is wearing all black with a floor length leather trenchcoat. She rolls from the ring and points at Jeff then to Dozer. Jeff picks Dozer up...WYLDE RIDE! He goes for the pin...1...2...3..this match is over.)

David: What the hell?! Amy just helped Jeff win!

(Amy grabs a mic and growls into it as she walks up the ramp)

Amy: Christmas Chaos, bitch! See you there!

((The transmission fades as the camera fades to black. Copyright 2002 Hardcore Wrestling Corporation))