Tuesday Night Slaughter
New York, New York from the Madison Square Garden

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, the back to black.))

Standard Match
George Hollywood vs A-Dogg

((The sound of the ring bell is heard singling the start of a match.))

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall......

Eddie: This is going to be an unusual contest to say the very least… We have two newcomers!

Travis: Yeah, and they’re gonna suck, just like all the rest.

Eddie: You said that about the Dylan brothers and look at them now.

Travis: You had to go and throw that in my face, didn’t you?

Eddie: Yup. It’s part of my job. Just like it’s part of your job to be an annoying lush half the time.

Travis: HEY! I am not a lush!

Eddie: So you admit you’re annoying?

Travis: Stop putting words in my mouth already!

Eddie: You walked right into that one.

Travis: Oh, shut up and let’s get on with it already.

Jean Fortello: Introducing first… From the Mean Streets of Chester Springs… Weighing in at 265 pounds… A-DOGG!

((A-Dogg walks down in his regular ring attire. The Lights are green and white, and money falls from the ceiling with his face on the bills.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent… From Toledo, Ohio… Weighing in at 275 pounds… GEORGE HOLLYWOOD!

((Headstrong by Trapt plays over the speakers and Hollywood walks out and gets on one knee and flexes. After that he walks to the ring with one finger in the air to the ring then jumps over the top rope. A-Dogg goes right after him, shoving him backward into the ropes. But Hollywood is tougher than he looks… He shoves Dogg backward, then follows up with a clothesline. Dogg hits the mat hard, landing on his back. Hollywood follows up with a legdrop that has Dogg writhing and choking. Hollywood stops to flex and the crowd boos.))

Eddie: The crowd has the right of it here… He should have gone for the cover.

Travis: Yup… He’s a rookie, all right. Only a new guy would make a mistake like that!

((Hollywood goes to check on Dogg and gets a boot to the mush. Dogg laughs as he gets up and goes to capitalize on his advantage. But Hollywood’s waiting for him…))

Eddie: Belly to belly suplex!

Travis: Unbelievable!

((This time, Hollywood doesn’t stop to flex. He presses the attack, hitting Dogg with a fallaway slam. Then he goes for a cover. 1… 2… Just barely does Dogg kick out. Hollywood tries again, this time going for a sleeper hold. Dogg powers out with an elbow to the stomach followed by a boot to the chops.))

Eddie: Ooh, ouch!

Travis: You said it!

((Dogg tries to hit a German suplex, but Hollywood counters and nails a clothesline that has the spoiled rich kid spinning around in a circle before he hits the mat. Hollywood dives for a cover. 1… 2… 3! The bell rings and the referee lifts Hollywood’s hand. But Dogg screams and throws a tantrum because his foot was apparently on the ropes. The ensuing argument is cut off by a female voice at the top of the ramp.))

Jessie: A-Dogg, stop your whining! You lost fair and square, so SUCK IT UP AND MOVE ON!

((The crowd erupts in a tumult of cheers. A-Dogg looks at her, totally shocked.))

Jessie: First time someone’s told you that, huh? Won’t be the last. We don’t tolerate whiny little snot-nosed rich kid brats throwing a fit when things don’t go their way. Now get backstage, both of you. We have a LOT of action tonight, and you’re both in the Tag Team Match later on. So get going before I have Security move you!

((A-Dogg storms out of the ring and up the ramp to where Jessie is standing. He goes to say something, only to see the look in her eye. She’s pissed off and fit to kill someone if they even look at her the wrong way! So he moves on, wisdom prevailing in this instance. Hollywood just shrugs his shoulders and walks backstage. Jessie nods, waves to the fans and disappears into the back.))

Eddie: Did you see the look in her eyes, Travis?

Travis: I sure did… I don’t want to get her any madder than she already is.

Eddie: I pity whoever she finally takes it out on.

Travis: Me too… We’ll be back after this.

(A man is walking down the street and he sees a massage parlor. He rubs his sore back and walks inside.)

Woman: Can I help you?

Man: My back is killing me!

Woman: Right this way.

(We cut to the man laying on a massage table facedown with a towel covering him from the waist down. A masseuse walks in showing a generous amount of cleavage.)

Masseuse: Just relax, sir.

(The man sees her and smiles laying his head down. The man suddenly opens his eyes and groans as his back cracks. We see Draven Masters working over the man's back with pounding blows while the masseuse massages his shoulders. The camera gets a closeup of Draven grinning as he continues to work over the man's back, as we hear the man grunting and groaning and the sound of his back cracking. Finally we see Draven walk away and pull a Snicker's Cruncher bar out of his pocket. He takes a bite and grins.)

Announcer: There's no crunch more satisfying than that of a Snicker's Cruncher.

(Behind Draven the man comes walking out bent over and groaning in pain. The masseuse comes up and gives him a Snicker's Cruncher too. He takes a bite and grins as he walks off.)

Announcer: Snicker's Cruncher. A satisfying crunch.

((If Eddie and Travis knew how right they were, they’d be in shock. Jessie is mad enough to spit brass tacks! She storms into her father’s office and slams the door. The reverberations alone aren’t enough to cool her off… Looking up at the ceiling, she finds herself recalling the image she saw in the ring last week: Her father standing in the ring, smiling and tapping his temple.))

Jessie: What the hell does it mean?

Voice: It means you have some thinking to do. What exactly did you see?

Jessie: My father standing in the ring smiling and tapping his temple.

Voice: Did anyone else see it?

Jessie: No. He wasn’t even in the arena last week. He was at home with my mother.

Voice: Tell me what you think it means.

Jessie: I think it means he wants me to take a chance and follow in his footsteps.

((The crowd gasps in shock, then cheers loudly.))

Voice: Do you want to?

Jessie: Are you kidding? I’ve always wanted to be a wrestler! Yes, I want to step into that squared circle and hear the fans cheering me on when it seems like I’ve neared the end of my endurance.

Voice: Do you think you have what it takes?

Jessie: I don’t think I have what it takes… I KNOW I do! I mean, come on… My dad is the Mauler, for cryin’ out loud! If anyone has the best chance at becoming a wrestler, it’s me!

Voice: Then stop thinking about it, Jessie… Start doing something about it!

Jessie: You know something? You’re right. I will!

Voice: That’s a girl… But start slowly and work your way up to the big leagues.

Jessie: Like father, like daughter?

Voice: Exactly. Now, who are you going to make an example of?

Jessie: I know just the guinea pi… I mean, volunteer.

Voice: Good. It’s your turn, Jessie… Take full advantage of it!

Jessie: I will. Hey, how’d you know my name?

((But there’s no answer. Jessie sits up and looks around, but there’s nobody there! No trace of anyone ever being there, either. Jessie shakes her head, then gets up and moves to the door. Opening it, she finds one of the techs looking for her.))

Tech: Oh, there you are. We have a problem here… One of Air Raid’s cronies is in the arena tonight. What do we do?

Jessie: Which one is it?

Tech: It’s Mystic J.

Jessie: Have him sent to the ring… He’s got a match.

Tech: Right away, Miss Blankenship.

Jessie: Thank you.

((The tech darts off to find Mystic J and Jessie looks around before nodding to herself and walking away. The camera cuts to ringside and a baffled Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: What is Jessie doing, Travis?

Travis: Beats me… I’m just as confused as you are!

Surprise Match
Mystic J vs ???

((Mystic J makes his way to the ring without the dubious benefit of his intro, standing awkwardly beside Jean Fortello.))

Jean Fortello: The following contest is a surprise match, and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first… MYSTIC J!

((The crowd gives him a resounding chorus of boos.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent…

A strange buzzing sound is heard, then a low bass line floods the arena. The crowd falls silent, wondering what that is. Then an intermittent keyboard kicks in, turning that low bass line into the music for a song. But whose is it? And which song is it? Then they can hear the vocalist...))

"She's in love with herself...
She likes the dark.
And on her milk-white neck...
The Devil's mark.
Now it's All Hallow's Eve
The moon is full.
Will she trick-or-treat?
I bet she will!"

((Then the guitar and drums crash in, flooding the arena with sound. A lone spotlight focuses on the top of the ramp, just barely highlighting a figure at the top of the ramp.))

Jean Fortello: From Buffalo, New York… Weighing in at 115 pounds… The scion of a wrestling empire… JESSIE BLANKENSHIP!

Eddie: Oh, my GOD!

Travis: You said it, Eddie!

((Jessie moves out into the spotlight and the crowd erupts! She basks in the applause for a moment, then jogs down the ramp and slides into the ring. Standing at an impressive 5’10” tall, Jessie isn’t your normal young woman. The bell rings and Mystic is face to face with one of the women he and his cohorts hospitalized at Riot. That fact isn’t lost on him as he charges in at full steam. Jessie drops down and lets him pass overhead. When he turns around to come back, he’s met with her foot landing square in his stomach.))

Eddie: What a standing sidekick!

Travis: She doubled him over!

((She certainly did… Now she hits him with a picture perfect bicycle kick. He slumps to the mat and she stands there looking down at him. There’s an eerie glint in her eyes… Then, from the back, comes one of the men in the Tag Team match later on.))

Eddie: The Creeper!

Travis: He appears to be joining us here at the announce table… Welcome, sir.

Creeper: Thank you, Travis. You’ve learned respect, I see.

Travis: It’s easy when you have the right motivation.

Creeper: Ah.

Eddie: What brings you down here?

Creeper: I came to observe young Jessica in her first efforts in the ring.

Travis: She seemed to be talking to someone just before this, but there was nobody there!

Creeper: Jessica is unique in her own right, Travis. Her father is one of the most respected figures the wrestling world has ever seen. And if she wants to talk to the air, she can.

((The Creeper chuckles as if he’s made a joke. He may have, at that… Jessie gathers herself, watching Mystic J get slowly to his feet. When he’s up, she charges and hits him with a perfect rendition of her father’s trademark move…))


Travis: The only one who does that any better is her father!

Creeper: Absolutely inspiring. If she chooses to make wrestling her career, she’ll go far.

Eddie: My thoughts exactly!

((Jessie watches Mystic J get to his feet, one hand twitching slightly. She doesn’t seem to notice it as she is completely focused on her opponent, who is quite laughable at best. He gets up and charges right at her! But she steps nimbly aside, leaving him to slam shoulder-first into the steel ringpost. He drops to the mat, clutching at his shoulder. Jessie’s face becomes impassive as she circles her prey, seeking the right moment to strike.))

Travis: What’s going on with her? Her face just lost all its animation!

Creeper: She is in her “zone”, so to speak. Now is the opportune moment for her to take him down for the victory.

Eddie: But how? He’s a big man!

Creeper: Never let a person’s size distract you from what they can do.

((Jessie lets Mystic J move across the ring, then she does something unusual… She steps out of the ring! Moving to stand near the announce table, she throws herself across, flying across the ring, hitting Mystic J with a long-distance spear from the top rope!))

Eddie: That was AMAZING!

Creeper: No, that was just a sample of what Jessie is capable of.

((Jessie throws herself across Mystic J, going for the cover. 1… 2… 3! The bell rings loudly, almost joyously. The referee lifts her hand in victory even as Jean states the obvious.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner… JESSIE BLANKENSHIP!

Creeper: Excellent. Now if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen, I have a match to prepare for.

((The Creeper leaves the announce table and stands near the ring. Jessie backflips over the top rope and walks up the ramp with him at her side. He seems to be telling her something… She’s nodding avidly. When they’re backstage, the camera catches sight of Jessie entering the Dark Ascension’s locker room. Then it cuts back to ringside where Eddie and Travis are sitting.))

Eddie: That was an… interesting… match.

Travis: That’s putting it mildly. But Jessie proved one thing… She has what it takes to hang with the big boys.

Eddie: That she has, Travis… That she has.

Travis: There’s a lot more action to come, folks… So stick around! You won’t want to miss a minute of it!

Eddie: That’s right! We’ll be right back with more HWC Slaughter, so don’t touch that dial!

(Jericho Dylan walks into a sports memorabilia store and heads to the wrestling section. Several people stare in awe at him as he starts picking out some items with his image on them. Pictures, posters, action figures, etc. He walks up to the cashier.)

Cashier: A Jericho Dylan fan are we?

(She looks up at him.)

Cashier: Oh.

Jericho: Is it okay if I pay by check?

Cashier: Sure. I just need some ID.

(Jericho looks astounded.)

Jericho: Okay...(pulls out ID)

Cashier: Are you sure this is you? I have to call this in.

(Jericho rolls his eyes and waits drumming his fingers on the counter. The camera cuts to scenes of him nodding off, signing autographs, having his action figure fight with Tiger's, pacing, stretching.)

Jericho: How much longer is this gonna take?

Cashier: Just a minute.

Jericho: You said that two hours ago.

(More scenes of Jericho being bored, fighting a demon, watching HWC on TV.)

Eddie (from TV): And surprisingly Jericho Dylan is not here tonight!


Cashier: I'm sorry. Do you have another form of ID?

(Jericho looks exhausted and faints.)

Announcer: Next time use the Visa check card. It gets you in, out and on with life.

(The scene cuts to Harley Quinn with a bunch of her wrestling memorabilia.)

Harley: Can I write a check for this?

((Camera opens up with a clip from Christmas Chaos, the words in red at the bottom right corner read, "Last Week."))

Austin: Okay. Fine. You sign a waiver, and I'll get you a match against. . . Klaus Von Hammer. If you can 'impress' me, then I'll give you a contract. If not, then I'll let Klaus tear you apart, and feed the pieces to our resident loon.

Ghost: Ain't no thing homie. This match is in the bag yo!

((The camera cuts to later on in the match. Klaus pours dozes of thumb tacks over the chair till the bag is empty before tossing the bag away and returning to the motionless Ghost.))

Travis: Hammer Drop!

Eddie: He it comes in a most brutal manor!

((Klaus pulls Ghost up and moves near the chair. By now the crowd is on it's feet, the camera even cits to back stage showing Austin sitting in his office watching the match as well. The camera cuts back to the ring as Klaus pulls Ghost on his shoulders and pulls off the Hammer Drop. But in a blink before Klaus could finsih the move Ghost manages to get his legs around Klaus neck and deliever a hurricanrana sending Klaus face first into the thumb tacks covered chair. Klaus screaming in pain with tacks covering his now bleeding face. Rolling over onto his back tries to get up not wanting it to end like this. Ghost hits the ropes and comes back with a low drop kick to the face of Klaus. Klaus falls back as Ghost for the pin. 1..2..3NO. Klaus gets and arm up. Ghost tries endlessly to stomp at Klaus to keep him down but Klaus refuses............. Picking up the chair Ghost hits the ropes and comes at Klaus with a speeding chair. Just before he reaches striking rang Klaus bring up his foot sending the chair in the face of Ghost............ Klaus grabs Ghost again for another Hammer Drop but Ghost breaks the hold before Klaus can put him on his shoulders. Ghost comes at him with a Karata Rush, sending blow after blow into his chest and serval kicks to the ribs. Ghost ends it with a spinning wheel kick that sends Klaus to the mat. Ghost gets up and grabs the cane again and slams it into the chest of Klaus, so hard the thing breaks in two. Ghost looks at this a moment before drops for the cover. What the ref fails to see is that Ghost is using the broken part of the cane to choke Klaus keeping him. 1...2...3 The bell rings and the crowd erupts into boos.......Klaus yells angrly down at Ghost and starts to climb out of the ring when the HWC-Tron comes to life.))

Austin: Concider this your farwell Match Klaus, causer after this night, your no longer employed by the HWC. You're fired!

((A stunning silnce comes over all as the HWC-Tron flickers off. Klaus still standing in the ring looks beside him self with anger over what has just happened. The image fades and opens back on Eddie and Travis still looking stunned.))

Eddie: That was the scene last week at Christmas Chaos.

Travis: No one saw any of that coming, not even my bookie.

First Blood Match
Hans Kuhmann Vs Ghost

Eddie: Well, ladies and gentlemen, after what happened at Christmas Chaos, you have to believe that the following match is going to be impressive, to say the least.

Travis: What’s the next match?

Eddie: A match between a young man who earned a HWC roster spot at Chaos, in Ghost, and the remaining half of Die Zerstorer, in Hans Kuhmann.

Travis: Wait. Austin didn’t fire both of them?

Eddie: Not from what I’m reading.

Travis: Then this isn’t looking good for the new guy.

Eddie: And the match is a First Blood match.

Travis: Now THAT’S a match worth watching!

Jean Fortello: The following match is a First Blood match. Introducing first, from Frankfurt, Germany, weighing in at 220 lbs. . . HANS KUHMANN!!!

((Seek & Destroy plays on the PA, with white strobes flashing in the entrance way. As the main body of the song kicks in, there is a blast of pyro, and Hans steps out. Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, gesturing for the fans to get on their feet, then power walks to the ring. he vaults over the top rope, climbs the corner, and flashes the "crossed hammers" at the fans, then repeats at the opposite corner. Out of the norm for Hans is a look of intensity bordering on hatred.))

Eddie: Hans looking more than ready.

Travis: No, he looks ready. To kill this Ghost kid.

Eddie: That sounds about right.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 247 lbs. . . GHOST!!!

((A dark and thick grey smoke starts to roll in as Juggalo Homies starts to play. Through the smoke a pale figure makes his way threw, once clearing the smoke Ghost raises his hands in the air and continues on down to the ring. Before Ghost can get anywhere near the ring, a flying Hans collides with him, sailing from the top rope with a somersault plancha, driving Ghost to the rampway. Hans gets up quickly, going for a standing moonsault. Ghost rolls to the side, and, as he comes up, catching Hans full in the face with a front round kick, the force of the move lifting Hans up, and dropping him on the ramp several feet back.))

Eddie: A huge kick from the rookie.

Travis: That was a pretty good kick, in my opinion.

Eddie: So, are you planning to change your bet?

Travis: Hell no.

((Ghost moves to pick up Hans, only to get caught with a low blow from Hans. Hans gets to his feet, turning, and sending Ghost spilling into the crowd. Hans jumps on the guardrail, jumping as if for a senton, then twisting a 180 in midair, landing on Ghost with a twisting senton. The two athletes disappear from sight for a few moments as security attempts to move the crowd back. When they show the area, Ghost is apparently holding the upper hand. Ghost moves to Hans’ side, jumping high into the air, pulling off two rotations in midair, before dropping in a moonsault. Ghost grabs Hans, moving toward the ring.))

Eddie: Ghost, apparently, calls that moonsault “Outer Worldly”.

Travis: He might have the match won with that.

Eddie: Yeah, he might.

((Ghost slides Hans under the bottom rope, then moving around the ring, grabbing a steel chair, and coming back into the ring. Hans begins getting to his feet, Ghost swinging the chair. Hans ducks under the chair, grabbing Ghost from behind in what appears to be a Torture Rack maneuver, only to have Ghost crack Hans in the head with the chair. Hans staggers backward, reflexively putting his hand to his head, finding no blood, and, as Ghost goes for another chairshot, Hans kicks Ghost fully in the stomach, doubling Ghost over, causing Ghost to drop the chair. Hans reaches down, grabbing the chair on the ground, and, in one movement, straightening slightly, cracking Ghost full in the face with the chair. Ghost staggers backward, Hans dropping the chair, then charging forward, spearing Ghost through the ropes.))

Eddie: Well, it looked like Ghost had the match won, but Hans’ endurance prevented that.

Travis: Hans is a tough bugger.

Eddie: Bugger?

Travis: It’s part of my intercontinental makeover.

Eddie: Ah. Warn me next time.

Travis: Will do.

((Hans moves to the center of the ring, his back to Ghost. After a moment, Hans backflips, landing feet first on the top rope, then jumping backward in a huge moonsault.))


Travis: That was a awesome looking move, that time. And normally, the Luftwaffe dive is just some boring moonsault thing.

Eddie: Moonsault. . . THING?!

Travis: Bah. You can’t expect me to care about some dippy moonsault.

Eddie: Travis, Hans will come over here and kick your ass.

Travis: He’s half Mexican jumping bean. Just give him a carrot, and he’ll stay down.

Eddie: On a roll today, are you?

Travis: Damn right.

((Hans gets to his feet, sliding Ghost into the ring, and following, waiting for Ghost to get up. After Ghost does, Hans grabs him and hits a very familiar move.))

Eddie: HAMMER DROP! Hans just hit Klaus’s finisher to Ghost, onto that chair!

Travis: Bah. It’s not like that’ll win him a match. It’s a first blood match, and I haven’t yet seen any blood. This match sucks.

((Hans slides outside the ring, grabbing another chair, then coming back into the ring, rearing back, and cracking the referee in the head with the chair, then putting his right foot on Ghost’s chest, and bringing the chair down into Ghost repeatedly, nailing Ghost a number of times with a series of vicious ConChairtos. After three, Ghost’s bleeding, the referee unable to end the match. After six, “King Nothing” rips out over the airwaves, Austin coming to the stage.))

Austin: Hans! Stop that! That is uncalled for! That’s it, dammit! I’m giving this match to Ghost!

((Hans doesn’t waste a second, darting from the ring, and bolting up the ramp, chasing Austin backstage. Instantly, the bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: (Unsteadily) The winner of this match-

Voice: Hold it right there!

((Cherisse Novak appears on the HWC screen.))

Cherisse: It’s very obvious who won the match. Congratulations, Hans.

Jean Fortello: (With more passion) Here is your winner, Hans Kuhmann!!!

Eddie: Cherisse Novak has just saved this match.

Travis: Yeah. Damn that Austin. We need to bring back Martin Smalls.

Eddie: Well, I admit, Martin does seem to be the lesser of the two evils, but that’s still, not a good thing. Folks things got really brutal at Christmas Chaos....

Travis: All in the spirit of Burtality.

Eddie: Well yes, but this was beyond Brutality. This was down right visious. Let's just go to the clip.

((The HWC-Tron comes to life showing Austing coming out smiling as he is booed. He reaches the ring and climbs in.))

Austin: Well sad to say this would be where The Tiger would go one on one with Celtic Hyena in a Back Alley Brawl...... that is if Tiger was still around.

Cherisse: That maybe, but I hold here in my hand papers from Autumn that release The Tiger's contract and The Tiger her self into my care. Meaning the match is on...... and Tiger is waiting.

((The Tiger is then seen on the HWC-tron.))

The Tiger: I'm waiting for ya Celtic. Let's finish this!

Eddie: Tiger just called Celtic out!

((Clip cuts to later on in the match. Not giving him a chance Tiger kicks Celtic in the ribs. By the second kick Celtic finally reacted, grabing Tiger's foot and twisting it at the ankle till Tiger cries out in pain. Celtic pulls Tiger off her feet and a loud pop can be heard. Tiger lays there holding her leg in pain as Celtic gets to his feet........ Tiger drags Celtic closer to the fountain before dunking his head under the freezing cold water and holding it there. Celtic despertely struggles to free him self from what my be a watery grave. Doing what ever he can Celtic kicks Tiger hard in her now weak ankle. Tiger nearly crumbles releasing her hold on Celtic........ Celtic throws a straight punch at Tiger's head intent on knocking her out, but Tiger garbs a hubcap that fell out of one of the trash cans and swings it at Celtic's fist. Celtic's fist connects with the metal hubcap with such force that it dents the hubcap. Celtic pulls back in hand in pain looking it, unable to move it or use it......... Celtic stares up in shock and goes to question him when Lucien slams the chair into his head. Celtic slumbs to the ground as Lucien turns to walk awya dropping the chair, Lucien smiles seeming satisfied with what he has done...... With what he has left, Celtic picks Tiger up by the throat and delivers a hard choke slam. Celtic falls with her draping him self over Tiger. 1...2...3. Camera fades out on Celtic holding his hurt hand.))

Eddie: That match took alot out of both of them, niether one is here tonight due to their injeries. Tiger with a hurt ankel and Celtic with a broken hand. We have yet to know how bad their injeries are but we will keep you informed.

Travis: I still can't believe Celtic's own Tag partern attacked him with a steel chair.

Eddie: Well Lucien has alot to answer for after Christmas Chaos.

I Quit Match
Luicen Merriuci vs Jericho Dylan

Jean Fortello: ladies and gentlemen, the following non-title match is an "I Quit" match, where the only way to win is to force your opponent to say the words, "I Quit!"

((The fans say "I Quit" along with Jean, then The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu" starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim as the fans get all over him with serious heel heat.))

Jean Fortello: From Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 pounds…Lucien Merriucci!

Eddie: Lucien totally ignoring the fans here as he enters the ring!

Travis: He just doesn't care what they think, unlike people like that goody-two-shoes Jericho Dylan!

Eddie: Be careful, Travis, that's out World Champion you're talking about!

Travis: Whoopty-freakin'-do! We all know that he had it handed to him in the first place!

(("Call of Ktulu" fades. Then…Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan!))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 pounds…he is one-half of the HWC Tag Team Champions, and the HWC World Heavyweight Champion…JERICHOOOO DYLAAAN!!!

((Before Jericho gets all the way down the ramp, Lucien suddenly vaults out of the ring and charges up the ramp after Jericho. Jericho responds in kind, meeting him head-on, and the two immediately start pounding on each other as the music fades.))

Eddie: Lucien not even waiting for Jericho to get to the ring, and Jericho not backing down!

Travis: Lucien wants to destroy Jericho! He hates the Dylan brothers!

((The referee finally gets the two men into the ring, so that the match can start officially. Lucien whips Jericho to the ropes, but Jericho ducks the clothesline, hits the opposite ropes, and hits a flying cross-body, which takes Lucien down. Jericho rolls off and gets immediately back to his feet, but so does Lucien, and thee two stand facing off. They start to circle, then they come together for a collar-and-elbow lock up. Lucien takes advantage of his power and shoves Jericho into the corner, hard. Jericho bounces out of the corner and launches himself at Lucien, firing off a kick, which Lucien catches, and Jericho promptly lets fly with an Inziguri kick!))

Eddie: What an Inziguri kick! Lucien went down like a rock!

Travis: What was Lucien thinking there? That's one of Jericho's favorite moves! He should have had that scouted better!

Eddie: No argument there…Jericho now hauling Lucien to his feet….Swinging neck breaker! Jericho picking him up again…..but Lucien takes a shortcut with a thumb to the eye!

Travis: Whaddaya mean? That's a perfectly sound wrestling move! It's called the Greco-Roman Thumb To The Eye!

((Eddie just rolls his eyes as Lucien whips Jericho to the ropes again, and this time connects with a powerful DDT! Lucien hauls him up again, hoists him up, and nails a cradle piledriver! Lucien steps behind and applies a Full Nelson! Lucien screams at the referee to "ask him!" The referee holds the microphone next to Jericho's face, but all that comes from Jericho is grunts and groans. The referee shrugs at Lucien, and Jericho, with a sudden burst of strength, swings his legs around and locks them around the bottom rope! The referee taps Lucien on the shoulder, telling him to let go, but he doesn't. The referee begins the 5-count, and Lucien only lets go at 4. He then turns to complain to the referee, as Jericho works the kinks out of his neck. ))

Eddie: What an athletic move by Jericho to get out of that painful hold!

Travis: There wasn't anything athletic! Jericho slipped the referee a hundred dollar bill while he was down there!

Eddie: Travis, you are delusional….Lucien finally turning back to Jericho, who is just getting to his feet…Lucien behind Jericho…..Jericho with a diamond cutter out of nowhere! Lucien is down…Jericho going for a Crippler Crossface….but Lucien gets to the ropes! Jericho has to break the hold!

((Lucien takes advantage of Jericho's momentary chagrin to plant another thumb in his eye. Jericho rolls away, a hand to his face. Lucien gets to his feet and steps in front of Jericho, who is now on one knee. He locks his arms around Jericho's neck and starts to squeeze!))

Eddie: Lucien has Jericho locked in! I don't know if Jericho can get loose from this hold!

Travis: Stick a fork in him, he's done!

Eddie: Jericho inching his way towards the ropes….Lucien yelling at the referee to ask him!

Referee: Jericho, do you quit?

Jericho: (in a low growl) NOOO!!!!

((The fans cheer loudly at this, which seems to energize Jericho, who redoubles his efforts, and inch by inch, gets to the ropes! Lucien again holds on stubbornly until the count of four, and stands, arguing again with the referee. Jericho pulls himself to his feet again, and, while Lucien has his back turned, Jericho stands ready…..Lucien turns, and Jericho goes for a Superkick, but Lucien ducks, kicks Jericho in the gut, doubling him over. Lucien locks in choke hold, and pulls Jericho down, as they get to the mat, Lucien wraps his legs around Jericho's body.))

Eddie: Lucien has that hold really cinched in this time!

Travis: Yeah, and with the legs wrapped around Jericho's body, Jericho can't get to the ropes! This match is as good as over!

Referee: Jericho, do you quit?

((Jericho just grunts, fighting to stay conscious, as Lucien squeezes harder, cutting off Jericho's air. Gradually, Jericho's struggles begin to grow weaker. The referee asks again, and again Jericho does not answer. Shortly, his eyes begin to roll back into his head.))

Eddie: Jericho is almost out! This will be a huge win for Lucien!

Travis: Ring the bell, already! Jericho's done!

Eddie: Jericho is slumping, almost totally limp…The referee checks him….and is calling for the bell!

Travis: See? Told ya!

((Lucien stands and raises his hands in victory, as "Call of Ktulu blares again. But instead of the official announcement, the referee is conferring with the ringside officials. After a moment, the music abruptly stops as the referee whispers something in Jean Fortello's ear.))

Eddie: What do you suppose is going on?

Travis: Maybe the ref is asking Jean out on a date?

Eddie: somehow, I doubt that…Okay, Jean is getting into the ring!

((The bell rings three times, and Lucien paces as the referee climbs back in to check on Jericho.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen…the referee has declared that Jericho Dylan is unconscious, and unable to finish the match. ((Lucien raises his arms into the air)) However, since Jericho Dylan never actually said the words, "I Quit," the referee has declared this match a Draw!

Travis: WHAT?! This is an outrage!!!!!

Eddie: Well, in all honesty, it's the only fair decision that the referee could make!

Travis: Lucien doesn't like it either!!!

((Just as the referee is getting Jericho back to consciousness, Lucien snaps, and grabs up the referee, hoists him into the air, and hits the Unmasking! The referee lays in an unconscious heap, as Lucien turns to Jericho. Jean bails out of the ring as Lucien hauls Jericho to his feet.))

Eddie: Okay, now this is just uncalled for! Jericho is only semi-conscious! He's helpless!

Travis: I for one don't blame him, after the way he just got screwed over! Not only that, Jericho Dylan needs to be taken down a couple of pegs!

Eddie: Wait a minute…here comes Kidd Rock! And he's got a chair!

((The fans react to Kidd's appearance with loud cheers. Lucien sees Kidd coming, and bails out just as Kidd slides in under the bottom rope. Lucien makes for the ramp as Kidd pops to his feet, swatting at Lucien with the chair as he runs past the ring. Lucien walks backwards up the ramp, mouthing at Kidd, as Kidd gestures with the chair, then drops it and turns to check on Jericho. Camera cuts to the back, where we see Hans Kuhmann, sitting on an equipment box, with a towel draped around his neck, and sipping a bottle of water.))

((A figure comes up and stands next to Hans, the camera pans over showing Palaemon standing next to Hans looking down on him.))

((Hans looks up, raising a pierced eyebrow))

Hans: What the hell do you want?

Palaemon: (pats Hans on the back) I don't mean no ill will towards you. Just wanted to say great match Hans.

Hans: (pulling away from Palemon) Since when do you care whether or not I have a good match?

((Before Palaemon can answer Chris Murphy comes up and interupts the two with questions.))

Chris: Just moments go Hans you took on the man that costed your close friend Klaus his job. Tell me how did it feel to beat him here tonight?

Hans: (standing and glaring at Chris) How did it feel? Let's see....the little snot was the reason the Herr Perremont fired my best friend in the whole world......I would have to say, it feld extremely good to rip him open and make him bleed!

Chris: Tonighst main event is that of a shot for Tag Team gold, and both of you were part of the two biggest Tag Teams this fed has ever seen. I'm surprised that you two didn't put your differences behind you and join forces for a chance at that gold.

Palaemon: For your information Chris, sense Beowulf's betrayal..... (looks down at the floor before glancing at Hans and looking back at Chris) I'm done chacing Tag Team gold.

Hans: You really think I could tag with anyone else? The reason that Klaus & I were so successful is that we knew each other. Each could tell what the other was going to do. We meshed like a well-oiled machine. Who else could I find that with?

Palaemon: Besides I didn't come here to get into any match.... (looks at Hans) Or any fight. I just wanted to congradulate Hans on his win. (looks at Chris after a pause thinking) I don't think I'll be returning to the ring...... ever!

((Palaemon glares at Chris a moment before turning and walking off the way he came.))

((Hans watches Palemon walk off, then turns to Chris))

Hans: Did you have anything else?

Chris: N-no.... I'm done.

((Hans gets up and walks off, in the same direction that Palemon went.))

(Two men are standing in a locker room.)

First man: Are you sure we should be doing this?

Second man: Of course. What could possibly go wrong?

First man: I don't know. This isn't what I had in mind.

(The door opens and Autumn Lewis sticks her head in.)

Autumn: You boys ready?

(They nod.)

Autumn: Come and get em girls!

(She throws the door open and Tiger and Harley charge into the room grabbing the men and are seen applying various painful wrestling holds on them. The men grunt and groan and Autumn and Martin Smalls are standing in the doorway laughing and drinking Mountain Dew Code Reds.)

Announcer: No cheap dates. Mountain Dew Code Red. Live by the code.

(Cut to a shot of Tiger with the Crossface on one of the men and him tapping out on the floor.)

Announcer: Now for a limited time, on specially marked bottles of Moutain Dew Code Red, you could instantly win tickets to a free HWC event and meet your favorite wrestler. Check the cap to see if you're an instant winner, or win hundreds of other prizes including HWC merchandise.

4 Team Tag Team Match for the # 1 Condeners Match
The Prye vs Vivian & Sarafan vs Ghost & A-Dogg vs Lucien Merriuci & George Hollywood

Eddie: Well, our final match for tonight is a four way tag match to decide the Number 1 contender for the Tag team titles, held at present by The Dylans.

Travis: Wait. Aren’t The Creeper, The Creeper’s crazy brother B.D, and Vivian in the same stable?

Eddie: Yes. Looks like they’ll be fighting each other tonight.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from the Deepest Pit in the Demon Realm, weighing in at 510 lbs, representing the Dark Ascension, The Creeper and B.D., THE PYRE!!!

((“Engel” plays, the lights rapidly dim to darkness. After the intro, flames shoot up from the stage and the turnbuckles. As the flames die down, neither of the two brothers are anywhere in sight. The referee blinks, looking around, then checks with the timekeeper. Glancing to Jean, the referee shrugs, Jean following suit, then continuing.))

Eddie: Where are they?

Travis: They turned yellow!

Eddie: Doubtful, Travis.

Jean Fortello: Uh. . . Introducing next, from The Compound, weighing in at 225 lbs, representing the Dark Ascension, Vivian!!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly.))

Eddie: Well, Vivian’s here.

Travis: So The Creeper and B.D have gone yellow!

Eddie: Travis, you’d better be careful what you say.

Jean Fortello: And her tag team partner, from Okinawa, Japan, weighing in at 115 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Johnny Cho. . . SARAFAN!!!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, then approaches Vivian, the two women commiserating for a moment.))

Eddie: These two women, while they’re, by no means the closest of friends, are easily closer than most anyone in this promotion who haven’t yet teamed together.

Travis: And they’re both hot!

Eddie: Of course you’ve got to go that route.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, introducing first, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 247 lbs. . . GHOST!!

((A dark and thick grey smoke starts to roll in as Juggalo Homies starts to play. Through the smoke a pale figure makes his way threw, once clearing the smoke Ghost raises his hands in the air and continues on down to the ring. On reaching it he Ghost climbs in and crosses the ring to climb up a turnbuckle. He swings his arms, starts jamming with the music and lip sings with the chorus. After Ghost points to each side of the crowd calling them "His Homies" as they boo him, he jumps down. Ghost eyeballs both women, almost lecherously.))

Eddie: Ghost doesn’t seem to know where he’s at, here.

Travis: Yeah. Sarafan and Vivian are two of the most skilled asskickers in the HWC.

Eddie: And they’re both ravishingly gorgeous.

Travis: Hell yeah!

Jean Fortello: And his tag team partner, from the Mean Streets of Chester Springs, weighing in at 265 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by “The Butler” Albert Smith. . . A-DOGG!!!

((A-Dogg walks down in his regular ring attire. The Lights are green and white, and money falls from the ceiling with his face on the bills. Before either team can move, the referee steps between them.))

Eddie: A-Dogg out here trying to get this match underway already.

Travis: Guy’s got some skill, looks like.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes (metaphorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring, waiting for his partner.))

Eddie: Lucien is the most skilled man in that ring.

Travis: Yeah, but not the most skilled woman. Course, based on his skill, Lucien might be the most skilled woman.

Eddie: That’s wrong.

Travis: Shut up, Daniels.

Jean Fortello: And his tag team partner, from Toledo, Ohio, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . GEORGE HOLLYWOOD!!!

((“Headstrong” by Trapt plays as George Hollywood walks out and gets on one knee and flexes after that he walks to the ring with one finger in the air to the ring then jumps over the top rope. Immediately, the bell rings, all three teams converging at one point, breaking off into three pairs. The referee finally gets A-Dogg and Vivian out of the ring, then moving to Lucien, attempting to get him out of the ring, only to have Lucien object. Behind the referee, Hollywood slides outside the ring, grabbing a chair, then sliding back into the ring.))

Eddie: Hollywood’s going to try to end this match right here!

Travis: Smart move!

((Hollywood hefts the chair, driving it, horizontally, into the bridge of Sarafan’s nose. Sarafan staggers backward, holding her nose. A moment later, Sarafan gets to her feet, only to weave in midair, and fall back into the turnbuckle. Sarafan has the presence of mind to tag Vivian in, then falls to the ring. Vivian comes into the ring, checking on Sarafan, and, as Hollywood hauls the chair in the air again, to crack Vivian with it, another figure appears in the entranceway, as Vivian snaps off a superkick to Hollywood’s chair, sending the chair into Hollywood’s face, dropping him to the ground.))

Eddie: Here comes Hans!

Travis: Someone get him out of there!

((Hans slides into the ring, then hitting a high flying clothesline into Ghost, taking Ghost off of the apron, both men falling to the ground. Hans catches Ghost with a right hand, again sending Ghost spilling over the guardrail, this time Hans pursuing Ghost up the crowd, and disappearing from sight.))

Eddie: This feud between Hans and Ghost has, apparently, cost Ghost a match, here.

Travis: Hey, don’t write off A-Dogg yet. You haven’t seen him in action!

Eddie: Good point. Here he comes.

((Lucien finally gets out of the ring, A-Dogg sliding into the ring, going for the pin on Hollywood. The referee slides into position. 1. . . 2. . .the pin is broken up by a vicious toe kick by Vivian, the kick centered directly on A-Dogg’s face. A-Dogg straightens, backing up slightly, Vivian jumping over Hollywood, rolling up, A-Dogg moving forward, in an effort to powerbomb Vivian over the top rope, only to have Vivian roll backward, plant her hands on the apron, and hurracanrana A-Dogg outside the ring. By then, medical personnel have reached the ring, and begun helping Sarafan up the ramp. Vivian watches them take Sarafan up the ramp, and blinks, then following.))

Eddie: Apparently, this has now fallen down to the team of Lucien Meriucci, and George Hollywood.

Travis: And Hans just got rid of Ghost.

Eddie: That he did.

((As the referee looks outside the ring, at A-Dogg, Lucien slides into the ring, grabbing Hollywood’s hand, and dragging him off, toward the turnbuckle. When the referee turns around, he sees Lucien lean into the ring, and tag himself in, then walking into the ring, grabbing A-Dogg, sliding him into the ring, and following. Lucien grabs A-Dogg, hauling him to his feet, then quickly drilling an Unmaking into A-Dogg, then going for the pin. As he does so, however, the HWC-Tron comes to life, showing the backstage area, and the Pyre’s lockerroom, where a young woman, with the kind of beauty that is literally stunning, stands over a woman seen before, in Rayne Meriucci.))

Eddie: What happened to Rayne?

Travis: No idea.

((As the camera watches, a stagehand, out of breath, rushes up to the woman, looking either at her, or behind her.))

Man: Creeper, B.D., your match is about over!

((The camera pulls back, showing The Creeper barring Jericho from the area, B.D. next to him, apparently attempting to console his chair. The Creeper turns, looking at the stagehand, then smacks B.D., both of them rushing toward the ring entrance. In the ring, Lucien’s got the pin already. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Looks like The Creeper and B.D. are a little too late.

((The Creeper and B.D. slide into the ring, B.D. waiting for Hollywood to get to his feet. As Lucien turns around, however, he gets blasted in the stomach, and drilled with the King’s Wrath, The Creeper wasting no time picking Lucien up again, and hoisting Lucien into the air for the Death Rattle, getting chopblocked from behind by A-Dogg. The Creeper drops to a knee, Lucien firing punches into The Creeper’s face. The Creeper responds by hurling Lucien forward, into the turnbuckle, rising to his feet, grabbing A-Dogg, placing him on the top turnbuckle, then drilling A-Dogg with a Death Rattle off the top turnbuckle to the outside of the ring. Behind him, Lucien extracts himself from the turnbuckle. A-Dogg gets to his feet, only to take a quick Chair Drive from B.D., the latter turning around into a full-on Unmaking into his own chair.))

Eddie: Lucien’s gotten the upper hand, finally, on B.D.!

Travis: Took him long enough.

((Lucien steps back, smiling at the fallen B.D. After a moment, Lucien reaches down, grabbing the bloodstained chair, and moving to leave the ring. The crowd’s eruption gives Lucien pause as B.D. quickly gets to his feet, eyes wide, his body so tense that he seems to be vibrating. Lucien steps into the ring, motioning for B.D. to attack. B.D. catches everyone in attendance off-guard, bolting forward like a bullet fired from a gun, spearing Lucien with the kind of spear that would make Obake jealous, B.D. standing, pressing his foot to Lucien’s chest, and then putting the top of his chair into Lucien’s throat, and leaning into it, Lucien attempting to alleviate the pressure, B.D. giggling maniacally the entire time.))

Eddie: B.D.’s going to kill Lucien!

Travis: That guy is a loon!

((Jericho bolts to the ring, to the mad cheers of the fans. Jericho slides into the ring, talking B.D. down from the insane frenzy he was experiencing, then moving to pull Lucien to his feet, and, in an move apparently intended to gain him some semblance of revenge for Chaos, drilling Lucien with an Unmaking. The Creeper walks around the ring, all three members of the Dark Ascension leaving.))

((Camera cuts from the ring and opens up back stage. With out knocking Ghost stumbles into the office of Austin, his face is covered with dry blood.))

Ghost: I was rob! Yous need to put that power trippin' bitch in her place!

((Austin looks up at Ghost, raising an eyebrow.))

Austin: You were robbed? You got beat. Deal with it. I don't know why I thought you were going to be any use to me anyway.

Ghost: Hey.... don't be turnin' on me now homie. I had an off day. Hey man yous know I'm more hardcore then anyone here. Hey I'm Brutality in the flesh.

Austin: Then learn your place, punk. You want Hans taken care of? Is that what I'm hearing?

Ghost: Damn straight homie! I know my place yo, I'm not here to tell yous how to do yer job.

Austin: Good, see to it that that stays that way. You're dismissed.

((Ghost nods and leaves the room to go clean up. Austin turns his head, to look into the shadows.))

Austin: Go take care of the Nazi that the rookie couldn't, if you don't mind.

((The figure he speaks to steps into sight limping slightly. Once in view it can be seen that he is speaking to The Tiger. Looking at Austin clamly she crosses her arms and just stands there.))

The Tiger: After ya tried to get rid of me?

((Austin shrugs, pulling a paper, very visibly her contract, from his desk.))

Austin: I could rectify that small oversight if you wish, Tiger.

The Tiger: The catch?

Austin: You work for me now, Tiger. Screw up even once, and you can consider your wrestling career, as it was, over. No return matches, no chance to even appear on HWC TV. The choice is yours, Tiger. You work for me, or you don't work.

The Tiger: (looks over him a moment cracking her knuckles when she breaks a grins.) Heh... Ya want Hans hurt? No problem. But remember Austin..... Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repete it.

Austin: I repeat nothing. You remember, Tiger, those who cross the boss are doomed to remain in the unemployment line.

((Tiger says nothing only to contiue to grin. She holds up her hands a moment showing she's no threat. She just chuckles again thinking about what she will do to Hans.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))