Saturday Night Slaughter
Copa America, Bolivia, South America from the Andes Stadium

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, the back to black.))

((The camera opens up on the soccer arena hosting Slaughter as thousands of HWC fans break out in wild cheers. The camera pans over them as each do their best to be seen even for a second.))

Eddie: We are live in the sold out Andes Stadium in Copa America, Bolivia!

Travis: Bolivia what a place!

Eddie: Your just saying that so the natives won't hang you.

Travis: Maybe.

Eddie: What a show we have lined up tonight all in the spirits of Brutality. Tonight Panthro takes on Lucien in a Back Alley Brawl. Who knows what that man has planned for Lucien just to steal a win. Then later The Tiger takes on Kidd Rock teamed up with Vivivan in a First Blood match locked inside a cage.

Travis: It don't get more brutal then that.

Eddie: That has yet to be seen, cause tonight's main event is a Number 1 Contender match for the HWC World Title putting Jeff Wylde against all people The Creeper.

Travis: A chill of fear goes down my neck every time I hear that name. Wait who's that?

Eddie: newly recrutid, he calls him self Lone Goth.

((Lone Goth walks to the ring while Down With The Sickness blares over the PA. He gets in the ring and rips the mic out of the announcers hand and pushes him aside.))

Lone Goth: I am new here to the HWC but I have on thing on my mind right now. A match against Bull. I want to destory someone tonight and show people what I am made of. I don't really care what the hell you fans think or want. It comes down to what the hell I am gong to say and do. Screw you fans. I don't need or want your stupid respect. Give it to the fools who actually care because I don't. Now Bull get out here and feel my pain.

((Lone Goth stands in the middle of the ring waiting for Bull to come out. Just then breaking the silence King of My World plays and The Tiger steps out unarmed. Other then a mic in hand. She makes her way down to the ring as her music fades.))

The Tiger: Sorry Bull can't make it so can ya deal with a Tiger instead?

Lone Goth: Come on Tiger you don't want anything to do with this, Go to the back and find some better things to do. Leave this between Bull and I.

The Tiger: Ya got the wrong idea man, I'm not out here to defend Bull. Believe me I could care less. I'm out here cause I like yar style. Ya think like me.

Lone Goth: What are ya trying to say Tiger? You want to help me beat on Bull? Or you just want to kick my ass? Either way I am fine.

The Tiger: If i wanted to kick yar ass i would have by now. And if anyone is going to need help it's ya.

Lone Goth: So you got a plan? Or are you just spewing crap out of your mouth?

The Tiger: Careful what you say to a vet like me.

Lone Goth: Just wondering what's going on in your head is all Tiger. Not trying to offend you. People have done this same thing before and screwed me. Ya gotta watch out for yourself ya know?

Lone Goth: So what is your idea? Mame the little bastard? Paralyze him? Or just beat the living piss out of him?

The Tiger: I like the way you think. Ya will go far in this fed. What I offer is what no rook like ya has and what they all wish for..... innsurance.

Lone Goth: Sounds fair. Let's talk business.

The Tiger: Smart move. But not here not now. (chuckles) The fans don't need to apart of this. (moves out of the ring) I will be in touch.

Lone Goth: Sounds good to me.

((King of My World kicks up again as Tiger makes her way up the ramp. She walks backwards keeping her eyes on Goth grining darkly.))

Travis: What just happened?

Eddie: I think the rookie Lone Goth just sold his soul, this can't be good.

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and BloodDragon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

Standard Match
Draven Masters vs The Impactplayer

(("Superstar" by Saliva comes on and the arena goes black,then blue pyro shoots.The Impactplayer makes his way to the ring, he walks slow,as he gets to the ring music shuts off.))

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Coming to the ring first, from New York City, weighing 212 pounds...The Impactplayer!

Eddie: Impact made a big impact last week coming off a loss at Blood Brawl to pick up a win over the Nothing.

Travis: But he's got his hands full this week with Draven Masters who I understand is wrestling sober for a change.

Eddie: This ought to be interesting.

Travis: Yeah, I got fifty bucks says he don't know what the hell he'll be doing!

Eddie: You never learn do you?

(("Click Click Boom" blasts over the PA and Raven Masters comes out onto the stage and walks to the ramp walking about halfway down and then throws up her hands. A huge blast of pyro goes off on the stage behind her and when it fades, Draven Masters is standing on the stage. He walks to Raven and the two head to the ring.))

Jean: And his opponent, representing Bad News and being accompanied to the ring by Raven, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 290 pounds...Draven Masters!

((Draven and his sister reach the ring and she gives him a kiss on the cheek for good luck. Draven makes the ref back Impact up before stepping inside. The ref sees Draven in and calls for the bell.))

Eddie: And there's Draven's sister, Raven.

Travis: Draven and Raven...cute.

((There is nothing cute however about what Draven does inside the ring. Impact charges and Draven sidesteps tossing Impact headfirst into the turnbuckle. Impact staggers backwards and Draven drives his fist into the small of TIP's back. He then grabs TIP in a full nelson and hits a full nelson slam. Draven then drops down and blatantly chokes TIP, taking full advantage of the five count. He pulls TIP back to his feet and drops him with a double handed choke bomb and tries for a quick cover. 1...and an equally quick kickout by TIP.))

Eddie: Whatever Taylor Cox taught Impact must not have taken because Draven is taking him apart.

Travis: Well the match did just start Eddie. Plus, Draven is sober.

Eddie: Fifty bucks, huh?

Travis: Ok, ok, $250.

((TIP is back to his feet and punches Draven hard in the face. Draven looks at TIP and then rushes forward nearly taking Impact out of his boots with a thunderous clothesline. He looks more annoyed than anything that Impact decided to hit him. He pulls Impact back to his feet and headbutts him. Impact staggers a bit and then falls down, Draven grabs a leg and drops and elbow on it. Draven gets back up and pulls TIP up as well. However Impact plays dirty and drives his arm right into the groin of Draven. Draven grabs his groin and falls groaning in pain. Raven fixes TIP with a glare that would wilt a normal man. He merely blows her a kiss before turning back to her brother.))

Eddie: Impact getting a little arrogant here.

Travis: He can afford to, Draven is too busy writhing in pain from that low blow.

((TIP turns back to Draven and pulls him to his feet and unloads with several right hands to the face of Draven backing him into the corner. He tries to whip Draven across but Draven has the weght advantage and stays put. TIP then pulls Draven in for a kick to the midesction and then drops Draven with a quick DDT. He pulls Draven back up and takes him over with a T-bone suplex, and follows that up with a pin attempt.1...2...kickout, with authority.))

Eddie: Look at Draven, he looks pissed. Must be that new attitude that the members of Bad News have been talking about. Draven just shot back to his feet and nearly took the Impactplayers head off with a clothesline from Hell from out of nowhere!

Travis: Holy crap! The human body is not supposed to bend that way when it hits the mat is it Eddie?

Eddie: No it is not.

((Raven looks at her brothers handiwork as Draven stalks over to the body of TIP and pulls him back up, whipping him off the ropes and flattening him with a big boot to the face. Draven pulls impact back up and drives his knee into the misdection of TIP before scooping him up and drops him in a backbreaker, but not just one, he follows it up with another one and another one. He then drops Impact and starts to mercilessley stomp the living hell out of him. The referee makes Draven back off and checks on Impact, Impact is good to continue so the match goes on. Impact charges Draven catching the big man off balance with a flying forearm to the face, Draven falls and springs right back up as Impact rebounds off the ropes, Draven shoots out an arm catching TIP by the throat, but before he can deliver the chokeslam, Impact kicks him with another low blow!))

Eddie: Twice to the groin of Draven Masters! Impact may have just prevented us from having future generations of little Dravens.

Travis: This is a bad thing?

((Raven has seen enough and jumps onto the ring apron and starts screaming at the ref that Impact landed a second low blow to Draven. The ref tries to get her off the ring apron, Impact and Draven continue the match behind him. Impact taking Draven over with a German suplex, and then goes to the top rope setting Draven up for a flying headbutt. He nails it and goes for the cover, however Raven still has the ref distracted and when TIP realizes this he goes to divert the referee's attention back to the match. Impact is so focused on Raven and the ref that he doesn't notice Draven get up and shake the cobwebs free. Raven does notice and jumps off the ring apron, Impact turns around as Draven charges and nails him with a huge spear! Impact falls out of the ring as he was right near the ropes.))

Eddie: What a spear by Draven, still convinced he can't wrestle sober Travis?

Travis: Shut up Mr. Smarty Pants.

((TIP is trying to get back into th ring under his own power and Draven pulls TIP to his feet and suplexes him over the top rope into the ring. Or at least tries to, TIP slides down behind Draven and takes him over with another German suplex. Draven staggers to his feet and manages to get the huge man into the Faded Glory. He goes for the cover but Raven grabs her brothers foot and places it on the bottom rope, the ref sees the foot up but not how it got there. He makes Impact break the pin attempt, Impact pulls Draven up by his hair but Draven, once on his feet smacks Impact's hands away, kicks him in the stomach and drops him with an implant DDT. Draven stays on the attack picking Impact up and dropping him throat first across the top rope from a Gorilla press. He pulls TIP up and pulls him up into a powerbomb position and then spinning, tosses TIP into the turnbuckle, TIP landing in a heap on the mat. Draven wastes no time in pulling Impact to his feet and flips him upside down setting him up for the Dravenizer.))

Eddie: Dravenizer! Dravenizer! Draven Masters just nailed the Dravenizer to the Impactplayer! You know what that means!

Travis: Yeah, I'm out $250.

((Draven grabs TIP and looks to the crowd as he sets the smaller man across his shoulders. The crowd knows what's coming. Draven spins Impact out hitting the Master Plan drilling Impact into the mat. The referee slides into position as Draven covers. 1...2...3!!))

Eddie: Looks like this new, sober attide of Bad News is already paying off, as Draven picks up the win.

Travis: Dammit!

((Draven slides from the ring and heads to the back with his very excited sister. Camera cuts to the back showing the closed locker room door of Lucien. The door opens but instead of Lucien coming out to head to his match, out walks Celtic Hyena with a commen grin of his face. Closing the door he heads off cracking his knuckles.))

((Slaughter cuts to a commercial for Geico auto insurance. A man is driving his car down the street humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music on the radio. His smile turns to shock as he slams on the brakes and a loud crash is heard.)

Announcer: Geico auto insurance, because you never know when this...

(The view cuts to the man's car smashed up against the Cushion. The front of the car is dented and the hood is crumpled up like an accordion. The Cushion looks over confused.)

Announcer: ...might happen.

(The Geico logo comes up.)

Geico, a 15 minute call could save you 15% or more on car insurance.))

((The cameras pan around the backstage area, hoping to find someone to record while en route to their locker room. What they find, however, is Cherisse Novak heading toward the curtained area leading to the ring. They cut back to ringside in time to catch the opening strains of Skid Row's "Sweet Little Sister".))

Eddie: Wonder what she's doing out here.

Travis: Beautifying the place, as usual.

Eddie: Sit, boy.

((Travis sticks his tongue out at Eddie as Cherisse comes out to stand on top of the ramp. But that's as far as she goes...))

Cherisse: Let's talk titles.

Eddie: She's all business tonight...

Cherisse: First of all, there is no longer a Light Heavyweight title. The last man to hold that title was Blood Dragon. But Tiger stole the belt and threw it off a bridge, so there is no Light Heavyweight division.

((The crowd sits in stunned silence. Cherisse is de-commissioning such a prestigious title? She raises a hand and gets the silence she's asking for.))

Cherisse: Thank you. All is not lost, however... At the next Pay Per View, which is going to be titled X-Treme, a new title will be unveiled. It will be the centerpiece of the new division here in the HWC... The title for the Insanity Division... The DisasterPiece Title!

((The fans erupt in a tumult of cheers. A new title and a new division? What a cool way to hype a PPV! Cherisse smiles and waits for silence before continuing.))

Cherisse: I now leave you to your regularly scheduled ass-kicking... Have a good night!

((She walks backstage without the benefit of her music, leaving the fans cheering loudly.))

Eddie: A new title!

Travis: A new wrestling division!

Back Alley Brawl
Panthro vs Lucien Merriuci

Eddie: Tonight, on a night that the world will see a match between Jeff Wylde and The Creeper as the main event, the winner of which gets a shot at Jericho Dylan, for Jericho’s World title, we have, next, a match between Panthro and Lucien, two men who have one real common thread.

Travis: The loon, B.D.

Eddie: Exactly. And Panthro is one of those people you can’t prepare for, because his style is so unorthodox.

Travis: He has a style?! When did that happen?!

Eddie: Shut up, Travis.

((Panthro and Lucien appear on the large screen over the entranceway, in the parking garage. Panthro, already moving, catches Lucien with a spinning wheel kick, causing Lucien to fall back, into the car grill behind him. Panthro climbs onto the bumper, rifling in a number of punches, then monkey flipping Lucien out. Panthro instantly jumps back to his feet, shooting to the car’s hood. As Lucien rises, Panthro jumps off, hitting a cross-body, Lucien rolling through. 1. . Panthro kicks out, springing to his feet again.))

Eddie: It seems like Panthro’s training, with, from what we understand, B.D., has given him B.D.’s tenacity.

Travis: And his insanity.

Eddie: That is questionable.

((Lucien attempts a clothesline, Panthro turning it into a crucifix pin. 1. . 2. . . kickout by Lucien, Panthro again jumping to his feet, kicking Lucien in the stomach, and going for a sitdown facebuster, only to have it blocked by Lucien. Lucien picks Panthro up, into the air, and hitting a high spinebuster, finally keeping Panthro down for more than a few seconds.))

Eddie: Lucien has gained the upper hand, here.

Travis: Yeah, but Panthro’s already proven he’s learned a few things from B.D.

Eddie: Good point.

((Lucien picks up Panthro, Panthro grabbing Lucien’s shirt, and falling backward, tossing him into the car’s grill, Panthro then standing up, and arguing with the referee, about the spinebuster. As the referee is distracted, however, an all too-familiar figure to everyone in attendance, makes an appearance, B.D. coming out to the parking garage, grabbing Lucien, and setting him up for a Plague, only to get attacked from behind by Celtic Hyena. B.D. turns to look at Celtic, and, after a harsh kick to the midsection, drags Celtic to near a car. Putting his back to the grill, setting Celtic up, and spinning, hitting a Plague to Celtic Hyena, sending Celtic crashing, kidneyfirst, to the car’s grill. B.D. moves to take care of Lucien again, only to have the referee get in front of him, and prevent him from touching Lucien. Behind the referee, however, Panthro has grabbed a chair, now standing on the hood of a semi’s cab, and tossed it down to Lucien, then somersaulting off of the hood, coming down with a front dropkick to the chair, dropping Lucien to the ground.))

Eddie: Panthro showing a lot of athletic ability here.

Travis: And a lot of lost sanity.

Eddie: Most likely.

((As Panthro falls, however, the backward momentum, from kicking the chair, sends him back far enough that the back of his head hits the metal covering over the front left tire on the small cab, the thud caught by the camera mic. Panthro writhes in pain on the floor, and slowly makes his way to his feet, Lucien a step ahead of him.))

Eddie: Unmaking to the chair!

Travis: I think that might be it, right there.

Eddie: I think you’re right, Travis.

((Lucien picks up Panthro, tossing him into the concrete wall, grabbing the chair, moving up behind the referee, pulling him to the side, and smacking B.D. in the face with the chair. B.D. seems confused for a moment, until Lucien smacks him in the face again, this one staggering B.D., the third driving B.D. to his knee, and the fourth flooring him, only to have him get back up. Lucien smacks B.D., in the end, three more times, before B.D. stays down, Lucien dropping the chair, and moving to where Panthro is, picking up a nearly conscious Panthro, and hitting another Unmaking on him, then going for the pin. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Lucien finally got some measure of revenge on B.D., with those chairshots.

Travis: And the victory over Panthro.

Eddie: That too. And. . . B.D.’s up again!

((B.D. shoots into the fray, not seeing Celtic behind him. As B.D. moves to attack Lucien, Celtic turns him around, and simply drills him with a chokeslam. Celtic goes to pick up B.D., only to take a low blow from Panthro, Panthro then turning to Lucien, kicking him in the stomach, then hitting a backhand chop. Panthro steps back, and, using Lucien’s own body, runs up Lucien’s body, then backflips, extending his hands, grabbing the back of Lucien’s head, and driving him into the ground, facefirst, in a full layout facebuster. B.D. gets up, again, picking up Lucien, hitting a Plague, then moving to pick him up again. Panthro tells B.D. something, then points at the garage door, B.D. nodding, kicking Lucien, and leaving the area, Panthro a step behind him.))

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

Frist Blood Cage Match
Tiger vs Kidd Rock and Vivian

Eddie: There's only one way to describe this next match, and that's brutal!

Travis: You aren't kidding! And that's BEFORE they get in the cage!

Eddie: Speaking of which, it's coming down now!

((The camera turns to follow the cage as it is lowered over the ring. Spotlights and strobes flash, illuminating the fearsome structure. Jean Fortello begins her announcements as it settles to the floor, dwarfing the ring.))

Jean: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a Handicap Cage Match, with First Blood rules!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidabah" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then strides down to the ring.))

Jean: From Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 pounds, KIDD ROCK!!!

((Kidd stops at the bottom of the ramp, with his hands on his hips, and looks up at the cage. Instead of entering at the open door, he suddenly shinnies up the side. Once at the top, he raises his fists to the fans, who roar with approval.))

Eddie: What an ovation from these Bolivian fans for Kidd Rock!

Travis: They're just hoping he'll jump! I know I am!

Eddie: (directing a look of disgust at Travis) What is it with you, anyway?

Travis: I can't stand these goody-goody wrestlers who suck up to the fans just for a cheap pop!

Eddie: I think you're just jealous!

Travis: Bite me!

((Kidd climbs down as his music fades. The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly.))

Jean: His partner, from The Compound, weighing 225 pounds, the HWC Woman's Champion, VIVIAN!

((Vivian also stops at the bottom of the ramp, looking not at the cage, but through the bars at Kidd, with a glare of disgust. Kidd merely looks with a faintly amused expression. Vivian hands her clipboard off to a ringside attendant. and steps into the cage. She marches right up into Kidd's face, still glaring. Kidd tapes a half-step back, grinning.))

Eddie: Uh-oh, this isn't looking good here!

Travis: And Vivian is big enough to clean Kidd's clock!

((The music fades as Vivian reads Kidd the riot act. King of My World plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring.))

Jean: Their opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing 180 pounds, THE TIGER!

Travis: Here comes the Psycho Woman!

Eddie: The Tiger is hear, and she's not wasting any time!

((Tiger enters the cage and charges. Vivian, still yelling at Kidd, doesn't see her coming. Kidd points at Tiger, then ducks. Vivian turns just in time to get clotheslined by Tiger. Senior referee Walter Powell closes the door and signals for the bell, officially starting the match. Tiger picks up Vivian by the hair, but Kidd intercepts her with a spinning back kick. Tiger staggers back, releasing her hold on Vivian. Vivian, for her part, gets to her feet and grabs Tiger's arm. Kidd grabs her other arm, and they whip her into the ropes. Tiger bounces and ducks their raised arms, bounces off the opposite ropes, and nails a double flying clothesline, taking both her opponents down.))

Eddie: Tiger isn't going to go down easy! Kidd and Vivian are going to have to earn this one!

Travis: I bet Kidd can tell us how easily she used to go down!

Eddie: Travis!!! This is a family show, for crying out loud!

Travis: I bet she used to cry out loud, all right.....(gets lost in some perverted fantasy)

Eddie: One of these days, so help me......Tiger with a kick to Vivian's turning to face Kidd....Russian Leg Sweep, and Kidd is down! But Vivian is getting up!

((Tiger turns just in time to take a kick in the gut from Vivian. Vivian quickly nails a Northern Lights suplex, and Tiger goes flying right over the top rope and hits the side of the cage! The crowd goes "OOOOH!" as Tiger lands hard on the edge of the ring. Kidd, meanwhile, is back on his feet, and walks over to Tiger, who is crawling back into the ring under the bottom rope. Kidd grabs Tiger's arm and pulls her to her feet. Tiger is wobbly, and having trouble focusing. Kidd doubles his fist, as if to pound on her.....and stops?!))

Eddie: It seems Kidd is having second thoughts here!

Travis: Oh for crying out loud! Kidd, she beat you for the title! CLOBBER HER!!!!

Eddie: I think Vivian is going to do it instead!

((Vivian shoves Kidd aside and swings at Tiger, but Tiger suddenly raises her free arm and blocks the swing, and lets fly with the Click...Click...BOOM!!! Vivian goes down! Tiger starts to turn. Kidd, meanwhile, has climbed to the top turnbuckle. He launches himself, and nails Tiger with a missile dropkick, which sends Tiger flying backwards into the ropes. She uses the momentum to bounce off the ropes and dives at Kidd, hitting a flying headbutt! Kidd falls flat on his back, holding a hand to his forehead. Luckily for him, there is no blood. Vivian is back on her feet, and takes advantage of Tiger's vulnerability after the flying headbutt to clamp her arms around Tiger's waist from behind. Vivian looks over her shoulder, drags Tiger back a few feet, and lets fly with a German suplex, which sends Tiger flying into the side of the cage! Tiger slides down the side of the cage, seemingly limp. Vivian turns to approach her, as Kidd slowly rises.))

Eddie: Tiger is in big trouble here!

Travis: It's only a matter of time now. I don't see how Tiger can come back from this!

Eddie: Vivian is going into her tights....and comes out with a pair of brass knuckles!

Travis: Get ready for some blood!

((Vivian grabs Tiger by the hair and draws her brass-enclosed fist back to deliver what is certain to be a blood-drawing punch. But Kidd steps up and hooks her arm just as it starts to come forward. Vivian turns to Kidd in shock. Kidd just points to the brass knuckles and shakes his head.))

Travis: What the hell is Kidd doing? Did he forget that cage matches are No DQ?

Eddie: I think Kidd wants to do it the honest way!

Travis: Honest?! This is a First Blood Cage Handicap match! What's honest about it?!

Eddie: Vivian pulls free from Kidd, and goes for it again, but Kidd stops her again! Vivian shoves Kidd!

((Kidd moves back about three steps from the shove. Kidd just shakes his head, then points behind Vivian. Vivian shakes her head, as if not believing him that Tiger is behind her....which she is. Tiger reaches up and taps Vivian on the shoulder. Vivian's eyes go wide, and she slowly turns. Tiger is standing before her, grinning evilly. Vivian starts to punch with the brass knuckles, but Tiger ducks, kicks Vivian in the midsection, and nails a HARD DDT. The brass knuckles come off of Vivian's now open hand, and bounce across the ring. Kidd kicks them out of the ring and steps forward to Tiger. Tiger responds by getting in Kidd's face. The crowd begins to cheer at the prospect of these two going at it one-on-one.))

Eddie: This is intense! The fans are going to explode when these two clash!

Travis: I can't hear a thing right now!

Eddie: Kidd not moving, just staring Tiger down.....Tiger is starting to shake....and here we go!!!

((Tiger unleashes a hard right hand, and Kidd responds with a right hand of his own. Suddenly, they are standing in the center of the ring toe-to-toe, pounding each other mercilessly, to the absolute delight of the fans. The punches get more and more intense, and Kidd & Tiger seem to be oblivious to everything else, which is why neither of them notice Vivian, who is now on her feet. Vivian climbs to the top turnbuckle, then, using the side of the cage to steady herself, walks out to the middle of the top rope. Kidd and Tiger are now both starting to stagger from the accumulation of punches against each other's heads. Vivian picks her spot, when Tiger staggers back a bit, and launches herself through the air to slam her shoulder into Tiger's back. Tiger lurches forward and plows into Kidd, who was totally unprepared. Kidd flies backward and flips over the top rope, getting his arms tangled in the ropes! Vivian lands hard on the mat. Tiger, who somehow managed to remain on her feet, staggers around the ring, then leans on a corner, looking up at the top of the cage.))

Eddie: She's not thinking what I think she's thinking, is she?

Travis: With this dame, who knows?

Eddie: Wait a minute....that's Jeff Wylde!

((Jeff Wylde steps out on the stage, with the Intercontinental belt over his shoulder. Tiger sees him, and climbs to the top turnbuckle, motioning Jeff to the ring. Jeff just laughs at her, and pretends to polish the belt. Tiger starts to climb the cage, but Vivian grabs her from behind and yanks her down. Tiger lands flat on her back, and Vivian starts stomping away. Kidd, with one arm free, pulls and pulls, but can't get his arm free. He gives a gigantic pull, and his arm comes free all at once, which sends Kidd careening into Vivian. Vivian stumbles forward and goes head first through the ropes, smacking her head against the cage.Tiger crawls to the ropes, slowly pulling herself to her feet. By now, Jeff is next to the cage. Tiger looks up, sees him, and spits in his face! Jeff's eyes flash with sudden anger.))

Eddie: That might have been a mistake! Jeff Wylde is not one to take being spit on laying down!

Travis: Hell no! And there he goes!

((Jeff turns and walks toward the cage door. Walter Powell makes as if to stop him, but Jeff shoves him aside, then opens the cage door and starts into the ring. Tiger lunges to meet Jeff, but is tripped up by Kidd. Vivian steps in front of Jeff, yelling at him. Jeff drops the belt, and yells back, then nails her with the Wylde Night, then bends down to pick up his belt. Kidd goes for a superkick at the same time that Jeff explodes up with the belt. Tiger ducks, and Jeff nails Kidd instead!))

Eddie: Oh my god, Jeff hit Kidd! Kidd is busted open!

Travis: And the referee was down! He didn't see a thing!

Eddie: Tiger is up....Kidd is still on his feet, with blood in his eyes...Vivian is back up.....Vivian goes to grab Tiger, and so does Kidd....Tiger reverses Vivian...OH MY GOD!!! KIDD KRUNCHER ON VIVIAN!!!

Travis: Kidd was blinded by his own blood, and nailed his partner! That's not gonna go over good!

((Kidd turns just in time for Tiger to go Click...Click...BOOM, and Kidd drops like a rock. She turns and goes face to face with Jeff Wylde. Jeff swings, but Tiger grabs his arm, whips him to the ropes, and hits the opposite ropes, and with what little she has left, hits the Rider's Hell on Jeff! Jeff collapses, and Tiger falls towards the door, just as Vivian is sliding out. Vivian kicks the door into Tiger's face as she hits the stairs head first. Tiger rebounds backwards into the ring, and now everyone but, ironically, the now-recovering referee, is knocked out! The still-woozy Walter Powell shakes his head, takes stock of the carnage, then sees the blood flowing from Kidd's forehead. He signals for the bell and raises Tiger's limp arm.))

Eddie: TIGER WINS IT!!! Amidst all the carnage, Tiger is declared the winner!

Travis: And how ironic it is that it took a belt shot from Jeff Wylde, to Tiger's ex-boyfriend, Kidd Rock, for Tiger to win the match!

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC WarZone: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as Green Haired Frog, Anyone from the Bad News or Darkside, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows Travis Best and Eddie Daniels playing the game. Eddie is using Jeff, and Travis is using Sephiroth. Eddie turns to Travis.)

Eddie: Can you knock off the commentary, we're not at work.

Travis: Oops. Sorry.

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

(("Superstar" comes on and the arena goes black,then blue pyro shoots. The Impactplayer makes his way to the ring with a baseball bat ,he walks slow, as he gets to the ring music shuts off. Impactplayer takes a microphone,and speaks. ))

The Impactplayer: It's been a while since I came to HWC, and I already had two matches. I had my first match at my first pay per view at HWC! That match was against Nex. When I started winning this match, some guy ran out and F-5'ed me infront of ALL OF YOU PEOPLE!!! And "thanks" to him I lost that match. I know people I'm NOTHING for you, here at HWC, but I came to HWC to prove that I'm going to be the best, and some day you will see that!!! But tonight I came here not to talk about how good I am. I came here to call out this man who F-5'ed me two weeks ago at Blood Brawl... Come out here if you are not a coward! I`m waiting for you...

Eddie: Is he really calling out who I think he is?

Travis: Depends. Who do you think he's calling out?

Eddie: I think he's calling out the Assistant Commissioner!

((Hard on the heels of Eddie's comment, Queensryche's "No Sanctuary" rips through the arena. The crowd cheers for the man who uses that music... The one and only Assistant Commissioner of the HWC... Peter Blankenship. He steps out onto the top of the ramp, holding a microphone. The crowd cheers for a bit longer, then quiets down.))

Peter: Let me get this straight... You're calling me out? I'm the one who hit you with an F-5. But you weren't the only one. No, NeX got it too. Neither of you won, and neither of you lost.

((ImpactPlayer makes a beckoning motion, saying "Bring it!". But Peter laughs and shakes his head.))

Peter: Not here, not now. Oh, don't get me wrong. You will get a chance at revenge. But it'll be at the next Pay Per View! What do you say?

((ImpactPlayer thinks about that, then nods. Peter chuckles then resumes his commentary.))

Peter: Good. We'll meet then. But if you come after me before then... Well, all bets are off. I used to be a wrestler. I'll do it again if I have to. Like it or not, kid, you're playing by my rules.

((Peter turns and walks to the back, leaving ImpactPlayer in the ring. The camera cuts to the announce table where Eddie and Travis are sitting.))

Eddie: There's your answer, Travis... Our esteemed Assistant Commissioner used to be a wrestler.

Travis: That explains how he was able to F-5 two men without breaking a sweat... This is gonna be good!

Eddie: You're right about that, Travis... Folks, we'll be right back.

Travis: Don't touch that dial or you'll miss some great action!

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

Number 1 Contenders Match for the World Title
Creeper vs Jeff Wylde

Eddie: Well, now we have the main event. The Creeper, a man who lives up to his name in every single match, and Jeff “Wyldeman” Wylde, another man who lives up to his name in every single match, both of them gunning for a Number 1 Contender’s match.

Travis: So long as the escapee from the nearest asylum stays out of this match, it’ll be close.

Eddie: That brings up a good point, Travis. The Creeper’s New Darkside outnumbers the Bad News. If they decide to get involved, there isn’t much that Jeff and company can do.

Travis: Jeff can lose, is what he can do.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall, and will determine the number 1 Contender for the HWC World Title. Introducing first, from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 250 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Hardcore Champion, representing the New Darkside. . . THE CREEPER!!!

((The lights die, a loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. The Creeper stands atop the burning turnbuckles, watching the top of the ramp, wearing a black cloak, in addition to his other clothes, draped in such a way as to reveal only his right side.))

Eddie: The Creeper is still one of the most frightening men in this sport. Injuries that would kill the normal person, The Creeper bounces back from like they were a mosquito bite.

Travis: So is Jeff, and Jeff’s got Amy, too.

Eddie: Yeah, but who would you rather face in the ring?

Travis: Neither of them.

Eddie: If you had to, though, who would you rather face?

Travis: Jeff. He would just beat me up, and that’d be it. I can’t help but think that The Creeper would turn me inside out, and pick me apart.

Eddie: You might be right.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 280 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Intercontinental Champion, representing Bad News, being accompanied to the ring by Amy Jensen. . . “WYLDEMAN” JEFF WYLDE!!!!

((As Bodies blasts over the PA, Jeff and Amy take the stage. Jeff walks to the edge of the stage and stands with his arms over his head looking back and forth over the crowd while Amy thrashes around in time to the song around him. Amy runs to the ring and slides in while Jeff just walks down and climbs in. The two take a moment to warm up before the match starts. That done, Jeff looks at the turnbuckle where The Creeper still stands, and, loosing a loud growl, more animalistic than normal, charges The Creeper. The Creeper jumps slightly, planting his hand on Jeff’s head, and handspringing over to stand behind him, Jeff spinning, to swipe at The Creeper as though his hands were bear paws. The Creeper dodges the swipes, then kicks Jeff in the midsection. Jeff clubs The Creeper with his right palm, The Creeper staggering backward, Jeff snarling, and leaping toward The Creeper. The Creeper steps aside, planting his hand on Jeff’s back as he passes, driving Jeff to the ground, then stepping back again.))

Eddie: The Creeper seems to be toying with Jeff.

Travis: I don’t like this. The Creeper knows something he’s not telling.

((Jeff plants his hands, and vaults back to his feet with an agility and grace that’s not normal, for him, spinning, and, loosing a roar, tackling The Creeper, who responds by planting his feet in Jeff’s midsection, and rolling with it, sending Jeff over the top rope, to land on the far side of the guardrail. Amy moves to the guardrail, checking on Jeff, who gets to his feet, and hurdles the guardrail like it wasn’t there, sliding back into the ring, charging The Creeper with a clothesline, The Creeper half-ducking, wrapping his arm around Jeff’s throat, in the perfect setup for the Epiphany.))

Eddie: This match may be over right now!

Travis: Something’s up with Jeff. This isn’t natural.

((The Creeper says something to Jeff, then shoves him backward, Jeff stumbling backward, to fall into the turnbuckle. Jeff’s eyes harden, his nostrils flare, and he leaps at The Creeper again, The Creeper simply giving Jeff a shoulder back toss, Jeff going back first into the other turnbuckle, Jeff falling down, to land head first, then getting to his feet, rushing at The Creeper from behind. As Jeff nears, The Creeper snaps off a high mule kick, sending Jeff backward, The Creeper turning to Jeff, and clotheslining him over the top rope, Jeff pounding the ground in frustration. The Creeper doesn’t move from the ring, watching Amy approach Jeff, and check on him. As soon as Amy touches him, however, Jeff lunges upward, backhanding Amy, his eyes on The Creeper. The Creeper simply shakes his head, the camera catching Jeff’s eyes, more feline than human now, The Creeper pointing at Amy, the impact, backed by a supernatural power, having rendered Amy unconscious. Jeff looks at Amy without any emotion registering, then back to The Creeper. Jeff’s body tenses, and begins trembling slightly, his eyes clenched closed. When Jeff’s eyes open, they are human again, and, looking to his left, blinks at the sight of Amy’s lack of consciousness.))

Eddie: Jeff just knocked Amy out, and. . . I. . . it doesn’t look like he even realized it.

Travis: What is wrong with Jeff?

Eddie: Somehow, whatever it was, The Creeper knew about it, and played into it. You don’t think he actually wanted that to happen, do you?

Travis: With The Creeper, I’ve learned to never expect anything.

((Jeff simply looks at Amy, visibly stunned. The Creeper steps out of the ring, grabbing Jeff, then spinning, and driving him headfirst into the apron, before sliding him into the ring, several medical personnel taking Amy backstage. Jeff, now visibly angry, gets to his feet, goading The Creeper into hitting him. The Creeper’s right hand closes into a fist, and The Creeper swings, hard. Before connecting, however, The Creeper stops his fist, opens his hand, and smacks Jeff twice on his cheek lightly, before kicking him in the midsection, and lifting him into the air for the Death Rattle, Jeff shuddering in midair, seeming to blacken for a second, before being dropped to the ground. The Creeper hooks the leg. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: What just happened?!

Travis: Eddie, don’t ask that question! You won’t like the answer!

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner, and Number 1 contender for the HWC title, The Creeper!!!

((The Creeper stands, picking Jeff up, draping him over his shoulder, and walking backstage.))

Eddie: What the-?! This is crazy!

Travis: Agreed.

Eddie: What does that mean? Is The Creeper making Jeff some sort of minion, or slave, or something?

Travis: You want me to ask him?

Eddie: Uh. . . yeah. Go ahead.

Travis: Fat chance.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))