Saturday Night Slaughter
Mexico City, Mexico, Central America from the Azteca Stadium

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, the back to black.))

Eddie: What a night we have tonight everyone.

Travis: Yeah the living dead and the double living dead both have matches tonight.

Eddie: My slow, and often times idiotic companion would be referring to the returns of Sephiroth du Lac, and Blood Dragon last Sunday night at X-Treme.

Travis: Yeah, slow….wait a minute.

((Before Travis can go any further, Downfall by Trust Company comes over the speakers, and the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. Walking over to the corner, Blood calls for a mic before jumping up onto the turnbuckle and soaking in some cheers.))

Eddie: Speak of the devil.

Travis: Blood is the devil too?

((Jumping up from his announce position, Travis throws down his headset and hops the guardrail to run away. Both Eddie, and Blood watch him take off so Blood shoots Eddie a questioning look.))

Eddie: (shouting) He thinks you’re the devil.

((Laughing out loud, Blood shakes his head a bit at the thought before speaking.))

Blood: When Travis Best finally stops running would someone inform him that I am not the devil, and that he needs to get back out here and do his job? Now on to important matters….GUESS WHO”S BACK? No, it’s not Sephiroth, but apparently he’s back too. Nope it’s just little old me. Now I know everyone is shocked. Hell I went to get a Slurpee just earlier today and the lady passed out on me saying something about the dead walking and taking over the world. That’s not why I’m here though I can assure you. In fact, I never even died.

((Giving the crowd a moment to let that tasty morsel sink in, he turns just in time to see Travis Best meekly come back across the guardrail, and take his position at the announce table. Placing his headset back on he quickly mumbles out something about having to use the restroom.))

Blood: Now, like I was saying, I never actually died though I’m sure someone here in the HWC wishes I had. Let me paint the picture for everyone. It was a nice day a little more than three months ago, and I was out for a nice drive. Suddenly this car races by me, and though my first instinct is to race him I let him speed on by and continue with my drive. Unfortunately for me just minutes later that car was sitting around a bend in the road aimed directly at me. I swerved to avoid it, but the driver managed to clip the rear end of my car and send me spinning. All I caught of the person responsible was a brief glimpse of their face, but it was enough for me to think about as my car slipped off the side of the road and falling five feet before rolling to a rest against and old ass oak tree. Sitting in the hospital for two months, and one month of rehab just further cemented the fact that I needed to come back and pay the person responsible back with a big heal! Thy ass-whoopin.

Eddie: Holy crap, I can’t believe this…

Travis: What? What am I missing?

Blood: Now for those of you who aren’t up to speed, I’m going to break it down real nice and slow for you. Panthro, you tried to kill me and I have no idea why. I promise, however, that I am going to not only find out why but I’m also going to put you through as much pain as you put me through and then some. When I’m done with you Panthro, you’ll damn sure wish you’d finished the job. That is not a threat, it is a promise, and I’ve never made a promise I haven’t kept.

((Tossing the mic to the mat, Downfall once again picks up as Blood jumps over the top rope and lands gracefully on the floor below. The look on his face is not one of anger however, but of determination.))

Travis: Panthro tried to kill Blood?

Eddie: That’s what Blood just said, and that’s something to mess around with.

Travis: How do you kill the devil?

Eddie: He’s not the devil you jackass. Ah, Jesus, let’s just get on with the show. I have a feeling I’m in for a long night tonight.

((Camera opens up on a city street. The Tiger waits at a stop light for it to turn green sitting on her V-Rod, when a nerdy looking guy pulls up check to her on a scooter bike.)

Nerd: Wanna race?

The Tiger: You call that a bike! Come with me boy!

(Tiger grabs him and pulls him off the scooter, she drapes his body over the small back seat. The light turns green and she pulls off. Camera cuts opening up on a Harley Davidson shop as Tiger drags him threw the door. Once inside Tiger throws him to the floor as two big biker looking clerks watch.)

The Tiger: Total make over boys.

(The clerks leap over the counter and grabs off the nerd screaming.)

The Tiger: The only bike worth riding is a Harley Davidson. Remember that....... cause next time I won't be so nice about it!

(Camera cuts to out side the shop the clerks and the now biker dressed nerd wave to Tiger as she rides off into the sun set.))

Standard Match
The Tiger vs Malice

Eddie: First up, ladies and gentlemen, we have a match between Malice and Tiger. Lately, Tiger has been almost sadistically vicious, but, despite that, has been on a losing streak.

Travis: Are you sure that’s something you should be saying? She will be coming out here.

Eddie: I’m just telling the truth, Travis. And her opponent, Malice, apparently, has some business with B.D.

Travis: Not necessarily. I think B.D. doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time.

Eddie: Only half?

Travis: The other half, he’s laughing.

Eddie: Ah.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs. . . THE TIGER!!!

((“King of My World” plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters threw the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start.))

Eddie: Tiger seems pumped, here, but you have to wonder how much she is still feeling the effects of the fall through the roof of the Cell at X-Treme, and, fans, if you missed it, at X-Treme, Tiger was the recipient of a Wylde Night from Jeff Wylde through the roof of the Cell in her IC title bid.

Travis: I know I’d be feeling it.

Eddie: And you have to wonder about Malice. She was the recipient of a vicious chair shot from B.D., of all people, propelled into her face by B.D.’s HEAD!

Travis: He barely felt it.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from Austin, Texas, weighing in at 145 lbs. . . MALICE!!!

((The lights go down and paper flowers begins to fall from the rafters as a purple search light begins to go over the crowd. The light comes to a stop at the back of the entrance ramp where a a dark haired woman dressed in a short black dress covered by a long black flowing robe. She walks to the ring as the paper flowers continue to fall around her. She enters the ring, removes the robe and is summarily speared hard enough to send her back into the turnbuckle post, the impact shaking the turnbuckle post, and moving the ring slightly.))


Travis: That is one crazy broad!

((Tiger steps back, motioning to Malice to get up. Malice reaches up, grabbing the top rope to either side, and jumping upward with her feet, kicking Tiger hard, in the face. Tiger spins away, a hand going to her lip. Before Tiger can react, however, Malice charges from behind, hitting a bulldog, driving Tiger into the mat facefirst, then immediately floating over into an STF. Tiger manages to move around, hooking her foot in the ropes. The referee calls for the break, and, after a four count, Malice breaks the hold. Tiger gets to her feet, and, as Malice turns to look at Tiger, Tiger jabs her in the eye, Malice ducking away, holding her eye. Tiger grabs Malice, straightening her slightly, and spits in Malice’s other eye, her spit now mostly blood.))

Eddie: Tiger seems to be bleeding in her mouth. Probably from that kick to the face that Malice fired off earlier.

Travis: And using that blood to great effect.

((Tiger turns Malice around, picking her up, and resting her on the top turnbuckle, facing the crowd, following her up, picking Malice up, only to have Malice fire off a number of right hands, then shoving Tiger backward, off of the turnbuckle, to land, hard, against the guardrail, the guardrail itself echoing a loud, dull thud, Tiger recoiling only to lay prone on the ground.))

Eddie: Oh my god. Someone get some medical personnel out here. Tiger may be dead. And. . . what is she doing?

Travis: She’s going to win, Eddie.

((Malice has, by now, exited the ring, and, picking up the dead weight that is Tiger, slides her into the ring, following quickly, pinning Tiger with a finger.))

Eddie: Oh, come on! That is simply insulting!

Travis: But a good way to make a statement.

((The referee slides into position, making the count, all elementary by now. 1. . . 2. . . kickout, by Tiger.))

Eddie: That had to be entirely reflex! There is no way Tiger could even be conscious at this point!

Travis: I. . . I’m speechless!

Eddie: Another first.

((Malice picks up Tiger, moving to set up the Death By Night. As Malice jumps, however, Tiger pulls back, Malice dropping heavily to the mat. Tiger simply falls from the top turnbuckle, landing on her back. As Malice gets to her feet, she grabs Tiger’s ankle, moving to pull her away from the ropes, Tiger reacting with a boot to the face, getting slowly to her feet, only to roll out of the ring as Malice attempts to drop an elbow into Tiger’s back. Malice rebounds quickly, following Tiger outside the ring. The referee slides out of the ring, attempting to stop Malice from pursuing Tiger. Malice shoves the ref aside, following Tiger, now leaning on the guardrail heavily. Malice turns Tiger around, only to get a face full of bloody spit. Tiger grabs Malice, throwing her bodily into the ring, sliding into the ring behind her, picking Malice up, again, putting her on the top turnbuckle in the same fashion as before.))

Eddie: Tiger’s lost her last marbles! She was nearly crippled trying to do this earlier!

Travis: Who knows? Maybe she’ll hit it.

((Tiger gets to the top turnbuckle, hauling Malice to her feet, and hitting a jumping spinebuster to Malice FROM THE TOP ROPE! Afterward, however, Tiger simply falls to the side, the impact seeming to have jarred Malice, if not to unconsciousness, then damned close. The referee begins the count. At 7, Tiger reaches over, draping an arm over Malice. 1. . . 2. . . Malice puts her foot on the ropes. After being told, Tiger breaks the hold, slowly getting to her feet, with the aid from the ropes.))

Eddie: Tiger can barely stand! Someone stop this match! These two aren’t going to stop until they’ve killed the other!

Travis: Hey, that’s good TV.

Eddie: You’re sick.

((Malice gets to her feet slowly, as well, both women leaning heavily on the ropes. Malice steps away from the ropes, moving toward Tiger, Tiger throwing her weight into the ropes, and rebounding with a left jab to Malice’s face, stopping her, Tiger falling back into the ropes, and rebounding again, with another left jab, causing Malice to get wobbly on her feet, Tiger falling back into the ropes again. As Tiger rebounds this time, however, she spins to her left, flooring Malice with the right, only to fall, heavily, to the ground, on her back.))

Eddie: Tiger just hit the Click Click Boom, but how much does she have left to pin Malice with?

Travis: Probably nothing.

((Tiger’s left arm flops down at her side, weakly, falling over Malice. 1. . .2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Tiger’s won!

Travis: Who’da thunk it?

((Tiger is helped to her feet, and her arm is raised in victory. A few moments later, Tiger has enough energy to look into the nearest camera, and shout at it.))

Tiger: Yer next, Creeper!

((Suddenly, all eyes move to the top of the ramp, and Tiger’s follow, the camera panning to show the focus of everyone’s scrutiny, revealing The Creeper standing, relaxed, at the top of the ramp. Tiger points at The Creeper, then draws her thumb across her throat. The Creeper smiles patronizingly, then laughs, before turning on his heel, and walking backstage again.))

Eddie: Apparently, The Creeper still doesn’t view Tiger as a threat.

Travis: Well, I think she’s more of a threat to herself. Any normal person would have stayed down after hitting the guardrail like that. I mean, look! The guardrail has a Tiger-shaped indent, now!

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, as a result of a pinfall, TIGER!

((Tiger walks from the ring, toward the backstage area. The camera cuts and catches sight of the lovely Natassja Dylan emerging from Cherisse Novak's office. She has a smile on her face...))

Natassja: Thank you, Miss Novak.

((Just at that time Beowulf happens to walk by and seeing Natassja. She smiels and looks her up and down.))

Beowulf: Well what do we have here..... a little pre fight pleasure.

Natassja: In your dreams, Beowulf. I'm not one of your toys.

Beowulf: We will see about that.... (moves closer backing her against the wall) Scream for me!

Natassja: I won't give you the satisfaction. I wonder what my husband would say if he saw this.

Beowulf: (touching her face) Maybe he would like to watch.


((Palemon comes from behind grabbing Beowulf and pulls him away.))

Natassja: Just in time.

((She rubs her throat and glares at Beowulf.))

Beowulf: Ahhh Palemon..... hold her for me while I take and make her mine.

Palemon: Not on your life! I will not let you touch my family.

Beowulf: Family?! You have no family other then me!

Natassja: Wrong as usual, Beowulf.

Beowulf: Stand down Palemon!

Palemon: No!

Beowulf: What! How dare you!

Palemon: Go Natassja.

((Natassja doesn't have to be told twice... She takes off. Beowulf tries to persue her while Palemon gets in his way pulling him back and throwing him against the wall. She ducks into an empty room and slams the door.))

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and BloodDragon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

Handiecap Match
BloodLust Slayerz vs Zac K.

Eddie: Well, now it’s time for a match between the young rookie, Zac K., and the BloodLust Slayerz.

Travis: That’s a good idea for a match. Two on one. Someone’s getting hurt.

Eddie: Most likely. And the eerie thing about this is this is a match that Zac requested.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a handicapped match. Introducing first, from Binghamton, New York, weighing in at 200 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by his wife Karen. . . ZAC K!!!

((Zac K walks out from behind the curtains and stands at the top of the ramp and his fists shoot out of his sides like a crucifix position, ( Tommy Dreamers pose when he has the Singapore cane). While he's standing there his wife/manager Karen Walks out and up to his back and wraps her arms around him and after she does that she lets go and they both walk down the ramp and Zac slides into the ring and Karen stays on the outside. Zac walks over to the ring rope and Karen climbs up onto the apron and gives Zac a kiss and then she hops down and Zac waits in the ring.))

Eddie: Well, he looks ready, but, then, if he wasn’t, he’d be in for one hell of a beating.

Travis: And that’s what these people paid to see. After the first match, they’ve probably got their fix, for now.

Jean Fortello: And his opponents, from Norway, weighing in at a combined weight of 500 lbs, Beowulf and Palemon, THE BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!!!

((A dark cloud of smoke fills the stage as Possession play. Once the music gets hard and fast the smoke clears showing Palemon and Beowulf standing there where they weren't before. After a moment of standing there listening to the crowd boo, the two start heading to the ring. Once in the ring the two turn and face the stage, standing side by side staring down Zac. Zac rushes at Beowulf, hitting him with a spear, only to have Beowulf just pick Zac up, and powerbomb him hard, the ring bouncing slightly. Beowulf hauls Zac to his feet, only to floor him quickly, with a clothesline, Palemon exiting the ring. Zac gets up, firing off a clothesline that barely fazes Beowulf. Zac rebounds from the ropes, and hits a dropkick to Beowulf’s knees, dropping Beowulf to his knees, then hitting a dropkick to Beowulf’s face, flooring the bigger man.))

Eddie: Zac has finally brought the bigger man down.

Travis: About time. People were falling asleep out there!

((Zac lunges over Beowulf, hitting Palemon with a forearm. Palemon begins to come into the ring, only to get stopped by the referee. Meanwhile, Karen has handed Zac a chair. As Beowulf gets to his feet, Zac cracks him in the head with the chair, dropping him again, the chairshot behind the referee’s back. Zac tosses the chair outside the ring, and pins Beowulf, only to have Palemon redouble his efforts to get into the ring, an obvious attempt to distract the referee enough that he can buy his partner time. Finally, though, the referee makes Palemon leave the ring, which he does, the referee then turning, to make the count, Beowulf seeming to shrug Zac off, sending Zac sailing over the top rope. Palemon drops from the apron, as Beowulf distracts the referee, and grabs Zac, hitting a quick hurracanrana to Zac, causing Zac to land hard, on the guardrail, his body bending unnaturally around it, Zac falling onto the other side of the guardrail.))

Eddie: Again, we’re dealing with a tag team with many years of experience.

Travis: Yeah. They know how to work the ref.

Eddie: Exactly.

((Palemon circles around the ring, low to the ground, grabbing the chair from where Zac threw it, only to get kicked in the face by Karen. Palemon steps back, touching his jaw, and looking at Karen, then hefting the chair into the air.))

Eddie: He can’t be planning to. . .


Eddie: He did.

((Karen falls, like a stone, to the ground, her forehead busted open. Palemon goes back to where Zac was slowly getting to his feet, jabbing Zac in the midsection with the chair, then sandwiching Zac between the guardrail and the folded chair, Palemon jumping into the air, and hitting a legdrop into the chair, chair and Palemon falling inside the guardrail, Zac falling to the outside. Palemon kicks the chair under the ring, and jumps onto the apron as the referee turns around, Palemon claiming that he had been on the apron the whole time.))

Eddie: Again, the experience factor coming into play. Even without the tag team aspect, these two men have been in more matches in a whole than this young man Zac K.

Travis: Hey, he was the loser that wanted to fight two guys.

((Beowulf tags in Palemon, Palemon dropping from the apron, grabbing Zac, and tossing him into the ring, following him into the ring, picking Zac up, and slinging him off of the ropes, the referee finally seeing Karen. As Zac rebounds, Palemon rebounds off of the opposite side ropes, only to have Beowulf, now on the floor, chair in hand, blindly smack Palemon in the back with the chair. Palemon stumbles forward, as Zac launches himself into the air, hitting Palemon with a high spinning wheel kick, immediately going to the top rope, and hitting the Angel of Death, shouting at the referee. The referee turns, and moves to make the count. 1. . . 2. . . Beowulf breaks up the pin, lifting Zac into the air, and hitting a high jackknife powerbomb to Zac, as the referee moves to get Beowulf out of the ring. Karen, on her feet, with blood trickling down her face, reaches into the ring, and drapes Zac over Palemon, again.))

Eddie: A miscommunication between the BLS might cost them the victory, here.

Travis: Well, what do you expect? Two rocket scientists like the BLS?

Eddie: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call sarcasm.

((The referee turns around. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))


Eddie: Bet on the BLS, didn’t you?

Travis: Hey, it seemed like a sure thing. What idiot blows a two on one match?

((The BLS roll out of the ring, and begin arguing in front of the announce position. Beowulf shoves Palemon after a minute, Palemon returns the favor, only to have Beowulf chokeslam Palemon through the announce table. Beowulf walks backstage, leaving a broken and battered Palemon in the wreckage of the announce table.))

Eddie: Are we back yet? Okay, fans, we’ve just seen Beowulf chokeslam his partner through our announce table, here.

Travis: I guess that means the BLS aren’t a team anymore.

Eddie: I would guess you’re right.

((Camera open up in a locker room, Air Raid and Skull Cowboy are laughing and chewing juicy furit. Jericho comes back not even noticing them at first.)

Skull Cowboy: Hey Jericho great match.

Jericho: Thanks, hey might if I have some?

Air Raid: No way man.

Jericho: Oh really!

(Jericho walks to them cracking his knuckles. Next thing seen is Jericho slaming close a locker door and pocketing the Juicy Furit. Laughing to him self he walks away. There comes a banging from the lockers.)

Air Raid: Hey man come on.

Skull Cowboy: Let us out!

Cage Match
Sephiroth vs Panthro

Eddie: Well here we sit awaiting the next match. Sephiroth and Panthro locked inside a steel cage.

Travis: Yeah, and look at our table.

Eddie: What table?

Travis: Exactly, our beautiful table, broken to bits.

((Travis’ whining is interrupted as the cage begins to lower for the upcoming match. As the cage gets about halfway down the Mexican Hip Hop song picks up and Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring stealing glances behind himself the entire walk down the ramp. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen our next match will be the Steel Cage match. Introducing first from Mexico City, Mexico…..PANTHRO!!!!

Eddie: Panthro looking over his shoulder during that quick walk to the ring. You think he is more wary of an attack from Blood Dragon than he’s letting on?

Travis: I would be if I were in his shoes.

Eddie: That’s the first intelligent thing I’ve heard you say all night.

Travis: You gotta remember, Blood Dragon is the devil….

Eddie: I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.

((Again the bickering announcers are cut off as the lights go out and a beautiful choir sings in Latin. The screen shows Seph's Symbol (A cross inside an eternal Pentegram) as the voices begin to fade. Finally Lightning effects strike the stage area and blue pyro flames shoot up and the lights flicker on. "Whisper" by Evanescence begins to play as Seph and the Sabbat Pack walk to the ring. Stopping at the bottom of the ramp, Seph turns to his cohorts and whispers to them. After a minute or two of disagreement, the rest of the pack wanders back up the ramp.))

Eddie: Sephiroth wanting to do this one on his own apparently.

Travis: Foolish man.

Eddie: Why is that foolish?

Travis: Numbers Eddie, it’s all about numbers.

((Sephiroth slides into the ring just before the cage makes that impossible and both men stand there awaiting the cage to settle.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from the Du Lac Manor in New York, SEPHIROTH DU LAC!!!!!

((Both men begin circling one another paying no attention to the crew of men that run down the ramp. As Sephiroth turns to see what the crowd is reacting to, Panthro clotheslines him from behind. Then as he notices the men standing at the door, he stops too. Sephiroth pushes himself off the mat and sweeps Panthro’s legs out from under him. As Panthro crashes to the mat, the men at the cage door begin their work. Pulling out soldering equipment, the men begin welding the door shut. Both men quickly push themselves off the mat, and rush the door. Only a shower of sparks keeps them back.))

Eddie: Why are these guys welding this door shut?

Travis: You can’t get through the door if it’s welded shut. I think this is Sephiroth’s doing.

Eddie: Against the high flying Panthro? I doubt it.

Travis: The man did come back from the dead Eddie.

Eddie: Good point.

((Inside the ring neither man seems to know what actually is going on. Yelling back and forth at one another about who is responsible until Seph finally just reaches back and clocks Panthro in the mouth. Letting his head turn with the punch, Panthro absorbs most of the impact and comes back around with a punch of his own. The two begin to trade blows until Seph finally grabs Panthro by the neck and tosses him towards the door. As the sparks are still showering from the welding job going on, Panthro tries to put on the brakes but cant. With his face bouncing off the cage door, the sparks actually set his pants ablaze. Trying to slap out the mini-fire with his hands, Panthro looks around in shock. Seph can only laugh as Panthro drops to the mat and begins to roll around like crazy.))

Travis: Holy crap, it’s a Panthro-que.

Eddie: It looks like he is doing a decent job of putting himself out, but I think he’s forgotten about Sephiroth in there.

((Indeed, as Panthro gets to his feet, he finally remembers that he is in the ring with one of the most dangerous men in HWC history. Turning around, he is just a bit too late as Sephiroth makes a bid to spear him out of the cage. Both men bounce off the side of the cage, but Panthro stays on the mat. Until Seph picks him up of course. Once standing Panthro finally shows that he knows what he’s in the ring for as he drops to his knees and lowblows Seph before jumping to his feet and dropkicking the falling Seph in the face. Shaking his head as Sephiroth pushes himself off the mat, it seems Panthro has finally shaken the cobwebs loose.))

Eddie: Panthro showing some signs of life after all.

((Turning from the charging Seph, Panthro runs up the ropes and manages to turn himself around in mid air after the springboard. Crashing into Seph, the momentum rolls both men across the ring.))

Eddie and Travis: PANTHRO-SAULT.

Eddie: Out of nowhere Panthro hits his finisher on Seph.

Travis: Yeah, but his only shot is to escape the cage. He can’t pin Seph.

((As if on cue with Travis’ “wisdom” Panthro runs for a turnbuckle and begins to scale the cage. He pauses however as the crowd erupts. Looking down at Sephiroth on the mat, Panthro continues upward not seeing Blood Dragon crawling out from under the ring. In what seems like seconds, Blood is in the ring, and jumping up to the turnbuckle. Slipping in under Panthro, Blood grabs ahold and powerbombs the highflyer from off the cage. Still standing on the top rope, Blood turns around and faces the cage before jumping off and turning in mid-air.))

Eddie: Oh my god…

Travis: Did he just…?

Eddie: I think so. Blood Dragon just hit Panthro with the Panthro-sault.

((Moving out of the ring once more, Blood slips back under the ring as Sephiroth begins to come too. Looking around the ring, Seph shrugs his shoulders before lifting Panthro to his feet and hitting the Fallen Angel DDT for a little insurance. A quick climb later, Seph’s feet touch outside and the bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner…SEPHIROTH DU LAC!!!!!

((Sephiroth begins walking up the ramp as Blood Dragon slips back out from under the ring and stands over the very battered body of Panthro. As the cage begins to raise up, pyro explodes and as the smoke clears, B.D. is standing opposite Blood Dragon above Panthro’s body. Shooting B.D. a quick smirk, Blood slowly backs up and slips out under the bottom rope and the raising cage. Slowly walking up the ramp, wary of B.D. in the ring and Seph outside it, Blood keeps shifting his eyes. Suddenly the pyro explodes again, and as the smoke clears again B.D. and Panthro are gone. Focusing his attention solely on Seph, Blood shrugs and jumps into the crowd, disappearing into the mass of fans.))

Eddie: What a finish to what should have been a great match.

Travis: I’m confused…

Eddie: I’ll explain it all to you later. The big question to ask is if there will be any payback during Blood Dragon’s match later tonight.

Travis: I’m still confused…

((The camera pans the crowd, finding various signs and faces to highlight. One of the more notable signs belongs to a young boy with his arm in a cast. It says, "Jericho is my Hero". The camera holds on that boy for a long time, then slowly pans away. Fans are cheering loudly, waving their arms at the camera.))

Eddie: What an enthusiastic crowd here in Mexico City, Travis! I love hearing them cheer!

Travis: It's infectious, Eddie... I love it too! What a city!

((A low stream of sound is heard, coming from the PA system. Then it erupts into "Never Gonna Stop" by Rob Zombie. The crowd erupts too, screaming and cheering.))

Eddie: We know that music, don't we, Travis?

Travis: We sure do, Eddie! That music belongs to the HWC World Champion...

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, Jericho Dylan is in the house!

((Jericho Dylan comes out onto the top of the ramp, World title displayed proudly over his shoulder. He lifts one hand in a salute and the crowd roars in approval. He comes down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. He gets to the boy with the Hero sign and smiles gently before whipping out a black Sharpie and signing the cast. The boy smiles and Jericho ruffles his hair, then gets into the ring. The crowd is still cheering when he gets a microphone.))

Jericho: Muchos gracias por la receptione!

Travis: What did he say?

Eddie: Travis, you truly are an idiot. He said "Thank you very much for the welcome". You really need to learn Spanish!

((Jericho prowls the ring with the microphone in one hand, then stops in the middle. The crowd slowly quiets down, wanting to hear what he has to say.))

Jericho: I've been puzzling over something that happened at the Pay Per View. And I admit it. I'm stumped. Why the hell would Panthro try to kill Blood Dragon? It doesn't make sense! But I tell you one thing. I'm glad as all hell to have Blood Dragon back in the HWC. The man is a legend. And legends don't die. You can't kill a legend like Blood Dragon. At least, not that easily. I mean, Panthro, come on, man! If you're going to kill someone, do it in a way that's suitable for them! Sheesh. I've never seen a sloppier attempted murder in my life. And I've seen plenty of em. Hell, I've even been on the receiving end of quite a few!

((He stops here to ostensibly catch his breath. In reality, he's waiting for the crowd to calm down. They're louder than ever. When they're quiet enough, he keeps going.))

Jericho: Something else that happened at the Pay Per View that I didn't quite understand... Sephiroth.

((He stops again. The crowd is cheering for Seph, but it's sort of... mixed. They're glad he's back, but some of them don't quite get the method of said return.))

Jericho: I can see you guys are as confused as I am. I mean, I'm glad he's back and all. He is my friend... But did you have to attack me and The Creeper? That's what doesn't make sense! Did you do it because you wanted to make an impact? Or did you do it because you thought we'd betrayed you? How can I betray a man I befriended? A man I respected because he buried me alive in a match of my own making? A man I once feared because my baby brother was being tortured by images of that man and his brother skinning him alive? A man I considered a brother for helping said baby brother?

((He's getting riled... Not a good thing. The crowd is eerily silent, as though someone cloaked them in silence. He starts pacing, title glittering in the lights of the arena.))

Travis: I'd hate to be in his crosshairs right now...

Eddie: Me too. He looks like he's about to take someone out. And I don't mean out to dinner.

Travis: For once, I'm all out of smart-mouthed remarks.

Jericho: That's enough about Seph. I'll deal with THAT situation when it becomes necessary. On to The Tiger. Tiger, I've just about had it with you. I call you friend because that's what you are. But you're drastically changing my perception of you. Sure, you're a Hardcore Icon. But to me, that means absolutely NOTHING! Attacking the office personnel with chairs. Threatening my best friend Peter. Going after Sarafan because she had the nerve to settle in St. Louis. Well, guess what, Tiger? There's one problem that's not going to go away... That problem is me. No more games, Tiger. You want to attack me? Do it to my face. I'm not that hard to find. Any time, anywhere. You name it.

Eddie: Wait a minute! Did he just...?

Travis: I think he did! Jericho Dylan just laid down an open challenge to The Tiger!

Jericho: That is... If you've got the guts.

((The crowd "Ooooh!"s in response to his final words as he steps out of the ring. Of course, what he just said is only for the benefit of the cameras. But that doesn't mean he doesn't mean it. He wants to settle things with Tiger once and for all. He goes backstage and goes directly to his locker room. The door slams shut and the camera cuts back to ringside.))

Eddie: Strong parting words from the World Champion...

Travis: He must be as nuts as she is. Laying down an open challenge to The Tiger? Brain must not be working right.

Eddie: I wouldn't say that too loudly, Travis. Jericho's family is here tonight. And I don't mean his wife and daughters!

Travis: You mean Daemon's here?

Eddie: Jarred too. And their brother Michael. Plus Natassja, Sarah and the children.

Travis: Eep. I've heard about Sarah... She's gorgeous, but she can kick your ass and hand it to you on a silver platter!

Eddie: (laughing) We'll be back after this... Don't touch that dial!

Travis: Cause if you do, you'll miss the Hardcore title match between The Creeper and Kidd Rock!

((Slaughter cuts to a commercial for Geico auto insurance. A man is driving his car down the street humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music on the radio. His smile turns to shock as he slams on the brakes and a loud crash is heard.)

Announcer: Geico auto insurance, because you never know when this...

(The view cuts to the man's car smashed up against the Cushion. The front of the car is dented and the hood is crumpled up like an accordion. The Cushion looks over confused.)

Announcer: ...might happen.

(The Geico logo comes up.)

Geico, a 15 minute call could save you 15% or more on car insurance.))

Standard Match
Blood Dragon vs Lone Gothic

Eddie: After his return at X-Treme, Blood Dragon has a match against the young man rising through the ranks, here, tonight, in Lone Goth.

Travis: Rising? What rise? He’s got a perfect record. For a loser!

Eddie: You may be right about his record, but he’s far from a loser. He’s been thrown into matches with veterans of the ring, here, and held his own admirably.

Travis: Yeah, but he lost!

Eddie: The end result doesn’t matter, when you’re a rookie. The head office is looking at how well you perform, even when you do lose. Look at Jericho. When he started, even when he lost, he was putting out a great effort to beat the other guys. And now, he’s the World champ.

Travis: Yeah, but that was Jericho, not some little schlub named Goth.

Eddie: You never know, Travis. Lone Goth may very well be the next Jericho Dylan.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from No Fixed Location, weighing in at 275 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Moon Raven. . . LONE GOTH!!!

((Down With The Sickness hits the PA. The arena darkens and the crowd boos. As soon as " AWAHAHAHAHA" blasts out fire shoots out of the stage at an angle making an X. Lone Goth and Moon Raven walk through the fire holding hands and glaring at the crowd. Goth jumps up onto the ring apron and then helps Raven up. Goth splits the ropes an allows Raven to get in before climbing in himself.))

Lone Goth: Give me that damn mic. Listen here all you ignorant little fucks. Tonight you witness the beat down of Dead Man Dragon. That stupid fuck thinks he can step in the ring with me and walk out a winner. Dragon tonight I am going to hand you your own ass.

Moon Raven: See, the thing is. Once you take me from Lone Goth you don't only wrestle Goth anymore. You wrestle the Insane Freak. The other side of Lone Goth. Dragon I feel sorry for your stupid ass. You get to deal with the Insane one tonight.

Lone Goth: Dragon you stupid little bastard. GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 lbs, representing Bad News. . . BLOOD DRAGON!!!

((Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ring posts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon.))

Eddie: It’s good to see that Blood Dragon, despite being dead no more than a few months ago, is back at his best.

Travis: It’s good to see that he actually can do his hair. At X-Treme, he had the worst kind of hat hair.

((Once inside the ring, Goth darts across the ring, sliding between Blood’s legs, coming up behind him, and hitting a quick german suplex, sending Blood over the top rope, Goth getting to his feet, and springboarding from the top rope, hitting a spinning wheel kick to the already rising Blood, sending Blood over the guardrail. Goth gets to his feet, hurdling the guardrail, Blood on his feet already, firing off a punch to Goth’s midsection as he falls, then clotheslining Goth over the guardrail, hurdling the guardrail himself, grabbing Goth, and tossing him toward the steel stairs. Goth hurdles the stairs, but makes it appear that he hit the stairs. As Blood follows, Goth grabs the stairs, standing up with them, sending them flying into Blood’s face.))

Eddie: Goth throwing everything imaginable at Blood.

Travis: Can you blame him? He’s fighting a dead Dragon!

Eddie: Good point.

((Blood tries to shake off the cobwebs as Goth slides into the ring, and jumps to the top turnbuckle, and, as Blood looks up, Goth flies from the turnbuckle, hitting Blood with a spinning cross-chop, sending himself sliding along the top of the guardrail, to fall on the outside of the guardrail. Goth gets up quickly, vaulting the guardrail itself, and moving to Blood, picking him up, only to have Blood straighten, breaking Goth’s hold, firing a left jab, then hitting Goth with a powerful clothesline.))

Eddie: And it looks like Blood has risen from the dead, if you’ll pardon the pun.

Travis: That was a good one, Eddie!

((Blood picks Goth up, slinging him into the ring, and following him, picking Goth up, and setting him up for a suplex, only to turn it, in midair, to a screwdriver, driving Goth hard into the mat, and hooking the leg. 1. . . 2. . . kickout by Goth. Goth quickly gets to his feet, moving to Blood, hitting him in the stomach, moving around behind him, and rolling over Blood’s back, turning the roll into a Stunner, moving to Blood, and pinning him. 1. . .2. . . kickout by Blood.))

Eddie: At the risk of sounding too much like a broken record, it seems like Goth will have to kill Blood to keep him down.

Travis: Again.

Eddie: Well, okay, I’ll give you that.

((Blood gets to his feet, nearly faster than Goth, hitting Goth with a dropkick, Blood then going outside the ring, and waiting. As Goth gets to his feet, Blood moves to springboard over the top rope, only to have Raven, outside the ring, grab his ankles. Blood yanks against her hands, then, eventually, just kicks backward, sending Raven crashing backward to the ground, Goth catching Blood with a shoulder thrust to his midsection, then hitting a sunset flip to the outside of the ring, the move ending up in a powerbomb to the floor.))

Eddie: Goth now trying to simply outlast Blood.

Travis: He might do it, too, at this rate.

Eddie: And you have to wonder how much of Blood’s offense, or lack thereof, is attributable to ring rust.

Travis: Dragon’s don’t rust. They grow algae, and things like that.

Eddie: Disgusting.

Travis: Yeah, but don’t tell Blood that. He might get offended.

Eddie: I was talking about you, Travis.

Travis: Sure, that’s what they all say.

((Goth tosses Blood into the ring, following him in, only to pick Blood up, and begin to lock in his finisher, the One Last Rite, only to have Blood spin in, toward Goth, and turn it into a back body drop. Blood steps back, and, as Goth starts to get to his feet, Blood moves forward, grabbing Goth, and quickly locking him in a Dragon Sleeper, which quickly becomes the Dragon’s Rage.))

Eddie: It’s all elementary after this. How long can Goth hold out?

Travis: Probably not that long. The kid’s fast, but not tough.

((After about nearly a minute, Goth taps out, the bell ringing. Before any announcement can be made, however, the HWC-Tron sparks to life, showing four unidentified men standing in a boiler room.))

Man 1: Hey, Dragon. Recognize this? How about her?

((The camera pans to show Zoe, bound and gagged to a table, unconscious.))

Man 1: Figured you would. Don’t try anything funny, Dragon, and she might live through it. She’ll hate you, but she’ll live. But, you know, Dragon, we were told to take her. Give you about two seconds to get back here and save her, or you’ll be single again.

Eddie: Who the hell are those four?!

Travis: Who knows?

((Behind the speaker, one of the other three puts a chair over Zoe’s face, another one procuring a sledgehammer. Before anything can happen, however, the door is shouldered open, and the rest of Bad News spills into the room. After a few moments, the Bad News leave, Enforcer carrying Zoe.))

Eddie: I hate to think about what might have happened to Zoe if not for Bad News. And she’s still unconscious.

((Blood appears on camera as Bad News leave, checking on his wife, as Bad News step into their locker room. The camera cuts to backstage area again, where The Creeper is talking with his brothers, all six men seeming to fill the hallway, The Creeper's right hand holding an ornate golden chalice, his left still hidden under the cloak. Martin Smalls's voice echoes down the hallway.))

Smalls: Creeper! I need to speak with you.

((The Creeper's gaze sweeps to Smalls, raising an eyebrow. As B.D. surges forward, feasibly to rip Smalls apart, The Creeper says some unintelligible word, the other four holding B.D. back. Smalls moves close, The Creeper raising an eyebrow.))

Creeper: What, Smalls? Make it quick, lest I decide that your life is not worth sparing.

Smalls: I need you to hold back.

Creeper: (With a glance at B.D.) I believe I am.

Smalls: No, in the match tonight. Against Kidd Rock. We don't need any undue bloodshed, and I don't want anyone getting hurt.

((The crowd immediately begins booing.))

Creeper: Let me see if I understand what you're babbling about. You want me, the HWC Hardcore Champion, to hold back, in a match for my title? A Hardcore match, no less?

Smalls: Yes. I knew you'd understand.

((Smalls turns to leave.))

Creeper: I don't think you want that, Smalls.

Smalls: What do you mean?

Creeper: Well, it's very simple. If I don't take Kidd to the precipice of his life, and force him to look over the edge, into the heart of Hell, then someone back here, someone on your staff, will have to die. (The Creeper moves toward Smalls, leaning over him.) See, Smalls, there is a reason I am the Hardcore Champion. There's a reason no one has beaten me for this title since I've gotten it. And that reason? Because, Smalls, I am more brutal than the Enforcer. I'm more deadly than any man, woman, or child in your employ. And, of course, the big one, I don't care about you, or anyone else in the HWC, who happens to have the misfortune of being on the wrong side.

Smalls: Well, what is the right side, then?

((The Creeper smiles.))

Creeper: The right side, Smalls, is the Darkside. The sooner you learn that, the better.

Smalls: Do not make me suspend you, Creeper. If you go out there with the intent to hurt, or cripple, Kidd Rock, I will suspend you without pay.

((With that, Smalls turns on his heel, and walks away, leaving The Creeper alone in the hallway with his brothers. The camera zooms in on The Creeper's face, and the eerily haunting smile therein.))

Creeper: Suspended without pay. You're not the only one that can do that, Smalls.

Eddie: What does The Creeper mean by that?

Travis: I don't know, and I don't want to know.

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

Hardcore Title
The Creeper(c) vs Kidd Rock

Eddie: Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for our main event! The Creeper takes on Kidd Rock for the Hardcore Title!

Travis: And we still don't have a replacement table out here. It was destroyed earlier when Beowulf choke-slammed Palemon through it!

Eddie: So we're sitting here without a table. But it's happened before...

Travis: Sure has. But this hasn't been your ordinary kind of night!

Eddie: It certainly hasn't... But without further ado, here is the Main Event.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is set for one fall, and is for the HWC Hardcore title. Introducing first, the challenger. From Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 pounds... He is KIDD ROCK!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope, then mounts each corner, raising his fists.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... From the second tier of Hell... Weighing in at 250 pounds... He is the HWC Hardcore Champion... THE CREEPER!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. The Hardcore title hangs over one shoulder, glittering in the arena lights. The Creeper hops down and hands the belt to the referee, who holds it high, then hands it to the time-keeper. The bell sounds and Kidd charges The Creeper, seeking to take him down with a clothesline. The Creeper laughs and shoves Kidd backward. Kidd staggers back and hits the ring ropes. He steadies himself, then charges again. The Creeper steps aside and Kidd flies over the top rope. He hits the ground hard, grunting and holding his back. The Creeper takes the opportunity to slide out of the ring and load it with a table, a chair, a fire extinguisher and several other hardcore items. Kidd gets back into the ring and grabs the ubiquitious Stop sign. It collides with The Creeper's head with a metallic CLANG! But the champion is barely fazed by it. Again with the Stop sign... CLANG! Again no effect. The sign is bent in half, but The Creeper is still standing! Kidd grabs the fire extinguisher and slams it into The Creeper's gut. The Creeper doubles over, allowing Kidd a shot at his head. WHACK! Kidd knocks The Creeper to one knee, then follows up with an elbow to the back of his head. The Creeper slumps down to the mat... On his stomach! Kidd rolls him over and goes for a pin. 1... 2... The Creeper kicks out with authority!))

Eddie: The Creeper was playing possum!

Travis: He's good at that.

Eddie: He sure is... He lulls a person into a false sense of security, then WHAM!

Travis: Sounds a lot like the Dylans.

Eddie: That it does, Travis... That it does. But that doesn't surprise me because he's training them.

Travis: Darkness crap notwithstanding, the Dylan brothers are incredible athletes.

Eddie: That's something we agree on.

((Back in the ring, The Creeper's got Kidd backed into a corner. He sees the kendo stick and picks it up with a laugh. He twirls it around and the crowd cheers. They remember what happened the last time The Creeper held a kendo stick... It gets bent in half being swung over Kidd's head. Kidd falls, The Creeper tosses the stick away, then goes for the cover. 1... 2... Kidd kicks out. Barely. But he does. The Creeper gets to his feet, shrugging off the dizziness that came with the repeated thuds of a Stop sign on his head. He picks Kidd up by his arm and hits him with a short-arm clothesline. Kidd gets up again, slower than before. The Creeper shows off his ring experience by grabbing Kidd's foot and twists it around.))

Eddie: The Creeper going for that surgically reconstructed ankle. That's smart wrestling right there.

Travis: Sure is. I wonder how much of that Kidd can stand.

Eddie: We're about to find out... The Creeper has that ankle lock wrenched in tight.

((Kidd flips onto his back and brings his other foot up. Planting it firmly in The Creeper's chest, he shoves backward with all his might. The Creeper stumbles backward. Kidd gets up and charges, nailing the champion with a vicious clothesline. But all he does is shove him backward. Kidd tries again. This time, The Creeper stumbles back a bit. A third time and the champion falls to the mat with a thud. Kidd dives down for a cover. 1... 2... He gets tossed backward and bounces off the ropes. The Creeper gets up and nails Kidd with a clothesline that spins him around. 1... 2... Kidd barely kicks out. The Creeper slides out of the ring and grabs the steel chair, then turns back to the ring. Kidd grabs the bottom rope and does a baseball slide, kicking the chair back in his face. The Creeper trips over a loose section of matting and falls backward. Kidd slides all the way out and goes for a pin. 1... 2... Kickout. Kidd gets up and stares at his opponent. Then he grabs a garbage can and slams it off The Creeper's back. CLANG!))

Eddie: What a huge dent in that garbage can!

Travis: Whoa! I didn't know garbage cans bent that way!

((Kidd stares at the garbage can, then tosses it aside and starts kicking The Creeper in the midsection. The Creeper falls to one knee, giving Kidd the chance to hit a swinging neckbreaker and go for another cover. 1... 2... Kickout with authority! The Creeper gets up, laughing off the injury. Then he gets another steel chair and slams it off Kidd's head. WHACK!))

Eddie: What an impact!

Travis: I've never seen so many near-falls in one match!

Eddie: You raise a very valid point there, Travis. Both of these men want the Hardcore title and... Wait a minute.

Travis: What's he doing here?

((He being Martin Smalls. He gets in front of The Creeper and pleads with him to stop. He wants the match to end... The Creeper simply steps around him and goes to hit Kidd again. The chair is jerked out of his hands by Smalls, still begging for an end to the violence. The Creeper takes the chair back and sees Kidd in front of Smalls. How'd that happen? Ah well. He raises the chair to hit Kidd, but he slumps down. The chair ricochets off Smalls' head, knocking him down to the mat, out cold. Both men stare at the unconscious Vice President, then shrug and turn back to each other. The Creeper slams the chair off Kidd's head again. POW! Kidd falls to the mat. 1... 2... 3. The bell rings, signalling the end of the match.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner, and still HWC Hardcore Champion... THE CREEPER!

((The referee slides out of the ring and hands The Creeper his title. The Creeper takes it and walks up the ramp, leaving Kidd and Smalls lying on the floor outside the ring.))

Eddie: This is incredible.

Travis: You took the words right out of my mouth. Kidd Rock and Martin Smalls have been busted wide open.

Eddie: We've seen so much going on tonight, I don't know where to begin!

Travis: I do. We'll see you next week, folks.

Eddie: For Travis Best, and the rest of the HWC, I'm Eddie Daniels. Goodnight, everybody!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))