Tuesday Night Slaughter
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada at the Saskatchewan Place

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, then back to black.))

Eddie: Welcome, everyone, to HWC Slaughter! We are LIVE in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan at the Saskatchewan Place! I'm Eddie Daniels and with me as always is...

Travis: Travis Best! We have a lot of action for you tonight...

Eddie: That we do, Travis! Tonight is the last Slaughter before the Pay Per View and we are SOLD OUT!

Standard Match
Ravin Masters vs Jarred Dylan

(("Stand Alone" by Iced Earth begins on the PA. As the song reaches its crescendo, Jarred Dylan, the World Heavyweight Champion, steps out, with the belt over his shoulder, and, given the events of last week, receives a decidedly mixed reaction from the fans. Jarred doesn't seem to be letting this bother him, however, as he makes his way to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: The following is a non-title match, scheduled for one fall. On his way to the ring, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing 225 pounds, the reigning HWC World heavyweight Champion... JARRED DYLAN!!!

Eddie: Well, definitely a mixed reaction from the fans, not that anyone can blame them, after what we witnessed last week!

Travis: You're not kidding! Even I'm confused about him!

Eddie: (in mock surprise) You, the great Travis Best, confused? Say it ain't so!

Travis: Ha ha, very funny! But whether you like him or not, Jarred Dylan is the World Heavyweight Champion, and that's not exactly small potatoes!

Eddie: well, there's one thing we agree on, anyway!

((Jarred deposits the belt at the timekeeper's table, then climbs into the ring, as "Stand Alone" fades. A moment later, "Descending Angel" hits over the PA and just as the body of the song kicks in, the stage lights up with a huge blast of pyro. When it dies down Ravin is standing there headbanging to the beat with her massive brother, Draven Masters standing behind her.))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, accopmpanied by Draven Masters... from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 140 pounds... RAVIN MASTERS!!!

((Ravin makes her way to the ring oblivious to the fans, lost in the music, as she headbangs and sings all the way to the ring. Once inside she gets some last minute advice from Draven and waits for the match to start. Referee Steven Kayne checks that Draven is away from the ring, looks at each of the competitiors, who are standing ready, then signals for the bell to start the match. They begin by circling, then, they move together for the lock-up, but Ravin ducks under Jarred's arms, slips behind him, and surprises Jarred, not to mention Draven and everyone else, by hitting a textbook German Suplex!))

Eddie: Wow, surprise move there by Ravin!

Travis: No shit! And Jarred can't believe it!

((Jarred comes up on one knee, a look of total surprise on his face, then a grudging nod of acknowledgement as he gets to his feet. At ringside, Draven is clapping and cheering, then looks at the camera and says "That's my little sister that did that!" Back in the ring, Jarred and Ravin are circling again, and this time, they both go for the lock-up. Jarred asserts his strength by throwing Ravin across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex. Ravin rolls with the landing and springs right back to her feet, but is met by a charging Jarred, who plants a kick in her midsection, which has the desired effect of doubling her over, allowing Jarred to connect with a sharply snapped DDT!))

Eddie: Nicely done by Jarred!

Travis: Yup! That suplex was really just a set-up for the set-up, so to speak, for that DDT, and it worked beautifully!

Eddie: It cartainly did... Jarred now hitting the ropes... Ravin drops down, Jarred hops over her, hits the other ropes... No, Asai Moonsault, and right on the money! Jarred with a cover... 1... 2... No, Ravin just got her shoulder up!

((Draven pounds the ring apron enthusiastically as Ravin gets out of the pinning predicament. Jarred hauls her to her feet, whips her into the ropes, and as she coms bouncing back, he goes to lock on a Camel Clutch, but Ravin ducks, hits the opposite ropes, and hits a flying head scissors, which sends Jarred flying across the ring! He lands head-first, and Ravin wastes no time in heading for the top rope! Jarred gets shakily back to his feet, turns, and Ravin takes him down with a Hurricanrana!))

Eddie: Fabulous series of moves by Ravin... a cover... 1... 2... NO!!! Jarred kicks out with authority!

Travis: (resting his chin in one hand, staring dreamily at Ravin) Wow, what an incredible ass Ravin has!

Eddie: Travis, are you really a complete idiot? Her damn-near-300-pound brother is standing right over there... Wait a minute, where's your other hand?

Travis: (still staring) Hmm?

Eddie: Forget it, I probably don't want to know anyway... Ravin back up, Jarred getting up on one knee... Ravin hauling him up... A kick to Jarred's midsection... Piledriver, and a beauty!

Travis: She certainly is... damn lucky Jarred, sticking his head between her thighs....



((Eddie disposes of the busted clipboard, as Ravin heads for the top turnbuckle again. Jarred gets slowly to his feet, and Ravin goes for another hurricanrana, but this time Jarred is ready. He catches her, and, since she's already in the perfect position, powerbombs her hard to the mat! Draven cringes visibly as Ravin clutches at her back, while Jarred circles around behind her. Draven shouts a warning, but Ravin is unable to turn quickly enough, and Jarred locks in an STF! Ravin cries out with the pain as Jarred cinches in the excruciating hold. Fortunately for Ravin, she is able, with a great deal of effort and pain, to wrench her leg around, and, after much screaming from equal parts pain and determination, plus with Draven pounding the mat with both hands and getting the fans to cheering and clapping for her, she is JUST able to hook the toe of her shoe over the bottom rope!))

Eddie: My gods, what an effort by Ravin to get to the bottom rope and forcing Jarred to release his hold!

Travis: Are you kidding? Jarred LET her get to the ropes! She used up a whole lot of energy doing all that!

Eddie: There's no arguing that... Jarred now pulling Ravin to her feet... whips her to the ropes... Ravin ducks a clothesline... SPINNING HEEL KICK!!! Jarred is down... but so is Ravin! A desperation move by Ravin... but is it enough?! Ravin crawling over for a cover... 1... 2... thr-NO!!! Two and nine-tenths! Ravin was an inch away from pinning the world champion.... and how much can she have left in her gas tank?!

((The question is answered in a moment. Jarred pulls himself to his feet, and Ravin, herself a bit unsteady, is behind Jarred. He turns, and she ducks under, hoisting Jarred onto her shoulders, and makes a critical error at this point. She points at her brother Draven, signalling for the Master Plan. As she begins the swinging motion, Jarred hooks his arm around Ravin's neck, shifts his weight, and uses the momentum to hit a HARD DDT! Ravin is barely moving, but slowly pulling herself to her feet, as Jarred clambers to the top turnbuckle!))

Eddie: Ravin, turning... Draven screaming for her to move... Jarred leaps... HEARTLAND SHIELD!!! Ravin was nearly broken in half! Jarred for the cover... 1... 2... 3!!! JARRED WINS!!

((Jarred falls backwards into the nearest corner, slumping as the referee raises his hand in victory. Draven, at the instant the match is over, dives into the ring and goes to Ravin, who is barely moving., as "Stand Alone" blares on the PA.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... JARRED DYLAN!!!

((Jarred half-tumbles from the ring, staggers over to the timekeeper's table, and collects his belt, while, in the ring, Draven and the referee are carefully assisting Ravin to her feet. She finally, albeit shakily, get up, and the crowd cheers her enthusistically for a damn good match.They get as far as the ring steps, however, when it becomes obvious that Ravin is really not able to walk, so Draven simply picks her up in his arms and carries her, all the way to the back, as the fans begin to chant 'RA-VIN! RA-VIN!. She clings to her brother's neck, obviously overwhelmed by the combination of pain and the heartwarming response of the fans, and is also obviously trying very hard not to cry.))

((Out of nowhere Juggalo Homies starts to play. It isn't long after that, that a hyped up Ghost comes out from behind the curtain with a mic in hand. Oddly enough he is alone this time, but seems excited as he rolls into the ring. Leaping to his feet he waves to the fans that boo him. Before his music can cut he starts to speak.))

Ghost: Yo quit playin'. Don't be foolin' me, I know y’all love me. Come on now, quit clownin' here. I came out here with something to say. I didn't just come out here to chill with y’all. Y'all know I got better things to do than that. (can't help but chuckle as they boo him more) Y'all know I'm playing... Now... CHILL! Now... I hear there is a little bratling running around somewhere back stage. See the walls have ears and I hear that he's looking for me. That's cool, I know I'm a hard guy to find. That's okay. I'm right here. (turns and looks at the stage) D... whatever your name is, (shrugs) It don't matter, D-Punk... So was your old man. And if you dare... I'll put you in the Hall of Fame for shortest career ever!

((For a moment, there's nothing. Then, "Walk Among Us" by the Misfits blasts on the PA, and out steps Dieter Hammlich, but instead of the sort of happy-go-lucky 18 year old kid the people might have been expecting, they see an angry young man power walking to the ring. He walks quite deliberately up the steps and climbs into the ring, and stops precisely three feet in front of Ghost. And the music fades, as he straightens his well-worn Misfits T-shirt, produces a microphone from the back pocket of his faded jeans, and speaks, in a clear, lightly German-accented voice.))

Dieter: To begin with, Herr Ghost, my name is Dieter Hammlich.

Ghost: You’re in America now Homie... Speak it. Or you might find yourself beaten up with your shirt and shoes taken. Well, maybe not your shirt. (chuckles) It’s not good enough to wipe my ass with.

Dieter: If that was meant to be funny, you failed miserably. Now why don't we just, as you Americans say, cut to the chase. Why do you tempt fate by calling me out here?

Ghost: Fate? (laughs again) Dude, fate has nothing to do with this. It's simple... (gets right up in his face) Austin's here to bring the HWC up to new heights... And me, and Tiger, and my posse are here to pave the road. Starting with you! (pushes him back) How’s that for fate, punk?

((Dieter starts to ball up his fist, but suddenly starts laughing instead.))

Dieter: I see what is going on here. You intend to entice me into attacking you, and then your little hoodlum friends come running in from out of nowhere. Nice try, Herr Ghost!

Ghost: (looks around and shrugs) I don't see anyone else here but me... Oh, I see. I get it, holmes... You’re scared!

Dieter: (with a scornful chuckle) There you go again, trying to be funny! You really should stop, you don't have the talent for it. Besides... (getting into Ghost's face)... I am not scared of anyone, especially someone like you!

Ghost: Your daddy was after showing him how a real man wrestles!

((Dieter gets an angry glare in his eyes, and without warning, slaps Ghost in the face!))

((Ghost's head snaps back bit he does not move. His eyes fill with anger as he looks back at Dieter, he raises the mic to his lips.))

Ghost: Real men don't slap!

((Ghost retaliates with a roundhouse kicking Dieter in the head. Dieter is knocked backwards and falls to the mat. He gets up to one knee, holding a hand to his head, but glaring at Ghost with a burning hatred))

Ghost: If you want to be a man D-Punk... Meet me at In-Justice... for a No Hands Match!

((Dieter gets slowly, deliberately to his feet, walks slowly over to Ghost, looking like he is about to back out...then, suddenly, hits a stinging Enziguri kick to the back of Ghost's head! Ghost, not expecting that lays there holding his head.))

Dieter: (Glaring down at Ghost) Consider that a yes!

Hardcore Match
Hans Kuhmann vs B.D.

Eddie: Well up next is a match I know Travis will like. A hardcore match between BD and Hans Kuhmann, and of course that means...

Travis: BLOOD! And lots of it, bring it on baby!

Eddie: You're sick.

Travis: Thank you.

Eddie: Why do I bother?

Jean Fortello: The following contest is a hardcore match and it is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first...

((As the music fades in, the lights fade, and the HWC-tron shows a very distinguished looking gentleman, in an elaborate study, his hands resting on his left knee, folded over his right. As the song proceeds, the man's voice cuts in. "Look, I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen." the HWC-tron then fades to black, and two large red dots appear on the Tron, only to flow down, and leave behind two letters made from the red liquid, in B.D. Smoke fills the entranceway and the ring, after a few seconds obscuring both, the lights come back up, the smoke flowing from the ring, showing B.D. waiting, in a low crouch, for the match to start.))

Jean: From the second tier of Hell, weighing 260 pounds, BD!

((BD stands up and slides out of the ring and tosses back the ring apron, and starts rummaging around for some hardcore toys. He tosses in a garbage can, two kendo sticks, a baseball bat, a stop sign, a couple of other street signs, a two by four wrapped in barbed wire, a chair and a broom.))

Eddie: And already BD is filling up the ring with the hardcore tools of the trade. These hardcore matches are so dangerous because you never know what is going to happen. I mean we're talking about a match with no countouts, no disqualification and falls count anywhere.

Travis: I know. It's great isn't it?

Eddie: How much did you bet on this match?

Travis: Five hundred.

Eddie: Sheesh! I had to ask.

((BD slides back into the ring and picks up a chair looking towards the entrance.))

Jean: And his opponent...

(("Seek and Destroy" starts up but there is no sign of Hans. Everyone looks expectantly towards the entranceway as the song blares on.))

Eddie: Where's Hans?

Travis: I don't know, maybe his AA meeting didn't get out yet.

Eddie: That's not funny!

Travis: Then why am I laughing?

Eddie: Because you're an idiot.


Travis: There he is! He came out through the crowd!

((Hans jumped the guardrail behind BD with a chair in hand and slipped into the ring to clobber BD with the weapon. BD staggers a bit and turns around giggling. Hans doesn't waste a second and brings the chair down upon the cranium of BD again. BD still stands tall, Hans starts wailing on BD eventually driving him down to the mat where he continues to wear out BD with the chair until it is bent out of shape. He tosses the damaged chair aside and grabs a kendo stick and starts to wail away on BD with that. BD's hand suddenly shoots up and grabs the stick and snatches it out of Hans' hands. He jabs backwards with it nailing Hans in the gut.))

Eddie: BD just shrugged off that tremendous beating Hans just laid into him with!

Travis: Maybe he's too stupid to feel pain. GO BD!

((BD stands up as Hans staggers backwards and whaps Hans across the midsection with the kendo stick, doubling Hans over, BD then brings the weapon down over the back of Hans and Hans stands up straight yelping in pain his hand going to his back as if that will be enough to ward off the pain. BD steps behind Hans and wraps the stick around his throat and pulls back, choking him.))

Eddie: Anything goes in this hardcore match and that choke is as legal as a bodyslam.

Travis: Come on BD, make him bleed!

Eddie: You need help.

((Hans, in desperation swings his leg backwards kicking BD squarely in his nads. BD's eyes go wide with pain and he drops the kendo stick and steps backwards grabing at his crotch and falls to the side. Hans takes a moment to catch his breath and picks up the garbage can. He waits for BD to stand up and places the can over BD's head. He then dropkicks the can, denting in and sending BD back down to the mat. He grabs the stop sign and heads to the top rope. He leaps off placing the sign under his legs as he comes down with an Arabian Facebuster to BD who is still stuck in the trash can. The sound of metal hitting metal hitting flesh echoes throughout the arena. BD writhes a bit in the can and Hans grabs BD by his ankles and pulls him free of the can and we can see that Hans has drawn first blood.))

Travis: And BD has been busted open! That Arabian Facebuster to BD while he was still in the can opened him up! We have blood! YES!

Eddie: And Hans doing the smart thing here, staying on the attack, not giving BD a second to recover.

((BD grabs the baseball bat as Hans pulls him out, he swings the bat up and nails Hans in the head. Hans grabs his head and staggers back to the ropes and sags on them as he sees stars. BD stands up and runs at Hans swinging the bat down and clobbers Hans over the head. Hans sags further down, letting go of the rope and falls to the mat. BD looks down and giggles at Hans and then exits the ring, going under the ring again, this time he comes up with a table. He sets the table up next to the ring and then darts back inside the ring and grabs a chair and places that on top of the table. He stands on the ring apron and pulls Hans under the bottom rope and to his feet. He then locks Hans up.))

Eddie: What is this lunatic doing? He's not going to...

((Oh yes he is Edward. BD leaps off the ring apron Hans in tow hitting a Plague through the chair covered table.))

Eddie: Dear God in Heaven! BD just hit a Plague on Hans through a table and chair!

((As the crowd chants "HOLY SHIT!" BD goes for the cover, and it seems just a formality at this point. 1...2...and somehow, amazingly Hans gets his shoulder up! Battered and bleeding his shoulder is up off the mat. BD looks shocked that Hans actually managed to escape. He quickly regains his composure and pulls Hans to his feet and whips him towards the steel steps. Hans hits hard and the top half of the steps go flying off and Hans falls in a heap on the bottom half of the steps. BD goes and flips Hans over onto his back and then gets the top half of the steps and raises them over his head.))

Eddie: NO! He'll kill him if he does that!

Travis: Hey, this is a hardcore match. Hans should've known what he was in for!

((BD raises the steps up and brings them down, but Hans even in a dazed state is smart enough to realize that steps + his head = The end of Hans. He rolls off to the side and the steps collide with the bottom half of the steps. The vibrations run up BD's arms making him drop the steps and Hans uses the gardrail to pull himself back up and staggers off towards the ramp trying to get his bearings back and put some distance between BD and himself.))

Travis: Look at the coward running!

Eddie: Would you stick around a guy who just tried to turn your head into a pancake?

Travis: Good point.

((BD reaches into the ring and grabs a kendo stick and goes charging up the ramp after Hans weilding the stick like a samurai warrior and screaming "AIIYYYYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Hans hears the battle cry and turns stepping aside avoiding a charging BD, BD runs past Hans a few steps and turns around. Hans kicks BD in the gut and DDT's him on the steel ramp, BD's body sagging a bit, but then his body starts shaking and his manical giggling can be heard. Hans stomps on BD's head before the loon can stand back up. And doesn't stop kicking him in the head until he stops giggling. He rolls BD over and goes for a cover on the ramp. 1...2...3...NO! BD rolls his shoulder up at the last second, looking none the worse for wear, considering his head has just been repeatedly smashed into the steel of the ramp. Hans pulls BD up and drags him the rest of the way up to the stage and then scoops him up and slams him on the steel stage. BD arches his back in pain, but uses the Tron supports to pull himself to his feet. Hans steps forward and launches a superkick at BD, but BD manages to dodge the kick and Hans finds his foot caught on the support frame. He hops about for a second trying to get his balance so he can free his foot, but BD takes advantage of Hans's stance and kicks him as hard as he can right in the crotch. Hans yelps in pain as every man cringes in sympathy with him. His other foot crumbles out from underneath him, and he's now hanging upside down by his trapped foot. BD runs back down to the ring and grabs a chair and charges back up the ramp intent on dishing out punishment to Hans. Hans struggles to free his foot as he sees the upside down image of BD coming at him. BD drives the chair into Hans's midsection and Hans stops struggling. BD places the chair over Hans's face and backs up a few steps and then charges forward, intending to baseball slide the chair into Hans. However a figure appears from the entraceway and slams a chair across the face of BD. It's Deiter!))

Travis: Who the hell is that?

Eddie: That's Deiter, Klaus's son, whom Hans has taken under his wing!

Travis: What's he doing out here! This isn't fair!

Eddie: This is a hardcore match, everything is fair.

Travis: Not when it's gonna cost me five hundred bucks!

((Deiter frees Hans's foot and helps him back to his feet. Hans looks at Deiter in shock.))

Hans: Deiter, was tun Sie? (Deiter, what are you doing?)

Deiter: Ich bin trauriges Hans, aber ich könnte nicht gerade zurück dort sitzen und ließ ihn Ihren Kopf zerquetschen! Ich mußte etwas tun! (I'm sorry Hans, but I couldn't just sit back there and let him crush your head! I had to do something!)

Hans: Aber BD ist geisteskrank, würde er kein Problem haben, Sie zusammen mit mir auszuführen, und... OH- Scheiße... ist er oben. (But BD is insane, he'd have no problem taking you out along with me, and...oh shit...he's up.)

((Indeed the giggling maniac is up and is giggling again. Chair in hand. He swings at Deiter who gets pushed out of the way by Hans. BD glares at Hans and swings overhand at him, Hans reaches up and catches the chair as the two men engage in a tug-of-war for possession of the chair. Deiter sees this and drops to his knees behind BD bringing up his arm as hard as he can between the legs of BD...Low blow. Again the insane one feels the pain in his crotch, and staggers around howling in pain. Deiter stands and picks up the other chair on the stage and the two walk over to the still staggering BD and stand on opposite sides of him.))

Eddie: Con-chair-to to BD! Hans and Dieter just nailed BD with a con-chair-to!

Travis: No! This can't be happening, that little German punk is costing me five bills!

Eddie: Can you think about someone besides yourself for just a second?

Travis: I'm thinking about how my bookie is gonna break my kneecaps if I don't come up with the money I now owe him.

Eddie: When am I going to learn to stop asking you serious questions?

((BD is still standing despite having his head sandwiched in between two chairs. They deliver another con-chair-to after exchanging amazed looks that this maniac is still on his feet. This time BD falls...right off the stage and through a table. Hans quickly jumps down after him and makes the cover. 1...2...3!))


Jean Fortello: Here is your winner, Hans Kuhmann!

Eddie: What a huge win for Hans, taking out the insane BD! With a little help from Deiter that is!

((Deiter jumps down and helps Hans celebrate, but as he does BD gets up! He looks around sees Hans with his hand raised in victory and giggles. Hans and Deiter beat a hasty retreat and BD climbs back up onto the stage. He looks out over the crowd and then grabs one of the chairs and leaps off the stage hitting the referee with a chair dive from off the stage!))

Eddie: What the hell was that for?

Travis: For costing me five hundred dollars!

Eddie: You do realize that not everything is not about you, don't you?

Travis: Then why am I here?

Eddie: To annoy me apparently.

((BD looks at the downed referee and giggles again and then heads off to the back.))

Eddie: Hey, everyone... we have a special treat for you tonight. An exclusive interview with the enigmatic Sephiroth du Lac!

Travis: When was this?

Eddie: Yesterday... He allowed me in for an interview.

Travis: The REAL Seph never allowed interviews...

Eddie: Do you want to tell him that? After all he might remember all the things you said about him. Or about Chloe.

Travis: Um... Well, here he is... The REAL Sephiroth du Lac!

*The camera cuts to inside the Du Lac household. Seph is sitting in a dining room chair with little Dante in his arms smiling as Eddie Daniels sits with him.*

Eddie: Seph let me just say it's a pleassure to be here.

Seph: It's a pleasure to have you, Eddie.

Eddie: Seph, I'll get down to it... Are you really Sephiroth du Lac? Are you really the Vampire King?

Seph: Simple answer... Yes I am. At least I'd like to think so. I am the closest there is right?

Eddie: Seph, you've had an illustrious career up until the recent unpleassantness with Creeper. Do you remember any of that leading up to the fight with Creeper?

Seph: To be honest with you, Mr. Daniels...

Eddie: Eddie is fine, Seph.

Seph: Sorry, Eddie... I'm still trying to piece things together. Still trying to inch closer to discovering who I am and really who I was before the incident.

Eddie: Seph, if you could say anything to Creeper right now... What would it be?

Seph: I'm not real sure. I mean what do you say to the man that took everything away from you right? I guess I would ask him why? Why he felt it was necessary to do what he did... And then I'd tell him what's been going on with me, and to be honest I'd try and piece together just what happened and see if I could make amends.

Eddie: So you hold no ill will?

Seph: I don't... *Scratch* I don't... *Seph looks down and sees Dante playing with the mic on his chest.* Sorry, he found the microphone... Yes, well, I admit that when I watch him on the tele or I see a picture of him I am upset to say the least but, I want to understand why. I mean sure he killed me but, I want to know why do I hate him so much and why does he hate me so much? I'd really like to sit down and talk with him to tell the truth.

Eddie: Seph, going back to two weeks ago you had an accident that took you out for a few weeks... do you remember anything at all about it?

Seph: It really all happened so fast. It was really a blur. I didn't see the persons face. But, I do remember the voice yelling at me. It said, "Now, you really are the Fallen One" I'll never forget that.

Eddie: If he were here, right now, what would you say to him?

Seph: I'd ask him for a match.

Eddie: You would?

Seph: Yes.

Eddie: Just a match? I mean he attacked you from behind?.

Seph: Yes, but two wrongs don't make a right, Eddie.

Eddie: Wow, you have changed. *Chuckles*

Seph: I suppose I have... *He looks down at Dante as Dante yells a little trying to speak.* That's right, Daddy's changed.

Eddie: Anyway, Seph thank you for the time.

Seph: No problem.

*The camera fades from the interview and to Eddie and Travis.*

Eddie: There you have it folks.

Travis: *Sighing heavily*

Eddie: What?

Travis: Oh come on! "I'd try to understand why?!" That's why he'll never be Sephiroth du Lac.

Eddie: Well, coming up...

Travis: What an ass...

Eddie: Coming up next...

Jobber Match
Tank the Dwarf vs Ryan "The Rough Ryder" Mavrick

Eddie: What a night so far, and I... Hold on.

Travis: What's up?

Eddie: I'm being told that there is another match that's just been scheduled. I'm not being told who's participating, but that the announcer has the introductions.

Travis: Has this ever happened before?

Eddie: Not to my knowledge... Let's go to the ring.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is a JOBBER MATCH and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first... From the Mines of Moria... Representing The Union... Weighing in at 245 pounds... TANK THE DWARF!

((White pyro goes off in small blasts then Tank walks out from the back carrying the sledge hammer over his shoulder. He then raises it above his head with both hands for a moment then brings it down on the floor before him. As he does so a large blast of red pyro explodes from behind him. Resting the hammer back over his shoulder he walks down to the ring. The fans boo him stridently, not caring for him one whit.))

Travis: *shaking with laughter* This is why you weren't told who it was... It's a stinkin' jobber match!

Eddie: Not funny, Travis.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... From the Heart of the Wild West... Weighing in at 220 pounds... RYAN "THE ROUGH RYDER" MAVRICK!

(("Cowboy Hat" begins to play over the PA system as "The Rough Ryder" makes his way out on the stage. The fans cheer him loudly as he walks down the ramp, tipping his hat in the direction of the ladies. He looks at Tank with a sigh, then climbs into the ring.))

Eddie: The fans remembering Ryan's actions a few months ago when he called 911 for Nancy and Jessie Blankenship... Tank was one of the jobbers who participated in that.

Travis: Yeah, I remember. Wasn't a good night for the Blankenships, was it?

Eddie: Nope. Course, that was the night we found out why the jobbers were striking... And Commissioner Novak was furious with what happened.

Travis: Big whoop.

((Tank's sledgehammer gets tossed out of the ring and the bell sounds. Ryan discards his cowboy hat and circles warily. Tank sneers at him and bites his thumb, only to get hit with a scoop slam that leaves him holding his back. Ryan kicks Tank in the ribs, then Tank gets up and kicks Ryan's knee out. Ryan retaliates with a clothesline that leaves the little man lying on the mat. The fans cheer Ryan rabidly, applauding the gentleman who defends women. Ryan salutes them and turns back to Tank, but the little guy's nowhere to be seen. Tank pops up behind Ryan and kicks him in the butt! Ryan turns around and levels Tank with another clothesline.))

Eddie: Ryan is really taking it to Tank here, Travis!

Travis: Who cares? It's a pair of JOBBERS!

Eddie: Why do I even bother?

Travis: Because you get paid to?

Eddie: No amount of money is worth putting up with your sexist, discriminatory commentary week in and week out!

((Travis looks at Eddie in shock as Ryan drops a knee into Tank's shoulder. Tank rolls over, arm lifting off the mat, and... SLAPS RYAN? Yup! He didn't have enough strength behind that to make it as powerful as he wanted. Ryan laughs and backs off, letting Tank get up. Tank charges, hand catching Ryan right in the moneymaker!))

Travis: OOH! That's gonna leave a mark!

Eddie: You have to admit, that's an... interesting... way to turn the tables...

Travis: And painful!

((You said it, Travis! Ryan drops down, holding that part of his anatomy. The referee didn't exactly see it... But he admonishes Tank anyway. Now that the tables have turned, Tank goes in for the kill, so to speak. But Ryan curls around the ringpost, refusing to let go. A simple tactic, but it works. Tank slides out of the ring to loosen Ryan's grip and gets clocked with Ryan's boot right to the mush!))

Eddie: Ryan showing incredible ring presence there... Hanging on to the ringpost, then kicking Tank in the face when Tank went to loosen his grip.

Travis: Go with what works.

Eddie: Yup. I think, out of the entire jobber contingent, Ryan is the most popular.

Travis: You know, Eddie, I think you're right. I just remembered that Ryan was supposed to become a full-fledged member of the HWC roster. I wonder why he didn't.

Eddie: Vice President Pierremont's doing, no doubt. Jobbers get paid less than full wrestlers, so that means he can have more of the company's money to play with.

Travis: Hey, playing with money isn't a crime.

Eddie: It is if you didn't earn it. Austin Pierremont is a greedy SOB, and I hope he gets what he deserves.

((Back in the ring, Ryan gets up and surveys the distance between him and Tank. He seems to be wondering if it's close enough for a suicide dive. But he doesn't get the chance... That eerie grey fog floods the ringside area again, revealing the mysterious female who took Mystic J last week.))

Travis: HEY! Who's that?

Eddie: That's... That's the person who took Mystic J last week! It appears to be a female!

Travis: What's she doing?

Eddie: It looks like she's going after Tank!

((She most certainly is... She lifts him up and hits a Tombstone Piledriver on the outside, then throws him back into the ring under the bottom rope. Ryan hesitates, then backs up. The mystery woman nods to him, then leaves in that same eerie fog from before. Ryan shrugs and goes for a cover. I mean, why not? 1... 2... 3. The pin was academic.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... RYAN MAVRICK!

Eddie: Now I'm confused. Who was she?

Travis: Your guess is as good as mine! But the more important question is... Why is she only going after the jobbers in the Union?

Eddie: I never thought about that. It doesn't make any sense.

Travis: I hope we find out soon. She's creeping me out!

Eddie: Much as I hate to say it, Travis... She's creeping me out too. But don't go away, folks... We'll be back with regular HWC action.

Travis: I can't wait! This is going to be an exciting night, Eddie!

Standard Match
Lucien Merriuci vs Blood Dragon

Eddie: Well, folks, over the past few weeks, we’ve seen Lucien apparently invoke the ire of-

Travis: The HWC’s resident psycho broad.

Eddie: -The Tiger. And now, Lucien’s got a match against Blood Dragon, but you have to wonder whether Tiger’s in the building tonight, and, if she is, if she plans to come out here during this match and make her presence felt.

Travis: She’s probably backstage scaring stagehands.

Eddie: Well, Jean Fortello is in the ring, and we’re going to throw to her, for the introductions.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs, he is the reigning DisasterPiece champion... LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu” starts. Lucien, DP title over his shoulder, slowly, methodically, walks to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside, glaring at the referee. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Eddie: Lucien seeming to be bringing that title to the ring in an effort to get to Tiger. Tiger has said that she wants to prove that Lucien doesn’t deserve that title, and if Lucien keeps allowing himself to be caught off-guard, she may very well do what it is she intends.

Travis: How difficult is it to get a restraining order? All of my past girlfriends have taken them out on me, what’s preventing Lucien from taking one out on Tiger?

Eddie: Your ex-girlfriends have all taken restraining orders out against you?

Travis: I’m not going into that right now, Eddie.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 lbs, he is a former HWC World Champion... BLOOD DRAGON!!!

((As “The Red” comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. Blood turns, getting caught by a powerful clothesline from Lucien, Blood barely moving. Lucien backs up, loosing another powerful clothesline that does no more damage than the previous one. Lucien catches Blood with a kick to the midsection, quickly hooking Blood up, and lifting Blood into a stalling suplex, before bringing Blood crashing back to the ground. This time, Blood stays down for a second, before getting to his feet, catching Lucien with a spear that takes both of them out of the ring, to the floor, Blood getting up first, and sliding back into the ring.))

Eddie: Lucien seems to think that Blood is a pushover, here, and that fact alone appears to be hurting Lucien right here.

Travis: Well, Blood is a lot of things, but a pushover isn’t one of them. An asshole, ugly, stupid, old... and those are just his good qualities!

Eddie: You’re an ass.

((Lucien gets up, looking at Blood for a moment, then sliding into the ring, taking a number of hard stomps to the back of his head before sliding back out of the ring, glaring at Blood, who stands in the ring, smiling nonchalantly. The fans begin chanting “BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD!” over and over again, simply because of who Blood’s fighting, Blood gesturing around to the fans, as if to prove a point to Lucien. Lucien slides back into the ring, again being met by an array of vicious boots to the head, Blood picking Lucien up, locking him in a standing front facelock, lifting Lucien for an implant DDT, Lucien planting his feet back down, and turning the move into a body slam, dropping an elbow over Blood’s throat. Lucien gets to his feet, dropping a fist into the center of Blood’s chest, Blood rolling to the side, clutching his chest. Lucien follows Blood, only to get a thumb to the eye from the veteran, Lucien staggering backward, Blood vaulting to his feet behind Lucien, moving up behind him, and hitting Lucien with a picturesque Dragon Suplex, before stepping back, and moving to the top turnbuckle, jumping off with a diving headbutt, Lucien moving at the last possible second, Blood hitting nothing but the mat. Lucien gets to his feet, waiting. As Blood gets up, Lucien meets him with a Choke Out Suplex, Lucien then stepping back, turning to the crowd, and steepling his hands, in a gesture visibly intended to be one of those in prayer, the crowd booing Lucien voraciously.))

Eddie: It almost appears that Lucien draws power from being booed. But, again, he appears to forget that Blood Dragon isn’t a rookie. Blood’s a veteran, and that time that Lucien’s given Blood may come back to bite Lucien in the ass.

Travis: Eddie! Stop looking at Lucien’s ass!

Eddie: That’s it. After this, I’m asking for a raise.

((Lucien turns around, or starts to, at least, only to find himself locked in the Dragon’s Rage. Lucien’s arms begin to pinwheel, and, as it looks like Lucien’s about to tap, Lucien’s foot finds the bottom rope. The referee calls for the break, which Blood does, quickly enough, then instantly going for a pin. 1... 2... thr-no! Lucien gets the shoulder up at the last possible second, the referee moving Blood back. Lucien rolls to the floor, in an attempt to catch his breath. Blood moves toward the ropes, to go after Lucien, the referee attempting to buy Lucien enough time to put up some form of offense. Behind the referee, Lucien pulls something from a pocket, holding it in his right hand, and sliding into the ring, standing behind the referee, and shoving the referee aside, quickly moving his right hand up, blowing a white powder into Blood’s face, blinding him, then, quickly, kicking Blood in the midsection, and drilling him with an Unmaking, going for the pin, using his body to prevent the referee from seeing the white residue on Blood’s face. 1... 2... 3!!!))

Eddie: Come on! Lucien used that powder to steal a victory that was sure to be Blood’s!

Travis: Hey, if Blood was truly as experienced a veteran as you claim, he would have expected that!

Eddie: Claim?! You’ve seen his matches, you dummy!

Travis: Oh, SURE I have.

Eddie: I give up. What the hell’s this?!

((From backstage, as Lucien’s facing away from the entranceway, Tiger bolts to the ring, chair in hand, dropping the chair just inside the ring, and flooring Lucien with a clothesline, only to pick Lucien up, and tie his arms up in the ropes, going back to her chair, picking it up, and proceeding to lay into Lucien with repeated, vicious, chair shots, Lucien getting busted open early on.))

Eddie: Come on! This has to stop! Lucien hasn’t had a single match since winning the DP title that he’s been able to enjoy victory in!

Travis: I told you, Tiger’s a loon! (“King Nothing” plays, as VP Austin Perremont steps onto the stage.) Look! It’s that god of business, Austin Perremont!

Eddie: I think I liked you better when you hated Austin.

Austin: Tiger! Tiger! Knock that off right now, goddammit! (Tiger half-turns, then swings back, cracking Lucien in the face with the chair again, before looking at Austin fully.) You can’t just run around attacking people! We have rules, here! If you’re going to keep attacking people for no reason, I’m going to have to fire you, right here, right now, in front of all of these people in this arena, and watching at home. (The crowd cheers madly, Austin suddenly breaking into a Cheshire cat grin.) But then, why would I want to give these rednecks anything they might enjoy? So, I’m making an executive decision. This ‘problem’ you have with Lucien will be settled, once and for all. And it will be settled in a match, at In-Justice, for the DisasterPiece Title. (Austin turns, and begins walking backstage, Tiger smiling broadly, moving to return to her assault on Lucien.) Wait. I almost forgot. The match is a DisasterPiece Match. And this week’s installment of DisasterPiece Theater will be inside the 30 foot Hell In A Cell. Tiger, please leave enough of Lucien to make it to In-Justice.

((Austin walks backstage, Tiger raising the chair to continue her assault, then frowning, looking at Lucien, then moving to the DP title, moving Lucien’s head up with the top of the chair, holding the title in front of him, then tossing the title into Lucien’s already-bloody face, before stepping back, and gesturing around her middle that the title will be hers, then leaving the ring. Referees swarm the ring, freeing Lucien, who falls, unceremoniously, facedown to the mat, the hard-fought match with Blood Dragon and the beating after the match taking their toll. A gurney is wheeled to the ring, Lucien is moved onto the gurney, and then the EMT’s take Lucien backstage.))

Eddie: My God…

Travis: Did you hear that, Eddie? A DisasterPiece Title match!

Eddie: Look what she did to Lucien…

Travis: Oh. That. He’ll be okay in time.

Eddie: I sure hope so! Folks, for Travis Best, I’m Eddie Daniels. We’ll see you next week at In-Justice.

((The scene dies as the transmission fades. Copyright Hardcore Wrestling Corporation, 2004.))