Wednesday Night WarZone
Toronto, Ontario, Canada at the SkyDome

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

David: Welcome to another night of Wednesday WarZone, live in Toronto, Ontario at the lovely SkyDome! I am David Tanjic and with me is Travis Best.

Travis: The one and only baby!

David: We have all the action all right here with the Hardcore champ, The Creeper in a triple threat with Satist and The Icon. And this is no normal match it’s a Singapore Cane Match!

Travis: The only thing of interest to watch tonight.

David: Well there is rumored tonight that President Lewis will be here tonight with a huge announcement.

Travis: I hope it’s about making all the women wrestlers wrestle topless in mud!

Standard Match
Bull vs. Evil Incarnate

David: Um right well right now we have singles actions with Bull taking on the man known as Evil Incarnate, Misguided Angel.

Travis: In other words glorified Jobber match.

David: These men are more then Jobbers, in fact Bull is starting to show some promise here in the HWC.

Jean Fortello: The following is for one fall…..

((The arena goes dark and a single spot light hits the stage and lighting strikes the stage and the whole time all this is going on all that can be herd is breathing then a second Lighting bolt hit the stage and Hero of the day begins.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring from Bendigo Australia, and accompanied by Natasha…. BULL!!!

((The spotlight shines on a man standing with his head down and a women right behind, looking and smiling at the man. Then the two walk towards the ring and as they walk the lady waves a red flag in front of the man with seem to be making his angry. The two walk up the steps and get into the ring as the lady runs around the ring as the man charges at the red flag and they continue to do this till the music fades.))

Travis: I’ll say one thing that Natasha is a hotty!

Jean Fortello: And his opponent from The Vatican….. MISGUIDED ANGEL!!!

((The lights go flickering as Amazing Grace starts to play. As the lights go out, there is an explosion and Angel's video starts to play. As the lights go back on from the back to front and Angel is standing in the ring. Natasha throws the red flag over the head of Angel before climbing out of the ring. Bull turns and sees Angel with the flag and delivers a brutal spear to Angel.))

Travis: WHOA!

David: That was a spear that would make Obake proud.

Travis: Bet he didn’t see that coming cause I sure as hell didn’t!

((Before Angel can recover Bull pulls him to his feet and delivers a brainbuster. Bull steps away from Angel and yells to the crowd. On the out side Natasha cheers Bull on. Angle starts to get to his feet and comes up behind Bull hitting him with an axe handle. Bull staggers before he is whipped into the ropes by Angel. On the rebound Bull is knocked down with a drop kick from Angel. Angel grabs the legs of Bull delivering a catapult. Bull flies over the top drop nearly landing on Natasha below. Before Natasha can help Bull to his feet, Angel slides out of the ring and pushes Natasha out of the way. Angel pulls Bull to his feet and slams his head against the guardrail when he’s grabbed by Natasha. She spins him around to face her. Natasha takes a swing at Angel, but Angel blocks the throw. Natasha counters with a knee to the groin.))

Travis: To bad…. Looks like no little Angel’s now.

David: Bull now recovering from Angel’s attacks with the help of Natasha.

Travis: She is deadly as she is dangerous.

((Angel doubles over in pain, Bull comes at him landing Angel to the floor with a DDT. Pulling Angel to his feet Bull rolls Angel back into the ring as the ref counts to 9. Bull slides in and pulls Angel up to his knees, hitting him blows to the face. The ref breaks it up and doesn’t see Angel hit Bull with a low blow. Bull holds him self and falls to his knees. Angel leaps up and hits the ropes, coming back with a Shining wizard to Bull. Angel hooks the leg for the pin. 1…2.. shoulder up by Bull.))

David: Two count by Angel. He nearly had the win over Bull.

Travis: Oh what? Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.

David: You should things are really starting to heat up.

((Angel to his feet stomps away on Bull trying his best to keep him down. Grabbing the legs of Bull again Angel pulls Bull into the sharp shooter. Bull cries out and slowly crawls towards the ropes, Angel pulls him away to the middle of the ring.))

Travis: He’s going to tap!

((Bull raises his hand as the ref checks him when Natasha starts to climb into the ring. The ref sees this and goes over to keep her out. Bull starts to tap but the ref doesn’t see it to busy arguing with Natasha.))

Travis: Ref do your job.

David: I thought you didn’t care.

Travis: I don’t. Well not about the wrestlers at least.

((Angel breaks the hold and heads over to Natasha pushing the ref aside. Natasha grabs Angel’s head and drops him neck first onto the ropes. Grabbing his throat Angel falls back with Bull acting quickly. Bull grabs Angel for the roll up. 1…2…3. The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: You winner… BULL!!!

David: Bull with a cheap win with the help from Natasha.

Travis: In this fed David, there are no cheap wins. You either win or you lose.

David: I’ll keep that in mind. We have to take a break but stay tuned cause still to come, that Announcement from Autumn Lewis.

((The light's in the arena go out as the HWC-Tron comes to life, the words HWC Jackass pained across the screen in what looks like blood. Camera cuts to Panthro standing in a laundromat.))

Panthro: Soy Panthro y éste es lavadero extremo. In other words, Extreme Laundry.

((Panthro turns around to a large dryer behind him. Reaching into his pocket pulling out a few coins. Putting the coins into the dryer, Panthro opens the door and climbs in. Another man in a black HWC shirt closes the dryer door and hits the button. The dryer starts to go with Panthro inside, a heavy thud is heard over and over as Panthro tumbles head over heels. The camera fades out on him trumbling around in the dryer.))

Triple Threat Table Match
Lucien Meriucci vs Natasha vs Panthro

David: Well, now we have a triple threat tables match, between three of the new talent here in the HWC. Lucien Merriuci, Natasha, and Panthro.

Travis: If it wasn’t for Natasha, this match would suck.

David: The fact remains, Travis, all three have a lot of promise, but they have yet to reach their real potential.

Travis: Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Give me Cleo any day.

David: I seem to remember someone that was deathly afraid of saying something like that on Slaughter this past week.

Travis: Damn Creeper, coming out here, and killing my mood.

Jean Fortello: This next match is a triple threat tables match. Introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERRIUCI!!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu” starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes (metaphorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

David: See? Lucien looks ready for this match.

Travis: Shut up, already, Tanjic! Natasha’s coming out next!

Jean Fortello: On her way to the ring, from Bendigo, Australia, weighing in at 210 lbs, escorted to the ring by Bull. . . . NATASHA!!!!!

((The arena goes dark, “The Call of Ktulu” fading, and a single spot light hits the stage and lighting strikes the stage and the whole time all this is going on all that can be heard is breathing then a second Lighting bolt hits the stage and “Hero of the day” begins. The spot light shines on a man standing with his head down and a women right behind looking and smiling at the man then the 2 walk towards the ring and as they walk the lady ways a red flag in front of the man which seems to be making him angry. Natasha gets into the ring, Lucien wasting no time in attacking her. Jean Fortello darts out of the ring, to safety, as the only two athletes in the ring begin assaulting one another, Lucien dropping Natasha with a DDT, then dropping an elbow onto her midsection.))

David: These two aren’t even waiting for Panthro! They’re trying to destroy each other right here!

Travis: Did you see the way Natasha bent, from that DDT? Wow!

((Suddenly, the Mexican hip hop song that is Panthro’s entrance music kicks up, Lucien looking up the ramp, ready to intercept Panthro as he comes into the ring. After a few moments, the song dies down.))

Travis: HAH! Panthro’s afraid to come out!

David: That’s odd. Where is he?

((Panthro’s entrance music kicks up again, all eyes going to the entranceway. After a few minutes, the music stops again.))

Travis: Panthro’s really just a giant chicken!

David: Look in the ring, Travis!

((Behind Lucien’s back, Panthro stands in the ring with a chair in hand. Lucien turns, taking the chair shot full in the face, dropping Lucien. Natasha stands up, Panthro taking the chair, and slamming it, horizontally, into Natasha’s midsection, then bringing it crashing down on the back of Natasha’s head. Wasting no time, Panthro places the chair on the back of Natasha’s head, jumping to the top turnbuckle, and hitting a high moonsault onto the chair, rolling off clutching his midsection. Panthro rolls to a seated position, Lucien getting to his feet, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs. Lucien, once on his feet, grabs the chair, cracking Panthro in the head with it, then tossing the chair aside, hauling Panthro to his feet.))

David: Panthro with a good first few moments, but that moonsault into the chair may have done as much damage to him as it did to Natasha.

Travis: Maybe I should go give her mouth to mouth.

David: Why don’t you give that a shot? I’m sure Bull would love that.

((Lucien hits a gutwrench suplex to Panthro, Panthro landing, back first, on the chair. Panthro’s back curves up around the point of impact, Panthro rolling out of the ring, to the floor. Natasha, to her feet by now, hits a bulldog to Lucien, driving Lucien’s face into the chair. Natasha picks Lucien up, DDT-ing him back into the chair, standing up, and dropping a leg across the back of Lucien’s head, again driving Lucien into the chair. Lucien lays there, limply, as Natasha goes outside the ring, grabbing a table.))

David: Natasha looking to put this match away right now.

Travis: She keeps bending over. . . (A splash sounds) Thanks, David. I needed that.

((Natasha sets up the table, pulling Lucien to his feet, and lifting him for a suplex, bouncing his stomach off of the ropes, coming back over, toward the table. Before Lucien could crash through the table, however, Panthro’s hands come from under the bottom rope, shoving the table away from the ropes, Lucien hitting the mat, instead of the table, Panthro, using his speed, already on the top turnbuckle. As Natasha gets to her feet, Panthro jumps, catching her with a dropkick. Lucien begins to slowly get to his feet, Panthro hitting a jumping swinging DDT back into the chair.))

David: Is this a table match or a hardcore match?

Travis: Look! Natasha’s laying down on her back! What a view! Someone move a camera over to look down her shirt!

David: Travis, you’re a sick freak.

Travis: You’re just jealous that I get to look at all these hot women, and no one does anything about it!

((Panthro moves over to Natasha, picking her up, Natasha catching him with a low blow, moving into a jawbreaker. Panthro staggers backward, tripping over Lucien. Natasha picks Panthro up, lifting him for a suplex, into the table. Lucien, on his feet, finally, catches Natasha with a spear, causing her to drop Panthro forward, once more saving the match from being over just yet. Lucien lifts Natasha, hitting the Unmaking on her, Panthro already grabbing the chair, and rising.))

David: Unmaking! All Lucien has to do now is break a table with Natasha, and it’s over!

Travis: Yeah, but Panthro’s still up!

((As Lucien rises from the move, he takes a hard chair shot to the face, then another after he’s fallen. Panthro stands, an odd gleam to his eyes. Putting Natasha on top of the table, Panthro goes outside the ring, grabbing another table, and setting it up, as well, pulling Natasha from the table, stacking the tables on top of each other, placing Lucien on the lower table. Panthro, taking Natasha to the top turnbuckle, follows after her, hitting a 180 gutwrench powerbomb through the stacked tables, dropping Natasha through the tables, onto Lucien, and sending both of them crashing to the ground in a heap. Panthro smirks sadistically, throwing his hands up in celebration.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, PANTHRO!!!

(( The Mexican hip hop song kicks up, Panthro sliding out of the ring, and up the ramp. ))

David: Great showing by all three competitors. Panthro won, but only barely.

Travis: I’d better go help Natasha out of the ring.

David: I think Bull’s got that covered. Sit down, Travis. Next up, ladies and gentlemen, the main event: A Singapore cane match between Satist, a young man that made quite an impact at Unchained, who goes by the name The Icon, and the reigning HWC Hardcore Champion, The Creeper.

Travis: The Creeper? That means Cleo will be out here!

David: Quite possibly. Who can tell, with The Creeper?

((Only in America plays and Autumn Lewis steps from the back greeted by the cheers from the crowd. Smiling and waving Autumn makes her way down to the ring and climbs in. Standing there she waits a moment for the crowd to quiet down as her music fades.))

David: This is it, the moment we have been waiting for.

Travis: Speak for your self.

((After a few moments things quiet down a bit letting Autumn speak.))

Autumn: If you do not know David Howlett also known as Obake has left due to personal reason.

Travis: Obake is gone?! This is great news, now I don't have to fear what I say now.

David: I don't think that was the point of Autumn coming out here.

Autumn: This leaves a stop open for a new Commissioner. And this being an American fed though tonight we are in the great city of Toronto! (pauses for cheers before continuing) So in the HWC we will have an election for the next HWC Commissioner. All wrestlers and managers are free to campain. And then in late July we will vote. So PEOPLE, Start You Campaining!

((Only in America plays again as Autumn stands in the ring few moments while the crowd cheers.))

David: An election for the Comissioner of the HWC.

Travis: I want to take this time to announce my I'm running for Commissioner.

David: Getting on the band wagon are you?

Travis: I promise you I'll be a better Commissioner then any of those muscle heads in the back.

David: Well I'm sure we will see a heated debate in the following weeks about who will be a better Commissioner.

Main Event
Triple Threat Singapore Cane Match
Satist vs The Icon vs The Creeper

David: Well next we have the main event!

Travis: Yeah! What does that mean to me? No girls...

David: Well we have Creeper, Satist, and the Icon for a Singapore Cane match...

Travis: Wait a minute...Creeper? That means Cleo will be out here...

David: Oh boy...You are just totally crazy over her aren't you?

Travis: Yep!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250lbs, from the Second Tier of Hell, accompanied by Cleopatra Queen of the Nile, the HWC Hardcore Champion, The Creeper!

Travis: God damn Cleo looks hot tonight!

David: You're going to get it one of these days you know that don't you?

Travis: What did I do?

David: You are clueless...

Travis: Why thank...Hey!

((The arena goes dark, children playing games can be heard, then one girls voice becomes louder and louder, "One, Two, he's coming for you. Three, Four, he's gonna hurt you all." An evil voice then starts. "YOU WILL REMEMBER HIM!!" After a couple of seconds a wall of pyros shoot up in front of the ring entrance lasting for a couple of seconds. As they die down "Panorama Of Endtimes" starts, showing The ICON standing on the ramp looking from side to side at the crowd with no emotion on his face. The lights come up and he then slowly walks down the ramp and slides into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 275lbs, from Atlanta Georgia, The Icon!

Travis: The Icon doesn't stand a chance against Creeper and Satist!

David: Why do you say that?

Travis: Look at him...He's never gone up against such talent!

((The lights in the arena begin to fade to black then to a strobe affect red as "Wait n Bleed" kicks up over the sound system. Smoke begins to flow up from the entrance ramp, as Satist slowly makes his way through the curtain with his head slightly bowed bending a bit at the waist. About half way down the ramp Satist stops and raises his head looking around at the crowd with a look of confusion. His long blood red hair hangs in his face, covering it from view. After a few moments Satist continues on to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And their opponent making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 245lbs, from Pittsburgh PA Satist!

Travis: Ok maybe Creeper will come out on top of these two!

David: Figures...

((The bell sounds as the Creeper makes the first move on Satist. with the kendo stick in hand Creeper just seems to smile as he hits Satist across the midsection with the kendo stick knocking him to his knees. Creeper continues to beat Satist with the kendo stick twriling it in his hand like a sword. Creeper doesn't notice Icon behind him until he feels the sting of the kendo stick across his back.))

Travis: That's got to hurt!

David: I bet it did!

((Creeper isn't even fazed by it, but only turns around and grabs the kendo stick that Icon has in hands, and starts beating on Icon. Creeper twrils the kendo stick a few times showing his skill and hits Icon in between each twril of the stick in his hands. Satist gets to his feet, and goes to grab Icon to go for a german suplex. He doesn't see Cleo by his feet on the outside of the ring, and falls face first onto the mat. Creeper knocks Icon to the mat as well and smiles down at Cleo before he gets Satist up on his shoulders and goes for a power bomb. Satist hits the mat and Creeper goes for the pin. 1...2...Barely escapes. Creeper kicks Satist out of the ring, leaving Creeper and Icon alone.))

Travis: That's gotta hurt!

David: Well that's the way the ball bounces Travis... Creeper and Icon are going to give it everything they have. One of these men by the end of the match is not going to walk out of there by himself!

Travis: Yeah and it's going to be Icon.

David: How do you know?

Travis: I have a feeling about this kind of stuff Davey!

David: Davey?

Travis: Yeah...

David: Davey...

((Creeper is hit across the back with the now broken kendo stick in Icon's hand. Icon tosses the kendo stick out of the ring, catching Cleo in the face. Creeper sees it and grabs another kendo stick that lays in the ring beside him. He starts beating Icon across the midsection, and falls to his knees. The icon grabs the kendo stick from Creeper and starts beating him with it. Creeper goes down and Icon kicks him in the ribs putting him to the mat. Icon goes for the pin. 1...2...Creeper gets the shoulder up and head butts Icon sending him rearing back.))

David: Creeper is trying his best to win this match!

Travis: Hell with Creeper, Cleo got hit in the face with a broken Kendo stick...she might be hurt.

David: I'm sure she's ok...she's still standing...

Travis: But I have a feeling Icon won't be after Creeper is done!

((Creeper goes for a kick to the face, and knocks Icon back down. Creeper goes for the pin. 1...Icon get the shoulder up and pushes Creeper off him. Icon grabs Creeper and goes for a belly to belly suplex, and sends Creeper to the floor. Cleo cheers for Creeper on the outside trying to get his confidence up. Icon gets Creeper to his feet and goes for the flashback. He hits it and Creeper hits the mat. Icon goes for the pin. 1...2...Creeper gets the shoulder up and Cleo cheers as Creeper warps hia hand arounc Icon's throat. She smiles knowing he's going to go for the Epiphany. Creeper hits it and goes for the pin. 1...2...3!The bell sounds and "Go 2 Sleep" begins to play as Cleo climbs in the ring raising Creepers hand.))

Jean Fortello:Here is your winner, the Creeper!

Travis: He did it!

David: You're awfully happy!

Travis: You would be to if you just won 10,000!

David: You never stop do you?

Travis: Stop what?

David: Nothing.

Travis: Wait a minute! What's Creeper doing?

((Back in the ring, Creeper's brought the hapless Satist back into the ring. The match is over, yet he has a maniacal grin on his face. Cleo's grinning sadistically too... This does NOT bode well for Satist. Creeper looks at Cleo, who nods. He grins devilishly and waves to someone in the back. Out comes B.D. with a table and a cinder block. The cinder block is set under the table and Creeper nods. B.D. nods and retreats. Cleo sizes Satist up and hits him with the Mummification. Then Creeper hits him with the Epiphany!))

David: My God! The Epiphany!

Travis: But he isn't through yet, David! LOOK!

((Creeper lifts Satist high into the air and nudges something. The cinder block skitters out from under the table, then he slams the hapless youngster through the table with the Death Rattle! But before he can do any more damage, out comes Martin Smalls. Smalls gets a microphone and stays a respectable distance away.))

Smalls: Creeper, that's enough. I may be an asshole to the people, but we do not cripple people. Satist, you've taken valuable space on the roster, as well as wasted the company's time and money. You can stand beside Gregr to collect your pittance at the hands of the federal government. In other words, Satist... YOU'RE FIRED!

((Smalls drops the mic and retreats, Creeper and Cleo close behind him. They may not like him, but he did something they did like. David and Travis are sitting there in mute shock. Then Travis gets the nerve to speak.))

Travis: Well, folks, you heard it here first... Martin Smalls just fired Satist.

David: After Cleo and Creeper gave him a good beating.

Travis: Good point.

David: Well, folks, that's it from Toronto. For Travis Best, I'm David Tanjic... Goodnight, everybody!