Wednesday Night WarZone
Buffalo, New York at the HSBC Arena

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

Standard Match
Kaos vs Terry Riffic

((Hatebreed's "I Will Be Heard" blasts over the PA as Terry Riffic makes his way to the ring to a resounding round of boos. He ignores the crowd and waves his book "101 Ways To Be A Terry Riffic Wrestler" over his head. He slides under the bottom rope and waits for Kaos.))

David: Well the fans giving Terry Riffic the business here.

Travis: This is no way to treat a number one best selling author. Have I told you how great that book is?

David: Too many times.

(("P5HNG Me A*WY" by Linkin Park begins to play and the lights flicker as Kaos walks onto the ramp raising his arms into the air. The fans roar with approval as he gets in the ring and into his corner. Terry charges across the ring and nails Kaos in the back of the head starting the match. He sends Kaos off the ropes and nails him with a spinning heel kick. Kaos springs back to his feet and ducks a clothesline and catches Terry from behind with falling neckbreaker. Terry staggers back to his feet only to get caught with a hurricanranna.))

David: Kaos taking the early advantage after the Pearl Harbor job by Riffic when this thing started.

Travis: C'mon Terry. Remember chapter 6!

David: Do you have that book memorized?

Travis: Every word.

((Kaos backs Terry into a corner and starts ramming shoulders into Terry and then whips him across the ring. Terry goes hard into the turnbuckle and staggers forward into a spin wheel kick. Terry slumps back into the corner and Kaos comes charging across and nails Terry with an avalanche. Terry slumps down in the corner and Kaos takes a moment to play to the fans.))

Travis: This is no time to be showboating you idiot! Chapter 2!

David: Kaos is wasting time here by playing to the fans! Terry's already back to his feet and is getting up on the second rope!

((Terry waits for Kaos to turn around and leaps off nailing Kaos with a flying clothesline! Kaos' head hits the mat hard and he looks like he has had the wind knocked out of him. Terry whips Kaos off the ropes and nails him with a samoan drop. He then pulls Kaos up to his feet and goes for a kick to the midsection, but Kaos catches the foot, spins Terry around and nails him with a back drop. Both men lay motionless as the referee begins a ten count.))

Travis: Looks like that clothesline from earlier that slammed Kaos' head into the mat came back to haunt him as he bashed his head again on the mat.

David: But at the same time that back drop caught Terry Riffic by surprise!

Travis: The first man to his feet will be the one that walks away with this! And yes! Terry is back up at the count of 7!

David: But so is Kaos!

((Both men turn to face each other and charge, Terry lepafrogs Kaos and both men rebound off the ropes. Terry collides with Kaos with a thunderous clothesline! Kaos collapses to the mat and Terry siginals for the Terrific Slam.))

Travis: He nails this and it's all over!

((Terry nails the slam and then sets Kaos up for the DVD, and nails it! The referee slides in and counts 1...2...3!))


David: Terry breaks a loosing streak with a big win here on WarZone over Kaos! Kaos took that flying clothesline earlier and banged his head off the mat, he tried a desperation back drop and paid for it and Terry was able to get the Terrific Slam and the Death Valley Driver to win!

((Terry walks over to the corner and grabs his book with the brick in it and waits for Kaos to get up. Suddenly the Black List, comes charging dow to the ring. Martin Smalls and Scott Mercer are follwing a charging Enforcer and Draven Masters. Draven grabs the book from Terry as the Enforcer spears Kaos who's just gotten back to his feet. The Enforcer pulls Kaos to his feet and whips him towards Draven who nails him with the brick loaded book. Kaos falls flat. Draven tosses the book back to Terry who catches it and smiles. Smalls and Mercer get into the ring. The Enforcer sides out of the ring and grabs a mic and two chairs. He gives the mic to Martin and one of the chairs to Masters.))

Martin: Terry, good job. Now scram! (Draven threatens Terry with the chair and he scrams) Tonight I send a message! I send a message to The Tiger, to the Sickness, and especially to Jericho Dylan. If you want to fuck with the Black List, this is what will happen!

((Scott and Draven have pulled Kaos back to his feet. Con-chair-to by the Enforcer and Masters!))

David: Jesus Christ! They just crushed his skull! Kaos may be dead!

Travis: But he's been busted wide open! BLOOD! YES! BLOOD!

David: How can you be cheering for this? They're trying to kill him!

Travis: They're sending a message!

((The Enforcer sets the two chairs up and Draven powerbombs Kaos on them. The Enforcer then grabs Kaos as Draven sets the chairs up and the Enforcer hits Enforcing the Law onto the chairs leaving Draven lying in a heap. But they're not done. Draven scares off Travis and David and the Enforcer sets Kaos up on the top rope. He then steps to the outside and chokeslams Kaos from the top rope down through the announce table!))

Martin: This is the Black List! (points to Draven and the Enforcer standing over the broken body of Kaos) This is what happens when you cross the Black List! (points to Kaos) Any questions?

((The List leaves ringside as the camera gets a close up of Kaos laying in a heap in the remains of the announce table.))

David: Once we get Kaos taken care of and a new announce table we'll be right back!

((Camera cuts to a commercial for HWC Hardware. It shows Enforcer modeling the Black List T-shirt, with a 'I'll kick your ass' look on his face'. A unseen voice is heard)

Announcer: Be the first to be Enforced with this HWC Black List t-shirt! Available in all sizes! Call 1-800-HWC-WEAR And order today!))

((Camera cuts to backstage and tehre is Autumn Lewis talking with Kidd. Their hards can not be heard, but Kidd nods to what Autumn is saying. From down the hall Autumn can hear someone calling her name, the calls get louder. Kidd turns to go and Autumn looks behind her to see who's calling her. It's Amy, and the Tag Team title belt is around her waist, she walks up to Autumn looking pissed.))

Amy: Hey Prez!

Autumn: Ahh Amy Jensen what can I do for you?

Amy: Give me another title shot against Jericho!

Autumn: I don't think I can do that.

Amy: This ain't gonna be no normal title match....

Autumn: Something to do with a ladder?

Amy: Far from it, I was thinking of beating him in HWC style.

Autumn: Oh?

Amy: First ever hardcore match for the IC Title.

Autumn: Hmmmm....

Amy: Well prez? You in or out?

Autumn: Is one belt not enough for you?

Amy: I'll hold them if I can.... If not... I'll hurt them all. You choose.

Autumn: Okay Amy at End Game you will face the IC Champ in a hardcore match for the belt. We will learn soon enough what you are made of.

((Autumn smiles and turns away walking off the same way Kidd headed. Amy stays standing there watching her go, her arms crossed as she looks more pissed then ever.))

Amy: Oh you'll see what I'm made off.... you can bank on that.

Hardcore Match
Bulldozer vs Lestat

Best: And we're back can pay me for that line anytime now, Tanjic. Damned fans..

David: What an interesting format we have tonight here on WarZone... A Buried Alive match between Sephiroth and Harley, as well as a Hardcore Match between Lestat and the Bulldozer.

Travis: And the Hardcore match is up next. Too bad both men suck.

David: You always say that!

((Travis goes to say something, but gets cut off by The Bulldozer's music. Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at ligthing like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring in an intimidating manner. The fans are boo'ing and jeering. He ignores them and waits in the ring for his opponent.))

Travis: Dozer shoulda kissed up to Martin. He'd be with the Black List by now.

David: Shut up or I'll kick your ass.

((Travis is saved from having to respond by the lights going out. Forsaken by Disturbed starts to play, and fog comes out of the entrance way. A few lights come back on to see Lestat stepping through the fog in a long black duster. He walks to the ring and gets on the apron. Without using his hands he jumps to the top rope and crouches as the lights come back on. The fans boo even louder for this parody of a nightwalker. Some of them even go so far as to throw their cups at him. A lucky few score hits before the bell rings.))

David: The fans don't seem to like either man here tonight. Good taste? Probably.

Travis: No comment. They're starting to grab stuff from under the ring.

((Trash cans, lids, fire extinguishers, Stop signs, steel chairs... They're all legal in a hardcore match. Dozer makes a surprising find... Some kendo sticks! He throws two into the ring. That turns out to be a mistake... Lestat grabs one and slams it into Dozer's side. Dozer drops the other one, screaming in pain and holding his ribs. Lestat keeps hitting him, the thwack of the kendo stick echoing in the arena. But Dozer only allows a one count.))

David: You have to do more than that to keep Dozer down.

Travis: Yeah, like hit him with a cement truck.

David: Don't go giving Lestat ideas! We're not covered for cement damage!

Travis: Lemme look in to that.

((David just rolls his eyes as the men in the ring keep beating on each other. The ring is now littered with dented trash cans and obliterated kendo sticks. Lestat slides out to catch his breath and steps on a set of brass knuckles. He grins evilly and picks them up. Dozer, meanwhile, is setting a table up in the corner of the ring. Apparently he's going to try and whip Lestat through it. He goes out to grab Lestat and gets a mouth full of brass.))

David: Lestat just used those brass knuckles!

((Travis looks up to see Lestat kiss the knucks, then roll Dozer into the ring. He goes for an easy win, but amazingly, Dozer kicks out after 2! Lestat's face contorts into a grimace of anger, then he starts hitting Dozer with closed fists.))

Travis: He's losing his cool... Not a good thing to do around the Dozer.

((David just nods, rendered speechless by what he's just seen. Lestat hit Dozer with a Piledriver through a table! Again, the big man kicks out. Again, Lestat loses his cool and beats on him. He's about to go for the Dark Gift when he sees something out of the corner of his eye. He turns to look and gets the shock of his life. Standing at ringside is the one and only...))

David: Jericho Dylan!

Travis: What's he doing here? That jerk walked away from the greatest stable the HWC has ever known...

David: The Black List sucks. At least Jericho has morals.

((Lestat slides from the ring to talk to the HWC Intercontinental Champion. Dozer sees the distraction and capitalizes. He does a flying leap over the top rope. Jericho sees him coming and dives out of the way. Lestat gets flattened by the flying big man. The ref slides out of the ring and counts. 1... 2... 3!))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner... The BULLDOZER!!

((Mild applause for the acrobatic win, but it's drowned out by boo's. Jericho clears the ring of debris, then brings Lestat into it. The fans wonder what's going on, then gasps filter down through the ranks when they see Louis come to the ring. Louis gets in and grabs a fistful of Lestat's hair, then lets his head fall. He looks over at Jericho, who's standing on the top turnbuckle closest to the announce table. Louis hoists Lestat up and onto Jericho's shoulders. Jericho turns and jumps toward the announce table, which is quickly vacated. The crowd responds to this with a "HOLY SHIT!". Jericho leaves him there and stands up. He has a microphone in his hand...))

Jericho: Lestat, you think you're the King of New Orleans? Well, think again. There's only one person around here who can hold that title... ME! Consider that your only warning!

((With that, Jericho and Louis walk backstage, leaving the ringside area in complete disarray. Lestat's broken body lies in the rubble of what's left of the announce table. Travis and David are standing there in absolute shock.)) David: Uhm....we'll be right back...uh.....

((Cut to a commercial for TNN Networks. It shows the most amazing media man in the world and HWC Jobber, Jesse, sitting next to his boss Bob. After a bit of talk, Jesse does the greatest move in history: That hilarious fisting motion. It then cuts to a scene with the NEW TNN Logo.))

Buried Alive Match
Sephiroth vs Harley Quinn

David: And we're back, folks. Granted with no announce table, so we're kinda standing here.

Travis: Yeah, yeah. Can it Davey Boy Smith. It's time for some BLOOOD!

David: It is time for our main event! The most horrible event in the history of the HWC!!! THE BURIED ALIVE MATCH!

Travis: Oh, Why? Why?! Harley, why?!

David: Indeed two men… I mean people, enter and only one leaves.

Travis: This is gonna be hell! I hope Harley wins. I can’t live without those legs!

David: Good maybe we can stick you in that hole with her!

Travis: Yeah, maybe… HEY!!!

((“Vampire Killer” blares and the people jump to their feet cheering. The lights go out and lightning strikes the stage causing a huge eruption of pyro effects and standing through the smoke of the explosion the luminescent form of the Vampire. The Sanguine Assassin. Sephiroth du Lac. The crowd is erupting, going nuts, as flames burn underneath the entrance way. As he enters the ring he stands in the center raising his arms toward heaven. He brings them down and lightning effects strike the ring posts. Blue flames erupt and the lights raise once more.))

David: For safety reasons Sephiroth told Livia to stay out of tonight’s match which I think is a smart move.

Travis: Yeah, it’s bad enough that Harley is gonna get hurt. We definitely don’t want Liv and those puppies of hers injured in anyway.

David: Oh god! Now I know why Eddie won’t do two shows.

((The lights go out and “Square Dance” by Eminem begins to play. As searchlights flood the arena all over the crowd. A brilliant bright light turns on on the stage area showing the silhouette of the four members of the mafioso. The searchlights draw on all four of them revealing Harley holding her new shiny belt smiling all the while. They all sort of strut down to the ring in typical fashion.))

Travis: WHOOO!!! YEAH! GO QUINN! She’s gonna die.

David: Can I get a new co-host, please?

((Harley stands in the center of the ring and removes her suit and shoes as Seph stands staring at the other three members. Reno flicks a cigarette at Seph and the vamp feigns a charge. Reno jumps back as he does as Johnny helps Harley off with her jacket. The other three hop out of the ring, with Johnny holding her coveted title. Harley and Seph measure each other up and finally lock up. Seph easily outpowers the smaller harley and throws her into the corner. He brings in some vicious right and left punches as the referee warns him about the closed fists. Seph backs off and Harley charges him but is promptly kicked in the face. The camera quickly cuts to a scene of the mound of dirt at the side of the stage.))

David: That is a very unnerving sight.

Travis: Of course… it’s a burial site… get it Site… sight! HAHAHA! Pretty funny huh?

David: Can I get a new co-host NOW?!

((The camera switches at once to the scene in the ring. Harley is down as Seph begins to pull her to her feet. She hits a low blow bringing Seph to his knees. Harley, now in control slapping Seph in the head over and over again. Seph slowly rising but, Harley uses her long nails and scratches his back drawing blood as Seph screams. Blood trickles down his back as he rests on the ropes. Harley to the attack again, choking the vampire against the ropes. Seph using his strength throws her off him. He stands slowly as Harley rises to her feet. She goes for a charge but Seph moves and harley dives out the ring and into the safety railing. Seph now standing ready as Harley gets up slowly. Johnny climbing in the ring behind Seph and goes to strike the vamp with the belt. Seph ducks and delivers a Spinebuster to Star as Harley climbs back in. She kicks Seph in the head as Seph goes to get up and repeatedly kicks him as Johnny runs out of the ring in pain. Sephiroth rising among the blows Harley gives him. Seph grabs her and drops her with a hard DDT. Harley is down clutching her face as Seph collapses in exhaustion taking a small breather. Seph first to his feet staggering. Rude on the apron and a hard right hand to the face of Sephiroth knocking him to the ground.))

David: That’s not right!

Travis: I know. Don’t you love it?

((Seph grabbing his face rocked by the big punch delivered. Harley up and to Seph, picking him up by his hair. Harl sends him into the ropes and performs a head-scissors take down throwing Seph outside the ring. The Mafioso beating the tar out of Sephiroth as Harley distracts the ref. All of a sudden the crowd is roaring! Spider runs down to ringside and bowls over the three Mafioso members. Spider lifts Seph and rolls him in the ring. Harley hits the ropes and lands a baseball side to the back of Spiders head.))

David: The odds are starting to get even.

((Harley walks over looking down at Seph and taunting him. Seph grabs her by her neck ad sits up. Harl’s in shock as the vamp throws her one handed into the turnbuckle. Series of great martial arts kicks ensue kicking the crap out of Harley. Seph finishes with a spinning back heel kick to the face of Harley Quinn. Quinn is staggering and finally falls down to the floor. Seph looks at her then looks at the turnbuckle. The crowd screams in approval. Seph climbs the turnbuckle and is on top. Reno grabs and pulls down on the ropes making Seph land groin first on the turnbuckle. Seph is down clutching his private parts as Harley starts getting up. Spider is up and now chasing the Mafioso backstage as the fight continues. Harley climbing out of the ring trying to pull Seph out and toward the mound of dirt. Once out Harley grabs a shovel and slams it into the head of Seph to keep him down.))

Travis: A hardcore match just broke out!

David: He's seeing stars with that one.

((But, just then the man in black is seen in the rafters watching and Seph just sits up. Harley can’t believe it as Seph rises to his feet. The man in black does nothing but watch. Harley kicks Seph's limp body into the hole. Wait a minute… the Executioner is now coming out. Executioner runs down to Harley and closelines her into the ring post causing her to drop the shovel. Executioner picks it up and swings it at Harley's head, but she ducks quickly.))


David: Whats Executioner doing here!?

Travis: Does it matter?

((Executioner raises the shovel again but before he can swing Harley lands a low blow. Harley grabs another shovel and knocks Executioner out cold. Seph sitting up and trys to climb out but Harley smacks him in the head again. Seph is out and in the casket. Harley jumps in closing the lid. But Seph is beating against it trying desperately to break free. Rude and Johnny run back out with Chains and Padlocks. They hop in the hole and chain the lids down. Harley hops out with them as Reno drives a huge bulldozer into the arena. On the side of the Bulldozer it reads “Do not operate while sober”. Reno lifts the dirt mound up and on top of the casket. Seph is buried as the crowd stands booing the survivors.))

David: My god! I can’t believe it! Seph is no more!

Travis: I knew it all along! Yea, Harley!

David: My god! Harley Quinn has sold her soul! And at what price?

Travis: I’ll tell you what price… the blood of Sephiroth! That’s what the price was.

((All of a sudden the lights go out and “Fade to Black” by Metallica plays as the spotlight falls on the man in black. His porcelain mask staring down at Harley and all of them equally look at him. Harley holds up the title and points to it as the man simply stares at them.))

David: What’s going on?

Travis: Who is that guy?

David: I don’t know but the real question is… is Sephiroth du Lac gone for good? These questions and more maybe decided on Slaughter so for Travis Best, I’m David Tanjic! Good night everybody… my god…

(Scene fades. Copyright 2002 HWC. Seph and Harley Quinn come to you courtesy of Fallen Angel Studios)