Saturday Night Slaughter
Dallas , Texas at the American Airlines Center

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.))

Eddie: Welcome everyone to Slaughter, I'm Eddie Daniels and...

Travis: I'm simply the best. Travis Best at your service.

Eddie: And just a week after one of the most explosive pay-per-views of all time, Assault we have a new world heavyweight champion in Sephiroth du Lac! And he's here tonight defending his other title, the Intercontinental title against his former fiance Chloe Jackson!

Travis: That Chloe is one fine lady, and speaking of fine ladies, also tonight the lucious Mia Lang, now an official member of the Darkside will try to win the Women's championship from the euqally delicious Amy Jensen.

Eddie: You do know that if Amy is here Jeff is here, and he can hear you, right?

Travis: He's here?! Ahhhhh! Why didn't you tell me?

Eddie: I just did. Anyway fans, also tonight we're going to see...

((Eddie is cut off as "Click Click Boom" blasts over the PA the crowd exploding into cheers as the song plays all the way up to the chorus and when the line "Click Click Boom" comes up, pyro explodes on the stage on the word "Boom". When the pyro dies down we can see (from left to right) Blood Dragon, The Enforcer, Draven Masters and Pitbull. Scott and Zoe emerge from backstage and the members of Bad News follow. The Enforcer and Draven with the tag team title belts slung over their shoulders.))

Eddie: Well Bad News is out here and they've obviously got something to say, as the Enforcer was stripped of his title in a match of his making. The Extreme Death Match, and I don't care what anyone says Travis but neither of the men in that match will ever be the same again.

Travis: But he and Draven did manage to beat off four other men to retain the tag titles in that triple threat tag anyone you want match.

Eddie: Why are you being so nice?

Travis: Because they might hurt me if I'm not.

Eddie: Smart man.

((The music dies down and the Enforcer has a mic.))

Enforcer: I know, I know. We talked all this smack about how I was gonna kick the crap out of Seph, about how Blood was gonna kick the crap out of Creeper and about how we were gonna kick the crap out of the Finest and the BLS. And one out of three about sucks! I came out here and I said I was gonna kick the shit of of Sephiroth du Lac, and as much as I hate that bastard he kicked my ass. I'll admit that. He whipped me and whipped me good. But it was what happened after the match that pisses me off. You see, Sephiroth couldn't leave well enough alone! No, he had to call his goon squad down to the ring, Creeper, Cleo, his dimwit brother and that little whore Mia Lang to hit me over the head with a chair. To initate her. Well Seph, you'd better watch the little girl tonight or something bad might happen to her. Sunday night you initated her into the Darkside. Well tonight we're going initate her onto our shit list!

((He tosses the mic to Blood Dragon.))

Blood: And Cleo you'd better watch your back too, because if anything you cost me the Hardcore title. Creeper you know just as well I do that you never would have beaten me if it wasn't for her jumping in every thirty seconds, so little lady you'd also better watch your back tonight or we may bury you for another 3,000 years! You see kids, we don't get mad we get even. And the worse part is you never know where or when we're gonna strike. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next year. You just never know.

Enforcer: So Seph, grow a pair of eyes in the back of your head to match the beady ones in the front because we're coming after you!

((The Crowd cheers.))

Enforcer: Now, onto the BloodLust Slayerz and the Finest. Well there's not much to say now is there? We're still the tag-team champions and you still got two things, Jack and Shit! Simply put, we kicked your asses, and maybe a tip of the hat to Jarred Dylan, even though you did stupidly throw your lot in with the Finest, but hey, no one's perfect. Travis Best is living proof of that!

((The crowd and Eddie all laugh at Travis who just sits and fumes as the Enforcer hands the mic off to Draven.))

Draven: Oh and Patriot, you see that?

((He points up to the cage hanging above the ring and the crowd cheers.))

Draven: I'm gonna give you another ass kicking in that monster tonight, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it! You see Patriot I've heard what you had to say, talking about dragging my face across that cage and making me bleed. Well Patriot I say go ahead! Do it, bust me open! Because I'll tell you something, when I can feel that blood running down my face, when I can run my hand over my face and see my own blood, and when I can smell my own blood as it runs down my face it will act as fuel. It will be like pouring gasoline on a fire, and when I get fired up like that, when I can feel, see and smell my own blood it's gonna be like a bull seeing red, and you Patriot are going to be the matador that I gore to death. You see Patriot no one in this ring is in a good mood tonight, and I'm gonna take it out on you. Just thought I'd let you know that so you can be prepared to get your ass whipped tonight. You won't have to worry about me running from this match, because I'm sure as hell not afraid of you and I ain't going anywhere!

((A mix of cheers and boos go up as the Patriot is about as well loved as the men in the ring. Draven hands the mic back to the Enforcer.))

Enforcer: And on a final the ButtMunch Sisters....

((Before Enforcer can say anymore "Summon The Drums of War!" is heard followed by Possession. Pallimon comes out from the back alone with a mic in his hand. Most of his face is covered by the hood of his black executioner style tunic. He is greeted by boos but pays it no mind as he climbs into the, before the music is cut Bad News look ready to fight.))

Pallimon: You have something that belongs to me!

((The Enforcer looks more annoyed than anything else that Palimon actually had the guts to come out to the ring.))

Enforcer: What? Your ass? We handed you that at Assault! How many more times do we have to whip your ass before you realize that you will never be on the same level as us? As long as you hang around with that jackass Martin Smalls you'll always be second best. So tell me...No tell everyone what it is that I have that could possibly belong to you.

Pallimon: Those belts peon! And you have have won one battle..... but victory of the war will belong to me.

Enforcer: So let me get this straight. You're challenging me and Draven to a tag-team title match?

((Palimon nods and the fans start going nuts.))

Enforcer: Well, let me confer with the boys.

((Enforcer, Draven, Pit, Scott, and Blood all huddle in the middle of the ring . Occasionally peering over at Palimon. Then they break and stand in front of him again.))

Enforcer: As one half of the world tag-team champions, I have confered with Draven and Scott and we say...No!

((The crowd boos eager to see the two teams get it on again.))

Enforcer: But wait! Not tonight! We will grant you a title shot under one condition. If you can beat me tonight in a singles match. Then and only then will I grant you a title shot...that is of course if you agree to one or two little stipulations I'd like to add.

Pallimon: (nearly laughs) A singles match? What's the matter Enforcer, have we taken the fight out of you? I accept your pittful excuse as a challenge!

Enforcer: (grinning) But you haven't even heard the best part! The stipulations! First stipulation: This is not going to be a normal match here in this ring! Oh no my large, yet dense Norse friend, this match will take place outside the a Back Alley Brawl!

((Huge pop from the crowd.))

Enforcer: When I win, then you don't get a title shot as long as Draven and I are the champions. However, if you should manage to beat me, then right here next week on Slaughter we will grant you a tag-team title shot, stipulations to be randomly chosen by Autumn Lewis herself. And for the second stipulation for our match tonight, it's just you and me. No Beowulf, no Bad News, just you me and a referee. You still want to accept the challenge you walking ad for birth control?

Pallimon: Watch your tung spawn of slaves! I accpect still. Let it be known that it was Pallimon that brought down Enforcer to his knees!

((The Enforcer shows no fear as he gets right up in Palimon's face.))

Enforcer: We'll just see about that, won't we? We'll see who's on who's knees at the end of tonight.

(("Click Click Boom" kicks back in again and Bad News leaves the ring.))

Eddie: I can't believe it! A back alley brawl here live tonight! And if Palimon wins he and Beowulf get a tag-team title match next week!

Travis: But if he looses as long as Draven and The Enforcer are the tag-team champions they'll never get a title shot!

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

Hardcore Title Match
Creeper(c) vs Bull

((The arena goes dark and and a single spot light hits the stage. Lighting strikes the stage and the whole time time all this is going on all that can be herd is breathing.Then a second Lighting bolt hits the stage and "Hero of the day" begins.The spot light shines on a man standing with his head down and a women right behind looking and smiling at the man.The 2 walk towards the ring and as they walk the lady waves a red flag in front of the man with seem to be making him angry.The 2 walk up the steps and get into the ring as the lady runs around the ring as the man charges at the red flag and they continue to do this till the opponent comes out to ring.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 286lbs, from Bendigo Australia, accompanied by Natasha, Bull!

Eddie: He looks ready for anything tonight...

Travis: He looks like a complete moron chasing that red flag...But I wouldn't mind is she did that for me...

Eddie: I swear...I don't what I'm going to do with you...

((The lights die, A loud, booming, demonic voice laughs throughout the building, then segueing into "Go 2 Sleep". Lightning strikes the turnbuckles, all four bursting into pillars of flame, then dying, The Creeper standing on one of the turnbuckles, arms folded over his chest.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 250lbs, from the Second Tier of Hell, accompanied by Cleopatra, the HWC Hardcore Champion, The Creeper!

Eddie: Cleo is at his side again tonight! She was at ringside at Assault as well and made sure that he kept that Hardcore Title for the Darkside!

Travis: Creeper gets one of the best looking women in this fed and what do I get? Cleo can sit on my lap if she wants so she can stay out of harms way...

Eddie: I'm sure she would do that too...

((Creeper whispers something into Cleo's ear before she gets out of the ring smiling. Creeper then turns his attention to Bull. The two of them just stare at each other as the bell sounds. Bull jumps on top of Creeper taking him down with a series of punches. Creeper tosses Bull off and slides out of the ring and starts throwing steel chairs, baseball bat, kendo sticks, 2x4's, trashcans, cookie sheets, stop signs, and finally pulls out a sledge hammer. Natasha gets behind Creeper with another steel chair in hand, and is ready to hit Creeper when Cleo jumps her and knocks her to the ground having her face land right on top of the chair. Creeper turns around and sees it and just smiles as he climbs back in the ring, with the sledgehammer in hand.))

Eddie: My god...Natasha is knocked out cold! Cleo just put Natasha's face into that chair!

Travis: That's my girl!

((Bull is waiting for Creeper when he gets back in the ring with the stop sign in hand, and cracks Creeper across the back. Creeper hits the mat and is hit with the stop sign again and again. Cleo just watches knowing Bull will get his in the end. As the next blow is ready to come down Creeper grabs the sign and rips it out of Bull's hands and hits him across the face with it. Bull staggers a little bit, but doesn't fall back. He makes it to the ropes and he doesn't see Cleo behind him. She hits him in the back of the knee with one of her scepters making him fall to the mat, as Creeper goes for the pin. 1...2...Bull gets the shoulder up and tosses Creeper off him. Bull grabs one of the Kendo sticks and starts beating Creeper with it. Creeper's forehead is split open again and the blood starts to flow down his face giving him a strange and almost menacing look in his eyes.))

Travis: Look at Creeper! He's got that crazed look in his eyes again!

Eddie: I believe he always has that look in his eyes...I think Bull is in trouble now!

((Creeper grabs the baseball bat beside him, and gets to his feet. He starts swinging and hits Bull square in the chest. Bull hits the mat and Creeper dives on top of Bull going for the pin. 1...2...Bull gets the shoulder up and Creeper can not believe what he's seeing. Bull sat up after having the wind practially knocked out of him. Creeper picks Bull up by the neck and goes for a chokeslam, but is hit the midsection with an elbow. Creeper drops him and Bull grabs Creeper around the waist and goes into a suplex. Creeper hits the mat and Bull goes for the pin. 1...2...Creeper gets the shoulder up and Creeper tosses Bull off of him and kicks Bull in the groin before getting to his feet. Bull sinks to the mat and Creeper picks up the steel chair that is at his feet.))

Eddie: Creeper is really giving it his all...He's not going to give up that title just yet!

Travis: It's not that Eddie! He's trying to impress Cleo...I can't really blame him...She's hot!

Eddie: Yeah...Both men are giving it there all here folks and neither are willing to give up!

((Creeper begins beating Bull with the chair as Cleo cheers on from behind Creeper. Creeper keeps hiting Bull with the chair until he is cracked open and blood is spilling over Bull's face. Seeing the red liguid Bull gets up and punches Creeper right in the stomach. Creeper goes down and Bull slowly gets to his feet, and grabs Creeper before going to the turnbuckle and sets up for Over kill!))

Eddie: He's going for the Over Kill!

Travis: Oh no! C'mon Creeper! You can do it!

((Bull flies off the turnbuckle and Creeper hits the mat. Bull goes for the pin. 1...2...Creeper gets the shoulder up and Bull just stares in disbelief that Creeper could move after that. Creeper grabs him by the neck and slowly gets to his feet with Bull in hand. Creeper sets up for another chokeslam and sends Bull to the mat!))

Eddie: WOW! I can't believe that! Creeper just got back up after the Over Kill!

Travis: That's something alright.(Looking through binoculars at Cleo jumping up and down)

Eddie: Give me those! (Takes them from Travis and sticks them under the desk.)

Travis: You're no fun!

((Creeper walks over to where Cleo stands and she hands him a pair of brass knucks and smiles. He turns back around and looks at the knucks on his hand, and then at the sledgehammer sitting in a corner. He hands the brass knucks back to Cleo and picks up the sledgehammer and walks over to where Bull lays. Cleo holds up Natasha who is coming to somewhat so she can see Bull beening beaten by Creeper. Creeper hits Bull hard and his body flinches with each hit. Creeper finally tosses the Sledgehammer aside and goes for the Epiphany. He gets Bull up and beening put into a chokehold, before kicking out his knees, and into a sitting position on the ground. He then jumps into the air extending Bull over his head at the same time, and finally dropping Bull to the ground. Bull hits the mat hard and Creeper goes for the pin. 1...2...3!))

Eddie: He did it!

Travis: Was there any doubt?

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner, and still Hardcore Champion, The Creeper!

((Cleo jumps into the ring and raises his hand, as "Go 2 Sleep" begins to play! Creeper climbs out of the ring and helps Cleo down as the EMT's rush to the ring to help Natasha and Bull.))

Eddie: That was some match!

Travis: It was bloody to! The match I want to see is next...Please give me my binoculars! I need them for this match!

Eddie: No you don't! If we get any closer we'll be in the ring with them!

Travis: Would that be so bad?

Eddie: Travis...I just don't know about you...We'll be back after this!

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

((The camera falls on Seph standing in the backstage area. He walks toward the Bloodlust Slayerz locker room and just then the Slayerz walk up behind him. He turns around and is met by both Palimon and Beowulf.))

((Pallimon and Beowulf stop in their tracks and narrow their eyes at Seph.))

Pallimon: Is there a good reason why you are lurking by our room.......... you have 5 seconds to explain your self before Beowulf seeks some revenge!

Seph: Relax boys... I come in peace. I'm here because you guys have been in a slump lately and I thought maybe we could assist each other.

Pallimon: Assist? Like you did so at Assault?

((Sephiroth lowers his head and smirks slightly he raises it up again staring tem into the eyes.))

Seph: Turn about is fair play Pallimon. I seem to remember two warlords helping bad news steal our belts. But, that's beside the point. I'm willing to forget. You see I'm willing to forget because I want to offer you the chance to get back at everyone who's been putting you down. Bad News, Martin Small Everyone. You know we are not so different you two and I... we both grew up in an age where power was all one needed to rule and judging from what I've seen Pallimon both of you are worthy of much higher honors.

Pallimon: (raises a brow) I'm listening.

Seph: I would like you to join the Darkside. With your help we could rule this fed with an iron fist. You two would be great and powerful allies and in exchange for your services I could get you anything you wanted. Women, Wine, Money, Power... it could be all yours. Martin Smalls doesn't care about you. All he cares about is having lackeys to protect him. I however know better. Everyone in the Darkside makes their own way. Does their own thing. I'm giving you the chance to have the freedom you two once had. I'm giving you the oppertunity to rule as you once ruled. Loot, Pillage, Rape... everything that once made you great can make you great again. With the help of the Darkside we could all be invincible and you would be like unto gods.

Pallimon: You can get me what I want? (pauses and glances at Beowulf) I want Tiger!

((Sephiroth looks shocked at the request of Pallimon. He sighs and looks at Pallimon with a false bravado))

Seph: Trust me, Pallimon. If I could give her to you I would but, my brother cares for her. If not for that then I would gladly give her to you, will shattered a willing slave to your every whim but, alas I cannot.

((Pallimon narrows his eyes at Seph from under his hood.))

((Sephiroth looks at the two of them with a look of suspicion but then quickly returns to his normal arrogant smile.))

Seph: I could offer you anything else for now. But, if you want Tiger you'll have to talk to Sothren.

Pallimon: I will think about your offer, but for now I have a match to get ready for. Beowulf..... take care of the trash!

((Beowulf gribs darkly and grabs a near by trash can. He raises it over his head to bring it down on Seph who merely kicks it out of his hands leaving him standing dumb founded.))

Seph: I will not abide such behavior. You have my offer. Good day.

((Sephiroth turns his back and walks away with a regal gate in his step.))

Women's Title Match
Amy Jensen(c) vs Mia

Travis: Here we go with the Women’s Title match, I am so excited.

Eddie: Yeah right, we know you are not here for the match.

Travis: So what, the skin is just as good as the wrestling. Wait is Jeff going to be at ringside?

Eddie: You got that right.

Travis: Man that Mia girl is fine…and Amy is a great competitor!

((The lights go out and spotlights go over the crowd, but stops on the stage. All Grown Up begins to play as the screen above the entrance begins to show highlight reels of Mia in a few matches and her victories. Some other scenes show her in deep mediation, in training with Johnny, and her and Amy running around Tokyo. Mia walks out onto the stage and looks over the crowd, Seph by her side. She takes a flying leap and begins to do back flips to the ring. She comes to a stop and does her usual anime pose. She climbs in the ring and up onto one of the ring posts and does another anime pose making the crowd cheer more, as Seph stands at ringside! She then jumps down and waits for her opponent!))

Eddie: Mia is in the ring waiting for the woman’s champion!

(('The Man Without Fear' kicks over the PA, Amy comes bursting through the curtain, head banging in time to the beat with the Women‘s Title in her hand. She jogs towards the ring, Jeff Wylde following her. They both slide into the ring tandem and Amy makes her way to the nearest corner screaming and yelling at the crowd as Rob Zombie growls the vocals. Jeff stands in the middle of the ring, staring at the ramp. As Rob Zombie screams into the chorus, Amy leaps off the turnbuckle into the ring and throws her arms wide.))

Eddie: This is going to be a great match for the HWC Women’s Title, highflying action.

Travis: Yep, good wrestling…hehe.

((Seph and Jeff stand on opposite sides outside of the ring as Mia and Amy circle one another in the ring. Amy starts off by charging Mia and locking up, she gaining the advantage and whipping Mia into the ropes. As Mia comes off Amy clotheslines her to the ground and quickly running the ropes herself. Jumping into the air as Mia gets to her feet Amy hurricanarana’s Mia out of the ring.))

Eddie: It looks like Mia is taking the early advantage.

Travis: Don’t hurt my dear Mia!

((Mia quickly gets to her feet as Amy charges at her and throws herself over the ropes. In a body press position Amy flies at Mia, Mia hitting the ground just in time and Amy hitting the ground hard. With Amy down Mia runs at her and hit’s the rolling thunder. Mia gets to her feet and lifts Amy, rolling her into the ring and following. As they both get to their feet Mia goes for a super kick, Amy ducking and tackling her other leg sending her to the ground. Amy runs to the top rope as Mia falls to the ground.))

Eddie: This is getting intense, Mia throws something at Amy and Amy throws something back, Amy throws something at Mia and Mia is right back also!

Travis: What did you just say?

((Back in the ring Mia is getting to her feet, Amy pierced on the top rope. With Mia turning to face Amy, Amy jumps from the top rope with a corkscrew switching into a hurricanarana, The Hellraiser! As Amy’s legs try to lock around Mia’s neck Mia slides to the side and takes hold of Amy in mid-air, connecting with a backbreaker as she falls to her knee.))

Eddie: A stunning move, Seph must be teaching Mia very well.

Travis: I could teach her something…

Eddie: What did you just say?

Travis: Oh nothing.

((With Amy down Mia decides to take the risk and climbs the top rope, jumping into the air and hitting a Senton Bomb. The two lay on the mat breathless as the wear of flying around the ring as gotten to them. Mia begins to get to her feet, Amy slowly following, and crouches going for a super kick and this time connecting. With Amy down once again Mia gets a burst of energy and jumps onto the second rope, doing a moonsault onto Amy’s fallen body.))

Eddie: Is she going to so it, is she going to get the title?

((As Mia pins the ref begins the count! Mia turns to the ref to make sure, then getting to her feet in a struggle to continue. Mia lifts Amy to her feet and is met with a clothesline that sends Mia to rest on the second rope. Amy looks around and charges Mia grabbing hold of the top and middle rope and spinning around hitting the 6-1-9. Mia flies back as Amy calls for the end.))

Eddie: This is a complete turn around, Amy has took hold of this match up and is saying it is over!

((Amy lifts Mia to her feet and throws her up in a suplex holding her strait in the air. Mia struggles to get away and slips out of Amy’s hands in the process. As she escapes she runs to the top rope and as soon as she gets there she jumps off. Connecting with Amy Mia hit’s the Otaku Assault into a pin. 1...2...3, Mia jumps to the air in victory grabbing the title from the ref.))

Eddie: We have a new champion, a new women’s champion!

Travis: This is good, at least a fine girl still has the title.

((Jeff checks on Amy as Seph gets into the ring to celebrate with Mia. The celebration is short lived as Bad News charges down the ramp and into the ring, connecting with a chair to Seph’s head. As Seph crumbles to the ground Draven and Enforcer look at the weak Mia, grins covering their faces. Enforcer grabs Mia and calls for the Headline, Draven running into the ropes and connecting with the modified 3D. Once Mia is down Draven and Enforcer begin to kick her repeatedly.))

Eddie: What is going on, Bad News is striking again!

Travis: Not Mia!

((The beat down continues until Sothren du La, The Creeper, and Cleopatra charge out of the back. As Draven and Enforcer see the ground they take off out into the crowd, evading every one of them. As Sothern, Cleopatra, and Creeper check on Seph and Mia the camera cuts to commercial.))

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC WarZone: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as Green Haired Frog, Anyone from the Bad News or Darkside, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows Travis Best and Eddie Daniels playing the game. Eddie is using Jeff, and Travis is using Sephiroth. Eddie turns to Travis.))

Eddie: Can you knock off the commentary, were not at work.

Travis: Opps sorry.

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

((The camera fades in from black outside of a locker room that says “HWC Finest.” The door swings open as the camera enters to see Ace-Man, Patriot, Miss America not in sight. Read for the ring Patriot is pacing back and forth as Ace-Man sits in a steel-chair with his face in his hands. This continues until Patriot grabs the nearest object, the television set used to watch the ring, and throws it into the wall. Ace-Man jumps up to see what is going on.))

Ace-Man: What in the hell did you do that for?

Patriot: I am sick and tired of playing games with these people. I have had enough of their idiocy. Miss America is in the hospital with her throat cut because of some fool that thinks he can mess with me.

Ace-Man: Calm down man, just save this for the ring. Wait, I know something that might keep that down before the match, go find Jarred.

((Patriot’s eyes light up at this reminder of Jarred’s signing of the clipboard last week. With the fire still in his eyes Patriot walks out the door and down the hall. He comes to the parking garage and sees a man standing by the entrance with a clipboard. The door swings open and the Tank walks in, the man on the clipboard checking his name off a list. Patriot walks over to this man, taking a deep breath to clam himself.))

Patriot: Hello citizen, may I ask you a question.

Man: Sure thing Patriot, by the way my name is Ron.

Patriot: Alright, Citizen Ron, has a man by the name of Jarred Dylan shown up by any chance?

((The man looks over the list and shakes his head not seeing the name. As he gets to the bottom of the list he takes a piece of paper off the clipboard and reads over it before handing it to Patriot.))

Patriot: What is this?

Ron: That is a message for Jarred Dylan, I thought I had heard that name before. Thanks for talking to me but I have to get back to work.

Patriot: I understand, it is hard working American’s like you that make this country so great.

((Patriot walks away from the man, and begins to read the message out loud.))

Patriot: I got stranded in Baton Rouge due to a freak snowstorm, but will catch up to you in St. Louis.

((Patriot crumbles up the paper and throws it to the side. The fire suddenly appears in his eyes again and he screams in a rage, heading to the ring for his match.))

Cage Match
Draven vs Patriot

Eddie: And now, we have a match between Draven and Patriot. Over the past week or so, these two men have worked themselves into a frenzy.

Travis: Patriot’s going down!

Eddie: How do you figure?!

Travis: Cos I got money on Draven.

Eddie: Ah. Good logic. Anyway, this cage match is no laughing matter. We have two athletes who have proven themselves in this ring. And here we go!

Jean Fortello: This next match is a cage match!!! Introducing first, from Washington, D.C., accompanied to the ring by Ace-Man, weighing in at 280 lbs. . . . The Patriot!!!!!!

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthem begins to blast in the arena. Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Patriot is standing on stage waving Old Glory. He salutes it before continuing on down to the ring to chants of "USA...USA...USA". Patriot hands the flag to a ring attendant, then pointing at a small child waving a tiny flag, before entering the cage, and waiting for his opponent.))

Eddie: Patriot looking very good here, not letting his focus on this match stop him from showing his appreciation for these fans, and America itself.

Travis: Oh, please! He’s an idiot! Draven’s going to kick his head in!

Eddie: Like Jarred did to you last week? (Eddie can be heard snickering.)

Travis: Shut up about that! That was a cheap shot!

Eddie: And you’d be able to take Jarred if you and he met face to face?

Travis: Of course! Jarred’s a pussy, just like Patriot!

Eddie: Well, I’ll go ask Ms. Lewis to sign that match for next week at the next commercial. (Travis yelps, and his voice gets quiet.)

Travis: You wouldn’t really do that, would you, Eddie, old chum?

Eddie: Maybe.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, accompanied to the ring by Scott Mercer, weighing in at 290 lbs. . . . Draven Masters!!!!!!!!

((Click, Click, Boom hits, and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, Draven is standing there. Scott walks out from behind the curtain and leads his monstrous charge down to ringside. Scott and Ace-Man are left outside the cage, as Draven walks into the ring. The two men tie up, and Draven throws a punch. Patriot takes the shot, returning the favor. The two men continue throwing punches, until Draven comes out of nowhere with a massive clothesline, taking Patriot down hard. Patriot gets up almost instantly, and locks Draven into a side headlock. Draven attempts to bounce Patriot off of the ropes, Patriot locking in the hold tighter. Draven again attempts to get Patriot to release the hold by bouncing him off of the ropes, once more failing. Draven tries something else, lifting Patriot up, and dropping him in a high backdrop. Draven gets up to his knees, shaking his head, then moving toward Patriot, also on his feet now. Draven brings a knee into Patriot’s midsection, then tossing him into the cage.))

Eddie: These two have become a blur of motion, and have shown us a great deal of technical aptitude.

Travis: So you agree that this is boring.

Eddie: Travis, shut up. These two men gave everything they had at Assault, and they’re out here tonight, to give these fans a good match. They’re real competitors!

Travis: Yeah, whatever. Wake me when Chloe gets out here.

((Draven picks Patriot up, Patriot’s arms shooting upward, breaking Draven’s hold on him, and begins firing off hard rights. Patriot slings Draven into the ropes, hitting Draven on the rebound with the big boot he calls Patriotic. Patriot looks at the cage, then, approaching it, begins to climb. Draven climbs to his feet, and both men get to the top of the cage at about the same time.))

Eddie: These two men, both on top of the cage. If they make a wrong step, then these two men’s careers may be ended right now! (Travis is heard mumbling.) And, ladies and gentlemen, we have achieved nirvana here. Travis’s mouth is closed. (Travis begins snoring.) No, check that. (A splash is heard.)

Travis: What?! What happened?!

Eddie: Wet dream.

((Patriot throws a hard right hand, Draven ducking slightly, and picking Patriot up, on his shoulders.))


Travis: HOLY SHIT!

Eddie: I know! Great move!

Travis: No, this match is almost becoming slightly good.

((Both men hit the mat hard, an lay there, motionless. Draven gets to his feet first, and makes his way toward the cage door. The referee outside unlatches the door, opening it. Draven makes it to the door, Ace-Man smashing the door in his face, then sliding a chair into the ring. Patriot, getting groggily to his feet, grabs the chair. Patriot swings the chair down toward Draven’s face, Draven ducking under it, and coming back with a superkick. Patriot dodges to the side, smashing Draven with the chair. Patriot pulls Draven up to a sitting position, and smashes Draven straight in the face with the chair, the impact making a sick, echoing crash.))

Eddie: Patriot may have done some lasting damage with that chair shot.

Travis: (Laughing ) And he’s not done yet!

((Patriot drops the chair across Draven’s chest, moving to the farthest corner, vaulting to the top rope.))

Eddie: OLD GLORY INTO A CHAIR!!! Did you see the hangtime of that move?! He was in the air for at least a minute and a half!

Travis: I think he might have shown up on a military radar with the height of that move.

Eddie: But you have to wonder how advisable a move that was, as Patriot seems to have taken as much, if not more, damage than Draven did.

((Patriot lays, crumpled up, facedown on the mat, both arms wrapped around his chest. Even so, Patriot climbs to his feet, climbing the cage. Draven gets up, pulling Patriot down, in a powerbomb-like move. Picking up the chair off of the floor, Draven waits for Patriot to get up, then returns the favor, cracking Patriot in the face with the chair, then draping the chair over Patriot’s face, backing up, and hitting a low dropkick into the chair. Patriot rolls away, clutching the mask over his face. Draven drops the chair onto the floor, pulling Patriot to his feet, and hitting an implant DDT onto the chair. Draven steps back, then turning to move to the cage door.))

Eddie: Draven may have this match won right here. Let’s just hope that it was enough to keep Patriot down, for Draven’s sake.

Travis: See?! I told you Draven was going to win! Patriot’s a loser!

Eddie: Well, look at this. Ace-Man taunting Scott Mercer.

((Outside the ring, Ace-Man is insulting Scott, and, after a while, Scott moves toward him. Ace-Man's hand, in an almost invisible motion, grabs the bottom of the cage door, slamming it wide, into Scott’s face, the ricochet sending the cage door back, into Draven’s face. Draven blocks it, and reaches out, grabbing Ace-Man, and shoving him away from the cage door, Ace-Man's head hitting the cage itself, Ace-Man falling limp Draven continuing to exit the cage. Patriot, however, seems to be somewhat cognizant, and his eyes, behind the mask, widen slightly at the action. With a roar that silences the crowd, Patriot charges Draven, pulling Draven back into the ring, and rifling off several hard punches, Draven’s head crashing repeatedly against the cage. Putting Draven on the top turnbuckle, Patriot climbs up after him, hooking his legs over the top rope, grabbing Draven from behind, and german suplexing him off of the top turnbuckle. No sooner is Draven airborne as Patriot is already standing on the top turnbuckle, then jumping,))


((Patriot lands at the same time Draven stops moving, then, instead of going to the open door, climbs the cage, making the top of the cage quickly, and standing on top of the corner. ))

Travis: He wouldn’t!

Eddie: He would! And he did!

((Patriot, again, jumps from the top, hitting Old Glory from the top of the cage, then moving toward the door, making it out of the ring easily. ))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match, The Patriot!

((Patriot throws his hands up with Ace-Man, lunging toward Scott, sending Scott sprawling. Patriot walks up the ramp, passing the rest of Bad News, coming down to check on Scott and Draven.))

Eddie: What a great night this has been so far!!

Travis: NOOO! Draven, you no talent piece of trailer park trash! You just cost me 500 bucks!

Eddie: That was a spectacular win for Patriot. Draven had the match won, it seemed, until he went after Ace-Man.

Travis: Draven, you wuss!

((Travis hides under his desk as Draven and Bad News move toward the back, and Draven moves toward Travis, held back by the rest of Bad News.))

Eddie: Apparently, Travis has nothing else to say. Get back up here, Travis. We have another match to call tonight.

((Show fades to a commercial for 1-800-CALL-ATT. Carrot top is standing in a gym dressed like the dork that he is.)

Carrot Top: When you need to make a collect call, just use--

(Suddenly Amy flies into the scene and hurricanranna's Carrot Top to the floor. He lies there unconcious.)

Amy: Shut the hell up! Nobody wants to hear you. (She turns to the camera) Now, listen up. You'd better use 1-800-CALL-ATT when you make a collect call. Dial down the center (close up of her hand) that's 1-800-CALL-ATT! It's free for you and cheap for them. If you don't I'll send him to your house.

(Camera pans over to reveal a growling Obake.)

Obake: Dial it and save...or else!))

Eddie: Folks while we were at commercial, a little fight broke out back stage.

Travis: I would hardly say little.

((Camera cuts to back stage with the words Moments Ago at the bottom of the screen. Seph, Soth, and Creeper are standing around the snack table talking and eating when Bad News all but Enforcer come out from no where start beating away on the members of Darkside. Before the fight can get out of hand Obake and several refs rush down the hall breaking up the fight. The camera cuts back to Eddie and Travis.))

Eddie: Well looks like the Bad News kept true to their words.

Travis: But I put money down that Darkside will seek revenge yet again.

Back Alley Brawl
Enforcer vs Pallimon

Eddie: And coming up now is the match made earlier tonight. The back alley brawl between The Enforcer and Palimon.

Travis: We have cameras out there now so let's go!

((The camera cuts to the parking lot but it's empty. Loud banging noises come from the door leading into the arena and the door suddenly slams open due to Palimon being tossed into it. Stalking right behind him is the Enforcer and a referee. The Enforcer steps out into the parking lot and kicks Palimon in the side of the head as he tries to get back to his feet. The Enforcer waits until Palimon tries to stand again and this time levels him with a huge right hand.))

Eddie: Talk about starting a match off with a bang!

((Pallimon crumbles to the ground and plays dead. Enforcer kicks him in the ribs a few times before trying ti pick him up, once his feet Pallimon pushes Enforcer away and staggers a bit before performing a standing dropkick to the chest of Enforcer.))

Travis: I hope that big dummy Enforcer dosen't damage my car again.

((No sooner does Travis say that then does the Enforcer stagger backwards into a car. He gets drilled by Palimon who comes charging in clothelining the big man over the hood of the car. He stalks around to continue the assault only to meet by a hubcap to the head. The Enforcer takes the hubcap and slams it into Palimon's head two more times before the hubcap is just a shapeless hunk of metal. Now busted open Pallimon wipes the blood from his head before sliding off the car and trying to stagger away. Pallimon grabs and opens the car door slamming it into avancing Enforcer. Enforcer becomes breifly dazed as Pallimon goes back to him only to garbs the back of his head. Enforcer elbows Pallimon in the gut a few times but Pallimon comes back with a chop to the throat. As Enforcer gasps for air Pallimon grabs the back of his head and slams it threw the car door window.))

Travis and Eddie: HOLY SHIT!

Eddie: The Enforcer just went head first through the window of that car.

Travis: And now both men are bleeding! Yes! BLOOD!

((The Enforcer hangs in the window for a moment, blood streaming from the cuts on his forehead, Palimon pulls him back to a standing position and drills a right hand into his forehead right into the cut causing the Enforcer to bleed more. The Enforcer staggers and drops to a knee as Palimon drives another fist into his skull. The Enforcer wobbles a bit and then grits his teeth and drives his forearm into the groin of Palimon dropping him with the perfectly legal low blow. He kicks Palimon in the head before pulling him back up to his feet and picking him up over his head he drops Palimon in a gorilla press slam onto the hood of another car setting the alarm off. Pallimon slowly slides off the car hood and to the ground below. Enforcer grabs the hood of his tunic and starts to grabs him across the ground over to a dumpster.))

Enforcer: As you would say, Time to take out the trash!

((Enforcer picks Pallimon up over his head ready to throw him in when Pallimon slipes down and drop kicks Enforcer face first into the side of the dumpster. Pallimon then delivers a snap DDT to Enforcer. The Enforcer rolls around on the ground his head bleeding even more now due to the DDT. Palimon has turned to the dumpster and is rummaging through it looking for a weapon one would guess. Meanwhile the Enforcer staggers to his feet and crouches down. Palimon pulls a 2X4 from the dumpster and turns around only to get speared into the side of the dumpster. The back of his head hits with a solid THUD, and both men slump to the ground as the Enforcer's head also hit. Palimon falls on top of the Enforcer and the referee rushes in to count. 1...2...and the Enforcer manages to kick out. He grabs the 2X4 and rams in into Palmon's ribs twice before tossing the board aside and pulling Palimon up and then dropping him with a chokeslam. Pallimon lays still as Enforcer looks down on him a moment to recover from his own wounds. Enforcer shakes his head and pulls Pallimon up to his feet, Enforcer then slams the head of Pallimon over and over into the side of the dumpster leaving a large bloodly dent where his head once was before Enforcer lets go and Pallimon falls to the ground. Enforcer drops and over him. 1...2...kick out from Pallimon.))

Eddie: I think Enforcer is more concerned about punishing Pallimon then winning.

Travis: As much as I love the BLS, I wish i knew this match was going to happen.... I would have taken a taxi here tonight.

((The Enforcer is back on his feet and is met with a thumb to the eye from Palimon. He whips the Enforcer into the side of another car, putting a huge dent in the door. Palimon runs over and drives his foot into the Enforcer's head crushing it between the door and his foot. He pulls the Enforcer to his feet and rocks him with a right hand before ripping the antenna off the car and whipping the Enforcer with it across the back. The Enforcer grunts with every lash and manages to turn around and grab the hand that the antenna is in. He headbuts Palimon to make him let go, but the headbutt affects him as well and both men stagger backwards from each other, groggy.))

Eddie: Looks like that headbutt from the Enforcer was not one of his better ideas.

((Pailimon regains his bearings first and charges, the Enforcer dodges out of the way at the last second leaving Palimon to run full speed into the side of an HWC equipment truck. Pallimon grunts painfully as he hangs slightly on the side of the truck. Enforcer then grabs him by the back of the neck and returns the favor earlier by slamming Pallimon's head threw the trucks door window. Pallimon bleeds more and his body is limp and at the mercy of Enforcer.))

Eddie: Looks like its over now. Smalls and the BLS will never see gold again.

((Enforcer with his hold still on Pallimon pulls him away from the door to only whip him into the bed of the truck. Pallimon groans and lifts his head finding a tool box. He reaches for it while Enforcer comes around and grabs his legs to pull him from the truck.))

Travis: Come on Palimon get up! You need to win this thing!

((The Enforcer slides Palimon out by his legs and is met by a hammer to the head as Palimon pulled the item free of the toolbox just as the Enforcer pulled him out. The Enforcer dosen't fall but instead holds his head and staggers around groaning. Palimon goes after him again this time nailing the Enforcer in the back, the Enforcer screams in pain and drops to a knee. Palimon wipes the blood from his eyes and swings again dropping the Enforcer face first on the blacktop of the parking lot.))

Eddie: I may have spoken too soon.

((Palimon reverses the hammer so that the claw end is facing out he rears back to swing and finds himself hammerless.))

Ref: Hey! You can beat him but not kill him!

Palimon: Why you...

((Palimon grabs the ref and is about to inflict some bodily harm on him when a pair of arms grab him from behind and toss him in a release German suplex through the windshield of a car.))


((Pallimon lays there as Enforcer climbs up and starts beating away on the head of Pallimon. Both men now covered in blood the badly hurt Pallimon manages to get hi foot up to kick Enforcer off him. Enforcer tumbles back landing hard on the ground as Pallimon tries to climb out of the car. In the passenger seat Pallimon finds a crow bar and grabs it. Enforcer now back on his feet opens the car door to pull Pallimon out. Pallimon swings blindly and hits Enforcer in the chest with the crow bar.))

Eddie: Travis why do you have a crow bar in your car?!

Travis: Honestly? It was intended for Jeff Wylde.

((The Enforcer staggers backwards as the crowbar lands in his gut. He sees the crowbar coming at him again but is unable to block the shot and takes it to the head and falls. Palimon drops for a cover. 1...2...and the Enforcer gets the shoulder up.))

Eddie: How in the hell did he kick out of that? With the amount of blood these two men lost they should both be dead by now!

Travis: These aren't men Eddie. These are HWC athletes! No one in the world is tougher!

((The Enforcer is pulled to his feet and Palimon turns him around and starts choking him out with the crowbar. The Enforcer drops to a knee and the referee starts checking his arm. He lifts it once, it falls. A second time, it falls. A third time...))

Eddie: If his hand drops this time then the BloodLust Slayerz get a title shot next week!

((The hand falls! The bell rings.))

Travis: YES! The Slayerz get a title shot right here next week!

((Palimon stands unable to belive that he used the crowbar to choke out the Enforcer, who is now lying in a bloody heap at his feet. As the referee raises his hand in victory he suddenly is staggered from behind as Draven Masters and PitBull show up.))

Draven: He said we wouldn't interfere in the match! He never said anything about after the match was over!

((Draven holds Palimon up and PitBull starts to wear him out with the crowbar repeatedly ramming it into his ribs.))

Pit: Something to bring to the tag-title match next week!

((Draven shoves Palimon towards Pit and Pit takes him down with a drop toe hold onto the surface of the parking lot. The Enforcer is back up.))

Enforcer: Hey Palimon. You won the battle, but you're about to loose the war. Draven, take him out!

((Draven stalks over and grabs Palimon and picks him up over his shoulders.))

Travis: No! He's not going to do this! That'll kill him!

((Draven swings and drops Palimon face first with the Master Plan. They stand over him and kick him before Beowulf comes out weilding a baseball bat running them off. They dive into the SUV which Blood has pulled up behind them and drive off leaving Palimon laying on the ground in a puddle of blood with Beowulf standing over him protectivley.))

((Camera cuts back stage showing Autumn walking down the hall looking none to happy. She reaches Smalls office and enter not bothing to knock. Smalls looks up from sitting on the couch watching Slaughter on a big screen. He frowns seeing Autumn as he stands to meet her face to face.))

Smalls: Don't you eve knock?!

Autumn: Real funny what you did at Assault!

Smalls: What are you talking about!?

Autumn: The fony message about a family emgerency!

Smalls: I had nothing to do with that.

Autumn: Sure you didn't Smalls! You never do anything wrong here.

Smalls: Right.

Autumn: You have been a thorn in my side long enough! I'm tired of fighting with you Smalls....

Smalls: I'm glad.

Autumn: But I'm not just going to let you run things as you will like you have been doing! Maybe I should let Obake deal. This is not your fed Smalls, it's mine.

Smalls: Try not to be a child about this. Face it I bring in better ratings then you, my matches are more interesting then yours!

Autumn: Now whos the child!

((Autumn turns and leaves Smalls to him self. Smalls chuckles before plopping right back down on the couch.))

((Camera opens up on someone putting on a pare of Nike's, the camera follows them around only showing the shoes. It goes from the person walking then suddenly running. It then cuts to the same someone doing a kick flip on a skate board and then kicking someone in the balls followed by stomping some bald head thug's head. The camera pans up showing Amy standing over the broken guy holding her skate board.)

Amy: Hey just do it...... No not that prev..

(Amy the kicks the camera and the scene goes black.))

Hardcore Match for the IC Title
Sephiroth(c) vs Chloe

Eddie: Tonight has be a night of blood and gold and this match has it all.

Travis: Ooo Main Event time.... gore gold and goodies!

Eddie: If you say so. Folks Seph's IC title is on the line in a Hardcore Match.

Travis: All thanks to Martin Smalls. Only a man like him can think up the best matches.

Eddie: Uh sure...

Jean Fortello: Tonights Main Event is a Hardcore match and is for the Intercontinental Title.....

((The lights go low and the black lights flick on as a low hideous dark laugh is heard and the words "Gehenna is here" appear on the screen "Dark and Grey" plays over the loud speaker.))

Jean Fortello: To the ring weighing in at 246 lbs, he is the Intercontinental Champion..... SEPHIROTH!!!

((Sephiroth steps out behind the curtain as it begins and the Black Lights show his skin in a illuminous white. He bears his fangs and pulls out a Ivory-hilted Katana. He raises his blade high in the air and reaches the full height right when the words "F*** Off" hit then a V-line of Lightning effects strike right in front of him causing the whole stage to blast with green pyre. The lights then raise as green flames erupt from under the walkway. Sephiroth slowly sheaths his blade and walks calmly to the ring. He steps inside the ring and undoes his trenchcoat. He removes it and the sword-sheath handing them to the ring girl and with a smile is ready.))

Travis: Wow! Now thats an encrance!

Jean Fortello: And the challenger from Allentown..... CHLOE!!!

((The lights dim and red spotlights come on with a greyish cold mist rolls over the ground.Her theme starts as black lights flash at the stage entrance. Chloe comes out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring. Before she gets in she circles around and grabs a chair from the time keeper and slides in. The bell rings and before Chloe can get to her feet Seph kicks the chair out of her hands. Chloe gives Seph a low blow before deliving a DDT to Seph driving his head into the chair. Seph rolls over and holds his head while Chloe slides out. Lifting up the ring apron Chloe starts pulling out all sorts of weapons and tossing them into the ring. Such weapons as a lead pipe, a stop sign, a pool cue, a hubcap, a noose, and a bowling pin and ball. Seph gets to his and tries to get rid of the hardcore weapons before Chloe climbs back in. He manages to throw out the bowling ball before Chloe's back in and hits him with a Headscissors.))

Eddie: Whoa Chloe is a fire tonight and showing no mercy towards Seph.

Travis: Once she kills off Seph, Chloe will be on mine.

Eddie: Can you keep your thoughts on the match?

Eddie: I am!

((Seph grabs the bowling pin and smacks it into the head of Chloe as she grabs seph to pull him to his feet. Seph gets to his feet and pulls Chloe up, he then whips her into the corner. Chloe is unable to stop her self before the back of her body slams into the ring post. Seph charges at her with a spear but Chloe moves out of the way at the last second causing Seph's shoulder to slam into the ring post. Chloe comes from behind and rolls Seph up. 1...kick out by Seph.))

Travis: That's not going to be enough to stop Seph that's for sure.

Eddie: I think Seph might have dilocated his shoulder when it met with that ring post. But yet he managed to get that same shoulder up to break the count.

((Chloe gets up and pulls Seph up nailing some hard chops to his chest. Seph tries to counter with a blow of his own by Chloe blocks and pulls him into a snap suplex. Chloe moves away to grab a weapon, she comes back to Seph with the stop sign and brings it down on his head. Seph brings his feet up kicking it sending it back smacking into the face of Chloe. Chloe drops like a rock and Seph gets to his feet. Picking up the stop sign Seph slams it over and over into the body of Chloe, she rolls over onto her belly and covers her head as rage enters the eyes of Seph.))

Eddie: Seph's snapped! What a sick man!

Travis: Alright now we see some blood!

((Seph tosses the sign away and drops rolling Chloe over onto her back and pins her. 1...2..kick out from Chloe. Seph pulls Chloe to her feet and delivers a Frankensteiner before covering her again. 1...kick out. Seph pulls her up again and whips her to the ropes, coming back Seph sets up for a close line but Chloe ducks and comes off the other side with a swinging neckbreaker to Seph. Chloe gets up and heads to the turn buckle climbing up it, leaping off she goes to land a leg drop to Seph. Seph rolls out of the way as Chloe lands hard and painfull on the mat. Grabbing a chair already in the ring Seph climbs the smae turn buckle and leaps off, this time nailing Chloe in the head with the chair as she gets to her feet. Seph goes for another cover. 1..2...3NO the ref sees Chloe put her foot on the ropes. Seph looks beside him self in anger.))

Eddie: Smart move by Chloe.

Travis: Dam Seph nearly had it!

Eddie: Who are you cheering for?

Travis: (pause in thought) I don't even know any more.

((Seph pulls Chloe to her feet and whips her into the ropes again this time landing the closeline. Seph doesn't bother with the pin, instead he pulls Chloe to her feet again and ties her up in the ropes. Going for the chair again Seph beats it into the head of Chloe busting her open. Blood starts to run down her face.))


Eddie: Calm down Travis, he might here you.

((With an animal look in Seph's eyes like he lost it he continues to beat away on Chloe. By the fourth hit Chloe manages to kick Seph below the belt. Seph's eyes cross and he drops the chair before dropping to his knees. At last Chloe manages to get her arms free from the ropes and drops down. She leans against the ropes and whipes the blood from her face resting a moment while Seph wirthers in pain. Seph moves slow starting to get to his feet as Chloe tries to pull her self up by the ring ropes. Seph is up first and grabs Chloe bringing her over to the turn buckle where slams her head into a half dozen times before Chloe counters with a back elbow to Seph. Facing him Chloe lands blow and blow into the chest of Seph. With a slight growl Seph grabs her and whips her into the ropes. Chloe comes back landing a Tornado DDT to Seph. Chloe quickly goes for the cover. 1...2...kick out by Seph again. Chloe slams her fists against the mat as she drips blood. Chloe gets up and grabs a weapon this time grabbing the noose. Putting it around Seph's neck while still down, Chloe drags him over to the turn buckle. Seph grabs the rope around his neck thrashing and kicking trying to get free and get air into his lungs. Climbing upon the turn buckle Chloe pulls Seph to his feet with the noose, once he is up Chloe lets go of the rope. Seph greatly sucks air into his lungs and pulls the noose off from around his neck. Chloe leaps off and delivers the Hurracanrana to Seph. Chloe rolls to her feet and grabs Seph whipping him into the turn buckle, on impact he cumbles to the mat leaning against it unable to stand. Chloe pick up a lead pipe and rushes over to the still dazed Seph. In mid swing she stops and looks Seph who has a almost horrifed look in his eyes.))

Eddie: She stop?!

Travis: What is she doing!? FINISH HIM OFF CHLOE!!!

((Chloe's eyes lighten and she drops the pipe. Moving away from Seph she grabs the mic away from Jean and walks back over to Seph.))

Chloe: I'm sorry..... I can't do this...... I Quit!

Eddie: Chloe just quit the HWC!

Travis: NOOOOO CHLOE COME BACK! I need you!!

Eddie: Get ahold of your self Travis!

((Travis starts to cry as the camera turns back to Chloe in the ring looking at Seph still laying against the ring post.))

Chloe: I just can't do this any more........ Seph..... I'm pregnant!

((Chloe drops the mic and quickly leaves the ring still whiping the blood from her face. Seph is left there motionless with a look of shock on his face. Even the Eddie and Travis are in shock and have no idea what to say about this.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades. Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))