Wenesday Night WarZone
Colorado Springs, Colorado at the World Arena

((Fade in on the blue HWC "lightning" logo, which then fades briefly to the purple Biohazard symbol, then fades in on the arena.As the opening techno starts, the arena goes pitch black..then when the bomb soundings occur, several small pyro's shoot diagonal(ala Dudley Boyz old pyro), then when Till Lindemann's vocals start, a small video package of explosive shots from wrestlers is shown, then when he screams FEUER FREI, a brutal shot of Jag being chokeslammed through the hood is shown(impact shot), then the cams pan over the crowd as the song plays. the tron shows various video packages of the wrestlers as pyro explodes on the stage and on the ring ramps in time to the beat. The stage set is a definite battlefield theme, with barbed wire, sandbags and even a machine gun nest and an oveturned jeep which both "explode" when the pyro goes off.. Then the shot switches to David Tanjic and Travis Best at the announce position.))

David: Ladies and gentlemen, Warzone is on the air! Welcome every body! I'm David Tanjic, along with my broadcast partner, Tr-

Travis: ((interrupting)) You mean award-winning broadcast God!

David:((gives Travis a look, then continues.)) My PARTNER, Travis Best. And we are coming to you live from Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the jam-packed World Arena! And what a card we have for you tonight...Wait a minute, I'm told that we have some activity in the parking lot....and we have a camera there now!

((The camera cuts to the parking lot as a red Viper pulls in. Brett Bruiser gets out of the Viper with the hardcore title on his shoulder and walks towards the building. He is walking in the door when he suddenly turns back around facing the camera.))

Brett: Well last week on Slaughter I became the official number one contender for the intercontinental title. I was waiting to face Jaguar for the opportunity but he had some problems so its OK. Man I am great the Hardcore champion and the next intercontinental champ, two belts at once....just wait and see.

((Before he can continue the roar of a Harley is heard in the background. The camera cuts to the side to see a man and women pulling up on a Harley-Davidson Indian. The man is wearing dusty cowboy boats, faded jeans, and a black duster while the woman is wearing a pair of overalls and a black T-shirt under it. The man gets off of the Harley and walks up to Brett reaching into his pocket pulling out a letter, handing it to Brett. Brett opens up the letter and begins to read it, as he finishes he looks at the man then back at the letter. Brett then turns to the camera.))

Brett: I...I have to go, I am so sorry but I have to go. I don’t know when I will be back or if I will be back and I can’t tell you why I have to leave...good bye.

((Dropping the belt and envelope Brett runs and jumps into his car, speeding away. The camera then cuts back to the man who has walked up to a telephone. After he dials the numbers he puts it up to his ear.))

Man: Yes, I got the job done so send the check in the mail. All right later.

((The Man places the phone back down and looks back over at the Harley.))

Man: The job is done but how about we go in and look this place over. I got my first match tonight.

Woman: All right but we can’t stay long., I have to go get my hair done.

Man: Ginger, don’t tell me what I have to do or we might have some trouble right here in front of God and everybody!

Ginger: I’m sorry Jason, please don’t....please!

Jason: OK then don’t test me....lets go.

((Ginger gets off of the Harley and follows Jason into the building as the camera moves to the envelope on the floor, that Brett dropped, the words "US Army" are written on it. The scene switches back to the arena.))

David: What in the world was that all about?

Travis: Maybe Brett is dodging the draft? How the hell should I know?

Amy Jensen vs. Jason "The Renegade" Hawk

((The lights in the arena fade to black as "Turn the Page" by Metallica begins to play and the fans begin to boo.))

Announcer: Accompanied to the ring by Ginger Hart, From parts unknown, weighing 250 pounds, "The Renegade" Jason Hawk!

((Jason walks out of the back as the lights slowly fade back in and he gets into the ring. As he stands in the middle of the ring looking over the fans the music fades.))

David: Well, this should prove to be a hotly contested match. Hawk and Amy had some very inflammatory remarks for each other!

Travis: Boy, I'll say they did! Old Hawk there seems to be offended by the fact that Amy is the Intercontinental Champ!

(("Glow" by Coal Chamber hits on the PA. The lights flicker and dim, blacklights flashing in time to the beat laid down by Coal Chamber. Amy then comes bursting from the curtain and thrashes in time to the beat, slapping hands with the fans.))

Announcer: His oponnent, from Longmont, Colorado, weighing 95 pounds, the HWC Intercontinental champion, Amy Jensen!

((Amy slides into the ring and climbs onto the nearest turnbuckle, throwing her arms wide. She thrashes her head in time with the beat. Hawk steps over and pulls her down, and Amy whips around, getting in his face, and the two start yelling at each other.))

David: Uh oh, these two are getting off on the wrong foot already! This isn't going to be pretty!

Travis: Amy doesn't stand a chance against this guy! He's like twice her size!

David: Don't count the champ out here...she's beaten people bigger than her before!

((Hawk says something particularly vile, and Amy, without changing expression, hauls back and plants her fist solidly into Hawk's jaw! Hawk staggers back, obviously caught off guard, his hand to his jaw.))

Travis: Holy shit! I think she knocked out some teeth with that punch! Hawk is actually dazed!

David: Never count Amy out! What she lacks in size, she more than makes up for in fighting spirit...But here comes Hawk!

((hawk, obviously enraged, charges at Amy, who ducks his clothesline attempt, Hawk bouces off the ropes, and Amy executes a headscissors takedown. Hawk lands with a thud, then comes up holding his head and looking astonished.))

David: Hawk can't believe what's going on here! He just got his bell rung by a 95 pound woman!

Travis: Can you blame him? His girlfriend is watching! I would be embarassed to get beat up by a woman too!

David: Didn't the Tiger get hold of you once?

Travis: Never mind.

((Hawk gets to his feet and closes in on Amy, who ducks at the last second, runs, bounces off the ropes and goes for a high cross-body, but Hawk catches her, then executes a fall away slam. Amy hits hard, clutching at her back.))

Travis: Oh yeah! Now she's in trouble! It's only a matter of time before he puts this one away!

David: I wouldn't bet on it, Travis. That young woman has a lot of fight left in her!

Travis: But I already DID bet on it! I got Hawk with 3 to 1 odds!

David: ((shaking his head)) Now I see why Eddie didn't want this gig...Hawk now picking Amy up by her hair...hoists her over his head....Big time gorilla press slam!

Travis: Damn! She actually bounced a couple of times...I guess those twin life preservers of hers are good for more than looking at after all!

((Amy writhes in pain as Hawk arrogantly walks over to her, and callously pushes her head around with his boot. Ginger steps up to the ring apron, trying to get Hawk to just finish the match, and the referee steps over, ordering her down. Hawk starts to pick Amy up by the hair again, but Amy suddenly lashes out with a very hard low blow! Hawk cries out in pain, letting her go, and doubles over.))

Travis: *groaning* Oh man! That hurt me! Jiminy Christmas!

David: Well, I have to say that he had it coming, after that business with his foot!

Travis: Yeah, but still! It's illegal!

David: Like you always say, it's not illegal unless the referee sees it...Amy to her feet now...Hawk is arguing with Ginger...Amy to the top rope....Corkscrew moonsault! Hawk never saw it coming!

((Hawk crumples in a heap and Ginger gets back to the floor as Amy rolls off. He tries to get to his feet, but Amy lets looks with a flurry of kicks and punches, and Hawk is stunned. Amy grabs him, looking for the Twist of Fate, but hawk suddenly shoves her into the ropes. She bounces off backwards, and Hawk grabs her aroudn the waist, executing a pair of belly-to-back suplexes.))

David: Dear god! He folded Amy up like a lawn chair! Hawk goes for a pin...1...2...No! Amy somehow kicked out! And Hawk can't believe it!

Travis: How the hell did she kick out after that? Her spine must be like jelly after what just happened!

David: This young woman has more guts than most men....Hawk picking her up again..whip into the ropes...Flying DDT! That has to be it! Cover by hawk...1...2...NO!!! AMY GOT THE SHOULDER UP!!!

((Hawk pounds the mat in frustration, and yells at the referee. Amy, meanwhile, begins to stir. Hawk turns ahd hauls her to her feet, but Amy suddenlt executes a jawbreaker! Hawk staggers back, and Amy, obviously getting her second wind, backpedals to the ropes, bounces off, and nails a spinning heel kick. Hawk staggers back, bouncing off the ropes and right into Amy's clutches.))

David: This could be it...TWIST OF FATE! TWIST OF FATE! Hawk is down!

Travis: See? Told ya she could do it!

David: ((blinks)) You did? When?

Travis: Right from the begining! Don't you remember?

David: I'm getting a headache....Amy climbing to the top rope...SWANTON BOMB! The cover...1...2...3!!!! She did it! Amy beat hawk!

Travis: Just like I said she would!

Davis: I definitely know why Eddie didn't want this gig....((shakes his head))

(("Glow" by Coal Chamber hits on the PA, and Amy leaps to the top rope to celebrate, intercontinental belt in hand.))

Announcer: The winner of this match...AMY JENSEN!!!

David: Amy has struck a blow for women everywhere! What a match to open the first Warzone!

Travis: Yeah, I think I can agree with that, but I don't think Hawk will...he got his ass handed to him by a 95 pound woman! he's never gonna live that down!

David: Not just a woman, but the Intercontinental champion!

((Amy continues to celebrate her victory while Ginger tends to the just-now rising Hawk, as the scene fades to commercial.))

(((Coming soon...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered!))

((Camera fades back in on the packed arena.))

Bulldozer VS Terry Riffic

Ring announcer: From Rock Hill, South Carolina, weighing 345 pounds…THE BULLDOZER!!!

((Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at ligthing like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring intimadatily.)(

David: I can’t wait to see this!!

Travis: Yeah, from what I hear Terry’s mom is a MILF!!!

Announcer: His oponnent, from Long Island, New York, weighing 255 pounds, TERRY RIFFIC!!!!

((I will be heard by Hatebreed begins to blast through the arena and Terry Riffic sprints to the ring. He calls for a mic and begins to speak))

Terry: Ladies and gentlemen, the real star of the show, the real icon of wrestling, the main event, the showstoppa…my mother…MOMMY RIFFIC!!!

((The Perfect Fan by the Backstreet Boys begins to play and Mommy Riffic appears on the stage. She already has a mic in her hand.))

Mommy Riffic: Cut the music!! The Referee assigned to this match can get to steppin’ because I’ve been named the special guest referee!!

((Mommy Riffic walks down to the ring at a fast pace. She passes the other ref on her way to the ring. When she gets into the ring, she begins inspecting Bulldozer for weapons. When she looks at his feet she looks shocked.))

Mommy Riffic: HEY!! You can’t wrestle in those boots!! Uh-Uh!! Take ‘em off your disqualified.

((Bulldozer reluctantly takes off both boots. While he is in the process of removing his second boot Mommy Riffic rings the bell and Terry gets an early advantage by kicking Bulldozer in the face while he isn’t paying attention. Dozer hits the mat and Terry begins to stop his knee. Bulldozer shakes off the attack and pushes Terry to the floor.))

David: This isn’t right! Mammy Riffic is cheating Bulldozer!!

Travis: She is a very fair referee!

((Terry Riffic gets his footing back and charges Dozer…But Dozer counters and delivers the Demolition. He goes for the cover and Mommy Riffic goes to make the count but doesn’t. She rings the bell and calls for a mic.))

Mommy Riffic: Due to a Disqualification, the winner of this match, is my son…Terry Riffic!!!

((The Backstreet Boys’ “The Perfect Fan” begins to play and Mommy Riffic leaves the ring and goes backstage. Terry is now back on his feet celebrating, and Bulldozer leaves the ring and gets a chair. He gets the chair and re-enters the ring and when Terry isn’t paying attention WHAM…BAM…THUD!! Bulldozer drops the chair and the fans chant his name. His theme music picks up and he is about to leave the ring, but he changes his mind. He walks back to Terry, picks him and….CHOKESLAM ON TO THE CHAIR!!))

David: Terry Riffic had been destroyed!! My God, he is going to feel that in the morning!

Travis: Well hey, he shouldn’t have done what he did.

David: While that mess is cleaned up, lets cut to the back!

((Sephiroth is sitting in his locker room putting on his metallic Leg Guards as Harley bursts into the room. She seems very upset as Sephiroth stands nonchalantly.))

Seph: Harley! Hello, my dear. Can I get you something?

Harley: Screw the formalities, dead-head! We need to talk.

Seph: About what, my dear?

Harley: For once would you stop acting like a goddamn Gentleman and just let me ask, what the hell you were doing helping me?

Seph: I thought I made it perfectly clear. I was helping you because I respect you.

Harley: Yeah right! Don't make me swallow that bullshit line! I want to know the truth. What's your angle?

Seph: I care about you, Harley. That's all.

Harley: Oh, that is bullshit and you know it. You could never care for someone, you bloodsucking freak! I know you got some angle because you could never care about no one but yourself! Your a selfish bastard that could never feel anything much less care about anyone. You could never care about anyone!

Seph: ENOUGH!!!!

((Harley's eyes get wide and she seems intimidated as Sephiroth stares at her with an unbridled rage in his eyes. His face stern and dark, but, there is something else in his eyes... a look of infinite sadness.))

Seph: You do not know me, Harley Quinn! You know nothing of what I feel! For two years I sat in dispair for the death of my beloved Tabatha! I cried every night and every night I am haunted by her still. I see her face in my mind, a ghost in the shadows of my soul! Now, you can say what you want about me. Attack my methods! Question my sanity! BUT, NEVER! NEVER!!!! SAY THAT I CANNOT CARE! I can care! I can even love...

((Harley quakes at the sound of his voice in such a hateful tone))

Harley: I... uh...

Seph: You want to know the truth, Harley! I see potential in you! I wanted to unleash it. A foolish thing to do to a rival but, I thought that maybe I could help you train! That I could teach you! That was my "Scheme", Harley? Are you happy now?! Does that satisfy you?! IS THAT A GOOD ENOUGH ANSWER?!

((He looks at her with a tear sliding down his cheek. The crowd feels his pain and there is an accompanying sigh of sadness in the arena. He tries to hide the tear by wiping it away.))

Seph: Now, if you'll excuse me I have business to take care of. I'm going out there in front of those people and I'm going out there to win. If I don't then I failed. If I do then I succeed. But no matter what the outcome I will always be what I am! I will always be who I am! And I am the Sanguine Assassin! And no one can take that away from me! You got it, Quinn?

((She stands there speechless and just seems to hang her head.))

Harley: Yes, Sephiroth... I understand.

((He goes to leave grabbing for his Jacket.))

Harley: Seph?!

((He stops and looks back at her.))

Seph: What?

((Harley stands silent for a minute her eyes seem to show her shame.))

Harley: Good luck...

((He smiles softly.))

Seph: Thanks...

((He then silently walks away leaving her alone.))

David: What an emotional roller coaster.

Travis: Someone deserves the best drama award!

David: Oh, will you stop!?

Travis: No!

David: Seph and Ace! Up next!

((The scene ends and cuts to commercial))

((HWC Blood Games! Sunday, September 8, only on Pay Per View! Come and Play!))

HWC Superstar Spotlight: Chaotica

Q: What made you decide to join the HWC?

A: * sitting down cross-legged on the chair across from Perry she ran a hand through her reddish blond hair and smiled* " Why did I join the HWC? Well for two reasons, I felt that it was time for Chaotica to make a return and for the almighty quest for gold, which I have already attained * she replies with a grin as she holds up the belt for the camera to see*

Q: Speaking of titles, what are your thoughts about the current world champion, The Tiger?

A: Tiger and I go back to the GWF...She has a lot of potential but needs to get away from that jackass Martin

Q: You've been sidelined with an injury. How long will it be until your wrist heals, and you get back inside the squared circle?

A: My sprained wrist turned out to actually be a bone chip. I am back at 100 percent but will not be returning until the PPV because I am doing some promotional work for Autumn Lewis.

Q: That's good to hear. When you do come back, is there anyone in particular, you want to step into the ring with?

A: I'm game to step in the ring with anyone

Q: You brought up the Pay-Per-View just a little while ago. What do you think of the Main Event that the commissioner signed just last Saturday on Slaughter?

A: I think that Ace is going to have his work cut out for him...Tiger has never looked better than she is right now. I've seen Ace look better back when he was in the GWF personally.

Q: In regards to The Sickness, what team goals do you wish to accomplish here in the HWC?

A: To get as much gold as we possibly can...and to kick some ass on occasion.

Q: Well, that's all the time they've given to me to conduct this interview. I'm sure there are more things you wanted to discuss, so before we go, is there anything else you want to add? Perhaps about Rancid. The word in the back is you two have "a thing" going on.

A: * she chuckles as she uncrosses and recrosses her long jean clad legs* " You could say that Perry, Rancid and I go way back. About fifteen years actually. Things are going very well.

((fade back to the arena.))

David: This first Warzone after being closed has been one to remember. But no Warzone would be complete with out a Hardcore Main Event.

Travis: Blood and lots of it and the perfect man for it is that wanna bie vampire Sephiroth du Lac. With a name like that he has to be.

David: Well that remains to be seen but Seph faces off against the number one World Title Contender The Ace of Spades.

Travis: He's good but I don't think he can hang in The Tiger's element. But maybe Seph can teach him a few things and then take that belt from Tiger, not like he would be a better World Champ.

David: Right but good none the less the match with is not hardcore so he will stand a very good chance. But right now it's sink or swim for the rising star.

Travis: $30 bucks says Seph hands Ace his ass in a very bloody manner.

David: I'm not a betting man, but to the ring now is Sephiroth.

((Vampire Killer by Konami plays over the PA and out wants Seph and Livia. He stands atop the ramp in his hand is a steel chair, he raises it above his head and gets a small pop. He turns and says something to Livia she then turns and heads back behind the curtain. Seph then moves on making his way to the ring. He throws the chair over the ropes into the ring and climbs him. Picking up the chair he bangs it against the mat and waits for Ace.))

David: Seph is ready and waiting to get this match started.

Travis: To bad Livia had to go I could entertain her while the match went on.

David: More like she'd entertain you.

Travis: What was that?!

David: Here comes Ace.

((The Ace Of Spades by Motorhead cuts off Seph's theme. Ace leaps from behind the curtain and goes to the edge of the platform swinging his arms and yelling. The crowd roars in cheers for him, as he swings his arms it looks like he has a peice of computer equitment in his hand.))

Travis: Is that a keyboard in his hand?

David: Guess he wanted to show Seph how to long on. Ha ha ha ha....

((Travis gives David an annoyed look as David turns back to the match at hand. Ace is runs down to the ring, Seph sees him coming and steps closer to the ropes readying the sing. Ace stops once reaching the ring and looks at Seph for a moment grinning. He then starts circling around the ring looking for a safe way in. Half way around Ace pulls up the apron and starts pulling out other weapons. He throws them into the ring in hopes of distracing Seph.))

David: Looks like Ace wants to play with more toys.

Travis: Ooooo like a kid in a candy store.

((Seph steps back and waits as weapon after weapon fly into the ring. When they finally stop Ace is no where to be found. Seph leans over the ropes looking for where Ace once was. Then popping out from under the ring on the other side is Ace, keyboard in hand he climbs into the ring and decks Seph in the back of the head with the key board.))

Travis: CHEAP SHOT! He had to come from behind to hit Seph!

David: Smart move by Ace.

((Now dazed, Ace goes a quick roll up on Seph. 1.. and kick out. Ace tries to got for another pin but Seph grabs a stop sign and hits it in the head of Ace. Falling back Seph rolls over for a cover. 1....kick out.))

Travis: YES! Red means stop.

((Seph gets up and pulls Ace to his feet, then still hold on to him knees him in the gut a few times. Seph then turns away to grab the stop sign, turning back around seph is met with a kindo stick to the legs. He then falls face first on the stop sign. Ace throws away the kindo stick to grab the chair. Seph rolls over holding his face in pain, he starts to bleed from a now broken nose.))

David: Seph is lucky that is all he got.

Travis: Come on Seph get up and send Ace to the ER.

((Ace raises the chair in the air and gets a large pop, grabing it with both hands he swings down on Seph. But just then Speh kicks up sending the chair back into the face of Ace. The blow causes him to crumble to the mat. Seph rolls on his side trying to get up. He touches his face again and winces, he whipes some of the blood off his face.))

David: Well you got what you wanted Ace appeares to be out and at the mercy of Seph.

Travis: To bad your not as stupid as you look for I would be $30 bucks richer.

((Slowly Seph gets to his feet and grabs the steel chair. He looks down at ace intending to finish him off for the win. He staggers a bit as he raises the chair above his head. Just then Terry leaps over the railing and quickly climbs the outter turn buckle. Seph fails to see him till its too late, Terry leaps off and hits Seph with a diving close line. Terry rolls to his feet while Seph is now laying there like Ace.))


David: Looks like he wanted to join in the fun, looks like hes not the only one.

((Terry starts ramping the chair into the body of Seph while Quinn armed with a chair over her own runs into the ring. Terry sees her coming and turns from Seph. He takes a swing at Quinn but she ducks swurving behind him. Before he can turn around Quinn slams the chair into his head. Without giving him a chance Quinn smals the chair again and again into the now busted skull of Terry.))

Travis: Now this is what I call a match.

David: Chaos has consumed the ring as both Ace and Seph are out.

Travis: Quinn has gone mad and shown what a true hardcore match is.

((Ace starts to stire but Quinn is to busy beating the lifeles body of Terry. Jumping the railing by the announcers table comes The Spider. Sliding into the ring coming up behind Quinn, he grabs her in a belly to back suplex throwing her head first on the stop sign. Picking up the dropped chair by Quinn, Spider raises it and slams it into the rips of Quinn. By now Ace is to his feet and has a trash can in hand. Calling out to Spider he starts to yell words unheard. Spider talks back holding the chair out in front of him and points to Terry and the Quinn. Ace warns him to leave but Spider won't go. Seph gets to his feet while Spider takes a swing at him, Ace acts once Spiders back is to him and puts the trash can over his head. Seph then thrust kicks him causing him to go over the ropes and to the floor below.))

David: This has been one heck of a hardcore match, but there has yet to be a winner.

Travis: Broken bodies and blood, life is good.

((Seph looks down at Terry and Quinn. Ace steps over to Seph and exstends his hand to Seph. At first Seph is hesident to shake it, but as he looks over the crowd they chant his name. He looks back at Ace and smiles, he takes his hand and shakes it firmly. When Ace goes to pull his hand free Seph won't let go, the smile fades from Seph's lips. He pulls Ace to him and delivers a Fallen Angel DDT on a chair. He then quickly covers Ace for the pin, ref steps threw the clutter of weapons and drops for the count. 1....2....3. The bell rings and Seph rooms away before the ref can raise his hand. Sliding out of the ring Seph gently takes Quinns hurt body and pulls her out. Holding her in his arms he heads for the back, the crowd gives mix of cheers and boos.))

David: Wow what a match it was close all the way till the end.

Travis: What match were you watching!?

David: The um hardcore match.

Travis Then you would of saw that Seph dominated all the way till the end.

David: Well unfortionly we have run out of time. But I can't help but wonder will Seph or Quinn interfere in Spider's TV Title match at Slaughter. Or will Terry and Spider decide to seek revenge on Quinn. All questions will be answered, be sure to tune into Saturday Night Slaughter. I'm David Tanjic with Travis Best and this has been.... Wenesday Warzone. Good night.!