Saturday Night Slaughter
Toronto, Ontario, Canada at the Air Canada Centre

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is shown riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slamming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack through the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest beating up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

((Camera opens up with a spotlight in the ring on Martin Smalls with the BloodLust Slayerz. Loud booing can be heard from all over but has seemed to have dyed down. Smalls just stands there for a moment smiling with a mic in his hand.))

Smalls: I know this unexpected of me to come out here but then again I don't care what you like. With Desolation only a few weeks away.... HWC's next Pay Per View for all of you with slow minds... There will be alot of surprises. Which can only be expected. But I am creating my own Pay Per View in the weeks to come. It is my given right as you VP. (pauses for more booing) And I promise you, with will be a Pay Per View far better then that of what Autumn Lewis can break to you. A show for the ages. You all will just have to wait and see. But that's not why I really came out here. No I rather stay in my office then look at the faces of... trailer trash. No I have come out here to announce the man I will be sponcering for the election. I give you your next HWC Commissioner.... BEOWULF!

((The crowd brust into louder boos as Beowulf steps into the spot light and throws up his hand.))

Smalls: You'll vote for him if you know what's good for you. But then again I am your VP cause people like you can't think, you don't know what's good for you. Just get it threw your tiny beer soked minds.... Vote Beowulf!

((Whatever plays and Smalls heads back stage followed by BloodLust Slayerz passing out buttons as they head up teh ramp.))

Travis: He's got my vote!

Eddie: You would jump off a bridge if Smalls' told you too.

Travis: What's your point?

Eddie: Well folks we were suppost to start off with a match between Anglemaster and Cyclone but before our cameras were ever rolling BloodLust Slayerz made short work of them. Leaving their trade mark by leaving their broken bodies in a dumpster.

Travis: We didn't need to see that match anyways.

Eddie: We need a break but stayed tuned, I don't think the Slayerz can take out everyone.

Travis: I'll bet on that!

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

((Camera cuts backstage and we can see Celtic Hyena heading towards the ring. A voice calls out from behind him.))

Voice: Hey, Celtic Hyena!

((Celtic stops and turns quickly raising his fist read for anything. Scott Mercer comes trotting up to Celtic but stops dead in his tracks when he sees the raised fist. He holds up his hands.))

Scott: Whoa! I just wanna talk to you.

CH: (looks down on Scott towering over him) Bout?

Scott: I've got an offer for you, I've watched you in action and I like what I see. You've got what I call untapped potential. I'd like a chance to tap that potential by offering you a position in Bad News.

CH: (raises a brow) Bad News?

Scott: Yeah, Bad News, you know, The Enforcer, Draven Masters, Blood Dragon, PitBull, Jeff Wylde, Amy Jensen and of course myself. A man of your talents would be a welcome addition. Like I said, I like what I've seen out of you in the ring. I think you would be more than welcome in the ranks of Bad News.

CH: What's tha catch?

Scott: No catch. I realize you have a match coming up in just a minute for the Hardcore title, and believe me, that would certianly be even more incentive to have you join. You don't have to make a decision right now, just...think it over when you get a chance.

((Looks at Scott a moment longer his eyes hard, he turns and heads off for his match. Scott smiles as Celtic walks off, knowing that he's dangled the hook, now all he has to do is wait for the bite.))

Hardcore Title Match
Creeper(c) vs Celtic Hyena

Travis: Well this should be good. We get to see the Creeper pound the hell out of the Mystic Leopard.

Daniels: That’s Celtic Hyena, and how do you know that this is going to be, as you put it, a pounding?

Travis: Who hasn’t the Creeper pounded as of late?

Daniels: You, but who knows? That could all change. Let’s get this thing going before Travis says anything else along the lines of retarded.

Travis: Now….

Daniels: Too late.

((The announcers are cut off as the bag pipes start to play followed by large blast of pyro, Celtic steps out with his arms out and grinning. Stepping past the smoke of the pyro he makes his way down to the ring. He then climbs into the ring and starts shadow boxing throwing punches before throwing out his arms. Standing there, eyes glued to the entrance ramp, Celtic watches as the HWC-tron springs to life with a replay of Bad News offering him a spot on the team. Turning away from the screen halfway through, Celtic continues throwing shadowed punches that, from the right angle, look to be catching Travis in his head.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the challenger, coming to you from Limerick, Ireland. CELTIC HYENA!!!!!

Eddie: Interesting footage from earlier tonight showing the two founding members of Bad News hitting up Celtic for a spot on their team.

Travis: You know the part I liked?

Eddie: No, but I’ll bet I have to hear it anyway.

Travis: I liked the part when he just walked away. That was damn good stuff. I have to respect that. He might be seconds away from the beating of his life, but at least he is smart enough not to mix himself up with those submoronic creatons from Bad News.

Eddie: Those are some very big words coming from you, and I don’t mean big as in ballsy I mean big as in who’s been teaching you to read?

((Before Travis can respond, both announcers are cut off again as the lights die a loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest, clutching the Hardcore Title in one fist, is staring a hole through Celtic. The stare however goes unnoticed, as Celtic continues to keep his back to the Creeper. Jumping down from the turnbuckle, the Creeper rushes Celtic, belt in hand. Looking to catch Celtic with a belt shot to the head, he is surprised as Celtic’s huge left fist comes flying into his jaw. The shot snaps the Creeper’s head back, and both the Creeper and the belt go flying in opposite directions. Getting to his feet very slowly, the Creeper wipes away the blood flowing from his mouth, his eyes locked on those of Celtic.))

Eddie: What a shot from Celtic Hyena. Looks like he’s not going to be the pushover everyone thought him to be.

Travis: Lucky ass sucker punch that’s all I got to say. Like this match matters anyway, where the hell is Cleo?

Eddie: Don’t be bitter.

((Circling one another in the ring, Creeper and Celtic immediately charge one another, meeting in a rare collar, elbow tie up. Working each other back and forth no clear edge seems to emerge. Slipping out of the hold, both men stop and stare at one another once again. Celtic, with a smug look upon his face, once again turns his beck on the Creeper. Not one to fall for the same trick twice, Creeper slips out under the bottom rope and begins rummaging around for weapons under the ring. Playing to the crowd a bit, Celtic walks over to where the Creeper is searching and grabs his head with one big, meaty hand. Paying more attention to the crowd than Creeper, he doesn’t see the chair being swung right into his face. Staggering back a bit, this time it is Celtic whipping blood from his mouth, as the Creeper slips back into the ring and stands there with a smile upon his face.))

Eddie: Both of these men feeling one another out, and both have already been busted open.

Travis: Yeah, maybe soon they’ll actually start fighting.

((Eyes locked once more, both men charge one another, only for Creeper to cut Celtic off with a knee to the midsection. Lifting his knee again, Creeper brings it into the still sore jaw of Celtic before following up with a clothesline that finally takes the big man down. Pulling Celtic to his feet, Creeper sends him into the ropes. Following close behind he hits Celtic with another monster clothesline that sends the big man over the top rope to the floor below. Not letting up for a second, Creeper follows only to have his head nearly removed by a crazy chair shot.))

Eddie: My god, Celtic swinging with everything he had on that one. I’d be surprised if the Creeper wasn’t seeing little dancing birds right now.

Travis: That was nothing, my mother hits harder than that.

((Turning and throwing the chair at Travis’ head, Celtic laughs outloud as Travis barely ducks before turning back and lifting the Creeper from the ground and sidewalk slamming him back-first onto the guardrail. Soaking in the grunts and groans of the crowd, Celtic lets the Creeper’s body kind of slump to the floor before grabbing the chair and climbing up onto the apron. Raising his arms, and the chair above his head Celtic laughs again before tucking the chair under his arm and jumping off toward the Creeper. Slamming the chair into the Creeper’s face and his elbow into the chair, Celtic quickly covers the Creeper as the ref slides in for the count. 1…..2…..kickout.))

Travis: How in the hell did the Creeper kick out of that?

Eddie: I don’t think anyone other than the Creeper could have kicked out of that. Celtic Hyena weighs 335. That was 335 pounds crashing chair-first into the Creeper’s very prone body.

((Looking very annoyed, Celtic grabs Creeper and rolls him into the ring. Pulling him up by his throat, Celtic signals for the end before slamming the Creeper onto the mat in a thunderous chokeslam. Moving to make the cover, Celtic stops as he notices Cleo and Malice make their way out onto the stage. Moving to the ropes, Celtic begins tossing some obscenities their way in an effort to get them to leave.))

Eddie: What are they doing here? Once again the Creeper is on the ropes, and here comes Cleo to save him.

Travis: Cleo has done absolutely nothing just like the Creeper asked of her. All she is doing is letting everyone in the arena see how beautiful she is, as well as letting everyone grab a sneak peek of Mia’s new get up.

Eddie: It’s Malice now remember? And besides, Celtic needs to pay more attention to the Creeper than his friends from the Darkside.

((As if proving Eddie’s words true, the Creeper slowly rises to his feet and quickly grabs Celtic, slamming him to the mat in a reverse DDT. Slipping out of the ring once again, the Creeper casts a quick glance of at Cleo and Malice before retrieving two kendo sticks and a rather large pane of glass. Grabbing another chair on the way into the ring, the Creeper sets both chairs up and places the glass pane on them. Turning to Celtic, who is now just pushing himself off the mat, he begins to lay into him with shots from the kendo stick. Slamming into his back and ribs, Creeper breaks the first Kendo stick into little toothpick sized pieces before tossing it away and going to work with the second cane.))

Eddie: Creeper showing no mercy now. He let Celtic have his fun, and now his is apparently done playing games.

Travis: Eddie, what’s he gonna do with that glass?

Eddie: I do even want to imagine.

((Lifting Celtic from the mat once more, Creeper pulls his body over towards the pane of glass. Looking up towards where Cleo and Malice are standing, the Creeper lifts Celtic’s body into the air before slamming him to the mat right through the think pane of glass in the Death Rattle. As the shatter echoes through the arena, Creeper pulls a piece of glass from his chest before rolling into the cover. Careful so as to avoid all the broken glass, the ref slides into the count. 1….2…3.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner and still HWC Hardcore Champion….THE CREEPER!!!!!

Eddie: I do believe Celtic is going to need some medical attention after this one. There is no way he cannot have major cuts, and loss of blood after that Death Rattle through the glass.

Travis: That was the coolest thing I have ever seen. Right through the f*cking glass Eddie, right through the glass.

((Waving on Cleo and Malice, Creeper continues to work on Celtic. With his back to the ramp, Creeper doesn’t see the Enforcer and Draven rush Cleo and Malice, tossing them both into the crowd. Running the rest of the way down to the ring, they position themselves behind the Creeper. Waiting a moment to play into the crowd, Draven finally reaches out and lightly taps the still attacking Creeper’s shoulder. As the Creeper turns, his eyes narrow in rage but just a moment too late as he is hoisted into the air and slammed to the mat in the Headline.))

Travis: Now what is this? Celtic turned down their offer, and yet they still stick their nose in this match.

Eddie: The match was over, and the Creeper has called for Cleo and Malice to come continue beating on Celtic. Bad News was making the save.

((Lifting Celtic to his feet, both the Enforcer and Draven are surprised as Celtic pushes away from them and kind of stumbles to the ropes. Letting the ropes hold him up, Celtic wipes some of the blood from his face before offering out a hand. The Enforcer takes it first, and Celtic pulls him in, exchanging some words before letting it go, and taking Draven’s hand. Leaving the ring and making their way back up the ramp, Celtic’s eyes never leave the Creeper, who is just now starting to push himself off the mat.))

Eddie: I think Celtic just accepted Bad News’ offer, and I also think we haven’t seen the last of the Creeper and Celtic in the ring against one another.

Travis: I can’t believe this. Celtic gets beat fair and square, and he has to have Bad News come down and save him. What is this world coming to?

Eddie: Is it possible for you to be a bigger idiot?

Travis: What? What did I say now?

Eddie: Nevermind, we still have a lot of show to do. Bad News and Malice have to get in the ring together, Blood Dragon still has Sothren coming up, and our Main Event, a rematch from Unchanied, pits Jeff Wylde against the Intercontinental and World Champion Sephiroth du Lac.

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

Eddie: It's been some night so far hey Travis...

Travis: That it has...It's been a long and boring night...All except for...

((The lights go down almost into blackness, as gold spotlights search over the crowd, as soft woman’s voices are heard speaking in the ancient Egyptian tongue almost chanting, as if calling something into this world. A soft piano music begins to play as the word “Forever” is whispered. The song “Forever May Not Be Long Enough” by Live begins to blare through the arena as the two golden spotlights come together at the back of the entrance ramp. Cleo walks down the ramp by herself and climbs into the ring. She has a mic in hand and she smiles as her music dies down.))

Eddie: What in the hell is Cleo doing out here?

Travis: I don't know and I don't care! Man she's hot!

Eddie: Of course no one can predict what the Darkside is going to do!

Travis: Shut up Eddie, and let her speak!

((Cleo just smiles as she looks around the arena. She puts the mic to her lips as the cheers die down.))

Cleo: You're probably wondering why I'm out here tonight...I'm out here to give Bad News a little warning about Malice...She's not the same little girl that you've tossed around the ring before Draven, or the same girl that hit you scare in the forehead with a steel chair Enforcer! She is the darkness itself! I have something to show all of you! The reason Mia has changed! None of us knew that something like this would happen to her!

((The crowd starts to boo slightly as Cleo looks around the arena. The screen above the entrance starts to go into snow, but soon a picture of Mia sitting in the darkness of the basement soon shows.))

Mia: This isn't going to be hard...I mean I just have to sit here and mediate for a week. ((Some loud noise is heard somewhere in the darkness making Mia jump.)) Ok...That was really odd...There is nothing down here...There is...

((She screams as the sound of growls, scraping of feet, evil laughter all mixed together is heard as the scene fades out. The crowd boos more knowing now that something had happened to Mia.))

Cleo: That was two weeks ago...No one in the Darkside knew where she was... Her friends Serena, Ed, and Tony found her one week later and she was taken to the hospital. But after unfortunate accident she was moved to New Bedlam Asylum. That's where she has been...We also have footage of that.

((The camera shows Mia sitting in the corner of her room her head on her knees. The doctor walks in the room and sits across from her.))

Dr. Lewis: What's wrong Mia?

Malice: It's no longer Mia...Mia is gone...Only Malice remains...

Dr. Lewis: Why do you think you're this Malice?

Malice: I don't think I know that I am...

Dr. Lewis: Is something wrong Malice?

Malice: They're gone...

Dr. Lewis: Who's gone?

Malice: My parents...

Dr. Lewis: What else is wrong Malice?

Malice: Something's broken...

Dr. Lewis: What's broken Malice?

((she looks up at him as the lights seem to flicker on and off, showing Malice slowly getting to her feet with something shinny in her hands.))

Malice: I am!

((With that the lights go out completely as the sounds of the doctor's screams are heard, and the lights go back on showing Malice standing over the doctor. She looks at the camera and smiles as the screen goes black.))

Cleo: As you can see Bad News she's stepped into the darkness and she has gone totally crazy...She's going to destroy you! You two can turn back and not step in that ring with her. That would be your best bet... If you don't listen to me, you'll be sorry...The Bad News will be missing two members after tonight...

((She stares at the entrance waiting for Draven and Enforcer to show, but sighs when they don't appear.))

Cleo: Fine! It's your funeral!

((Her music kicks up again and she climbs out of the ring heading backstage to get ready to accompany Creeper to the ring for his match.))

Eddie: Wow! Do you think that Mia or Malice as she calls herself now is that bad?

Travis: I don't know but I'm scared!

Eddie: I think we all are! We'll be back after this!

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Reinforcements, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows The Tiger and Obake playing the game. Obake is using Tiger, and Tiger is using Obake. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

Handicap Match
Malice vs Bad News

Eddie: Next up, we have a match between Malice and the duo of Draven Masters and The Enforcer.

Travis: Who?

Eddie: Bad News.

Travis: No, the other one. Who’s Malice?

Eddie: Malice is the athlete formerly known as Mia Lang.

Travis: My sweet little angel is now calling herself Malice? What did those Du Lac brothers do to poor, sweet little Mia?

Eddie: Travis, she’s a bit different now. You’ll see.

Jean Fortello: This next match is a handicap match, set for one fall. Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 135 lbs, representing the Darkside, the former HWC Women’s champion. . . . MIA “MALICE” LANG!!!

((The lights go as red spiral lights appear on the stage. The theme from American McGee's Alice begins to play as Malice appears with the flamingo shaped croquet mallet in hand. She makes her way to the ring in a trance like stare ignoring the crowds around her. She steps in the ring and immediately starts advancing on Jean. Speech from the two women can be heard, faintly, Jean backing away, Malice brandishing the croquet mallet menacingly. The words “Mia Lang is dead!!” coming from Malice are picked up by the audio team.))

Eddie: This is disturbing, from the woman that used to be The Otaku Angel.

Travis: Look at the way she’s holding the mallet! I don’t think I like her anymore!

Eddie: I don’t think she likes you either, Travis.

Jean Fortello: And her opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 590 lbs. . . . BAD NEWS!!!

((Click, Click Boom hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click, Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, The Enforcer and Draven are standing there. Scott walks out from behind the curtain and leads his two monstrous charges down to ringside. Draven enters the ring, Enforcer staying outside.))

Eddie: I would think that Enforcer and Draven believe that this match will be a cakewalk, but look at Malice.

Travis: I’ve seen that look before. That’s the look women give me before they punch me.

((Malice wears a disturbingly self-confident smile as Draven approaches. The two lock up, Draven towering over the smaller Malice. Draven locks Malice into a side headlock, obviously trying to embarrass Malice. The embarrassment, however, shifts to Draven as Malice, with a strength beyond what her small frame would suggest, lifts Draven up and over in a backdrop. The announce position falls silent for a few moments.))

Eddie: Holy shit! How did she do that?!

Travis: You weren’t kidding when you said she had changed!

Eddie: I guess not.

((The shock on Draven’s face is caught by some excellent camerawork. Draven gets to his feet, rocketing toward Malice with a clothesline, the force of the move spinning Malice two full revolutions in midair before crashing to the ground face-first. Draven, wasting no time, stands, picking Malice up, and slinging her to the corner, Malice reversing it, somehow, Draven crashing into the turnbuckle, then staggering out of the turnbuckle. Malice moves forward, catching Draven with a swinging DDT. Malice gets to her feet, running up the ropes, bouncing off the top rope, and dropkicking Enforcer in the face, dropping him from the turnbuckle. As Draven stands, Malice grabbing Draven in a DDT-like setup, then smashing Draven in the face with her knee, sending Draven staggering backward.))

Eddie: Malice has gotten more offensive-minded it appears.

Travis: Wow!

Eddie: What now, Travis?

Travis: I think I like this new version of Mia.

Eddie: Oh? (Quiet a moment) Dammit, Travis! You keep your hands on top of the desk from now on!

((Draven recovers quickly, catching Malice with a hard spear, then moving over to tag Enforcer. Enforcer comes in, quickly pulling Malice to her feet, and lifting her for a powerbomb. As soon as she’s up, Malice begins rifling off right hands, staggering Enforcer slightly. Malice grabs Enforcer’s ears, as he lacks hair, sliding her right leg off from Enforcer’s shoulder, and slamming her knee into Enforcer’s face repeatedly, Enforcer dropping to the ground, Mia rising to a low crouch, pulling Enforcer’s head up slightly, rearing back as though to cold-cock Enforcer, swinging her right knee up, and smashing Enforcer in the nose again.))

Eddie: Malice is showing a level of violence that she hasn’t had before now.

Travis: Damn! Look at those legs!

Eddie: You never learn, do you, Travis?

Travis: I’ve learned a lot!! The Creeper’s not out here, is he?

Eddie: So you’ve learned to be better at hiding it.

Travis: What else is there to learn?

((Malice hauls Enforcer to his feet, kicks him in the midsection, backs up, and kicks him in the bridge of the nose, Enforcer’s head whipping back. Enforcer blinks up at the lights, as the force of the kick took him off his feet. Enforcer rolls to his feet, rushing at Malice, for a clothesline. Malice drops to her hands and knees, and darts between Enforcer’s legs, Enforcer’s eyes going wide, and blinking. That was a decidedly non-Mia move. Once behind him, Malice snaps her right leg back, kicking Enforcer in the rear, sending him chest first into the ropes, Malice chop blocking Enforcer’s bad knee, dropping him back, Malice already getting to her feet. As Enforcer hits the ground, Malice starts kicking him, repeatedly, in the face, only stopping when the referee backs her away, then only stopping for a moment.))

Eddie: Malice seems to be an entirely different person. And, Travis, if you don’t keep your hands on the desk, I’m going to staple them there!

Travis: You don’t even have a stapler! (The sound of a staple gun firing can be heard.) Ok. I’ll behave.

((As soon as the referee moves, Malice rushes back to Enforcer, and, again, begins kicking him in the face. Scott jumps onto the turnbuckle, complaining that the referee isn’t doing his job. The referee moves over, to get Scott down, Draven coming into the ring, and dropping Malice with a clothesline. Scott gets off the apron, Draven leaving the ring. Enforcer begins to get to his feet, Malice, like an annoyance, getting up, and locking Enforcer in a Texas Cloverleaf, wrenching on the injured knee, Enforcer’s legs close to the ropes, preventing Enforcer from getting to the ropes too soon. Draven, knowing that she is evidently targeting Enforcer’s knee, rushes into the ring again, catching Malice with a DDT. Malice, tenacious as never before, maintains her hold, the move driving Enforcer’s knee into the mat. Enforcer was unable to repress a pained scream.))

Eddie: Draven may have done more harm than good with that move.

Travis: Yeah, but look at that-

Eddie: Travis! Don’t even think about finishing that sentence!

Travis: I’m thinking about it, Daniels! What’re you going to do about it?! (Another staple gun discharge is heard.) HEY! You almost hit me!

Eddie: Damn. Missed.

((Malice straightens back into the same Texas Cloverleaf, Scott getting on the apron again, Draven moving around, grabbing a chair, and smashing Malice in the back with it, Malice finally breaking the hold. Draven tosses the chair under the bottom rope, darting out of the ring. Enforcer, writhing in pain, rolls under the bottom rope. As Malice gets up, following Enforcer, Draven comes off the apron, moving toward Malice. Draven’s being close doesn’t stop Malice from locking Enforcer into a single-leg crab, bending Enforcer’s leg to a point that Enforcer’s foot is almost resting against his back, Malice continues to work over Enforcer’s bad knee. Draven hits Malice with a hard right hand, loosening the grip on Enforcer’s leg, another causing the hold to be released. Draven picks Malice up, hitting Jeff’s move, the Wylde Night. Draven tosses Enforcer into the ring.))

Eddie: What is he doing?! Malice can end the match in the ring!

Travis: Yeah, but Draven can’t tag in from outside.

Eddie: Ah. Good point.

((Once inside the ring, Draven gets to the apron, and tags himself in, immediately darting to the outside, catching the rising Malice with a gutwrench powerbomb, then tossing her into the ring, following. Malice moves to the far corner, standing, then, when Draven gets to his feet, Malice catches him with a superkick, flooring Draven.))

Eddie: Malice is showing the world that this ‘new and improved’ Mia is a lot different than the one she used to be.

Travis: And hotter.

Eddie: Do you ever think of anything but the female talent?

Travis: Yeah. My money. I’ve got 30 grand on Malice winning.

Eddie: You always go for the long shots, don’t you, Travis?

Travis: The sure things are boring and dull. The long shots are what makes betting so much fun.

((Malice moves over to the corner, hauling Enforcer into the ring, back to his feet, and then, once more showing an incredible amount of strength, powerbombing Enforcer onto Draven, holding the powerbomb into a pin, using Enforcer’s weight to pin Draven to the mat. The referee counts. 1. . . . 2. . . .3!!!))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, by pinfall, Malice!!!

Eddie: Malice won! Where was she getting that strength from?

Travis: Who knows?! I’m 30 grand richer! Thank you, Malice!

Eddie: The night’s not over yet, Travis. You’ll probably end up in the hole by the end of the night, knowing you. Next up, ladies and gentlemen, we have a match between Blood Dragon and Sothren for the Light Heavyweight title. The question arises, however. Will the masked man make an appearance here tonight? We’ll find out shortly.

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

((The light's in the arena go out as the HWC-Tron comes to life, the words HWC Jackass pained across the screen in what looks like blood. Camera cuts to Obake standing in an empty football arena dressed in street clothes and a pare of shades.))

Obake: This is "10 Pin!"

((Obake roars at the camera then takes off running down the feild. The camera pans down what's head of him. ten guys dressed up like football players standing in a formation like bowling pins. Obake spears the first on knocking him off his feet and into the others around him. The impact is great enough to knock down every man, but one. Obake stands and chuckles, turning his head he sees the last man standing. He goes nose to nose with the man and roars again, in fear the man falls down.))

Obake: Strike! I win.

((Obake walks off leaving a pile of football plays groaning on the field.))

Light Heavyweight Match
Sothren(c) vs Blood Dragon

Eddie: What a great night this has been so far!

Travis: Did you see Mia?!

Eddie: Malice, Travis.

Travis: Whatever. She’s a hottie!

Eddie: And she’d rip your face off in an instant. Now we have a match between Blood Dragon and Sothren for the Light Heavyweight title.

Jean Fortello: This next match is set for one fall, for the HWC Light Heavyweight title. Introducing first, the challenger, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 lbs, representing Bad News. . . BLOOD DRAGON!!!!

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ring posts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon.))

Eddie: Dragon has been besieged by some unknown person in a mask lately, but, thankfully for him, it has been when The Creeper has been out here to stop the masked man. But, tonight, The Creeper has already had his match, and, I believe, has left with Cleo already.

Travis: Well, then, Dragon is going to lose here tonight.

Eddie: I’m sure he loves the fact that everyone seems to write him off as unable to hold his own in a fight. It’s been proven that he has the ability and skill to stand his ground against almost anyone in this business.

Travis: Yeah, but the masked guy has no problem coming out here and beating Dragon with a ladder, or hitting him with Sothren’s finisher, and things of that nature. The masked guy could be anyone, but we know it’s not Sothren, as he came out during Sothren’s match.

Eddie: You don’t think Sothren could have had Sephiroth stand in for him that week?

Travis: Oh yeah. You have a point there, Eddie. It could be the du Lac brothers.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 246 lbs, representing the Darkside, he is the reigning HWC Light Heavyweight champion. . . .SOTHREN DU LAC!!!!

((The lights go out as "Facing Hell" begins to play over the PA system. Red Lights illuminate the stage as Sothren walks out with a huge grin. He stands on the top of the walkway almost standing on the stage as he pulls his right arm down and his leg up as if in a "YES!" pose and Pyro like Booker T's erupts he just smiles and laughs then runs down to the ring. He slides in on all fours smiling, and leering like a predator then stands, in time to get caught by a hard clothesline. Dragon picks Sothren up, shooting a few knees into Soth’s midsection, then lifting him, and dropping him in a piledriver.))

Eddie: Dragon pulling out all the stops here, hitting the big moves early, to weaken Sothren.

Travis: If he knew anything about Sothren, he’d knock out the ref, and have the rest of Bad News come out and waylay Sothren.

Eddie: That would be smart, but it would also make Bad News no better than the Darkside.

Travis: So they’d actually start winning titles, then?

Eddie: Droll, Travis. Very droll.

((Dragon starts hauling Soth to his feet, Soth stopping that with a shot to Dragon’s midsection, followed by a second, then a third, getting to his feet, and pulling Dragon’s legs out from under him, then planting a boot swiftly into the back of Dragon’s knees, stepping back slightly, and locking Dragon into an indian deathlock. As soon as the move starts, Sothren seems to get bored with it, releasing it, and backing away.))

Eddie: Sothren seeming to just be toying with Dragon, here.

Travis: You would too, if you had the match in the bag.

Eddie: That’s what you think.

Travis: That’s what everyone knows.

((Dragon gets to his feet, glaring angrily at Sothren, who seems only too happy to be the object of Dragon’s ire. Once Dragon’s on his feet, Sothren advances again, Dragon catching him with a high dropkick. Sothren, wasting no time, hits the ground rolling, coming up on the side. As Sothren stands, Dragon catches him with a kick, setting him up for a suplex, getting Sothren into the air, Sothren coming down behind him, and hitting a german suplex to Dragon, over the top rope. The referee moves to check on Dragon, who appears to be pretty injured. A figure appears at the top of the ramp, rushing down,))

Eddie: The masked man is back! No, wait! That’s Bull!

Travis: What the hell’s that rookie doing out here? Call the police! Bull’s impersonating an athlete!

((Bull gets into the ring, turning Soth around, and catching him with an reverse bulldog, lifting Soth to the top turnbuckle, and hitting the Over Kill to Soth, darting out of the ring, not noticing Seph standing partway up the ramp. Bull retreats, smiling and laughing, until he bumps into Seph, who watches with an intrigued look etched into his face. As Bull stops, and begins to turn, Seph’s arm snaps out, and hits a Fallen Angel DDT to Bull, driving the back of Bull’s head into the steel of the rampway. Then, as quickly as he appeared, Seph disappears backstage. The referee gets up, checking on Soth for a moment, Dragon getting to his feet, all signs of his previously damaging injury gone.))

Travis: Dragon’s a damn fast healer.

Eddie: Or he was just faking the injury.

Travis: No, Dragon wouldn’t do that. He’s too goody-goody.

Eddie: And also very cunning.

((Dragon advances toward the ring, and, from out of nowhere, in what appeared to be an innocent slip, A cup of soda smashes against Dragon’s back. Dragon turns, looking at the thrower. A look of unbridled fury appears on Dragon’s face. As Dragon moves forward, toward the fan, a metal folding chair smashing down on Dragon’s head, dropping him. From the crowd, over the guardrail, steps the masked man. Before security can stop him, the masked man puts the chair on his right shoulder, lifting Dragon, again, and, again, hitting Sothren’s finisher, The Athar, onto Dragon, the chair adding to the force. Security begins moving toward him, and a figure darts down the ramp, catching the masked man with a hard clothesline.))

Eddie: That’s The Creeper! I thought he had left the building!

Travis: If he did, I’m sure Cleo is none too happy with him being back here.

Eddie: Well, we know about The Creeper’s weird ability to appear in fires.

Travis: Weird? It’s just plain creepy!

((The Creeper turns to the masked man, the masked man already up and running. The Creeper chases him, stopping momentarily to kick Bull’s unconscious form in the face with his boot, then continuing his chase. In the ring, both men slowly, groggily, begin to get to their feet, both finishers having taken effect. Dragon darts into the ring, after regaining his mental composure, picking Sothren up, and hitting a Dragon Suplex onto him, holding the move, with a perfect bridge, pinning Sothren to the mat. The referee makes the count. 1. . . 2. . . . 3!!!))

Eddie: Dragon has done it! Finally, a member of the Bad News has beaten a member of the Darkside for a title, taking one of them from the Darkside!

Travis: DAMMIT!

Eddie: How much?

Travis: 20 g’s.

Eddie: Maybe you’ll learn sometime soon, Travis.

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, and NEW HWC Light Heavyweight champion, BLOOD DRAGON!!!

Travis: It's been some night all right... Not one sign of my crazed angel yet!

Eddie: I'm sure she'll...

((The screen above the entrance way goes to snow, as the theme from "The Godfather" is heard playing lightly in the background. The scene is set in what looks like an office, with a black leather chair turned around to face the window. Nothing is really seen except for a shadow of a woman on the floor as the sun sets over the room. It's deathly quiet except for the music gently playing.))

Eddie: What in the hell is going on?

Travis: I'm not sure...

Eddie: Who is it?

Travis: I can only think of one person that it could be but she's in prison...My little jailbird!

Eddie: Could it be?

((The music fades out as a gentle voice begins to speak.))

Voice: I was wrongfully accused, my career ended, stripped of my life, my freedom and my son, my love, and my trust!

Eddie: Doesn't sound like Harley though!

Travis: It has to be her!

Voice: Everyone has laughed at me! Told me I was a joke! I've been kicked around, tossed to the side! I've been forgotten! But soon the world will remember my name again! Soon I will be cheered for, the arena's will be packed to the brim again because of me! I will be the one left standing in the ring with the World Title wrapped around my waist! I will have my day in the spotlight again! But most of all...I'll be remembered again!

((The music begins to play again, as the screen fades to black, leaving everyone in the arena either shocked or confused.))

Travis: Do you think it's Harley Eddie?

Eddie: ...I'm not sure Travis...I guess only time will tell, but I some how doubt it is! She'll be locked away for a long time.

Travis: Look at O J Simpson! He got away with murder, and he's never been put in jail so there is a chance that Harley can get out!

Eddie: That's true...We'll be back after this folks...

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

IC Title Match
Sephiroth(c) vs Jeff Wylde

Jean Fortello: The following is for the Intercontinental Title.

((Reckoning Day by Megadeth begins to play over the P.A.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring from Sydney, Australia..... JEFF WYLDE!!!

((Jeff walks out onto the stage and pauses at the top of the ramp and raises both arms, and looks from side to side before lowering his arms and heading to the ring.))

Travis: This has been done to death, what makes him think he can beat Seph?

Eddie: Why don't you tell him that.

Travis: You tell him for me Eddie. Go on....

((The lights go low and the black lights flick on as a low hideous dark laugh is heard and the words "Gehenna is here" appear on the screen Dark and Grey plays over the loud speaker.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponet weighing in at 246 lbs, he is the Intercontinental and World Champion...... SEPHIROTH!!!

((Sephiroth steps out behind the curtain as it begins and the Black Lights show his skin in a illuminous white. He bears his fangs and pulls out a Ivory-hilted Katana. He raises his blade high in the air and reaches the full height right when the words "F*** Off" hit then a V-line of Lightning effects strike right in front of him causing the whole stage to blast with green pyre. The lights then raise as green flames erupt from under the walkway. Sephiroth slowly sheaths his blade and walks calmly to the ring. He steps inside the ring and undoes his trenchcoat. He removes it and the sword-sheath handing them to the ring girl and with a smile is ready.))

Eddie: You could cut the tention in the ring with a knife.

Travis: Or Seph's sword...

((Seph turns to face Jeff still holding on to the belt. Seph grins before taking the belt and throwing it down between them.))

Eddie: What is Seph doing?

Travis: He's giving the belt to Jeff. Christ Eddie, don't you ever watch the promos?

((Jeff looks at him watching him carefully while Seph offers him the belt. Jeff looks at him in shock but keeps his eyes on Seph as he reaches down to take the belt. Seph just stands there unmoving as Jeff takes the belt laying by his feet. After Jeff takes the belt Seph turns and grabs a mic away from Jean.))

Seph: Take it Jeff.... It's yours. Not like you could take it from me.

((Jeff looks pissed as Seph climbs out of the ring. Jeff moves to the ropes talking trash to him.))

Seph: Save your energy Jeff..... Ref start the count.

((Seph drops the mic and heads back up the ramp.))

Ref: 1....2....3.....4...

Eddie: Seph is just giving Jeff the title and now leaving. Can he do that?

Travis: Well either way he is.

Ref: 5...6...7...8...9....10

Jean Fortello: Winner by count out...... Jeff Wylde!

Eddie: I don't think Jeff knows what to make of all this.

Travis: Simple.... he's a champ so he better act like one.

((Seph stands at the top of the ramp and claps for Jeff. From behind he fails to see Blood coming up behind and clocking him with the Light Heavyweight belt. Seph falls forward and rolls half way down the ramp. Blood follows and starts to beat the face of Seph with his belt till he bleeds. In the ring Jeff keeps the ref from going out there and stopping Blood. Blood continues to beat on Seph intill he stops moving.))

Eddie: Blood Dragon just killed the former IC Champ!

Travis: Such animals.

((Blood holds up the blood covered Light Heavyweight belt and grabs the mic that Seph dropped. Blood stands over the broken body fo Seph looking down on him.))

Blood: Come Desolation..... I will be taking you World Title just like I took your brothers!

Eddie: There will be hell to pay at Desolation!

((Blood tosses away the mic away and stands looking down on Seph his face covered in blood. Blood rests the Light Heavyweight belt on his shoulder as the camera fades out on them.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))