Saturday Night Slaughter
Laramie, Wyoming from the University of Wyoming Arena

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.))

Elimination Match
"Sick" Rick James vs B.D. vs Lucien Merriuci

((Jean Fortello stands in the center of the ring, with referee Michael Leonard behind her & to her left.))

Jean: The following match is an Elimination Match, scheduled for one fall.))

((Andrew WK's "Party Hard" comes over the PA system, as the Sick one, Rick James makes his way through the curtain and sprints to the ring. He slides under the bottom rope, and into the center of the ring. He stares wild eyed at the crowd... awaiting his opponent. ))

Jean: First, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing 212 pounds, "Sick" Rick James!

Eddie: The fans are really giving "Sick" Rick the business!

Travis: That's what happens when you're a relative unknown, and aren't performing up to expectations!

Eddie: (smirking) You bet on him last week, didn't you?

((Travis just rolls his eyes as the crowd favors the rookie heel with the raucous boos & catcalls as his music fades. The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes (metaphorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring. ))

Jean: From Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing 275 pounds, Lucien Merriuci!

((Rick, who has thus far been quiet, suddenly snaps into action, charging Lucien as he enters the ring, which results in an instant brawl! Jean Fortello bails out quickly, and the referee tries in vain to keep the two apart until the third contestant arrives.))

Eddie: "Sick" Rick isn't waiting around for the formalities! He wants to take out Lucien quick!

Travis: Good strategy, but unfortunately for him, it's not gonna last long!

((As the music fades in, the lights fade, and the HWC-tron shows a very distinguished looking gentleman, in an elaborate study, his hands resting on his left knee, folded over his right. As the song proceeds, the man's voice cuts in. "Look, I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen." the HWC-tron then fades to black, and two large red dots appear on the Tron, only to flow down, and leave behind two letters made from the red liquid, in B.D. Smoke fills the entranceway and the ring, after a few seconds obscuring both, the lights come back up, the smoke flowing from the ring, showing B.D., who immediately wades into the brawl! the ref just steps back and signals for the bell to officially begin the match.))

Eddie: We already have, in the words of the late, great Gordon Solie, a Pier 6 Brawl!

Travis: And I love it!

Eddie: You would, you sick freak!

Travis: Aww, thanks for the compliment!

((Lucien finally gets the upper hand, by catching Rick with a hard right hand which sends him staggering backwards, then whirls and sends an elbow into B.D.'s throat. B.D. clutches at his throat, but before he can react further, Lucien grabs his arm, whips him into the ropes, and hits a hard clothes line. B.D. lands flat on his back, and Rick takes the opportunity to attack Lucien with a dropkick from behind, which sends Lucien flying through the ropes, to land on the floor, right in front of the announce position. Rick turns just in time to be scooped up & slammed buy B.D. Rick hits the mat with a thud, then rolls over, grabbing at his back. Lucien, meanwhile, picks himself off the floor and, after shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, climbs back into the ring to face off with B. D. B.D. just grins maniacally and launches himself at Lucien, and the two go down to the mat, pounding & pummeling each other!))

Eddie: This has degenerated into a knock-down, drag-out bar room brawl!

Travis: This is great! There's gonna be blood, I can just feel it!

Eddie: You are one sick puppy!

Travis: Wow, you're just full of compliments tonight!

Eddie: You need help…Lucien seems to be gaining the upper hand in this brawl, but Sick Rick is going to the top rope!

((Lucien has indeed gained the advantage in his brawl with B.D., and rises to his feet, just in time to turn and see Rick flying through the air at him, hitting a missile dropkick! Lucien flies backwards, doing a flip as he goes down. B.D. pulls himself to his feet and , seeing that both are on the mat, turns to Rick, who is getting to his feet. B.D. quickly steps over to Rick, and with a powerbomb setup, snakes his hands down, looping them under the opponent's triceps, locking his hands behind the opponent's head, then driving him into the ground face first!))

Eddie: The Plague! B.D. hit the Plague on Rick….the cover….1…2…3!

Travis: "Sick" Rick is outta there! Now Lucien & B.D. can get down to the real business!

Eddie: Real business?

Travis: Yeah! The business of tearing each other to shreds! They aren't exactly buddies, y'know!

Eddie: No argument there…B.D. back on his feet, and now Lucien is going on the attack!

((Lucien steps up behind B.D. who is just turning. Lucien kicks him in the midsection, causing him to double over. Lucien takes immediate advantage of this and hits a stiff DDT, sending B.D.'s head hard into the mat. Lucien hauls him back to his feet, hauls him up, and hits a hard pumphandle slam. He covers…1…2….kickout by B.D., and Lucien hauls him up again. Lucien attempts to whip him across the ring, but B.D. reverses, sending Lucien hard into the corner. Lucien staggers out of the corner, turns, and B.D. catches him, hoists him into the air. Leaving him hanging in the air for awhile.))

Eddie: Lucien in a lot of trouble here….B.D. could be about to…

Travis: Yes! Tornado of Souls! That ought to do it!

Eddie: B.D. with the cover…1…2…3! B.D. wins it!

((Super Charger Heaven hits on the PA as B.D. celebrates his victory.))

Jean: The winner of this match…B.D.!

(Jericho Dylan walks into a sports memoribilla store and heads to the wrestling section. Several people stare in awe at him as he starts picking out some items with his image on them. Pictures, posters, action figures, etc. He walks up to the cashier.)

Cashier: A Jericho Dylan fan are we?

(She looks up at him.)

Cashier: Oh.

Jericho: Is it okay if I pay by check?

Cashier: Sure. I just need some ID.

(Jericho looks astounded.)

Jericho: Okay...(pulls out ID)

Cashier: Are you sure this is you? I have to call this in.

(Jericho rolls his eyes and waits drumming his fingers on the counter. The camera cuts to scenes of him nodding off, signing autographs, having his action figure fight with Tiger's, pacing, stretching.)

Jericho: How much longer is this gonna take?

Cashier: Just a minute.

Jericho: You said that two hours ago.

(More scenes of Jericho being bored, fighting a demon, watching HWC on TV.)

Eddie (from TV): And surprisingly Jericho Dylan is not here tonight!


Cashier: I'm sorry. Do you have another form of ID?

(Jericho looks exhausted and faints.)

Announcer: Next time use the Visa check card. It gets you in, out and on with life.

(The scene cuts to Harley Quinn with a bunch of her wrestling memoribillia.)

Harley: Can I write a check for this?

Last Man Standing
Kidd Rock vs Malice

Eddie: Well, here we go. Next up, we have a match between Kidd Rock and Malice. A Last Man Standing match.

Travis: No, a Last PERSON Standing match. Malice isn’t a man.

Eddie: Ah. Still have a crush on Malice, then?

Travis: Of course. She’s sexy, in that “Wouldn’t want to touch her unless I had a steel pole” kinda way.

Eddie: Ah. Always a good place for a woman to be.

Travis: Scary?

Eddie: No. Far away from you.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 lbs. . . KIDD ROCK!!!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope, then mounts each corner, raising his fists.))

Eddie: Kidd has to be offended by his opponent for this week, in Malice.

Travis: Why? Matches like this are great. Kidd could ‘slip’, and ‘accidentally’ cop a feel.

Eddie: Travis, sometimes I wonder why you don’t just go pro with your perversion.

Travis: They don’t pay enough money.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Austin, Texas, weighing in at 145 lbs, representing the “Old” Darkside. . . MALICE!!!

((The lights go down and paper flowers begin to fall from the rafters as a purple search light begins to go over the crowd. The light comes to a stop at the back of the entrance ramp where a dark haired woman dressed in a short black dress covered by a long black flowing robe. She walks to the ring as the paper flowers continue to fall around her. She enters the ring and removes the robe, catching the charging Kidd with a spinning heel kick, the kick spinning Kidd in midair, nearly causing him to hit the top turnbuckle. Thankfully, Kidd misses. Unfortunately, he misses by falling outside the ring. Malice steps back, and does a perfect handstand on the top rope, before falling backward, outside the ring, turning it into a hurracanrana on the rising Kidd. Kidd, however, responds by dropping into a seated powerbomb, sending the back of Malice’s head ricocheting off the apron. Kidd gets to his feet, sliding Malice into the ring, and waiting.))

Eddie: Kidd looking to put Malice away right now.

Travis: After that powerbomb into the apron, I don’t think Malice is conscious enough to prevent it.

((Malice gets to her feet, Kidd going for the Kidd Cruncher, only to have Malice catch him, and, quickly, turn it into a snap reverse suplex, dropping Kidd to the mat face, and stomach, first before Kidd has the opportunity to cover himself in any way. Kidd gets to his feet slowly, swinging wildly at Malice, who simply sidesteps, and hits Kidd with his own finisher.))

Eddie: That’s the Kidd Cruncher! She just hit Kidd Rock with his own finisher!

Travis: Yeah, but it’s a Last Person Standing match. And Malice is still down.

((Malice kickflips to her feet, jumping to the top turnbuckle. At 8, Kidd gets up, only to get hit by a flipping version of Malice’s finisher, the Death By Night. Malice gets up, attempting to help the referee to count.))

Eddie: Apparently, Malice feels that, if she helps the referee, he’ll count quicker, and she’ll get a victory.

Travis: The referee could count slower than our illustrious VP could think of something intelligent to say. Kidd’s not getting up.

((Surprisingly, Kidd proves everyone wrong, getting to his feet, this time by the 7, catching Malice on the way up with a vicious clothesline, then stepping back, feasibly to hit his finisher. After a moment, however, Kidd simply moves forward, hauling Malice to her feet, and putting her on the top turnbuckle. Kidd quickly reaches for his finisher, only to have Malice catch him with a foot to the kidneys, sending Kidd out of the corner slightly, Malice quickly capitalizing, with a second Death By Night.))

Eddie: Well, Kidd has shown the world that he’s made of tougher stuff that anyone gives him credit for. But the fact remains, he’s taken three finishers, at this point. There are few people who could get up from a situation like this.

Travis: And even fewer that anyone else would care about.

((The referee makes it to 10 without so much as a movement on Kidd’s part. Malice begins to celebrate, until her music stops, replaced by what appears to be childlike laughter, in a singsong. After a few moments, the crowd is following along, Malice as well, when, suddenly, the lights simply cut off, an unearthly voice echoing into the arena.))

Voice: Little Malice has lost her cat. . . there isn’t anything wrong with that. . . now watch me pull a machete out of my hat. . .

((The voice laughs again, the laughter quickly warping, the lights coming up, showing a figure all too familiar, of late, standing behind Malice, looking at the crowd, holding a finger up, motioning for silence. Eventually, Malice picks up that there’s someone behind her, turning around, only to get caught by a boot to the midsection, followed by a vicious Chair Drive, by the creator of said move, B.D. dropping into a seated position this time. B.D. jumps back, more blood on the chair, now, celebrating as if he won the lottery. B.D. stops, reaching behind him, under his clothes, pulling, as the voice said earlier, a machete, placing his left foot on Malice’s face, raising the machete into the air, point down, over Malice’s throat. Seph bursts from the backstage area, sliding into the ring. The lights cut out again, and a blood-curdling scream is heard in the silence of the arena. The lights come back, showing Seph and Malice both unconscious, bleeding from their face, Seph apparently suffering a Chair Drive of his own. And, over B.D.’s maniacal laughter, four words appear on the HWC-Tron. “It’s just that easy!”))

Eddie: What the hell?! Is this some kind of infomercial?!

Travis: No idea.

Eddie: Well, after these commercials, we’ll be back with Celtic Hyena going against Jarred Dylan. (The show begins to fade to commercials, picking up one last comment from Eddie.) What the hell is wrong with that loon?! Someone find him some damn meds! He needs some psychiatric help!

(Blood Dragon is sitting at a Wendy's with Zoe. He's eating one of the new Wendy's salads.)

Zoe: What'cha got?

Blood: A Wendy's salad.

Man at next table (laughing): The big bad wrestler is eating a salad? (Laughs harder.) What a wimp! Only wimps eat salad!

(Suddenly we see the man flying across the Wendy's screaming, followed by a thud as he lands on the floor. Cut back to Zoe brushing her hands off.)

Zoe: No one calls my husband a wimp except me!

Blood: Thanks hon...HEY!

Announcer: Now Wendy's has great salads with under 5 grams of fat. Come to Wendy's. It's better here.

((The HWC cameras follow a long stretch limo as it comes into the arena parking structure quickly, then screeching to a halt, Austin Perremont appearing from the back of the limo, to many rousing boos from the crowd.))

Austin: Great job, you goddamned towelhead. Yeah, Allah allah akbar to you too. (Austin begins walking toward the building.) Damn foreigners. (Austin shouts over his shoulder.) LEARN SOME GODDAMNED ENGLISH, YOU HEATHEN SONUVABITCH!

((Austin walks into the building, shoving the cameraman aside, barking an order to move after the fact, then disappearing into the building.))

Eddie: Well, our VP has finally gotten to the arena, ladies and gentlemen.

Travis: Oh damn. Well, but a squash order on all fun that might be going on here tonight.

Standard Match
Celtic Hyena vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: Well, now, after all this craziness that has happened, we have our match between Celtic Hyena and Jarred Dylan.

Travis: Yeah, whatever. Snore.

Eddie: Well, anyway, here goes!

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Limerick, Ireland, weighing in at 335 lbs, representing Bad News. . . . CELTIC HYENA!

((The arena darkens giving away to a strobe light effect with the start of Somewhere I Belong. On the Tron clips of Celtic in training are shown. Just as the music starts to get hard Celtic steps out. Before he continues on, Celtic shadow boxes for a moment throwing some mean punches. The strobe light effect gives away to a spot light that follows Celtic all the way to the ring.))

Eddie: Well, here goes!

Travis: Neither of these guys wants blood! What kind of shitty match will this end up being?!

Eddie: It’ll end up being a fair match.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Eric Taylor, he is one half of the HWC Tag Team champions, representing the New Darkside. . . JARRED DYLAN!!!

((Thick clouds of white fog billow out and engulf the top of the ramp, hiding everything from view. The music plays softly, getting louder and louder until you hear "Well, I won't be the one left behind... You can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind. Tear down the rat-racial slime... You can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind!" The fog dies down, revealing two figures: Jarred Dylan and Eric Taylor. They walk down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. Jarred slides under the bottom rope, Eric taking a place outside the ring with his arms crossed. Jarred and CH circle for a few moments, then locking up, CH simply picking Jarred up, and shoving him backward, into the turnbuckle.))

Eddie: Jarred cannot try to match strength with Celtic. Jarred gives up about 110 lbs, to Celtic, and most of that weight is muscle. Jarred has to fight Celtic with his speed.

Travis: Or he could just take a nap, and stop boring me.

Eddie: Would you shut up, Travis?!

((CH follows Jarred with a charging back elbow, catching Jarred in the corner, then snapmaring Jarred out of the corner, hauling him to his feet in a sleeperhold, and then pulling Jarred into the air, for a slam of some sort, Jarred responding by going up and over CH’s shoulders, twisting his body slightly, turning the move into a sunset flip. 1. . . 2. . . kickout. Jarred rolls backward, planting his hands, and landing on his feet, and, as CH gets to a knee, Jarred rushes him, catching him with a dropkick, sending CH outside the ring. Jarred voluntarily steps back, waiting for CH to come back into the ring.))

Eddie: Good sportsmanship, there, from Jarred.

Travis: We had a word for that where I grew up.

Eddie: Oh yeah?

Travis: Yeah. The word was “Boring”. Like this match. Where’s the bloodshed?! Where’re the naked ladies?! Where’s the two guys trying to rip each other’s heads off and use their shoulders as a toilet?! THAT’S what I want to see.

Eddie: Shut up, Travis.

((CH gets to his feet, sliding into the ring, both men locking up, CH sneaking in a right hook, staggering Jarred slightly. At least until Jarred hits a low dropkick, in retaliation, dropping CH facefirst to the ground. CH gets to his feet, Jarred kicking him in the midsection, and moving to throw CH outside the ring. At the last possible second, CH reverses it, sending Jarred over the top rope. CH steps back, doubling over slightly, to catch his breath.))

Eddie: CH is not used to being face to face with a quicker guy that uses that quickness.

Travis: Well, he is a bigger guy. Unless smaller guys want to start carrying a bazooka to the ring for their matches, there’s no point in bringing that up.

((Behind the referee, and CH’s back, Tiger appears from the crowd, chair in hand. Sliding into the ring behind CH, Tiger waits. CH slowly turns, getting all of the chairshot in his face. The referee turns around, seeing CH laid out, Tiger standing over him with a chair, and, as the referee watches, Tiger rears back, cracking CH, again, with the chair. The referee calls for the bell, awarding the match to CH, then turning around, getting caught in the face with the chair as well, Tiger returning to attacking CH. Jarred gets to his feet, walking around the ring, grabbing a chair of his own, sliding into the ring afterward, behind Tiger. Somehow, though, Tiger turns around, seeing Jarred, kicking him in the midsection, causing him to drop the chair, then, quickly, hitting a Rocker Dropper to Jarred, sending him facefirst into the chair, then returning to attacking CH, grabbing a mic.))

Tiger: Yar no brother’a mine! My brother’d be able ta take a chair shot! I’m tired’a ya aready! At Christmas Chaos, yas and me....... in a Back Alley Brawl!!

((Tiger rears back again, to crack Celtic, only to have “King Nothing” rip through the airwaves, Austin coming out onto the rampway.))

Austin: Tiger, in case you haven’t yet realized it, or I was a bit too vague last week, I’ll make it clear this week. You are hereby suspended, indefinitely! And, ladies and gentlemen, that match at Chaos won’t be happening. Oh yes. Since we can’t trust our famous suspended athlete to refrain from getting involved in the other matches tonight, I am hereby banning you from the building until such time as I see fit to lift your suspension. So, Tiger, I would suggest you start wishing for Hell to freeze over, because that will happen before I lift your suspension.

((A horde of security guards rush the ring, grabbing Tiger, and dragging her out of the ring area, and out of the arena itself, Tiger screaming, kicking, and generally trying to get at Austin. Austin simply smiles.))

Austin: Enjoy the rest of the night!

((Austin disappears backstage.))

(Two men are standing in a locker room.)

First man: Are you sure we should be doing this?

Second man: Of course. What could possibly go wrong?

First man: I don't know. This isn't what I had in mind.

(The door opens and Autumn Lewis sticks her head in.)

Autumn: You boys ready?

(They nod.)

Autumn: Come and get em girls!

(She throws the door open and Tiger and Harley charge into the room grabbing the men and are seen appying various painful wrestling holds on them. The men grunt and groan and Autumn and Martin Smalls are standing in the doorway laughing and drinking Moutain Dew Code Reds.)

Announcer: No cheap dates. Mountain Dew Code Red. Live by the code.

(Cut to a shot of Tiger with the Crossface on one of the men and him tapping out on the floor.)

Announcer: Now for a limited time, on specially marked bottles of Moutain Dew Code Red, you could instantly win tickets to a free HWC event and meet your favorite wrester. Check the cap to see if you're an instant winner, or win hundreds of other prizes including HWC merchandise.))

#1 World Title Contender's Match
The Creeper vs Jeff Wylde

Eddie: And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our main event. This match will determine who will face Jericho Dylan for his World Title.

Travis: Boring!

Eddie: You won't say that when you hear who the competitors are... Let's go to Jean Fortello at ringside.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is to determine the Number One Contender for the HWC World Title! Introducing first... Representing the New Darkside... From The Second Tier of Hell... Weighing in at 250 lbs... He is the reigning HWC Hardcore Champion... THE CREEPER!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest.))

Travis: When will we see someone ELSE in one of these matches?!?

Eddie: Oh, shut up. You're just sore because the Commissioner said you couldn't bet on the matches any more!

Travis: That too.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... Representing Bad News... Being accompanied by "The Hellcat" Amy Jensen... From Sydney, Australia... Weighing in at 280 lbs... He is "THE WYLDEMAN" JEFF WYLDE!

((As Bodies blasts over the PA, Jeff and Amy take the stage. Jeff walks to the edge of the stage and stands with his arms over his head looking back and forth over the crowd while Amy thrashes around in time to the song around him. Amy runs to the ring and slides in while Jeff just walks down and climbs in. He gives her a soft smooch, then she slides out of the ring, staying as far away from The Creeper as she possibly can.))

Travis: Oh, yes... Amy!

Eddie: Remember who's in the ring, Travis. Both of these men are champions here in the HWC... The Creeper is the Hardcore Champion and Jeff is the Intercontinental Champion. This is going to be interesting... No matter which man wins, they'll have the chance to become a dual Champion.

Travis: Like Jericho. And, much as I hate to admit it, he's a good champion. I've seen him off camera and he's a great guy.

Eddie: How long have I been telling you that?

Travis: Oh, shut up.

((The bell rings and both men hand their belts off to the referee. Once the belts are out of the ring, they stare at each other from across the ring. Then Jeff lunges across and hits The Creeper with a shoulder block that sends him backward into the ropes. The Creeper comes off the ropes and shoves Jeff backward with just as much force. Jeff rebounds and ducks under The Creeper's arm, swinging around to hit The Creeper from behind. The Creeper turns around and pie-faces Jeff to the mat.))

Eddie: This is a truly monumental contest... Both men are hideously strong, yet they refuse to get violent.

Travis: I think that's a bit of smarts there. They could seriously hurt someone!

Eddie: You know, you could be right. But with Sephiroth kidnapping Vivian, you can't help but wonder if maybe The Creeper's feeling a bit frustrated.

Travis: I nearly forgot about that... But The Creeper started it by kidnapping Chloe!

Eddie: Sephiroth did attack The Creeper from behind. He also put his hands on Jericho Dylan. And that hasn't been sitting well with him.

Travis: Well, Jericho does have something Sephiroth wants. The HWC World Title.

Eddie: Just about everyone in the HWC wants that title! Jericho became a marked man when he won that belt at the 3rd Level of Hell Tournament.

Travis: Okay, Mister Smart Guy... Who doesn't want that title?

Eddie: The Creeper. Jarred. Sarafan. B.D.

Travis: Tell me why Sarafan doesn't want the title.

Eddie: It's simple. She sees Jericho as her superior. He's like a teacher to her. And in her mind, to challenge her superior is a dishonorable thing to do.

Travis: Speaking of Sarafan... Where is she?

Eddie: I imagine she's getting ready for her wedding. Commissioner Novak gave her four weeks of personal time.

Travis: When's she getting married?

Eddie: Tomorrow. There's a lot to do to prepare for a Japanese wedding... Especially when you're so far from home.

Travis: There is that. Johnny Cho is a lucky man, Eddie.

Eddie: He sure is!

((The Creeper lifts Jeff up over one shoulder and executes a running power slam. But he doesn't go for the cover... Smart wrestling there. Jeff is too fresh to attempt a pin just yet. Jeff rolls onto his stomach and The Creeper lifts him up again. This time, he hits a DDT. Then he goes for a pin. 1... 2... Jeff kicks out. But just barely. The Creeper watches him through half-lidded eyes as the Stoneway Jaguar roars up and makes Jeff's eyes glow. Jeff smashes The Creeper with a forearm and follows up with open hands to the jaw. The Creeper's head snaps back, then he looks at Jeff with a barely concealed smirk. He hauls back and smashes Jeff right in the jaw with a massive right hand. Jeff fires back with his own right hand. The Creeper teeters, then falls back against the ropes. The crowd is in shock.))

Eddie: WHOA!

Travis: Did you see that!? Jeff Wylde is only the second man to get The Creeper off balance!

Eddie: And Lucien Merriuci has the distinction of being the first.

Travis: Maybe there's something to this Light and Darkness business after all.

Eddie: And the light begins to shine...

((Travis sticks his tongue out at Eddie as The Creeper lunges forward off the ropes to hit Jeff with a vicious cross body that knocks him down to the mat. Amy leaps forward and tugs Jeff out of the ring. The referee tells her to put him back in the ring. She helps him regain his equilibrium, then Jeff climbs back into the ring. The referee admonishes Amy not to do that again, then turns his attention back to the match. Jeff smashes his elbow into The Creeper's midsection and he doubles over. When The Creeper's doubled over, Jeff hits a perfect Axe Kick. The Creeper slumps to the mat... On his stomach! Jeff rolls him over and goes for a cover. 1... 2... The Creeper throws him back with enough power to clear the ropes. Jeff hits the ground with a CRASH! That makes the crowd wince. Amy rushes over and helps him to his feet. He shakes out the cobwebs and smooches her again before getting back in the ring. The Creeper's waiting for him. Jeff turns around and walks right into The Creeper's arms. The Creeper hits a massive belly-to-belly suplex and Jeff crashes into the turnbuckles. The Creeper moves him to the middle of the ring and goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3. The bell rings to signal the end of the match.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of the match, and Number One Contender... THE CREEPER!

((After his match, The Creeper walks backstage, stopping to grab a bottle of water, taking a drink, then moving down the hall, toward the New Darkside locker room. Just then Kidd Rock rounds a corner and stops directly in front of him. The Creeper stops instantly, looking at him, an eyebrow raising quickly.))

Creeper: Are you pretending you're a wall now, Kidd?

Kidd: If that's your idea of humor, don't bother. I think you know what I want.

Creeper: A high chair?

((The Creeper takes another drink, hiding his smile.))

Kidd: (rolling his eyes) Ha ha! Very funny, asshole! What I want is an explanation for the little disapperaing act that you pulled a couple of weeks ago!

Creeper: Explanation. Ah. I left. Does that explain it well enough?

Kidd: (folding his arms)Not quite. You took Jarred & me with you. What the hell was that about?

Creeper: I gave you a vacation, Kidd. Or did you forget your time in Italy?

Kidd: Oh, I doubt I'll forget that trip anytime soon, if ever. What I want is an explanation!

Creeper: You looked like you needed a week off.

Kidd: (scoffing) Oh, I suppose now you've been reading my mind! (letting his arms drop, and jabbing a finger in Creeper's chest) Look here, Junior, you got no business just zapping people around the world without their consent! That shit just (poke) don't (poke) work! (poke)

((The Creeper looks down at Kidd's finger.))

Creeper: Are you quite done?

Kidd: (placing his hands on his hips) I jut want an explanation.

Creeper: You had gotten beaten up. I simply fixed it, and gave you a week off. Do you find that offensive?

Kidd: (getting in Creeper's face) I didn't ask you to, asshole! You just wanted to show off your powers! Well I got information for you, PAL! you are n't the only one around here with powers! (his eyes flicker faintly)

((The Creeper smiles.))

Creeper: Of course I'm not. I'm just the most powerful. Is there something in particular you want from me? And this time, try to keep your eyes quiet.

Kidd: Never you mind about my eyes! I want satisfaction!

Creeper: I thought that's what you had your little woman friend for.

((Kidd's eyes flicker again, and Kidd shoves Creeper backwards))

KIdd: Leave her out of this! You get within a mile of her, I'll rip your balls out through your nostrils!

((The Creeper raises an eyebrow, his head tilting to the side.))

Creeper: Do you enjoy having flesh, Kidd? If so, I would suggest that you do not do that again.

Kidd: (stepping towards him again) Really? Or what?

Creeper: Or you'll find yourself bereft of skin to house the pitiful bones you call your skeleton. Get to your point, Kidd. What do you want?

Kidd: (back in Creeper's face) I want you. In a match. With your Number One Contendership on the line. Show me just how powerful you are, by granting me that match!

((The Creeper laughs.))

Creeper: I'll do you one better.

((The Creeper pulls a small contract from his pocket, handing it to Kidd.))

Creeper: This is my contract stating I'm the number one contender. Take it. I don't want it. I will not pursue the World title until it is no longer within the ranks of the New Darkside. That title will remain ours.

Kidd: (blinking at the contract) You're shitting me!

((The Creeper shrugs again.))

Creeper: No. Take the contract, and the title shot. I do not want it. But know that, if you beat Jericho for the title, I will come for that title.

((At that, Kidd snatches the contract away from him))

Kidd: If that's what it takes to get a piece of you in the ring, thatn that's what I'll do!

Creeper: But know this, Kidd. There is a reason so much power has awoken in my wake. Power begets power. Do not try me outside a ring. But, by the same token, whatever power you may possess will be amplified by prolonged exposure. Also, rest assured, I will come after the title, should you win it, at the PPV following your victory. That way, you'll have enough time to buy yourself a home for yourself and your girlfriend.

Kidd: I'm learning to use my powers. And we like the house we just bought, thank you very much! I don't need any handouts. Just make sure you keep your nose out of my match with Jericho. That goes double for your flunkies.

Creeper: I have no flunkies. Simply those who have realized, and begun to understand, the truth. I will ensure that my comrades do not interfere in your match.

Kidd: Truth? What do you know about truth?

((The Creeper stops.))

Creeper: Well, let us start at the beginning. The truth is, you are more powerful than your woman even knows. Also, you are denying the remainder of your power because you want to be 'normal'. Thirdly, you were drawn to your woman because of your similar power styles. Then, there is the added effect of your power.

Kidd: (narrowing his eyes) You seem to know an awful lot about me.

((The Creeper nods once, slowly.))

Creeper: It is part and parcel with my role as Demon King. As well as the fact that powers like yours also reside within the Compound. Like powers identify like problems. (The Creeper smiles.) That and your secrets reside, as they do with everyone else, in the Darkness within your mind. I rule over the Darkness, as well as the Demonborn.

Kidd: I have no idea what all that means, but it sounds like you're suggesting that I'm something besides human.

Creeper: Are you, Kidd? The answers to the questions you have yet to ask lie within your soul. The question is, do you wish to know those answers?

Kidd: (with an ever-so-slight flicker of uncertainty in his eyes) At what cost?

Creeper: At the cost of your mortality. The question, Kidd, is, what do you have to lose by losing your mortality?

Kidd: (sarcastically) Oh, gee, I don't humanity, maybe?

Creeper: You would give up your humanity just to be immortal? You are truly odd. Possibly it's just a human trait.

Kidd: Maybe being mister All Powerful High Poobah Demon King has it's failings. Like insight into the human psyche. We may not be the most powerful things around, but we tend to like what we are. And then there's this whole survival instinct to get past.

Creeper: Kidd, look around you. Do you truly think that any good you might be able to put into motion would ever come to fruition in your lifetime, with your mortality intact?

Kidd: Sure! Why shouldn't it? Why not have the best of both worlds?

Creeper: You're a fool, then, Kidd. The Crusades, that misguided endeavor of fools, was started by a number of well-intentioned people, but it continued until after they were dead.

Kidd: Well, that's one thing we agree on, but what's your point?

Creeper: The point is, Kidd, if you attempt to have your family help the poor, it won't be until your children are older that they will be able to make it succeed. With immortality, Kidd, you stand the chance of ensuring that everything takes place. Would you like some advice?

Kidd: (with a cautious look) That depends on the advice, but give it your best shot.

((The Creeper pulls a small envelope from the odd 'cloak' over his left side, handing it to Kidd.))

Creeper: An original share of stock in AT&T. The advice? Hold onto it until your life nears it's end, then cash it in, and enjoy your final years. Or come find me, and I'll assist you in finding the answers.

((Kidd just stands there, blinking at the envelope))

Kidd: What's your angle? What are you up to?

Creeper: Kidd, you and I may not be the same race, or the same species, but we are the same, in that we are not 'normal', or entirely 'human'. Consider this my way of helping out someone of my ilk.

Kidd: ( holds up the enveloope, and tears it down the middle) No thanks. I'll earn whatever I get! See you in the ring!

((Kidd turns on his heel and stalks off. The Creeper smiles, shaking his head, picking up the pieces, the envelope quickly repairing itself as though it had never been torn, disappearing into The Creeper's cloak.))

Creeper: And yet, Kidd, you are still so predictable.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))