Wednesday Night WarZone
El Paso , Texas at the Don Haskins Center

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena. As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal, then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown, then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

David: Hello there folks! We're here at the sold out Don Haskins Center in El Paso Texas! I'm David Tanjic and...

Travis: I'm Travis Best! So what do we have tonight there Davey?

David: It's David, and we have an exciting night in El Paso! We have Darkside vs Lucien Merriuci, Vampet vs Zoe, and a Hardcore Match Ace of Spades vs Sasist!

Travis: Alright! One match with nothing but Ladies! This might be a good night after all!

David: How does Eddie put up with you week after week?

Travis: What's that suposse to mean?

((All the lights go out, girls voices can be heard whispering, after about 5 secs this stops and smoke starts to flood into the ring and entrance area (not that you can see any of this). Ich Vil then starts playing, every 5 secs a red or white light flashes somewhere in the arena, then after about 2 flashes it goes to 4 secs etc. Then when the lights are flashing every second a loud bang is heard. All the lights go out then after about 10 secs a single white light is focused in the centre of the ring on a shadow, the shadow is kneeling on his left knee and has right arm outstretched diagonally upwards, eventually after the smoke clears the shodow is seen and it is none other that The Darkside. On the big screen while all this is happening we are hovering through a graveyard at night it is quite foggy, then after about 15 secs transparent images of The Darkside folding his arms, walking around etc. are shown over the graveyard picture, the images become less transparent and then after about 15 secs they are not transparent at all and the graveyard fades out in the background. We are then shown clips of The Darkside in action.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 338 lbs, hailing from The Moors, England, The Darkside! David: That is the strangest thing I've ever seen!

Travis: What's that Davey?

David: He has the same name as one of the most powerful Stables in the HWC...I mean I'm not surpised that Sephiroth hasn't tried to destroy him yet!

Travis: Give it time! He'll probably send one of those little hotties after him! I wish Mia or Cleo would show up tonight...That would really make my night.

David: I bet it would.

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien and Renegade slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside pericing a hole through his opponent with his eyes(metophorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.)) Je

an Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 275 lbs, hailing from Prague, Czech Republic,accompanied by Renegade, Lucien Merriuci.

Travis: My money is on Lucien!

David: You never learn do you?

Travis: Learn what?

((The two of them stare each other down as the bell rings. They lock up an Darkside goes for a series of punches taking Lucien down. Darkside continues to use the punches on Lucien as the Ref breaks them up. Darkside grabs Lucien and gets him to his feet and puts a hand around Lucien's neck and going for a chokeslam. Lucien hits Darkside in the midsection and Darkside lets go. Lucien grabs Darkside's arm and uses an arm drag to get him down. Lucien goes for an early pin. 1...2... Darkside gets the shoulder up. Lucien get's Darkside to his feet and goes for an impalent DDT. Darkside hits the mat and Lucien gets down on his knees and starts to choke Darkside.))

Travis: C'mon! Kill him! Don't let him live!

David: Calm down Travis...It's only the first match of the night!

Travis: I know...But I have 50 bucks riding on this match and I can't lose!

David: Let me guess...Lucien loses you lose a limb right?

Travis: Maybe...

David: Oh boy...

((The ref breaks them up and warns Lucien, as Darkside lays on the mat trying to catch his breath. Lucien takes advantage and goes for the pin. 1...2...Darkside gets the shoulder up and Lucien gets Darkside to his feet and tries for a whipping DDT. Darkside headbutts Lucien making him stagger back a little bit, and Darkside grabs Lucien going for a sit out powerbomb. Lucien hits the mat hard and lays there for a minute trying to catch his breath.))

Travis: No...This can't be happening!

David: Unless Lucien can turn this match around, that's the only he'll get the win here tonight.

Travis: I hope he does! I don't want to lose a leg!

((Darkside grabs Lucien again and goes for an elevated DDT. Lucien hits the mat again and Darkside goes for the pin. 1...2...Lucien gets the shoulder up and Darkside can not believe it! Darkside grabs him again but is hit by an elbow to the midsection. Lucien staggers back but is up and grabs Darkside going for the Unmaking! He hits it and Darkside is down. 1...2...Darkside gets the shoulder up and Lucien sits in shock.))

Travis: That should have taken him down! Why won't he die?!

David: Because neither of them are going to give up!

Travis: I wish someone would!! Wait! Lucien please don't lose! I can't lose my legs!

((Lucien grabs Darkside and goes for a screwdriver sending Darkside to the mat once again. He picks up Darkside again and goes for the choke out suplex. Darkside hits Lucien in the midsection and Lucien lets go. Darkside grabs Lucien and goes for a DDT! Lucien hits the mat and Darkside goes for the pin. 1...2...The crowd burst into cheers as someone runs down the ramp and gets into the ring. To everyone's surprise it's Seph! He's beating on Darkside, as Lucien stands there and watches distracting the ref.))

Travis: Yes! Seph is here to save the day! I knew he wouldn't let Darkside use that name!

David: What is Seph doing here? He's never been on Warzone!

Travis: He's taking back what's rightfully his Davey! The name Darkside!

((Seph slides out of the ring as the ref chases him off and Lucien goes for the pin. The ref sees it and starts counting. 1...2...3!))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner, Lucien Merriuci!

Travis: Yeah I get to keep my legs!!

David: Well that's good! But Darkside is badly beaten thanks to Sephiroth.

Travis: He was only defending what's rightfully his you know...

David: That's true...But he had no right to do what he just did!

Travis: You're no fun...

David: I don't know what I'm going to do with you! We'll be back after this!

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

David: And now, a match between two vivacious women, Zoe and Vampet.


David: Settle down, spitty. Okay, folks, here we go!

Jean Fortello: Introducing first, from Falkirk, Scotland, weighing 203 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Kitty. . . . Vampet!!!!

(( “Anything but Ordinary” by Avril Lavigne fades in, and Vampet walks the ramp and scans the crowd... she walks slowly to the ring and sides in, Kitty right with her. ))

Jean Fortello: And the opponent, accompanied to the ring by Blood Dragon, weighing in at 152 lbs. . . Zoe!!!!

(( The arena goes dark as "Living Dead Girl" comes over the speakers. As soon as Rob says Living Dead Girl for the first time, two blues fires erupt on stage. As the fire dies down, Zoe is standing where one fire was and Blood is standing where the other was. The couple slowly makes their way to the ring, and Zoe is tackled from in the ring as Vampet tackles her through the middle rope. Vampet begins shooting punch after punch into Zoe’s face, Zoe’s hands coming up to block them, then her leg shooting up, kicking Vampet in the back, sending her forward. Zoe gets to her feet, kicking Vampet hard in the kidneys. Vampet rolls away from the foot, and Zoe picks her up, rolling her back into the ring. Vampet gets up, stomping on Zoe as Zoe reenters the ring. Zoe gets to her feet, and Vampet hits a DDT. However, at the last moment, Zoe puts her hands out, simply handspringing away, driving her shoulder into Vampet’s midsection at the same time, then standing with her back to Vampet. Vampet gets up, and takes a mule kick to the midsection, doubling her over. Zoe moves in for a double arm DDT, but, as Zoe lifts the far arm, Vampet spins out, extending Zoe’s arm fully, and then kicking her in the armpit. Zoe’s yelp of pain is easily audible. ))

David: At this point, Vampet’s showing a great deal of skill, and heart.

Travis: Look at them move.

David: Look at what move, Travis?

Travis: Uh. . . the women.

David: Ah. Sure. We all believe you. Perv.

(( Vampet moves in, dropping Zoe with a falling armbreaker. Zoe rolls outside the ring, Vampet moving to follow, stopping only at seeing Blood outside the ring, glaring at her coldly. Zoe, after a time, moves back into the ring, catching Vampet with a hard kick to the midsection, moving right into a flowing DDT, planting Vampet soundly. Vampet, though, gets up quickly, catching Zoe’s rising form with a clothesline to the back of the head. Vampet grabs Zoe by the hair, pulling her head up, and then smashing Zoe in the back of the neck with an elbow. Vampet then moves, locking Zoe in a camel clutch, and pulling back hard. ))

David: At this rate, Vampet will force a submission.

Travis: Yeah. Bend back further. . .

David: Travis, can’t you leave your libido at home one of these days?

Travis: I tried. I just happen to have a spare in my duffel.

(( Zoe slowly makes her way to her feet, then grabbing the back of Vampet’s head, pulling Vampet’s neck over her right shoulder, hopping into the air, and dropping into a sort of modified Stunner. Vampet’s body straightens, as Vampet staggers backward, then falling. Zoe moves toward her fallen opponent, picking her up, only to get a hard right for her trouble. Vampet follows it up with a low dropkick, to Zoe’s right leg. Zoe drops to her knees, Vampet rebounding off of the ropes, and hitting a flipping neckbreaker on Zoe’s kneeling form, immediately floating over into a pin. 1. . . 2. . . Zoe rolls the shoulder. ))

David: A few more moves like that, and Vampet will have this match in the books.

Travis: Why don’t you shut up, and let these two gorgeous. . . (( Zoe hits a hard clothesline to Vampet. )) Uh. . . what was I talking about? David: Nevermind, Travis.

(( Zoe starts putting boots to Vampet, Vampet finally rolling from the ring. Zoe follows, only to get hit by a double suplex onto the guardrail. Zoe’s body folds around the guardrail, and she lays there for a few moments. Blood begins moving around the ring, both Vampet and Kitty ducking into the ring under the bottom rope. Blood pulls Zoe from the guardrail, checking her over. Zoe waves Blood off, then sliding into the ring, the referee more focused on getting Kitty out of the ring, Vampet immediately going to work on the back of Zoe. ))

David: It looks like Vampet has Zoe scouted. She’s focusing on the different parts of the body involved in Zoe’s finisher.

Travis: Wow! Now, see, this is what I’m talking about, Tanjic. All these hot women, and they all have to have dorks or freaks for their boyfriends!

Davis: Like you have a snowball’s chance in hell!

Travis: I do? What’ve you heard?

David: The normal. You’re a jackass, and you don’t know how to remember yourself when confronted by gorgeous women.

Travis: Oh. That’s old news.

(( Zoe can do nothing more than lay there as Vampet puts the boots to her back. Zoe grabs the bottom rope, the referee moving her back. Zoe clambers to her feet, each step appearing to be an agonizing torture. Vampet charges Zoe from behind, jumping into the air to hit a dropkick. Blood’s timely shout is all that saves Zoe, Zoe instinctively spinning to the side. Vampet falls to the ground, Zoe moving in, and wrapping Vampet’s legs up in a texas cloverleaf, and pulling hard. Again, the ropes come into play, as Vampet grabs the ropes, the referee calling for the break. Zoe quickly, but grudgingly, breaks the hold, kicking Vampet solidly in the rear. ))


David: Travis, you’re doing that spitting thing again. And sit down. We know what happened. Do you really think we’re paid to list the moves?

Travis: Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m paid to ogle the hotties in this business. Who’s got it better than me?

David: How about Blood? He gets to go home to Zoe. Same with Creeper and Cleo. And GHF and Vampet. Or, hell, even your best friend Jeff and Amy. All people that get to feel these hotties touch them, while you just get to have wet dreams of them.

Travis: Amy. . . What I wouldn’t give to see those women in a bikini contest!

David: Never happen, Travis.

(( Vampet gets up, holding her rear with the same expression of confused shock as Travis expressed. Zoe calls for her to continue the attack. Vampet charges with a clothesline, Zoe turning it into a Crossface, Vampet’s legs landing under the bottom rope, the move being called off as quickly as it started. Vampet gets up, kicking Zoe in the midsection, then hook kicking Zoe in the rear, sending Zoe shoulder-first into the turnbuckle post. Vampet moves up behind Zoe, going for her finisher, Zoe rolling forward, spreading her legs slightly, her ankles sliding up into Vampet’s armpits, grabbing Vampet’s ankles, and pinning Vampet’s shoulders to the mat. 1. . . 2. . . Vampet manages, somehow, to get a shoulder up. Vampet gets up, and throws a hard right at Zoe’s chin. Zoe blocks it, grabbing Vampet’s right wrist, kicking her in the midsection, and quickly hooking both arms from behind, and spinning. ))

David: A MOTHER’S LOVE!!!!

(( Zoe goes for the pin. 1. . . . 2. . . . 3!!!! ))

Travis: What a great move!

David: You just like the fact that she has to bend backward at the beginning of the move!

Travis: So? You trying to say you didn’t like that part?

David: Travis, I have the ability to get a woman, and get laid every so often. And I don’t have to pay for my dates.

Travis: You know a place that doesn’t charge?

David: No, you idiot. I can find women that will go out with me for fun.

Travis: Ah. They pay you.

David: Travis, shut up.

(( Zoe walks up the ramp, Blood trailing her, looking pleased. ))

David: Well, next we have Ace of Spades facing a newcomer named Satist.

Travis: Satist? Isn’t that supposed to have a “D” in there, where that first “T” is?

David: You want to go ask him?

Travis: No thanks. Jeff and Jarred might be in the building.

((Camera cuts to a commercial for the first Amy Jensen DVD. Amy Jensen: Hellcat Unleashed. Watch her rise to action from the beginnings in the GWF, her ballistic run through the IWF and her time in the HWC. DVD extras include her key matches from all the feds and a special swimsuit spot. Only 19.95! Buy now! Call 1.800.HardWear and order today!))

Jean Fortello: The following is a Hardcore Match and it is for one fall. Making his way to the ring......

((The lights in the arena fade to black then to a strobe affect red as Wait n Bleed kicks up over the sound system.))

Jean Fortello: ....From Pittsburgh........ SATIST!!!

((Smoke begins to flow up from the entrance ramp as Satist slowly makes his way through the curtain with his head slightly bowed bending a bit at the waist.. About half way down the ramp Satist stops and raises his head looking around at the crowed with a look of confusion. His long Blood red hair hangs in his face, covering it from view. After a few moments Satist continues on to the ring.))

David: A hardcore match with the vet. Ace. I don't think the rookie Satist is getting him self into.

Travis: Proably not but who cares, it's blood time!

David: Settle down Travis, you'll get your blood soon enough.

((Before Satist can even reach the ring Ace of Spades leaps out of the crowd and over the guard rail, hitting Satist in the back of the head with a hubcap. Satist drops like a rock while Ace starts stomping away on the small of Satist's back. Pulling Satist to his feet Ace whips him into the steel steps breaking with his body on impact.))

David: They haven't even gotten into the ring yet and the match has started.

Travis: That's what's so great about Hardcore matches in this fed. Pure chaos!

((Ace pulls Satist to his feet again and goes to whip him into the ring post, Satist reverses sending Ace face first to smack into the post. Before Ace can even hit the ground Satist hits him with a DDT. Satist then looks down on Ace and places his boot to the throat of Ace holding him there as he gasps and squirms for air. After a few moments Satist finally lets up leaving Ace long enough to get weapon. Going under the ring Satist started pulling out chair after chair after chair. Grabbing one he returned to Ace who was now getting on his feet. Satist swung at Ace but Ace ducks and kicks him in the gut causing him to lose the chair. Before Satist can recover Ace hits a legs siscors on Satist. Ace then makes a cover. 1..2.. kick out.))

David: Satist is showing great strenght to Ace abuse.

Travis: And it's only going to get worse. In the long run it won't matter.

David: That remains to be seen.

((Ace grabs the head of Satist and begins to slaming it into a near by chair, he continues to slam it into the chair till Satist counters with an elbow to the gut. This gives Satist a chance to get to his feet, and grabbing the chair he hits Ace in the back with it. Ace cries out in pain and stanggers away from it but Satist follows till Ace sides into the ring. Satist climbs in but gets the chair kicked out of his hands again. Satist grabs the legs of Ace taking him down and pulls him into a sharp shooter. Ace cries out as Satist puts presure on that hurt back of Ace.))

David: Oh it would be all over if this wasn't a hardcore match.

Travis: Still giving Ace a chance to make a come back.

((Ace manges to roll over onto his back and kick Satist off him. Satist hits the ropes and comes atb Ace, Ace drops low to avoid a close line and grabs the chair. Satist comes off the ropes again and stops short kicking the chair that Ace holds right into his face in mid swing. Satist drops and covers him quickly. 1..2... kick out. Satist gets to his feet pulling Ace up with him, Satist then whips him into the corner and comes at him with the chair yet again. After ramping five times in his gut Satist drops it and rolls out of the ring.))

David: What is Satist up to he had him right there.

Travis: Rookie move, this gives Ace a chance to come back and still win the match.

David: Hate to say it but you may be right.

Travis: I'm always right, now only if Eddie would learn that.

((Outside the ring Satist sets up all the chairs he pulled out in a row. Once done Satist climbs back into the ring and picks up the chair again. He sees Ace starting to recover and calls out to him. Ace uses the ropes for support and looks at Satist as he mocks him. Satist tosses the chair at Ace's feet and dears Ace to come at him with it. Not giving it a second thought Ace grabs the chair and runs at Satist. Thinking quickly Satist drops grabbing the top rope and pulling it down sending Ace tumbling over it. Ace slams into the floor his hear nearly missing the chair. Satist gets booed for such an action.))

David: The fans are not happy with Satist with Ace being a fan fav.

Travis: Their pissed! They don't matter, how you think I feel! GET UP ACE!!

((Satist climbs out of the ring and picks up Ace, Ace hits a few chops to Satist to gain the upper hand. Satist comes back with a knee to the gut that takes the wind out of Ace. Before he has another chance to recover Satist brings him over to the lined up chairs and pulls him into a suplex.))

David: Oh no...... This will break Ace of Spades!

Travis: NNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!

((Satist pulls Ace into a suplex driving hive body down on the lined up chairs. One of the chairs breaks another bust opens the back of Ace's head. Satist gets up and pushes the chairs apart letting Ace's motionless body crumble to the floor, Satist then goes for a cover. 1...2....3. The bell rings as the ref raises Satist's hand. Satist pulls away from the ref and throws up his hands before turning away to head back stage.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner........... SATIST!!!

David: Satist just showed new meaning to the word hardcore to the now broken Ace of Spades.

Travis: Forget Ace...... GO SATIST!!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))