Wenesday Night WarZone
Richmond, Virgina at the

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena.As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal(ala Dudley Boyz old pyro), then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown(impact shot), then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

(The National Anthem begins to play over the P.A. as the crowed rises to their feet and begin to roar with approval. The American flag begins to lower over the ring as Patriot walks down the aisle with microphone in his hand. Patriot then gets into the ring as the flag is nine or ten feet above the ring and lifts the microphone up to his face, pausing for the moment as the crowed is still cheering. He raises his hand a little motioning the crowed to calm so he can speak.)

Patriot: A year ago today an attack had taken place in America, in New York City. I, like most of the American's out there, woke up that fateful day and turned on the television to see that horrible site, a plane hitting the side of one of the two World Trade Centers. I was shocked and in disbelief as firefighters and policemen began to run into the buildings and get as many people as possible out. These brave men and
women stayed in the building as another plane suddenly flew through the sky and crashed into the other tower.

 (The Patriot pauses as his eyes tear up and looks over the crowed, who have all become silent. He then continues.)

Patriot: As the World Trade Center began to crumble on its foundation the American people all stood still. Even man, woman, and child in America did not know what to say, they did not know what to do.  The brave attempts of the firefighters and policemen saved many lives, but they could not do anything to save all the people in the World Trade Centers. As both of the towers collapsed to the ground thousands of people got trapped under the rubble, killing thousands of people. At that moment people from all over America begin to move towards New York to help with the rescue efforts. Thousands and thousands of people came to help because they knew it was the American way!

 The Patriot begins to speak louder and louder getting very passionate about his speech.

 Patriot: They knew that the people that where trapped and need to be helped now or never. Many people where saved in those next few weeks but thousands died, Americans came together and that is what counts! The people that committed this act need to be taken out, and the American people knew that! The American people came together and we found out who it was! America paid them back the best we could for the acts that they committed, but no lives can be given back. America is still strong and
America is still great, AMERICA IS BEAUTIFUL!!!

(As this is said the crowd erupts into cheers and screams.)

Patriot: Now if you would please join me in the plead to our flag!

(Everyone in the crowd gets to their feet and faces the flag, Patriot leads them.)

Everyone: I plead allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic of which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice of all!

(Patriot places the microphone onto the ground and looks at the flag as he steps out of the ring. As Patriot reaches the curtain he turns around and salutes the flag then exiting.)

David Tanjic:  Ladies and Gentlemen, through out the night we will see some thoughts and opinions by some of the HWC's Superstars about 9/11.

Travis: Best, will be doing some rapid fire promos.  There will be multiple promos followed by a match a few times in a row.  Right now, we will be hearing from Amy, Sephiroth Du Lac and Harley Quinn.

(The camera cuts to Amy.

(Amy sits in a purple backed promo room. Purple silk-like cloth lines the walls. Amy is sitting there, wearing a pair of white baggy ass cargo jeans with a white tank top splattered in green pain. The straps of her black bra
can be seen beneath her top. She speaks, her voice casual)

Amy: I was pretty shocked at what happened. I mean damn..the gall to take and ram the biggest trademarks we had..that's pretty flippin' nuts, man. But As usual..we retaliated. But we're screwing up. We keep reliving it everyday with the censorship of the WTC, and whatnot. It's only proving to them that they won. Best bet we have is to let it go, y'know? Fuck it...life goes on. Then we bomb the hell out of their monkeyasses. It's one thing to remember it and be on guard. But it's another thing to cry your life away about it.

(The camera cuts to Sephiroth du Lac sitting in a chair in front of a picture of ground zero and the flag hung by workers, police, and fire fighters. He sits with a serious look on his face looking in the camera.)

Seph: What can one say that has not been said already? What song can one sing that has not been sung? What heroes can be honored that have not already been honored? Looking back it's hard to imagine how we felt. Some stared in disbelief. Some cried in grief. Some hung they're heads and many just lay dead. It's not easy to speak of that day. What else is there to say? We cry for the dead. We mourn our loss. Our patriotism found but at what cost? Why should we have to rediscover what was there all along? Many now try to cast blame. I'm sorry to say there is none to cast but on those that did this most horrific act. I pray that America is truly
America again. For a full year we have mourned and I have mourned and you have mourned. But the time for mourning is past. We must move on. We must always remember, never forgive, but we must... must move on. For the sake of the people, for the sake of the world, for the sake of America.

(A tear falls from his eyes and he sniffs a bit, his head hung down staring in the camera.)

 Seph: God bless you all and god bless this great land.

(The camera cuts to Harley Quinn.

The scene opens on the Canelli Manor, out on the front balcony. Harley stands there staring over at New York City as the lights begin to appear. She looks back at the camera and smiles slightly.*

 Harley: It's been a year since I stood out here and seen the smoke comin' from the Twin Towers. Gawd so much life was lost that day. And what was it all for? It still doesn't make sense to me! I remember sittin' in my office and saw the first plane hit the North Tower! I cried and I prayed for those that were on that plane and in the tower. When the next one hit, I ran outside to where I stand now. You could hear the sirens, and the dull screams from across the river! Of course like most, or rather all of America I mourned for those who had lost their lives...Become heros in the eyes of the rest of us. My heart went out and still goes out to all the mothers, the fathers, brothers, and sisters of those who lost somebody. Since this has happened I've never seen so much togetherness, loyalty, but most of all patriotism from across the nation, to put an end to those that did this! Like the song says "United we stand, divided we fall...If we stand together we'll be! a great nation for all times...Gawd bless you all!

(Harley stares out over the river as tears start to fall down her cheek and removes her rosary beads and lays them on the railing. She walks inside and closes the doors behind her as the scene fades to black, and cuts to the announce booth)

David: Heartfelt words have been said by all so far.  Well lets have ourselves a match shall we.

Travis: Oh great, The Cushion Vs. The Lurker.

Jean Fortello: First to the ring from Lakeway, Texas weighing in at 600 lbs,
The Cushion!

((Fever by Garth Brooks plays as Cushion comes out from the back. He stops at the top of teh ramp and starts to carresse his upper body followed by flexing. He makes his way down to the ring continuing to carresse his body causing the crowd to cry out in discust.))

Travis: Now that's just wrong, what were they thinking when they signed him.

David: I couldn't tell you that, don't know my self.

Travis: Like you ever do.

((Cushion finally gets into the ring and finishes his degrating act. He goes over and leans on the ropes waiting for his opponent. Fever fades away.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 329 lbs, The Lurker!

((Resident Evil Movie Theme plays as the lighst go low, out steps Lurker from the back. He throws his left hand forward singling for a choke slam then continues on to the ring. The crowd gives him a small pop for the sheer fact he looks cool. Lurker being tall as he is steps over the top rope, the bell rinsg and the match starts. Lurker just stands looking down at Cushion and raises his hand to do a test of strength. Cushion raises his hand to do it but is just short of it, he looks at Lurker confused before he is met by
a snap jab. Grabing Cushion, Lurker throws him into the ropes and hit a powerful closeline.))

Travis: I don't feel to see that much flab run.

David: That nearly took his head off!

Travis: How can you tell?

((Lurker bends down to pick up Cushion but Cuchions grabs him by the neck and flips him over and quickly pulls him into a sleeper. Lurker's arms fail wildly trying to to get free but Cushion only locks it in tighter.))

Travis: It's over he's choking on the faty's fat.

David: That's not nice to say about him.

Travis: You think I care I'm being forced to watch a jobber match.

((Lurker starts to slow down but after a moment of looking out he swings his fist and hits Cushion in the forhead. Getting to his feet Lurker hits a few elbows into Cushions gut to soften him up. The Cushion continues to hang on trying to bring Lurker down. Lurker takes and nails a side buster. He drops
and covers Cushion. 1..2 kickout. Getting up Cushion gives Lurker a few chops before throwing him to the ropes. Coming back Cushion hits Lurker with  a big boot causing Lurker to do a front flip. Cushion quickly lands a elbow smash on the fallen Lurker and going for a cover. 1.. kick out.))

Travis: Lurker lived threw that?! If faty sat on me I'd be long dead.

David: Lurker seems to be like an inhuman force to take the damage the cushion is giving to him.

((Cushion pulls Lurker into an abdominal stretch. Lurker groans and tries to reach for the ropes but Cushion is like a lead weight. Lurker then grabs the back of the Cuchiosn fat neck and pulls him into a small package. 1...2...3 NO Cushion pulled out at the last second. Lurker seems pissed now as he
punshes the mat. Cushion goes for another big boot but Lurker grabs it and spins him around quickly nailing a fallaway neckbreaker on Cushion. Lurker drops down to pull Cushion into a boston crap but Cushion counters with a kick to throat. Lurker falls back holding hid throat, Cushion uses this time to climb the turn buckle. The crowd starts to shout a mix of cheers and boos.))

David: It doesn't look good for the Lurker.

Travis: 600 lbs!!! I don't think the ring can handle that much weight coming
down on it.

David: Or for that matter Lurker.

((Cushion throws his hands out and leaps upp to deliver a burtal splash. He comes down hard on Lurker though at the least second rolls out of the way. The ring shakes a bit from the inpact and Lurker gets to his feet. Throwing his hand up the crowd cheers, Lurker then pulls Cushion to his feet and garbs him by the throat. With a low roar Lurker manges to lift Cushion up and delivers the Control Alt Delete. Lurker drops to his knee and covers Cushion. 1...2...3. The bell rings and the ref raises Lurkers hand in victory before he gets to his feet.))

David: Wow what a show of skill from the jobber The Lurker.

Travis: Big deal he won by better up a fat man. Why are we being made to watch jobbers!

David: Let's cut to a commercial.

(The scene fades out then fades back in on New York's Mayor Bloomberg.  He is standing in front of a bunch of bare houses with no decorations)

Mayor: A year ago, a group of terrorists set out to change America forever.

(The scene fades out and then back in with The Mayor standing in front of the same houses.  But now they are decorated in American flags and American colors.)

Mayor: It worked.

(The scene cuts back to WarZone.  Next up sports fans is Ill Dogg Vs The Bulldozer!!

Jean: Ladies and gentlmen, making his way to the ring at this time...THE BULLDOZER!!

(Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at ligthing like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring intimadatily.)

Jean: And his opponent....ILL DOGG!!!

(Out walks Ill Dogg with botharms over his head moving back and forth in beat with the music. He looks at the crowd and gets the fans up and moving the arms in the same motion. He then walks down to the ring giving fans high fives on the way.)

Travis: What kind of a name is Ill Dogg anyway?

(Ill enters the ring and the bell rings.  He immediately charges Dozer and is met with a big boot.  Ill is lifted back to his feet by Dozer and is scoop-slammed down.  He grabs his back in pain.  Then Dozer leg drops Ill and  Ill clutches his throat.)

David: Damn!  That has got to hurt!

Travis: What?

David: I said that leg drop really must have hurt Ill!

Travis: What?

David: Are you even watching the match?

Travis: What?

David: You're an ass-hole...no wait you're worse, you're a whole ass!

(Ill Dogg is back on his feet but he gets knocked down with a hard clothesline!)

Travis: It looks like Bulldozer is going to continue to work on the throat of Ill Dogg!

David: I'd say you are correct.

(Ill Dogg is still on the ground when Dozer wraps his hand around his throat.  In one single motion, Dozer lifts Ill off the floor hoists him into the air, and then chokeslams him.  He goes for the pin and gets an easy 1---2---3.)

David: While Ill gets scraped out of the ring, lets go see some more promos.

Travis: Right now you will be hearing from Ace, Kidd Rock, Jericho Dylan and Terry Riffic.

(Ace is in the backstage are that has been set-up for the 9-11 promos.  He is wearing the HWC's tribute shirt for 9-11.  Gone are his gimmicks and cocky attitude.  His face is overcome with grief and his eyes are glassy.  He just sits quietly for a while, even though the camera is on.  At first when he begins to talk, he voice is very low and cracks while he talking.  He clears his throat and takes a deep breath.)

Ace: As gimmicks go I am a gambler from Las Vegas.  I'm supposed to be cocky and arrogant and the fans love me for it.  And that's how it's been forever.  But gimmicks aside I'm just a hometown boy from Levittown, NY on Long Island.  Just a hop, skip and a jump from New York City.  From the top of a local hospital, you could see The World Trade Center and the city's skyline.  These days, the skyline is still very much >empty, and I still haven't gotten used to it.

But I live and learn and I don't look back.  What happened was a tragedy, and one that should not be forgotten, but life must move on.  I don't live in the past, I live in the present, and occasionally
I look to the future.  And the future is bright.

 And I ask you, the fans, to do the same.  Don't give up on the good in the world because there are good people.  Don't let the terrorists win.                  

Show those bastards that a year later The USA is going strong, kicking ass and taking names!!  Show them that we as a country are more powerful and more united because of them!

Buildings come and go, and lives are taken, but spirit...Spirit cannot be broken!!

And don't forget that.  Always remember that your spirit can't and won't be broken!

(Ace stands up and solutes the camera before he gets out of the chair.  He leaves the designated promo area)

(The camera cuts to Kidd Rock.

fade in on a close-up of Kidd Rock, sitting in front of a blue background.  He is wearing a 9-11 Warzone t-shirt, and looking thoughtfully at the ground. After a moment, he sighs deeply, looks up, and begins to speak.))

Kidd: A lot of things stand out in the history of this country. The Revolution...the civil war...the Industrial Revolution...the invention of the light bulb and the telephone...prohibition...Pearl Harbor...two world
wars..the civil rights movement...the assassinations  of JFK, RFK and Dr. King...Vietnam...Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon...Watergate...the hostages at the American Embassy in Iran...the space shuttle Challenger exploding....Desert Storm...and the list goes on. Because of all those
things, America changed. Some of those changes were for the better, some for the worse. But the events of September 11, 2001 shook the very core of our nation. The World Trade Center...not only the centerpiece of the New York skyline, but the center of the lives and livelihood of so many people. Now,
not only are those two towers gone, but so are most of those people, along with the police officers, firefighters, and paramedics who made the ultimate sacrifice so that some of those people escape and survive. And then, the Pentagon. The nerve center of America's armed forces. Intellectually, one
an understand that the headquarters of the military command would be a legitimate target for attack. The people who worked there must surelyunderstand that. But for so many of America's finest and proudest warriors to be killed in such a terrible, cowardly way, it makes me sick.

((Kidd pauses, fighting down a surge of emotion, and takes a sip from a bottle of water before continuing.))

Kidd: Let's not forget about Flight 91, either. it took some massive balls to do what those people did, but they did it. It's my feeling that the United States Congress owes their collective lives to the late passengers of Flight 91. It's people like them, the police, firefighters, and paramedics of New York City, and the men and women of our military,  that truly are the
definition of the word "hero".

((Kidd pauses again, wiping away a tear and taking another sip of water. He then continues in a somewhat shaky voice.))

Kidd: It's those heroes that make this country the best damn place to live in the whole world!

((Kidd stands, now overcome with emotion, and walks off camera, and the scene fades.))

(The camera cuts to Jericho Dylan

((At first, all anyone can see is the HWC backdrop, done in the colors of Old Glory. A taste of the patriotic nature of the company, perhaps? Possibly. Then a shadow falls over the flag-inspired background. The camera tilts a bit and reveals Jericho Dylan, wearing the new HWC American Flag 
T-shirt. He sits down and takes a sip from his bottle of water. Before long, he begins to speak. For once, there's no censure or hatred in his voice.))

Jericho: "September 11. A day that will live in infamy. Thousands of people 
died, and an entire nation's lifestyle changed because a handful of terrorists decided to attack us. For what? The glory of saying they made the most powerful nation in the world a crumbling ruin? They weren't even able to do that. They died along with those they targeted. Filthy bastards. But they got what they deserved. Not only did they NOT turn us into blubbering children wanting their mommies, but they managed to do something nobody else ever could... They united us. That's right... Those Taliban punks united this great country of ours under a flag of loyalty and, dare I say it?...Patriotism."

((He stops here to take another swallow of water. When he looks up at the camera, there's a sheen of something overlaying his eyes. What it is, we're not exactly certain.))

Jericho: "I can't even watch TV without being bombarded with reminders of what happened. Every day of my life, I've always wanted to stand tall and call myself a loyal American. That day has finally come..."

((He stands up, the backdrop changing into an American flag. The T-shirt, once a cheap commercial item, now takes on new significance. It's a sign of American pride.))

Jericho: "I, Jericho Michael DeLioncourt of New Orleans, Louisiana, hereby reiterate my loyalty to and pride in my country. I'm proud to be an American, and I'm prouder still to be in the company of other loyalists like The Patriot. God bless America!"

((The scene fades here, focusing in on the American flag waving in the wind outside the arena.  The flag scene fades back into the scene of David and Travis)

Travis: Fr a special treat, Terry Riffic will be joining us in the ring.

(I will be heard by Hatebreed blasts over the speakers as Terry Riffic walks out holding an american flag as he walks slowly to the ring one can only wonder what he has to say on this day the crows cheers for the flag but boos Terry)

Terry - Hello my fellow americans !

(crowd cheers)

Terry - One can only hope that what happened exactly 1 year ago is the last thing we ever see like that again. People say to me "Terry your from New York what happened on that day" I say to them this...I was watching T.V when the news broke and i was shocked to see a site like this. It was like watching a movie but it was too real. You hope that it was just a dream but it was far from it. People ask "Terry anyone you know die" I have the sad information in my head and I have to say yes with a tear. My friends dad died and I knew him very well. He was a good guy and I will never forget him. My uncle lost 6 friends that were electrcians in tower 1 on the 105th floor. My other uncle was in a building down the block and felt the earth rumble when the first plane hit. He said he went on the roof of his building an saw the 2nd plane it. He said it was the most unreal thing he's ever seen in his entire life. If me Terry had it my way I
would erase that day from my life because no one needs massive murder of this magnitude. What happened was cowardly and I feel terrible about. Thank you !

(God bless america plays as Terry Riffic leaves to a mixed reaction)

David: Let's cut to a public servant announcement from President Autumn Lewis.

(The scene cuts to Autumn Lewis who is standing in front of an American flag background.  She is wearing the 9/11 Warzone Tribute Shirt.)

President Lewis: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls today is the one year anniversary of WTC tragedy.  And we at the HWC wanted to do something to help the families who have lost relatives and friends.  As you have noticed, all of our superstars have been wearing the very same T-Shirt I am wearing right now.  All of the profits we make selling these T-Shirts will go to a fundraiser for families of victims of the WTC Attacks.  It is the least we can do to help.  Thank you, and may God bless you all.

(The scene fades out and a picture of the T-Shirt flashes on the screen)



Voice Over: Call 1-800-HWC-4LIF to order your very own T-Shirt.  You will be helping families in need by doing so.

(The camera cuts back to Travis and David.)

David: Now we have an interview conducted by Perry LaFranz with our world champion...THE TIGER!!

(scene cuts to Perry and Tiger)

Perry: Tiger, you are the HWC World's Heavyweight Champion. Tell me, how does that feel?

((Tiger chuckles.))

The Tiger: God boy tell me ya have been following my carrer threw the HWC. It set out to break all reconds and I always do. I may have failed in the past to gain but now not am I the first female to hold it, I am the FIRST EVER to hold the HWC new World belt. And as ya saw I ain't willing to let that go any time soon. So all in all its feels great, it's a long dream come true.

Perry: Obviously you have faced many wrestlers in your HWC career. Out of all of these competitors, who do you feel put up the greatest challenge?

((Leans back and sighs trying to think.))

The Tiger: Shit that's a hard one. I would have to say as of now it's a tie between my ex- teacher Obake and Ace. That little man put up one hell of a fight.

Perry- Martin Smalls and his bag of goons chokeslammed President Lewis. What are your thoughts on that?

((Tiger chuckles as she sratches the side of her head as in though.))

The Tiger: The first thing that comes to mind is the old HWC stable RX. Why ya might ask cause I swear to ya that the Black List will go down by my hand in the same manor RX did. And like RX they are nothing but a bunch of punks thinking they are bigger then they are. Crossing Autumn will only put them in a world trouble, but by crossing me will put them in a world of pain. They costed me my friend PitBull. I could go on and on but I'll end it by saying, I would never lower my self to be one of them but I will end them.

Perry- Most times when I ask this question, I get the response "nobody deserves a shot at my title." But from what you've shown us, you are a fighting champion. So, who do you feel deserves a shot at the title?

((After ajusting her title belt in her lap Tiger crosses her arms.))

The Tiger: That's hard to say, I think anyone who has remotely proven they can take the beating I plan to give them deserves a shot. I'm not scared to face anyone or to lose. If I lose then I lose but that don't mean I won't come back around showing I'm Better Then You.

Perry- What is your favorite part about being a wrestler?

The Tiger: Not sure I love just about everything about it. It just makes me feel so alive even after I'm in the ring getting the crap knocked out of me, I'm so into what I do I don't even feel it right away. But other then being paid to knock people around I would have to say the fans. They made what The Tiger what she is today.

Perry- Do you have any regrets about becoming a wrestler?

The Tiger: Well I think sometimes..... Coming here has both it's good and bad. Good, I found Kidd Rock after many years by just chance. And I got my hearts wish of the time. Bad, Kidd broke my heart. Good, I brought my brother in law back to the ring. Bad, he smashed my knee cap. Thing is I can't see my self as being anything else which is funny cause I never did like wrestling growing up.

Perry- What do you feel is the definition of "hardcore"

The Tiger: Hardcore is more then a tyle of fight it's a feeling inside of you. Being hardcore means die hard into something, anything, and following it threw with everything ya got deep inside of ya. See me I'm over all hardcore not in only the ring but in life. Ever sence I tried to take my own life and my mind shutting down. I'm very passionate and my heart and my soul won't ever let me go out like that.

Perry - Today is September 11th, and one of the hardest days to think about. Do you have any words you want to say about today?

((Tiger pauses for the long and looks down in though. There's a hint of sorrow in her eyes, she lets out a sigh before speaking.))

The Tiger: God where do I start, saying out much I hate those that killed many innocent lives and how I would love to personally beat their asses isn't enough. What I do feel how ever is a darkness as fallen over us like a growing thurnder storm. The thought of thousands of voices crying out in pain and injustice makes me break out in a cold sweat. What was done had to be the lowest thing a person could ever do, so low ya can't even call yar self human anymore. This shit is no different then the nazis trying to kill of the jews. We get jumped just cause our way of life is better and they can't deal with that. Ya know I don't care what their religon you are but there aint a god or goddess out there that say if ya want to reach the promise land go out and kill abunch of innocent people. Real smart, I bet Ali is looking down on this and is sicken by what his followers are doing in his name. I among countless of other souls fears all out war over this
mainly cause  of things like nukes, but if we do I'll be right there in the front line. Many have for the longest time taken for gernat the freedom we have and not knowing that others don't have it. See my family came from Ireland and like so many they came here for a better life, I was the first in the family to be born an American. And there is nothing I hold more then that freedom I was born with. America is the hardcore of the world and will not sit back and let this crime go undone.

((Tiger rubs her face and takes a moment to calm her self. Slowly the anger fades and she continues on.))

The Tiger: So many call, see, and look upon me as a hero. I don't think i have done anything to be called one. Real heros were those at ground zero after it all went down, those risking everything to find anyone left alive. Those that worked night and day with little rest digging threw the rumble. The police, fire fighters, resque workers, volunteers...... Those are the true hero's. They are the souls that make up the spirit of Hardcore.

Perry: Thanks for your time champ.  Right now, we're going to hear a few words said by The Enforcer.

(Scene cuts to The Enforcer.

The Enforcer is sitting against a backdrop of the American flag. There is a somber look on his face. He is wearing the special 9-11 HWC t-shirt.)

Enforcer: I've called New York City my home for the past 12 years. From Times Square to Central Park. From Greenwich Village to the Upper East Side. From Battery Park to Harlem. I've seen the good side and the bad side of that city. But last year on September 11th, I saw the most horrifying event I have ever seen.

Like our parents and our grandparents who can remember where they were when the Hindenberg crashed, when the Titanic sank, when Pearl Harbor was bombed and when Kennedy was assainated, most of us can remember where we were when the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked.

I was working for a company called the National Wrestling Orginization, we were in Charleston South Carolina preparing for a show that night at the North Charleston Coliseum. I had just gotten out of the shower in my hotel room and turned on the TV when I saw what the rest of us saw. The destruction of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. And I'm sure like most other people I simply sat there in shock unwilling to believe what I saw. Hoping that this was just some horrible dream. But as we know it was all too real. The images that were flashed over and over that day and in the days to follow, the murder of millions of innocent people. The promoter of the NWO called all of us in and changed the show. The storylines and angles were dropped for the night, and we changed the show to a series of matches with clean wins. And all of us that night paid tribute to those who lost their lives and loved ones that day.

Now I realize that words can only go so far, and no matter what I say or what anyone else says won't bring those people back, nor will they erase the events of one year ago. But I do know that all the proceeds of tonight's show will go to the fund to help the victims of 9-11. A day that changed the American people and brought us together as a nation.

I went through several emotions that day. Shock, anger, sadness, fear and confusion. All those emotions encompassed the fact that this very real, very terrible event was actually happening and that there was nothing I could do about it. And wondering why this was happening. What did those people do to deserve that?

September 11th, 2001 will go down in history as one of the, if not the worst days in American history, just like the other events I mentioned. All for the same reasons, the loss of lives and the changing of the American landscape forever.

 Like I said before words can only go so far, and nothing I can say can change what happened one year ago today.

All we can do as a nation is move on with our lives. I realize that the families of the victims probably will never be able to, and I only wish there was more that I could do than offer empty words of solace.

As an American and a human being I am both outraged and saddened by the events of 9-11. And I have realized that all I can do is be proud of who I am, and celebrate every single day.

(The screen slowly fades to black.)

((Ring crew come out and start to set up the stage with speakers, mic stands, and a drum set. The hole set up takes only a few minutes, once they are done they return to the back. The crowd quiets in wonder who is coming out to play. The lights go low to where nothing can be seen and for that moment not one sound heard is heard, in till a familur tune on a gituar plays. Then the drums kick in followed by an all to familur voice.))

Voice: Mama they try and break me....

((The bit kicks up a bit as the lighst stay low, he continues to sing.))

Voice: The window burns to light the way back home. A light that warms no matter where they've gone.

(( The lighst finaly come up followed by red white and blue pyro, Standing on stage singing Hero of The Day is Metallica. The crowd brust into loud cheers at this, the music plays hard and loud.))

James Hatfield: They're off to find the hero of the day. But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way.

((The camera pans over Metallica now only three of them as pans over the crowd and one soul sitting high in the stands waving a American flag.))

James Hatfield: Still the window burns Time so slowly turns And someone there is sighing Keepers of the flames Do you feel your name? Did you hear your babies crying?

((The goes from fast to slow again as the crowd continues to cheer but is it no where as loud as the metal band on stage.))

James Hatfield: 'Scuse me while I tend to how I feel. These things return to me that still seem real.

((As the song song picks up beat again coming out from the left side of the ramp comes hole roster of the HWC Superstars, lead by Autumn. Even the Black List has come out, each one wearing the Warzone 9-11 shirt in one form or another. They make their way to ring and climbs in till it can hold no more.
the rest gather round it slaping hands with fans. Amy climbs a turn buckle and throws her hands up head banging with the music. Patriot climbs the other turnbuckle and waves the flag he carries.))

James Hatfield: But now the dreams and waking screams That everlast the night So build a wall Behind it crawl And hide until it's light.

((Lights all around the stage above and below flash and pan red whiet and blue over the band and the cround.))

James Hatfield: Still the window burns Time so slowly turns And someone there is sighing Keepers of the flames Can't you hear your names?

((The camera pans over the face of every wrestler in and round the ring, then on over the crowd and to Metallica. The drums beat like the sound of a cannon. The song comes to an end as James cares the last note out with passion. The arena is filled with the sound of cheers from every fan there that night shouting as loud as they can. Metallica waves to the fans and stays at the top of the stage. At the ring Autumn Lewis waits for them to settle down. When things start to get quiet enough she speaks.))

Autumn: A year ago today countless of lives were wrongly taken with no reason. This act of terrorism showed us freedom is a precious luxury. Many have given their lives for their country to insure we live free, but not like this. This act showed us that not only is freedom valuble but so is a life. Not only has this day changed the country bring us closer together, but has brought us closer together with other nations the world over. No one should ever have to experience what we have this day one year ago. I ask you all for a moment of silents to honor and remember those who were lost today.

((Quietness falls over the arena, in the ring many have there heads down and their eyes closed in silent prayer. Even Metallica have there heads down and remain still as does Travis and David at the announcer table. A few minuets pass and the silents ends by James solely playing America The Beautiful as the wrestlers one by one quietly head back the way they came to the back stage.))

Travis: Right now we need to take a break as we get ready for the main event.

(The camera cuts to a commercial)

(Hero by Chad Kroeger is played and Spider-Man swings across the screen.  Than Somebody Save Me by Remy Zero begins to play and Superman flys across the screen.  Than a shot of the both of them working together to dig through the rubble at ground zero is shown.)

Voice Over: If these two men can put aside their competition and help save the world, than so can you.  Offer a helping hand to someone today.  Be a superhero.  Make a difference.

(Spider-Man and Superman shake hands.  The scene cuts back to WarZone)

((The participants are already in the ring as the ref reiterates the rules. Faygo Joe, with his wheelbarrow girlfriend Bridget at ringside, charges The Patriot, fully intending to get a quick 3-count. No such luck, though... The Patriot gets the first fall by hitting the ugly man with a brutal clothesline. Joe goes for a spinning heelkick, but doesn't connect. As a matter of fact, that move prompts the Patriot to hit Faygo with a swinging neckbreaker for the second fall. Every two minutes, the crowd shouts out how much time is left. They've done that 3 times by the time The Patriot gets the next pinfall.))

Crowd: "20 minutes!"

((The Patriot hits Faygo with a textbook German suplex. Faygo can't move in time to avoid the pinfall. The HWCTron lights up with a count of how many pinfalls The Patriot has.))

HWCTron: Patriot 4, Faygo Joe 0

((This enrages the Faygo swilling maniac to the point where he catches Patriot in a corner and rolls him up with a fistful of tights for a pin.))

HWCTron: Patriot 4, Faygo Joe 1

((The Patriot catches Faygo with an armbar takedown and turns it into an inside Cradle for the pin.))

HWCTron: Patriot 5, Faygo Joe 1. 18 minutes remaining.

((Quite a bit of time goes by before either man can score a pinfall. The Patriot gets Faygo into a Small Package and gets another fall.))

HWCTron: Patriot 6, Faygo Joe 1. 10 minutes remaining.

((The count now goes every minute. Faygo Joe seems to be fading, while The Patriot remains fresh and confident. Faygo ducks outside the ring to take a few swallows of some Faygo. Patriot waits for him to get back in before hitting him with a picture-perfect Enziguri.))

HWCTron: Patriot 7, Faygo Joe 1. 7 minutes remaining.

((Faygo Joe is enraged by this time and manages to hit The Patriot with a Spear!))

HWCTron: Patriot 7, Faygo Joe 2. 5 minutes remaining.

((The Patriot, amazingly enough, shakes off the effects of the Spear and lifts the ugly little man onto one shoulder for a Running Powerslam a la The British Bulldog.))

HWCTron: Patriot 8, Faygo Joe 2. 3 minutes remaining.

((But neither man can score another pinfall before the buzzer goes off after 30 minutes. The referee gets an official tally and hands the results over to the announcer.))

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner with 8 pinfalls... THE 

((The Patriot bows to the fans, then slides from the ring to stand beside Miss America. They salute the crowd and head for the back, smiling confidently all the while.))

(The show ends with The Patriot and And Miss America celebrating while heading backstage)