Saturday Night Slaughter
Bogota Colombia, South America from the El Campin

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, the back to black.))

((The opening strains of Skid Row's "Sweet Little Sister" rip across the airwaves, bringing the crowd to a complete standstill. Then they erupt in a riotous tumult of cheers for the woman who emerges from backstage...))

Eddie: It's the Commissioner!

Travis: What's she doing here?!?

Eddie: I'm as baffled as you are, Travis... But we're about to find out what she has on her mind!

((Cherisse Novak, the Commissioner of the HWC, stands in the ring, waving her hands for silence. She gets a microphone from Jean Fortello and waits for them to be quiet. She finally gets the silence she wants by whistling sharply.))

Cherisse: Thank you. I came out here to make a very important announcement. Well, two, actually. The first one is in regards to my assistant, Peter Blankenship. He accepted a match request from The ImpactPlayer. I have it on very good authority that Peter did indeed hold numerous titles during his days as a wrestler. Therefore, at X-Treme, the match between Peter Blankenship and The ImpactPlayer will be the first ever High Impact Match. What's a High Impact Match, you ask?

Travis: I know I'm curious.

Eddie: Me too. Sounds like something you'd have to have Air Traffic Control on hand for.

Travis: That's a good one!

Eddie: Thank you.

Cherisse: A High Impact Match is, quite simply, a match where you have to make the biggest impact you can without resorting to High Flyer tactics. In other words, you can't fly while you're making an impact. The rules will be announced later on. ImpactPlayer, you wanted to make a name for yourself? You get your chance against the man they used to call "The Mauler".

Eddie: Whoa! A High Impact Match means no flying!

Travis: Yeah... But did you hear what she called Peter?

Eddie: Did she call him "The Mauler"?

Travis: That's what I heard...

Eddie: This is definitely going to be interesting!

Cherisse: Now, on to the other announcement I came out here for. I will be looking for the two most brutal people in this company to compete at X-Treme for the title I announced last week... The DisasterPiece title! The person who walks out of the match at X-Treme will be the new DisasterPiece Champion. Or, should I say, the person who survives. Walking is not a requirement for the winner.

((The crowd is stunned into silence. They can't believe their ears... "Sweet Little Sister" rips across the airwaves, heralding her departure from the ring. The crowd starts to cheer as their translators catch them up on what she just said. A steel cage on top of whatever else the DisasterPiece title match is! The camera cuts back to Eddie and Travis, both of whom are stunned by Cherisse's revelations.))

Eddie: This... This is...

Travis: Unbelievable.

Eddie: That's the one. Thank you.

Travis: No problem. Just don't make a habit of forgetting your lines, okay?

Eddie: I won't. But that was just too much to comprehend!

Travis: You have a point there, Eddie. Wait, what's going on backstage?

((The camera cuts to the backstage area where it catches a glimpse of someone slamming a door and stalking into the arena. That someone is caught out and revealed as...))


((Sure enough, Jarred Dylan is standing in the backstage area! He looks around, eyes on fire, then finds what he's looking for and prowls toward the dressing room door with the nameplate "Cherisse Novak" on it. He doesn't bother knocking... He just opens the door. Cherisse comes to the doorway and leans on the frame.))

Cherisse: What can I do for you, Jarred?

Jarred: Jericho and The Creeper.

Cherisse: The Creeper won the Contender's match. My hands are tied. I can't change the match... It's too late.

Jarred: Thank you. I have a request.

Cherisse: Name it.

Jarred: I want Lucien Merriuci, one on one, at X-Treme. Failing that, Celtic Hyena.

Cherisse: I'll see what I can do, Jarred... But I can't guarantee anything.

Jarred: Fair enough. Did you explain the match to them yet?

Cherisse: Not yet. Peter's not here yet.

Jarred: Well, that's odd... Jericho said he'd be here by now.

Cherisse: If he is here, I didn't see him. Maybe one of the stagehands will know.

Jarred: Good idea. Thank you.

Cherisse: You're welcome.

((Jarred tips his head in farewell and turns on one heel, then walks away. Cherisse watches him go, then gets a smile on her face that only someone who thinks like her would understand. The camera once again cuts back to ringside to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: This night gets stranger and stranger!

Travis: You said it! What else is going to happen tonight? Is Sarafan going to drop in and refute Malice's claim to vengeance?

Eddie: Travis, be careful what you say around here!

Travis: You don't mean...

Eddie: I think it's best if we focus on the matches tonight and worry about what happens when it happens.

Travis: Good idea...

((Slaughter cuts to a commercial for Geico auto insurance. A man is driving his car down the street humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music on the radio. His smile turns to shock as he slams on the brakes and a loud crash is heard.)

Announcer: Geico auto insurance, because you never know when this...

(The view cuts to the man's car smashed up against the Cushion. The front of the car is dented and the hood is crumpled up like an accordion. The Cushion looks over confused.)

Announcer: ...might happen.

(The Geico logo comes up.)

Geico, a 15 minute call could save you 15% or more on car insurance.))

I Quite Match
The Impactplayer vs Zac K.

((The camera cuts to Jean Fortello, in the ring.))

Jean: The following is an "I Quit" match, set for one fall. The only way to win in this match, other than as a result of disqualification, is to force your oponnent to say the words, "I Quit!"

(("Welcome Burden" by Disturbed hits on the P.A. Zac K walks out from behind the curtains and stands at the top of the ramp and his fists shoot out of his sides like a crusifix position as he is heckled and jeered by the fans.. While he's standing there his wife/manager Karen Walks out and up to his back and wraps her arms around him and after she does that she lets go and they both walk down the ramp.))

Jean: First to the ring, accompanied by his wife Karen, from Binghamton , New York, weighing 200 pounds, ZAC K!!!

((Zac slides into the ring and Karen stays on the outside. Zac walks over to the ring rope and Karen climbs up onto the apron and givs Zac a kiss and then she hops down and Zac waits in the ring.))

Eddie: Karen standing by her man Zac as he prepares to lock up with the Impact Player!

Travis: I'd sure like to lock up with Karen! She's tasty looking!

Eddie: That's a married woman you're talking about!

Travis: Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Eddie: I don't even want to THINK about your dreams!

((Disturbed fades out. "Superstar" by Saliva kicks in, and the crowd cheers mildly as the arena goes black,then blue pyro shoots. The Impactplayer makes his way to the ring.))

Jeean: His oponnent, from New York City, weighing 212 pounds, The IMPACT PLAYER!!!!

((Impact Player climbs into the ring, and Zac immedately runs over to start stomping, and Jean hurries out if the ring as the referee calls for the bell to start the match. The referee has tucked in his back pocket a microphone, the reason for which should be obvious. Zac hauls IP to his feet, goes to whip him across the ring, but IP reverses, and drives a knee into Zac's gut, then slips behind him and nails a textbook German suplex. Zac lands hard on his back, but rolls through and comes up on his feet, facing IP. IP moves in to grab, but Zac grabs first, and hits a German suplex of his own. IP comes up much as Zac did a moment ago, his eyes wide at having his own move done on him.))

Eddie: I don't think the Impact Player expected that!

Travis: No kidding! It looks like Zac wants to match him move for move, and he's perfectly capable of doing it!

Eddie: That was actually well said!

Travis: Then again, I'd like to trade a few moves with Karen, too!

Travis: (shaking his head) When will I learn to quit walking into those?

Travis: Keep 'em coming, Eddie boy....OWW!

((Eddie just nods, as Travis holds a hand to the top of his head.Back in the ring, Zac and IP meet in the center of the ring with the basic collar-and-elbow lockup. IP gets the advantage, twisting Zac's arm up behind his back, but Zac ducks around and behind IP, now twisting HIS arm up. IP, not to be outdone, repeats the sequence, but instead of twisting the arm, he hits a t-bone suplex, sending Zac crashing to the mat.IP immediately pounces on Zac, locking in an STF. Referee Steve Kayne comes over with the microphone in hand as Zac cries out in pain.))

Steve: Zac, do you give up?

Zac: (Growling) No!!!!

Eddie: Zac showing what he's made of, by withstanding the sheer pain from that STF!

Travis: (Yawns) okay, I am now officially bored. Wake me up when this match is over.

Eddie: You never let up, do you?

Travis: What?

Eddie: Never mind...Zac now trying to hook hos foot over the bottom rope....and...he....Got It!

((IP is forced to release his hold, and steps back as Zac wisely rolls out of the ring, trying to massage some of the feeling back into his arm and neck. Karen comes over and assists him with some of the massaging, then kisses him on the cheek before he rolls back into the ring. Zac & IP circle, then lock up agaihn in the center of the ring, and IP once again gets the upper hand with an Irish whip into the ropes, then catches Zac with a belly-to-belly suplex that sends Zac flying OVER THE TOP ROPE AND CRASHING TO THE FLOOR!))

Eddie: Wow! What a move by the Impact Player! Zac is folded up like an accordion here in front of us!

Travis: I guess they don't call him the Impact Player for nothing...hey, here comes that cutie Karen! I bet she wants to talk to me!

Eddie: Dream on, Bullwinkle! She's coming over to see if her husband is okay....Travis, where do you think you're going?

((The sound of a headset being removed is followed by Travis Best appearing behind Karen. He leans over and whispers something in her ear, which causes Karen to whip around, her eyes wide, and she clearly mouths the words "What did you say?". Travis, smiling arrogantly, says something obviously rude and lewd. Karen, seemingly cowed, starts to turn away, but Travis grabs her arm, and Karen whips around and with a resounding SMACK, slaps the taste out of Travis' mouth! The fans, especially the women, go nuts!))

Eddie: Karen has just struck a blow for women everywhere! And I think Travis is in shock, althought I don't know why! And Impact Player is in the ring, laughing his ass off!

((Travis makes his way back to the announce table with an obvious hand print on his face, and a still-seething Karen helps Zac to his feet. In the ring, IP has regained his composure and stands ready for Zac. The two once again lock up in the center of the ring, and Zac gains the advantage, whipping IP to the ropes, then nailing a superkick, which puts IP flat on his back. Zac immediately slaps on a Sharpshooter! Kayne pulls out his mic and kneels by IP's head.))

Steve: Player, do you give up?

IP: NO!!

Eddie: The Impact Player doing his best to withstand this fearsome submission hold!

Travis: (slouching down in his chair and trying to hide his face) What the fuck ever.

Eddie: Why Travis, what's the matter?

Travis: Nothing. Not a goddamn thing.

Eddie: you could have fooled me.....IP now trying to crawl to the ropes....he's very close....and Zac drags him back to the center of the ring...wait a minute, what are the BloodLust Slayerz doing here!

((The BLS are indeed here, and they roll into the ring, right behind the unsuspecting referee. Beowulf disposes of the referee by simply grabbing him by the collar and belt and tossing him out ofer the top rope. Zac releases his hold and gets in Palemon's face, yelling at him about interrupting his match. Palemon responds by kicking him in the gut and nailing a Snap DDT. IP is just barelt moving pulling himself up on the ropes solely with his arms, as his legs are temporarily out of order thanks to the Sharpshooter. Beowulf & Palemon turn to him and start stomping, as Karen takes her life in her hands by climbing into the ring to check on Zac.))

Eddie: What the hell is going on here! The BloodLust Slayerz have no business out here at all!

Travis: Sure they do....that little bitch Karen!

Eddie: Oh my god, they can't be!

((After they dispose of IP, the BLS turn to regard Karen, who feels their eyes on her back, and turns to face them. She screams as they grab her, Beowulf grabbing her feet and Palemon grabbing her arms. As she struggles against them, they atart to move to the ropes, then are momentarily stopped as they fumble around, trying to get her through the ropes. She almost gets away, but then they suddenly turn abd Palemon pins her down in the ring.))

Eddie: Oh please, for the love of god, don't do this!

Travis: Yes! Giver her what she deserves!

Eddie: Travis, you really are a slimeball!

Travis: And damn proud of it!

Eddie: This is absoultely sick....the match will obviously be a no contest...wait, here's Autumn Lewis, and she has six cops and a microphone!

Autumn: Boys, you can stop thta right now, or you'll not only be fired, but these fellows will arrest you!

((Palemon & Beowulf pause, eyeing the six tough-looking Colombian cops. Palemon whispers something in Beowulf's ear. Beowulf starts to turn back to Karen, but Palemon grabs his arm and whispers again, and Beowulf finally lets go. Karen. her clothes torn, rolls out of the ring to help Zac to his feet. IP is just coming to, so the BLS grab him. Beowulf picks IP up on his shoulders as Palemon climbs the turmbuckle, and they hit the Slayerz Spear on him!They celebrate as if they won a match, then look hungrily up at Autumn Lewis, who just shakes her head and gestures to the cops.))

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC WarZone: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as Green Haired Frog, Anyone from the Bad News or Darkside, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows Travis Best and Eddie Daniels playing the game. Eddie is using Jeff, and Travis is using Sephiroth. Eddie turns to Travis.)

Eddie: Can you knock off the commentary, we're not at work.

Travis: Oops. Sorry.

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

((Once again, the cameras are panning the crowd, finding signs that make the people at home laugh. Some say "Malice is the Queen of Darkness!". Some say "Long live the Dylans". And, in the middle of the front row, one sign stands out by its simplicity. It says only, "Come back, Mia". That's it. Who's holding that sign? A woman nobody has seen since The Tiger clocked her with a chair...))

Eddie: My God! That's...

Travis: That's SARAFAN!

((Sure enough, it's Sarafan! She waves to the camera, touches the black lily in her hair, then her heart. That's all she does. The camera hovers on her face for a long moment, catching the dark circles under her eyes and red lines in the irises. She hasn't been sleeping well... And Autumn Lewis is well aware of this fact. She signed a paper giving Sarafan until after X-Treme to recuperate fully. The camera suddenly cuts backstage, finding Cherisse Novak, The ImpactPlayer and Peter Blankenship. Cherisse is standing between them.))

Cherisse: Good. Now I can explain your match to you. Do either of you know High Impact?

Peter: It's similar to, but not the same as, High Flyer, right?

Cherisse: Right. High Impact, in this instance, is the kind of match you two will have at X-Treme.

ImpactPlayer: What does that mean?

Peter: *rolling his eyes* It means we can't go airborne.

Cherisse: That's it exactly. You have to make as big an impact as you can without letting your feet leave the canvas for more than five seconds.

((They both turn to her at that, watching her for further revelations.))

Cherisse: Dropkicks and the like are allowed... But if either one of you goes for something ridiculous like running the rails, you're disqualified. Am I understood?

Peter: So let me get this straight... You're saying we can't pull a Jericho Dylan?

Cherisse: Define that.

Peter: You're telling us we can't do a Swanton Bomb or run the rails. We can't dig out a ladder and leap off the top. We can't do Springboard Planchas, Asai Moonsaults or anything remotely resembling something out of the Luchador playbook.

Cherisse: Not quite that strict. You have to make as big an impact as you can. The ladder is out. Running the rails is out. If you can land a Swanton, all the better! It's a legal wrestling move that some of the heavier men have pulled off when nobody thought they could do it. Anything that has you landing outside the ring is out.

ImpactPlayer: Wait. You mean we can't do baseball slides?

Peter: (suppressing a sigh of exasperation) No. We can do baseball slides, as long as we don't let go of the damn rope.

ImpactPlayer: Oh.

Cherisse: Peter, be nice. He's only known standard matches before this.

Peter: So have I...

Cherisse: Touche. At any rate, gentlemen, there is one final detail I feel I should mention.

ImpactPlayer: What's that?

Cherisse: There will be a five-person panel judging the impact of each move. But you will have to get a victory by pinfall or submission to end the match. Only then will the panel's decision be announced.

Peter: The panel will be totally impartial, right?

Cherisse: As impartial as I can find around here... But they won't have any ties to either of you. Cherisse: Yes.

ImpactPlayer: What if the panel can't make a decision?

Cherisse: Then I will make the decision myself, based on their findings. Do you understand?

((Both men nod.))

Cherisse: Good. Now go prepare. You have until X-Treme to do it. If I catch either of you messing with the other in any way, shape or form, you will be in big trouble. Am I understood?

((Again, they nod. Then they go their separate ways. Cherisse watches them go and shakes her head, then sighs and goes to find a five-person panel to judge the High Impact Match. The camera cuts back to ringside, to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: Even with that explanation, I'm still confused.

Travis: Tell me about it. But from what I was able to understand, they're limited to the moves a Technician, Submissionist or Brawler would use...

Eddie: And that there will be a five-person panel of judges watching the match to see who made the bigger impact.

Travis: Good, you caught that. I didn't. I'm wondering who's going to be on that panel, now that you mention it, though.

Eddie: One thing is for certain... It won't be your run of the mill crowd!

Travis: Amen, Eddie... A-freaking-men.

Eddie: We still have lots to come, folks... Don't touch that dial!

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and BloodDragon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

((The camera suddenly rips backstage, where Chris Murphy stands near a coffee machine, a cup in hand. A wild-eyed, cruelly smirking B.D. stalks past him, Chris putting the cup down, grabbing up his mic, and rushing after B.D.))

Chris: B.D.! Hey! Stop a minute!

((B.D. stops, stiffening as though shot, then half-turning, watching Chris approach with the same wild-eyed stare and cruel smirk that has nearly become his trademark.))

Eddie: Please tell me Murphy's not going to try to talk to B.D.

Travis: Looks like it. Anyone in the building speak insane-eeze?

Eddie: That's not even a real language.

Travis: It should be, with B.D.

Chris: B.D., any last comments about your match tonight, with your brother, against the BLS?

B.D.: Do you always talk to invisible people?

Chris: You're not invisible, B.D.

B.D.: What?! Stupid cheap knockoffs. What do you want? Is that mic glued to your hand?

((B.D. busies himself with attempting to find where the mic ended and Chris' hand began.))

Chris: Would you stop?! Any comments about your match later tonight?

B.D.: I like matches. They burn almost as well as humans.

Eddie: I don't even want to think about what he's done to people in the past.

Travis: I've thought about it. You don't want to think about it.

Chris: Uh. . . right. Anything to say about your opponents, the BLS?

B.D.: BLS? Isn't that a football team? What will it take for you to shut up and go away?

Chris: An honest answer.

B.D.: Okay. Game time's over. It's time to play. BLS, come out and play. . .

((B.D. laughs maniacally, and stalks off, leaving a confused and bewildered Chris Murphy standing in the hall.))

Eddie: And that, Chris, is the reason no one even tries to interview B.D.

Travis: On his good days, he's certifiably insane. On the bad days? You don't wanna know.

Cage Match
Panthro vs Malice

Eddie: After those comments by B.D., one thing is undeniably clear.

Travis: He needs help.

Eddie: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a cage match, set for one fall. Introducing first, from Austin, Texas, weighing in at 145 lbs. . . MALICE!!!

((The lights go down and paper flowers begins to fall from the rafters as a purple search light begins to go over the crowd. The light comes to a stop at the back of the entrance ramp where a dark haired woman dressed in a short black dress covered by a long black flowing robe. She walks to the ring as the paper flowers continue to fall around her. She enters the ring and removes the robe and awaits her opponent.))

Eddie: Apparently, Malice has infected another young woman.

Travis: Bring back the Angel!

Eddie: You’re growing a loyal streak with your normal. . .

Travis: Sweatermeat.

Eddie: You said it, not me.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 173 lbs. . . PANTHRO!!!

((The Mexican Hip Hop Song plays as Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring. The cage is lowered, and the bell rings, Panthro locking up with the taller Malice, Panthro taking a quick advantage by hitting a jawbreaker to Malice, sending her staggering backward, turning slightly, Panthro hitting a facecrusher to Malice, their present position near the ropes taking both of them over the top rope, Panthro hitting first, both staying down for nearly the same amount of time, Panthro getting to his feet first, and jumping onto the apron, waiting for Malice. As Malice begins to get to her feet, Panthro runs across the apron, jumping off and hitting a spinning hurracanrana, sending Malice back first into the steel cage. Panthro steps back, grabbing a chair from under the ring, and bringing it crashing down onto Malice’s head as she rises.))

Eddie: Panthro is beating on Malice like no tomorrow.

Travis: Tough love, Eddie. Works every time.

Eddie: Oh yeah? And how many girlfriends do you have now?

Travis(Meekly): None.

((Malice gets to her feet, evading the next chairshot, clocking Panthro with a forearm shiver, then stepping back, stomping hard on his stomach, before picking him up, and tossing him into the ring, following behind him. Malice picks Panthro up, slinging him into a corner, only to have the move reversed on her, sending Malice crashing back into the corner. On impact, however, the turnbuckles erupt upward, in four pillars of fire, visibly the fire used for The Creeper’s entrance, all eyes searching the turnbuckles. It’s only after the fact that the back of Malice’s head is on fire that people look back to the match. The fire is put out quickly, but the ensuing smoke causes people to cover their noses. In the ring, however, under the cover of the smoke, a crash is heard, followed by two more, then Malice comes flying out of the ring, into the cage, B.D. appearing from the smoke, jumping onto the top turnbuckle with all the agility of a cruiserweight, chair in hand.))

Eddie: What is that psycho doing?! Get some security out here!

Travis: Hey, this match is shaping up to be a good one.

Eddie: Sicko.

((B.D. laughs maniacally, again, then jumping from the turnbuckle, toward the rising Malice, bringing the chair up, to rest in front of his face, and, as he nears Malice, headbutting the chair into Malice’s head, sending her crashing back down to the ground. B.D. looks around, conceivably to find another opponent, but, after a moment, shrugs, and begins hitting himself with the chair, until B.D. himself is busted open, B.D. then sliding into the ring, into the dissipating smoke. As the smoke clears, B.D. is nowhere in sight.))

Eddie: I’m telling you, that is just plain creepy. B.D. seems to have all the power of his brother, The Creeper, but not even a third of the sanity.

Travis: I think what sanity B.D. has could fit in a thimble.

Eddie: Hey, look at that, ladies and gentlemen, Travis used a word that isn’t his norm.

Travis: Yeah. I only have one of those per year. Be thankful I used it on this show.

((Panthro gets to his feet, visibly woozy, shaking the cobwebs from his head, rubbing his forehead, and moving to the cage, scaling the wall fairly quickly. As Panthro gets to the top, however, he turns, and looks at the fallen Malice.))

Eddie: What is he. . . he can’t be planning what I think he’s planning.

Travis: You never know. Panthro’s been hanging out with B.D. Maybe his insanity rubbed off on the little guy.

Eddie: If that’s the case, may God help us all.

((Wasting only a few extra moments, to turn his back to Malice, Panthro hits a reverse version of his Panthro-sault, the impact seeming to do damage to himself as well. Chants of “HOLY SHIT!” begin echoing through the building.))

Eddie: Did you see the elevation on that move?! You have to wonder how much strength training Panthro does in his legs alone, to hit a move like that, from that high in the air, with that much hangtime.

Travis: I wonder what the in-flight movie was.

Eddie: You’re a jackass.

((Panthro gets to his feet, his equilibrium shot to hell, dropping him, headfirst, to the ground. Again, the same telltale smoke fills the ring, all eyes moving to the ring. When they look back at the two combatants, Panthro and Malice are both still unconscious, but Panthro’s on the outside of the cage, the odd part being simply that the cage door wasn’t tampered with.))

Eddie: What just happened?! Where’d B.D. go?!

Travis: Is it possible that, this one day, out of a million, B.D. managed to out-think us?

Eddie: Hah. Yeah right. Thinking interferes with being. That’s a quote from B.D. himself.

((The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match. . . PANTHRO!!!

((B.D. bolts down to the ring, simply charging through the cell door, the door falling away, picking Malice up, standing behind her, surfboarding her arms behind her, and suplexing her backward, in a sort of modified tiger suplex. B.D. moves to Malice, hauling her to her feet, again, locking Malice into the beginning of the Plague, then glancing at the nearby turnbuckle post, The Creeper surfacing, finally, smashing B.D. in the back of the head with his forearm, then tossing B.D. through the cage doorway, leading the insane wrestler backstage, picking up Panthro on the way.))

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

Eddie: Well folks we've got a helluva surprise for you tonight.

Travis: That's right. Chloe Jackson is here tonight to promote her new book. It's all about the history of her late fiancee Sephiroth du Lac.

Eddie: That's right and here she is ladies and gentlemen... CHLOE JACKSON.

(("Haunted" by Evanescence begins to play over the loud speakers as Chloe walks out still visibly pregnant being led to the ring by one of the Stage hands. In her left hand is a book.))

Travis: Pregnant or not... she's hot. Hey I'm a poet and I don't know it. I make a rhyme everytime.

Eddie: Stop it or I'll staple your hands to the desk again.

Travis: I'll be good.

((The Stagehand lowers the ropes for Chloe and carefully she climbs in the ring. She waves to the crowd which cheers loudly.))

Travis: She's quite a dish.

Eddie: If Seph were alive you'd be speaking through a hole in your neck.

Travis: Ooo... what's he gonna do now? Decay on me?

Eddie: That was inappropriate.

Travis: Not as inappropriate as your wardrobe. You better burn that shirt Eddie.

Eddie: My mother gave me this shirt.

Travis: Case in point.

((Chloe walks slowly to the ring announcer who bows and hands her a microphone.))

Chloe: Hello, Columbia!!!

((The crowd roars in pride and support as Chloe smiles and claps happily.))

Chloe: It's a real priviledge to be here. In an HWC ring again. I can't wait to come back and as soon as I stop looking like a house you can bet I'll be right back keeping the legacy of...

((She trails off visibly shaken as if something struck straight at the heart.))

Chloe: Carrying on the Legacy of the only man I ever loved. And I've been doing that even now because I have here my new book which goes through the life and times of my late fiancee. It's called "The Fallen One" and it goes through his wrestrling life his personal life and his thoughts and feelings all the way up to his death. This book is his legacy and all I can say is it was a priveledge to be a part of that legacy. I know that if he were here right now... he'd want me to...

((All of a sudden "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC begins to play as the Skull Cowboy walks out dressed in his wrestling attire carrying a mic.))

Eddie: Uh-oh... I don't like where this is going.

Travis: Where's it going?

Eddie: Shut up and chew your gum!

Cowboy: Now, hold on. I've gotten a little sick and tired of hearing this B*$#%^'s moaning and ass kissing. I've had it up to here with the whole... "I miss Seph" routine. Please...

Chloe: But, I...

Cowboy: Shut your mouth, slut!

((The crowd begins booing and hissing as the Cowboy steps in the ring towering over the smaller and obviously handicapped Chloe Jackson.))

Cowboy: We all know why your really here. To mooch off his legacy. You didn't understand him. You couldn't even save him. Or maybe you just like dead men...

((Skull Cowboy grabs her arm and goes in for a kiss but Chloe smacks him hard across the face. The Cowboy then shiftys his hands and wraps them around Chloe's throat and just then the lights go out and all that can be heard is Chloe screaming.))

Eddie: Oh my god, what happened?

Travis: Hold me Eddie.

Eddie: Get the hell off me. Go hug a cactus if you need support.

((Just then the lights raise and Skull Cowboy lies unconcious in the ring a red liquid lies dripping from his throat and Chloe is cowering in the corner scared out of her mind and the only thing that even presents a clue to what happened is a single black rose.))

Eddie: What the hell happened? What's going on?

Travis: Is that...? Blood?

Eddie: You don't think...

Travis: I take back what I said! Oh god! It's the ghost of Seph! He's gonna kill me.

Eddie: Finally my prayers have been answered!

Travis: Hey, you need me.

Eddie: Like a headache.

((The EMT's quickly rush to Chloe leading her out and another set bring a stretcher for the Cowboy but one question remains... what happened in the dark? Camera cuts back stage showing Celtic Hyena alone approching the office door of Cherisse. He knocks a moment before entering. The camera is unable to follow as the door is closed behind him.))

Travis: What was all that about?

Table Match
Vivian vs Lone Goth

Eddie: Well, now, after a rather eventful night, we see one of Travis’ picks.

Travis: Vivian?!

Eddie: Yeah. Vivian and Lone Goth.

Travis: Alright! Hey, popcorn guy. Over here!

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Tables match. Introducing first, from parts unknown, weighing in at 275 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Ciera Ravyn. . .LONE GOTH!!!

((Down With The Sickness hits the PA. The crowd begins to boo loudly as they recognize the music of Lone Goth. Lone Goth steps out behind the curtain as a blast of fire shoots out of the stage. Lone Goth wearing a shirt saying "You laugh because I am different. I LAUGH BECAUSE I JUST KICKED YOUR ASS." on the front, and "WAKE UP, TIME TO DIE." on the back. His black hair pulled back into a ponytail, Lone Goth literally has red eyes from the war between himself and Vivian involving Moon Raven. Lone Goth steps inside the ring and grabs the announcer by the throat.))

Lone Goth: Give me this god damn mic before I rip your fucking head off.

((Lone Goth rips the microphone out of the announcers hand. He pushes Jean and the ref out of his way.))

Lone Goth: Get the hell out of my way. VIVIAN. You psycho bitch. Get the hell out here. You know it's time for you to die little one. Time for your head to be severly fucked for life. You call Raven a whore? I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A WHORE. After this shit is over. I WILL MAKE YOU MY WHORE. Get the fuck out here now.

Travis: Who pissed in his Wheeties?!

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from The Compound, weighing in at 225 lbs, she is the reigning HWC Women’s champion, representing the Darkside. . . VIVIAN!!!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly.))

Eddie: Vivian looking-

Travis: HOLY WOW!

Eddie: Holy wow?

Travis: Shut up. When you’re really excited, you can’t think straight.

Eddie: Not answering.

((Goth charges in with a spear attempt, Vivian simply jumping into the air, going horizontal from the top turnbuckle. As Goth collides with the turnbuckle post, Vivian brings her feet down, in a move that would normally result in a sunset flip, Vivian simply bringing her hands down, in a double axehandle, onto Goth’s back, sending him crashing facefirst into the middle turnbuckle post. Vivian grabs Goth as he begins to stir from the turnbuckle, hitting a high German suplex, holding on, rolling over, and hitting another, the fourth sending Goth over the top rope.))

Eddie: An unlucky draw for this young man in only his second match here in the HWC, drawing the women’s champion, a woman that has gotten increasingly more violent as time has passed.

Travis: I think it comes from not having enough good competition. But I think this Goth kid might actually have what it takes to take Vivian to the limit.

((The referee moves Vivian back, then looks at Goth, still unmoving on the outside of the ring. Vivian steps back a few feet, not seeing Ciera, behind her, slide a chair into the ring, and pull a small pouch from her pocket, dumping some form of powder into her hand. Tapping Vivian on the shoulder, Ciera waits for Vivian to turn, then blowing the powder into Vivian’s face, Vivian recoiling instantly, clutching at her eyes. Ciera grabs the chair, and smashes Vivian in the face with the chair, Vivian stubborn enough that it takes four chairshots to drop her to the ground, Ciera rearing back to drive the chair, vertically, into Vivian’s ribs, before smashing Vivian in the face with the chair, the referee turning, unable to do anything. The next chairshot, however, hits only the mat, as Vivian ducks out of the ring, spitting blood to the side, before sliding back into the ring, and socking Ciera hard.))

Eddie: Uh-oh. Travis Best’s favorite thing, ladies and gentlemen.


((Ciera drops the chair, Vivian rolling over Ciera’s back, coming up behind her, arms wrapped around Ciera’s waist, hauling her into the air, and whipping her back and forth like a ragdoll, before tossing her backward several feet.))

Eddie: That was the Rescheduling! And that means. . .

((Vivian follows Ciera in, jumping off of her ribs, into the air, onto the top turnbuckle, and moving to hit the Tantrum, only to have Goth smack her in the back with a chair, sending her crashing into the ring on her back. Goth pulls Ciera out of the ring, checking on her, Vivian up already, rebounding from the ropes, and somersaulting over the top rope, to crash into Goth and Ciera below. Vivian moves to the nearest table, setting it up, Goth getting to his feet behind her. Goth rushes Vivian from behind, smashing her in the back of the head with his forearm, then driving her, repeatedly, facefirst into the table. After that was done, Goth slides into the ring, making his way to the top turnbuckle.))

Eddie: What does he have planned here?!

Travis: Finishing her off. And then I’ll nurse her to health.

Eddie: You’re sick.

((Goth jumps off, Vivian swinging her legs out to the other side of the table as he nears, grabbing Goth’s neck, and letting his own momentum make it into a severely high-impact Cutter, sending both of them through the table. As they both went through the table at the same time, however, the match continues. Vivian slowly extracts herself from the wreckage, setting up another table, then hauling Goth to his feet, just in time to intercept another chairshot attempt from Ravyn. Vivian bends backward slightly, lifting Goth into the air, for another Rescheduling, Goth’s flailing legs knocking Ravyn back, up until Vivian releases Goth, of course, sending Goth sailing, to crash, fortunately, through the table. The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: Here is your-

((Jean is cut off by the desire to leave, Vivian grabbing the chair she was sitting on, smacking Goth in the face with it, and then leveling the approaching Ravyn the same way, before leaving the ring.))

Eddie: New violence for the HWC Women’s champion. I guess the rumors must be true.

Travis: What, that Vivian wants me?

Eddie: I didn’t say the rumors you started, Travis. I was talking about the rumor that Vivian and Ravyn have some kind of past together.

Travis: Oh. That. Boring.

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

((King of My World plays as The Tiger steps out from the back greeted by boos. Tiger ignores it standing there a moment with, as always her beat up chair and a mic in the other hand. Tiger smirks and makes her way on down to the ring. After she climbs in she stands in the middle waiting for her music to cut.))

The Tiger: Now I know some where back there is a sertain Kidd Rock whinning bout how he thinks he knows me. (pauses as the crowd chant his name) Bull shit! If anyone has calm to that it's me! I'm on to ya Kidd ya and Jeff! I saw that pack ya made..... AND I'M HERE TO LAY WAIST TO YA AND BAD NEWS!

(("Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, and immediately power walks to the ring, with a scowl on his face and a microphone already in hand. He climbs into the ring and puts his hands on his hips, looking at Tiger and shjaking his head in disgust as the music fades.))

Kidd: What the high holy HELL are you talking about?!

The Tiger: Don't play stupid with me TRAITOR! I'm on to ya and Jeff!

Kidd: (Eyes going wide) Me and Jeff?! In case youre memory has gone bye-bye with the rest of your mind, let me remind you that Jeff and I beat each other half to death last week in a Hardcore match! A match, by the way, that YOU interfered in! Does that sound like two people in a pact?

The Tiger: Matches are matches we are forced to fight..... and others enjoy it. Like me.

Kidd: Just like you enjoyed smashing me in the head with that chair, didn't you?!

The Tiger: Why not ya costed me my belt to begin with. Ya got invoved in a match ya had no business in if ya call yar self "My Friend!"

Kidd: I was contracted into that match by Autumn Lewis. If you have a problem with it, take it up with her. But you are right about one aren't the person I used to know and call friend. I don't know what you are anymore!

The Tiger: Then lets settle this here and now!

((Tiger throws down the mic and raises her chair to take a swing at Kidd when they are interupted by the playing of Only in American. Tiger freezes and looks to the ramp as Autumn Lewis comes out. She stays standing on the ramp as her music fades quickly.))

Autumn: There will be no more our your blood shed Tiger. This time I'll settle this sense clearly none of you can. At X-Treme, you Tiger will face Kidd Rock..... in a Hell in a Cell........ WITH Jeff Wylde for the IC Title!

Kidd: (glaring again at Tiger) That suits me fine! How about you, Tiger? You ready to get your ass handed to you in a Hell in a Cell?

((Tiger doesn't answer only takes an angry swing at Kidd's head.))

Kidd: (ducking back easily) Whoa, easy there Queen Kong! Miss Lewis, I think that was a yes from Tiger!

((Tiger doesn't stop advancing on Kidd agains still swing. Kidd blocks the swing and hits Tiger with the microphone on the side of the head, making a loud BOOM noise over the P.A. Tiger staggers back as Autumn watches a moment. She shakes her head and then leaves. In the ring a fight breaks out between Tiger and Kidd, causing security to come out and break it up. Kidd, his eyes wild, struggles against the security guards holding him, as he spews profanities at Tiger))

Back Alley Brawl
BloodLust Slayerz vs The Pyre

((The camera cuts to some back alley somewhere in Bogota. The only light, aside from a sickly blue streetlight at the head of the alley, is from the camera crew. The alley is littered with trash and piles of various junk. There is a noise at the head of the alley, and the camera swings around, revealing the BloodLust Slayerz. They skulk slowly into the alley, looking about for their opponents.))

Palemon: I do not see them! Perhaps they have realized that they cannot defeat warriors such as us!

Beowulf: They must be here! I want to see that Amazon beauty Vivian! I would fight a thousand men for a woman like that!

Palemon: You can have her after we defeat Creeper and B.D.!

Voice in shadows: Easier said than done, Palemon!

((Suddenly, Creeper and B.D. appear in front of them, as if out of thin air. Creeper kicks Beowulf in the gut, and B.D. punches Palemon in the face. The two teams stand there, brawling toe-to-toe for almost a full minute. Creeper gets in a particularly hard hit on Beowulf, who staggers back and falls over a metal trash can. Palemon ducks a wild swing from B.D. and lunges forward, tackling B.D., and the two land in a pile of cardboard boxes. Creeper steps forward after Beowulf, but Beowulf comes lunging out of the shadows with a trashcan lid, blasting Creeper in the face. Creper staggers back, a hand going to his face, as Beowulf hefts the trashcan. Palemon gets to his feet and hops up onto a wooden crate. As B.D. gets to his feet, Palemon launches himself and hits a flying headbutt on B.D., who crumples. Beowulf raises the trashcan, intending to blast Creeper, but Creeper sticks a foot up and kicks the trashcan back into Beowulf's face! The trashcan hits the ground as Beowulf falls flat on his back. Creeper turns to face Palemon.))

Creeper: You still think you can defeat us so easily?

Palemon: We can, and we will! We are invincible warriors!

Creeper: Hardly that!

((Creeper kicks Palemon in the gut, grabs him by the throat, and chokeslams him THROUGH the wooden crate! Creeper turns just in time to have Beowulf blast him over the head with a 2x4! Creeper falls hard, just as B.D. is getting to his feet. B.D. lunges forward, driving his shoulder into Beowulf's chest. Beowulf goes staggering backwards, but remains on his feet, and responds with spin wheel kick, catching B.D. flush on the jaw. B.D. goes flying backwards and falls over Creeper, who was on his hands & knees, trying to get to his feet. Beowulf rushes at Creeper, but Creeper drops onto his belly, and Beowulf goes flying over, crashing down onto B.D.! Creeper did not see, however, Palemon, who climbed up the nearby fire escape. Creeper turns around, looking for Palemon, and Palemon launches himself from the fire escape, and hits a missile dropkick! Creeper goes flying, and Palemon lands hard, but rolls with it, and comes up on his feet. Beowulf comes out of the shadows with a length of ratty-looking orange extension cord.))

Beowulf: We can tie them up with this!

Palemon: Yes! Then we will be the victors!

((Palemon bends down to pick Creeper up, but suddenly, the alley fills with light and the sound of screeching tires. A black BMW skids into the alley, with Hans Kuhmann hanging out of the open sunroof! The car slides to a halt, and Hans runs down the roof and hood, launches himself through the air and crashes into Palemon. Beowulf starts to turn towards them, but the driver's door flips open, and Klaus von Hammer comes barreling out and slams himself into Beowulf. Beowulf, blinded and unprepared, goes flying and slams hard into the nearby wall. Hans ducks a swing from Palemon and takes a kick at him. Palemon grabs the foot, and Hans flips himself up, nailing an Inziguri kick to the side of Palemon's head! Palemon crumples to the ground. Hans calls out to Klaus, who comes over, dragging the dazed Beowulf.))

Hans: Ich denke, daß wir über diesen Abfall verfügen müssen!

Klaus: Ja! Und Abfall sollte in den passenden Behälter gestellt werden!

Hans: (pointing down the alley) Das soll nett machen!

((The camera turns to where Hans is pointing, revealing a large, very dirty-looking dumpster. Hans & Klaus drag BLS over to the dumpster, and Hans reaches up to flip the lid open, and quickly turns his head away.))

Hans: Lieber Gott, das riecht schrecklich!

Klaus: Das macht es für diese zwei perfektioniert!

((Without further ado, Klaus hefts Beowulf up, as Hans pushes from behind, and they dump Beowulf head-first into the dumpster. Then they turn to Palemon, hoist him into the air, and deposit him on top of Beowulf! Hans slams the lid shut, and they both dust their hands off, walking out of the alley. Creeper has crawled over to B.D., and they assist each other to their feet. They both lok around, then spot Hans & Klaus as they climb back into the BMW. Creeper shiewlds hie eyes from the light, looking at Klaus, who only nods at Creeper, then gets into the driver's seat and closes the door. Hans sticks his head out of the sunroof and snaps off a cocky salute as the BMW backs out of the alley.The cameraman climbs up onto a pile of crates nest to the dumpster, opens the lid, and focuses in on the spectacle of Palemon laying draped over Beowulf, with horrid-looking trash and flies all around them.))

((The camera is panning around backstage this time, and it finds Chris Murphy standing near Cherisse Novak's office. He knocks, then waits. The door opens to disgorge the Commissioner of the HWC. She smiles when she sees who it is.))

Cherisse: Glad you could make it, Chris.

Chris: Yes, well, when the Commissioner wants to talk to you, you obey.

Cherisse: Don't be like that... I wanted you here so I could announce who's going to be on the panel for the High Impact Match.

Chris: I'm sure the fans are waiting eagerly to hear this... Please go on.

Cherisse: Thank you. The five people who will be on the panel for the High Impact Match at X-Treme are, in no particular order...


Rayne Merriuci.

Kidd Rock.



The Enforcer.

Chris: Rayne Merriuci? Who's that?

Cherisse: Lucien's sister. I couldn't find anyone else who was willing to participate.

Chris: Why not one of the Dylan wives?

Cherisse: You'll see why I chose her at X-Treme.

Chris: I have to ask this... But why Panthro and Vivian? They're both part of The Creeper's entourage.

Cherisse: Panthro is his own man. Besides, I need someone who can fly to judge whether those two actually do.

Chris: Ah, now I get it... An expert opinion.

Cherisse: Exactly.

Chris: Well, thank you for telling us who's going to be on that panel...

Cherisse: You're welcome, Chris. Oh, by the way... If I catch you harassing the wrestlers after they've dismissed you again, your ass is in a sling. Got me?

Chris: Yes, ma'am.

Cherisse: Good.

((Chris walks away, gulping audibly. Cherisse laughs softly, then shuts her office door.))

Eddie: Guess you're not the only one who has to watch his step around here, Travis.

Travis: Guess not. But he has been bothering the wrestlers after they turned to go. So he deserved that. Just like I deserved what I got.

Eddie: Behaving does have its own rewards...

Travis: That it does, Eddie. Folks, we'll be right back. Don't touch that dial, or you'll be sorry!

((Camera opens up on a prision guard sitting at his desk with his feet up. As he relaxes he bites into a Snickers candy bar. The camera starts to pan back as the sound of yelling and a siren goes off. As the camera pans back a prison riot can bee seen breaking out. Things are thrown and fights start, all the while the guard doesn't seem to notice it one bite. The camera comes to a stop seeing the cause of the fight as The Tiger and Harley Quinn are seen going blow for blow.)

Announcer: Lazyness.... another side effect of hunger. Try Snickers to get you threw that long day.))

Hardcore Match
Lucien Merriuci vs Draven Mastere

Eddie: Next up, Draven Masters and Lucien Meriucci go head to head in a Hardcore match.

Travis: This will be interesting.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Hardcore Match, set for one fall. Introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside pericing a hole through his opponent with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Eddie: Lucien seems out of place, here, in a hardcore match.

Travis: No, he’s a hardcore athlete.

Eddie: Yes, but he hasn’t been in a great many hardcore matches in the HWC.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 290 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by his sister Ravyn, representing the Bad News, DRAVEN MASTERS!!!

((Click Click Boom" blasts over the PA and Ravyn Masters comes out onto the stage and walks to the ramp walking about halfway down and then throws up her hands. A huge blast of pyro goes off on the stage behind her and when it fades, Draven Masters is standing on the stage. He walks to Ravyn and the two head to the ring. Draven and his sister reach the ring and she gives him a kiss on the cheek for good luck. As he enters, Lucien, who, by now, has grabbed a garbage can, smashes Draven in the head with the garbage can repeatedly. Draven responds with a thunderous spear, taking Lucien off of his feet.))

Eddie: And there you see Draven’s in ring experience in full swing.

Travis: Draven’s a huge guy, and he knows it.

Eddie: You’re behaving. Have you sworn off your lecherous ways?

Travis: No, I just happen to enjoy being able to speak.

Eddie: Ah.

((Draven hauls Lucien to his feet, going for a DVD, only to have Lucien drop from Draven’s shoulders, grab the chair, and lift Draven into the air on his shoulders, then whipping the chair in his hands up, smashing Draven full in the face, causing him to drop backwards like a stone. Lucien goes for the pin. 1. . .2 . . . Draven kicks out, standing quickly, firing off a kick, then hitting a jumping neckbreaker, sliding outside the ring and retrieving a kendo stick from the hardcore “Supplies” under the ring. Draven smacks Lucien repeatedly in the face, once every time Lucien attempted to get to his feet. Lucien finally regains his feet, catching the kendo stick, and pulling it from Draven’s hands, smacking him with the kendo stick, until a hand clamps down on the kendo stick. Lucien turns, finding himself face to face with B.D., who responds as per his norm, by kicking Lucien in the midsection, and hitting a Plague into the fallen kendo stick. Draven rockets from a low crouch, leveling B.D., then picking him up, resting him against the ropes, and doing the same.))

Eddie: Draven seems to be ready for anything.

Travis: He’d have to be. He’s not sober enough to be otherwise.

((B.D. spills outside the ring, only to slide back into the ring under the bottom rope, having landed on his feet. Ravyn grabs B.D.’s ankles, dragging him under the bottom rope, smashing him in the head with a forearm, B.D. staggering backward, then looking at Ravyn in disbelief. Ravyn grabs the discarded chair from the ring, moving forward and smashing B.D. in the head with the chair, Draven coming outside the ring to assist his sister in the attack on B.D.))

Eddie: After seeing B.D. already interfere once tonight, and their match earlier, B.D. is getting taken apart.

Travis: B.D.’s a loon, but he’s got the two Masters kids taking him apart.

Eddie: Kids?

Travis: Well, okay, they’re not kids anymore.

((B.D. is dropped over the back of the guardrail, Ravyn moving as if to follow him, Draven holding her back, then following B.D. himself. In the ring, however, Lucien has begun to get to his feet, and, grabbing the kendo stick, rolls outside the ring, cracking Ravyn in the back of the neck with the kendo stick, before following Draven. The cameras follow Lucien, Lucien catching up with Draven and B.D. toward the entrance to the floor, kendo stick still in hand. Ravyn regains her footing, and follows, grabbing up the chair.))

Eddie: And this is the Hardcore action that makes the HWC great.

Travis: That and hot women.

Eddie: Of course you would go there.

((Lucien cracks Draven in the head, dropping Draven to his hands and knees, B.D. clotheslining Lucien harshly, only to take a face full of chair from the approaching Ravyn, all three men dropping to the ground, at least for a few moments.))

Eddie: And just like that, all three men out here are down.

Travis: They’re not down. They’re taking naps!

Eddie: Right. Did you take your medication today?

Travis: Yeah. Gin and a lapdance.

Eddie: Pervert.

((Draven regains his feet, pinning Lucien, the referee moving into position. 1. . 2. . . Draven breaks up the pin as a rising B.D. tackles Ravyn, struggling with her to get the kendo stick. As B.D. frees the kendo stick from Ravyn’s hands, his arms snap back, the kendo stick crashing into Draven’s face, dropping him backward. B.D. stands, looking at Draven, then Lucien, then Ravyn, cracking Lucien in the head with the kendo stick, and then disappearing from the area. Draven moves over, making the pin. 1. . .2. . . the referee is taken out by B.D. rushing by, with the kendo stick.))

Eddie: What the-?


Eddie: You like doing that, don’t you?

Travis: Hey, I’ve been trying to find a place to say that for years.

((Ravyn gets up, cracking B.D. with the chair, again, then handing the chair to Draven, who responds by lifting Lucien to a seated position, and stepping to his side, moving as if in a batting cage, rearing back, and smashing Lucien full in the face with the flat of the chair, rocking Lucien. Draven picks up Lucien, dropping the chair, and hitting a Master Plan into the chair, Ravyn stepping back from her assault on B.D., having taken the kendo stick from him, moving to the referee, and beginning to rouse him. Behind her, B.D. gets slowly to his feet, grabbing a fire extinguisher from inside the doorway.))

Eddie: Oh no. He can’t be thinking what I think he is.

Travis: LOOK OUT, RAVYN!!!

((As though she had heard Travis, Ravyn turns around in time to duck around the swinging fire extinguisher, cracking B.D. with the kendo stick, again, this time on the throat, dropping B.D. to the ground. Ravyn turns back to rousing the referee, B.D. staying down this time. The referee finally regains consciousness enough to look at Draven, pinning Lucien, and make a slow, groggy count. 1. . . . . . 2. . . . . . . kickout by Lucien. Draven picks up Lucien, going for another Master Plan. Behind him, however, B.D. has regained his feet, and, turning Ravyn around, kicks her in the midsection, hitting a Plague on her in a way that she drops, hard, stomach first, into the fire extinguisher, Ravyn rolling away, clutching her midsection. Draven hits the Master Plan, B.D. picking up the kendo stick, and, as the referee begins to make the count, smacking Lucien in the throat with the kendo stick, before walking, looking confused, from the area. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, as a result of a pinfall, DRAVEN MASTERS!!!

Eddie: Draven won, but not without a hellacious fight.

Travis: I don’t think he’s even seen what’s happened to his sister.

((Draven gets up, celebrating, then turning to look at Ravyn, on her side, clutching her stomach. Draven moves to her, picking her up, and carrying her toward the medical area, backstage.))

Eddie: The finishing moves of the HWC are all incredibly damaging moves, and the Plague is another one. The Plague, by itself, was powerful enough, but, into the fire extinguisher, that may be severely damaging.

Travis: I gotta say, I’m worried for Ravyn. Let’s hope it’s just a minor bruise, or a slight pain, and not anything serious.

((Sweet Little Sister plays again as like before followed by Cherisse stepping from the back. She stands on top of the ramp clapping her hands at the last match. She waits a moment for her theme and the crowd to quiet down before speaking.))

Cherisse: First of all I was congradulate all the wrestlers for making this a most memorable night for all, but there and only be two winners to go on to X-Treme for the first ever DisasterPiece Title match. And those two are........ Draven Master and B.D. Those two prove above all tonight that they have the much need Brutality to go far in the HWC. (pauses as the crowd cheers for the coming match) It has also been brought to my attention the much growing problem between Lucien and B.D. and even though B.D. has a title match I'm sure he will have no problem fighting in another match. That is if he really have Brutality. So at X-Treme it will be Lucien and Celtic vs...... B.D. and Panthro in a Hardcore Tag Team match, with a special guest ref. I'm sure Jarred Dylan will do a great job in that match.

((Again the crowd errupts in cheers as Travis and Eddie look to stunned to say anything. Camera cuts back stage with a very drity Palemon stagging next to the office door of Martin Smalls. His arms around crossed every now glancing at his watch when the door finally opens. Out steps Beowulf grinning ear to ear holding a crumbled peice of paper.))

Palemon: Did you get it?

Beowulf: It took some perswation but yea I got it. He kept going on something about he's a changed man....

Palemon: Just as long as you got the match with the Die Zerstörer.

Beowulf: Don't worry, it's a done deal. I don't think he's going to anything about it now.

((Palemon and Beowulf walk away laughing about the match and their plans when the camera pans over looking into Martin Smalls office. The desk is turned over and there is a large crack in the wall, underit laying in a heep on the floor is what looks like to be the form of Martin Smalls.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))