Saturday Night Slaughter
Montreal, Quebec, Canada at the Bell Centre

((Bodies softly plays in the back ground as the Unchained logo fades into view showing the sold out Joe Louis Arena before going on to showing I2K appears on the entrance ramp with his head down. He looks up and walks to the ring. Eddie is heard as the camera stays on I2K.))

Eddie: This is the return match of the Hall of Famer I2K.....

((Panthro, and I2K stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring sizing each other up. Panthro looks up at I2K as the bell rings sounding the begining of the match, and takes down I2K with an arm bar..... I2K gets to the top again with Panthro in tow and hits a hurracanrana, sending Panthro to the mat. He gets Panthro to his feet as he wobbles back and forth, and I2K goes for a spinning heel kick, but Panthro catches his foot, and holds him for a few seconds before he uses I2K's own move against him.....))

Eddie: Panthro is really giving it his all here...

Travis: It won't help him...No matter what he does he's not going to beat I2K! He's a Legend around here!

((I2K goes to the tope rope and hits a moonsault right on top of Panthro and picks him up and goes for his Death DDT. He hits it and Panthro is down on the mat in pain. I2K goes for the pin. 1...2...3!))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner, I2K!

((Camera fades out on I2K with his hand raised... It opens on HWC's Finest in the ring staring down BloodLust Slayerz as they make their way down holding the Tag Titles. Once in the ring Pallimon and Patriot to stare each other down.))

Eddie: This match is just the calm before the storm. I can promise you this won't be a fair fight!

((The two go nose to nose for a moment while trash talking intill Patriot pushes Pallimon in anger, Pallimon comes back with a close line. Patriot ducks spinning behind Pallimon coming back with a thrust kick to the back of the head of Pallimon.... Patriot comes at Pallimon again to give him a should thrust to those ribs when Pallimon dives out of the way letting Patriot's should ram into the ring post. Pallimon goes over and tags Beowulf in..... Patriot hits the ropes and comes flying at Bewoulf with a cross body block. Beowulf catches him and delivers a giant swing sending Patriot flying over the top rope and out of the ring....))

Eddie: The Slayerz are taking no prisoners here tonight nor are they holding anything back.

((Beowulf get to his feet and grabs Ace by the face ready to slam him back when Ace counters with a kick to the gut. Beowulf comes back with a powerful closeline but Ace dives low triping up Beowulf sending him face first into the ring steps...Patriot then leaps off delivering a flying headbut to the standing Beowulf. Beowulf crumbles to the blow as Patriot goes for a cover. 1...2.. Beowulf gets a shoulder up before 3.... Patriot climbs up the turnbuckle and leaps off to land the Justice Is Served but at the last second Pallimon is bulled out of the ring my Martin Smalls. Patriot lands hard hitting nothing but the mat....))

Eddie: God Dam that Smalls, always sticking his nose where it doesn't need to be.

Travis: Smalls has come to save the day!

Smalls: Take a good look at your hero's.... cause this will be the last time you see them like this!

((Pallimon nods grinning wildly and pulls Patriot to his knees before grabbing the straps of his mask.... Patriot comes back with a low blow fighting desburtly to keep his mask. Bewoulf climbs out and grabs a chair from the time keeper.... Then chair shot after chair shot is landed to the head of Patriot till the fight is taken out of him....))


((Glancing at Patriot Pallimon does a double take as Patriot and Ace-Man were really Brett Bruiser and Storm! ....Pallimon stares down at the dazed Brett Bruiser his face red with rage having had a history with them. The Slayerz start beating away on the helpless unmasked Finest.... Smalls is pulled out of the ring by Die Zerstörer. Klaus grabs Smalls and delivers a Hammer Drop on him taking him out..... Before the Slayerz can act Die Zerstörer give the Slayerz a con chairto, knocking their head together with the force of the chairs. They pick up the Tag Team titles and hold them up a moment as the crowd cheers......))


((Camera cuts to the Main Event.... Jeff tries a clothesline, Seph hitting a drop toehold, dropping Jeff face first onto the guardrail, again. Seph catches Jeff off the rebound, spinning him, and tossing Jeff into the ring....Draven hits another Master Plan on Soth, glancing in the ring, his eyes connecting with Seph's for a split second. Seph then smiles, flipping Draven the bird, and proceeds to hit Jeff with, of all things, the Master Plan.))

Eddie: Seph just hit Draven's finisher on Jeff!!! . . Fallen Angel DDT! These two men are apparently having some sort of finisher contest!

((Seph laughs again, then pins Jeff. 1. . . 2. . . .3!!!))

((Seph and Soth begin to celebrate... As both brothers get back into the ring, two figures descend the ramp...))

Eddie: That's Beowulf and Pallimon! What are the BLS doing here?!

((The BLS get into the ring, and, after waiting for Seph and Soth to turn around, proceed to extend their hands. As Seph and Soth extend their hands, the BLS snap forward, catching them both with a hard double clothesline. The BLS then hit Seph, then Soth, with the Slayerz Spear, leaving both men lying in the ring.))

Eddie: The BLS just destroyed the brothers Du Lac!!!!

((Camera fades out on the Slayerz as they stand over the broken bodies of Soth and Seph.))

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is shown riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slamming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack through the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest beating up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

Standard Match
Outsider Kevin Hawkins vs Sarafan

Eddie: Welcome to slaughter at the sold out Bell Center in Montreal Quebec Canada...I'm Eddie Daniels and as always I'm here with Travis Best.

Travis: Do we get to see any of the fine ladies tonight?

Eddie: Well, our first match is between two new comers here in the HWC.

Travis: Oh yeah that little Sarafan... Another Japanese girl...Since Mia disappeared I've been deprived...

Eddie: I'm sure...Why don't we get on with our first match...

Travis: Sounds like a good idea...Cleo is here tonight and I want to see her!

Eddie: Oh boy...

((Lights go and out arena starts flashing red lights everywhere as Anybody Killa begins to play and Hawkins makes his way out of the curtains.Walking to the ring slowly in no hurry then gets into the ring and takes off his trench coat.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 216lbs, from Houston,TX, accompanied by Gregory Wellington, Outsider Kevin Hawkins!

Eddie: One of the new comers here in the HWC...He looks confident.

Travis: That he does, but I have a feeling my little Sarafan will beat his ass six times before he hits the mat!

Eddie: You never know what's going to happen here in the HWC!

((At the back of the stage, a grey sphere rolls to the top of the ramp. As Queensryche blares over the airwaves, a laser beam strikes the sphere and cracks it open. Grey fog billows out, then rapidly disperses, revealing a lone figure. The figure moves forward, now identified as a striking female. Behind her and to her right, a man emerges in a black dress shirt and trousers. The lower half of her face is concealed by a black silk mask. The pants of her ring outfit are decorated with red embroidery. Her long black hair is pulled back in a braid to minimize the risks of her hair being pulled. She pads down to the ring, Johnny Cho behind her the whole way, not looking to either side as she goes. Once she gets to the ring, she sprinkles a handful of rice on the mat, then kneels in the far corner to await her opponent.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 115lbs, from Okinawa, Japan, accompanied by Johnny Cho, Sarafan!

Travis: Damn...She's fine!

Eddie: Here we go again... Don't you ever stop?

Travis: No way Eddie...Not when something that hot walks in front of me.

((Sarafan and Hawkins stare each other in the eye, as the bell sounds. Sarafan uses an arm drag and takes Hawkins down to the mat. Sarafan gets Hawkins to his feet and goes for a belly to belly suplex sending Hawkins to the mat once again. Sarafan goes for an early pin. 1...Hawkins gets the shoulder up and tosses Sarafan off getting to his feet. Sarafan goes for a superkick but misses when Hawkin side steps her and goes to the top rope and goes for a moosault knocking Sarafan to the mat. Hawkin's goes for the pin. 1...2...Sarafan gets the shoulder up and kicks Hawkins in the knees making him fall to the mat.))

Eddie: Both of the new comers giving it their all here tonight.

Travis: That Sarafan is giving Hawkins a reall as kicking... Go Sarafan!

Eddie: I figured you would have something riding on this match...

Travis: Not this time Eddie...(Under his breath) Only a couple thousand on Sarafan.

Eddie: What was that?

Travis: Nothing...

((Sarafan gets Hawkins to his feet and goes for a superkick again. Her foot connects with his face and he goes down again. Sarafan goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault right on top of Hawkins causing more pain to him. She goes for the pin once again. 1...2...Hawkins get the shoulder up and tosses Sarafan off again. She gets Hawkins to his feet but is hit in the midsection by a sharp elbow by Hawkins. Sarafan doubles over in pain and he uses an elbow to the back of the head sending Sarafan to the mat. He goes to the top rope and hits the Outer Limit and goes for the pin. 1...2...Sarafan gets the shoulder up and Hawkins can not believe it.))

Eddie: How did she kick out of that?

Travis: I don't know...But she's going to win this match I can guarantee you that!

((Hawkins gets Sarafan to her feet and is hit in the midsection by an elbow. Hwakins holds on as long as he can but lets go after one sharp hit, and falls to his knees. Sarafan launches herself into the ropes and goes for a handspring elbow but misses when Hawkins rolls out of the way. Sarafan comes down hard on her elbow and the ref goes to her to see if she can continue. She nods and gets up slowly not noticing Hawkins on the top rope once more reading himself for a triple jump moonsault. He hits it and knocks Sarafan to the mat once more. He goes for the pin. 1...2...Sarafan gets the shoulder up.))

Eddie: MY GOD!!! She just keeps going!

Travis: Ooooo...She's like the Enegizer Bunny...She just keeps going and going!

((Hawkins gets Sarafan to her feet again only to be hit in the midsection once again by Sarafan. Sarafan uses another arm drag and takes him down to the mat, but gets him to his feet and hoists Hawkins on her back to go for Total Enlightment. She hits it and Hawkins falls to the mat. Sarafan goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Sarfan's music begins to blare through the arena as Johnny gets into the ring with her and raises her hand.))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner, Sarafan!

Eddie: Now that was a match to see! What a way to start the night!

Travis: You better believe it Eddie! I just won $2000!

Eddie: I thought you said you didn't...

Travis: I lied...

Eddie: You're hopeless! We'll be back after this!

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a cooler down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.))

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

((Mavrick pulls one out of the cooler and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.))

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

Standard Match
The Icon vs Gregr

Eddie: Well, so far it's been an amazing night. We've seen a pair of newcomers make their debuts tonight... Sarafan and the Outsider Kevin Hawkins.

Travis: I gotta tell ya, I've seen some hotties come and go here. But Sarafan? WOW!

Eddie: And what kind of wow is that?

Travis: A "Don't Leave Me Alone With Her!" kind.

Eddie: I don't believe this... You don't want to get close to Sarafan?

Travis: Nope.

Eddie: Either you're ill, or... Or you're afraid of her! Is that it, Travis? You're afraid of her?

Travis: Not so loud. What, you think I'm proud of it?

Eddie: I wouldn't dream of rubbing it in. I'm not like you. But right now we have an established veteran going against another newcomer... The ICON vs Mr. Gregr.

Travis: Talk about a mismatch! Gregr is going to mop the floor with the Icon!

Eddie: That remains to be seen, Travis. We haven't heard from either man about this match. But you know as well as I do that they could be keeping their strategies to themselves.

Travis: So true.

((The arena goes dark, children playing games can be heard, then one girl's voice becomes louder and louder, "One, Two, he's coming for you. Three, Four, he's gonna hurt you all." An evil voice then starts. "YOU WILL REMEMBER HIM!!" After a couple of seconds a wall of pyros shoot up in front of the ring entrance lasting for a couple of seconds. As they die down "Panorama Of Endtimes" starts, showing The ICON standing on the ramp looking from side to side at the crowd with no emotion on his face. The lights come up and he then slowly walks down the ramp and slides into the ring.))

Eddie: That's a scary entrance.

Travis: Agreed.

((The Economic Rap kicks in, and Mr Gregr waltzes down into the ring with a different type of shirt and tie on every week. He gets into the ring and shows off his stuff. The bell rings and The Icon takes it to Mr. Gregr, shoving him to the ropes. Gregr turns and bounces Icon's face off his knee. But whereas that would slow a normal man down, it barely even fazes The Icon! Icon and Gregr are fighting hand and elbow to get the upper hand when a disturbance in the crowd makes people look around for the source. When they find it, the fans scream and cheer. For, coming down the steps through the crowd, is the one and only...))

Eddie and Travis: Jericho Dylan!

((Jericho easily scales the ring barrier, avoiding security in the process, and stands near the end of the ramp. Looks like he just wants to watch... Or does he? Gregr, first to recover from this surprise, hits Icon with a forearm to the back. Icon falls over the top rope, landing near Jericho's feet. Jericho looks down and shrugs to himself before giving Icon an unseen lift to his feet and back into the ring. Icon clears the cobwebs, then hits Gregr with a picture perfect fallaway slam. Seeing Jericho, he blinks then nods once. He can tell the difference between Jericho and Jarred! Icon goes to work on Gregr's lower back, injured with that slam. Jericho watches dispassionately until Gregr gets the upper hand with an unseen low blow. He advances toward the ring, moving with a predatory grace that most jungle cats would envy. He slides into the ring and watches Gregr from a crouched position.))

Eddie: What's Jericho doing?

Travis: I honestly have no idea.

((Eddie gives Travis a weird look, then turns his attention to the ring. Jericho seems to be waiting for something... Gregr turns around and opens himself up to a Spear! Jericho rolls out of the ring and stands as The Icon goes for a cover. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings and the referee raises The Icon's hand.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner... The ICON!

((The Icon rolls out of the ring, followed by the referee. Mr. Gregr is still in the ring, and Jericho gets back in. Gregr fights to his feet and walks right into Jericho's waiting arms. Right hand to the face... Then...))

Eddie: Oh, my God. He wouldn't!

Travis: He would and he is!

Eddie: He's signalling for a Power Bomb!

((He's signalling, all right... But not for a power bomb. He grabs Gregr by the throat, with BOTH HANDS, and lifts him off his feet. Then he slams Gregr down onto his back as hard as he can. He lets go and rolls to his feet, having utilized a modified Baldo Bomb type maneuver. Gregr's lying flat on the mat... Jericho grins, a type of grin that doesn't bode well for Mr. Gregr...))

Eddie: I don't believe it! Jericho Dylan just hit Mr. Gregr with...

Travis: A Standing Swanton Bomb!

((Jericho dusts off his hands and rolls out of the ring. An EMT runs in and checks on the fallen Gregr. Jericho throws up his hands and the crowd roars in approval. Then he's gone, as though he never was... Only Mr. Gregr, motionless in the ring, is proof he was even there.))

Eddie: My God...

Travis: For once, you won't get any argument from me. We'll be back after this.

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Reinforcements, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows The Tiger and Obake playing the game. Obake is using Tiger, and Tiger is using Obake. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

((The light's in the arena go out as the HWC-Tron comes to life, the words HWC Jackass pained across the screen in what looks like blood. Camera cuts to Draven standing out on the side walk by a busy street.))

Draven: I'm Draven Master's and This is Hitting The Bottle....

((Draven turns and heads into the bar he was standing in front of with the camera man following behind him. Inside two guys are sitting at a table talking and drinking quietly but dressed up like beer bottles. Draven walks up behind one and grabs a wooden chair. Swing hard he breaks it over the head of the nearest bottle dressed man to him. The man crumbles to the floor while the man's friend riases to fight back trying to tackle Draven. Draven grabs him not moving an inch and pick up off the floor before throwing him over the bar top a few paces in front off him. Draven and the rest of Bad News can be heard laughing off camera as Draven turns to leave.))

Draven: Now That's how you toss them back!

((The camera fades out on the beaten beer bottle dressed men. The camera then cuts to the arena parking lot. A jet black Lamborghini Diablo screeches to a halt and the camera focuses on the licence plate that reads “I2K”. The door opens, and out steps the Millennium Man accompanied by a blast of rock music from the car stereo. The camera pans out and we get a good look at I2K. Tonight he’s wearing dark brown boots, worn jeans and a white t-shirt with an “I2K” logo on the back. He shuts the door, and the camera cuts back to the arena where Limp Bizkit: Take a look Around has begun to play. As if he’d been waiting backstage the whole time, I2K walks out onto the stage to be greeted by cheers from the majority of the fans. He smiles and takes it in, before slowly walking down to the ring while slapping people’s hands and posing. He climbs up onto the ring apron, performs his customary flip over the ropes, and grabs the mic off the ring announcer…))

I2K: Even though I’m not going to be kicking anyone’s ass tonight, I still thought I’d show up to see the real stars, the fans…

((Loud cheers))

I2K: I know I’ve pissed you guys off over the years, and I know I’ve done some pretty bad, and some pretty stupid things. But believe me, that’s all in the past. I am a changed person. I’ve learnt from my mistakes. It hasn’t been easy, but at least I can stop making them now. It’s time I focused on my career, and not about being evil, deranged, or whatever I was trying to be… All I care about now is winning matches, any match, big or small, they’re all important. The fact of the matter is I’m in the best physical condition I’m ever going to be in, and I want to take advantage of that fact. So to all the half-assed, idiotic jokes of wrestlers that we have backstage, I challenge all comers to go toe-to-toe with the Millennium Man, and you’ll feel what it’s like to get your ass thoroughly kicked by a two-time HWC world champ and hall of famer. The challenge is out there, who’s man, or woman enough to take me on?

((He throws the mic back to the ring announcer as Take a Look Around begins to play again. He jumps out of the ring and walks up the ramp, slapping more people’s hands. The camera follows him backstage and into the parking lot where he jumps into the Diablo and starts the engine. He then roars off out of the parking lot with a squealing of tyres.))

Eddie: Who will be the next to stand up the Millennium Man?!

Travis: Now that's how you make a challenge

Cage Match
Klaus vs Draven

Eddie: Now, we have a cage match between a representative of Bad News, Draven Masters, and one half of the former tag team champions, Klaus Von Hammer, of the team of Die Zerstrorer. What about the return of Die Zerstorer at Unchained?

Travis: What about the unmasking of Patriot and Ace Man? What about those two finally getting those lame-ass masks ripped off, to show that it’s those two no-talents Brett Bruiser and Storm?

Eddie: For no-talents, Travis, Patriot and Ace-man, or Brett Bruiser and Storm were very very prominent, and successful, in the ring, as either a tag team or in singles competition.

Travis: Pfft. They were both no-talents before, they were no-talents as Patriot and Ace-man, and they’re no-talents again. I always wondered how Patriot and Ace-man could suck so much, and, now, knowing that they’re the innovators of suck, it all makes sense.

Eddie: Ah. Poking fun at two men who aren’t in the building. Nice, Travis. What would you do if they came out here right now, and dropped you off the side of the stage?

Travis: They wouldn’t do that.

Eddie: (Laughing) Patriot and Ace-man wouldn’t. Brett Bruiser and Storm, however, very well might. (Travis yipes.)

Travis: You gotta point. I’m just going to finish my announcing from the safety of this table.

Eddie: Yeah, that’s a real safe place, Travis.

Jean Fortello: The next match is set for one fall. Introducing first, representing Bad News, weighing in at 290 lbs, from Chicago, Il, accompanied to the ring by Scott Mercer. . . . DRAVEN MASTERS!!!!

((Click Click Boom hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, Draven is standing there. Scott walks out from behind the curtain and leads his monstrous charge down to ringside, Pitbull trailing.))

Eddie: Look at the intensity on Draven’s face. He definitely came here ready to fight.

Travis: Yeah. He’s going to fight a guy that’s been on the shelf for what, three months? Big match, this one.

Eddie: Don’t write off Klaus. He’s proven time and again that he’s one of the toughest men to step foot into the ring.

Travis: Yeah, right. He made an enemy of Martin Smalls. How smart is that?!

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, one half of Die Zerstorer, from Bremen, Germany, weighing in at 260 lbs. . . . KLAUS VON HAMMER!!!!

((Click, Click, Boom dies down, as Seek & Destroy plays on the PA, with white strobes flashing in the entrance way. As the main body of the song kicks in, there is a blast of pyro, and Klaus steps out, with his arms folded, looking around at the fans. Before Klaus can take a step down the ramp, however, Beowulf comes out from behind the curtain, with a chair, waffling Klaus with it, and then following him, bringing the chair crashing down onto Klaus’ form as he tumbles down the rampway. As Klaus finally stops, against the apron, Beowulf plants a foot on Klaus’ chest, bringing the chair down again. Meanwhile, Hans is already on the move down to the ring, grabbing the chair before it could connect with Klaus’ face, pulling it from Beowulf’s hand, spinning, and smashing Beowulf in the face with the chair. Beowulf takes the shot, retreating up the ramp, chased by a very angered Hans Kuhmann. ))

Eddie: Beowulf trying to get some level of revenge here tonight, for the assault at Unchained!

Travis: Wow! That was vicious! I like this match already!

Eddie: You just like it because Beowulf most likely cost Klaus this match!

Travis: Well, duh, Eddie. That was the first, and probably only, interesting thing that has, or will, happened in this match!

((Klaus finally makes it to his feet, climbing into the ring. The referee calls for the bell, Draven grabbing Klaus, and hitting the Dravenizer. Draven moves toward the cage, and begins making his way up.))

Eddie: This is going to be one of the shortest matches on record, due to the interference by Beowulf!

Travis: HAH! I knew this match was going to suck!

Eddie: Travis, bear in mind, if Draven gets out of the cage, here, with everything you’ve said, where do you think he’s going?


Eddie: Look, ladies and gentlemen. Travis Best has just saved. . . himself. From the beating of a lifetime.

((Klaus, from somewhere apparently very deep inside him, pulls up enough energy to get to his feet. In what appeared to be an uncontrolled stagger, Klaus crashes heavily into the cage. As he lay against the cage wall, Klaus’s right hand snakes upward, grabbing the top of Draven’s pants. As Draven turns to kick Klaus, Klaus’s other hand, with a remarkable speed, considering his injured state, snaps up, wrapping around Draven’s throat, pulling him from the cage, and chokeslamming him in one move.))

Eddie: Damn! Where did Klaus pull that from?

Travis: No idea, but he just saved me from getting beat! In my book, that’s the best reason to get up and keep fighting!

Eddie: You’re an idiot.

Travis: I am not! I’m better than an idiot!

Eddie: Fine. You’re an idiot with incentives.

Travis: Thank you.

Eddie: No problem.

((Klaus again, staggers backward, sagging against the ropes, the move having bought him slightly more time, but not much. Klaus watches, almost as helpless as a crippled athlete, as Draven gets to his feet, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs. Draven looks at Klaus for a moment, Klaus shrugging free of the ropes, trying to move to press an attack, Draven grabbing him, pushing him off the ropes, Klaus coming back, Draven going for a clothesline. At the last possible second, Klaus swings his feet around, and, in a remarkably quick, light-heavyweight caliber, move, Klaus goes for a crucifix, changing it slightly, however, wrapping his left arm around Draven’s throat, rolling backward, and turning it into an odd combination of a crucifix/DDT. ))

Eddie: Another desperation move by Klaus! How many more of those can he pull off before he runs out of energy?

Travis: Hopefully enough to wear Draven down so much that he can’t come over here.

Eddie: Always looking out for number one, eh, Travis?

Travis: Of course! Who else will?

Eddie: Not me.

((Klaus, this time first to his feet, manages to get to the cage, and start climbing. As he nears the midway part of the cage, a figure appears from the shadows.))

Eddie: That’s Palimon! These guys must have been really angered by the attack at Unchained!

Travis: You think?! Jackass.

Eddie: Idiot.

((Palimon gets to the ring, throwing the cage door wide, a chair in hand. Almost as an afterthought, Palimon smashes Pitbull in the head with the chair itself. Klaus, however, has already seen Palimon, and so has gotten off of the cage itself, moving to stand in front of Draven where he lay, against the ropes, his head resting against the cage. As Palimon swings, Klaus drops, in a move that appears more exhaustion than plan. The chair crashes against Draven’s face, smashing Draven’s head into the cage itself. Draven drops limply, Klaus crawling headlong for the doorway. Palimon turns, seeing Klaus near the door, and rushes after him. Before Klaus can get near enough the door to even begin to think about leaving, Palimon grabs him, pulls him into the ring, and brings Klaus to his feet, then bringing the chair crashing repeatedly into Klaus’ face. Hans once again appears at the top of the ramp, Beowulf a step behind him, a steel pipe in hand. Before Hans can move, Beowulf brings the pipe, like a bat, across into the back of Hans’ face.))

Travis: Home run!

Eddie: Travis, one of these days, you’re going to say the wrong thing, and end up crippled.

((Draven, to his feet as weakly as should be expected, moves up behind Palimon, spinning him around, and driving Palimon into the cage wall, then catching him on the rebound, and hitting a Master Plan, sending Palimon into the cage wall. The cage now sports a large dent. Draven looks at Klaus, picking him up, setting him up for the Master Plan, again, this time sending Klaus into one of the cage’s support posts.))


Travis: That was amazing! GO DRAVEN!

((The cage wall itself, with the force of the move, snaps free, the entire wall of the cage falling down, Klaus landing in the ring after the move. Draven gets up, apparently oblivious to the damage done to the cage, then, finally, noticing it. Draven’s face scrunches up in confusion, then, to everyone’s surprise, Draven halls Klaus to his feet, and moves to stand on the fallen cage wall. Again, Draven sets up Klaus, and, again, Draven hits the Master Plan, this time driving Klaus face and chest first into the fallen cage wall, the cage serving the same purpose as a cheese grater, and ripping Klaus’ face open. Klaus writhes in pain on the cage wall, Draven standing, his equilibrium still not at 100%, and then staggering toward the entranceway. As soon as Draven’s foot touches the floor itself, the bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, representing Bad News, DRAVEN MASTERS!!!

Eddie: Draven won!

Travis: Oh no. Uh. . . security! Keep him away from me!

Eddie: I believe that’s Draven’s first victory in singles competition.

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

Eddie: Well, we understand that there is some footage from earlier tonight that both proves The Creeper is here, and that he is doing as he promised.'

Travis: Making Cleo happy?

Eddie: No, you dolt. Searching for that masked man.

((The arena darkens, the screen showing a series of footage, the words "Earlier tonight" in the corner. The footage starts with a clip of B.D. laid out, covered in blood, and buried under a pile of what appears to be a motley collection of assorted things, thrown atop him in what appears to be a hurry. The Creeper and the other four of his brothers approach.))

Creeper: B.D.? This masked idiot is making this personal! Let's get him out of this.

((The Creeper and his brothers set to getting B.D. free. The camera then shifts to a scene with the word "Live" in the upper corner, following The Creeper, sending his brothers off to find the masked man.))

Creeper: This guy is good at hiding, I'll give him that much. But I'll find him, and peg him to the wall.

((The camera follows The Creeper as he comes upon each of his four brothers, all laid out.))

Creeper: This idiot just doesn't know when to stop! I will find you, and then, your life is over!

((The Creeper walks forward, toward the camera, then beyond, the camera panning around, then zooming in on a point down the hall, where an all-too-familiar masked man is peeking around the corner. At sight of the camera, the masked man disappears around the corner again, the cameras returning to the announce position.))

Eddie: Well, whoever that masked man is, he's managed to evade The Creeper, for now.

Travis: Someone go tell him that the masked freak is the other way down the hall!

Eddie: If The Creeper's busy, then he might not be out here, and Cleo could, very easily, lose her match against Dragon.

Travis: Oh yeah! Creeper! Get out here!

Body Bag Match
BloodDragon vs Cleo

Eddie: What a great night that was, so far!

Travis: Eh. It could have been better.

Eddie: What are you talking about?

Travis: More women, less fighting.

Eddie: And, what? Have a giant strip show?

Travis: Yeah!

Eddie: With the poles, and the music?

Travis: YEAH!

Eddie: Yeah, right. I’m sure Ms. Lewis will jump on that one. Well, next we have a match between Blood Dragon, and everyone’s favorite pharaoh, Cleo. In a body bag match.

Travis: Cleo?! Let’s get to this match!

Jean Fortello: This next match is a Body Bag match. Introducing first, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 lbs, representing Bad News. . . .BLOOD DRAGON!!!!

((As “Downfall” by Trust Company comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon.))

Eddie: Apparently, Blood asked for this match before he took his leave from the HWC for the healing of old injuries.

Travis: Shut up, Eddie! Cleo’s coming out next! Come on out, my queen!

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, representing the Darkside, weighing in at 150 lbs, from New York city. . . . Cleopatra!!!!!

((The arena goes dark, as Gold Lust begins to play. Gold lights begin to move over the crowd and comes to a stop on the back of the stage, as something rises up from the floor. It's a Egyptian sarcophagus. The lid of the Sarcophagus slides open and there stands the Pharaoh Cleopatra. She opens her eyes and makes her way to the ring not hearing or noticing the crowds cheering for her as she makes her way to the ring and in her hands she carries the scepters of Upper and Lower Egypt. She climbs into the ring and removes the golden crown and hands the ref the crown along with the two scepters to put on the outside, then turning to face Blood Dragon. A patch of shadows detaches from the entranceway, moving to the announce position.))

Eddie: Well, ladies and gentlemen, we’re being joined, at this time, by the reigning HWC Hardcore champion, The Creeper.

Travis: Uh. . . Hey, Creep. You sure you don’t maybe want to go stand on the outside of the ring?

Creeper: Why? So you can ogle Cleo? No. I find I rather enjoy sitting here. Makes it easier to give you a left hook if you start getting on my nerves. (The camera shows The Creeper sitting to Travis’s right. The Creeper makes a motion that appears to be a cross between a salute and a wave.) Edward. How’re you thus far tonight?

Eddie: Pretty good so far, Creeper.

Creeper: Good. Where the hell is the body bag? Rather hard to have a body bag match without the body bag.

((As if on cue, a stagehand comes down to ringside, laying the body bag outside the ring. Cleo catches Dragon looking at the body bag with a hard dropkick, sending him into the corner, then catching Dragon on the rebound with a tornado DDT. Dragon seems to just roll to his feet, catching Cleo on the rise with a hard clothesline.))

Eddie: Dragon seems to be back to his prime, here.

Travis: Hey, Creeper, you sure you don’t want to go in the ring, and, say, drop Blood Dragon?

Creeper: No, you ignorant piece of garbage. I’m out here to make sure that moron with the mask doesn’t show himself. (Eddie laughs.)

Travis: Shut up, Daniels!

Eddie: You just want him to leave so you can make lewd comments toward Cleo! (Travis elbows Eddie.)

Travis: Shut up, Daniels!

Creeper: Both of you morons shut up. These people don’t want to hear your inane babble. They’re here for the match. And, Travis, if you even think that again, about Cleo, I will personally use your face to clean the bathroom.

Travis: EEP! Yessir!

Eddie: Think? Are you a psychic, Creeper?

Creeper: No. But it wasn’t the most pure of thoughts. A dark thought is the same as the darkness within.

((Blood hauls Cleo to her feet, then lifting her in a suplex, holding her in midair, for at least 10 minutes, looking all the while at Creeper, sitting at the announce position. After dropping Cleo in a suplex that was more brainbuster than suplex, Blood gets up, staring holes into The Creeper. The screen flicks to a dual shot, one of the action in the ring, one of The Creeper, Travis, and Eddie. The Creeper, wearing darkened glasses, smiles, and, taking a page from Sephiroth at Unchained, flips Dragon the bird. Cleo, up from behind, grabs one of her scepters, and swings it at Dragon’s head. Dragon, amazingly, ducks, spinning, and kicking Cleo in the stomach. Cleo drops the scepter, Dragon grabbing her and hitting a DDT to her onto the scepter.))

Eddie: Ow! That looks like it hurt!

Travis: Hey, uh, Creeper! Go help her out!

Creeper: She doesn’t need my help. She’s a big girl. She can take care of herself. I’ve told you already. I’m out here for one reason.

Eddie: Do you have any idea who that masked man is, Creeper? (The camera catches The Creeper’s laugh.)

Creeper: If I did, I’d already be wearing his skin as a coat.

((Blood picks Cleo up, locking her into a full nelson, then lifting her up, pulling her backward, into a Dragon Suplex. Once sure Cleo’s down for a little while, Blood goes outside the ring, to where the body bag is. A noise under the ring, and Blood looks toward the apron, the top of a ladder coming out, and smashing Blood in the bridge of the nose.))

Creeper: Under the damned ring!

((There’s a thunk, then The Creeper is seen darting under the bottom rope, and under the opposite rope. Meanwhile, the masked man, already on his feet, as a steel chair in hand. The masked man smashes The Creeper in the head with the chair, creating what could only be classified as a crater in the surface. The Creeper grabbed the chair, pulling it from the masked man’s hands, and tossing it to the side, coming back across with a left hook. The masked man ducks, then running up the ramp, The Creeper right on his heels. Blood is currently clutching the bridge of his nose, which is bleeding intensely.))

Eddie: Now it’s a contest to see who can get up first.

Travis: Thank god!

Eddie: What, that The Creeper managed to stop that masked man from doing any serious harm?

Travis: No, that The Creeper left! Now I can finally speak my mind!

Eddie: You could do that before. The Creeper would have just beaten you up for it.

Travis: So you see my problem.

((Surprisingly, the first person to their feet is. . . both of them. Blood getting to his feet, after clearing the blood out of the way, and Cleo getting to her feet, rubbing the top of her head.))

Travis: AW! Cleo’s hurt! I’d go in there and kiss her head, so long as she’d return the favor.

Eddie: Travis!

Travis: What?! It built up!

((Blood slides the bag into the ring, under the bottom rope, then following. Cleo already on the assault. After a few kicks in the kidneys, Cleo hauls him to his feet, grabbing her scepter again, and taking a wild swing. Dragon ducks, only to have Cleo slam her leg backward, and hitting Dragon with a low blow. As Dragon doubles over in pain, Cleo spins, cracking Dragon hard enough to dent the scepter, and, at the same time, drop Dragon like a stone. The camera flashes backstage, to show The Creeper driven into a brick wall hard enough to leave a large bloodstain. The masked man turns, and rushes back to ringside. Once in the ring, the masked man simply glowers at Cleo. Cleo looks back, then the masked man darts under the ring, as The Creeper reappears from the entrance. As the masked man attempts to flee through the crowd, The Creeper, bleeding and not even being the least bothered by it, grabs the masked man, and proceeds to take him to the stage, and hit a Death Rattle from the stage to the floor. Cleo, by this time, has gotten Dragon’s legs inside the body bag. Dragon throws a few right hands, staggering Cleo.))

Eddie: Dragon seems to keep finding more energy to draw from.

Travis: That’s a great thing! That means I get to see more of my goddess Cleo!

Eddie: You’re always thinking, aren’t you, Travis?

Travis: Of course.

Eddie: Well, Travis, even you have to admit, this recent influx of new talent is great for the HWC.

Travis: Yeah. It’s great! We’re getting women here, finally! And hot ones, too!

((Dragon stands up, locking Cleo in a front chinlock, then dropping into a DDT. Cleo, somehow, manages to plant her hands, and spring up, making it look like she simply did a forward handspring. Dragon gets to his feet, Cleo hit a half-nelson suplex, then moving him to the body bag again. Cleo managed to get the majority of Dragon’s body into the body bag, before Dragon again begain throwing punches. Cleo, however, backed up, retrieving her scepter, shoving Dragon back into the body bag, and smashing him in the head with the scepter every time Dragon even looked like he was going to fight back. In such a fashion, Cleo got Dragon into the body bag, and closed it.))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, representing the Darkside, Cleopatra!!!

((Cleo, not letting the win stop her, continues to pummel Dragon, inside the body bag, with the scepter. The Creeper, resurfacing, moves behind Cleo, whispering something into her ear. Cleo stops, turning, and is summarily carried from the ring by The Creeper, his face still open, but no longer bleeding.))

Eddie: We need a break while the EMT's tent to Blood Dragon

Travis: Who was that masked man?

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

((The camera fades into the huge titan-tron screen as Godsmack’s “Whatever” begins to blast in the background. The first shot is of a black car flying into the parking lot and hitting former HWC star Stalker from behind, the words first appearance in the bottom corner. As the car goes into park Brett Bruiser gets out with a kendo stick in his hand and the screen freezes. This shot fades to a picture of Bruiser standing in the middle of the ring with a wrestlers head in between his legs. As he lifts the wrestler, showing to be Jaguar, in the power bomb position. The screen begins to flash pictures of Brett Bruiser with Tiger, I2K, Gravedigger, Palmon, and Beowulf in the power bomb, each time the move closer and closer to being to the ground. As the move known as the Bruiser Bomb hit’s the ground the music suddenly cuts, as does the picture. Bruiser’s voice in the background.))

Brett Bruiser: I am the Diamond, and that’s all there is!

((Yet another picture of Bruiser is shown in the ring, this time with The Diamond written on the side of his jet black pants, the words a change written in the lower right hand corner. He stands in the ring alone until suddenly “Pardon Me” by Incubus begins to roar and Storm steps into the ring. He is wearing the same fashion pants, lighting bolts across the side with Storm written on them. The screen flashes to pictures of the two wresting many tag teams, the most notable being the BloodLust Slayerz. As the matches slow down the music fades and so does the picture. The camera then cuts to in the ring as Bruiser is shown taking chair shot after chair shot from different wrestlers. Suddenly after one last chair shot Bruiser flips out and begins to beat the wrestlers to the ground. The camera suddenly flipping to scenes of Brett Bruiser talking to himself, most of the time arguing. The camera cuts on to show Brett Bruiser standing in the parking lot and a man riding a motorcycle running up to him and handing him a letter. Brett opens it and suddenly jumps into his Viper and takes off. As the letter falls to the ground the camera closes in and the words ‘US Army’ can be seen on it. The camera fades to black as Bruiser’s voice is heard once again.))

Brett: I love America, and I know you need someone to represent you, but why me.

((The camera fades in to see Bruiser standing in front of a man with an Army uniform on, the words never before seen in the corner.))

Army Man: We think you are a great man and well you owe me one.

Brett: I told you that no threats are necessary, I love America and forget about me owing you one because what you did was what anyone would have done.

Army Man: We fixed you Brett and need you to do this for us so are you going to do it or not, America needs a representative in this time.

Brett: Get me the damn costume!

Army Man: I knew you would see it my way.

((The man throws Bruiser a black bag and points to a side room. Bruiser steps into the room and in a few minutes steps out with the Patriot costume on. He is holding the mask in his hand and walks up to the man. The National Anthem playing in the background.))

Bruiser: Why do I have to wear a mask?

Army Man: We don’t want your past to cloud peoples views of you. We won’t the American people to know a pure man, a man with just a love for America.

Bruiser: No one is pure, but I will do this for America. The country I grew up in and love. You had better be sure that you are ready for the upcoming roar for America, because I am going to cause it.

((Brett Bruiser slips the mask on completing the transformation to Patriot and turns to walk out.))

Army Man: Wait a second.

((Patriot turns around to face him.))

Patriot: What is it.

Army Man: You are going to need an ally in that corporation, his name is Ace-Man.

Patriot: Ace-Man, hold on a second.

Army Man: No, its not the man you think it is. This man is your former partner, Storm.

((Suddenly Ace-Man steps out of the darkness and walks up to Patriot.))

Ace-Man: Look at the getup they have got me in.

Patriot: The fans will have no idea.

Army Man: Good day my friends.

((Patriot and Ace-Man nod at the man and head out the door the camera fading to pictures of the two wrestling tag team match after tag team match. The screen fades once again, this time to a snap shot of Brett Bruiser and Storm leaving the ring from the BLS match, both without a mask, the camera fades to black and the music fades out with the screen.))

Travis: What the hell was that?

Eddie: Guess that explains What happened to Bruise and how Patroit came out.

Travis: I could care less! their old news!

Tag Team title Match
BloodLust Slayerz(c) vs The Kindred

Jean Fortello: The following is for the Tag Titles titles, to the ring....

((The lights go out. Before the Possession plays a deep voice of Beowulf say "Summon The Drums of War." The beating of drums start as thier theme does, followed by the crowd brusting into boos.))

Jean Fortello: They are the Tag Team Champion, Pallimon and Beowulf........ BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!!!

((The HWC-Tron show scenes from battles some look like their are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring threw it letting out a battle cry. They slide into the ring and climb up the front two ring posts removing their cammo jackets that match their pants. They throw the jackets down out side the ring and roar to the crowd.))

Travis: I fail to see why Slayerz have to defend their belts after the beaten they have taken today.

Eddie: BloodLust Slayerz attacked Soth and Seph at Unchained, this is their chance at revenge, beside they had it coming. Maybe at at we can have some real Tag Team champs.

((Possession is cut off by the playing of In The End by Linkin Park.))

Jean Fortello: And their opponets from the Darkside, Sephiroth and Sothren....... THE KINDRED!!!

((The two brothers step out as a spotlight turns on behind them. They're silhouettes show against the bright light. Blue lightning effects strike the stage and red flames burst up in a huge explosion. The lights raise and the two make they're way in the ring. Once inside they both raise they're atrms and drop them at the sametime causing a massive explosion of purple flames. Before the flames die down the Slayerz attack the Kindred from behind. Pallimon manages to knock Soth out of the ring heading out to finish the attack. The bell rings as Beowulf and Seph go blow for blow in till Beowulf picks Seph up on his should delivering a shoulder slam to Seph on the turnbuckle.))

Eddie: brutal move by Beowulf to start off the match.

Travis: Once again Slayerz arn't holding anything back.

Eddie: That maybe but they are looking a bit sluggish from the damage done by the hands of Die Zerstörer.

((Beowulf gives Seph a shoulder thrust then another trying to wear him down earlier in the match. Going for another Seph manages to get a knee up in time hitting Beowulf in the nose. Holding his nose he starts to stagger away as. Sephrushes at Beowulf hitting a spear aiming low for Beowulf's legs taking him down. On the out side Pallimon and Soth go at each other none stop not caring about anything else. Either one wants to back down as their fighting comes to the announce table.))

Travis: Look Out!

Eddie: The fight has broken out and putting us in danager!

((Soth whips Pallimon into the ring post before pulling him to his feet and rolling him up on the announce table. Eddie and Travis get up and move rather quickly. Climbing up Soth pulls Pallimon to his feet, Pallimon fights back keeping Soth from suplexing him. Soth blocks a blow before throwing one him self. Pallimon hooks his arm and delivers a Full Nelson Suplex to Soth. The table breaks away benieth them, Pallimon is the first to his feet and grabs Soth's leg to drag him away.))

Eddie: Pallimon has destoryed Soth and our table.

Travis: Better then destory us.

Eddie: More like you.

((Back in the ring Beowulf comes off the ropes and is knocked down with a supper kick from Seph.))


Travis: With the beating he got from Hans he had to be in alot of pain.

Eddie: Seph is taking no chances and waisting no time.

((Seph drops for a pin, 1...2...kick out from Beowulf. Seph looks around for his brother not finding him in his corner yet finds Pallimon beating away on him. Seph climbs out spearing Pallimon from behind sending him into the guard rail. Seph helps his brother to his feet when Beowulf grabs Seph and rolls him back into the ring. Seph to his his feet comes at Beowulf with a baseball side before he can get into the ring. Beowulf staggers then trips broken table knocking to Travis. Seph slides back out to grab Beowulf to roll him back into the ring.))

Eddie: Travis? Travis, are you okay?

Travis: Oww!

((After beating Pallimon's head into the railing and stomping away on him Soth slides into the ring. Seph whips Beowulf into the ropes as Kindred hit the Black Embrace to Beowulf. Seph cover Beowulf hooking his leg, 1...2....3. The bell rings.))


Jean Fortello: Your winners and NEW Tag Team Champions..... THE KINDRED!!!

((In The End plays as the ref raises their hands in victory.))


((Smalls comes out on the stage as their music ends. He stays on the stage as the Kindred yell to him to come down to the ring. The crowd breaks into boos at the sight of Smalls.))

Smalls: No I don't want to fight, I just came to congradulate the new Tag Team Champs. ......And offer a reminder.

Eddie: A reminder?

Smalls: Their is a little thing in the rules that the former champs can challege for a rematch at any time. And I think I speak for BloodLust Slayerz when I say the rematch starts..... now! Ref ring the bell!

Eddie: What now? They have been champs for a hole five minutes!

Travis: It's in the rules Eddie:

((Seph and Soth seem more angry yelling at Smalls, they turn once they hear the bell. Pallimon and Beowulf are already to their feet standing ready behind the Kindred. Pallimon hits a powerful closeline to Soth knocking him over the top rope and follows him. While Beowulf hits Seph with a Mandible Claw Choke Slam.))

Eddie: This is sick and unfair! The Kindred havent even had a chance to recover!

((On the out side Pallimon power bombs Soth into the ring steps as Smalls makes his way slowly down to the ring with a cocky grin on his face. Pallimon slides back into the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle as Beowulf pulls Seph onto his shoulders.))


((Pallimon leaps off hitting the Slayerz Spear to Seph and rolls off of him letting Beowulf lays across him for the pin. 1...2...3.))

Jean Fortello: You new Tag Team Champions.... BloodLust Slayerz!

Eddie: The Slayerz cheated to win with the help of Smalls yet again! This was wrong and one day Smalls is going to pay for his actions. Hoping soon!

((Smalls climbs into the ring and raises the hands of the Slayerz after they take their belts back from the ref. The arena is rocked with boos, the camera fades out on Smalls standing with the BloodLust Slayerz their hands raised.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))