Saturday Night Slaughter
Salt Lake City, Utah at the E Center

((Camera opens up on Chris Murphy as he approaches B.D., the latter walking backstage.))

Chris: B.D., what are you doing here?! You don't have a match tonight.

((B.D.'s eyes move to look at Chris for a moment, before he speaks, his eyes glimmering with repressed insanity, and, Chris imagines, a desire to kill him.))

B.D.: I have a question for you. Is there a Lucien in the building?!

((Chris blinks))

Chris: What? Lucien? Yeah, he's down the hall, to the left.

((B.D. laughs maniacally.))

B.D.: You know what I hate more than arrogant humans? Arrogant church freaks. Lucien's face would make a nice addition.

((B.D. pulls a combat knife, walking down the hall, leaving Chris standing, bewildered))

Chris: Uh. . . security? Someone stop him!

Eddie: That doesn't look good for Lucien. B.D.'s about as insane as they come. And what was he planning to do with that knife?!

Travis: Something bad for Lucien, I'm thinking.

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is shown riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slamming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack through the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest beating up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

Eddie: Welcome, everyone, to Saturday Slaughter. We are live in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the sold-out E Center! I am Eddie Daniels, and with me, as always, is...

Travis: Travis Best! You know, Eddie, I think I might actually enjoy the show tonight.

Eddie: How much money did you bet?

Travis: Actually, not very much. Sounds big to you, but to me, it's small.

Eddie: Thank you for the clarification. Tonight, we have four matches for you... All of them are high-caliber. Starting us off tonight is a Hardcore match between Lucien Merriuci and Vivian.

Hardcore Match
Lucien Merriuci vs Vivian

Travis: Ooh, Vivian... Lovely lady.

Eddie: That's politer than usual.

Travis: Yeah, well, Creeper's rumored to be in the building.

Eddie: Wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that Jarred's here too, would it?

Travis: *gulping* Yes.

Eddie: I thought so. He sure cowed you!

Travis: Cowed, intimidated, taught respect... Same thing.

Eddie: Yup. So let's go to ringside, shall we?

Jean Fortello: The following contest is a hardcore match, and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first... From the Creeper's compound... Vivian!

((The driving intro to "Holy Wars. . . . The Punishment Due" by Megadeth cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly.))

Jean Fortello: And her opponent... From Prague in the Czech Republic... He weighs in at 275 pounds... Lucien Merriuci!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu" starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside pericing a hole through his opponent with his eyes (metaphorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Eddie: This doesn't look even...

Travis: It's a hardcore match. Vivian can do some real damage with those weapons.

Eddie: You have a point there.

((The bell rings and Vivian nails Lucien with a clothesline that makes him stagger backward. He comes roaring back with a clothesline of his own that knocks her down. He grabs a stop sign, but before he can use it, she's back on her feet. Rebounding off the ropes, she hits the Stop sign back into his face and makes him grab his chin. While he's doing that, she grabs a kendo stick. The crowd murmurs, remembering what Jericho Dylan did with one of those the last time he was in the ring.))

Eddie: Kendo stick! Remember what Jericho did to one of those?

Travis: How can I not? I still have nightmares!

((You're not the only one, Travis... Everyone who saw that match has had nightmares in one form or another. Vivian brings the kendo stick down on his back so hard it breaks with an audible SNAP! Lucien falls to the mat, holding his back with one hand. Vivian turns him over for a cover. 1... 2... Lucien kicks out. Keeping a cool head is always a good idea... Vivian does just that. She goes to work on Lucien's lower back, making him writhe in agony as he tries to get away. But she keeps him away from the ropes and tries for another cover. He kicks out at 1. Getting desperate, he flips her over the top rope to the outside. She's sprawled on the ground, trying to get to her feet. Merriuci sees her getting up and does a baseball slide, knocking her back into the ring barrier. She hits hard and drops to the floor, one hand on her lower back. Then, from out of nowhere, someone comes down to ringside. It's...))

Eddie: The Creeper! Creeper is here!

Travis: Yikes! He doesn't look happy...

((That is an understatement, to say the very least. Creeper helps Vivian to her feet, making sure she's all right. Outside interference is allowed, as this is a hardcore match. But all Creeper's doing is checking on one of his many students. Once he's assured of her well-being, he helps her back into the ring and stands back to watch. Vivian measures Lucien carefully, then hits him with a lethal spear. He staggers to his feet, then turns around and clocks her with a clothesline. Creeper's inscrutable demeanor makes it hard for people to guess what he's thinking. You can't tell from the way he's standing that he's actually thinking about something else entirely. Lucien gets Vivian to a point where she can't defend herself from the oncoming swinging neckbreaker. He goes for a cover. 1... 2... Kickout!))

Eddie: Vivian just barely got her shoulder up that time!

Travis: Come on, Vivian, you can do it!

Eddie: How much, Travis?

Travis: Well, I...

Eddie: How much?

Travis: *sullenly* 2 grand.

((Eddie just shakes his head as Vivian gets to her feet, far slower than Creeper would like. They charge each other, intent on hitting a clothesline, and it winds up being a double clothesline. They both hit the mat hard. The referee begins administering the standard 10 count. 1...))

Eddie: This doesn't look good, Travis... They're both down!

Travis: One of them better get up.





((Vivian starts to move, getting up before the count reaches 6. Lucien is up soon afterward. Good thing too... Vivian hits Lucien with a thunderous clothesline that has him spinning around before hitting the mat. The crowd can be heard shouting, "HOLY SHIT!" on impact. He drags himself to his feet, Vivian helping with a hand in his hair. Before anyone has a chance to say or do anything, he catches her in a Small Package. 1... 2... 3!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... LUCIEN MERIUCCI!

((Lucien escapes the ring and heads backstage before Creeper can catch him. Smart fellow. Creeper gently removes Vivian from the ring and carries her backstage.))

Eddie: A brilliantly fought battle, and an even one too. Lucien picks up his first victory here in the HWC.

Travis: Let's hope that isn't his last. *grumbling about the wager he lost*

Eddie: It's your own damn fault for betting. Anyway, folks, coming up next, we have a Table Match between Celtic Hyena and Seikan. Also tonight, we have a Back Alley Brawl between The Tiger, and Jarred Dylan.

Travis: And in our main event, the two people who care about Mia Lang the most are going one on one... Sarafan vs Panthro.

Eddie: But I've just been told that the Tag Team Champions, Jarred and Jericho Dylan, are in the arena.

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

((The cameras follow Lucien as he walks backstage, a shadow detaching itself from the surrounding darkness, light reflecting off of a metallic surface. Lucien walks down the hall, turning the corner, to walk to his lockerroom, The shadow revealed as B.D. Just as Lucien reaches the door, B.D. tackles him, sending him facedown into the floor, then turning him over, pressing the knife to Lucien's throat.))

B.D.: Miss me?!

Lucien: Who in God's name are you?!

B.D.: I'm B.D., and this is my partner, Harold. Say hi to him.

Lucien: Uh. . . hi?

((B.D. socks Lucien))

B.D.: Shut up, you! I'm talking to my partner! Thank you. Make peace with your god, churchboy! I'm about to take your face and add it to my collection. Don't squirm. It's hard to get a good, unmarked face when you squirm.

((B.D. puts a hand on Lucien's throat, pressing down.))

Vivian: B.D.! The ban is not lifted yet!

((B.D. frowns, stepping back.))

B.D.: Killjoy!

Vivian: That's right. I believe I saw a Joy down the hall, B.D.

(B.D.'s eyes widen, and he rushes off, Vivian leaving Lucien where he lies, just outside his lockerroom, the camera cuts to another part of backstage. The camera pans around in the back, searching for that elusive duo known as the Dylan brothers. It stops and zooms in on two men who've just entered the backstage area... The fans erupt into a massive tumult of cheers when they see who it is. Jarred and Jericho Dylan stop at a soda machine and Jarred leans on it.))

Jericho: What's up, bro? You don't usually lean on the vending machines.

Jarred: It's this match with Tiger.

Jericho: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What match with Tiger?

Jarred: So Daemon didn't tell you. I'm not surprised... Tonight, it's me vs Tiger in a Back Alley Brawl.

Jericho: A WHAT?!?

Jarred: A Back Alley Brawl... I hate it.

Jericho: Daemon is going to get a serious thrashing when I get a hold of him. He should have told me!

Jarred: Hey, can you really blame him? I mean... Two of the people he truly cares about facing each other.

Jericho: Good point. But that still doesn't excuse the fact that he didn't tell me.

((Jarred goes to say something, only to stop and grab his ribs. Jericho puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, brow furrowed in concern.))

Jericho: What is it?

Jarred: I forgot to tell you... I ran into Tiger outside a grocery store yesterday. Actually, she ran into me. Literally.

Jericho: What do you mean?

Jarred: *grunting* She totaled my car while I was in the store... Then she speared me into it.

Jericho: WHAT?!?

Jarred: The Stingray's a writeoff... And my ribs feel the same way. I had to call Josh to drive me anywhere I needed to go.

Jericho: Damn her...

Jarred: Whoa there, bro. I always have a contingency plan.

Jericho: Shoulda known... Where's Eric anyway?

Jarred: *grinning knowingly* Guess.

Jericho: Ah... Now it begins to take shape!

Jarred: Right. But I think I'm going to go sit down and try to relax before the match...

Jericho: Come on. I'll walk you to the dressing room.

((Walking slowly, Jarred and Jericho make their way down the hall to a set of double doors. Pushing them open, they walk in. The doors swing closed behind them, revealing the name on the dressing room's ID plate... "The Darkside".))

Eddie: What the hell...?

Travis: But the Darkside was disbanded!

Eddie: So we all thought. This is an interesting development, folks... We'll be right back with the Table Match!

((Camera opens up on a prision guard sitting at his desk with his feet up. As he relaxes he bites into a Snickers candy bar. The camera starts to pan back as the sound of yelling and a siren goes off. As the camera pans back a prison riot can bee seen breaking out. Things are thrown and fights start, all the while the guard doesn't seem to notice it one bite. The camera comes to a stop seeing the cause of the fight as The Tiger and Harley Quinn are seen going blow for blow.)

Announcer: Lazyness.... another side effect of hunger. Try Snickers to get you threw that long day.))

Table Match
Celtic Hyena vs Seikan

Eddie: Well, now we have a match between Celtic Hyena, and the slightly taller Seikan.

Travis: You know, I’d like this Celtic Hyena guy more if he came out here and gave me a beer.

Eddie: So, you’d rather have Celtic Hyena go from a former bar fighter to a waiter?

Travis: Yeah, that sounds about right.

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Limerick, Ireland, weighing in at 335 lbs. . . CELTIC HYENA!!!!

((The bag pipes start to play followed by large blast of pyro, Celtic steps out with his arms out and grinning. Stepping past the smoke of the pyro he makes his way down to the ring. He then climbs into the ring and starts shadow boxing throwing punches before throwing out his arms.))

Eddie: Celtic is looking surprisingly fit since the last time he stepped into the ring.

Travis: He needs to bring that hot irish chick out here with him!

Eddie: Are you still drooling over Maggie? You do know that Celtic would knock your head off, and keep your skull for bowling with, right?

Travis: Yeah, but he’s going to be in a match, now, so I can say what I want!

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in at 270 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Joseph Moore. . .SEIKAN!!!!

((The pyro explodes in a semi circle shape, then, Seikan walks out along with his manager, Joseph, and walks down the ring remaining in a normal attitude, when he gets into the ring, he gets on any turnbuckle and lifts his right hand into the air in a fist shape, he then brings it down, smirks, jumps from the turnbuckle and stands in the middle of the ring, his manager stepping out of it. Celtic catches Seikan with a vicious big boot, nearly sending Seikan spinning in a full circle. As Seikan gets to his feet, Celtic catches him with an implant DDT, then locking Seikan in an STF.))

Eddie: Celtic is using those heavily muscled boxer’s arms to weaken Seikan. A good strategy, at this point in the match.

Travis: Seikan’s got the height advantage over Celtic. This match’ll turn around here, soon.

Eddie: But Celtic has the weight advantage.

((Seikan manages to finally grab the ropes, the referee calling for the break. The move is broken, after a four count, as Joseph Moore jumps on the apron, presumably to gripe about the ‘cheating’. Seikan jabs a thumb into Celtic’s eye, kicks him in the groin, then darts outside, grabbing a chair, and smashing Celtic with it, staggering the shorter Irishman. A figure bolts down the rampway, hauling Joseph off of the apron, and hitting several chops on him that elicit a WOOO! from the crowd around.))

Eddie: That’s Maggie!

Travis: She’s kicking ass!

Eddie: She was, from what I understand, trained, partially, by The Creeper.

((Seikan glances to the side, seeing Joseph getting his ass handed to him, and darting out of the ring, grabbing a handful of Maggie’s hair. Maggie turns, kicking Seikan in the groin hard, dropping Seikan to his hands and knees, Maggie darting around him, and kicking him in the groin, again, before backing off. Seikan gets up, after a few moments to cope with his pain, chasing Maggie. Maggie slides into the ring, Seikan following, only to get kicked in the face by the now-standing Celtic, who then steps back slightly, and hits a huge clothesline on Seikan, that takes him over the top rope again. Celtic takes a minute to check on Maggie, before bolting out of the ring, and kicking Seikan in the stomach, slamming his head twice into the apron, before spinning Seikan, and tossing him over the guardrail.))

Eddie: Now, I’m guessing, we’re going to see the Irish temper that we hear so much about.

Travis: Wow! Look at Maggie!

Eddie: She’s not even in this match!

Travis: Are you kidding?! She’s right there!

Eddie: You’re a pervert, Travis.

Travis: You’re a broken record, Eddie. You keep saying that.

((Celtic chases Seikan through the crowd, up until he hears Maggie’s scream, ended abruptly with the crash of steel against skull, as Joseph nails her with a chair. Celtic rushes back to the ring. Joseph turns, swinging the chair at Celtic, who responds, oddly, with a right hook to the steel of the chair, the punch sending the chair crashing back, against Joseph’s head, the latter dropping like a stone. Celtic moves to Maggie, turning her over, and checking on her. Seikan approaches, taking some time to set up a table behind Celtic, before kicking Celtic in the back of the head, picking him up, and setting him up for a reverse suplex. As Celtic is lifted, however, he snaps his feet up, dropping down, on the other side of Seikan, then picking him up, and hitting a reverse powerbomb, spinning slightly as he drops, Seikan’s head just barely missing the table’s corner.))

Eddie: It looks like the match nearly ended, right there.

Travis: Celtic’s too drunk to hit the table!! Drunk Irishman.

Eddie: Travis, you’d better watch yourself. Celtic’ll use that punch he used on the chair, on you!

((Celtic stands, moving the table to the corner of a guardrail, then setting it up flush with the surroundings, then grabbing Seikan, and hoisting him into the air for a powerbomb, the 6’8 Seikan turning the move into an odd form of hurracanrana, using the table for a handstand, sending Celtic into the crowd. Seikan follows, picking Celtic up, and pulling him onto the guardrail, going for a DDT. Maggie, however, by this time, is already up, and manages to sneak over the guardrail, and grab Celtic’s waist the instant before Seikan drops, Seikan’s drop taking him down, to bounce off of the table, the table not breaking, but instead sliding down, to rest, vertically, between the two guardrails. Celtic drops from the corner of the guardrail, following Seikan. Seikan, rising, hits a low blow, then slings Celtic toward the toppled table, now being lifted by Maggie. Celtic reverses the toss, Maggie darting out of the way just barely, the table falling harmlessly behind the guardrail.))

Eddie: So many close calls in this match, right now, it’s anyone’s game.

Travis: Get those fans away! I just saw one touch Maggie’s ass!

Eddie: Why were you looking there?

Travis: Better than the match.

((Maggie picks the table up, tossing it over the guardrail, then following, Celtic chokeslamming Joseph into the steel rampway, before turning. Maggie tells him something, then sets the table up, vertically, in the corner of the guardrails, Celtic grabbing Seikan, hauling him close to the table, picking him up, in a gorilla press, then slinging Seikan into the top half of the table, Maggie balled up at the bottom half. The table breaks cleanly, Seikan landing in the crowd.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, CELTIC HYENA!!!

Eddie: It eventually came down to the presence of Maggie out here. And, Travis, put both of your hands on the table!

Travis: Spoilsport.

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

Back Alley Brawl
The Tiger vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: Well, here we go. Tiger against Jarred Dylan.

Travis: I like Tiger with her new attitude. It’s sexy!

Eddie: Travis, I doubt you’ve ever met a woman that you didn’t like.

Travis: I think you’re probably right, Eddie.

((The camera flips backstage, to the parking garage, where Tiger and Jarred are already ripping into each other, Jarred flinging Tiger into the closed door to the garage. Tiger rebounds, grabbing a trashcan, dumping it on the floor, charging Jarred, and smashing him with it, until the trashcan was little more than a highly dented piece of metal, then discarding it. Jarred, surprisingly, stands, almost instantly, catching a shocked Tiger with a clothesline that levels her.))

Eddie: Apparently Jarred’s training is making him really tough.

Travis: He’s a Dylan with a title. And, thus far, a losing record in Back Alley Brawls. Loser.

Eddie: Although a man that has come out here and kicked you around the ring.

((Tiger gets up, kicking Jarred in the midsection, then DDT-ing him into the ground. This time, Jarred stays down, for a moment, then getting up, spinning, and locking up with Tiger. Tiger hits him with a knee into the midsection, then lifts him for a suplex, dropping him into a dumpster.))

Eddie: Shades of Jarred’s last match.


Eddie: Hands on the table!

((Tiger waits for Jarred’s head to poke up, then slams the top of the dumpster down on his head repeatedly. After a moment, Tiger walks off, to find a chair. She returns, standing on a crate, bringing the chair up, to crash into the top of the dumpster, the dumpster’s plastic top surging upward, Jarred coming out of the dumpster, to headbutt Tiger, sending her stumbling backward, Jarred following it up with a spear, taking Tiger backward, the both of them landing on the hard concrete.))

Eddie: This match is so crazy, already.

Travis: That Dylan‘s crazy! He’s going to kill himself!

Eddie: But maybe, then, he’ll get the victory.

((Tiger and Jarred both get up about the same time, Tiger grabbing a trashcan lid, Jarred grabbing a broom. Tiger swings, Jarred dodging, and smacking her in the stomach with the broomstick, then spinning with the rebound, and cracking Tiger in the back of her head, sending Tiger stumbling forward. Jarred follows, swinging again, Tiger ducking, and then coming up, and catching Jarred with a face full of trashcan lid. Jarred stumbles backward, Tiger following, jumping toward him, and smashing him with the lid again, this time taking him off of his feet. Tiger straddles Jarred, beating him with the lid repeatedly, the lid itself bending almost to breaking. Tiger then put the folded over part of the lid against Jarred’s throat, pressing down, choking him.))

Eddie: You have to figure that the anything goes rule fits into Tiger’s mentality, and makes this match her kind of match.

Travis: She needs to keep bending over.

Eddie: Hands on the table, Travis!

((Jarred works his hands up, around Tiger’s throat, shoving her backward, into the grill of a semi. The grill is apparently still warm, as evidenced by Tiger’s recoil, a hand going to her back. Jarred turns her over with a foot, back onto her back, Jarred bringing the broomstick down into her throat. Jarred drops, for a pin. 1. . .2. . Tiger kicks out, landing on her back again. Tiger gets to her feet, favoring the back, Jarred capitalizing with a back breaker. Jarred locks Tiger into a Mexican surfboard, pulling hard, pain evident on Tiger’s face. Picking Tiger up again, Jarred locks her into a Canadian Backbreaker, applying further pressure to Tiger’s back, before dropping her onto a knee, more damage to Tiger’s back. Tiger scrambles to her feet, wincing in pain, but not letting that stop her.))

Eddie: Tiger is now running on pure grit, here. She’s got a serious back injury here.

Travis: She’s got a nice back, and a better backside.

Eddie: Travis, one of these days, you’ll get your head ripped off, then where will you be?

((Tiger clotheslines Jarred, a hand once more going to her back. Jarred gets up, attempting a clothesline of his own, Tiger ducking under it, kicking him in the midsection, then hitting a sitdown facebuster onto the concrete, the slight shockwave sending pain shooting up her back. Tiger gets up, slowly, Jarred getting up just as slowly, Tiger grabbing Jarred’s right wrist, then stepping under his arm, and rotating it entirely, forcing Jarred to double over at the armbar. Tiger spins, driving Jarred headfirst into the dumpster’s metal front, sending the dumpster rolling away, Tiger pulling Jarred up, then hitting a short arm clothesline from hell, then stepping back a moment.))

Eddie: Tiger has unloaded a vicious onslaught, here, and now, you’ve got to figure that Jarred is reeling.

Travis: And Tiger’s back looks like a pizza. Now I’m hungry. Dammit. Someone order me a pizza!

Eddie: Can’t you keep your mind on the match itself?

Travis: When it’s a bra and panties match between two hot women, yes.

Eddie: Have I told you, yet today, that you are a pig?

Travis: Only two dozen times. I think you’re losing your touch.

Eddie: No, you’re just running out of things to be piggish about.

Travis: Piggish? Is that a word?

Eddie: I don’t know. Look it up. Maybe it’ll keep you quiet.

((Tiger simply crumples, seeming to pass out on her feet, her body draping across Jarred’s chest. No leg hooked. 1. . 2. . . 3!!! A second too late, Jarred gets the shoulder up.))

((Camera fades to a commercial. Camera opens up on a Walmart, the cuts to inside. BloodDragon is seen walking up and down the ailes of the store wearing the HWC World Title belt. Heading to check out he goes to register 3. Putting his idems on before the checker he notices something odd about the checker. The checker turns to face him turning out to be a HWC Ref. Then suddenly Do You Call My Name by Ra plays as cage like bars come down over the exits. The sound of yelling can be heard as HWC wrestlers come from every where and attack Blood Dragon.)

Announcer: Walmart persent HWC 3rd Level of Hell. June 15 from Las Vegas.

(Blood beats his fists into the face of Celtic as Vivan hangs onto his back trying to bring him down. From off the top of a sheilf Panthro delivers a drop kick to Blood knocking him down and into the camrea.))

Standard Match
Panthro vs Sarafan

Eddie: Well, now we have a match between two young, up-and-coming superstars here, in the HWC.

Travis: Panthro’s starting to develop a backbone. And Sarafan’s hot!

Eddie: Have you ever seen a woman that wasn’t hot?

Travis: Yes. Oprah.

Jean Fortello: The next match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 173 lbs. . . PANTHRO!!!

((A Mexican Hip Hop Song kicks up over the speakers, Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring.))

Eddie: Well, Panthro’s looking surprisingly mean today.

Travis: Yeah yeah yeah. Get Sarafan here! I want to see her great-

Eddie: Travis, don’t go there!

Travis: -Skill. What’s with you?

Eddie: Yeah. I’m sure you meant skill.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Okinawa, Japan, weighing in at 115 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Johnny Cho. . . SARAFAN!!!!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, then kneels in the far corner to await her opponent. Panthro charges, Sarafan jumping forward slightly, planting a hand on Panthro’s head, and vaulting over him, landing in a low crouch, and sweeping Panthro’s feet out from under him, dropping him facedown, then rolling forward, and handspringing into the air, landing in a legdrop on the back of Panthro’s head.))

Eddie: These two people are both high flying people, so you have to expect that this match will be quick.

Travis: Look at her bend!! I wonder what she’s like in the bedroom!

Eddie: Bear in mind, Travis, she’s a ninja. She could kill you eight different ways before you hit the ground.

Travis: But what a sight to see when you’re dying!

Eddie: You’re a hopeless pig.

Travis: I’m not hopeless. I’ve got hope. I hope Sarafan hits a big move, and her clothes fall off.

Eddie: Well, at least you aim high.

((Sarafan handsprings to the side, then jumping onto the top rope, hitting an Asai moonsault onto the rising Panthro. Panthro hits the ground, and rolls away, slamming his fist into the ground, then getting to his feet, turning, and hitting a dropkick to Sarafan, sending her stumbling backward. Panthro gets up quickly, hitting a spinning wheel kick, taking Sarafan out of the ring, Sarafan grabbing the top rope, and landing on the apron, vaulting over the top rope, going for a vaulting hurracanrana. Panthro turns the move into a sitdown powerbomb, moving to the turnbuckle, and hitting a split-legged moonsault onto Sarafan. 1. . .2. . .kickout. Sarafan kickflips to her feet, standing, and trying a roundhouse, Panthro ducking, Sarafan dropping to the ground instantly, and sweeping Panthro’s feet out from under him, then doing a handstand to Panthro’s right side, holding it for a few seconds, before dropping down, crashing onto Panthro’s stomach.))

Eddie: These two people have differing styles, Panthro with the lucha libre style, and Sarafan with the ninjitsu influenced style.

Travis: Did you see her ass when she was up there?! WOW!

Eddie: Travis, you’re taking your life in your hands with comments like that. You know that right?

Travis: Yeah, but what better way to die than looking at a gorgeous woman?

((Panthro rolls away, getting to his feet, and going for another spinning wheel kick, met by Sarafan doing a front handspring, her right leg slipping between Panthro’s legs, hitting him in the groin, dropping Panthro to the mat, holding himself. Sarafan handsprings over the top rope, then vaulting back over, into a flipping springboard legdrop. Panthro moves, Sarafan hitting the ground hard, then rolling backward, and handspringing up, only, this time, over the top rope, to the floor. Panthro rushes her, sailing over the top rope with an elevated suicide plancha.))

Eddie: This is the kind of high-flying match that these two people excel at.

Travis: I saw cleavage!

Eddie: You’re a giant perv.

((After a few moments, both people slide into the ring, locking up in the first collar and elbow tie-up the whole match. The Tuger with chair in hand leaps over the guardrail and slides into the ring behind Sarafan. Tiger raises the chair to take a swing stepping past Sarafan only to clock Panthro with it. Tiger stands there and looks down on Panthro as the ref throws out the match.))

Eddie: What's she doing here?!

Travis: Making the match better?

The Tiger: There's your pain ya sick freak!

((Tiger steps away from Panthro and turns to Sarafan.))

The Tiger: Poor Sarafan...... Cleo couldn't handle the presure and left. Mia.... just up and left. Leaving poor Sarafan all alone to be preyed on by twisted little pain junkies.

((Tiger pauses as she is booed.))

The Tiger: No one to save ya know Sarafan. And you and me have a score to settle. (gets in Sarafan's face) I want ya one on one at 3rd Level of Hell! Do ya agree?!

((Sarafan not backing down grabs the mic from Tiger.))

Sarafan: I accept your challenge!

Eddie: One week it's going to be The Tiger vs Sarafan at 3LH!

((The crowd breaks into loud cheers but is soon drowned out by the playing of Whatever. The crowd boos as Martin Smalls steps from the back. He waves as he heads into the ring.))

Eddie: Oh my god!

Travis: Yes at last Smalls has returned!

((Both Tiger and Sarafan pause as Smalls enters the ring. Tiger watches him carefully as she waves to the booding crowd followed by the fading of his music.))

Smalls: Hello my friends, I have returned. Did you miss me?!

((The crowd boos more.))

Smalls: I know I have been gone to long. So long..... I'm not really caught up with whats realy going on. But I am feeling alot better..... though I'm not sure what really happened.

Travis: Is it me of is Smalls acting funny?

Smalls: Oh Tiger when did you get out?

The Tiger: I've been out ya dumb f***!

Smalls: Tiger! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

The Tiger: Don't play games with me boy!

Smalls: Games? Oh you mean like poker? I'm not much of a betting man because ...... that would be wrong.

Travis: WHAT!

Eddie: Smalls has gone soft!

((Tiger drops the mic and goes to swing the chair at Smalls when it os pulled out of her hands by Sarafan. Sarafan swings it hitting Tiger hard enough to knock her out of the ring.))

Smalls: Hey that wasn't very nice.

((Oh the out side Tiger gets to her feet but staggers a bit. Sarafan climbs out of the ring coming at Tiger. Tiger takes a swing at her but Sarafan ducks and tires up with Tiger. Tiger fails to get the upper hand and before she can counter Sarafan suplexes The Tiger into the announcers table as it breaks with the impact of her body. Eddie and Travis scatter as Tiger lays there not moving. Sarafan looks down on her a moment before turning and walking away.))

Eddie: Sarafan just took out The Tiger and our table! The Tiger may have just met her match!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))