Saturday Night Slaughter
Seattle, Washington at the Key Arena

New Page 1

((A worker finds a neatly wrapped brown paper package on the front desk. It has a label that reads "Martin Smalls" on it in a masculine hand. He takes it down the hall to Smalls' office. When Smalls inserts the videotape into the VCR, it soon becomes evident who sent it. The first scene shown is of a large plantation on the edge of New Orleans' Vieux Carre, or French Quarter. The film starts rolling, showing people coming and going in that large house. It slowly zooms in on one Jericho Dylan. He's leaning against a fencepost, ribs heavily bandaged. Seeing the camera, he beckons for it to follow him. Once he reaches a quiet section of land, he turns and props one shoulder against a tree.))

Jericho: "Greetings from New Orleans, Mr. Smalls. It seems you've gone and gotten yourself an office job with the HWC. Congratulations seem to be in order. I also extend my congratulations to The Tiger for winning the HWC Title. But that's not the reason for this recording."

((He pauses here to shift his shoulder around. There's still some scorched skin on his back... But it comes from being powerbombed through two flaming tables.  It's also stiff from being reset by the doctor in Hawaii.))

Jericho: "As you can see, I'm at home. The doctor told me to take some time for recuperation. So I'm following his advice. Unfortunately, he's told me to take at least a week. Hence this videotape. I've decided to send you this video document with my decision.”


((Again, he shifts his shoulder. It's still very sore. Someone comes over and slides a white pill under his tongue.))

Jericho: "I don't have long before this kicks in. So I'll make it short and sweet. Martin Smalls, I accept your offer. But only because I have no choice in the matter. You can expect me in person within the next 2 weeks."

((He turns and walks away, leaving the camera to follow him. He gets to the house before the camera, and before the rain. The last thing Martin sees on the tape is Jericho Dylan's house in a curtain of lightly falling rain.))


((The scene turns back to Martins office, Martin sits at his desk flanked by Draven Masters and Payne, Draven watches the tape with little or no emotion, Payne on the other hand shares Martins Amusement))

Payne: Looks like you get what you want

((Smalls regards Payne for a moment as if contemplating something deep, then he chuckles))

Smalls: Payne if it's one thing you should know by now it's that I ALWAYS get what I want! Now gentlemen...I believe we have a champion to crown...shall we?

((Martin picks the belt up and slings it over his shoulder, the three men walk out of the office and head towards the ring))


((The scene changes again to the ring, the camera pans around the ring, various signs can be seen including "Hunter! Please pose for Playboy!" and "ILLDOGG IZ GODD!!" another reads "Martin Smalls have my love child!!" The camera finally settles on the announcer’s table))

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Slaughter! Just last week we witnessed the birth of the HWC's newest Champion since the reopening! The Tiger! Tonight she will be crowned by the man who tried to hold her back every step of the way...Martin Smalls!

Travis: Oh come on now...Martin was only trying to prepare her for what was to come...he was helping!

((Further words are cut off as "Stoopid ass" by Grand Theft Auto kicks over the PA system, from behind the curtain Martin Smalls appears with the title slung over his shoulder, flanked by Payne and Draven he makes his way down to the ring and through the ropes amidst heavy boo's from the crowd, he motions for a Mic to be thrown to him and begins to speak))

Martin Smalls: ahhh my adoring public...I love you too! You rat faced trailer trash! Now shut up and let your betters speak!

((The crowds boo's get louder and chants of "ASSHOLE" break out))

Martin: ok...ok...I wont keep you waiting any longer...because quite frankly the smell is starting to make me sick! Tonight I am out here to award the HWC World Title belt to it's rightful owner, the one who has deserved the honor all along, the one who has gone through blood, sweat, and tears to reach this sweet moment and time...Ladies and Gentlemen without further ado I give your new champion...

((Chants break out as the crowd cries Tigers name))

Martin: PAYNE!!!

((The crowd falls silent for several seconds then begins to boo))

Eddie: WHAT!? Payne? what did HE do to earn the belt!?

Travis: heh heh I like this guys style

((Meanwhile Payne wipes a mock tear out of his eye as he excepts the belt, he grins and holds it up in the air for all to see...the boo's intensify, Payne then buckles the belt around his waist))

Martin: Ladies and gentleman before you go jumping to conclusion I'm going to book a world title match tonight...if Tiger wants "Her belt" so badly then she wont mind going through Payne to get it! So tonight main event will be Tiger vs Payne for the WORLD TITLE!!

((Amidst a shower of boo's the three men slide out of the ring and walk up the ramp, atop it Payne raises his hands in the air and then walks off with his corrupt manager Martin Smalls))

Eddie: Bastard! That belt is Tigers! She earned it! If there's any justice in this world This match will not be allowed to happen!

Travis: But it will happen Eddie...because those with the power will ALWAYS make or break the rules...Martin Smalls is the new VP...he can do this legally now!

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen we'll be right back after these commercials...dammit that two timing crook!


(The show cuts to a commercial set in a restaurant.  Ace is sitting at a table and has 5 platters of food and a kitchen sink Ice-Cream Sundae.  Ace has ice-cream all over his face and is about to take another bite when the waitress comes over.}


Waitress: Excuse me Mr. Spades, your credit card has reached its limit you can’t use it to pay.


Ace: No problem I’ll pay by check.


{Ace reaches into his pocket and pulls out his check book.   He writes the check and hands it to the woman}


Waitress: I’m going to need to see some ID.


Ace: I don’t have any ID on me, but you know it’s me.  I’m on TV!!


Waitress: You should have gotten a Visa Check Card!!


(The commercial cuts to a scene of Ace in kitchen washing dishes.  He looks into the camera and shrugs.  Then a Visa Check Card flashes across the screen.  The Slaughter logo than appears and the show resumes.)


Eddie: Welcome back, and now we are going right into our first match.  The Ace Of Spades vs Bulldozer.


Travis: I would say something witty and thought provoking but I really don’t care enough about either person.


(The crowd is screaming, and chearing for their favorite wrestlers. It's a capacity crowd in the HWC Arena tonight. The lights begin to fade and the crowd begins to settle down. Strobe lights begin to flash and red spotlights in the shape of spades start circling the arena. Then a guitar riff is hear, and The Ace Of Spades begins to blast through the arena. The fans erupt. This is the loudest they have been all night. Ace appears on the stage from behind the curtain hanging from the gorilla position. Just the site of him makes the fans pop loudly. The Ace Of Spades struts down to the ring, looking as cool as ever. When he reaches the ring he slides under the bottom rope. Now in the middle of the ring Ace begins to flex, the packed arena pops for him. The music begins to fade out.


Next Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at lighting like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring intimadatily.


Bulldozer than walks up to Ace and the 2 men stare each other down)


Travis: I think they are going to eat each other!


Eddie: Funny, I think they are going to kick each other’s ass!


Travis: Either way, we win.


(Dozer punches Ace in the face and then Ace retaliates with a punch to Dozer’s face.  Dozer slaps Ace’s chest and then Ace retaliates with a punch to Dozer’s chest.  None of Ace’s moves effect Bulldozer, but Bulldozer’s move have already staggered Ace.  Bulldozer picks up Ace and powerslams him hard into the mat.  Ace holds his ribs while Bulldozer stomps Ace.  Bulldozer leaps into the air and attempts a falling elbow drop but Ace rolls out of the way.  Bulldozer grabs his elbow and Ace dropkicks him in the face.)


Eddie: The much bigger Bulldozer seems to be getting the better of Ace.  That powerslam took a lot out of Ace.


Travis: Yeah, but Ace kicked Bulldozer in the face.  That should by him a few seconds to get his breath back.


(While Bulldozer is still holding his nose he rises back to his feet.  Ace dropkicks Dozer’s knee, and Dozer drops down to one knee.  Than Ace runs and springs off the rope and attempts a spinning heel kick, but Dozer slaps Ace away.  Dozer raises to his feet and picks Ace up.  Dozer kicks Ace in the stomach then delivers a giant DDT!)


Eddie: Ace’s head was just planted into the canvas!!


Travis: He’s felt worse.


(Dozer gets to his feet, bringing Ace with him and grabs Ace by the throat.  He hoists Ace into the air and attempts a chokeslam…but Ace counters.  He kicks Dozer in the balls and Dozer drops Ace and then falls to his knees.  Ace runs around to Bulldozer’s backside and kicks him in the kidneys.  Dozer arches his back and Ace grabs his head….Ace’s Wild!!)


Eddie: 1---


Travis: ---2


Eddie & Travis: ---3!!!


Eddie: Ace beat Bulldozer!!  He beat the big man!


Travis: It’s all luck!  Bulldozer was on the offensive for the entire match.  One low blow and the entire match changed its course!

Eddie: Well it may not be right, but it worked and I’m sure Ace isn’t complaining!


(Ace’s music picks up and Ace rolls out of the ring.  He heads backstage.  Bulldozer tries to shake off the pain of the low blow followed by the Ace’s Wild and he leaves the ring.  He heads backstage also.)


Eddie: Well next up we have 2 more OutlawZ fighting in the ring.  They are going up against The Mainliners.


Travis: Another boring match.


(The A-Team theme plays and Maxx and Viper come from behind the curtain they walk to the ring and the fans are cheering.  When they get there they call for a mic.  Viper is handed one and he begins to speak)


Viper: Screw this federation we quit!!


(Viper hands the mic to Maxx)


Maxx: Yeah what he said!!  And another thing….


(Bloodfeast plays and cuts off Maxx.  SmackDaddy and Dane Seganot run to the ring.  Dane pounces Maxx and spears him hard.  SmackDaddy charges Viper and hits him with a hard clothesline.  SmackDaddy locks Viper in a leg submission and Dane locks Maxx into a submission.  The OutlawZ tap out right away.)


Travis: I told you that would be boring.


Eddie: Alright, so it was boring.  It happens.


(SmackDaddy and Dane head backstage while the OutlawZ begin to stir in the ring.  Viper gets up first, and helps Maxx up.  When they are about to leave the ring The Ace of Spades by Motorhead blasts through the arena again.  The crowd goes wild and Ace runs down to the ring with a pool cue in his hand.  He runs into the ring and The OutlawZ look puzzled.  Then without thinking twice, Ace crakes the pool cue over Viper’s head.  Viper hits the mat.  Maxx charges Ace but gets the pool cue in his gut, then Ace cracks it over his back.  Ace then calls for a mic.)


Ace: You want a quit, that’s fine be me!  But remember, the last time you stepped in to The Ace Of Spades Dealt ya…


(The crowd yells in unison “A BAD HAND!!”)


Ace: A Bad Hand!


(The Ace Of Spades by Motorhead picks up in the arena one more time and Ace heads backstage again.  Viper and Maxx are laying motionless in the ring.)


Eddie: What a shocking turn of events!!  Ace just beat down Maxx and Viper.


Travis: Well while these guy get cleaned up out of the ring, is there anything else we can do?


Eddie: Well, our own Chris Murphy is backstage now, with 'Hollywood' Johnny

Travis: Him again!?! I thought he quit this company!

Eddie: Well, let's find out. Chris, take it away!

(Scene cuts to Chris Murphy standing backstage with Johnny Rave to his

Chris: Thanks Eddie. Now, 'Hollywood' Johnny Rave, you've been absent from HWC competition. Let me ask you, where were you and why are you here now?

Rave: Well Chris, as much as I do love the HWC, sometimes you've just got to get away from the whole thing. I was burned out to be quite frank with you.  Why am I back? Well the timing just seemed right, and I'm itching to get
back into the ring.

Chris: Well that's great! Do you have any closing words for our fans at home
our to any of the superstars?

Rave: Definitely. I just want to say congratulations to The Tiger on her big win. All the other competitors did a great job as well. As far as our announce crew goes, your comments at Mind Games were uncalled for. Let me tell you, I'll be having a frank discussion with the both of you later. And one more thing, to the Ace of Spades. I never had the chance to say this. But you did it, you finally beat me. And you know what? I'm proud of you. I'll have you know that at Mind Games I was watching the show personally at my home. Ace, I was rooting for you pal and I was damn proud even though you lost. It'd be a pleasure to face you again. And I know that your buddies The Outlawz may have skipped town, but let me tell you something, I got your back anytime, anyplace. Thanks for the time Chris.

Chris: Back to you guys at the ring!


Travis: What was that all about?  He wants to speak with us?


Eddie: Probably more you than me…


Travis: and why is he being nice to Ace?  They are supposed to be the 2 guys who hate each other.  There aren’t friends!!


Eddie: It’s called respect, and if they haven’t earned each others respect by now, that would just be wrong.  They’ve had great matches in the past, and I foresee great matches in the future.  Let’s cut to a commercial break!


(The camera cuts to a middle-aged man in a suit.  He is sitting at a desk in an office and a bookshelf is behind him.)


Man: We represent those who need representations and we never lose.


(Terry Rific walks into the office)


Terry: It’s true, they win all the time.  Why just the other day, some little kid came up to me and say “Hey Terry!! Your not very terrific at all!”  And I was crushed!


Man: Very crushed.  The poor man was in tears.


Terry: So I sued them.


Man: And when the little boy found out that Jacobey and Myers were representing Mr. Rific he settled.

Terry: They settled.  And I used the money to publish my book.  Thank you Jacoby and Myers.  Thank you very much!


(The words “When defendants here Jacoby & Myers on the case, they always settle.  Call 1-800-Lawyer for a free meeting.”  Then Slaughter resumes.)


[Standing in front of an HWC Backdrop is Cade Donovan, HWC's resident sadist. He has a mic in his hand, mysterious by her absence is Anya Molotov, Cade's main squeeze. Cade lifts the mic to his lips, and then the lights go out in the backstage area. When they come back up, Cade is hanging from the ceiling with a barbed-wire noose. Standing beside the swinging Cade is the Cardinal Syn, the King of Smashcore. He picks up the microphone and stares up towards the face of Cade. ]

Deliano: "God created light, and it was good. God created Man and it was good. God created Syn, and he's been trying to get rid of me ever since."

[ Deliano drops the mic and then pushes Cade's legs out of his way. Cade drops from the ceiling to the floor. Deliano merely shaking his head as he steps over the almost completely limp body of Cade. ]


Eddie: OK, that was sick.  I really wasn’t in the mood for seeing Cade Donoavan hanging from a barbed-wire noose.


Travis: Tell me about it.  Grossed me out.  I’m regretting eating a hot dog during the last commercial break.


Eddie: Well if you have to use the bathroom you are going to have to hold it in.  Our next match is coming up.


((The camera is scanning the back once again as the fans get ready for the next match on what's already been an amazing card thus far. They catch a glimpse of someone heading for the ring and they cut to the ringside camera.))


Eddie: What a night so far, eh, Travis?


Travis: Yeah, so far. But now we got a couple of noobs. One thinks he's a rapper and the other thinks he's a vampire. I mean, come on! Where's the originality in that?!?


((Without Me by Eminem blares over the speakers, silencing the announce team. Out walks Ill Dogg with both arms over his head moving back and forth in beat with the music. He looks at the crowd and gets the fans up and moving the arms in the same motion. He then walks down to the ring giving fans high fives on the way. The crowd murmurs at this, but that's about it. He slides into the ring and bounces on his toes, waiting for his opponent.))


Travis: How the hell can we put on a good show with people like this?


Eddie: It's all about the wrestling, Travis. Now hush. Here comes his opponent.


((The lights grow dim and "Vampire Killer (Heavy Metal Remix)" begins to blare over the PA. Black lights illuminate the stage. Pyrotechnic lightning effects strike the stage and pyro explodes. Sephiroth du Lac walks out in his cloak-like Trench coat. The black light illuminates his eyes, his skin, his hair, and his teeth. The stage has small flames pouring from beneath the stage which he walks through to the ring. Once inside he raises his arms and strikes them down. Blue flames burst from all four ring posts and the lights  raise. Ill Dogg flinches at Sephiroth's appearance. He's been spooked, and it shows. The lights come up and the bell rings, signaling the start of the match.))


Eddie: As Travis stated so inelegantly before this match started, these two are newcomers to the HWC.


Travis: I take it back, Eddie. This Sephiroth guy has a good gimmick. I mean, he made Ill Dogg mess in his trousers before the bell even rang!


Eddie *stifling a laugh* : That is a good ring entrance, Travis. I'll agree with you there.


Travis: Wow! You agreed with me again? Are you sick?


Eddie: Must be.


((Sephiroth locks Dogg up with an armbar, keeping him on the ground. His left foot comes up and slams into Dogg's ribcage. Ill Dogg retaliates with a boot to the gut. Escaping the armbar, he grabs Sephiroth and hits a belly to back suplex.  Sephiroth gets up as though he didn't even move. Dogg tries again, this time using a belly to belly. Again, Sephiroth gets up. Dogg snarls and gets the vampiric Sephiroth into a pinning combination. But he can't hold it for more than a 1 count. Slapping the mat in frustration, Dogg loses his focus and falls prey to Sephiroth's lightning fast feet. Try as he might, he can't get anywhere near Sephiroth's legs. So he tries to neutralize one of his arms. Big mistake. Dogg falls to the mat, gasping for air. Sephiroth goes for a small package, but can't quite get it locked in. Still too much fire in the Dogg. So Sephiroth goes for a standing dropkick. That seems to have done it... He goes for a pin. He only gets a 2 count. Staying calm, he measures carefully and hits a super kick. Dogg stumbles but doesn't fall. Sephiroth simply grabs Dogg and hits the Fallen Angel DDT.  Dogg doesn't get up from that. Sephiroth, confident in his win, puts a foot  on Dogg's chest. The ref counts: 1... 2... 3! The bell rings and Sephiroth raises his hands in victory. His music hits again and he goes to the back with a smile of satisfaction on his face.))


Eddie: That was something else, I tell you what.


Travis: The rapper dog didn't get a chance to fight back. What a gyp.


Eddie: Says you. Anyway, let's get on with the show.


((The referee heads to the back for a drink of water. He's completely parched... Finding a bottle, he takes it with him back to the ring.)


Eddie: Let’s take a look at our Slam Of The Week!


Travis: This weeks “Slam Of The Week Is Brought To You By EA Sports!  It’s In The Game!


(CLICK! CLICK! BOOM!! He staggers for a bit, then falls on his stomach. She pounces on him like a kitten on a ball of yarn, and locks in the Crippler Crossface. The ref slides in and asks Ace if he submits. Nothing yet... Then Tiger leans back, increasing the pressure on Ace's lower back. Screaming in pain, Ace's hand slaps the mat. The ref calls for the bell. The announcer chimes in over the roar of the crowd.  The EA Sports logo flashes across the HWC-Tron)


Eddie: If you are just joining us, that was Tiger winning the World Title on last Sunday’s PPV.  Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to Saturday Night Slaughter brought to you by the HWC!


Travis: Don’t you say that every week?


Eddie: Maybe…I’m just doing my job…you outta try it some time.


Travis: That’s cold…


Eddie: I know…anyway next up we have a match between two HWC up and comers, Harley Quinn and Terry Riffic!


Travis: Tell me Eddie…do you have what it takes to be Terry Riffic?


Eddie: Er…I don’t know


Travis: ((Holds up an autographed copy of Terry’s book)) Here in my hands I hold the information that tells you Exactly what it takes…if you beg nicely I may let you borrow it when I’m finished


Eddie: …


((I will be heard by “Hatebreed” begins to play over the speakers as Terry Riffic makes his way out onto the stage, the crowd gives him a mixed reaction as he walks slowly down the ramp with a his book under his arm, halfway down the ramp he turns and gazes into the crowd, he looks around for a minute and then nods his head stepping forward and giving one of the fans his book…a beautiful blond in a tight skirt, taking out a pen Terry signs his name inside the book…then without missing a beat he quickly adds his phone number, winking at the woman he then turns and slides into the ring to wait for his opponent))


Eddie: Smooth…very smooth


Travis: And generous too, I mean Brett Hart only gave away sunglasses! Do you have any clue how much it costs to give away books? It aint cheap!


Eddie: Yeah I’m sure…


((The godfather theme kicks up and from behind the curtain comes Harley Quinn clad in an expensive Armani suit, from behind her three men follow, one appears to be smoking, a mop of fiery red hair on his head, flanking Harley on the other side is a 6 foot 5 man wearing sun glasses, he cocks his head to the side and the cracks his knuckles…It looks as though he’s had experience in boxing, last but not least standing by Harley’s side is Johnny Star the group make their way down the ring and the crowd cheers))


((Reno and Rude help Harley into the ring and remain on the outside, Harley pulls off her blazer to reveal a black tanktop underneath, earning her whistles and cat calls from the front row, a chilling glance by Johnny Star cuts off their lude reaction and they quiet down immediately))


Travis: Now that’s crowd control!


Eddie: Look at Terry Riffic…I think he’s going to try for two!


((Terry moves forward to Harley and holds out a book to her, she takes and looks at the cover with a raised eyebrow, Terry then signs the book and again adds his phone number, he backs off with a smile and waits for Harleys reaction))


((Harley looks at the book in her hands and then in a quick flurry of movement literally tears the book in half throwing it on the mat, the crowd cheers, Terry’s smile quickly turns to anger and as the bell rings he lunges at Harley and takes her down rolling her up for the three count!)


Travis: One…Two…no Harley got free…did you see the quickness of Terry Riffic?


Eddie: That was indeed impressive


((Harley gets to her feet and kicks off her heels angrily, Terry moves in for the kill again but Harley learns quick, she grabs him and takes him down with a DDT, Yanking him up by his hair she then rakes his eyes…Terry falls down and gets hung up on the second rope, As the ref moves in to lecture Harley Reno moves forward bringing himself face to face with Terry, he inhales deeply and exhales the smoke into Terry’s face))


Travis: They say second hand smoke can kill you…


((Harley again yanks Terry to his feet and irish whips him into the ropes, but Terry reverses, as Harley bounces off the ropes Terry meets her with a Samoan Drop, in the blink of an eye he’s flipped over and put her into the Crippler cross face! Harley cries out in pain))


Eddie: Incredible! He can link those moves like a professional! It’s no wonder he’s a record holder!


Travis: I bet his Mom is watching at Home with pride


((The ref asks Harley if she wants to tap, Harley shakes her head through the pain and lunges for the ropes, clearly in agony she slowly crawls over to the ropes and finally manages to grab ahold, Terry immediately releases the hold…jumping up and grabbing her leg he yanks her to the middle of the ring and slaps on an ankle lock))


Eddie: Again! You’ve got to admire Harley though…she’s not tapping out


((Rude jumps up on the ring apron and the ref rushes forward to prevent him from getting through the ropes, as the struggle continues the crowd begins to cheer as someone makes their way through the people and hops the crowd barrier…chair in hand he slides through the ropes))


Travis: It’s Sephiroth! Sephiroth Du Luc!


((Sephiroth raises the chair and slams it into the back of Terry Riffics head, Terry releases the hold and falls to the mat! Seph quickly slides out of the ring and takes the chair with him, Harley stirs and gets painfully to her feet, her eyes meet with Sephiroth, Seph smiles and bows politely to her))


Eddie: What? Why did Sephiroth attack Terry? What’s his plan here?


Travis: Go ask him Eddie…I’m sure he’ll be happy to answer you with that chair


Eddie: Er…no I’ll stay here


Travis: Wuss


((Harley shakes the cobwebs out and climbs the top turnbuckle, launching herself off in a moonsault she lands on Terry perfectly! Getting to her feet she picks up a dizzied Terry and then jumps back, a quick hop forward and her foot connects with his jaw sending him down for the count! Harley covers him for the pin!))


Eddie: One…Two…Three! Your winner Harley Quinn!


((Harley slides out of the ring hands raised in victory, the group makes their way up the ramp and Sephiroth follws, at the top of the ramp Seph looks back at the scene in the ring and grins))


Travis: That was cheap!  Harley Is Not Terry Rific!!  Not by a long shot!  And neither is Du Lac!!


*The camera cuts to back stage, where Harley is seen walking down the hall with her hair messed,wearing only her tank top and skirt, and still in bare feet,looking for Sephiroth. As she rounds a corner and she spots him at the end of the hall.*

Harley: Du Lac! Du Lac! Wait a sec! I need to talk to you! Du Lac!

*She runs after him and stops when she gets to his locker room. She looks up and down the hall before she walks in. She walks in the empty room and starts looking for him.*

Harley: Du Lac! Du Lac! I know you're in here somewhere!

*She walks into the showers and looks around before walking back out, and begins to look through the lockers.*

Harley: Du Lac! Du Lac! Gawd damnit! Where in the hell did he go? I'm sure he came in here! This guys is @#$! freakin' me out! I guess I'll keep lookin' for him!

*Harley walks out of the locker room with a shrug and continues to search for the man that helped her out in the ring and then disappeared. She searches every room she comes across, until she reaches her own locker room and opens the door. Johnny,Reno,and Rude sit around the room as Harley walks in and sits down.*

Reno: Did you find him?

Harley: No...

Rude: Did you look everywhere? I mean I seen him walk back here about 5 minutes ago!

Harley: What? Why didn't you tell me that when I got here? He's probably long gone by now!

Johnny: I still don't get why he helped you! It seems a little strange to me that's all! Does anyone else feel that way?

Harley: Why do you think I was tryin' to find him? I'm just as curious as you are, but until I do, I'll leave it be! What else can I do?

*The four of them just sit there, and watch the rest of the program, still wondering why Sephiroth had showed up durning the match as the scene fades to black.*


Eddie: Now a word from out sponsors!!


Travis: Didn’t we just have a word from our sponsor?  With all these damn commercials our 2 hour program is only a fraggin’ hour! ~hmph!~


(The HWC Logo shoots across the screen and then 2 children are shown sitting in a bedroom.)


Child 1: Hey I’ll trade you my Brett Bruiser for your Tiger.


Child 2: Nope, you’re going to hafta do better than that.  Throw in your Johhny Rave and you have yourself a deal!


Child 1: Nobody gets my Johhny Rave card!!


Voice Over: Play The HWC Trading Card Game!  Be just like your favorite HWC superstars, and remember: The Best Never Rest!



((The camera quickly switches the backstage area of the building, Jag can be seen bag in hand angrily walking out of the building, a reporter runs along side him trying to speak but Jag merely shoves him out of they way and exits the building))


((Outside he heads to his limo, it is clear he’s leaving and giving no consideration to returning, he mutters to himself about not getting what was his and what he deserved…his mutterings are cut off as he comes upon his Limo))


((The once expensive machine lies in ruin, the tires deflated, most of the glass shattered, the surface is scarred but what looks like sledgehammer blows, Jags Jaw drops as he gets closer, opening up the door he peers inside and steps back quickly as some one makes their way out of the Limo…That someone is Martin Smalls))


Smalls: Jaguar…it’s about time we met, thanks for getting the door for me Kiddo


((Jaguar opens his mouth to speak but he’s cut off))


Smalls: Now now Jaguar I really don’t care to hear what you have to say any more…you violated your right to free speech when you tore up your HWC contract…now I must admit President Autumn Lewis and I have had our differences in the past and we will continue to do so in the future…but one thing we both firmly agree on is teaching whiney little Bitches like you to stay in their place


((The sound off foot steps cause Jag to turn around, he swallows hard as Payne, Draven, and even Jericho Dylan are now positioned behind him cutting off any route of escape, Smalls continues))


Smalls: You are a sorry sort Jag…you think just because you ran this place before you should have things showered upon you? Frankly you mean next to nothing to me, you are nothing to this industry, the fans inside? They’ve already forgotten you Jaguar…But Just to show you I’m not all that bad I’m going to let my boys do you a favor Jaguar…


((Jaguar opens his mouth to speak but he’s cut off when Payne grabs him from behind clamping his arm around his throat and wrenching his arm behind his back, Jaguars eyes open wide and the air escapes his mouth in a muffled cry…Martin leans in and whispers in his ear))


Smalls: We’re gonna make you famous kiddo…


((Without warning Payne lifts Jaguar up in the air in an over the head suplex, Jaguar flies through the air and hits the ground on his shoulder/neck area with a sickening thud, perhaps by some miracle or divine intervention he escapes a broken neck))


((The three men begin to lay boots down on the former HWC legend, he is immediately busted open as Jericho slams a steel toed boot into his nose, breaking with a loud SNAP, Payne and Draven lay into his ribs and try as he might Jaguar is quickly overpowered, suddenly the boots stop and hands roughly pull Jaguar to his feet, he has to be held upright by Payne and Draven, Jericho climbs atop the hood of the limo and crouches there like an animal ready to pounce, Martin speaks again))


Smalls: Now that that part is over…I think it’s time to say goodbye Jag…I’m sorry you wont be sticking around because quite frankly I’d love to make your life miserable…but before you go I believe Mr. Dylan has something to say to you…


(( Payne and Draven lift the former HWC’er easily up to Jericho on top of the roof…Jericho grabs The hapless man and lifts him in the air in a power bomb position, hefting him up higher he then slams Jaguar down with a terrifying amount of force onto the roof of the Limo…the roof groans and sags inward as if Jaguar was tossed off a rooftop and broken his fall on the limo roof, his body convulses for a moment and a trickle of blood flows out of his mouth, Jericho hops down off the roof and the four men then walk back to the building…from within the crowd can be heard cheering))


((Martin cast a glance over his shoulder and stopped in his tracks…From out of the shadows The Tiger came into view, regarding the broken body of Jaguar for a few moments she then shrugged and pulled the designer shoes off his feet before walking away…Martin began to chuckle softly to himself before turning around and walking back inside…before the HWC doors are shut Paynes voice can be heard


Payne: We better tell the Janitor he’s got a pile of shit to clean up out back…


(The camera switches back to Eddie and Travis.)


Eddie: Jaguar was supposed to be facing Brett Bruiser in our next match, but after seeing that, I don’t think he will be participating.


Travis: I don’t know, that Jaguar is a trooper!


Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, coming to the ring at this time Brett Bruiser!


(As the lights fade off in the arena and the fans quiet down to see who is coming out next. Suddenly the lights flash red and “Circles” by Incubus begins to play. As the crowd goes crazy Brett Bruiser walks out of the back and towards the ring. When he reaches the ring he stands in the middle looking over the crowd and then flex’s sending pyro from the back apron of the ring)


Eddie: The winner of this match was supposed to be the # 1 contender for the IC Title!


Ring Announcer: And his opponent JAGUAR!!!!!


{No one comes to the ring, and no music plays.}


Ring Announcer: And his opponent…Jaguar!


{Again nothing happens and the fans begin to boo.  The ref whispers something to the ring announcer)


Ring Announcer: I have just been informed that Jaguar has only 10 seconds to come to the ring, or he loses the match.


{The ref begins to count.  1—2—3—4—5—6—7—8—9—10!!}

Ring Announcer: The winner of this match…BRETT BRUISER!!!


Travis: I always knew Jaguar was nothing but a hack.


Eddie: You just said he was a trooper.


Travis: You must be going deaf!    I said he was a traitor.  I would even go so far as to say that Benedict Arnold would be a better teammate than that hack.


Eddie: Good call!  And when we return, we will have our main event!  And it will be uninterrupted!


Travis: For Christ’s sake another commercial!! This is ludicrous!


(4 animals are sitting in a circle.  One is a gecko, two are lizards and one is a chihuaha)


Gecko: I keep getting prank phone-called.  Everyone asks me for auto insurance.  They are obviously looking for Geicko, but they don’t stop calling!!


Lizard 1: Well uh, my name is Louie and I just wanna say dat, everyone always loves the frogs, and they only want the frogs.  Everyone even loves the damn weasel!! Nobody wants us right Frank?


Lizard 2: My name is Frank, and I’m only here because Louie’s license was suspended.  I told him not to drive with that beer!


Lizard 1: I was upset OK!  We didn’t get invited to the frogs’ party!  I just wanted an invite!  I wouldn’t even have went!  I bet the weasel got an invitation!


Chihuaha: ~Mexican Accent~ Well ever since Taco Bell fired me, I haven’t been able to find steady work.  I’ve even tried working with the gecko.  And that doesn’t pay the bills.  People are comparing me to Cheech and Chong.  I don’t like that.


Gecko: It isn’t our fault your career has gone “up in smoke.”


Voice Over: Even America’s icons have problems.  But they pay for there group therapy using Mastercard.  It’s Everywhere You Want To Be!


Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, Next up is our Main Event! A World Title match the Smalls made.

Travis: He always comes up with the good ideas.

Eddie: Far from it. But what ever he has in store this should prove to be an interesting match.

Travis: More like live up to the shows name a SLAUGHTER.

Eddie: Or a screw job.

Travis: That's not the name of the show.

((Breaking me down by Soil blasts over the PV as Payne steps from behind the curtain. The crowd start to boo him which he seems to enjoy as he shows off the World Title belt around his waist. He then starts to make his way to the ring, Payne turns around and walks backwards to the ring so he won't get jumped. Almost to the ring he reaches back behind him for it but before he can grab a rope Tiger leaps over the railing and grabs him arm pushing him to the grab. Her body goes down with his still holding on to his right arm and locks him into the crippler before he can even get to the ring.))

Eddie: Smart move by Tiger.

Travis: You see that she can't face him like a man she has to come up from behind.

Eddie: That's cause she’s a woman.

((Payne scream in pain unable to get free. Tiger then releases the lock and slams his head into the concrete hard. Getting to her feet Tiger pulls Payne who holding his head. Tiger quickly removes the belt from his waist and throws it aside, Tiger then chops him in the throat followed by a drop kick. Payne staggers to the floor again and again Tiger pulls him up this time she rolls him into the ring and follows. The bell rings starting the match. Tiger pulls Payne up again and goes for the Click Click Boom but Payne blocks and grabs her in a choke hold. Tiger straggles for a bit before getting lifted up. Just before he can deliver a choke slam Tiger wraps her legs around Payne's neck and counters with a Hurracanrana.))

Eddie: Tiger showing she will not be beaten so easily.

Travis: If she knew what was good for her she give up now and go home.

Eddie: If you know what’s good for you you'll shut up and call the match.

((Tiger gets up and starts to climb atop a near by turn buckle as she does so she see Payne starting to get to her feet. Thinking quickly Tiger leaps off to deliver a flying head butt but is caught by Payne in mid air using the force of the dive to hit a hard scoop slam and cover. 1..... and Tiger gets a shoulder up. Payne chops her and goes for another pin. 1... and Payne is head butted by Tiger causing him to roll off and hold his hurt head. Leaping to her feet Tiger dives off the ropes and does a base ball slide right into the face of Payne. Tiger then goes for a cover.1....2.. and Payne throws Tiger off him with great force. He gets to his as Tiger leaps of the ropes again she's stopped cold by a big boot to the face.))

Eddie: He nearly took her head off with that move!

Travis: Bet you he breaks at least five of her bones
before the match is over.

((Tiger lays on the matt kicking in pain. The crowd start to chant ASSHOLE while Payne turns away from Tiger and starts yelling at the crowd. Tiger gets to her feet slowly and sees Payne's back to her. She then leaps up on his back and wraps her arms around his
throat cutting off his air. Payne flails his arms trying to hit or knock Tiger from his back but the more he tries the harder her grip gets. It isn't long till Payne runs out of air and drops to his knees. Finally Payne's eyes roll back into his head and he
falls back landing on top of Tiger. The ref counts it as a pin, 1......2...... Tiger wiggles out enough to get her arm up. With a little more effort she frees her self of him. Walking around the ring people start to chant her name. Going back to Payne Tiger grabs his arm and pulls him to his feet then irish whips himinto the ropes moving quickly Tiger throws her self into the opposite side of the ropes coming at Payne Tiger grabs him in a reverse bull dog stopping him hard in his tracks.))

Travis: What the hell was that!

Eddie: Looks like Tiger is inventing new moves to
burtal take out Payne.

Travis: The ref had to of seen it! Tiger should be

Eddie: Sit down and watch the match your screaming won't change anything.

Travis: Says you!

((Payne holds his throat looking like he is gasping for air. Tiger covers him for the pin. 1.....2.... Tiger pulls his shoulder up though Payne is still holding his throat.))

Eddie: Did she just pull Payne's should up?

Travis: I told you she wasn't that bright. She probably forgot what a pin is.

Eddie: Oh please she knows how to pin, but I fear she's getting cocky. And that could cost her everything.

((Tiger pulls the gasping Payne to his feet and into a suplex but before she can deliever it Payne counters sending her landing on her back hard.))

Travis: YES!

Eddie: It appears that Payne has got his second wind. That can only spell bad news for Tiger.

Travis: Who cares Payne is the true champ.

Eddie: But he didn't do anything!

Travis: How would you know!?

((Payne whips her to the turn buckle and runs at her nailing a splash that nearly crushes her. Holding Tiger there Payne starts to chop her hard in the throat. The ref tries to break it up but gets pushed away at first. Payne then grabs Tiger by the throat
and moves her to the middle of the ring. With one hand Payne lifts her up and delivers a mighty choke slam.))

Travis: Is it over?

Eddie: I think Payne has cracked a few rips with that.

Travis: See I told you!

Eddie: Wait whats this..... Kidd Rock is racing to the
ring with what looks like a steal chair in hand!

((Kidd races down to the ring and tries to get in when the ref stops in. Payne sees Kidd and knocks him off the side of the ring. Laughing he sees Tiger still down and atop the turn buckle and waits.))

Eddie: He wouldn't!

Travis: Looks like he's waiting to give Tiger a lesson in pain.

((Slowly Tiger gets to her feet and turns seeing Payne positioned on the turn buckle. Payne leaps off to
deliver a spear Tiger quickly counters with a standing
drop kick but it isn't enough. Both go down with Payne
landing wrong.))

Eddie: My god Tiger is trying everything to bring down Payne but nothing seems to stop this mad man!!

Travis: That's why he's the man.

Eddie: More like that's why he's a honky.

Travis: EDDIE!

((The ref starts to count. 1....2....3...4.... Kidd runs around the ring to get where Tiger is. Kidd starts to slap on the mat in hopes of waking her but he sees no life. Just as he about to climb in Tiger opens her eyes and gestures for him to stay out. Kidd nods and bangs on the mat again signaling to the crowd to join in. 5....6..... Payne is the first one to get
to his feet and sees Tiger lying there on her belly motionless. Dropping to his knees Payne rolls Tiger over to pin but just as he does Tiger brings around
her right arm hitting him in the side of the neck. Payne cries out in pain. Tiger moves away and gets to her feet, Payne tries and  follows.))

Eddie: Payne don't look so good.

Travis: That's why he is named Payne not only can he hand it out he can take it too.

Eddie: Maybe so but it looks like there might be something wrong with his neck and if Tiger sees that she will use it to her advantage.

((Payne does a weak attempt at a running close line holding his neck with his other hand, Tiger easily spins around him and waits for him to turn and face
her. Once Payne does Tiger puts her first up and delivers the Click Click Boom.))


Eddie: Unless Payne has anything left it's all over.

Travis: This can't be happening.

((With the swing of her power right Payne crumbles and goes down. Tiger pulls Payne into the crippler putting all the force on his hurt neck.))

Eddie: Tiger is paying Payne back for everything leaving him broken in the ring.

((It isn't long till Payne taps and the bell rings but tiger still refuses to let go. Garbing the belt Kidd slide into the ring and watches Tiger cause great damage to Payne. The ref tries to break it up but she won't let go. Just before Payne passes out the ref manages to get Tiger to break the lock. Tiger rolls away tired and hurting her self. Kidd helps Tiger to
her feet and hands her the belt, kind of dazed Tiger takes the belt while Kidd raises her hand in victory.))

Eddie: Again against all odds Tiger has pulled away with the win!

Travis: No it's not fair...... I'm In Hell!

((The crowd starts to chant her name as Kidd lets go of her hand. Tiger crumbles to the ground, pulling herself to the turn buckle she slowly climbs up and before she can lose her balance throws her arm up high show off the belt that she won. The arena is rocked
his cheers, Tiger staggers back to the mat and Kidd gets a mic. He goes over to Payne and pushes the ref away who was checking him out.))

Kidd: You will be a message to Smalls Payne........ DO NOT MESS WITH MY FRIENDS!

((Kidd throws down the mic and starts kicking Payne in the throat. Tiger rolls out of the ring and grabs the chair that Kidd dropped and slides back into the ring. Dropping the belt she signals for Kidd to stand Payne up. He nods and does so, Payne stands swaying a bit and looks gone. Running forward Tiger base ball swings the chair right into the side of Paynes head. He falls to the mat with the blow but that doesn’t stop Tiger from hitting him with the chair. Once Tiger finally stops and throws the chair away Kidd drags Payne over to the ropes facing the ramp and props him up in the middle rope. Running to the other side Kidd launches off the ropes and lands on Payne causing him to bounce
a few times on the middle throat.))

Eddie: Tiger with the aid of Kidd have just destroyed what was the man called Payne. If Smalls saw any of this match he should think twice about humiliating The Force known as The Tiger again. She left her mark on HWC tonight and like in the past it's a bloody and broke body.

((Kidd slides out of the ring as Tear Away plays, as he heads up the ring he looks back at the now bloody face of Payne. Tiger picks back up her title and throws both hands in the air holding the belt above her head. With one foot on the back of Payne the crowd cheers louder then before. The camera fades out on the  image of Tiger holding the belt over her head.))