Saturday Night Slaughter
St. Louis, Missouri at the Savvis Center

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.))

(("Only in America" by Brooks and Dunn rips across the airwaves, making the fans cheer. Autumn Lewis steps out through the curtain and smiles, then holds up one hand asking for silence. The fans fall silent, interrupted occasionally by a shout of "We love you, Autumn!". She laughs, then lifts the microphone she's holding up to her lips.))

Autumn: Travis, you've been shooting your mouth off about the wrong people. I have some footage I'd like you to see.

((The words "Earlier Today" appear on the bottom right corner of the screen, then it begins to play through. Even though it's been pre-recorded, the fans cheer when they see Autumn Lewis going into her office. A brief flash, then the fans cheer again when they see Jarred walk into the office. There are security guards chasing him, trying to get him to stop.))

Security Guard: Hey, you can't go in there!

Jarred: Just try and stop me.

((He goes in and the door slams shut, but not before the cameraman gets inside the office. Autumn sees Jarred and stands with a smile. He smiles right back, brushing his long brown hair back off his face.))

Autumn: To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?

Jarred: I have a small business matter to discuss.

Autumn: And what would that be?

Jarred: It involves a certain ringside commentator you employ. I believe he goes by the name of Travis Best?

Autumn: Everyone has problems with him... What did he say or do to get you on his back?

Jarred: He's been insulting my brother Jericho from the get-go. He insulted our home state of Louisiana. He also seems to think he could beat me in a match with one arm tied behind his back. That was after he called me a wuss, I believe.

Autumn: *groaning* Oh, Lord. What do you want me to do about him?

Jarred: *grinning viciously* Not you, Miss Lewis. Me.

Autumn: You're not an official part of the HWC yet, Jarred.

Jarred: I know. But that doesn't mean I can't get a little revenge, now does it?

Autumn: *sighing* What did you have in mind?

Jarred: Just a little match on Slaughter tonight...

Autumn: I know I'm going to regret this, but what kind of match?

Jarred: Well, he did say he could beat me with one arm tied behind his back, right?

Autumn: Right...

Jarred: Why don't we give him what he wants? Tie one arm behind his back? But just to be fair, I'll go one-handed too. And if the restraint breaks, both men get to use both hands.

Autumn: I like the way you think, Jarred! But what if something goes wrong?

Jarred: Then the match is stopped right then and there. No sense in causing any unnecessary bodily harm. The match will also stop if one of us gets hurt.

Autumn: You know, Jarred... For a cop, you sure know a lot about wrestling.

Jarred: I used to be a wrestler, Miss Lewis.

Autumn: Interesting. And please, call me Autumn.

Jarred: Okay... Autumn.

Autumn: So tell me more about this match of yours.

Jarred: There really isn't much more to tell... Except that if we're both still standing after ten minutes, assuming he's made it that far, there will be a buzzer that goes off. After the buzzer goes off, Travis will get hit with pies from all directions.

Autumn: So basically what you're asking for is a "One Handed Pie Assault" match.

Jarred: In a nutshell, yes.

Autumn: Consider your request granted, Jarred!

Jarred: Thank you very much.

((They stand and shake hands. When Jarred leaves the office, he's smiling. What's he got planned for those pies? God only knows. After the footage ends, Eddie turns to look at Travis, who's rather pale and is tugging at the collar of his shirt. Eddie smiles, then turns back to the ring.))

Eddie: You asked for this, you know.

Travis: *eep* I know...

Eddie: It's a good thing Jarred is so ethical. The match will stop if one of you gets hurt or if something goes wrong.

Travis: Thank God for some small favors... But when will it be?

Eddie: Whenever they say it is. I'm assuming somewhere around Main Event time.

Autumn: One more thing, Travis. You won't lose any pay for not accepting... But you will be called a wuss, like you did to Jarred. And just so you know... Yours is the match right before the Main Event! Have a nice night, Travis!

((She walks backstage to a tumult of cheers. Travis eep's loudly and tries to hide under his chair. Eddie actually pities him, but knows better than to voice said pity.))

Eddie: It is now official, folks... Travis Best will face Jarred Dylan, that cop turned wrestler, in a "One Handed Pie Assault" match tonight on Slaughter! For those of you who just joined us...

Travis: Shame on you! You missed some great action and twists and turns like you wouldn't believe! We are live in St. Louis, Missouri, the hometown of the HWC! And if you just tuned in, you missed a blockbuster announcement from President Autumn Lewis.

Eddie: That's right, Travis. She just announced that you and Jarred Dylan will square off in what he calls a "One Handed Pie Assault" match. He also named the stipulations... The match stops if something goes wrong or if one of you gets hurt. And after ten minutes, if the match is still underway, a buzzer will sound and Travis here will get hit with pies from every direction.

Travis: You missed one. We have to have one arm tied behind our backs... *eeps again*

Eddie: Right. And if the restraint breaks, both men are able to use both hands. Standard match rules apply for victory, Travis. You can get a win only by pinfall or submission. And from what I've seen of them, both Dylan brothers are quite skilled in submission maneuvers.

Travis: Did you HAVE to tell me that!?

Eddie: Yes. But there's no need to worry, Travis. Jarred won't let anything happen to you. He just wants a little payback. If he had wanted to hurt you, he could have said it was to be a Back Alley Brawl.

Travis: You have a point... So all I have to do is survive the full ten minutes, eh?

Eddie: At the very least. You might have to try to knock him down... You've seen Jericho when he has a full head of steam.

Travis: Hoo boy. I am beginning to rue the day I decided to bad-mouth either one of them.

Eddie: That's a start. You'd better go to the back and start getting ready...

Travis: I got time I haven't even seen the first match.

Eddie: Well coming up it's Cleo vs Frog.

((The new HWC shop logo close ups and breaks the screen, HardWear Zone.)

Announcer: Show your pride in your favoret superstar with the new stylish shirt. Like the Amy's Inject This shirt. Buy now and show were your loyalties lies.

(A shot of the shirt is shown with a picture of Amy by a bick wall on the front and "Inject This" on the back.))

Standard Match
Cleo vs Green Haired Frog

Travis: You know what would make this first match better Eddie?

Eddie: No, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me anyway.

Travis: If Green Haired Frog wasn't in it! Who wants to see him? I just want to see Cleo!

Eddie: Do you realize that every female wrestler you have the hots for is spoken for?


Eddie: Never mind.

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen the following match is scheduled for one fall.

((The arena goes dark, as Gold Lust begins to play. Gold lights begin to move over the crowd and comes to a stop on the back of the stage, as something rises up from the floor. It's a Egyptian sarcaphagus.The lid of the Sarcaphagus slides open and there stands the Pharoh Cleoptra.))

Fortello: Coming to the ring first, representing the Darkside, weighing 150 pounds, Cleopatra!

((She opens her eyes and makes her way to the ring not hearing or noticing the crowds cheering for her as she makes her way to the ring and in her hands she carries the scepters of Upper and Lower Egypt. She climbs into the ring and removes the golden crown and hands the ref the crown along with the two scepters to put on the outside, and faces the entrance to wait for her opponent.))

Eddie: What a way to start Slaughter with a great match between Cleo and Green Haired Frog! This should be a good one.

Travis: How did the Creeper net a beautiful woman like that?

Fortello: And her opponent,

((The lights dim and the "Tainted Love" hits. Suddenly Frog appears on the ramp, he runs to the ring and slides in.))

Fortello: From, Falkirk, Scotland, weighing 209 pounds, Green Haired Frog!

((Frog charges Cleo as the bell rings and nails her with a running crossbody block and hooks the leg trying for the quick win but Cleo kicks out before the ref can even get into position. They get back up and GHF scoop slams her and as Cleo gets back up he kicks her in the midsection and drops her with a DDT. Cleo rolls to the outside and tries to get her wits about her as the ref tries to hold back GHF.)

Eddie: Frog coming into this match strong, but Cleo breaks his momentum by coming out of the ring to recover.

Travis: Come over here Cleo! I'll help you recover!

((GHF pushes the ref aside and goes after Cleo reaching through the ropes, but she sees him coming and grabs his head and drops to her knees and hangs his neck over the second rope, she then grabs his leg and drags him over to the corner.))

Travis: CUP CHECK!

((She positions GHF and yanks on both of his legs ramming him crotch first into the steel ring post getting an "Oooooh!" from the fans and Eddie and Travis. Frog is rolling around on the mat holding his groin in pain as Cleo gets on the ring apron and climbs straight to the top rope. Frog is getting back to his feet as Cleo jumps nailing an elbow right into the top of his head. He staggers a few steps backwards and falls flat on his back. Cleo grabs his legs again and falls back slingshotting him face first into the top turnbuckle. Again he staggers backwards into Cleo who drops him with an inverted DDT. She goes for a cover, 1..2..kickout by GHF.))

Eddie: Cleo takes over and gets a near fall there.

Travis: She would've pinned me, why would anyone want to get a woman like that off of him?

Eddie: What's the matter Travis? Jean holding out on you?

Travis: No of course not--I mean--I don't know what you're talking about.

((Cleo unloads a series of rights into GHF's head and backs him up to the ropes before whipping him in. He rebounds off the ropes and gets met with a foot to the midsection, she rebounds off the rope and nails a perfect axe kick. She then heads up to the top rope and goes for a moonsault but Frog moves and Cleo eats mat.))

Eddie: Nobody home! Frog has a chance to take over and win this thing!

Travis: Come on Cleo! Get up!

Eddie: Did you bet on this match?

Travis: Yes, but I also want to see Cleo win!

Eddie: Uh-huh, I figured as much.

((Frog grabs Cleo up from the mat and drops her with a neckbreaker and then whips her off the ropes and nails a dropkick. He then drags Cleo over to the corner and signals for the Pond Hop. He gets up to the top rope but Cleo is somehow back on her feet and she runs over and grabs the top rope causing Frog to fall and again gets crotched, this time on the top rope. She climbs up and superplexes him down to the mat. She waits for him to get back to his feet and nails a solid superkick right to the jaw that flattens him. She then heads back up to the top as GHF groggily staggers to his feet.))

Eddie: She's going up Travis, she could be setting him up for the Mummification! If she nails this, it's all over.

Travis: Come on Cleo! I got fifty bucks says you're gonna win this thing!

((Cleo jumps and nails a perfect Mummification. The cover, 1...2...3! The win.))

Fortello: Here is your winner, Cleo!

Eddie: Cleo gets the night started with a big win over GHF and that is a good start for the Darkside tonight. And hopefully they can keep the momentum going because the Creeper and Sothren are both in action here tonight.

Travis: Yeah, ol' Creepy's up next against the Patriot and Sothren's got to defend the Light Heavyweight title against Blood Dragon.

Eddie: And of course in our main event, Bad News will defend the tag-team titles against the BloodLust Slayerz in a match that the Slayerz earned when Palimon defeated the Enforcer last week in a back alley brawl.

((The camera cuts backstage and we can see PitBull walking down the hall. He pauses outside the locker room of Jeff Wylde and Amy Jensen. He squares his shoulders and opens the door.))

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a coolier down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.)

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

(Mavrick pulls one out of the coolier and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.)

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

((Show comes back from commercial and the words "During The Break" appear in the lower left hand corner of the screen. The scene is of the locker room door of Jeff and Amy.))

Eddie: Well folks, if you're just joining us we saw PitBull entering the locker room of Jeff Wylde and Amy Jensen just before we went to commercial break, and here's what happened moments after he walked in.

((The scene starts playing and PitBull comes flying out of the locker room the door nearly getting knocked off it's hinges. He falls on the ground and Jeff comes out after him and kicks him a few times. He's followed by Amy and Jeff wastes no time in pulling Pit to his feet and Amy jumps off an equipment crate nearby hitting Pit with the Hellraiser. Pit staggers to his feet and Jeff and Amy chase him down the hall Jeff punching Pit and ramming him into a wall when he catches him. Amy hands Jeff a chair and he brings the weapon down on Pit's back. Before he can do anything else Obake and several officals break it up with Bad News getting between Wylde and Pit. Jeff and Amy are removed from the scene glaring at the members of Bad News. The Enforcer and Blood are glaring back as Scott and Draven are checking on Pit.))

Eddie: As if Bad News doesn't have enough to worry about with the Darkside and the Slayerz coming after them, apparently they now have to worry about Jeff and Amy as well.

Travis: But did you see Amy? In that black fishnet tank top? WOW!

Eddie: They can hear you you idiot.

Travis: Eep! Uhm...I meant that in the most respectable way possible Jeff! Please don't kill me.

Tables Match
Creeper vs Patriot

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest.))

Jean Fortello: Weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds, from Parts Unknown... the Creeper!

Travis: Creeper's here, the slaughter of the Patriot is about to begin.

Jean Fortello: From Washington DC, weighing in at approximately two hundred and eighty pounds, the Patriot!

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthom begins to blast in the arena. Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Patriot is standing on stage waving Old Glory. However, before he can salute it, Creeper hammers him from behind with a double axehandle. Creeper continues his assault with a series of boots the the neck of Patriot. It's at this point the ref calls for the bell.))

Eddie: That's dispicable, Creeper claims to love America, but he shows no respect to the American hero, the Patriot.

Travis: The Patriot's wishy washy, and he's going to be a Patriot skin rug by the end of this match.

((Creeper pulls Patriot to his feet, only to drop him with a DDT. Creeper once again picks Patriot up, he drags him down the ramp towards the ring. Where he attempts an irish whip into the ring apron, Patriot reverses. Creeper doesn't seem affected by the attack and bounces back almost immediately with a hard clothesline. Creeper once again pulls Patriot to his feet, and lays in a series of knifeedge chops the to the chest of Patriot.))

Travis: Creeper is going to destroy Patriot.

Eddie: It's still early, Patriot can mount a comeback.

((As if he heard the comments, Patriot is able to counter one off Creeper's chops into a short armdrag. Patriot launches his own assualt, beginning with a series of heavy boots the head of Creeper. Patriot then picks Creeper up and rolls him under the bottom rope into the ring. Patriot scoops Creeper up, and takes a three step approach, culiminating in a Running Powerslam.))

Eddie: If Patriot can keep this up, Creeper could very well be on the losing end of this match.

Travis: No chance, Creeper is a beast, and if anyone can withstand a powerslam like that, it would be the Hardcore Champion, Creeper.

Eddie: We'll see soon enough...

((Patriot is back to work inside the ring, he's working over Creeper with chops in the corner. Patriot, irish whips Creeper to the opposite corner, and charges in after him. Creeper moves out of the way, and catches Patriot with a falling neckbreaker out of the corner. Creeper picks up Patriot again, and drops him down with a modified shoulder breaker. It's at this point that, Creeper rolls out of the ring and lifts up the apron.))

Travis: Creeper is looking for a table, he wants to end this match now.

Eddie: He may not get the chance, looks like he only dazed Patriot.

((Indeed, back in the ring Patriot is using the ring ropes nearest Creeper to get to his feet. Creeper, however, opts not to get a table, but instead a broomstick. Patriot's head is draped over the second turnbuckle, Creeper swings, and with a resounding CRACK, Patriot falls back into the ring.))

Travis: There's a swing that would make Barry Bonds jealous.

Eddie: No kidding, I think Patriot's brains got scrambled like the eggs in a Grand Slam breakfast.

Travis: That was bad...

((Creeper and his newly found weapon are back in the ring, standing over the fallen Patriot. Creeper brings the broomstick down on the back of Patriot, causing Patriot's body to shudder. Creeper then picks up Patriot and with the aid of the broomstick drops him with a Russian legsweep. Creeper gets up from this maneuver and rolls outside again. This time, he drags a table out from under the ring, and he sets it up at ringside.))

Eddie: Looks like Creeper wants to end it here.

Travis: It's about time.

((While Creeper sets up the table, Patriot has time to gather his wits, and he bounces off the far ropes and leaps over the ropes nearest Creeper with a Crossbody Plancha. Both men lie on the floor, Patriot however is the first to get up. He pulls Creeper up by his hair, and lays in heavy right hands. Creeper attempts to counter with an irish whip, but has it once again reversed. Creeper hits the rail and falls to his knees, and then to his his face.))

Travis: Creeper, what happened? You can't lose to him.

Eddie: Patriot might just have enough to win this match, he's setting Creeper up.

((Patriot lays Creeper across the table, and lays in a couple off elbows for good measure. Then he's up on the apron, he makes his way towards the turnbuckles. While Creeper lays motionless on the table, Patriot climbs the turnbuckles, and adjusts himself to finish this match.))

Eddie: It looks like it'll end here, Old Glory is going to win another one.

Travis: Move, Creeper, Move!

((Patriot looks to the crowd and then leaps off, he compacts his body and then stretches it in Five Star Frogsplash style, and... he misses. Creeper rolls off of the table, as Patriot goes flying through the table. The pieces burying the American warrior in defeat.))

Eddie: Creeper moves at the last second, and he wins this match.

Jen Fortello: The Winner of the table match, Creeper!

Eddie: Your match is coming up Travis..... shouldn't you be getting ready?

Travis: Ya don't remind me....

((Travis removes his head set and makes his way backstage to chants of "YOU SUCK!" All the while David Tanjic comes out from the back to replace Travis for the time being.))

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

((Backstage, Travis Best finds someone who knows what's going on. She shows the obviously terrified broadcaster to an empty locker room and hands him a duffel bag. Inside are a set of sweatpants and a T-shirt that looks like it will actually fit! Travis thanks her and closes the door so he can change in peace.))

Eddie: Well, David, Travis is finally putting his money where his mouth is, as it were. Any comments?

David: Just one. I pity the poor guy.

Eddie: So do I, David... God help me, but so do I. I hope Jarred doesn't hurt anything besides his dignity.

David: I have to agree. But turnabout is fair play... Travis deserves this. He's been bad-mouthing every top talent we have, and it started taking a toll on their tempers. It looks like Jarred is going to handle this one for them.

Eddie: You have a very good point there. Let's see how he's doing back there.

((Travis opens the door and steps out. He looks very different in the sweats and T-shirt... But surprisingly enough, he's very fit! Crewmembers passing by wish him luck and give him encouragement. But Travis Best is nobody's fool. He knows what they're really saying. He finds a somewhat comfortable seat and sits down. Then he starts talking to Eddie and David.))

Travis: Well, guys, this is it... I finally have to face the music for my careless words. Got any last words for me before I die?

Eddie: Travis, I told you earlier. Jarred won't hurt you. He just wants to bruise your dignity.

Travis: That's not all he'll bruise... Remember when he cold-cocked me at Assault?

David: Travis, you insulted the man's home state. Can you really blame him for that?

Travis: *sighing* No, David, I can't. He's the first one to do something about what I say. Guess it took me by surprise.

Eddie: In spite of your *ahems and hides a grin* personality traits, we all want you to do your best. If he does hit you with a few moves, would it be so bad?

Travis: Now that you put it in that light, I guess it isn't as bad as I thought. Bones and bruises will heal... And I'll have learned something from it. But what I'm worrying about now is how to survive ten minutes!

David: Are you really that upset about being beaned with a few pies?

Travis: Kid, you're starting to make a lot of sense. Both of you. I never stopped to think that it might actually be fun to get hit with those pies. Although I am a bit reluctant about having one arm tied behind my back...

Eddie: Travis, Jarred will too. It isn't like he's going to hit you with a Mack truck.

Travis: Thank you, Eddie. You too, David.

Eddie: For what?

Travis: You guys made me feel a whole lot better about this. And if need be, I can pull out a few surprises of my own. You don't sit at ringside for as long as I have and not pick up a few things. You know what? I think I can actually do this! Of course, I'm a broadcaster, not a trained professional like Jarred... So kids, don't try this at home!

Eddie: You bring up a good point there, Travis. The men and women who perform on HWC television every night are trained professionals. Trying to duplicate their stunts could result in serious injury, or even death. So, please, don't try any of this at home. Leave the moonsaults, Swanton Bombs, DDT's, Spears and Table Tosses to those who can handle them.

David: Very nicely put, Eddie. And if you see someone trying these stunts, stop them. And if you have to, get someone in a position of authority to explain the risks and possible repercussions. Travis Best is not a wrestler. But Jarred Dylan is. And, as fair as Jarred's made this match, there's still the possibility of someone getting seriously hurt.

Travis: You may think we're just trying to scare you. And in a way, we are. We've seen people get hurt because something went wrong. No matter how prepared you think you are, there's always that Unknown Element. And it's that unknown that leads to accidents, like Jericho Dylan at Oblivion. He got his arm caught behind the steel steps because they moved when they weren't supposed to. Now I've made snide comments about him, and sometimes I have downright insulted his integrity. But if there's one thing nobody here wants, it's to see anybody else get hurt. I'm going to get tossed around like a rag doll in there tonight. But I'll do my best to minimize the risk of injury by wearing safety gear. And no matter what sport you're in, think smart... Think Safe.

Eddie: Thank you, Travis. Are you ready?

Travis: About as ready as I'll ever be. Thank you for the pep talk.

Eddie and David: You're welcome.

((The camera cuts back to ringside, showing two very somber faces. Eddie Daniels and David Tanjic are obviously thinking about Travis and Jarred later on...))

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

Light Heavyweight Match
Sothren(c) vs Blood Dragon

Eddie: Well, tonight, we’re going to see Blood Dragon attempt to pry the Light Heavyweight title from the clutches of Sothren, and the Darkside.

David: Or the Dark Title as Soth calls it.

Eddie: It’s the Light Heavyweight title, despite what Sothren and his brother claim. You have to wonder if Sothren spoke to his fellow Darkside member The Creeper for some information. After all, Dragon and The Creeper have had some rather incredible matches here of late.

Jean Fortello: The following match is for the HWC Light Heavyweight championship. On his way to the ring, the reigning HWC Light Heavyweight champion, from parts unknown, weighing in at 246 lbs, representing the Darkside. . . . SOTHREN DU LAC!!!!!

((The lights go out as "Facing Hell" by Ozzy Osbourne begins to play over the PA system. Red Lights illuminate the stage as Sothren walks out with a huge grin, Mia right behind him, smiling as well. They stand on the top of the walkway almost standing on the stage as he pulls his right arm down and his leg up as if in a "YES!" pose and Pyro erupts he just smiles and laughs then runs down to the ring. He slides in on all fours smiling, and leering like a predator then stands and waits, Mia outside the ring, an evil glint flashing in her eyes, like a caged animal.))

Eddie: Mia out here as well, with Sothren. Something seems odd about her tonight. It appears that the Darkside has already had an effect on Mia.

Jean Fortello: And the challenger, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 lbs. . . . BLOOD DRAGON!!!!

((As “Downfall” by Trust Company comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ring posts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon. Shortly after Dragon’s entrance into the ring, Zoe rushes to ringside. After a hurried, hushed conversation, Dragon nods, and Zoe stays at ringside. Dragon and Sothren stand toe-to-toe, staring the other down. Sothren lunges forward, catching Dragon with a well-placed knee, into Dragon’s midsection. Sothren moves instantly to a flowing DDT. Dragon, however, blocks the attempt, Sothren hitting the mat hard. Dragon locks on a Texas cloverleaf, the move lasting only a few moments before Sothren gets to the ropes, the referee calling for the break. Dragon breaks the hold, stepping back, as Sothren gets to a knee. Dragon, again, slams his knee into Sothren’s face, dropping Sothren again.))

Eddie: It looks like Sothren didn’t talk to The Creeper, and expected something less than what he’s getting.

David: Yeah, but look outside the ring, Eddie! Mia’s sneaking up on Zoe!

((Mia moves forward, slamming Zoe in the back of the head, then wrapping her hands in the staggering Zoe’s hair, spinning, and sending Zoe face-first into the ring post. Dragon glances up, seeing that, and going outside the ring, standing behind Mia.))

David: Oh no! LOOK OUT MIA!

Eddie: This is not looking good for Mia.

((Mia turns around, jumps, screams, and then, surprisingly, begins punching Dragon. Dragon takes the punches, then reaching out, grabbing Mia by her hair, speaking to her. Sothren finally gets to his feet, and, glancing up, sees Mia being attacked, and, bouncing off the opposite ropes, hits Dragon with a baseball slide, sending Dragon into the guardrail. Soth stands, grabbing the top rope, then vaulting on top of it, spinning to the left, his back to Dragon, and jumping backward, hitting Dragon in the forehead with a spinning front kick. The force of the kick sends Dragon over the top of the guardrail, Soth giving Mia a cursory glance, then jumping onto the guardrail, hitting the rising Dragon with a splash. Dragon gets up, stopping Soth with a hard right to the midsection, then one to the face, Dragon standing fully, and lifting Sothren vertical, in a suplex position, then dropping Sothren with a brainbuster.))

Eddie: Did you see that? Dragon just gave Sothren a brainbuster on the floor! There’s no padding there, just concrete!

((Mia grabs a set of metal stairs, sending them crashing down toward Zoe, repeatedly. Meanwhile, Dragon, off of the first brainbuster, held on, hitting a second, and then a third, then going over the guardrail, and into the ring under the bottom rope, sliding back out as smoothly as previously. The referee moves to Zoe and Mia, trying to break the two women up, Zoe now up, and returning the assault. Dragon moves to the guardrail, Sothren jabbing a thumb in Dragon’s eyes. Dragon staggers away, grabbing a folding chair, and hiding it with his body. When Sothren approaches, Dragon swings the chair. Soth, to his credit, sees the chair coming, and manages to block it, pulling it from Dragon’s hands after a well-placed kick. Soth kicks Dragon again, rearing back to smash Dragon with the chair, only to have Dragon hit a hard spear on Soth, knocking them both to the floor. The referee, still concerned with the two fighting women, not even paying enough attention to the two combatants involved to administer the 10 count.))

Eddie: It seems like Mia and Zoe have started their own little match outside the ring. The referee is attempting to break them up, but is, as a consequence, neglecting the match itself.

David: Were going to need another ref and have two winners instead of one.

((Dragon finally gets up, tossing Soth into the ring post, then following it with a chair shot, the crash a sickening sound. As Dragon pulls the chair back, Soth begins to crumple to the ground, only to get picked up by Dragon, and set up, again. Once more, the crash echoes through the arena, the arena now extremely quiet. Soth crumples to the ground, and Dragon rears back, bringing the chair crashing down, again, over and over.))

Eddie: Dragon’s gone off the deep end! He’s trying to kill Soth!

((Dragon, again, puts Soth against the turnbuckle post, rearing back, once more, with the chair.))

Eddie: Dragon’s going to kill Soth!

David: That'll be a first, I though Soth was the killer type.

((From out of nowhere, a hand covered in a black glove intercepts the chair’s swing, the resultant crash sounding no less ghastly than the sound of metal on face. Dragon’s gaze turns to look at the owner of the hand, his eyes narrowing.))

Eddie: That’s the man that took Dragon’s daughter!

David: What? Wassat?!

((Dragon begins attacking the masked man, who simply takes it, and then kicks him hard enough to send Dragon into the apron, the small of Dragon’s back hitting the apron hard. The masked man grabs the chair, smashing Dragon in the face with it, dropping the chair again, and picking Dragon up, onto his shoulders. The masked man slides into the ring, placing Dragon on the top turnbuckle, and following it with a move all too familiar to Sothren.))

Eddie: Did you see that?! This masked man just hit Sothren’s finisher, The Athar, on Dragon, from the top turnbuckle, in the ring, to the outside!

((The masked man slides Dragon into the ring, under the bottom rope, then picking Soth up, sliding him into the ring. The masked man follows, dragging Dragon to the center of the ring, and draping Soth over him. The masked man steps out of the ring, and disappears, only to reappear on the ramp, grabbing Zoe by the hair. The referee chances a look into the ring, spotting the pin. The referee is in the ring in an instant, Zoe being held back, forced to watch. 1. . . .2. . . . 3!!!!))

Eddie: Sothren just won that match, with the help of this still-unknown man. Here comes the rest of the Bad News!

((Draven, Enforcer, and Pitbull rush out of the back, the masked man running down to ringside, vaulting the guardrail, and, once more, disappears into the crowd. Sothren and Mia skirt the three men, Sothren smiling sinisterly, as he is handed the title again.))

Eddie: I don’t know if Sothren or Mia even saw that attack on Dragon.

David: I know I didn’t!

Eddie: But, does that mean that the masked man is someone that Sothren knows? Or was that just an attempt to make Dragon aware of this masked man’s presence, again?

David: Who knows?

Eddie: Well, no doubt Dragon will assume that Sothren did know about the attack. This will not lead to better mutual relations between the Darkside and Bad News.

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC WarZone: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as Green Haired Frog, Anyone from the Bad News or Darkside, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows Travis Best and Eddie Daniels playing the game. Eddie is using Jeff, and Travis is using Sephiroth. Eddie turns to Travis.))

Eddie: Can you knock off the commentary, were not at work.

Travis: Opps sorry.

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

((In another part of the arena, a door opens to admit two people. One is a bit taller than the other... When they move into the bright lights of backstage, the fans cheer loudly. They're looking at Jarred Dylan and Eric Taylor! There are a few signs in the crowd... "Eric, I love you!" and "Jarred is a God!" are among the most popular ones. Jarred laughs at something Eric says, then gets a note from someone backstage. He reads it aloud.))

Jarred: Greetings to you, Jarred Dylan. I'm glad you were able to make it to St. Louis tonight. Come find me when you arrive... We need to have a little discussion. The Patriot.

Eric: Wow. Guess he really does want to talk to you...

Jarred: He certainly does. Come on, let's go see if we can find him. I wish we'd gotten here sooner... We're cutting it awfully close!

Eric: Well, couldn't it wait until after? I mean, he's probably not in the mood to talk.

Jarred: You make a very strong case there, kid. Now where's my locker room?

((They soon find what Jarred's looking for... A locker room with his name on an elegantly wrought silver plaque. They step inside, and the camera finds itself looking at the door. They emerge about a minute later, dressed to kill, as it were. Eric looks very sharp in his ring ensemble... Jarred, as always, looks every inch the professional.))

Jarred: I never thought I'd step into a wrestling ring again... I wonder if I still have it?

Eric: Once you have it, you never lose it. Or did you forget that?

Jarred: Thanks, kid. I had forgotten. Now where could Travis be hiding? I need to talk to him about the rules.

Eric: I don't rightly know... Wait! Look on that monitor over there!

((Jarred steps over to the monitor that's playing Travis's conversation with Eddie and David. Jarred stands there until it's finished, then turns to one side. A sigh, then he turns to face the camera.))

Jarred: Eddie, David and Travis made some very good points there about the stunts we pull inside that ring. It takes a long time for us to get it right. And in that time, we make countless mistakes. Travis cited a very good example of a mistake that shouldn't have been made. Kash Flagg wasn't paying attention to where Jericho fell out of the ring, and as a result, Jericho was put on the DL for over three months. I miss seeing my big brother here in the HWC...

((Eric interrupts him here, indicating that he can hear something. They both can... The fans are cheering for Jericho! Very loudly, too! Jarred smiles, then continues his soliloquy.))

Jarred: It's obvious from your reaction to his name that you miss him too. Relax, folks. He'll be back around mid-May, as I said at Assault. But Travis said things he shouldn't have. The things he said were rather hurtful. To Jericho, they'd be mere words. But not to me. I take things like that very seriously. Eddie and David did their best to assure Travis that I wouldn't hurt him. But, guys, you know as well as I do that things don't always go the right way. Especially with me around. But that's not to say that I enjoy hurting people. I don't. I'm just saying things tend to go wrong around me. I'm giving everyone here fair warning right here and now. Someone is liable to get hurt in this match. I'd rather it not be either of us. But, given the circumstances, I'd say it's likely that someone will. There are no magic words I can say to make things go right. There's no magic genie around to stop an accident from happening. And if one of us does get hurt, don't blame Travis.

Eric: Sorry to interrupt, Jarred... But we gotta go. We're out of time.

((Show fades to a commercial for 1-800-CALL-ATT. Carrot top is standing in a gym dressed like the dork that he is.)

Carrot Top: When you need to make a collect call, just use--

(Suddenly Amy flies into the scene and hurricanranna's Carrot Top to the floor. He lies there unconcious.)

Amy: Shut the hell up! Nobody wants to hear you. (She turns to the camera) Now, listen up. You'd better use 1-800-CALL-ATT when you make a collect call. Dial down the center (close up of her hand) that's 1-800-CALL-ATT! It's free for you and cheap for them. If you don't I'll send him to your house.

(Camera pans over to reveal a growling Obake.)

Obake: Dial it and save...or else!))

One Handed Pie Assault
Travis Best vs Jarred Dylan

Eddie: Well, David, this is it...

David: Yeah, I still hope things don't get out of hand.

((Eddie nods as Travis Best walks to the ring, no music or any other such thing. He's an announcer. He doesn't use that stuff. He gets into the ring rather awkwardly and stands near the back of the ring. He's understandably nervous...))

Jean Fortello: This is a "One Handed Pie Assault" match, and is scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, one of the HWC's premier announcers... Travis Best!

((Some people cheer, some boo. Mostly cheers, though. Travis blinks, then smiles a bit before lapsing into silence. Then the lights fail. Some people scream, but Jean takes it in stride. The lights come back up, silence deafening in such a large place, revealing two men standing on the top of the ramp. One of them makes a pumping motion with one fist and a loud explosion of pyrotechnics light the ramp.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent... From New Orleans, Louisiana... Being accompanied by Eric Taylor... Weighing in at 225 pounds... JARRED DYLAN!

((The crowd erupts in a tumult of cheers rivaled only by the ovation they gave Autumn Lewis earlier. The screams of panicked fans after the lights went out turns into screams of delight. There's a sign in the crowd that makes Jarred stop in mid-stride. On that sign, written in a careful black stencil, is a slogan that makes him smile. It says, "The Dylan Gang is Coming... And there isn't a Damn Thing Anyone Can Do!" He points to it and makes a thumbs up, then slides into the ring. Eric walks up the steps and climbs carefully between the ropes. He's there to help explain the rules.))

Jean Fortello: Gentlemen, you're aware of the rules. I'll just go over them for the benefit of the fans. Eric will assist in case I forget anything. One. You will each have one hand tied behind your backs. I suggest you let someone else tie the knots. Two. If the restraints break, you are permitted to use both hands. Three. If anything goes wrong, or if someone gets hurt, that's it. Match over. Four. If the match goes past the ten minute mark, Travis will be hit with several pies. Eric, did I miss anything?

Eric Taylor: Yes, actually, you did... Five. Nobody is allowed to interfere on either man's behalf. To do so is to leave yourself open to retaliation. Six. Pinfall or submission only. Seven. Illegal weapons are forbidden, at my behest. That means no brass knuckles, Travis. Get rid of em.

((Travis damn!'s quietly before tossing the brass knuckles outside the ring. Jarred laughs at the look on his face.))

Eric Taylor: Oh, and one more thing, guys. Don't let me see you getting stuck somewhere with no chance of escaping without injury. Let's not have another Jericho on our hands, okay?

((Jarred grimaces and shouts after Eric as he leaves the ring, 'Did you HAVE to remind me?!?' Eric grins cheekily and disappears backstage. He's following his own rules! Good start, kid! Once everything's in place, the bell rings. Travis gulps audibly and decides to start off with a bang. He charges Jarred, fully intent on getting a running lariat nailed to start off. He's cut off with a right hand planted firmly in the center of his chest. He looks down, then back up. Jarred waggles a finger in his face, saying "Ah-ah-ah!", then backs off. Travis has a bemused look on his face, then they get their arms tied behind them. Jarred's strong arm, his left, is secured firmly. Travis's left arm is tied in the same position as Jarred's. But unlike Jarred, Travis looks very comfortable in the ring. Jarred hasn't been inside a wrestling ring since December... The bell rings again. Travis goes for an awkward one-armed clothesline, only to get pie-faced and sent to the mat. He's trying not to hurt him. Travis gets up and nails a perfect standing dropkick. Jarred staggers backward into the ropes, then drops to one knee. His free hand goes to the mat to steady himself. Travis immediately goes to check on him. Hurried whispers make Travis feel better. Just a bit rusty, that's all...))

Eddie: Jarred not off to a good start here... He's showing signs of ring rust.

David: That's unfortunate. We were all looking forward to a good match.

Eddie: It's only just begun. Let's hope he can shake it off.

((Jarred gets up slowly, not really hindered by only having one arm. Travis watches him closely, then launches himself off the far ropes. Jarred is taken completely by surprise and gets knocked over the top rope. He hits hard, landing on his bound left arm. All anyone sees from him is a grimace of pain as he rolls to his knees. His right hand comes down again, supporting him until he can breathe again. Unseen by any is a fraying piece of cord on Jarred's left arm... If that restraint breaks, all hell is going to break loose! Because Jarred can execute a left-arm clothesline with just as much impact as anyone else doing a right-arm clothesline. Jarred looks up at Travis, who flinches and backs up. Jarred gets back into the ring and glances over at the HWCTron. In the lower left corner is a counter reading "8:05". It ticks down second by second, steadily getting closer to the buzzer. The crowd cheers quietly, knowing Travis is getting closer and closer to absolute humiliation. But Jarred seems to be in a bit of trouble... He's shaking out his right hand. It seems to have gone numb...))

Eddie: Jarred seems to be in trouble here, David.

David: It's only just begun, but it looks like his right hand has gone numb.

Eddie: I did a bit of research on Jarred after his surprise appearance at Assault. I found out while he was in a fed called the GWA, his car exploded and his hands got rained on with hot shrapnel. Apparently they aren't quite healed.

David: My God. His car exploded and he only got occasional numbness in his hands? The man lives a charmed life!

Eddie: David. He's a Dylan. Nuff said right there.

David: Oh. You think maybe one of them will be on WarZone any time soon?

Eddie: From the sounds of things, Jarred's contract is still in the works. And Jericho won't be back until mid-May. I'm now being told that Jericho will NOT be back in mid-May. Instead, he's being bumped up to the end of April!

David: Maybe he'll come back at the Pay Per View.

Eddie: That's a very strong possibility at this point. But we'll wait and see.

((Back in the ring, Jarred's gotten his right hand to stop feeling like lead. Pins and needles... Owie! Travis takes a wild swing and spins right around. Jarred kicks him in the butt, pushing him off the ropes. Travis turns around in mid-bounce and sends Jarred to the outside again. This time, Jarred stays put even after the arena's stopped spinning. Another piece of cord is fraying... Jarred gets up again, much slower this time. Something isn't right. The referee wants to stop the match, but Jarred says he's fine. So the match continues. Rolling under the ropes, Jarred gets his foot caught on something. Kicking at whatever it is, he undoes a lasso. His incredulous gaze falls on Travis Best, who's standing there with an innocent look on his face. When he sees the lasso, his eyes widen.))

David: Either he wasn't responsible for that, or he wasn't expecting Jarred to escape.

Eddie: I'm betting he wasn't expecting Jarred to escape.

David: Uh-oh... Looks like Jarred's good mood just went right out the window. Look out, Travis!!!

((Travis has no time to move. Jarred's right arm flies out and nails him with a thunderous clothesline. Travis goes down hard, but Jarred doesn't seem to care. Chest heaving as he tries to suck in enough air to stay conscious, he glares down at the fallen announcer. The clock on the HWCTron reads "5:33". Travis finally gets to his feet and looks up at a very angry Jarred Dylan.))

Eddie: If he thought Jericho being angry was bad...

David: He's got another think coming?

Eddie: Exactly.

((Travis is apparently trying to tell Jarred he had nothing to do with the noose. What he isn't telling Jarred is that there is someone under the ring to help him cheat. Even in a situation like this, Travis is Travis. That is to say, a weaselly cheater. Suddenly Eric Taylor pelts down to ringside and dives under it. He comes out with Travis's accomplice. He drags the hapless guy backstage by the ear. Travis does a running dive and sends Jarred to the outside yet again. But this time, the cord holding his left arm in place breaks, sending pieces flying into the crowd. Jarred looks down at his freed left arm and laughs. The referee undoes Travis's restraint, as per the rules. Jarred does a baseball slide back into the ring and stands up, hands on his hips. The counter reads "3:42". Travis gulps as he looks up. Jarred grins viciously and makes a motion of throwing something off his hands.))

Eddie: The kid gloves are off! That means no more Mr. Nice Jarred!

((David can only watch in amazement as Jarred hits Travis with a scoop slam. But he doesn't go for a pin... No, he lifts him up on one shoulder, holding him by the neck. Then he swings Travis around and drops him to the mat, executing a flawless F-5. But he refuses to go for a cover. Instead, he stands back and waits. He's running the counter down... But why? The counter now reads "2:55". Travis is on his feet again, rather woozy. Jarred waits for him up on the top turnbuckle, crouched like a panther hunting its prey. When Travis turns around, Jarred sails off the turnbuckle, hitting Travis with a...))


David: My God! Travis may well have been broken in half!

((That seems to be true... Travis Best is lying on the mat, folded like an accordion. Jarred still refuses to go for the cover. The referee is trying to tell him to pin the poor sap. But Jarred shakes his head and takes the time to catch his breath. The counter on the HWCTron now reads "1:31".))

Eddie: You know, with Jarred toying around like this, seeing those pies is more and more likely.

David: I have to wonder what Jarred has in store for the HWC's resident weasel.

Eddie: You and me both, David. You and me both.

((Travis gets to his feet just as the counter reaches "0:00". Jarred rolls out of the ring as pie after pie smushes into Travis, knocking him around in a full circle. Travis is completely covered in pie filling... Jarred gets back in and drops his left arm. A strong spray of water emerges and proceeds to wash the pie off Travis, leaving only bits and pieces where the water couldn't reach. The backwash cleans off his face...))

Eddie: Well, now we know what Jarred was waiting for.

David: Jarred is a lot smarter than anyone thinks. That proves it right there.

((Jarred throws Travis over the top rope and to the arena floor. He climbs the ropes and crouches on the top turnbuckle.))

Eddie: Oh, no, not another spear!

David: I don't think so, Eddie... Look!

((Jarred is perched on the top turnbuckle with his arms raised. With a wave of one hand, he hits Travis with a perfect Corkscrew Swanton Bomb on the outside of the ring!))

Eddie and David: OH, DEAR GOD!

Eddie: That was amazing!

David: I think Jarred might have hurt himself on that... He's limping.

((Sure enough, Jarred is indeed limping. But he doesn't let that stop him... He rolls Travis into the ring and surveys him carefully. Then he makes a sound of disgust and puts one foot on Travis's chest. The referee gets into position for the count. 1... 2... 3!))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, JARRED DYLAN!

((Jarred lets his arm get raised, then rolls out under the bottom rope. Once he gets to the back, he finds the EMT's.))

Jarred: Get to the ring. Travis Best is hurt.

((They nod and run out to the ring. Jarred heads back to his locker room, the limp now noticeable. He went over hard on that ankle... He finds his door and puts his hand on it, but doesn't open it right away. He puts his forehead on the door too, trying to regain control of his temper. It's always been this way... He can suddenly sense a presence behind him. He turns slowly, leaning on the door when he's all the way around. Standing in front of him is the man who left the clipboard out...))

Eddie: It's The Patriot!

((Jarred takes several slow deep breaths, calming himself down before risking any kind of speech.))

Patriot: Greetings, Citizen Jarred.

Jarred: Greetings, Patriot. What brings such a staunch defender of America this way?

Patriot: You do. Jarred, you're an amazing man. I saw your actions on Assault. And quite frankly, we could use you in the Finest.

Jarred: Me? You want ME to join you and Ace-Man?

Patriot: Yes. You have the qualities we've been looking for. Strong of body, mind and soul... Pure of heart... Willing to do whatever it takes to defend America... Jarred, the Finest are looking for you. What say you? Will you join our noble cause?

((Jarred doesn't answer for a long time. Patriot is a patient man at times... This is one of those times. He waits for Jarred to speak.))

Jarred: Patriot... I gladly and humbly accept your offer.

Patriot: Good! As soon as your contract is cleared, we can begin strategizing. And Jarred... Welcome aboard.

((But Jarred doesn't answer. Patriot goes to shake his shoulder, only to realize Jarred's passed out. He slides down the wall and hits the floor in a boneless heap. Travis is wheeled past on a gurney with a splint on his left arm. It's broken. Another EMT crew comes to Jarred's aid, Patriot not looking very happy. A quick assessment reveals only the badly sprained ankle. But they load him up anyway, wheeling him out under the heated gaze of the Finest.))

Eddie: Ring rust?

David: Or something else?

Eddie: We'll find out and tell you what we learn next week. But coming up next is the Main Event... The Tag Team Titles are on the line! Bad News defends against the BloodLust Slayerz!

David: That's coming up next! We'll be right back!

((Camera opens up on someone putting on a pare of Nike's, the camera follows them around only showing the shoes. It goes from the person walking then suddenly running. It then cuts to the same someone doing a kick flip on a skate board and then kicking someone in the balls followed by stomping some bald head thug's head. The camera pans up showing Amy standing over the broken guy holding her skate board.)

Amy: Hey just do it...... No not that prev..

(Amy the kicks the camera and the scene goes black.))

Tag Titles Match
Bad News(c) vs BloodLust Slayers

Jean Fortello: The following is for the HWC Tag Team Titles.... To the ting....

((Click Click Boom hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down.))

Jean Fortello: At a combined weight of 590 lbs. they are the Tag Team Champions...... BAD NEWS!!!

((The Enforcer and Draven are standing there. Scott walks out from behind the curtian and leads his two monstrous charges down to ringside.))

Eddie: These two men look pumped and ready.

David: Looks likes the Slayerz might be in for another ass beating.

Jen Fortello: And their challengers from Norway at a combined weight of 500 lbs......... BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!!!

((The lights go out. Before the music plays a deep voice of Beowulf say "Summon The Drums of War." The beating of drums start as thier theme does, followed by the crowd brusting into boos. The HWC-Tron show scenes from battles some look like their are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring threw it letting out a battle cry. They slide into the ring and climb up the front two ring posts removing their cammo jackets that match their pants. They throw the jackets down out side the ring and roar to the crowd before leaping off and facing their opponets. Both Pallimon and Enforcer head to their corners while Beowulf and Draven straight each other down. Beowulf raises his hand showing he wants to do a test of strength. Draven chuckles and and grabs his hand. After a moment Draven manages to get Beowulf down to his knee, then Beowulf surprises Draven with a shoulder thrust to the mid section of Draven. Beowulf pulls Draven up on his shoulder delivering a samoan drop.))

David: What a way to start of the main event.

Eddie: Bad News may have the size but looks like the Slayerz are going to use brains instead of brawn.

((Beowulf goes to stomp on the head of Draven while he's down but he quickly rolls out of the way and tags Enforcer in. Enforcer climbs in and comes at Beowulf with a close line but Beowulf hits a big boot to the face of Enforcer. Enforcer drops holding his jaw while Boewulf starts stompping away on his bad knee. Before the stomping gets worse Enforcer kicks Beowulf hard in the ankle knocking him off his feet. Enforcer gets to his feet limping slightly. Pallimon taunts him causing Enforcer to move away and go after Pallimon. Enforcer back hands Pallimon of the side of the ring sending him to the floor. This gives Beowulf a chance to get to his feet and come up behind Enforcer. Draven climbs into the ring to help Enforcer who doesn't see Beowulf behind him. Draven hits Beowuld with a closeline from hell from behind knocking Beowulf into Enforcer. The ref steps in and sends Draven back to his corner. Draven fights against the ref once seeing Pallimon is up and the two are double teaming against Enforcer. Pallimon holds Enforcer in the corner while Beowulf stomps away on his hurt knee.))

Eddie: They keep this up and Enforcer won't even be able to stand to fiinish this match.

David: I think that's the point. But they still have a fighting chance if Enforcer can tag Draven into the ring.

Eddie: Knocking them they do what it takes to keep Enforcer near their corncer.

((Enforcer frees him self by giving Pallimon a back elbow to the side of the head. Enforcer then grabs the throat of Beowulf delivering a choak slam. While down Enforcer does his best and limps across the ring to Draven with his hand held out as far as it will go. Just before the tag Beowulf grabs the good leg of Enforcer and pulls him off his feet. Enforcer falls just short of Draven's hand. Ever so slowly Beowulf starts to pull him farther away and back towards them. Enforcer rolls over and kick Beowulf in the face intill he lets go. Enforcer pulls him self over to the ropes to help pull him self up to his feet. Just as he does Pallimon tag him self in while Beowulf rolls under the rope still holding his face with what apears to be a broken nose. Pallimon climbs upon the turn buckle and leads off hitting Enforcer with a missle drop kick. Pallimon cover Enfocer. 1...kick out.))

Eddie: All that and it still wasn't enough to keep Enforcer down.

David: I don't think the man is human.

((Pallimon gets to his feet and pulls Enforcer up with him, with out warning Enforcer grabs Pallimon delivering a rock bottom falling with him. With out knowing it Enforcer has his arm drapped over Pallimon. 1...2.. kick out. Enforcer continues to lay there resting his hurt knee while Pallimon gets up and heats to the turn buckle. Enforcer reaches out and grabs Pallimon's foot casuing him to trip landing on the second rope throat first. Pallimon flops on the mat holding his throat. Enforcer continues to lay there chuckling at the damage he caused Pallimon. Pallimon manages to get up and kicks Enforcer in the head before turning back to the turn buckle. Pallimon leaps off to do a moonsault not seeing Enforcer has rolled out of the way, Pallimon hits the mat hard while Enforcer rolls him up quickly. 1...2.... kick out just bearly.))

Eddie: Looks like Enforcer is using his own brains being stuck behind enemy lines.

David: Enforcer is a amazing wrestler to come far in his career.

Eddie: I almost feel sorry for the Slayerz.

((Enforcer pulls him self up by the ropes again and sees he's in arms reach of Beowulf. Enforcer takes a swing at Beowulf to knock him off so Pallimon can't tag him in, but Beowulf ducks and kicks him in the back of the hurt knee. Enforcer lets go of the ropes and crumbles to the mat holding his hurt knee. Beowulf yells to Pallimon reaching out to him. Pallimon looks up and starts crawling for him. He makes the tag and Beowulf leaps into the ring and stomps away on Enforcer a few times before turning to Pallimon yelling at him to head up.))

David: Looks like Beowulf is takening command.

Eddie: That's not the only thing he is doing, he's setting up for the Slayerz Spear.

David: Yea but is that going to be enough to keep Enforcer down?

Eddie: Lets hope not.

((Pallimon climbs up the turn buckle and waits crouches to blance him self out. Beowulf pulls Enforcer to his feet and then up on his shoulders in a sitting possision. Once lined up infront of Pallimon, Pallimon leaps off diving at the body of Enforcer for the Slayerz Spear. Enforcer falls hard to the mat below with Pallimon on top of him. Beowulf turns and races across the ring at Draven who's alreadly in. Beowuld hits him with a powerful closeline sending the both of them tumbling over the top rope and the floor below. The ref sees the cover and rops to count. 1...2...3. The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: The winners and NEW Tag Team Champions... BLOODLUST SLAYERZ!

David: DEAR GOD! The Slayers took the win and the belts!

Eddie: By pure luck.

David: None the less they came and did what they said they would.

Eddie: This is only the start of their worries, not only will Bad News want revenge but now Kindred and the Finest will be targeting them!

((Camera turns away from the Slayerz walking up the ramp rasing the belts above their heads and focuses in on Enforcer laid out in the ring. The camera fades out on Enforcer showing the pain clear on his face as he holds his knee.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))