Saturday Night Slaughter
Greenville, South Carolina from the BI-LO Center

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, the back to black.))

Last Man Standing
Bull vs Matthew Montey vs Nothing vs Zac K.

Eddie: Well, here we go. Our first match of the night. A three way Last Man Standing match.

Travis: Well, that Zac K kid is impressive. And what do you mean, three way? I thought there was supposed to be four men?

Eddie: There was, but Matt Montey apparently caught the flu, and, right now, is highly contagious. Ms. Lewis gave him the night off.

Travis: So, what, does that mean he’s got another loss?

Eddie: No. It means that this match becomes a three way, and doesn’t affect Matt Montey’s record.

Travis: Well, I guess that’s alright. Wouldn’t want Matt here making the HWC womens roster sick.

Eddie: Yeah, that’s your job.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Triple Threat Last Man Standing match. Introducing first, from Bendigo, Australia, weighing in at 300 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Natasha. . . BULL!!!

((“Hero of the day” hits over the Pa system and the lights go out as strobe lights hit all over the arena and then Bull walks out a point to the sky and smiles when he looks back to the floor and begins to walk towards the ring and jumps up onto the ring apron and leap frogs over the top rope and lands in the ring where he steps and walks over to the top rope and points to the sky again, before sliding outside the ring, and retrieving a chair.))

Eddie: Well-


Eddie: Once again, class shining through from my announce partner.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, also from Bendigo, Australia, weighing in at 286 lbs. . . THE NOTHING!!!

((Still waiting blast through out the arena and over the pa system a the arena goes dark and strobe light flicker around the entrance way and then a tall man steps out into the lights which makes him look like a giant he then walks forward a poses for the crowd then after posing for the crowd he begins to walk down the ramp and towards the ring stopping every few steps to grind his hips then as he gets up to the side of the ring he slides under the bottom rope and jumps up landing on his feet where he starts to grind his hips again as his music cuts off. Nothing turns around, eating a faceful of chair. Nothing gets to his feet rather quickly, Bull jabbing him in the stomach, then stepping back, cracking Nothing on the back. Over all this, Jean Fortello’s voice sounds.))

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from Binghamton, New York, weighing in at 200 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by his wife Karen. . . ZAC K!!!

((“Welcome Burden” plays, Zac nowhere in sight. At two very loud cracks, all eyes move back to the ring, where Zac stands with a now-decimated metal crutch, over both men. Zac grabs the chair from where Bull held it, cracking both men in the back of their head very viciously, then stepping back. 1. . . 2. . . .3. . . 4. . . 5. . . 6. . . 7. . .8. . . 9. . . 10!!))

Eddie: I think that was, quite possibly, one of the quickest Triple Threat Last Man Standing matches ever! Zac has won another match, and-

((A white electric current runs along the lighting truss, shorting out a number of the lights, setting the other bulbs to flicker as though they plan to short out as well, a bolt of white lightning flashing into the ground behind Zac.))

Eddie: What the hell?! Someone’s trying to kill Zac!

Travis: I don’t think so. Look!

((The lights come back up, revealing B.D. standing over Zac, a chair in hand. B.D. rears back, to crack Zac again, Karen rushing out to the ring, standing over Zac, to protect him from another chairshot. B.D. smiles, elbowing her aside easily, then reaching back, again, this time to, feasibly, hit Karen. Zac gets to a knee, hitting B.D. with a low blow, which, for some inexplicable reason, causes B.D. to jump, then turn, and crack Zac in the face, again, Karen pulling the chair from B.D.’s hands as he reaches back for another chairshot, this time running from the ring, chair in hand. B.D., after a moment, steps back from the ropes, then disappearing in a puff of smoke. After a moment, Zac gets to his feet, shaking his head, then rushing after B.D. and his wife.))

((Camera cuts up in the parking lot of the area where Lurker, Cushion, Mystic J, and Tank are lead by Air Raid in a marching strike right out side our doors. Chris Murphy is on hand to witness this. He tries to get the attention of one to speak to, but the Lurker is the first one he steps up to.))

Chris: Excuse me Lurker…. Can you tell me why you are out here with signs and all.

((Lurker stops and stares down at him, after a moment of no answer Lurker reaches out to grab him by the face when Air Raid runs up and stops him. With one look Lurker moves away and returns to marching.))

Chris: Air raid you seem to be the ring leader of all this. Last week you attack both Bull and Hans after their match, demanding to be treated the same as the rest of the roster. You calm you are just as Brutal as anyone else here, even though we have yet to see it. Tell me has your demands been met yet?

Air Raid: Now if your demands have been met would we be out here striking?

Chris: Well I guess not.

Air Raid: Autumn Lewis and Cherisse Novak have continued to ignores us. But as I see it sooner or later with what we have planed they won’t ignore us for much longer.

((Air turns his attention away from Chris as the all the Jobbers with him stop their striking and watch as Pit Bull aproches them. He doesn’t know why they are out their and nor does he care. Reaching the door, Tank steps in his way stopping him. Pit looks them over before pushing Tank out of the way and grabs the door knob to enter. From behind Lurker slams his sign on Pit’s causing the wood handle to break into two. Once down Mystic J and Cushion start to kick and stomp away on him. Air watches all this from Chris’ side, turning back to Chris Air smiles.))

Air Raid: This is a picket line, so don’t even think about crossing. Or you might end up like that Scab…… or worse!

((Camera turns back to the brutal beating of Pit as the camera fades to commercial.))

(Two men are standing in a locker room.)

First man: Are you sure we should be doing this?

Second man: Of course. What could possibly go wrong?

First man: I don't know. This isn't what I had in mind.

(The door opens and Autumn Lewis sticks her head in.)

Autumn: You boys ready?

(They nod.)

Autumn: Come and get em girls!

(She throws the door open and Tiger and Harley charge into the room grabbing the men and are seen applying various painful wrestling holds on them. The men grunt and groan and Autumn and Martin Smalls are standing in the doorway laughing and drinking Moutain Dew Code Reds.)

Announcer: No cheap dates. Mountain Dew Code Red. Live by the code.

(Cut to a shot of Tiger with the Crossface on one of the men and him tapping out on the floor.)

Announcer: Now for a limited time, on specially marked bottles of Moutain Dew Code Red, you could instantly win tickets to a free HWC event and meet your favorite wrester. Check the cap to see if you're an instant winner, or win hundreds of other prizes including HWC merchandise.)

Cage Match
Vivian vs Malice

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time once again for a match of horrific proportions. A match that's left people seriously injured.

Travis: It's time for what kind of match?

Eddie: Travis, I swear, if you don't start reading the match prompts, I'm going to... Never mind. It's a cage match.

Travis: Another one? Who are the unlucky competitors this time?

Eddie: Vivian and Malice.

Travis: My God! Not those two lovely ladies!

Eddie: Yes, those two lovely ladies. By order of Autumn Lewis.

Travis: That's not fair!

Eddie: I wouldn't say that too loudly, if I were you... Peter Blankenship endorsed this match.

Travis: Peter Blankenship wouldn't know a good match if it came up and bit him on the ass.

Eddie: Shut up, Travis... They're lowering the cage!

((The cage descends slowly toward the ring, settling in place with a loud clang of steel. Ring monkeys scurry around and secure it to the ring so it won't go anywhere. Jean Fortello is outside the ring, not wanting to get anywhere near that thing. The fans are cheering loudly at the sight of that giant metal contraption...))

Jean Fortello: The following is a CAGE MATCH, and the only way to win is to either escape the cage through the door or over the top! Introducing first, from Austin, Texas... The Herald of Darkness... She is MALICE!

((The lights go down and paper flowers begins to fall from the rafters as a purple search light begins to go over the crowd. The light comes to a stop at the back of the enterance ramp where a a dark haired woman dressed in a short black dress covered by a long black flowing robe. She walks to the ring as the paper flowers continue to fall around her. She looks at the cage before getting in, an eerie smile twisting her face as she gets in.))

Jean Fortello: And her opponent... Representing the New Darkside... VIVIAN!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand. She stops and looks up at the cage, then tosses her clipboard aside to get in through the door. The referee closes and locks the door behind her. The bell rings and Vivian eyes Malice dispassionately. Malice shouts something at her, then charges. Vivian moves and Malice bounces off the ropes. Vivian grabs her and nails a beautiful neckbreaker.))

Eddie: What a neckbreaker!

Travis: Yeah! I keep forgetting there's more to these women than earth-shattering beauty!

Eddie: There's more to any woman than just being beautiful.

((Malice gets up and hits a standing dropkick that sends Vivian staggering backward against the ropes. But Vivian comes back with a vengeance and slams Malice with a running lariat that sends the smaller woman spinning around in a circle before she hits the mat. But Vivian doesn't try to escape the cage... No, she appears to want to punish Malice! She lifts the lighter woman up and hits a beautiful fall-away slam. Malice writhes in pain and struggles to her feet. Neither woman appears to notice a cloaked figure standing quietly at ringside. As a matter of fact, nobody sees them there. But they're watching. Inside the steel cage, Vivian lifts Malice up for a back breaker and gets caught with a hurricanrana out of nowhere! Vivian is down, Malice is down, and the steel cage is beginning to look like punishment as opposed to a match!))

Eddie: This is starting to resemble one of Jericho's matches, Travis...

Travis: What makes you say that?

Eddie: There are bodies everywhere.

Travis: Good point. Oh, wait, Vivian's getting up!

((He's right, folks. She is. Vivian is the first one to her feet and seems rather disoriented. Malice is right behind her, also seeming quite out of sorts. Vivian recovers enough to see Malice making her way to the door and lands an amazing aerial slide, kicking Malice back toward the opposite side of the ring. The unseen watcher's approval can't be seen, but it's there. Vivian watches Malice for a moment, then goes up the side of the cage. Smart woman, she's completely avoiding the door! Because, while Malice came to the ring, there was a brief moment of darkness. And it was during that brief respite from the light that someone came down and crouched near the door to the cage. Vivian sits on top of the cage, then swings her leg over the top until she's got her feet hanging down on the outside. The person who is crouching outside the cage sees her and scowls, but it can't be seen because of the hooded cloak they're wearing. The watcher by the ramp makes a gesture that, as with all they've done thus far, is unseen. But the person by the cage can't move in time... Vivian lands neatly on the ground outside the cage. The bell rings, signallling the end of the match.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... VIVIAN!

((But Vivian doesn't have time to celebrate... The person crouching by the cage comes charging out and catches her unawares with a lethal spear, then lays her out with an Athar. Somewhat gruesome when you stop to consider who used to do that... But it's fitting. The person standing over Vivian doesn't see or hear someone charging down to ringside until they're flattened with a steel chair to the side of the head. The person on the ground is revealed as...))


Travis: What the HELL is going on here?

Eddie: I don't know, Travis! Vivian won the match, then Sephiroth came out of nowhere to hit her with a spear and an Athar! Why he did this is beyond me and... Wait just a minute. Look who saved Vivian!

Travis: It's Jessie Blankenship!

((The Assistant Commissioner's daughter helps Vivian to her feet and they walk backstage together. The look on Malice's face is a combination of shock and outright anger. She nearly had her! The women going backstage are joined by a third slender figure, giving the impression of an elaborate plot to unmask a disaster waiting to happen. And that's what it might have been too.))

Eddie: Folks, we're just as confused as you are about all this!

Travis: Don't you dare go away... Coming up later on, we have a Chair Match between The Tiger and B.D.!

Eddie: We'll be back right after this!

(A man is walking down the street and he sees a massage parlor. He rubs his sore back and walks inside.)

Woman: Can I help you?

Man: My back is killing me!

Woman: Right this way.

(We cut to the man laying on a massage table facedown with a towel covering him from the waist down. A masseuse walks in showing a generous amount of clevage.)

Massesuse: Just relax, sir.

(The man sees her and smiles laying his head down. The man suddenly opens his eyes and groans as his back cracks. We see Draven Masters working over the man's back with pounding blows while the masseuse massages his shoulders. The camera gets a closeup of Draven grinning as he continues to work over the man's back, as we hear the man grunting and groaning and the sound of his back cracking. Finally we see Draven walk away and pull a Snicker's Cruncher bar out of his pocket. He takes a bite and grins.)

Announcer: There's no crunch more satisfying than that of a Snicker's Cruncher.

(Behind Draven the man comes walking out bent over and groaning in pain. The masseuse comes up and gives him a Snicker's Cruncher too. He takes a bite and grins as he walks off.)

Announcer: Snicker's Cruncher. A satisfying crunch.

Standard Match
Enforcer vs Jericho Dylan

Eddie: Well, amid all this craziness that has already happened in the past few weeks, we have a match between Jericho Dylan, the reigning HWC World Champ, and The Enforcer.

Travis: Yeah, but I’m more worried about that girl in the front row. She’s gorgeous! And that’s new, in South Carolina.

Eddie: Oh, come on. You can’t be insulting the women in South Carolina, too.

Travis: Look, they look like they were beaten stupid with an ugly stick. It’s not my fault that they’re ugly.

Eddie: Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, Travis.

Travis: No, beauty’s in the eye of the beer holder. And I’m not that drunk, yet.

((The camera shows, in the front row, a ravishingly gorgeous woman, and, after a few moments of the woman waving from her seated position, a small graphic appears on-camera, with the words “Slaughter” in letters apparently made of blood, the words “Natassja DeLioncourt” on the bar.))

Eddie: Holy crap! That’s Jericho’s wife!

Travis: Yipe! You think Jericho heard me talking about his wife?

Eddie: Travis, I think Jericho would be more aggravated if you didn’t say anything about his wife. At least you said she was gorgeous.

Travis: So, Jericho won’t come after me?

Eddie: I wouldn’t count on that. But it wouldn’t be because you insulted his wife.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from New York city, New York, weighing in at 300 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Scott Mercer, representing Bad News. . . THE ENFORCER!!!

((“Click Click Boom” hits and the Enforcer steps out onto the stage holding up his arms and looking over the crowd. Scott follows him out and the two head to the ring, Scott giving the Enforcer an pep talk. On the way to the ring, The Enforcer stops, moving to Natassja, kissing the back of her hand, then backing up. The Enforcer slides under the bottom rope and waits for the match to start.))

Eddie: Enforcer showing Mrs. DeLioncourt some respect, here.

Travis: Yeah. When you realize who she’s married to, I can understand.

Eddie: Especially when you consider the unbridled violence that two of the men that he has been associated with lately bring to the table, in The Creeper and B.D.

Travis: Isn’t he here tonight?

Eddie: Both of them are, from what I understand. I believe The Creeper is here to sign a contract to face Tiger at Riot. And B.D. is here to fight Tiger, tonight.

Travis: In a Chair match. Who did Tiger piss off to get that match? B.D.’s favorite pastime is using a chair to beat everyone else, and himself, silly.

Eddie: I doubt that’s a long trip.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, he is the reigning HWC World Champion, representing the “New” Darkside. . . JERICHO DYLAN!!!

((Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan! He comes bounding down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. When Jericho reaches where Natassja is seated, he leans over the guardrail, kissing her on the cheek softly. When he gets to the ring, he leaps up to the apron without any support or assistance. Once inside the ring, he bounces up on the turnbuckles, throwing his arms back, much to the delight of the female fans. Hopping off the last turnbuckle, he starts bouncing on his toes. He’s just itching for some in-ring action, and it shows! Enforcer and Jericho circle one another after the bell rings, then locking up, Enforcer sneaking in an elbow shot to Jericho’s jaw, then following it up with a quick overhead belly to belly, sending Jericho back-first into the ropes, Jericho rebounding, and landing facedown.))

Eddie: Enforcer already using his considerable strength against Jericho. You have to figure that Jericho has to begin to use his speed and agility against Enforcer. There are surprisingly few athletes that can match Enforcer’s brute strength.

Travis: Good point. Now- What?!

((From the backstage area, Beowulf appears, striding confidently down to ringside, hauling Natassja to her feet, and moving as if to kiss her.))

Eddie: This isn’t right! Jericho and Enforcer are both so focused and ingrained in this match that they can’t even see what’s going on outside the ring, and Natassja’s helpless to stop Beowulf!

Travis: Someone get me a tazer. I’m going to help her.

Eddie: Chivalry from Travis Best?

Travis: No, of course not. I just figure, if I help her, maybe she’ll ‘reward’ me.

Eddie: You’re sick. Sit down.

((Suddenly, from behind the ramp, Palemon appears, chair in hand, cracking Beowulf in the head with it, Beowulf falling over the guardrail, Palemon already moving, now standing on the guardrail itself, tossing the chair, horizontally, into the air, and jumping into the air, driving both feet into the chair, then the chair into Beowulf’s back, Palemon ‘surfing’ down Beowulf’s back, and jumping off of Beowulf’s back as he nears the ground, grabbing the chair again. Palemon grabs the top of the steel steps, turns Beowulf around, tossing the chair to him, then picking up the steel steps and throwing those into the chair in Beowulf’s hands, dropping Beowulf to the ground. By now, Jericho has realized something’s going on, and come outside the ring, to check on his wife. After making sure she was fine, Jericho slides back into the ring, as Palemon leaves ringside.))

Eddie: I guess that means the BLS are no longer a team.

Travis: Yeah, but they have a match later tonight! Right after this one, I think!

Eddie: That will definitely be interesting.

((Jericho is met, in the ring, by a number of heavy boots to his back by Enforcer. Enforcer hauls Jericho to his feet, lifting Jericho for a suplex, and holding him in the air for an exorbitant amount of time, before jumping into the air, and dropping, in a stalling suplex. Jericho hits the ground hard, Enforcer floating over into a pin. 1. . .2 . . . kickout. Enforcer’s look of shock is caught, on camera, for about a second, before it disappears, Enforcer hauling Jericho to his feet. Enforcer lifts Jericho, Jericho visibly dazed from the suplex, into the air, for a powerbomb. Jericho fires off a number of right hands, before sliding his legs off of Enforcer’s shoulders, swinging them out into the air in front of Enforcer, before swinging them in, toward Enforcer, hitting a DDT.))

Eddie: There’s life in the champion still!

Travis: How is that even possible?! Enforcer had him in the air so long that he could have written his autobiography! What kind of endurance does Jericho have?!

Eddie: Who knows? But it’s a lot.

((Jericho gets to his feet, moving to rest in the turnbuckle, shaking the cobwebs out of his head. Jericho moves to lean against the turnbuckle, his arms resting on the ropes. Enforcer gets to his feet, charging in with a clothesline, Jericho launching himself forward with a spear, catching Enforcer unprotected. Almost as soon as Enforcer’s back touched the mat, however, he was back up. Both men meet in the center of the ring, trading shots, Enforcer getting the upper hand quickly, and flooring Jericho with a massive clothesline. Enforcer hauls Jericho to his feet, lifting him for, feasibly, the Enforcer Face Plant, only to have Jericho execute an EXTREMELY tight hurracanrana, hooking Enforcer’s legs. 1. . . 2. . .kickout.))

Eddie: I thought, for sure, the surprise factor would give Jericho the victory.

Travis: Guess not.

((Jericho gets to his feet at roughly the same time as Enforcer, catching Enforcer with a kick to the midsection, then jumping into the air, and hitting a flipping senton onto Enforcer, driving both of them to the ground, Enforcer taking the worst of it, but not by much, the impact also jarring Jericho’s shoulders, neck, and head. The referee begins the 10 count. 1. . .))

Eddie: These two men aren’t going to stay down for much.

Travis: Yeah, and listen to this crowd.

((2. . . . The crowd begins cheering, some for Enforcer, some for Jericho, others just to see both men get to their feet, and continue beating each other senseless. 3. . . . both men still lay, neither man seeming even remotely conscious, the cheers fading slightly. 4. . . . Jericho’s body jerks, his head coming up slightly, to shake nearly violently, only to sink back down again, the cheers intensifying, now. 5. . . . Enforcer’s hand slides out to his right, planting on the mat, his left following suit. 6. . . . Enforcer extricates himself from the jumble of limbs, and slowly get to his feet, falling back into the ropes as he gets to his feet, the count stopping.))

Eddie: Enforcer’s up! This match is over!

Travis: Jericho’s not even moving!

((No sooner has Travis finished speaking as Jericho suddenly kickflips to his feet, catching Enforcer with a clothesline that sends them both over the top rope. Both men land on their feet, however, Enforcer acting first, kicking Jericho in the stomach, and hitting the Enforcer Face Plant, then dragging Jericho back to his feet, and hitting his finisher, the Falcon Arrow he calls Enforcing the Law, before sliding Jericho into the ring. Enforcer takes a minute, to shake the cobwebs free, then sliding into the ring, hooking the leg. 1. . . 2. . .kickout.))


((The cheers instantly turn into a raucous chant of “HOLY SHIT”. And, of all the shocked people in the building, Enforcer is the most so. Enforcer, apparently believing that it was just reflex, pins Jericho, again. 1. . . 2. kickout! This time, however, Jericho kickflips to his feet, again, moving around Enforcer, and hitting a quick belly to back suplex, sending the back of Enforcer’s head into the top turnbuckle, Jericho kickflipping to his feet, again, hauling Enforcer to stand, lifting Enforcer, and putting him on the top turnbuckle, following him up.))

Eddie: These two men are putting their lives on the line, here!

Travis: They’re both mental.

Eddie: Right now, I’d have to agree.

((Jericho hits a HUGE suplex from the top rope, Enforcer bouncing off of the mat, the ring bouncing as well, moving over a few inches. Jericho, again, kickflips to his feet, and hits the Standing Senton he calls The Mardi Gras Kickoff, leaning back, hooking Enforcer’s leg. 1. . . 2. . . kickout.))

Eddie: Now Enforcer just kicked out!

Travis: We’re going to need a bazooka to keep these guys down!

Eddie: You may be right.

((Jericho gets to his feet, rebounding off of the ropes, jumping into the air, and hitting a high flipping senton, only to have Enforcer move. Enforcer shakes his head, then goes to the top rope, of all places, jumping off with a HUGE body splash, hooking the leg.))

Eddie: That’s 300 lbs landing on Jericho with all the force of a bomb dropped.

Travis: I didn’t even think Enforcer could climb to the top turnbuckle.

Eddie: Apparently he can.

((1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Enforcer finally kept Jericho down!

Travis: Yeah, but at what price?

((The referee raises Enforcer’s hand in victory, both men seeming worse for wear. After a few moments, Enforcer begins to celebrate. Jericho gets to his feet, slowly, shaking the cobwebs, behind Enforcer. Jericho moves up behind Enforcer, turning him around. Both men stand, staring each other down, Enforcer clutching his ribs, Jericho doing the same. After a few minutes, Jericho extends his hand, Enforcer shaking Jericho’s hand, Jericho, immediately afterward, proceeding to fall over. The lights flicker, then the turnbuckles explode upward, in four pillars of fire, The Creeper stepping from the turnbuckle, emotionless eyes taking in Enforcer, then grabbing Jericho’s arm. Again, the lights flicker, then return to normal, The Creeper nowhere in sight, Jericho rolling out of the ring, looking none the worse for wear. And, for that matter, neither is Enforcer.))

Eddie: The Creeper came out here. And, well, at the risk of sounding like a moron, that was creepy.

Travis: The whole garbage about Darkness is a load of crap, but The Creeper and B.D. are both scary. What did he do to Jericho and Enforcer, anyway? They went from looking like hell warmed over to looking like they had just had dinner!

Eddie: Are you sure you want to know that, Travis?

Travis: Good point.

(Scene opens on a pay phone. A man walks up and picks up the reciver and dials zero.)

Voice: What the hell do you think you're doing?

(The man turns to see Kidd Rock walk up to him.)

Man: Making a collect call.

Kidd: By dialing zero? What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know about 1-800-COLLECT?

Man: 1-800-COLLECT?

Kidd: Yeah. The easy way to make collect calls. Plus you'll save the people you call a buck or two. Just put 1-800 in front of collect.

Man: That's so easy, why didn't I think of that?

Kidd: Well, you'll remember for next time right?

Man: Sure.

Kidd: Cause if you don't I'll send them to your house.

(Kidd points and the man sees the entire HWC roster looking at him with their arms crossed and a few tapping their feet or pounding their fists into their hands.)

Announcer: 1-800-COLLECT. Use it and save a buck or two.

((As Slaughter comes back from commercial, the cameras find Autumn Lewis waiting in the ring, with a mic in her right hand, a table in front of her, and a document, of some sort, in her left. Waiting a moment, Autumn then speaks.))

Autumn: Hello, South Carolina! (The crowd cheers.) I'm out here, tonight, with a contract. This contract states simply that, at Riot, The Creeper and Tiger will meet, in this very ring, to put an exclamation point on their recent problems. This match will be a Hardcore match, for The Creeper's own Hardcore title. This contract also states that if, at any time between now and Riot, either person lays a hand on the other, then this match will be called off. So, to get things taken care of,let's get these people out here. First, Tiger!

(("King of My World" plays as Tiger walks to the ring, sliding into the ring, and sitting in one of the metal folding chairs, before standing up again, and picking up the chair.))

Autumn: Put the chair down, Tiger, or this contract will never get signed, and you'll never get your match. (Tiger puts the chair down, but stands next to it.) Now, The Creeper!

((The same laugh as always echoes through the building, then switching to "Go 2 Sleep", the turnbuckles literally exploding upward, the light blinding. When sight is restored, The Creeper stands on the other side of the table, B.D. nearly a foot behind him with a chair.))

Autumn: Please, get B.D. out of the ring.

Creeper: I have no problem with this contract, but I also know Tiger very well. I'm going to be ready, here.

((Tiger signs the contract as it's put in front of her, then spins it around, on the table, The Creeper doing the same, Tiger then grabbing the mic.))

Tiger: I can't touch Creeps, here, right? Well, it doesn't say anythin about ya.

((Tiger grabs the metal folding chair, and turns, cracking Autumn in the head with it. Behind Tiger, The Creeper steps back, and to the side, B.D. surging forward, and cracking Tiger in the head with the chair, and laughing maniacally, hauling the chair back, again, to crack Tiger once more. The Creeper grabs the chair, shaking his head. B.D. nods slowly, then two black circles appear on the mat itself, both men falling through them, disappearing from sight.))

Eddie: I've said it before, I'll say it again. Those two are just plain creepy!

Travis: And scary.

Eddie: That too.

Tag Team Match
Die Zerstörer vs BloodLust Slayerz

Eddie: Well, next up, we have a match between Die Zerstörer and one of the most questionable tag teams in history.

Travis: Questionable?

Eddie: Yeah. Lately, they’ve had their share of problems, like earlier tonight, when Beowulf attempted to take Natassja prisoner, or whatever it was he was attempting to do.

Travis: Ah. Good point.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a tag team contest, set for one fall. Introducing first, from Germany, weighing in at a combined weight of 480 lbs, Klaus Von Hammer and Hans Kuhmann. . . DIE ZERSTORER!!!

((Seek & Destroy plays on the PA, with white strobes flashing in the entrance way. As the main body of the song kicks in, there is a blast of pyro, and Klaus and Hans step out. Klaus just stands with his arms folded, looking around at the fans, while Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, gesturing for the fans to get on their feet. Then they power walk to the ring. Klaus rolls in under the bottom rope and Hans vaults over the top. They go to opposite corners, climb to the middle turnbuckle, and do the “Crossed Hammers” to the crowd, then repeat at the other two corners.))

Eddie: Hans looking surprisingly well, considering the assault he suffered at the hands of the jobbers.

Travis: (Snickering) He got beat by a bunch of losers.

Eddie: Travis, you’re making a fool of yourself again.

Travis: Again?! Dammit.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, from Norway, weighing in at a combined weight of 500 lbs, Beowulf and Palemon. . . . THE BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!!!

((A dark cloud of smoke fills the stage as Possession play. Once the music gets hard and fast the smoke clears showing Beowulf standing there where he wasn't before. After a moment of standing there listening to the crowd boo, he starts heading to the ring. Once in the ring, he turns and stares down Die Zerstorer.))

Eddie: Where’s Palemon?! We know he’s here!

Travis: Hiding.

((Beowulf locks up with Klaus, starting for his team. With no effort, Beowulf shoves Klaus backward, sending Klaus into his corner. Klaus rockets out of the corner, lifting Beowulf up, hitting an impressive spinebuster, apparently targeting Beowulf’s back, injured earlier in the night. Beowulf’s body curls outward, his hand going to his back. Klaus kicks Beowulf in the back, then locking Beowulf in a bow and arrow, focusing heavily on Beowulf’s back.))

Eddie: Smart move by Klaus, here. Focus on Beowulf’s back.

Travis: This might be the shortest match in history. Without Palemon, right now, Beowulf’s got about no chance.

((Suddenly, Palemon appears from the back, chair in hand, sliding into the ring, cracking the referee in the head, then turning, as Klaus releases the hold on Beowulf, turning to face Palemon. Palemon responds by shooting past Klaus, placing his foot on Beowulf’s shoulders, and beating Beowulf viciously with the chair, all attacks focused on the small of Beowulf’s back. Palemon lifts Beowulf up to a seated position, moving to keep his legs behind Beowulf’s body, to support Beowulf, rearing back, far, bringing the chair crashing down, into Beowulf’s face, again. Beowulf drops to the ground.))

Eddie: Palemon apparently focusing on the injured back, and Beowulf’s face, injured last week by B.D.

Travis: Speak of the devil!

((B.D. appears on stage, and, instead of going to the ring, carries his chair to the announce position, sitting next to Travis.))

Eddie: Uh. . .we’re being joined by B.D., here, folks.

Travis: Why’d he have to sit by me?

B.D.: Because your feet itch. Here, let me help! (Thud)


B.D.: Yeah, but it don’t itch no more, do it?

Travis: Listen, you insane fruitcake, if you hurt me, I’ll- (Static)

Eddie: And B.D. has just knocked Travis out, ladies and gentlemen. Why’d you do that, B.D.?

B.D.: He screams too much.

((Palemon, again, moves to crack Beowulf with the chair, both members of Die Zerstörer looking at him for a minute. Palemon cracks Beowulf in the face, then walks off, back up the ramp. As Palemon disappears from sight, the announce position mics pick up a distinctive maniacal giggle.))

Eddie: Stay here, B.D.

B.D.: Why? I’m missing out on the fun.

Eddie: I don’t see how. You’re standing on Travis.

B.D.: He makes a bad pillow. He squirms too much.

((The referee slowly begins to get to his feet, Hans helping him up, and checking on him. As the referee regains his vision, Klaus pins Beowulf. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

B.D.: 4-5-6!!

Eddie: Uh, no, B.D. It stops at 3.

B.D.: Why?

Eddie: I dunno. It just does.

B.D.: Okay. Gotta go!

((The camera picks up B.D. bolting to the ring, chair in hand. B.D. rests the chair against his back, hitting a senton on Beowulf, into the chair, then sliding out of the ring, chair in hand, B.D.’s laugh audible even without a mic.))

Eddie: Sometimes I wonder how insane B.D. really is. He seems to have some level of intellect.

Travis: Dammit, Eddie, why didn’t you get him offa me? I think he broke one of my ribs.

Eddie: I’m sure he was trying for more. You want me to tell him he only broke the one?

Travis: NO!

((Eddie laughs as Slaughter goes to commercial.))

(Blood Dragon is sitting at a Wendy's with Zoe. He's eating one of the new Wendy's salads.)

Zoe: What'cha got?

Blood: A Wendy's salad.

Man at next table (laughing): The big bad wrestler is eating a salad? (Laughs harder.) What a wimp! Only wimps eat salad!

(Suddenly we see the man flying across the Wendy's screaming, followed by a thud as he lands on the floor. Cut back to Zoe brushing her hands off.)

Zoe: No one calls my husband a wimp except me!

Blood: Thanks hon...HEY!

Announcer: Now Wendy's has great salads with under 5 grams of fat. Come to Wendy's. It's better here.

Eddie: Folks during commercials the on going fight between Beowulf and Palemon spilled to the back stage. And well…. You will have to have a see for your self.

((Camera cuts to back stage with the words Moments Ago at the bottom of the screen. Palemon is seen walking out Jericho’s locker room when Beowulf comes out of no where and spears him into the wall. The wall nearly gives way to the impact. Palemon tries to take a swing at him but Beowulf blocks it and slams his own fist into the gut of Palemon. Palemon gasps for air but manages to grab Beowulf’s head and slam it hard against the wall. Beowulf holds his nose and then tries to slam his elbow into Palemon’s temple, when Palemon spins out of the way. Palemon then sweeps Beowulf’s legs out from under him and leaps on him to beat away on his face. Quick thinking of Beowulf’s part has him tucking his feet in and kicking Palemon behind him. Palemon lands hard on the floor a few feet away just missing cracking his head on a table. Beowulf gets to his feet and pulls Palemon up by this throat. At first he slams his body against the wall before pulling him back and slamming him against the wall across from the last. It is there Beowulf holds Palemon against the wall and off his feet.))

Beowulf: Now who’s the weak one! Your dare attack me! Bad mistake, now I’m going to enjoy tearing you apart!

Palemon: (chokes) ….. Match….

Beowulf: What?

Palemon: Face …….me….

Beowulf: Oh no…… matches are for peons! No we are doing things my way now. No more matches!

Palemon: (manages to get Beowulf’s hand lose enough to speak) Not just any match…….. A Career Match. Winner stays losing leaves the HWC for good.

Beowulf: (thinks about it for a moment) No more tricks, if I am to defeat you in battle so be it. This match of yours….. more then a career will be lost.

((Palemon’s words are choked off as Beowulf tighten his grib.))

Beowulf: I’m talking an Inferno Barbwire Match. If one of us is going out it will be with a body bag!

((Beowulf drops Palemon leaving him to cough for air, but just before he goes Beowulf kicks Palemon in the ribs.)) Travis: A Inferno Barbwire Career Match?

Eddie: I’m just as speechless as you are at that.

((The lights dim threw out the arena as a hush falls over the crowd, not to long after that the Core-Tron sputters to life. The crowd erupts into boos when they see Panthro standing out side somewhere, where the wind is blowing hard. He is dressed in all black with his head down and hands folded before him. He seems to stay like that forever when he finally raises his head.))

Panthro: I have given what I'm about to say much thought. And the question on every ones mind is..... why did I try to kill Blood Dragon. Simple. Simple if your an up and comer like me in this business. If I could do something so great so unheard of and shocking, I would gain instint fame. A change to succeed anyone of would take. Blood Dragon was my ticket and I hold no regrets to my action. My love for pain my fantasices with Death. My only regreat is I did not kill Blood Dragon.......

((Hidden by shadows, Blood listens to Panthro's words as he stands there letting the wind whip about him. He had been following the upstart since his arrival at the arena, and to the best of his knowledge, Panthro knew nothing of it. Letting his voice ring out, and bounce around the rooftop, Blood let's his presense be known.))

Blood: That will be the las rgret you ever have to worry about, little man.

Panthro: (turns away from the camera and looks behind him) Blood Dragon?

Blood: (Still hidden by the shadows) Surprised? Are you learning now that you picked the wrong man to try and get famous off of?

Panthro: Show your self! You made a name off of crippling others, it's about time someone did the dame to you!

((Stepping fom the shadows, Blood lets the light wash over him. His face contorted in a rage he struggles to hold back.))

Blood: I cripple others in the ring. They go there knowing they could get hurt. You tried to kill me outside the ring, on your own terms.

Panthro: Be honored I gave you a leason in pain, but you can't stop it now. I will go down as the man that tryed to kill Blood Dragon!

Blood: You gave me a lesson? You've not even scratched the surface of what I've learned in life. As for men trying to kill me, well let's just say you're one in a million kid.

Panthro: Hardly..... I could finish it now give you the ulitmate leason by throwing you off this roof top..... Death!

Blood: You could try. But what would you do when everyone saw you throw me off the roof? Gloat for as long as it took the police to find you?

Panthro: Either way I would have made a name for my self... and you would be nothing more then a mere memory. I even doubt your brat and whore would remember you.

((Letting a roar, Blood looks up frm the ground to reveal that his eyes have once again gone red. Charging Panthro, he is on him in no time a hand wrapped around Panthro's neck squeezing for all he is worth.))

Blood: Is death what your after? I'll show you the unglamorous side noone ever thinks about.

Panthro: (chokes) Death would be the ulimate leason.....

((Moving to dangle Panthro off the ledge of the building, Blood moves his face right into Panthro's.))

Blood: I'll give you one warning. Attempt this again and I will skin you from head to toe. Leave me and my family alone or I will teach you more than you ever cared to know about pain.

((Letting go of Panthro, Blood watches with a sick grin as he falls onto a ledge a few feet down.))

Panthro: (coughs and holds his throat) I won't be ignored! Not by you or anyone else!

Blood: I'm not ignoring...I'm threatening.

((Turning and walking back into the shadows, blood disappears as easily as he appeared.))

Chair Match
The Tiger vs B.D.

Eddie: And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Chair match. Between two people deemed as insane.

Travis: That's true. But I don't know who's more insane... Those two, or the person who booked this match! I mean, come on! The Tiger and B.D. in a CHAIR MATCH?

Eddie: Travis, shut up. You know why?

Travis: It's not because you told me to. I won't do it.

Eddie: You will... Because we're about to be joined by the competitors!

Jean Fortello: The following is a Chair match. The only way to win is to get the chair from the rope above the ring and use it on your opponent. Introducing first, from the Second Tier of Hell... B.D.!

((As the music fades in, the lights fade, and the HWC-tron shows a very distinguished looking gentleman, in an elaborate study, his hands resting on his left knee, folded over his right. As the song proceeds, the man's voice cuts in. "Look, I know the supernatural is something that isn't supposed to happen, but it does happen." the HWC-tron then fades to black, and two large red dots appear on the Tron, only to flow down, and leave behind two letters made from the red liquid, in B.D. Smoke fills the entranceway and the ring, after a few seconds obscuring both, the lights come back up, the smoke flowing from the ring, showing B.D. waiting, in a low crouch, for the match to start.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... From St. Louis, Missouri... THE TIGER!

((King of My World plays followed by an explosion of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing the steps, she enters through the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her fists clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start. The bell is about to ring when something strange happens to the lights... They cut out. When they come back up, there are three men standing at ringside...))

Eddie: We're being joined by The Creeper, Peter Blankenship and one of the Dylan brothers, but I can't tell which one.

Travis: I can't tell either! We'll just have to wait and see who that is!

((The bell rings and Tiger goes right for the ladder so she can get the chair. But B.D. stops her by pulling down on her hair. She hits the mat, but bounces right back up. B.D. giggles insanely and hits her with an open hand to the side of her head. Tiger retaliates with an open fist to the face. He just giggles. Then he gets serious and hits her with a thunderous clothesline that sends her out of the ring to sprawl face first on the mat. She didn't land near Peter or The Creeper. She landed near a man with long black hair laced with wide white stripes...))

Eddie: Wait a minute! That's MICHAEL!

Travis: What's he doing here? He's no wrestler!

((Michael doesn't say a word as he helps Tiger to her feet. His touch sends a tingle racing through her veins and she jerks before nodding in thanks and getting back in the ring. Michael stands with his hands behind his back, watching the action through impassioned eyes. Peter and The Creeper watch too, content to remain where they are. Tiger and B.D. circle warily, seeking a chance for an attack. Tiger gets the first opportunity, hitting B.D. with a standing dropkick. He staggers backward, remaining on his feet. Tiger snarls and hits it again. This time, B.D. falls clear out of the ring. He lands with an OOF! that makes Tiger smirk before going after that ladder. But she doesn't go for the chair... No, she uses it to launch herself out of the ring to land on B.D.! The crowd gasps loudly as both competitors struggle to their feet. B.D. pie-faces Tiger backward, then rolls into the ring. He's going for the chair... She's right behind him, favoring her ribs a bit. B.D. gets the ladder in place and goes up, but Tiger hits the ladder with a standing dropkick. The ladder teeters, then falls, sending B.D. onto the top rope.))

Eddie: OUCH!

Travis: I doubt he felt that, Eddie. But I can sympathize...

((Sure enough, B.D. didn't even feel it. But he is slowed down somewhat... He has to untangle his foot first. Tiger takes the opportunity to catch her breath. She's near Michael's side of the ring again. He reaches in and taps her leg, then pulls back. She gives him a funny look, then shrugs and goes after B.D. She executes a perfect standing dropkick, leaving him hanging upside down. Of course, B.D. being who he is, he finds this new position absolutely hysterical. He's laughing at all the people being upside down, failing to realize he's the one who's upside down. Then Tiger's feet connect solidly with his noggin, setting him free. He hits the mat with an oof, then gets up. He gets back in the ring, feeling absolutely no effects whatsoever. He isn't even dizzy, for pete's sake!))

Eddie: We now have positive proof that B.D. is totally insane. He was hanging upside down and laughing about it.

Travis: No kidding. But what's the deal with Michael helping The Tiger?

Eddie: That's his job, Travis. He's a healer.

Travis: Now that I don't believe. There's no such thing as being able to heal with a touch of your hand.

Eddie: There is. Sometimes something happens that just can't be explained. What Michael and his brothers can do fits under the category of the unexplainable.

Travis: With all due respect to The Creeper, that's a bunch of hogwash.

Eddie: Whether you believe it or not doesn't really matter. It's true.

((As if overhearing the conversation, which is entirely possible, The Creeper turns to see Eddie and Travis. He nods to Eddie and frowns at Travis. Travis eeps quietly and shrinks down in his chair. Back in the ring, B.D. and Tiger are playing tug-of-war with the ladder when B.D. decides he doesn't want to play any more. He lets go and Tiger stumbles backward, the ladder hitting her solidly in the stomach. He steps over it and starts pummeling her with open hands. They're legal, but barely. You have to be careful around these referees... They've taken an intense amount of abuse lately and absolutely will NOT tolerate it any more. B.D. hits Tiger with a headbutt that catapults her over the top rope to land near Michael's feet again. Michael helps her up, the tingle stronger this time around. She gives him another funny look, panic clear in her eyes, then gets back in the ring. He isn't doing much... Just helping her enough so she can survive. And when you consider who she's in the ring with, it's a good idea! The ladder is set up in the middle of the ring again. B.D. is clambering up it like a monkey, going after that steel chair. Tiger scales the ladder on the other side, hoping to meet him in the middle. They grab the chair at the same time... A fierce tug of war ensues with them standing on top of a rickety ladder that seems to be wobbling violently.))

Eddie: Dear God... If that ladder falls over, one of them could be seriously hurt!

Travis: And if not them, then us. That ladder is in a direct line with our table!

((Very astute observation, Travis... It is indeed. But Michael is directly in the line of fire... If that ladder falls, Michael is going to be the first one it hits. And if there are people on it, he's going to bear the brunt of their weight. The ladder teeters ominously, going away from the table side, then back toward it.))

Eddie: My God... I just realized something. If that ladder falls, it's going to land squarely on Michael! Look where he's standing!

Travis: Shit, Eddie, you're right!

((He sheds his headset and shouts at Michael, telling him to move out of the way in case the ladder falls. Michael turns in annoyance to see what he's yelling about just as the ladder topples, heading directly toward him. Travis is pointing frantically, gesturing to the toppling ladder that still has B.D. and Tiger on it. Michael turns around, in slow motion, and tries to move. But he doesn't get out of the way and gets flattened by the ladder and its occupants. The top of the ladder scrapes harmlessly off the table and leaves it intact. Travis stares in horror at the carnage directly in front of him. The Creeper didn't see it... Peter didn't see it... It's like the entire arena went blind! And, in a way, perhaps it did. To them, it's as if nothing ever happened. Until Travis does something smart... He runs right up to The Creeper and taps on his arm. The Creeper turns to look at him and sees the ladder. Tiger and B.D., not knowing Michael is under the ladder, get back in the ring, still fighting over that damn chair. Travis points to the ladder and says one word that sets The Creeper in motion. What does he say? It's more of a name than a word... He says, "Michael!". The Creeper runs over and hurls the ladder off to one side. B.D. has possession of the chair and uses it to nail Tiger with that devastating headbutt he calls the Chair Drive. The bell rings, but Travis and The Creeper don't hear it. They're too busy trying to get Michael to his feet.))

Eddie: My God... Folks, Michael DeLioncourt was at ringside to watch this match and... And he got hit by a falling ladder. On that ladder were two of the HWC's top competitors, The Tiger and B.D. Michael is not moving here...

Jean Fortello: The winner of the match... B.D.!

((The fans are staring in shock at the carnage. Tiger's been split open by the Chair Drive and B.D. is none too steady on his feet. The sound of running footsteps is the only warning they get that someone's coming... The EMT's come running and skid to a stop by the unconscious Michael. But The Creeper finally lifts him and holds him up. The lights flicker and die out again. When they come back up, the ring and the immediate vicinity are empty. Only Travis and the EMT's are still there... Everyone else is gone. Travis comes back to the announce table, still in a state of shock.))

Eddie: Travis, are you all right?

Travis: I... No. That was horrible. I told you someone was going to get hurt!

Eddie: You didn't actually come out and say it... But it does appear that way.

Travis: For once, I don't have anything else to say.

Eddie: Me either, Travis... Folks, for Travis Best, I'm Eddie Daniels. Good night.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))