Saturday Night Slaughter
Charlotte, North Carolina at the Charlotte Coliseum

((The blue HWC logo fades in for a moment and then out. It's Going Down by The X-Ecutioners plays while HWC superstars are seen doing verious moves. One of Kidd kicking Smack in the face. Another one of Tiger locking in the crippler with some jobber screaming in pain. Amy and Chaotica beating up Myztic. Spider pulling off the win for the TV Title. Jag getting jumped then Payne walking to the ring. Finally a clip of Jericho getting put threw a stable. Recap from Blood Brawl is shown with it when Seph and Spider turned on Quinn and Terry. It turns to show Flagg falling threw the hell in a cell. Last thing shown is Ace, Tiger, Seph, Kidd and Chaotica standing in a half light ring. The camera cuts to the arena, blue and white pyro goes as the guitar riff continues to play. The camera pans over the screaming crowd that came to see there favoret stars. The camera then cuts to the announcer table.))

Eddie: Welcome to another great night of Saturday Night Slaughter. We are live from the sold out Charlotte Coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am Eddie Danniels and with me like a plague is Travis Best.

Travis: Hey your no joy your self.

Eddie: You know.....

((The playing of Better Then You cuts off the announcers, Tiger steps out and the crowd breaks into loud cheers. She stands on the stage at first holding the belt above her head with her left hand. She then makes her way to the ring and climbs in. Standing in the center of the ring she throws her hands up and reseaves a large pop.))

Travis: Oh yay...

Eddie: Tiger has come out to say a few words maybe shed a little light on where she's been.

Travis: Wasn't she nuts?

((Tiger throws the world belt over her shoulder and paces around the ring after pulling a mic out her back pocket. The music then fadesand after a moment the the crowd finally quiets down letting her speack. Tiger stops her pacing and looks over the crowd, she grins and lets out a chuckle.))

The Tiger: Yar Original Wild Cat hero.... IS BACK!!!

((The crowd brust with loud cheers once again. Tiger lowers the mic and starts pacing the ring looking siked. After a few more minutes the cheers faded letting her speak again.))

The Tiger: Ya don't know how good it feels to be standing here and know it in yar mind. It's been a long journey but I won't bore ya with that. No sorry I have more words to say after so long. (short pause) I have come back to the ever moving ground that is mine by busted blood alone. I felt so lost with out it, this truly is the greatest fed on earth. Like so many in the back form the old days, we won't let anyone take that from us. We are all that's left, the true icons, the legens. Now I never realy cared bout that or being a hero but it seems like now more then ever this place needs one. And I'll be dam if these Higher Ups with their heads up their asses tell me how to do my job. I was trained by the best and pushed by the best. And I think it's bout damn time I let everyone here know it. Time to take back what's ours from the likes of Victor Black and Martin Smalls.

((The crowd gets to their feet and rocks the arena with their cheers. Tiger pulls something out of her pocket as she walks to the ropes facing the ramp. She leans on them putting one foot on the middle rope. The thing she pulled from her pocket was the collar Martin put around her neck that she cut off.))

The Tiger: You see this Smalls!!! You can't own me!! You Can't Control Me!!! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!! I'm Better Then You!!! YA HEAR ME BOY!!!! I might not always have this belt, but I will always be the wall in yar path. It's a matter....

((Just then cutting her off comes Stoopid Ass playing over the PA. Martin Smalls comes out with a cocky grin and a rolled up peice of paper in his hand. He stops at the top of the ramp and stays theres. He raises the mic to his lips that's in his other hand as his music stops suddenly.))

Smalls: Well well well Tiger my pet....

The Tiger: I ain't yar pet little man!

Smalls: Please let me finish you're going to want to hear this. This here in my hand is your contract which is mine to do as I wish. Sence this was first told to you when your mind was off in lala land I'll tell you again and let it sink in. See all I could do is rip this up and the only match you'll ever be aloud to be in, is that in some kid's backyard fed. But you cought me in a giving mood, and I'll spare your career for the sheer fact you have the World belt. And sence you work for me that makes it mine. But your days are numbered I'll make sure you lose it to someone like Enforcer. I doubt a person of even your hardcore skills couldn't take him down. Yet for your action you must be desaplined, how does a match against PitBull sound.

((The crowd starts to chant ASSHOLE.))

The Tiger: Come here and make me you over grown walking penis!!

Travis: Don't let her talk to you like that Smalls!

Eddie: Well if you feel the need you can go in there and stop her Travis.

Smalls: Tell me you're not being as childish to resort to name calling. If you don't wrestle him I'll tear up your contract right now. Your call.

((Smalls holds it up and starts to tear the top a bit, his eyes never leave Tiger's.))

The Tiger: I'll play yar game for now Smalls but you have a death wish coming! Ya best not let me catch ya alone or ya will be the BITCH next time.

((Tiger takes the cut dog collar and throws it at Smalls, the crowd cheers fro Tiger once more. Better Then You kicks upas Tiger climbs a turn buckle and throws her arms up. Bringing them down she points at Smalls and trash talks him as he slowly turns to leave.))

Eddie: Strong words from The Tiger, but one thing is know is that she is back to start kicking ass once again.

Travis: She's in way over her head, she can't deal with Smalls when he has her in his palm.

TV Title Match
Harley Quinn (c) VS Terry Riffic

Eddie: Quinn as been a fire here in the HWC lately.

(("I Will Be Heard" by Hatebreed hits on the PA, and the crowd immediately breaks out in a resounding chorus of booing))

Jean Fortello: The following match is for the HWC Television Championship! First the challenger, from Long Island, New York, weighing 255 pounds, Terry Riffic!

((The crowd boos more as the Terrific One makes his way to the ring, sporting a copy of his book, "101 Ways To Be A Terry Riffic Wrestler." He climbs into the ring, holding the book so that all may see.))

Eddie: Well, the attitude notwithstanding, I have to say that Terry is indeed a talented wrestler.

Travis: Not to mention a damn good writer! Have you ever read his book?

Eddie: Umm, no.

Travis: Shows what you know! I've got ten autographed copies!

Eddie: Well, that's ten more than everyone else!

Travis: You're just jealous because you didn't get a copy!

((Hatebreed fades out, then the Godfather theme hits, and the fans erupt in cheers.))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, accompanied by the Mafioso, from the Black Light Section of the Jersey Shore, weighing 165 pounds, the HWC Television Champion, Harley Quinn!!!

((Harley steps out, the belt around her waist, and Johnny, Rude and Reno step in behind her. They group then makes its way to the ring. As the foursome climb in, Terry bails out to the floor.))

Eddie: Looks to me like Terry wants no part of the Mafioso!

Travis: Well duh! I'd run too if they came looking for me....which reminds me...(takes out his cell phone and dials quickly)

Eddie: Umm, we're like, in the middle of a show here?

Travis: (not paying attention to Eddie) Is this Joey? Hey, did that horse come in at Pimlico?...the horse was called something like Dog glue factory, eh...ummm, right! Bye! (drops the phone and dives under the desk)

Eddie: What the hell are you doing?

Travis: SHH! I'm not here! I called in sick!

Eddie: you're sick, alright....the Mafioso has cleared the ring....Walter Powell calls for the bell, and we're underway!

((Terry and Harley go nose to nose in the middle of the ring, jawing at each other. At one point, Terry holds up his book and shouts, "BECAUSE I'M TERRY RIFFIC, GODDAMMIT!", to which Harley responds by slapping the book out of his hands, getting a cheer from the fans. Terry flips out at this, and punches Harley straight in the jaw, sending her reeling back.Harley's hand goes to her jaw as she glares at Terry. Terry grins and gloats, thinking he's punked Harley out. He turns to jaw at the Mafioso, which turns out to be a BIG mistake. Just as Terry turns back to face Harley, she executes a handspring into a Frankensteiner!))

Eddie: Wow! What a move! That's what you get when you take your eyes of the competition, eh Travis...Travis?

Travis: (still under the desk) Are they still there?

Eddie: Forget it, you look better on the floor anyway...Harley not wasting any time now, forearm shot to the head...another...whip into the, Terry reverses...Harley to the ropes...Samoan Drop by Terry! Harley is down! Terry moving in....Going for the ankle lock...yes, Terry applies the ankle lock!

((Harley screams in pain as Terry savagely twists her ankle, but reaches for the ropes, inching closer, then finally grabs the bottom rope. The referee counts to 4 before Terry lets go, but the damage is seemingly done. Harley rolls out of the ring, hobbling over to her boys. Johnny comes over to her and checks her ankle, and the referee begins his 10-count as Terry gloats in the ring.))

Eddie: Wow, Harley's Ankle may be twisted all out of shape! I hope she will be able to continue! The referee is counting, on 4 now....Travis! Come out of there, dammit!

Travis: Uh uh! Not till this match is over! You see, my bookie works for Harley, and-

Eddie: Never mind...coward. Harley is climbing back into the ring, but that ankle is very obviously hurting that's the sign of a true champion, fighting on through injury!

Travis: The sign of a dummy, you mean!

Eddie: I'll make sure she knows that it was you that said that!

Travis: I said nothing!

((Harley makes it back into the ring, walking a bit gingerly on her left ankle, and Terry moves in. Just as he goes to grab her, she dodges, and his head first into the turnbuckle!Terry falls to his knees and Harley, her ankle seeming to have made a miraculous recovery, moves in and begins stomping Terry down, until he is laying back in the corner. She then trots across to the other corner, one hand raised.))

Eddie: harley suckered Terry in there big time! She's signaling, and here she goes...BRONCO BUSTER!!!

Travis: (looking up over the edge of the desk) Damn that lucky bastard Terry! Sitting there getting a face full of-

Eddie: DON'T SAY IT TRAVIS! Just stay down there!

Travis: Well excuuuuse me!(ducks back under the desk quickly) Did they see me?

Eddie: Well, Reno might have been looking over here....

Travis: That's not funny, Daniels!

Eddie: (snickering)

Travis: Asshole!

((Harley steps back away from Terry, who struggles to pull himself to his feet.He staggers out of the corner, and Harley lets fly with the Punchline! Terry drops like a stone, and Harley covers for the academic 1-2-3!!! The Mafioso pile into the ring to help their boss to her feet and celebrate the win.))

Jean Fortello: The winner, and still HWC Television Champion, Harley Quinn!!!

Eddie: A brilliant title defense by the TV Champion!

Travis: Just tell me when they're gone!

Eddie: If you plan to stay down there all night, you'll miss Amy and Chaotica!

Travis: Hey man, ain't no piece of tail worth getting my legs broken!

Eddie: Ladies and gentle men, Travis Best....Class personified....NOT!

Travis: Go to hell, Eddie!

(( Autumn steps out from the back with a mic in her hands. Both Quinn and Terry stop and look at her wandering what is up.))

Autumn: Great win Harely, as of now you are the fastest rising star in this fed. And couse of this I think it's time to give you a real challenage. Next Slaughter it will be you vs The Tiger... for the World Championship belt.

((The crowd lets out a roar of cheers at thsi news. Quinn looks at Autumn and nods looking ready and willing.))

Eddie: Wow Quinn vs Tiger. That will be one hell of a match, Quinn has a growing recond like that of Tiger did in the begining. Tiger has had to of taken notice of Quinns wins.

Travis: NO this is unfair. I wanted to see Amy take the belt from Tiger. Only Amy deserves to be the champ!

Standard Match
Ryan Maverick VS The Enforcer

((The camera cuts to the office of Martin Smalls. Martin is in a big leather chair, but the back of the chair is facing his desk. He body and face cannot be seen, only his voice can be heard. In his office is The Cushion and Tank The Dwarf.))

Smalls: Lets face the facts gentlemen. You two are nothing. But eventually you can be something. And I am the man who will help you be that something. If you help me, of course. I do nothing for free.

The Cushion: Whatever you say Mr. Smalls, we’ll do it sir!!

Smalls: Outside of the arena, is Ryan Maverick, my sources tell me he is outside smoking a cigarette. I want you to “soften” him up for The Enforcer. Do you understand?

Tank: We read ya loud and clear boss, loud and clear!

Smalls: Then tell me this, if you read me loud and clear, why are you still in my office?

((The Cushion and Tank both gulp at the same time and leave the office. They run through the halls of the arena. People backstage try to talk to them but the two jobbers ignore them. Finally they get to the door of the arena. And just like Martin Smalls said, Ryan Maverick is smoking a cigarette.))

The Cushion: Let’s get ‘em!!

((Tank and Cushion slowly open the door and are about to jump Ryan when a shadowy figure appears. The shadowy figure punches Tank right in the face and then spin kicks him in the face. He hits the floor hard. Then another figure, who is dressed in the American Flag comes from out of the sky and kicks The Cushion in the head. The big man doesn’t fall, but when he regains composure he rushes the flagged man. The flagged man puts out his hand and The Cushion runs into it and hits the floor. The whole time this is going on, Ryan is just watching. After The Cushion hits the floor he shrugs his shoulder and enters the building.))

Tank: Don’t kill us man!! We was just doin’ our jobs is all!

Shadowy Figure: I’m not going to kill you, I want you to tell your boss about me!

The Cushion: Who are you?!

Shadowy Figure: I’m…Ace-Man!!

((A loud clap of thunder booms and lightning flashes. A little bit of urine runs down Tank’s leg))

Flagged Man: Don’t be scared little one. In America there is no need to fear.

((The sky lightens up and the sun shines on the flagged man.))

Tank: Well who are you?

Flagged Man: A friend.

Cushion: Do you have a name?

Flagged Man: You mean like Ralph?

Cushion: Uhhh, yeah.

Flagged Man: Well some call me The Patriot.

((With that Ace-Man disappears into the shadow and The Patriot heads off into the sunset. The camera switches back to Martin Smalls’ office. He is sitting at his desk, the chair is facing the right way this time. His hands are clasped and his eyes are squinted.))

Smalls: With God as my witness, I will get that dynamic duo!! I’LL GET THEM IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO!!!

((The camera switches back to the commentator’s table.))

Eddie: Both of ‘em have done and lost their mind. The Patriot and Ace-Man are insane, certifiably.

Travis: Well I for one, feel safer knowing the HWC’s Finest are protecting us from evil-doers everywhere.

Eddie: Well I’m sure Ryan Maverick does, and speaking of Ryan, his match is up next!

(("Cowboy Hat" begins to play over the PA system as "The Rough Ryder" makes his way out on the stage. The fans let out a cheer, and then Ryan struts down to the ring. He gets into the ring and tips his cowboy hat to an attractive female fan sitting ringside. She smiles and blushes, but a dude sitting next to her gets grumpy and looks mad. It’s probably her boyfriend.))

Eddie: He has a way with the ladies.

Travis: But not with their dates.

Eddie: Heh, that was actually a good one.

((The Enforcer walks out onto the stage, glares at the crowd as he pauses at the top of the ramp and then focuses on Ryan and steadily stalks to the ring never breaking eye contact until he's in the ring. Ryan springs up on the top turnbuckle and attempts a cross body block but Enforcer catches him and powerslams him down. Ryan screams in pain. Enforcer than picks him up and clotheslines him, and his cowboy hat flies off of his head.))

Eddie: Well he just dropped his hat.

Travis: Yeah, I’d say he did.

((Ryan springs back to his feet and charged The Enforcer. He attempts a spear but falls to the floor without budging Enforcer. Enforcer laughs and picks up Ryan and shoves his head between his legs.))

Eddie: Oh no!! Enforcer just shoved Ryan’s head between his legs.

Travis: You have no idea how incredibly bad that just sounded!

((Then The Enforcer hoists Ryan in the air and powerbombs him. The fans boo. Enforcer goes for the pin and gets an easy 1---2---3.))

Eddie: That no good bastard just pinned Ryan!

Travis: Oh he’s not done yet!

((The Enforcer picks Ryan up and chokeslams him.))

Eddie: That’s the same thing he did the President Lewis at the PPV!

((The Enforcer leaves the ring and gets a chair. He brings the chair in the ring and sets it up in the center. He yells “Face Plant!” and the fans boo. But before He can do anything the lights dim and fade out completely. Than on the ceiling of the arena a red, white & blue spade is shown and a crash of thunder is heard. Jimi Hendrix’s version of The National Anthem begins to blast and the light flicker back on. Ace-Man begins to come down to the ring from the rafters his cape is flowing. Through the crowd The Patriot makes his way to the ring. Both Patriot and Ace-Man make it to the ring at the same time. The Enforcer doesn’t like the looks of things and scuttles out of the ring and runs backstage. Patriot calls for a mic))

Patriot: Black List! Evil-Doers! Beware. The HWC’s Finest is here!

((Jimi Hendrix’s National Anthem picks up again and Slaughter cuts to a commercial.))

((The new HWC shop logo close ups and breaks the screen, HardWear Zone.)

Announcer: Show your pride in your favoret superstar with the new stylish shirt. Like the Amy's Inject This shirt. Buy now and show were your loyalties lies.

(A shot of the shirt is shown with a picture of Amy by a bick wall on the front and "Inject This" on the back.))

((The Scene opens with Chloe walking in the back with a soda in her hand. Not really paying attention where she's going as Seph accidently bumps into her spilling her soda all over her.))

Seph: Oh, my goodness... i'm so sorry. Are you okay?

((Chloe hisses low and slams the can down.))

Chloe: this is the second damn shirt (looks up)

Chloe:Yea Im okay.

Sephiroth: I hope your okay, malady. I'm so clumsy sometimes. Let me get that for you.

((Seph picks up a rag and begins to clean it off of her shirt. She arches a brow and takes the the rag.))

Chloe: mm thanks but I can get that.

((She starts to wipes the soda off her skin while he looks at her with a soft smile.))

Seph: Here...

((He takes off his "God loves you, but I hate your guts" Shirt and hands it to her.))

Seph: It's not much but it'll do till you get home, I think.

((She slips the shirt on and it nearly covers her whole outfit just a inch of her black leather skirt can be seen.))

Chloe:Yea I was heading to my hotel anyways.

((Chloe studies him for a moment.))

Chloe: Hey aren't you Sephiroth? I heard some woman screaming from her dressing room about you.

Sephiroth:Yeah, well that seems to be what alot of women are screaming about nowadays...

((Both chuckle a bit.))

Chloe:Yeah, I saw your match I think you gave her something to yell about.

Sephiroth:Yes, well... be that as it may I've seen you as well. Your Chloe aren't you?

Chloe: (nods) Yea thats me I had to get something to drink after my match at the Blood Brawl I still have a horrid taste left in it.

((He laughs a bit more.))

Sephiroth: I can understand. Could I perhaps acompany you to your vehicle?

Chloe: Well I was just on my way to call a taxi.

((He smiles at her looking her over.))

Sephiroth: Well then I guess I should get going.

((He begins to walk away and looks back at her.))

Sephiroth: Oh, Chloe?

((Turns her head watching him pass looking him up and down her eyes meet his as he looks back.))

Chloe: Yea....

Sephiroth: I hope I'll see you around.

Chloe: Count on it.

((He then walks off leaving her to prepare for his match. The Scene ends with Chloe walking into a office.))

Standard Match
Lestat VS Kaos Eddie: Now for our third match of the night… Lestat vs. Kaos!!!

((The lights go out as “Forsaken” by Disturbed begins to play. The crowd intensifies as a misty blast of fog begins to bellow out of the entranceway. And then through the mist a figure walks out first a mere form of a man and then in the next brief seconds the man known only as Lestat enters the arena to a mixed reaction of jeers and cheers.))

Eddie: Lestat looks mentally ready for this match.

Travis: How can you tell?

((Lestat enters the ring and runs to one of the turnbuckles jumping to the top and crouching like a vulture perched looking for prey.))

Eddie: A dark figure if you ask me…

Travis: Not as dark as some of the freaks just look at the Skull Cowboy.

((“P5HNG Me A*WY” by Linkin Park begins to play as the lights flicker. Boldly Kaos struts out raising his arms in triumph. The fans cheer with approval as he runs down to the ring full of energy. He slides between the ropes and gets up hopping to his respected corner.))

Travis: I tell you he’s an idiot. He spends too much energy just making his way to the ring. No wonder he loses.

((The bell sounds as the two stare at each other from across the ring. Lestat leaning against his corner turnbuckle as Kaos just stands in the corner looking at the vampiric one. Lestat just motions for him to come on and licks his lips as some of the ladies in the front row scream in approval. Kaos charges at Lestat jumping for a dive. But Lestat ducks out of the way and Kaos wobbles. Lestat with a series of right hands to Kaos sending him into the ropes. Kaos reverses with a spinning wheel kick sending Lestat down. Lestat getting up and charging Kaos… Kaos with an arm drag take down. Lestat tries again and another take down. Lestat goes the third time and Kaos goes for a third but Lestat kicks him in the midsection and goes for a Rocker Dropper {Fame Asser}. Kaos reverses barely as he flips Lestat to his feet. Kaos going for a clothesline and Lestat ducks it running to the ropes Lestat with a handspring into a back elbow that sends Kaos to the outside.))

Eddie: Whoa! The action has spilled out of the ring!

Travis: This is great! Just, as long as they don’t touch me.

((Lestat going to the outside now. Kaos, slowly being pulled up by Lestat. Lestat throwing Kaos into the ring post. Kaos reeling as Lestat picks him up and dumps him head first into the announce table. Lestat goes to throw Kaos into the guard rail. KAOS REVERSES!!! Lestat is on the ground clutching his back and Kaos going for the attack. Throwing Lestat back into the ring Kaos is in. He picks up Lestat and drops him with a scoopslam. Kaos going for the top turnbuckle. PURE KAOS and Lestat moved!!! Kaos is in a world of hurt barely moving as Lestat gets to the top turnbuckle with a jump and… VAMPYRANA!!! Lestat now lifting the helpless Kaos. Setting him up and THE DARK GIFT IS DELIVERED!!! Lestat with the cover. 1… 2… 3… the ref calls for the bell!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner!!! THE VAMPIRE LESTAT!!!

((Lestat walks out and Kaos is slowly carried out by the ref.))

Travis: Ha I was right. See all that energy that could have been used to move out the way of the Vampyrana and Kaos choked on a count of it.

Eddie: Well, I don’t know about that. But, an impressive win by the vamp Lestat!

Travis: Well, I certainly don’t want a Dark Gift.

Eddie: Yes, well… Time for a commercail break

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Terry sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Terry: AOL? Try AOHell! (Terry then stand clam infront of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Terry: Process that Bitch!))

Standard Match
The Tiger vs PitBull

Eddie: I see no point in this match what so ever.

Travis: I do It's to keep Tiger in line and teach her she just can't do anything she wants.

Eddie: Well we are set and ready to go, PitBull already in the ring ready and waiting.

Jean Fortello: To the ring weighting in at 175 from St. Louis MO and your World Champion, The Tiger!

((Better Then You plays and The Tiger slowly walks out. She stops at the top of the ramp looking down at Pit and shakes her head. Pit paces around the ring ready and waiting. Tiger makes her way down to the ring draging her belt behind her. Pit backs awya giving Tiger a fair chance to get into the ring. Tiger watches Pit as she hands over the belt to the ref. The bell rings and the two circle each other.))

Eddie: The match is underway if you can call it that.

((The two lock up with Pit getting the upper hand. He pulls Tiger into a belly to back suplex. Tiger gets to her feet and starts to chop Pit into a corner. She gets on the second turn buckle to do a few hits on him but Pit turns it into a power bomb. Pit goes for the cover 1 and a kick out. Pulling Tiger up in a sitting possion Pit puts her in a head lock, it doesn't last long when she elbows him a few times. Tiger gets up and pushes Pit to the ropes, she sets up a closeline but gets hit with a drop kick from Pit. Pit then goes to land a big elbow but Tiger rolls out of the way. Pulling Pit to his feet Tiger delivers a snap suplex that dazes Pit. Pulling him up again Tiger hits a DDT on Pit and leaves him laying there. Tiger climbs up the turn buckle and leaps off to land a flying headbutt. But at the last second Pit rolls out of teh way leaving Tiger to connect with the mat head first.))

Eddie: That had to hurt! Pit isn't going to be beaten so easly.

Travis: ZZZzzzzzz.....

Eddie: I can't believe this!

((Pit crawls over to Tiger and rolls her over, he then covers her. 1....2... kick out. Tiger slowly gets to her feet and is meet with a few punches trying to keep her down. Tiger counters with a few of her. Tiger throws her left fists up singaling for the Click Click Boom. With the first two jabs Pit staggers a bit and looks dazed. Tiger makes the final swing with her right but Pit ducks and pulls Tiger into a standing chicken wing submission move. Tiger starts crying out in pain.))

Eddie: Pit has Tiger locked in and might win this by making her tap.

Travis: ZZZzzzzzzzzzz.....

Eddie: This is sad!

((The ref is up to Tiger asking if she wanst to give up but she shakes her head. Pit locks it in tighter. Just then Enforcer comes running to the ramp with a steal chair followed by the rest of the Black List. Pit see him enter and lets go of her hold to fight off Enforcer. Enforcer slams the chair into the head of Pit and he just drops hard.))

Eddie: DAMN THE BLACK LIST!!! Those sick bastards!!

Travis: zzzzzz..... wa huh oh! YES THE BLACK LIST!

((Tiger gets to her feet and grabs Enfrocer and starts yelling at him. Enforcer drops the chair and grabs Tiger by the back of her shirt and throws her out of the ring over the top rope. She lands hard on the out side. Enforcer, Draven, and Jericho all serround Pit and starts stopping away on him. Scott is on the out side bent over Tiger and is saying something to her. Smalls finally enters the ring with a mic in his hands. Enforcer picks up the hurt PitBull and makes sure he's still awake.))

Smalls: Foolish PitBull as dumb as the dog you are. Did you really think Tiger was your friend, after holding her back. She is with a more powerfull group now, ones far better then you could ever be. If the few knocks giving to you make it what I am saying hard to understand. Watch the Tron and thinsg will be much clearer.

Eddie: What is she talking about?

((The HWC-Tron comes to life with a shot of Tiger standing with Smalls in his office. Tiger's back to the camera.))

Tiger: Now ye know what I want ye to do in my match.

Smalls: Of course, this will show the world I have the best under my wing. And no one will dare move against me with you on my side.

Tiger: Right I want to send a message to that washed up has-been that we are threw! Send the Black List to rough him up for me.

((The clip ends as Pit's eyes goe whide. Encforcer lets him go as he rolls out of the ring, he staggers of to Tiger who is getting to her feet. Pit looks at her and opens his arms. Tiger smiles and hugs him but Pit turns it aroudn into a belly to belly suplex throwing Tiger into the ring steps. Pit then turns away and walks up the ramp. Enforcer comes over to Tiger and helps her up, he then pats her on the back before heading back. Each member of the Black List does the same as they leave.))

Eddie: What in the hell! Tiger joind the Black List!!

Travis: Finally Tiger has done something smart in her life!

Eddie: This can't be!

Travis: You saw the tape just as I did.

Tag Team Title Match
The Sickness VS Web of Deceit VS Die Zerstorer

Eddie: It was been one hell of a night here at Slaughter. One shocker after another.

Travis: None that I care about really.

Eddie: And tonights main event won't be anything but the best. Three tag teams all fighting to be the champions.

((The Shortest Straw" plays on the PA,with blue and white lights flashing in the entrance way. After about 15 seconds Klaus and Hans step out. Klaus just stand with his arms folded, glaring at the fans, while Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, his hands on his hips. Then, Commissioner Black steps out behind them, his silver- headed cane in hand, looking with smug superiority at the fans. Then they all power walk to the ring. Klaus rolls in under the bottom rope, Hans vaults to the top turnbuckle, ans the Comissioner walks up the steps and climbs between the ropes. Commissioner Black simply stands in the center of the ring, while Klaus and Hans flash the "crossed Hammers", their arms crossed at the wrists, their fists balled above their heads.))

Eddie: That entrance means it’s time for the Main Event!! And I bet you that it will kick some serious ass!! And I’m calling Die Zerstörer as the winners!

Travis: Nice pronunciation, but you’re wrong.

Eddie: You can’t beat the Germen.

((The seven of them appear at the top of the ramp. Rancid,Ramus and Hunter are on her right while Charity,Amy,and Medea are on her left.As they make their way down the ramp they spread out.Charity,amy,medea are the bouncy type while chaotica,ramus,rancid and hunter are more the serious type they just walk to the ring. Chaotica does a flip over the top rope,Rancid steps through the ropes, Medea,charity,and amy all do a baseball slide into the ring while Hunter and Ramus jump over the top ropes.))

Travis: One more team, and my pick to win the match. The Web Of Deceit!

((The lights go out and flash red and blue as the intro of the song plays out. All of a sudden the light's go out when "CARNAGE RULES" is yelled and the song begins to blare. Two lightning effects (one red and one blue) strike the stage at seperates sides. Pyro of matching colors goes off as one half of the arena is bathed in red light and the other in blue. Blue flames engulf the left side as Seph rises from them in brood fashion. On the red Spider rises from red flames. Livia walks out from behind the curtain and all three join in the center and walk down to the ring. Once inside Livia stands between them as they both raise their arms toward heaven. They drop them and Purple flames shoot from the ring posts as the lights raise.))

Eddie: And let the games begin….no wait a second. Walter Powell is calling for a microphone.

Travis: Maybe someone should tell him the wrestlers give the interviews and he just counts to 3.

Walter: As of right now, I am banning all wrestlers and managers from ringside.

((The Commish walks over to Walter and pulls the Mic right from his hand.))

Victor Black: You will do no such thing. I am the Commissioner of the federation, and I will be at ringside.

((Walter with an angry look on his face grabs the Mic from Viktor’s hand.))

Walter: And I am the head referee!! And in this ring what I say goes!! Now either you and everyone else leaves, or I DQ all of the teams.

((The Sickness, save for Chaotica and Amy, all exit and the ring and head backstage, then Livia goes backstage. The Commissioner stays in the ring.))

Walter: I’ll give you 10 seconds.

((The crowd begins to count: 1----2----3---4----5))

Walter: You’ve got 5 seconds to get out of my ring!!

((7---8---The Commissioner leaves the ring and heads backstage))

Walter: Let me brief you all on the rules. There will be 3 people in the ring at all times. You can tag anybody, they do not have to be your partner. There is only one pinfall. The team who makes the cover gets the vacant titles. If you leave the ring you will be issued a standard 10 count. If you fail to re-enter the ring, your team are ejected from the match. If you use a weapon or any illegal object, your team is ejected from the match. If you understand these rules I want one person from each team to go to a corner.

((The Spider, Chaotica and Hans Kuhmann go to their corners. Walter nods his head and the bell rings. Klaus takes the early advantage delivering scoop slams to both Amy and Seph. He slams them strategically so that the tops of their heads are touching. He springs off the ropes and hits a leg drop on both of them. He then stomps both of them repeatedly. When Klaus begins working on Amy more than Seph, Speh goes for a tag.))

Travis: The wuss needs a break already.

Eddie: But who is he going to tag in?

((Eddie’s question is answered when Seph tags in, not his partner, but Chaotica. Cha goes to help her partner and delivers a neck breaker to Klaus. Amy then low blows Klaus while Cha rakes his face by jumping on it.))

Travis: You know what they call that move in Germany?

Eddie: What?

Travis: OUCH!!

Eddie: Klaus is at a disadvantage because he is taking on both members of The Sickness!!

((The Sickness continues to double team Klaus, but he gets a second wind. He is able to fight the two of them off for a long enough time so that he can make a tag too….))


Eddie: There was a time when you got annoyed at both me and David Tanjic for yelling while calling the match.

Travis: That’s just because you both have very irritating voices.

Eddie: Point taken…Hey wait!!

Travis: Heh heh heh!!

((Spider comes in and clothes lines both member of The Sickness. He whips Amy into the rope and when she flings back he Big Boots her. He then picks her up and tosses her out of the ring. Than he picks up Cha and tosses her into Seph’s corner. Seph tags himself in hard. When Seph enters the ring, Spider is laying down. Seph goes for the pin.))

Eddie: No!! Don’t do that!!

((Walter drops down for the count 1-----2------------Hans flys off the top rope with a corkscrew moonsault and breaks up the pin. He also drive the air out of the Spider. Meanwhile Walter notices Amy on the outside of the ring and starts count her out. He is up to 5 but Amy then staggers back into the ring. Hans goes running towards her, but Amy has a move left in her and drop toe holds him and his throat crashes down on the top ring rope. Hans drops to the man clutching his throat. Seph and Spider are now back in the match and they lock arms by grabbing each others biceps. They charge Amy and go for a double clothesline. She ducks and drop kicks Spider on the ass and he flies into Cha’s corner. She rings herself back into the match. Then she whips Seph into Hans’ and he is brought into the match.))

Travis: This is an action packed match!! And This is coming from the negative commentator!!

((Amy and Hans begin to go punch for punch until Hans is split open at the eye. Chaotica walks behind Hans and forearms the back of his head…..))



((Amy hops on the top rop And balances herself out. While she is getting steady Klaus runs into the ring and delivers the Hammer Drop to Cha and tries to pulls Hans out of the ring. Amy doesn’t realize and leaps off the top rope SwanTon Bombing landing on Klaus. Amy is nearly out of it and just lays on top of both men. The ref goes for the count 1-----------2--------Spider and Seph run to break up the pin from opposite sides of the ring and bump heads-----3!!!!))

Jean Fortello: Your winner and Tag Team Champions, The Sickness!

Eddie: Amy and Chaotica have just won the Tag-Team Titles!!

Travis: And who did I say would win?

Eddie: The Web Of Deciet.

Travis: Shut your pie-hole!!

((Amy is back on her feet and Cha is staggering back to her feet. Walter hands them each one of the titles and raises there hands in victory. Then Down With The Sickness begins to pick up and they hold their new belts in the air. The camera fades as they are in the ring celebrating.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))