Tuesday Night Slaughter
Milwaukee, Wisconsin from the Bradley Center

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, then back to black.))

Eddie: Welcome, everyone, to the last episode of Slaughter before Oblivion! Tonight, we find out what everyone's attitudes are going into the first Pay Per View of the new year! I'm Eddie Daniels, and with me as always is...

Travis: Travis Best! This is going to be a hell of a night, Eddie! We get to see how well the Dylan Brothers can work together!

Eddie: If at all... Jericho is absolutely heartbroken.

Travis: I would be too. I mean, I may say things against the guy, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for him. All he's done and been through... He's earned every bit of my respect.

Eddie: Well said, Travis. But you have to wonder what Jarred's thinking right now. Something must have happened to him to make him act like this. He isn't usually so callous or unfeeling.

Travis: No he isn't, Eddie. And that's what has me baffled! WHY?

Eddie: That's the question on everyone's mind, Travis... Wait. I'm being told someone's just arriving. Let's go to the back and see who it is, shall we?

((The camera cuts to the back and catches the door just opening to let the new arrival in. A lone figure slips in partly unnoticed and seems to tremble a bit before heading into the arena. The light falls just the right way and reveals their identity...))


((That's right, Eddie... Jericho Dylan, current HWC World Champion and Tag Team champion with his brother Jarred, has just arrived at the arena. The look in his eyes has the more sensitive people gasping and reaching for a tissue. It's the look of a man who's had his entire world turned upside down and his heart stomped on until it broke. And it looks like he didn't have the strength to pick up the pieces. A tech sees him and stops him with a wave.))

Tech: I'm sorry to bother you, but a package arrived for you.

Jericho: (almost too quiet to be heard) All right.

Tech: Here it is... And from all the guys in the back, I hope this thing sorts itself out between you and Jarred.

Jericho: (taking the package) Thank you.

((Then he walks away, head hanging down so he's looking at the floor. The tech watches him go and shakes his head before going the other way. Jericho stops outside the Dark Ascension's locker room and looks at the package.))

Travis: I wonder what's in there.

Eddie: Jericho does too.

((Jericho sighs and opens it, paper falling to the floor. Opening the box, he gives a bitter laugh and looks up at the ceiling.))

Jericho: Talk about a misprint...

((He flings the box to the floor and kicks it as hard as he can. The box sails through the air and hits a wall, spilling its contents on the ground. From the box comes a black T-shirt with Jarred and Jericho standing back to back. A gust of wind turns it over to reveal words on the back: "Courage. Loyalty. Integrity. We have it... Do you?" At the very bottom: "Heart and Soul. The future of Tag Team wrestling." The shirt was twisted by the wind, showing the printing on both sides. The arena is totally silent.))

Eddie: Well, apparently, that package was the preliminary proof of a new HWC T-shirt.

Travis: A shirt that may never see the light of day if things end badly tonight.

Eddie: It may never see the light of day anyway.

Travis: Let's hope it does, Eddie... They're a great team.

Eddie: That they are, Travis... That they are.

((Jericho looks at the shirt, then shakes his head and walks into the locker room. The door swings shut behind him without a sound.))

Standard Match
Jessie Blankenship vs Air Raid

Eddie: And now, ladies and gentlemen, our first match of the evening has a jobber in it. But this is no ordinary match.

Travis: It has a jobber in it! That means I can sleep!

Eddie: And miss who his opponent is? I don't think you'd want to do that.

Travis: Bah.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first... AIR RAID!

((An air raid siren goes off followed by the start of Awake. Air Raid walks out onto the stage standing ready as the song slows. Then a large blast of pyro goes off behind him as he jumps up throwing his fists in the air. He then runs to the ring. The fans boo him stridently, making their displeasure known.))

Eddie: These fans absolutely HATE Air Raid!

Travis: I do too. I could be sleeping!

Jean Fortello: And his opponent...

((A strange buzzing sound is heard, then a low bass line floods the arena. The crowd falls silent, wondering what that is. Then an intermittent keyboard kicks in, turning that low bass line into the music for a song. But whose is it? And which song is it? Then they can hear the vocalist...))

"She's in love with herself... She likes the dark. And on her milk-white neck... The Devil's mark. Now it's All Hallow's Eve The moon is full. Will she trick-or-treat? I bet she will!"

((Then the guitar and drums crash in, flooding the arena with sound. A lone spotlight focuses on the top of the ramp, just barely highlighting a figure at the top of the ramp.))

Jean Fortello: From Buffalo, New York... The scion of a wrestling empire... JESSIE BLANKENSHIP!

((Jessie moves out into the spotlight and the crowd erupts! She basks in the applause for a moment, then jogs down the ramp and slides into the ring. Standing at an impressive 5’10” tall, Jessie isn’t your normal young woman. She's dressed in a black tank top and matching pants shot through with silver threads. Her long black hair is tied back in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. She looks up and the lights catch her eyes, turning them into shimmering emerald pools. Then she hops onto the top turnbuckle and throws her arms out to the crowd, who cheers even more.))

Travis: WOW!

Eddie: I told you it'd be worth staying awake for!

((Travis can't stop drooling as the bell rings and Jean steps out between the ropes. Air Raid sneers at Jessie and charges, going for a clothesline. Jessie simply ducks, then comes up behind him. She then does something nobody ever thought they'd see... She kicks him in the butt, sending him sprawling to the outside! The crowd cheers, mixing in a healthy dose of laughter. He's lying sprawled on the mat and she gets a twisted grin on her face. Before the referee can stop her, she catapults herself over the top rope, hitting the rising Air Raid with a beautiful Asai Moonsault! They go sprawling to the ground, Air Raid writhing slightly in agony. Jessie gets up and hurls him into the ring under the bottom rope, following him closely. Once in the ring, Jessie remains in a crouch, watching for the opportune moment. When he finally does get up and turn around, she launches herself at him, hitting a perfect Lockdown!))


Travis: That's gotta be for her father!

Eddie: Wherever he is... These last few weeks have been absolute hell for her, Travis. She doesn't know where her father is, or even if he's still alive. Nobody's heard anything!

Travis: You're right, Eddie. But Geoff Tate produced a theory that fits all the available facts...

Eddie: That he did, Travis. And I, for one, have to believe he's right. The Lurker wants to bury Peter alive because, in his twisted mind, Peter is responsible for what happened to him.

Travis: But why kidnap him?

Eddie: Good question. But I have a feeling we're going to find out.

((Back in the ring, Air Raid is lying on the mat, holding his midsection. Jessie lifts him up by the neck and hits a beautiful forearm uppercut. He stumbles backward and hits the ropes. Jessie watches him and launches herself forward to hit... His foot? Somehow, some way, Air Raid got his foot up and kicked Jessie in the face! She hits the mat in an undignified heap, the fans gasping softly.))

Travis: I hate to say it, but Jessie may have made a rookie mistake!

Eddie: I don't see how she could have made a mistake... Her father is one of the greatest indy wrestlers of all time! Come on, Jessie, get up!

((Air Raid hits a standing elbow that has her writhing in pain. He turns around and lifts her up, not hearing the fans suddenly start screaming. The sound finally hits him and he turns to see someone standing outside the ring. The person out there is a petite blonde woman whose blue eyes are blazing with fury. Jessie, having fallen to the mat, rolls over onto her stomach and catches sight of the woman standing there. Her eyes widen and she can be seen mouthing the word "MOM?!?". This, then, is Jessie's mother and Peter's wife, Nancy Blankenship.))

Eddie: Who is that?

Travis: She kinda looks like Jessie.

Eddie: Well, it can't be her aunts...

Travis: So, by process of elimination, that has to be...

Eddie: Oh, dear God. That's Jessie's MOTHER!

Travis: THAT'S her mother?

Eddie: Apparently so... And she seems to be yelling at Air Raid!

((Nancy is standing there screaming at Air Raid, telling him a thing or two! Air Raid shakes his head in disgust and turns around, only to find Jessie perched on the top rope. She stands up and hits a picture-perfect missile dropkick that sends him sprawling to the mat. She gets up and lifts him to his feet, getting his fist in her jaw for her trouble. Jessie stumbles backward and falls to one knee. The referee kneels to check on her, asking if she's all right. She nods yes, only to have Air Raid hit a standing dropkick and smash her in the face. She topples out of the ring, in slow motion, and hits the floor with a thump that echoes in the arena. Nancy drops to her knees beside her daughter and asks if she's all right. The frantic note in her voice brings Jessie around and she sits up, one hand pressed to her jaw. Nancy helps Jessie stand up and Jessie smiles, albeit painfully and around a rapidly forming bruise. Air Raid slides out of the ring and pushes Nancy out of the way. Jessie's hand is the only thing that keeps her on her feet. The referee begins administering a ten count, forcing Air Raid back into the ring. Jessie rolls back in as well, getting to her feet with a grace only rarely seen in those as tall as her. Air Raid stares at her, then rolls out of the ring and proceeds to stalk Nancy. Jessie waits for the right moment, flying over the top rope and hitting him with a lovely cross body that has him flat on the floor.))

Eddie: Beautiful!

Travis: Just goes to show, Eddie... Don't mess with Jessie's family. She'll make ya pay for it, one way or another.

Eddie: I think she's so worried about her father that she isn't entirely focused on the match at hand. And that could cost her.

Travis: I don't think so, Eddie... LOOK!

((Someone comes flying down the ramp and hits Air Raid after he gets up, slamming him broadside into the steel steps. Jessie looks up and stares in absolute shock at the person standing there. It's...))


Travis: I dunno, Eddie... She looks different somehow.

((Indeed she does, Travis... Rayne now has whitish-blonde hair and her face now has that trademark DeLioncourt smirk on it. She turns and holds her hand out to Jessie, who takes it in with a bemused expression on her face. One tug and Jessie's on her feet. She turns to the groaning Air Raid and smirks, then throws him into the ring. She follows him and sets him on the top rope, then points up to the rafters. The fans watch her quizzically, not sure what she's doing. Rayne and Nancy leave quietly, letting Jessie take care of business. Air Raid regains his senses and climbs off the ropes. Jessie scowls and kicks him in the stomach, then catches his neck in her legs. Grabbing him around the stomach, she lifts him up, turning it into a flawless Tombstone Piledriver!))


Travis: I sure did! And if I hadn't, I wouldn't have believed it!

Eddie: (referring to his clipboard) Apparently she calls that the Lights Out...

Travis: I can see why! I think Air Raid is out cold!

((But Jessie isn't through with him yet... He knows where her father is and she's going to make him pay for not telling her. She puts him back on the top turnbuckle, then exits the ring. She moves over to the announce table and throws one arm around in a punching motion, then launches herself forward. Running at full tilt, she slams Air Raid off the turnbuckle with enough force to break him in half!))

Crowd: Ho-ly shit! Ho-ly shit! Ho-ly shit!

Eddie: I have to agree with the crowd on this one, Travis!

Travis: (referring to Eddie's clipboard) She calls that the Shadow Wave. And that is one hell of a maneuver!

Eddie: She could have broken his neck!

((She rolls him back into the ring and seems to be a bit disoriented. She's looking around in confusion, then puts her hand over her eyes. Air Raid is motionless on the mat... She regains her bearings and goes for a cover that's academic at this point. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings joyously.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... JESSIE BLANKENSHIP!

((She still seems very disoriented and literally falls out of the ring. The crowd watches her quietly, not sure what's going on. There's no music... Nothing. Jessie gets to the top of the ramp, whether by sheer guts or blind luck, nobody knows. Someone's waiting for her at the top of the ramp and wraps a blanket around her. The touch seems to bring her around and she lets them lead her backstage. The camera follows them, catching sight of who was waiting for her... The fans start cheering loudly.))

Travis: It's DAEMON!

Eddie: What's he doing here?

Travis: I have no idea, Eddie... But it's a definite slap in the face for our "esteemed" Vice President Austin Pierremont!

Eddie: You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Travis: I LOVE IT!

((Daemon catches sight of the camera and tips his head in a silent salute. Then he sees the crumpled T-shirt on the floor where Jericho kicked it. Telling Jessie to "Stay here.", he goes and picks it up. She's standing there in silence, not saying or doing anything. Eric Taylor comes up and guides her into the Dark Ascension's locker room, then comes out to watch Daemon. Daemon turns around and sees Eric, the shirt dangling loosely from his hand. "Courage. Loyalty. Integrity. We have it... Do you?" Eric sucks in his breath and looks up at Daemon's face.))

Daemon: Jericho kicked it there.

Eric: Damn. What are we going to do?

Daemon: You're not going to do a damn thing, except go and pretend you didn't see this. I'm going to go do something about this.

Eric: What are you going to do?

Daemon: (eyes flashing with an inner fire) I'm going to knock some sense into that stubborn jackass calling himself my brother!

Eric: I don't think that's such a good idea... What if you kill him? Then where would the world be?

Daemon: (grinning sadistically) Who said anything about killing him? I'm just gonna make him wish I had!

Eric: How can you manage that?

Daemon: Kid, you're forgetting who I am. I'm Daemon DeLioncourt! I'm the most ruthless Mafia Don the world has ever known!

((The fans cheer loudly, showing their support for a man who's wanted in fourteen states. Eric's eyes widen, then he starts to laugh. Daemon grins sadistically, slinging the shirt over his shoulder and walks away. Eric watches him go, then enters the Dark Ascension locker room. Jarred is in there, but only because The Creeper insisted. The door slams shut, leaving the question of "What's going on with Jarred?" hanging in the air.))

Eddie: I hope, for Jarred's sake, that he snaps out of this state he's in before it's too late.

Travis: I think it already is too late... I have the official card for Oblivion here in front of me. So far, we have the HWC World title on the line in a ladder match... Jericho defending against Jarred. This match was booked last week after that heart-breaking confrontation in the hallway after Slaughter that resulted in Jarred spearing Jericho in the spine.

Eddie: Brother versus brother. What have we come to, Travis?

Travis: I don't know.

((Camera cuts backstageThe Sadistic One is shown walking backstage, he sees Lucien and heads on over.))

TSO: Yo. Lucien. You got a minute?

Lucien: OK, Matthew, whats on your mind.

TSO: These fuckin writers man. They keep writing me to lose. We got a tag title match against The Dylans tonight. I don't give a damn what the hell happens as long as we win. I got your back as long as you got mine.

Lucien: Writers? What are you talking about?

TSO: The bastards that say who wins and loses.

Lucien: Um, Matthew. We decide taht by fighting in the ring. Who's been telling you to throw matches?

TSO: Some stupid sob apparently. Look we got to win tonight man. If it even comes close to us losing I'm gonna snap. The Dylan's are way in over their heads when they step in the ring against us. I'm almost at the point where I can't take shit anymore, and if it turns out some fucker has been telling me to throw the match when I should have been able to win. I'm gonna chop off his balls and set them on fire for the whole world to see.

Lucien: Don't worry about it, Matthew. I have a....personal interest in this Match. I will not lose.

TSO: Sounds good then. Excuse me while I go and take care of some business.

((TSO heads off the to ring looking a bit pissed off. Hit The Floor by Linkin Park hits the PA. The Sadistic One steps out onto the stage as fire shoots out of the stage. The crowd boos as TSO heads down to the ring, TSO paying them no mind. TSO steps in the ring and is handed a microphone.))

TSO: Cut the damn music. So, the person who has been telling me I am supposed to lose has actually been telling me to throw the match?. I think it's kind of funny that I now just realized that bastard never did show his face. He always stayed in the shadows of the dark. Problem is, it sounded more like a woman trying to make herself sound like a guy. Either way I don't give a shit. Male or female, doesn't matter. Get your ass down to the ring PRONTO.

((Droppin Plates hits the PA. The crowd is stunned silent. They recognize the song, but can not remember who it belongs to. All of a sudden out steps none other than....Moon Ravin.))

MR: I think it's kind of funny that your stupid ass would even listen to someone telling you to lose. What's the matter Matt? Didn't think I was gone for good did you? Did you think I wouldn't figure out what. You were up to? Coming closer and closer to my area of the city? Did you think that was really me that you set on fire? Allow me to introduce the one you REALLY set on fire.

((A masked figure steps out onto the stage.))

TSO: You think I am going to believe that crap? Especially when that freak is wearing a mask? Why don't you take that mask off of your little friend and show the whole entire world you are lying and that you just got a damn good plastic surgeon?

MR: You really want me to do that?

TSO: Yeah. Do it. Prove you are a liar.

((Moon Ravin slowly takes off the mask. The person underneath the mask has skin melted from fire. TSO steps back from where he was standing inside the ring. Moon Ravin smiles and she heads down to the ring. Security steps in and escorts her to the back.))

TSO: That's right, you no longer work for this company. You have no right to be here, take that freak along with you and get the hell out of my life.

((TSO drops the mic and heads to the back even more pissed off than when he first came out to the ring. In the back TSO grabs a chair and throws it into a glass window, breaking the glass upon impact.))

TSO: I swear if I fucking lose again someone is going to pay with blood for it.

((A man is walking down the street and he sees a massage parlor. He rubs his sore back and walks inside.)

Woman: Can I help you?

Man: My back is killing me!

Woman: Right this way.

(We cut to the man laying on a massage table facedown with a towel covering him from the waist down. A masseuse walks in showing a generous amount of cleavage.)

Masseuse: Just relax, sir.

(The man sees her and smiles laying his head down. The man suddenly opens his eyes and groans as his back cracks. We see Draven Masters working over the man's back with pounding blows while the masseuse massages his shoulders. The camera gets a closeup of Draven grinning as he continues to work over the man's back, as we hear the man grunting and groaning and the sound of his back cracking. Finally we see Draven walk away and pull a Snicker's Cruncher bar out of his pocket. He takes a bite and grins.)

Announcer: There's no crunch more satisfying than that of a Snicker's Cruncher.

(Behind Draven the man comes walking out bent over and groaning in pain. The masseuse comes up and gives him a Snicker's Cruncher too. He takes a bite and grins as he walks off.)

Announcer: Snicker's Cruncher. A satisfying crunch.

Standard Match
Vivian vs The Saint

Eddie: We're back, folks, and I'm still baffled as to what happened when we came on the air. First Jericho drop kicks the prototype for a shirt, then Jessie's mother and Rayne Merriuci make an appearance during Jessie's match, then...

Travis: Jessie bungled her finisher. It wasn't supposed to be done like that... The description clearly states it's supposed to be a long distance spear from the top rope.

Eddie: Well, can you blame her?

Travis: No. I can't. But that move could have done some serious damage to her.

Eddie: Agreed. But going back to the action, we now have a member of the XAW in The Saint standing in the ring. Apparently he came out during the commercial break.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, representing the XAW... THE SAINT!

((The fans boo him resoundingly. He could care less, as is evidenced when he gives them all the finger.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... By way of The Creeper's Compound... Representing the Dark Ascension... VIVIAN!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars... The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly. Saint wastes no time and immediately starts pounding on her, causing her clipboard to drop to the apron. A tech long-arms it and takes it safely out of play. There's something about that tech... But there's no time to contemplate their actions, because Vivian is now on the offensive. She stands up and knocks Saint backward into the ropes. He comes charging out and gets caught with a thunderous clothesline that sends him crashing to the mat, coughing and choking. Vivian stares down at him amid a thunderous ovation from the fans. She looks up, gives a brief smile, then hauls Saint to his feet. Saint knocks her backward and she bounces off the ropes. She uses that momentum to her advantage and crashes into The Saint so hard he tumbles out of the ring. She looks around, then grabs the top rope and catapults herself over to crash down on him! The fans rise up to cheer, waving and hooting. Vivian gets to her feet and rolls Saint into the ring, then follows right behind him. Saint is on his feet now and grabs Vivian in a small package. 1... She kicks out with authority, sending him sprawling. Saint gets up, watching Vivian as he does so, snarling lightly. Vivian flips him the bird like he did to the audience earlier, garnering a fresh wave of cheers. He charges at her, but she drops down, taking the top rope with her. Saint hits the floor right at the feet of the tech who removed Vivian's clipboard.))

Eddie: Saint is in serious trouble here, Travis...

Travis: Good! I hate the XAW!

Eddie: So do the fans... You saw how they reacted when the XAW first showed up.

Travis: I did. And I approve whole-heartedly!

((The tech looks down and sees The Saint at their feet. Now normally, the tech would move out of the way... But not this one. When Saint regains his feet, the tech turns a bit and LEVELS HIM WITH A SAVATE KICK! The fans gasp in shock and Vivian watches the tech with an amused smirk on her face. The tech rolls him into the ring and crouches down, giving the impression that it was a one-shot deal. Vivian dives for a cover. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings, signalling the end of the match.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... VIVIAN!

((Vivian rolls out of the ring and approaches the tech who helped her win. The tech stands, willowy and graceful, then reaches up and removes the hat they're wearing. The face they reveal is very familiar...))


((Sarafan grins and hugs Vivian, then lifts her arm in victory. The fans roar, loving every second of this! Vivian and Sarafan go backstage, laughing and swapping stories. They stop and give someone a wide berth as they head to the ringside area. Who is it? The camera zooms in and the fans erupt when they see who it is...))

Travis: It's KIDD ROCK!

Eddie: It sure is, Travis... And he's fit to be tied!

Travis: I wonder what's got him so pissed off.

Eddie: Probably the same thing that's got Jericho so melancholy.

Travis: Oh.

Eddie: Stay tuned, folks... We have a lot more action on the way, including a tag match for the HWC Tag Team titles!

Travis: Don't go anywhere, because we'll be right back!

(The man turns to see Kidd Rock walk up to him.)

Man: Making a collect call.

Kidd: By dialing zero? What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know about 1-800-COLLECT?

Man: 1-800-COLLECT?

Kidd: Yeah. The easy way to make collect calls. Plus you'll save the people you call a buck or two. Just put 1-800 in front of collect.

Man: That's so easy, why didn't I think of that?

Kidd: Well, you'll remember for next time right?

Man: Sure.

Kidd: Cause if you don't I'll send them to your house.

(Kidd points and the man sees the entire HWC roster looking at him with their arms crossed and a few tapping their feet or pounding their fists into their hands.)

Announcer: 1-800-COLLECT. Use it and save a buck or two.

((Once Slaughter comes back from break the lights go out in the arena. It isn't long before the HWC-Tron comes to life. The image looks destoried along with the sound like it is filmed from a old hand held video recorder. What can be made out from the image is that of a beat up man tired up to a chair in a poorly lite basement. Groans can be heard from the man tied up, but the voice of the man filming this soon drowns that out. Clearly it is the voice of The Lurker.))

Lurker: This is what happens to those that cross the Union..... those that cross.... ME! Your hero is dead.... and now I will bury him!

((Once all is said and done the images cut out alone with the Tron. The lights come back on like nothing happen leaving the croud in an agery uproar.))

Hardcore Match
Kidd Rock vs Ghost

Travus: That was destrubing.

Eddie: I agree.....Well, folks, now we’re going to see the return of Kidd Rock to the ring, as well as a huge match for Ghost, if he can pick up a victory.

Travis: I’ve said it before, I like this Ghost kid. He’s got skill, and the kind of physical presence that has been seen on all the greats in this business. He’s a future champion.

Eddie: Maybe, but he’s facing a past champion.

Travis: There’s no comparison, Daniels! Past champion versus a future champ?!

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Hardcore matchup set for one fall. Introducing first, from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 lbs. . . KIDD ROCK!!!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope, then mounts each corner, raising his fists.))

Eddie: Kidd looks incredible. Looks like the time off has given him his edge back again.

Travis: Yeah. He’ll need it to even get anywhere near beating the next World Champ.

Eddie: Is that your official name for him?

Travis: Yeah. And Austin’s not so bad either.

Eddie: What’s changed?

Travis: Austin gave me a pay raise, and paid off my debts. That man is the greatest man in the world!

Eddie: Whoever said you can’t buy love wasn’t talking about my broadcast partner.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by his ‘homies’, Lyger, Max, and Shane, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 247 lbs. . . GHOST!!!

((A dark and thick grey smoke starts to roll in as Juggalo Homies starts to play. Through the smoke a pale figure makes his way threw, trailed by three others, once clearing the smoke Ghost raises his hands in the air and continues on down to the ring. On reaching it, he Ghost climbs in and crosses the ring to climb up a turnbuckle, the skinhead of the other three gesturing at a number of African-American individuals at ringside, the other two attempting to calm the third. He swings his arms, starts jamming with the music and lip sings with the chorus. After Ghost points to each side of the crowd calling them "His Homies" as they boo him, he jumps down, turning to get drilled with a huge clothesline. Kidd hauls Ghost to his feet, one of the three men outside the ring sliding into the ring, chair in hand. Kidd goes for a DDT, only to take a chairshot full in the face by the unnamed third man. Kidd staggers backward, the other two sliding into the ring as well, sliding a spare chair to Ghost, all four men advancing on Kidd, chairs in hand.))

Eddie: Come on! This is not right! This is a four on one situation! Someone stop this!

Travis: Not possible. This is a hardcore match. That means that Kidd essentially asked for this.

Eddie: Asked for a match, not for an assault.

Travis: Matches become assaults in hardcore matches. How long have you been commentating on this match?

((The assault begins quickly, all four men attacking Kidd with chairs, Kidd, even with the repeated chairshots, lunges upward, catching two of the four men with an incredibly powerful low blow, dropping them, Kidd only having to drop and cover his face and head instantly, from the other two taking the place of the fallen two. Kidd, again, reacts quickly, bringing his feet up, the chairs cracking against the soles of his shoes, Kidd thrusting his feet upward, sending the chairs cracking back upward, toward their former weilders, Kidd quickly bolting out of the ring, running up the ramp.))

Travis: Look at the coward run!

Eddie: This is a hardcore match, Travis. Anything goes.

Travis: Damn. Forgot about that.

((The four men get to their feet again, grabbing up their chairs, and bolting off in search of Kidd. The camera follows them backstage, finding the halls empty. Splitting up, they scatter in different directions, a camera following all of them. The camera assigned to a man that a caption identifies as “Shane”, finds Kidd’s lockerroom. A smile crosses his face, and he knocks on the door, before opening the door, the door closing behind him. From behind the door, a number of cracks, of metal on a skull are heard, before Kidd Rock comes out of the room, a smile on his face, and a chair in hand, a bloodstained chair in his left hand, a metal spiked baseball bat in his right, resting on his shoulder. Kidd walks down the hall, whistling, before stopping by a door, knocking on the door, the door visibly marked as the boiler room. Kidd opens the door, tossing the chair into the room.))

Kidd: I brought you a present, B.D.

((The door closes again, the sound of maniacal giggling heard from beyond the door, before Kidd walks down the hall again. The camera cuts to another person, one the caption identifies as Lyger, rounding a corner, chair in hand, seeing Kidd walking around a corner, unarmed. Lyger runs up behind Kidd, raising the chair high overhead. As Lyger rounds the corner again, the spiked bat impacts with the chair, the spikes ripping the chair out of Lyger’s hand. Kidd plants a foot in the chair, pulling the bat free, then dropping it to the ground, catching Lyger with a kick to the midsection, before hurling Lyger into the brick wall, picking up the discarded, and slightly mangled, chair, and cracking Lyger in the face with it. Kidd moves to a folded up table, setting it up, and grabbing a hot pot of coffee, leaving it in the middle of the table, then grabbing Lyger, and hitting an impressive snap powerbomb into the coffee pot on the table, the coffee pot exploding outward, the feeling of pain from both hot coffee and glass shards lasting only a moment before it is added to by the pain of being driven through a table, and landing on broken glass. Kidd smiles, walking off, after retrieving the spiked bat, and chair.))

Eddie: Kidd is taking them out one by one, here. Fleeing backstage might have been the smartest thing Kidd has done.

Travis: Bah. He’s taking out everyone but the guy he’s facing. And that’s what’ll cost him in the long run.

((A camera flips to the third of the three men that accompanied Ghost, identified quickly as “Max”. Max, to his credit, happens to see Kidd walking, and whistles, calling out to the other two, then Ghost. Kidd turns, bolting off, running into Ghost, or, more precisely, Ghost’s chair, in a chairshot to Kidd’s face. Kidd drops to the ground, Ghost waiting, Max getting to stand next to Ghost, both of them waiting for several moments, then cracking Kidd with a Conchairto. Kidd drops to the ground, a referee rushing into the scene, and then sliding into position. 1. . . 2. . . kickout from Kidd. Ghost picks Kidd up, holding him in a standing double underhook, Max drilling Kidd in the stomach with the chair, then rearing back to crack Kidd in the head as Ghost pulls Kidd straight. Before impact, Kidd leans forward, the quickness of the move pulling Ghost forward, the chair cracking against the back of Ghost’s head. Ghost falls off of Kidd’s back, to the ground, Kidd drilling Max with a spear, then waiting. As Max gets to his feet, he’s met by a Kidd Cruncher, driving Max facefirst into the chair. Kidd turns around, putting the top of the chair on Ghost’s face, then standing with a foot on either side of the chair.))

Travis: He can’t! He wouldn’t!

Eddie: He would! And he’s about to!

((Kidd raises a foot, stomping into the middle of the chair, then jumping into the air, and coming down with both feet into the center of the chair. Kidd bounces from the now-bent chair, dropping in a lateral press, across Ghost’s torso. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Kidd’s won the match!

Travis: He cheated!

Eddie: Shut up, he did not!

((Instead of “Bawidaba”, however, “King Nothing” plays as Austin appears in front of the referee.))

Austin: Wait a minute. Kidd just attacked three non-contracted athletes, which may very well bring about a number of hefty lawsuits. Because of this, I am giving the match to Ghost, by virtue of the fact that he hasn’t potentially cost the HWC a hefty sum of money. Ring the bell.

((The bell rings, again, Jean Fortello announcing that Ghost had won, Ghost looking at the camera, blood running down his face, visibly needing help even to stand.))

Ghost: I’m tired of the warm-ups, man! I want the real deal! This so-called unstoppable champ. I want The Creeper! And the title he’s got!

((Austin looks at Ghost, then smiles.))

Austin: You got it, Ghost. At Oblivion, you’ll get your-

((Suddenly, The Creeper appears on-camera.))

Creeper: Ghost, hmm? Get it through your head, boy. You’re not ready for me, yet. But, if it takes destroying you in the ring for you to realize that, then so be it.

((Behind The Creeper, a knife is plunged handle-deep into The Creeper’s back, the camera pulling back to reveal a bloodied Shane holding the knife. In a flash of movement, The Creeper whirls, so quick Shane doesn’t have any time to move, lifting him up by his throat, then flinging him to The Creeper’s right, into the brick wall of the ceiling, Shane crashing into the wall, then falling down, facefirst, through a table, the impact with the wall leaving a sizable crater in the wall itself, The Creeper turning to look at Ghost again.))

Creeper: When your stupid friend awakens, and realizes that I could have turned all of his bones to putty, but didn’t, make sure you tell him that that is the fate that will befall you yourself, ‘Ghost’. (The Creeper looks at Austin.) And all you can do about that fool is get him some medical attention. Broken ribs are a serious injury to you humans. If you wish to find me to pay his medical bills, look around. I’m not difficult to find. I’m the one everyone with a brain in the HWC fears.

((The Creeper turns, stepping over Max again, Ghost rolling his eyes, and scoffing, stopping at a whistle, turning around just in time to duck a chairshot, catching Kidd with a mid-level round kick, driving the wind from Kidd’s lungs, leaving Kidd to pull up his breath. A testament to Kidd’s resilience, Kidd catches up to Austin before Austin enters his office.))

Kidd: What the hell was that?! You cost me my win, over this loser, because I defended myself?! (Kidd motions to Ghost as he mentions the ‘loser’ part, Ghost lunging forward, being held back by Austin.)

Austin: It’s really breaking me up inside, Kidd. Tell you what. At Oblivion, there’s a match to decide the new DisasterPiece champion. I’ll give you the 1st shot. Deal? (Kidd nods.) Good. Now get out of my face, before I take you out of that match. (Kidd walks off, Austin looking into the confused face of Ghost and his two remaining friends.) Simmer down. Everyone’s in it. It’s like a giant rumble. He’ll have to outlast everyone else.

((Austin smiles, walking into his office, confident that he had, again, outsmarted one of his athletes.))

(Blood Dragon is sitting at a Wendy's with Zoe. He's eating one of the new Wendy's salads.)

Zoe: What'cha got?

Blood: A Wendy's salad.

Man at next table (laughing): The big bad wrestler is eating a salad? (Laughs harder.) What a wimp! Only wimps eat salad!

(Suddenly we see the man flying across the Wendy's screaming, followed by a thud as he lands on the floor. Cut back to Zoe brushing her hands off.)

Zoe: No one calls my husband a wimp except me!

Blood: Thanks hon...HEY!

Announcer: Now Wendy's has great salads with under 5 grams of fat. Come to Wendy's. It's better here.

((Palemon bolts into Austin's office, furious and apparently slightly off-kilter from the attack, Ghost and his two associates moving to create a human wall between Palemon and Austin.))


Austin: Let him through.

((The wall falls back, Palemon moving to stand in front of Austin, Austin sliding Palemon a sheaf of papers.))

Austin: Sign those, and you will no longer have any further obligation to the HWC.

((Palemon grabs the papers, and proceeds to rip them to shreds.))

Palemon: I just got attacked! By some fool calling himself Sandman! I want him in the ring, before I sign those papers!

((Austin raises an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair.))

Austin: You want Sandman? Well, unfortunately, Palemon, Sandman is not a contracted HWC superstar. I'm afraid you're out of luck, Palemon.

((Palemon growls, lunging over the table, Ghost and his two friends moving forward to hold Palemon back. Austin appears to remember something, though, and makes a motion, Palemon, again, lunging over the table, having been released by Ghost, Max, and Lyger.))

Austin: But I have just remembered a way that you can get your hands on Sandman. Stay on that side of the desk, and behave yourself, and I might think about giving you the chance. Are you listening?

Palemon: Get on with it!

Austin: At Oblivion, which will occur on Wednesday, this year, there will be a six man elimination tornado rules tag. And Sandman will be one of the representatives from the XAW. As it stands, we have two of the spots filled, with the Intercontinental Champion, Tiger, as well as another participant, the young rookie, Jessie Blankenship, but I need a third. (Austin slides a set of papers across the table, the camera catching sight of one of the papers, a three line document, with Tiger's name on top, and Jessie's underneath. Without hesitation, Palemon signs his name at the bottom, then turns and walks from the room. Instantly afterward, Austin's phone rings. Austin picks it up.) Hello? Oh, Ms. Lewis! What? Yes, I did. No, wait. Listen. This will be better. We can devote more time to building up matches, which will increase ticket sales, and revenue, and make the whole company more money than it would otherwise. Yes. Thank you, Ms. Lewis. Hey, if you're not busy later on- (Austin pulls the phone away from his ear, blinking.) She hung up on me! (Ghost and his friends snicker as Austin hangs up the phone.) I could fire you, Ghost.

((All three silence, the camera fading on Austin's face, going back to the announce position.))

Tag Team Title Match
The Dylans(c) vs Lucien & Matthew Montey(TSO)

Eddie: After a great series of matches thus far, we have a match pitting the present champions, The Dylans, against Lucien Meriucci and Matt “The Sadistic One” Montey.

Travis: Lucien’s a skilled athlete, but come on. Religion?! Is he whacked out of his head?

Eddie: There are some who would say that he is, Travis. His past few matches have been exhibitions in violence and twisted, sadistic ability. It will be interesting to see if Lucien and Matt can take advantage of the apparent rift between Jarred and Jericho to gain the HWC titles.

Travis: If anyone can do that, it’d be Lucien.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall, and is for the HWC World Tag Team Titles. Introducing first, the challengers, first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes(metaphorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring, awaiting first his partner, then his opponents.))

Eddie: Lucien looking especially focused tonight, something that, generally means a savage beating to anyone on the other end of that look.

Travis: I doubt that’ll be any different tonight.

Jean Fortello: And his tag team partner, weighing in at 235 lbs, from St. Paul, Minnesota. . . MATT “THE SADISTIC ONE” MONTEY!!!

((The lights in the arena go out. Church bells begin to play over the PA. As the bells fade into the background the lights begin to flicker. And out of the darkness the Sadist did fall, true pain and suffering be brought to them all. Away was the Roster to hide in the halls, for fear that the Sadist would chop off their balls. The Church bells slowly grow over the speaker. A blast of fire shoots out of the ring posts. A spot light hits the ring and we see Matt 'The Sadistic One' Montey standing in the spot light. Both Matt and Lucien convene to discuss strategy, something that is visibly alien to Matt.))

Eddie: Well, now we have two of the four athletes in the ring. And Matt looks confused. Are they discussing rocket science?

Travis: Probably not. It’s probably strategy.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, from Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at a combined weight of 450 lbs, they are the reigning Tag Team champions, Jarred and Jericho. . . THE DYLANS!!!

((A combination of “Slave to The Grind” and “Never Gonna Stop” plays over the PA, as Jarred Dylan walks to the ring alone, not looking the least bit worried about Jericho, getting loud boos, sliding into the ring under the bottom rope, and instantly being besieged by Matt and Lucien, Jarred flooring Lucien with a clothesline, only to get drilled in the back of the head by a forearm from Matt.))

Eddie: Where’s Jericho?!

Travis: He’s got a yellow streak! You know, Eddie, I like this new Jarred. He’s got all the stuff the old Jarred didn’t have, starting with a personality.

Eddie: You just like it because he’s getting booed now.

Travis: Well, that is a good touch.

Eddie: Where is Jericho, though?!

((The camera cuts backstage, showing a lockerroom marked “Jericho Dylan”, with a forklift in front of the door, no gas tank in sight, a number of stagehands attempting to move the forklift itself, the sound of pounding on the other side of the door.))

Eddie: That’s their strategy! Lucien and Matt locked Jericho in his lockerroom!

Travis: Smart move by those two!

((The screen over the entranceway continues to show the forklift in front of the door, as a familiar figure appears on-stage, one that, when Lucien sees him, takes his focus off of Jarred.))

Eddie: That’s Celtic Hyena!

Travis: What is he doing?!

Eddie: Watching the match. There’s no law about that.

((Matt catches Jarred with a sharp uppercut, staggering Jarred, then flying forward with a flying lariat, Jarred quickly turning the move into a Crossface, only to take a sharp boot to the face from Lucien, as the referee finally gets Lucien to leave the ring. Jarred gets to his feet, slowly, Matt hitting a quick atomic drop, sending Jarred staggering forward, Matt following it up with a front dropkick, sending Jarred over the top rope, Matt backing up, drawing the referee’s attention, so the referee doesn’t see Lucien drop from the apron, and walk around the ring, grabbing Jarred as he stands up, hauling him into the air, drilling an UnMaking, and then a second, and a third, before sliding Jarred into the ring, Lucien walking around the ring again.))

Eddie: The numbers game is taking it’s toll on Jarred.

Travis: And Jericho’s locked up! Smart move, like I said, for the challengers.

Eddie: Even so, Jarred is at the mercy of these two men.

((On the screen, the stagehands are screaming to Jericho that they can’t get the door open, to which Jericho barks out “Stand back”. The stagehands scurry out of the way, and, in a simple incredible show of strength, the entire door and forklift skidding across the hallway, Jericho stepping from the doorless doorway, walking off toward the ring.))

Eddie: Here comes Jericho!

Travis: How the hell did he do that?!

Eddie: Best not to question, Travis.

Travis: Good point.

((Matt quickly hits Jarred with the Mouth Shutter, before hooking the leg. Before the referee drops to the mat, Jericho comes barreling down to the ring. 1. . . 2. . . pin broken up by Jericho hitting a low dropkick to Matt’s head. Matt staggers backward, then launches forward with a superkick, Jericho ducking the superkick, turning, and dropping Matt with a DDT, before sliding Jarred out of the ring, after stepping onto the apron, and tagging himself in, making himself the legal man. Lucien comes into the ring, flooring Jericho with a clothesline, Matt rolling outside the ring, grabbing a chair, then coming back into the ring. As Jericho begins to get to his feet, Matt hurls the chair at Jericho, who instinctively catches it, Matt then drilling Jericho with a superkick through the chair, before moving the chair again, and vaulting onto the turnbuckle, waiting. As Jericho gets up, Matt hits the Mouth Shutter into the chair, before sliding the chair out of the ring, and going for the pin, the referee turning from Lucien, who has just left the ring, and seeing the pin. 1. . .2. . . kickout by Jericho. Matt picks Jericho up again, sending him off of the far ropes, and, when he returns, drilling him with a clothesline, next to Matt’s side of the ring, before backing up, and, again, drawing the referee’s attention, as Lucien drops from the apron, moving over the Jericho, and hitting him with an UnMaking or two, before Jarred can get onto his own apron, Lucien going for a third UnMaking, Jericho firing off a right hand, then rolling backward, to end up standing. Jericho hefts Lucien into the air, dropping him throat-first onto the guardrail, before groggily sliding into the ring.))

Eddie: Jericho looking pretty beat up from the attack outside the ring, and the strength it took him to get out of his lockerroom in the back.

Travis: I still don’t know how he did that!

Eddie: Don’t ask, and hopefully, they won’t tell. The HWC “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

Travis: That’s a good policy, I think. That’ll be my new policy.

Eddie: That and betting on all of the matches.

Travis: That too.

((Matt grabs Jericho, Jericho catching Matt with a shot to the stomach, then a clothesline, before dragging himself to the corner, Jarred leaning for a tag. Jericho makes the tag easily enough, then laying in the corner, Jarred motioning for Matt to back up, the referee turning to enforce that, to give Jarred time to get into the ring, Jericho slowly climbing to his feet, to step onto the apron, Jarred stepping into the ring at the same time Jericho stands, moving as if to face Matt, only to stop, and drill Jericho with a powerful superkick, causing Jericho to sag against the corner, Jarred leaving the ring, a smile on his face, walking up the ramp.))

Eddie: Jarred just attacked his brother, again!

Travis: Well, this is a pretty good strategy. If he gets counted out, they retain the titles.

Eddie: Jericho did not want to win like that!

Travis: How do you know?! Are you a mindreader?!

Eddie: Look at him, Travis. I doubt highly that Jericho Dylan, one of our company’s greatest fighting World Champs, would want to win by countout.

((As Jarred walks backward up the ramp, a smile on his face, the referee glances to Jericho, counting the superkick as a tag, Lucien hauling Jericho out of the corner, hitting him with an UnMaking, then making the tag again, Matt picking Jericho up, and hitting him with the Mouth Shutter, going for a pin. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Jarred just cost his team their titles!

Travis: Okay, now I’m confused.

((Jarred hears the bell ring, then comes flying back into the ring, picking Jericho up, gesturing as if demanding an answer for the loss, before shoving Jericho backward, and, in a visible insult, hitting Jericho with the Mardi Gras Kickoff, before spitting on Jericho, and leaving the ring again.))

((The scene dies as the transmission fades. Copyright Hardcore Wrestling Corporation, 2004))