Saturday Night Slaughter
Portland, Oregon at the Rose Garden

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is shown riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slamming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack through the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest beating up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

((The lights go out as King of My World plays. After a moment to the sound of loud booing The Tiger steps out onto the stage with a mic in hand. Tiger stands there a moment before raising the mic to her lips.))

The Tiger: Cut the music! Well sense seeing how hated I am..... but not like I care. I think why waist my time and stand in the middle of the ring when I can say my peace right here. Now as ya know tonight along with that pointless Tag match, I have a macth with that furit loop Malice.

((The crowd cheers but Tiger ignores it continuing on.))

The Tiger: Malice.... Mia.... what ever she decides what her name will be. Wow if she's having trouble picking her name, how does she get anything done here. Anyways As it's know I have a match with her. A No DQ match...... so what! I'm not impressed. She wanna fight with me she's goen have to play by my rules. So I perpose this. If yar not off in lala land Malice I challenge ya to a Body Bag Match instend of a boring No DQ. I'll know yar answer if ya fail to show up.

((Saliva plays again as Tiger turns and leaves just as quickly as she came.))

Eddie: Sense when does she have power to make matches?

Travis: Sense she hit Autumn with a chair last week.

Standard Match
Seikan vs Hulk Logan

Eddie: Welcome to another Slaughter folks ! As always I'm Eddie Daniels and I'm here tonight with Travis Best! We're here at the sold out Rose Garden here in Portland Oregon! We have an exciting night here folks! Not only do we have the Tiger back and ready to fight, but we have the massive Tag Team Battle Royal for the Tag Titles!

Travis: Yeah! There's going to be blood shed here tonight! I can't wait to see my little girls here tonight!

Eddie: I bet! There's rumours floating around that the Otaku Angel is back!

Travis: My Angel?

Eddie: It's only rumour Travis...Nothing more than that...

Travis: Damn... What do we have up first?

Eddie: A match between two of our new comers...

Travis: Oh goody...

((Across the Nation begins to play as the pyro explodes in a semi circle shape. Seikan walks out along with his manager, Joseph, and walks down the ring remaining in a normal attitude.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 270lbs, from Cameron, NC, accompanied by Joseph Moore, Seikan!

Travis: This guy thinks he's going to win a match?

Eddie: He has before, and he might get lucky again!

Travis: I doubt it.

((When he gets into the ring, he gets on any turnbuckle and lifts his right hand into the air in a fist shape.He then brings it down, smirks, jumps from the turnbuckle and stands in the middle of the ring, his manager stepping out of it.))

Eddie: This is going to be a terrific match!

Travis: Yeah right! Wake me when it's over!

Eddie: I think that blonde in the front row just winked at you!

Travis: Really?

((Everything begins to play as Logan walks down to the ring. He slaps fans hands, jump into ring then goes over to all 4 ring posts and gets on the second rope.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 237 lbs, from Livermore Falls, Maine, accompanied by Heather, Hulk Logan!

Travis: What kind of name is Hulk Logan? I mean c'mon!

Eddie: This is his first match here tonight and he might take the win away from Seikan.

((The two of them glare at each other waiting for the bell to ring. The bell finally sounds and the two of them lock up. Logan takes Seikan down with an arm drag, and sends him to the mat. Logan goes to pick Seikan up only to get head butted and sent across the ring. Seikan picks Logan up and goes for a chokeslam, sending Logan to the mat. Seikan goes for the pin. 1...2...Logan gets the shoulder up and knees Seikan in the midsection sending him reeling back.))

Eddie: Loganis really fighting to stay in this game here tonight!

Travis: It'll be over soon! I bet before the hand on my watch reaches the three it'll be all over!

Eddie: You're hoping for lots aren't you?

Travis: Yes I am Eddie!

((Logan grabs Seikan by the ankle and starts to pull on it going for an ankle lock. Seikan screams in pain as Logan holds on. The ref gets down to Seikan's level and asks him if he wants to tap. Seikan shakes his head and manges to kick Logan in the face with his free foot.Seikan slips out of the hold only to apply it to Logan! Logan screams out in pain as the ref gets down to Logan and asks him if he wants to tap. Logan shakes his head, as Seikan applies more pressure to it. Logan finally taps, and the bell sounds.))

Travis: Ha! I told you! The little hand hasn't even hit the three yet!

Eddie: That was a quick match! I guess Seikan just wanted it more!

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner! Seikan!

((His music begins as he and Joseph Moore, start for the backstage area.))

Eddie: It's been some night so far!

Travis: No it hasn't! When I see my Malice, and my Cleo then I'll be happy!

Eddie: Figures! We'll be back after this!

((Sceen fades and goes to commercail.))

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and Spoon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

Singapore Cane Match
Kenshi Nagasaki vs Jericho

Eddie: Well, now we have a Singapore Cane match between Jericho Dylan and Kenshi Nagasaki.

Travis: Bah! Get Cleo out here!

Eddie: You’ll have enough of the women here tonight. After this match, we’ll have a match between Malice and Tiger, and then one between Cleo and Vivian.

Travis: Cleo and Vivian in the same ring?! And I never hoped to pray for such a boon.

Eddie: Travis, you’re a dork.

Jean Fortello: The next match of the night is a Singapore Cane match, set for one fall. Introducing first, from Okawa, Japan, weighing in at 187 lbs. . . KENSHI NAGASAKI, THE DEMON SLAYER!

((Fukai Mori plays and the lights dim. When the singing begins, Kenshi walks out wrapped in a red kimono as Cherry Blossoms fall over the arena. He slowly walks to the ring his head bowed in humble honor as he salowly steps in the ring. He steps to the middle of the ring and silently raises his head as if in silent prayer his eyes meeting the gaze of his ancestors as he removes the kimono revealing his skin tight Hunting suit finally placing his Katana and Kimono aside to begin the fight as the lights raise.))

Eddie: This guy looks intense.

Travis: I heard he was making moves on Malice. YOU LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU FREAK!

Eddie: You do remember you have to go through Panthro, too, to get to Malice, right?

Travis: Panthro’s a little bea-

Eddie: Don’t even finish that!

Travis: Why?

Eddie: Because, Travis, if you do, you’ll be out of a job by this time next week.

Travis: Oh yeah.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs. . . .JERICHO DYLAN!!!

((Silence. Unending silence. After a while, a soft buzzing sound is heard. Then a man’s voice rips across the PA system: “Like dominoes, you SHALL FALL!” At the sound of the last word, pyrotechnics explode, ripping across the ramp entrance. “Mmmm… Yeah…” The prelude to Rob Zombie’s “Never Gonna Stop” causes the fans to look around a bit. Fog billows out from vents in the ramp, flooding the entrance area. When it dies down, the song is in full swing. Standing at the top of the ramp is a man with his arms stretched to the roof of the arena. When he brings his arms down, more pyro goes off, then the lights come up. That man is Jericho Dylan! He comes bounding down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. When he gets to the ring, he leaps up to the apron without any support or assistance. Once inside the ring, he bounces up on the turnbuckles, throwing his arms back, much to the delight of the female fans. Hopping off the last turnbuckle, he starts bouncing on his toes. He’s just itching for some in-ring action, and it shows!))

Eddie: Jericho looking to be in incredible shape, here, tonight.

Travis: Bah! Give me a good, nearly-naked woman any day.

Eddie: You would like that, if you could find one. Anyway, you have to give Kenshi the advantage. He uses that katana on a regular basis.

((Jericho and Kenshi circle one another, cane in hand, Kenshi holding his like the katana he normally wields, Jericho as a kendo stick, held tightly in his right hand. Kenshi moves in, Jericho smacking the back of Kenshi’s hands, causing Kenshi to back up again. Jericho smiles. As Kenshi darts in, with a neck-level swing, Jericho dips under the moving cane, only to get caught on the backswing by Kenshi, the blow causing Jericho to stumble.))

Eddie: As predicted, Kenshi’s skill with his katana has given him the advantage.

Travis: Boooooring!

Eddie: Travis, shut up, or I won’t let you watch the two all woman matches.

Travis: You can’t do that!

Eddie: Jarred’s in the building.

Travis: YIPE! I guess you can, then.

((Jericho stops staggering, but doesn’t stop moving, spinning, and bringing the cane hard into Kenshi’s kidneys. Kenshi yelps, dropping to a knee. Jericho rebounds from the shot, bringing the cane across Kenshi’s forehead, dropping Kenshi to the mat.))

Eddie: Jericho appears to have gained the upper hand, here.

Travis: Damn that Jericho!

Eddie: What did Jericho do now?

Travis: Nothing, I just wanted to say that.

((Kenshi kickflips to his feet, hitting Jericho in the midsection, then the forehead, then bringing the cane around Jericho’s head, cracking him, hard, in the back of his knees, the force of the blow curling Jericho’s legs up over his head, dropping Jericho down, his body accordioning off of the mat. Jericho falls limp.))

Eddie: It’s over! Jericho’s out!

Travis: HAH! I told you!

((Kenshi prods Jericho a moment, then shrugs, and goes for the pin. 1. . . 2. . . the pin is broken up.))

Eddie: What the hell?!

Travis: I. . . whoa!

((The pin wasn’t kicked out of, Kenshi was simply propelled across the ring, to slam into the turnbuckle. Seemingly from everywhere in the arena, dark pools of shadow flood into the ring, into Jericho, covering him, and obscuring him from sight. When the darkness fades away, Jericho is standing, Singapore cane in hand, looking entirely normal. Jericho glances at the cane, a dark smile spreading across his face. After a moment, Jericho’s right eyebrow juts upward, the cane bursting into flame. Jericho laughs, Kenshi slowly climbing free of the turnbuckle, shaking his head. Kenshi blinks, but for only a moment, as Jericho swings the cane with a swing that would make a professional baseball player jealous, both taking Kenshi off of his feet, and causing the flaming cane to flare into Kenshi’s face, Kenshi clutching at his burned face. Jericho’s smile never wavers, simply putting his right foot on Kenshi’s chest. The referee, shocked and appalled, blinks, unmoving.))

Eddie: HOLY SHIT!!! Where did that come from?!

Travis: Uh. . . I. . . no idea!

((Jericho glances at the referee, pointing at him, and gesturing, with the flaming cane, in a motion that is easily deciphered as a threat to harm the referee if he doesn’t count. The ref drops to count. 1. . . 2. . . .3!!!))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, as a result of a pinfall, Jericho Dylan!!!

((Jericho laughs, tossing the flaming cane to the referee, who proceeds to drop it on the mat. Jericho makes a motion, before the cane hits the mat, and the cane returns to it’s normal wooden appearance, not bearing any sign of being burned.))

Eddie: At that point, it wasn’t even a fight.

Travis: Uh. . . if that’s what Jericho can do, I think I’m now, officially, more scared of Jericho than I am of Jarred. What the hell was all that?!

Eddie: One word best describes that. Painful. And what about the fact that the cane doesn’t even seem the least bit singed?

Travis: Eerie.

((Camera opens up back stage on The Tiger. She is dressed in Harley Davidson gear and is shaking hands with Jason Brickman, the man from Marketing for Harley Davidson. A deal has been made and signed making The Tiger Harley's new spokes woman. Tiger smiles and heads off to get ready for her match as a strange man in her path dressed as a roman gladiator stands towers over the Tiger. The Tiger crosses her arms and looks at him.))

The Tiger: Hmmm look its Russle Crow. Hey Ceaser love yar saldas.

Crusader: Look it's that Amazonian bimbo I heard about... what was your name? Asia? Russia? Oh Chyna thats it. I think we almost conquered you.

The Tiger: (chuckles before punching him in the nutz to bring him to his knees) Names Tiger, ya know the beasts that will eat ya!

Crusader: (On his knees he's almost as tall looking at her in pain and then smiling.) You know what we use to do with Tigers? (He smiles pulling out a large wooden cross and smacking her against the face bringing blood smttering out of her mouth as he slowly rises...) We use to feed you to the christians!!!

((Wipes away the blood from her lip. She looks up at him and grabs his nose in a painfull way.))

The Tiger: Ya got it backwards brainless. If yar goen play make believe get the story right or ya just look down right retarted.

((He punches her hard in the stomach causing her to release the nose hold grasping her around the throat with one hand practically smothering her. His eyes blue like the sky itself a power surging through him that is both exciting and frightening at the sametime.))

Crusader: If I didn't feel so sorry for you losing your pathetic little serial killer I'd crush you now. But, seeing as I have bigger plans I'll let you go for now, kitty. But, make no mistake we used to keep pet Tigers... and I always outlived my pets.

((He grabs her face now slamming it against the wall smashing her nose in his hand. He just smiles and walks away leaving the scene as quickly as possible. Tiger lays against the wall watching him go, she reaches up and pops her broken nose into place as blood trickles down.))

The Tiger: That's it run you coward! I'll get ya yet.

((Camera opens up on a room with a man standing behind a table and another man bald sitting in front of it with two different subs before him. One toasted the other untoasted.)

Man: Which do you perfer, the toasted sub or the untoasted sub?

(The bald man sitting at the table smiles and nods and then reaches for the toasted sub. As he does so Obake comes running out screaming and spears the man in the chair. The camera switches to the toasted sub with the Quizno's logo above it.)

Announcer: We don't need hired muscle to sell our toasted subs.

(Camera cuts back to the room, Obake is sitting on the bald man eating the toasted sub.)

Bald Man: Can I have a bit?

(Obake turns from his food and growls at the man to sherk in fear before it fades.))

Body Bag Match
Malice vs The Tiger

Eddie: Well, apparently, from what we understand, this match, originally signed as Malice against Tiger in what is now a body bag match, has changed.

Travis: Changed? Changed how?! Did Tiger hurt Malice? Why didn’t they get that on camera!

Eddie: Settle down, Travis. The change is that Malice is no more.

Travis: She’s dead?

Eddie: Of a sort, yes.

Jean Fortello: This next match is a body bag match. Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 135 lbs, “THE OTAKU ANGEL” MIA LANG!!!!!

((The arena falls into a state of mute shock. The lights go down and two purple spotlights start to search over the crowd before they stop at the back of the entrance ramp. Simple and Clean (Japanese version) begins to play as a young girl appears on the screen and appears to be walking on water. The scene then changes to Mia standing with hands in front of her as if in prayer. The scene's change to some of her and Sarafan, and when she won the Woman's title. As the words start Mia appears at the back dressed in a black and red kimono. She starts to make her way down to the ring, and stops in the middle of the entrance ramp removing the kimono, only to reveal her navy and white school outfit. The crowds cheer as she makes her way past them, slapping hands with some of the crowd as she makes her way past them. She climbs into the ring and hands her bubble gum to the ref and smiles as she runs to the middle of the ring and does her anime pose and waits for her opponent, the crowd literally going insane.))


Eddie: Travis, sit.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 180 lbs. . . THE TIGER!!!!

((King of My World plays followed by a explosions of fire like pyro around the stage. Smoke fills the stage from the fire and out from the smoke walks The Tiger. She broods as she walks slowly to the ring, climbing it she enters through the middle rope. Tiger steps out into the middle of the ring and holds out her arms from her sides with her first clenched. She turns and looks to the stage before dropping her arms waiting for the match to start.))

Travis: Good to see Tiger back, and Tiger’s backside.

Eddie: Great way to work your perversion into the commentary. Stop looking at her ass, Travis!

Travis: Hey, she’s aiming it at me! I just saw it wink at me!

Eddie: You just keep becoming more and more of a pig every week, Travis. And how does one’s posterior wink at you?

Travis: No idea. Ask Tiger. She’s the one whose butt did the winking.

Eddie: Every time I almost forget why I don’t talk to you, you remind me.

((Tiger and Mia lock up, a basic collar and elbow, Tiger snapping her knee to Mia’s midsection, doubling her over, and hitting a flowing DDT to capitalize. Tiger pulls Mia to her feet, then, hitting her with a vicious German suplex. Tiger lifts Mia to a seated position, and then begins raining down fists onto Mia’s face. The referee steps in, to stop the assault, only to get shoved away, the force of the shove carrying the referee over the top rope, to the floor.))

Eddie: Already, Tiger taking a dominant lead in this match.

Travis: She’s so feisty! And look, when she bends over, I can see down her shirt. Well, almost. BEND OVER MORE, TIGER!

Eddie: Okay, you’re officially a giant pig. You realize that she’ll come up here and rip your manhood off with her bare hands, right?

Travis: Yeah, but what a way to lose it!

((Mia plants her feet, pushing upward slightly, cracking Tiger in the face with a boot, continuing the assault until Tiger releases the hold, Mia rolling away, getting to her feet, and hitting Tiger with a calf kick, staggering Tiger. Mia moves forward, catching Tiger with a chop.))


Eddie: What are you going off about now?

Travis: You didn’t see it?! I did! WOW! Look at Tiger move!

Eddie: She is doing pretty well for her first match back.

Travis: Not that, Eddie. Her chest! WOO!

Eddie: Can someone turn off his headset?

((Mia steps back, running forward, up Tiger’s body, and pushing off of Tiger’s face with both feet, sending Tiger over the top rope, Mia landing in a low crouch, and instantly bolting to the ropes, and vaulting over, with a corkscrew plancha, sending Tiger, who had just barely gotten to her feet, back to the ground. Mia gets up, jumping atop the guardrail, waving to the fans, and winking, then moonsaulting backward, onto Tiger, now on her knees. Tiger picks Mia out of the air, Mia draped over her shoulder. Tiger drives Mia spine-first into the ringpost, not releasing her, stepping back, and running her into the post again.))

Eddie: Tiger is simply overpowering Mia.

Travis: I can see up Mia’s dress!

Eddie: Travis, you need to get out more.

Travis: No way! I might miss one of the hot chicks!

((Tiger backs up, running Mia into the post again, Mia sliding free, sending Tiger to crash, hard, into the turnbuckle post, shoulder first. Mia grabs the bag, waiting for Tiger to turn around, then tossing the body bag over Tiger’s head, grabbing the timekeeper’s chair, and bringing it crashing into Tiger’s head, using the bag covering Tiger’s head to make her move. Again and again the chair comes crashing into Tiger’s head, Tiger simply toughing it out, never staggering, or moving. Mia steps back slightly, waiting. Tiger, her back to Mia, finally gets the body bag off of her head, Mia swinging the chair as Tiger turns, the chair connecting with Tiger’s face, dropping her to the ground. Mia again jumps on top of the guardrail, waiting. As Tiger stands, Mia tosses her the chair, which she catches reflexively, then jumps.))


Travis: I saw panty! (A thud is heard.) HEY! You hit me!

Eddie: Damn. You’re still conscious. Mia just hit what was Malice’s finisher, Down the Rabbit Hole, into the chair against Tiger’s face. This might be it.

Travis(Muttering): I still saw panty. (Another thud.) Stop hitting me!

Eddie: Stop being an idiot!

((Mia unrolls the body bag, unzips it, and pushes Tiger into the bag, Tiger still out of it. Mia zips up the bag. The referee, however, having hit his head on the apron when he was shoved, is unable to make the call. Mia goes to rouse him. The referee slowly comes to, seeing the bag closed, but slowly opening. Mia grabs the chair again, and beats on Tiger further, in the bag, until she goes still again, then rezippering the bag itself. The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, “THE OTAKU ANGEL” MIA LANG!!!

((Camera opens up on someone putting on a pare of Nike's, the camera follows them around only showing the shoes. It goes from the person walking then suddenly running. It then cuts to the same someone doing a kick flip on a skate board and then kicking someone in the balls followed by stomping some bald head thug's head. The camera pans up showing Amy standing over the broken guy holding her skate board.)

Amy: Hey just do it...... No not that prev..

(Amy the kicks the camera and the scene goes black.))

((The arena plunges into darkness as the chords to Our Lady Peace's 'Sell My Soul' begins to blare over the P.A. system. Eddie Daniels and Travis Best sit trying to look at one another through the blackness seperating them.))

Eddie: It looks like we are about to be interupted.

Travis: Yeah, but by who? I don't recognize this theme. Granted I hardly pay attention to anything other than bouncing female chests, but still.

Eddie: Despite your usual lack of concentration leaking through, that was a decent question. To whom does this entrance belong?

((Almost as if in answer to the questions of Eddie and Travis the lights come back up revealing Blood Dragon standing in the ring. The World Title is around his waist, and the Light Heavyweight Title is draped over his left shoulder. Behind him to the left and right sit close-up pictures of Sephiroth and Sothren du Lac. Gripping a microphone in one hand, Blood looks over the hushed crowd as they struggle to decide how to react to him. Even Eddie and Travis sit in silence as they watch the current World Champion standing in the center of the ring.))

Blood: Isn't that odd? No reaction for me, but a wonderful moment of silence for the dearly departed du Lac's. I'll tell you it was quite a shock to hear that they'd passed. I owe them both so much. I would say above all others I can cite the du Lac brothers as the two men who have furthered my career the most.

((Lightly rubbing the plate of the World Title before glancing at the still blood-covered plate of the Light Heavyweight Title, Blood lets out a little chuckle before continuing.))

Blood: I've had a lot of questions coming my way since Desolation. I guess the biggest one would be 'What the hell?' It seems difficult for me to understand how anyone could not fathom me wanting to become the World Champion. Why would I not want to be labled the best in the business? Sure I may have gone to Martin Smalls to claim my title, but it is still mine. See the thing most people don't realize is that on the night Sephiroth forfeited the title, he also tore up his contract to step into the ring with me. I was finally going to get my shot, and Sephiroth let family business get in my way. It wasn't until days later that I came to the realization that by Sephiroth giving his title up, it should then be presented to the most deserving person. His opponent for Desolation. It should go to me. So now I owe Martin Smalls a favor or two, and it seems I've excommunicated myself from Bad News but when I step back and really think about it, I would do it again and again and again. I'll let everything I've just said sink in for a second. You see I know there are some of you out there that are a bit slower than others. I know a lot of you are thinking that as a paper champion I won't last, but what you don't realize is that I am not a paper champion. I am the best damn wrestler this federation has to offer. I am not only the best Heavyweight in the World, but I am also the best Light Heavyweight there is. The HWC has just entered the year of the Dragon, and it's not going to be a pleasant ride for very many people. Anyone who'd like to find out can come and find me. I'm the man with the giant target on his back who isn't too hard to find.

((Dropping the mic, Blood slips out of the ring as 'Sell My Soul' begins playing once again. As the crowd finally catches up and begins booing Blood's little speech, Travis Best just turns and looks at Eddie Daniels, who has been rendered speechless.))

Travis: Highly intelligent words coming from our World Champ. I would have never thought he'd wake up and smell the coffee, but now I see how wrong I was.

Eddie: I never would have thought I'd say this, but Blood Dragon is a dick.

Travis: Yeah, but that dick is your World Champ and I have a feeling he isn't going away any time soon.

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

Standard Match
Cleo vs Vivian

Eddie: Well, Travis, this is a match you're going to love... Two women going one-on-one.

Travis: Wake me when it's over.

Eddie: But Travis... It's Cleo and Vivian!

Travis: What? Cleo?

Eddie: Yup. Someone's been spreading rumors that Vivian wants Creeper to herself. Vivian herself denied the rumors, yet they continue to circulate.

Travis: Even if they're not true, Vivian needs someone.

Eddie: You try explaining that to Creeper.

Travis: *eeps* I'll be good.

Eddie: I thought so.

Jean Fortello: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Currently approaching the ring... from The Creeper's compound...

((The driving intro to the song cuts through the crowd, silencing them all as one. The lights dim, to flicker in a strobe light's haze. Walking down, eyes fixed on the ring itself, she nears, clipboard in hand, entering the ring extremely slowly.))

Jean Fortello: VIVIAN!

Travis: Ooh, she is one gorgeous babe!

Eddie: Only you, Travis.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent... From New York, New York... CLEOPATRA!

((The lights go down almost into blackness, as gold spotlights search over the crowd, as soft woman’s voices are heard speaking in the ancient Egyptian tongue almost chanting, as if calling something into this world. A soft piano music begins to play as the word “Forever” is whispered. The song “Forever May Not Be Long Enough” by Live begins to blare through the arena as the two golden spotlights come together at the back of the entrance ramp. There are 4 men wearing what looks like ancient Egyptian slave attire with the crown of Osiris resting upon their heads, appear carrying a Royal carriage. There lays Cleo done in her usual ring attire with the scepters laying in her lap and the crown of Egypt on her head. Walking only a few steps is Creeper with eyes lowered, as they head to the ring. When they reach the ring the carriage is set down and Creeper helps Cleo to her feet and bows before her as she climbs into the ring. She raises her arms and gold sparkle falls from nowhere, as she hands the scepters and crown to Creeper and turns to face Vivian. The pendant rests on her chest in its usual place, sending Vivian into a flying rage. She tackles Cleo and starts pulling at the chain. Creeper shouts, telling Vivian to play fair, or Aginie would soon be upon her. She lets go in horror at that thought. Cleo shoves Vivian off and gets to her feet.))

Eddie: These two women seem to loathe each other, Travis...

Travis: Why can't they get along?

Eddie: I have no idea.

((There's no room for talk, as Vivian spears Cleo to the mat. Cleo doubles up, clutching her stomach, lying on her side. Vivian drags her to her feet by her hair and whips her around. Cleo's forearm smashes into Vivian's face, sending her back into the ropes. Cleo crouches, waiting for Vivian to come at her again. Vivian does so, a calculating look on her face. Cleo catches her with a drop toe-hold, then goes for a cover. 1... 2... Vivian kicks out. But Cleo doesn't let it get to her. She simply tries again, hooking both legs. 1... 2... Again, Vivian kicks out. Cleo lets Vivian get to her feet, then hits her with a standing dropkick.))

Travis: Whoa! Did you see that?

Eddie: Yes, and keep your hands on the table. Or I'll call for Jarred.

Travis: *eep* I'll be good.

((Cleo goes for the cover. 1... 2... Vivian barely gets her shoulder up. Cleo frowns down at her, wondering what could be wrong with her. She's been training... She has the pendant... Vivian comes up with a small package. 1... 2... Cleo powers out with a scream of absolute rage. Vivian's heard that scream before... She flinches, but continues to attack Cleo, trying to remove the pendant. Cleo shoves Vivian backward, not seeing the delicate chain break, nor feeling it slide off outside the ring. Creeper doesn't see it either. Cleo charges Vivian, sending her careening off the ropes, into a brutal clothesline. Vivian drops like a rock. Cleo goes for the cover. 1... 2... Just barely, Vivian's shoulder comes up. Cleo drags Vivian to her feet and hits her with a right arm to the face. But Vivian withstands the assault, clobbering Cleo with open handed shots to the face.))

Eddie: Wait a minute... Didn't we see Cleo lose something?

Travis: Yeah! She lost her pendant!

Eddie: Which means...

Travis: That's not Cleo in there! That's Alex!

Eddie: Well, she's doing all right so far.

((Eddie's got that one right, folks... Cleo doesn't realize her pendant came off. Nor do Vivian or the Creeper. But someone watching in the back noticed... And he comes pelting out to ringside. He finds the pendant, removes the broken chain, replaces it with a new one and waits. Vivian gets Cleo onto the bottom rope and is standing on her back. The watcher slips the pendant back on, then backs away with a sinister laugh. Whoever they are, they don't go too far away. The replacement of the pendant is all it takes... Cleo turns, throwing Vivian off balance. The gleaming blue stone sparkles under the ring lights... Cleo spears Vivian and hooks both legs, rolling Vivian so her shoulders are immobilized. 1... 2... 3!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner... CLEOPATRA!

((Creeper gestures to the watcher, who slides into the ring, revealing himself as...))

Eddie: It's B.D.!

((B.D. slings Vivian over his shoulder and carries her away. Creeper and Cleo go backstage, sharing animated words. No sooner do they get there than B.D. returns, having left Vivian with the other four. The three of them go out of sight, talking about only Ra knows what.))

Eddie: That was some match, eh?

Travis: I'll say. If it wasn't for B.D., Cleo might not have gotten her pendant back in time.

Eddie: You said it, Travis... Well, folks, we have one match left tonight... A Tag Team Battle Royal to determine the new HWC Tag Team Champions.

Travis: That's right! And among this Who's Who of the HWC is a team that might have some personality issues... Of course, I am referring to Tiger and Sarafan. Tiger doesn't seem to like Sarafan.

Eddie: That's putting it in the right context, Travis. Also in the Battle Royal are two men who have certainly made an impact on the female fans, even if one of them has a better win record than the other. I am, of course, referring to Jarred and Jericho Dylan.

Travis: Wait a minute! You're saying BOTH OF THEM are here?!?

Eddie: Yup. Scared?

Travis: No way. Whatever gave you that idea?

Eddie: Um, the fact that you're holding my hand might have something to do with that fact.

Travis: Oh. Sorry.

Eddie: Be that as it may, folks, don't go anywhere. We have that Tag Team Battle Royal still to come... And it's up NEXT!

Travis: We'll be back after this!

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

Tag Team Battle Royal for the Tag Titles
Die Zerstörer vs The Pyre vs Chimaira & Panthro vs Malice & Cleo vs Jarred & Jericho vs Celtic Hyena & Lucien Merriuci vs The Tiger & Sarafan

Eddie: This night has been incredible so far!

Travis: What about the four women in those matches!!

Eddie: What about them?

Travis: They were hot! Are you stupid, or something?

Eddie: Whatever. Right now, we have a match where two couples are in the same ring at the same time. You have to figure that the two couples are going to be working in tandem. But, that concept may get one or more of the teams eliminated. Let’s go to the ring.

((Die Zerstrorer leads off, in the ring, waiting for their opponents. B.D. rushes the ring, immediately being the recipient of multiple boots to the head and neck area. Behind them, the lights flicker, then stabilize, The Creeper standing there, rushing forward, and catching both men with a clothesline, the force taking The Creeper over as well, The Creeper dangling in the air, just shy of touching the ground. B.D. gets to his feet, reaching over, and pulling his brother over the top rope, back into the ring. The Creeper pulls B.D. back, Panthro and Chimaira rushing to the ring. B.D. doesn’t move, until The Creeper points, B.D. rushing Chimaira, hitting him with a spear backed by all the force of a car wreck. Panthro rushes forward, punching The Creeper quickly. The Creeper staggers back, leaning heavily on the ropes. Panthro grabs The Creeper’s ankles, to dump him out on the floor.))

Eddie: Die Zerstorer already removed from this match, and now, it looks like Panthro’s about to remove The Pyre.


((Mia and Cleo bolt to the ring, Cleo beelining for The Creeper, smashing Panthro in the head with her forearm, only to have Mia pull her back. Panthro turns, to look at Cleo, The Creeper grabbing him, and tossing him bodily over the top rope. The referees outside the ring start shouting at B.D. to let up on Chimaira, so he can leave the ring, B.D. ignoring them completely. The Creeper shouts at his brother, B.D. leaving Chimaira to get taken from the ring. The Creeper attempts to stop the fight, between Mia and Cleo, as the Dylans come to the ring. B.D., however, comes flying behind his brother, catching Mia with a clothesline that takes her over the top rope, Mia keeping enough of her wits about her to bend her legs, and hold the top rope, staying, in a kneel, on the apron.))

Eddie: Mia and Cleo are now out here with what remains of the Darkside, and Jarred Dylan.

Travis: This is the second match tonight that I’ve seen Mia’s panties!

Eddie: You’re a pig, Travis.

((Mia comes back into the ring under the bottom rope, then beginning to exchange blows with Jericho, apparently targeting the Dylan that had already had a match. Cleo sneaks over, locking a sleeperhold on B.D. B.D. staggers around the ring, an undoubtedly gorgeous woman on his back.))

Eddie: These four men and two women are simply destroying each other.

Travis: I envy B.D. He’s got Cleo on his back.

Eddie: And his brother has her in his bed.

Travis: Dammit. Why do all the hot women dig these evil guys?

Eddie: Power.

((Celtic Hyena and Lucien rush the ring, The Creeper making an instant target shift, going after Celtic, waylaying him. Jericho tosses Mia toward the ropes, Cleo moving over, saving Mia, pulling her back into the ring. Celtic and Lucien immediately begin working over The Creeper, Cleo moving up behind Celtic, and kicking him in the groin. Celtic doubles over, Lucien spinning with a clothesline, at Cleo. The Creeper grabs Celtic, as he turns.))

Eddie: What the-?! FALLEN ANGEL DDT!!

Travis: What?! You’re kidding?!

Eddie: No, that was the Fallen Angel DDT! I recognize the snap of the neck anywhere!

((The Creeper stands, picking up Celtic, and dumping him over the top rope. Tiger and Sarafan rush to the ring. Once inside, the remaining four teams step back, looking at one another.))

Eddie: Tonight, we’ve already seen Mia and Tiger in a match. This will be interesting to see if Tiger isn’t going to try for some level of revenge, here.

Travis: WOW! Four women in the same ring at the same time!! CATFIGHT!!!

((The catfight Travis wanted almost happens, as Tiger rushes Mia, Sarafan going toward Cleo. But, at a word, B.D. rushes Sarafan, hoisting her into the air, and dropping, in a Canadian backbreaker. B.D., like a piranha, never lets up, ripping into Sarafan like a wild animal, Sarafan blocking herself as much as possible, her training slowly trickling away, due to the simply overwhelming speed and power of the attacks B.D. directs at her. Mia darts away, to safety, so she thinks. Jarred grabs her, and moves to throw her over, only to have Cleo hit him in the face, and pull Mia to safety, The Creeper standing back until the mass is cleared. B.D. stands, hauling Sarafan to her feet, and tossing her into Jarred, Jarred staggering backward, then Jarred simply tossing Sarafan over his head, eliminating both Tiger and Sarafan.))

Travis: And this match just got two degrees more boring.

Eddie: Hey, aren’t you the one that is always calling Cleo your goddess?

Travis: Good point. GO CLEO!

((The match itself completely dissolves into an unidentifiable brawl. B.D. appears from the fray, flying over the top rope, B.D.’s feet coming down onto the apron, then flipping over the top rope, crashing into the people there, leveling everyone. B.D. gets up, a look of utter insanity clear on his face. As the group of people get to their feet, B.D. looses a spear.))

Eddie: HOLY SHIT! He just speared six people!!

Travis: He’s insane. Literally. The Creeper showed me the papers certifying it, before we went on the air.

Eddie: Still, that takes a special kind of crazy.

((The force of the spear, en masse, had an unforeseen result, in that both Cleo and Mia were dumped outside, neither understanding, or believing, that they were removed that easily, or abruptly. B.D. steps back, laughing with an insane air, and moving forward again, throwing punches at everyone. The Creeper shoves his brother backward, taking a minute to shout at him, Jarred and Jericho going after The Creeper, to get him out, only to have B.D. tackle Jarred from behind, pummeling the back of Jarred’s head like a punching bag, Jericho and The Creeper trading blows, then stepping back, The Creeper smiling, for the first time. The Creeper nods, locking up with Jarred.))

Eddie: Jarred and The Creeper taking it old school, here.

Travis: I have to go comfort Cleo.

Eddie: I wouldn’t.

Travis: Yeah, but that’s you.

((The Creeper turns the collar and elbow into an armbar, wrenching on Jericho’s arm. Jericho flips forward, then back, catching The Creeper with a hard kick to the face. The Creeper staggers backward, Jericho rushing him, with a clothesline. The Creeper responds with a shoulder back toss, Jericho’s momentum looking to take him over the top rope.))

Eddie: This is o- What the hell?!

Travis: He just saved Jericho?! Uh. . . is he high?

Eddie: This. . . I can’t work like this!

Travis: Really?

Eddie: No, I’m fine. I just wanted to say that.

Travis: Uh. . . I don’t know what to say. Normally I’m the one saying things like that. Oh. I know. To quote Eddie Daniels: I knew there was a reason I didn’t talk to you.

((The Creeper had, indeed, saved Jericho, grabbing Jericho’s shirt, and hauling him back into the ring before Jericho could even go far enough to near the floor. The Creeper picks Jericho up, into a hanging position. Meanwhile, B.D. has pulled Jarred to his feet, only to get a mouthful of fist, Jarred appearing well lost in an adrenaline rush, hitting a series of hooks into B.D.’s face. B.D. takes every single shot, laughs, and kicks Jarred in the midsection.))

Eddie: PLAGUE! B.D. just finished off Jarred!

Travis: Yeah, but how is Jericho going to save his brother, here?!

Eddie: He won’t.

((B.D. picks Jarred up, flinging him into the corner, following him in, and lifting Jarred up onto the top turnbuckle. Stepping back slightly, B.D. simply snaps off an incredibly high round kick to Jarred’s cheek, sending Jarred crashing down, off the top turnbuckle. As Jarred begins to fall, however, The Creeper, having already dropped Jericho, catches the movement, and proceeds to hurdle the top rope, his feet touching before Jarred. The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: The winners of this match, and NEW HWC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. . . JARRED AND JERICHO DYLAN!

Eddie: Why did The Creeper do that? Throw the match like that?

Travis: Maybe he got some of B.D.’s insanity.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))