Saturday Night Slaughter
Austin, Texas at the Frank Erwin Center

Dedicated to the late

"Blood Dragon"


((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play, a semi is shown smashing into Bad News' SUV then Jarred in a match with Travis being hit with by pies. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing BloodDragon dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Sarafan standing in the ring with Smalls hitting Tiger with a chair. Then onto Celtic Hyena hitting a big boot to the face of B.D. then Jericho beating Kenshi with a Singapore Cane. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to BloodLust Slayerz beating on Die Zerstörer and throwing them in a dumster to The Tiger coming out and laying out Autumn Lewis with a chair Amy. It ends showing profiles of Creeper, Lucien, Panthro, and Jericho. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

((Camera opens up on the arena, in stead of cheering fans there is a soft murmur among them. In the ring all the wrestlers are out in the ring standing quietly, with them is Autumn Lewis and Martin Smalls. The crowd waits an wonders.))

Autumn Lewis: Oh June 27 2003 Fred Sims a.k.a. Blood Dragon passed away. This news hit alot of us hard sense Blood was a good friend and a great athlete. I for one will miss him, but he will never be forgoten. For all his hard work and giving us many great matches Blood Dragon with forever be remembered in the HWC Hall of Fame. All our prayers are with him. I ask you all now for a moment of silence as we give Blood Dragon a 12 ring salute.

((The arena falls quiet, not even a word out of Travis. In the ring all the wrestlers stand with their heads lowered. Then after thta long moment of silence the ring bell begins to ring. The camera pans over the faces of each wrestler. Celtic Hyena standing next to Lucien has his head bowed with his eyes closed looking like he's still praying softly. The Tiger looks up to the image of Blood Dragon on the HWC tron as a tear runs down her face. Once the bell stops ringing and camera turns to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: After this it will be hard to go on. Please give us a moment to collect our selves.

((There is a long pause of dead air and a blank screen.))

((The Tron comes to life with an image of Blood Dragon and the crowd rises to their feet cheering for him. The camera pans back to reveal Draven Masters, The Enforcer and Jeff Wylde all wearing some of Blood's old t-shirts. They're sitting on stools in front of the giant poster of Blood.))

Enforcer: You know, Blood Dragon was more than just a wrestler, he was a friend of mine and one of the few people in this business that I genuinely liked. I can't say that about many people outside of Draven and Jeff here, but Blood was a good man and one of a kind. I could sit here and talk about what a great man he was, I could sit here and tell you funny stories about him. But the truth is I'm not that great with words, so instead I'll just say this. Blood Dragon was my friend, stablemate, occasional drinking partner, and a good man. I feel better for having known him, and there will always be a place inside me that is empty knowing that he's gone.

Jeff: I remember the first time I met him. He was standing around backstage at a house show, a bit nervus before his first HWC return match. I knew it wasn't because of being in a match, I knew he wrestled here before, but he was nervous about the HWC fans. He was wondering if they would accept him like the GWF fans did. But he hit that curtain and went out there and they roared their approval of seeing him back in action. I think some people were glad he found a home in the HWC so they could watch him work. Underneath it all, Blood was a good man, a loving husband and a devoted father. I hope that when Nadine grows up she'll understand what a great man her father was, both in and our of the ring. The world of wrestling lost a star and gained a legend. (Looks up) Give 'em hell man.

Draven: I remember one time, he and I had gone out drinking one night, and he was checking out some girl at the bar we were in, I looked over at him, followed his gaze and jokingly punched him in the arm. I said "Hey man, what are you doing? You're married!" He laughed and said, "Draven, I'm married, not dead!". I said, "You will be if Zoe finds out about this!" He said, "Well if she does find out I know who to blame." I never did tell her about that. I spent a lot of time with him because he was fun to be around. Despite what he may have been in the ring, I remember the man he was outside the ring, how that hard exterior would crack and you would see a gentle man who loved his daughter more than anything in the world. A man who would crush your skull in the ring, yet be able to change a diaper with the skill of a surgeon.

((Draven reaches down to the floor and opens a cooler. He tosses a beer to the Enforcer and one to Jeff before taking one for himself. All three pop their beers together.))

Enforcer: (looking up) Here's to you Blood. Rest in peace brother.

((They toast and drink as the camera pans back up and closes in on the face of Blood Dragon before slowly fading to black.))

((Video on the HWCTron fades in on the parking garage at the arena, with the caption “Earlier Tonight” in the lower left corner. The camera appears to be resting on the floor of the garage, with two voices off-screen apparently discussing something about the equipment, when it captures A black Corvette with the custom license plate “KDRK01” cruising to a stop. Its lights go off, the engine ceases its throbbing, and the door opens, allowing a pair of black snakeskin-booted feet to step out. There is a brief whispered conversation heard off-screen as the figure in the black boots is bent over with his or her head inside the car, apparently looking for something. The picture momentarily goes blurry as the camera is picked up and hefted onto an unseen shoulder. It finally steadies and comes back into focus, on the stranger in the Corvette, who seems to be clipping something to his or her black shirt. The figure finally ducks out of the car and turns. The fans let out a roar as they reralize it is none other than Kidd Rock, dressed all in black and with his blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. The item clipped to his shirt pocket is a Visitor’s Pass, and in his left hand is a Mountain Dew Code Red. He strolls past the camera, nodding briefly, and enters the building, then the video fades.))

Standard Match
Nothing vs The Master of Pain

Eddie: Well with news like that, it's hard to just carry on.

Travis: But the show must go on.

Eddie: Now, folks, we have ourselves a match with a man that made his debut last week, got himself a defeat, and a rookie, debuting this week.

Travis: Stupid rookies.

Eddie: Travis, all wrestlers are rookies as some point.

Travis: Damn glorified jobbers.

Eddie: Well, the rookie, Master of Pain, is in the ring as we speak. And now, we’re awaiting the arrival of Nothing.

Travis: You’re the kind of idiot that would wait for nothing.

Eddie: Ha ha.

((The lights flicker, before Jean can get to the introduction of The Nothing, and, when they return to full power, The Nothing is in the ring behind Pain. Turning Pain around, Nothing clotheslines him. As Pain gets to his feet again, Nothing kicks him in the midsection, hitting a quick piledriver, then going for the pin. 1. . kickout.))

Eddie: The Nothing should know better than to try to win this match this early on.

Travis: Wake me when this garbage is done.

Eddie: Okay.

((Pain gets to his knees, firing off a low blow, which staggers The Nothing. From the curtain, one of The Creeper’s brothers walks down the aisle, easily identified as either Payn or Aginie, but which is anyone’s guess.))

Eddie: What the-? We know that that’s one of The Creeper’s brothers, ladies and gentlemen, but we can’t identify which.

Travis: Huh? Whazzat?!

Eddie: Look, Travis.

Travis: Holy crap! That’s a big guy!

Eddie: We understand that he stands evenly at 7’2, and he and his brother are the shorter of the two sets of twins.

Travis: Well, you’d think that, since he’s coming out here, during a match with a guy named the “Master of Pain” that that’d have to be Payn.

((Payn nears the ring, and stands outside the ring area, his body simply huge, his eyes seemingly fixed on the air above the ring. As Nothing comes back from the low blow, he catches Pain with a right hand, then a second, dropping Pain. Bull slides a chair under the bottom rope, sliding into the ring right afterward, a combination of moves so quick that the referee only sees Bull enter the ring. As the referee busies himself with trying to get Bull out of the ring, Nothing picks up the chair, and waits. Payn moves into the ring, toward Nothing. At the last second, Payn grabs Pain, lifting him into the air, for a chokeslam that literally shakes the ring. Payn turns to Nothing, only to have the latter swing the chair. Payn grabs the chair, tossing it out of the ring, then setting Nothing up for a move resembling a Rock Bottom, on the left. As Payn lifts Nothing into the air, he spins to the left, bringing his right arm crashing down, around Nothing’s shoulders, driving him face first into the mat, Nothing’s body draped conveniently over Pain’s unconscious form.))

Eddie: Irregardless of the fact that this man isn’t normally seen in the ring, you can’t doubt the fact that he’s simply destructive.

Travis: He’s leaving again! I guess he doesn’t care if either man wins. And I’m guessing that Payn has just come out here to prove that if anyone’s the Master of Pain, it’s him.

Eddie: This match has to be over. There’s no way that Pain can find a way to get up, after a chokeslam like that.

((The referee turns around, Bull finally leaving the ring. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: It was just elementary after that. And Nothing is still out cold.

Travis: Is Payn gone?

Eddie: I think so.

Travis: Good. I’m going to go use the bathroom while we’re at commercial.

Eddie: Scared the shit out of you, did it?

Travis: Pretty close to it.

((The scene cuts to the back, where we see Kidd Rock talking to a couple of the backstage crew. Just then, Chris Murphy comes hurrying into view with a microphone.))

Chris: Hey, Kidd!

Kidd: (turning and smiling) Well if it isn’t Chris Murphy, the HWC’s on-the-spot reporter! How the hell are ya, Chris?

Chris: (shaking Kidd’s offered hand) Just peachy, and thanks for asking! You’re looking pretty fit yourself.

Kidd: Oh yeah. I’ve been keeping myself in shape. You never know When I might just decide to come out of retirement!

Chris: So your ankle is okay? I mean, the last time we talked, you weren’t very mobile.

Kidd: Yeah, it’s been a long nine months since last Halloween, when My ankle was twisted halfway around. But I was lucky enough to find a good bone specialist who just happened to specialize in problems like mine. I was the first to benefit from a brand new technique that, I can tell you, works miracles. My ankle is as good as new!

Chris: That’s great news, Kidd. But now I gotta ask you…are you planning a comeback to the HWC? Is that why you’re here tonight?

Kidd: (shaking his head) No, Chris, I’m afraid not. As much as I would love to get back into the mix, I’m not sure that I would be welcomed back so smoothly. I wouldn’t want to seem like an old has-been, trying to recapture the old days. I’m just here to visit with some old friends. Which reminds me, is the Tiger around? I was hoping to catch up with her.

Chris: (looking suddenly nervous) Well, I do believe she is somewhere…I better go look for some other interviews. Nice seeing you again Kidd!

((Chris scurries away, leaving Kidd standing there with a confused look, which is compounded when he turns to see that the two guys he was talking to are gone. He stands there looking confused, as he tries to make sense of what just happened.))

((Flashback the words read on the screen..))

Wednesday Warzone 4/23/03 Main Event:

Triple Threat Cage Match

I2K vs Hans Kuhmann vs Jarred Dylan

((Black and white stills are shown of highlights of the match. I2K hitting a cradle DDT on Jarred, Jarred hitting a spinning wheel kick on I2K, Hans and Jarred both falling from the top of the cage… Cut to real-time… Linkin Park - "Somewhere I Belong" kicks in, I2K is shown crawling towards the door of the cage, outside the cage a cameraman drops his camera, and kicks the door closed, the door crashing on I2K's hand. The cameraman then opens the door and gets into the cage with I2K. After a Double-Arm DDT, the cameraman, with incredible agility, jumps to the top turnbuckle, and hits a Corkscrew Moonsault on the helpless I2K. He then looks up, and pulls the hat off to reveal that it was Panthro as David Tanjic's astonished voice is heard:))

David: THAT'S PANTHRO!!! What the hell?!

((The camera zooms in on I2K as he lies on the mat in considerable pain. Flashbulbs then go off as Jarred gets out of the cage as medical staff attend to I2K. The promo then fades to black as another David Tanjic quote echoes in the background.))

David: Panthro just cost I2K the match! This isn't going to sit well with I2K…

((This shot fades away and is replaced by another flashback: The words on the screen read.))

Wednesday Warzone 4/30/03

Croquet Mallet Match
Malice vs I2K

((Black and white stills are shown of the match. Both I2K and Malice are seen walking to the ring. I2K with a determined look on his face, still sporting some bruises after being attacked by Panthro in the triple threat steel cage match. I2K going to hit a 450 splash is seen, then Malice hitting him with a low blow. I2K is then seen getting the upper-hand and whipping her into her into the guard rail. Dope by Debonair kicks in as the action cuts to real-time and Panthro is shown running to the ring and hitting I2K with a missile dropkick. Malice comes over and kicks him away as I2K and Malice move back to the ring where he evades a moonsault and hits the Death DDT on Malice. He appears to have the match won but yet again Panthro thwarts him by grabbing the mallet and smashing it over The Millennium Man's head busting him open. But Panthro doesn't stop there and starts slamming the mallet into I2K's ribs. The screen turns blood red as I2K lies helpless on the mat and David Tanjic's words are echoed.))

David: Someone get a medic over here…

((The scene fades to black as a bloody I2K is shown being loaded onto a stretcher. Then the camera cuts to I2K being loaded onto an ambulance after the show has gone off the air. He is covered in blood and his eyes are closed. That image fades and is replaced by a shot of a hospital ER. Doctors are feverishly working on I2K as the heart monitor goes "beep" in the background. This fades away and the words "A Few Hours Later" appear on the screen. I2K is shown being wheeled away on a bed, his eyes still closed. A male Doctor remarks to a nurse "We've done all we can for him, it's touch-and-go as to what happens. This shot fades away and is replaced by a press conference. A man is a dark blue pinstriped suit is talking to reporters.))

Press Agent: He has suffered massive internal bleeding and several broken ribs. However this is not the worst part. A blow to the head has fractured the skull and has caused possible brain damage. In light of these injuries, it is certain that he will never be able to wrestle again. To do so would put him at too great a risk from risking further brain damage and even life-altering injuries.

((Cameras flash and a throng of reporters all start shouting questions to the man as the scene fades away and are replaced by a shot of a clean, sterile hospital. The camera is focused on a bed, in which is I2K. He is sitting upright, but looks weak, and frail. His face is black and blue from the croquet mallet attack and his head has been shaved revealing a huge scar running over the top of his head. He speaks, slowly and meaningfully.))

I2K: My first visitor… oh well… my life was never meant to be a popularity contest. Even if it was, I would have lost. The Doctors say if Panthro had hit me any harder, I would probably be in a coma right now. I wouldn't mind that… no more pain…

((He grimaces and lifts up the sheets to reveal a huge bandage covering nearly the whole of his torso.))

I2K: Even breathing hurts… staying alive… just hurts…

((He stops grimacing, as if realising something.))

I2K: But it's not my time yet… oh no. If Panthro thinks this is finished, he is sorely mistaken. I don't care what the doctors say, I WILL wrestle again, and more importantly, it WILL be against Panthro. One last match, to show him that I cannot be beaten, and I will not accept defeat. I don't care how bad I look, Panthro, I want a match against you. Anytime, any place. And I promise… oh I promise you that after I am finished with your sorry little scheming two-bit ass, you are going to look a lot worse than I do now. Believe me Panthro, I am not f##king kidding. I am very f##king angry. You are not goingn to get away with this, I assure you.

((He starts coughing and grabs a tissue into which he spits some blood.))

I2K: I don't care if it kills me Panthro, I am going to get revenge…

((His eyes burn with intensity as the scene fades to black.))

((King of My World by Saliva hits followed by the apperance of the Tiger. She heads to the ring, chair in hand and a look of determination on her face. She grabs a mic.))

Tiger: CUT THE MUSIC! (the music fades out) Now it appears to me that everyone knows who I am now and I will not be forgotten again. I think my freind and I have made that clear. (She holds up the dented chair) Now I think I've gotten seven bodies on this chair and tonight I'm looking for lucky number eight. In other words I'm issuing an open challenge right now for anyone from the back to come out here and face me, now!

((She stares at the entrance as does everyone else.))

Eddie: The Tiger issuing an open challenge for right now!

((No one comes out.))

Tiger: I thought so. I guess no one has the guts to come out here and.....

((She's cut off as "Click Click Boom" hits and the Enforcer suddenly comes out onto the stage. He stands there as the fans cheer for him and then looks to Tiger. He has a mic in his hand, and he speaks as the music fades.))

Enforcer: Hey bitch, remember me? You put me in the hospital for two damn months! You destroyed my beloved SUV! You nearly ended my career! So if anyone deserves a piece of you, it's me! I want my pound of flesh you little wench, and I'm damn sure going to come down there to the ring and take it!

Tiger: (smirking) You sure you want to? Maybe all these people have forgotten who you are.

Enforcer: Reverse psychology. Nice try, but I think the people know who I am!

((The crowd cheers and a few signs supporting the Enforcer can be seen.))

Enforcer: And I think my loyal subscribers to Bad News want to see my foot meet your ass!

Tiger: Then come get you some.

((The Enforcer starts to walk to the ring and as he does another figure jumps out of the crowd behind her. She doesn't see him until he takes the chair from her. She spins and sees Draven Masters lower the chair onto her head with a thunderous crash. The crowd goes crazy as the Enforcer slides into the ring and holds Tiger up as Draven brings the chair down over her head once again. The Enforcer then points to the top rope and Draven nods. He climbs to the top rope as the Enforcer puts Tiger up on his shoulders and faces Draven on the top rope. Desptie being 290 pounds Draven leaps off the top turnbuckle and with the grace of a cruiserweight, clothelines the Tiger off the Enforcer's shoulders. He rolls to his feet scooping up the mic as he does. As the exclamation point on the move the Enforcer drills her two more times with the chair.))

Draven: And THAT boys and girls is called the Obituary! By the way Tiger, I understand that while you were in prison you developed a handcuff fetish!

((He produces a pair of handcuffs and he and the Enforcer handcuff her to the ring ropes. Draven drills her once in the face and we can now see that she is bleeding profusely, and has a dazed look about her.))

Enforcer: (slapping her in the face) Don't pass out yet, little Irish. We got something important to show you. You see turnabout is fair play. So if you would I would like to direct your attention to the HWC Tron.

((The words "LIVE" appear on the screen under the image of a smiling Jeff Wylde.))

Jeff: Hi, Tiger. Hope the boys are showing you a good time. But I have something to show you, recognize this?

((He steps out of the way to reveal the Tigers beloved V-Rod sitting unharmed behind him. He steps back into the picture this time with a helmet under his arm.))

Jeff: You know I always wanted a motorcycle.

((Jeff gets on the bike and kicks it to life and then drives off. We can now see that he's taken the bike from the arena itslef. Someone is driving alongside him filming him as he turns to the camera and smiles from under the helmet which has Tiger's name on it. That's right, he even stole her helmet. Suddenly he stops the bike and gets off. He tosses the helmet off to the side and pulls a cell phone out of his pocket.))

Jeff: (after dialing) Do it!

((He walks away and we can see the warning barriers of a railroad crossing come down. Tiger screams "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as she realizes that her bike is parked on railroad tracks. The camera pans around to reveal a train coming for a one-on-one meeting with her bike. She screams even more when the driver of the train is revealed to be Pitbull! He grins as the train connects with the bike with a tremendous CRASH! Parts go flying everywhere as pieces of the V-Rod fall back down in a shower of chrome. To make matters worse for Tiger we get an instant replay from five different angles of the bike being smashed to pieces, including one from PitBull's point of view. The Tiger's face is somewhere between rage and sadness. She lashes out at the Enforcer with her free hand.))

Enforcer: Bad kitty!

((He brings the chair down but Draven stops him. The two seem to argue for a moment before Draven slides out of the ring and grabs the timekeepers chair!))

Eddie: Oh my God! NO!

((Yes. They bring the chairs together on her head nailing her with a Con-Chair-To. Tiger falls but since she's handcuffed to the ropes she more or less sags as she's now off in la-la land. The Enforcer and Draven drop the chairs smile, raise their arms to the crowd and head back up the ramp as "Click Click Boom" hits over the PA again.))

Eddie: Bad News is back and in a big way. They made their return and let Tiger know they were back by destroying her precious V-Rod! Folks we have to take a break but we'll be right back!

((Another pause of dead air for a moment.))

((Camera cuts to the back, where Kidd Rock is walking down a corridor, pausing to look into various doors. The Tiger comes around the corner looking behind her with a dark grin on her face, looking a little beat up. She seems to be in a hurry, around her waist rests the IC title belt and in her left hand Tiger drags the Light Heavyweight belt. As she races down the hall she doesn't look where she is going. Kidd turns from yet another doorway, and collides with Tiger. He steps back in surprise.))

Kidd: Hey, watch where you're.... (His eyes widen as he sees who he ran into) Tigris?

The Tiger: You!

Kidd: (now smiling) yeah, me! How's it going?

The Tiger: It does....... Look at ya... ya can walk.

Kidd: (looking down at his ankle) yeah, they did some revolutionary new surgical technique, rebuilt my whole ankle. (lifts his foot and moves it around) Good as new!

The Tiger: That's great now if I ever find that bastard Armageddon I'll kill him.... as soon as I make my mark and take back my ground.

Kidd: (smile fading) Armageddon? What's he done now?

The Tiger: What's it matter he's done enough.

Kidd: (looking closer at Tiger) There's something different about you. What's going on, Tigris?

The Tiger: (grins darkly again) Reborn in the wake of destruction....

Kidd: (blinking in confusion) Wake of destruction? What the hell oes that mean?

The Tiger: God yar dense, sure yar head wasn't damaged as well. Dude look round ya, I'm here to do what I have always done. But this time bring it to a whole knew hight.

Kidd: This doesn't sound at all like the Tigris that I used to know. This darkness is going to be your undoing, if you don't watch it.

The Tiger: Darkness!? Open yar eyes Heaven nor Hell can save my soul anymore.... I fight against the Darkside!

Kidd: (looking at Tiger with a sad look on his face) This is not the Tigris Soul I used to know. Who are you, and what have you done to my friend?

((Tiger drops the Light Heavyweight belt and quickly grabs Kidd by the shirt collar and slams him against the wall holding him there.))

The Tiger: Ya know a person changes when they are locked away from the same things that make them a hero. Oh no my old friend it is not I that has changed but the worlds view of me.

(Kidd's eyes flash with sudden anger, and shoves her away)

Kidd: (glaring at her) You're damn right about that!

The Tiger: (grins) Hey I ain't doing nothing ya didn't advise. Ya told be to take my life back from Armageddon's hold and I did just that. Look at where it got me!

Kidd: Yeah, I see exactly where it got you...Everybody I've run into tonight is either scared to death of you, or wants to rip your lungs out. How does that make you feel?

The Tiger: (looks down in thought for a moment thinking before a dark grin grows across her lips again and looks up at him) Tell's me I am doin my job right.

Kidd: It tells me that you're getting in over your head! Sure, you might be running over everybody you've faced lately, but sooner or later somebody is going to step up to you that knows you better than you know yourself, and is going to hand you your ass. Then what will you do?

The Tiger: Ain't ever goen happen! I'm a Hardcore Icon, no one alive can match my skills!

Kidd: What you mean is, no one who works for the HWC. (looks at her meaningfully) But that can change at any time.

The Tiger: Well I would love ta stay and make ya hit number eight but I have things ta do.

Kidd: (glaring again) I'll just bet you would. Be seeing you.

The Tiger: Doubt it gimpy.

((Tiger storms past him knocking him aside roughly as she makes her way out of the building. Kidd watches her leave, glaring. Then he seems to make some kind of decision, turns, and power walks down the corridor and around a corner.))

Standard Match
Sarafan vs Seikan

Eddie: Well, on a night where we have a number of good matches, with promising athletes, on a somber background.

Travis: Who’d have thought that Blood Dragon’d kick the bucket? I figured he’d live forever!

Eddie: I’m sure he will, Travis, in the hearts and minds of the fans. On that note, we now have a match between Seikan and Sarafan.

Travis: Bout time. We need more women out here.

Eddie: Don’t you ever take a day off from being a pig, Travis?

Travis: That’s in memory of Blood Dragon.

Eddie: Sure it is.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Okinawa, Japan, by way of The Creeper’s Compound, weighing in at 115 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Johnny Cho. . . .SARAFAN!!!!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, then kneels in the far corner to await her opponent.))

Eddie: Sarafan seems normally focused.

Travis: Focused as always, for this one. She’s a good example of what it takes to make it in this business.

Eddie: Or a good example of how to do the fighting thing right.

Travis: She’s also a good example of a fine female body.

Eddie: And again the pig rears his ugly head.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 270 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Joseph Moore. . . SEIKAN!!!!

((The pyro explodes in a semi circle shape, then, Seikan walks out along with his manager, Joseph, and walks down the ring remaining in a normal attitude, when he gets into the ring, he gets on any turnbuckle and lifts his right hand into the air in a fist shape, he then brings it down, smirks, jumps from the turnbuckle and stands in the middle of the ring, his manager stepping out of it, taking a spinning heel kick to the face, dropping Seikan to the ground. Dropping an elbow, then standing, picking Seikan up, rebounding him off the ropes. As Seikan comes back, Sarafan attempts a back spin kick, which Seikan ducks under, popping up behind Sarafan, and hitting a German suplex, rolling over, hitting a second, then a third, then rolling again, and lifting Sarafan into the air and hitting a high German suplex, dropping Sarafan.))

Eddie: Sarafan may have been taken out of this match right there.

Travis: Those multiple suplexes take a lot out of people. You may be right.

((Seikan drifts over, draping an arm over Sarafan’s chest. 1. . . 2. . . kickout with force. Sarafan darts outside the ring, and waits, near Johnny. Seikan vaults over the top rope, Sarafan shoving Johnny backward, taking the splash all herself. Seikan picks Sarafan up, sliding her into the ring under the bottom rope, moving to Johnny, grabbing his shirt, and rearing back, to punch Johnny. The referee, busy checking Sarafan, doesn’t see Seikan. Or the fan that leaps the guardrail, locking their arms around Seikan’s midsection, plucking him from the ground, then whipping him violently from side to side, before snapping him backward.))

Eddie: That’s the Rescheduling! That’s-

((The fan pulls a hat off, then peels off what is obviously a prosthetic face.))

Eddie: That’s Vivian!! I’m guessing she’s particularly angry about Seikan’s comments about her not too long ago.

Travis: How is it possible that one woman can look that good?

Eddie: Who knows?

((As normal, Vivian rushes forward, hitting a serious Tantrum on Seikan, tossing his unconscious form into the ring, moving over to check on Johnny. As Sarafan goes for the pin, Joseph Moore gets to the apron, distracting the referee. After a few minutes afforded to check on Johnny, Vivian bolts around the ring, pulling Joseph from the apron, and smashing him with the inside forearm. As Joseph gets to his feet, he takes off running, then sliding into the ring under the bottom rope, Vivian following. Inside the ring, Joseph spares a kick to Sarafan’s midsection, before Vivian catches him with a bulldog, then dragging him out of the ring. As both wrestlers lay on the ground, the referee begins counting. At 8, both Sarafan and Seikan begin to get to their feet, and are standing fully at 9. Seikan goes for a clothesline, Sarafan ducks, and catches Seikan, from behind, with a spinning heel kick, dropping him to the ground, then herself as well. Another 10 count begins, this time, Sarafan getting to her feet at 6. Picking Seikan up, Sarafan lifts Seikan for a suplex, only to have Seikan slip from her grip, and land behind her.))

Eddie: DEATH SLAM!!!

Travis: Yeah, but the idiot did it when he was too weak to capitalize.

Eddie: Vivian, for all her beauty, is a truly powerful woman.

((Vivian looks at Seikan, catching his eyes, and then spinning around Joseph, hitting a Rescheduling, off the side of the ramp, Vivian straightening slowly. The referee looks up the ramp, yelling at Vivian, as Seikan drapes himself over Sarafan.))

Eddie: Vivian using her actions to distract the referee.

Travis: The referee’s an idiot! Turn around! Seikan’s already got a 6 count!

Eddie: Get Joseph some medical attention. That move is damaging enough when both people are standing. But off the side of the ramp?

((Medical personnel move to where Joseph is, as the referee finally turns. 1. . .2. . . kickout, just barely. Seikan gets up, shouting at Vivian, who, by now, was walking back down the ramp. Vivian glances at Johnny, who responds by getting onto the apron, distracting the referee. Sliding into the ring, Vivian kicks Seikan in the stomach, rolling and twisting over Seikan’s back, turning it, instantly, into a German suplex, draping Sarafan over Seikan’s body. Johnny drops from the apron, and, as the referee spends a few minutes scolding Johnny further, misses the first three seconds of the pin. The referee turns, finally. 1. . . 2. . . . kickout with no emphasis.))

Eddie: This match keeps going simply because the referee seems to be missing most of the pinfall attempts.

Travis: Stupid ref. He needs to be fired.

((Seikan simply falls over Sarafan, after the pin. This time, the referee’s virtually undistracted nature lends itself to the pin. 1. . .2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Seikan finally got the victory, here, but only after nearly being destroyed by Vivian.

Travis: For a good looking woman, Vivian is still deadly.

((Vivian slides into the ring again, hitting another Rescheduling on Seikan, following it, as always, with the Tantrum. After shouting at the unconscious Seikan for a moment, the turnbuckles erupt, The Creeper stepping from the turnbuckle, picking up Vivian, then draping Sarafan over his other shoulder, signaling to Johnny, as he walks back up the ramp, Johnny following, Vivian shouting at Seikan, and attempting to get free of The Creeper. The Creeper stops, at the top of the ramp, muttering something to Vivian, which seems to calm her down instantly. Picking her up again, The Creeper walks backstage, Johnny in tow.))

((Camera open up on The Tiger totaly out of char sitting before the camera. She stares off a moment before starting.))

The Tiger: Man no one knew Blood like I did. And there was no one else than Blood that took to hardcore in such a brutal manor. I'm not one good with words, but if anyone desurves to be a Hardcore Icon it's Blood Dragon. Though for him it wasn't all bout crippling people, he was my friend. We went over to the GWF together, it was there where I realy got to know him, the man behind the Dragon. Hell ....even now it's hard to believe he's gone. He was a strong man, and I mean a strong will.....

((Tiger drops her head and rubs her face as she starts to cry. The camera fades out.))

Hardcore Match
Bull vs Panthro

Eddie: Next up, a match between the returning Bull and Panthro, with Hardcore Rules.

Travis: Alright! Bout time we got to the bloodshed!

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Hardcore match. Introducing first, from Bendigo, Australia, weighing in at 286 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Natasha. . . BULL!!!

((The arena goes dark, as Hero of the Day begins playing. Bull steps through the apron, and, as he nears the front of the stage, Panthro darts from the back, smacking Bull in the back of the head with a trashcan lid, sending Bull rolling down the rampway. Following Bull, Panthro kicks him, making sure he gets to the bottom, before hauling Bull to his feet, and slamming him into the apron, before sliding him into the ring, reaching under the ring, grabbing a table. Getting onto the apron, Panthro puts the front end of the table on the mat, the other end jutting into the air. As Bull nears Panthro, Panthro ducks behind the table, and drops from the apron, his arms wrapped around the end of the table jutting into the air, the table cracking Bull in the midsection. Panthro releases the table, grabbing the trashcan lid again, sliding it into the ring, and following it. Picking up the lid, Panthro slings Bull shoulder first into the ringpost, placing the lid on Bull’s back, stepping out onto he apron, then springboarding over the top rope, hitting a springboard senton to the lid on Bull’s back, the move apparently hurting both men equally, Panthro clutching at his back.))

Eddie: Panthro is far quicker than Bull. Bull has to use his power, here.

Travis: Panthro’s friggin insane!

Eddie: Pretty close to it, at least.

((Panthro grabs the table, moving it back into the ring, fully, and following it, again, moving to rest the table against the turnbuckle. As he does, however, Bull regains his feet, and charges. Panthro turns, only to get speared through a table, both men dropping to the ground, amid the clutter of the broken table.))

Eddie: Neither man wants to lose, and they’ve both adapted well to the hardcore aspect of this match.

Travis: Maybe, but Panthro’s been in more of these style matches.

Eddie: Panthro does have that edge.

((Bull slowly withdraws himself from the rubble, Panthro following suit. Standing toe to toe, both men begin throwing punches. Panthro finally manages to get his left arm up, blocking Bull’s next swing, then, as Bull throws a left punch, Panthro blocks that as well, his hands turning, and grabbing Bull’s wrists, and, using that grip, climbing up Bull’s torso, then hitting a hurracanrana. Panthro goes to the broken table, pulling one of the two halves of the table, and swinging as Bull gets up, the board cracking into Bull’s head. Panthro rolls back out of the ring, rooting under the ring for a weapon. Bull gets to his feet, groggily, hitting a baseball slide to Panthro, sending Panthro back into the guardrail. Bull drops outside the ring, grabbing Panthro, and moving Panthro to the rampway, hitting a DDT onto the steel of the rampway.))

Eddie: These two men really have nothing to lose, here. Neither of them are champions.

Travis: Yeah, but if they want to change that, they have to get a victory, here.

Eddie: Exactly.

((Bull picks Panthro up almost immediately, dragging him up the ramp, driving him into one of the walls that make up the entranceway, before kicking Panthro, and going for another DDT. Panthro, however, plants his hand in Bull’s midsection, and slips through his grip, causing Bull to drop fully on the ground. Panthro jumps up, grabbing the bar overhanging the entranceway, swings for a moment, then flipping upward, and forward, hitting a 720 Shooting Star Press.))

Eddie: Panthro just hit what, I believe, is the first ever 720 degree move!

Travis: Not counting the spins from clotheslines?

Eddie: Of course not.

Travis: Then probably, yeah.

((The impact causes Panthro to rebound, and land on his back, clutching his midsection, Bull lurching up to a sitting position, then falling to his left. Suddenly, from the back, I2K appears, wearing a hospital gown, of all things. I2K moves instantly to Panthro, attacking him.))

Eddie: Holy-! Someone tell I2K that his hospital gown is open in the back!

Travis: I thought you liked guys, Eddie?

Eddie: Travis, don’t make me kick your ass.

((After a few moments of I2K’s assault on Panthro, several medical personnel, in white coats, come out to the stage area, grabbing I2K, and pulling him off of Panthro, back toward the entranceway, still trying to kick at Panthro as he disappears. Panthro, clutching his ribs, moves to Bull, draping his free arm over Bull’s chest.))

Eddie: This match has to be over! Mainly because I don’t want to see what else these two plan to do. Especially after that interference from I2K!

Travis: I love it!

((1. . .2. . .kickout, to the surprise of everyone in attendance. Bull slowly gets to his feet, Panthro beating him to his feet, and firing off a kick. Bull dodges to the side slightly, the force behind the kick carrying Panthro up, off of his feet, and depositing him on his back. Bull disappears into the entranceway, coming back with a wooden crutch. As Panthro gets to his feet, Bull jabs him with the end of the crutch, and, as Panthro’s resting against the entranceway support, Bull swings. Panthro ducks, and the crutch breaks harmlessly on the support beam. Bull tries to shake off the numbing shock of the impact, as Panthro fires off a number of punches, soon getting Bull to the edge of the stage. Panthro fires off a right hand, Bull catching it, and spinning Panthro, the two switching places. Bull begins firing off punches, Panthro responding with a jab to Bull’s eyes. Bull staggers away, clutching at his eyes, only to spin, and spear Panthro off the edge of the stage, both men dropping to the ground below. Before the impact, however, it appears that Panthro manages to get his arm around Bull’s neck, so the move ends up spearing Panthro, and DDT’ing Bull.))

Eddie: Bull might have just killed the both of them!

Travis: Yeah, but what a way to go!!

Eddie: In a match?

Travis: Yup!

((Both men simply lay there, on the ground, within arm’s reach, but neither of them seeming conscious enough to make a pin. Finally, after two minutes of inactivity, Panthro moves, his right leg resting over Bull’s midsection. The referee, by this time on the floor near them, makes the count. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!! The bell rings.))

Eddie: It’s over, finally!

Travis: Wow. Great match.

((“Whatever” by Godsmack plays, instead of Panthro’s music, as Smalls comes out to the ring.))

Smalls: Wait a second, Mr. Referee. Both men’s shoulders were on the ground. To let this call stand would not be fair to Bull. This match will continue.

((The bell rings again.))

Eddie: What?! These two men just gave their all in this match!

Travis: Good call, though, by Mr. Smalls.

Eddie: Good. . . Would you get real?!

((A few more minutes pass, as Panthro and Bull simply lay there. After a few moments, Panthro rolls over, hooking Bull’s leg, and making the pin. 1. . . 2. . .kickout.))

Eddie: Desperation move by Bull, right there.

Travis: These two men have to be running on fumes, right now.

((Panthro pins again. 1. . .2. . . kickout, again. Panthro rifles off a series of punches to Bull, then hooking the leg again. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!! The bell rings again.))

Eddie: Finally! But you have to wonder how much more these two men had left to give, before their bodies gave out.

Travis: It didn’t look like much.

Eddie: Wow there is just one more match left for the night and it has just been one twist an turn after another.

Travis: And it's about to get worse, look!

((Only in America kicks up as the crowd gets to their feet and cheers, Autumn Lewis comes out and smiles waving as she heads down to the ring.))

Eddie: I can only guess what Ms Lewis is coming down here to say.

Travis: I doubt anything of interest.

((Autumn climbs into the ring and waits a moment for her music to fade and the crowd to settle down.))

Autumn: I come out here tonight to talk about the following weeks for the HWC. For the first time in HWC history I have made plans for a South American tour.

Travis: You hear that Eddie?

Eddie: Of course I did I'm sitting right here.

Autumn: I believe the tour will bring new......

Voice: Blah blah blah..... Oh no one cares bout yar stupid tour!

((Autumn pauses and looks around knowing that voice. Turning to the HWC-Tron The Tiger is seen on the screen standing on some bridge.))

The Tiger: Well now that I have got everyones attention. Shut up and watch ya don't want to miss this. I hold in my hands here the Light Heavyweight title belt. A wasited title if ya ask me, yet to others their only chance at gold. Sense they have no chance in beating people like me for a title. So..... good bye!

((With those last too words Tiger flings the title belt off the bridge and down into the river below. Chuckling Tiger looks back at the screen.))

The Tiger: I still hold power here Autumn! This is MY fed! And not ya or Creeper or anyone else ya throw in my path can stop me! Oh and by the way..... Tell Sarafan I accept her challenge!

((The tron cuts off as the crowd boos to Tiger's actions. Autumn looks stunned and is a lose for words. She simply leaves the ring.))

Tag Team Match
Lucien Merriuci & Celtic vs Jarred Dylan & B.D.

Eddie: Well, now we have the tag match that everyone seemed to want to see since the last time we saw Jarred and Lucien in the ring.

Travis: I don’t really think that this whole “Darkness” thing is any more true than Santa Claus, but B.D. is scary, irregardless. There are times where he’s had matches that he didn’t even realize he was being attacked.

Eddie: Good point.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Eddie: This is looking to be a truly insane match, and not just because of the insanity of B.D., in this match.

Travis: I like this Lucien kid.

Jean Fortello: And his partner, from Limerick, Ireland, weighing in at 335 lbs. . . CELTIC HYENA!!!

((The arena darkens giving away to a strobe light effect with the start of Somewhere I Belong. On the tron clips of Celtic in training are shown. Just as the music starts to get hard Celtic steps out with Maggie at his side. He takes a moment to stand there and stare hard at his opponent. Before he continues on, Celtic shadow boxes for a moment throwing some mean punches. The strobe light effect gives away to a spot light that follows Celtic and Maggie all the way to the ring.))

Eddie: These two men have more experience, as a team, than do Jarred and B.D. but Jarred’s one half of the tag champions, and B.D. has proven he works well enough as a tag team competitor.

Travis: Yeah, but B.D.’s obsession with trying to take Lucien apart might cost him, here.

Eddie: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, introducing first, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Eric Taylor, he is one half of the reigning HWC Tag Team Champions. . . JARRED DYLAN!!!

((As the lights dim, a rolling fog cascades over the ramp, obscuring the entrance from view. Hovering lights can be seen, made ever eerie by the haunting music provided by Queensryche. When Geoff Tate's voice first screams "one more time around", the fog lifts to reveal Jarred Dylan and his young companion, Eric Taylor. They make their way to the ring, Eric trying not to show his awe at being this side of the ring barrier, stopping just short of the ring itself.))

Eddie: Jarred showing an element of foresight. He had to know that, should he walk into the ring without his partner, he’d be taken apart easily.

Travis: Yeah, but B.D.’s not normal. Who knows? Maybe he’d be an equalizer.

Jean Fortello: And his partner, from the Second Tier of Hell, weighing in at 260 lbs. . . B.D.!!!

((As the song fades in, the lights slowly dim, then die out completely. The explosion of sound from the PA accompanied by a equal explosion from the pyros around the rampway, as well as the ringposts, the ringposts then smoking heavily, looking like a mistake, the smoke filling the ring, then, once the ring is filled, the smoke dissipates, revealing B.D. sitting on a turnbuckle across from his opponent, his chin resting on his hand, his elbow on his knee, looking at his opponent like they're out of their mind for stepping into the ring with him. Almost instantly, however, B.D. drops from the turnbuckle, spearing Lucien harshly, sending him through the ropes, B.D. following, to the ropes, only to have Celtic grab his hair, from behind. That distraction gave Jarred enough time to get into the ring, and catch Celtic with a flying forearm shiver, sending Celtic backward slightly, not releasing B.D.’s hair, however. B.D., despite Celtic’s hand in his hair, pulls away, leaving Celtic with a handful of B.D.’s hair.))

Eddie: Holy crap! B.D. just, basically, ripped his own hair out!

Travis: That’s. . . eerie.

((B.D. simply moves to the turnbuckle, vaulting atop it, to hit a headstand. After a moment, B.D. pushes up, dropping down, to splash, chest first, into a rising Lucien. Picking Lucien up, B.D. grabs Lucien’s hair, and swings him, Lucien’s feet leaving the ground, to smack, hard, kidneys first, into the turnbuckle post. B.D. picks Lucien up, driving him, repeatedly, facefirst, into the turnbuckle post. Inside the ring, Jarred sends Celtic off the ropes, catching him with an inside elbow. Celtic gets up quickly, dropping into a boxer-like stance. Three left jabs, then a right, a left body blow, and a right uppercut, rocking Jarred. As Jarred staggers backward, Celtic catches him, again, with a left cross, a right cross, a left inside hook, and a right hook, then coming back, with a backfist, the crack resounding through the arena, as Jarred stumbles backward, clutching his now-broken nose, the referee reprimanding Celtic, as Celtic laughs.))

Eddie: Celtic just broke Jarred’s nose! What is he doing?

Travis: He’s probably trying to send a message to Jarred and Jericho that he wants a title shot.

((Releasing Lucien, B.D. slides into the ring, jumping on Celtic’s back, and punching him in the right ear over and over, forcing Celtic to a knee. Jarred, seeing this, moves forward, kicking Celtic in the stomach, as B.D. drops off of Celtic’s back, then immediately going back after Lucien. Celtic drops, Jarred wiping the blood from around his nose again, putting boots to Celtic. Celtic gets to his feet, and clotheslines Jarred, the clothesline hitting too high, bicep colliding with Jarred’s already broken nose.))

Eddie: Celtic taking advantage of Jarred’s broken nose.

Travis: Yeah, but he’s forgetting about B.D. outside the ring.

Eddie: That he is. B.D. has already proven he can lend a lot to their case.

((Lucien, his face bloody, spins, catching B.D. with a clothesline, which B.D shakes off, but the second, from behind B.D., drops him. Lucien moves over, locking B.D. in a Texas Cloverleaf. B.D. reaches up, turning the move into some version of a Mexican surfboard, forcing Lucien to break the hold. B.D. gets up, smashing Lucien with a forearm, sending him stumbling backward. B.D. follows it with a high spear, hitting Lucien above the midsection, both of them going over the guardrail.))

Eddie: Normally, at this point, I’d say that B.D.’s lost his mind, but, right now, that’s a moot point.

Travis: B.D. never had a mind. If we wanted to find one, at this point, we’d have to assemble a search party.

((B.D. pops up, looking around with wild eyes, the expression on his face instigating laughter. B.D.’s expression changes instantly, and Lakshma comes down to the ring, attempting to calm B.D. Shouting orders, Lakshma manages to keep B.D. relatively calm. Lucien gets to his feet, taking a cue from his partner, and rifling off punches, a harsh right hand shooting forward, B.D. ducking, the punch hitting Lakshma, dropping her easily. B.D. looks over at Lakshma, fallen, then comes back, punching Lucien with a closed, tight fist, dropping Lucien, then straddling his shoulders, rifling punches almost quicker than the eye can follow.))

Eddie: Lucien’s misaimed punch may have cost him, here.

Travis: B.D. was about to rip Lucien apart, earlier, but Lakshma stopped him.

((B.D. stands, hurtling the guardrail, and shooting into the ring, turning Celtic around, punching him in the jaw, kicking him in the stomach, and then sending Celtic shoulder-first into the turnbuckle post. B.D. pulls Celtic from the turnbuckle post, kicking him in the midsection, and hitting the Plague, hooking a leg, the referee telling him that he’s not the legal man. B.D. grabs Jarred, whose nose, by now, is a bloody, broken mess, draping him over Celtic. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!!))

Eddie: They just won! But Jarred’s nose. . . this can’t be good.

Travis: B.D.’s too insane to notice.

((Jericho comes out from the back, checking on Jarred, setting his nose quickly, then, grabbing a mic, and demanding them in the ring, at Blood Brawl. “Whatever” by Godsmack cuts over the airwaves, as Martin Smalls comes out.))

Smalls: I don’t think that would be truly fair, Jericho. Your brother is in no condition to wrestle at the PPV.

Jericho: I don’t care! We’ll defend the titles, if that’s what it takes!

Smalls: It’s still not fair, Jericho, and-

((“Only in America” starts playing, as Autumn Lewis comes out.))

Lewis: That’s a good idea, Jericho. At Blood Brawl, you will defend the titles against Lucien Meriucci and Celtic Hyena. Consider it made.

((Autumn walks backstage again, as Jericho picks his brother up and carries him backstage himself, B.D. with Lakshma.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))