Tuesday Night Slaughter
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, then back to black.))

Eddie: Welcome, everyone, to HWC Slaughter! We are LIVE in Oshawa, Ontario at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium! I'm Eddie Daniels and with me as always is...

Travis: Travis Best! Why are we here again, Eddie?

Eddie: Because this is part of the tour leading up to the HWC Pay Per View which, I've been told, is being called In-Justice. We have the Masters siblings in action tonight, Ravin against Vivian and Draven against Lucien Merriuci, just to name two of the high-impact matches we have for you!

Travis: Big whoop...

Eddie: Travis, the Draven/Lucien match is No DQ.

Travis: Really? Woo-hoo!

Eddie: And that's not all... I've been told that Jericho Dylan's brother Jarred is in the building tonight and he has something to say about what he did at Oblivion.

Travis: The World Champion is here? YES!

Eddie: I'm sure he'll have a good explanation for what he did... But whether these fans believe him is up for debate.

Travis: Who cares what these fans think? He's the champ!

Eddie: You might want to re-think your statement, Travis... I've also been told Jessie Blankenship is here tonight, and she's here in an official capacity.

Travis: What do you mean by that?

Eddie: I mean she's here in her capacity as Interim Assistant Commissioner. Whenever her father can't be around, she's the one to talk to, and she's the one who reports to Cherisse Novak if something goes wrong.

Travis: She's just playing off her father's name... She should be in the back asking if the wrestlers need more beer!

Eddie: Travis, you are an insensitive pig, you know that?

Travis: Oink, oink.

Eddie: Why am I not surprised? Anyway, let's get to our first match, shall we?

Standard Match
Vivian vs Ravin Masters

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first... From Chicago, Illinois... Accompanied by her brother Draven... Representing Bad News... RAVIN MASTERS!

(("Descending Angel" hits over the PA and just as the body of the song kicks in, the stage lights up with a huge blast of pyro. When it dies down Ravin is standing there headbanging to the beat with her massive brother, Draven Masters standing behind her. Ravin makes her way to the ring oblivious to the fans, lost in the music, as she headbangs and sings all the way to the ring. Once inside she gets some last minute advice from Draven and waits for the match to start.))

Eddie: Ravin ready for action here tonight...

Travis: She sure is hot!

Jean Fortello: And her opponent... By way of the Compound... Representing the Dark Ascension... VIVIAN!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars... The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly. Tossing the clipboard out of the ring, she looks at Ravin and Ravin looks back. The bell rings and they start circling around each other. Ravin charges in and catches Vivian with a clothesline that leaves the smaller woman on the mat, rubbing her throat. Vivian gets back to her feet and Ravin hits her with a standing dropkick. Vivian staggers backward, regaining her balance near the ropes. Ravin runs at her, scaling the turnbuckles and executing a move that makes any standard high flyer jealous... She grabs Vivian by the neck with her legs and leans back until her hands are on the mat, then she brings her legs around, slamming Vivian to the mat on her back! Even slowed down, that move looks painful. The crowd gasps in shock and sympathy.))

Eddie: WHOA!

Travis: What was THAT?

Eddie: I have no idea, but it was amazing!

((Ravin leans back and goes for a cover. 1... 2... Vivian rolls her shoulder up, breaking the count. Ravin gets up and looks down at her, eyes totally unreadable. Vivian gets to her feet, shaking her head to clear out the cobwebs. Ravin watches her, head tilted slightly to one side. Vivian goes for a standing dropkick, but misses completely.))

Eddie: Vivian still out of sorts from that amazing display of agility by Ravin.

Travis: I wonder if Ravin is that flexible outside the ring.

Eddie: I wouldn't say that too loudly if I were you, Travis... Draven is standing right there.

((Travis snorts as Ravin lifts Vivian to her feet, then hits a flawless uppercut that sends Vivian back to the mat. Vivian gets up and turns to Ravin, eyes flashing with some sort of inner fire. Ravin just stands there, at least until Vivian hits that standing dropkick she missed earlier. Ravin staggers back into the ropes and Vivian charges in, hitting a clothesline that leaves Ravin on the mat.))

Eddie: Finally, a bit of offense from Vivian. So far, it's been all Ravin.

Travis: They're both gorgeous women, Eddie... But they're also extremely talented in the ring.

Eddie: That they are, Travis. And you have to believe that Vivian is still feeling the effects of that move earlier.

Travis: Ravin should add that move to her rotation and give it a name.

Eddie: You know something, Travis? That's actually a great idea!

Travis: Thank you! Why don't you suggest it to her?

Eddie: You're afraid of her?

Travis: Afraid, nothing... I'm just trying to avoid getting hurt.

Eddie: *laughing* You're afraid.

((Back in the ring, Ravin has gotten back to her feet and is looking at Vivian with a gleam of respect in her eyes. Then she grabs Vivian and hits a flawless DDT. That, combined with that unusually devastating maneuver earlier, lays Vivian out flat. Ravin rolls her over and goes for a cover. 1... 2...))

Eddie: Wait a minute! What's that?

Travis: You mean who! It's Mystic J!

((Mystic J is holding Ravin's foot from when he dragged her back off Vivian. Ravin glares at him and gets a forearm to the face for her trouble. Then a scoop slam to the outside, leaving her holding her back. Mystic sneers and heads back up the ramp, turning to stare at his handiwork. Ravin gets back into the ring, staring at him impassively. He's standing there gloating when smoke starts to swirl around him. He stops and looks around wondering what's up when a gargoyle masked figure grabs him and pulls him back into the smoke. With a loud POP! reminiscent of a pyro explosion, they're gone!))

Eddie: What was that all about?

Travis: I don't know! Who was that who grabbed Mystic J?

Eddie: I have no idea, Travis! But it was the same person at Oblivion.

((Ravin turns to Vivian and sees her still on the mat. Lifting her up, Ravin hits her finisher, known as Her Black Wings. Then she goes for a cover. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings, the referee lifting Ravin's hand in victory.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... RAVIN MASTERS!

((Draven slides into the ring and hoists his little sister up on one shoulder to celebrate. The fans cheer rabidly, loving the only female in Bad News. The Masters siblings leave the ring together, celebrating and laughing at something one of them says.))

Eddie: A resounding victory for the relatively new Ravin Masters over the veteran Vivian... Mark my words, Travis; she's going to go far.

Travis: She sure is!

Eddie: Fans, we'll be back after this with The Tiger facing off against Hans Kuhmann...

Travis: So don't touch that dial!

(Blood Dragon is sitting at a Wendy's with Zoe. He's eating one of the new Wendy's salads.)

Zoe: What'cha got?

Blood: A Wendy's salad.

Man at next table (laughing): The big bad wrestler is eating a salad? (Laughs harder.) What a wimp! Only wimps eat salad!

(Suddenly we see the man flying across the Wendy's screaming, followed by a thud as he lands on the floor. Cut back to Zoe brushing her hands off.)

Zoe: No one calls my husband a wimp except me!

Blood: Thanks hon...HEY!

Announcer: Now Wendy's has great salads with under 5 grams of fat. Come to Wendy's. It's better here.

((The camera cuts on in Austin's office, where Austin is simply working on sifting through contracts. Suddenly, through the door, Ghost and Shane burst through, both men laughing, visibly at something they've seen or done. Austin slowly looks at both men, glaring at them for interrupting his contract search.))

Austin: What are you two jackasses laughing about?

Ghost: Yo, homes, you gotta come see this. It's some sick crazy shit, man. (Austin raises an eyebrow.)

Austin: See what? If you two have thrown cherry bombs into the toilet again, I'll take the cost of replacing those toilets from your wages! (Ghost pauses, frowning.)

Ghost: Dude, I told you, I ain't gonna do that again! Now, come on!

((Austin stands, following Ghost out, Ghost leading the way to where the sight that he saw was. Austin scowls as he realizes that it's Tiger, standing over a referee, stomping on him like he were grapes. Austin moves into the area, moving Tiger backward.))

Austin: What are you doing?! You don't have the freedom to attack officials at will! (Tiger simply looks impassively at Austin. Austin growls, looking at the referee.) Dammit, Tiger! This is the referee for Lucien's match tonight! (Austin turns, looking at Tiger, pointing at her accusingly.) His hospital bills are coming out of your paycheck! Ghost! Get over here! (Ghost moves close.) We need a referee now. You're going to be the- (Austin is cut off by Tiger grabbing his extended finger, and bending it backward, Austin yelping in pain.)

Tiger: Leave him out of this. I'm going to be the referee for this match. Understand?

Austin: You don't make the rules here, Tiger! Ghost will be- (Austin yelps again, as his finger is bent further back.)

Tiger: I can break your finger if you want. (Austin jerks his finger from Tiger's grip.)

Austin: Fine. If you win your match against Hans, then you can be the referee in Lucien's match against Draven. But only IF you win. But you're not getting paid after the match. If you serve as the special ref, then you are doing it free of charge. Understand?

((Tiger smiles grimly, nodding slowly. Austin adjusts his shirt, walking off, Ghost and Shane following, snickering at what happened to Austin. Austin stops a moment, wheeling on both of them.))

Austin: If you two want to get paid for being here tonight, I would suggest you shut up.

((Austin walks into his office, the other two a step behind.))

Standard Match
The Tiger vs Hans Kuhmann

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, now we have ourselves a match between Tiger and Hans.

Travis: Tiger’ll win, just because she’s got a nice-

Eddie: Shut up, Travis!

Travis: What? I’m just talking about-

Eddie: Travis, I will kick your ass myself!

Travis: Oh yeah, I’m scared, now.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Frankfurt, Germany, weighing in at 220 lbs. . . . HANS KUHMANN!!!

((Seek & Destroy plays on the PA, with white strobes flashing in the entrance way. As the main body of the song kicks in, there is a blast of pyro, and Hans steps out. Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, gesturing for the fans to get on their feet, then power walks to the ring. he vaults over the top rope, climbs the corner, and flashes the "crossed hammers" at the fans, then repeats at the opposite corner.))

Eddie: Hans looking incredibly psyched up for this match tonight.

Travis: Well, Tiger did injure him a while ago.

Eddie: That would be the reason.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs, she is the reigning HWC IC champion. . . . . THE TIGER!!!

((“St. Anger” plays as Tiger appears from the back, holding a bottle of whiskey in hand, drinking all the way to the ring. Stepping into the ring through the ropes, the referee walking toward the two people, standing in the center of the ring, apparently having some kind of argument.))

Eddie: Hans apparently taking offense to Tiger coming out here with liquor in hand.

Travis: Well, I heard a rumor that Hans is a recovering alkie.

Eddie: Who told you that?

Travis: One of my. . . um. . . resources. Yeah, that’s it.

Eddie: You’re an idiot.

((Tiger takes a large mouthful of the whiskey, then spitting it into Hans’ face. Hans shoves Tiger, Tiger staggering backward, inadvertently toppling the referee. Tiger comes back with the empty bottle, smashing it on Hans’s head, then jumping forward, bearing Hans to the mat with a chokehold, using the fact that the referee’s down to hold the chokehold for longer than would normally be allowed, visibly attempting to end the match before Hans can get out of the blocks.))

Eddie: Come on! That’s an illegal chokehold!

Travis: It’s only illegal if the referee sees it. And the ref’s taking a catnap. Smart move by Tiger, by the way.

Eddie: That doesn’t make it fair!

Travis: Fair Shmare! You know what happens when you’re fair to someone? You lose, that’s what.

Eddie: You bet on Tiger, didn’t you?

Travis: Yes, I did. Smartest money I ever bet.

((The referee slowly begins to move, Hans catching Tiger with a closed fist to the bridge of the nose, followed by one to each of her temples, stunning Tiger long enough to get free of the chokehold, Hans rolling to the outside of the ring, to catch his breath. Tiger gets up, sliding to the outside, moving toward Hans. Hans catches her with a kick to the midsection, then driving Tiger into the top of the steel steps, before pulling her back, kicking her in the midsection, going for a right hand, Tiger blocking it, and spinning around, to rest Hans against the steel steps, Tiger stepping back, and charging forward with a spear, only to have Hans roll backward, over the top of the steps, Tiger hitting the steps with enough force to dislodge them, and send the top half flying into the guardrail, Tiger dropping to rest on the bottom half of the steps facefirst. Hans gets up, seeing Tiger, and jumps onto the guardrail, hitting a beautiful Luftwaffe Dive to Tiger’s back, then sliding her into the ring.))


Travis: We saw that! Dammit! My bookie’s gonna kill me!

Eddie: Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Travis: Shut up, Daniels!

((Hans steps on the apron, then into the ring, hitting a springboard version of the Luftwaffe Dive, Tiger moving out of the way, Hans hitting the mat hard. Hans gets to his hands and knees, Tiger leaning heavily on the ropes, only to come forward quickly, and catching Hans with a kick to the face, sending Hans flopping over, onto the mat back-first. Tiger moves toward Hans, picking him up, only to have Hans quickly shift the forced lift to his feet into a northern lights suplex. 1 . . . 2 . . . kickout. Tiger, in a visible rage, gets to her feet, clotheslining the rising Hans from behind, dropping him facefirst to the mat. Tiger grabs Hans again, this time from behind, to pick Hans up, Hans reacting by turning the move into a victory roll. 1 . . . 2 . . . th-kickout! The crowd begins chanting Hans’ name repeatedly, Tiger getting up, and raising an eyebrow, Hans catching her with a clothesline, then signaling high, going to the top rope, attempting another Luftwaffe Dive, the move again picture perfect, Tiger up before Hans is anywhere near landing, Tiger simply waiting on Hans, then dropping into a seated stunner, sending Hans stumbling backward. Tiger stands, turning, firing off the first two punches of the Click Click Boom, only to stop after the second shot, and send Hans off the far ropes, rebounding from the ropes herself, hitting Hans with a Rider’s Hell, then, as Hans stares at the lights, moving to his right, dropping a big right into Hans’ face, visibly the third punch in the Click Click Boom, Tiger hooking the leg, and the hem of Hans’ pants. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Come on! That referee had to see that Tiger had the tights!

Travis: What? You think the ref is all-seeing? Get over yourself, Daniels! And just like that, folks, I MAKE EIGHT GRAND!

Eddie: Oh, well, then, the nights complete, isn’t it?

Travis: Got that right.

(Two men are standing in a locker room.)

First man: Are you sure we should be doing this?

Second man: Of course. What could possibly go wrong?

First man: I don't know. This isn't what I had in mind.

(The door opens and Autumn Lewis sticks her head in.)

Autumn: You boys ready?

(They nod.)

Autumn: Come and get em girls!

(She throws the door open and Tiger and Harley charge into the room grabbing the men and are seen applying various painful wrestling holds on them. The men grunt and groan and Autumn and Martin Smalls are standing in the doorway laughing and drinking Mountain Dew Code Reds.)

Announcer: No cheap dates. Mountain Dew Code Red. Live by the code.

(Cut to a shot of Tiger with the Crossface on one of the men and him tapping out on the floor.)

Announcer: Now for a limited time, on specially marked bottles of Mountain Dew Code Red, you could instantly win tickets to a free HWC event and meet your favorite wrestler. Check the cap to see if you're an instant winner, or win hundreds of other prizes including HWC merchandise.)

Eddie: What a night so far, eh, Travis?

Travis: I'll say! We saw that hottie Ravin and that whack-job Tiger...

Eddie: Impressive athletes, all of them.

Travis: I call em as I see em, Eddie.

Eddie: And that usually gets you in trouble.

Travis: Hey!

Eddie: Well, it's the truth, and...

((Eddie can say no more, as he's cut off by an outside source. An unfamiliar song starts to play over the PA, causing the fans to fall silent. Softly at first, then ever louder, the song reaches a crescendo at the chorus. "Stand alone. Hear what I say. Stand alone. You will seize the day!" rips across the airwaves, revealing a man standing at the top of the ramp. He looks around with casual disdain, then snorts and starts down the ramp. Ignoring the fans reaching out to him, along with the boos, Jarred Dylan makes his way to the ring. The look of derision on his face makes the fans boo even louder as he climbs between the top and middle ropes. Standing in the middle of the ring, he spreads his arms as a look of smug superiority makes its way across his face.))

Eddie: Well, apparently, we're being joined by the current World Champion, Jarred Dylan.

Travis: Show a little enthusiasm, Eddie!

Eddie: I wonder what he's going to say.

Travis: Probably something profound and amazing!

((Jarred gets a microphone and waits for the boos to die down enough for him to be heard. It takes quite a while... But he stands there patiently.))

Eddie: This is unusual, Travis... You'd think he'd demand silence.

Travis: I bet he doesn't want to exert himself.

((Jarred looks around, seeming to be a bit confused, then lifts the microphone. But he doesn't say what they think he's going to...))

Jarred: Please, I'd like you to be quiet... I have something to say.

((Jarred Dylan saying PLEASE? What's going on here? The fans are baffled enough to do as he asks...))

Jarred: Thank you. This isn't easy for me to say. But it's about what happened between me and Jericho at Oblivion. When I made the challenge for his belt, I was confused and angry. I thought he'd been hogging the spotlight and taking what was rightfully mine. I thought that by challenging him for the World title, I'd finally get my due.

((The fans interrupt him with a "You suck!" chant. He just stands there and takes it in stride. His face is a study in contradiction... His eyes carry that arrogant spark, but the line of his mouth says otherwise. When the chant dies down a bit, he sighs. The belt slides down a bit on his shoulder and he shifts around.))

Jarred: I was wrong... I've had his respect and yours all along. I sat in the back and watched all my old matches. Even the tag team matches. Nobody came to help me unless I was outnumbered... And Jericho was always the first one to come out. We both got our hands raised... And the ring announcer always said my name first. So what I did at Oblivion was unconscionable. Reprehensible. And inexcuseable. So at this time, I'd like to say something to Jericho.

((He hesitates, then shifts the belt again. The fans are intrigued by his behavior...))

Jarred: Jericho... I'm sorry.

((The fans are in shock.))

Eddie: That certainly wasn't what we were expecting him to say!

Travis: Noooo... Jarred, what are you doing?

((Jarred just stands there, then lifts the microphone again.))

Jarred: I don't blame you for being upset... I'd be pissed off at me too. I mean, a brother should defend and protect his brother, right? I've done neither of these things.

((The belt slides again and he re-sets it with a scowl.))

Jarred: But if ANYONE in the back calls me a coward again, they're going to deal with me! I'm no coward! I face my problems head-on! And right now, the biggest problem I seem to have is regaining everyone's trust... Starting with Jericho's. Will it take me a long time? Probably. Do I care? No.

Eddie: He seems to have contradicted himself there...

((Jarred stops and sighs.))

Jarred: That came out all wrong. What I meant to say was, Do I care how long it takes me? No. But until then, I'm just a lone wolf. Treat me how you will... I'm just a man. I make mistakes too, ya know.

Eddie: That's right... Everyone makes mistakes. And he's admitting to a big one.

Travis: Aw, I bet he's just lulling everyone into a false sense of security. I bet he has a plan to get rid of Jericho once and for all.

Eddie: Travis, why don't you stick a sock in it for once?

Travis: Who, me?

Eddie: Yes, you.

((Jarred looks around and nods, then sets the microphone down and leaves the ring. The belt is constantly sliding off his shoulder to rest in the crook of his arm... He scowls at it and flips it over his shoulder so hard, the strap whacks him on the back. The fans are positively speechless! But wouldn't you be if someone you thought of as an asshole did a complete 180 and apologized for something he'd done?))

Lucien Merriuci vs Draven Masters

Travis: Eddie, it's time for one heck of a match up!

Eddie: You got that right, Travis. Draven Masters gets to get his hands on the man who currently holds what he feels is his DisasterPiece Title, Lucien Merriuci. This is a no disqualification match, even though the DisasterPiece title is not on the line.

Travis: The means that these two are going to beat the hell out of each other....Wait a minute, what the hell is this?!

((The camera view suddenly cuts to the back, where we see the Tiger, wearing a referee's shirt and heading for the ring area!))

Eddie: Oh my god, here she comes!

Travis: Yes sir, here's your referee, Psycho Woman!

(("St. Anger" plays on the PA, and the fans immediately erupt in a loud chorus of booing. A moment later, out steps the Tiger, dragging the Intercontinental belt behind her with one hand and her chair in other. On her way to the ring she threatens to whack a couple of fans with her chair, then, when she reaches the ring, she slides under the bottom rope, chair and all, and snatches the microphone away from a somewhat uncertain-looking Jean Fortello, and the music begins to fade.))

Eddie: What's going on around here, anyway?

Travis: Shush! Psycho Woman is about to speak!

Tiger: (looking thoroughly Pissed Off....but suddenly grins) Oops!

Eddie: That's it, just "oops"? That's all she offers for an explanation?!

Travis: Hey, it could have been an accident, you know...that referee could have tripped over that unsafe chair and fallen repeatedly onto Tiger's fists!

Eddie: (shaking his head) The depth of your depravity sickens me sometimes!

((Tiger toss the mic back to Jean, and deposits the chair on the floor, next to the ring. as she signals to Jean to start the introductions. On that cue, "Click Click Boom" blasts over the PA and Ravin Masters comes out onto the stage and walks to the ramp walking about halfway down and then throws up her hands. A huge blast of pyro goes off on the stage behind her and when it fades, Draven Masters is standing on the stage.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a No Disqualification match, scheduled for one fall. Currently on his way to the ring, representing Bad News and accompanied by Ravin, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 290 pounds...DRRRAVEN MASTERRRS!!!

((The fans cheer wildly as Draven & Raven make their way to the ring. Draven and his sister reach the ring and she gives him a kiss on the cheek for good luck. The music fades, and a moment later the arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walks to the ring as the lights come up to a dim, and the fans boo him soundly.))

Jean: His opponent, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing 275 pounds, the HWC DisasterPiece Champion...LUCIEN MERRIUCI!

Eddie: Draven's not waiting for Lucien to get to the ring!

Travis: And Lucien is ready for him!

((Draven vaults over the top rope, hits the floor on his feet, and charges up the ramp towards Lucien, who seems only too happy to meet him halfway. Tiger, still standing in the ring, is content to just fold her arms and watch as Draven and Lucien pound away on each other, to the delight of the screaming Canadian fans. Gradually, they make their way to the ring and roll in under the bottom rope, and Tiger signals for the bell to officially start the match. Lucien makes it to his feet first, grabs Draven's arm, whips him into the ropes, and goes for a clothesline, but Draven ducks, hits the opposite ropes, and catches Lucien with a thunderous spear, which drives Lucien backwards several feet before taking him down. Draven, still on top of Lucien, begins to pound away, but to everyone's surprise, Tiger suddenly pulls him off, and gives him a warning!))

Eddie: Wait a minute, this is a no disqualification! Why is she giving him a warning?

Travis: She's psycho, and she's the referee! She can do pretty much what she wants!

Eddie: That doesn't make it right!

Travis: Well I sure as hell ain't gonna volunteer to tell her! I've been slapped around enough by her, thank you very much!

Eddie: Lucien is taking advantage of this little exchange to regain some strength...ok, the lecture is over, and Draven is ready to go...But Lucien puts a thumb in Draven's eye! Of all the cheap moves....Lucien whipping Draven to the ropes...Big-time spine buster! And now a series of punches...but now Tiger's just watching! What's going on here!

((Tiger does indeed just stand there watching as Lucien pounds away on Draven, then hauls the big man to his feet. Lucien hoists Draven up, as if for a suplex, but Draven begins struggling and kicking his feet, and suddenly, Draven's feet are on the ground, and it is Lucien who is being hoisted, nay, Gorilla Pressed into the air. Holds Lucien up there for a few seconds as he maneuvers, then drops Lucien THROAT FIRST across the top rope! Lucien's head snaps violently as he bounces off the rope, and is flung to the mat, grasping his throat and gagging. Draven Goes for a pin, but behinds his back, Tiger slips Lucien's foot on the bottom rope, then taps Draven on the shoulder, pointing to the foot. Draven hops up and begins to stomp on Lucien, but Tiger pushes him away!))

Eddie: okay now, something is definitely going on here!

Travis: Looks to me like somebody has struck a deal with somebody else!

Eddie: It certainly looks that way, and Draven is incensed at Tiger, and rightly so!

Travis: At least he's taking it out on Lucien!

((Draven pushes past Tiger and stomps on Lucien some more, then pulls Lucien to the center of the ring, and makes a pin attempt. Tiger, however, stretches and yawns, then finally gets down and counts 1..............................2...................and Lucien gets his shoulder up, as Draven again turns to yell at Tiger, who just waves a finger at Draven. Draven turns, and walks right into a boot to the gut and an Implant DDT from Lucien. Lucien drops onto Draven, and Tiger counts 1 2 and Draven's shoulder practically shoots off the mat. Lucien picks Draven up, rams his head into the turnbuckle a few times, then almost casually tosses him to the floor!))

Travis: Alright, now it gets interesting!

Eddie: You may be enjoying yourself, but I for one am thoroughly disgusted by the blatantly biased officiating job being done by The Tiger!

Travis: Hey, it's about time somebody stood up to these Bad News guys! Besides, anytime one of them is in the ring, the referee should give them a breathalyzer to make sure they're not wrestling under the influence!

Eddie: And you wonder why people don't like you....Lucien with Draven now, taking him face-first to the railing...No, Draven with an elbow to Lucien's face! Draven lunges...BIG clothesline! Lucien bounced off the ring post, and right into Draven's arms.. He's going to try a Dravenizer on the floor! But no, Tiger is pulling him away again!))

((Tiger pushes Draven away from Lucien, and points at the ring. Draven glares at her for a second, then hauls Lucien back into the ring. He goes to set up for the Dravenizer again, but Tiger suddenly chock-blocks Draven's left knee, which bends, causing Draven to lose his hold on Lucien! At ringside, Ravin can stand it no longer, and hops up onto the ring apron and screams at Tiger, who tries to ignore her, until Ravin hits her on the back. Tiger just turns, looks at Ravin as if she's crazy, and hits the Click Click Boom on her! Ravin goes flying backwards, and hits the railing! Then, she turns, to find her self face to face with VERY angry Draven Masters! Draven grabs for Tiger, but Lucien is behind him. Lucien spins Draven around and they start brawling, as Tiger retrieves her chair from ringside! She waits until just the right moment, and then, just as it looks like Draven is getting the upper hand, hits him with a resounding WHACK in the back of the head! Draven, is stunned, but doesn't go down. Lucien takes care of that, however, as he does his patented Power bomb into a DDT!))

Eddie: A chair shot, followed by the Unmaking! And now a cover....123! Oh my god, that had to be the fastest three-count in the history of professional wrestling!

Travis: Oh stop complaining! Some referees have a slightly different count, is all!

Eddie: Slightly different? Travis, saying that Tiger's count was "slightly different" is like saying that the sun is "a little warm!"

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match...LUCIEN MERRIUCI!

((Draven rolls slowly out of the ring, holding one hand to the back of his head as he goes to check on the semi-conscious Ravin. "Call of Ktulu" blares on the P.A. as Tiger raises Lucien's hand...then suddenly turns and HITS THE CLICK CLICK BOOM ON LUCIEN!!!))


Travis: Damn, even I don't know what to say!

Eddie: And Tiger isn't done with Lucien yet...she's whipping him to the ropes....Oh no...RIDER'S HELL!!! Lucien is down!

Travis: And she's STILL not done...she's got that chair now!

((Tiger scoops the chair off the mat, turns Lucien over, and RAMS THE END OF THE CHAIR INTO LUCIEN'S THROAT! The rings begins to fill with referees and other officials, who pull Tiger away from Lucien, but the damage is done, as Lucien thrashes around on the mat, hands to his throat, choking and gasping for air.))

(Scene opens on a pay phone. A man walks up and picks up the receiver and dials zero.)

Voice: What the hell do you think you're doing?

(The man turns to see Kidd Rock walk up to him.)

Man: Making a collect call.

Kidd: By dialing zero? What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know about 1-800-COLLECT?

Man: 1-800-COLLECT?

Kidd: Yeah. The easy way to make collect calls. Plus you'll save the people you call a buck or two. Just put 1-800 in front of collect.

Man: That's so easy, why didn't I think of that?

Kidd: Well, you'll remember for next time right?

Man: Sure.

Kidd: Cause if you don't I'll send them to your house.

(Kidd points and the man sees the entire HWC roster looking at him with their arms crossed and a few tapping their feet or pounding their fists into their hands.)

Announcer: 1-800-COLLECT. Use it and save a buck or two.

Eddie: What a night! Ravin Masters, The Tiger, Lucien Merriuci...

Travis: And the Champ actually apologizing to his brother! Why?

Eddie: Because it was the right thing to do.

Travis: Big deal! He shouldn't have to apologize!

((A strange buzzing sound is heard, then a low bass line floods the arena. The crowd falls silent, wondering what that is. Then an intermittent keyboard kicks in, turning that low bass line into the music for a song. But whose is it? And which song is it? Then they can hear the vocalist...))

"She's in love with herself...
She likes the dark.
And on her milk-white neck...
The Devil's mark.
Now it's All Hallow's Eve
The moon is full.
Will she trick-or-treat?
I bet she will!"

((Then the guitar and drums crash in, flooding the arena with sound. A lone spotlight focuses on the top of the ramp, just barely highlighting a figure at the top of the ramp. Jessie moves out into the spotlight and the crowd erupts!))

Eddie: And there she is... Jessie Blankenship is here!

Travis: BAH!

((Jessie jogs down the ramp and slides into the ring. Normally, she would be smiling. Normally, she would be waving to the crowd. But tonight isn't a normal night. She gets a microphone and waits for the crowd to settle down a bit. When they do, she looks around and sighs.))

Jessie: Normally, I'd be waving and smiling. Normally. But tonight, I have something serious to say. Tonight, I announce one of the matches that will be seen at the upcoming Pay Per View, tagged In-Justice.

((The fans cheer slightly, but it's subdued. They know she's about to say something she'd rather not.))

Jessie: Tonight, I will tell you that there will be a rematch for the World Title. Between Jarred Dylan...

((Scattered boos.))

Jessie: And the man he took it from... His brother Jericho!

((The fans erupt in a tumult of cheers at the mention of their former World Champion.))

Jessie: But that's not all I have to say about that. This rematch will re-define the way we look at World Title matches here in the HWC... It's going to be a Ladder Match...


Jessie: A Table Match...

((Now they're confused.))

Jessie: And it will have Steel Chairs. Ladies and gentlemen, the match for the HWC World Title at In-Justice will be a TLC MATCH!

Eddie: My GOD!

Travis: YES!

((The fans erupt again. They love it! But she's not quite finished yet...))

Jessie: Also at In-Justice... We're finally going to find out who was responsible for what happened to the returning Sephiroth du Lac after his match with Draven Masters on Slaughter. I think I know who it was. But I'm going wait and reveal it at In-Justice. Oh, by the way... If I don't tell you, my father will.

((She sets the microphone down and the fans cheer rabidly at the prospect of seeing the Mauler. Or at the very least, hearing from him!))

Eddie: WOW! Two blockbuster announcements from the Interim Assistant Commissioner!

Travis: You said it, Eddie! I've been wondering who had the guts, or lack thereof, to attack Seph from behind. And we're going to find out at In-Justice!

Eddie: We certainly will, Travis... And if Jessie doesn't tell us, she said her father will!

Travis: I wonder what he's going to have to say about The Lurker and them.

Eddie: You and me both, Travis... You and me both.

Travis: You don't wanna go anywhere, folks... We're coming right back with our main event!

Eddie: That we are, Travis... It's a Hell in a Cell match between The Creeper and Blood Dragon!

Travis: WOO-HOO!

Eddie: *laughing* Stay tuned, folks... That's next!

(A man is walking down the street and he sees a massage parlor. He rubs his sore back and walks inside.)

Woman: Can I help you?

Man: My back is killing me!

Woman: Right this way.

(We cut to the man laying on a massage table facedown with a towel covering him from the waist down. A masseuse walks in showing a generous amount of cleavage.)

Masseuse: Just relax, sir.

(The man sees her and smiles laying his head down. The man suddenly opens his eyes and groans as his back cracks. We see Draven Masters working over the man's back with pounding blows while the masseuse massages his shoulders. The camera gets a closeup of Draven grinning as he continues to work over the man's back, as we hear the man grunting and groaning and the sound of his back cracking. Finally we see Draven walk away and pull a Snicker's Cruncher bar out of his pocket. He takes a bite and grins.)

Announcer: There's no crunch more satisfying than that of a Snicker's Cruncher.

(Behind Draven the man comes walking out bent over and groaning in pain. The masseuse comes up and gives him a Snicker's Cruncher too. He takes a bite and grins as he walks off.)

Announcer: Snicker's Cruncher. A satisfying crunch.

Hell in a Cell
Blood Dragon vs The Creeper

((The arena goes dark and spotlights hit the Hell in the Cell which slowly lowers into place over the ring. The only sound the cheers of the crowd.))

Eddie: The Hell in the Cell being lowered! And Travis, you know as well as I do that this is one of the most brutal matches ever invented.

Travis: That's right and a Hell in a Cell match means one thing! BLOOD!

Eddie: Of course that's all you would care about.

Travis: But of course.

((The Cell, now in place sits there ominously as the lights come back up.))

Jean: The following contest is a Hell In A Cell match and is scheduled for one fall. Coming to the ring first....

((The lights die, a loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest.))

Jean: ...from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing 250 pounds, THE CREEEEEEEEPER!!!!!!

((The Creeper jumps off the turnbuckle and tosses off his cloak and looks around the Cell grinning.))

Eddie: That is not a good sign. This lunatic is grinning.

Travis: He's probably thinking about making Blood Dragon live up to his name.

Eddie: You're just as sick as he is.

Jean: And his opponent, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing 245 pounds, BLOOD DRRRRRRRRRAGON!!!!!!

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ring posts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. Creeper ambushes Blood from behind with a double axe handle to the back of the neck, Blood quickly turns and slugs Creeper in the jaw, the two start going blow for blow exchanging left and right hands to the other man's face, neither man giving an inch.))

Eddie: And these two men going at each other right off the bat, and remember, this is a Hell in a Cell match, and anything can and will happen!

((The Creeper reaches forward and rakes Blood's eyes. Blood staggers back trying to clear his vision, but the Creeper doesn't give him that luxury charging in grabbing Blood by the back of his head and bulldogging him to the mat. Creeper pops to his feet and pulls Blood back up, but Blood rams his head into the Creepers midsection, standing up and DDTing the Creeper to the mat. He then kicks the Creeper in the ribs as he tries to get back up. He kicks him again and the Creeper gets back to his feet using the ropes for help and Blood goes charging in for a clothesline, but the Creeper ducks and backdrops Blood over the top rope. But to the surprise of everyone, Blood reaches forward and grabs the Cell, and turns around launching himself back into the ring, nails the Creeper with a flying clothesline!))

Eddie: WHOA! Did you see that move by Blood Dragon? He managed to stop himself from flipping over, grabbed the Cell and leveled the Creeper with a clothesline!

Travis: I saw it! I don't believe it, but I saw it!

((The Creeper staggers back to his feet and backs into a corner; Blood takes advantage and charges into the corner spearing the Creeper in the corner. He then stands the Creeper back up and backs away from the corner, pulling Creeper in and takes him over with a belly to belly suplex. Blood stays on the attack and hoists the Creeper up for a power bomb and as he drives the Creeper down he finds his hands empty. He looks up confused to see the Creeper has grabbed one of the supports for the Cell roof and is hanging from it. The Creeper lashes out with a kick to the face of Blood and Blood staggers backwards and the Creeper starts swinging his legs and lets go hitting a modified missile dropkick to the chest of Blood. Blood goes tumbling out of the ring and the Creeper lands on his back in the middle of the ring, but quickly kips up to his feet. He follows Blood out of the ring but Blood has recovered already and grabs the Creeper as he leaves the ring and drops down pulling the Creeper out dropping him in a modified powerslam onto the floor.))

Eddie: These two men going back and forth in this brutal match.

Travis: And no one is bleeding yet.

Eddie: Sicko.

Travis (mimicking Eddie): Sicko.


Travis: OW!

((Back inside the Cell both men have gotten back to their feet and Blood tosses Creeper back into the ring but Creeper quickly rolls back out and starts rummaging under the ring. Blood sees this and stands back not about to be suckered into an ambush. The Creeper emerges from under the ring with a kendo stick. He steps into the ring and swings the stick a few times before he and Blood move around the ring the Creeper swings experimentally, Blood staying out of reach. The Creeper then tosses the stick at Blood, and Blood reacts grabbing the weapon out of mid air, and the Creeper charges in nailing him with a spear. The Creeper grabs the dropped Kendo stick and starts laying into Blood with the kendo stick nailing him across the chest. Blood rolls over to his side and the Creeper is merciless hitting Blood all over with the stick until it literally breaks in half. The broken end goes flying off and bounces off the side of the cell.))

Eddie: The Creeper wearing Blood out with that Kendo stick!

((The Creeper tosses the broken stick off to the side and grabs Blood and drops him in a reverse DDT, before going out of the ring again and rummaging underneath finding a chair. He pulls the chair out and along with it...))

Eddie and Travis: BD?

((Indeed the Creepers brother is holding onto the chair...and is laughing as he usually is.))

Creeper: BD? What are you doing here? Out!

((BD pouts and the lights go out, when they come back on BD is gone and the Creeper is back in the ring, Blood Dragon is still recovering from the kendo stick shots and leaning against the ropes. The Creeper rushes Blood and nails him with a clothesline sending him over the top rope. The Creeper follows him out, and grabs Blood whipping him towards the ring post. Blood hits the steel post head first, and slumps down holding on to the ring apron for support. Creeper quickly moves in and grabs Blood's head tossing him backwards into the cage. Blood grabs his back in pain as he slumps to the floor. He uses the cage to pull himself back up, as the Creeper goes over to grab the steel steps.))

Eddie: What is this sicko doing now?

Travis: Whatever he wants.

((The Creeper runs towards Blood with the steps over his head and at the last second Blood drops hitting a drop toe hold on the Creeper, the Creeper falling forward hitting his head on the steps that he had been carrying!))

Travis: BLOOD! We have Blood!

((Indeed we do. The Creeper is bleeding. He stands up and dabs at the blood dripping from the cut on his forehead and starts laughing turning around to face Blood, but Blood merely starts blasting the Creeper in the face with right hands but the Creeper seems not to be feeling the blows. He catches Bloods hand and kicks him in the crotch. Blood crumbles to the floor and the Creeper reaches under the ring again, and this time pulls out a chair, this one not connected to BD. He rears back and...))


Eddie: What a shot!

((Blood staggers but does not fall, the Creeper frowns, rears back again and brings the chair down on the head of Blood with another loud CLANG!, and this time Blood falls to his knees, a trickle of blood emerging from the cut on his forehead. The Creeper sees the blood and blasts Blood again with the chair and despite the widening of the wound on Blood Dragon's forehead he stands up.))

Eddie: Three chair shots to the head and Blood Dragon just stood up!

Travis: How?

Eddie: Your guess is as good as mine! I cannot believe what I am seeing!

((Neither can the Creeper, he backs up a step and tosses the chair at Blood, again on instinct, Blood catches the chair and the Creeper charges in again nailing another spear to Blood Dragon the impact driving Blood backwards and the two hit the cage wall tearing right through it.))

Eddie: Dear God! Blood Dragon and the Creeper just ripped through the side of the cage and are right next to our announce table!

Travis (from under the desk): Let me know when they're gone!

Eddie: Let go of my ankle you chicken!

((Despite the pounding the two men have taken the Creeper gets back up and grabs the chair hurling the weapon up on top of the cell, and starts climbing. Blood stands up just as the Creeper reaches the top and quickly climbs up after him. The crowd going wild, knowing that if these two men are up on top of the cell, one, or both of them will be coming down...hard. The Creeper goes after the chair but Blood swings a hand over and trips up the Creeper causing him to fall face down on the steel mesh top of the cell. Blood pulls himself up on top and the Creeper has risen back to his feet and nails Blood with a hard right. Blood pinwheels his arms on the edge of the cell and keeps his balance, quickly moving away from the edge of the cell. The Creeper moves with him. Blood kicks the Creeper in the midsection and hits a snap suplex and the roof sags a bit.))

Eddie: This is not good, someone is going to get seriously hurt up there!

Travis: We can only hope!

Eddie: You are a sick, sad man, you know that?

((Blood and the Creeper are both back on their feet and again are moving around each other trying to get the other one off the top of the cell in a painful fashion. The Creeper charges in and Blood catches him in a power slam making another section of the roof sag. He springs to his feet and the cage sags a bit more forcing Blood to move to a more secure section of the cage to maintain his balance. However, this gives the Creeper the opportunity to collect himself and he rises moves to meet Blood and punches him in the throat. Blood grabs his throat trying to get his air back and the Creeper picks Blood up...))


((The two men go crashing through the roof of the cell and land on the mat with a thunderous crash. The mat literally sags under their combined weight. The fifteen foot fall however has sucked the air out of both men, and Blood rolls one way, the Creeper the other. Neither man moving. The referee simply goes from man to man to make sure they're still actually able to continue.))

Travis: I hate to state the obvious here, but I think the first man to make it to his feet...if they can make it to their feet will win!

Eddie: I think the first man that can even move has a chance of winning this!

((However, neither man has moved yet and the crowds "HOLY SHIT!" chant has risen to every last person in the arena. Somehow, someway the Creeper starts moving, pulling himself slowly over to the prone form of Blood Dragon who has still not moved. The Creeper comes close enough to Blood Dragon and tosses an arm over him. The referee drops into position 1...2...3!!!))

Eddie: The Creeper wins and mercifully this brutal match is over! Both men are broken, bloody and bruised, but amazingly they're still alive.

Travis: I never get tired of seeing matches like this

Eddie. Blood and brutality. The only thing missing is the babes!

Eddie: Get a life Travis!

((Neither man has moved as the Creeper has used up the last of his energy reserves to crawl over to Blood Dragon and make the pin. The lights flicker off again and BD's maniacal giggling echoes throughout the arena. The lights come back on and he's standing on top of the cell with his chair. He looks down and sees his brother and Blood Dragon laying on the mat in pools of their own blood. He jumps down into the ring and prods the Creeper and Blood Dragon with the chair. Neither man moves. BD giggles again and the lights go off again. When they come back up BD and the Creeper are gone, but Blood is still laying there just now coming to and the referee informing him that he lost the match. Somehow, Blood Dragon stands up and staggers to the door of the cell and walks out under his own power, the fans cheering him for the effort he put forth in one of the most brutal matches ever devised.))

((The scene dies as the transmission fades. Copyright Hardcore Wrestling Corporation 2004.))