Saturday Night Slaughter
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada at the Saskatchewan Place

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is shown riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slamming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack through the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest beating up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

Eddie: Welcome to anothre Slaughter here in the great white north. We're here at at the sold out Saskatchewan Place, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Travis: This is going to be another boring night Eddie...I mean our first match is going to just two guys tearing at each other.

Eddie: You do know that Amy is going to be out here with him...Well maybe...

Travis: Oh god please let Amy be here tonight with him...

Eddie: And we also have a match between Malice and Panthro. And it's no oridnary match. It's a casket match...

Travis: You mean my sweet Malice, is going to be thrown in the ring with a crazed man, that could possibly toss her in a casket?

Eddie: That's right...I would be worried about Panthro not Malice...

Travis: Yeah your right...She's going to kill him!

Standard Match
Lucien Merriuci vs Jeff Wylde

Eddie: The first match of the night is going to be something eh Travis?

Travis: No...Unless Amy comes out here and shows off her...

Eddie: Don't even say it!!!

Travis: What? All I was going to say was show off that cute little ass of hers! What did you think I was going to say?

Eddie: I don't know, I really don't know!

((The arena goes pitch black as "The Call of Ktulu starts. Lucien slowly methodically walk to the ring as the lights come up to a dim. Lucien stands on the outside pericing a hole through his opponent with his eyes(metophorically speaking of course). The lights return to normal as Lucien steps into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time,275 lbs, from the Prague, Czech Republic, Lucien Merriuci

Travis: This is going to be a waste of time! Bring me my Malice...

Eddie: You're Malice? Are you crazy? She would kill you if you got her alone and showed her a white rabbit!

Travis: I wouldn't...Are you crazy? Besides I know Jeff our new IC Champion will come out here and kick everybodies ass!

((As "Reckoning Day" starts to play Jeff walks out onto the stage and pauses at the top of the ramp and raises both arms, and looks from side to side before lowering his arms and heading to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 280 lbs., from Sydney, Australia, the current IC Champion "The Wyldeman" Jeff Wylde.

Travis: See...He's in perfect form here tonight! But where's Amy?

Eddie: Maybe she didn't want to be looked at like a piece of meat by you.

Travis: I don't do that...

Eddie: Sure you don't...

Travis: What?

((Lucien, and Jeff stand toe to toe staring each other down. The bell sounds and Jeff takes Lucien down with an arm drag and puts him to the mat. Jeff gets Lucien to his feet and goes for a fallaway slam and Lucien hits the mat once more. The crowd goes wild as Jeff gets Lucien to his feet only to be hit in the midsection by Lucien and staggers back as Lucien grabs Jeff and goes for a implant DDT. Jeff hits the mat and Lucien goes for the pin. 1...2...Jeff kicks out tossing Lucien off him.))

Travis: That was close...Jeff almost didn't make it out of that...

Eddie: That would have been a quick match...

Travis: What a shame...We could have gotten to see my Malice a little quicker.

Eddie: You're hopeless.

((Jeff grabs Lucien and goes for a samoan drop, sending Lucien to the mat. Jeff smiles to himself as he goes to put Lucien in a choke slam like hold only to be kicked in the groin sending Jeff to his knees in pain.Lucien gets Jeff who is in pain and goes for a choke toss. Jeff goes flying across the ring and into the corner.Lucien walks to the corner and gets Jeff up onto this shoulders setting up for the Unmaking. He hits it and Jeff goes down to the mat. Lucien goes for the pin. 1...2...Jeff gets the shoulder up and Lucien can't believe it.))

Travis: YES!!! I'm not going to lose my money.

Eddie: Or your limbs if Jeff wins.

Travis: That's ri...Hey!

Eddie: It's true isn't it?

Travis: (Hangs his head not looking up.) Yes...

((Lucien gets Jeff to his feet and is hit in the midsection by Jeff. Lucien lets go and stumbles back. Jeff grabs Lucien and goes for the Wylde Ride. He hits it and Lucien goes down. Jeff goes for the pin. 1...2...Lucien gets the shoulder up and Jeff hits the mat with his fists.))

Travis: I thought Jeff had him!

Eddie: Neither of these men are going to give up until someone is out cold on that mat in there...

Travis: Please let it be Lucien!

Eddie: That was rude...

Travis: I don't want to lose my limbs Eddie!

((Jeff picks Lucien up and goes for a chokeslam.Lucien tries to kick Jeff by Jeff backs away enough to make his foot to miss. Lucien hits the mat and wrenches in pain. Jeff picks Lucien up again, and goes for a powerbomb, and sends Lucien to the mat again in pain. Jeff goes for the Wylde Night hits it, sending Lucien to the mat. Jeff goes for the pin. 1...2...3! The bell sounds, and Reckoning Day begins to play.))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner, The IC Champion Wyldeman, Jeff Wylde!

Travis: I knew he could do it!

Eddie: You're just happy that you get to keep your legs aren't you?

Travis: Damn right!

Eddie: What a start we had so far tonight...Our first match and our first win for the Bad News...

Travis: I don't care who gets the win, as long as I get my money.

Eddie: We'll be back after this.

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

Eddie: This is starting to be some night so far eh Travis?

Travis: Not really...I haven't seen any of my ladies...

Eddie: Well your luck will change when you get to see Malice tonight durning her match against...

((The lights go down almost into blackness, as gold spotlights search over the crowd, as soft woman’s voices are heard speaking in the ancient Egyptian tongue almost chanting, as if calling something into this world. A soft piano music begins to play as the word “Forever” is whispered. The song “Forever May Not Be Long Enough” by Live begins to blare through the arena as the two golden spotlights come together at the back of the entrance ramp. She makes her way to the ring with a mic in her hand as she waves to the crowds that are cheering for her. She reaches the ring and climbs in with a smile as her music cuts off.))

Travis: This is going to make my night Eddie! Man she is gorgeous as usual...

Eddie: I wonder why she's out here? She doesn't have a match here tonight...

Travis: Who cares why she's out here! She just looks really hot!

Eddie: Travis put your hands where I can see them!

Travis: Fine...Their right here...I won't move them!

((Cleo looks around the arena, as she raises the mic to her lips, as the lights go back up.))

Cleo: You're probably wondering what I'm doing here since Creeper and I don't have a match this week. I'm out here to have a little chat with all of my fans...That's right...I appreactiate each and everyone of you, unlike my opponents in this race for the postion of Commissioner.

Travis: There's several postions I could think of to put her in!

Eddie: What did I tell you Travis? LEAVE YOUR HANDS ON THE DESK!

Cleo: I'm surprised to see that I'm on the low ratings while Mr. Scott Mercer, and Mr. Travis Best are rated higher than I am...And Beowulf...I'm not surprised! Who would want to vote for someone that thinks that he has come back because of some Rat God? Please...I have more sense than that! Trust me if I am elected I will make sure everything around here runs smoothly along with the help of President Lewis, and Smalls...

((Cleo smiles as the arena errupts into cheers. Cleo just smiles as she looks around the arena, her topaz eyes taking in the glorius sound of the cheers, and the sight of the fans on their feet.))

Cleo: Even though things run good now...But I think I am the best choice for this postion, and I do think that Mr. Best would agree with me that I AM the best choice for the job...

Travis: She's right you know Eddie... She would...

Eddie: Since when have you decided to run?

Travis: A few days ago...

Cleo: Until this thing is over I will reign as your Woman's Champion and hopefully your HWC Commissioner! I love you all!

((Travis stands up and applauds for her as her music begins to play again and makes her way out of the ring. She smiles at Travis almost making him almost fall out of his chair and walks away backstage.))

Eddie: Well Cleo looks serious about her postion in this race wouldn't you say Travis?

Travis: She's got the hots for me!

Eddie: How can you tell?

Travis: That's the smile she gives Creeper when she's with him at ringside.

Eddie: That's also the smile that she gives someone when their about to be mummified!

Travis: I wouldn't mind beginning put in one of those things as long as she comes with me...

Eddie: That won't be happening anytime soon...We'll be back after this!

((Sceen fades and goes to commercail.))

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and Spoon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

Standard Match
Bull vs Sothren

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall.

((The arena goes dark and and a single spotlight hits the stage and lighting strikes the stage and the whole time all this is going on all that can be heard is breathing. Then a second lighting bolt hits the stage and "Hero Of The Day" begins and the spotlight shines on a man standing with his head down and a woman right behind looking and smiling at him. Then the 2 walktowards the ring and as they walk the lady waves a red flag in front of the man which seems to be making him angry. The 2 walk up the steps and get into the ring as the lady runs around the ring as the man charges at the red flag and they continue to do this till the opponent comes to the ring.))

Jean: Currently in the ring, being accompanied by Natasha, from Bendigo, Australia, weighing 286 pounds, Bull!

Eddie: This young man has expressed an interest in becoming a member of Bad News and has yet to hear anything from the group regarding his membership.

Travis: Why would he want to hook up with those morons?

Eddie: Because they're one of the most dominant stables in the HWC maybe?

Travis: Nah, that's not it. They're bunch of morons!

Eddie: They're here.

Travis: Where?

Eddie: In the arena.

Travis: Eep!

((Suddenly "Click Click Boom" hits.))

Eddie: And here they are! Are they going to give him an answer now?

((However Scott Mercer comes out from the back by himself. He calmly walks to the ring and gets in. Bull has stopped chasing the red flag and watches as the manager of Bad News steps in the ring. Jean hands him the mic when he asks for it.))

Scott: Now, Bull, I understand that you would like to join Bad News, is that right?

((Bull nods.))

Scott: Well, then here's what I'm going to do. I've talked it over with the boys and they all agree that we should see if you've got what it takes. So I'm gonna go sit down over there at the broadcast table and watch your match. So if you want in, you need to impress not only me, but the rest of the boys who are watching in the back.

((Scott hands the mic back to Jean and shakes Bull's hand before exiting the ring and heads to the broadcast table. As he does the lights go out as "Facing Hell" begins to play over the PA system. Red Lights illuminate the stage as Sothren walks out with a huge grin. He stands on the top of the walkway almost standing on the stage as he pulls his right arm down and his leg up as if in a "YES!" pose and Pyro erupts he just smiles and laughs then runs down to the ring. He slides in on all fours smiling and leering like a predator then stands and waits.))

Jean: His opponent, representing the Darkside, weighing 246 pounds, Sothren du Lac!

Travis: We've been joined by Scott Mercer here at the broadcast position as Sothren du Lac has entered the ring to start his match with Bull, and he looks a little the worse for wear after the beating that he took at the hands of his own brother a few days back.

Scott: Let the Darkside beat each other up, once we get to Desolation we'll settle things with them once and for all, but I'm here to watch Bull wrestle and see if he has what it takes.

((The two wrestlers meet as the Bell rings, Sothren starts out kicking Bull in the midsection and ramming his elbow into the back of Bull's neck. Bull drops to a knee and then lunges forward driving his head into Soth's midsection driving him backwards. He stands up and unloads a right hand into Soth's face backing him up to the ropes and whips him off. Soth bounces back and gets caught with a wicked clothesline. He pulls Soth to his feet and takes him over with a nice suplex.))

Scott: So far so good.

Travis: Yeah, but the match is what, a minute old?

Scott: Shut up Travis or I'll have Jeff Wylde come out here.

Travis: Yes sir.

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen, a miracle. Someone actually shut Travis Best up!

((Bull grabs Soth and drops him with a neckbreaker and goes for a quick cover. 1...kickout easilly by Soth. Bull glances to Scott to see if he's impressed yet, and Soth takes the momentary distraction to roll up Bull with a schoolboy. 1...Bull kicks out and the two men pop back up to their feet. Bull locks up with Soth and locks on a headlock and starts wreching down on it. Soth backs Bull into the ropes and whips him off. Bull comes off and Soth hits him with a shoulderblock. Bull doesn't go down. Soth throws himself off the ropes and comes at Bull with a spinning heel kick. Bull goes down and Soth scoots around and grabs him in a front facelock. Bull powers to his feet and Soth leaps into the air driving Bull back down onto the mat face first.))

Eddie: A nice variation on a facebuster there by Sothren.

Scott: I don't know about this now. He's slowing down a bit here.

((Bull powers to his feet again and starts punching Soth in the midsection and when he's free he grabs Soth's head and places his own head under Soth's jaw dropping down with a jawbreaker. Soth staggers away from Bull holding his jaw, Bull grabs Soth from behind and bends him backwards placing the back of Soth's head on his knee and his elbow on Soth's throat and the drops down driving his elbow into Soth's throat and his knee into the back of Soth's head at the same time!))

Travis: That had to hurt.

Scott: A keen grasp of the obvious. Would you like me to show you?

Travis: No sir.

Scott: Then shut up.

((Bull has Soth back up and drops him with a brainbuster and then pulls Soth up again and this time drops him with a DDT. Soth rolls to the ropes trying to get out. Bull grabs Soth's legs and falls back Soth's throat hitting the bottom rope and his head slamming into the mat. Bull turns to Scott and grins before reaching to pull Soth up. Soth suddenly reaches up and rolls Bull up in a small package. 1...2...kickout.))

Eddie: Bull is distracted by your presence here at ringside.

Scott: Distraction is not good. He should forget that I'm here and concentrate on his match. Otherwise he's no good to me.

((Soth has recovered and drops Bull with a diving reverse DDT and is now grinning as he kicks Bull. Bull uses the ropes to pull himself up and Soth shoves him into a corner and starts unloading shoulderblocks into Bull's midsection. When he's done he whips Bull to the opposite corner, Bull hits hard and staggers forward into a belly to belly overhead suplex. He hits the mat hard and Soth drops down and grabs his ankle and applies an ankle lock. Bull is close enough to reach the ropes and Soth releases the hold at the five count.))

Scott: Good ring presence. He knew where he was and was able to avoid the ankle lock. That's a plus.

Eddie: So far a good even match. What do you think Travis?

Travis: ...

Eddie: Thank you for that insight.

((Soth hits Bull with a few punches and then backs him to the ropes and then clotheslines him over the top rope. Bull goes tumbling head over heels to the floor and Natasha runs over to help him to his feet as the referee holds Soth back inside the ring. Bull gets back up and heads back into the ring and Soth shoves the ref aside and starts stomping on the back of Bull's head, he pulls Bull up and whips him off the ropes again. He charges in and spears Bull, he covers, 1...2...kickout by Bull. Bull staggers to his feet and Soth is wating and tries for a superkick, Bull catches Soth's leg and spins him around and when Soth is facing Bull again Bull wraps his hand around Soth's neck and chokeslams him. He's not done as he pulls Soth back up and leads Soth over to the turnbuckle and starts slamming Soth's face into the corner three times, the then leads him over to the next turnbuckle and hits that one three times, then the next one another three times. He leads Soth to the last turnbuckle and instead of slamming him into it face first, he picks Soth up and drops him with Snake Eyes on the top turnbuckle. Soth falls to the mat like a wet rag.))

Scott: Good use of the turnbuckles. And nice power. He could be an asset after all.

Eddie: Soth and Bull really putting on a good show here, and Bull doing it to earn a positon in Bad News. Is he impressing you yet Mr. Mercer?

Scott: He's showing me something, I'm not overly impressed yet.

((Bull has dragged Soth back to mid ring and hits a press suplex dropping Soth hard. Soth suddenly starts laughing and Bull pulls the laughing Soth up for a powerbomb, but Soth jams his fingers into Bull's eyes causing the big man to fall backwards Soth landing on his chest. Soth rebounds off the ropes and drives a knee into Bull's skull, and then rolls him onto his stomach and applies a cobra clutch. For the first time in the whole match he looks over to Scott and with his hands othewise occupied he sticks his tounge out.))

Scott: Oh, well, now my feelings are hurt. I may have to go cry now.

((Bull powers his way to the ropes and manages to grab the bottom rope, Soth lets go of the clutch and then jumps up into the air landing on Bull's back. He then drapes Bull's neck across the bottom rope and stands on his back. He gets off Bulls back and looks to the camera.))

Soth: I hope you're watching brother!

((Soth walks back over to Bull and pulls him to his feet and sets him up for the Athar. He nails it perfectly. 1...2...3! Soth wins.))

Scott: I've made up my mind. Guys I know you're back there watching come on out.

((The distinctive thud of Scott's headset hitting the table can be heard as he gets up and leaves the broadcast table.))

Eddie: Bull gave it a good go, but Soth was just too much for him.

Travis: Scott's lucky I was in a good mood tonight, otherwise I woulda walloped him.

Eddie: Suuuuuuuure, Travis.

((In the ring Soth is celbrating but his celebration is cut short by the playing of "Click Click Boom" as Bad News comes down to the ring in force. The Enforcer, Draven, Jeff, Amy, Blood, PitBull and Celtic Hyena all come down, Scott is already in the ring as Natasha helps Bull to his feet.))

Eddie: Here comes Bad News.

Travis: What are they doing here?

Eddie: Well Scott called them out here, maybe to welcome Bull into Bad News.

((Soth sees the members of Bad News enter the ring. Without a second thought Jeff walks over and grabs Soth by his hair and tosses him over the top rope to the floor. The members of Bad News then huddle on the opposite side of the ring where Bull and Natasha are. Finally after a few moments of deliberation Scott walks over and gets a mic.))

Scott: Well, Bull, you lost the match but you made a good showing. I've talked it over with the guys and we've come to a decision.

((Bull smiles as he turns to face the members of Bad News. However his smile fades as Celtic grabs him around the throat and chokeslams him, Natasha runs to help him but Pit grabs her and makes her watch as Blood steps in next and grabs Bull and drops him with the Dragon suplex. Natasha struggles as Jeff grabs Bull next and nails a Wylde Ride. Jeff pulls Bull back up and whips him towards Draven who grabs him and with the Enforcer they nail the Headline. Bull is laid out and Scott leans over him.))

Scott: We've decided that Bad News is full enough and we don't need anybody else! See ya around kid.

((Scott drops the mic and Pit lets Natasha go as Bad News exits the ring as "Click Click Boom" hits again. They don't look back as they head to the back, they are however talking amongst themselves.))

Eddie: Not the answer Bull wanted I'm sure, but that was their answer.

Travis: Makes you wonder what they would have said if they wanted him in?

Eddie: Folks we'll be right back.

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

((The light's in the arena go out as the HWC-Tron comes to life, the words HWC Jackass pained across the screen in what looks like blood. The camera cuts showing The Cushion wearing only swiming trunks and standing upon a hotel baloncy.))

Cushion: Hi ya all, I'm The Cushion and this is Splash Down.

((Cushion smiles looking dow for a moment. Leaping up he some how pulls his knees to his chest as he falls. Cushion plumets below landing a cannon ball into the hotel's pool below. The water flies out in a huge splash sending it out pool side drentching those that were sun taning. Cushion pops up and begins to float around.))

Casket Match
Panthro vs Malice

Eddie: Well, now, we have a match between Malice and Panthro. A casket match, no less. There you can see the casket at ringside.

((The camera shows the casket at ringside, the lid closed.))

Travis: I get to see my little angel in all her sweetness.

Eddie: Travis, you need some serious help. Let’s go to Jean Fortello for the introductions.

Jean Fortello: This next match is a casket match. Introducing first, from the Darkside, weighing in at 135 lbs, hailing from Tokyo, Japan. . . . MALICE!!!

((The lights go as red spiral lights appear on the stage. The theme from American McGee's Alice begins to play as Malice appears with the flamingo shaped croquet mallet in hand. She makes her way to the ring in a trance like stare ignoring the crowds around her. She steps in the ring and faces the entrance to wait for her opponent.))

Travis: Damn Sephiroth! What did he do to my poor, innocent Mia?!

Eddie: We’ve been over that, Travis. She’s not Mia anymore.

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing in at 173 lbs. . . . PANTHRO!!!!!!!

((The Mexican Hip Hop Song that is Panthro’s entrance theme is piped through the building, Panthro steps out from the back and walks quickly to the ring. He points over the crowd before crossing himself and sliding into the ring. He is met before he ever gets anywhere near a standing position by a series of boots to the head. Malice pulls him to his feet, only to hit a standing dropkick that sends Panthro over the top rope, and tumbling to the floor. Malice stands up, wasting no time, and vaulting over the top rope, crashing into the slowly rising Panthro.))

Eddie: Malice taking to the air as she did before, when she was Mia.

Travis: Look at her! Wow!

Eddie: Travis, settle down. And stop leaning. You won’t be able to see up her dress.

((Malice gets to her feet, jumping atop a guardrail, and hitting a springboard plancha onto Panthro as he stands. Again, Malice gets up first, pulling Panthro to his feet, and dragging him toward the casket. Malice slams Panthro’s head into the lid, Panthro staggering backward slightly, Malice dropping, and hitting a drop toehold to Panthro, into the casket lid, Panthro recoiling, and falling to the ground, clutching his face.))

Eddie: Malice appears to be trying to make that casket Panthro’s final resting place.

Travis: She’s so powerful! Sexy and power? Wow!

Eddie: Stop leaning! You’re going to knock me out of the announce position!

((Malice again begins pulling Panthro to his feet, only to take a jawbreaker from a rising Panthro. As she staggers backward, Panthro follows it up with a spinning wheel kick, taking Malice down. Malice gets to her feet, appearing ready to cry.))

Eddie: That move must have hurt her more than it appeared.

Travis: I’ll comfort her!

((As Panthro draws near her, to check her over, Malice’s expression becomes a twisted smile, as she drops to her knees, hitting a vicious low blow to Panthro. Panthro staggers away, Malice hitting a gutwrench, still too close to the casket, sending Panthro thudding into the casket, then rolling off, one of Panthro’s hands going to the small of his back.))

Eddie: Malice being surprisingly vicious here. I thought she liked Panthro?

Travis: Mia might have, but Malice doesn’t, which suits me fine, as that means Malice is still on the market.

Eddie: But not for you, Travis.

((As Malice pulls Panthro to his feet again, Panthro again hits a jawbreaker, dropping to a seated position, kicking Malice’s feet out from under her, sending her crashing to the ground again. Panthro darts in the ring under the bottom rope, moving to a perpendicular apron, running toward Malice, then jumping across to the guardrail, ricocheting off of the guardrail, and hitting a moonsault onto Malice.))

Eddie: Great move by Panthro, here.

Travis: How can he do that to her?!

Eddie: If he didn’t, she’d destroy him, Travis.

Travis: Good! So long as Malice doesn’t get hurt!

Eddie: You’re hopeless.

((Panthro gets to his feet, picking Malice up, then dropping her face-first onto the guardrail, grabbing her on the rebound, and hitting a German Suplex on the floor, sending Malice into the ramp. Panthro moves to an adjacent apron, running at the turnbuckle, then jumping, and handspringing off the top of the turnbuckle, hitting a 450 splash from the move.))

Eddie: WOW! Incredible aerial maneuvers from both competitors!

Travis: Panthro needs to go find a woman, so he can stop beating on Malice.

Eddie: He wants Malice as his woman, Travis.

Travis: Well, she doesn’t want him. He sucks.

Eddie: You must be running out of insults.

((Panthro moves to the casket, opening the lid, picking Malice up, and carrying her toward the casket. Suddenly, the lights go out. A few quiet seconds pass, and, when the lights come back on, the casket is closed, and neither competitor is anywhere in sight.))

Eddie: What the hell just happened?!

Travis: Where’d Malice go?!

Eddie: Where’d either athlete go?

((The referee moves to the casket, lifting the lid, the camera moving in, looking into the casket. Inside the casket, Malice and Panthro lay, side by side, both apparently unconscious, back to back, both clutching at the back of their heads. The referee speaks to Jean Fortello.))

Jean Fortello: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the referee has declared this match be thrown out, as neither competitor is outside of the casket.

((The casket lid shuts again, from no visible source. The referee moves to the casket, opening the lid again, revealing that both competitors are completely gone.))

Eddie: Eerie ending to this match, but what happened when the lights went out?

Travis: Who cares?! Where’s Malice?

Eddie: We can’t worry about that for now, Travis. We have a match between B.D. and Blood Dragon coming up, soon, and, then, in our main event, a six man tag between The Finest, and the BLS with Chimaira.

((The theme from Hawaii 5-0 plays and out walks Steve Saxon with his manager Brian Supreme at his side. They make their way to the ring ignoring the cheering crowd around them.))

Eddie: The vet Steve Saxon has returned!

Travis: Why has he come back.

Eddie: To wrestles, why does anyone ever come back here?

Travis: I thought me might be here to bore us to death.

Eddie: Oh forget it. Folk we have a clip of Saxon's manager from earlier tonight, which might be why he's out here tonight.

((Camera cut to backstage with the words "Earlier Tonight" at the bottom of the screen. Klaus Von Hammer is seen entering the building with his duffle bag in hand. He makes his way to his locker room when a man not dressed like any crew man steps out and blocks his path. Klaus stops and looks him over when the match hands him a note. Klaus reads aloud.))

Klaus: Die Zerstörer werden beendet....... Die Zerstörer are finished?! Signed Steve Saxon!

((Klaus crumples the note in his hands and hits the main with a close line that sends him into the wall before crumbling to the ground. Klaus throws the note at the man and kicks him a few times before walking off. The man was that of Brian Supreme. The clip ends and cuts to the ring where Steve Saxon stands by Brian with a mic in hand.))

Steve: I am issuing an open challenge to Die Zerstörer for Desolation. A tag team match both of Hans and Klaus vs me....... and my manager Brian Supreme!

((Brian's face turns white as she begins to argue about being in the match. Steve seems to ignore him not taking no for an answer.))

Steve: I have mad my return to the HWC, but unlike many others my return will make a bigger impact. I will be remembered and earn my spot in the HWC Hall of Fame. My challenge is there Die Zerstörer, I WILL see you at Desolation!

((Stave drops the mic and turns to go as Brian is still trying to srgue his way out of the match.))

Eddie: Saxon taking on Die Zerstörer at Desolation.

Travis: Well I gotta say the man has it coming for him.

Eddie: You might be right for a change. Saxon just might be out of his leage here.

Back Alley Brawl
Blood Dragon vs B.D.

((As the song fades in, the lights slowly dim, then die out completely. The explosion of sound from the PA accompanied by a equal explosion from the pyros around the rampway, as well as the ringposts, the ringposts then smoking heavily, looking like a mistake, the smoke filling the ring, then, once the ring is filled, the smoke dissipates, revealing B.D. sitting on a turnbuckle across from his opponent, or to the immediate left, if his opponent is yet to appear, his chin resting on his hand, his elbow on his knee, looking at his opponent like they're out of their mind for stepping into the ring with him.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time,weighing in at 260 lbs,from The Second Tier of Hell, B.D

Travis: Isn't B.D one of Creeper's brothers?

Eddie: Yes he is...If he's anything like Creeper we'll have a good show here tonight.

Travis: My money's on him anyway...

Eddie: I figured as much...

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 245 lbs,from Melbourne, Florida, Blood Dragon.

Travis: You know if B.D was part of the Darkside it would be another match up between the Dark Side and Bad News again.

Eddie: That's true...

Travis: And maybe, just maybe I could see my Malice or even Cleo...I hope she's ok...

Eddie: I'm sure she's fine Travis...

Travis: Says you...

((The two of them stand face to face, staring each other down. They look for each other's weakness. Blood gets the match underway by taking down B.D with an arm drag, and slides out of the ring, and starts tossing up a few toys. Trash cans fly into the ring, steel pipes, steel chairs, a baseball bat, a couple of kendo sticks, a couple of 2X4's fly past B.D's head as they hit the mat.))

Travis: This is going to be some match...

Eddie: That it is... We'll see two great fighters here tonight, and I have a feeling it's going to get bloody.

Travis: Yeah! Blood shed!

Eddie: Figures you would like that idea...

((Blood grabs one of the steel pipes and starts to hit B.D across the back with it. B.D just laughs as he gets hit, and slowly gets to his feet. B.D grabs the steel pipe and rips it out of Blood's hands and tosses him down before he starts beating Blood with the pipe and bending it in half. B.D tosses the pipe away and picks up one of the steel chairs. He starts to beat Blood down with the chair keeping on the mat. B.D goes for the pin. 1...2...Blood gets the shoulder up and B.D gets Blood to his feet only to be hit with an elbow in the midsection.))

Travis: Now this is what I'm talking about! C'mon B.D take care of Blood Dragon! Make her highness proud!

Eddie: What are you talking about?

Travis: B.D is the brother of Creeper that has his hands on Cleo...So otherwise he should be fighting for her honor...

Eddie: Travis you're odd...And I can't figure out why just yet...Would you step in the ring with Blood for Cleo's honor?

Travis: Ummmmm...Maybe...

Eddie: That's what I thought.

((Blood goes for a snap suplex, and B.D lands right on the dented chair. B.D is down for a few seconds and slowly makes it to his feet. Blood grabs a baseball bat, and starts beating B.D down once more.))

Travis: This is getting good...

Eddie: That it is...

Travis: C'mon B.D! You can take down Blood Dragon!

((With the next blow B.D grabs the bat and rips it out of Blood's hands and starts to beat Blood Dragon down. B.D tosses the bat to the side, and goes for a standing powerslam. Blood hits the mat and B.D goes for the pin. 1...Blood gets the shoulder up as the masked man appears in front of B.D. The masked man grabs a lead pipe as he lifts Blood to his feet. The masked man starts beating Blood with the lead pipe, cracking him in the head with it, letting blood flow down his face.))

Travis: Where in the hell did he come from?

Eddie: I have no idea!

Travis: Hey this might be the advantage B.D is looking for here.

((The masked man continues to beat Blood, as the ref gets knocked out of the ring. He hits the floor as the battle rages in the ring between Blood and the masked man. The masked man goes for a kick to the face and sends Blood to the mat. The masked man moves out of the way and B.D goes for the pin. 1...2...3! The bell sounds and B.D's music begins to play. B.D hops out of the ring, leaving Blood and the masked man.))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner, B.D!

Travis: Yeah! I won money!

Eddie: I figured you did... But why is the masked man here?

Travis: I don't know...But it's going to get good.

((The masked man gets Blood to his feet and is hit in the midsection by Blood who has realized that he just lost his match to B.D. He starts fighting back and goes for a snap suplex, sendind the masked man to the mat. Blood gets to his knees, and removes the mask only to reveal a fan. Blood gets to his feet and is taken back as the EMT's get out to the ring. The HWC-Tron cuts to the real masked man who just sits there and laughs.))

Masked Man: Missed again Blood Dragon... You just beat the living crap out of a fan for me...Now this doesn't look good does it?

Travis: He must be here in the building...

Eddie: He might be...Some call security!

Masked Man: Does beating a fan make you feel more of a man? I mean you are hopeless Blood Dragon...You still haven't figured out who I am, or why I even step out there with you do you? Until you catch me you'll never know! So long Blood Dragon!

((The screen goes black as the crowd boos. Blood Dragon looks around the arena with anger ragging in his eyes. He gets out of the ring and heads backstage.))

Eddie: That was some match! But who is that man that keeps showing up?

Travis: I don't know but this has been an awesome night so far. Blood Dragon deserved it!

Eddie: Sure he did...We'll be back after this.

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

6 Man Tag Match
HWC's Finest vs BloodLust Slayerz and Chimaira

Eddie: Well, now we have our main event, after a particularly memorable night.

Travis: Did you see Malice?! WOW!

Eddie: Travis, you graduated high school, right?

Travis: Yeah.

Eddie: Then use some of those high school words.

Travis: Okay, she’s very well-rounded.

Eddie: That she is.

Travis: Especially in the key places.

Eddie: You’re a pig, Travis.

Jean Fortello: This next match is the main event. Introducing first, from Washington, D.C., weighing in at a combined weight of 570 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Miss America. . . HWC’S FINEST!!!!

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthem begins to blast in the arena. Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Brett is standing with Storm waving Old Glory. They both salute it before continuing on down to the ring to chants of "USA...USA...USA"))

Jean Fortello: And their partner, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225 lbs, accompanied to the ring by Eric Taylor. . . JARRED DYLAN!!!!

((As the lights dim, a rolling fog cascades over the ramp, obscuring the entrance from view. Hovering lights can be seen, made ever eerie by the haunting music provided by Queensryche. When Geoff Tate's voice first screams "one more time around", the fog lifts to reveal Jarred Dylan and his young companion, Eric Taylor. They make their way to the ring, Eric trying not to show his awe at being this side of the ring barrier.))

Eddie: These three men are all very effective athletes in that ring. And the presence of Eric Taylor and Miss America outside the ring gives them the advantage, one would think.

Travis: They’re fighting the tag champions, who have Mr. Smalls in their corner. Those two in the Finest corner won’t get involved, because it’ll cost the Finest.

Eddie: Let’s be honest, Smalls doesn’t need a reason to screw the athletes of the HWC.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, introducing first from Norway, weighing in at a combined weight of 500 lbs, they are the reigning HWC Tag Team Champions, (The crowd boos madly) Beowulf and Palimon, THE BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!!!!!

((The lights go out. Before the music plays a deep voice of Beowulf say "Summon The Drums of War." The beating of drums start as their theme does, followed by the crowd bursting into overwhelming boos. The HWC-Tron shows scenes from battles some look like they are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring threw it letting out a battle cry. The BLS slide into the ring, the Finest taking the moment to attack the BLS before they got too prepared. The bell rings, the BLS on the receiving end of a triple team assault.))

Travis: The BLS is getting triple teamed here. Where’s that useless piece of trash Chimaira?!

Eddie: I’m sure he’s on his way, Travis.

((Jarred steps back, rebounding off the ropes. Just then, “Violent Moodswings” begins pounding through the arena, all eyes going up the ramp. No sooner have the collective eyes of the arena gone to the top of the ramp than the form of Chimaira plummets from the ceiling, a chair in hand, bringing it crashing down into Jarred’s head, the bungee cord around his ankles bringing him up short from colliding into the mat. Working quickly, Chimaira frees himself of the bungee cord, draping himself over Jarred. The referee turns, dropping to give the count. 1. . . . 2. . . Kickout. The kickout sends Chimaira sailing into the air like a paper airplane, only to come crashing back down to earth with the force of a meteor. Jarred gets to his feet, watching Chimaira, the referee now worrying about getting the other four men from the ring. As Chimaira stands, Jarred kicks him full in the face, sending Chimaira over, holding his face. Jarred hauls Chimaira to his feet, slinging him into the Finest’s corner, following him in with a back elbow.))

Eddie: Jarred recovering very well, here, tonight. After that chair shot, it’s surprising. Jarred must have a head with the hardness of stone.

((The camera focuses on the crater in the chair’s surface, made by the impact of metal on skull.))

Travis: He’s just not smart enough to know that he should give up, and lose, because they are Smalls’ employees.

Eddie: Goons, you mean.

Travis: They’re not goons! Goons are a light greenish color.

Eddie: No, those would be boogers, Travis. You have to wonder how willing Chimaira will be to tag, considering the BLS’s opinion of the match itself.

((A tag made to Brett, Jarred stepping back from the corner slightly, locking Chimaira in what appears to be a setup for a double-arm DDT, then turning, baring Chimaira’s midsection fully. Brett snaps off a hard kick to Chimaira’s chest, Jarred releasing him, and stepping outside the ring, Brett hitting a double arm powerbomb, then tagging Storm, both men putting boots to Chimaira.))

Eddie: Quick tags, and Chimaira is entirely at the mercy of the Finest.

Travis: Told you he was a useless piece of trash.

((Brett leaves the ring, Storm kicking Chimaira in the midsection, pulling him from the corner slightly, then running up the turnbuckle, and, with superhero-like speed, backflipping, catching Chimaira on the way down, and dropping him in a harsh DDT. Chimaira writhes for a moment, then, as Storm leans down to pick him up, Chimaira goes for what appears to be a jawbreaker, but, instead, dropping backward, sending both feet into Storm’s midsection hard, driving the wind from Storm’s lungs. Chimaira rolls out of the ring, moving around the ring to where the BLS are, sliding in under the bottom rope, and tagging Palimon.))

Eddie: Chimaira taking the low road there. A good idea, after the assault he’s suffered so far.

Travis: He’s a useless piece of trash.

Eddie: Where’s your creativity gone, Travis?

Travis: Down this shitter! Like this damn match!

Eddie: Poor Travis. I hope you take it the right way when I say: Quit your bitching!

Travis: That wasn’t nice.

((Palimon moves to the opposite corner, grabbing Storm as he tries to catch his breath, hitting a thunderous German Suplex on him, completely missing the tag made to Jarred before Storm went over and back. Before the Suplex had even finished moving, Jarred was already airborne, hitting a move best described as a vertical dropkick into Palimon’s midsection. Palimon drops to the ground, Jarred dropping a leg onto Palimon’s throat. Not seeing the tag, Beowulf rushes into the ring to stop the two-on-one situation, the referee moving to him, to get him from the ring. As soon as his back is turned, Brett darts into the ring, rousing the fallen Storm.))

Eddie: Justice is Served!! This match is over!

Travis: Useless rookies.

((The referee turns, to administer the count, 1. . . 2. . . . pin broken up by Chimaira hitting a dropkick to Jarred’s face. Chimaira hits a round kick to the rising Jarred’s face, the referee moving him backward, trying to maintain some level of order. Beowulf, sneaking into the ring, proceeds to give both Storm and Brett hard boots the to face, knocking them off the apron, Beowulf then nudging Palimon with his boot. Palimon gets to his feet groggily, taking a minute to regain his composure, then vaulting to the top rope, Beowulf hoisting Jarred into the air on his shoulders.))

Eddie: SLAYERZ SPEAR!!! Holy shit! What won’t happen in this match?!

Travis: Anything interesting?

Eddie: Travis, how much did you bet on this match?

Travis: Nothing! That’s why it’s so boring!

((Palimon with the pin, 1. . . 2. . . Palimon gets pulled out of the ring by Brett, Brett tossing Palimon into the guardrail, then back into the ring, this bringing Beowulf around the ring, to attack Brett. Jarred and Palimon lay, both nearly conscious, but more unconscious, in the ring, Storm and Brett distracted by fending off Beowulf. Chimaira steps into the ring, then stopping. Smalls appears at the top of the ramp, looking as though he’s demanding Chimaira help Palimon get the victory. Chimaira rolls his eyes, moving to Jarred, and hoisting him into the air, for what appears to be a suplex. Chimaira freezes for a moment, the camera zooming in on his face in time to see Chimaira’s eyes roll back in his head, Chimaira falling facedown, draping Jarred over Palimon in the process. The referee turns, counting. 1. . .2. . . 3!!!))

Jean Fortello: The winners of this match by way of a pinfall. . . . HWC’s FINEST!!!!

Eddie: Chimaira tried, but he just didn’t have anything left to give, right there.

((Medical teams move to Chimaira, to help him from the ring, worried he may have had a concussion.))

Travis: I saw him smile! Wait a damn minute! He’s not hurt! He’s just playing possum!!

Eddie: He’s unconscious, Travis! He’s not smiling!! You need some help!

((The camera focuses on Chimaira’s face, and, to the trained eye, a smile could almost be seen for a split second, but only for that short time frame. Camera cut to Autumn Lewis siting at her desk in the VIP Office room looking over a contract for the main event. Suddenly the door flies open as Sephiroth barges in. Autumn stands narrowing her eyes as Seph grabs the chair and throws it into the lamp destroying it easily.))

Seph: Autumn!

Autumn: Whoa, Seph. What the hell is going on?

Seph: Did you hear him? That piss ant? My brother? Do you hear him mocking me?

Autumn: Okay, okay, calm down. What's going on?

Seph: That fool challenges me to MY match? MY MATCH?! The arrogance! I want him dead! I want him humiliated! I want his heart! His life's blood! The fool wants to play games then we'll play games. I want the Camelot Pit Fight this week!

Autumn: Whoa! Wait a minute! I already got you booked for a world title defense! See?

((Autumn hands him the match contract and Seph rips it apart right in front of her throwing it in her face.))

Seph: Listen, Lewis. If I don't get this match. I will make your entire life a living hell. I will threaten your whole family. I will be there to haunt your children's children's children! You got me?!

Autumn: I don't respond well to threats! Besides Seph, I can't get you out of it. Your the World Champion.


((Seph removes his title belt from around his waste and throws it at her narrowly missing her as she ducks out of the way.))

Seph: Take your damn belt and all of it's headaches!!! I will have my match, Lewis. That you can guarantee! So, take your damn belt, give it to whatever fool you had fighting me cause, this time it's personal and my brother are going to settle this... sanctioned or not.

((Seph storms out leaving Lewis visibly shaken. The owner looks at the belt lying beside her and then to the door.))

Eddie: Holy crap! Did you see that?!

Travis: Damn!!! Seph almost tore her head off!

Eddie: And Seph gave up the title. This must have been brewing for sometime.

Travis: Sibling Rivalry the HWC way. Camelot Pit Fight...

Eddie: A civil war as broke out between the du Lac brother, and it all does down at Desolation!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))