Wenesday Night WarZone
Boise, Idaho at the Idaho Center

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena.As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal(ala Dudley Boyz old pyro), then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown(impact shot), then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

David: Hello, folks! We're here and we're live at the Idaho Center! Welcoming you to HWC War Zone! I'm David Tanjic with my co-host Travis Best!

Travis: Don't talk to me you little termite, I got a headache!

David: Wrong night to come in to work then cause we're going to start things off with a bang!

Travis: What is Amy Jensen going to come out here and strip?

David: No, that would be just scary! We're starting it out with Kaos vs. Arc-Angel.

Travis: That's it I'm going to sleep!

David: You can't go to sleep on the air!

Travis: Oh just watch me!

((The lights go out as Maven's theme blares over the P.A. as a huge explosion of Pyro occurs))

Travis: AHHH!!! Damn it I'm trying to sleep!

((Arc-Angle comes out and makes his way down the ramp.))

David: Arc-Angel is a big bad man! Wouldn't you agree, Travis? Travis? TRAVIS WAKE UP!!!

Travis: Huh? Wha?

David: God!!!

((Arc-Angel stands in the center of the ring his form a scary towering sight. He raises his hands to the sky with a focus almost as if in prayer and drops them. BOOM!!!!!!!! A crescendo of explosions from the ramp turnbuckles and stage erupts and shakes the very arena as the crowd roars in approval!))

David: WOW!!!

Travis: I must admit that was awesome!

David: Oh so your awake now?

((The lights raise but then flash rapidly as "P5HNG Me A*WY" by Linkin Park begins to blare. Kaos leaps out from behind the curtains and raises his hands pushing the crowd to a frenzy. He lifts his arms high into the air as he runs down the rampway. Sliding in the ring he flips to his feet. And looks at the huge Arc-angel sort of unashuredly. The bell sounds and the match is underway. Kaos goes to the ropes for a clothesline and hits the huge behemoth but doesn't even faze him. He tries again and Arc-angel is still up! He tries a third time and Angel grabs him for a chokeslam but Kaos manages to kick himself free. Kaos goes to the ropes again and connects with a spinning wheel Kick to the chest of Arc-angel sending him reeling into the ropes. Angel on one knee. Kaos leaping to the top turnbuckle. Kaos leaps and again Angel grabs him for the chokeslam. Again Kaos reverses it and manages to take the big man down for a roll up. 1. 2. and a kick out! ))

David: Man, how many lives does this Kaos guy have?!

Travis: Only one and it looks to me like he's doing everything he can to keep it!

((Angel looks mad as he gets up. He goes for the clothesline but Kaos ducks. Kaos connects with a Super Kick to the chin. Angel is down. Kaos to the top turnbuckle and goes for PURE KAOS!!! It missed! Angel rolled out of the way in the nick of time.))

Travis: Come on, you little moron. How you going to miss a target that big?

((Kaos favoring his chest. He looks to have injured his ribs. Angel standing ready for it. As Kaos slowly gets up he staggers. Angel stands before him ready to pounce. Kaos turns around and Angel spears him straight down almost out as the crowd goes wild!))

David: He killed him!

Travis: Not yet! He's still breathing! Finish him! Kill him! Murder him!!!

((Angel lifts Kaos' limp body and then sets him up for a chokeslam. He lifts and drops him he lifts him up again slowly and drops him again. Covers with his hand on Kaos' chest 1.2.3. Game Over and Angel wins. Stepping over his opponent and walking out of the ring.))

David: What a way to kick off a War Zone!

Travis: I take back what I said before. I like this Arc-angel guy. He's thorough!

David: Well, we got to go but there is more War Zone coming up! Stay tuned!

 ((The Warzone scene fades out and a new scene fades in.  The setting is a jail scene.  Walking through on the halls are a bunch of animated sheep.  They are whispering amongst themselves when the get to a big burly guy.))

 Sheep 1: Hey this guy can use some counting sheep I’m sure.

 Sheep 2: Yeah, he definitely needs to count us!!

 Big Burly Guy:  Sorry fellas, the inmates union just scored us some Certa Mattresses.  I can sleep just fine!

 Sheep 3: Even in prison they get the good mattresses.  It’s so hard to find work these days!

 (The scene fades back into Warzone, and more specifically, the announce booth.) 

David: Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to show you an interview conducted earlier today by our very own Perry LaFranz!

 (The scene cuts to the interview)

 Perry LaFranz: How does it feel to be the IC Champion?

 Amy: It fuckin' hurts! (she laughs a bit) You try getting thrown halfway across the ring! But hey..first bitch since the fed opened to hold it...I guess it's worth it.

 Perry: Is There anyone in particular, you feel deserves a shot at you and your title?

 Amy: (Amy looks up at him, her ice blue eyes shimmering) Now that's a loaded question. You think I'm gonna -want- anyone to take this from me? Are you bent? (she reacches over and knocks on the interviewers head)

 Perry:  (ahem) OK then, fair enough.  Would you consider yourself a student of the game, or a teacher of the game?

 Amy: I'm still learning a lot...even with 6 months in Mexico..i'm still learning ways to piss off Biggie Smalls.

 Perry: What do you think of our World Champion?  Do you think The Tiger deserves the belt?

 Amy: Broadzilla wearing combat boots, man. But yeah she deserves the belt, I guess. She needs to grow the spaldings to knock Biggie out. For our world champ, she's pretty fuckin' weak.

 Perry: What do you think of her challenger for the Pay Per View?

 Amy: Ace....just as insane as she is...and Star Wars -still- sucks, Ace.

 Perry: I resent that comment (Perry gives Amy the evil eye)  Is there anything else you would like to add Ms. Sith Warrior?

 Amy:  (Amy looks right back at him, with the look of Pure Hell and the infinite possibilities to execute it) Amy: yeah...The Force'll be up your ass if you don't drop the look, bunky.

 Perry: (Fidgeting around in his chair) Ummmm, that's all the time we have, thanks for your time Darth Amy, the pleasure was all yours.  (Perry blows raspberries and then gets up and runs out of the room)

 (Amy snickers as he runs, making a note to get him back later on.  The scene than cuts back to the commentator’s booth.)

 Travis: Ugh…didn’t need to see that.  Bored me to tears.  Much like our last match.  And much like our next match probably will.

 David: I think our next match is going to be very good.  It is showcasing some of our great young talent.

 Travis: You’d say that wouldn’t ya.

 (The lights grow dim and "Vampire Killer (Heavy Metal Remix)" begins to blare over the PA. Black lights illuminate the stage. Pyrotechnic lightning effects strike the stage and pyro explodes. Sephiroth du Lac walks out in his cloaklike Trenchcoat. The black light illuminates his eyes, his skin, his hair, and his teeth. The stage has small flames pouring from beneath the stage which he walks through to the ring. Once inside he raises his arms and strikes them down. Blue flames burst from all four ring posts and the lights raise.)

 Travis: Blue flames, why can’t he use red like everyone else.  I hate people who try to be different.  Why can’t everybody be just like me?

 David: Because then the world would suck large amounts of ass.

 (The lights flicker, then go out. When they come back on, they have a sickly green glow. Standing at the entrance to the arena, he's an intimidating figure in black and silver. A black cloak is thrown over his head, shrouding his long blonde hair and brown eyes. Fireworks go off, making the crowd jump as he makes his way to the ring.)

 Travis: And they’re off!!

 (Seph starts things off by attempting a spear.  Jericho gets out of the way, and when Seph turns around he is met with a drop toe hold.  Jericho grabs Seph’s ankle and locks in an ankle lock.  Seph maneuvers his way out of the hold and gets back to his feet.  He punches Jericho in the nose, and then in the gut.  Then Seph delivers a big DDT.  Jeicho seems out of it while he is on the floor, and Seph picks him up and delivers a Super Kick…but somehow Jericho ducked out of the way) 


 Travis: Must every one of my esteemed colleagues scream their heads off?

  (Jericho clotheslines Seph and Seph laughs it off.  He turns Jericho around with ease and delivers the Fallen Angel DDT.  The ref counts 1---2---3, and the match is over.  Seph leaves the ring, and Jericho is helped to the back by the referee)

Travis: Like I said, a bore of a match.

 David: I thought it was very entertaining. 

 Traivs: You don’t get an opinion…

 (The Ace Of Spades by motorhead blasts through the arena and Ace walks out onto the entrance ramp.  He doesn’t go any further, he stays on the stage and already has a mic in his hand.)

 Ace: Hello, and welcome to Wednesday Night Warzone.  I hope you are all enjoying your evening here in…Boise, Idaho!!!

 (The fans pop and cheer at the mention of their home town)

 Ace: I gotta practice that kinda stuff, because I am going to be the new HWC World Heavyweight Champion come Blood Brawl.

 (The fans cheer)

 Ace: But I’m not out her to dis The Tiger, or anything like that.  I’m actually out here to say a few good things about The Tiger.  For example, The Tiger has been a worthy champion and fought in matches since she won the belt.  The Tiger has had to put up with Martin “My Last name Describes My Penis” Smalls!!

 (The fans cheer and chant Ace’s name)

 Ace: Hell, The Tiger has even beaten me.  But all of that is the past.  And come the future, The Tiger, I want you to know this: I am going to give you the fight of your life, and I am going to deal you a bad hand!

 (Ace’s music picks up, and the fans are still cheering while he leaves.)

 David: When we come back, we’ll have the main event of the evening!  Stay tuned!!

 Travis: Oh great, more nonsense in a wrestling ring.  I need this like I need a hole in my head.

 David: You must really be looking forward to this match then.

 (The scene cuts to Sally Struthers)

 Sally: All across the world there are many starving children.  If you donate your money to a child, we’ll not only send you a picture of the child you fed, but we’ll send you a letter, if you send us a pen and paper to write on.  And the letter we’ll be signed by the child you helped.  You’ll feel good inside, and I’ll still be employed.  So donate your money so that I may take over the world….errr…I mean, so that a child may feel happy for a change.

(Warzone cuts back in.)

 (Korn's Here To Stay plays over the PA System as both Bulldozer and Takk come
out from the back. Dozer raises his hands in the air and the continue on to
the ring. But before they can reach it, half way down the ramp they are
jumped from behind by Raditz and Jade. Jade manages to knock over Takk as he
tumbles the rest of the way down. Dozer after getting a blow to the head
spins around and clock Raditz. Now dazed Dozer grabs him and throws him to
the ramp, he quickly does the same with Jade. Raditz gets to his feet at the
bottom on the ramp and Dozer comes running at him delivering a closeline.
Takk pulls Jade to his feet and the man go blow for blow till Takk grabs
Jade in a hardscoop slam throwing him down on the edge of the ramp. The bell
rings as Raditz enters the ring followed by Dozer.)

 David: These men looked pumped!!

(Jade and Takk join the match waiting on the out side. Raditz atempts a blow
but Dozer blocks and counts with one of his own. He then throws Raditz to
the to the ropes, Dozer sets up for closeline but Raditz stops himself and
kicks Dozer in the chest. The blow causes him to stagger back a bit but
Dozer grabs him by the back of the neck and slams him face first into the

 Travis: That move was so harsh Raditz mother probably felt it!

 David: Speaking of feeling mothers, I felt your mom last night!

 Travis: You’ve been hanging around me too long.  Save your self while you still can!!

(Pulling Raditz to his feet once again Dozer pulls him into a grollia press
slam. Raditz lays on the mat holding his back. Bending over to pick him up
again Takk reaches over and slaps the back of Dozer taging him self in.
Dozer looks at Takk as the ref tells him to get out, shaking his head he
climbs over the rope.

Takk drops an elbow on Raditz but is met with a kick to the face as he
drops. Rolling away Raditz quickly tags in Jade. Jade comes at Takk who is
just getting to his feet, trying a close line he missing. Jade at full speed
bonds off the ropes behind him and nails a drop kick to the back of Takks
head. Going for a pin Jade doesn't even get till one before Dozer kicks him
in the head. He then grabs Jade and throws him out of the ring. The ref
tries to get him back in his corner when Raditz comes at Dozer. The ref
narrowly misses a kick from Dozer as it mets with the stomach of Raditz.)




Travis: Damn you!  You are doing the screaming again.  Headache!! I’ve got a headache I tell you!

(Dozer pulls Raditz into a brain buster. On the out side Jade is up and heads
to the turn buckle, climbing up he waits for Dozer to get close enough to
Fury. Dozer goes over to help Takk up when he sees Jade, Jade leaps off to
get the better of him but Dozer acts fast by slaming his fist into the
stomach of Jade while in mid air. Jade flips with the blow and lands on Takk
knocking him and the ref down. The ref is dazed but unhurt, seeing Jade on
Takk he count. 1...Dozer pulls Jade off Takk and covers Jade for him self.
Again the ref counts. 1...2.. Broken up by a diving double ax handle by
Raditz. Dozer is pulled to his feet as Raditz tries to pull him into
piledriver but fails to have the strength to lift him. Dozer flips him over
his back then turns picking him up, he then gives Raditz a Demolition. Once
down Dozer pins him. 1...2...3 The bell rings and the ref raise him hand in

Jade now up climbs the turn buckle again to get in the finaly blow. Moving
away from the ref Dozer gives Jade a low blow then grabs Jade by the throat.
Holding tightly onto Jade Dozer climbs to the top rope. Lifting Jade up
Dozer delivers a massive choke slam off the top rope to the floor below.
Jade lands hard on the ring steps, his body lays limp. Dozer stands there
looking over the cheering crowd and riases his hands.)