Saturday Night Slaughter
Little Rock, Arkansas at the ALLTEL Arena

((The blue HWC logo fades in for a moment then fades out. A black stretch limo pulls up in front of the arena, and Harley and the Mafiaso step out of the limo wearing sunglasses in the evening. They head backstage as the music blares from ring side, as they towards the locker room.))

Harley: Why is the music so loud?

Reno: I don't know...

Rude: Someone turn the lights out...

Johnny: You guys are pittful...Are you sure you're alright Harley? I mean you still look really bad...

Harley: I'm fine...I just need to sit down for a few minutes... Is Seph here tonight?

Johnny: Yeah... Reno:Are you goin' to save him if he needs it?

Harley: Why should I? He's a big boy, he can handle himself...Right now I'm goin' to sit here nd put my feet up, and try to get rid of this *!@# headache before I have to step foot out in that ring!

((Harley sighs as she puts a pillow over her eyes, and the locker room door closes. Camera cuts to the locker room of Seph, standing out side the door is Terry. He looks around as if looking for someone. The door opens quickly and out steps Spider, he tags Terry in the arm motioning for him to follow. The two run down the hall till out of view. Inside the room Seph lays on the floor with a folding chair over his head.))

((It's Going Down by The X-Ecutioners plays while HWC superstars are seen doing verious moves. One of Kidd kicking Smack in the face. Another one of Tiger locking in the crippler with some jobber screaming in pain. Amy and Chaotica beating up Myztic. Spider pulling off the win for the TV Title. Jag getting jumped then Payne walking to the ring. Finally a clip of Jericho getting put threw a stable. Last thing shown is Ace, Tiger, Seph, Kidd and Chaotica standing in a half light ring. The camera cuts to the arena, blue and white pyro goes as the guitar riff continues to play. The camera pans over the screaming crowd that came to see there favoret stars. The camera then cuts to the announcer table.))

Eddie: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Saturday Slaughter! We are here live at teh sold out ALLTEL Arena in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Travis: And not a looker in the bunch.

Eddie: Tonight we will see for the first time the Black List, another one of Martain Smalls creations.

Travis: I can't wait Eddie, it's going to be great.

Eddie: Not only that tonights main event is the first every Back Alley Brawl match. Ace of Spades vs. Enforcer.

Travis: I wish all the matches were as good as tonights main event.

Standard Match
Chloe vs. Ill Dogg

Eddie: Our first match of the night sees two of our newest talents thrown against each other

Travis: I wouldn't mind being thrown into a ring with Chloe....

Eddie: (shaking his head) You are one sick pervert you know that? Travis: Yeah yeah

((The lights went out and "Breesharp" by Cheap and Evil Girl kicked up over the speakers as red spotlights focused in on Chloe standing at the top of the ramp. With a grin on her face she waved to the crowd as she walked down the ramp, walking up the metal stairs she steps between the ropes to await her opponent. A moment later "Without Me" kicks up over the loud speakers and ill Dogg appears at the top of the ramp. As he begins to walk down three men come out behind and follow him down to the ring. When the four of them reach the bottom of the ramp ill Dogg turns around to bark orders to them like a drill sargent. Chloe takes this oppertunity to get the heads up on ill Dogg, running to the farside of the ring she runs back and slingshots herself over the top rope taking out all four of the men.))

Eddie: OH MY GOD! did you see that! She took out all of them and is dragging ill Dogg to his feet!

Travis: Thank you captain obvious!

((Once back in the ring and his wits about him ill dogg clamps on a side headlock. Chloe flails her arms trying to get out of the move but quickly seems to be fading. The ref lifts up one hand and it falls limply. He signals for the count of one, he does this a second time and once again it falls limply to Chloe's side. He lifts Chloe's hand up for the third time and lets it fall, however it doesn't fall limply to the side. Chloe finds a sudden burst of energy and when the referee turns his head Chloe is able to get out of the hold and nail ill Dogg with a low blow. Each guy at ringside shout things to ill Dogg on what he should do, and the referee does not see the low blow. ill Dogg falls over on the ground as Chloe gets her bearings and pulls back with her foot once more squarely nailing him in the gut. On the second kick Dogg catches Chloe's foot and yanks on it causing Chloe to fall. Dogg covers her and hooks the leg but only gets a two count before she manages to kick out.))

Dogg: HEY! That was a three count!

Referee: Nope, sorry Dogg it was not a three count

((Ryan jumps up on the ring apron and tries to argue with the referee, Chloe sees him out of the corner of her eye and nails him with a clothes line that knocks him off the apron and into the security railing. Dogg, seeing this as an oppertunity grabs Chloe by the arm and spins her around and lifts her up above his head then drops her on the ground behind him.))

Eddie: Ouch! I felt that from here!

((Dogg climbs to the top rope and works the crowd as he prepares to do a swanton bomb. He however showboats about two seconds too long because he does not hear his ringside companions yelling at him not to jump nor does he see that Chloe has managed to roll out of the way. All that greets Dogg's body is a hard ring apron. Capitalizing quickly climbs once more to the top of the rope, making sure that Dogg is still on the ground she hits a moonsault right on the money.))

Referee: One...two....three!

Jean Fortello (Ring Announcer): Your winner of this match, Chloe Jackson!

((The referee helps Chloe to her feet and raises her hand high in the air. Jerry, Ryan, and Todd climb into the ring and Chloe sees this so she quickly exits the ring under the bottom rope. As she makes her way up the ramp she blows a kiss to the four men in the ring.))

Eddie: Well there you have it folks, in her debut match Chloe Jackson beats ill Dogg.

Travis: What's going on now? Dogg is asking for a microphone

Dogg: Do not say a word! None of you!

Dogg paces back and forth in the ring looking from from man to the next. He really had no desire to pick one of them to be his manager but the producers were hounding him to choose.

Dogg: I have no choice but to pick one of you three even though it loathes me to do so.....

((Just as he goes to speak the name of the man that will be his manager there is a commotion off to one side of the ring in the audience. A man, obviously drunk climbs over the barricade and climbs into the ring. Dogg looks as if he has seen a ghost.))


Travis: Holy shit! I remember him from the GWF!

((The drunken fan grins at ill Dogg then looks towards the three men who now stand there nervously. Dogg nods his head then the two of them turn on Jerry, Ryan, and Todd beating the crap out of them.))

Eddie: Can we get someone in here to clean up the mess left behind by these two?

((The scene opens to a shot of Jericho Dylan's angry face as he stalks down the hallway. Curious murmurs from the crowd filter through to the back. Jericho isn't supposed to be here at Slaughter... He was on WarZone! His footsteps move him toward an unlabeled dressing room door. But before he gets there, he takes a detour and finds a soda machine. But he stops short when he sees someone he didn't expect... Amy))

Jericho: "What the hell are you doing here?"

((Amy looks over and arches a brow. She smirks a bit as she holds up a bottle of Pepsi. She replies with her usual smartass comment, never to be fazed))

Amy: First off, I actually work here for a living, Mob boy. Second..I'm thirsty.

((Amy twists the top off and takes a quick drink. She is dressed in a black shirt with a shot of her doing the Swanton Bomb in greenish hues, while on the back it says 'Hurricane Amy'. She wears dark green cargo pants, her redrish/black hair done up in a ponytail))

((A snort emerges as he takes the Pepsi out of the machine. He risks a glance at the label to make sure he didn't get Diet, then he opens it and takes a hefty swallow.))

Jericho: I work here too, you know. And I'll thank you not to play the smartass with me. I'd as soon turn you over my knee as beat you in the ring."

Amy: Mmmhmm. You'd try that and I'd have you gulping with three Adam's apples, if you catch my drift.

((Amy gestures down to his crotch, then smiles sweetly. She then leans against the wall and comments offhanded))

Amy: Not only that, I think it was me who dropped a Spineshank on your horsehead-loving ass anyways.

((Refusing to be riled by her petty insults, he leans against the wall and sips at his Pepsi. But something she said suddenly jolts him out of his stupor. The bottle falls to the floor, spilling soda all over it. His hands clench into fists as he glares at the slip of a girl who got lucky and pulled out a win.))

Jericho: "I'd watch what I said, if I were you."

Amy: Or what? What's the worst you'll do, hire a hit on me? Big fucking deal. You try that, and I'll find my way after you before they can find me. Never underestimate a street kid, Jerko.

((She stares at him, the smartass look in her eyes. Her eyes show she truly isn't afraid of him at all. The mob connection, or anything about him. She takes a drink of her pop cooly. He sneers and starts thumping one hand off the wall in a steady, hollow rhythm that sets people on edge. It sounds like a voodoo drum on a warm summer night... His eyes are full of menace as he stares down at her.))

Jericho: "No, I wouldn't order a hit on you. I'd whup your ass myself. And for your information, the name is Jericho!"

((Muttered under his breath...))

Jericho: "Unruly wench."

Amy: Jericho, Jerko, Jack-Off Jill...All the same to me. And this unruly wench is the one who shattered your brother's cottage. Not only that..I'll once again remind you of last week's Slaughter. Who walked away the winner? Got anything interesting to say? If not, you can shut up anytime now.

((Amy does feel indeed on edge due to the thumping but she doesn't let it show at all. Instead, she meets his menacing stare with a defiant one of her own. A glare that would back down the fiercest of foes, making them rethink their position. He tips his head to one side, then bursts out laughing. She's got guts, all right! His hand stops hitting the wall, silence reigning supreme. His eyes glimmer with something other than anger, and that's more unnerving than the damn thumping.))

Jericho: "I like your attitude. Jarred's going to find a way to make you pay for what you did, ya know... He's the only legit businessman in the entire Dylan family! Not every day a cop gets their place tossed. But I still don't like the way you're acting. How about we make a little wager?"

((Amy snorts then snickers))

Amy: Awwww I wrecked a pig's slophouse? Even better. Dirty bastards. You have a wager, eh? Okay, oh Mobster Supreme. Whatcha got.

((His eyes darken at her casual disregard for Jarred's chosen occupation. Keeping himself above the usual Dylan dealings shows a lot of character... One hand clenches into a fist behind his back, because he's leaning on his hands.))

Jericho: "You. Me. Blood Brawl. With me so far?"

Amy: Yes, Jack-off.

((Amy cops a fake mobster imitation, lowered jaw and all.))

Amy: heeey kid. I'll make ya's an offah ya cah'nt refoose...

((He rolls his eyes at the bad Marlon Brando impersonation she's doing. Even he could do better than that...))

Jericho: "I'll tell you right now that I'm not a part of the Italian Mafia. And for Blood Brawl? It's a TLC match. You still following me?"

Amy: Italian, Hawaiian, I'llfuckyaintheassian...I don't really care. You're still a guy who watched too many mob shows as a kid.

((She ponders punching the spit out of his mouth for rolling his eyes at her. She then shrugs))

Amy: TLC match? Sounds like fun. But I thought mobsters were scared of heights.

Jericho: "Scared of heights? Me? No way. And I didn't watch Mob shows as a kid... I was too busy living the fucking things. So watch your mouth or I'll wash it out with soap. To make the wager interesting, how about you put that title of yours on the line?"

((Amy looks at him then laughs out loud at his threat. She then rolls her eyes and snorts))

Amy: yeahyeah whatever..if you were gonna do that, you woulda done it 5 minutes ago. And It's a deal. A offer I can easily refuse, but I'll take it. TLC. Blood Brawl. We'll throw down. And as for living the mob life...I'm sorry..

((She leans on him, clapping his cheek mock-affectionately.))

Amy: I'm sorry if you consider getting guzzled by the bully at school was a mob life, but hey. Whatever works.

((His hands swing out from behind his back, one for each of her arms. Using his immense strength, he lifts her clear off the ground until they're eye level. His eyes, usually so clear and calm, are now clouded with rage. His voice emerges as a snarl.))

Jericho: "You won't be so confident when you're lying on the mat in a bloody heap!"

((Then he simply lets go. As Amy falls, she quickly lashes out with a elbow, aimed for his nose. She brings the elbow straight down on his nose, bloodying it easy. She lands, flexing her knees for the landing. She snickers to hide the quick jolt of fear in her from the sudden lift. She speaks))

Amy: Now now, Jerk-off Jill...That's one of the things you must have missed in school when you were at mobster school. Self confidence. I'll see you at Blood Brawl, bitch.

((Amy then pushes him into the wall as she walks past. Anymore time there and her knees woulda collapsed from either fear or nerves. Watching her walk away, he laughs to himself. So she gave him a bloody nose. Big deal. He's been shot before... He turns and walks the other way, whistling a merry dirge.))

TV Title Match
Harley Quinn vs. The Spider

Eddie: "So far, this has been a rather exciting night for us here at the HWC. But the best is yet to come... We may well be seeing a new TV Champion crowned here tonight."

Travis: "You mean that goof Spider could lose?"

Eddie: "That may well be, Travis. He's facing Harley Quinn for the TV Title."

Travis: "My money's on Harley. She's HOT!"

Eddie: "This is becoming a regular occurrence... But I agree with you."

((Travis shakes his head, rather dismayed with that line of thinking. Eddie pretends to be sick, then the arena goes dark. "The Fight Song (SlipKnot Remix)" blares over the PA, and Spider emerges from the crowd once again. The HWC TV Title gleams on his massive shoulder, signaling his intent to walk out with it. He waits inside the ring for his challenger, smirking and bouncing on his toes.))

Eddie: "Spider looking very confident tonight."

Travis: "That's the last time we'll see him with that belt, I can guarantee you that."

Eddie: "No comment."

((Travis goes to say something, but Harley's music, the Godfather theme, cuts him off before he can utter a word. She comes down the aisle, her boys behind her, snarling at Spider all the while. Harley makes a hand gesture and her boys behave, albeit extremely reluctantly. The ref calls for the bell after searching them both for weapons.))

Eddie: "And this match is officially underway. Harley taking it to the big man with several rapid-fire right hands."

Travis: "And since they're open hands, they're perfectly legal."

Eddie: "Spider now reversing and tossing her into the corner. Ouch..."

((Harley bounces off the turnbuckle, then staggers, holding her neck. Spider goes for a quick cover, but only gets a 2 count. Harley quickly regains the upper hand and hits Spider with a bunch of solid chops. Each one rings throughout the arena, making the crowd gasp after each one. Spider's in the corner now, trying to catch his breath. Harley's on fire here tonight... When he staggers out of the corner, she hits him with a Superkick and rolls him up for a pin. The ref goes in to count: 1... 2... Spider's shoulder rises up off the mat, but just barely. Harley keeps her cool and hits him with everything but the kitchen sink. Perhaps not so surprisingly, Spider takes everything she dishes out and retaliates with a clothesline! The crowd gasps audibly. But Harley gets up and makes a "Bring it on!" gesture with her hands. After ducking an aborted boot to the face, Spider ends up kicking the ref instead. Harley then sneaks under and grabs him in a Small Package setup. No count is to come with the ref down, Harly finaly realizes it and lets go of Spider. Harly tires to wake the ref while Spider slowly gets to his feet. Grabing Harly to turn her around Spider grabs her by the throw ready to deliver a choke slam. From behind sliping into the ring armed with a chair comes Seph. Spider turns his head just in time to see teh chair being slamed into his head. Spider drops back out cold and Harly covers him. Seph dives out fo the ring before the ref coming too sees him. 1...2...3 The bell rings, signaling a new TV Champion in Harley Quinn!))

Jean Fortello: "Here is your winner, and the NEW HWC Television Champion... HARLEY QUINN!

Eddie: "Unbelievable! Harley Quinn WINS!!"

Travis: With the help of Seph.

((The ref hands Harley her belt. She holds it up high, then rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope. Harly and Seph hug and head up the ramp

Spider holding his head slowly stands. Seph turns and asks for a mic from one of the stage hands.))

Seph: Spider! Hey, Spider!!! You think you can just attack me from behind and walk away! What I did was business! This is personal! You want to come in here and lay your hands on me, the sanguine assassin?! The Fallen one?! The Chosen One?! THE ONLY ONE?!

((The crowd is cheering like mad at this point))

Seph: You wanna fight me, well I have an idea!!! How bout Blood Brawl!!! You and that daffodil wearing mama's boy take on the greatest wrestler's the world has ever known Sephiroth du Lac and Harley Quinn!!!!!!!!!

((The crowd goes wild as Spider shakes his head talking trash from the ring))

Seph: Fine, Spider... cause at Blood Brawl, you will...

Crowd: FEEL... THE... FALL!!!!!

((Vampire Killer begins to play as Seph walks in the back with the aid of Quinn))

Eddie: Sephiroth and Harley vs. Spider and Terry Riffic!!! It'll be one helluva fight! I can guarantee you that!

Travis: If you ask me Spider's the one who should be mad! Did you see what Seph did to him in the match?

I Quit Match
Spoon vs. Black Flagg

Eddie: What an amazing night this has been! Two great matches so far but what's next?

Travis: Why the hell do you have to be so god damn enthusiastic!?

Eddie: Well, I…

Travis: Let's be honest here… you don't do anything but get loud and obnoxious. And then you scream your head off at the smallest little thing. It's pathetic… get a girlfriend.

Eddie: Well… uh… same to you.

Travis: Pathetic… let's just get back to calling the matches… The next match is an I Quit.

Eddie: I can't believe you said that.

Travis: Huh? Said what?

Eddie: Nothing… Nothing at all.

(("Euro-barge" by the Vandals plays as "Black Flagg" Luke Knight steps out from behind the curtain carrying his familiar "Boomstick" as he walks down to ring side. A slightly mixed reaction from the fans as the Black Flagg enters the ring.))

Eddie: Luke Knight really looking tough.

Travis: Shut up you idiot… it's Black Flagg! Get it right or pay the price!

((The light's go out as the techno house music known as "Virtua Tracer" blasts over the PA the place is flooded with lights and laser effects as the man known only as "The Spoon" makes his way to the ring Twirling his glow stick as he walks down the rampway.))

Eddie: A veteran of the HWC ring. He's back and tonight he'll face a long time friend in well… let's just say a hostile environment.

Travis: I never liked this guy. What kind of sick person would name himself "The Spoon" anyway?! Is his father the Fork?! Is his mother "the knife"? God help him if he has kids… probably name them Sporks!!

Eddie: Travis, just please shut up! If you don't I'm going to…

Travis: What? Hit me? You ain't got the balls.

Eddie: Let's just get back to the match.

Travis: Chicken…

((The bell sounds and the match is under way. The two seem to be looking at each other with a questioning look. The two approach each other slowly and they shake hands. A mutual respect by these two great athletes. Oh, but wait… Black Flagg takes the boomstick in his other hand and BOOM to the forehead of Spoon. Spoon is down as Flagg begins smashing him repeatedly with the Cane! Flagg reaching for Spoon. Lifting him to his knees and smack spinning hit to the back of the head with the Singapore cane. Spoon is down as Flagg throws him out of the ring. Flagg following him out and taking the fight to the outside Spoon desperately trying to get out of the way but he takes another smack with that cane to the back. Spoon on the top part of the rampway. Flagg picks Spoon up for a DDT… Spoon reverses with a suplex to a table off the stage. Both men are down and the cane is long gone. Flagg slowly the first man to his feet. Spoon following shortly after, still woozy. Flagg quickly going to the attack as they go behind the left stage side curtains. In the locker room area now as Spoon goes flying into the trash cans. Spoon out of it right now. His face a crimson mask as Flagg lifting Spoon to his feet. Shot right into the throat as Spoon coughs hard from the strike. Spoon being tossed through a door leading out to the vendors. HWC merchandise are strewn everywhere as Spoon is thrown into the stand. The fans are cheering like mad as Flagg sets Spoon for a powerbomb. A reversal sends Flagg through the stand. Flagg seems to have been hurt as Spoon falls down on his knees.))

Eddie: Desperation move by the Spoon!

Travis: He dug deep for that one… get it dug… spoon!

Eddie: Oh god…

Travis: Best pun ever…

((Spoon goes for a follow up but Flagg goes for the low blow. Spoon falls to the ground clutching his groin. Flagg following through throwing Spoon back towards the lobby toward the sound equipment. Spoon looking mighty woozy. Flagg goes for the Spear but misses running into the huge electronic equipment as sparks fly everywhere from the smashing blow. Flagg falls down out of it.))

Eddie: My god! He might have fried!!!

Travis: We're not in Texas, we're in Arkansas!

((Spoon quickly locks on a Dragon Sleeper with a scissors hold. Flagg taps! Flagg Taps!!! The bell is rung it's over!!!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner!!! SPOON!!!!!!!!!

Eddie: Excellent effort by Spoon!

Travis: He got lucky! If it wasn't for Flagg getting electrocuted he would have won!

Eddie: Well, I imagine getting electrocuted would ruin anyone's match…

Travis: Shut up, you idiot!

((The Scene fades in with a Camera man following VP Smalls down a hall, the camera man calls out to him))

Cameraman: Martin! Martin! Mister Smalls wait!

((Martin reluctantly stops and turns to the camera man with a look of exasperation on his face, when he speaks it's with a stressed sound of patience))

Smalls: Let me guess…you want an inside scoop about the Black List right?

((The camera man nods his head the camera view moves up and down with him))

Smalls: You want an exclusive…even though I've been hounded all week by reporters…received countless phone calls…and a small flood of emails…and even though throughout it all I've kept my silence…you think I'm just going to make an exception for you? Some punk ass cameraman I don't even know? Some HWC Groupie who I trust about as far as I could throw? You think I'm going to tell you?

((The cameraman shrugs and backs away a step, Martin turns to his left and places his hand on his office door))

Smalls: Look kiddo if you think I'm gonna spill the beans now then you're destined to be disappointed…if you want to do me a favor and get in my good graces go find The Tiger…I've been trying to get ahold of her for a week…I'm beginning to think she wandered off and got hit by a parked car…if that's the case I at least want the title belt recovered…Not only is she my property but she happens to have something that belongs to me…The HWC World Title! Now get out of my face and go make yourself useful kid.

((The cameraman nods again, and begins to back away…Martin opens his office door, before slamming it shut the camera picks up a few words))

Smalls: Gentlemen…it's almost time.

((The door slams shut and further words are cut off…the scene fades))

Hardcore Match
Jason Hawk vs Seph vs Terry Riffic

Eddie: Up next we have Sephiroth Du Lac Vs. Terry Riffic Vs. Jason Hawk! Terry and Seph have some business to take care of, and "The Renegade" is just some extra talent to keep the fans entertained, I suppose.

Travis: Well, either way, this is sure to be a stinker.

Jean Fortello: Coming to the ring at this time.Sephiroth Du Lac!!

(The lights grow dim and "Vampire Killer (Heavy Metal Remix)" begins to blare over the PA. Black lights illuminate the stage. Pyrotechnic lightning effects strike the stage and pyro explodes. Sephiroth du Lac walks out in his cloaklike Trenchcoat. The black light illuminates his eyes, his skin, his hair, and his teeth. The stage has small flames pouring from beneath the stage which he walks through to the ring. Once inside he raises his arms and strikes them down. Blue flames burst from all four ring posts and the lights raise.)

Jean Fortello: And his opponent Jason "The Renegade Hawk!!!

((The lights in the arena fade to black as "Turn the Page" by Metallica begins to play and the fans begin to boo. Jason walks out of the back as the lights slowly fade back in and he gets into the ring. As he stands in the middle of the ring looking over the fans the music fades. The 2 men begin fighting before Terry even comes to the ring. They trade right and left hands but both men can take so much abuse that neither gains an advantage. Hawk rakes Seph's eyes and stomps his foot to gain the upper hand. With Seph now blinded and holding his foot, Hawk clotheslines him down to the floor and begins stomping away at him. While Seph is laying motionless on the mat, Hawk climbs the closes turnbuckle. He flys off attempting a flying headbutt but Seph rolls out of the way at the last second. Seph gets to his feet and pulls the groggy Hawk up to his feet by his hair. Hawk is dazed and confused and is met by a huge Spear!!))

Eddie: What a match!! But my question is where is Terry Riffic??

Travis: Maybe he realized he sucks, and is more like Horri Ble! HAHAHA!! I should be a comedian.

Eddie: Don't quit your day job!

((Hawk is back up to his feet and he is throwing a few punches. He lands a few of them, but they are so weak that they do not phase Seph. Seph easily delivers the Fallen Angel DDT and is about to go for the pin when a blast of pyro hits the arena at the stage. Everyone, including Seph, turns there attention to the stage and HWC-Tron and Hatebreed's I Will Be Heard blasts through the arena. The music draws a mixed reaction from the fans but no body enters the ring. Then from through the crowd Terry Makes a surprise entrance into the ring. He jumps on the lifeless body of Jason Hawk, and the referee notices out of the corner of his eye. The ref counts 1---2---3 and Terry wins. Whe Seph hears the bell he realizes that he's been duped and gets angered.))

Travis: Terry Riffic is my new favorite superstar! That plan was ingenious!

Eddie: I think Sephiroth Du Lac might disagree.

((Terry sees Seph's anger and leaves the ring. He goes underneath the ring and pulls out his book. Seph also exits the ring and runs toward Terry. But Terry swings his book and hits Seph in the head. Seph goes down and Terry drops the book. I will Be Heard plays through the arena and Terry walks backstage. Before the the show cuts to a commercial, the camera zooms on Terry's book, revealing that it is just the binder of the book, and the inside is a brick.))

Specail Match

Eddie: Ladies and Gentleman welcome back to Saturday Night Slaughter brought to you by the HWC!

Travis: Tonight's the night! After all the waiting we FINALLY get to find out who or what the Black List is!

Eddie: I was just getting to that…

Travis: Too Slow old man

Eddie: I'm not old…I'm as old as you are

Travis: That's beside the point…

Eddie: Anyway…Tonight's match is somewhat a mystery pitting the HWC's Newest Rookie Ryan "The Rough Ryder" Maverick against The Black List…Martin Smalls newest Creation.

Travis: That's Vice President Smalls to you!

Eddie: Whatever…We're moments away from the match and I have to say I have no clue as to what Martin could have up his sleeve here.

Travis: That's because you don't possess half of the creative mastery of Martin Smalls…if you did you'd know exactly what was going to happen

Eddie: Do YOU know what's going to happen?

Travis: No…

Eddie: I rest my case

(( Suddenly "Cowboy Hat" by Nickleback begins to play over the PA system, Ryan Maverick makes his way down the ramp to a good crowd pop, he takes his time to interact with the fans, then slides into the ring, casting his black hat aside he crouches slightly and waits for his opponent. Stoopid ass begins to play over the PA, heralding the presence of VP Smalls, the man in question steps out onto the ramp mic in hand))

Travis: Our beloved VP Martin Smalls has decided to grace us with his presence!

Eddie: Beloved? Overstatement of the week…listen to those boo's he's getting

((Martin ignores the boo's and raises the Mic to his lips))

Smalls: Yeeeeehaw! Look it what the HWC has stooped to…I thought Kidd Rock was bad enough but now we got a genuine cowboy on our hands…Have I told you how much I HATE cowboys? Well consider yourselves informed again! Ryan I booked this match tonight because quite frankly you sicken me!

((Ryan glares from the ring and takes a step forward, but the ref holds him back urging him to keep control over himself))

Smalls: So tonight Ryan you have the honor of facing my newest Creation…The Black List!

((Points of Authority by Linkin Park begins to play over the PA system, from behind the curtain Jericho Dylan, and Deliano appear! Both clad in black shirts that read "The Black List" on the front and "If you're not on it…You're against it!" on the back…they make their way down the ramp neither breaking eye contact with Ryan in the ring, ignoring the fans entirely they pause outside of the ring))

Smalls: I suppose I should mention this is a handicap match…I guess it just slipped my mind…heh heh Have fun Ryan…

((Smalls turns and walks away with a grin but then pauses atop the ramp again, he turns and speaks))

Smalls: Oh…I guess I should also mention that this is a HARDCORE match as well…It just slipped my mind…

Travis: YES! Hardcore!! Blood!

Eddie: Oh my god…our newest Rookie Ryan The rough Ryder Maverick has been set up on his debut match! This isn't fair!

((Deliano reaches under the ring and pulls out a small bag, from within this he pulls a golf club out, he stares at it for a moment then grins, Jericho reaches into his pocket and slides on a pair of brass knuckles, throwing a trash can into the ring the two enter the ring…Ryan shifts uncomfortably on his feet))

Travis: The odds are not in Ryan's favor tonight…

Eddie: Wait…while Jericho and Deliano have Ryan Distracted someone just hopped the crowd barrier! It's Draven! He's got a steel chair!

((Draven slides under the ropes and without warning brings the chair crashing down on the back of Ryan's head! Ryan falls face first to the mat his hand flying to the back of his head…Jericho and Deliano move in for the kill trampling him with boots, as Draven slides out of the ring Deliano bends the golf club over Ryans back with a crushing blow…the crowd cries out))

Travis: What a mugging! This is what Ryan gets for being a Cowboy

Eddie: Sometimes you sicken me Travis…

Travis: Only sometimes?

((Draven detaches the steel steps from the ring…tossing them over the ropes he grins and slides back in, In the meantime Deliano has Ryan's arms pinned behind his back, Jericho stands in front of him and draws back his fist driving the brass knuckles into his ribs…once…twice…three times…))

Eddie: Someone end this!

((Draven sets the stairs up in front of the announce table, Jericho drives his brass knuckled fist in Ryan's gut repeatedly until Ryan has slumped in deliano's arms a trickle of blood flowing from his mouth and onto the mat. Suddenly from the top of the ramp Martin appears, he makes his way down the ramp through the boo's of the crowd and their cries of protests))

Travis: Martin has no doubt decided to come down and watch his plan fall into place Eddie: He's a vulture!

((Deliano hands the limp body of Ryan up to Draven who stands atop the steel stairs, hefting Ryan into the powerbomb position, the crowd cries out in horror as they realize what is about to happen

Travis: Wait a minute…he's going to…

Eddie: Holy shit! Get out of the way!

((The two announcers dive for cover as Draven Half powerbombs half hurls Ryan Maverick through the announce table from his elevated position in the ring! Ryan crashes through the table and lies there motionless, Martin slides through the ropes and the three men turn to face them, then as one they raises their hands over their heads in victory, Linkin park picks up over the speakers…suddenly as the men celebrate the scene fades to the backstage area and zooms in on The Enforcer! He stands by a monitor and watches with his arms folded, a glare covers his features as he looks on seemingly disgusted by the events that have just taken place…From behind him Terry Riffic watches on as well, he shakes his head sadly and glares when the camera zooms in on Deliano…the scene then fades back to the ring. The four men about to leav the ring are stopped as the Vid screen comes to life…Martin shouts in anger when he realizes the camera is in his office, and sitting on his desk sledgehammer in hand is Amy Jensen, to her right is Tank the Dwarf, Amy grins))

Amy: Biggie F*ckin Smalls! Long time no see boy!

((Martins lips move in anger but his words can't be heard))

Amy: Well Small Meat…It looks like you went out and got yourself a stable…that's impressive…but lemme clue you in on a little history…The Sickness was here first! We've been raising hell long before you even dreamt of the Black List. I don't know how far back your mind goes…If it's anything like your manhood then I you probably need help…So I'm going to help you along here…Rancid was the originator of The Sickness…and in one particular violent gesture he got the presidents attention…President Riley learned to respect Rancid and The Sickness reigned supreme…you know how Rancid did it Biggie? I'll show you

((Hopping off the desk Amy raises the sledge over her head, Tank looks on in approval his arms crossed across his chest with a grin, Amy raises the sledge over her head and brings it down with all the power her small frame can muster, with a loud CRACK the desk gives way and breaks in half, even Amy looks a little surprised as the desk gives way…The fans cheer))

Amy: Biggie I don't think shit about the Black List…You Impress me as about as much as You sexually satisfy your secretary Kim…NOT AT ALL! So let this be a message to you Smalls…You're a marked man!

((The scene fades from the Vid screen, Smalls angrily rushes up the ramp intent on getting to his office, his newly formed stable follows behind him. The scene fades back to the backstage area…The Enforcer has gone but Terry Riffic remains, watching the scene, He focuses on Deliano, as he does he cracks his knuckles with a smile))

Back Alley Brawl
Ace of Spades vs. Enforcer

Eddie: Sadly we do not get to be ring side for the main event....

Travis: This is like sitting in the cheap seats!

Eddie: We now take you out side the arena for our first Back Alley Brawl match.

((Camera cuts to parking lot behind the arena. The only ones out there is Ace and Enfrocer standing three feet apart, along with the referee Walter Powel and a camera man.))

Walter Powel: The rules for this match....... anything goes pin fall to win. You can go anywhere but in a building. No hiting me or the camera man. Got it?

Ace: Got it.

Enforcer: Yea, lets go!

Walter Powel: FIGHT!

((The ref moves out of the way quickly as the two lock up. Enforcer being the more powerful pulls Ace into a suplex. Ace hits the black top and groans in pain. Enfrocer gets up and tries to grab him again but Ace moves quickly diving in between cars. Enforcer quickly follows as goes the ref. Ace dives over the hood of a car and leaps into the bed of a truck. Enforcer comes looking for where Ace should be, Ace gets up and jumps out of the truck giving a bull dog to Enforcer. Lefting his head it's clearly seen that his nose ois broken. Blood starts to trickle down into his mouth, whiping it away he gets to his feet.))

Travis: Who ever thought up this match know what the people want. Look BLOOD! WE HAVE BLOOD!

Eddie Face first on black top isn't enough to slow down Enforcer. Lets just hope Ace can wear him down or he will be in no condission to face Tiger at Blood Brawl.

Travis: That's if she even shows.

((Ace climbs over a fence leaving the parking lot with Enforcer following behind slowled by the fence. Ace gets behind a dumpster and slowly starts to push it towards the fence. Enforcer reaches the top of the fence just as the dumpster starts picking up speed. Before he can get over the dumpster smashes into the fence knocking him down with the fence. The dumpster crashes down to an empty parking spot. Ace runs over and leaps of the rige where the fence once was and lands on Enforcer, who is laying on the hood of a car. Ace covers him for a pin. 1....2.... and Ace is throws off the car to the ground below.))

Eddie: So close for Ace.

Travis: I think Ace made him mad now.

((Enforcer gets up and kicks Ace into the side of the dumpster. Ace grabs ahold of the dumpster to keep on his feet. Enforcer goes for another kick but Ace ducks and counters with a spear right into the side of the car. The car rocks a bit and where Enfrocers body hit theres not a huge dent.))


Eddie: Still loving this match down Travis?

Travis: Shut up Eddie.....

((The camera cuts from the match to that of ring side, Travis stands pulling off his head phones and races off to back stage.))

Eddie: Not sure where Travis is going but I bet it has something to do with his car.

((Camera cuts back to the the fight out side, Ace has Enforcer in a lion tamer. The ref is down asking if Enforcer gives up. Though in pain Enforcer refuses. From now where Travis comes up running behind and hits Ace in the head causing him to break the hold. He start yelling about his car. Enforcer gets to his feet behind him. With out warning Enfrocer grabs Travis and throws him into the dumpster. Enforcer then pushes the dumpster out of the lot and down the street. Ace stands by watching and laughing, Enforcer turns around and grabs him delivering a hard rock bottom. Enforcer covers him. 1.....2....3. The ref raises Enfrocers hand in victory. Pulling away he looks down at Ace and kicks him hard in the side once before turning away walking off. The camera fades out on Ace laying on the ground.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))