Saturday Night Slaughter
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America from the Monumental

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, the back to black.))

Eddie: We are live in from the Monumental in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Travis: Someone get me some water I'm melting here.

Eddie: It is indeed hot here, but I can promise you things haven't even begun to warm up.

Travis: Why couldn't we be some place cold.

Standard Match
Zac .K vs NeX

Eddie: Well, first up, tonight, we have a young man making his debut here in the HWC, Zac K. going up against a man that has a record of losses here in the HWC, in NeX.

Travis: I like this rookie. Zac K. realizes that these fans aren’t worth a damn, and he comes to the ring with that hot woman he’s married to.

Eddie: He thinks he’s the best thing going.

Travis: Probably because he is, Eddie.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Binghamton, New York, weighing in at 200 lbs, accompanied to the ring by his wife Karen. . . ZAC K!!!!

((Zac K walks out from behind the curtains, as “Welcome Burden” plays, and stands at the top of the ramp and his fists shoot out of his sides like a crucifix position. While he's standing there his wife/manager Karen walks out and up to his back and wraps her arms around him and after she does that she lets go and they both walk down the ramp and Zac slides into the ring and Karen stays on the outside. Zac walks over to the ring rope and Karen climbs up onto the apron and gives Zac a kiss and then she hops down and Zac waits in the ring, the crowd booing him like it was going out of style.))

Eddie: These fans visibly not liking this young man making his debut here.

Travis: They’re just jealous because he’s better than they are.

Eddie: Don’t tell me you actually believe the garbage he spouts.

Travis: It’s not garbage if it’s true.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Allentown, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 252 lbs. . .NEX!!!

((Lights go out as “Assassins” plays. A few seconds of darkness end as NeX appears on the entrance ramp. As he walks down to the ring he taunts the crowd. He finally enters the ring under the bottom rope. He gets on the top turnbuckle and taunts the crowd some more. As NeX turns to drop from the top turnbuckle, he is smashed from behind by a forearm shot from Zac, sending NeX over the top rope. Zac drops out of the ring, moving to NeX, and driving him headfirst into the guardrail, then slinging him across, toward the steel steps. NeX hurdles the steps quickly, and levels Karen with a massive clothesline.))

Eddie: Come on! She’s not even in this match!

Travis: Wake up, ref! The ref should throw out this match right now!

((NeX smiles as he turns to face Zac, only to find Zac coming off of the steel steps with a forearm shot, sending NeX stumbling backward. Zac grabs NeX and tosses him into the ring, jumping onto the apron, and waiting. NeX gets to his feet, and moves toward the ropes, Zac vaulting over the top rope, and hitting a hurracanrana to NeX, both of them going back to the floor. Zac gets back to his feet, reaching under the ring, and grabbing a table, resting it between the guardrail and the apron, then putting NeX on the table itself. After moving Karen out of the way, Zac slides into the ring, vaulting onto the turnbuckle, and coming off with a huge Frog Splash))

Eddie: I believe he calls that the Angel of Death.

Travis: Yeah, but I think it killed both of them.

((After several moments, Zac manages to get up from the wreckage of the table, and NeX, and toss NeX into the ring, making his way to the apron. Taking a breath, Zac vaults to the top turnbuckle, and, in the same move, hits another Angel of Death, hooking the leg. 1. . .2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Two Angel of Death’s, one through a table, and the count was entirely elementary.

Travis: I told you this Zac kid was the best thing going, in the HWC. He’s just now in the process of showing the world.

((Slaughter cuts to a commercial for Geico auto insurance. A man is driving his car down the street humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music on the radio. His smile turns to shock as he slams on the brakes and a loud crash is heard.)

Announcer: Geico auto insurance, because you never know when this...

(The view cuts to the man's car smashed up against the Cushion. The front of the car is dented and the hood is crumpled up like an accordion. The Cushion looks over confused.)

Announcer: ...might happen.

(The Geico logo comes up.)

Geico, a 15 minute call could save you 15% or more on car insurance.))

Standard Match
Lone Goth vs The Impactplayer

Eddie: Next up, we have Lone Goth, another young man making his debut here in the HWC, going up against the ImpactPlayer, a man that has found negligible success here in the HWC.

Travis: Goth is my kind of guy. And I don’t know what TIP’s been smoking. That chick with Goth is hot!

Eddie: Travis, you think anything with two legs and breasts is hot.

Travis: Hey! You know, I can’t really get too angry about that. It’s true.

Eddie: I know it is.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from parts unknown, weighing in at 275 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Ciera Ravyn. . . LONE GOTH!!!

((Down with the Sickness plays, as Lone Goth walks down with Ciera Ravyn a.k.a. Moon Raven to the ring dressed in a black shirt that says 'The Flying Hamster Of DOOM Rains Coconuts On Your Pitiful City', a leather collar with five metal rings around the neck, black hair, black finger nails, black leather pants, and a black leather trench coat. Snapping off the coat, to reveal arms covered in scars. Lone Goth get's in the announcers face and snarls. sits up on the corner turnbuckle smiling as Lone Goth spits on the mat and grabs for the mic.))

Eddie: What in the-? That shirt is the most-

Travis: Funny thing I’ve ever seen on a wrestler! (Travis laughs.)

Eddie: You would find that funny, Travis.

Travis: Probably because it is, Eddie.

Lone Goth: You know what Impact? I am sick and tired of hearing you run your retarded ass mouth all the time. I am thinking it might be a good idea for me to shove my boot up your ass. All I hear is I am going to do this and I am going to do that. Well fuck that man. You may think you are all big and bad and can say and do what the hell you want. Son when it comes down to facing someone who has lived his whole life wandering the streets and getting into fights. You aint got shit on me bitch. We have a match here so perpare to whip your ass at this present moment. I will guarantee when it comes to here and now, I will be rubbing your pathetic face into the mat and making your ass bleed. WAKE UP TIME TO DIE.

((Superstar comes on and the arena goes black followed then by blue pyro shooting off.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 212 lbs, from New York City, New York. . .THE IMPACTPLAYER!!!

((The Impactplayer makes his way to the ring, he walks slow, as he nears to the ring music shuts off. Goth comes sailing over the top rope, crashing into TIP. Both men drop to the ground, Goth picking TIP up, only to DDT him back to the steel of the rampway, stomping TIP as though TIP was the source of all his ills. Goth picks up TIP, slinging him toward the stairs, only to have TIP reverse it, Goth then reversing it himself, sending TIP into the stairs at a slower speed, as the double reverses had taken them too close to the stairs, the impact only producing a light crashing sound. TIP climbs, quickly, on top of the stairs, and spinning a 180, catching Goth with a spinning clothesline.))

Eddie: These two don’t seem to understand that you can’t win a match outside the ring.

Travis: Goth has already said he doesn’t care if he gets disqualified, he intends to take TIP to the limit.

Eddie: Maybe, but, as you’ve pointed out yourself, it doesn’t matter how, just that you get a check in the win column.

((TIP grabs Goth, sliding him into the ring, Goth instantly getting to his feet, and vaulting over the top rope, again, TIP simply sliding into the ring, Goth landing hard on the rampway. TIP goes to the top turnbuckle, and waits. As Goth gets to his feet, TIP jumps, flipping forward in a 180, coming down in a double axehandle, Goth jumping upward, grabbing the back of TIP’s head, and driving him facefirst into the rampway, again.))

Eddie: Holy crap! Goth may have just killed ImpactPlayer!

Travis: Good riddance. I’m getting tired of that ImpactPlayer goof stinking up the HWC with his lack of skill. I mean, he can’t even get the name straight! The chump keeps calling it the HCW. I think he needs to go to a group home. He’s already been hit in the head one too many times.

Eddie: You may be right, with that.

((Goth gets, slowly, to his feet, sliding into the ring, signaling to Ciera, on the outside, who jumps onto the apron. Goth moves to the other side of the ring, grabbing the timekeeper’s chair, and coming around the ring. As TIP gets to his feet, his face busted open, Goth swings the chair horizontally, TIP ducking, grabbing the chair, spinning Goth slightly, and pressing the chair to Goth’s face, hooking his leg over the back of Goth’s neck, and dropping Goth facefirst into the chair, the chair smacking into the rampway, in what appears to be a modified Rocker Dropper.))

Eddie: This may be it, right here.

Travis: Nope. Goth is too good for that. This ImpactPlayer goof’s going to make a stupid mistake, and that’ll cost him the match.

Eddie: Well, unless ImpactPlayer plans to accidentally knock himself out, and land with Goth pinning him, I really don’t see how that’s going to work out.

Travis: I think Ciera’s going to flash ImpactPlayer, and that’ll be enough.

Eddie: You’re hoping she’ll do that.

Travis: Hope, think, wish, they’re all the same to me.

((TIP picks up Goth, and slides him into the ring, hooking the leg, Ciera still on the apron.))

Eddie: Come on! That was at least a three count!

Travis: Ref didn’t see it, it doesn’t count.

((TIP grabs the chair from outside the ring, sliding into the ring with it, vaulting to the top turnbuckle, then dropkicking the chair into Ciera’s face from the top turnbuckle, the recoil sending TIP back into the ring, where he crawls over to Goth, and hooks the leg. 1. . .2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: And ImpactPlayer picks up a victory here, over Goth.

Travis: What?! How much did that goof in the ring pay the ref to count that fast?!

Eddie: That wasn’t a fast count, and you know it, Travis.

Travis: Dammit. Now I’m out a grand.

Eddie: A grand?

Travis: Hey, I thought I had a sure thing.

((As TIP makes his way back up the ramp The Tiger steps out from behind him. Tiger looms behind him with chair in hand and a mic in the other, she drops the mic and waits for TIP to turn around. TIP backs up into Tiger before he turns around. But the moment their eyes meet Tiger brings up her chair and swings down onto TIP's head. He drops like a rock. Once down Tiger picks the mic back up, and speaks.))

The Tiger: Let it be known I kept my word to Goth..... and that ImpactPlayer.... Is the first victom of Damage Inc.!

Eddie: Damage Inc? Whats that?

Travis: I don't know but ImpactPlayer is the first to feel it.

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC WarZone: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as Green Haired Frog, Anyone from the Bad News or Darkside, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows Travis Best and Eddie Daniels playing the game. Eddie is using Jeff, and Travis is using Sephiroth. Eddie turns to Travis.)

Eddie: Can you knock off the commentary, we're not at work.

Travis: Oops. Sorry.

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

Last Man Standing
B.D. vs Celtic Hyena

Jean Fortello: The following contest is a Las Man Standing Match!

((As "(Can't Be) Fixed" by Spineshank fades in, the lights slowly dim, then die out completely. The explosion of sound from the PA accompanied by a equal explosion from the pyros around the rampway, as well as the ringposts, the ringposts then smoking heavily, looking like a mistake, the smoke filling the ring, then, once the ring is filled, the smoke dissipates, revealing B.D. sitting on a turnbuckle, his chin resting on his hand, his elbow on his knee.))

Jean: Currently in the ring, fro, the Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 260 pounds, BD!

Eddie: What a night we've had so far and this match promises to be nothing short of brutal.

Travis: What a night? This is the first good thing about this night!

Eddie: And don't forget we still have the hardcore match between Kidd Rock and Intercontinental champion Jeff Wylde over what happened in the cage match last week! Plus the Jeff's Bad News stablemates, Bad News will meet the BloodLust Slayerz in a bar room brawl.

((The arena darkens giving away to a strobe light effect with the start of "Somewhere I Belong". On the tron clips of Celtic in training are shown. Just as the music starts to get hard Celtic steps out with Maggie at his side. He takes a moment to stand there and stare hard at his opponet. Before he continues on, Celtic shadow boxes for a moment throwing some mean punches. The strobe light effect gives away to a spot light that follows Celtic and Maggie all the way to the ring.))

Jean: And his opponent, from Limerick, Ireland, weighing in at 335 pounds, representing Bad News, Celtic Hyena!

((Celtic reaches the ring and then stops before getting in fixing BD with a mean look. He then turns to Maggie and sends her to the back. She looks a bit upset but then understands seeing as how Celtic expects this match to be nothing short of brutal. As she heads off Celtic turns to the ring only to find BD rebounding off the far side ropes and tossing himself over the top rope. He does a flip and lands on Celtic both men tumbling to the floor.))

Eddie: BD starting off early as Celtic wisely sends Maggie to the back away from the mayhem that this match is sure to be!

Travis: For once I agree with you! This match is going to be nothing short of a war. This isn't going to be a wrestling match. It's gonna be a straight up fight!

Eddie: And let's not forget that this is a last man staning match, and that means no pinfalls, no submissions, no disqualifcations and no coutnouts. The only way to win is to knock your opponent out for a ten count.

((BD has rolled off of Celtic after the two hit the floor and is now wailing away on him with right hands. Cletic blocks and levels BD with a right of his own, he follows that up with a left, and starts pounding BD with solid lefts and rights backing the two right up the ramp. Walter Powell has no choice but to follow. However BD intends to take the fight back to the ring and jams his finger into Celtics eye. He giggles a bit and then kicks Cletic in the leg dropping the bigger man to a knee. BD leapfrogs over Celtic and runs to the ring sliding in under the bottom rope. Celtic turns around and glares at the maniac as he heads to the ring a look of determination on his face.))

Eddie: BD making Celtic angry, and I really don't think that's something you want!

Travis: An angry Hyena? Who? Me? No way? Forget about it!

((Celtic slides in under the bottom rope and BD drops a knee to the back of his head and then stands back up viciously kicking CH in the head. BD grabs him to his feet and then rakes his eyes. CH staggers around trying to clear both his head and his vision but BD does not allow him that convience. Instead BD grabs CH and rams him face first into the nearest turnbuckle several times. CH staggers backwards and then gets mowed down by a clothesline as BD charges him. BD then runs to the ropes and jumps on the second rope bouncing himself up into the air and spins around intending to land a bizzare version of a sprinboard splash onto CH. CH however sees the move coming and simply tucks his knees into his chest. BD comes crashing down onto the knees and starts rolling around on the mat in pain.))

Travis: Ouch! That had to hurt! I don't care how crazy you are!

Eddie: Celtic Hyena has just enough presence of mind to get his knees up, now he needs to capitalize on it.

((CH does just that getting up and walking over to BD and kicking him repeatedly in the ribs. He then steps on BD's neck and grabs the top rope for leverage as he digs his boot into BD's neck cutting off his air. BD's feet kick and his arms flail and CH finally lets him go. He reaches down and pulls BD to his feet and whips him off the ropes nailing him with a big boot to the face. The impact snaps BD's head back it looks like his head might come off, fortunatley for BD it doesn't. BD lays motionless as Walter Powell starts the count.))

Powell: 1, 2, 3, 4...

Eddie: This thing may be over already! That big boot by Hyena nearly decapitated BD!

Travis: He's not out yet Eddie! Look! He's getting back up!

((Indeed he is. Cletic walks over to inflict more punishment on the lunatic but BD takes advantage of the no dq rule and fires off a right hand into the groin of CH. The bigger man's eyes go wide and he falls over as he grabs his family jewls. BD rebounds off the ropes and leaps into the air dropping an elbow on CH. He then reaches down and repays CH for earlier by wrapping his hand around the larger man's neck and choking him. He gets a gleefull look on his face and appears to be laughing. However Celtic's hand shoots up and grabs BD's neck and Cletic starts to get up. Both men are now standing with their hands wrapped around each other's throats.They're both thinking the same thing and kick each other in the midsection at the same time forcing both of them to let go of each other.))

Eddie: Both men trying to choke the other and making the other release in the same way at the same time.

((BD sees Celtic bent over trying to catch his breath and runs over and takes CH down with a cradle DDT. CH is still moving as BD stands back up but BD is far from finished. The little lunatic grabs CH and drapes his neck over the second rope and then runs off the ropes on the other side landing on CH's back driving his neck into the ropes. He then hauls CH to his feet and nails him with a vicious powerslam. He stands up and gestures to CH requesting the referee to start the ten count.))

Powell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

((Celtic stirs and gets back up much to the annoyment of BD. He grabs CH but CH stands up suddenly smacking BD's hands away and then grabs BD's head and nails him with a headbutt. BD staggers backwards as CH nails another shot to his cranium. BD staggers back to the ropes and CH charges clotheslining him over the top rope. Both men go tumbling to the floor, CH landing on his feet, BD landing in a heap on the floor. Celtic steps on BD as he walks over to the time keeper and tosses him out of his chair and takes the chair over to the now rising BD. He lifts the chair over his head intending to bring it down on BD's head but BD has other ideas. He kicks CH in the midsection doubling the bigger man over and making him drop the chair. He grabs CH and bounces his face off the announcers table making Eddie and Travis jump. He turns around and still holding onto CH he runs him towards the steel steps letting him go sending CH hurtling headlong into them. CH hits head first and lays prone on the floor.))

Eddie: What a shot by BD. He just sent Celtic Hyena into the steel steps headfirst and that may be it for him!

Travis: It looked like he was trying to get his hands up to block the impact but I don't think he did.

((An instant replay shows that CH did try to get his hands up but his head took most of the impact. Back to live action Walter Powell has reached seven as CH gets back up uising the ring apron and the steps for support. BD charges as he sees CH get up, CH however ducks just in the nick of time and BD goes charging past him tripping over the steel steps and goes tumbling to the floor. CH wastes no time and grabs the steel steps taking them apart and in an incredible show of strength tosses them at BD. BD sees them coming but has no time to react as they slam into his face. He goes down in a heap and CH rolls back into the ring trying to catch his breath.))

Powell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8....

((Somehow BD starts moving again and gets up. He's been busted open from the tossed steps but he's on his feet. He gets back into the ring only to have CH grab him and start firing off right hands into the open wound on his forehead. BD's arm suddenly shoots out and his fist goes crashing into CH's throat. CH staggers backwards trying to catch his breath. BD charges from behind bulldogging CH to the mat and then rolls out of the ring and goes around to get the chair from earlier. He mounts the top turnbuckle with chair in hand and when CH gets back to his feet BD takes flight bringing the chair down over the head of CH.))


Eddie: Oh my God! What a shot by BD with that steel chair! Celtic Hyena just dropped like a rock!

Travis: Yeah! That's it BD! Take him out!

Eddie: You know we're supposed to be impartial.

Travis: Do I look like I care?

Powell: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...

((CH starts to rise at the count of nine and BD can't believe it. He is however pleased to see that his chairshot opened up CH as well as a cut has been opened on CH's head. BD rears back for another chairshot but CH grabs the chair in midswing and kicks BD in the midsection relieving him of the weapon. He brings the chair down across BD's back and BD falls face first to the mat. CH drops the chair and whips BD across the ring leveling him with a wicked clothesline, as BD falls Panthro comes charging down the ramp and jumps to the top rope springboarding himself at CH. Hyena catches Panthro as he attempts a cross body and then presses the smaller man over his head. Panthro looks around in shock not expecting this. BD starts to rise and CH waits until he turns around to face him and then tosses Panthro at BD. Both men go crashing to the mat.))

Eddie: What's he doing here?

Travis: Getting tossed around by Celtic Hyena right now.

((Panthro helps BD to his feet as CH moves in. Both men kick CH in the midsection and take him down with a double DDT. BD then grabs CH and suplexes him leaving him in the middle of the ring. He heads over to a turnbuckle and rips the padding off the top turnbuckle exposing the steel eyebolt underneath. However Panthro, who has just been watching is suddenly yanked off his feet as Lucien comes out of the crowd and grabs his legs pulling him from the ring. The two start slugging it out on the floor while the match continues in the ring. BD picks CH back up to his feet and whips him towards the now exposed turnbuckle. CH hits hard, yelling out in pain as his back impacts with the steel. BD then charges in, nailing CH with a shoulderblock, CH with nowhere else to go goes slamming back into the exposed turnbuckle again. BD repeats this two more times before dragging CH to the middle of the ring where the chair is laying.))

Eddie: We've got two matches going on here! BD and Hyena in the ring and Panthro and Lucien on the outside!

Travis: And this match could end right now because it looks like BD is setting up Celtic for a Plauge onto that chair!

((And that is exactly what BD is planning unfortunately for CH. Even more unfortunate for CH is that BD hits it! A Plaugue onto the chair. He then turns his attention to the outside of the ring where Panthro and Lucien are fighting their way up the ramp both men nailing each other with right hands. In the ring Walter Powell has no choice but to start counting CH out. BD heads from the ring and grabs Lucien from behind and drops him in a reverse DDT on the ramp. He then picks up Panthro and drops him in a legdrop position on Lucien. The two pick him up and drag him to the top of the ramp. BD however fails to notice that at the count of seven CH has gotten back up, grabbed the chair and is following him.))

Eddie: BD thought he had the match won with that Plauge to the chair but Hyena is back up and he looks pissed!

Travis: Look out BD!

((CH reaches the top of the ramp where Panthro and BD are kicking away at Lucien, and readying him for a powerbomb. CH brings the chair down across the back of BD who was going to administer the move and then turns his attention rather quickly to Panthro nailing him with a chairshot to the gut before bringing the steel chair down over his back. Panthro falls to his face on the stage. BD and CH turn their attention to each other and BD is the recipient of a swing by CH that would make Sammy Sosa proud. BD goes flipping off his feet and lands in a heap on the stage.))

Eddie: They'd better be careful! That stage is fifteen feet off the floor! If someone falls off of that it could very well end their career!

Travis: I think that's what Hyena has planned! Look!

((CH has pulled BD back to his feet and wrapped his hand around BD's neck and is looking down over the edge of the stage to where the tech area is.))

Eddie: No! He's not going to do what I think he's going to!

((Well he was, but Panthro has recovered and hit CH with a low blow forcing him to let go of BD. CH again grabs his groin as if that alone could ward off the pain of the kick from Panthro but of course it's not. The three men standing at the edge of the stage don't see Lucien who has also gotten back to his feet and he charges. Panthro sees him coming and ducks as Lucien leaps up intent on delivering a spinning heel kick to Panthro. With him out of the way, Lucien goes flying into BD and CH and all three men go falling off the edge of the stage landing with a deafeaning crash in the tech area! All three men go crashing through tables loaded down with wires and other equipment.))

Eddie: Dear God! Lucien was trying to take out Panthro and instead took out BD, Celtic Hyena and himself. They just went crashing into our tech area!

Travis: There's thousands of dollars of valuable equipment over there that could be very dangerous if there are any live wires from anything that might have broken besides them.

Eddie: Panthro is the only one left standing and he can't believe it either! BD is buried somewhere down in that wreckage!

((Walter Powell has made his way over to the wreckage next to the stage and starts issuing a count on both BD and CH. Panthro jumps down from the stage (1) and grabs the equipment on top of BD (2) and tossing it off to the side (3). BD shakes his blood soaked head (4) as Panthro helps him to his feet (5), BD staggers and falls back down (6), Panthro helps him back up (7), and leans him against the side of the stage (8) and BD grabs onto the stage supports (9) as the count reaches (10).))

Jean: Here is your winnner, BD!

Eddie: Well, thanks to Panthro BD survives this match but he can barely stand.

((Indeed as soon as he is proclaimed the winner he falls back down. Panthro helps him back to his feet and supporting him walks him back to the locker room area as CH and Lucien still lay motionless in the wreckage of the tech equipment. Maggie, Scott and PitBull come out and help the two up as the audience gives a standing ovation for the match. Celtic sees Maggie and seems to come around a bit but is still groggy and lets PitBull and Maggie help him to the back as Scott helps Lucien to his feet and to the back as well.))

Eddie: What an incredible match and coming up next, something that should be equally brutal, the hardcore match between Kidd Rock and Jeff Wylde!

((Ravin is at the buffet table backstage at Slaughter looking over the spread.))

Ravin: Wow, great food.

((A great presence is felt looming from behind. A low moan is also heard from behind.))

Ravin: Whodafuck are you?

Beowulf: Mmmm the greatest time you have yet to have.

Ravin: Touch me and I'll kick your nuts into your throat.

Beowulf: I love the hunt... (leans down smileing) And you are the prefect prey.

Ravin: Do you have any idea who I am asshole?

Beowulf: I never bother to know the names of those I make mine.

Ravin: Why? Too much information for your small neanderthal brain to handle?

Beowulf: Names are so un-important when it comes to pleasures of the flesh.

Ravin: Well humor me. Who are you and by the way, my face is up here.

Beowulf: (runs his fingures through her hair) Beowulf.... a name you won't soon forget.

Ravin: Before or after my brother kicks your ass?

Beowulf: (backs her up against the wall) Your brother can watch....

Ravin: Do you even know who my brother is dumbass? If he heard even half the shit you've said to me you'd be picking your teeth up off the floor.

Beowulf: Mmmm you smell good.... I wonder if you taste just as good. (leans down to kiss her neck) Scream for me!


Beowulf: Your brother doesn't scare me..... soon he won't be nothing more then a corpse.

Draven: (from behind Beowulf) Get your hands off my sister. Now!

Beowulf: (turns and pushes him away) I will when I'm done with her.

Draven: (stepping in between Beowulf and Ravin) Look Beowulf, I'm only gonna say this once and I'll try to use small words so you understand me. If you so much as ever look at her again, I will scoop out your eyes and skull fuck you! And then they will.

((Points to where the rest of Bad News is standing a few feet away. Beowulf looks at Draven a moment before turning and looking behind him. Seeing all of Bad News ready to fight, Beowulf merely chuckles before looking back at Ravin behind Draven))

Beowulf: Perhaps another time....... (turns to go) Oh Celtic, it is well known that my sword brother Palemon wants to rape your sister.

Enforcer: Look asshole, I don't care what you do to me or Draven, we're professional wrestlers, we get paid to fight, but Ravin is NOT! You touch her and I promise you there will not be a place on this planet you will be safe from us. As for Tiger...well...Seamus?

Celtic: Well, why don't you tell Palimon to take his sword, and shove it straight up his arse? Tiger may not be the greatest sister on earth, but she's still family.

Draven: (sending Ravin to stand with the rest of Bad News) And if you fuck with us you will find out that blood really is thicker than water. Oh and one last thing...

((Draven's fist shoots out and catches Beowulf with a glancing blow to the jaw.))

Draven: A little preview for later on tonight.

((Bad News walks off and Beowulf stands there grinning rubbing his jaw.))

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and BloodDragon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

Hardcore Match
Kidd Rock vs Jeff Wylde

Eddie: After last week, our next match seems only fitting. Jeff Wylde, a man who hit his opponent for this week with his title last week, going against Kidd Rock, in a Hardcore match, a kind of match that Jeff’s opponent for last week is the champion of.

Travis: Well, I think The Creeper did something to Jeff’s mind, last week.

Eddie: You and nearly everyone else. The Creeper appears to have his hand in the minds of a great many athletes in the HWC, and, honestly, it’s something that nearly scares everyone that faces one of the people he’s got whatever sway over.

((“Go 2 Sleep” suddenly rips out over the airwaves, as The Creeper walks down to sit at the announce position.))

Eddie: Well, speak of the devil. We’re now being joined by The Creeper.

Creeper: I am not the devil. Do not insult me like that again, Daniels.

Eddie: Sorry.

Travis: Are you really controlling Jeff?

Creeper: No. I’m not. Nor am I controlling Tiger.

Jean Fortello: The following match is a hardcore match. Introducing first, from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 lbs. . . KIDD ROCK!!!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring. He slides in under the bottom rope, then mounts each corner, raising his fists. On the corner nearest where The Creeper sits, Kidd glares meaningfully at The Creeper, before waiting for Jeff.))

Eddie: Are you the least bit worried that Kidd will come after you, Creeper?

Travis: Kidd’s going to take the title.

Creeper: I’m not worried about Kidd. In the ring or out. And, Travis, I’ll let that comment slide tonight, but don’t do it again. I have no problem turning you inside out.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 280 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Intercontinental Champion, representing Bad News. . . “THE WYLDEMAN” JEFF WYLDE!!!!

((As Bodies blasts over the PA, Jeff takes the stage. Jeff walks to the edge of the stage and stands with his arms over his head looking back and forth over the crowd. Jeff just walks down to the ring and climbs in, title in one hand, kendo stick in the other. Jeff begins assaulting Kidd with the kendo stick, up until Kidd captures the stick between his arm and his body, then pulling it out of Jeff’s hands, then spinning it around, and swinging it at Jeff’s head, Jeff spearing Kidd as soon as the kendo stick leaves his hands, then grabbing the kendo stick, and pressing it to Kidd’s throat.))

Eddie: Jeff’s trying to choke Kidd out!

Travis: So, what did you do to Jeff last week, Creeps? (An impact sounds.) Sorry. Creeper.

Creeper: Mind your tongue, Travis. Next time, I might just knock your head off. All I did last week was get Jeff angry enough that he lapsed in control. Everything else was his doing.

Travis: How does it feel to lose Cleo to a mortal?

Creeper: She finds mortals more enjoyable. That’s her prerogative.

((Kidd fires off a number of right hands to Jeff’s face, then taking a minute to catch his breath, Jeff instantly going back to the attack, cracking Kidd in the back of the head with the kendo stick, then wrapping it around Kidd’s throat again, putting his knee to the back of Kidd’s neck.))

Eddie: If Kidd doesn’t get out of that, this match will be over right now.

Travis: If I was Jeff, I’d be working double time as well. The sooner he gets done here, the sooner he can go back to Amy.

Eddie: You have a one track mind.

Creeper: Why don’t the two of you put your infantile intellects to a good use, and call the match, instead of bickering like children?

((Kidd slowly starts going out, as, from the entranceway, Tiger appears, chair in hand, sliding into the ring, and smacking Jeff in the face with the chair. Jeff falls back, Kidd sagging down slightly. Tiger walks outside the ring, going to grab a second chair, and, on the way, smacking The Creeper in the face with the chair, going back to the ring with both chairs, and setting one up under Kidd’s head, rearing back, and bringing the chairs crashing together. Behind her, however, Jeff’s gotten to his feet, and, as she turns, Jeff spears her out of the ring. Tiger gets to her feet, moving to the rampway, Jeff following. Jeff rushes backstage, in pursuit of Tiger. As Jeff rounds a corner, a pipe swings out, effectively clotheslining Jeff, Tiger walking around the corner, and taunting Jeff. Bad News appears, chasing Tiger off. Jeff, after a while, slowly gets to his feet, staggering back out to ringside, where, now, Kidd is regaining consciousness. As Jeff enters the ring, Kidd goes for the Kidd Cruncher, only to get shoved, roughly, by Jeff, sending Kidd rebounding off of the far ropes.))

Eddie: Well, now, after all of that, The Creeper is, again, with us at the announce position. Creeper? Are you sure you don’t want to go get revenge on Tiger?

Creeper: Tiger is attempting to make me see her as a potential threat, or, even an equal. Instead, I see her as a little child.

Travis: Do you really enjoy inflicting pain?

Creeper: Why? Don’t you, Travis?

Travis: Not really.

((Kidd comes back from the ropes, Jeff kicking him in the midsection, and lifting him into the air, for the Wylde Ride, only to have Kidd squirm free, and drop. As Kidd drops, he grabs Jeff, and turns the move into an elevated Kidd Cruncher. Kidd goes for the pin, Jeff putting his foot on the bottom rope, the referee not even anywhere near a good enough vantage point to see it. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Kidd won it by virtue of the referee’s poor positioning!

Travis: HAH! I win!

Eddie: Someone tell the referee what happened! And. . . The Creeper’s leaving the announce position, ladies and gentlemen.

((The Creeper moves toward the ring, shouting at the referee. From the audience, Tiger appears, again, grabbing The Creeper’s ankles, dropping him jaw-first to the apron itself, then turning him around, and hitting the Click Click Boom, right on The Creeper’s jaw. After the three shots, however, The Creeper is still standing, and, to add insult to the feat, starts laughing at Tiger. Tiger rears back, again, hitting a second Click Click Boom, this time, the third punch being blocked by The Creeper, who responds by hitting the same four left jabs, followed by the sliding right shadow punch that Jericho had done several weeks before, known as The Pit, the right hand causing Tiger to backflip, landing standing up, only to fall back, on her ass, The Creeper walking from ringside, the same patronizing smile as ever on his face.))

Eddie: The Creeper with an attempt to keep the match fair, and he got assaulted for it. But, in the end, Tiger got the short end of the stick, as she was the one that got floored.

Travis: Tiger needs some serious help.

Eddie: Yes, she does. And I understand that the referee’s call stands, here.

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

Eddie: Sure has been a great night hasn't it Travis?

Travis: What are you talking about?

Eddie: The matches have been awesome and you just sit there like a bump on a log.

Travis: Nothing has caught my interest tonight.

((Imaginary by Evanesce begins to play as paper flowers begin to fall from the rafters. A tall dark haired woman dressed in a short black dress. Her pale skin takes on the color of the purple lights that float above head, as she makes her way to the ring.))

Travis: Who's that?

Eddie: I'm not sure Travis...

Travis: Damn she's hot. Do you think if I asked her if she had a beautiful body would she hold it against me?

Eddie: I some how doubt that...

((She makes it into the ring, and is handed a mic. She looks around the arena and smiles slightly as her music fades.))

Malice: You're all probably wondering what I'm doing out here...You've seen me before, but just in a different state! The Japanese girl Mia Lang. She is no longer any use to me. I am the stronger, the perfect, the real deal! I AM MALICE!

Travis: I would love to get in there with her!

Eddie: I think there's already to many people in her Travis.

Travis: That's not what I meant!

Eddie: Sure it isn't...

Malice: And I'm putting a challenge out there to any one of those Superstars in back. If anyone thinks that are stronger than me, evil than me, than bring it on! I'm not scared of any of you! Next week in any match that my opponent chooses will be fine with me. I don't care who you are! I'll be waiting for an answer.

((She drops the mic and as her music starts she makes her way up the ramp way, and heads for the back.))

Travis: Man oh man she is hot!

Eddie: I think she's crazy putting a challenge out to anyone...

Travis: She's beautiful and crazy....

Eddie: Only you Travis, only you!

Travis: What's that suposse to mean?

Eddie: Nothing. We'll be back after this.

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

Bar Room Brawl
BloodLust Slayerz vs Bad News

Travis: Ladies and gentlemen, the next match will not be taking place!

Eddie: What he means is that the next match will not be taking place here in the arena, since It’s the Bar Room Brawl!

Travis: Aww man, I had ‘em going!

Eddie: Sure you did….Okay, I’m being told that we are ready to go to the….let me make sure I got this right…. La Taberna Rugiente del Tigre, for the bar room brawl!

((The scene cuts to the remote feed from La Taberna Rugiente del Tigee, which is a remarkably American-looking tavern. There is a bit of a crowd on this Saturday night, so it takes the camera A moment to get through, then we see Enforcer and Draven Masters, and his sister Ravin, standing by the bar. Enforcer & Draven each have a beer bottle in hand.))

Enforcer: Man, I hope they get here soon. I’m just about ready to kick some ass!

Draven: Don’t worry, those dimwits never pass up an opportunity for a fight. They’ll Be here.

Ravin: (pointing) Here they come now!

((The camera swings around as the crowd parts, revealing Beowulf and Palemon, shoving people out of their way. Beowulf is looking at the women in the room, but Palemon spots Bad News at the bar.))

Palemon: (hitting Beowulf on the arm) Beowulf! Our opponents are here! Let us do war upon them!

Beowulf: (tuning and eyeing up Ravin) Yes, and then we will take their woman as war spoils!

Draven: (getting in Beowulf’s face) What the hell did you just say?

Beowulf: (with a sneer) I said that when we defeat you, I am going to take your woman and have my way with her!

((Draven swings his hand, smashing the beer bottle on the side of Beowulf’s head))

Draven: That’s my sister you’re talking about, asshole!

((Palemon steps forward and slugs Draven in the face, but Enforcer is there too, and tackles Palemon, and they both go tumbling over a table, spilling drinks everywhere and sending tavern patrons scattering. Beowulf recovers from the bottle to the head, and rams into Draven, sending him crashing back-first into the bar. Draven seems to bounce off the bar, and lunges at Beowulf, and the two go backwards over a railing near the bar and fall to the floor, flailing and pummeling each other. Palemon is quicker to his feet than Draven, and takes the opportunity to grab a nearby chair. Draven gets to his feet, shaking his head, and turns, just in time to have Palemon drill him with the chair. Draven goes staggering backwards, and falls over another table. Palemon dives forward with a battle cry and pounces on the prone Draven.))

Eddie: What a wild brawl! This is getting brutal!

Travis: Never mind the brawl, get some more shots of that hottie Ravin!

Eddie: Travis, Draven just broke a bottle over a 310 pound man’s head for making remarks about his sister! Do you really think he would have a problem slapping you around?

Travis: Ummmm…..Don’t we have a match going on here?

((back at the tavern, Beowulf has gotten the upper hand on Enforcer. He pulls him up and rams his head into the railing several times, opening a cut over Enforcer’s left eye. He then pulls him toward a mirrored wall, gestures, and with a roar, goes to smash Enforcer into it face-first, but Enforcer suddenly reverses, and Beowulf goes crashing into the glass, which shatters into thousands of pieces. Back by the bar, Draven has gotten a second wind, and pounds away on Palemon’s head. After Palemon is suitably stunned, Draven grabs him by the belt and the scruff of the neck.))

Draven: You look thirsty! Let’s go to the bar!

((Draven heaves Palemon up onto the bar, then climbs up behind him, and hauls him to his feet, and nails an Implant DDT on the bar! Palemon hits head first, then topples off behind the bar, sending the bartender scurrying out of the way. Draven bends down and picks up a beer bottle, takes a swig, and throws the bottle at Palemon, smashing it on his head. Making their way towards the bar are Enforcer and the bloody Beowulf, pounding away on each other. Draven comes over, says something to Enforcer, pointing at the bar, then they each seize one of Beowulf’s arms. They start to whip him into the bar, but there is a bloodcurdling yell, and Palemon comes flying from off the bar and nails a missile dropkick on Draven, who goes flying backwards over the railing. This gives Beowulf the opportunity to ram a thumb into Enforcer’s eye, then to follow up with a stiff spinkick, which catches Enforcer on the jaw, stunning him.))

Beowulf: Now we will see who plays barkeep!

((With that, Beowulf scoops the 300-pound Enforcer up and presses him over his head, and with a yell, takes a few running steps towards the bar, and tosses him over, sending him crashing into the shelves of bottles behind the bar! The crash is deafening, as Enforcer falls out of sight behind the bar. Palemon, meanwhile, has pulled a round table out into the middle of the dance floor, next to the other two that are stacked one on top of the other. He pauses to turn and stomp on the prone Draven, shoving his sister Ravin away, who falls on her butt. He then hauls the groggy Draven to his feet and drapes him across a nearby pinball machine. Then he turns to his tables, and climbs onto the first one; he then carefully climbs up onto the second one, but Ravin has gotten back to her feet, and comes over to the table stack. Palemon looks down and sees her, grinning mischievously, and shoves. Palemon yells out as he topples to the dance floor, narrowly missing landing on the table he was just standing on!))

Travis: holy shit! Palemon could have been badly hurt there!

Eddie: Ravin standing up for her big brother, but her actions may have serious consequences later!

Travis: you aren’t kidding! When Palemon wakes up, he’s going to be looking for her head!

((Beowulf makes his way over to where Palemon landed, and hauls his partner to his feet. Draven, meanwhile, shakes that cobwebs out of his head and slides off the pinball machine. He sees Beowulf helping Palemon to his feet, and charges, but Beowulf sees him coming, shoves Palemon out of the way, and sidesteps, and Draven spears a table! Ravin screams at the sight of blood coming from Draven’s face and hurries over, just as Enforcer is miraculously pulling himself up from behind the bar. Palemon sees him, and hurries over, still a bit unsteady from his hard landing. Beowulf, however, looks at Ravin with obvious lust in his eyes. He begins to stalk towards her.))

Eddie: Oh no….he’s not!

Travis: Oh man, if he does, he better hope Draven doesn’t wake up!

Eddie: This isn’t right! Leave her alone, dammit!

((Palemon and Enforcer brawl hard behind the bar, occasionally slipping on the broken glass and liquor which covers the floor. Ravin, feeling Beowulf’s eyes on her, looks up from Draven’s bleeding and unconscious form. She stands and starts backing away, mouthing “No no no!” She screams as Beowulf grabs her arm, smiling evilly, then, to Ravin’s utter horror, he pulls her in and kisses her hard on the mouth! He is interrupted by a tap on the shoulder, which he brushes off. The tap comes again, more insistently, and he turns with an irritated look, to see Klaus von Hammer and Hans Kuhmann, collectively known as Die Zerstörer, standing there. Beowulf’s eyes go wide, but before he can react, Klaus swings a meaty fist into the side of his head, which causes him to release his hold on Ravin. Hans springs up on the nearby railing with a chair and dives, driving it into Beowulf’s head. Beowulf goes down hard, and isn’t moving.))

Eddie: Die Zerstörer to the rescue!

Travis: Rescue, my ass! They’re just dedicated to making life hell for the BloodLust Slayerz! Don’t forget that they had their problems with Bad News, after the Black List went tits up!

((Palemon snaps a knife-edge chop onto Enforcer’s chest, and Enforcer stiffens, as if hit with a bolt of electricity. Palemon strikes out again, and Enforcer actually staggers back against the far end of the bar, Enforcer snatches up a beer bottle and swings it at Palemon, who easily ducks. Palemon laughs, and prepares to unleash another knife-edge chop, but his arm is grabbed in a vice-like grip. Klaus von Hammer pulls him backwards and spins him around, tossing him up onto the bar. Right on cue, Hans, with his chair in hand, takes a short running start, throws the chair so that it lands on Palemon, and dropkicks the chair! Klaus taps Enforcer on the shoulder and points to the pinball machine. Enforcer grins evilly and nods. Klaus turns to Hans with an “our job is done” look, and they each grab a beer from the cooler before leaving.))

Eddie: A bit of international cooperation here between Bad News and Die Zerstörer!

Travis: Gimmie a break! This isn’t the United Nations! It’s a friggin’ bar room brawl!

Eddie: And It’s looking bad for the BloodLust Slayerz now!

((Draven, who has finally recovered from his untimely meeting with a table, is coming over to the bar, where Enforcer is pulling Palemon down. As Draven approaches, Enforcer points at the pinball table, and Draven also grins, and he gestures to Ravin, who comes over. He says something to her, and she hurries over to the pinball machine and scoots it out so that it is in the middle of the floor. They stop when they reach the dance floor, and Draven looks down at the barely-conscious Beowulf, then says something to Enforcer. Enforcer nods, and they just hurl Palemon into the broken mirror hard, and Palemon falls. Draven hauls the semi-conscious Beowulf to his feet, while Enforcer & Ravin set a table up next to the pinball machine.))

Eddie: Oh my god….they’re not!

Travis: Ohhh yes they are!

Ravin Steadies the table while Enforcer & Draven haul Beowulf up. To the raucous approval of all present, they hoist Beowulf into the air by the throat, and chokeslam him THROUGH THE PINBALL MACHINE! Glass shatters and sparks fly as Beowulf crashes into the machine, which collapses from the impact, leaving Beowulf a twitching, unconscious heap. Enforcer and Draven raise their hands high over their heads, declaring themselves the victors! Draven pulls Ravin up onto the table as well for the celebration.))

Eddie: My god what a brutal match! I have never in my life seen such violence!

Travis: That’s nothing, you should see the 2-for-1 sales at Bloomingdales!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))