Wednesday Night WarZone
Lincoln , Nebraska at the Pershing Auditorium

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

David: Welcome to WarZone, we are at the Pershing Auditorium in Lincoln , Nebraska! We are just a week and a half away from the pay per view!

Travis: Oh I can't wait, Unchained!

David: April 6th, HWC's Finest take on BloodLust Slayerz for the HWC Tag Team Titles.

Travis: There will be nothing fine about them once the Slayerz are done. You saw what they did to the Bad News.

David: That maybe but the night promises to another extreme HWC Pay Per View.

Travis: Yea extremely painfull.

David: Well tonight promised to just as good. Tonight we have Draven taking on Mia.

Travis: Any night is good with Mia if you ask me.

David: Right now we have out first match of the night, so lets start things off with a bang.

Standard Match
Satist vs Green Haired Frog

((The lights in the arena fade to black then to a strobe affect red as Wait n Bleed kicks up over the sound system. Smoke begins to flow up from the entrance ramp as Satist slowly makes his way through the curtain with his head slightly bowed bending a bit at the waist.))

Jean Fortello: The following is for one fall, to the ring from Pittsburgh, Pa...... SATIST!!!

((About half way down the ramp Satist stops and raises his head looking around at the crowed with a look of confusion. His long Blood red hair hangs in his face, covering it from view. After a few moments Satist continues on to the ring.))

David: Satist looks ready for this match up.

Travis: And I'm ready..... for a nap!

((Satist theme fades as Tainted Love plays in it's place.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponet from Falkirk, Scotland....... GREEN HAIRED FROG!!!

((The lights dim and the music flairs up sudenly Frog appears on the ramp, he runs to the ring and slides in. The bell rings and the two tie up. Satist gets the upper hand pulling Frog into a belly to back suplex. Frog rolls to his feet and comes at Satist with a closeline, Satist counters by grabing Frog and powerslaming him. Satist goes for a pin only to get a 1 count before Frog kicked out. Satist pulls Frog to his feet as he battles back with blow acfter blow to Satist's mid section. Breaking away Frog hits the ropes and comes back and dropkicks Satist before he can recover. Frog pull Satist quickly to hiw feet and deliver s DDT to him followed by a pin...1...2.. Satist gets a shoulder up. Frog pulls Satist up again but Satist breaks the hold Short arm close Line taking Frog down. Satist locks Frog into STF putting as much presure on the neck as he can.))

David: Satist is showing Frog no mercy.

Travis: Wish someone would show me some and end this match now......

David: The match isn't that bad.

((Frog manages to reach out and grab the bottle rope causing the ref to break Satist's hold on him. Getting to his feet Satist presses his boot to the throat of Frog, he struggles under it a bit before the ref makes him stop. Bending down Satist pulls Frog to his feet going for a suplex but Frog slips behind him and gives him another drop kick this time from behind. Satist tumbles threw the ropes and falls to the floor out side the ring. Frog turns his back and starts gesturing to the crowd. He fails to see the Slayerz race to the ring.))

David: Looks like someone granted your wish Travis.

Travis: Smalls is a god!

((Pallimon slides in first quickly getting to his feet before Frog sees. Frog turns around just in time to see Pallimon drop kick him. After stomping Satist on the out side Beowulf slides into the ring and grabs Frog. Pallimon climbs up on the turnbuckle and waits for Beowulf to put Frog in place.))

David: This is not going to be pertty.

Travis: What are you talking about this is the best part of the match.

((Pallimon leaps off deliving the Slayerz Spear to Frog. Pallimon rolls to his feet while Beowulf grabs a mic with a growl to the camera man. Beowulf hands the mic to Pallimon and turns to stomp away on Frog.))

Pallimon: Patriot! If your watching this will be your fate at unchained!

((Pallimon tosses the mic away and gestures to Beowulf it's time to leave.))

David: BloodLust Slayerz making an impacting message to the Finest. We need a break so the EMT's can tend to those fallen at the Slayerz hands.

((Bodies by Drowning Pool play softly showing a shadowed figure struggle against some chains. The music expoids to a fast beat as the figure breaks free of the chains. The camera close ups on the hanging broken chains as the annoucers voice is heard.)

Announcer: The Core presents HWC UNCHAINED! Live Apirl 6th. Things just got alot more burtal then before!

((The song and the hanging chains starts to fade out.))

Standard Match
Creeper vs Lucien Merriuci

David: Welcome back folks! It's been some night already!

Travis: Yeah whatever! I could be sitting in my hotel room with two beautiful girls right now, but I'm stuck here!

David: You do realize we have Creeper and Lucien in a match next?

Travis: Wait a minute! If Creeper's here...That means Cleo isn't far behind!

David: Oh boy! Calm down there Romeo! Let's just get on with the match!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 250lbs, from the Second Tier of Hell, accomapnied by Cleopatra Queen of the Nile, the HWC's Hardcore Champion, The Creeper!

Travis: My god Cleo looks hot tonight!

David: I bet Creeper thinks that to and that he could rip you apart for looking at her that way!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien and Renegade slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside pericing a hole through his opponent with his eyes(metophorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 275lbs, from Prague in Czech Republic, accompained by Renegade Lucien Merriuci!

Travis: Look at Creeper Davey! He's in top form tonight...I hope Lucien is ready to die!

David: Don't be so sure! Lucien is a tough opponent and I'm sure he can stop one of the members of the Darkside here tonight.

Travis: We'll see! Wait did you say one of the members of the Darkside? Who else has a match tonight?

David: Mia!

Travis: Mia? Oh boy Davey!!! It's going to be a good night after all!

David: Do I have hose you again?

((The Creeper and Lucien look at each other taking every inch in trying to figure a way out to stop the other. The bell sounds and they lock up. Lucien takes Creeper down with an arm bar and he lands on the mat with a Thud! Cleo stands on the outside cheering Creeper on trying to get him to come to his senses. Creeper grabs Lucien by the neck and goes for a chokeslam as he stands up. Lucien hits the mat and Creeper doesn't stop there. He grabs Lucien again picking him up and goes for a snap suplex to back breaker. Lucien hits the mat as Renegade tries to climb into the ring to help Lucien. Cleo grabs him and drags him out kicking him in the groin sending him to the floor.))

David: Now that's loyalty for you...Cleo isn't letting Renegade interfer at all tonight.

Travis: I wish she would drag me by the feet.

David: You better keep that on your wish list...

((Creeper smiles down at Cleo as he sees Renegade rolling around, and then turns his attention back to Lucien who is still trying to get over that last suplex. Creeper grabs him again only to be hit in the midsection causing Creeper to let go. Lucien goes for a impalment DDT and sends Creeper to the mat, and goes for the pin. 1...Creeper gets the shoulder up. Lucien grabs him again and goes for a cradle piledriver. Creeper manges to get out of it and gets behind Lucien, tapping Lucien on the shoulder and goes for a Super kick when Lucien turns around. Lucien hits the mat and Creeper goes for the pin. 1...2...Lucien gets the shoulder up and Creeper picks him and uses a few punches trying to put him down to the mat again.))

Travis: C'mon Creeper! Take Lucien down!

David: Am I hearing you right?

Travis: Yes...Creeper is going to win I tell you!

David: I thought you would want something to happen to Creeper so you could have Cleo all to yourself?

Travis: Wait a minute! Go Lucien!! Take Creeper down!

David: I swear I don't know how Eddie manges not to hang himself week after week with you around...

Travis: I'm not sure...Care to ask him?

((Creeper uses a few kicks while Lucien is down and goes for the pin again. 1...2...Lucien gets the shoulder up. Creeper gets Lucien to his feet only to head butted by him. Creeper lets go and stumbles back into the ropes. Lucien goes for a clothesline and sends Creeper right out of the ring almost landing on top of Cleo. She rushes to his side to make sure he's alright. He nods and she kisses him before he gets back in the ring with a lot more furry and rage in his eyes. Lucien grabs him from behind and chokes Creeper trying to get him down to the mat. Lucien goes for another implament DDT putting Creeper to the mat again. He goes for the pin. 1...2...Creeper kicks out and Cleo cheers on the outside as she kicks Renegade in the ribs keeping him down and out of the ring.))

David: This is getting good isn't it Travis?

Travis: Yeah it is...Look at Cleo...My god she's really taking it to Renegade...

David: I meant the match in the ring Travis!

Travis: (Waves slightly at David still staring at Cleo kicking Renegade in the ribs.) Yeah, yeah, whatever...

((Lucien gets Creeper back to his feet only to be hit in the midsection sending Lucien back a few steps. Creeper grabs him and goes for the Pain Maker. Lucien hits the mat and Cleo cheers knowing the match is going in Creeper's favor now. Creeper gets Lucien to his feet again and goes for a powerbomb sending Lucien to the mat once again. He goes for the pin. 1...2...Lucien gets the shoulder up and he and Cleo can not believe it!))

Travis: C'mon Lucien! Destroy Creeper!

David: Neither of these men are giving up easily!

Travis: I wish one of them would!

David: This is going to be a fight to the finish!

((Creeper hits the mat with his fists and looks at Lucien with rage in his eyes and gets Lucien ready to go for the Epiphany. Creeper brings him down and Lucien hits the mat, letting Creeper go for the pin. 1...2...3! The bell sounds and his music begins as Cleo climbs into the ring kissing him and then raising his hand in victory!))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner The Creeper!

Travis: Damn! Cleo has slipped through my grasp again...

David: Just face it Travis, Cleo isn't your type, and she's older than you are!

Travis: So...

David: (Shakes his head) Never mind. We'll be back after this!

((Cut to a commercial for HWC HardWear. Be the first to own HWC: Aggression! THis feature length CD contains themes for the top name superstars of the HWC! Be the first to blast the Black List's theme as you walk down the halls of your school! only 15.99 S/H required! Call 1-800 HardWear today!))

((Camera opens inside Smalls office. He laughs watching the replay of the Satist vs Frog match where the Slayerz interfer harming both men. He hears the door open and close thinking its the Slayerzs, looking him the smile fades from his face. The camera pans back showing Sephiroth standing before him, his arms are crossed and he looks none to happy.))

Smalls: Don't you ever knock!

Seph: You want to tell me why Pallimon and Beowulf interfered in my brother's match at Slaughter?

Smalls: I don't think it's any of your concern!

Seph: Wrong, it's none of your conern being in any Darkside matches!

Smalls: Well I'll make it my conern right now. At Unchained, Cloe has to defend her Women's title.....

Seph: So?

Smalls: Against your Mia!

((Seph's dark glare burns into the eyes of Smalls who looks back unafriad. Seph now more angier then before.))

Seph: This is NOT over between us Smalls........ STAY OUT of my way!

((With that Seph turns and leaves slamming the door behind him. Smalls grins to him self and crosses his arms.))

Hardcore Match
Draven vs Mia

David: Now, we have our main event! What a night this has been so far!

Travis: Yeah, but now I get to see that sweet little angel Mia out here!

David: Travis, put a bib on or something. Stop drooling around all this electronic machinery!

Travis: Oh yeah. Sorry. I forgot. (There's a loud crack, and fizzle, and then a crash.) Aarrgh! Stupid monitor!! (David is heard laughing like mad.)

David: I always knew that drooling thing you do would come back to bite you in the ass one of these days. Anyway, I believe our main event is about to start.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Hardcore match, set for one fall. Introducing first, representing Bad News, from Chicago, Illinois, and weighing in at 290 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Scott Mercer. . . . DRAVEN MASTERS!!!!!

((Click Click Boom hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, Draven is standing there. Scott walks out from behind the curtain and leads his monstrous charge down to ringside.))

Travis: What are they doing to me?! Sending Draven out here first? I WANT MIA!

David: You want everything in a skirt.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, representing the Darkside, from Tokyo, Japan, and weighing in at 135 lbs, accompanied to the ring by the reigning HWC World, and Intercontinental champion, Sephiroth Du Lac, she is the reigning HWC Women's Champion. . . . "THE OTAKU ANGEL" MIA LANG!!!!!!!

(("Click Click Boom" fades, replaced by "All the things she said" by Tatu. The video screen shows a vivid array of colors as the music starts. Then it fades as the first vocals start to a picture of Mia through her eyes as the screen shows her in training and in the ring. She walks out with a somber dark expression as if in a trance with Sephiroth following. She climbs in the ring in a Stacy Kiebler fashion and Seph smiles as she skips to the ring corners posing for all the fans leaping finally to the center of the ring as Seph just smiles and applauds.))

Travis: HOLY COW!

David: A new look, and new music, for Mia. What're your thoughts, Travis?

Travis: Homina, homina, homina, homina.

David: Well said, Travis. Care to try to save yourself, or make yourself look like less of an idiot?

Travis: WOW!

David: My sentiments exactly.

((Mia immediately rushes Draven, dropping him with a spear, and proceeding to rifle punches into Draven's face, Draven taking the punches without even trying to block, then, after a few moments, placing his hands on Mia's shoulders, seeming to shrug, Mia sent flying across the ring. Draven gets to his feet, laughing.))

David: Draven appears to not be fazed in the least by this assault from the "Otaku Angel". Travis?

Travis: Wow. . . .

David: Again, more eloquent color commentary from Travis Best.

((Mia hits the turnbuckle, instantly rocketing out of the turnbuckle, hitting Draven with a hard clothesline, Draven seeming to simply not feel it. Mia rebounds off the far ropes, jumping into the air, catching Draven with a forearm, which Draven quickly shakes off. Mia rebounds off the opposite ropes, trying for a dropkick, which is quickly swatted away by Draven. Mia hits the ground hard.))

David: Mia trying, unsuccessfully, to match power to power, but she gives up several pounds of muscle to the much larger Draven. Any comments, Travis?

Travis: I almost saw something, there!

David: Right. Always on the lookout for female slippage.

((Draven laughs, going outside the ring, shoving the timekeeper aside, taking the chair into the ring, setting it up, then pulling Mia to her feet, locking her into a Fisherman suplex, turning it into a Fisherman's DDT, onto the chair. Mia's body straightens, and then falls to the side.))

David: Draven may have this match won, with moves like that.

Travis: Wow. Even getting hit, she looks hot!

David: Travis, get your mind out of the gutter.

Travis: It's not in the gutter. It's gone beyond the gutter.

David: Figured that much.

((Draven tries for a pin, and, surprisingly, Mia kicks out before even the 1. Draven steps back, waiting for Mia to get up. Mia gets to her hands and knees, and snaps her right foot out, kicking Draven in the midsection, following it up by doing the splits, and punching Draven in the throat. Draven staggers backward, Mia standing, and kicking Draven in the midsection, backing up, and wrapping her arm around Draven's neck, hitting a flipping neck breaker to Draven, close to the ropes, the move itself carrying Mia over the top rope, and bringing Draven's ribs down, hard, on the guardrail. Mia darts into the ring, grabbing the chair, folding it up, moving to stand on the apron, chair in her right hand.))

David: What is she planning, here?!

Travis: Wow!

David: Someone get Travis a dictionary.

((Mia jumps onto the top rope, putting the chair flat against her midsection, horizontally, and moonsaulting backwards, landing with a large crash on Draven's back, then falling back into the crowd. Draven pulls back from the guardrail, bending around the point of impact, Mia popping up behind him, and cracking him in the back of the head with the chair, sending Draven over the guardrail, again, to land, unceremoniously, on the ringside area.))

David: That was an incredible move! Training with Sephiroth is really paying off, here!

Travis: I wonder if she even feels pain, anymore. (Silence descends.)

David: That's actually a good question, Travis.

Travis: What was it?

David: Nevermind.

((Mia jumps onto the guardrail, waiting for Draven to stand up, still holding the chair. Draven stands, Mia tossing the chair at Draven, jumping with a dropkick, to follow it. Draven catches the chair, grabbing it, and sidestepping, slightly, bringing the chair down, into Mia's stomach hard, dropping her to the ground. Draven interlaces Mia's ankle in the chair, going into the ring, and to the top rope.))

David: Draven's going to try to cripple Mia! Someone stop him!

Travis: She looks better on the ground.

David: Travis, bear in mind, you have already pissed off a good number of the athletes here. Do you really want the whole Darkside coming after you?

Travis: Good point.

((Draven jumps, Mia lifting the chair around her ankle, the legs of the chair meeting Draven, as he descends, one of the legs landing in Draven's groin.))

David: Nice reversal by Mia.

Travis: Draven's not going to be having any kids, with a move like that.

David: It doesn't look that way.

((Draven writhes in pain on the floor, Mia getting to her feet, pulling the chair off of her foot, reaching under the ring to grab a table, spreading it, folded, between the ring apron and the guardrail, Mia then going to Draven, moving to powerbomb Draven, but being unable to lift him. Mia frowns, and steps back, then cracking a smile, glancing at the red ring, an unearthly darkness crossing her features. Mia moves forward, again, once more setting up Draven, and, before Draven can react, hitting a snap powerbomb through the table as though Draven was weightless.))

David: Mia with a move that is surprising for someone her size.

Travis: Did you see that?! How'd she do that?! And what'll it take for her to bend over like that, again?

David: Travis, buy a clue!

((Mia steps back, shaking her head, the darkness seeming unchanged. Mia catches Draven, as he gets to his feet, with a dropkick, following him like a lioness on the hunt. As she nears, Draven grabs the chair, now well-dented, coming back with a hard shot to the head, toppling Mia. Draven stands over her, a confident smile on his face, grabbing a camera wire, wrapping it around Mia's neck, taking the ends of the wire, and bracing them over his shoulder, lifting Mia off of the ground, clutching at her neck, as the cord strangles her, Mia standing dead center of the arena floor.))

David: Draven's going to choke Mia out!

Travis: Uh. . . her face is red. That's not a good thing, even on someone as hot as Mia.

David: You have a point. And there's no rope break here, so Mia can't go to the safety of the ropes.

((Mia extends her right leg in front of her, then snapping it back, in a variation of a mule kick, her leg going right between Draven's. Draven stiffens, Mia continuing her assault on Draven's groin, until Draven drops her to the ground. Mia falls to a low crouch, pulling several deep, ragged breaths, then standing, turning, and kicking Draven's groin again, like a special teams kicker.))

David: Mia finding an interesting, albeit effective, way out of that move, and she may have saved not only the match, but her life, with that move.

Travis: And yet, she still looks hot. You know, Eddie, I always liked the goth chicks.

David: I think Mia's gone beyond a goth persona. She has become far more deadly, now.

Travis: But she still looks good.

((Mia smiles sadistically, beginning to play Riverdance on Draven's groin, Seph finally stepping forward, pulling her back, whispering something to her, Mia rushing forward, lifting Draven's legs, then jumping forward, ending up with Draven's legs beyond his head, Mia's arms around his ankles, her knees on Draven's shoulders. The referee quickly slides under the bottom rope, hitting the ground in time to administer the count. 1. . . .2. . . . 3!!!!))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, the HWC Women's Champion, The "Otaku Angel" Mia Lang!!!!!

David: Mia won, and, despite Draven and the rest of the Bad News' confidence otherwise, The Darkside didn't get involved in this match.

Travis: Well, they didn't need to. Mia took care of business, in a very sexy way, I might add.

David: That's beside the point, Travis. Mia won, and what a great way to close out Warzone for this week!