Saturday Night Slaughter
Phoenix, Arizona at the America West Arena

The HWC logo is shown for a breif moment before fading. The camera then fades in show clips of last week Slaughter with a blue tint to the film..... Clips are shown of Kidd's match......Obake grabs Kidd by the throat and starts to yell at him. Going for a choke slam Smack comes up from behind him nailing a neckbreaker.....Kidd springs off the ropes and slide kicking Smack in the back of the head......Kidd drags Smack to the middle of the ring and goes for a pin. 1.....2.....3. The bell rings just as Obake climbs back him. Tired and out of it Kidd tries to stand but falls back. Obake helps him up and raises his hand in vitory. Camera fades on Kidd and cuts to Smalls in the ring.

Smalls: Which is exactly why I accepted President Lewis's challenge for tonight! I will step into the ring with The Tiger and beat her, Not only will I beat her but according to the stipulation by President Lewis I will get control of her contract…which means if I want to tear it up and ship her ass back to the funny farm I can do just that!!

((Chants of "ASSHOLE" break out in the crowd Martin merely smiles.))

Smalls: However President Lewis was generous…or should I say foolish enough to grant me one other stipulation! I get to name a special guest referee! So without further ado ladies and gentleman I give you tonight's referee for the Martin Smalls vs. The Tiger match up….PAYNE!!

((From behind the curtain The Tiger appears! Flanked on either side by her manager PittBull and President Lewis, The Tiger is dressed and covered by a great black hooded robe......))

Lewis: Smalls…I should have known you'd pull something like this…This match had better be a fair one…or it's your ass!

The Tiger: Goen…wipe that grin…off…YAR FACE!

((She lunges at Martin and clotheslines him into the turnbuckle, in the blink of an eye is pummeling him with lefts and rights.......Martin with a surprising burst of momentum clotheslines her in the throat, Tiger goes down hard clutching her throat......The Tiger rolls over and spits a mouthful of blood onto the mat......))

Lewis: This woman needs medical attention! Let these men in NOW!

Smalls: The Tiger is now MY PROPERTY! I can do what ever the hell I want to her now!

((Smalls pulls back dropping the Mic and slams the chair into the throat of the Tiger who goes completely limp in Paynes arms, Martin lays the chair out in the middle of the ring.... the scene fades from the ring to back stage.....a bloody and battered Tiger being checked out by paramedics...Kidd Rock steps in, looking concerned. Tiger is groaning in pain as he approaches the gurney.))

PARAMEDIC #1: Sir, she can't talk right now. She took a pretty mean shot in the throat. Not to mention whatever's going on in her head.

((Pitbull comes in and moves to the gurney, glaring at Kidd.....))

PitBull: you're the one who did this to her!

Kidd: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

PitBull: When you dumped her, it screwed her head up. That's why she tried to kill herself...that's why she went crazy, and had to be locked up in that stinking insane assylum! All because you decided that she wasn't good enough for you!

((Tiger sits up, to the protests of the paramedics. She grabs Kidd by his shirt collar, and in choked, rasping voice speaks.......))


((Scene fades on Kidd looks at her in horror, and looking to be near tears.......Camera cut to the end of Chaotica's match........The referee stands in front of Myzteik and asks him if he wants to submit, before the referee can get an answer from him Chaotica tells the ref to get out of the way. She then plants Myzteik face first into the mat, rolling him over she goes for the pin.......Chaotica is all smiles as she holds the belt high above her head. Turning towards the top of the ramp she makes a motion and suddenly the entire arena is plunged into darkness. An unfamiliar music kicks up, "Down with the Sickness" the HWC tron is aglow with green lights. When the lights come back up there are an additional five people in the ring.......The group surrounds Myzteik like hunters would surround their prey,then they all turn to face the crowd. Each one of them is wearing a black t-shirt with bright green lettering on it that reads in bold capital letters THE SICKNESS.))

Chaotica: It's here people, the tidal wave has finally hit the HWC and nobody is going to stop us! Myzteik, I warned you that I would show you how little you really knew and I did exactly that. Now you're laying there in a ball bleeding, you're lucky I didn't do more than that. Let it be a lesson Myzteik, a lesson that you wont soon forget I am sure.

((Camera fades out on Chaotica and the newly formed stable The Sickness and in on the back stage......Smack comes up from behind and clocks Jag in the back of the head with the IC belt......Smack begins to kick Jag in the face and rips.....Smack looks both ways then grabs Jag by an arm and dargs him off before found.......Shurging Amy picks it up and throws it over her sholder. She grins to her self and walks off like she has just won the IC Title......Looking down at her feet, she turns sharply and walks down the corridor. But it wasn't a wall she suddenly bumps into. It was Neurosis.......))

Amy: Jesus christ, Lurch...wanna mind looking out where you're going?.......since you don't seem to understand words, here's two simple ones for you: MOVE IT!....... Fucking retard

(Slowly he walks off in the opposite direction. We hear his voice slightly audible for the camera.)

Neurosis: ...what a bitch...

((Camera cuts to the Hardcore Title Match........Jusrt as Spider regains his composure, Mike "The Dragon" Stevens runs out, carrying a monkey wrench. Spider reaches to grab Brett, but the Dragon steps behind him and cracks him HARD across the back of the head! Spider's eyes go blank, then, slowly, he falls, FACE FIRST ON THE GLASS!!!......Brett and the Dragon both pick Spider up. Spider is out on his feet, but Brett grabs Spider's head and places it between his knees......))

EDDIE: SWEET MOTHER OF GOD! A Bruiser Bomb on the glass-covered floor! Spider has had it!

((The Dragon heads towards the back as Brett makes the academic cover for the 1-2-3......Brett stands over the broken and bloody Spider. The referee hands him the title belt, and he holds it over his head, to the cheers of the fans. Then, Mike "The Dragon" Stevens appears at the entrance, looking at Brett and shaking his head.))

TRAVIS: Brett has The Dragon to thank for that victory, and the Dragon is letting him know it!

((Camera fades slowly on Brett holding up his Hardcore belt. For a long moment there is pause and blackness. The the camera opens live out side the arena. Payne's standing outside the trailer truck with a camera in hand. He's gonna do something to catch that batty wench Tiger and prove she can't be trusted. Smalls knows absolutely nothing about it, so he can't say no. Payne turns and heads for the locker rooms, planning to wire Tiger's and catch her in the act. Meanwhile, Jericho Dylan, the Soulveyer on camera, walks into the arena. The first person he encounters is a security guard.))

Guard: "Excuse me, sir. HWC Wrestlers only beyond this point."

Jericho: "I am an HWC Wrestler."

Guard: "Sir, I'm just doing my job. Please don't get offended."

Jericho: "I'm not offended. In fact, I would have been offended if you hadn't asked."

Guard: "Thank you. Now if I could get your name, I'll just check the list they gave me."

Jericho: "Certainly. Jericho Dylan."

((The guard checks the list for Jericho Dylan. Then he stops, recognizing that name. Without continuing his search, he steps to one side.))

Guard: "You can go right in, Mr. Dylan."

((Jericho laughs to himself as he recognizes the look in the guard's eye. There'd been an article in the paper with his picture on the front page. The headline had read "Louisiana Kingpin Strikes Again!" The article hadn't been very flattering, but it had indicated that Jericho had been responsible for ending a decade-long gang war. Jericho walks on, looking for someone who can tell him where his dressing room is. Finding that person, he gets the key and heads for Room 12. Payne, on the other hand, has gotten into the room he was trying to open. Finding a good spot for the camera, he hides it and makes sure it turns on when the lights go on. But he doesn't realize he's in the wrong room until he's watching the video feed from his dressing room. Instead of Tiger, he sees Jericho Dylan and a busty blonde in a very passionate embrace! His face turns red and only gets worse as things progress. At that point, Smalls walks in and sees the setup.**

Smalls: "What the hell are you doing?"

Payne: "Shit!" Smalls: "Looks like you frigged something up again! Can't you do anything right? Whose room is that?"

Payne: "I don't know. I thought that was Tiger's room, so I hid a camera in there."

((Smalls studies the man's face for a minute, then nods to himself.))

Smalls: "Payne, you may have just stumbled onto a gold mine. That's Jericho Dylan."

Payne: "Jericho Dylan? Who the hell is that?"

Smalls: "You haven't heard of him?"

Payne: "Why should I care? If his taste in women is any indication of his mat skills it looks like he's going to be pretty disappointing."

Smalls: "You snuck into a well known mobsters dressing room and planted a camera! He gets a calculating gleam in his eyes And who better to have on my side than America's most notorious Mobster?"

((rubbing his hands together greedily))

Payne: "I could care less…But I better get that camera out of there nonetheless…last thing we want is a mobster getting pissed at you"

Smalls: "At me? You're sadly mistaken my friend if you think you're going to pin this one on me! But now that you mention it he probably will connect me to you...go get the tape before he finds it or it's your ass!"

((Payne nods and risks a quick glance at the monitor. The room's empty. The blonde's gone, and Jericho isn't there either. So he goes to grab the camera, running down the corridor to Dressing Room 12. Stepping inside, he grabs the camera from where he hid it and flees, back to his dressing room. But he doesn't realize the tape's been removed... Jericho already found the camera! He'd been waiting for someone to turn up and grab it. Payne's about to check for the tape when a hand grabs his shoulder from behind. He turns to see a very unfriendly Soulveyer standing there, tape in one hand.))

Jericho: "Looking for this?"

((Payne grimaces and reaches for it. Instead of the tape, he gets Jericho's fist in his mouth. Jericho hands the tape to his lovely companion and proceeds to beat Payne senseless. He throws him over his shoulder and motions for a cameraman to follow him. Under Martin Smalls' door, a slip of paper is seen. He grabs it and reads the following message. "Turn on your monitor and set it to Channel 12." When he does that, he's startled to see someone hanging from a tree branch by their wrists. They've been smeared in honey and birdseed, and a flock of pigeons has settled in to eat it. Smalls recognizes Payne's boots and roars in laughter. There's a ruined camera under his feet... Smalls chuckles and exits the room taking his sweet time, he finally finds Payne still hanging in the tree only to find his way blocked by one Jericho Dylan.))

Jericho: "Did you put him up to it?"

Smalls: "Please don't insult my intelligence…this brilliant little idea was his."

Jericho: "Good. I'd hate to kill you for something you didn't know about."

Smalls: "Kill me? I'm afraid that would be making the biggest mistake in your life…besides I may well be worth something to you."

Jericho: "Like what?"

Smalls: "Like the HWC Tag Titles"

Jericho: "You've got my attention. Oh, and the faster you talk, the faster you can rescue that dumbass."

((Smalls grins and begins to speak slowly, Payne curses and spits birdseed. Jericho listens quietly, interrupting occasionally to ask a question or clarify a point. When Smalls finally stops talking, Jericho stays put for the longest time. Then he moves so Smalls can go save Payne from his own stupidity. Watching smalls free his employee, he laughs and shakes his head. But his interest has indeed been piqued by what he had to say...))

(Camera turns to ride side with blue and white pyro going off and fans screaming maddly. Still panning over the crowd Eddie's voice kicks up.))

Eddie: Just one week till Mind Games and the first New HWC World Champ and the releaving of the mistory man who ran off with the World belt two weeks ago.

((Camera cuts to the annouce table.))

Eddie: Welcome to another sold out show LIVE from the America West Arena in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm Eddie Danniels and next to me is Travis Best. We have another great night of matches where anything can happen.

Travis: Oh I don't know about that. Nothing could top Smalls match with Tiger finally putting the psyco where she belongs.

Eddie: In another Double Main Event it's Toryn VS max Imun VS Viper VS Brett "The Diamond" Bruiser for teh 3rd four way match. And Tiger VS Payne VS Chaotica VS Enforcer for the 4th. The winner of these two match will go on to Mind Games to face off against Ace and Kidd.

Travis: I know Payne and Smalls will see to it that Tiger don't make it to the PPV.

Standard Match
Amy Jensen VS Solomon King

Eddie: Our first match of the night is pitting two newcomers against each other. The first being King Solomon and the second Amy Jensen who I have heard from my locker room sources is picked to be the winner of this one. What's your opinion Travis?

Travis: Well I've seen the work these two have done. Amy has had some impressive records in her past feds holding numerous titles. I've also heard some good things about Solomon as well, however for a change I have to agree with you Eddie. I think Solomon's ego has gotton the better of him and that Amy will come out on top.

Eddie: Well folks mark that one on the wall! Travis and I actually agree on something for a change!

(( the commentators are cut off from any further comment by the sounds of King Solomon's music blaring over the loudspeakers, as he makes his way down the ramp he waves to the crowd who boo him enthusiastically. Upon reaching the bottom of the ramp he walks up the metal steps and steps through the ropes, he paces around the ring. A moment later the lights go out and the HWC tron glows green, then "Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed kicks up. The lights come up and at the top of the ramp stands six of the members of the Sickness. They make their way down the ramp and Amy just grins sadistically as she breaks away from the others to do a baseball slide into the ring)

Travis: Oh my god! What are THEY all doing out here?

Eddie: I dont know Travis but, we're about to find out....

(Chaotica and the others walk over to the announcer's table and she sits down on the empty chair next to eddie and picks up a pair of headphones)

Eddie: Well hello Chaotica, to what do we owe this surprise?

Chaotica: Hey Eddie, Travis..It's nice to be out here on the other end of the wrestling business.

Travis: Come on Chaotica, why are you really out here?

Chaotica: The Sickness is out here to show support to a member who has a match tonight. That and I wanted to clear a few things up for the simpleminded Solomon.

(Charity and Medea snicker as the match gets under way. Amy and Solomon circle each other like a lion would circle its prey. Amy was the first to make a real move and she sling shots him across the ring, as he comes back across Amy leans down and nails him with a big body drop)

Eddie: He's going to be feeling that one in the morning folks

(Amy goes to pull Solomon to his feet by his ring attire but he reverses it by shoving her backwards, as she stumbles Solomon comes at her with a clothesline but Amy is able to duck under his arm and nail him with a super kick to the back of the shoulders. Solomon goes down and Amy quickly takes advantage of the situation by clamping on a figure four ankle lock)

Chaotica: GO AMY!

( The referee was down beside Solomon waiting to see if he would submit, Solomon shook his head no and was somehow able to make it to the ropes where he grabbed hold of the bottom one. The referee told Amy to let go of him, and with a curse she did. )

Eddie: Chaotica, being a ring veteran who do you feel is the better wrestler out there?

Travis: Oh come on Eddie, of course she's going to say that Amy's better. They're team mates

Chaotica: On the contrary Travis, I have no problem giving credit where credit is due. Solomon appears to be a sound enough wrestler, on the other hand his attitude I think will get the better of him in the end. I've worked with Amy extensively in the Global Wrestling Federation where I held gold and we kicked some ass. Amy's also held a variety of titles as well.

(Meanwhile back in the ring, Amy has Solomon laid out in the middle of the ring. She scales the turnbuckle and does a 450 frog splash)

Eddie: Holy shit! Solomon wont be kicking out of that one!

Travis: I wouldn't want to kick out of anything with Amy on top of me...heh

Chaotica: *Snickers at Travis*

((Solomon kicks out quickly, surprising Amy he grabs her around the neck and DDT's her into the mat with ferocity, wasting no time he hefts her small frame up in the air and body slams her into the mat, then drops down for the three count))

Eddie: Amy gets the shoulder up!

Chaotica: Thatta Girl!

((Solomon picks Amy up and whips her into the ropes, on the rebound Amy ducks under his arms and bounces off the opposite ropes, landing a stunning dropkick into his knee's Solomon falls and Amy quickly scales the top turnbuckle and flies off with a corkscrew moonsault it connects))

Travis: Look at her fly!

Eddie: Are you really watching her "Fly"

Travis: No...

Chaotica: *Smacks Travis* Watch it buddy....

Eddie: Solomon gets the shoulder up!

((Solomon shoves Amy off of him and gets to his feet, he charges and spears Amy to the canvas))

Travis: Holy shit he could have speared her in half!

((Amy manages to roll out of Solomons reach, solomon charges but Amy brings him down with a drop toe hold, Solomon gets to his feet and Amy meets him with a twist of fate! as Solomon hits the mat there is a loud crack! blood begins to flow from his nose))

Chaotica: She busted him open!

Travis: What a little spitfire!

((Amy wastes no time, scaling the turnbuckle she signals for the Swanton bomb and nails solomon dead on, rolling him up for the three count!))

Eddie: one... two... three!! Amy wins!

((Without a word Chaotica and the rest of the Sickness begin to slide into the ring, Solomon rolls out and backs up the ramp glaring at the group, Chaotica helps Amy up and then Raises her hand in the air, the rest of the sickness raises their hands and the crowd cheers loving it. Stepping from the back with a smirk on his face and claping softly comes Victor Black. The Sickness turn to hear what he wants.))

Black: I come here on busness. Last week I happen to see that Amy took the IC belt with out winning a match for it. Now I would have said something last week but sadly I had more imporant things to tend to. But now that I have your attention now Amy, I'm afraid your actions cant go unpunished. You will earn that belt like any other. And I think a fitting oppoent would be....... him.

((Black points to the curtain, steping from behind comes Neurosis. He too have a grin on his face and a mic in hand. He tops next to Black at the top of the ramp and raise the mic to speak.))

Neurosis: You called me Lurch and you called me a retard. Well there's one thing this retarded Lurch knows...... and that is...... That belt will look so good around my waist. And your body will look so good....... BROKEN AND BLEEDING BEHEATH MY BOOT!

((Both Neurosis and Black turn to go laughing about the match up. But Black stops and turns back looking down to the ring.))

Black: Oh and one last thing....... The Sickness is baned from ring side.

((Taking his pocket watch out and looking at it for a moment he speaks again.))

Black: Love to stay and talk but I have better things to do with my time.

((Still laughing the head back stage leaving the Sickness to them selves.))

Travis: Whoa Any is in trouble now..... she should of left the belt where he found it.

Eddie: Folks we'll be right back.

((An AFLAC commercial comes up of the duck in the ring giving it to Myztiek. The duck throws Myztiek to the drops giving him a drop kick, then the duck climbs the turn buckle and jumps off nailing a frog slpash.

Annoncer: By now Myzteik is regreting that he didn't sign up for AFLAC Insurence.

Camer shows the duck sitting on Myzteik back pulling his leg back and Myzteik crying like a baby.))

((The camera cuts to Chris Murphy with Jaguar and the Elite Playas.))

Chris Murphy: Anyway, thanks Ed, I'm here with an HWC legend, former World Champ and Intercontinental Champion, the one the only Icon of the HWC....Jaguar! Anyway Jag, it's good to see you back in the rings of the HWC.

Jaguar: Damn right it's good to see me, who wouldn't want to come see the man that revolutionized the HWC and wrestling in general. Frankly Chris I missed insulting your ass.

Chris Murphy: I guess I should be...

Jaguar: Damn straight you should be honored, but frankly I could care less what the hell you feel, I didn't come here to chat with you. I came here to kick ass and win back my HWC title.

Chris Murphy: That is...

Jaguar: Did I say you could talk?

Chris Murphy: Um..

Jaguar: No. So shut the hell up! Anyway, whoever wins the title at the PPV, keep in mind, that your ass is MINE! And that title is MINE! So don't get comfortable on top of the food chain, cause I'm gunnin for you.

Chris Murphy: I notice that you have the original members of the Elite Playas with you.

Jaguar: Shut up! I'm sick of you interupting me, next time you do I shove that mic down your damn throat. They are just here as back up.

Chris Murphy: Well...

Jaguar: Murphy!

Chris Murphy: Sorry.

Jaguar: As for Smack, you little bitch, don't think that you are safe, you attacked me, and quite frankly that pissed me off. But I'll deal with you at the PPV. I'm gonna go watch the show, this interviews over.

((Jag palms the camera as he and his entourage walk past.))

Standard Match
Cade Donovan VS Soulveyer

Eddie: Tonight we have a show down between two of the HWC's newest promising rookies! Cade Donovan versus The Soulveyer Jericho Dylan, I don't know about you Travis but I've been getting chills watching their promo's all week, I see a matchup between two men who will never back down.

Travis: They've been talking trash all week and tonight we're going to see them go head to head in a confrontation that's gonna draw blood!

((Suddenly "Raise your hands" by Bon Jovi explodes over the speakers, the crowd gives a decent pop as Cade Donovan appears from behind the curtain, Clad in a trench coat made of pure white leather Cade pauses atop the ramp and gazes down at the ring))

Eddie: You gotta wonder what that man is seeing when he looks down into the ring like that…

Travis: Probably a business opportunity…

((Cade slowly makes his way down the ramp ignoring the fans as they cheer or boo him, suddenly he stops and kneels down by the crowd barrier, picking up a small sign he hands it to the small child to which it belong, in a surprising gesture of kindness he ruffles the child's hair and makes his way up the steps and through the ropes into the ring))

Eddie: What a strange man…he'll kill a grown man but wont raise a hand to a child…

Travis: Everyone has their faults Eddie…let the man have his

((Cade removes his trench coat and kicks it out of the ring, folding his arms he awaits his opponent with a grim look on his face that says he's all business))

Eddie: Cades ready for business you can see it in his eyes.

((The lights flicker and then go out, the crowd holds it's collective breath as the lights come back on with a sickly green glow to them, "The god that failed" by Metallica begins to play over the PA system, clad in a black hooded cloak Jericho Dylan stands atop the stage, he cuts an intimidating figure, he slowly makes his way down the ramp, as he's halfway down the pyro's explode making the crowd jump in surprise, Jericho momentarily snickers at the reaction before sliding through the ropes and into the ring, his gaze meets Cades and the two men stare each other down in the middle of the ring neither one so much as blinking))

Travis: It's a close call here but I'd have to put my money on Cade…

Eddie: Any bet you make has your bookies cringing in fear Travis…

Travis: Shut up…if I want your opinion I'll give it to you…

((The referee searches the two men for weapons, when he's satisfied neither are packing anything he raises his hands to signal for the bell…however before he does a voice interrupts))

Voice: Hold it! Wait one damn minute!

((The crowd begins to boo as Martin Smalls emerges from behind the curtain))

Smalls: Now let me ask you people a question! Why do they call this place The "Hardcore Wrestling Corporation" I mean aside from Brett Bruisers pathetic little display in capturing the Hardcore title last week have we really seen anything Hardcore? NO! We haven't! So I'm going to do all these fans and this company a favor and make this match Hardcore! You two rookies down there can consider this your baptism under fire…anything goes in a hardcore match! So you two do what you do best and make this the best damn hardcore match of your careers! Or else!

((The crowd boo's but a few cheers are mixed in at stipulation change, Smalls heads back behind the curtain))

Travis: YES! Hardcore! Blood! Hardcore equals blood!

Eddie: I wonder if I can put in for a new broadcast partner…

Travis: Admit it Eddie you need me!

Eddie: Like I need an anal probe…

Travis: O….K

((Cade and Jericho look unimpressed with the added stipulation, they slide out of the ring and begin to rummage around under the ring, Cade comes up with a trash can filled with instruments of the Hardcore Nature and Jericho pulls a table out and sets it up under a turnbuckle outside of the ring…taking another table he slides it into the ring.)) Travis: I'm getting chills over this one Eddie…

Eddie: Maybe you should leave and go see a doctor…

Travis: Wanker

((The two men slide underneath the ropes, Cade dumps the trashcan out into the ring, amongst the weapons spilled out a stop sign, a cement block, a baseball bat and a two by four, Jericho grabs a chair from ringside before sliding into the ring and the two men seem ready to square off. Jericho strikes first swinging the steel chair, Cade ducks out of the way and picks up the bat, the two swing at the same time, their weapons collide and go flying from their hands, Cade curses and shakes his hands, Jericho is quicker to shake off the impact and spears Cade to the canvas))

Eddie: What an impact!

((Jericho follows up with several open handed blows to the face of Cade but Cade manages to shove Jericho off of him and get to his feet, following Jericho he grabs him and Irish whips him into the ropes meeting him with a clothesline that drops him to the mat, helping him up by a handful of hair he tosses him by the neck onto the far side of the ring, Picking up the dented steel chair he moves in for the kill. Cade stands over Jericho's head and swings the steel chair downwards, but Jericho gets his feet up in the air at the last second and the chair bounces back into the face of Cade! Cade drops the chair and grabs his face uttering things that will no doubt be edited out by the censors))

Travis: haha! It looks like Cade made a rookie mistake

Eddie: And what rookie mistake would that be?

Travis: Never hit yourself in the face with a chair!

Eddie: But he didn't hit himself with…

Travis: Take it easy Eddie…these things come with experience…you come to know them when you've been in the business as long as I have

Eddie: You're a strange man…

((Jericho gets to his feet quickly, seeking to capitalize on Cades mistake he picks up the stop sign and brings it down over Cades head, the crowd cheers at the impact, Jericho picks up Cade and then drives him right back down to the mat with a swinging Neck breaker, Jericho quickly scales the turnbuckle and gets into position for a moonsault, he flips off the turnbuckle with grace and ease but Cade gets his knee's up and Jericho lands stomach first in a painful position, he rolls off Cades knee's and clutches at his ribs))

Travis: Too early for high risk maneuvers like that…

Eddie: Agreed…Jericho has to soften Cade up a bit more before attempting something like that

((Cade gets to his feet and shakes his head he glares down at Jericho and stomps him in the ribs a few times before picking him up and hefting him over his head, with a grin he carries him over to the trashcan and drops him ribs first into the can which crumples on impact, Jericho cries out and the crowd cheers))

Travis: Not bad for a rookie…

Eddie: Better then you could do.

((Cade picks up the now dented chair and slams it into Jericho's back once…twice…three times…the crowd cheers with each blow, Cade tosses the chair aside and yanks Jericho to his feet, wrapping his hands around Cades waist he executes a German suplex, immediately rolling Jericho up for the three count))

Travis: One…Two…No Jericho got the shoulder up!

((Cade yanks Jericho up again and throws him into the corner, picking up the stop sign he rushes Jericho with the sign over his head, he swings downwards but Jericho ducks out of the way and the sign bounces harmlessly off the protective covering of the ring post. Jericho spins Cade around boots him in the stomach, as Cade doubles over Jericho clamps his hand around Cades throat and hefts him up in the air, slamming him down with a chokeslam! Having bought himself some time Jericho then sets up the table he brought into the ring earlier, With the chair in position he turns back to Cade, only to find Cade has recovered quicker then he'd thought! Cade has picked up the cement brick! Jericho tries to block but Cade slams the cement brick into his ribs, Jericho folds nearly in two and goes down spitting a mouthful of blood))

Eddie: Oh my GOD! That blow left The soulveyer coughing up blood!

Travis: YES! And it looks like Cade isn't finished yet!

((Cade yanks Jericho up and drags him over to the turnbuckle, sitting on the top he hefts Jericho up and sets him on his shoulders, the crowd roars as Cade stands and executes a vicious powerbomb! Sending Jericho through the table in the center of the ring, Cade rolls over for the pin but it's clear the move took some wind out of him as well))

Eddie: Good Lord! Cade is dominating the match that could be the end for Jericho Dylan!

Travis: One…Two…Thr…No Amazing! Jericho got the shoulder up at the last second! This kids either got heart or is just too stupid to lay down and give up!

((Cade however has no respect for Jericho's valiant attempt to stay in the match, he rolls him up again for the three count))

Eddie: One…Two…no again Jericho gets the shoulder up! There's still some fight in him! Incredible!

Travis: I'm starting to think he's just too stupid…stay down Jericho! Stay down!!

((Cade picks Jericho up and moves to lift him up into a suplex position, But amazingly Jericho hooks his leg against cades blocking the move, Cade tries again only to get the same results…Suddenly Jericho reverses! Hefting cade up in the suplex position he finds the strength to hold him up there letting the blood rush to his head…then he falls backwards bringing Cade down hard on the mat, but as Cade hits the mat his knee strikes the cement block, he cries out grabbing his knee. Jericho Stands up and leans against the ropes trying to clear his head, Cade grimaces on the mat teeth clenched as he grabs his knee, Jericho staggers over and picks up the bat amidst the ruins of the table, raising the bat over his head he brings it down on Cades Knee! Once…twice…three times! Cade cries out and tries to cover up his knee))

Eddie: A little payback for those chair shots to the back…but god that's gotta hurt!

Travis: Thank you Martin! Thank you for signing this match! I'll never doubt you again

Eddie: Brown noser…

((Jericho now on the attack appears to have gotten his second wind, he picks up Cade and jumps back a step, with another quick jump forward he super kicks Cade in the jaw, Cade goes down like a ton of bricks, Jericho grins and makes as if he's going for the pin but he stops when he see's the table set up outside of the ring…a look comes over his face and he grins))

Travis: That grin doesn't look like a happy thing…

Eddie: No not a happy thing at all…

((With effort Jericho yanks Cade up by the hair and drags him over to the turnbuckle, hefting him up he sets him up on the top turnbuckle, turning he runs and bounces off the ropes, building speed he jumps and delivers a stunning drop kick to Cade knocking him off the turnbuckle and crashing through the table below! The crowd begins to chant "HOLY SHIT" as Cade doesn't appear to move and Jericho lays on the mat breathing hard))

Travis: HOLY SHIT!

Eddie: Travis! Think of the children watching

Travis: HOLY SHIT!!!

Eddie: Well you make a good point….

((Finally Cade begins to stir, he gets to his knees, seeing this Jericho slides out of the ring and the two men begin to exchange blows, left and right, their strength on the verge of giving out))

Eddie: These two rookies have given it their all in the name of the HWC what a helluva match!

((Jericho delivers a punch that sends Cade spinning around and landing on the crowd barrier for support…but suddenly a man hops the crowd barrier from the other side, steel chair in hand he rushes up and cracks Jericho over the head! Jericho goes down, Cade turns and tries to ward off the blow with his hands but he too goes down to a steel chair shot, the man grins down at the two, a gold belt around his waist…The Hardcore championship belt to be precise))

Travis: It's Bret Bruiser!

Eddie: Damn him! He took those two rookies out! After all that hard work!

((Bret removes a mic from his back pocket and puts it to his lips))

Brett: Cade Donovan! Jericho Dylan! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!! Stepping into MY RING, and fighting in a match THAT I am the CHAMPION and Physical embodiment of! HARDCORE!

((Bret snarls amidst mixed boo's and cheers))

Brett: You want to play Hardcore do you? Well how's this for Hardcore! MIND GAMES! TRIPLE THREAT MATCH! Hardcore title on the line and ANYTHING GOES! I'll show you who the master of Hardcore REALLY IS!

((Bret throws down the Mic and gazes down at the broken and bloody bodies of Cade Donovan and Jericho Dylan, then with a twisted smile he turns and walks up the ramp, EMT's rush by him to attend to Cade and Jericho))

Travis: You heard it here first folks! Triple Threat Hardcore match at Mind Games! Hardcore title on the line!

Eddie: We need to go to a commercial folks but we'll be right back…No doubt the fans wont forget the bloodshed they've seen tonight for a long time to come!

((Point of Authority by Linkin Park plays as the Mind Games logo fades into veiw. The camera cuts showing different wrestlers in the ring fighting. One Clip shows Amy face to face with Neurosis, another shows Ace and Kidd's victory and questions marks over the heads of the other eight wrestlers with matches to go. As teh song slows to an end and starts to fade the camera shows a clip of the man in shadows on the HWC Tron claiming he has the belt.
HWC Mind Games Live July 28 in Hawaii at the Aloha Stadium...... Nothing is as it seems......))

Standard Match
Kidd Rock VS Mike "The Dragon" Stevens

Autunm Lewis: Ladies and Gentalmen today marks the 27th birth day of Kidd Rock.

Eddie: Happy birth day Kidd.

Travis: He can't hear you, he's not even out here yet.

Eddie: I know that I was just saying...... never mind. You take the fun out of this job.

((She pasues for a moment letting the cheers go up. Autumn smiles before continuing on.))

Autumn: And the HWC is going to celebrate in style. But first... we can't have a birth day party with out the birth day boy. Come on out Kidd.

Eddie: I wonder what she got for Kidd.

Travis: I don't!

Eddie: I'll rember that when your birth day comes.

((Bawitdaba plays over the PA as Kidd Rock comes out from the back looking a bit sirprised and humbled by this. Wave to the crowd he makes his way down to the ring. Before he climbs in he is handed a mic by the ref. His music fades as he shakes hands with her and waits for Autumn to speak.))

Autumn: It's been a long road to where you are now wasn't it Kidd?

((Kidd nods.))

Autumn: You won the first ever HWC Tag Tiltes with Tru Soulja, and not long before the HWC closed you won the HWC World Title. And sadly had to give it up and leave the wrestling world for personal reasons. All you acomplishments have not gone unseen. Today I am proudly to present you with this plack for being a house hold man in wrestler. And! As of this day... your name goes into the...... HWC Hall of Fame.

Eddie: There is no higher honor in my book

Travis: This is out rage!

Eddie: What't the matter upset that your not in the Hall of Fame?

Travis: Well other then that, he's trailer park trash. It's a disrace to the other names already in there. They had class.

Eddie: How can he be trailer park trash if he lives in a nice home, which I might add is better then your apartment.

((Travis crosses his arms and ignore Eddie. Taking the plack his eyes go wide in shock of Autumns words. The crowd breaks into cheers.))

Kidd: Wow, this is truly an honor. Yes it has been a long road...... I mean....... wow people work their hole lives in this busness and never get here. Thank you...... greatly.

Autumn: I have one last thing for you Kidd, I had a perduction team put together a stort video of your rise threw the ranks. Can you play that please?!

Travis: Oh great a vidoe now. When with this insult ever end.

Eddie: When you stop acting bitter!

((The lights dim as the vidoe on the HWC-Tron plays, the mucis in the back ground is the of Kid Rock's Lonely Road of Faith. The video shows Kidd wrestling in indy feds and some home movies of him being a young wrestler. It goes on to show his dabue in the HWC and his win with Tru for the Tag Titles. Clips show Kidd beating Jag for the IC belt, doing a promo for a jail cell and dumpoing nacho cheese on Smackdaddy's head. It then shows Kidd pulling away with the win for the World gold. As the song changes from slow to fast there is a soft roar of excitment growing louder in the crowd. Moving threw the people a spotlight shows the score of it all. Looking to where the spot light is Kidd gasgs as Kid Rock the singer is walking threw the crowd singing Lonely Road of Faith. Kidd truns quickly to look at Autumn as she smiles and nods.))

Eddie: It's The Real Kid Rock!

Travis: Which one!?

Eddie: The one singing.

Travis: There's to many Kid's if you ask me.

Kid Rock: And if the wind blows east, would you follow me. And if the wind blows north, would ya stay your course........

((He reaches the railing and climbs over it not missing a beat. He goes to the ring and climbs upon the turn buckle from the out side and sits there so all can see him. He then points to Kidd Rock the wrestler.))


((Kid continues on as does the video a clip of Kidd standing atop the turnbuckle with the belt in hand holds as the song comes to an end. The clip slowly fades as well. The lights come up as Kid hops down from the turnbuckle and meets with the wrestling Kidd. In the middle of the celebrations out steps Mike "The Dragon" Stevens.))

Eddie: Oh great Mike is here to ruin the party!

Travis: Finally someone who feels the same as i do!

((He stares down at the wrestling Kidd Rock and grins to him self. After waiting for the crows to quiet down from the boos he is reseaving he rises the mic to speak.))

Mike: Sorry to break up this touching moment it being your birth day and all..... but franky...... I COULD GIVE A RATS ASS!!! Tell you what Kidd, I to have a give for you on your birth day. Today will also be the day I force you into retirement! So many remories made today...... ones to haunt you till your grave....... SO LETS GET ON WITH IT!

Eddie: Strong words from Dragon, but can he back them up?

Travis: What kind of question is that?! Of cource he can he's "THE DRAGON!"

((Dropping the mic Dragon takes off into a run for the ring. Autumn and Kid Rock the singer quickly get out of the ring and the line of fire. The take a seat at the annouce table joining Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: Greeting again President Lewis always a pleasure. And Kid Rock it's an honor.

Kid Rock: What up.

Autumn: Thank Eddie, hello Travis.

Travis: Oh hi.

Autumn: What did we talk about Travis?!

Travis: Hello again miss Lewis!

Autumn: Better.

((Dragon sides into the ring and before he can get to his feet he is met with a kick to the back of the head by Kidd. Kidd then grabs Dragons arm pulling him up then whips him to the ropes, Kidd grabs him for a hard scoop slam but Dragon counters with a hurracanrana.))

Eddie: I don't think Dragon is going to be easy beat.

Travis: He's not going to be beat at all.

Kid Rock: Boy Kidd has the mad skills to beat that mad beast Obake if he was still here.

Eddie: You watch HWC?

Kid Rock: When ever I can. Come on Kidd get up!

((With Kidd down Dragon pulls him into a surfboard chinlock. A loud groan of pain can be heard coming from Kidd, the ref gets down and ask if he gives up, Kidd shakes his head. Finally Dragon releases his hold and gets to his feet. He then goes to the turn buckle across from him and removes the padding from it throwing it aside. By now Kidd is getting to his feet slowly. Dragon gives him a good swift kick to the gut before picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder. Dragon the runs for the turnbuckle to throw Kidd into it, but Kidd slips off behind him and kicks Dragon in the back sending him into the unpadded turn buckle.))

Kid Rock: Now see that's what I'm talking about.

Eddie: That had to hurt.

Travis: So why you still out her Autumn

Autumn: If you must know... I'm here to insure things stay fare in MY fed.

((Dragon whince in pain and leans against the ropes for a moment. With his back turned to Kidd, Kidd garbs him delivering a neck breaker. Kidd then jumps up and climbs up the turn buckle and leaps off to devliver an elbow drop but at the last second Dragon rolls out of the way. Kidd lands hard kicking his feet and holding his arm in pain. Dragon makes a cover. 1.. kick out.))

Travis: HA! Dragon was only playing possum.

Eddie: Not good enough to beat Kidd, hurt or not.

((Dragon garbs the hurt arm of Kidd and pull him into an arm lock, Kidd starts to thrash in pain. The ref comes over and breaks it up, Dragon stands and pushing the ref away. Draging Kidd's arm again Dragon puts his foot on Kidd's chest and starts to twist and pull on Kidd's hurt arm. Kidd try as he might is helpless to Dragon till the ref breaks it up again. Dragon starts to argue with the ref giving Kidd a change to get up again.))

Kid Rock: Man Dragon's a punk!

Travis: Not much can be done it is a legal move.

Eddie: I think your beeping Kid.

Kid Rock: Not me.

Autumn: It's me....... I have to go, something came up.

((Autumn gets up suddenly and runs out to back stage. Kidd heads to the ropes using it to perpal him self at at Dragon. Dragon turns just in time to meet a close line from Kidd sending him over the ropes. Kidd slips out as well perusing Dragon. The ref starts to count 1....2....3.....4..... Already to his feet he takes a swing at Kidd but Kidd blocks giving Dragon an elbow to the head in return. Turning Dragon around Kidd slams his head into the mat. Keeping a hold on him Kidd leads him over to the turn buckle and slams his head into it. Dragon is stunned now and at the mercy of Kidd. Not done with him Kidd then slams his head onto the ring steps.))

Eddie: Dragon is going to have one hell of a head ack if he don't have one now.

Travis: He's just playing possum.

Kid Rock: Sure he is.

((The ref continues to count 5.....6.....7.....8... He does it a few more times before throwing Dragon to the ground and sliping back into the ring for a second. Sliding back out causing the count to start over Kidd pulls Dragon to his feet. 1....2.... Kidd give him a few chops to the chest to wake him up a bit. Leaving him standing Kidd picks up the ring steps and tosses them to Dragon. 3.....4......5.... Dragon instinctily catches them, before Dragin knows whats going on Kidd nails a drop kick sending the steel steps into the face of Dragon as he crumbles to the ground.))

Eddie: Still thinking he's playing possum?

((6.....7..... Moving the steps off Dragon, Kidd picks him up and rolls him into the ring following behind him. Draging him to the center of the ring Kidd covers him for a pin..1.....2......Before for the ref can count three he is pulled out by Victor Black who had came threw the crowd and jumped the railing.))

Travis: YES! Black has come to save the day!

Eddie: More like ruin it.

((Making good sure the refs back is to him, Black hits the ref in the back of the head hard enough to daze him a bit. Seeing this Kidd gets up as Black climbs into the ring. Kidd starts yelling at Black to get out or get thrown out. Black says not one word only clocks Kidd in the head with the metal part of his cane.))



Kid Rock: This don't look good for the birth day boy.

((Kidd crumbles to the mat and Black grabs Dragon pulling him over the fallen Kidd. Quickly sliding out of the ring Black grabs the ref and rolls him back him yelling for him to count. Holding his head and seeing Dragon covering Kidd he counts..1.......2........3. Black slides into the ring and helps Dragon up. Once to his feet Black raises his hand in victory and helps him out of the ring. The crowd roars at the cheap win and start to boo angerly. By this time Autumn reappears behind the curtain to greet Victor, having missed what happened she questions why he was out there. Victor tells her nothing and leads Dragon out who is still very much dazed. Autumn follows them both wanting her answers.))

Eddie: I think this was a set up!

Travis: Can't denie results the better man won.

Eddie: God are you as dumb as you are blind!

Travis: What is that suppost to mean?

Kid Rock: Enough of this.....

((Back in the ring Kid Rock the singer climbs him a mic in one hand and Kidd's plack in the other. Putting both down Kid helps the wrestler to his feet. He make sure he is okay before anything else. Kidd nods that he is fine and goes to help the ref. Kid the singer goes over and grabs the plack and mic, going to Kidd he hands him the plack and pats him on the back.))

Kid Rock: We all know who the true winner is in a fair match, so lets give it up for the HWC very own KIDD ROCK!!!!

((The crowd brust into loud cheers chanting his name. Kidd looks over the crowd and rises his plack in the air.))

Kid Rock: Hey Kidd what's you say we kick this off you and me?

Travis: Oh no do we have to listen to more of his bad singing.

Eddie: Can't denie results Travis the fans don't lie!

((Rubbing his head Kidd looks hesident about it, Kid starts chanting "KIDD, KIDD, KIDD" in the mic causing the hole arena to do so as well. Seeing this and the love of his fans Kidd finally agrees with a nod.))

Kid Rock: Alright get this man a mic and HIT HIS MUSIC BEOTCH!


((With the banging of the dums the pyro starts to blast bright with the beat of the music. The singer and the wrestler start jumping around the ring sing to Kidd's theme. The crowd goes wild cheering loudly but as loud as they are it's no where as loud as the music and Kid screaming. On the Tron videos play of Kidd going different moves and what not. Half way threw the song Kidd slaps hands with Kid and head out of the ring and up the ramp with Kid still singing. Kidd stops to slap hands with his fans. Once reaching the top Kidd raise his hands in one last pop as Kid jumps out of the ring running up to him for a big finish. Both men raise their hands as the song ends. Still the cheering doesn't stop as both dissappear behind the curtin.))

Eddie: Well Kidd may have lost but he walks away the better man.

Travis: Enough of this already!!

Eddie: Fine! Lets go to some commercials.

((Camera cuts and a purple bio hazard simbol pops up. In the back ground sirens can be heard going off. Then suddenly the word WAR slams above the simbol like it hit metal. Then the word ZONE does the same under it. In white the words COMING SOON fade in and slowly sink back into the logo fading out.))

((The lights dim low and the crowd begins to cheer in anticipation, suddenly stoopid ass begins to play over the PA system and they begin to boo as Martin Smalls steps out from behind the curtain and makes his way down the ramp, in one hand is a mic, and in the other are a bunch of papers, he slides through the ropes and stands in the middle of the ring))

Smalls: Cut my music!

((With the music now gone the crowd breaks into chants of "ASSHOLE" and the boo's intensify, Martin merely smiles and takes a bow as if he's accepting a major award, then raising the Mic to his lips he begins to speak))

Smalls: Ahhh My adoring Public

((He's cut off by another ASSHOLE chant))

Smalls: Yes yes go on i'll wait until you get it out of your systems

((He waits a full 30 seconds while the crowd chants and calls him names before speaking again))

Smalls: Alright enough of that rabble...I've come out here because i've got some business to discuss...about my newest piece of property...THE TIGER!

((The crowd begins to boo again))

Smalls: So without further ado...Tiger get your ass down here....NOW!

((No sign of The Force known as The Tiger is shown coming to his call. The crowd boo's and laughs mockingly at Smalls for his seeming lack of control over the Tiger, Martin merely smiles and holds up the papers in his hand))

Smalls: I thought you might get it your peabrained head to be stubborn Tiger...thats why i cam in with a backup plan, you see what i hold in my hand here is none other then your contract and the papers President Lewis signed to get you out of the asylum!

((He fishes around in his pocket for a moment and comes up with a lighter))

Smalls: Now! Here in my hand i hold a know what a lighter is don't you Tiger? Yessss it makes fire! Now i'm going to ask you one more time...GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE! or else your career will go up in smoke! quite literally!

((Tear Away by Drowning Pool plays as Tiger comes out rather quickly looking beyond pissed she stops at the top of the ramp and looks down at him. Her cloak still covering her but not the hood this time. She breaks into a run gunning for Smalls for a chance at pay back for everything. The crowd cheers as Tiger charges...but as she does a man hops the crowd barrier and delivers a vicious punch to her gut doubling her over, he's at least 6 foot 2 with a tan and hair made into many tight braids, he hefts the stunned Tiger over his shoulder and carries her into the ring, dumping her unceramoniuosly at Smalls feet. Tiger lays there for a moment trying to get the air back into her lungs. Looking up she sees Smalls standing over her. Tiger tries to roll to her feet to get up and attack, not more pissed then before. At Martins command the man Picks Tiger up, his grip is viselike pinning her arms behind her back and holding her there...struggle as she may she cannot break his grip, the crowd is now in a frothing frenzy at the shabby treatment of The Tiger, some boo smalls, some chant the Tigers name))

Smalls: Tiger meet my cousin Draven new bodyguard! you see after my legit win over you last week i've been the the recipient of a great deal of anger, so i decided to call my cousin out of retirement to help watch my back, when he hard about a chance to bust some more heads well he happily came back...Now we just need one more person out here to make things complete...PAYNE! C'moooon down!

((Tiger struggles so close to Smalls but unable to get free. Droping ehr head for a moment she hears her name chanted. Looking up she looks over the crowd and grins. Nodding her head she looks to Smalls as if to tell him yar in trouble, all the while ignore Payne. In her eyes he is nothing more then an erron boy. Payne comes down the ramp with something in his hands, he slides through the ropes and holds it up in the air the crowd roars angrily as they see it's a dog collar. Starting to panic Tiger does want ever she can to get free. In a fit of rage kicks Draven in the shin as hard as she can with her boots while turning to the right trying to slip free. Draven holds her tightly not even flinching at her blow, if possible his grip tightens))

Smalls: I see you figured out what i have in mind for you...Now i was going to bring a hot poker down here and brand in the middle of the ring...but the Censors would frown on that and most likely close the HWC down...So i decided on another idea..if you want to run around here acting like a big fangy and grrrr an ANIMAL! then i'll treat you like an animal! Payne if you would be so kind as to collar our animal?

((Struggling more Tiger kicks Payne in the nuts and spits in Smalls face. She looks him in the eyes and grins hearing againt the chant of her name louder then before. The crowd cheers supporting her, Payne growls and backhands her fighting the pain of the low blow, Martin curses as he wipes the spit from his face, though Tigers strugge is valient Payne manages to get the collar around her's tight enough so trying to yank it off would only choke her and the small but durable padlock means she wont be getting it off any time soon, Payne and Martin back off out Tigers range, Martin grins))

Smalls: Well now how do ya like that? Maybe we can get a lil bell to put on it so we can hear the kitty coming! HA!

((He and Payne share a chuckle over that one))

Smalls: Well Tiger you got anything to say for yourself? Speak up now!

((He holds the mic out to her mocking her. Tiger looks at the mic then looks up at Smalls. Her eyes look hard that being the the biggest insult layed on her. For a moment she stops struggling only staring him down. In the blurr of ehr mind she plots the pain she will bring down on him.))

Smalls: I didn't think so! Now Draven will you Kindly dispose of our Animal? I do believe she's all ready to go

((Martin and Payne exit the ring, Draven hefts Tiger in the air and tosses her over the ropes opposite of the ring, she hits the ground and bounces off the announce table, Draven Martin and Payne walk back up the ramp to a chorus of Boo's, they stand atop the ramp and watch her struggle to he feet before disapearing behind the curtain. Shaking her head abit and getting to her feet Tiger looks over at Travis, suddenly a flood of memories of all the ill things he has said about her floods her filling her rage. Without warning she starting beating to Travis half pulling him over the table before being grabs by security. Tiger manged to bloody Tarvis' a bit still struggling to get free to finish the job as she dragged out of the arena.))

Eddie: That's what you get for saying all those mean things to her.

Travis: I didn't say a dam word, just give me something to wipe my nose with!

Eddie: Use your sleeve! Next up is the 3rd four way match up for the World Title


4-Way in World Title Tournament
Toryn VS max Imun VS Viper VS Brett "The Diamond" Bruiser"

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 510 Lbs. Maxx Imum and Viper…The OutlawZ!!!

((A bunch of red, green, blue, and white pyros go off on the entrance top. The crowd of course goes wild as Viper, Maxx, Steady Fender, and Tanya enter the stage area. Tanya raises her hands while Viper lifts his knee and starts to pump his arm. Meanwhile Steady Fender walks behind Maxx with his brief all the while Maxx lifts his knee and crosses his arms and then moves his arms out while moving his one leg into spread eagle. Finally they walk down the ramp giving some high fives and Viper looks down some woman's shirt. Viper and Maxx slide in the ring while the two managers stay at ringside and Tanya applauds. Maxx and Viper than raise the arms up on top of the turnbuckles.))

Travis: What kind of crap is that?? They are opponents tonight! They don't enter the ring as a team!! They are supposed to hate each other!!

Eddie: The two of those men are great friends; they probably came to the ring together to show that after the match they will still be friends.

Travis: It's wrong!

Ring Announcer: Coming to the ring next, standing tall at 6'9" and weighing in at 290 Lbs. Brett "The Diam…The Wild…" making his way to the ring…BRETT BRUISER!!!

((The lights flash red and "Circles" by Incubus begins to play. As the crowd goes crazy Brett Bruiser walks out of the back and towards the ring. When he reaches the ring he stands in the middle looking over the crowd and then flex's sending pyro from the back apron of the ring. Maxx, Viper and Brett get in a stare down as they wait for the 4th competitor in the match. Brett lifts his fist to nail Maxx in the face but is cut off by the sound of "While the City Sleeps." She sprints down the ramp and wastes no time getting into the ring. Before the ref rings the bell, he calls for a microphone.))

Ref: Because both Maxx and Viper came to the ring at the same time, in the interest of fairness, I am only allowing one manager for the both of them to be at ringside. Who will be staying fellas?

((Maxx and Viper call Steady Fender and Tanya on to the ring apron. The 4 of them huddle together and converse. After a decision is reached, Maxx and Viper walk to the ref, and tell him their decision.))

Ref: I have just been informed that neither Steady Fender nor Tanya will be at ringside. Both Maxx and Viper have decided that a neutral party will be at ringside. Ladies and gentlemen, will you please welcome The Ace Of Spades to ringside!

((The Ace of Spades by Motorhead hits the arena, and Ace appears from behind the curtain. He walks down to the ring at a fast pace, and passes Steady and Tanya as they head backstage. Ace walks up to the ring and yells "I'm gonna do some commentary." Ace then heads over to see Eddie and Travis at the commentators booth. The ref rings the bell.))

Eddie: What a surprise! Thanks for joining us Ace, you're very familiar with 22 of these men, so your input will definitely add to this match.

Travis: ~cough~ suck-up ~cough~

Ace: Thanks Eddie, but I'm more of a color-commentary guy myself. Travis is never being colorful, and I wanted to insure that my friends had good commentary.

Eddie: ~Chuckle~ Just look at the action in the ring, Maxx and Viper are double-teaming Toryn.

((In the center Maxx is holding Toryn's arm behind her back and Viper is punching her in the face and stomach. Brett, noticing the 2 are occupied tries to take advantage of the situation and attempts to hit a running big boot on Viper. Maxx warns Viper at the last second, and both OutlawZ jump out of the way. Brett connects with Toryn, and the force of the kick sends her out of the ring. Maxx and Viper begin to double-team Brett and the ref tries to break it up. Toryn climbs back into the ring and leaps on to the top turnbuckle. She throws herself into the air aiming towards Brett Bruiser. Brett catches her and drives her back hard into the mat with a powerslam. Viper runs to Toryn's lower body and locks on the Viper Pit. Maxx runs to Toryn and stops her back. Brett thrust kicks Maxx away from Toryn, and drops a big elbow on her. Viper lets the hold go.))

Ace: Toryn is really getting her ass handed to her, are all the matches like this when you watch from ringside?

Travis: Unfortunately yes.

Ace: Eddie, how do you put up with him?

Eddie: I get paid more.

Travis: Really? I'm bringing that up at the next board meeting.

Ace: You get invited to staff meetings? I didn't think anybody liked you. But enough about you, my 2 boys are kickin' arse and takin' names! And Brett is doing pretty good himself. The powerslam he just gave Toryn actually made me flinch.

((The beating on Toryn continues as Brett stands her up. A kick to the stomach makes her double over, and Brett sets her up for the Bruiser Bomb. Once he hoists her over his head, Brett walks to the ring ropes…THUD!! The fans chant Holy-Shit))

Eddie: Dear God!!

Travis: Oh My God!

Ace: I agree with the fans! HOLY SHIT!! Fans at home, that thud you just heard was the sound of the back of Toryn's head and neck bouncing off the floor.

((The EMTs rush down to the ringside area and put Toryn on a stretcher. While keeping her neck braced and in place, they rush her out of the arena. Back in the ring, Brett is handing out haymakers to both OutlawZ. Maxx ducks a punch and springs himself off the ropes; Brett also runs and springs himself off the ropes. The 2 men dive and both go for spears. They bump heads with great impact and each man falls to the floor. Viper takes advantage of the situation and covers Brett. The ref counts but Brett is up after one. All of the men are standing once again and they lock arms in a 3-Man Lock-Up position. Maxx gets the greatest leverage and monkey tosses both Viper and Brett.))

Ace: Nice move by Maxx Imum. But I honestly can't concentrate on the match after hearing that thud. I wouldn't be surprised if she never enters a wrestling ring again.

Eddie: I think I even heard a snap. But as sad as this is, we have to focus on the match, right Travis?

Travis: Yes, yes we do…even if the match is appalling.

Ace: Ya know my friends are in this match; I may be forced to hit you.

((Before Travis can respond he is cut off by a hard clothesline, delivered to Brett by Viper. Maxx walks over to Brett and picks him up. He kicks him in the gut and hoists him in the air. Viper climbs up a turnbuckle and faces Brett.))

Ace: I've seen this before. Creeps Diablos. One helluva double-team finisher!!

Travis: It looks stupid.

Ace: Put down the mirror, stop talking about yourself, and watch the damn match!

Eddie: I think Brett may be out of this match in a few seconds!

((Before Maxx can pull off a Maxx Bomb, Brett counters and lands on his chest. Viper noticing Brett's counter jumps off the turnbuckle and dropkicks Brett. Brett hits the mat. Maxx rises to his feet and sees Brett on the floor. Maxx climbs a turnbuckle and quickly lunges his body at Brett's still body. Brett sees what is happening and pulls Viper's foot, aligning him with the flying Maxx. Maxx hits Viper accidentally and Viper flies out of the ring. Maxx is shocked and is staring at the fallen Viper. Brett rises to his feet and rolls up Maxx. 1------2-------Viper slides in the ring and breaks up the count!))

Eddie: Good save by Viper!!

Ace: Ya gotta believe that Viper did that for himself and Maxx, but either way, I'm sure Maxx is very thankful.

Travis: You aren't even letting me speak at all Ace!!

Ace: Now you're getting the point!

((Brett is facing Viper and Viper goes for a clothesline. Brett ducks and delivers a neckbreaker to Viper. Brett quickly bounces to his feet and springs off the ropes. He jumps in the air and delivers The Diamond's Edge. Viper rolls out of the ring and Brett turns his attention to Maxx. Maxx is already waiting for Brett. Maxx punches Brett in the stomach and puts his head between his legs.))

Ace: MAXX BOMB!!!!!

Eddie: This could be the end of the match!!!

Travis: Well the ref just counted to 10, Viper is officially out of this match!

((Maxx lifts Brett up and drives him down hard with a vicious Maxx Bomb. The ref is down to make the count 1----2----------3!!))

Ace: Maxx is going to Mind Games!!

Travis: Well guess what Ace, so are you! So it's going to be Outlaw vs Outlaw one more time!

((While Viper is still on the ground outside of the ring Brett Bruiser rolls out of the ring holding his head. He begins to walk backstage, and Maxx looks at the commentator's booth. He calls Ace into the ring, and tells him to bring a mic.))

Travis: I think Maxx Imum is going to kick your ass right here.

Ace: I'd like to see him try, but he isn't going to bother. We're friends.

Eddie: Travis might be right, we may be getting a taste of the PPV early on.

((Ace grabs a mic from in front of Travis Best and wastes no time in entering the ring. Maxx grabs the mic from Ace's hand in a rude manner.))

Maxx: Hey Ace, come Mind Games I will deal the bad hand, I am going to deal it to you first!

((Ace grabs the mic from Maxx in the same rude manner))

Ace: You can try, but I assure you, I will be at my max!!

((The two men get in a nose to nose stare down and look ready to fight. Before a fight can break out Viper reenters the ring. He sees the 2 men staring and joins in, with a fierce look))

Travis: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight you have witnessed the breaking up of the OutlawZ.

Eddie: I see hate in all 3 of their eyes!

((As soon as it looks like Maxx and Ace are going to begin to fight Viper raises both of their hands in the air. Ace and Maxx hi-five each other and the A-Team theme begins to play. The 3 men leave the ring and go backstage. They slap hands with some of the fans as they leave.))

Eddie: They didn't break up!! They are still a unit! And a strong one at that.

Travis: I wanted them to break up!! While I sulk, let's cut to a commercial!!

((A new bank comes into view, of a man in a suit standing in the ring with a brefcase. SmackDaddy then climbs into the ring with the banker cracking his knuckles.

Announcer: Smack hate's all the fees he has to deal when dealing with banks.

Banker: Mommy...

The banker starts running around the ring trying to get away from Smack and Smack grabs him and delievers a suplex and a few submission moves.

Announcer: Dicks Private banking: Dick wants to save you money, bring your business to Dick!))

4-Way in World Title Tournament
Tiger VS Payne VS Chaotica VS Enforcer

Eddie: And here we go, folks! Fatal 4-way! Tiger! Chaotica! Payne and Enforcer!

Travis: Yeah, Tiger's a looney, Chaotica's a nice piece of

((Travis is silenced by a nasty little shot from Danniel's clipboard. Danniels glares at him))

Eddie: I've had enough outta you. One word and I'll get Tiger to shut up up. Clear?!

((Best barely nods as suddenly the HWC-Tron kicks up. It shows the backstage area, particularly Enforcer's locker room. Enforcer is laid out cold, a pane of glass shattered around his head. Chaotica is laying on top of him, out cold as well. Suddenly the camera tilts up and the menacing face of Payne is shown. He points to the ring area. The arena cameras pan over the ring area. Tiger is already seen standing in the middle of the ring, dropped into a feral pose. It's evident she wants blood. Payne speaks from the backstage, the mics picking it up))

Payne: Turn around, little one..

Eddie: DON'T DO IT TIGER!!!!!

((Tiger turns around and catches a kendo stick shot to the face from Martin Smalls, who had been hiding by Danniels and Best the entire time. Tiger drops like a sack of rocks. Smalls crows in pleasure and smacks her over and over again in the head and chest area. Every attempt by the ref to get in and stop this or call for the bell is met by a home run swing attempt by Smalls. Payne then calmly walks out to the ring, taking his sweet ass time to get in. Once in, Smalls tosses the stick to Payne, who proceeds to smack Tiger across the back. Everyone is stunned, and booing like mad. Smalls stands near Tiger, crowing to the crowd in sadistic pleasure as Payne steps on Tiger's chest and motions for the ref to pin. The clearly cowed and scared Ref counts..1..2.TIGER GETS HER SHOULDER UP!))


((Payne is shocked, as is Smalls. Suddenly Tiger stirs enough...double low blow to Smalls and Payne, who drop almost simultaneously. Tiger staggers to her feet, grabbing the kendo stick from Payne. She raises her arm up and the crowd reacts with a thunderous cheer. Tiger proceeds to do her best rendition of the Ball Bat Boogie all over Smalls and Payne, cranking them all over their bodies. Smalls rolls away, clearly trying to run. He manages to roll outside of the ring. Tiger drops the kendo stick and hauls Payne up. Payne stands there, grabbing his ribs. Tiger motions to the crowd then lets off..Jab. The crowd chants...CLICK!..second jab..CLICK...a final full force right hand to Payne's nose..BOOM! Payne drops to the floor. Tiger, now in full berzerker mindset follows him to the floor, locking in THE CRIPPLER!!!))


((The ref sees the move applied and comes over, checking Payne. After about 10 seconds of Payne screaming, he taps to the move. The ref motions for the bell and 'Tear Away' kicks over the PA to a thunderous ovation by the crowd! Tiger lets go of a wasted Payne and stands, throwing her arms up!))

Eddie: Tiger has won the match! Against all odds, she beat them!!

((Travis groans and shakes his head....))

Travis: I can't believe it.

Eddie: Tiger goes on to face Kidd, Ace, and Maxx at Mind Games.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))