Saturday Night Slaughter
San Antonio, Texas at SBC Center

((The camera catches sight of someone in the backstage area and zooms in for a closer look. The person in question is male, approximately 6 feet tall and is of Japanese descent. A sound behind him makes him turn around in annoyance. The fans hiss in shock, then erupt in cheers. It's Johnny Cho! Chris Murphy comes running up and skids to a stop. He doesn't even catch his breath before offering Johnny a bow. Johnny's lips quirk a bit, then he realizes the gesture isn't meant to mock. So he returns the bow. After Chris has caught his breath, he takes the microphone out of his pocket. One more deep breath, then he turns to Johnny and what comes out is genuine in its sincerity.))

Chris: Johnny, welcome back to the HWC.

Johnny: Thank you.

Chris: We weren't expecting to see you here, so I don't have any specific questions for you...

Johnny: There is one question you all have, is there not?

Chris: You're right, there is. Johnny, is Sarafan going to be all right?

Johnny: I'd tell you that myself, but then, I'd ruin the surprise.

Chris: What surprise?

Johnny: *smiling mysteriously* You'll see!

((With that, he takes his leave. Chris is left speechless, then he quickly recovers and walks away.))

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play, a semi is shown smashing into Bad News' SUV then Jarred in a match with Travis being hit with by pies. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing BloodDragon dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Sarafan standing in the ring with Smalls hitting Tiger with a chair. Then onto Celtic Hyena hitting a big boot to the face of B.D. then Jericho beating Kenshi with a Singapore Cane. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to BloodLust Slayerz beating on Die Zerstörer and throwing them in a dumster to The Tiger coming out and laying out Autumn Lewis with a chair Amy. It ends showing profiles of Creeper, Lucien, Panthro, and Jericho. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

Eddie: Welcome one and all to Slaughter! Coming live from San Antonio, Texas!

Travis: Bring on the cow girls!

Eddie: Might want to be careful about that, they might want to hog tie you.

Travis: What are you talking about?! That's what I am hoping for!

Standard Match
The Nothing vs Damian

Eddie: Well, first up, we have a match between two rookies to the HWC.

Travis: Bah. Aren’t we supposed to have a match between Tiger and Vivian later tonight? Can’t we skip the two rookies, and get to the two women? These people want to see women in that ring!

Eddie: And you do too.

Travis: Yeah, but this is for the fans, Eddie.

Eddie: Right. I’m sure it is.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Bendigo, Australia, weighing in at 286 lbs, escorted to the ring by Bull, THE NOTHING!!!

((Still waiting blast through out the arena and over the pa system a the arena goes dark and strobe light flicker around the entrance way and then a tall man steps out into the lights which makes him look like a giant he then walks forward a poses for the crowd then after posing for the crowd he begins to walk down the ramp and towards the ring stopping every few steps to grind his hips then as he gets up to the side of the ring he slides under the bottom rope and jumps up landing on his feet where he starts to grind his hips again as his music cuts off.))

Eddie: Well, that entrance was. . . interesting.

Travis: Who does he think he is? Me? My left foot has more sex appeal than this fruit!

Eddie: So, I take it you don’t like him?

Travis: Duh!

Eddie: It’s been a while since I’ve heard Duh. Like, since fifth grade?

Travis: Shut up, Daniels.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Spain- (Jean stops a minute, to look at the card she reads from, flip it over, then shrug.) weighing in at 200 lbs. . .DAMIAN!!!

(( Simple Plan’s “Addicted” starts playing and red lights flash around the arena. Then the lights turn to blue and all shine on the ramp. Damian walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring. Once inside, he’s punched in the head, causing him to stagger backward, and slump against the corner. Nothing gets on the middle rope, raising his closed fist into the air, and rifling off five punches, before jumping from the middle rope, and hitting a hurracanrana to the momentarily stunned Damian. Nothing gets to the top rope, jumping off with a dropkick, Damian sidestepping, grabbing Nothing’s ankles, and slamming him into the ground, dropping an elbow, and going for the pin. 1. . 2. . . Nothing kicks out, rolling outside. Damian follows, Nothing running the opposite direction. Bull, meanwhile, crouches down, on the other side of the ring. Nothing runs around the ring, and, as Damian follows, he’s hammered with a clothesline from hell, Nothing already in the ring, distracting the referee.))

Eddie: These two men, Bull and this Nothing guy, are taking advantage of the numbers game.

Travis: Well, that’s just smart. If they can knock the other guy out before he has a chance to get any kind of real offense, then more power to them.

Eddie: Yes, but that doesn’t do much for Nothing’s debut.

Travis: So what? All that matters is that you get the mark in your win column.

Eddie: Good point.

((Bull picks Damian up, slamming his head into the apron, before slinging him into the turnbuckle post. Damian comes up, leaning heavily on the guardrail. Bull charges, with a spear, Damian falling to the side. Bull collides, hard, with the guardrail, and falls to the ground. Damian walks to grab a chair. Chair in hand, Damian smacks Bull in the small of the back, before sliding into the ring. The referee, seeing the chair, moves to take it, finally getting the chair from Damian, Nothing in the corner, ‘resting’.))

Travis: Look! He’s tired! He needs a nap.

Eddie: You need glasses. He’s pulling something from his tights.

Travis: What match are you watching?!

((As the referee moves to put the chair outside the ring, Damian appears to be arguing with the ref. As Damian turns, he eats a mouthful of Nothing’s loaded fist, dropping like a stone. Nothing goes for the pin, wrapping his loaded fist underneath his body, and dropping onto Damian’s chest, the foreign object hidden under his body. 1. . . 2. . . What's this, The Tiger has just slid into the ring and broke up the pin with a chair shot to Nothing's head. Bull climbs into the ring taking a swing at Tiger. Tiger staggers back and comes back swing a chair clocking Bull in the side of the head. Looking down on Damian Tiger starts beating the chair into his skull!))

Travis: Tiger's Gone Mad!

Eddie: Cut to a commericail why we take control of things.

Travis: Or try to!

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

((Camera opens up back in the parking lot. A black rental car pulls up, the front door opens and out steps Martain Smalls. He smiles happly as he heads for the back stage entrance, just as he reaches the door he hears something behind him. He turns quickly to find that his rental car has been stripped of everything but the frame. Camera cuts back to Eddie and Travis.))

Travis: Theives every where.

Eddie: First my wallet and now stripping a car?

Travis: Who every they are, their good.

Triple Threat Table Match
Nex vs Sekian vs Panthro

Eddie: Well, now we have a Triple Threat Table match.

Travis: How much longer until the women get out here?!

Eddie: After this match, Travis.

Travis: Then get those losers out here!!

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Triple Threat Table Match. Introducing first, from Allentown, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 252 lbs. . .NEX!!!

((Lights go out as his music plays. A few seconds of darkness end as NeX appears on the entrance ramp. As he walks down to the ring he taunts the crowd. He finally enters the ring under the bottom rope. He gets on the top turnbuckle and taunts the crowd some more. Than he drops from the top rope and sits in the corner waiting on his opponent.))

Travis: Great. Now we have a face-painted freak in the ring. What is he supposed to be, anyway? Some kind of crazy monkey?

Eddie: No, he’s supposed to be a clown. I believe it’s modeled after a group called ICP.

Travis: You see who pee?

Eddie: No, that’s the name of the group, Travis.

Travis: Never heard of them.

Eddie: It’s a rap group.

Travis: Ah. Crap music.

Eddie: No, Rap, Travis. Shut up, we have more entrances.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 270 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Joseph Moore. . . SEIKAN!!!

((The pyro explodes in a semi circle shape, then, Seikan walks out along with his manager, Joseph, and walks down the ring remaining in a normal attitude, when he gets into the ring, he gets on any turnbuckle and lifts his right hand into the air in a fist shape, he then brings it down, smirks, jumps from the turnbuckle and stands in the middle of the ring, his manager stepping out of it.))

Eddie: Oh boy. Another guy with his friend.

Travis: What? Are you jealous that you don’t have any friends, Daniels?

Eddie: Travis, I swear, I’ll go find a nailgun, and nail your feet to the ground if you don’t shut your hole.

Travis: Eddie, you’ll find a friend, eventually.

Eddie(Muttering): Not a court in the world. . .

Travis: What?

Jean Fortello: And their opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 173 lbs. . . PANTHRO!!!

((The Mexican Hip Hop Song kicks up, Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring.))

Travis: Look, Eddie! It’s the biggest mass of no-talent hacks in the HWC!

Eddie: Travis, any of these three men could take you apart.

Travis: If they weren’t already in this match. HAH! Losers.

((Panthro hits a spinning wheel kick on Seikan, before dropping out of the ring, to grab a table. NeX, however, is one step ahead of Panthro, beating Panthro to the table, and, as Panthro reaches under the ring, NeX slides the folded table across the ring, like a snowboard, the end smacking into Panthro’s head. Seikan, following the crowd, grabs a table of his own, all three men now holding a table.))

Eddie: Well, apparently, now they’re going to build a house out of the tables.

Travis: Someone will have to put the table down, to try to break it with someone else.

Eddie: Yes, they will, but they’re not going to break the table until they can manage to weaken their opponents slightly.

Travis: Wait. Isn’t Panthro the moron that had Mia, but then broke up with her?

Eddie: Yes.

Travis: So, Panthro’s a loser, and a moron.

((Panthro slides into the ring, Seikan and NeX following suit. Panthro, in a moment of inspiration, rushes the other two, jumping into the air, and dropkicking his table, horizontally, into the other two men, sending them staggering backward, Seikan over the top rope. Panthro steps back, and cracks NeX in the face with the metal of the table, then hanging one end of the table over the top rope. As Seikan stands, Panthro jumps up, the backs of his knees hitting the top rope, sending Panthro into the air, only to come down, in a legdrop, on the half of the table that’s in the ring, causing the other end to snap up, cracking Seikan in the face with it, and sending him staggering backward, the table splintering slightly in the middle.))

Eddie: What a move!

Travis: If he keeps doing moves like that, he’ll break the table just by using it as a weapon. Would that count as a victory?

Eddie: I don’t think so, Travis.

Travis: That’d be a great way to end the match, though.

((Panthro moves, still holding the table, smacking NeX in the head with the other end, the table itself breaking. Panthro stands in the ring, holding one end of the table, the other end flipping into the air, Panthro blinking.))

Eddie: HOLY. . . He just broke that table in half using it as a weapon!

Travis: But, you said it yourself, that doesn’t give Panthro the win.

Eddie: And it seems that I was right.

((Panthro grabs NeX’s dropped table, setting it up, and putting Nex on the top turnbuckle. Panthro follows, stepping on the top rope, and bouncing off of the top rope, going for a top rope hurracanrana. As NeX’s body nears the table, a fan darts into the ring, shoving the table out of the way. The fan slides into the ring under the bottom rope, Panthro getting into his face. The fan shoves Panthro backward, then follows with a kick to the midsection, hoisting Panthro into the air, and powerbombing him through the table. The bell rings.))

Eddie: That fan just cost Panthro the match!

Travis: Where is security?!

((The fan, standing over Panthro’s body, amid the splintered table, smiles, a hand going to just under his chin, and pulling off his ‘face’.))

Eddie: What the-? That’s I2K!!!

Travis: I thought he had gone off to go work at a gas station, or something.

Eddie: I guess not!! Next up, ladies and gentlemen, The women’s cage match. What the hell is going on here?

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and BloodDragon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

((The fans are eagerly awaiting the next match when they hear something. It sounds like someone hissing. Then a lone spotlight shines down on the top of the ramp. But there's nobody there. Then a thick green fog rolls in, obscuring everything. From nowhere and everywhere, a familiar sound erupts across the sound system... Queensryche's "Queen of the Reich"! The fans explode in a deafening round of cheers when they see someone walk through the fog to emerge under the spotlight. Head bowed, she waits for the fans to quiet down a bit...))

Eddie: Oh my God! THAT'S SARAFAN!

Travis: She's back! YES! There is a God!

((Sarafan lifts her head and gives the crowd a brilliant smile. Her eyes are twinkling as she pads down to the ring. Hands reach out for her and she slaps hands with the fans. Once she gets into the ring, someone hands her a microphone and she has to wait until the noise dies down before she can speak. Her eyes are laughing...))

Sarafan: Thank you for that wonderful greeting! It feels good to be standing inside an HWC ring again!

((The fans cheer again, making her make like she's going to cover her ears.))

Eddie: Not since Kidd Rock's induction into the HWC Hall of Fame have these fans been so loud, Travis.

Travis: Why wouldn't they be happy? I mean, Sarafan's back!

Eddie: They've set an HWC noise record here tonight... I've been informed that the sound level for the last few minutes was recorded at an overwhelming 180 decibels!

Travis: Wow! That's loud enough to break windows!

Eddie: It sure is, Travis!

((Back in the ring, Sarafan is lounging against the turnbuckles, waiting for them to settle down. When they do, she laughs, even though they can't see it for her mask.))

Sarafan: This is incredible. I didn't think I'd get such a warm welcome. If I had known, I would have done something special.

Eddie: She doesn't have to do anything special. Her just being in that ring is enough.

Travis: Amen.

Sarafan: Oh, wait. There is something I can do to show my gratitude for such a warm welcome...

((The crowd watches, buzzing in anticipation and curiosity. She puts the mic under one arm and uses the other to reach behind her head. There's an inaudible snap, and her hair swings freely around her face.))

Eddie: That's the first time we've seen her hair unbraided!

Travis: I didn't realize it was so long!

((But she's not done yet... She puts the mic down between her feet and flips her hair back off her face. Then she reaches behind her head and does something. Nobody knows what it is until she lowers the mask to reveal the rest of her face. Pockets of the crowd gasp, others sit in silence and the rest cheer.))

Eddie: She took off her mask! I never thought we'd see her face!

Travis: Wow... She's even more beautiful without the mask.

Eddie: Truer words were never spoken by my broadcast colleague than those he just uttered. Ladies and gentlemen, Sarafan has just unmasked herself. She's younger than we thought...

Sarafan: Now to tell you a bit about myself. I'm 21, I love anime, shopping with Mia and scarfing pizza until I get sick. But I also have a heritage I'm proud of. In Japan, there is a valley of dragon sculptures. It is my family's job to make sure nothing happens to these statues... They call me the Dragon Speaker because I talk to them.

((She pauses to catch her breath and she can hear something. From the back of the crowd, it swells until it overwhelms the entire crowd. It soon becomes clear and very distinct... They're chanting her name! She just listens to it for a minute, then lifts the microphone again.))

Sarafan: Now to address a serious topic. What The Tiger did to me on Slaughter.

((The crowd immediately starts boo'ing. They don't like The Tiger one bit!))

Sarafan: I don't blame you for that. I pride myself on being easy to get along with... But what she did was too much! I overlooked her cowardly attack from behind. I even overlooked her trying to scare me out of St. Louis. But when she tried to take my sight, she crossed a line nobody ever has... SHE GOT ME MAD!

Eddie: Wow.

Travis: More like HOLY SHIT!

Sarafan: Tiger, you've signed your death warrant. They say to have a ninja after you is bad karma... How about an angry Shinto Master? You insulted my honor! So I'm issuing a challenge. Tiger, if you have the courage... Come face me. The only way out is to get to the top of the ramp... IN A FISTS OF FIRE MATCH!

((She throws down the microphone and raises her hands to the sky. When they get to her shoulders, she curls them into fists and drops her arms. Red pyro goes off, blinding the crowd. When the pyro dies down, Sarafan's gone. The crowd is abuzz with shock and speculation.))

Eddie: What is a Fists of Fire match, Travis?

Travis: You got me... I'm hoping someone will explain it to us before the Pay Per View!

((The camera abruptly cuts backstage to see Sarafan, again with her hair braided and wearing her mask, stalking down the hall. A door opens and Autumn Lewis steps out. After all that's gone on tonight, she wants to talk to Sarafan.))

Autumn: Sarafan, could I speak to you for a minute?

Sarafan: Of course, Ms. Lewis.

Autumn: Please, step into my office.

((Sarafan walks into Autumn's office, the door closing firmly behind them. The camera cuts back to ringside where Eddie and Travis are still puzzling over what, exactly, a Fists of Fire match is.))

Eddie: I don't know, Travis... I'm stumped!

Travis: So am I. Folks, we'll be back after this.

((Camera opens up on a prision guard sitting at his desk with his feet up. As he relaxes he bites into a Snickers candy bar. The camera starts to pan back as the sound of yelling and a siren goes off. As the camera pans back a prison riot can bee seen breaking out. Things are thrown and fights start, all the while the guard doesn't seem to notice it one bite. The camera comes to a stop seeing the cause of the fight as The Tiger and Harley Quinn are seen going blow for blow.)

Announcer: Lazyness.... another side effect of hunger. Try Snickers to get you threw that long day.))

((Camera cuts backstage inside Autumn Lewis' office, Autumn sits behind her desk looking enraged while a worn out and hurting Tiger stands before her. Tiger goes to sit as Autumn's eyes drill into her.))

Cage Match
The Tiger vs Vivian

((The camera pans up toward the roof where the steel cage hangs, ominous and unforgiving. Then, to the crowd's delight, it starts to descend, being guided into place by the referee and two of the ring monkeys.))

Eddie: There it is, Travis... A steel cage. And The Tiger and Vivian are going to be inside it.

Travis: Women and steel... My two favorite things!

Eddie: Pervert.

Travis: And proud of it!

Jean Fortello: The following contest is a cage match. Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri... THE TIGER!

((King of My World plays followed by explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters through the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her fists clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start.))

Jean Fortello: And her opponent... She is the HWC Women's Champion... VIVIAN!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars... The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly. Once she gets into the ring, the cage door is locked and the bell rings. Tiger immediately goes on the offensive, slamming Vivian's head into the steel surrounding the ring. But Vivian, fired up by what Tiger did to Sarafan, shoves her backward, Tiger's head ricocheting off the metal bars. Vivian waits for her to get up, then does a standing drop kick, sending her back into the wall of the cage. Tiger gets to her feet and flips her the bird. Vivian charges, catching Tiger by surprise and slamming her back into the steel. Tiger shoves Vivian backward, then hits her with a standing dropkick that has enough oomph to knock her down. Vivian gets up, only to be met with one of Tiger's boots to the face. Vivian rolls to her side and gets to her knees. Surprising everyone, Tiger pulls off a flawless Shining Wizard!))

Eddie: Whoa! Did you see that?

Travis: Who knew Tiger could move like a cruiserweight?

((Tiger scales the side of the cage, heading for the top. But she didn't see Vivian get up like nothing ever happened... A hand fastens on Tiger's ankle, then Vivian pulls her down off the cage. Tiger hits the mat with a sickening thud. Vivian kicks her repeatedly in the ribs, then goes up toward the top of the cage. But she pauses at the very top, poised to drop outside and win the match.))

Travis: What's she doing, Eddie?

Eddie: I don't know, Travis. She has this match won! All she has to do is drop down outside the cage...

Travis: Look at what she's doing now!

((He's pointing to Vivian standing on top of the cage. With a gesture to the crowd, she does a Swanton Bomb off the top of the cage! The crowd sits there in stunned silence, then it starts in the back, working its way to the front...))


Eddie: The crowd's got it right, Travis... That was unbelievable! Both women are down!

Travis: I'd go in there, but they'd hurt me.

Eddie: You're finally smartening up. 'Bout time.

((Inside the ring, both women are beginning to stir. Vivian is the first to her feet, despite Tiger having had more time to recover. Tiger's right behind her, though... She slams a hand into Vivian's stomach, then, when she's doubled over, hits her with the Fame-Ass-Er. Up the side she goes, but oh so slowly.))

Eddie: These women have given it their all... Even using moves they don't usually use...

Travis: Hands down, this is the most incredible match I've ever seen. I salute them both, no matter who wins.

Eddie: Amen, Travis. But Vivian blew the roof off with that Swanton Bomb!

Travis: She sure did... The impact nearly blew Tiger's shirt off too.

Eddie: Pig!

Travis: Oink, oink. I like looking at women. So sue me!

Voice: He won't, but I might!

((Travis turns around and gets pie-faced out of his seat by a man who looks remarkably like Jericho Dylan. He takes the spare headset and sits down, keeping Eddie and Travis apart.))

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, we've been joined at ringside by...

Daemon: Daemon DeLioncourt. Tiger's other half.

((Travis eep's quietly and twiddles his thumbs. Vivian and Tiger see Daemon at the announcer's table at the same time. One woman laughs softly, the other can only stare. The one staring is Tiger. She seems angered by it and turns to meet Vivian's arm in a vicious clothesline. Vivian goes up the side of the cage, faster than Tiger, but not by much. Daemon watches impassively.))

Eddie: Daemon, what is your exact relationship with Tiger and The Creeper?

Daemon: The Creeper is training me to use my mind at its fullest potential. And Tiger... Well, let's just say that isn't just a nickname.

Eddie: I see. There are rumors of you and Tiger being more than just bedmates...

Daemon: Bedmates? That's a polite way of putting it, I suppose! What exactly are these rumors saying?

Eddie: Well, one of them is saying you asked her to marry you while you were in New Orleans.

Daemon: Remind me to shoot that PR man of mine... He talks too much. That rumor is true.

Eddie: Is it too forward of me to ask if she answered you?

Daemon: It isn't. But that's her tale to tell, not mine.

Travis: What does she see in you anyway?

Daemon: I'm just like her... Cold, ruthless and not afraid to hurt someone.

Travis: Big whoop. There are other men like that out there. Why'd she have to settle for you?

Daemon: She didn't "settle for me", as you put it. And if you don't stop flapping your gums, I'll do it for you!

((Tiger catches Vivian's ankle and just hangs there, using her weight to pull the other woman down to the mat. Vivian kicks Tiger off with her other foot and continues her ascent. A desperate leap, and Tiger catches her again, this time around the waist. Bracing her feet off the cage, she does the impossible... She hits Vivian with a German suplex off the side of the cage!))


Daemon: I certainly did! Incredible!

Travis: That's the fourth time we've seen something like that during the course of this match!

Eddie: Of course, two of the other three were from Tiger... A Shining Wizard and the Fame-Ass-Er... And a cage-top Swanton Bomb from Vivian...

Daemon: They're both gifted athletes. This doesn't surprise me in the least.

Travis: But you're not a wrestler, Daemon. So you probably don't even know what we're talking about!

Daemon: *eyes narrowed* How would you like to see the inside of an alligator, Travis? Jarred and Jericho talk about it all the time!

Eddie: Daemon, I apologize for my broadcast partner. He's a jackass.

Daemon: No comment.

((Eddie laughs softly as they turn their attention back to the ring. Tiger's up and crawling toward the top of the cage. Vivian gets to her feet with little effort for someone who got suplexed off the cage. Instead of going after Tiger, she scales the other side of the cage.))

Eddie: Who's going to get out first?

Daemon: If all holds true, it will be Vivian.

Travis: If all of what holds true?

Daemon: All of The Creeper's training.

Travis: He's a flake, and so is Vivian! There's no such thing as Darkness, and the Darkside is a huge scam job!

((Daemon's eyes narrow dangerously as he turns to glare at Travis. Travis cowers as Eddie watches the women scale the cage. There are two referees, who can see both women, and they're watching carefully. Tiger and Vivian let go at the same time, but one of Tiger's hands gets caught in the mesh and Vivian lands first. The bell rings as Tiger struggles to release her hand. In a flash, Daemon sheds the headset and runs to the cage. Tiger is caught halfway down... Without a qualm, he scales the cage and gets her hand unhooked. The crowd watches in stunned silence as he drops down, then catches her when she falls.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner... VIVIAN!

((Vivian walks slightly in front of Daemon as he carries Tiger to the back like she weighs nothing at all. Once they get backstage, Daemon and Vivian go right to the Darkside's locker room and the door closes behind them. The camera cuts back to Eddie and Travis at ringside.))

Eddie: I must say, this is shaping up to be one strange night!

Travis: That's putting it mildly. Those DeLioncourts are deluded if they think there's such a thing as Darkness.

Eddie: Travis, need I remind you that Jarred Dylan is in the building?

Travis: So what?

Eddie: So he's the man who broke your arm! And just now, Daemon could have broken your neck! You're lucky he didn't!

Travis: Like I give a damn. Tiger fell for a guy who believes in the bull Creeper's spewing!

Eddie: Your ignorance is going to be the end of you yet, Travis... We'll be back after this.

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

Standard Match
Lucien Merriuci vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: Well, next up, a match between Lucien Meriucci, and one half of the HWC Tag Team champions, Jarred Dylan.

Travis: I can attest to Jarred’s abilities in that ring. He broke my arm.

Eddie: That he did. And Lucien’s been on a sizable roll as of late.

Travis: Except that, last week, he lost to B.D., after that woman came out.

Eddie: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside piercing a hole through his opponent with his eyes. The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Eddie: Lucien does not seem the least bit worried about Jarred.

Travis: Lucien’s insane, like I said before. He believes in a god, for cripes sake!

Eddie: There are some who would say that you’re going to Hell for that.

Travis: I don’t believe in Hell.

Eddie: I’m sure it doesn’t believe in you either.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Eric Taylor, he is one half of the HWC Tag Team Champions. . . JARRED DYLAN!!!

((As the lights dim, a rolling fog cascades over the ramp, obscuring the entrance from view. Hovering lights can be seen, made ever eerie by the haunting music provided by Queensryche. When Geoff Tate's voice first screams "one more time around", the fog lifts to reveal Jarred Dylan and his young companion, Eric Taylor. They make their way to the ring, Eric trying not to show his awe at being this side of the ring barrier.))

Eddie: Well, Jarred’s been training with The Creeper. Whether or not you believe that he is a demon, The Creeper is a devastating force in the ring.

Travis: And scary. Those eyes. . . at 3LH, he looked at me, and I damn near wet myself. He’s got a set of eyes that are like drills!

((As the match is set to begin, B.D. walks to the ring, staring cold holes into Lucien, a twisted half-smile on his face. Lucien looks at B.D., and complains to the referee about his presence. As B.D. hasn’t yet done anything more than stand outside the ring, the referee cannot do anything. The bell rings, Jarred and Lucien locking up. Jarred seemingly shrugs, sending Lucien back into the corner. Lucien comes out of the corner, with a clothesline, Jarred spinning, and turning it into a fujiwara armbar.))

Eddie: Jarred appears to be ready to work over that arm. But what’s B.D. doing out here?

Travis: Maybe he wanted to watch the match, but didn’t want to watch it on a monitor, and didn’t want to pay for a ticket?

Eddie: That’s still eerie. B.D. seems obsessed with destroying Lucien.

Travis: He’s such a friendly guy, though.

Eddie: Travis, when he laughs, it’s not because he’s in a good mood. It’s because he finds other people’s pain and suffering funny, or enjoyable.

((Celtic Hyena bolts from the back, attacking B.D., tossing him into the apron, then at the guardrail, B.D. reversing it. The referee, momentarily distracted by the fight outside the ring, is hit by a thrown Lucien. Jarred moves over, to check on the referee, Lucien slinging Jarred, shoulder first, into the ringpost. As Jarred comes back, Lucien hits a single arm DDT onto Jarred, still focusing on the shoulder. Lucien locks in a Fujiwara armbar of his own, Jarred close enough to the ropes to grab the bottom rope, but the referee is still out, so the call is never made.))

Eddie: Lucien’s trying to break Jarred’s arm!

Travis: Can you blame him? The ref’s down, and Jarred’s shoulder’s already injured. Smart move in my book.

Eddie: Yeah, but Lucien seems to have forgotten about B.D.

((B.D., outside the ring, is playing drums, with the steel steps, on Celtic Hyena’s ribs. B.D. looks into the ring, notices the referee’s down, and, true to form, gets to the apron, tossing the steel steps at Lucien, the steps bouncing off of Lucien’s head like a bounce pass with a basketball. B.D. darts into the ring, nudging Jarred with his boot, before kicking Lucien in the stomach, spinning Lucien around, to where he’s facing the ropes, making a motion to Jarred, by now on his feet. B.D. hoists Lucien into the air, hitting an inverted powerbomb, then standing, Jarred on the top turnbuckle groggily. B.D. hops, spinning to the right, causing Lucien to spin face-up, Jarred jumping from the top turnbuckle.))


Travis: What was that?!

Eddie(Shuffling papers): I believe that’s called the Maelstrom. But. . . that’s The Pyre’s finisher!

Travis: The what?

Eddie: Pyre. The Creeper and B.D.

Travis: HAH! B.D.’s replaced his brother!

Eddie: Doubtful. B.D.’s just insane enough to think that Jarred was a suitable replacement.

((B.D. leaves the ring, steel steps in tow, and resumes playing drums on Celtic Hyena’s ribcage with the steps. Jarred favoring his right shoulder heavily. Jarred moves to the referee, rousing him slightly, before simply dropping on Lucien with a standing senton bomb, pinning Lucien without hooking a leg.))

Eddie: Jarred should know better than that. You can’t pin someone without hooking the leg. They always kick out.

Travis: Well, how much more pain can Jarred take, on that arm? You have to figure that it’s just wishful thinking, in essence.

((The referee, still addled slightly, begins the count. 1. . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Wow! That move must have taken more out of Lucien than we thought!

Travis: Uh. . . someone tell B.D. he’s got a match to go get ready for.

Eddie: I’m not telling him. You want to?

Travis: Uhm, no. He’s scary. I mean, his idea of a good time is ripping people’s legs off, and beating them with it.

Eddie: I don’t think that’s really possible, Travis.

Travis: I have a videotape. You want to see it?

Eddie: Uh, how about no.

((Suddenly King of My World plays as The Tiger steps out to a booing crowd. Dressed like always in jeans and a black and orange striped Harley Davidson leather jacket, around her waist worn proudly is the IC Title belt. Tiger grins and shines the face plate before continuing down to the ring.))

Eddie: What this?

Travis: What does it look like Eddie, it's out new IC Champion.

Eddie: You don't become a champ by taking a belt!

Travis: You tell her that!

((Before Tiger climbs into the ring she grabs a mic. Once in she pulls off the belt with her free hand and raises it up over looking the crowd.))

The Tiger: Cut my music!

((Tiger's theme fades suddenly.))

The Tiger: Hey! How about a round of applase for yar NEW HWC Intercontinental Champion!

((All Tiger gets back inreturn is more boos.))

The Tiger: Just what I thought..... SHUT UP! All ya simpletons here.... and the lazy ones at home..... none of ya know what real tatent is! Nor could ya pick out a real champion if it came in a Cracker Jack box!

((A demonic laugh echoes through the arena, for a moment only, before The Creeper appears at the top of the ramp, Hardcore title in his left hand, mic in his right.))

Creeper: They do, however, Tiger, know what a real champion looks like. And it's not you. You are a great champion for grand larceny, but not for that title you clutch tightly to your body.

The Tiger: Aww.... well look at this.... It's Mr. No One Asked Yar Two Cents!

((The Creeper's patronizing smile never wavers.))

Creeper: You know, Tiger, ever since your return to the ring, you've been trying to reclaim your former glory, and a title belt. Now you have the belt, but no glory. And look at these fans. Not a one of them is about to give you that glory. Now, there is a way you can become the champion fully. But you need to remember the power I am attempting to give you. Despite your best efforts, you cannot be anything more than a deranged ex-champion. There is a way for you to reclaim your former glory, and power, however.

The Tiger: Why don't ya come down here and I show ya some of my personal glory! (Tiger raises her fists) But then anyone who sees ya as a champ is not only dumb but blind. Creeper ya don't even have half of my talent in that body of yars. Not in a life time..... Not in even Three!

((The Creeper doesn't move, and, after waiting through the scattered giggles, and resounding "Ooh!", speaks again.))

Creeper: Funny that you should mention the word three. Because, Tiger, to become a champion, you have to get a 1, 2, 3 on the previous champion. But, if you want the championship so badly, there's an easy way to go about doing it. At the next PPV, Tiger, you will run a gauntlet. Similar, in some aspects, to the gauntlet you ran before, with Kash Flagg. But not really.

The Tiger: Get lost Creeper yar making a fool of yar self, ya have no power in this fed.

((The Creeper's smile takes on a more sinister air.))

Creeper: Normally, Tiger, I wouldn't even come out here to present a problem for your false celebration. But, you see, Tiger, you fail to remember that you have already angered Ms. Lewis.

((The Creeper steps aside, as "Only in America" kicks up, Ms. Lewis stepping onto the rampway, mic in hand. Tiger starts to pace in the ring angered seeing Autumn come out from back with five police officers with her.))

The Tiger: Ooo Ya got me running scared now..... Hey Creeper, step up and get the same fate as Autumn!

((The Creeper glances to Autumn, then walking toward the ring, and standing on the apron.))

Creeper: You want to hit me, Tiger? Go for it. Because this is as close to a real champion as you'll ever be, again. I spoke to Ms. Lewis before coming out here, and she agreed with me. You want the title, fine. At the next Blood Brawl, the world will watch Tiger go up against Everyone else in the HWC.

The Tiger: Is that the best ya can throw at me?!

Creeper: In order to win, Tiger, you have to single handedly throw every single person in the HWC over the top rope, while avoiding a pin. If you can, you will be the HWC IC champion. But, if not, you'll just be a broken little woman. And whoever pins you will be the HWC's new Intercontinental Champion. So, you see, Tiger, you're here, while you should be in the gym.

Smalls: Wait.... hold it!

((Martain Smalls steps from behind Autumn passing threw the wall of officers. He makes his way over to the ring where Tiger and Creeper stand nearly nose to nose.))

Smalls: An elimanation gauntlet match? Isn't that a bit..... much?

The Tiger: For once Smalls I would have to agree. No deal Creeper, I stay champ like I am.

((The Creeper turns to look at Smalls, leaning close.))

Creeper: Run, Smalls. Run, and you may yet live through this night.

Smalls: Can't we all just get along, I'm sure we can find a more none violent manor to settle the IC championship....

((With out another word Tiger charges at Creeper when he isn't looking, knocking him off the edge of the ring and into Smalls below. The Creeper hits Smalls, then turns, Smalls taking the brunt of the damage. The Creeper slides into the ring, kicking Tiger in the midsection, before clotheslining her down to the mat. Tiger drops ducking the closeline at the last minute. Rolling out of the ring Tiger grabs the IC belt before being grabbed by waiting police officers. Tiger struggles against them.))

Autumn: You have a choice Tiger, leave now and start training for Blood Brawl, or be arrested for stealing that belt from my office!

((The Creeper shakes his head.))

Creeper: Consider this, Tiger, your first lesson.

((The Creeper rolls under the bottom rope, toward the top of the ramp. Tiger yeels back at Creeper as she is lead away and soon out of the building by the police.))

Eddie: There's the first sign of control we have seen all night. We will be back after this.

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Reinforcements, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows The Tiger and Obake playing the game. Obake is using Tiger, and Tiger is using Obake. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

Singapore Cane Match
Blood Dragon vs B.D.

Eddie: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to Slaughter. We've seen some strange things tonight, and one pleasant surprise...

Travis: The pleasant surprise is that Sarafan is back, apparently none the worse for wear after Tiger poked her in the eye last week.

Eddie: Elegantly phrased, Travis. Did what you saw in the last match have anything to do with it?

Travis: No way. But that nutcase B.D. didn't leave...

Eddie: *sighing* That's because his match is next, Travis. He's facing Blood Dragon in a Singapore Cane match.

Travis: Whatever.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a Singapore Cane match. Introducing first, from the second tier of Hell, representing the Darkside... B.D.!

((B.D. lounges on the ropes, Lakshma having joined him at ringside. Travis's eyes nearly bug out of his head when he sees her... She gives him a disinterested glance that quickly turns to a disapproving frown.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... From Melbourne, Florida... He is the HWC Light Heavyweight Champion... BLOOD DRAGON!

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. B.D. doesn't wait for the pyro to die down... He hauls him back by the shirt and swings him around. Blood barely has time to remove the title from around his waist before B.D. knocks him to one knee. Lakshma cheers him on from ringside. A clubbing blow to the back of his head leaves Blood Dragon on the mat. B.D. sees the Singapore Cane and picks it up. Swinging it around experimentally, he finally figures out how it works and gives Blood a wicked smile that has nothing to do with the state of his mind. When Blood gets to his feet, B.D. swings the cane and connects solidly with Blood's back with a deafening CRACK! To everyone's surprise, the Singapore cane breaks in half! B.D. pouts, telling Lakshma it broke. She responds by throwing him another one. He smiles brightly and tosses the broken one out of the ring. Blood gets to his feet through sheer force of will and ducks the wild swing. Grabbing his own Singapore cane, he knocks B.D.'s out of his hands. Blood now goes on the offensive, driving B.D. back to the ropes.))

Eddie: Blood now showing some offense here...

Travis: Who cares? I'm looking at that hot babe at ringside!

Eddie: Travis, that "hot babe" works for The Creeper.

Travis: She's probably as deluded as the rest of them, then.

Eddie: Probably.

Travis: Pity... I could've shown her a good time.

((Eddie doesn't say anything. He believes what The Creeper says, even if Travis calls it a bunch of hogwash and other less than flattering names. Blood swings at B.D.'s head and misses by a mere half inch. The Singapore canes go flying out of the ring, leaving them with only their bodies as weapons. Neither man is a stranger to this scenario, nor are they strangers to each other's moves. Blood throws a punch, only to have it blocked with B.D.'s hand. B.D. twists Blood's arm around, then climbs the ropes. Walking along the top rope, he leaps down, slamming his other hand into Blood's shoulder. Blood drops to his knees, trying to get out of the iron grip.))

Eddie: B.D. getting off to a good start here... That was actually a veteran style move.

Travis: This night has been full of surprises, Eddie.

Eddie: Indeed it has... And I have a feeling we're going to see more of them before the night is over.

((If Eddie knew how right he was going to be, he'd have kept his mouth shut. Blood, slightly favoring that injured shoulder, goes to spear B.D. but gets a shoulder full of ringpost instead. He reels backward into a German suplex, landing squarely on that damaged shoulder. B.D. picks up on the injury and puts Blood in a painful armbar.))

Eddie: B.D. going for a submission!

Travis: There's another surprise!

Eddie: You're right!

((B.D. twists slightly, then yanks down on it. Blood cries out and tries to shove B.D. away. No good. B.D. keeps yanking it downward, until he gets an idea. B.D. with an idea is a scary thing to behold... He actually lets go of Blood Dragon's arm! But he scoops Blood up and hits a beautiful fall-away slam. The ring rattles ominously... B.D. then ascends the ropes and perches there, waiting for Blood to get up. When Blood gets to his feet, he's met by a flying B.D. and gets knocked down onto his back. Again, the ropes quake ominously... B.D. gets up, fresh as a daisy and about as far away from sane as Heaven is from Hell, and climbs the ropes again. Creaking sounds coming from the ring are quickly masked by fans cheering. B.D. measures Blood carefully, then hits him with a missile dropkick. The impact of two such huge men can have only one outcome... When they land, the ring breaks! The crowd is silent for a long moment, then the chant starts.))

Crowd: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!

Eddie: Holy shit is right! What happened?

Travis: It's been a high impact night, Eddie... The ring supports gave way!

Eddie: Folks, this has been a night of one surprise after another. It started with Sarafan, and has now resulted in the ring breaking. What else can possibly happen here?

Travis: These guys aren't moving, Eddie... Here come the EMT's!

((The EMT's come racing to ringside, checking on both men. B.D. seems to be badly shaken, but Blood... Ah, Blood Dragon was too close to one of the ringposts when it fell... It landed squarely on his chest. They put him in a cervical collar and slide him onto a backboard. One of them drapes the Light Heavyweight title over his stomach and they start wheeling the stretcher up the ramp.))

Eddie: This is bad... Blood was too close to the ringpost when it tipped over.

Travis: He's had some rough patches in his life, but he didn't deserve this. I hope he's going to be all right.

Eddie: Me too, Travis. I... Wait a minute! What's that?

Travis: Not a what, Eddie... A WHO! That's Tiger!

((Sure enough, Tiger comes out of the crowd, vaulting over the railing. Behind her are five city police officers... Ducking around everything, she whips by Blood Dragon and takes the Light Heavyweight title off his stomach, then runs off with it, cops in hot pursuit.))

Eddie: Did you see that, Travis?

Travis: I sure did, Eddie! Tiger just stole the Light Heavyweight Title!

Eddie: This is a hell of a way to end this match!

Travis: I agree with you on that one... There is something seriously wrong with that dame! She should be sent back to the nuthouse!

Eddie: No comment.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))