Saturday Night Slaughter
Kansas City, Missouri at the Kemper Arena

The HWC logo is shown froma breif moment before fading. The camera then fades in show clips of last week Slaughter with a blue tint to the film.... Autumn Lewis from the back with a mic in hand......

Autumn: I am out here to descuse a few problems the HWC has been faced with as of late....

((Camera shows close up clips of the desturbed X-CEO Beach.))

Autumn: I will be taking control till further notice.... There is another issue far more imporant.... someone broke into Beaches office and stole the HWC World Title Belt.

((Camera shows a slip of the end of last weeks Salughter. Showing the shadowed man on the HWC-Tron, with teh distored voice.))

Man: The HWC is in the palm of my hand as I speak.......a more simpler tourny needs to be put in action......Four, four way matches..... two every slaughter leading up to the PPV....... And when the finally pin fall happens...1......2......3. I will hand over the belt crowning the very first New HWC World Champion........I will be watching....

((Camera fades from that sence and pauses for a sec changing the mood slightly. The nect clip is that in Autumn's office.Stretching his feet out on the desk is Martin Smalls. Suddenly the door opens and Autumn looks up seeing Smalls in her office.))

Autumn: What in the sam hill are you doing in my office?!.....

Smalls: DO you mind? I'm trying to read here.....

Autumn: Fine if you want to play like that, I now put Tiger in your hands....

((Smalls looks up at her, for one moment his eyes flicker with fear.))

Smalls: Y-You mean...You want me to face The Tiger in the ring next week!?...

Autumn: If you can win you get control over her......

Smalls: Fine...There'll be a special guest referee in my match, and i get to pick him...

((Smalls chuckles to himself as he heads across the luxurious office and opens the door, his chuckle is immdiately cut off into a muffled "Meeep" as he comes face to face with none other then the Tiger herself. Tiger watches till he is out of sight chuckles softly, she then turns and looks at Autumn. Arms still crossed she speaks to Tiger.))

Autumn: Do what you do best and make Payne an exsample to Smalls.

((Another pause comes as teh last scene fades out and a new one fades in. A figure leaps over the baricade and clock the passing LaSalle with a steal chair. The impact causes LaSalle to crumble to the floor. The lights come up showing the attacker is Brett Bruiser.))


Eddie: Brett Bruiser has made a return and he has left his mark......

((Brett he points to the blood on the chair then behind him... and then raises the chair over his head. As the scene slowly fades ya hear Eddie's voice.))

Eddie: Who knows who or when he will strike next.

((The camera cuts the the screaming croud as the pyro goes off in a blinding brillance. The arena is packed full having anotehr sold out show. Every one is pumped and cheering. After panning over the croud the Camera cuts to the announcers table.))

Eddie: We are here at the sold out Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri. I am Eddie Danniels and with me, sadly till I die..... Is Travis Best.

Travis: What was that?

Eddie: Nothing... I said nothing.

Travis: Mmmhmm..... I'll remember that next time you need to borrow money.

Eddie: Cheap... Anyways we have a great show tonight. Another duel four way match leading up to the PPV and to learn not only who will be the the first New HWC World Champ but, who has stolen the belt. If you ask me...

Travis: Which I'm not.....

Eddie: .....I think it's Beach.

Travis: Are you mad saying something like that will cost you your job.

Eddie: Beach doesn't have anyone more power here, Autumn took it over.....

Travis: Hmmm

Eddie: Guess you were asleep last week when she came out and made that speak...No? Well I guess your just jelous.

Travis: Can we just move on with things.

Eddie: Ladies and gentalmen tonight is a Slaughter night of Titles. First up is Toryn vs Vandle for the TV Title.

HWC TV Title Match Toryn VS D.K. Vandal

Ring Announcer: At this time, head referee Walter Powel is bring the vacant HWC Television Title to the ring.

{Walter comes out of the curtain to some house music, and gets a surprisingly loud pop considering he is just a referee. He runs down to the ramp and brings the belt to the timekeeper's table. He then enters the ring and waves to the fans}

Travis: A referee is getting more cheers than half of our active wrestlers, this truly is sad.

Eddie: Well he is a good ref, you have to give him that much.

Travis: I'll give him nothing.

Eddie: That's because you're a brat, now lets continue with the introductions of our two competitors.

Ring Announcer: Coming to the ring first, the first challenger for the vacant TV title, Toryn!

{The slow mellow beat of "While the City Sleeps" begins to play out from the PA system. Toryn, dressed in her infamous black pants and wife beater tank, steps out form the curtain as stares at crowd. As she walks down the ramp, flames begin to burn at her heels as if she leads a trail of fire with her. The fire dies down as she enters the ring and lights up a smoke, waiting for her opponent.}

Ring Announcer: And entering the ring at this time, the second challenger for the TV title, D.K. Vandal!!

{"Dead American" by Lars Friedeksen and the bastards beginst to blast through the PA's as the fans go to their feet. No special light effects or anything. D.K Vandal just comes out smoking a cigarette. He walks down the ramp and gets in the ring. He flicks his smoke into the crowd. He then goes to the closest turnbuckle and poses for the fans. He jumps down into the middle of the ring and awaits for the bell to ring. The bell rings and Toryn immediately hits D.K. with a clothesline. She stomps D.K. over and over, until he rolls out of the ring. The referee begins to count, 1---2---}

Eddie: If D.K gets counted out, Toryn will win the title by default. But I'd like to mention, that under normal circumstances, the belt would not change hands on a count out. Today is different because the title is vacant.

{3---4---5---Toryn has had enough waiting and leaves the rings breaking the count. She chops D.K.'s chest, and throws him into the ring by his hair. She jumps back into the ring as well and picks up D.K. Toryn hoists D.K. into the air and hits a hard suplex. She bounces off the ropes and drops and falling elbow on D.K.'s face. Toryn sits D.K. up and kicks the back of his head}

Travis: Now this is action. I am actually enjoying this match. Tell me Eddie, did you see that kick to the back of the head?

Eddie: I saw it and heard the "thud." But D.K. isn't out of it yet, he is back on his feet, though he is a little wobbly.

{Toryn tries to hit D.K with a haymaker punch, but D.K. ducks, Toryn counters the counter with a neckbreaker.}

Eddie: Just pin him, he isn't going to get up.

Travis: Punish him!

{Toryn, seeing that D.K. is not getting, slaps him on the face to wake him up a little. When he begins to stir around, she climbs a turnbuckle and waits for D.K. to stand and face him. After a few minutes, he is finally facing the turnbuckle. Toryn leaps off the turnbuckle and connects with "Torn Aggression." She hooks D.K.'s legs after he flips and pins him for the 3 count.}

Eddie: Toryn has done it!! She has captured the HWC Television Title!!!

Travis: This match has been such a disappointment it isn't even funny.

Eddie: Hypocrite!

Travis: Don't call me that, I don't have a weight problem!

Eddie: Shut Up!!

{Walter hands Toryn the belts, and she begins to celebrate. She holds the belt in the air so the fans can see it, and the fans cheer for her. Her music begins to play and she leaves the rind. Toryn slaps hands with the fans and celebrates the entire time while heading backstage}

((The night air is cool after a hot day, there is a hint of rain in the air as clouds approch. Back behind the arena out of the parking garage The Tiger is found oddly alone for a time. Dressed as always in her wrestling and the cloak over it. The hood is pulled over her head having been left like that sence Pit pulled it over, she sits silently in the dark smoking a clove cigarett. Pulling up in his Limo Martin exits from the luxurious car as his driver holds the door open he tilts his head back and inhales deeply addressing his driver he speaks with a voice filled with smugness))

Smalls: You smell that Pete? I smell an ass kicking in the air tonight...Park the car and it wont be your ass that gets kicked

((Sitting on a small stone wall Tiger is lost in the world of her mind only feeling the warmth of her cloak and clove as she breaths out the smoke. Everything else around her is blocked out as she tries to remember, kicking her feet a bit. Smalls walks casually through the parking lot taking his time, much to his surprise he see's the Tiger sitting on the wall, changing his direction with a grin he walks over to her))

Smalls: Well if it aint tall dark and crazy! How you doin tonight Tigger?

((There comes to respons from her not even a slightly movement. Smalls stops with a smirk))

Smalls: Anybody hoooooome in there?

((With a chuckle Smalls reaches up a fist to knock on her head))

Smalls: Hey...i said is anybody Hoooooome in the....

((From all her years of training in the marshal arts her hand snaps out quickly grabing Smalls' by the wrist before his fist can touch her. She squeezes his wrist nearly breaking it, then slowly she turns her head up to face him beneith the hood of her cloak.))

Smalls: SHIT!

((Trying not to drop to his knee's he cries out))

Smalls: Hey! Hey! It was a joke!

((Tiger looks at him then his wrist and lets go. With her other hand she takes teh clove from her lips and blow smoke in his face. Smalls coughs and grabs his hand, jerking back away from the smoke he speaks with menace))

Smalls: Oh i'm gonna enjoy owning your ass Tiger...I'm going to make your life one long string of pain and misery...and YOU WILL regret the day you ever F**ked with me!

((His anger boiling over he turns and walks away. In an almost clear voice Smalls' hears from behind him...))

The Tiger: You ...started.. it...

((He stops dead in his tracks without turning around he speaks))

Smalls: I started it...and i'm...going to...end it! you better believe it baby!

((again he walks away))

Eddie: Nothing seems to bother Tiger bout her comming match. If I was here with my carrer on the line i would be scared to death.

Travis: Of course nothing bothers her no one is at the wheele. Ha ha ha ha... Get it? At the...

Eddie: I wish someone would put your carrer on the line.

Travis: Oh your just sore that your not as funny as me.

HWC Light Heavyweight Title Match Myzteik VS Chaotica

Eddie: Now for our second title match of the evening ladies and gentlemen. This title match sees Myzteik our light heavy weight title holder pitted against the ring veteran Chaotica. Care to make any bets Travis?

Travis: Me make a bet? Come now Eddie you know I'm not a betting man

Eddie: Sure Eddie, you aren't a betting man. That's why you're on the verge of being fired every week because you owe so much money to the company

Travis: Can we just get on to the match Eddie? After all we are professionals

Eddie: I'm professional, I haven't yet figured out what you are Travis: Smartass

((Any further comment from either one of the announcers is cut off as "Without Me" begins to blare over the speakers. Myzteik walks down the ramp with the belt around his waist, as he steps through the ropes he is looking over his shoulder almost as if he were expecting an attack from behind. He waves to the crowd then undoes the belt and hands it over to the referee then leans against the turnbuckle. A moment later the lights go down and "Broken" by 12 Stones kick up over the speakers, Chaotica appears at the top of the ramp dressed in green spandex bike shorts with a green tshirt.As she makes her way down the ramp her eyes never leave Myzteik, jumping up on to the ring apron she does a flip over the ropes and grins wickedly at Myzteik as the referee signals for the bell to ring.))

Vendor: Hot dogs, get your hot dogs, fresh peanuts, Travis's mom!

Travis: HEY! Where the hell was that coming from?

((Eddie just snickers as Myzteik charges at Chaotica who takes him down to the mat by grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back. He cries out as she locks her hands just under his chin and pulls up and backwards.))

Eddie: Wow, Chaotica is going for the submission early on in this match up

Travis: Myzteik's gonna win

Eddie: We'll see Travis, I personally think the ring veteran Chaotica will win out on this one, she has experience, size and brains over the champion Myzteik

Travis: Come on Eddie, you gotta be kidding me! Myzteik is younger and faster than Chaotica. Clearly the winner's going to be Myzteik

((The referee asks Myzteik if he wants to tap out but he shakes his head no, struggling to the bottom rope Myzteik manages to grab a hold of it and the referee tells Chaotica to break the hold. She complies and gets to her feet taking a step backwards from her opponent. Myzteik gets up to his feet and spins around suddenly spearing Chaotica almost half way across the ring))

Eddie: OH MY GOD! What a spear from Myzteik, that sure must have knocked Chaotica for a loop. Look, Myzteik is going for the cover!

Referee: One..

((The referee doesn't even get a chance to utter the word "two" before Chaotica kicks out of the spear,before Myzteik can get up Chaotica wraps her legs around his waist and using her body weight reverses their positions so that she can strangle him. The referee tells her to let go and begins to count to five, on the count of four she lets go of the choke hold and gets to her feet once more. The two of them lock up and it's a shoving match that Chaotica easily wins. Shoving Myzteik into the corner she lays a slap across his chest that seems to vibrate off of the walls))

Eddie: Ouch! I bet Myzteik's gonna be feeling that one for a week!

Travis: Myzteik's a man! He can take it. Come on Myzteik! She's just a woman, you can beat her!

((Myzteik shoves Kimber backwards and then charges at her with a round of punches, Chaotica counters and the two of them exchange blows before Myzteik pokes her in the eye with his thumb. With one eye closed she is unable to duck under the clothesline that he then nails her with. With the referee behind Myzteik, he tries to pull Chaotica to her knees. As she is almost on her feet, and knowing the referee cannot see her she nails Myzteik with a low blow. As Myzteik crumples to the ground Chaotica gets to her feet and climbs to the top rope.))

Eddie: here it comes! BLIND FAITH by Chaotica!

Travis: the move is not that good you know

Eddie: I'd like to see you get up from it Travis

((tucking one arm behind her back and closing her eyes Chaotica does a flip off the top rope and lands square on top of Myzteik, as the ref counts to two Chaotica pulls Myzteik's shoulders off the mat))

Travis: What the hell is she doing?!

Eddie: I think she wants to punish him a little more Travis..More power to her

((Getting to her feet Chaotica flashes her trademark wicked grin as she pulls Myzteik to his feet by his hair, then while standing behind him she lifts him up off the ground..))

Eddie: This move, Devil's Dance is one of the most powerful I've seen. Especially coming from a woman!

Travis: Oh brother

((The referee stands in front of Myzteik and asks him if he wants to submit, before the referee can get an answer from him Chaotica tells the ref to get out of the way. She then plants Myzteik face first into the mat, rolling him over she goes for the pin))

Referee: One.....two....three!!

Announcer: Your winner and the new HWC light heavy weight champion, CHAOTICA!

((The referee takes the belt from the announcer and helps Chaotica to her feet, lifting one hand in the air in victory he hands her the belt with the other. Chaotica is all smiles as she holds the belt high above her head. Turning towards the top of the ramp she makes a motion and suddenly the entire arena is plunged into darkness. An unfamiliar music kicks up, "Down with the Sickness" the HWC tron is aglow with green lights. When the lights come back up there are an additional five people in the ring))

Travis: What in hell is going on here!?

Eddie: I dont know. the only ones up there I recognize are Amy and Rancid

((The group surrounds Myzteik like hunters would surround their prey,then they all turn to face the crowd. Each one of them is wearing a black t-shirt with bright green lettering on it that reads in bold capital letters THE SICKNESS.))

Chaotica: It's here people, the tidal wave has finally hit the HWC and nobody is going to stop us! Myzteik, I warned you that I would show you how little you really knew and I did exactly that. Now you're laying there in a ball bleeding, you're lucky I didn't do more than that. Let it be a lesson Myzteik, a lesson that you wont soon forget I am sure

((The group leaves the ring and as they get to the top of the ramp, Rancid and Ramus lift Chaotica up on their shoulders as she holds the title high))

Eddie: All I can say is....WOW!

Travis: You and your one word replies...Well folks it's time for a commercial break while we clean this up!

((fades to a commercial. HWC Shop, the only place to by the best wear of your favoret Superstars. On sale now Ace-Man red T. Be the first to be Hardcore!))

(The scene cuts from the ring and to backstage. The area is dimly-lit, with an overhead light flashing between on and off in a curoius fashion. The camera lies caddy-corner, looking at the locker room door of a prominent member of the HWC's roster. Amy Jensen. With a small creak, the door opens up, and out steps Amy, looking to be ready for anything. But is she?)

Amy: Where the hell can I get a good freakin' ice pack...

(She walks out of the door, scowl present on her face. Looking down at her feet, she turns sharply and walks down the corridor. But it wasn't a wall she suddenly bumps into. It was Neurosis. Looking upwards at him, decked with his mask, she gives a small scoff at the man who towers over her.)

Amy: Jesus christ, Lurch...wanna mind looking out where you're going?

(A mocking tone overtakes her as she stares a hole right through the big man. Except he shows no emotion...makes no movement. He just stands, and stares down to her figure. Whatever patience she might have had before is now lost by Amy.)

Amy: Okay, since you don't seem to understand words, here's two simple ones for you: MOVE IT!

(Once again, this goes to the same effect. No emotion, no speaking...he simply stares like a statue. A small flicker in his eye shows this has struck him in a way...or has it. A period of several seconds go by, with the tension growing thicker by each passing tick of the watch. All the suddenly, Amy pushes right past Neurosis, shoving the big man aside just enough for her to get by. As she leaves down the corridor, we hear her mutter to herself...)

Amy: Fucking retard....jesus christ...and the news says schools are getting better...

(Her pounding footsteps resound in the distance until they are audible no more. Neurosis slowly turns his head to face the direction Amy walked off, and snarls just slightly.)

Neurosis: I never had to go to school...

(Slowly he walks off in the opposite direction. We hear his voice slightly audible for the camera.)

Neurosis: ...what a bitch...

(The camera returns to ringside.)

Eddie: Did you sees those sparks?!

Travis: See?! Hell I rather make sparks with her!

Eddie: Is there any girl in this fed you don't drool over.

Travis: Yea..... Tiger! I feel I need rapies shot just looking at her.

Eddie: You know one of these days...... forget it lets just go to teh next match.

HWC Hardcore Title Match Brett Bruiser VS Spider

**The camera switches to the ring, where the ring announcer is standing.**

ANNOUNCER: The following match is for the HWC Hardcore Championship! Currently making his way to the ring, from Tampa, Florida, weighing 375 pounds, The Spider!!!

**"The Fight Song" hits on the PA as Spider makes his way to the ring, toting a trash can full of various items.**

EDDIE: Well, it looks like Spider has come prepared for battle...Is that a toaster oven he has in there?

TRAVIS: Yeah, so his fat ass can warm up a mid-match snack!

EDDIE: You'd better be careful making comments liek that...he's liable to decide that you're a meal!

TRAVIS: Yeah, whatever...geez, did he rob a hardware store on his way to the arena?

**"Circles" by Incubus hits on the PA as Spider dumps the contents of his trash can in the ring.**

ANNOUNCER: His opponnent, from Smithfield, North Carolina, weighing 280 pounds, Brett "The Diamond" Bruiser!!!

**Brett trots to the ring with a folding metal chair in his hands, and Spider is waiting for him with a kendo stick.**

TRAVIS: Oh, yeah! This is gonna be bloody! LET"S HAVE SOME BLOOD!!!!!

EDDIE: **shaking his head** You need help.

**Brett starts to climb into the ring, but Spider swings the kendo stick at his head, holding him at bay. After this happens a couple of more times,Brett suddenly tosses the chair at Spider, who reflexively swings the kendo stick at the chair to knock it away. Brett takes adantage of this distraction to enter the ring from the side, and the bell rings.**

EDDIE: Okay, now we're officially underway....that was a rather smooth move by Brett.

TRAVIS: Of course it was! Brett is a ring veteran, and this Spider is a piece of sh-

EDDIE: Hey! Watch your language! This is a family show!

TRAVIS: Forget that! I'm watching the match! COME ON BLOOD!!!!

**Spider, still holding the kendo stick, swings, but Brett ducks and nails a thrust kick, knocking Spider flat on his back and sending the kendo stick flying to the floor. Brett turns and picks up the trash can, intending to use it on Spider, who has rolled out of the ring.He is looking under the ring for something, and comes up with a metal bucket with something in it.**

EDDIE: What's in that bucket? I can't tell from here....oh my god, is that broken glass?

TRAVIS: Oh yeah! Prepare for blood!

**Spider looks up just in time to see a trash can descending down to connect with his head, making a loud THUNK and leaving a large dent in the trash can. Spider staggers backward, still holding the bucket of broken glass Brett then throws the trash can, hitting Spider square on top of the head. Spider stumbles and falls, spilling the bucket of glass all over the ramp**

EDDIE: On dear gods, I've got a sick feeling that this is about to get very ugly!

TRAVIS: No uglier than Spider already is! Hell, it may even inprove him a bit!

**Spider gets shakily to his feet, as Brett climbs out of the ring, walking carefully to avoid falling on the glass. Brett picks up the kendo stick and advances on Spider. Spider walks backwards, slipping on the glass. Brett, however, lunges and whacks Spider right on the side of the head, then again, and a third time.**

EDDIE: Spider in trouble here! If he falls on that broken glass, he could be history!

TRAVIS: He may be history sooner than you think, because here comes The Dragon!

**Jusrt as Spider regains his composure, Mike "The Dragon" Stevens runs out, carrying a monkey wrench. Spider reaches to grab Brett, but the Dragon steps behind him and cracks him HARD across the back of the head! Spider's eyes go blank, then, slowly, he falls, FACE FIRST ON THE GLASS!!!



EDDIE: **Looking shaken** Dear god almighty! This has to be stopped!

TRAVIS: But Brett isn't finished yet.!

**Brett and the Dragon both pick Spider up. Spider is out on his feet, but Brett grabs Spider's head and places it between his knees.**

TRAVIS: Oh, yes! Here it comes!

EDDIE: SWEET MOTHER OF GOD! A Bruiser Bomb on the glass-covered floor! Spider has had it!

**The Dragon heads towards the back as Brett makes the academic cover for the 1-2-3.**

ANNOUNCER: THe winner, and NEW HWC Hardcore Champion, Bret "The Diamond" Bruiser!!!

EDDIE: Somebody get the paramedics out here for Spider!

**Brett stands over the broken and bloody Spider. The referee hands him the title belt, and he holds it over his head, to the cheers of the fans. Then, Mike "The Dragon" Stevens appears at the entrance, looking at Brett and shaking his head.**

TRAVIS: Brett has The Dragon to thank for that victory, and the Dragon is letting him know it!

EDDIE: Well, The Dragon had no business interfering in that match, but since the rules state that Hardcore matches are no-disqualification, there's nothing to be done about it. And as a result, Brett Bruiser is the brand-new Hardcore Champion! We need to take a break to get this mess cleaned up.

((The scene fades to commercial as the paramedics attend to Spider. HWC Shop just released out on home video and DVD The Best and Classic of the HWC. See the first ever Body Bag match. Or when Kidd Rock finaly got the gold. Or when Obake first left his mark on the broke bodies of the HWC.))

((Just mer moment before her match The Tiger is found sitting alone on a small stool in her locker room. She sit there in silence just staring off like always. No movement comes from her its like shes a statue covered by her cloak with the hood still pulled up over her head. A moment before he arrives, Tiger can feel him coming. Then he is standing on front of her, his grey eyes unusually vibrant. he speaks))

Obake: Got a minute?

((Tiger tried to pull her self away from the void as his voice echoed threw his mind. She turns her head to him but her eyes are glazed over as if druged but not. this is the look Tiger's eyes always have had sence commited.))

Obake: Came to tell you....You're an aunt now, Ani. She gave birth to a baby boy last night. We tried to call you but you were nowhre to be found. I am taking my leave from the fed for a while so I can raise him with her.

((A breif look of clear mindedness flash in Tiger's eyes. She turns her head more fashing him looking deep in his eyes. there is a hint of shock and wonder on her face. She speaks softly the sound has almost returned to normal but mently shattered leaves her trouble to speak.))

The Tiger: ...... boy?

Obake: Yes..a baby boy. Named Corey. You're welcome to come see him in the hospital. I'm headed there shortly. It's why I've been so quiet in the fed. All of my time has been spent at the hospital with her.

((She can see there is a vibrancy in his eyes, something that was not there. Almost as if he was happy. Tiger looks down knowing what lays ahead for her this night but isn't clear on what the match is about. All tiger knows is she has to beat someone.))

The Tiger: I.......have to.. fight

((he shakes his head and speaks))

Obake: Not all night. Beth's up at all hours of the night. You can come afterwards and see him. We'd love to have you.

The Tiger: I'm.........nnnot see

Obake: If you're with me, you will be. I'll keep you in line. And it's a family affair. Just relax and you'll be okay. Now I gotta get going. I need to get ready for my match.

((Turns her head as if locked on his every movements watches Obake leave. Again she is left to her thoughts this time she tries hard to concentrate on what he said.))

Eddie: We're back and ready for or next match.

Travis: It's good to see an icon like Jag back.

Eddie: This match will prove to be most...... wait whats this?

HWC IC Title Match Jaguar VS The Bomb

((Camera cuts back stage showing The Bomb walking to his match. Threw a hall way a door opens and out pops Dane, he grabs Bomb and pulls him inside shutting the door behind him. A loud scuffle is heard inside. A moment later the door opens and Dane steps out with a cocky grin on his face, he looks back at the room then walks off. The camera pans into the room and there is a beaten Bomb laying out cold on a broken table. Camera cuts to another part of back stage, and there is Jag making his way to the curtain. But just before he gets there Smack comes up from behind and clocks Jag in the back of the head with the IC belt. Smack begins to kick Jag in the face and rips. He stops suddenly hearing someone coming, Smack lookc both ways then grabs Jag by an arm and dargs him off before found. In the hurry Smack left the IC belt laying in the middle of the. Smack and Jag are out of sight as the foot steps get closer, the camera does a close up on the belt someones feet can be seen before it. Camera pans up showing it's Amy. Looking around she sees no one who would have left the belt here. Shurging Amy picks it up and throws it over her sholder. She grins to her self and walks off like she has just won the IC Title.))

Travis: That's my Amy!

Eddie: She just can do that can she?

Travis: We she just did.

Eddie What about Jag and Bomb.....

Travis: Taken out by the The Mainliners. Now thats how I like things hanlded here.

Eddie: You would like it if it was happening to you.

Travis: I'm to good for that..... I can see it happing to you.

Eddie: Where's the love?

Travis: Um... Eddie... I don't sing that way.

Grudge Match The Tiger VS Smalls

Eddie: You might want to put your children to bed folks because this next match as far as I'm concerned is Martin signing his death warrant…and it aint gonna be pretty

Travis: Oh come now I'm sure Martins got a plan, a brilliant business man like him always has a plan my friend, you wait and see what he has up his sleeve.

(("Stupid ass" by Grand Theft Auto begins to play over the PA system and the crowd boo's intensely as Martin Small emerged from behind the curtain, clad in a pair of baggy black cargo pants and a black wife beater he raises his hands over his head with a grin, slowly making his way down the ramp relishing the boo's being showered down upon him. Making his way up the stairs and through the ropes Martin raised the mic he'd been carrying to his lips))

Smalls: Cut my music!

((The music is abruptly cut off and the crowds boo's can now be heard at full volume showering down upon Martin. Martin grins seeming unfazed by this, pointing to a teenager in the front row sitting next to his father he addresses the duo who are yelling at him accompanying the verbal insults with the ever popular middle finger gesture))

Smalls: Hey kid…yeah you in the front row…yeah I'm talking to you, you might want to take a deep breath before you use up all your air and fall down and pass out…you might land on your face and end up looking like yer old man there!

The crowd boo's louder

Smalls: Oh c'mon now…you dumb hicks love me! Admit it! Do you really want to see President Lewis….

((The crowd breaks off into loud cheers at the mention of the Presidents name; Martin merely looks annoyed but continues))

Smalls: Do you dumb hicks really want to President Lewis take over this federation? A woman!?

((The boo's intensify as the women in the audience express their displeasure)) Eddie: Good lord…He's going to get himself lynched by an angry group of women!

Smalls: Of course you don't! Which is exactly why I accepted President Lewis's challenge for tonight! I will step into the ring with The Tiger and beat her, Not only will I beat her but according to the stipulation by President Lewis I will get control of her contract…which means if I want to tear it up and ship her ass back to the funny farm I can do just that!!

((Chants of "ASSHOLE" break out in the crowd Martin merely smiles.))

Smalls: However President Lewis was generous…or should I say foolish enough to grant me one other stipulation! I get to name a special guest referee! So without further ado ladies and gentleman I give you tonight's referee for the Martin Smalls vs. The Tiger match up….PAYNE!!

Travis: I TOLD YOU Martin had a plan did I not tell you

Eddie? Did I not tell you!!!? A set up! The whole thing was just a dirty set up! Damn him! Damn Martin!

Travis: It's not a set up Eddie…President Lewis sanctioned this match up last week! It's perfectly legal! Besides Payne has excellent ring knowledge…I'm sure he'll see to it the better man wins.

Eddie: That's just it! Payne will see to it the ONLY man wins….

((Payne makes his way down the ramp clad in a refs jersey, fazing out the boo's of the crowd he gets into the ring and heads for Martin with a grin, pretending to search his employer for weapons Martin chuckled and leans back into the corner folding his arms.))

Travis: Well Tiger should be coming out right about….now!

((As if on cue the lights dim and The Tigers Music begins to play over the PA system, but to the crowds surprise The Tiger does not appear from behind the curtain.))

Travis: Ha! The Tiger is doing the smartest thing she can do….she's hiding!

Eddie; She's not hiding! Travis: I bet you twenty bucks Tiger doesn't show…

((Suddenly the crowd roars as from behind the curtain The Tiger appears! Flanked on either side by her manager PittBull and President Lewis, The Tiger is dressed and covered by a great black hooded robe, she walks with her head bowed low))

Eddie: You were saying something Travis?

Travis: Uh…I don't know what you were talking about…

Eddie: Hand it over cheapskate…

Travis fishes around in his pocket, finding his wallet, he hands Eddie three 5-dollar bills

Eddie: You said twenty you tightwad!

Travis: I've only got fifteen…

((The Tiger continues down the ramp slowly, surprisingly the crowd gives her a decent pop…feeling she is the lesser of two evils in this situation they decide they would rather give her their support the Martin))

Eddie: Look at how gracefully the Tiger moves, striding slowly down to the ring, it's like she's sliding, such beauty…

Travis: I'm reminded of a funeral march…

Eddie: A funeral March?

Travis: Exactly…The Tiger marching to her own defeat! Ha!

Eddie: You have no class…have I ever mentioned that before?

Travis: Probably…

((President Lewis circles round the ring grabbing a Mic while Pitt and Tiger enter, Pitt immediately gets up into Paynes face and begins to speak…while his words can't be heard it's clear he's not happy, President Lewis puts the Mic to her lips and speaks))

Lewis: Smalls…I should have known you'd pull something like this…This match had better be a fair one…or it's your ass!

((With that Lewis throws down the Mic and walks over to the announce table, Smalls merely smiles as Payne gestures for Pitt to remove himself from the ring, Pitt refuses at first until the Tiger puts her hand on his shoulder and nods her head…Pitt reluctantly removes himself from the ring with Payne Trash Talking him on the way out. Tiger throws off her hooded robe and readies herself, Martin dances back and forth like a boxer, a grin plastered on his face, Tiger picks up the Mic he dropped and glares at him))

The Tiger: Goen…wipe that grin…off…YAR FACE!

((To both Martins and Payne's surprise She lunges at Martin and clotheslines him into the turnbuckle, in the blink of an eye is pummeling him with lefts and rights.))

Eddie: Yes! Go Tiger! And welcome to ringside President Lewis it's a pleasure to have you here

Lewis: Thank you Eddie it's a pleasure to be here

Travis: Hmmph…

Lewis: What's his problem?

Eddie: Oh Travis? He just lost a bet that's all.

((Payne recovers from his initial shock and grabs The Tiger around the waist literally tossing her aside, The Tiger stands up with a growl but Payne motions for her to hold her ground or else…Martin gets to his feet and shakes off the daze, he casts a worried glance in the direction of The Tiger. Payne motions for the bell to ring…as soon as he does The Tiger charges again without warning intent on spearing Smalls and breaking some ribs in the process…Payne leaps out of the way but as he does he sticks his foot out and trips up the Tiger sending her face first into the mat…Pitt angrily protests from the outside…Payne merely smiles))

Travis: ha! Did you see that? The Tiger fell!

Eddie: She had help…

Travis: Look like Martins capitalizing on The Tigers clumsiness!

((Martin delivers a vicious boot to the back of The Tigers head as she rises dropping her face first into the mat again, he then directs his kicks to her ribs stomping away at her as the crowd boo's and Payne grins. Amidst a flurry of boots Tiger manages to get a hand up and grab the foot of Smalls, with a quick twist she knocks him off his feet and crawls atop of him picking up where she left off pummeling him with lefts and rights.))

Eddie: This isn't a wrestling match! It's a brawl!

Travis: So lets see some blood people! Yeah!

Lewis: (Looks at Travis) I think you enjoy this a little too much…

Travis: So? Is that a crime?

Lewis: Not yet…

((Payne pulls The Tiger off Martin once again and warns her about using closed fists, Tiger shoves him out of the way and begins to boot Smalls in the ribs, Martin covers up as best he can, he sticks a hand out and wraps himself around her leg, using all the momentum he can he tips her over suddenly and rolls backwards getting to his feet, The Tiger in a blind furry lunges to her feet and charges at Smalls, who barely dodges out of the way…sticking his foot out he trips her, Tigers face bounces off the turnbuckle))

Eddie: Is it just me or has Smalls yet to use an actual wrestling move?

Travis: Hey you use whatever works in this sport…

Lewis: Tiger has to calm down…she's getting out of control

((Smalls meanwhile positions Tiger so she's laying against the turnbuckle, raising his foot he places it against her throat and begins to choke the Tiger Travis: See? There's a wrestling move!))

Eddie: Albeit an illegal one…

((Pitt makes a move to come into the ring but Payne intercepts him, the two argue for several moments while Smalls continues to choke out The Tiger, Pitt tries to shove Payne out of the way to get in but Payne returns the shove and knocks Pitt off the ring apron, he hits the crowd barrier slumping to the floor, The Tiger see's this and finds an extra boost of strength to grab Smalls and shove him off her, Smalls hits the mat and Tiger immediately gets in Paynes face President Lewis leaves ringside to check on Pitt, Smalls meanwhile gets to his feet slowly pulling himself up the ropes, he see's The Tiger arguing with Pain and grins as her back is turned to him, raising his hands over his head he prepares to bring them down in an axe handle smash over the back of Tigers head))

Eddie: Look out Tiger! I can't watch!

Travis: Then why are you watching?

Eddie: The suspense is killing me!

((Suddenly to the crowds utter joy The Tiger swings her foot backwards in a discreet motion driving her heel into the groin of Martin Smalls, Martin stops dead in his tracks and squeaks dropping to the mat, amazingly Payne remains oblivious to the low blow that just took place as it happened behind The Tigers back.))

Eddie: hahaha! Low blow! Low blow by The Tiger!

Travis: Cheater! Eddie: You can't be serious… Travis: Cheater!

Eddie: Ok I guess you are.

((In the meantime President Lewis has helped an angry Pitt to his feet, The Tiger turns away picks Martin up, though he face is kept almost emotionless a flicker of a grin can be seen momentarily as she picks up the limp man and helps him to his feet, Irish whipping him into the ropes she drops him to the ground with a big boot shot to his head. Martin goes down again clearly out of it, Tiger goes for the pin but Payne yawns and takes his time slowly getting down on the mat.))

Eddie: One…….Two……No Martin got the shoulder up! That had to be the slowest three count I Ever witnessed!

((Tiger picks Smalls up again roughly and whips him off the ropes, however as Martin rebounds he ducks under The Tigers attempted clothesline and bounces off the ropes again, this time he drives his shoulder into the chest of The Tiger driving the wind from her chest, as she falls he quickly goes for the cover))

Eddie: OneTwo…No Tiger got the shoulder up here…I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here…and it's not a good one for The Tiger

Travis: The only thing I see here is that neither of these competitors will stay down long enough for Payne to count to three…

((President Lewis rejoins the two at ringside))

Travis: Welcome back President Lewis…Tell us and all the fans at home…How does it feel knowing you set Tiger up like this? Did you purposely want Smalls to gain control of her contract? What' the deal?

Eddie: No class…No class at all…

Lewis: (Frowns) I Know now in the future I'm going to have to keep Smalls at an arms length in any business transaction I make

((Tiger gets up clearly winded from the surprise shot by Smalls…But Smalls gets up favoring his shoulder, Payne see's this and moves in to try and give Martin a chance to recover but Tiger throws a punch, Payne unprepared for this takes the blow, he staggers back against the ropes…Pitt grabs the ropes and yanks them backwards using Paynes backward momentum against him…Payne topples over the ropes to the outside))

Eddie: Payne is no mans land now!

((Pitt moves in like a shark that smells blood, driving a boot into the face of Payne, he leans down and picks him up whipping him into the steel steps with bone jarring impact The Tiger Grabs Smalls by the head and DDT's him into the mat, Picking him up she grabs him around the throat and hefts him up in the air, holding him up in the air in a display of amazing strength she then brings the smaller man down onto the mat with a vicious choke slam that Leaves Martin Motionless))

Travis: No! It's all falling apart! All of Martins hard work is falling apart!

Lewis: And the problem there is? Think carefully now your job could depend on it…

Travis: Uh…nothings wrong with it?

Lewis: Good boy

Eddie: What's this? Pitt is pulling off Payne's ref jersey and sliding it over his head!

((Tiger picks up the now limp Smalls and raises him in the air over her head, holding him up for several moments she then gorrila Press slams him to the mat, Pit slides into the ring with the refs jersey on, Tiger see's this and goes for the pin))

Eddie: Pitt with the count!! ONE…TWO…THR….NO! dammit!

((Payne yanked Pitt out of the ring by his legs!! Payne wraps his arms around Pitt and suplexes him on the outside! Tiger see's this and gets up to help Pitt, she leans over the ropes but Payne grabs her neck and yanks it down on the ropes, Tiger staggers backwards holding her throat, Payne relieves Pitt of the refs jersey and throws it back on sliding into the ring. Martin Now to his feet shakes off his groggy state, as The Tiger grabs her throat and turns around to face him he delivers a brutal clothesline, Tiger throws up her hands to block but Martin with a surprising burst of momentum clotheslines her in the throat, Tiger goes down hard clutching her throat.))

Eddie: Oh my god that nearly took the Tiger head off…and…wait…she's not getting up…

Lewis: Oh my god…

((The Tiger rolls over and spits a mouthful of blood onto the mat…The crowd cries out in protest as they see she's hurt))

Lewis: I'm going to get the EMT's…

((President Lewis stands up and hurriedly leaves ringside, Martin in the mean time see's The Tiger in a vunerable state…with a wide grin he kicks her in the ribs cruelly rolling her over onto her back, Placing a boot on her face he raises his hands in the air as Payne drops down for the count))

Eddie: One…Two…Three! God dammit no! This isn't right…She's hurt!

Travis: I'm afraid it's written in stone…or at least on paper…The Tiger is now property of Martin Smalls

Eddie: Thank god here comes President Lewis with the EMT's

((The EMT's rush down the ramp with a stretcher, accompanied by president Lewis, but Payne slides out of the ring and grabs a chair, sliding back in he swings it at the nearest EMT denying him access to the ring, the other men fall back, President Lewis grabs a mic…enraged she screams at Martin))

Lewis: What the hell do you think your doing Smalls! This woman needs medical attention! Let these men in NOW!

((Smalls motions for A mic to be tossed to him, he catches it and looks down at The Tiger, who has rolled onto her side and coughed up more blood))

Eddie: Good lord! This is sick…Smalls isn't allowing the medical attention Tiger so desperately needs! BASTARD!

Travis: She had problems with her throat before…I don't think The clothesline by Smalls helped any….

((Martin gives The Tiger a well placed boot in the ribs and speaks))

Smalls: And tell me President Lewis…Why would you care? The Tiger is now MY PROPERTY! I can do what ever the hell I want to her now!

((Smalls motions for Payne to lift her up, picking up the chair he laughs as he pulls it back, the crowd is screaming now in protest))

Smalls: All of you hicks, rednecks and Jerkoff's watch closely now! This is what happens when you underestimate Martin Smalls!

Eddie: NO!

((Smalls pulls back dropping the Mic and slams the chair into the throat of the Tiger who goes completely limp in Paynes arms, Martin lays the chair out in the middle of the ring.))

Travis: This has to be the sickest thing I've ever seen…

((Tiger is dropped to the matt and lays there still her head at the side, a trickle of blood flowing out of her mouth and onto the mat, the camera goes in for a closeup and the crowd cries out in horror, Martin Shakes hands with Payne and the two slide out of the ring and head up the ramp, Martin turns and smiles at President Lewis pointing the Mic at her he draws it across his throat.))

Eddie: The paramedics are now in the ring…thank god

Travis: Martin Smalls is watching the whole thing from atop the ramp…look at the sick smile plastered on his face!

((Martin Gazes down to the ring and raises the mic to his lips.))

Smalls: Tiger! I want you to remember one thing when you wake up! ONE THING! And that is this…I OWN YOU!

((Having said this Smalls and Payne disappear behind the curtain, a hush falls over the crowd as the paramedics strap The Tiger to the stretcher and attach a neckbrace))

Eddie: My god…we have to go to a commercial break right now folks but we'll be right back…Stay tuned. ((HWC Shop! Get it now while suplies last the black Obake tribal T. "Spear This!" Be the first to be Hardcore!))

{The Ace Of Spades is wandering through the backstage area. He isn't lost he is just wandering. His 4-Way match is coming up soon. While walking around, Ace runs into David Tanjic. With David is a cameraman.}

Ace: Hey can we get live feed with that camera?

David: Sure can, can broadcast right onto the HWC-Tron.

Ace: Good, turn it on, and interview me. I want my voice heard before the match. I won't be long.

David: Sure thing.

{The cameraman readies the camera and points to Ace when the red light goes on}

David: Ladies and gentlemen, for those of you who don't know me, I'm David Tanjic, and I just ran into The Ace Of Spades in the backstage area. Tell me Ace, do you have any thoughts on your upcoming match?

Ace: Of course I do.

David: Then Ace, speak your mind.

Ace: Simply stated, I just want to say that "Hollywood" Johnny Rave, "Sweet" Steve LaSalle, Neurosis, I'm ready. And I hope you are ready too! Because come the main event, come our 4-way brawl, I, The Ace Of Spades, am ready to give you the whoopin' I promised. I am ready to take the ball, put it in my court and slam-dunk the bitch!! I am ready to be the next world champion. And when we step into my ring, my proverbial game of Poker, I am going to deal not one, not 2, but 3 bad hands! And that's all I got to say!

{The fan in attendance cheer. While the Ace Of Spades walks away David Tanjic says: }

David: That was The Ace Of Spades, with some pre-match thoughts. Thanks Ace…not that you can hear me or anything.

{The cameraman shuts the camera off, and the live feed to the HWC-Tron disconnects}

1st 4-Way in World Title Tournament Neurosis VS "Hollywood" Johnny Rave VS Bulldozer VS Ace Of Spades

ANNOUNCER: This is the first four-way match in the HWC Wolrd title tournament! The first oponnent, from Parts Unknown, weighing 239 pounds, Neurosis!!!.

**The lights inside the arena slowly dim, and 'The Wrist' by Mushroomhead plays over the PA system. Immediately, the crowd goes hostile, booing like no other as from the back steps Neurosis...carrying his curved dagger. The lights inside the arena give a 'strobe' effect as slowly and methodically he walks down to the ring, focused on one thing only...decimation of his opponent. He enters the ring, slowly sliding into the ring, the pulsating light flashing almost beautifully from the blackness of his mask. He holds the dagger straight into the air, the jeering unrelenting from the crowd. The music shuts off, as Neurosis places the dagger in his corner of the ring.**

EDDIE: Now what does he think he's going to do with that blade?

TRAVIS: Hey, give the guy a break! There's some pretty tough neighborhoods in Parts Unknown!

EDDIE: And just how, exactly, do you know that?

TRAVIS: That's none of your business! I can go where I want!

EDDIE: That may explain some things about you.

TRAVIS: Oh come on! I never once hid there from my bookie...err...

EDDIE: That's what I thought...back to the ringannouncer.

ANNOUNCER: From San Diego, California, weighing 232 pounds, "Hollywood" Johnny Rave!!!

**The lights fade slightly as the opening strains of 'The Beautiful People' play. White strobes swing towards the entrance as the guitar kicks in. An explosion of pyro erupts all the way down the aisle and 'Hollywood' Johnny Rave strides to the ring.**

EDDIE: The fans are on their feet for Johnny Rave!

TRAVIS: Why does he have to use a Marilyn Manson song? IT sucks! Marilyn Manson should be hanging out with that freak Intensive Care! **snickers**

EDDIE: Were you born a jerk, or did you haev to work at it?

TRAVIS: **somewhat loftily** Why, I don't know what you mean...back to the announcer, Eddie boy!

ANNOUNCER: From New Era, Michigan, weighing 342 pounds, "Sweet" Steve La Salle!!!

**The lights dim and come back to full light twice as registers are heard opening and coins are heard dropping over the PA system. "Money" by Pink floyd hits over the speakers and as it reaches it's bass cords a green spotlight centers on the curtains. From behind them comes the large man, "Sweet" Steve LaSalle. He makes his way to the ring playing up to the fans and raises the old school "Empyre" E on his hands to represent the old school and now defunct stable.**

TRAVIS: What's with thie "E" business, anyway? IS this guy living in the past, or something?

EDDIE: Well, I don't know about that, but I do know that it has something to do with his old stable, the Empyre.

TRAVIS: Well, there's no such thing here. Stevie boy needs to get with the times!

EDDIE: IT looks like he already is, along with Neurosis! They've jumped the gun by double-teaming Johnny Rave!

TRAVIS: But here come Ace Man to save the I care!

**"Ace of Spades" hits on the PA, and Ace, in his Ace Man outfit, runs to the ring and dives in under the bottom rope, then immediately attacks Neurosis, and the referee signals the timekeeper to ring the bell, officially starting the match.**

EDDIE: The match is underway, and already, it's getting ugly!

TRAVIS: Not nearly as ugly as that suit, Daniels...YOu get that at K Mart or something?

EDDIE: Never you mind where I get my suits! Pay attention to the match!

The four in the ring pair off, with Ace and Neurosis fighting in one corner, while La Salle And Rave lock up in the center of the ring. La Salle hip tosses Rave, who springs right back up, only to haev La Salle grab him by the throat and toss him into a corner. Mewnwhile, Ace has Neurosis trapped in the corner, and delivers a series of hard Ric Flair-style chop, which echoe through the arena, and the crows appropriately goes "WHOO" each time. Neurosis, however, soon tires of this, and delivers a quick low-blow, and Ace doubles over, staggering away from the corner. The referee sees this, vehemently warns Neurosis.**

EDDIE: Neurosis had better wath himself in there...another move like that might get him disqualified!

TRAVIS: Oh, come on, Daniels! Neurosis was just defending himself from Super Psycho Man, there!

EDDIE: Uh oh, RAve could be in trouble here...La Salle has his big foot on Rave's throat!

**The referee spots La Salle's foot in Rave's throat, and comes over to administer a 5-count, and La Salle lets go at four. Rave bends over, clutching at his throat. Meanwhile, Neurosis grabs Ace from behind, spins him around, and delivers a HARD overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Ace lands inthe corner, his feet in the ropes. Neurosis then goes over to grab Rave, but Rave sees him and ducks, then grabs him around the waist and delivers an atomic knee. Neurosis staggers back, then Rave grabs his arm and whips him into the ropes. Neurosis bounces off the ropes and is met with a high cross-body. Neurosis crashes to the mat with Rave on top of him. Rave goes for a pin..1..2...broken up by La Salle! La Salle hauls Rave to his feet, presses him overhead, and tosses him out of the ring! Rave lands with a hard THUD right in front of the announce table.**

TRAVIS: Holy Toledo! That musta been a good ten feet in the air! Rave looks like a human pancake!

EDDIE: What a match this is turning out to be! Action everywhere....Look out! Big drop kick by Ace! La Salle flies over the ropes and nearly lands right on top of Rave!

TRAVIS: It's getting crowded around here....why can't we have a booth like those other sports announcers? Sure, they get a private, air-conditioned sky box with all the amenities! I'm stuck here at ringside, dodging sweaty wrestlers, and listening to you whine all the time!

EDDIE: Somebody get Best a crying towel, please!

TRAVIS: Shut your hole, Daniels!

**Neurosis and Ace square off in the ring, as the referee starts the 10-count on Rave and La Salle. Ace and Neurosis lock up, and Neurosis delivers a couple of Eurpoean uppercuts to Ace's chin. Neurosis then whips the stunned Ace into the ropes. Neurosis drops his heade, as if for a backflip, but Ace leapfrogs over him, bounces off the ropes, and spears Neurosis from behind, sending him bouncing off the ropes. Ace rolls him up for the pin, but the referee is busy counting for Rave and La Salle, who are both getting to their feet outside the ring. The referee turns and sees the pin, but only gets there in time to count two before Neurosis kicks out.**

EDDIE: Wow, thatwas close....if the referee had gotten there in time, Ace would have won!

TRAVIS: Thank goodness he didn't! We'd have to deal with this idiot in the main event at Mind Games. Can you imagine this goofball parading around with the HWC World Title?

EDDIE: I don't know, I think Ace would make a fine champion!

TRAVIS: And you call ME wierd! Wait a minute, Rave and La Salle areon their feet, right in front of us...I don't like the looks of this!

**La Salle grabs Rave's arm, and attempts to whip him onto the ring post, but Rave reverses, and La Salle hits it instead! he rebounds off the post, and Rave grabs him around the waist and hits a belly-to-back suplex....THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE, and slumps, unconscious, on top of Travis Best!**

TRAVIS: **muffled** Help!!! Fire! Earthquake! DANIELS, HELP ME!!!

EDDIE: **standing to one side, holding papers** Whaddaya want me to do? I can't move him!

TRAVIS: **Still muffled** Get a forklift or something, just get this big bastard offa me!

EDDIE: I've got a match to call!

TRAVIS: Damn you , Daniels!

**Rave rolls back into the ring as the referee re-starts the count on La Salle. Neurosis had gained the upperhand on Ace, and has him locked in an STF. Rave considers it for a moment, then drops an elbow right between Neurosis' shoulder blades, causing him to release the hold. meanwhile, the referee is counting La Salle...7.....8....9....10!**

EDDIE: Well, to no one's surprise, Sweet Steve La Salle has been counted out, and the paramedics are coming over to check on him. I daresay that my erstwhile colleague, Travis Best, may need some medical attention as well!

TRAVIS:**still muffled** @$%& you Daniels!

EDDIE: No, thanks....Rave has broken up the STF, and is hauling Neurosis to his whip into the corner, Neurosis bounces out...Rave catches him....Big time powerslam! Rave looks like he smells victory here! It could be over in a moment!

**Ace gets to his feet and moves to grab Neurosis along with Rave. They look at each other, Rave nods, and they both whip Neurosis into the ropes, then DOUBLE BACKDROP OVER THE TOP ROPE! Neurosis lands with an audible SPLAT on the floor, right in front of the entrance ramp.**

EDDIE: Wow! Big time double-team move! Neorusis is writhing around in agony...and that leaves Rave and Ace in the ring, as the paramwedics have finally gotten La Salle off of Pancake Best and onto a gurney.

TRAVIS: **straigntening his clothes and wiping his face** Oh ha ha, very funny! That's a good one! Oh, it is to laugh! Kiss my ass, Daniels!

EDDIE: Err...I don't think so....The referee is administering a ten-count to Neurosis, as Ace and Rave face off in the ring, and the crowd is really getting noisy now! And here they go!!!!

**Ace and Rave start pounding on each other, going toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring, to the deafening cheers of the fans. The referee is counting...6....7....8....9....Neurosis almost makes it at 10, but too late, Neurosis is counted out! The referee turns his attention to the two left, slugging it out in the center of the ring. Ace ducks a swing from Rave, then grabs his arm, whipping him into the corner. Rave bounces out...Ace goes for a super kick, but Rave ducks...bounces off the opposite ropes...Ace ducks, then stops behind Rave...and nails the Aces Wild!**

EDDIE: The Aces Wild! The cover....1...2...3!!!!!!! ACE WINS!!!!!

TRAVIS: **groans, his head in his hands** I should have stayed home tonight! This is horrible!

EDDIE: We'll be right back with the second half of out main event!

**Camera switches to the backstage area, in the first aid station.. We see a bloody and battered Tiger being checked out by paramedics. there is a noise at the door, and Kidd Rock steps in, looking concerned. Tiger is groaning in pain as he approaches the gurney.**

KIDD: Oh gods! Ani, are you okay?

PARAMEDIC #1: Sir, she can't talk right now. She took a pretty mean shot in the throat. Not to mention whatever's going on in her head.

KIDD: **looking more concerned** Her head? What do you mean by that?

**Just then, Pitbull comes in and moves to the gurney, glaring at Kidd.**

PITBULL: You oughta know, you're the one who did this to her!

KIDD: **turns to look at Pit** What the hell is that supposed to mean?

PITBULL: You know damn good and well what it means! When you dumped her, it screwed her head up. That's why she tried to kill herself...that's why she went crazy, and had to be locked up in that stinking insane assylum! All because you decided that she wasn't good enough for you!

KIDD: **obviously angry** You little bastard! Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that! You don't know what was going on! You weren't around! There was too much going on then! You think you know her? Let me tell you something, you little prick, I've knowm Ani for a lot of years, and except maybe for Obake and his wife, there's probably nobody that knows her better than I do!

**Just then, Martin Smalls, still dressed in his ring attire, swaggers into the room, all smiles.**

SMALLS: Well well well! What have we here? A has-been, and a never-will-be!

**Pit and Kidd both turn to glare at Smalls, who favors them with a satisfied smile. Pit looks about ready to jump on Smalls. Smalls merely holds up a finger, waggling it back and forth.**

SMALLS: Now now! Fair is fair! I won the match, and that means I now control Tiger. And you, Pitbull, can do nothing about it!

**Smalls steps over to the gurney, favoring Tiger with a smile that would freeze molten rock.**

SMALLS: Did you hear that, my demented friend? I control you now. And I already have glorious plans for you! So you just get well soon, okay?

**With that, Smalls laughs and walks out the door. Pit follows him, shouting. Kidd watches Pit leave, then turns to Tiger. He stands there, his conflicting emotions showing on his face. Just then, Tiger sits up, to the protests of the paramedics. She grabs Kidd by his shirt collar, and in choked, rasping voice speaks.**

** Kidd looks at her in horror, then pulls her hands away from his shirt, and the paramedics push her back down on the gurney, with gaping looks at Kidd. Kidd, looking to be near tears, hurries out of the room.The camera switches back to the arena.**

Eddie: How touching. Kidd still cares for his x love and old friend.

Travis: About as touching as Tiger in the head.

Eddie: Would it kill you to be kind?

Travis: Yes Eddie....... Yes it would.

2nd 4-Way in World Title Tournament Obake VS SmackDaddy VS Kidd Rock VS Mike "The Dragon" Stevens

Ring Announcer: Coming down to the ring at this time, Mike "The Dragon" Stevens!!

((Masato Tanaka's Old ECW Theme hits the P.A. system and out steps Mike "The Dragon" Stevens from be hind the curtain. On sight the crowd starts to booed him as Dragon shouts to them only making it worse. Reaching the ring Dragon climbs threw the ropes, in the background his music fades. Over taking it is the blaring sound of Left Behind, by Slipknot. Obake springs from behind the curtain and races for the ring to get the jump on Dragon. The crowd cheers as Obake dives threw the middle rope and spears Dragon to the mat. Obake's music is cut suddenly as Bloodfeast plays and out comes SmackDaddy. He too runs for the ring wasting no time. Once there he grabs Obake pulling him out of the ring, the two begin to go blow for blow. Cutting off Smack theme plays Bawitdabaw. Kidd like all the others comes running down the ramp heading for the fight.))

Travis: Why do we employ a ring announcer if no one waits to be announced?

Eddie: I think it's a tax write-off. Travis: You can write-off a ring announcer?

Eddie: You can do anything, as long as you have the right accountant.

Travis: And people call me bad.

((Kidd heads for Smack nailing him with a drop kick just nearly missing Obake. Getting quickly to his feet Kidd grabs Smack and rolls him into the ring. Obake climbs back in as Dragon tries to hit him, Obake only laughs before picking him up over his head and throws him out of the ring. Smack still lays on the mat hurt from the force of that drop kick by Kidd. Kidd steps up to Obake as the two stare each other down the foreheads pressed together. For a moment all they do is stare at one another, slowly Smack gets to his feet taking advange of the staring contest. But before he can raise his hand both Obake and Kidd turn and slam their fists into the face of Smack. Again he drops like a stone. Kidd quickly covers him as the ref count's ...1.. and Obake pulls Kidd of smack and covers him ..1...... and Kidd kicks Obake in the head to break the cover. Obake just looks up at Kidd looking annoyed, standing up Obake grabs Kidd by the throat and starts to yell at him. Going for a choke slam Smack comes up from behind him nailing a neckbreaker.))

Eddie: Everyone wants the chance to be World Champion. These four wrestlers are giving their all to win!

Travis: BAH!! None of them deserve to win. I should be the next world champion!

Eddie: Ya see Obake, you would have to fight someone like him if you were the champ.

Travis: Everyone wants the chance to be World Champion. These four wrestlers are giving their all to win!

((Before he can get to his feet Kidd is pulled out of the ring by Dragon. Dragon pull him to his feet and delivers a gutwrench. Dragon starts to stomp on Kidd till Kidd grabs his leg and hits him with a low blow. Dragon bends over in pain while Kidd hits him with a head sisscors. In the ring Smack grabs Obake to throw him in the ropes but re-verses it throwing Smack instead. Obake then charges the rebounding Smack to spear him, but to his surprise Smack leaps over him sending Obake flying out of the ring right into Dragon. Kidd had just moved out of the way in the nick of time. Leaving Dragon with Obake Kidd slides into the ring to face Smack, before Kidd can get to his feet Smack grabs him by his hair and hits him with a big elbow. Dazed by the blow Kidd tries to get to his feet but is hit with another. Kidd shakes it off and grabs Smacks legs pulling him off his feet. Kidd quickly pulls him into a leg lock, Smack manages to flip him self over and kicks Kidd in the head. Back on the out side Dragon got a hold of a chair and is beating it into the skull of Obake. ))

Eddie: Damn it! Someone stop The Dragon from beating Obake's skull!!

Travis: BLOOD!!!

((Blood starts running down his head as Obake drops to one knee brefore he blocks another chair shot. Obake grabs it and pulls it away from Dragon then slams it into the ribs of Dragon))

Eddie: Good God! How is Obake still standing!!

Travis: How is he still fighting, let alone standing!

((Bent over in pain Obake stands and swings it into Dragon's back. Now in great pain Dragon staggers away. Smack throws Kidd to a turn buckles and starts beating away on him till the ref breaks him up. Smack then grabs the dazed Kidd's head and slams it into his knee. Wanting to finish Kidd off Smack props him on top the turn buckle and climbs up on the middle rope. Grabbing Kidd Smack delivers a snap suplex off the turn buckle then climbs on Kidd for the pin...1......2.... Kidd gets an arm up.))

Eddie: Half a second more and SmackDaddy had a victory!!

Travis: Half a second more and we would be done with this God awful match!

((Smack stands pulling Kidd to his feet then pulling him into a hard scoop slam by Smack. He goes for the cover. 1... and Obake grabs him by the leg pulling him out of the ring. Obake then Irish whips him into the steel steps, picking him up again Obake sets him against the ring. Dragon tries to get the jump on Obake but gets nailed by a thrust kick by the big man. By now Kidd is to his feet again and sees Smack propped up against the ring. Obake gives him a chop to the chest. Kidd springs off the ropes and slide kicking Smack in the back of the head. Obake rolls Smack into the ring and grabs Dragon to do the same. Kidd drags Smack to the middle of the ring and goes for a pin. 1.....2.....3. The bell rings just as Obake climbs back him. Tired and out of it Kidd tries to stand but falls back. Obake helps him up and raises his hand in vitory.))

Travis: Kidd has done it!! He is moving on to the PPV!!

Eddie: I would usually yell that, not you.

Travis: I got excited.

Eddie: What else is new..Congratulations are in order for Kidd Rock, he fought a hard match, and he may very well be our next World Heavyweight Champion.

Travis: I hell hope not!

Eddie: What surprises are instore for next week? All I can say is in the HWC anything can happen with a blink of an eye. For Mzyteik, Obake, and Tiger we can only wonder has this been the last they will ever stand in the square circle again?

Travis; YAY SMALLS! Your my hero! Go Martin, go Martin, go Martin... It's your birthday.

((Camera fades out on Travis making a fool of him self and Eddie trying to hind his face in shame.))