Saturday Night Slaughter
Albuquerque, New Mexico at The Pit

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play, a semi is shown smashing into Bad News' SUV then Jarred in a match with Travis being hit with by pies. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing BloodDragon dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Sarafan standing in the ring with Smalls hitting Tiger with a chair. Then onto Celtic Hyena hitting a big boot to the face of B.D. then Jericho beating Kenshi with a Singapore Cane. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to BloodLust Slayerz beating on Die Zerstörer and throwing them in a dumster to The Tiger coming out and laying out Autumn Lewis with a chair Amy. It ends showing profiles of Creeper, Lucien, Panthro, and Jericho. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

Eddie: Weclome to Saturday Night Slaughter, we are live from The Pit in Albuquerque, New Mexico!!!

Travis: It's to hot here, why couldn't we be some place cooler like Miami?

Eddie: Cause you don't book the arenas.

Travis: That might change soon enough. I'm still running for Commissioner here in the HWC. And when I win...

Eddie: If you win.

Travis: When I win I promise the HWC will only do shows where the pretty people are.

Eddie: Then I guess you won't be coming.

Travis: Very funny Eddie, you wouldn't be coming either!

Eddie: You wanna be a good Commissioner, then find out who stole my wallet today.

Travis: That's Jarred's job not mine!

Standard Match
Nex vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: Well, now we have a match between Jarred Dylan, one half of the HWC tag champions, and the brother of the HWC World champion, and a newcomer named NeX.

Travis: You know, I had to put money on Jarred. I know what Jarred can do. This NeX guy doesn’t seem like much of really anything.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Allentown, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 252 lbs. . . . NEX!!!!!!!

((Lights go out as his music plays. A few seconds of darkness end as NeX appears on the entrance ramp. As he walks down to the ring he taunts the crowd. He finally enters the ring under the bottom rope. He gets on the top turnbuckle and taunts the crowd some more. Than he drops from the top rope and sits in the corner waiting on his opponent.))

Eddie: This rookie looks ready, although he’s got quite a feat ahead of him. Jarred Dylan is not a pushover.

Travis: Jarred Dylan is one of the toughest men I’ve ever fought, in the ring.

Eddie: You haven’t fought anyone besides Jarred, in the ring.

Travis: Exactly.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by Eric Taylor, he is one half of the HWC Tag Team champions. . . . JARRED DYLAN!!!

((As the lights dim, a rolling fog cascades over the ramp, obscuring the entrance from view. Hovering lights can be seen, made ever eerie by the haunting music provided by Queensryche. When Geoff Tate's voice first screams "one more time around", the fog lifts to reveal Jarred Dylan and his young companion, Eric Taylor. They make their way to the ring, Eric trying not to show his awe at being this side of the ring barrier. NeX attacks as soon as Jarred slides into the ring, slinging Jarred off of the ropes, going for a back elbow as Jarred rebounds. Jarred ducks under, rebounds off the opposite ropes, and hits a chopping forearm, taking NeX down for a moment, the rookie getting to his feet quickly. Jarred moves to the apron, standing on the very edge. As NeX gets up fully, Jarred vaults over the top rope, hitting a roundhouse kick to NeX’s face, dropping him again.))

Eddie: Jarred’s showing the rookie what makes him one half of the champions.

Travis: I knew I was smart in betting on Jarred.

Eddie: That may have been the first real smart bet in your career.

((Jarred picks up NeX, hitting a powerbomb, and going for a pin. 1. . 2. . thr- NeX gets the shoulder up before the three, but only barely. Jarred wastes no time, picking NeX up, hitting a European Uppercut, followed by a kick to the midsection, and a right hand, spinning NeX. The rookie comes back, kicking Jarred in the midsection himself, and hitting a jumping DDT.))

Eddie: NeX has finally gotten in a shred of offense.

Travis: The rookie needs to keep on Jarred, though, if he wants to beat him.

((NeX drops an elbow, then a leg, then hooking the leg. 1. . kickout with ease by Jarred.))

Eddie: It’ll take more than that to beat Jarred.

Travis: Hold on.

Eddie: What are you doing?

Travis: I’m increasing my bet!

Eddie: Put the phone down!

((Jarred gets to his feet, kicking NeX in the stomach, then hitting a suplex. Jarred stands, grabbing NeX, picking him up, and hitting a huge brainbuster. Jarred steps back momentarily, an odd smile crossing his face. Jarred drops back, to lay on the mat. NeX slowly creeps over, toward the fallen Jarred.))

Eddie: What is he doing?!


Eddie: This is crazy!

((NeX drapes over Jarred. 1. . 2. . . NeX is thrown backward, to sprawl out, over the top rope, falling over, onto the ground. Jarred moves to the turnbuckle furthest from NeX, jumping from it.))


Travis: Really long arm.

Eddie: That was incredible! Jarred just hit a move from a seemingly impossible distance! What kind of leg strength does Jarred have, now?!

((Jarred tosses NeX into the ring, hauling him to a standing position, and returning to the top turnbuckle, before hitting a spear from the top rope.))

Eddie: HEARTLAND SHIELD!!!! This is it! It’s over!

Travis: YES! Thank you, Jarred!

((Jarred hooks the leg. 1. . . .2. . . 3!!!!))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, as a result of a pinfall, Jarred Dylan!!!!!

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and BloodDragon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

Women's Title Match
Vivian vs The Tiger vs Sarafan

Eddie: And now, Travis, a match you've been waiting for.

Travis: Do I get to see women?

Eddie: And how! This is a triple threat match for the Women's Title. Vivian, Sarafan and The Tiger.

Travis: I'm in heaven!

Eddie: No surprise there. Let's get to it, shall we?

Jean Fortello: The following triple threat contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the HWC Women's Title! Introducing first, from Okinawa, Japan, being accompanied by Johnny Cho... SARAFAN!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, then kneels in the far corner to await her opponent.))

Eddie: Now, bearing in mind that Sarafan is wearing trousers like the majority of the male wrestlers, how in the world could you see her panties?!?

Travis: Spoilsport!

Eddie: Answer the question, Travis! How could you see her panties?

Travis: I don't know... Maybe The Creeper had something to do with it!

Eddie: He might have, at that. That monster we saw at the Pay Per View was The Creeper's brother Rayj. I don't know what to make of what happened, do you?

Travis: No.

Jean Fortello: Her opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri... THE TIGER!

((King of My World plays followed by an explosion of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters through the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start.))

Eddie: Tiger and Sarafan have been at war with each other, as it were, because Sarafan lives in St. Louis.

Travis: And that's Tiger territory.

Eddie: Exactly. And this Tiger takes what she sees as intrusions very seriously.

Travis: How'd she hook up with someone like Daemon DeLioncourt anyway?

Eddie: I'd watch my mouth if I were you... Daemon's brother is still in the arena.

Travis: Yeah? Who's his brother?

Eddie: Travis, you really are an idiot. Daemon is the youngest of four... And two of his brothers are the HWC Tag Team Champions!

Travis: You have got to be kidding me! Jarred and Jericho Dylan?!?

Eddie: Yes! Their family name is DeLioncourt!

Travis: Eep.

Jean Fortello: And their opponent... From the Creeper's compound... VIVIAN!

Travis: Woo-hoo!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly. Once all three women are in the ring, the bell sounds. Sarafan and Vivian look at each other and nod, then Sarafan charges Tiger, taking her down with a vicious spear. But true to her nature, Tiger lands a cheap shot, poking Sarafan in the eye and sending her reeling backward. Vivian throws herself into the fray, hitting Tiger with a running clothesline. At ringside, Johnny shouts instructions to Sarafan, who still can't see clearly. The eye Tiger poked is red and slightly puffy.))

Eddie: It looks like Tiger's found a way to keep Sarafan out of this, Travis. Look at her eye!

Travis: Oh no! I'd better go see if she's okay!

Eddie: I wouldn't. Johnny over there is her fiance, and I don't think he'd take too kindly to your interference.

((Travis sits and pouts until he sees Tiger clothesline Vivian. Vivian goes down hard, one arm hooking over the rope to lessen the impact.))

Travis: Woo-hoo! I saw panty!

Eddie: Hands on the table, or I will staple them to your ass!

Travis: Spoilsport!

((Travis's hands are on the table as Tiger and Vivian exchange blows. Sarafan, meanwhile, is now on the outside, an EMT looking at her eye. He gently pries the lid open and does a brief examination. He's about to tell the referee Sarafan is unable to continue due to an injury to her cornea when Tiger hauls her back into the ring by her braid. Vivian reaches under the rope and pushes up on Sarafan's feet, helping her get a foothold. Once her foothold is secured, Sarafan fires off a right hand that knocks Tiger backward. Even with an eye injury, she still has one eye to see with. Vivian holds the ropes so Sarafan can get back in, an unusual strategy for a triple threat match.))

Eddie: I don't get this at all. Why is Vivian helping Sarafan?

Travis: Who cares? I saw more panty!

Eddie: Travis... What did I say about your hands?

Travis: They're on the table.

Eddie: Good boy.

((Once Sarafan's in the ring, Vivian checks her eye, then turns her attention back to Tiger. Tiger charges them both, but they duck and she lands on the outside. Tiger picks herself up and rolls back into the ring. Sarafan is still trying to get her eye open... Tiger takes relentless advantage, ducking out to hit her, then hiding behind Vivian.))

Eddie: The old "I didn't do it!" ploy being used here by The Tiger... She's trying to incite these two women to fight.

Travis: Um, Eddie?

Eddie: What is it, Travis?

Travis: Look at Sarafan's eye. It's swollen shut!

Eddie: Good God... How can she compete with only one eye?

Travis: That's a good question.

((Good question indeed, Eddie... But it's really quite simple. Johnny's shouting instructions in Japanese, a language neither of the other women can understand. Sarafan ducks one of Vivian's clotheslines and hits Tiger with a punch to the throat.))


Travis: That means this match is almost over!

((In more ways than one, Travis... Vivian sees what Sarafan's doing and shoves Tiger over toward her. Sarafan, following Johnny's shouted instructions, hits Tiger with Total Enlightenment. Then she drops to her knees, one hand over her injured eye. Vivian looks between the two, the lure of gold fighting with concern for a woman of honor. The lure of gold wins out, at least for now, and Vivian goes for the pin. 1... 2... Tiger barely manages to kick out. Vivian goes to check on Sarafan, kneeling and whispering to her. Tiger gets to her feet, rubbing her neck and glaring at Sarafan. She charges, only to get Vivian's foot in her face. Between Vivian's whispering and Johnny's instruction, Sarafan gets to her feet, very disoriented because of her eye. Tiger catches Sarafan by the braid again and yanks her down to the mat. She then goes for a cover. 1... 2... NO!))

Eddie: Vivian pulled her off!

Travis: What the hell is going on here?

((What's going on is something you could never understand, Travis. Even the most enlightened human being couldn't understand this. Vivian hesitates, then makes a decision that could come back to haunt her... She nudges Sarafan out of the ring and turns to face Tiger alone. Tiger grins maniacally and charges. Vivian simply ducks and Tiger goes flying out of the ring. She hits the cement hard and rolls around, holding her ribs. Vivian goes out and retrieves her, throwing her into the ring. A glance over at Sarafan, and she gets back in. Johnny is kneeling beside Sarafan, asking questions in rapid-fire Japanese. Each response comes a little slower than the last...))

Eddie: This doesn't look good, Travis... Sarafan seems to be suffering from more than an injured eye.

Travis: Damn Tiger for poking her in the eye anyway!

Eddie: Amen, Travis. A-freakin-men!

((Tiger regains her composure and goes for the Click Click Boom, only to be met with a thunderous clothesline. Tiger flips around in a complete circle, landing on her back. Vivian turns and heads for the ropes, making her way to the top rope.))

Eddie: What is Vivian doing?

Travis: I don't know, Eddie... But someone better alert Air Traffic Control!

((Vivian stands on the top rope, in a Jericho Dylan-esque pose, then pulls out a picture perfect Swanton Bomb. She swings herself around and goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3! The bell sounds, ending the match. The referee holds up Vivian's hand in victory.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner and NEW HWC Women's Champion... VIVIAN!

((Brooks and Dunn's "Only in America" rips across the PA system, setting off a huge cheer from the crowd. Autumn Lewis comes down the ramp, Women's Title held in her hands. She gets into the ring and stands in front of Vivian. Someone hands her a microphone.))

Autumn: Vivian, I believe this is yours? Autumn: Congratulations, Vivian. You earned it.

Vivian: Thank you, Ms. Lewis.

((Autumn smiles and leaves the ring, finally seeing Sarafan with her hands over her face. She frowns and looks at Johnny. Johnny points to Tiger and makes a poking motion, then gestures to Sarafan's eye. The look on Autumn's face is thunderous. But before she can summon the EMT's, Rayj once again comes and takes her into his arms. Vivian leaves the ring and the four of them walk away, leaving Tiger laid out in the ring.))

Eddie: I have a feeling Ms. Lewis isn't going to take it easy on Tiger for this one...

Travis: Ditto. I just hope Sarafan's going to be all right.

Eddie: Me too, Travis, me too.

((Camera opens up on a prision guard sitting at his desk with his feet up. As he relaxes he bites into a Snickers candy bar. The camera starts to pan back as the sound of yelling and a siren goes off. As the camera pans back a prison riot can bee seen breaking out. Things are thrown and fights start, all the while the guard doesn't seem to notice it one bite. The camera comes to a stop seeing the cause of the fight as The Tiger and Harley Quinn are seen going blow for blow.)

Announcer: Lazyness.... another side effect of hunger. Try Snickers to get you threw that long day.))

((Camera cuts backstage inside Autumn Lewis' office, Autumn sits behind her desk looking enraged while a worn out and hurting Tiger stands before her. Tiger goes to sit as Autumn's eyes drill into her.))

Autumn: I didn't say you could sit Tiger!

The Tiger: I don't care.

Autumn: Well you better start! I can take your attitude, I can take you pointless little war with Darknside, I can even take the fact you hit me with a chair. But when you go around and perpously start hurting my wrestlers we have a problem! I won't stand for it nor take it Tiger.

The Tiger: To Bad! Talk all ya want, ya can't touch me.

Autumn: Is that so?! I could have you saspended.

The Tiger: Try it... come on.... Just as I thought. (stands and gets in Autumn's face) Ya won't do it cause ya need me. Ya need me cause I and I only draw the people in..... Hated or not. So ya can saspend me like ya threatened loss countless money in ticket sales, or ya can sit down ans shut up. I'm the only one that matter's here in the HWC, this fed would be nothing with out me. Ya got nobodies for talent. That's why the fed went down hill while I was in jail. Oh I may have been forgoten, but there was no one quit like me to interest the fans. Like I said this is MY fed! I put it on the map, and as for ya? Well it's just a matter of time before ya go away like Danny Lashley did.

((Autumn turns red with anger as Tiger smirks turning heading for the door and walks out.))

Eddie: How dare Tiger talk to Autumn like that! Tiger would be nothing with out this fed!

Travis: Calm down Eddie, Tiger has a point.

Eddie: I can't believe your talking her side, you two faced...!!!

Travis: Watch your mouth!

Eddie: I need a moment to compose my self...

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

Stand Man Standing
Lucien Merriuci vs B.D.

Eddie: Well, right now, we have a match between Lucien Meriucci and B.D.

Travis: I don’t envy Lucien. He’s got to fight the most clinically insane person/demon in the whole HWC.

Eddie: He does have Celtic Hyena in his corner, however.

Travis: So?! B.D.’s out of his mind!

Jean Fortello: The following match is a Last Man Standing match. Introducing first, from Prague, in the Czech Republic, weighing in at 275 lbs. . . . LUCIEN MERIUCCI!!!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim, Celtic Hyena one step behind him. Suddenly, from behind both men, B.D. rushes from the entranceway, smashing Celtic with a forearm, sending Celtic stumbling toward the edge of the stage, teetering on the edge. B.D. chopblocks Celtic from behind, sending him to his knees, the knees over the edge, sending Celtic crashing to the ground below. B.D. stands, Lucien looking at him. The bell rings, B.D. rushing forward, kicking Lucien in the midsection, and hitting a DDT onto the steel of the ramp.))

Eddie: This is insane! Lucien didn’t even get a chance to get to the ring!

Travis: This is a Last Man Standing match. B.D. and Lucien are two crazy people. I mean, Lucien believes in a ‘god’.

Eddie: I’m going to move over here, to avoid getting hit by the lightning, when it strikes you.

((Lucien gets to his feet, charging forward, hitting a clothesline from Hell, dropping B.D. to the rampway. Lucien drops a fist, B.D. moving, and coming up with a kick to Lucien’s face, sending him reeling backward, down the ramp. B.D. grabs Lucien, hitting a suplex, but holding on, floating over, and hitting a second suplex, then, again, lifting Lucien into the air, for another suplex, only, this time, holding him there. After a few moments, B.D. drops Lucien, in a Brainbuster.))

Eddie: B.D. is a skilled athlete, although he is insane.

Travis: What’re you, B.D.’s cheer section, now?!

Eddie: Just stating the facts.

Travis: Lucien’s finally getting some recognition. It’s about damn time, too.

((Lucien stays down for a moment, B.D. picking him up, to his feet, Lucien hitting a low blow, doubling him over, then hitting a right hand, moving B.D. back, toward the edge of the stage, B.D. having enough presence of mind to avoid the edge of the ramp. Lucien fires off a second right, B.D. moving back further, nearing the edge of the stage. Lucien steps back, spearing B.D. off the edge of the stage, both men landing in a heap on the ground.))

Eddie: OH MY GOD! Lucien may have just ended the match for both of them!

Travis: And here we thought that B.D. was the insane one.

Eddie: Well, the referee is making the count.

((1. . . Neither man moves. 2. . . . Still no movement. 3. . . . both men begin to stir. 4. . . B.D. and Lucien get to their hands and knees. B.D. kicks Lucien in the thigh, sending him on his side. B.D. gets to his feet, picking Lucien up, and slinging him to a support post for the stage, Lucien reversing it, only to have B.D reverse it again, sending Lucien into the stage support. Lucien stumbles forward, B.D. locking on a sleeperhold.))

Eddie: B.D. now trying to slow down this match. A smart move, as Lucien, if left to run at the present speed, would quickly take the advantage.

Travis: Yeah, but look over there!

((Celtic Hyena has finally moved around the ramp, and is approaching B.D., chair in hand. Celtic brings the chair down, on the back of B.D.’s head, then again, then once more, and a fourth time, and, finally, after a fifth chair shot, B.D. releases the hold, spinning, and hitting a move resembling a Tongan Death grip, grabbing Lucien as well, and, in a surprising motion, lifting both men into the air, and dropping them in a move slightly resembling a chokeslam, pinning them to the ground, his hands on their windpipes brutally. Before Lucien could pass out, however, B.D. releases the hold on Lucien’s throat, leaning into Celtic, until Celtic passes out himself, Lucien quickly grabbing up the chair, while he catches his breath, using his body to conceal the chair from B.D. After Celtic’s passed out, B.D. stands, away from Celtic’s unconscious form, turning to go back after Lucien. Lucien shoots to his feet, smashing B.D. in the face with the chair, the force literally lifting B.D. from the ground, and depositing him a short distance away.))

Eddie: This might be it, right here!

Travis: I don’t know about it. They seem to be focusing on B.D.’s head, but he’s too insane to realize he’s been hit, half the time.

Eddie: Good point, except that B.D. seems genuinely hurt, here.

((1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 4. . . B.D. starts stirring, already, Lucien right there, smashing B.D. in the face with the chair over and over and over again, stopping only after the chair itself is nearly bent in half.))

Eddie: Holy crap! Lucien nearly broke that chair in half!

Travis: That would kill a normal person. But B.D. isn’t normal. He’s insane, and, apparently, a demon, like The Creeper.

Eddie: You’ve got a point.

((1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 4. . . 5. . . 6. . . B.D. starts moving, again. Lucien blinks in disbelief, then, going the same route as he had with the match against Malice, he begins chanting, a light shining down on him from the ceiling area. B.D. gets to his feet, looking at Lucien, in the glow. B.D. reaches underneath the stage, pulling out a long pipe, swinging it hard at Lucien’s head, the impact with the back of Lucien’s head a sick thud. B.D. straddles Lucien from behind, wrapping his hands in Lucien’s hair, and slamming him, repeatedly, face first into the concrete, Lucien’s face quickly becoming a mass of blood. The referee pulls B.D. back, to make the count. B.D. kicks the referee in the stomach, and hits him with the Plague.))

Eddie: B.D. just took out the ref!

Travis: You know, normally I don’t like insanity. But I like that.

((B.D. picks Lucien up, Lucien, again, hitting a low blow, followed by a DDT into the bent part of the chair. Lucien gets to his feet, slowly, wiping the blood off of his face, then looking around.))

Eddie: The referee’s out! Lucien could have this match won, but the ref’s out!

Travis: Smart move by the insane one. Wait. Isn’t that an oxymoron?

Eddie: Maybe.

((Lucien goes to rouse the referee, B.D. still down.))

Eddie: That’s been at least a 10 count! Lucien had this match won!

Travis: Good job, B.D.!

Eddie: Are you, now, B.D.’s biggest fan?

Travis: Hell no. I just bet about three grand on B.D.

((B.D. finally gets to his feet, albeit slower than normal. Lucien finally rouses the referee, turning to find B.D. standing there, with the bent chair, smacking him with the bent half of the chair, the chair ending in a sort of almost straightness. B.D. rears back, smashing Lucien in the face with the chair, then picking him up before the referee could even count a one, and smacking him in the face with the chair again. B.D. smiles, dropping the still slightly-bent chair on the floor, with the bend facing upward, picking Lucien up, kicking him in the face, and hitting a Plague into the bend of the chair.))

Eddie: These two men refuse to stay down!

Travis: This is a Last Man Standing match. But, after that Plague, I would think the last man standing is going to be B.D.

((The referee begins the count. 1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 4. . . . Celtic Hyena, on his feet, picks up Lucien, breaking the count, before dropping Lucien back to the ground, Lucien like only so much putty. Celtic clotheslines B.D., pulling him to his feet, and slapping his right hand around B.D.’s throat, B.D. taller than Celtic, B.D. himself snapping off a series of vicious headbutts, Celtic finally releasing the hold, only to get dropped by the Plague. Lucien, waiting on B.D., cracks him upside the head with the only slightly-bent chair, dropping B.D. again.))

Eddie: Will this be it?!

Travis: Probably not.

((From the shadows under the stage, an unknown woman shoots out, kicking Lucien in the groin like a place kicker, dropping him to the ground. The woman picks up B.D., resting him on the guardrail. B.D. shoves her away, then blinking, throwing his arms up in celebration. B.D. picks Lucien up, hitting a Plague on him. The ref counts. 1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 4. . . 5. . . 6. . . 7. . . 8. . . 9. . . Celtic sneaks in, picking up Lucien.))

Eddie: These two men. . . . this is insane!!

Travis: So is B.D. You don’t hear me complaining.

((B.D. and the unknown woman make short work of Celtic, Lucien getting to his feet, grabbing the chair, and rearing back. B.D. turns, seeing the chair coming, and ducks, the chair leveling the woman. B.D. looks at the woman, blinking, then kicking Lucien in the midsection, and hitting another Plague, this time into the discarded chair. 1. . . 2. . . 3. . . 4. . . 5. . . 6. . . 7. . . 8. . . 9. . . 10!!!))

Eddie: Insanity, toughness, and that woman all assisted in one of the most insane Last Man Standing matches in history.

Travis: ALRIGHT! I got 3 grand!

Jean Fortello: Your winner...... B.D.!!!

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Reinforcements, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows The Tiger and Obake playing the game. Obake is using Tiger, and Tiger is using Obake. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

Eddie: Well, folks, I'm being told Chris Murphy is standing by backstage with our new World Champion, Jericho Dylan. Chris?

((The camera cuts backstage, showing Chris Murphy standing beside a very fit, very INTENSE, Jericho Dylan. The HWC World Title sits around his waist, gleaming brightly. The fans erupt in a tumult of cheers.))

Chris: Thank you, Eddie. I am standing here with Jericho Dylan, the man who won the Three Levels of Hell to become the HWC World Champion. First of all, Jericho, thank you for taking the time to talk with me.

Jericho: It's my pleasure, Chris.

Chris: People are saying you beat the odds in unseating Blood Dragon to take the biggest prize the HWC has to offer.

Jericho: Is that what they're saying? Interesting.

Chris: Well, you have to admit, that was your first serious test since coming back from an arm injury that nearly ended your career.

Jericho: What an interesting way to put it. But you're right. It took a lot for me to get into that ring with two people I call friend. I nearly didn't do it.

Chris: What made you go through with it?

Jericho: I had no choice. It was either get in the ring and fight my friends, or forfeit my place to someone I'd already beaten. Do you know how humiliating that would have been?

Chris: I get your meaning. Jericho, everyone's talking about that shadowy substance in the ring with you.

Jericho: The Creeper calls it the Drawing. But to explain it further would be to confuse you. And I have no wish to do that.

Chris: Okay, we'll leave that topic for now. So what was your mindset going into the match with Creeper and Tiger as your opponents?

Jericho: To be perfectly honest, Chris, I was trying not to think about it. I mean, I was facing two people I thought of as my friends! The concept itself was hard to grasp, not to mention the reality.

Chris: Okay. So the question on everyone's minds is... How does it feel to be the HWC World Champion?

Jericho: It's incredible. My mind still hasn't grasped the reality.

Chris: Well, I can understand that... It's been less than a week! But let's go back to the match with Blood Dragon. How exactly did you envision it turning out?

Jericho: I honestly thought I didn't stand a chance. I mean, the man is a legend!

Chris: But so are you... And he did sort of inherit the title...

Jericho: Because Sephiroth vacated it shortly before his disappearance. I won't say death, because they never found the bodies.

Chris: What exactly was your relationship with them, if I may ask?

Jericho: They were my friends.

Chris: I'm sorry, Jericho. I didn't realize...

Jericho: Nobody knew. Except the others in the Darkside.

Chris: Let's get back to your match with Blood Dragon. What was that move you hit him with?

Jericho: Which one?

Chris: The one at the end there.

Jericho: *laughing softly* That's my new finisher, the Mardi Gras Kickoff. It's a Standing Swanton Bomb.

Chris: What a move! But what was that one before it?

Jericho: The Final Descent.

Chris: What a devastating move! I know if I were a wrestler, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it!

Jericho: Wise idea. Not even the Enforcer could withstand it.

Chris: No doubt! But I have to ask... What do you think of Blood Dragon walking away from Bad News?

Jericho: Now, I've had my problems with The Enforcer in the past, and I'm sure he still wants to kick my ass, but Blood Dragon made a big mistake. He walked away from a group that's proven themselves to be very tough customers.

Chris: What do you make of the challenge laid down by Celtic Hyena and Lucien Merriuci for the Tag Team Titles you and Jarred hold?

Jericho: If they want to take us on for the Tag belts, they got it. Any time, anywhere.

Chris: Thank you, Jericho. Do you have anything else to add?

Jericho: Just one more thing. Blood Dragon, if you ever want a rematch, I only have one thing to say... JUST BRING IT!

((With that, he walks away from the camera, leaving Chris Murphy dumbstruck. The fans are cheering loudly for their World Champion... The camera cuts back to ringside with Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: Strong words from our World Champion... Travis, what do you think?

Travis: I'm trying not to. But I have to admit, that belt looks good on him.

Eddie: He's come a long way to get where he is, Travis. When Chris said Jericho beat the odds, he hit the nail on the head. Nobody was expecting him to come back so quickly from that arm injury at the hands of Kash Flagg.

Travis: There were those who thought his career was over... I'm sure glad it's not! He's got too much talent!

Eddie: I have to agree with you on that one. Folks, we'll be back after this.

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

Hardcore Title Match
Creeper(c) vs Panthro

Eddie: Right now, we have a Hardcore Title match between The Creeper and Panthro. These two haven't gotten along as of late, so this should be interesting to see.

Travis: A pair of freaks squaring off. Big deal.

Eddie: One of those freaks is The Creeper, Travis... Vivian's employer, and he's taken the Dylans under his wing.

Travis: You had to mention the Dylans, didn't you? You KNOW how I feel about Jarred!

Eddie: Yes, I do, which is precisely why I mentioned it.

Travis: One of these days...

Eddie: Only in your wildest dreams.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the HWC Hardcore Title. Introducing first, from the Second Tier of Hell, the HWC Hardcore Champion... THE CREEPER!

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. The Hardcore title rests over one shoulder, gold panels glittering under the lights of the arena.))

Eddie: The fans solidly behind the champion here, Travis...

Travis: Do you always have to state the obvious?

Eddie: Keeping the fans at home informed, Travis.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... PANTHRO!

((The Mexican Hip Hop song starts to play, but there's no sign of Panthro.))

Eddie: Where is he?

Travis: Maybe he got smart and backed out.

Eddie: That wouldn't be too unusual. I... Wait a minute! THERE HE IS!

((Panthro charges out of the crowd, kendo stick in hand. He nails The Creeper solidly across the back, only to get a disdainful laugh for his efforts. Unfazed, he hits a standing dropkick that actually knocks The Creeper off the turnbuckle! The bell rings in the background, signalling the official start to the match. The Creeper hands the referee the belt and eyes Panthro, sizing up the young Mexican. Panthro charges, only to get hit with a clothesline. The Creeper picks him up and slams him to the mat with enough of an impact to render him immobile, if only for a few minutes. Creeper gets out of the ring and tosses in a few weapons, including a fire extinguisher and a Stop sign. He picks up the Stop sign and watches Panthro carefully, then, with one swing, he knocks the youth back down. Panthro's up almost immediately. He grabs a trash can lid and nails Creeper upside the head with it. Creeper staggers backward, allowing Panthro to hit him again. Creeper drops to one knee, giving Panthro ample opportunity to clock him with a Shining Wizard. But instead of connecting, Panthro's foot seems to pass right through his head! The young Mexican blinks, then tries again, lower down on the head. The resultant THUD makes some in the crowd wince.))

Eddie: Panthro is really taking it to The Creeper, Travis!

Travis: I gotta admit, this is one tough kid. I mean, he's got The Creeper down on the mat!

((Panthro goes for the cover right after Creeper hits the mat. 1... 2... Panthro goes flying backward as The Creeper kicks out. Unfazed, he charges, only to get caught in The Creeper's grip.))

Eddie: This doesn't look good for Panthro... The Creeper has him in a chokeslam grip!

Travis: Come on, Panthro! Fight it!

Eddie: Did you bet on Panthro to win?

Travis: Funny as it sounds, I didn't. I actually believe in Panthro.

Eddie: Now you're scaring me, Travis.

Travis: I scared myself with that one, Eddie.

((Creeper lifts Panthro, then sets him back down. He could have ended it right there, but he didn't. Panthro looks at him, obviously remembering snippets of their conversation, reluctant to do so. Creeper says something to Panthro that the camera can't catch on audio, but its impact is clear. Panthro charges to one side and grabs the fire extinguisher. He then lifts it and slams it into Creeper's back. Creeper lurches forward, a smile on his face. Panthro hits him again and again, actually denting the steel canister! Finally, out of sheer desperation, he throws it, nailing Creeper in the back of the head. Creeper drops down, allowing Panthro to hit a standing dropkick. When Creeper hits the mat, Panthro goes for the cover. 1... 2... Kickout!))

Eddie: Unbelievable! The Creeper kicked out of that vicious assault with a fire extinguisher!

Travis: I told you he was different, Eddie.

Eddie: This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that he's right there, would it?

Travis: Actually, it would have everything to do with it. There are only three men in the entire HWC I'm afraid of... Jarred Dylan, Jeff Wylde and The Creeper.

Eddie: Understandable. One of those men kicked your butt all over that ring, and the other two have threatened it.

((Travis sticks his tongue out at Eddie, then they turn back to the ring. Creeper has Panthro slung over one shoulder, then executes a perfect running power slam. The ring ropes shake with the impact... 1... 2... Panthro gets a shoulder up. Instead of being frustrated, however, The Creeper laughs and lets him get up. The young Mexican rolls to the corner and stays there, fighting to regain his breath. Creeper stands perfectly still, one hand lifting from his side and stretching toward Panthro. Unseen by the fans, Creeper sends a surge of Darkness through Panthro's body. Not only does it make him want more, but it also recharges him so he can continue to fight. Creeper lets his hand drop, then beckons for Panthro to charge. Panthro hurls himself toward Creeper and actually hits a shoulder block. Creeper steps backward and his foot lands squarely on the kendo stick Panthro dropped earlier. But instead of tripping over it, he breaks it. Panthro grabs another trash can lid and uses it in a skateboard style maneuver, kicking it off Creeper's chest. Creeper's had enough. With a sneer, he slams Panthro onto the mat. When the youth gets up, he does it again. Panthro gets up again. Creeper's hand curls around Panthro's throat, then he choke slams the young Mexican onto the mat. Panthro isn't moving. 1... 2... 3.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, and still HWC Hardcore Champion... THE CREEPER!

((The referee hands Creeper his belt. Creeper looks down at Panthro and shakes his head, then slings the youth over his shoulder after getting out of the ring. Carrying Panthro over his shoulder, he goes backstage, disappearing into the Darkside's locker room.))

Eddie: That has got to be one of the most unusual matches I've ever seen.

Travis: No argument here.

Eddie: That's a first.

((Camera cuts backstage on the door to Autumn Lewis' office. The door opens slowly as the head of The Tiger peeks out and looks uo and down the hall. After that moment she slowly steps backwards out of the room and closes the door silently. Turning around to leave she has the HWC IC Title belt in her hands. Tiger turns down the hall and walks off quickly.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))