Saturday Night Slaughter
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada at the Winnipeg Arena

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is shown riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slamming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack through the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest beating up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

Standard Match
B.D. vs Misguided Angel

Eddie: Welcome to another Slaughter here in the sold out Winnipeg Arena, here in Winnipeg Canada. As always I'm Eddie Daniels, and with me is Travis Best.

Travis: I wish I wasn't! It's going to be a boring night...

Eddie: You won't think so when you see who's here tonight...

Travis: Wait my Cleo is here isn't she?

Eddie: That's right Travis... She and Creeper have a match here tonight against each other...

Travis: How dare Creeper lay a hand on my sweet Queen?

Eddie: Two lovers put up against each other here tonight. And later tonight there has been talk of some contract signing for Desolation ... But first we have a match between B.D and Misguided Angel...

Travis: B.D? Isn't that one of Creeper's brothers?

Eddie: Yes it is Travis...

Travis: Oh goody...another to one to fear...

((As "Can’t Be) Fixed" fades in, the lights slowly dim, then die out completely. The explosion of sound from the PA accompanied by a equal explosion from the pyros around the rampway, as well as the ringposts, the ringposts then smoking heavily, looking like a mistake, the smoke filling the ring, then, once the ring is filled, the smoke dissipates, revealing B.D. sitting on a turnbuckle across from his opponent, or to the immediate left, if his opponent is yet to appear, his chin resting on his hand, his elbow on his knee, looking at his opponent like they're out of their mind for stepping into the ring with him.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 260lbs, from the Second Tier of Hell, B.D!

Travis: Man he's something isn't he?

Eddie: If he's anything like Creeper we know we'll get a good show from him here tonight.

Travis: That's true...

((The lights go flickering as "Amazing Grace" starts to play. As the lights go out, there is an explosion and M.A.'s video starts to play. As the lights go back on (from the back to front) M.A. is standing in the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 222lbs, from The Vatican, Misguided Angel!

Eddie: I don't think either of these men will back down from this fight here tonight.

Travis: I just hope one of them gets what's coming to them!

Eddie: How much you got riding on this match?

Travis: A couple of grand...

Eddie: You're hopeless.

((Angel and B.D stare each other down, waiting for the bell to sound. Taking in each other's size, and looking for any weakness. The bell finally sounds and they lock up. Angel uses an arm drag to take B.D down to the mat and starts kicking him in the ribs until the ref calls him to stop. Angel gets B.D to his feet and lets go as he goes for a Super Kick. B.D manages to step out of the way and grabs Angel and puts him to the mat with a lifting power slam. B.D goes for an early pin. 1...2...Angel gets the shoulder up and B.D gets him to his feet and goes for another lifting power slam sending Angel to the mat.))

Eddie: I would hate to get on B.D's bad side...

Travis: How can you can tell what side is good and what isn't?

Eddie: True...Just don't say that to his face Travis...You might lose yours...

Travis: Eeep!

((B.D goes for another pin, 1...Angel gets the shoulder up and B.D hauls Angel to his feet, but is hit in the midsection by Angel. B.D staggers back after a few hits, and lands back on the mat after a superkick by Angel. Angel goes for the pin. 1...B.D gets the shoulder up and sits up head butting Angel. Angel staggers back as B.D gets to his feet. B.D grabs Angel again and goes for a double arm backbreaker. Angel cry's out in pain as B.D holds him there for a few seconds before the ref breaks them apart. He drops Angel to the mat, and goes for the pin.1...2...Angel gets the shoulder up.))

Travis: C'mon B.D finish off that Angel! You can do it!

Eddie: You have all your money on B.D don't you?

Travis: Not all of it! Only 5 grand...

Eddie: What am I going to do with you?

Travis: Put up with me I guess...

Eddie: Yeah...I hate my life.

((B.D, by this time has had enough of Angel and grabs him going for Tornado of Souls. He hits hit it and Angel hits the mat hard, face first! B.D goes for the pin. 1...2...Angel gets the shoulder up! B.D can not believe it! He grabs Angel again, but Angel seems to get a second wind and hits B.D in the midsection sending him back a little. Angel grabs a hold of B.D and goes for Repentance. He hits it and B.D is on the mat! Angel goes for the pin. 1...2...B.D kicks out and he sits up.))

Eddie: I don't believe this...Both of these guys will not give up! No matter what they throw at each other neither of them will stay down!

Travis: I wish that Angel would! He's going to cost me money!

Eddie: You don't have faith in your bet there Best?

Travis: Oh I do...And I know he'll kick Angel's ass all over this ring!

((Angel goes to the top rope and goes for the 450 splash. B.D rolls out of the way as Angel his the mat. B.D smiles evilly to himself as he grabs the now broken Angel and goes for the Plague! He hits it and Angel hits the mat hard, face first. B.D goes for the pin. 1...2...3! B.D's music begins to play as the ref raises his hand in victory.))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner B.D!!!!

Travis: Yes I get to keep my money!

Eddie: You're hopeless Travis! You really are!

Travis: I am not! I've been having really good luck so far tonight...

Eddie: I bet that'll end soon...

Travis: Hey...

Eddie: We'll be back after this.

((Sceen fades and goes to commercail.))

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Enfrocer, Kidd Rock, and Spoon are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kidd's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

((Camera opens up back stage showoing Chimaira entering threw the back door from the parking garage. Standing in his path keeping him from heading down the hall to his locker room is Martin Smalls with BloodLust Slayerz standing behind him. Chimaira stops in his tracks and just eyes them.))

Smalls: You lost your first match, you shouldn't even be here.

Chimaira: Whatever...

Smalls: I'm not done talking...... Tonight you have a filler match again Blood Dragon. I know you don't mind working hard... sense you are Mexican.

((Smalls chuckles as he and the Slayerz standing aside letting Chimaira pass. Chimaira just gives Smalls a dirty look and mumbles something under his breath in Spanish.))

Smalls: And another thing. If you fail to win again, I have need for a hard working assissant Carlos...

((Smalls chuckles again and walks off leaving the Slayerz behind by the back door. They glance at Smalls for a moment over their shoulder before turning their attention back to the door as if they were guarding it. After a moment of them mumbling back and forth between each other the door opens again. This time Jarred Dylan comes threw and gets stops by these two.))

Beowulf: No FREAKS past this point!

((Before Jarred can reply Brett and Storms come up from behind. Brett hits Beowulf over the head with a chair while Storms kicks Pallimon in the back hard enough to send him tumbling out the door.))

Brett: He's With US!

((Jarred turns and kicks Beowulf in the ribs before walking off down the hall with Brett and Storm.))

Standard Match
Natasha vs Sarafan

Eddie: Well, now we have a match between two women. Natasha and Sarafan.

Travis: Two women?! THANK YOU, MS. LEWIS!

Eddie: Well, now my ears are clean. Let’s go to Jean Fortello for the introductions. You’ve got some familiarity with Jean, don’t you, Travis?

Travis: Shut up, Eddie.

Jean Fortello: This next match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Bendigo, Australia, accompanied to the ring by Bull, weighing in at 210 lbs. . . . . NATASHA!!!

((The arena goes dark and a single spot light hits the stage and lighting strikes the stage and the whole time all this is going on all that can be herd is breathing then a second Lighting bolt hit the stage and Hero of the day begins and the spot light shines on a man standing with his head down and a women right behind looking and smiling at the man then the 2 walk towards the ring and as they walk the lady ways a red flag in front of the man with seem to be making him angry the 2 walk up the steps and get into the ring, the referee working quickly to get Bull to the outside.))

Travis: Look at the pair of -

Eddie: Travis. . .

Travis: Arms on her. What’s wrong with you, Eddie?

Eddie: That is not what you were going to say!

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, from Okinawa, Japan, accompanied to the ring by Johnny Cho, weighing in at 115 lbs. . . . . .SARAFAN!!!!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, then kneels in the far corner to await her opponent. Natasha charges headlong, Sarafan dodging like a matador, sending Natasha into the turnbuckle. As Natasha rebounds, she gets taken over in a german suplex, then three more.))

Eddie: Sarafan is already destroying her opponent here right now.

Travis: Look at her ass! WOW!

Eddie: I don’t think Sarafan will be very happy with that comment, Travis.

Travis: Well, hers is alright, but it doesn’t compare to Natasha’s.

((Sarafan picks Natasha up, hoisting her into the air for a body slam, then dropping her down in a piledriver. Natasha struggles to her feet, Sarafan locking her into a front facelock. As Sarafan attempts a DDT, Natasha plants her right hand on Sarafan’s midsection, shoving her to the ground, jumping as well, dropping a leg across Sarafan’s throat. Natasha gets to her feet, rebounding from the ropes, dropkicking Sarafan in the head as she tries to get up. Sarafan clutches her head, trying to cover up. As Natasha approaches again, Sarafan’s leg comes out, around in a circle, setting Sarafan to spinning slightly, her foot crashing into the back of Natasha’s kneecaps, bringing Natasha onto her back. Wasting no time, Sarafan locks Natasha into a scorpion deathlock. After a few moments, Natasha manages to get to the ropes, the referee calling for a rope break. Sarafan grudgingly breaks the hold, stepping back. Bull moves over to Natasha, handing her something. Natasha stands, Bull distracting the referee. Natasha’s loaded hand comes around, crashing into Sarafan’s temple, dropping her like a stone. Natasha tosses whatever the object is outside the ring, making the cover. The referee turns around. 1. . . .2. . . . Kickout!!))

Eddie: Sarafan kicking out! How tough is she?

Travis: Apparently pretty tough, Eddie.

((Natasha looks at the referee in disbelief, then wraps her left hand in Sarafan’s hair, pulling her head up slightly, and firing off a few hard rights into Sarafan’s face. Sarafan fires off a single punch, to Natasha’s throat, Natasha falling away, clutching her throat. Sarafan does a back handspring, landing on her feet, picking Natasha up, and hitting her with a superkick that topples Natasha with ease. Outside the ring, Johnny catches Bull with a round kick, then a heel kick, continuing the assault on the downed Bull. Sarafan glances to outside the ring, smiling at the sight of Johnny preventing Bull from getting involved, then back to Natasha, in time to catch Natasha clawing at her face, Natasha’s nails digging into Sarafan’s cheek. Sarafan steps away, putting a hand to her cheek, and looking at the blood collected on her hand for a moment. Natasha hits a spinning wheel kick on the temporarily distracted Sarafan, dropping her to the ground, picking her head and shoulders off of the mat, moving around to the front, and dropkicking Sarafan’s face, sending her back onto the mat.))

Eddie: Natasha showing the world a ferocity never before seen from this particular woman.

Travis: They need to be more hardcore, here.

Eddie: Why?

Travis: Because, then, their clothes’ll get ripped off!

Eddie: You’re a pig, Travis.

((Natasha wraps her hands around Sarafan’s throat, choking her harshly. Sarafan, again, fires off the single punch to the throat she calls Calm River, Natasha staggering backward, Sarafan kickflipping to her feet, hitting a spinning back kick into Natasha’s midsection.))

Eddie: Sarafan with a strong comeback, here. Let’s see if she can hold onto the advantage.

Travis: Look at those-

Eddie: Travis!

Travis: Women bounce. What is wrong with you today, Eddie?

Eddie: Yes, I’m sure that’s exactly what you were going to say.

((Sarafan moves toward Natasha, grabbing her, and hoisting her into the air.))

Eddie: Total Enlightenment!

Travis: For a freaky woman, she’s pretty effective.

((Sarafan with a pin, hooking the leg. 1. . . 2. . . .3!!!!!))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, as a result of a pinfall, Sarafan!

Eddie: Natasha had the match won, it looked like, but Sarafan’s martial arts training, and that finisher of hers, the Total Enlightenment, brought another victory home to Sarafan.

Travis: Yeah, but, Bull is still out cold outside the ring. Someone needs to help Natasha out of the ring!

Eddie: Sit down, Travis. We have more matches to call tonight, with The Creeper and Cleo, to our knowledge, our last real match tonight.

Travis: Cleo?! I’ll stay. Maybe that freak The Creeper will beat her senseless, and she’ll leave him! Then her and I can be together!

Eddie: Keep dreaming, Travis. We’ll be right back, with Blood Dragon going up against the newcomer Chimaira

((Camera opens up on a room with a man standing behind a table and another darker man sitting in front of it with two different subs before him. One toasted the other untoasted.)

Man: Which do you perfer, the toasted sub or the untoasted sub?

(The darker man sitting at the table smiles and nods and then reaches for the toasted sub. As he does so Obake comes running out screaming and spears the man in the chair. The camera switches to the toasted sub with the Quizno's logo above it.)

Announcer: We don't need hired muscle to sell our toasted subs.

(Camera cuts back to the room, Obake is sitting on the darker man eating the toasted sub.)

Darker Man: Can I have a bit?

(Obake turns from his food and growls at the man to sherk in fear before it fades.))

Eddie: Well the night has gone good so far!

Travis: Yeah whatever! As far as I see it nothing has happened...

Eddie: Yeah well that's because you haven't seen Cleo or Malice or any other woman...

Travis: Where are they all at tonight?

Eddie: Hidding from you?

Travis: Ha ha ha! Very funny!

Eddie: Up next we have...

((The lights go down almost into blackness, as gold spotlights search over the crowd, as soft woman’s voices are heard speaking in the ancient Egyptian tongue almost chanting, as if calling something into this world. A soft piano music begins to play as the word “Forever” is whispered. The song “Forever May Not Be Long Enough” by Live begins to blare through the arena as the two golden spotlights come together at the back of the entrance ramp. Cleo stands at the back of the stage and smiles as she makes her way down to the ring. She climbs in and Travis just seems to melt in his seat. The music cuts off and she is handed a mic.))

Eddie: What's she doing out here? She doesn't have a match until later tonight...

Travis: I don't care...She's here! My Queen is here! Long Live Queen Cleopatra!

((Cleo just smiles to herself hearing what Travis has said and looks down at him. She looks around the arena as the crowds cheer for her.))

Cleo: I know you were hoping to see another match right now, but I have something I have to say...I've come out here because of this job opening as Commissioner! I mean Scott Mercer, and Beowulf as canidates? C'mon, between the two of them they might just have a brain!

((The crowd cheers louder as Cleo laughs to herself. She walks around the ring and looks up at the crowd around her.))

Travis: She does have a point Eddie!

Eddie: You're probably already on Beowulf's and Scott's hit list.

Travis: How do you know?

Eddie: Just a wild guess...

Cleo: Now look at me...If I didn't have a brain would I be able to run a mulit-billion dollar empire? Hardly! As you can see with the support of the fellow members of the Darkside I'm going to enter the race for Commissioner!

((The crowd errupts into cheers as she holds her hands up to the crowd.))

Eddie: My god, Cleo has just thrown her hat into the rac for Commissioner!

Travis: I could live with that! Commissioner Cleopatra...Can I have a raise?

Eddie: She hasn't even been elected yet!

Cleo: I'm the only female running in this little contest and I have a feeling that I will make the best choice...I have experience running with high society crowds, helping with idea's, and of course talking with people with problems...You can always count on me...The Living Goddess Isis! So when the time comes vote Cleopatra the Living Goddess Isis for Commissioner!

((The crowd errupts into louder cheers than before as her music begins again and she climbs out of the ring heading backstage.))

Eddie: Wow...we have another candiate for Commissioner...

Travis: One of the best I've seen yet!

Eddie: You never stop do you?

Travis: No...Why should I?

Eddie: (sighs) Never mind...We'll be back.

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

Hardcore Match
Blood Dragon vs Chimaira

Eddie: Well, tonight’s already been a great night, and now we have a match between the Light Heavyweight champion, Blood Dragon, and the rookie Chimaira.

Travis: Chimaira’s a rookie, going up against an old pro like Blood Dragon. He’s got about as much chance of victory as I do of stealing Cleo from Creeper, right now.

Eddie: You don’t have any chance of that any day. Give it up, Travis. She’s out of your class!

Jean Fortello: The next match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Melbourne, Florida, representing Bad News, weighing in at 245 lbs, he is the reigning HWC Light Heavyweight champion. . . . .BLOOD DRAGON!!!!

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ring posts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon.))

Eddie: Dragon looking surprisingly bored with this match.

Travis: You’d be bored too, if you had to fight a rookie!

Eddie: Well, I don’t make a living from fighting, Travis. I’m just here to call the matches.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Longmont, Colorado, weighing in at 130 lbs. . . CHIMAIRA!!!!

((As the distorted feedback of Mike Sarkisyan's guitar seeps through the PA, the entrance ramp turns to a sickly green color. Chimaira comes creeping out wearing only the bottom half of a martial arts gi with a matching white belt with Reebok wrestling shoes on. Once the full band gets started, he takes two running starts and bolts down the entranceway, hopping up on the ring apron. he flips into the ring using the ring ropes as his leverage. He lands in a Spider-Man like crouch, eyeing Blood Dragon. Blood, with obvious disdain for the rookie, kicks him in the face, then rolling his eyes.))

Eddie: Dragon just completely mistreating this young man.

Travis: I like it!

Eddie: You would!

((Dragon, waiting for Chimaira to get up, steps back. Chimaira flips forward, hitting a hurracanrana. Blood rolls to his feet, raising an eyebrow. Chimaira hits a spear, knocking Dragon out of the ring. Dragon looks completely shocked as he gets to his feet. Chimaira climbs out of the ring, hitting an Asai Moonsault onto Dragon. Dragon gets to his feet again, this time catching Chimaira with a clothesline, dropping him.))

Eddie: This young man was showing incredible ability, and then, Dragon caught him with that clothesline.

Travis: This Chimaira kid was fighting pretty well, until Dragon started fighting.

Eddie: Dragon’s a veteran here. I think he was shocked by this young man.

Travis: Well, he did attempt to make the rookie mad. Apparently it worked.

Eddie: Or Chimaira just decided to step it up.

((Dragon hauls Chimaira to his feet, only to get hit by a jawbreaker from the rookie. Dragon staggers backward, Chimaira, for some odd reason, retreating back around the corner of the ring post, and further. Dragon turns, advancing on Chimaira, the rookie rushing forward, grabbing the ring post under the bottom turnbuckle, and swinging his legs into the air, catching Dragon in the face with his shins.))

Eddie: Chimaira with a move resembling Amy’s 619.

Travis: This young man is surprising me. But only a little.

((Dragon is knocked backward, onto his back, Chimaira getting to the apron, running to the turnbuckle, up the turnbuckle, and moonsaulting off of the turnbuckle, toward the fallen Dragon. Dragon moves at the last second, Chimaira hitting the ground hard. Dragon gets to his feet, rolling into, then out of, the ring, to break the count, then turning the rookie over. Dragon locks in a dragon Sleeper, wrenching hard on the move. Chimaira reaches up, jabbing his thumb into Dragon’s eye, then again, Dragon finally releasing the hold. Chimaira gets to his feet, hitting a flying forearm on the rising Dragon. Dragon gets up again, blinking, then, again, levels Chimaira with a hard clothesline.))

Eddie: I never thought I’d see the day where I’d have to say this, but Dragon needs to slow this match down. Chimaira is too fast.

Travis: I need a slow-motion thing. These new people move too fast. I blinked, and missed all of the action right there.

Eddie: Well, blink now. It looks like Chimaira’s getting up again.

((Chimaira gets to his feet, taking a solid superkick, dropping him to the ground again. Dragon tosses Chimaira into the ring, taking a page from Chimaira’s book, waiting for Chimaira to get up, then using the ropes to springboard, and hitting a tornado DDT onto Chimaira. Chimaira gets up, catching Blood with a low-blow, unseen by the referee. Chimaira gets to his feet, lifting Blood into the air for a suplex, Blood squirming free, and landing behind Chimaira.))

Eddie: DRAGON’S RAGE!!!! This is over!

Travis: Told you the rookie didn’t have a chance!

((Chimaira refuses to tap, Dragon continuing to add pressure. Soon enough, Chimaira’s airflow is cut off, and he falls limp. The referee checks Chimaira, then calls for the bell.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner, by submission, BLOOD DRAGON!

((Dragon gets up, shaking his head, a smile appearing on his face. Blood looks to be waiting for Chimaira to regain consciousness.))

Eddie: And, for once, Blood Dragon had a whole match without that masked man.

Travis: Don’t talk too soon, Eddie! Look!

((Behind Dragon, an all-too-familiar masked man stands, a chair in hand. As Dragon turns, the chair crashes into his face, then repeatedly. A gout of flame behind him, and The Creeper stands behind the masked man. As the masked man rears back, to bring the chair down again, it brushes against The Creeper’s arm. Wasting no time, the masked man bolts from the ring, The Creeper right behind him.))

Eddie: Who is that masked man?

Travis: Zorro.

Eddie: You watch too much TV, Travis. Don’t go anywhere, ladies and gentlemen, next up, we have The Creeper, who we’ve just seen, and Cleo, in a No DQ match. This should be interesting, just because these two athletes have been getting closer and closer over the past few weeks. It’ll be interesting to see if they can actually bring themselves to fight each other.

((Camera opens up on someone putting on a pare of Nike's, the camera follows them around only showing the shoes. It goes from the person walking then suddenly running. It then cuts to the same someone doing a kick flip on a skate board and then kicking someone in the balls followed by stomping some bald head thug's head. The camera pans up showing Amy standing over the broken guy holding her skate board.)

Amy: Hey just do it...... No not that prev..

(Amy the kicks the camera and the scene goes black.))

Creeper vs Cleo

Eddie: Welcome back everyone. Well, our next match up is an odd pairing to say the least.

Travis: Odd? These two are just plain wierd. The Addams family would be afraid of this couple.

Eddie: That's right. Cleopatra vs. Creeper. Two lovers duke it out in a No DQ match up.

Travis: Thanks to my good personal friend, Martin Smalls.

Eddie: He hates you, Best.

Travis: I know. But, it's a good kind of hate.

Eddie: Let's just start this thing.

((The lights go down almost into blackness, as gold spotlights search over the crowd, as soft woman’s voices are heard speaking in the ancient Egyptian tongue almost chanting, as if calling something into this world. A soft piano music begins to play as the word “Forever” is whispered. The song “Forever May Not Be Long Enough” by Live begins to blare through the arena as the two golden spotlights come together at the back of the entrance ramp. There are 4 men wearing what looks like ancient Egyptian slave attire with the crown of Osiris resting upon their heads, appear carrying a Royal carriage. There lays Cleo done in her usual ring attire with the scepters laying in her lap and the crown of Egypt on her head. A man wearing a mask of Anubis walks behind them with head lowered as they walk to the ring. When they reach the ring the carriage is set down and the man with the man with Anubis head helps Cleo to her feet and bows before her as she climbs into the ring. She raises her arms and gold sparkle falls from nowhere, as she hands the scepters and crown to the man with the Anubis head and awaits her opponent.))

Eddie: Cleo always looks her best.

Travis: Don't I know it.

Eddie: Travis! Both hands on the table now!

Travis: I wish David was here. He's a swinger.

Eddie: You are disgusting, you know that?

Travis: It's a gift.

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest. He adjust a black mask over his face as he stares at Cleo))

Travis: God I hate it when he does that. Breaks my concentration.


Travis: Okay... can't get it back anyway.

Eddie: I think I'm going to throw up.

Travis: And on that note let's get it on!

((The bell sounds as the two stare at each other with mixed conflict. Creeper slowly climbs down off his perch looking at Cleo with darkness in his eyes. Cleo just smirks at him as the two circle inside of the ring. Creeper goes to adjust his mask and Cleo takes the oppertunity with a leaping hurricanrana. Creeper lands hard as Cleo is first to her feet. Creeper tries to get up but is met with a flash magic to the face. Creeper's mask turns about looking as if it doesn't fit quite right. Cleo grabs him quickly going for a ghost pin. 1...2... and a kick out by Creeper.))

Travis: Creeper needs to put his hands up and fight.

Eddie: I wish you would put your hands up and stop making me sick.

((Cleo goes for a leaping kick just as Creeper rolls out of the way. Cleo slams her ankle into the turnbuckle and falls to the ground cradling it as Creeper takes the oppertunity grabbing her leg and doing a standing toe hold. Cleo screams as the Anubis Masked man distracts the referee. Cleo begins tapping but the ref doesn't see it. Creeper lets go walking to the ref and spinning him around as Cleo begins hobbling to her feet. Creeper turns around just in time for Cleo to kick him hard in the face with her bad foot. Creeper goes down easy as Cleo goes for another pin. 1...2... another kick out. Cleo slow to get to her feet as Creeper has to adjust the mask again. The Anubis Masked Man throws in her scepters and Cleo scrambles to get them just when Creeper gets his head back in the game. He charges and Cleo spins out of the way just in time causing Creeper to fly in the turnbuckle. Cleo turns to him as he turns around and nails him right in the forehead with the scepters. The Anubis Masked Man at ringside begins throwing in a chair trying to obviously help Cleo. Creeper grabs the chair before Cleo does however and gets to his knees long enough to smack Cleo upside the head with it. Cleo drops the scepters reeling in Pain as Creeper gets to his feet armed with the chair.))

Eddie: My god. What a hit.

Travis: You know for lovers they certainly don't pull punches.

((Just then the Anubis Masked Man holds the chair and Creeper and him begin fighting over it as Cleo goes to her knees still reeling from the chairshot. All of a sudden a huge strange man jumps from the crowd dressed like a gladiator from Roman times. He stands about 7' tall and is muscular beyond belief. He jumps on the apron before security can even think and climbs in. Grabbing the referee the stranger drops him in a Full Nelson Slam. Cleo and Creeper are completely oblivious as the stranger slams into the back of Creeper shoving him in the corner and causing the chair to strike the Anubis Headed man. He lifts Creeper onto the turnbuckle, his back facing the ring, and quickly links arms. He then pulls up in a kind of Powerbomb and slams Creeper on the back of his neck causing the mask to fly off and revealing... Daniel Goodsman... the stage hand!))

Eddie: Oh my god! What a slam!

Travis: 7.5 on the Richter Scale.

Eddie: Wait! That's not creeper.

Travis: Who...?

((The man then looks at Cleo and smiles underneath the trojan warrior helmet grabbing her bad leg. He pulls back forming a combination single leg crab/ankle lock. Cleo screams in pain as he holds it for several minutes causing immense pain.))

Eddie: Somebody stop this!!!

Travis: Yes, save my queenie!

((Just then the Anubis Headed man jumps in and the huge stranger takes the high road quickly getting out of the ring. The anubis Mask is pulled off and Creeper is revealed underneath. He quickly kneels down to check on Cleo glancing up only slightly to stare in the eyes of the stranger who is walking backward up the ramp. Creeper lifts her up taking her into his arms and the lights go out and then come back up and they are both gone.))

Eddie: What? Where'd they go.

Travis: Forget that. Who was that guy?

Eddie: Well, let's get some medical attention for Daniel and we'll be back after this. My god...

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

((The light's in the arena go out as the HWC-Tron comes to life, the words HWC Jackass pained across the screen in what looks like blood. Camera opens up on the face of Jarred whos smiling at the camera.))

Jarred: I'm Jarred Dylan and this is Dog Eat Dog.

((The camera back pans showing Jarred dressed like a giant hot dog, standing on the grounds of the L.A. Police Acdemy. Jarred's smile fades at the growing sound of many barking dogs. Jarred takes off running as a dozen of trained police attack dogs run after Jarred, followed by their trainners who laugh. Jarred trys to make it for the fence but as he leaps up he comes up short and falls back down face first on the ground. The attack dogs surround and leap upon him as the camera fades out))

Eddie: I have to say these stunts are getting weirder and weirder.

Travis: Are you kidding that was the besy one yet!

((Camera cuts backstage. Malice is walking down the hall backstage heading to the Darkside's locker room. She carries the croquet mallet over her shoulder with everyone avoiding her. At the other end of the interminably long hallway, a slender figure rises smoothly from the Lotus position and starts down the corridor. When the figure gets closer, she's identified as newcomer Sarafan. Upon seeing Malice, however, she stops in her tracks a scant fifteen feet away. The thick accent notwithstanding, she speaks perfect English.))

Sarafan: So this is what has become of her. Truly lacking any kind of honor.

Malice: Has become of who? Mia? She is no longer here...I'm the child of darkness...

Sarafan: You may be the child of darkness. But you seek to be Queen. And only by yielding can you become such. Tell me, child, what do they call you?

((She looks up at Sarafan with her green eyes burning, almost with rage but yet it's kept back.))

Malice: They call me Malice...It's what they called me!

((Sarafan smiles, concealed by her black mask. Yet there is no sign of amusement in her voice when she speaks again.))

Sarafan: Malice. A good name for one who acts without compassion. Tell me what life is like without a heart. Without a soul. Without any kind of compassion whatsoever.

Malice: Maybe you would like to find out...Why don't you join my tea party mistress of the night...What are you hiding under that mask? Afraid to show the world what you really are?

Sarafan: No, dear Malice. I hide the scars that another put there in an attempt to slight my honor. And I do like tea, but not the type you serve.

((She reaches up to her hair and brings her hand in front of her, holding a black lily. The black lily, in the Shinto Culture, is an insult. For one woman to throw it at another woman's feet is rare, but it has been done. Such an act is taken as a threat. For Sarafan to throw one, however, is both an insult and a threat. The lily is thrown from slender fingers to land at Malice's feet.))

Sarafan: Fear is dishonorable.

((Malice laughs, It's almost an eerie sound that fills the hall.))

Malice: Do you think I'm scared of you? A mere mortal that has never seen death...

Sarafan: Think what you will, Malice. But in the end, you may well find Total Enlightenment. Let us hope the shadows you walk in do not choke you and make you a simple pawn.

((With that, she pivots gracefully on the heel of one foot and presents Malice with her back.))

Sarafan: And only those who have caused death can be so callous. Tell me, child, how many have you forced to join your tea party?

Malice: Enough to keep me happy...You're going to join if you like it or not Sarafan...You and your little boy toy!

((Malice walks on never turning back to face Sarafan. Sarafan just stands there, then shakes her head and walks the other way, leaving the black lily on the floor. Malice may have a point, but for the nonce, she's not going to get another "playmate". End of story. The camera hovers on the lily for a long moment, then cuts back to the ring. Only in America plays over the PA system and out steps Autumn Lewis to the over whelming cheers of the crowd.))

Eddie: The moment has finally come. I have heard rumors all week about this is going to be some contract signing for Desolation.

Travis: Oooo I hope it's a four way mud wrestling match between Cloe, Amy, Malice, and Natasha.

Eddie: I highly doubt it, but if you want you can hold your breath.

Travis: You would like that!

((The rings is covered with a red carpeting with a fanacy desk and a couple chairs. Autumn makes her way to the ring with some papers in one hand and a mic in the other. Climbing in the ring she heads over to the desk and places the papers down on them while waiting for her music to cut. Raises the mic to her lips she smiles as she looks over the crowd.))

Autumn: Something has been brought to my attention last week I think has gone on for far to long....

Travis: Finally she's going to get rid of the Jobbers.

Eddie: Oh shut up and listen!

Autumn: There has a been a power struggle going on back stage that has been growing out of control. And no I don't mean Martin Smalls. I'm talking about the endless fighting between Bad News and Darkside. It's getting to a point you can't get threw one match with out having either one interfering. I will not tolerate such chaos in my fed.

((Autumn Pauses as the crowd breaks into a roar of cheers again. She paces slightly as she waits.))

Eddie: She has a point.

Travis: I see nothing around with it. This is the HWC if you can handle being jumped then your in the wrong fed. It's like the feds motto.... Are You Hardcore?

Autumn: I tryed to leave it for Smalls to handle which is a mistake. Putting two of the same stable together to battle is not a smart way to handle this as we seen. So I am taking control of this from here on out!

Travis: What is she talking about, Smalls' is doing a better job then she is!

Autumn: One match.... Six men.... at Desolation! A stable match will put an end to the fighting once and for all. And I will hold them to it or I'll start handing out suspendtions! So with out further ado lets call out the wrestlers repusenting the team of Bad News.... Enforcer, Draven and Celtic Hyena!

((Click Click Boom plays over the PA as Draven and Celtic setp out from the back lead by Enforcer. They walk down the ramp and to the ring climbing in ring. Enforcer and Autumn watch each other not trusting the other. Celtic turns to the crowd and throws up his hands. After a moment their music fades.))

Autumn: And those repusenting Darkside..... Cleo, Malice, and The Creeper!

((Immortal by Adema kicks up and Malice steps out followed by Creeper and Cleo not to far behind. Their eyes lock on those of Bad News already in the ring. Bad New step back as Darkside reach the ring and climb in. For now all they do is stare the other down. The music cuts as Autumn continues on talking.))

Autumn: Play nice childern, I don't want to have to suspend some of my top talent. Like I said at Desolation it will be Bad News vs Darkside in a stable match. A match to end all things. But as it states in the contract if any team interfers or lays a hand on any of the other teams then there will be no matches and you all can go home with out pay. Understood?

((Creeper nods as Enforcer grabs the mic away from Autumn staring down Creeper nearly touching noses.))

Enforcer: I understand!

((Enforcer hands the mic back to Autumn as Creeper turns his back to Enforcer grinning knowing he can't touch him. Creeper grabs a pen and signs his name to the contract followed by Cleo and Malice. Once done Creeper jestures for the mic from Autumn.))

Creeper: Your turn..... and rememeber not all of you can sign with an X.

((Enforcer gives Creeper a dirt look and mouths something to him as Draven tries to hold back Celtic. Enforcer picks up the contract and looks it over with Draven and Celtic. After a moment of flipping threw it Enforcer sets it back down on the desk and sighs it followed by Draven and Celtic. Once done Enforcer continues staring down the cocky grinning Creeper. Then suddenly the lights go out covering the whole arena in darkness for a few minuets. When the lights come back up BloodLust Slayerz are standing in the ring holding the Tag Titles looking down on the fallen bodies of Bad News and Darkside. Autumn standing by the desk unharmed but looking pissed. Then there comes a voice from the entrence ramp, it being Martin Smalls with Chimaira standing by his side.))

Smalls: Sorry of the mess but I really didn't want an interruption while I speak. It's so rude. I to have a match for Desolation, a match to end all things. Except this match will end the careers for the Finest, for the Tag Team Titles. If they surrvive it but lose then they will never have another Tag Title shot as long as BloodLust Slayerz hold them. BloodLust Slayerz vs HWC's Finest in a TLC match at Desolation for the Tag Team Titles. If those super hero freaks have the balls to accept!

((With out warning Brett comes up from behind Smalls and hits him over the head with a steel chair. Slamms crumbles beneith it as the Slayerz race out of the ring at Brett. Chimaira gets out of the way not being his fight as Brett raises the chair ready for the Slayerz. But before they can reach him Jarred and Storms jump over the guard rail and tackle Pallimon and Beowulf to the ground. After knocking Jarred and Storms away they start to rise to their feet when Brett steps over and hits Pallimon in the face with the chair followed by Beowulf. Brett tossed the chair away and heads back to Smalls to get the mic while Jarred and Storms beat away on their fallen bodies. Brett looks down at Smalls then ar Autumn.))

Brett: When he wakes till him we expect!

Eddie: Two matches for Desolation had been issued tonight and the arena is scattered with fallen bodies.

Travis: Just like it should be in the HWC!

Eddie: What is to come at Desolation or next Slaughter for that matter?!

((Brett drops the mic and turns heading off back stage with Storms and Jarred. The watches on from the ring as Bad News adn Darkside start to come too. Autumn stares off towards the entrance ramp looking anything but happy.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))