Wednesday Night WarZone
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada at the Regina Agridome

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

Chicago Street Fight
Bull vs Brett "The Patriot" Bruiser

David: Welcome to another War Zone! We're here in the sold Regina Agridome, in Regina Saskatchewan Canada! As always I'm David Tanjic and with me is Travis Best.

Travis: You know what Regina rhymes with?

David: Travis...Don't even say it!

Travis: I'm just saying that it sounds like...

David: TRAVIS!!! Our first match tonight is going to be one hell of a match! It's going to be a Chicago Street Fight!

Travis: Oh boy... Is any of my ladies here tonight?

David: Well if you mean Cleo, or Malice, nope...

Travis: Damn...

((The lights in the arena dim and then fades completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's verison of the National Anthem begins to blast in the arena. Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Patriot who is standing on the stage waving Old Glory. He slauts it before continuing on down to the ring to chnats of "USA...USA...USA."))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 280lbs, from Washington D.C, accompanied by Ms. America, Brett "the Patriot" Bruiser!

Travis: Well at least I have Ms. America to look at tonight!

David: I don't know if she heard you or not but if she did she'll probably come down here and kick your ass.

Travis: She wouldn't do that to me!

David: Yeah I bet...

((The arena goes dark and a single spot light hits the stage as lighting strikes. The whole time this is going on, all that can be heard is breathing and a second lighting bolt hits the stage. "Hero Of The Day" begins and the spot light shines on a man standing with his head down and a woman right behind looking and smiling at the man. The two walk up the steps and get into the ring as the lady runs around the ring as the man charges at the red flag and they continue to do this till the opponent comes to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 286lbs, from Bendigo Australia, accompanied by Natasha, Bull!

Travis: My money is on Mr. Red, white and blue tonight!

David: You're not betting on Bull?

Travis: Hell no! He's crazy...I mean chasing a red piece of cloth held by a beautiful woman...Wait a minute...

David: I'll never understand you...

((The two of them size each other up waiting for the bell to sound. The bell sounds and Patriot takes Bull down with an arm bar, long enough to get out of the ring and starts to gather things from underneath the ring. He tosses up street signs, garbage cans and lids, chairs, a steel crobar, kendo sticks, barbed wire 2X4's,baseball bats, and the finishing touch, a lead pipe.))

David: Patriot is pulling out everything that he can find!

Travis: That's true...He's not going to lose this match here tonight is he?

David: Not if he can help it!

((Patriot slides back in the ring and grabs a kendo stick, and starts to beat on Bull as he ties to get back to his feet. Bull keeps getting hit but is put back down to the mat. Ms. America is cheering from the outside and slides a chair beside Patriot. He bends down to get the chair, but is beaten to it by Bull and is hit in the head with the chair. Patriot hits the mat, as Bull slowly gets to his feet. Bull continues to beat on Patriot with the chair, keeping him on the mat.))

Travis: Damn you Bull! C'mon Patriot! You can do it!

David: I'm surprised at you Travis! I thought you didn't like the Patriot?

Travis: Well tonight I do! And I love that Ms. America!

David: I figured as much...

((The chair is soon dented and Bull tosses it aside before putting Patriot into a suplex, sending him to the mat again. Bull goes for the pin. 1...2...Patriot gets his shoulder up and Bull gets him to his feet, only to be hit in the midsection by the Patriot. Bull is taken back and falls to the mat. Patriot staggers around a bit trying to clear his head and grabs a barbed wire 2X4 and starts beating Bull with it. with each hit Bull flinches in pain, but still takes it. Patriot tosses the 2X4 to the side and grabs a kendo stick and continues to beat on Bull. Bull soon catches the kendo stick and grabs it from Patriot cracking him over the head with it.))

David: Both of them are giving it their all here tonight!

Travis: C'mon Patriot! I'm not going to lose my legs!

((Bull soon hits the mat and looks like he's not getting back up. Patriot goes for the pin. 1...2...Bull gets the shoulder up and Patriot sighs hitting him with a closed fist punch to the face. Bull bleeds from the mouth now, and is still trying to win this fight. Patriot gets Bull to his feet and for a Oklahoma slam. Bull hits the mat again and Patriot looks at him before heading to the top rope to hit Old Glory. Patriot hits it and lands right on top of Bull. Patriot goes for the pin. 1...2...3 The bell sounds and the National Anthem begins to play as Ms. America climbs into the ring.))

Travis: I knew he could do it!

David: That was some match! My god!

Travis: Yeah! I'm $500 richer tonight...

David: I swear...We'll be back after this...

((I2K sit's in his locker room alone getting ready for his match tonight. Hearing a knock at his locker room door I2K looks up and before he can answer the door flies open. Panthro steps threw and stands before I2K looking down on him. I2K just glances up at him not saying anything.))

Panthro: I heard your challenge at Slaughter....

I2K: So?

Panthro: I'm your next challenge!

I2K: Hardly...

Panthro: You robbed me!

((I2K stands all ready fro his match. He stares down at Panthro looking unmoved by his words.))

I2K: I won fairly. 1...2...3!

Panthro: You'll see. This is just the start between you and me.

I2K: Whatever!

((I2K steps past Panthro and heads out of his locker room. He thinks nothing of Panthro as he heads for his match.))

("Click Click Boom" starts playing, but instead of the long wait until the chorus and the usual blast of pyro, Scott Mercer casually steps out onto the stage. He waves to the fans and then casually walks down to the ring and steps inside. The other members of Bad News are nowhere to be seen. As the music dies down Scott grabs a mic and addresses the audience.)

Scott: I almost became phyiscally ill last week when I saw that vermin Martin Smalls out here offering the job of commissioner to Palimon. Like a brain dead Neanderthal like that has any idea how be the commissioner. He can barely even tie his shoes without an instruction manual. If you want someone who will be competent enpough to be the commissioner of the HWC, then I'd say you found your man.

I have been around the wrestling business for many, many years, and aside from being an active wrestler and owning my own company, I've done it all. I started out at the bottom as a member of the ring crew, and as time went on I moved up to timekeeper, ring announcer, referee, booker, reporter, agent and now I'm a manager. And a manager who has led the members of Bad News to five different titles no less. What further qualifications do you need?

Plus, look at the support team I've got backing me up. The Enforcer, a former, World, Hardcore and tag-team champion, Draven Masters, a former tag-team champion, Blood Dragon, the current Light Heavyweight and former Hardcore champion, Jeff Wylde, the current Intercontinental champion, Amy Jensen, the former Women's champion, PitBull, former friend and confidant of ex-World champion and current jailbird the Tiger, and our newest member Celtic Hyena who in one of his first matches earned himself a Hardcore title shot and stood toe-to-toe with the Creeper.

So who better than someone who's been around the proverbial block a couple of times to be the new commissioner of the HWC, than me Scott Jameson Mercer.

("Click Click Boom" starts up again as Scott puts the mic down and leaves the ring.)

Travis: Jameson? Scott's middle name is Jameson? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

David: You do realize that the rest of Bad News is here tonight, just becuause they're not out here doesn't mean they can't hear you.

Travis: Ulp!

Triple Threat Match
"Outsider" Kevin Hawkins vs Chimaira vs Lucien Meriucci

Jean Fortello: The following is a Triple Threat match for one fall, Making his way to the ring, from Houston Texas...... OUTSIDER KEVIN HAWKINS!!!

((Anybody Killa plays over the P.A. Lights go and out arena starts flahing red lights everywhere and Hawkins makes his way out of the curtains walking to the ring slowly in no hurry then gets into the ring and takes off his trench coat.))

David: Kevin looks pumped and ready.

Travis: Why are we here again?

David: This is WarZone, this is your job.

Travis: This match ups suck!

((Anybody Killa fades out as Call of Ktulu plays in it's place.))

Jean Fortello: Next to the ring from Prague, Czech Republic...... LUCIEN MERRIUCI!!!

Travis: I wonder if this guy knows Armageddon, or at least works with him.

David: I doubt it.

Travis: How would you know? Do you talk to god?

((Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside pericing a hole through his opponent with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring. Kevin and Lucien starts circling each other ready to fight.))

David: I don't think these two are going to wait for Chimaira.

Travis: Heh, we don't need him anyways.

Jean Fortello: And their opponet from Longmont........ CHIMAIRA!!!

((Violent Moodswings by Spineshank plays as Chimaira races down the ramp and slides into the ring not waiting sense no one else is. Chimaira rises to his feet getting a forarm to the face by Lucien that was ment for Kevin. Kevin hits Lucien with an Enzigui Kick before whipping Chimaira into the ropes. Chamaira stops short and hits Kevin with a drop kick while Lucien comes up from behind and rolls Kevin up. 1... And Chamaira breaks it up by kicking Lucien in the head.))

David: This match is taking off, it will be hard to keep up Chimaira cause un like the others, Chamaira is fighting for a job.

Travis: Just like a mexican. No wait that's sleeping.

David: You know Travis one day your mouth is going to get you killed!

((Lucien gets to his feet and hits Chimaira with one chop after another before trying to whip him into a turn buckle, Chimaira reverse it sending Lucien instead. Before Chimaira can go at him, he's grabbed by Kevin and given a DDT. Kevin comes at Lucien with a super kick but Lucien garbs it and drives his elbow into Kevin's knee before hitting a low blow.))

Travis: Whoa now we are talking, I like dity fighting. Much more intertesting then standard stuff.

David: You would say that.

((Chamaira to his feet hits the ropes coming back with a 6-1-9 to the face of Kevin as he staggers from the low blow. With Kevin down again Chimaira goes for a cover. 1...2.. Lucien breaks it up and pulls Chimaira to his feet and nailing him with a brainbuster. Giving Chimaira no chance to recover Lucien gives Chimaira a choke toss. While Chimaira lays there holding this throat Kevin comes up from behind and grabs Lucien and hits a neck breaker.))

David: This could be it!

((Kevin hooks the leg of Lucien for the count. 1...2... kick out. Kevin gets to his feet first just as Chimaira climbs up the turn buckle. Chimaira leaps off to land a Hurricarana, but Kevin catches him and throws him out side of the ring.))

David: Did you see that!?

Travis: He tossed the bitch!

((Lucien leaps him and catches Kevin off guard with a Impalent DDT. Lucien goes for another cover but before the count is made Chimaira grabs the leg of Lucien and pulls him out of the ring. Out side the ring Lucien does for a close line but is hit with swinging neck breaker. While Chimaira is beating away on Lucien on the out side Kevin starts to come around getting to his feet.))

Travis: Chimaira is never going to make it here.

David: Why you say that?

Travis: Cause while he was being away on Lucien he would have pinned Kevin and won!

((Kevin to his feet stands by the ropes shouting to Chimaira. Chimaira stops his attack on Lucien and climbs up on the out side of the ring. Kevin takes a few steps back and laughs gesturing him in. Chimaira leaps up on the top rope away from a turn buckle and hits Kevin with a Corkscrew Moonsault.))

David: Corkscrew Moonsault off the top rope!!

Travis: Wonder if he thinks he's a surper hero too?

((Kevin starts to get to his feet looking dazed. Chamaira garbs him and gives him one for arm after anothe to the face backing Kevin into a corner. Chimaira comes at Kevin with another drop kick but at the second Kevin pulls the ref in front of him to take the blow. The ref crumbles with the blow as Kevin comes at Chimaira, Chimaira acts quickly taking Kevin down with a spilling heel kick. Once down Chimaira pulls Kevin into an ankle lock. Kevin cries out and starts to tap, the the ref doesn't see it.))

David: Someone wake the ref up. Chimaira has this match won if Kevin didn't pull the ref in the way.

Travis: That's what you call quick thinking.

((On the out side Lucien starts to come to and slides into the ring. Lucien garbs Chimaira causing him to break the hold. Lucien gives Chimaira another choke this time sending him out side of the ring over the top rope. Lucien turns and helps the ref off turning in time do side step a close line from Kevin. Spinning around Lucien sets Kevin up and hits the Unmaking followed by a cover. 1...2...3. The bell rings as the ref raises Lucien's hand and Chimaira gets to his feet out side knwoing he failed.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner........ LUCIEN MERRIUCI!!!

David: Chimaira was so close.

Travid: Well that just goes to show you that the kid just doesn't have it. Better luck next time.

((The light's in the arena go out as the HWC-Tron comes to life, the words HWC Jackass pained across the screen in what looks like blood. The camera opens on the face of Malice up atop of a half pipe.))

Malice: I'm Malice and this is Gothic Skate Boarding.

((The camera pans back showing Malice sitting in a coffin. Laying back another man dressed in black closes the lid on her and pushes the coffin on wheels down the ramp. The coffin has enough force to make up the other side, but as it comes back down the coffin starts to slide sidewards before fliping over. It then slides down to bottom where it comes to a stop. A soft pounding is heard from with in the coffin. The camera fades out as HWC crew men come to help her out of the coffin.))

Main Event
Triple Threat Cage Match

I2K vs Hans Kuhmann vs Jarred Dylan

David: Next up, we have our main event. Three returning athletes, showing incredible promise in the ring. I2K, Jarred Dylan, and Hans Kuhmann.

Travis: Jarred’s got problems. Remember what he did to me?

David: Yes, I do. It’s remarkable how little changed after that. You’re still a jackass, but now you make sure that those that either threatened to take you out, or did, actually, take you out, don’t hear you.

Travis: Yeah. That’s called intelligence, Eddie. I2K’s only had a match, already, with the rookie, Panthro. I don’t think he’s ready for Jarred, or Hans.

David: You may have a point, there. Ring rust can be any athletes worst enemy.

Jean Fortello: The next match is a Triple Threat Cage match. Introducing first, from parts unknown, weighing in at 222 lbs. . . . . I2K!!!!!

((Suddenly "Take a Look Around" by Limp Bizkit hits and the words: "Are you ready for I2K?" appear on the video screen. Blue spotlights search the arena and smoke fills the entrance ramp. I2K appears on the entrance ramp with his head down. He looks up and walks to the ring. He climbs up onto the ring apron and does a flip over the top rope into the ring.))

David: I2K looking ready, here.

Travis: He’s got too much ring rust! He’s going to go down to Jarred.

David: You go from insulting Jarred to being his biggest fan. Are you just trying to avoid having your arm get broken again?

Travis: Duh, Davey Boy.

Jean Fortello: And one of his opponents, from Frankfurt, Germany, weighing in at 220 lbs, he is one half of Die Zerstorer. . . HANS KUHMANN!!!

((“Seek & Destroy” plays on the PA,with white strobes flashing in the entrance way. As the main body of the song kicks in, there is a blast of pyro, and Hans steps out. Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, gesturing for the fans to get on their feet, then power walks to the ring. he vaults over the top rope, climbs the corner, and flashes the "crossed hammers" at the fans, then repeats at the opposite corner. I2K moves toward him, Hans turning and driving him headfirst into the cage wall, grinding I2K’s face into the cage wall, ripping I2K’s face open. Jean Fortello, already on the outside, continues.))

Jean Fortello: And, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, and being accompanied to the ring by Eric Taylor. . . .JARRED DYLAN!!!!!!

((“Seek & Destroy” fades, replaced by “One More Time” by Queensryche. As the lights dim, a rolling fog cascades over the ramp, obscuring the entrance from view. Hovering lights can be seen, made ever eerie by the haunting music provided by Queensryche. When Geoff Tate's voice first screams "one more time around", the fog lifts to reveal Jarred Dylan and his young companion, Eric Taylor. They make their way to the ring, Eric trying not to show his awe at being this side of the ring barrier. Jarred dives headfirst into the match, throwing punches to I2K, and kicking Hans in the midsection, then grabbing Hans, and slinging him headfirst into I2K’s midsection, using him as a battering ram, I2K doubling over, and staggering backward. Jarred plants his hands on Hans’ back, springing over his back, his feet crashing into I2K’s face, causing him to spin, and drop to the ground facefirst. Jarred, still moving, extends his legs in front of him, transitioning from the vaulting kick to a DDT, planting Hans into the mat. Jarred gets up almost instantly, I2K getting to his feet. Jarred moves to try to give I2K a sharp kick in the kidneys, I2K rolls to the side, Jarred’s leg shooting into the air from the force put behind it. I2K gets up, and hits a cradle DDT to Jarred.))

David: These three men are putting their all into this match.

Travis: Well, none of them want to add another mark to the loss column.

David: But two of them are. The question is, which one will step from the ring with a victory, here?

((Hans gets up, dropping I2K backward with a back drop, I2K twisting in the air, and landing on Hans’s already opened face. Hans rolls away, clutching his face, while I2K gets to his feet again. Jarred, wasting no time, moves behind I2K, locking him into a full nelson, then stepping around I2K’s side, and driving I2K hard into his knee. As I2K staggers backward, Jarred hits a spinning wheel kick, dropping him to the ground. Jarred gets to the top turnbuckle, perched like a vulture. As Hans gets to his feet, Jarred jumps high into the air, aiming a dropkick into the already bloody face of Hans. Hans grabs Jarred’s ankles, then, spinning to his left, slams Jarred into the cage wall, causing the cage to cave outward slightly. Jarred drops to the ground, clutching his back, Hans kicking I2K in the midsection, and catching him with a tremendous DDT. Jarred, getting shakily to his feet, climbs the turnbuckle, looking at the cage around him.))

David: Jarred’s trying to end the match right here!

Travis: I told you I2K couldn’t compare to Jarred.

David: I’m sure I2K isn’t done yet. But neither is Hans!

(( Hans catches up to Jarred as they’re both on top of the cage itself. A series of right hands, and Jarred falls, crashing to the mat, grabbing Hans’ hair, and pulling him down as well. Both men land in a heap on the mat, momentarily dazed. Unbeknownst to them, I2K has already gotten to his feet, and is almost to the door.))

David: I2K capitalizing on the stunned state of his two opponents.

Travis: I2K’s going to win?! DAMMIT!

((As I2K gets almost fully through the cage door, a cameraman drops his camera, and kicks the door closed, the door crashing on I2K’s hand. I2K yelps in pain, the cameraman, wearing a hat low on his head, with a prominent beer belly, walks into the ring. After a Double-Arm DDT, the camera man, with an incredible agility, jumps to the top turnbuckle, and hits a Corkscrew Moonsault, then standing, reaching under his shirt, and pulling a wad of fabric tossing it to the ground, where it lands with a distinctive metallic sound, the shirt hanging freely, without the fake beergut underneath. The cameraman moves to stand over I2K, talking smack. As the cameraman looks up, he pulls the hat off, tossing it out the door, walking out after it.))

David: THAT’S PANTHRO!!! What the hell?!

Travis: I2K must have offended the little guy.

David: Yeah, but he may have seriously hurt I2K, there!

((Jarred, groggily to his feet, sees nothing except I2K on the ground. Jarred walks, unsteadily, to the cage door, and falls through it, landing on the ground.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner, JARRED DYLAN!!!

David: Panthro just cost I2K the match! This isn’t going to sit well with I2K!

Travis: Who cares!?! Jarred won! I just made 5 grand!

David: Are you going to split that with Jarred?

Travis: You’re joking, right? This is my money!

David: Figures. Anyway, folks, that's it for WarZone from Regina. For Travis Best, I'm David Tanjic. Goodnight.