Saturday Night Slaughter
Minneapolis , Minnesota at the Target Center

((The blue HWC logo fades in then out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is shown riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to the ring, then Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slamming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack through the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again, this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest beating up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthom begins to blast in the arena. Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Patriot is standing on stage waving Old Glory. He salutes it before continuing on down to the ring to chants of "USA...USA...USA" Standing in the middle of the ring Patriot grabs a microphone and begins to talk.))

Patriot: America, I have come here today to talk to you about what happened on Slaughter last week. You see The BloodLust Slayerz won the tag team titles last week and they won it in a very devastating way. America can not stand for two fools to hold the tag teams titles, two fools who won the titles in a dishonest way. America deserves better champs, champs that love the American way!

((Before any more can be said BloodLust Slayerz comes out with mics ready to talk and with no cue of music. They stand on the stage looking down at the Finest in the ring.))

Pallimon: Cut the CRAP! Now if I have learned anything about American ways, it is in our nature to lie, cheat, and steal to the top. We did just that! Guess that makes me and Beowulf TRUE Americans!

Patriot: What in the hell did you just say? Did you just say that you are the true have crossed the damn line again you fool! I just don't let anyone talk junk about America, I just can't let you get away with it. We just have to get into the ring with you two again.

Ace-Man: That's right BLS, bring your asses and bring the titles because I can't let you get away with it!

Pallimon: Do you deny that America is all about the almighty dollar?

Patriot: America is about the love for each and every person that walks the street. America is not about the damn money that fuels people like you. I guess I am just going to have to show you that again!

Pallimon: Look around you! Your have to be blind..... the people here would sell each other out for the money....... Your laws fail to work at the right price. Anyone here would do anything for just a bit of money. The only reason your country goes to war is to stay at the top because of money. The country you love is currupted by GREED! Do you not see this?! Do you deny that those in America live and breathe the dollar!?

Patriot: Have you not heard a word I have said? We live for the love we have for one another. America can not stand for tyrants to take over countries and hold them hostage. We have to go to war to rip the people of Iraq back into democracy, out of his grip. The dollar has nothing to do with it!

Pallimon: Then you are a blind fool. When I see greed in the eyes of every man here! For the right price they would sell their soul.... Even you! Maybe.... Maybe Patriot...... maybe that's why you wear a mask.

((Patriot raises his hand and feels the mask on his face.))

Patriot: You think that I hide my face for a price. You think that my face is hidden because people want me to hide it. This is my own doing, to put my love of America first not my past that my face shows. SoPallimon you need to check what you think and say before you go any further!

Pallimon: I think you hide your face cause you're ashamed....... Or... maybe your mask is a symbol....... a symbol that Americans are COWARDS..... too scared to show their faces. Yeah, that's it....... you two are CHICKENS!

((Patriot almost jumps over the ropes, Ace-Man stopping him.))

Ace-Man: You have done it now you fools. You touch the subject of us two being chickens, that Americans are chickens. You crossed the line just like he said. I don't know what you two are thinking but you are going to get it one way or the other.

Patriot: I am going to get you two, you two are going to get it quick and fast. Our masks are a symbol of our love for America and our love for these people. I am going to show you the true meaning of America, and show you in this ring!

Pallimon: (laughs) You fools are too easy.... beleive what you will but your actions have just told me I speak what I say is true..... why else would you be so defensive..... But it's all good cause we have the belts and will show America what TRUE champs and heroes are realy like. And there is nothing you freaks can do about it!

Patriot: There's PLENTY we can do. We can and will face you to bring back America's honor!

Pallimon: As pointless as this is....... if you two are so intent on proving us wrong. Then at Unchained you will have your chance, and we will see who the true Americans are.

Ace-Man: No hired thug is an American!

((Pallimon and Beowulf stare down the Finest before turning away heading back stage. The camera pans back over to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: What a way to start off Slaughter, a challenge has been made for HWC's Unchained.

Travis: The Finest against the Slayerz for the Tag Titles?! Those masked so called heroes will be eaten alive.

Eddie: That has yet to be seen. Keep in mind the newest Finest member gave you that broken arm.

Travis: Can we take a break now?

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam to hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

Standard Match
Patriot vs Mr. Gregr

Eddie: Welcome to another Slaughter folks! We're here at the sold out Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota! As always I'm Eddie Daniels...

Travis: And I'm Travis Best! The week is almost over and hopefully this night is too!

Eddie: You don't want to see Cleo then?

Travis: She's here tonight? I guess I could stay for that!

Eddie: Oh boy! Our first match tonight is, and hopefully will give our boys and girls in the service home and away some morale with the help of the Patriot!

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the "National Anthem" begins to blast in the arena. Red, white and blue pryo goes off, then as the lights go back on Patriot is standing on the ramp waving Old Glory. He salutes it before continuing down to the ring to chants of "USA USA USA!"))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 280lbs, from our nation's capital, accompanied by Ms. America, the Patriot!

Eddie: This is going to be some match!

Travis: It's going to be a crappy match! I mean it's going to be a quick match tonight at least!

(("Economic Rap" kicks in and Mr. Gregr walks down to the ring with a different type of shirt and tie every week. He gets in the ring and shows off his stuff.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 125lbs, from Prague in the Czech Republic, accompanied by Ford, Mr.Gregr!

Eddie: The Patriot might have been here as long as Mr. Gregr but he'll give him a good match!

((Patriot and Mr. Gregr stand toe to toe, staring each other down. The bell sounds and Patriot takes Gregr down with an arm drag putting him to the mat. Patriot gets him to his feet but is hit in the midsection with an elbow. Patriot clutches his midsection as Gregr goes for a stunner. Patriot goes to the mat and Gregr goes for the pin. 1...Patriot gets the shoulder up.))

Travis: Damn! Gregr had him down too!

Eddie: There is no way that the Patriot will stay down! He's going to get the win for America!

Travis: C'mon Gregr what are you waiting for?

((Gregr pulls Patriot to his feet and goes for a DDT planting Patriot on the mat again. Gregr goes for an elbow drop, but Patriot gets out of the way just in time. Patriot gets to his feet and grabs Gregr and goes for a thrust kick. Gregr goes down to the mat, and Patriot goes for the pin. 1...2...Gregr kicks out and Patriot grabs a hold of him again and goes for a double belly to back suplex sending Gregr to the mat again.))

Travis: Damn you Patriot! I'm losing money tonight...Or rather I will be along with my legs!

Eddie: I don't even want to know!

((Patriot goes for the pin. 1... Gregr gets the shoulder up and once again Patriot gets Gregr to his feet.Gregr starts using a series of punches getting Patriot into a corner who is now dazed and has given Gregr enough time to execute a spear. As he hits Patriot in the midsection Patriot's breath seems to leave him for a moment.))

Travis: That's it Gregr! Take him apart!

Eddie: Why do you always cheer for the wrong team?

Travis: Mr. Gregr isn't all bad! He's just talented!

((The Patriot starts to come to his senses and sees Gregr trying for another spear. Patriot moves out of the way just in time as Gregr hits the ring post with his shoulder.Patriot grabs Gregr and goes for another double belly to back suplex putting Gregr to mat. Patriot goes for the pin. 1...2...Gregr gets the shoulder up. Patriot grabs Gregr and goes for an Oklahama slam. Gregr goes down to the mat again and Patriot goes for the cover again. 1...2...Gregr kicks out. Patriot goes to the top rope to excute Old Glory, as Gregr slowly gets to his feet. Patriot comes down and hits Gregr knocking him off his feet and onto the mat again and goes for the pin. 1...2...3.))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner The Patriot!

(( "The National Anthem" begins to play as he and Miss America head to the backstage area.))

Eddie: He did it! The old red white and blue won it!

Travis: Damn it! Mr. Gregr just blew it!

Eddie: Well we have a Patriotic winner here tonight!

Travis: It's not fair Eddie! It's wrong! I'm going home.((Gets up from the desk and sets his head set down.))

Eddie: And miss Cleo's match that's up next?

(( Like a flash Travis has his head set back on and sitting beside Eddie once more.))

Travis: I'll be good!

Eddie: I bet! We'll be back after this!

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC WarZone: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as Green Haired Frog, Anyone from the Bad News or Darkside, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows Travis Best and Eddie Daniels playing the game. Eddie is using Jeff, and Travis is using Sephiroth. Eddie turns to Travis.))

Eddie: Can you knock off the commentary, we're not at work.

Travis: Oops. Sorry.

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!

((The cameras cut to a door backstage with an ornately wrought silver plaque bearing the name Jarred Dylan. The fans cheer wildly at the sight. Footsteps can be heard, then the man they're cheering for comes into view. Jarred and Eric are talking about something when they reach the door. Eric's hand shakes badly as he palms the key. He mutters something unheard by the camera and steadies his hand so he can open the door. Jarred quirks an eyebrow at his youthful companion, then the door opens. Eric takes the bags inside, but Jarred remains outside. At this point, Chris, from the interviewer's pool, comes up and tries to get Jarred's attention.))

Jarred: Yes?

Chris: Jarred, everyone here wants to know your opinion on the match you've been booked in tonight against Sothren du Lac. To be more specific, a Back Alley Brawl.

Jarred: To be perfectly honest, I'm nervous. Think long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I hadn't been inside a wrestling ring in three months before last week. But that one didn't count, not really. I was just telling Travis to put his money where his mouth is.

Chris: A long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs? I don't get it.

Jarred: *sighing and shaking his head* It means I can't relax for fear of something happening.

Chris: Ah, I get it now. Sorry. But there's one question that I have to ask you before I can continue with this interview.

Jarred: If you're going to ask if I know who booked the match, don't. I know who it was. It was Martin Smalls.

((The fans boo at the mere mention of his name. Little wonder... Martin nearly put Jericho out of wrestling permanently! Chris listens to the crowd's reaction and gathers his courage before continuing.))

Chris: Thank you for answering that without resorting to profanity.

Jarred: That's because I'm not flat-out mad. Jericho can tell you I'm dangerous when I lose my temper. I actually killed someone because I lost my cool. I'm not proud of that.

Chris: Got a few more questions, then I'll let you be.

Jarred: Ask away. But please, no more questions about Martin Smalls... He makes my blood boil!

Chris: Fair enough. What was your reaction to what happened in Sothren's warehouse?

Jarred: Absolute disgust. The man has no respect for authority. If he tries that with me tonight, he'll find out first-hand what it's like to be on the receiving end of a Dylan beatdown!

Chris: You mean like Travis?

Jarred: More brutal, but yes. I could have broken Travis's neck, but I didn't. He's a weasel, but weasels don't have necks.

((The crowd cheers, some laughing. Travis slinks down in his chair, embarrassed and mumbling about having a neck. Eddie grins broadly at his partner's discomfiture.))

Chris: Cute. But I've just been told that there will be a Tag Team title match at the upcoming Pay Per View, Unchained, between the BloodLust Slayerz and your partners against crime, the HWC's Finest. Your thoughts?

Jarred: Partners against crime. I like that. The BloodLust Slayerz are tough, but they're nothing compared to the Finest. Truth, Justice and the American Way will prevail over those two.

Chris: That brings me to my next question, Jarred. Why the Finest? Why not the Darkside or Bad News?

Jarred: I wish I could tell you. It was like I was in a daze when I signed that clipboard. I mean, one minute I'm standing there with Eric and the next I'm holding the clipboard with my name on it. If I knew what happened, I'd tell you. But I don't. I honestly don't. Although I must admit I'm beginning to understand the reasoning. Who better to assist in cleaning up the HWC than a police officer from Los Angeles?

Chris: Very logical.

Jarred: Jericho would tell you I'm a very logical man. I look before I leap. And sometimes that drives my Sarah crazy.

Chris: By the way, congratulations on the upcoming baby... I understand Jericho's wife is pregnant too?

Jarred: Yes, she is. In fact, they're due on the same day. We're hoping for healthy children, and gender doesn't really matter. Love is genderless...

Chris: Well put. One more, then we're done.

Jarred: Fire away.

Chris: Sothren's been demanding information about you from all kinds of sources. But it looks like he's gotten it from a very unlikely source... Your brother Jericho! In the promo before the warehouse debacle, Jericho printed off a file about the "Louisiana Four"?

((Jarred's face pales at those words. His hands start to shake and he leans back to find something for support. Eric opens the door and puts his shoulders on the wall. Jarred murmurs something and Eric steps out in front.))

Eric: You mentioned that file, didn't you?

Chris: Yes. I didn't think he'd react like that. What's in that file anyway?

Eric: That file contains enough information for anyone who can decipher it to send Jarred to a mental asylum.

Chris: My God. I didn't realize...

Eric: Nobody does. But if Jericho gave him that file, you can bet your bottom dollar it's just a pile of papers. Now is that all?

Chris: Well, there is one question people wanted me to ask you if I could...

Eric: Make it quick. I need to keep Jarred from hurting himself.

Chris: Well, with your family being the Los Angeles Hartigans, one has to wonder why you're traveling with Jarred Dylan.

Eric: Let's put it this way. Josh figured Jarred and Jericho could show me the ropes better than he could. Get my meaning?

Chris: Yes, Eric, I do. Thank you for your time. And please tell Jarred I'm sorry.

Eric: I will. Have a nice night.

((The door closes in Chris's face. Then Eric's hand comes out and leaves a sign on the doorknob. It's written in Creole... Chris walks away, not noticing an eerily familiar figure in a black hooded cloak walk into the dressing room he just walked away from. The camera's too far away to hear Jarred's startled exclamation. Then it cuts back to ringside.))

Last Man Standing Match
Cleo vs Blood Dragon

Eddie: This next match will be interesting. Blood Dragon against Cleo.

Travis: How do you figure?

Eddie: Cleo is rarely seen without that constant thorn in Dragon’s side, The Creeper. Unlike last week, this week, we’ll see Dragon go against a person that knows his moves and abilities almost better than Dragon knows them himself.

Travis: But Dragon knows The Creeper’s moves to that extent as well.

Eddie: You have a point. But you have to remember that, over the past few weeks, Dragon’s been plagued by this mystery man, who seems to want nothing more than to make Dragon’s life a living hell. (( The camera pans around, at ringside, showing the extra security guards. )) You can see that they’ve increased security, for Dragon’s safety.

Travis: Yeah, that might help save Dragon from that masked freak, but what about the freak at ringside?

Eddie: The Creeper? Yes. Again, you have a point, Travis. Apparently, getting your arm broken knocked some sense into you. Although, I’m being informed that The Creeper has vowed to only get involved if the masked man appears.

Travis: Yeah, right. You think the Darkside is going to allow an opportunity to eradicate Dragon completely pass them up? And besides that, I get to see my goddess in the ring. This is a great match!

Jean Fortello: This match is set as a Last Man Standing. Introducing first, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 lbs. . . BLOOD DRAGON!!!!

(( As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. ))

Travis: Where’s Zoe!?! What a bunch of crap! We want Zoe, Dragon!

Eddie: Travis, bear in mind that you do, still, have one arm that Dragon can break.

Travis: Oh, yeah. (( Travis is heard gulping audibly. )) Nevermind, Dragon.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from New York, weighing in at 150 lbs. . . CLEOPATRA!!!

(( The arena goes dark, as Gold Lust begins to play. Gold lights begin to move over the crowd and comes to a stop on the back of the stage, as something rises up from the floor. It's a Egyptian sarcophagus. The lid of the Sarcophagus slides open and there stands the Pharaoh Cleopatra. She opens her eyes and makes her way to the ring not hearing or noticing the crowds cheering for her as she makes her way to the ring and in her hands she carries the scepters of Upper and Lower Egypt. She climbs into the ring and removes the golden crown and hands the ref the crown along with the two scepters to put on the outside. Almost instantly, the turnbuckle behind her explodes upward, in flame, The Creeper then standing behind her, and leaving the ring. ))

Eddie: The Creeper already making his presence felt.

Travis: Look at her! She looks good even when she’s just standing there! (( The Creeper’s eyes move to the announce position. )) YIPE! Uh. . . just saying hi, there, Creep!

(( The Creeper’s empty eyes move back to the match, as Dragon begins his assault, bringing his fists crashing down on Cleo’s back over and over. ))

Eddie: Cleo’s a great athlete, but she’s got the short end of the stick on the strength and endurance aspects.


Eddie: Like what? Cleo is a strong woman. She’ll find a way to recover.

(( Cleo rolls under the bottom rope, to catch her breath. Dragon moves to follow, Cleo grabbing Dragon’s ankles, and pulling him under the bottom rope, slamming him headfirst into the guardrail, and, as Dragon staggers backward, kicking him in the throat. Cleo then grabs Dragon’s ankles, as if she was going to attempt a Scorpion Deathlock. Instead, Cleo jumps up, flipping over Dragon’s feet, landing, with both feet, in Dragon’s stomach. ))

Eddie and Travis (Simultaneously): Oooh!

Eddie: That’ll buy Cleo some time.

Travis: Yeah, but not much. Here comes Zoe!

(( True enough, Zoe comes down the ramp, smashing Cleo in the back of the head with a chair. Cleo drops, and, as the chair comes down again, The Creeper snatches Zoe around the throat, tossing her backward, sending her collapsing over the back of the guardrail, then returning to a standing position, his arms folded behind his back. Dragon gets to his feet finally, pulling long, ragged breaths. As Cleo gets to her feet, rubbing the back of her head, Dragon explodes from the low crouch he was in, hitting Cleo with a thunderous clothesline. ))

Eddie: Dragon almost decapitated her with that clothesline!

Travis: And her boyfriend, The Creeper, is just standing there like deadweight! Do something, you useless pile of horse crap!!

Eddie: Well, he did say that he was going to stay out of it unless that masked man showed himself.

(( Cleo does a full flip, landing facedown, hard, her hands going to her face. Dragon turns to her picking up the chair, and then taking it down, to crash into Cleo’s rising form. The Creeper steps over Cleo, taking the chair shot fully in the face, and not seeming to even feel it. The Creeper pulls the chair from Dragon’s hand, and tosses it away, moving back behind Cleo. ))

Eddie: The Creeper showing a willingness to get involved, if only to spare Cleo more chair shots.

Travis: Still a deadweight, though. He should just beat Dragon senseless, and give Cleo a win!

Eddie: Creeper’s just out here to make sure that this match is between Dragon and Cleo.

Travis: He isn’t being paid to be a bodyguard. He’s paid to beat people’s asses!

Eddie: Yes, but he’s not actually participating here.

(( Cleo gets to her feet, and swings wildly at Dragon. Dragon ducks, locking Cleo in a full Nelson, lifting her up, and back. ))

Eddie: Dragon Suplex!!

(( The referee begins his count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7... Cleo gets to a seated position, breaking the count. Zoe gets back over the guardrail, retrieving the chair, and moving to hit Cleo again. Once more, The Creeper moves to stop her, Zoe ducking into the ring. The Creeper goes into the ring after her, to get the chair, apparently. As soon as The Creeper’s back is turned, a shadowy form detaches from the darkness by the ramp, once more hitting The Athar on Dragon, then again. As he lifts Dragon to do it again, The Creeper turns, seeing him, and moves to get rid of the masked man. The masked man drops Dragon in a heap, rushing toward the back, The Creeper grabbing him as he nears the top of the ramp, kicking him in the midsection, and tossing him off the top of the ramp. Meanwhile, the referee is administering the count. 1...2...3...4...5... ))

Eddie: The Creeper making good on his promise to destroy the masked man.

Travis: Yeah, but Cleo doesn’t even seem to know what happened. And Zoe’s up!

(( Zoe moves outside the ring, to pick up Dragon, and break the count. Cleo gets to her feet, trying a superkick, Dragon dodging, Zoe taking the superkick full in the face. Dragon locks on a Dragon Sleeper, Cleo springing up and over, then tossing Dragon into the stairs. Cleo grabs another chair, smashing it into Dragon’s face as he had done to Soth during their match. The referee begins his count, again. 1... 2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!! ))

Jean Fortello: This winner of this match, Cleopatra!!

Eddie: Cleo won! And The Creeper is still assaulting the masked man! Travis, who are you calling?

Travis: My bookie! I’m gonna put money on Creeper breaking this other guy in half!

Eddie: Well, Creeper can’t go too far, his match is coming up next.

((Show fades to a commercial for 1-800-CALL-ATT. Carrot top is standing in a gym dressed like the dork that he is.)

Carrot Top: When you need to make a collect call, just use--

(Suddenly Amy flies into the scene and hurricanranna's Carrot Top to the floor. He lies there unconscious.)

Amy: Shut the hell up! Nobody wants to hear you. (She turns to the camera) Now, listen up. You'd better use 1-800-CALL-ATT when you make a collect call. Dial down the center (close up of her hand) that's 1-800-CALL-ATT! It's free for you and cheap for them. If you don't I'll send him to your house.

(Camera pans over to reveal a growling Obake.)

Obake: Dial it and save...or else!

Standard Match
Creeper vs Zoe

((Unseen by the fans during that last commercial break, The Creeper made his way back to the ring. Zoe, still recovering from that Superkick to the face, is wobbly and very unstable, physically speaking. Blood Dragon is still there, making sure she's able to compete. Creeper just perches on the top turnbuckle, watching. He'd rather wait and have her be all right than get a cheap win while she's confused. And besides, he wants the honor of handing her her first loss. The bell rings after Zoe gets into the ring. Creeper leaps off the turnbuckle, going for a spear. But Zoe moves out of the way and Creeper winds up eating canvas. He gets up in a flash and charges again. But Zoe's having none of it... She nails him with a beautiful clothesline!))

Eddie: Zoe showing heart here...

Travis: Among other things. But since Dragon's still here, that's all I'll say.

Eddie: Stop the presses! Travis Best is refraining from any smart-mouthed commentary!

Travis: Very droll, Eddie. But I wonder what Eric meant by that comment.

((Travis is, of course, referring to the interview with Jarred Dylan that was shown earlier. Eddie mulls that over as Zoe and Creeper lock up collar to elbow. Creeper shoves Zoe backward and she hits the turnbuckles. Stumbling forward, she falls victim to a DDT. But when Creeper goes to pin her, there's no sign of the referee. He looks around and finds him climbing back into the ring. It quickly becomes obvious what's happened when the EMT's run to ringside.))

Eddie: Dear God! Blood Dragon has collapsed! He's out of it!

Travis: This isn't looking good for Zoe... I hope nothing happens to her.

Eddie: For differing reasons, I'm sure. But you're right, this doesn't look good.

((Zoe sees the EMT's loading Blood onto a stretcher and screams. That scream sets Creeper's teeth on edge, making him pie-face her into the ropes. When she rebounds, she ducks the clothesline and comes back with a dropkick. He hits the mat hard! 1... 2... Creeper kicks out with authority. But Zoe doesn't give up. She hits him with a flying armbar off the ropes, putting him into a submission scenario.))

Travis: Good Lord! Where'd she learn to do that?

Eddie: Remember who she and Blood hang around with.

Travis: Good point. But which one of them could have had the time to show her that move?

((Creeper flips over and gets her into a Small Package. 1... 2... Zoe shoves him off. Apparently she's regained her equilibrium. That becomes apparent when she hits him with a chopblock, taking out his knee and removing his vertical base. She goes for a cover. 1... 2... He shoves her off with ease. When he gets to his feet, he shakes out his right leg to restore the feeling in it.))

Eddie: Wise move by Zoe there... She took him off his feet.

Travis: Yeah... When dealing with big men like Creeper, you have to take away their vertical base so they can't execute those power moves. And when a big man hits you with one of those, take it from me... It HURTS!

((Eddie laughs as Travis rubs his neck, still sore from Jarred's beating last week. The broken arm sits on the desk, bearing assorted fond epithets from the HWC superstars. Creeper circles Zoe like a buzzard does with potential bait, then pounces. He takes her off her feet with a belly-to-belly suplex. She rolls to her feet, climbs to the top rope and crouches down, waiting. He turns around and she hits him with a move straight out of Jericho's playbook...))

Eddie: My GOD! She just hit Creeper with a Top Rope Spear!

((She moves in for a cover. 1... 2... Creeper gets his shoulder up and pushes her off. He's winded from that spear... But he quickly recovers, hitting her with a brutal clothesline that spins her around before sending her crashing to the mat. The crowd winces at the force of her impact. Creeper goes for a cover. 1... 2... 3. The bell rings, ending the match that turned out to be sheer poetry in motion. Creeper lets the referee raise his arm in victory, but stares down at Zoe's unmoving body. She wasn't in top shape to begin with, mind you... Finally, he rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp. Another team of paramedics run to the ring to help her.))

Eddie: This is bad. Blood and Zoe have both been taken to nearby medical facilities... We'll try to get updates as soon as they become available.

Travis: They shouldn't be that badly hurt... I mean, they weren't Hardcore matches!

Eddie: Let's hope it's only minor injuries. We'll be back with our Main Event right after this.

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.

Back Alley Brawl
Sothren du Lac vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: What a great night this has been, so far! And now, we have a match between Jarred Dylan and Sothren Du Lac!

Travis: I can’t believe what’s already happened tonight! Cleo won!

Eddie: Yes, she did. And that masked man felt what was, in my mind, justice. He’s been attacking Dragon and his family for far too long.

Travis: Yeah, but I think Creeper’s still in the back somewhere looking for that masked man.

Eddie: Well, we can’t worry about that anymore. It’s time for the main event!

(( Without any music, the camera cuts back, showing Jarred Dylan walking through the parking lot. As he passes the front of a semi, Sothren, from out of thin air, tackles Jarred into the grill of the truck, Jarred sagging slightly, then coming back with a hard right hand, grabbing the back of Sothren’s head, driving him headfirst into the grill of the truck, and moving off, returning shortly with a metal trashcan, and a 2X4. Jarred slams the trashcan, upside down, on Soth’s head, and proceeds to use the 2X4 like a baseball bat, slamming it into the trashcan over and over again. ))

Travis: Apparently, Jarred always wanted to be in a band.

Eddie: What are you talking about, Travis?

Travis: He’s doing a great drum solo right here, on Sothren.

Eddie: Haha, Travis. Who writes your jokes? You should fire them.

(( Soth falls to the ground, finally getting the trashcan from around his head. Jarred, again, smashes Sothren with the 2X4 hard enough to snap the 2X4 in half, sending one half flying upward, to land on the roof of the semi. Jarred begins kicking Soth in the midsection like a soccer ball. Jarred moves off, to grab another weapon, coming back with a fire extinguisher. Soth shoots a right hand to Jarred’s face, staggering him. Soth follows it up with several more jabs, then a kick to the midsection, grabbing the dented trashcan, and smashing Jarred in the face with it. Soth sets the trashcan upside down, on the ground, picking Jarred up, and lifting him for a powerbomb. Jarred punches Soth in the face several times, then rolling Soth into a pin. The referee begins the count. 1. . . 2. . . Soth kicks out, rifling a punch into Jarred’s face. ))

Eddie: That was close! Jarred almost had the match won right there!

Travis: You keep forgetting! Soth is the Dark Champion! He’s not going to lose to a cop!

Eddie: Travis, watch yourself. You don’t want to end up in another pie match against Jarred.

Travis: I only have the one arm! How fair would that be?!

Eddie: And Jarred’s the one that broke your arm!

(( Jarred pulls Soth to a standing position, tossing Soth onto the hood of the semi, after a slight lift, then following Soth up. ))

Eddie: Jarred’s looking to end this match right here!

Travis: Soth’ll stop him.

(( Jarred lifts Sothren to powerbomb him off of the top of the hood, Soth managing to sort of hop backwards, dropping Jarred in a DDT hard enough to dent the roof of the hood, Jarred’s head crashing off of the metal. Soth stands up, looking around, then dropping, and pulling a dumpster over, climbing atop the truck again, catapulting Jarred into the open dumpster. ))

Travis: HA! That was the greatest thing I ever saw!

Eddie: Jarred going into an open dumpster?

Travis: You better believe it! That was awesome. Serves him right for busting my arm, too.

(( Sothren laughs, smashing Jarred in the head with the top of the dumpster, then simply watching Jarred try to climb out. Jarred finally gets out, and, after a kick to the midsection, Sothren looks like he’s getting ready to superkick Jarred, then, instead, grabbing the dumpster, and pushing it, running behind it, toward Jarred. Jarred rolls out of the way at the last second, and the dumpster hits the wall, ricocheting into Sothren’s midsection. ))

Eddie: Jarred saw that one coming!

Travis: Yeah, but think about that smell!

(( Jarred slams Soth’s face into the dumpster, grabbing a trashcan lid, and smashing Soth in the face with that, dropping Soth with a right hook. Jarred moves to Soth’s feet, catapulting Soth into the dumpster’s side, headfirst. ))

Eddie: Oh! That was a sickening thud!

Travis: I think that move did more damage to the dumpster.

Eddie: Why do you say that?

Travis: Because Soth is already a psycho. What more mental damage can be done to him?

Eddie: Ah. Good point.

(( Soth bleeding now, a large bloodstain left on the side of the dumpster. Jarred stands, picking Soth up, into a bodyslam position, driving Soth headfirst into the side of the dumpster, over and over again, then dropping Soth in a shoulderbreaker, going for the pin again. 1. . . 2. . . Soth kicks out. Barely. ))

Eddie: Where did he get the energy to kick out with?! This is unreal!

Travis: See? Soth isn’t all there. He doesn’t even know that that kind of move would have ended a match with anyone else.

Eddie: Yes, but he’s also violent enough to give a sociopath a moment of thought.

(( Soth simply powers to his feet, throwing hard punches, to get Jarred back, then setting Jarred up for a DDT, instead spinning toward the right, and smashing Jarred’s head into the side of the dumpster several times, then hitting a tornado DDT. ))

Travis: Hell, at this rate, we should just call it a dumpster match. That’s all they seem to be using.

Eddie: I don’t think so, just yet, Travis.

(( Soth steps back, and grabs another trashcan, dumping the garbage out on Jarred, and smashing Jarred in the head with it, until the trashcan is little more than a large, flat, bent piece of metal, then tossing it aside. Soth goes off, to retrieve something else, returning with a broomstick, bringing it crashing down on he back of Jarred’s head, in a move that would have decapitated him, if the broomstick had been sharper, and made of metal. The broomstick snaps in half, sending Jarred back to the ground. Soth looks around again, and then can be heard commenting “What a great time for them to run out of stuff to beat him with”. ))

Eddie: It looks like Soth has run out of things to use on Jarred.

Travis: Wait. You mean this is now becoming a basic match on concrete?!

Eddie: Looks like it.

Travis: Well, that’s boring. Let me see if I can find something to take to Sothren.

Eddie: You’re sick, Travis.

Travis: I was, but I took some Dayquil. I’m better now.

(( Meanwhile, Soth’s eyes narrow, and the Bloodlust Slayerz burst into the scene, Beowulf holding a tire iron, Palimon a thick metal pipe, both men instantly setting in on Jarred. ))

Travis: You know, I never thought I’d be saying this, but “GO SLAYERZ!”

Eddie: You need professional help, Travis.

Travis: Yeah. But that can wait until after the show.

Eddie: What are you talking about?

Travis: You think Ms. Lewis would allow me to have hookers in here?

Eddie: Nevermind, Travis.

(( After several moments of beating Jarred mercilessly, Beowulf lifts Jarred onto his shoulders, Palimon already on top of the semi-truck’s hood, jumping off, hitting the Slayerz Spear on Jarred. Patriot and Ace-Man come from the same patch of thin air that apparently spawned the BLS, coming to the aid of Jarred. Soth looks at the Finest and BLS, shakes his head, laughs, and goes for the pin. 1. . . 2. . . 3!!! ))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match. . . Sothren Du Lac!!!!

Eddie: The Finest coming out to save Jarred, but it looks like it was too late, as Sothren just won!

Travis: The Finest. (( Travis is heard laughing. )) I think Patriot hit his head last week, when he missed that Old Glory splash, and went through the table.

Eddie: Why?

Travis: Because they came out and went after the BLS, instead of putting a beating on Sothren. That’s what I would have done.

Eddie: Oh, yes. Like last week’s beating on Jarred, right?

Travis: That’s hitting below the belt, and you know it, Eddie!

((Eddie sticks his tongue out at Travis as the Finest chase the BLS away. Sothren casually walks out of camera range and he seems to be whistling! EMT's come to Jarred's aid, making sure he's all right. Wobbly on his feet, but otherwise unharmed, Jarred makes his way back to his dressing room. The camera cuts back to ringside where Eddie and Travis are sitting. Travis is staring at the monitor, eyes wide.))

Travis: How the hell can he even WALK?

Eddie: Travis. He's Jericho's brother. That should be reason enough right there.

Travis: Oh. Now I'm glad I didn't go out there... He might have done more damage.

Eddie: And on that note, folks... For Travis Best, I'm Eddie Daniels. Goodnight, everybody!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))