Wednesday Night WarZone
Columbia, Missouri at the Hearnes Center

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

David: Hello there folks and welcome to another night of War Zone! We're here at the Hearnes Center in Columbia Missouri! As always I'm David Tanjic...

Travis: And I'm Travis Best! So what do we got tonight Davey?

David: Well tonight we have a couple of matches...

Travis: Oh boy...Probably some of the lower superstars...

David: Actually our Main event tonight is Jeff Wylde vs the Otaku Angel Mia Lang...

Travis: Really? Who don't people tell me these things?

David: I thought you knew...

Travis: No... But I think I'll stay now... That little Mia is hot! Even though she's turned bad and all!

David: How am I going to survive with you here tonight?

Travis: Put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye!

David: Yeah... I'll keep that in mind.

((The lights in the arena fade to black, then a strobe affect soon appears as "Wait n' Bleed" kicks up over the system. Smoke begins to flow up from the entrance ramp as Satist slowly makes his way through the curtain with his head slightly bowed bending a bit at the waist. About half down the ramp Satist stops and raises his head looking around at the crowd with a look of confusion. His long blood red hair hangs in his face, covering it from view. After a few moments Satist continues onto the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 245lbs, from Pittsburgh, Pa, Satist!

David: I don't think he knows what he's getting into here tonight against Lucien...

Travis: I don't care who wins...I got money riding on both of them! And besides the faster this match is over with the faster I can see my Mia.

David: I don't think you should say that to loudly...

Travis: Why not?

David: Rumors around the building says that Seph is here and he doesn't like anyone hitting on his students!

Travis: Oh...Really?

((The arena goes black as the "Call of Ktulu" starts. Lucien and Renegade slowly, methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim glow. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes (metaphorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 275lbs, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, accompanied by Renegade, Lucien Merriuci!

Travis: Lucien is going to kick Satist’s ass here tonight...I know he will!

David: You just want to get to the match with Mia don't you?

Travis: How'd you guess?

David: A little birdie told me...

((The two of them stand toe to toe and stare each other down as the crowd continues to cheer. The bell sounds and the two of them lock up. Lucien grabs Satist and takes him down with an arm drag and starts using a series of punches on him. The ref comes over and warns Lucien as Lucien gets Satist to his feet. Satist takes the opporuntity and hits Lucien in the midsection making Lucien loses his grip. Satist grabs him and goes for a German suplex. Lucien hits the mat, and Satist goes for an early pin. 1...Lucien gets the shoulder up and head butts Satist. Satist lets go and Lucien kicks him square in the ass sending him into the ropes.))

Travis: Now that's what I call kicking ass!

David: My god you're annoying...

Travis: Yeah but I'm fun!

David: I don't know about that...

((Lucien grabs Satist from the ropes that he is laying on and goes for a cradle pile driver. Satist hits the mat and Lucien picks him back up and goes for an implant DDT. Satist hits the mat again and Lucien goes for the pin.1... 2... Satist gets the shoulder up and Lucien hits him with a few more punches trying to get him down.))

David: Neither of them are going to give up are they?

Travis: One of them better give up!

((Satist catches Lucien's fist before the next blow is given. Satist gets up and hits Lucien in the midsection a few times bringing him to his knees. He goes for another German suplex and Lucien hits the mat again. Satist gets back up and grabs Lucien again going for a side suplex. Lucien hits the mat harder this time and Satist goes for the pin again. 1...2...Lucien gets the shoulder up. Satsist is getting upset and goes for a belly to belly over the head suplex trying to keep Lucien down. He goes for the pin. 1... 2... Lucien gets the shoulder up and Satist can't believe it.))

David: These two just won't stop until one is dead or on the verge of death...

Travis: C'mon one of you has got to die! I don't care which one it is either!

((Lucien is lifted to his feet by Satist but Lucien hits him in the groin sending a low blow to Satist without the ref seeing. Satist falls to the mat and Lucien smiles as he goes for the unmaking. Satist hits the mat and Lucien goes for the pin. 1... 2... Satist kicks out. Lucien can't believe it! Satist kicked out from the Unmaking! Lucien grabs Satist who is in a lot of pain by now and sent across the ring thanks to a choke toss by Lucien. Lucien walks over to Satist and grabs him only to be hit in the midsection by Satist. Satist sends Lucien to the mat with another German suplex. Satist gets Lucien to his feet and goes for the top rope.))

Travis: I think this may end the match there Davey boy!

David: I think you're right Travis! I think Satist is going for the Final Destination!

((Satist drops Lucien to the mat and goes for the pin and the win! 1...2....3! "Wait N Bleed" begins to play as he hops out of the ring and heads back up the ramp towards the backstage area!))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner Satist!

Travis: Yeah...I didn't lose any money!

David: I swear...We'll be back after this.

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

((The camera cuts to a shot of the crowd when all of a sudden "Dark and Grey" begins to blare over the PA system as Sephiroth steps out and the crowd leaps to it's feet. He walks down the ramp with confidence holding a mic in his hands as he steps into the ring smiling. He smiles and plays to the crowd.))

David: There he is. The World Champion!

Travis: Yes, and soon to be proud papa. Say do you… think the kid’s his?

David: I don't know.

((Sephiroth raises the mic to his lips as the crowd chants his name.))

Seph: Chloe Jackson. Chloe... I'd like you to come down to the ring with me for a second. I have something that’s important. I know you’re in the back. Please, come out.

((Chloe slips out from behind the curtain mic in hand as she slowly makes her way to the ring. She looks around the ring, then left and right before finally climbing the steps and ducking in between the middle rope. She stands up straight and looks at him bring the mic to her lips.))

Chloe: yes?

((He looks at her sort of nervous.))

Seph: It's good to see you again. Even though you beat the living shit out of me last time.

Chloe: Like you didn’t get some shots in yourself?

((The crowd cheers as Seph just smiles))

Seph: Touche'. But, I'm not here to gloat or dwell on the past. I'm here to tell you something Chloe. Something important. Chloe. What you said has been sitting with me for a few days and... I still can't believe it. I've been trying to get in touch with you and talk to you for a couple of days now. Chloe, I... I love you. I love you and I want us to...get back together. I want us to be together not only that but I want us to be a family. Chloe, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that I've done. I came here to ask you to be my girlfriend and to be my wife.

((Pulls out her ring the one that she threw at him))

Travis: Not again! Somebody get the hook!

David: Shut up, Travis!

(Chloe looks at him then the ring she steps forward and slaps him once)

Chloe: What you think because I am carrying your Child the past should just be let go? I love you Seph but you have not shown trust in me! Not one fucking bit! How can I put my child our child into a family like that? Where his father doesn’t trust his mother?

Seph: Chloe, I...

Chloe: What Seph? I love you...I had hoped by the time this did happen we would have been a family.

Seph: I know I screwed up. I had a good thing and I let it slip out of my fingers. Chloe I love you. I want to be with you. I want to be your husband. I want us to be together not because of the child but because... I love you.

David: Awe....

Travis: Where's my Tums?

(She stares at him for a few moments just thinking)

Chloe: I want that too but how when you don’t trust me?

Seph: Chloe, I do trust you. I... I just want you to know that. Why can't you believe me?

Chloe: Gee, why do you think? Because you let Liv play us like fools!

(Seph lowers his head as the crowd sits in tension)

Seph: She played us both like fools and now look at us still trapped in her web of hatred and lies. Chloe, Livia's gone. I don't want her memory to plague us anymore. She lied to us and now she has paid. Let me hold you again let me love you. I can't stand this fighting anymore. I can't fight the woman who owns my child, my heart, and even my...soul... please.

((She steps close to him just studying him quietly she brings a hand up as if she is about to slap him again. Her eyes are filled with her feelings. Pain and love dance in them. He grabs her hand as she swings at him his eyes baring the love he still has for her as they lean in together closing in on each others lips with a soft romantic slowness to their movement. Just then one of the crowd jumps the barrier and climbs in the ring.))

David: Who is that?

Travis: Get that idiot out of there!

((She leans into the kiss letting her hand drop to his shoulder. As she hears the crowed she opens her eyes pulling back from him. She sees Chris standing in the ring as she hisses))

Chloe: What the fuck is this!!

Chris: I have had enough of this! And I've had enough of you! Come on, Chloe, We're going!

((He goes to grab her arm but Seph grabs his instead he pulls Chris into the ropes sending him flying and spearing him to the ground beating on him harshly as Chloe watches in shock. Seph picks him up and puts him in the full nelson lock and drops a Shadowsphere!)

David: Seph's new move! The Shadowsphere! ...And Chris is out.

Travis: You said it what a creepy name for a move. You notice that?

David: I think your missing the impact of what just happened.

Travis: What? He got knocked the F*** out is that enough of an impact?

David: You are just a simple creature you know that?!

Travis: Thanks.

((Chloe looks at Chris unmoving and throws the mic down onto her brother’s chest. She steps to Seph and kissing him once more. This time a deep intimate kiss. Seph returns her kiss with passion as the crowd roars with approval and even Travis Best cries a little as the two walk out together.)

David: Aww, Travis. You okay?

Travis: No, she's gone from me again.

David: Why do I even bother? I just walked into that one.

Travis: Yeah, watch those easy one-liners. They'll get ya.

David: We'll be back.

((Camera cuts to a commercial for the first Amy Jensen DVD. Amy Jensen: Hellcat Unleashed. Watch her rise to action from the beginnings in the GWF, her ballistic run through the IWF and her time in the HWC. DVD extras include her key matches from all the feds and a special swimsuit spot. Only 19.95! Buy now! Call 1.800.HardWear and order today!))

David: Welcome back to WarZone! I am joined by the broken but very much alive Travis Best. How are you feeling Travis?

Travis: As long as I am doped up on pain killers I'm good.

David: How's that broken arm?

Travis: OUCH! Don't touch It!

David: Sorry I was hoping I would sign it.

Travis: I don't want you to sign it, though I am hoping I can get Mia to sign it.

David: Looks like there's already some writing on it....... What's that say? "Get Bent!"

Travis: I got Amy to sign it while Jeff was in the bath room.

David: Wow, that match with Jarred seems to have made you braver. Just don't let it go to your head.

Travis: I plan on it.

David: Well speaking of Jeff tonight we have Jeff vs Mia, but first The Lurker takes on the Cushion.

Travis: Oh yea this won't hurt at all.....

David: What won't?

Travis: This pointless jobber match..... I'm high on pain killers.

((The lights lower with the playing of the Resident Evil Movie Theme. Lurker steps out from the back and stops at the top of the ramp. He then pulls back his right arm and with another step throws his arm up and forward signing for a choke slam, before heading on down to the ring.))

David: How would you like to step in the ring against that!

Travis: Shut up David..... I'm watching the pretty colors.

((Lurker's music fades as Fever plays in it's place while Lurker readies him self. Cushion comes out strutting down to the ring. He then climbs the outer turn buckle to the top and before he can flex Lurker grabs him and pulls him into the ring. Cushion hits the mat shaking it with the impact. Lurker starts stomping and kicking at him but doesn't seem to do much good.))

David: It's like fighting a marshmallow.

((Cushion gets to his feet and grabs the Lurker in a bear hug locking him in tightly. Lurker struggles to free him self as the air is cut off slowly bringing him down to one knee. With all the might Lurker has left Lurker forces him self up and forward knocking Cushion off his feet causing him to loosen his grip but not with out pulling him down with him. Lurker falls on top of Cushion. 1...Cushion gets a shoulder up and pushes Lurker off him. Lurker is the first to his feet pulling Cushion up, Lurker grabs Cushion and tries to pick him up and fails. Trying again only managing to get him two feet off the mat.))

David: Lurker may be strong but even he has his limits with this 600 pound blob.

Travis: Two words... Slim Fast.

David: I don't think he knows such words.

Travis: Then someone needs to teach it to fatty. I mean this is why we have world hunger.

((Lurker tries to whip Cushion into the ropes but Cushion doesn't move, instead Cushion throws Lurker into the turnbuckle. Lurker hits it hard back first pausing long enough to feet the pain before lunging at Cushion knocking him down with a powerful clothesline. Lurker drops and puts Cushion in a Boston crab, but at Cushion's size it doesn't take long before he breaks away from Lurker.))

Travis: Maybe if Lurker bribes Cushion with a Twinkie he can win the match.

David: That's wrong!

Travis: Yea but funny.

((Both men are up and Lurker is knocking Cushion back into a corner with several snap jabs to the head and chest of the Cushion. Lurker raises his hand to deliver a Hacking when Cushion grabs the head of Lurker to counter with a Red Neck Hello. Lurker knocks his arms away and grabs him by the throat.))

Travis: Oh this I gotta see, how is Lurker going to choke slam fatty.

David: Careful he might hear you and sit on you.

((Cushions hits Lurker with a double axe handle sending the man staggering away. Cushion comes up from be hind and hits a splash on Lurker sending him face first to the mat. Cushion rolls Lurker over and goes for a cover. 1...2... kick out. Lurker starts to get to his feet but is met with chops to the chest, once seeing that isn't going to keep Lurker down Cushion whips Lurker into the ropes. Cushion goes for a big boot but Lurker dive under it and rolls to his feet right behind Cushion hitting a fall away neck breaker. Lurker doesn't bother with a pin instead pulls Cushion back up to his feet. Lurker grabs the dazed Cushion by the throat to try and choke slam Cushion, Cushion surprises him by swatting his hand away like it was a fly then hitting the Red Neck Hello. Lurker holds his head and staggers a bit before grabbing Cushion by the throat again. Lurker manages to lift him up a few feet before Cushion kicks Lurker in the midsection causing Lurker to drop him.))

Travis: It's a battle to see who's the bigger loser.

David: You never learn.

Travis: Shut up I'm enjoying this!

((Lurker is bent over by the kick giving Cushion a chance to recover. Lurker raises his hand again but Cushion is quicker hitting another Red Neck Hello this time sending Lurker falling back to the mat. To make sure he stays down Cushion covers him by sitting on Lurker's chest. 1...2...3. The bell rings and the ref goes to rise the hand of the Cushion who’s still sitting on the chest of the Lurker now kicking and struggling beneath his weight.))

David: I think this might be the last match Lurker ever wrestles of Cushion caves in his chest.

Travis: Maybe with enough Twinkies I can send Cushion after Jeff Wylde.

David: You’re a sick man.

Travis: Sick but smart.

((The new HWC shop logo close ups and breaks the screen, HardWear Zone.)

Announcer: Show your pride in your favorite superstar with the new stylish shirt. Like the Amy's Inject This shirt. Buy now and show were your loyalties lies.

(A shot of the shirt is shown with a picture of Amy by a brick wall on the front and "Inject This" on the back.))

David: And we are back on WarZone with the final match of the evening… Our main event! Jeff Wylde vs Mia Lang!

Travis: This is my kind of match!

David: Didn’t dealing with Jarred teach you anything?

Travis: Yeah… It taught me not to get caught cheating.

((David just shakes his head, giving Travis up for a lost cause. “Reckoning Day” by Megadeth rips across the PA system, preventing any further commentary. Jeff walks out onto the stage and pauses at the top of the ramp and raises both arms, and looks from side to side before lowering his arms and heading to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: This is a standard match and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 280 pounds… “The Wyldeman” Jeff Wylde!

((The fans cheer recklessly for the Australian Wyldeman. The lights go out and spotlights go over the crowd, but stops on the stage. All Grown Up begins to play as the screen above the entrance begins to show highlight reels of Mia in a few matches and her victories. Some other scenes show her in deep mediation, in training with Johnny, and her and Amy running around Tokyo. Mia walks out onto the stage and looks over the crowd. She takes a flying leap and begins to do back flips to the ring. She comes to a stop and does her usual anime pose. She climbs in the ring and up onto one of the ring posts and does another anime pose making the crowd cheer more.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, the Otaku Angel Mia Lang!

((The fans cheer again, but are cut off when Jeff charges Mia from behind, catching her off guard with a clothesline. She gets up and hits him with a forearm that makes him stagger backward into the ropes. When he comes forward, she executes a perfect standing dropkick. Jeff stumbles backward, then charges forward and hits her with a vicious shoulderblock. She hits the mat hard and he springs forward into a cover. 1… 2… She kicks out with astonishing authority. Her arms swing around and nail him with open hands. He ducks the fifth such hand and sends her flying over the top rope. She hits hard and lies there, stunned. Jeff slides out and rolls her back into the ring, then stands there watching her. With a shout, he leaps over the top rope and nails her with a missile dropkick.))

David: My god! Did you see that??

Travis: My sweet Mia!

David: You never learn! Do I have to ask Jarred to deal with you again?

Travis: You do and I’ll kick your ass.

((Back in the ring, Mia’s gotten to her feet. She ducks a clothesline and hits Jeff with one of her own. He drops to one knee, and gets hit with a modified baseball slide. He falls back and she goes for a cover. 1… 2… He kicks out with authority. She crouches and watches him get to his feet, measuring him for something. When he’s in the right spot, she leaps, hitting him with a Spear. He folds in half, as though he got a sledgehammer in the stomach. He may well have… Despite her small size, Mia packs a wallop! She goes for a cover. 1… 2… He kicks out, but with less authority than last time. Mia sees him staggering a bit and grins wickedly. But Jeff slams her to the corner and avalanches her in said corner. She staggers out and falls to the mat. He goes for a cover. 1… 2… She gets her shoulder up. The referee makes sure they’re all right before letting them continue. Just a safety check… Mia watches him then pounces, taking him down with a hurricanrana. He lies there in a daze. She goes for a cover. 1… 2… Again he kicks out.))

David: Mia showing some smarts there… Going for constant covers. That’s the best way to do it.

Travis: Yeah… She’s got a lot of heart. And with Jeff Wylde, you need that advantage.

David: For once, we agree. Jeff Wylde has an amazing vertical base and… Oh, my GOD!

((Jeff Wylde has just turned the tables on the Otaku Angel… He hit her with a vicious crossbody that left her in a heap on the mat! She’s writhing in agony and clutching at her ribs. The referee doesn’t see her put on that ruby ring The Creeper gave her… The ruby is turned to her palm. She staggers to her feet, ruby pressed to her palm. The referee is still distracted with Jeff, so he doesn’t see the glow in her eyes. When he finally lets Jeff get past, the ring is hidden again. Mia is standing on her own… Her eyes are alight with an inner fire that wasn’t there a minute ago. Jeff goes for a clothesline and gets met with a dropkick to the face. Writhing in her eyes is the darkness Cleo and Creeper were trying to get her to let out. But it’s contained for the moment… And God help any who let it loose! He gets a good look in her eyes and pales. But he recovers and nails her with several forearm shots, making her stagger backward. He goes for the kill and gets hit with a superkick. While he’s staggering, he finds himself in a corner. Mia springs up behind him, then…))

David: It’s the Otaku Assault!

Travis: YES! YES! YES!

((Jeff hits the mat with a thud. Mia scrambles over for a cover. 1… 2… 3! The bell rings and the referee lifts Mia’s hand in victory. She stares down at Jeff then turns and walks away. She doesn’t want to give in to the darkness within here… So she leaves him in a heap on the mat.))

David: What a decisive win for Mia Lang! And she did it on her own, without resorting to any underhanded tactics!

Travis: Amazing, indeed! For David Tanjic, I’m Travis Best! Goodnight, everybody!