Saturday Night Slaughter
Devner, Colorado at the Pepsi Center

((The blue HWC logo fades in for a moment then fades out. Camera opens up backstage on a locker room door that reads The Tiger. Inside it's not Tiger but Obake, his wife Liz and his child. They have been waiting and Obake starts to grow tired. He hands the baby to Liz and gets up in search of his sister in law. Walking half way down the hall he runs into Kidd Rock.))

Obake: Hey Kidd have you seen Ani?

Kidd: No not sence last week. Sorry.

((Kidd walks off leaving Obake standing there looking pulzzed. Camera cuts to Autumn Lewis office. Her door is wide open and she is sitting on the couch and talking on her cel phone.))

Autumn: I know. Well it's not that easy....... you think I am happy about him leaving?! Well of course not. I'm taking care of it....... at Blood Brawl. Five men..... a Hardcore Hell in a Cell match. Well do you have any better ideas? What! This is a good idea...... Dangerous! This is the HWC...... Look I have to go.

((Closing her cel phone she sighs before putting it away. She sits and stares off thinking as the camera fades out.))

((It's Going Down by The X-Ecutioners plays while HWC superstars are seen doing verious moves. One of Kidd kicking Smack in the face. Another one of Tiger locking in the crippler with some jobber screaming in pain. Amy and Chaotica beating up Myztic. Spider pulling off the win for the TV Title. Jag getting jumped then Payne walking to the ring. Finally a clip of Jericho getting put threw a stable. Last thing shown is Ace, Tiger, Seph, Kidd and Chaotica standing in a half light ring. The camera cuts to the arena, blue and white pyro goes as the guitar riff continues to play. The camera pans over the screaming crowd that came to see there favoret stars. The camera then cuts to the announcer table.))

TV Title Match
The Spider(c) VS "Hollywood" Johnny Rave

Eddie: Welcome to Slaughter, ladies and gentlemen! We're coming to you live from Denver, CO. I'm Eddie Daniels and this is my co-broadcaster Travis Best. Tonight we have 2 titles on the line, the TV Title and the IC Title.

Travis: Yeah, and I can't wait to see what happens in those matches. The first match is the TV Title match, and it puts the Spider against "Hollywood" Johnny Rave. Definitely one of the more disputed titles I've ever seen.

Eddie: That remains to be seen. Both men were in brutal matches last week, Spider against Harley Quinn, and Rave against Tiger. Both matches involved several weapons. I don't see how these men can be standing after that.

Travis: Shut my mouth, but you're right. Again.

((The camera pans in on the ring, waiting for the two men to show up. Spider's music hits first, and he comes bouncing down the ramp, hands held high, the TV Title shining in the lights.))

Eddie: The Spider's ready... Now where's Rave?

((Rave's music starts. At first there's nobody there. But after a bit, "Hollywood" Johnny Rave appears, still holding his ribs from last week's brutality against The Tiger. He gets to the ring slowly, moving like an old man. But before the ref can ring the bell, a familiar face appears at ringside, throwing Rave off his game.))

Travis: What the hell is Jericho Dylan doing here?

Eddie: I have it on good authority that that isn't Jericho. That's his brother Jarred.

Travis: Whoa. Dead ringer.

((The match starts off with Rave getting the tar knocked out of him by the Spider, who's capitalized on the distraction Jarred Dylan's provided at ringside. Rave has no chance to defend himself... Until he gets rolled out of the ring by one of Spider's feet. Jarred doesn't even touch him as Spider rolls him back in. Rave manages a few kicks and jabs, but is completely dominated by the Gothic Hero. Again Rave is on the outside, and this time, Jarred starts stomping on him. The ref has his hands full trying to keep Spider in the ring, so he doesn't see it. When Jarred rolls Rave back into the ring, Spider immediately goes for a pin. 1... 2... 3! Ding ding ding!))

Jean Fortello (Ring Announcer): Your winner, and still HWC TV Champion... THE SPIDER!

((But right after that announcement, Jarred rolls into the ring and lurks in a corner. When Spider turns to grab his belt, Jarred is waiting. Spider sizes him up, then holds out a hand to shake. Jarred doesn't fall for it, knowing Spider's hatred for the light dwellers, of which he is one. Spider lowers his hand, then goes to walk by. Jarred grabs his forearm, then turns him around. BOOM! Chair shot to the head!))

Eddie: What in the world is Jarred trying to prove?

Travis: That he's just as nasty as Jericho?

Eddie: Perhaps... But the Spider is down here... He needs help.

((The EMT's run to the ring to tend both men, racing past an unmoving Jarred. He's looking down at the chair in his hands in something akin to shock. He seems to be asking himself "What the hell did I just do here?". The chair clatters to the floor and Jarred walks backstage, rather dazed and unsteady on his feet.))

((The camera cuts to backstage outside the dressing room of Black Flagg and Zeek the Freek. "KEEP BLUE IZOUT!" is written on the door in blue marker. There is loud music in the background. Dave Tanjic stands outside the door and faces the camera for a second before turning towards the door. He opens the dressing room door to an odd combination of sight and sound: Black Flagg and Zeek the Freek are slamdancing to Abba's "Dancing Queen," of all things. The crowd can be heard responding with much laughter at this, as the two misfits flop around during the chorus. Finally, Tanjic decides to make his presence known.))

Dave Tanjic: Excuse me, Mr. Flagg? We're here to.

((Black Flagg notices Dave Tanjic and stops slamdancing. Zeek the Freek does not. Black Flagg runs towards Tanjic, grabs him, and tosses him out of the room. Tanjic waits outside the door for a second. The music stops and is replaced by something with a three chord progression typical of hardcore punk. Black Flagg re-emerges from the room, his cheeks red. He is obviously embarassed.))

Black Flagg: That was, uh......a friend's band! Yeah, that's it! They do, uhm...Abba covers. And they sound, uh, exactly like Abba...or something. Anyways, what the hell is wrong with you, Tanjic? You don't just go opening random doors to random dressing rooms! Cripes, the faces might be mixing with the heels!

Dave Tanjic: Uh, I don't think you should be saying.

Black Flagg: Tanjic, stop kayfabing me and SHUTUP YOUR ASS!

((Black Flagg pauses and looks away with a smile on his face as his only catchphrase garners a marginal pop.))

Black Flagg: What the hell are you here for anyways, your presence annoys me.

Dave Tanjic: I am here to get your thoughts on the hardcore match you have tonight against the Enforcer. Being that you have been gone for a year, do you think you are at a disadvantage?

Black Flagg: A disadvantage? Hell no. Wait a second...not just "hell no." FUCK NO! I'm not at any disadvantage! Anyone with as many brain cells as nipples knows that Black Flagg is gonna go over tonight! Me facing Enforcer is like playing the computer in a video game where you have all the codes set up so that you have infinite lives, infinite ammo, and the super DESTRUCTO-MATIC WEAPON OF DOOM at your disposal! In short, there's no way I can lose. Period. Wait a second...not just "period." EXCLAMATION POINT!

Dave Tanjic: Well, there you have it, thoughts from the "Real American Anti-Hero" himself. Back to.

Black Flagg: I didn't say I was done! I still can't believe the fuckwittitude of this guy, saying Zeek and me are all queered up. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But I feel like I'm taking crazy pills dammit, how do you make the connection of gayness between me and Zeek? Clearly, he's about as queer as a straight line. And not only is he so not gay, he's a playa, with skilla, fo rilla! And so am I! Me and Zeek have gotten chicks to do things you've only dreamed about, Tanjic, in your wettest of dreams! Like this one time there were these twins named Laura and Sarah and Zeek and me talked 'em into.

((Just then, the door to the dressing room swings open and there stands Zeek, garbed in a woman's one-piece jumpsuit, blue of course. He's got his hair done straight up all over, and he has decorated his ever-present gas mask with bright makeup. All-in-all, Zeek looks like quite the disco diva. He begins disco dancing as both Black Flagg and Dave Tanjic watch, completely amazed at this insanity. The crowd is, of course, loving it.))

Zeek the Freek: You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only 17! Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah! You can dance! You can jive! Having the time of your life! Oooh oooh oooh, see that girl, watch that scene, digging the Dancing Queen!!!!

((Takes a bow, the crowd pops loudly.))

Black Flagg: ......

Dave Tanjic: ......

Black Flagg: Riiiiiight......we're done here. Leave. Now.

((The camera switches back to Best and Daniels at the announce table.))

Travis: What's the HWC with out Zeek the Freek?

Eddie: Saner?!

Hardcore Match
Luke Knight VS The Enforcer

Eddie: We have one hell of a hardcore match before us now.

Travis: No one knows Hardcore like Flagg.

Jean Fortello: The following is a Hardcore Match, scheduled for one fall!

(("Click Click Boom" by Saliva hits on the PA, and The Enforcer steps out onto the stage, glaring at the crowd.))

Jean Fortello: From New York City, weighing 300 pounds, The Enforcer!

((Enforcer makes his way to the ring with a mixed reaction from the crowd. He climbs into the ring, glaring at the referee, as his music fades. Then, "Euro-Barge" by The Vandals plays over the speakers and the arena lights go black while white strobe lights go over the crowd. The entrance lights up and Black Flagg runs out very energetic, followed closely by Zeek the Freek.))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, accompanied by Zeek the Freek...from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 224 pounds, Black Flagg!

((The strange duo actually get a few cheers from the fans. Flagg turns and says something to Zeek, who nods crazily, then steps back behind the curtain as Flagg heads towards the ring, his Boom Stick resting on his shoulder.))

Eddie: Well, it's been a long time since we saw this oddest of odd couples here in the HWC, and I for one am excited to see if he still puts on those Foley-esque matches!

Travis: Keep the Blue Out, Eddie!

Eddie: Umm, right...speaking of Zeek, I wonder where he went!

Travis: Maybe he saw another toaster! **cracks up laughing**

Eddie: I'm not going anywhere near that one....Flagg climbing into the ring....Enforcer charges and plants a big boot to Flagg's head! Flagg tumbles to the outside, and Enforcer goes right out after him!

((Enforcer climbs out to the floor as Flagg gathers himself. Enforcer makes for a double axe handle, but Flagg swings his Boom Stick and catches Enforcer in the midsection. Enforcer doubles over, and Flagg whacks him across the back repeatedly. Enforcer sags to one knee. Just as Flag raises the stick for a mighty blow, Enforcer crotches him, and Flagg drops his stick in mid-swing and topples over, clutching his groin.))

Travis: ((doubling over in mock pain)) Ohh, man! Right in the jewel sack!

Eddie: Well, that's one way to stop him! And being a hardcore match-

Travis: ((sarcastically finishing the statement)) A low blow is as legal a lariat! Yeah yeah, everybody knows that by now, Eddie!

Eddie: Just doing my job, Travis. Don't get your BVD's in a bind

Travis: ((laughing)) Hey, that was actually funny, Eddie!

Eddie: Gee, you really think so? Well how about this? Two farmers walk into a barn-

Travis: Oh god, I've created a monster...Wait a minute, Here comes Zeek back...with a little red wagon full of goodies!

((Enforcer grabs Flagg by the hair and proceeds to ram his head into the ring post repeatedly. Meanwhile, Zeek gleefully pulls his wagon full of...stuff down the ramp behind him. The contents of the wagon includes a small metal waste basket, a giant-sized jar of pickles, a tool box, a bag of garden mulch, a four-slice toaster, and, strangely, considering who this is, a metal cookie sheet . Zeek skips to a halt at the bottom of the ramp, oblivious to the bloody brawl taking place just a couple of feet away. He dumps the contents of the wagon out, then scampers back up the ramp, pulling the now-empty and bouncing wagon behind him, and disappears again behind the curtain. Flagg has regained the upper hand, or rather, stick, using his preferred weapon to batter Enforcer's face to a bloody mess. Enforcer, somehow still on his feet, staggers toward the ramp, kicking the waste basket out of his way and nearly tripping over the bag of mulch. Flagg follows him, pausing to pick up the tool box and dump it out, sending various wrenches, screwdrivers, and pliers clattering to the floor. He then throws the empty tool box, hitting enforcer in the back. Enforcer stumbles again, and falls on his face.))

Eddie: Now I think I've seen everything....and I don't EVEN want to know what Zeek's been doing with that toaster!

Travis: Looks like Sam's Warehouse had a sale! I'm almost afraid to see what Zeek comes out with next!

Eddie: that makes two of us...Flagg picking up the cookie sheet...((WHUNG)) Wow! What a shot! He bent that cookie sheet in half!

((Flagg discards the bent cookie sheet and picks Enforcer up by the hair and starts to guide him back towards the ring, but Enforcer suddenly shoves him HARD into the security railing. Flagg doubles over, and Enforcer grabs him, whips him in a complete 360, and flings him into the railing again, and Flagg tumbles over into the ringside seats, scattering several fans, and Enforcer climbs over behind him.))

Eddie: Oh boy, this is gonna get ugly now!

Travis: ((rubbing his hands together gleefully)) Ugly? I'm loving this! We haven't had wrestlers fight in the stands in ages! This is great!

Eddie: The more things change, the more you stay the same!

Travis: I'll jus pretend I didn't hear that!

((Enforcer grabs Flagg and belts him in the jaw, and Flagg staggers back, but comes back with a fist of his own, catching Enforcer on the chin. Enforcer falls backwards, landing on some hastily-vacated seats. Flagg pounces on him and proceeds to pound away on him, to the wild cheers of the fans. Meanwhile, Zeek comes back out, pulling his red wagon behind him. This time, it holds a rolling desk chair, an office telephone with the cord trailing behind, a desk blotter, a gold-leaf pen-and pencil set, a computer monitor and keyboard, several file folders with papers spilling out behind on the ramp, and a coffee urn. Zeek stops in his tracks, not seeing the competitors, and looks around frantically, then turns and runs back up the ramp, leaving his wagon to roll the rest of the way down the ramp, bumping to a stop amidst the clutter of the first wagon load of items. The chair tips over and falls out, knocking over the coffee urn and spilling coffee over the floor. Back in the crowd, Flagg and Enforcer ar punching their way up into the stands, with security keeping the fans out of their way. Flagg catches Enforcer with a good solid shot to the gut, and enforcer doubles over. Flagg grabs a tub of popcorn boxes away from a vendor, dumps it over Enforcer's head, then hits him over the head, making a hollow THUNK. Enforcer staggers back and falls, tumbling back down the stairs!))

Travis: Musta been extra butter on that popcorn! ((snickers))

Eddie: Remember when I said I had seen it all? I take it back! I have never in my life seen a hardcore match like this! And what's with all that junk that Zeek keeps bringing to ringside?

Travis: You're asking me, like I know?

Eddie: Never mind....Enforcer has tumbled all the way to the floor now, but Flagg is now nowhere to be seen....Wait a minute, he's coming down the ramp! And Zeek is with him!

((Flagg and Zeek stop amid the clutter of items that Zeek brought down. They each pick up various items, discarding the smaller ones, and loading some of the larger ones, such as the pickle jar and the waste basket, in with the monitor and keyboard. Flagg pats Zeek on the back, then the two start towards the ring, with Zeek pulling the wagon behind him. Enforcer has finally pulled himself to his feet and hauls himself over the security railing as Flagg climbs into the ring. Zeek starts handing the contents of the wagon into Flagg as Enforcer rolls into the ring and stands, brandishing Flagg's own favorite weapon, the Boom Stick. Zeek sees him, and gestures wildly for Flagg to turn around. Flagg turns just in time to get blasted with the stick. Flagg staggers and bounces off the ropes, and Enforcer nails him again. Flagg bounces again, and Enforcer drills him a third time, breaking the stick over Flagg's head. Flagg slumps to his knees, as Enforcer discards the splintered stick and chooses another weapon from those so thoughtfully provided by Zeek.))

Eddie: Dear god almighty, this is too brutal! Parents, send the kids away from the television!

Travis: Ohh baby, yes! This is awesome! ohhh yeah baby!

Eddie: Did you sneak one of your twenty dollar hookers under the desk or something? You're enjoying this a little too much...enforcer now with the pickle jar! This is gonna be bad...Wait, Zeek is on the ring apron.....BLUE MIST! Zeek shot the blue mist right into Enforcer's eyes! He's blind...wait...OH GOD! He smashed the pickle jar over Zeek's head! Zeek is down! He's bleeding like a stuck pig! Flagg is moving again....

((Zeek is laying on the floor, but is smiling like a sixteen year old after his first time going "all the way". Enforcer is staggering around the ring, trying to clear the blue liquid from his eyes. Flagg crawls over to the computer monitor, uses it to steady himself as he gets to his feet, then rather shakily hoists it above his head, and with the last of his strength, SMASHES IT OVER ENFORCER'S HEAD, showering himself with bits of glass and plastic as well. Enforcer falls straight back, landing on his back in the middle of the ring. Flagg collapses on top of Enforcer for the academic 1-2-3.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match...BLACK FLAGG!!!

(("Euro-Barge" by The Vandals hits on the PA as the fans cheer wildly.))

Eddie: Now I think I can safely say that I have seen it all! That is, without a doubt, that craziest, most brutal hardcore match I have ever seen, or am likely to see again anytime soon...Travis, what are you doing?

Travis: ((puffing on a cigarette, with an odd glow about him)) Gods, that was great! It was almost spiritual! I haven't felt this good in ages!

Eddie: Travis, you're sick....look, Zeek is on his feet, and he's a bloody mess....what's he doing with that bag of mulch?

Travis: Eddie, my man, he's just being the best Zeek he can!

Eddie: Forget I asked.

((Zeek shoulders the bag of mulch into the ring, then rolls in himself. He stands and helps Flagg to his feet. Flagg picks up a stray pickle, looks it over, then takes a bite. While he munches, Zeek opens the bag of mulch. Flagg motions for him to wait, then stuff the half-eaten pickle into the unconscious Enforcer's mouth. He nods to Zeek, who proceeds to dump the mulch all over Enforcer!))

Travis:((Howling with laughter)) Oh god! That's just priceless! Priceless!

Eddie: Wow, talk about adding insult to injury!This is going to be one night that the Enforcer will never forget!

Travis: If he even remembers, after that beating! Oh, by the way...KEEP BLUE OUT!

Eddie: Let's take a break...a really LONG break, while this mess gets cleaned up!

((Camera focuses in on the thoroughly beaten and humiliated Enforcer, then fades to commercial.))

((The screen goes black yet there is the sound of water dripping, camera starts to focuse. It shows not water dripping but blood. The camera flashes clips of Seph fighting with Terry and Spider with Quinn. The shows the dripping blood again, Another flash this time ones of Jericho, Flagg, Syn, Enforcer, and Rave. Then that of a steal cage. The blood shows again running more. One final flash shows Tiger standing face to face with Ace. The blood now pours as What Comes Around by Ill Nino kicks up. Camera pans down showing the blood drain away but before it does it spells out Blood Brawl.))

Eddie: We are just one week away from Blood Brawl.

Travis: I can't wait. It's going to be the best Pay Per Veiw ever.

((I Will Be Heard by Hatebreed blasts over the stereo as Terry Riffic comes down to the ring with a mic which means he has something on his mind.))

Terry Riffic - Have no fear Terry Riffic is here!!!

((Crowd boos))

Terry - Oh come on! You act like thats a bad thing. You people all know you paid good money to see good wrestlers so did you really think I would screw you guys over of a chance to see me Terry Riffic. I just have one question to ask tonight. Why wasn't I asked to wrestle on this show? I mean who the hell cares about anyone else? We all know they arent Terry Riffic and I am so whats going on here? Well you know what im gonna do to make it up to all of you people? I'm going to give away my book with my phone number to all the lucky ladies I think can handle me Terry Riffic.

((Ladies cheer and men boo.))

Terry - Thats right guys get jealous cause Terry is gonna take what you want and thats your bitches. You see guys "God made me Terry Riffic, What the hell did he do to you?"

((He drops the mic and starts giving the books with number to all the ladies he wants, While I Will Be Heard by Hatebreed blasts over the PA as he slowly walks to the back.))

Travis: How does he do it?

Eddie: Do what?

Travis: He gets all the girls.

Standard Match
Cardinal Syn VS Harley Quinn

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring at this time, accompanied by "Original Syn" Killian Nevarro, "Cardinal Syn" Deliano McLarson!!

(As the Alkaline Trio's Hell Yes emanates from the PA system, the Cardinal Syn Deliano McLarson steps out from behind the curtain, dressed in a white leather trenchcoat splattered with blood from previous encounters, a pair of black full length tights, and blood red boots. A few steps behind him is the Original Syn Killian Nevarro, dressed in a blood red miniskirt and a white trenchcoat like Deliano's. Deliano slides under the ropes and then leans against the ropes, salivating at the chance to make someone bleed.))

Jean Fortello (Ring Announcer): And his opponent, making her way to the ring, accompanied by the Mafioso.HARLEY QUINN!!!

((The theme to the Godfather begins to play, as a tall blonde haired, blue eyed woman appears dressed in an armani suit. Three guys appear by her side. Johnny has jet black hair and is musclar, Reno has red hair, and is always seen smoking a cigarette at ring side, and rude is a 6'5 bald headed man, who wears sunglasses to the ring, and are all dressed in armani suits to match hers. They make their way to the ring and once they get there the boys help her in the ring.))

Eddie: These two athletes are so skilled, that this match will no doubt be hard to call. Harley Quinn has impressed us so many times, but "Cardinal Syn" is a hardcore dude!

Travis: Actually, I'm rather looking forward to after the match. Maybe we' ll be lucky and get to see a funny commercial.

Eddie: You're horrible, incase you weren't aware.

Travis: Not horrible, The Best!

((The bell rings and Harley kicks things off with a chop to Syn's chest. She follows up with another chop to the chest. Syn is wobbling and Harley attempts a clothesline. Syn ducks, and counters with a neckbreaker. While Harley is laying motionless, Syn begins to stomp away at her midsection. Johnny not liking what he sees jumps on the ring apron and distracts Syn. Syn turns his attention to Johnny, but before he can do anything Harley rolls him up for a pin. The ref is down to make the count.))

Eddie: 1.

Travis: 2.

((Harley kicks out.))

Travis: Of course, I should only be so lucky to have this match end that soon.

((Harley begins punching Syn's stomach with alternate fists and Syn doubles over. Harley sets Syn up for a DDT, flips him around and delivers a giant Inverted DDT. Syn holds his head and crawls to the corner, and leans against the turnbuckle. Harley sees this and charges at him. She leaps into the air and delivers a Bronco Buster.))

Travis: Wrestlers have all the fun!! Lucky bastard has Harley's crotch in his face!

Eddie: Pervert.

Travis: And proud of it!!

((Original Syn climbs into the ring and runs towards Harley. Harley notices and gets out of the way in time, and she winds up tripping "Original Syn". She winds up head butting Syn in the balls!! "Original Syn" gets up and turns around but is met with a Superkick, the force of the kick sends Original Syn flying over the ropes. Harley gets over confident and begins taunting and drawing cheering out of the fans. This gives Syn enough time to recover. While Harley isn't paying attention, Syn locks onto her back and delivers a German Suplex. Syn keeps the hold and hits another German Suplex. Syn once again keeps the lock and tries for a third, but Harley counters and somehow manages to hurcinrana Syn.))


Travis: My God! Why are you shouting like a lunatic!

((Harley gets up and leans on the ropes to catch her breath. Syn uses the ropes to pull himself up. Once he is up he winds up in the middle of the ring, looking dazed and confused. Harley begins stomping her foot on the floor, and the fans start to cheer. She keeps stomping until Syn is facing her. Once he is facing her..BAM!! SWEET CHIN MUSIC!! She is down and makes the cover and the ref counts 1---------2---------3!!!))


Travis: Man, what the hell did you eat before you came out here!! Think maybe you can turn the volume down until Blood Brawl? You can yell all you want there.

((The Godfather theme is playing and The Mafioso is celebrating in the ring while Cardinal Syn is rolling out of the ring. The scene fades into a commercial as Harley is hoisted into the air by Johnny and Reno.))

((A Good Year Tires logo pops up as the camera pans around the store. There is a balding sales man behind the desk. He is on the phone till there is a loud roar of a motor followed by a honk. The man looks up and starts to head out side. To his shocked parked out side is the Goldberg Monster Truck. Behind the wheel is the of HWC Superstar Obake. He sticks his head out the window and all out.)

Obake: Hey pal you got any tires that hit this?)

IC Title Match
Amy Jensen(c) VS "soulveyer" Jericho Dylan

Eddie: Well ladies and gentlemen this has been quite a night so far but I think the best is yet to come personally!

Travis: Amy Jensen against the supposed mob boss Jericho Dylan! Mob boss with that hair of his?

((Jericho Dylan's music began to blare across the speakers, cutting off any further banter between the two. He made his way down the ramp and slid into the ring, he perched on the ring post to await his opponent's entrance. Amy Jensen's music kicked up through the speakers but there was no sign of the HWC's spitfire, after about thirty seconds or so the music faded out and the HWC tron came to life. There standing was Chaotica, leader of the Sickness with a wicked cat like grin on her face.))

Chaotica: Hello all of you loyal HWC fans! This was taped earlier today so that I might have a surprise for all of you tonight. I was speaking to el presidente Autumn Lewis a couple of days ago and between the two of us we came up with or rather I came up with an idea to make the IC title match even more interesting, and I am sure all of you are wondering what that is hmm? Well let me say these two words for you LUMBERJACK MATCH!

((As the words spilled from her lips the camera feed went black and the lights went out in the arena. A moment later 'Down with the Sickness' by Disturbed kicked up and green pyrotechnics went off. The lights came back on and the entire Sickness is at the top of the ramp. Amy, Chaotica, Charity, Hunter were all clad in black leather low riding pants with bright green flames going up the legs and matching black tank tops with "the sickness" in bright green letters. Rancid. clad in black and his usual green sunglasses stands with Ramus and a friend of their's Marcus. The seven of them make their way down to the ring amidst thounderous cheers. Rancid locked eyes with Jericho and grinned ferraly as he drew a thumb across his throat. As the six of them surrounded the ring, Amy flipped over the top rope and grinned at Jericho as the referee signaled for the match to begin. Jericho and Amy locked up in the middle of the ring and with a knee to the stomach Amy wrapped an arm around Jericho's neck and then nailed him with a bulldog. She had him rolled over on his back and covered him for a count of one before Jericho kicked out with authority.))

Travis: WOW! Did you see Jericho power out of that one!

Eddie: Any wagers Travis on who will win?

Travis: Hard call on that one Eddie

Vendor: Popcorn get your fresh popcorn! Peanuts, popcorn, Travis's mom!


((After Jericho's kick out he and Amy traded punches back and forth, he grabbed amy by the arm and flung her across the ring into the ropes. As she came back across Jericho bent over to take Amy down with a backbody drop, however she saw this coming and fell to the ground in front of Jericho and slapped him so hard he fell backwards. Vaulting to her feet, Amy climbed the turnbuckle and did a swanton bomb off the top rope, Jericho looked up and saw her coming and moved out of the way. So Amy made contact with nothing but wrestling ring. Her fellow stable mates cheered for her to get up, jericho went to pull Amy to her feet by her hair but she was out of view of the ref so she nailed him with a low blow. Jericho fell over grabbing his crowned jewels, scrambling to her feet Amy stood over Jericho and grabbed him by the ankles. With a sadistic grin she proceeded to split him like a wishbone.))

Chaotica: Thatta girl Amy!

((Jericho got to his feet and while Amy was gloating he tossed her over the top rope and into the arms of Hunter and Charity who immediately pushed her back into the ring. Jericho pulled his foot back to kick Amy, but Amy was the faster of the two. She kicked his feet out from underneath him, sending him crashing to the mat. Getting to her feet she once more climbed to the top rope and set up for a swanton bomb, this time landing it perfectly.))

Ref: one...two....thr....

((Just as the referee was bringing his hand down for the count of three Jericho managed to get his shoulder up off of the mat. Muttering a curse Amy wrapped her hands around Jericho's neck and tried to strangle him, Jericho flipped Amy over on to her back and pinned her shoulders to the mat.))

Ref: one...two...thr....

((Amy brought her head up and connected squarely with Jericho's face. He fell away from Amy with his hands covering his nose which was dripping blood. Amy was standing at the ropes when he decided to charge her, leaning over she sent him flying over the top rope into Ramus and Rancid's arms.))

Rancid: does this mean I get married next?

((He asked Ramus before the two of them tossed Jericho back into the ring. Amy caught Jericho as they threw him in. Picking him up she nailed him with a spineshank.))

Eddie: OH MY GOD!

Travis: Holy shit! The young spitfire Amy may very well have won this match here! Rolling Jericho up into a small package Amy held him tight while the referee counted to three

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner and STILL Intercontintental Champion, AMY JENSEN!

((As the referee handed the belt to Amy, the rest of the Sickness slid into the ring and converged on Amy. A moment later she was sitting on someone's shoulders holding the belt high above her head.))

Eddie: Well that was an excellent match

Travis: Yes it was, a hard fought battle between the two with Amy coming out on top

((The scene fades in to the office of Martin Smalls, Martin looks up from his desk shuffling some papers, behind him his bodyguard Draven Masters stands, arms crossed and face completely emotionless, Martin Smiles at the camera and begins to speak))

Smalls: Ladies and Gentlemen of the HWC and all the wrestlers out back…

((Smalls narrows his eyes))

Smalls: Last week despite my attempts to keep it a secret whisperings have begun to circulate about an unknown Entity know as The Black List…what is it? What does it mean for the HWC? Is there any available information to disclose to you anxious fans or information mongers?

((Laying the papers aside Smalls jerks a thumb over his shoulder))

Smalls: Rest assured all those questions will answered in due time…Next week to be exact…Next Slaughter to be even more precise, until then the Identity of The Black List and it's purpose is known only to me and my bodyguard here…oh and a few select others heh heh but that's not important. What matters is Next week all will be revealed…and just so as not to keep you all in complete darkness on the matter I'll go one step further then I probably should.

Smalls: Next week I will book a match, Ryan "The rough Ryder" Maverick against…The Black List…why Ryan Maverick? Well lets just say I hate Cowboys…and Mr. Maverick has stated an open challenge, therefore his innocent challenge has been taken up by the Political Machine known as Martin Smalls…Your HWC Vice President

((A Snicker makes it's way across the face of Draven then his face goes back to it's blank stare, Martin allows a lingering cocky grin to remain on his face))

Smalls: So until next week HWC fans…Stay Tuned because whether or not you want to admit it you Know Martin Smalls is always going to keep things interesting…and keep you guessing.

((The scene fades))

Two on One Match
Kidd Rock VS The Takk and Jason "The Renegade" Hawk

Eddie: This match hardly seems fair for Kidd.

Travis: It's all part of being a wrestler in the HWC.

Jean Fortello: First to the ring weighing in at 225 pound, from Louisville, Kentucky, KKIIIIIDDD RROOCCCKKKK!!!

((Bawitdabaw Kid Rock and the arena lights dim. The HWC-Tron shows various scenes from wrestling's past, one image fading to anotherdually picking up speed, until, at the point where the music the goes, "My name is Kiiiiid...", when they are all a blur. At this point, the HWC- Tron goes black. Then, as the main part of the song kicks in, there is a large blast of Pyro, and Kidd Rock steps out, hands on his hips, looking around at the fans. After a moment, he makes his way to the ring, where he climbs the turnbuckle to his left and gestures to the fans. The music is cut off by Falling Apart, Trust Company, The Takk and Jason Hawk appears behind the curtain.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponets weighing in at a combined weight of 493 pounds, The Takk and Jason Hawk.

((They break into a run heading for the ring. Kidd hits the ropes using that to send him over the top rope and crashing on both Takk and Hawk below. Kidd rolls to his feet and starts stomping on take till Hawk gets up and grabs Kidd. He throws him into the steps and helps Takk to his feet. Kidd holds his back in pain but stands as he shakes it off. Grabing the steal steps Kidd chucks them at Hawk but Hawk ducks. The steps smash into the face of Takk and he crumbles to the floor with them. Hawk comes up and knocks Kidd down with a powerful close line. Picking Kidd up Hawk rolls him into the ring and follows. Pulling him to his feet Hawk knees Kidd in the face a few times till Kidd fights back with a low blow. Hawk turns away hold him self, Kidd grabs the back of Hawk's neck and delivers a bull dog. Once down Kidd goes for a quick pin. 1...2 kick out. Kidd getting to his feet pulls Hawk up and throws him to the ropes, Hawk does a reversal throwing Kidd to the ropes. On the rebound Hawk grabs Kidd into a powerslam, but Kidd manages slips behind him delivering a drop kick to the back of Hawk's head.))

Travis: It's lights out on Hawk.

Eddie: Kidd seems fired tonight, lucky for him he has to only worry about Hawk for now.

Travis: For now!? Takk is in lala land, I don't think he will be waking up any time soon thanks to Kidd.

((Kidd does and quickly climbs the turn buckle and leaps off to land an elbow drop, but Hawk rolls out of the way at the last. Kidd lands hard on his shoulder. Hawk comes over and pulls Kidd up by his now hurt shoudler. Hawk then pulls Kidd into an abdominal stretch, Kidd is heard screaming in pain. The ref finaly comes over and breaks them up. Hawk releases the hold but doesn't let go of his right arm, pulling it hard to him Hawk gives Kidd a shoulder thrust. Hawk tries to do another but Kidd counters with a DDT. Kidd crawls to the corner holding his hurt arm.))

Eddie: Kidd hurt this match should stop!

Travis: Shut up Eddie, it's just starting to get good.

((Hawk shakes his head and gets to his feet, seeing Kidd in the corner Hawk runs at him. Hawk goes to deliver a bronco buster but Kidd rolls out at the last second letting Hawk run into the turn buckle. On the out side Takk is starting to get to his feet, seeing this Kidd hits Sweet Chin Music on Takk sending him face first on the steal steps.))

Travis: That had to hurt, but yet it was very cool.

Eddie: The man could have broken his neck, and thats all you care about?

Travis: Yep!

((Hawk climbs the turn buckle and leaps off deliving a flying headbutt. Both men fall to the floor as the ref start to count. 1.....2....3....4.... Hawk is the first to his feet. Grabing the ring steps away from the hurt Takk, Hawk start to beat them into the hurt shoulder of Kidd. Hawk picks up the motionless Kidd and raises him above his head in a gorilla press, with great effort he throws Kidd over the top rope and into the ring. Climbing the turn buckle again to deliver another Flying headbutt. Still hurting all Kidd manages to do is roll out of the way.))


Travis: It's only a matter of time before it's all over.

((Kidd slowly crawls over to Hawk and covers him. 1....2.....3 NO! Victor Black slid into the ring and before the ref could get his hand down, Victor knocked the ref over the head with his cane.))


Travis: His mother where do you think.

Eddie: I knew from the start this was going to be an unfair match.

((Victor grabs the ref and throws him out of the ring. He then starts to beat on Kidd with the cane. By this time Hawk grabs the ropes and uses them to to get to his feet. Once up Hawk joins Victor on beating Kidd, he start to stomp away on that hurt shoulder. There comes a loud roar of cheers as Obake comes running down to the ring. Victor sees this and backs away to the corner. Hawk has yet to as he is busy stomping on Kidd.))

Eddie: At least Black is smarter then Hawk. He has no idea who just enter the ring.

Travis: OBAKE YES! The big man is back!

((Obake slides into the ring and eyes Victor, he crouches looking very dangerous. With a roar he runs at Victor with a spear, but Victor pulls infront Hawk in front of him and dives over the top rope to safty. Hawk is hit hard and thrown into the corner. He then crumbles to the floor. Obake turns to help Kidd up but sees he's half out of it. Pulls Hawk away from the corner Obake pulls Kidd on top of him and looks for the ref. Climbing out of the ring he finds the ref laying out cold, acting quickly Obake pulls off the refs shirt. He tries to put it on but its way to small and rips in serval places trying to make it fit. Sliding back into the ring and makes the count. 1...2.... Hawk gets a shoulder up. Obake looks annoyed and elbows Hawk in the head, ge goes for another count. 1..2..3 The bell rings as Obake helps Kidd to his feet.))

Jean Fortello: Your Winner, Kidd Rock!

Eddie: Thanks to Obake Kidd pulls away with the win but at what price. And where was Tiger durning all this?

Travis: He can't no that, he's no ref!

Eddie: You tell him that.

Travis: You first.

Eddie: Thanks for watching, and we will see you next week.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))