Saturday Night Slaughter
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America from the Centenario Stadium

((The screen engulfs in fire burning quickly and leaving behind the burn remains of the blue HWC logo followed by the word "Brutality being spray painted over it. The image fades as the voice of Fred Drust is head saying, "If only we could fly!" Shots of Panthro, and Jericho, and Kidd are seen as My Generation starts to play followed by a shot of BloodLust Slayerz delivering the Slayerz Spear to Ace. As the song gets hard so does the images, such as The Tiger nailing Autumn, Panthro, Sarafan, and Jarred with a chair follwing by the beat down of The Tiger at the hand of Bad News. The song slows showing The Creeper and Blood Dragon staring each other down just before they go blow to blow with the song speeding up again. The shot changes to that of Celtic standing in the ring with his fist raised and another of him delivering a big boot to Vivian. Before the song ends shots of Jericho getting brutal with a cane, and B.D. beating away on Lucien are seen. As the song fades the images fade to black as a small spot light pans over a tattered broken blood covered belt, the back to black.))

(("Click Click Boom" hits and the crowd roars as The Enforcer, Draven Masters, Jeff Wylde, Celtic Hyena and Pitbull make their way to the ring, Jeff leading the pack with the HWC IC title belt slung over his shoulder. They reach the ring and pace around on the inside drinking in the cheers of the fans. Enforcer finally grabs a mic.))

Enforcer: I gotta say, it's damn good to be back in front of all our loyal subscribers to BAD NEWS!

Jeff: It's even better to stand here as your new Intercontinental champion, and this time having earned the thing. And of course any damage we can do to Tiger is a good thing. Beating her senseless, destroying her precious bike, or taking her title, a beaten and humiliated Tiger is a good thing! Roll that beautiful bean footage!

((The Tron kicks to life and we see the replay of the end of the match from Blood Brawl.))

((Tiger staggers backward, then slides outside the ring, moving to the announce position, and shouting, at The Creeper “Is that the best you’ve got?!” Almost in response, as soon as Tiger returns to the ring, “Bawidaba” plays as the stage, and arena, are rocked by an explosion of pyro. From the curtain, the last entrant steps through, the crowd going insane.))

Eddie: That’s Kidd Rock!!

Creeper: (Laughing) Look at the expression on Tiger’s face.

((Kidd hits the ring, going after B.D., who responds by clotheslining Kidd, and then hitting several rights and lefts. Tiger, in stunned silence, doesn’t even see Jeff Wylde moving toward her, and hitting the Wylde Night, before standing, turning, and clotheslining Kidd and B.D. over the top rope, returning to Tiger, hooking the leg, and making the pin. 1. . . 2. . .3!!!))

Eddie: Jeff Wylde is the new HWC Intercontinental champion!))

Jeff: Now that was--

((The lights in the arena go out as King of My World kicks up. After a moment The Tiger steps out from the back. In one hand is a mic and in the other of all things not her beloeved chair but a long link of chain. She gives no exspection as she walks down to the ring. Just as her music fades she climbs into the ring, she crosses her arms and just stares at them. She would look more threatening if her arms wern't covered by the sleeves of her black leather jacket with orange strip across it. She continues to stare them down saying nothing ignoring all the boos she gets.))

Jeff: Well, well, well. Look who it is. The EX-champ comes to join us! What's a matter little Irish? Didn't get enough a the PPV?

((PitBull comes over and whispers in Jeff's ear. Jeff smiles and nods and hands the mic to Pit.))

Pit: I'm glad you're here Tiger. I have something for you.

Eddie: This can't be good. The last time Bad News said they had something for Tiger, they handcuffed her to the ropes, destroyed her motorcycle and beat her half to death.

The Tiger: That's great Pit, ya sell out! Ya peice of shit! I have something for ya too!

((With out another word Tiger uses the chain to wrap around his neck throwing him toward the ropes. With a kick following Tiger lets go of one side of the chain as PitBull tumbles out of the ring. Tiger turns quickly ready to face the others.))

The Tiger: Try it! I dare ya.... and ya all will get the same. I'm not out here to take yar shit! Yea if I had a posse I'd feel high and mightly too. But one on one, by yar selves ya are weak! Ya ain't SHIT! (pauses as the crowd boos more) Hey Draven..... ya remember when ya and me went two to two...... my point exactly!

((Draven snarls at her but keeps his distance, even a raving half drunk like him knows better than to get within striking distance of a chain.))

Enforcer: Well then why are you out here? Aside from trying to hog as much TV time as a has-been like you can get? Come to kill our buzz? Or were you just bored? Nothing better than to do than come get involved in grown ups business.

((The members of Bad News still standing circle around Tiger trying to surround her. Enforcer in front, Jeff to her left, Draven to her right and Celtic behind her.))

The Tiger: Ya and me have a score to settle and I don'y know bout ya all but I could care less what the higher ups have to say bout this. So who's first....

((Tiger grins darkly straightening out the chain in both hands standing ready.))

Enforcer: (laughing) A score to settle? Man you're fucking dense! This is a vicious cycle little Irish. You fuck us up, we return the favor and we keep going back and forth until we're all dead. It's four on one little girl, I don't care how hardcore you are, we have the numbers advantage.

(("Click Click Boom" kicks in again and all heads turn to the ramp to see Scott Mercer emererge. He walks down to the ring and helps PitBull to his feet. He then grabs a mic and steps into the ring keeping his oversized clients between him and Tiger.))

Scott: Well as much as I'd love for the boys to turn you into a nice Tiger skinned rug. I've got some very, very important information here.

((He holds up a manilla envelope.))

Scott: Information that could very well change the lives of two people in this ring forever!

The Tiger: Ya ain't got nothing on me desk jockey!

Scott: Oh really, Tigris? Or should I say Ani?

The Tiger: Don't call me that! My name is Tiger!

((Scott opens the envelope.))

Scott: Not according to these documents. According to these, one Tigris Soul, AKA HWC's resident badass bitch the Tiger was born Ani Fitzgerald! Wanna see a copy of your birth certificate Ani? Or maybe a picture of your mother?

The Tiger: I know my name and I know my family! So what of it?!

CH: (from behind) Ani? .....It can't be!

Pit: If you know your family so well Ani, then turn around and say hi to your big brother!

((Pit points to Celtic who is standing there stunned.))

The Tiger: (glances behind her ready for an attack) This is a trick! This is not my brother!

Pit: I searched 10 different websites the other night. Everything from to and linked the two of you beyond a shadow of a doubt. Seamus O'Patrick, AKA, Celtic Hyena and Ani Fitzgerald, AKA the Tiger are brother and sister.

Scott: (thrusting the papers at her) Read it for yourself!

((Tiger takes the papes and with out looking at them starts to shread them. Once done she throws them back in Scotts face and dives between Enforcer and Jeff tackling Scott to the mat and beat away on him with a chain wraped fist. The Enforcer and Draven move in first to grab her arms. Jeff grabs her in a chokehold and they pull her kicking and screaming off a now bloody Scott. Enforcer pulls the chain from her fist and wraps it around his. While all this is going on, Celtic grabs the shredded papers thankfull that Tiger didn't rip them into tiny pieces. He looks the papers over and his eyes go wide with shock. Jeff and Draven have Tiger held up by her arms and she's still struggling to get free as the Enforcer reels back with the chain on his fist. Before he can swing however, Celtic steps in and grabs his arm shaking his head no. He walks over to the struggling Tiger and holds up a couple of sheets of the torn papers. He tells Draven and Jeff to back off and let her go. They reluctanly do as Draven goes to help Pitbull get Scott back to his feet. Celtic holds a couple of the less shredded papers in her face.))

CH: Read it!

The Tiger: Fuck You!

((Pit stands up and grabs a mic.))

Pit: Fine, you won't read it? That piece of paper right there has the results of a DNA test I took the liberty of running. You two are a 97.9 percent match. Face it Tiger, like it or not Seamus is your brother!

The Tiger: It's not my DNA ya got! So ya better back off right now!

Pit: READ THE FUCKING PAPERS! You are so damned hardheaded! You always have been! Look Ani, I don't give a shit if you hate me and everyone in this ring right now, but in all the time we knew each other before have I ever lied to you? Have I? Think about it, if we wanted to ambush you you'd already be reduced to a bloody pulp in the middle of the ring with Draven and The Enforcer tap dancing on your spine!

The Tiger: So what do ya want me to do bout it?

Scott: (somewhat shaky on his feet) Decide.

The Tiger: Decide what?!

Scott: What's more important to you. Your family, or your pride? Think about it.

((The members of Bad News leave the ring, Draven and Pit helping Scott out, Celtic is the last to leave, his eyes never leaving his sister.))

The Tiger: (spoken calmly) Whoa one second here. Celt come back here man.

((Jeff and Enforcer send Draven and Pit to the back with Scott, not trusting Tiger they stay at ringside leaving Celtic to enter the ring with Tiger.))

The Tiger: Well ya gotta admit all this is a shock. Proably more soon to ya. Small world huh?

CH: That's an understatement. I've been searching for our family ever since I left Ireland for America. And fate brings us together all these years later. Couldn't be under any stranger circumstances.

The Tiger: I hear ya... I just got one thing to say bout all this...

((With out warning Tiger leaps up hitting a drop kick that sends Celtic staggering and in the end tumbles head over heels over the top rope landing on Enforcer below. Tiger gets to her feet and grabs the mic.))

The Tiger: Welcome to the family PUNK!

((Tiger drops the mic and hops over the top rope landing gracefull on the floor below and takes off making her way out threw the crowd. Jeff helps his teammates to their feet. The Enforcer fires off a glare in her direction. And he turns to Celtic who is just as stunned as everyone else.))

Eddie: What a way to be reunited! The Tiger just assaulted her own brother!

((Slaughter cuts to a commercial for Geico auto insurance. A man is driving his car down the street humming and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music on the radio. His smile turns to shock as he slams on the brakes and a loud crash is heard.)

Announcer: Geico auto insurance, because you never know when this...

(The view cuts to the man's car smashed up against the Cushion. The front of the car is dented and the hood is crumpled up like an accordion. The Cushion looks over confused.)

Announcer: ...might happen.

(The Geico logo comes up.)

Geico, a 15 minute call could save you 15% or more on car insurance.))

Standard Match
The Impactplayer vs The Nothing

Eddie: Our first match of the evening pits two fairly new faces against each other. The Impactplayer and the Nothing.

Travis: Wake me when it's over.

Eddie: You can't go to sleep! We're on the air!

Travis: Watch me.

Eddie: If Cherisse Novak won't take you talking about the female wrestlers in a disrepectful manner what makes you think she'll stand for you sleeping during a live broadcast?

Travis: Like I said, this should be a great match.

Eddie: I need a vacation.

(("Still Waiting" blasts throughout the arena and over the pa system as the arena goes dark and strobe lights flicker around the entranceway. Then a tall man steps out into the lights which makes him look like a gaint, he then walks foward and poses for the crowd then he begins to walk down the ramp and towards the ring stoping every few steps to grind his hips then as he gets up to the side of the ring he slids under the bottom rope and jumps up landing on his feet where he starts to grind his hips again as his music cuts off.))

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. On the way to the ring first being accompanied by Bull, from Bendigo, Australia, weighing 286 pounds...The Nothing!

Travis: There's still just one thing I don't understand about this guy.

Eddie: Just one?

Travis: Very funny Eddie. Why out of all the names in the world he could have picked, he calls himself the Nothing? I mean I would have at least picked something more interesting like the Something! (chuckles)

Eddie: Who writes your material? Because you need to fire them.

(("Superstar" comes on and the arena goes black,then blue pyro shoots. The Impactplayer makes his way to the ring,he walks slow,as he gets to the ring music shuts off.))

Fortello: And his opponent, from New York City, NY, weighing 212 pounds...the Impactplayer!

Eddie: Both of these men still trying to find their place here in the HWC. The Impactplayer has yet to pick up a victory though.

Travis: Like I care about either of these loosers.

Eddie: You know, commissioner Novak is watching in her office backstage.

Travis: Like I said, I can't wait to see who wins!

((Impact and Nothing circle each other and then charge in for a standard collar and elbow tie-up. Nothing, with the weight advantage shoves Impact back into the corner. Impact looses his balance and falls. He gets right back up however and charges in for another tie up. Again Nothing pushes him back, but Impact stays on his feet and hits the ropes and rebounds off charging Nothing. Nothing, taken off guard, is clotheslined nearly inside out. Impact keeps the momentum and as nothing gets up he gets his leg dropkicked out from under him and falls to his face. Impact jumps on his back and slaps on an STF, but Nothing easilly crawls to the ropes forcing Impact to break the hold.))

Eddie: And Impact comes out the gates with series of quick moves catching the larger man off balance. I don't think Nothing was expecting that!

Travis: Do I really have to pay attention to this match?

Eddie: If you want to keep your job...yes.

((Both men get back to their feet and Nothing is the victim of an irish whip, but he reverses and Impact makes an impact with the turnbuckle and staggers forward into a big boot from Nothing. Nothing wastes no time and pulls Impact to his feet and DDT's him using the high impact moves to keep the Impactplayer off his feet. He hoists Impact back up and then dumps him back to the ground with a sidewalk slam. Nothing leaps up into the air and drives his knee into Impact's chest and then goes for a quick cover. 1...2...kickout by Impact.))

Eddie: A little too soon to be going for a pin.

Travis: That just proves that Nothing knows nothing about wrestling. HAHA! I kill myself.

Eddie: I wish.

((Nothing whips Impact off the ropes and mows him down with a clothesline that sends Impact spinning head over heels. Nothing grabs Impact as he gets to his feet and drops him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He takes a moment to pose for the crowd and pays for it as Impact suddenly springs to his feet and grabs Nothing from behind rolling him up in a schoolboy! 1..2...and the Nothing just manages to kick out. He charges Impact going for a clothesline and misses as Impact ducks and catches Nothing from behind dropping him with a neckbreaker. Nothing is stopped dead in his tracks and rolls around on the mat holding his neck. Impact doesn't give him any time to recover as he grabs Nothing and drops him again, this time with his modified DVD. Staying on the attack he takes Nothing down with a belly to belly. Nothing struggles to his feet and Impact charges and dropkicks the same leg that he did earlier. Nothing falls to one knee and Impact kicks him in the face knocking him back, and then looks to the top rope.))

Eddie: Looks like Impact has a high flying move in mind for Nothing!

Travis: He'd better hope he connects otherwise he's gonna look pretty damn silly.

((Impact goes up to the top rope and looks to the crowd and points at the Nothing laying in the middle of the ring. He jumps.))

Eddie: Flying headbutt! Nothing moved! Impactplayer just landed face first on the mat in the middle of the ring.

Travis: (laughing) I told you! He looks pretty damn silly! The only Impact he made was with the mat! Hahahahahaha...*gach*! Hey, what'd you hit me for?

Eddie: No laughing at the talent when they can easilly kick your ass and mine.

((Inside the ring both men struggle to their feet neither one looking to be in any better shape than the other. They're on opposite sides of the ring and using the ropes to pull themselves back up. Nothing charges Impact and Impact drops down at the last second hitting a drop toehold. Nothing falls and lands neck first across the second rope. Impact pulls him back into the ring and kicks him in the midsection and then takes him down with the Faded Glory!))

Eddie: Faded Glory! Impact just nailed the Faded Glory!

Travis: Hey, this match just got interesting!

((Impact wastes no time in grabbing Nothing and setting him up for the Propganda. He sets up the Nothing and then nails the Propoganda! He sits up, smiles at the crowd before making the cover, hooking the leg. 1...2...3!!))

Eddie: And the Impactplayer wins! A great win for this young new star in the HWC.

Travis: Figures. Just as the match gets interesting it ends. I'm going back to sleep, wake me when the next match starts. Better yet, wake me when the show is over.

Eddie: You are gonna get so fired.

Travis: Fine, I'll stay awake.

((The show cuts to a commercial set in a restaurant. Ace is sitting at a table and has 5 platters of food and a kitchen sink Ice-Cream Sundae. Ace has ice-cream all over his face and is about to take another bite when the waitress comes over.)

Waitress: Excuse me Mr. Spades, your credit card has reached its limit you can’t use it to pay.

Ace: No problem I’ll pay by check.

(Ace reaches into his pocket and pulls out his check book. He writes the check and hands it to the woman}

Waitress: I’m going to need to see some ID.

Ace: I don’t have any ID on me, but you know it’s me. I’m on TV!!

Waitress: You should have gotten a Visa Check Card!!

(The commercial cuts to a scene of Ace in kitchen washing dishes. He looks into the camera and shrugs. Then a Visa Check Card flashes across the screen. The Slaughter logo than appears and the show resumes.))

((Camera opens up inside the office of Autumn Lewis. There Autumn stands before Celtic Hyena, Enforcer, Draven, B.D., Vivian, and Kidd Rock. The look on her face is that of disapointment and anger.))

Autumn: I bet you are all wondering why you're here and why you have this match!

((A murmur of a agreeing is heard threw out the lined up wrestlers.))

Autumn: Consider this your punishment! (moves to sit behind her desk.) At Blood Brawl the terms of the IC title match was to fight The Tiger...... NOT each other!

((At that moment, the door swings open a bit, just enough for someone to come in. Cherisse Novak, the new Commissioner for the HWC, pokes her head in to address Autumn Lewis, sitting behind her desk and looking irate.))

Cherisse: Excuse me, Ms. Lewis, could I talk to you for a minute?

Autumn: Of course Cherisse, please come in. I'm just finishing up here. Now I hope boy we won't have this problem again. You may go now, and get ready for your match.

((A soft groan is hread from a few as they pass by Cherisse to exit the room. One by one they leave Celtic being the last in the list, with so much on his mind doesn't even notice Cherisse. Cherisse sees him and recognizes him with a smile.))

Cherisse: Celtic!

((Celtic stops in the door and raises his head looking back.))

CH: Miss Novak!

Cherisse: (smiling) You remember.

CH: How can I forget tha woman who brought me ta America and gave me a chance at a future.

Cherisse: You've made the best of it, I see...

CH: This be a whole different fed then tha NWC Miss Novak. Wif' that said if ya ever need anything, I am here ta call on. I owe ya everythin'.

Cherisse: I'll keep that in mind. Oh, say hi to Meg for me.

CH: How did ye know?

Cherisse: A wee lil brownie told me.

((Celtic stares in shock the second time tonight as he remembers. Everything coming to gether at last. But before he can question it, Enforcer steps in and pulls Celtic out to get ready for the match. Cherisse shakes her head and sits in one of the vacant chairs, still chuckling a bit.))

Standard Match
Nex vs Bull

Eddie: After the match we’ve just seen, now, we have a match between two relative rookies to this ring, NeX and Bull.

((Travis is quiet))

Eddie: No biting comments, Travis?

Travis: These two are nobodies. They shouldn’t even be out here. Just get these two bozos out here, so this exercise in stupidity can be over.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Allentown, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 252 lbs. . . NEX!!!

((Lights go out as “Assassins” plays. A few seconds of darkness end as NeX appears on the entrance ramp. As he walks down to the ring he taunts the crowd. He finally enters the ring under the bottom rope. He gets on the top turnbuckle and taunts the crowd some more. Than he drops from the top rope and sits in the corner waiting on his opponent.))

Eddie: Well, so far so good.

Travis: Says you.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Bendigo, Australia, weighing in at 286 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Natasha. . . . BULL!!!

((The arena goes dark and a single spot light hits the stage and lighting strikes the stage and the whole time all this is going on all that can be herd is breathing then a second Lighting bolt hit the stage and Hero of the day begins and the spot light shines on a man standing with his head down and a women right behind looking and smiling at the man then the 2 walk towards the ring and as they walk the lady ways a red flag in front of the man with seem to be making him angry. Bull enters the ring, and spears NeX nearly out of his shoes. From the backstage area, B.D. shoots to the ring, chair in hand, sliding into the ring, and, after a moment’s pause, smashing the referee in the head with the chair, then dropping the chair to the ground, waiting on both men. As Bull stands, and turns, B.D. kicks him in the midsection, and locks his arms over his head, driving Bull into the chair.))

Eddie: B.D. just hit Bull with a Plague, into the chair!!!

Travis: Hey, this match just got a little better!

Eddie: When did NeX join the New Darkside?

((As NeX gets to his feet, giving B.D. a wide berth, moving toward Bull, he happens to get too close to B.D., the HWC’s resident headcase hitting NeX with a Plague into the chair as well. Wasting no time, B.D. hauls Bull to his feet, draping him over NeX.))

Eddie: Wait. Bull’s in the New Darkside now?

Travis: This. . . I don’t know. I’m speechless.

Eddie: Another first, ladies and gentlemen.

((After a second, however, B.D. picks Bull up, lifting him into the air, with a suplex, holding him up there, an expression on his face of confusion, as if he has forgotten just what it was he was doing. A few more minutes pass, and B.D. spins to his left.))


Travis: Say what?

Eddie: That’s B.D.’s Trademark. And he just hit it into the chair!

((Lucien comes to the ring, sliding into the ring behind B.D., waiting. As B.D. stands, Lucien lifts him into the air, for an Unmaking, only to have B.D. slide free, bulldog Lucien, then grab the chair, and leave the ring, Lucien one step behind. As both men leave the ring, the referee begins to get to his feet, administering the count. At 10, neither man has moved, the referee throwing the match out as a draw.))

Eddie: I can’t believe what I just saw! B.D., the one person in the HWC who would be best suited inside an asylum somewhere, just came out here and took both Bull and NeX apart!

Travis: That B.D. is scary. Not because of his power, but because he simply doesn’t know. When he’s hurt, when to stop, or how to bide his time.

Eddie: Entirely different than his brother, The Creeper, who we’ll see later on tonight.

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and BloodDragon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

((The camera pans around ringside, catching the various signs and pausing to show a few. Then a theme they've heard before floods the airwaves... Skid Row's "Sweet Little Sister". Cherisse Novak, the new HWC Commissioner, comes out to the ring, slapping hands along the way. She gets a microphone and waves for silence. She gets it. She lifts the microphone to say something...))

Cherisse: Once again, I'm overwhelmed by your reception. It's come to my attention that some of the wrestlers in the back have become rather... complacent... with their lot in life. It's time to change all that. I have in my hand, a list of matches that will be signed in the next few weeks, that are going to shake things up around here. We'll start with The Enforcer and Draven Masters. Drinking and brawling, eh? Prove you're the best in a Bar Brawl against the BloodLust Slayerz next week.

((The fans pop loudly for that one...))

Cherisse: Next on my list, I have...

((Cutting Cherisse off comes the playing of King of My World. Tiger steps out from the back looking like she is stalking prey. Her bent up chair is on her right hand with a mic in the other, she gazes down at Cherisse with a sinister grin on her face. Stopping just where the ramp starts Tiger raises the mic to her lips waiting for her music to stop.))

The Tiger: Ya got alotta nerve coming in here and declairing "Brutality!" If anyone is brutal around here...... IT'S ME! (settles down and grins again) But that's not why I'm here.

Cherisse: You didn't prove you had what it took. You attack from behind, like a skulking COWARD!

The Tiger: (starts to head down to the ring) I don't remember asking yar oppinion. (reaches teh ring and hopes up on the out side at first) I'm afraid to say..... Yar way out of yar leage comin' here.

Cherisse: Says you. Now tell me why you interrupted me.

The Tiger: (climbs into the ring) To offer a warning.....

Cherisse: Why? I haven't done anything wrong. I'm just doing my job.

The Tiger: (starts to circle her) If that means trying to keep me in line, ya should quit now while ya still can.

((Tiger begins to laugh.))

(Cherisse just stands there, totally unimpressed. Tiger's just confirmed her suspicions...)

Cherisse: Why would I want to keep you in line? You're the Tiger, right?

The Tiger: Aye.... (grins cocky like) The one and only. There is no better hardcore wrestler then me.

Cherisse: Then you can prove it. Next week in a First Blood Match...

The Tiger: (laughs again at her looking at her as if she was a flie) It better be against Creeper cause my next match and victory will be against him.

Cherisse: No. It isn't against The Creeper.

The Tiger: Then there will be no match.

Cherisse: Oh, yes, there will... You against Kidd Rock and...

((She draws out the moment. Then she continues with a smirk in her voice.))

Cherisse: And VIVIAN!

The The: Ooooo Vivian I'm so scared..... (gets in her face) DEFINED!

Cherisse: You dare deny me, Tiger? I wish you'd let people finish what they're saying before you put your foot in your mouth...

The Tiger: (still in her face rage showing clearly) I don't care! Ya dare come here and tell me I can't destroy cars! Ya dare tell me I can't attack others! Ya dare say I don't have Brutality!.....

Cherisse: (in a deadly voice) Shut up.

The Tiger: Ya wan't Brutality? I'll give ya Brutality! (raises her chair and looks at it) Ya see this.... Each one of these dents tells a story. Each one of some sap I have beaten Brutaly....

Cherisse: Tiger, if you don't stop interrupting me, you're going to regret it. I wasn't done describing the match you're in next week. It's First Blood, all right... IN A STEEL CAGE!

((Tiger looks at her a moment pausing her face blank. After a moment of thinking about is and letting the crowd cheer for her demise, Tiger narrows her eyes and yells again.))

The Tiger: DENIED! I don't like being interrupted either, sssoooo I'll make this short. See this dent here. That was Autumn, she was the first.....

((Tiger drops the mic and turns quickly bringing the chair down on her head. Once down Tiger picks up her mic again and bends down showing Cherisse the chair again.))

The Tiger: Ya see taht bump there!? That's you! Yar number ten! I whole new line of ASS KICKING....... There!...... THERE! IS THAT BRUTAL ENOUGH FOR YA!

((Cherisse rises to one elbow, still holding the microphone. She has a trump card still to play... Of course, she's wobbly, but that's to be expected.))

Cherisse: Not even close. Tiger, you fail to realize that I'm the Commissioner around here. You can't bully me the way you do the referees and the other wrestlers. And I suggest you start preparing for your match next week... Because if you don't, you'll never set foot inside a wrestling ring again. Am I understood?

The Tiger: (laughs as blood trickles down Cherisse's forhead) Ya have as much power to fire me as Autumn does. I have a three year contract that keeps me from being fired!

Cherisse: Now did I say anything about being fired? There are other ways to keep someone out of the ring, Tiger.

The Tiger: This fed needs me! With out it ya wouldn't sell out night after night!

Cherisse: Oh, I daresay we would. We have Kidd Rock...

((The fans erupt in a tumult of cheers.))

Cherisse: We have the Darkside...

((More cheers.))

Cherisse: We have Bad News...

The Tiger: Well if it's goen be that way...

((Tiger pulls Cherisse up and delivers the Click Click Boom to her adding to the impact from the chair shot just moment ago.))


((Tiger throws down the mic at her head grabs her chair and slides out of the ring to overwhlming bood from the crowd. Tiger only raises her hands as they chant "YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!" A lone EMT races out to the ring, kneeling beside Cherisse. Then a team comes out, wheeling a stretcher. There's something oddly familiar about that EMT... But you can't really be sure, can you?))

((Camera opens up on a prision guard sitting at his desk with his feet up. As he relaxes he bites into a Snickers candy bar. The camera starts to pan back as the sound of yelling and a siren goes off. As the camera pans back a prison riot can bee seen breaking out. Things are thrown and fights start, all the while the guard doesn't seem to notice it one bite. The camera comes to a stop seeing the cause of the fight as The Tiger and Harley Quinn are seen going blow for blow.)

Announcer: Lazyness.... another side effect of hunger. Try Snickers to get you threw that long day.))

((Camera cuts backstage inside Autumn Lewis' office, Autumn sits behind her desk looking enraged while a worn out and hurting Tiger stands before her. Tiger goes to sit as Autumn's eyes drill into her.))

Standard Match
Harley Quinn vs Panthro

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to see the return of Harley Quinn!

Travis: This is truly a great day!

Eddie: Yeah yeah. Don’t start.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from the Black Light Section of the Jersey Shore, being accompanied to the ring by the Mafioso, weighing in at 165 lbs. . . “THE JERSEY DEVIL DIVA” HARLEY QUINN!!!

((The lights go down as a single spotlight goes over the crowd and then rests at the back of the stage, as "Took It Like A Woman" begins to play. The HWC-Tron comes to life with scenes from Harley's matches, with the Mafioso, her gaining the World Title, and her sitting by herself in her office looking out the window over the water. Harley, and Johnny, Reno, and Rude walk out, and make their way down to the ring. Harley's face is stern, as are the guys as they make their way to the ring. Once they reach the ring, Johnny helps her in, and helps her out of her suit jacket and kisses her before hopping out. Harley stands in the middle of the ring, watching and waiting for her opponent to make their appearance.))

Eddie: Harley seems a bit more subdued.

Travis: But as good as ever!

Eddie: You have a point, there.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 173 lbs. . . PANTHRO!!!

((The Mexican Hip Hop song starts up, as Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring, Harley catching him as he rises with a low dropkick, sending him nearly back out of the ring, through the middle rope. Panthro grabs the top rope with his right hand, reaching over the top rope with his left hand, and grabbing Harley’s hair, pulling her to stand, then falling backward, his hands wrapped in her hair, his fall driving her throat-first into the top rope, before pulling her out of the ring entirely, both of them hitting the ground hard.))

Eddie: That was-

Travis: Insane! I had heard that Panthro was training with B.D., but if that’s the result, then everyone should train with him! And someone get some paramedics out there for Harley!

((As both people are down, Tiger comes out to the top of the ramp, chair in hand.))

Eddie: What is Tiger doing out here? Is she planning to get involved, and take out Harley now?!

Travis: That’d be something I’d pay to see!

((Tiger simply unfolds the chair, sitting on it, one leg crossed over the other, watching the match.))

Eddie: She’s trying to cost Harley the match!

Travis: No, she’s just watching!

Eddie: She could do that backstage!

Travis: She could, but where would be the fun in that?!

Eddie: You’re a jackass.

((Panthro gets to his feet, dropkicking a rising Harley, before hauling her to her feet again, and slinging her into the guardrail, the impact sending Harley up and over the guardrail itself. Panthro follows, getting to the guardrail, Harley’s hands shooting up, grabbing Panthro’s ears, Harley herself standing, and jumping over the guardrail, spinning slightly, hitting a sitdown facebuster. Picking Panthro up, Harley slings him toward the stairs, Panthro reversing it, sending Harley at the stairs. As she nears the stairs, however, Harley handsprings over the top of the stairs, landing on the other side. Panthro follows, jumping from the top of the stairs, only to get a dropkick to the midsection for his troubles, from a standing Harley, Panthro falling back, to land, hard, on the top of the steel stairs with a sickening thud.))

Eddie: That might have done some serious damage to Panthro, right there.

Travis: What do you expect? Harley’s one of the best.

((Panthro rolls off of the stairs, to his hands and knees, clutching his back, as Harley moves toward him again, lifting him to his feet, and suplexing him back onto the top of the stairs, intensifying the pain Panthro already feels in his back. Sending Panthro into the ring, Harley climbs to the apron, waiting. As Panthro regains his feet, Harley springboards over the top rope, trying to hit a hurracanrana, apparently, Panthro countering with a quick sitdown powerbomb, then falling to the side, clutching his back again. Getting to his feet, Panthro picks up Harley, then running to the nearest turnbuckle, vaulting to the top, and spinning a 180, for a Springboard spin kick. Harley ducks, and, as Panthro lands, and turns, he takes the Sweet Chin Music right to his jaw, dropping him in the center of the ring, Harley hooking the leg. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Harley was just too much for this young man.

Travis: Did you see the extension on that kick?! Yow!

((Harley gets up, shouting at Tiger to come into the ring. After a moment, Tiger does, chair in hand, swinging at Harley, Harley ducking, and coming up on the other side. As Tiger turns, chair still in hand, Harley hits another Sweet Chin Music into the chair, sending it into Tiger’s face, shouting at Tiger as she lay there, only barely conscious, before leaving the ring.))

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

((The camera pans around the crowd, finding several fans who want Tiger suspended for her mistreatment of the new Commissioner. There are several signs applauding the Darkside, and one or two saying Tiger should marry Daemon. One of those signholders laughs and sticks his tongue out at the camera before sliding down into the front row and removing a clever disguise to reveal...))

Eddie: Daemon DeLioncourt! He's here!

Travis: Wonder why.

Eddie: I can't say, Travis. I don't know.

Travis: Wonder what he's thinking about what Tiger did.

Eddie: I don't think he's too thrilled about it... Look at his eyes.

((The camera zooms in for a look at Daemon's face and his eyes are haunted and bitter. The moment the camera's lens falls on him, he rubs his face with both hands and waves half-heartedly. Chris Murphy jogs over and stands quietly beside Daemon, catching his attention even without saying a word.))

Chris: I'm standing here with Daemon DeLioncourt, baby brother to the HWC World Champion, Jericho Dylan. Daemon, what brings you here?

Daemon: Call it morbid curiosity if you want. I came tonight to see what the aftermath of Blood Brawl is going to be.

Chris: This is going to be a tough question for me to ask, and it might be difficult for you to answer. But what do you think of Tiger's actions earlier involving the new Commissioner of the HWC, Cherisse Novak?

Daemon: Hard to ask, hard to answer. But I think Tiger and I are going to have a little talk later.

Chris: I take it you didn't approve.

Daemon: No, I didn't. But that's neither here nor there, Chris. You have another question about Tiger.

Chris: I do. Daemon, what's the current status of your relationship with her?

Daemon: I don't want to hear any jokes about this... But Tiger's going to be my wife someday.

((Chris blinks. Then he smiles and offers his hand in congratulations. Daemon takes it with a chuckle at the sound of the fans gasping. Those around him smile and shout congratulations. He ducks his head, blonde hair streaked heavily with thick black stripes falling over his face.))

Chris: Daemon, everyone here is wondering why you're in the audience instead of backstage with your family.

Daemon: It's simple, really. They're not here. Tiger is, but I'm safer out here. Trust me.

Chris: Why aren't Jarred and Jericho here?

Daemon: After what happened on Sunday, can you blame them for staying home? They don't want to be here and risk doing something they'll regret. You heard what Commissioner Novak said about attacking from behind.

Chris: But the BloodLust Slayerz aren't the champions. Jarred and Jericho are.

Daemon: They're also quite angry, Chris. I wouldn't wish their tempers on anyone. Even those who deserve to get their asses handed to them on a silver platter like the BloodLust Slayerz!

Chris: I've never seen either man get angry.

Daemon: I have. Trust me when I say it's not pretty.

Chris: I'll leave it at that... Daemon, there are lots of people wondering why a notorious felon is in a public place.

Daemon: They are, are they? Well, Chris, it's quite simple. When you're as feared and hated as I am, you taunt the authorities. But I can't be arrested... They have to prove I've done something wrong first.

Chris: That's an interesting way to look at it. So what's the deal with you, your brothers and The Creeper?

Daemon: It would take me a thousand years to fully explain it. But I can give you a nutshell explanation that will serve my purpose... The Creeper is showing us how to reach our full potential. There's no trickery involved, nor is there any sort of mind control. We went to him of our own free will. It's a matter of mental strength and the willingness to succeed at all costs.

Chris: That, I understand. Thank you, Daemon.

Daemon: It was my pleasure. I believe your presence is required backstage...

Chris: That it is. Enjoy the show, Daemon, and thank you for talking to me.

((Daemon inclines his head and watches Chris go. He smothers a grin and circles his hand, then goes back to his seat.))

Eddie: Cryptic words from the man we now know is Tiger's fiance.

Travis: Why'd she pick him?

Eddie: I imagine they fell in love.

Travis: Love. Bah!

((There's no time for any further commentary, because Queensryche's "No Sanctuary" floods the airwaves, silencing the crowd. From the top of the ramp, a lone figure appears. They stand there for a long moment, then walk down the ramp to the ring. Long black hair... Electric green eyes... Distinctly male features...))

Eddie: Hey, that's the EMT from earlier!

Travis: Except he's no EMT. I wonder who he is.

Eddie: We're about to find out...

((The man in the ring gets a microphone and stands waiting for his music to end. When it fades out, he lifts the microphone to his lips.))

Stranger: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself. I am Peter Blankenship, and I am the Assistant Commissioner for the HWC. Miss Novak appointed me to that position on Monday, when she decided backup was necessary. I'm out here tonight to talk about what happened earlier. I am, of course, referring to The Tiger and how she treated the Commissioner.

((The crowd immediately begins to boo. They like The Tiger, but they can't stand her current attitude, or the way she's been treating the other wrestlers. Peter holds up his hands for silence, and gets it.))

Peter: I'm also going to address what Tiger did to poor Sarafan. And by the time I'm done, Tiger's going to wish she'd never crossed that line! Tiger. You put your hands on an official of the Hardcore Wrestling Corporation. That in itself is punishable by suspension. But refusing to participate in a match you were put in is even worse. Not only will you participate in that match, but... If you manage to survive, you'll be given what you want. The only way you will even get NEAR The Creeper is if you can make it past Kidd Rock and Vivian and out of that steel cage. Call it blackmail if you want, but that's the offer on the table.

Peter: Now then. On to what you did to Sarafan. Thanks to you, Tiger, she's been sidelined! But you can relax, folks... She'll only be out for about 4 to 6 weeks. There is only one punishment for what you've done... There will be a match booked. It will involve The Tiger, a thick leather strap...

((He lowers the mic, ostensibly to draw out the suspense. But he looks directly at Daemon and mouths an apology for what he's about to say.))

Peter: And Jericho Dylan.

((The crowd gasps loudly. Jericho Dylan and The Tiger in a Strap Match?!? They can't believe it! And, judging from their reactions, neither can Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: What? But Jericho and Tiger are friends!

Travis: I think this Blankenship guy's letting his new power go to his head! What the hell is he thinking?!? Two explosive people like Tiger and Jericho against each other? That's insane!

Eddie: I have to agree. Jericho was the only one who stood by Tiger while she was in prison. And he's just torn Daemon's loyalty in two...

Travis: I'd nearly forgotten. This once, I'm going to swallow my attitude. I don't think Daemon deserves to be put in the middle like this.

Peter: Daemon's going to kill me for this. But in the near future, The Tiger will face Jericho Dylan in a Strap Match. If Tiger wins, she'll get a shot at the World Title. But if Jericho wins, there will be no title shot in Tiger's immediate future. Oh, and one more thing, Tiger... The Strap Match will also be in a steel cage. And there will be one modification. The cage will be on fire. Have a nice day.

((He leaves the ring and walks up the ramp, leaving the audience sitting in stunned silence. Eddie and Travis are sitting there, stunned beyond words. If they heard correctly, two of the most popular members of the company are going to be put at considerable risk! The camera follows Peter backstage, where he walks into an open locker room and shuts the door. There's no name on the door, nor is there a plaque on the wall. It seems to be a basic dressing room reserved for Peter's use. The camera cuts back to ringside where Eddie and Travis are sitting.))

Eddie: I can't believe what we just heard.

Travis: I can't either. And if you look out into the crowd, you can see Daemon's face.

Eddie: He doesn't look happy, Travis... But then, I wouldn't be happy either if I'd just heard what was going to happen between my brother and the woman I loved.

Travis: This is a night of firsts here, folks. I'm going to go on record as saying I think Peter Blankenship has exceeded the limits imposed by his office and done something stupid.

Eddie: I agree with you, Travis... I sincerely hope Autumn Lewis does something about this. It isn't right.

Travis: Amen, Eddie. I'm just glad Jericho wasn't here to hear that!

Eddie: I shudder to think what his reaction is when he finds out... I don't think he's going to be too thrilled with this development.

Travis: He won't be. Neither will Tiger. I'm telling you that right now.

Eddie: Folks, we'll be right back.

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC WarZone: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as Green Haired Frog, Anyone from the Bad News or Darkside, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows Travis Best and Eddie Daniels playing the game. Eddie is using Jeff, and Travis is using Sephiroth. Eddie turns to Travis.)

Eddie: Can you knock off the commentary, we're not at work.

Travis: Oops. Sorry.

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

Handiecap Match
The Creeper vs BloodLust Slayerz

Eddie: Well, our next match is rather confusing, to be quite honest. Creeper has agreed to take on BOTH members of the BloodLust Slayerz! Now, I know that Creeper is quite a bit smarter then that, so he must have some sort of plan!

Travis: Well, of course he has a plan!You don't expect him to go up against two brutes the likes of the BLS without a plan, do you?

Eddie: Isn't that what I just said?

Travis: I'm sorry, did you say something?

Eddie: Never mind...let's go to Jean Fortello!

((The camera switches to the lovely Jean Fortello, standing in the center of the ring.))

Jean: The following contest is a Handicap Match, set for one fall!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. Jean Fortello recovers from covering her head, and continues with the introductions.))

Jean: From the Second Tier of Hell, weighing 250 pounds, CREEPER!!!

Eddie: Well, Creeper sure looks confident. I can only imagine what sort of plan he might have up his sleeve to handle the BloodLust Slayers. Those guys aren't exactly pushovers, you know!

Travis: That's true, but they aren't exactly a couple of mental heavyweights, either.......not that they're stupid either (starting to babble) no no don't get me wrong they're not stupid at all, couple of good guys that's the bloodLust Slayerz a couple of stand-up guys they're OK in my b-

((Eddie interrupts Travis' babbling with a cup of water in the face. Travis just sits there, astonished, then recovers.))

Travis: Err, thanks, I don't know what got into me there!

Eddie: Don't mention it!

(("Go 2 Sleep" fades out. A dark cloud of smoke fills the stage as Possession play. Once the music gets hard and fast the smoke clears showing Palemon and Beowulf standing there where they weren't before. After a moment of standing there listening to the crowd boo, the two start heading to the ring.))

Jean: His opponents, from Norway, at a total combined weight of 500 pounds, Palemon and Beowulf, The BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!

((Jean climbs out of the ring. Palemon & Beowulf start moving to opposite sides of the ring, their eyes locked on Creeper, as the music fades. Creeper starts stepping backwards in an effort to keep both men in sight. BLS roll into the ring from opposite sides and start to approach Creeper as referee Michael Leonard calls for the bell to start the match.))

Eddie: I am not liking Creeper's chances if BLS get their hands on him! His best strategy right now is to keep moving, until one of them makes a mistake.

Travis: Creeper is just picking his spots! Give him a couple of minutes! (mumbles) I got $500 riding on this!

Eddie: (Sighing) You never learn, do you...BLS closing in on Creeper, who wisely ducks through the ropes here in front of us....BLS following...

((Creeper makes as if to back up against the ringside railing. Palemon & Beowulf look at each other, grinning, then lunge, but Creeper suddenly explodes at them with a double clothesline! Palemon falls back against the ring post, dinging the back of his head onit and falling in a heap, while Beowulf goes flat on his back. Creeper concentrates his efforts on Beowulf, kicking and stomping the bigger of the two men.))

Eddie: Smart move by Creeper, concentrating his efforts on the larger of the two men, perhaps hoping to keep him down long enough to even things up!

Travis: YES! I KNEW Creeper had a plan! GO CREEPER!

Eddie: But wait a minute, Palemon is getting up!


((Creeper does indeed turn around, just in time to have Palemon kick him in the gut and nail a snap DDT on the floor! Beowulf sits up, shaking off Creeper;s attack, as Palemon picks Creeper up and rolls him into the ring, then turns to check on Beowulf. Beowulf shrugs it off, and they both climb into the room, as Creeper is getting on his feet again. They grab creeper, whip him into the ropes, and bend down to backdrop him. Creeper, however, hits the brakes, kicks Palemon in the face, and nails Beowulf with a DDT Creeper goes for the cover on Beowulf...1...2..a kick in the back of the head from Palemon breaks it up, and Creeper rolls off of Beowulf. Palemon scoops Creeper up and hits a fall-away slam. BLS turn to gloat to the fans, who respond with a chorus of boo's. The referee bends down to check on Creeper, who appears to be injured..))

Eddie: It's not looking good for Creeper! He could be hurt after that slam!

Travis: No! It can't be! Come on, Creeper! I got a half-grand riding on ya! Don't give up now!

((BLS signals for the Slayerz Spear, and Palemon climbs up to the top rope. Beowulf turns to grab Creeper, who is still being checked out by the referee. Creeper , however, suddenly grabs the referee by his belt and pulls, heaving him head-first into Beowulf's face! The ref's head smacks Beowulf right in the nose, and Beowulf staggers back. The referee collapses to the mat, as Palemon takes this chance to nail Creeper with a flying headbutt that sends Creeper flying back, falling over the referee. Palemon comes up, a hand to his head, and Beowulf is wiping a smudge of blood from his nose. Then look at each other, then turn to glare at Creeper.))

Eddie: This looks like the end of the road for Creeper! BLS has murder in their eyes!

Travis: (hiding his face) I can't watch!

Eddie: Don't tell me you're suddenly afraid to see this kind of thing!

Travis: Hell no...It's just that it's like watching $500 go floating away!

Eddie: What was I thinking....BLS hoisting Creeper to his feet, it looks like it could be time for the Slayerz Spear....wait a minute, who's that coming out of the crowd?

Travis: (looking up) Holy crap, it's Die Zerstorer!

((Just as Palemon is climbing to the top again to deliver the Slayerz Spear, he is suddenly grabbed from the floor by the large, powerful hands of Klaus von Hammer, who tosses him like a sack of potatoes, head-first into the ringside railing! Meanwhile, Hans Kuhmann leaps from the middle of the top rope, and nails a flying head scissors on Beowulf. Klaus picks Palemon up and drops him on his chest across the railing, then rolls into the ring, where Hans ducks a wild swing from Beowulf and hits him with a low blow. Creeper has rolled to the outside, apparently unaware of the activity in the ring. Klaus picks up Beowulf and powerbombs him, while Hans simultaneously performs a neckbreaker.))

Eddie: The Final Solution! Beowulf is out! Palemon is starting to move on the outside, and so is Creeper!

Travis: (almost jumping for joy) See? I TOLD you Creeper had a plan! COME ON CREEPER!!!

Eddie: Die Zerstorer are out of here as suddenly as they arrived, and the referee never saw them! Creeper is in the ring, waking up the referee....but there's Palemon, climbing to the top!


((Almost as if Creeper heard the warning from Travis, he looks up to see Palemon perched on the top turnbuckle. The referee pulls himself up by the ropes, shaking them, and almost causing Palemon to fall. Palemon decides to try a hasty double axe-handle chop, but Creeper is ready for him. Creeper catches him by the throat, kicks out Palemon's legs, drops to his knees, then leaping into the air, dropping Palemon into a modified Sitout Chokeslam.))

Travis: He hit the Epiphany! It's over!

Eddie: Creeper with the cover...1...2...3!!! Creeper has pulled it off!

Travis: ((out of his seat and dancing)) Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Creeper won! Creeper won! Oh yeah! Oh ye-

((Travis is cut off as Eddie cuffs him one on the side of the head. Travis flinches back, as Jean Fortello makes it official.))

Jean: The winner of this match, CRRREEPERRRR!!!!

(("Go 2 Sleep" blares on the PA as B.D. and Vivian come out to assist the exhausted Creeper to the back. Palemonn is in the center of the ring, barely moving. Beowulf is conscious, but isn't moving at all. The referee moves over to him and says something to him, then signals for the stretcher.))

Eddie: This doesn't look good here for Beowulf. His neck could very well be broken after that devastating move by Die Zerstorer!

Travis: They way I see it, they're lucky that's all they got, because Die Zerstorer has been steaming for awhile waiting for their chance at some payback for the dumpster incident a couple of months ago!

Eddie: Well, no matter how you slice it, Creeper comes up with a victory, with a big-time assist from Die Zerstorer. But we have to wonder, was this a set up?

Travis: Knowing Creeper, I wouldn't be surprised!

((Camera cuts to the EMT's rushing past Creeper, B.D., and Vivian as they head to the ring to assist Beowulf.))

((Camera switches to the back, where we see Kidd Rock, coming out of his dressing room with his duffle bag over his shoulder. As he rounds a corner, he almost walks right into Jeff Wylde.))

Kidd: Whoa! Hey Jeff!

((Jeff backs up a step and catches the IC title belt as it falls off his shoulder.))

Jeff: Well, Kidd Rock, I was looking for you actually.

Kidd: (raising an eyebrow) Oh, really? What's on your mind?

Jeff: I just wanted to thank you for distracting Tiger at Blood Brawl. I mean I could have beaten her on my own, but you coming out when you did made it that much easier. (Laughs) But seriously, I just wanted to say it's good to have you back and anytime you want a shot at this (indicates belt) you got it.

Kidd: (Also laughing) Well, thanks, and you can bet that I'll be wanting a shot at that belt as soon as I get back into the groove.

Jeff: Well I've seen you in action and I have a feeling it won't be long before you're back in the groove, and working your way back to the top. Of course I'm not gonna make that easy for you.

Kidd: (grinning) I wouldn't expect anything less. (looking at his watch) Geez, I gotta get going, it's been good talking to you!

Jeff: Later, and like I said, anytime you want a title shot, I'll be waiting for you.

((Jeff reaches out to shake Kidd's hand, and Kidd readily shakes. Unbeknownst to them, just coming around the corner is The Tiger. She rounds the corner just in time to see Jeff & Kidd shaking hands. The two don't seem to notice Tiger watching, she had ventured this way after getting some coffee. Seeing the two shake hands, Tiger growls in hatrid and crushed the styrifoam cup in her hand.))

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.

Anything Goes Match
Celtic Hyena vs Enforcer vs Draven Masters vs B.D. vs Vivian vs Kidd Rock

Eddie: Well, according to what we have seen earlier with Autumn, this next match is a punishment match.

Travis: It is?

Eddie: Yes, don't you ever pay attention?! Each of the competitors in this match attacked someone other than Tiger during the Ultimate Gauntlet match, and, as a result, they were placed into this match.

Travis: Well, does the winner get something special? Like a title shot at Jeff?

Eddie: I don’t know. Maybe.

Jean Fortello: The following match is an Anything Goes 6-man War! Introducing first, from Limerick, Ireland, weighing in at 335 lbs, representing Bad News. . . CELTIC HYENA!!!

((The arena darkens giving away to a strobe light effect with the start of “Somewhere I Belong”. On the tron clips of Celtic in training are shown. Just as the music starts to get hard Celtic steps out of the curtain. He takes a moment to stand there and stare hard at his opponent. Before he continues on, Celtic shadow boxes for a moment throwing some mean punches. The strobe light effect gives away to a spot light that follows Celtic all the way to the ring.))

Eddie: This is one hell of a punishment match. Celtic Hyena, Draven Masters, and Enforcer are all members of Bad News. As a matter of fact, they’re all of Bad News, except for the Intercontinental Champion, Jeff Wylde.

Travis: And B.D. and Vivian are, I think, both members of the New Darkside, although I doubt B.D. will let that information stop him from destroying her, if he has to.

Eddie: I doubt B.D. bleeding to death would stop him.

Travis: Good point.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from New York City, New York, weighing in at 300 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Scott Mercer, representing Bad News. . . THE ENFORCER!!!

((“Click Click Boom” starts up, The Enforcer walks out onto the stage, glares at the crowd as he pauses at the top of the ramp and then focuses on Celtic, steadily stalking to the ring never breaking eye contact until he's in the ring. Once in the ring, both men simply stand there, waiting, but for what, only they know.))

Eddie: These two visibly don’t want to fight each other, so they’ll wait for someone non-Bad News.

Travis: That’s stupid. They could really help their odds by beating the crap out of the other guy right now.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 290 lbs, representing Bad News. . . DRAVEN MASTERS!!!!

((“Click Click Boom” hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, Draven is standing there. Draven strides briskly down to the ring, entering as well, none of the three men moving anywhere near their Bad News teammate.))

Eddie: There, again, we see that team unity.

Travis: Well, they’re still stupid.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 260 lbs, representing the New Darkside. . . B.D.!!!!

((As “(Can’t Be) Fixed” fades in, the lights slowly dim, then die out completely. The explosion of sound from the PA accompanied by a equal explosion from the pyros around the rampway, as well as the ringposts, the ringposts then smoking heavily, looking like a mistake, the smoke filling the ring, then, once the ring is filled, the smoke dissipates, revealing B.D. sitting on a turnbuckle across from his opponent, his chin resting on his hand, his elbow on his knee, looking at his opponent like they're out of their mind for stepping into the ring with him. All three men rush B.D., only to have B.D. roll backwards, off the top turnbuckle, and out of the ring, handspringing to his feet on the ground.))

Jean Fortello: (Hurriedly) And their opponent, from The Compound, weighing in at 225 lbs, she is the reigning HWC Women’s Champion, representing the New Darkside. . . VIVIAN!!!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Bolting from the back, Vivian catches Celtic with a forearm, before stepping back, and kicking him in the groin.))

Jean Fortello: (In a visible rush, now.) And their opponent, from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing in at 230 lbs...... KIDD ROCK!!!

((The lights dim as "Bahwidaba" starts on the PA. On the HWC Tron, scenes of a deserted wrestling arena, with a solitary figure standing in the center of the ring, then fades to a dim gym, with the same figure working out hard and heavy. When the song reaches the part that goes "My Name Is KIIIIIIIIIIID", the lights go out, and "My Name Is" flashes across the HWC Tron. Then, when the song bursts out with "KID ROCK!", a HUGE blast of pyro rocks the arena, and the lights flash around the arena in gold and white. Kidd Rock steps out, striding back and forth across the stage, pumping his fists at the fans, then bolts down to the ring, a pipe in either hand. As he enters the ring, he makes a side trip, blasting Enforcer and Draven in the back of the head, and doing the same for B.D., before entering the ring, cracking Celtic upside the back of his head with a swing that would make a baseball player jealous, advancing on Vivian. However, outside the ring, B.D, far from unconscious, more wondering where the giant mosquitos came from, looks into the ring, then entering the ring himself, snatching one of the pipes from Kidd’s hand, knocking on Kid’s head with the pipe, then proceeding to treat Kidd like a drum set, the crowd laughing.))

Eddie: (Laughing himself) Look! B.D.’s an artiste!

Travis: (Laughing too) Tommy Lee, eat your heart out. No, wait, I’m sure B.D. will do that too.

((In the ring, Vivian takes a moment to make sure B.D. thinks they’re laughing at Enforcer and Draven, B.D. returning to playing the drums on Kidd. The crowd continues to laugh, as Vivian flips over the top rope, splashing into Enforcer and Draven, darting back into the ring, and jumping on Celtic’s back, locking her arms around his neck in a sleeperhold, Celtic responding by grabbing her hair, and slinging her over his head, into the far turnbuckle. As he turns around, however, B.D. cracks him in the head with a pipe, the force sending him over the top rope, returning to playing the drums on Kidd, only to find Kidd on his feet. Kidd snatches one of the pipes, and swings it at B.D., B.D. blocking it like a sword. As both pipes are locked in that fashion, B.D. leans forward with his free arm, and tickles Kidd, causing Kidd to squirm slightly, and pull the pipe back. As B.D. moves to attack, though, Kidd brings the pipe back around, catching B.D. on the side of his head, causing B.D. to spin the same direction, and land, hard, on the ground.))

Eddie: That looks like it hurt.

Travis: I doubt B.D. even felt it. He’s not sane enough for that.

((B.D., surprisingly, crabwalks backward, to the corner, and pulls himself up to stand against the corner. Kidd follows, swinging the pipe, hard, B.D. ducking, looping the pipe around Kidd’s midsection, and German suplexing him into the turnbuckle like that, hauling Kidd to his feet, hitting another German suplex, climbing the turnbuckle with his feet, coming up, and hauling Kidd to his feet again, his head scraping against the mat, B.D. dropping the pipe on the floor, lifting Kidd for another German, only to break the hold on his waist, and shove against the back of Kidd’s head, sending him snapping forward, going facefirst into the pipe.))

Eddie: B.D. might have this match won, right here!

Travis: That’d be crazy!

((B.D., however, steps back, grabbing the pipe, moving around, smacking every other participant in the match with the pipe, sliding back into the ring, hauling Kidd to his feet, setting him up for the Plague, only to have Kidd turn it into a sort of Northern Lights Suplex, B.D. kicking out quickly. As B.D. stands, Kidd hits the Kidd Cruncher, B.D. recoiling, getting back to his feet, and falling over the top rope, to land, hard, on the ground.))

Eddie: Kidd might have this match won, here! He’s just got to make the pin!

Travis: This match is already crazy enough! Let’s add to it!

((Kidd moves to Vivian, the lone person in the ring still, hooking the leg. 1. . .2. . kickout. Vivian gets to her feet, trying a spinning wheel kick, ducked by Kidd, and, as she turns, Kidd hits her with the Kidd Cruncher, going for the pin, B.D. entering the ring behind him. 1. . .2. . . pin broken by B.D. smashing Kidd in the small of the back with the pipe. As Kidd gets to his feet, B.D. catches him with a Plague into the pipe, then going to pin Vivian, who responds by right hooking B.D. in the face for his troubles.))

Eddie: B.D. doesn’t seem to get it! Pin Kidd!

Travis: Are you cheering for B.D.?

Eddie: No, I’m cheering for an end to the insanity! I need an aspirin.

((Vivian throws B.D. over the top rope, going to the top turnbuckle herself, and hitting a 450 splash onto Kidd, hooking the leg, B.D. pulling her out of the ring almost immediately, slinging her into the stairs, then entering the ring, and pinning Kidd. Kidd kicks out, Enforcer coming into the ring, rushing B.D. with a clothesline, B.D. falling over the top rope after the fact, Enforcer turning around, only to take the Kidd Cruncher himself, Kidd capitalizing. 1. . .2. . . pin broken up by Draven, Draven hauling Kidd into the air, for the Master Plan. As Kidd comes down, however, he plants his feet, stopping his descent, picking up Draven, Draven shoving Kidd backwards, into the now-entering Celtic, Celtic catching Kidd, only to get a Kidd Cruncher himself. As Kidd stands, however, Draven picks him up, again, for another Master Plan attempt, B.D. spearing Draven as he turns, putting his back to the ropes, sending both men through the ropes, Kidd having enough presence of mind to grab the top rope. B.D. moves toward Kidd, Kidd catching him with a right hand, then spinning B.D. around, and flipping over the top rope, hitting a Kidd Cruncher on the descent, pulling B.D. from the ropes, and hooking the leg, Vivian sliding into the ring, and breaking up the pin, Kidd hitting another Kidd Cruncher to her, pinning her. 1. . .2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Holy crap! That was, quite possibly, the most insane match in recent memory!

Travis: I agree. Scary too. Look! B.D.’s moving again!! What does it take to keep him down?!

Eddie: A bazooka, probably.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))