Saturday Night Slaughter
Birmingham, Alabama at the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.))

Standard Match
Bull vs Darkside

All the lights go out, girls voices can be heard whispering, after about 5 secs this stops and smoke starts to flood into the ring and entrance area (not that you can see any of this). Ich Vil then starts playing, every 5 secs a red or white light flashes somewhere in the arena, then after about 2 flashes it goes to 4 secs etc. Then when the lights are flashing every second a loud bang is heard. All the lights go out then after about 10 secs a single white light is focused in the centre of the ring on a shadow, the shadow is kneeling on his left knee and has right arm outstretched diagonally upwards, eventually after the smoke clears the shodow is seen and it is none other that The Darkside. On the big screen while all this is happening we are hovering through a graveyard at night it is quite foggy, then after about 15 secs transparent images of The Darkside folding his arms, walking around etc. are shown over the graveyard picture, the images become less transparent and then after about 15 secs they are not transparent at all and the graveyard fades out in the background. We are then shown clips of The Darkside in action. Lights come up and Darkside is seen making his way to the ring. As he climbs in his music is cut off by Hero Of The Day. Bull comes running from the back and slides into the ring. His msuic cuts quickly and the bell rings as the two men tie up.))

Eddie: Looks like we are going to see some fire from these two.

Travis: yea kinda makes you wish there was a remote to the HWC Tron so you could flip and see what else is on.

((Before the match can get going Martin Smalls along with BloodLust Slayerz come out from the back.))


Eddie: What the hell!

Travis: Oh this should be good.

((All three match there way rinh side while Bull and Darkside look at them confused. Smalls doesn't say another word in till he's inside the ring.))

Smalls: No this won't do.... no offence but no one wants to see you two fight! What the people want and came to see is.. MY BOYS come in and destroy this. And you two will be the first victoms for tonight.

Eddie: Victoms?

Smalls: So right here right now I am making his a Tag Team Match. (crowd boos loudly and lets out with can't of YOU SUCK) ...Bull and Darkside vs... BLOODLUST SLAYERZ! Start the match!

((The bell rings and BLS come full force at the two.))

Eddie: Can he do that?

Travis: He's the VP of course he can!

((Beowulf delivers a big boot to the face of Darkside while Palimon gives Bull a sit down power bomb. After a few minuets of the burtal match the lights go out and the HWC-Tron comes to life. Earlier this week flashes across the screen as the camera fades in from black to the inner streets of a unknown city. People move everywhere as the hustle and bustle of the city never seems to slow. The camera goes down the street when it suddenly cuts down to look directly at the street. Suddenly the camera somehow flies downward until it reaches a hidden tunnel. The camera then heads down the path until it reaches the Fortress of the Finest. Patriot is laid out on the couch, Miss America wrapped up in his arms, and Ace-Man is sitting in the chair with a video in hand. The television is still running, Superman flying across the screen. As Patriot and Miss America are asleep on the couch they are oblivious to the fact that Ace-Man is sneaking to the VCR. As Ace reaches the television he pops out the Superman tape and slips in the new one, pressing play. As Ace-Man gets back to the couch the video begins, “Batman”flashing across the screen. As soon as the Batman theme music begins to play Patriot jumps to his feet and turns to Ace-Man.))

Patriot: What in the hell happened to my Superman tape?

Ace-Man: I have no idea, someone must have taped over it!


((With his dramatic cry echoing through the building Miss America jumps in shook.))

Miss America: What’s going on, what happened?

Patriot: Someone taped over my Superman tape!

((Miss America frowns and glances at Ace-Man, seeing a tape in his hand.))

Miss America: Check the tape honey.

((Patriot turns to the television and pops out the tap, seeing the Batman label on it. As Patriot does this Ace-Man lays the tape in his hand on the chair and sneaks out of the room. Patriot then turns to Miss America with the frown still covering his face.))

Patriot: Somehow my tape changed, I don’t know what’s going on. My tape is mutating!

((Miss America smacks herself on the forehead and looks up at Patriot.))

Miss America: It didn’t mutate, Ace-Man switched it while we were asleep! Look at the chair for crying out loud!

((Patriot turns to the chair and as he sees the Superman tape he tosses the Batman one across the room. Patriot then begins to take off towards the door Ace-Man took but Miss America stops him.))

Miss America: The camera’s are here so you don’t have time for that!

Patriot: He messed with my Superman tape, I can’t take that!

Miss America: You don’t have time!

((With a stomp of her foot Miss America sends Patriot turning around towards the camera. Patriot paces back and forth as he talks with a serious tone.))

Patriot: You know I have had some trouble recently with a lot of people. I have had a lot of things happen and just haven’t touched on them, until now. You see I have had an offer to join the Darkside, and have now come up with an answer.

((Patriot pauses and turns to the camera.))

Patriot: Darkside, that’s right I have the answer. I fell that it would be a very idiotic decision for me to join the Darkside, well because I already have a team and I am not leaving it! You know the Finest started out as Ace-Man and I but has gotten Miss America into its ranks! You see, our ranks are growing and we are standing for America. That’s right, for America not the dark side of the world.

((Patriot once again begins to pace back and forth.))

Patriot: Well now that that is over I can get onto the real stuff. You know BloodLust Slayerz, you and Bad News are going to get a taste of the Finest. I don’t care what you try to ovoid but one of the two of you are going to get a taste of the Finest that will linger with you forever! I don’t care what Ace-Man and I have to do but we are going to get back at you with an American touch! I just can’t wait to see you in the ring because I have been out of the ring to long and am going to take all the pain built up out on your sorry asses. Just try to remember this is for America!

((Patriot turns to Miss America for conformation, she nods. As Patriot sees this his face lights up and he takes off out of the room after Ace-Man. Miss America just sits down on the couch as sounds of a beating in the background can be heard. The camera fades to black. The lights come up and there in the ring is Patriot and Ace beating away on BloodLust Slayerz knocking them out of the ring. Smalls climbs out leaving with BLS as Patriot grabs the mic.))

Patriot: America will not roll over and give up from sucker punches from cowards! The winner of tonights Main Event...... will be facing the Finest at Assault!

((The crowd brust with cheers that rock the arena. Patriot stares hard at Smalls and BLS as they head back of the ramp shouting threats.))

Eddie: America is heading for the gold and it seems nothing will stand in their way.

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Reinforcements, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows The Tiger and Obake playing the game. Obake is using Tiger, and Tiger is using Obake. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

((Backstage hushed voices are heard as the camera round a corner finding Smalls talking with BLS.))

Smalls: Now remember what I told you. The plan is set in place, you know what you have to do. Don't screw it up!

((BLS nod and turns walking off down the hall.))

Mia vs Natasha

Eddie: Welcome back folks...

Travis: This is the match I've been waiting for all night...My angel Mia...

Eddie: Oh god...What about Natasha? What do you think about her?

Travis: She's hot too but Mia is so young and sweet...

Eddie: Yeah...Anyway let's get on to the match...

((The lights go out and spotlights go over the crowd, but stops on the stage. All Grown Up begins to play as the screen above the enterance begins to show highlight reels of Mia in a few matches and her victories. Some other scenes show her in deep mediation,in training with Johnny, and her and Amy running around Tokyo. Mia walks out onto the stage and looks over the crowd. She takes a flying leap and begins to do backflips to the ring. She comes to a stop and does her usual anime pose. She climbs in the ring and up onto one of the ringposts and does another anime pose making the crowd cheer more! She jumps down and waits for her opponent!))

Jean Fortello: Making her way to the ring at this time weighing in at 135lbs from Tokyo Japan, The Otaku Angel Mia Lang!

Travis: Ohhhhh....Yeah baby! Mia is going to kick Natasha's ass all over that ring!

Eddie: Well no one has ever seen Natasha in the ring...She might actually take Mia down!

Travis: How dare you speak of her in such a manner!

Eddie: Oh boy...

((The arena goes dark and a single spot light hits the stage and lighting strikes the stage. The whole time all this is going on all that can be heard is breathing. Then a second Lighting bolt hit the stage and Hero of the day begins and the spot light shines on a man standing with his head down and a women right behind looking and smiling at the man. Then the 2 walk towards the ring and as they walk the lady ways a red flag in front of the man with seems to be making his angry. The 2 walk up the steps and get into the ring as the lady runs around the ring as the man charges at the red flag and they continue to do this till the opponent comes out to ring.))

Jean Fortello: And her opponent weighing in at 210 lbs, from Bendigo Australia,accompied by Bull, Natasha...

Eddie: This woman seems to determined to show the world what she's made out of...

Travis: I wish she would show what's she made out of...Where are my binoculars?

Eddie: Oh lord...This is going to be a long night...

((Mia and Natasha look at each other. Mia seems to be full of confidence as she looks up at Natasha, taking her in and trying to find some weakness to stop the giant. The bell sounds, and they lock up. Mia uses an arm drag and takes Natasha down to the mat. Mia runs into the ropes across from her and goes into a rolling thunder hitting Natasha. Mia gets to her feet and goes for the top rope. She doesn't see Bull come up behind her and hit the ropes, knocking her down doing splits on the ring post. She falls down to the mat and lays there for a minute as Natasha slowly gets to her feet and tries for a Bronco buster but Mia moves out of the way just in time.))

Travis: Damn! That would have been something to see...Natasha's...

Eddie:TRAVIS!!! Don't even finish that sentence!

Travis: What? I was just going to say...

Eddie: I know what you were going to say...I don't what I'm going to do with you!

((Mia picks Natasha up and goes for unprettier. Natasha hits the mat again and Mia goes to the top ring and goes for a swanton bomb. She misses as Natasha rolls out of the way. Mia rolls in pain for a minute and slowly gets to her feet as Natasha goes for a headscissors taking Mia to the mat. Natasha goes for the pin. 1...Mia gets the shoulder up and is picked up by Natasha again. Mia uses a punch to the midsection and kicks Natasha to the mat, before climbing up to the top rope again and spots Bull on the outside of the ring. Mia looks back at Natasha and then at Bull before going for a senton top rope back flip and lands right on top of Bull.))

Eddie: Oh my god! Is she crazy? Her opponent is in the ring!

Travis: Yeah, but she's getting her payback for knocking her off the ringpost...

Eddie: True!! Mia is really giving it to her!

((Mia climbs back in the ring and is hit with a body scissors by Natasha. Mia gets to her feet slowly and is swaying a bit on her feet, but tries to get to the top rope again. Bull grabs her foot as she walks by him, and falls to the mat. Natasha grabs her and goes into a spiked DDT and puts Mia to the mat. Going for the pin.1...2...Mia gets the shoulder up and Natasha can not believe it. She gets Mia to her feet and is hit with an elbow to the midsection. Natasha backs off, and Mia smiles as she goes for a spinning savate kick. Natasha hits the mat and Mia climbs to the top rope spotting Bull who is talking trash to her.))

Eddie: I think Mia really has it out for Bull...

Travis: I wish she would leap on me like that...

Eddie: Oh lord...She would leap on someone like that but it wouldn't be you...

((Mia looks at him with rage filling her eyes and she goes for a moonsault. She hits Bull with it as the count begins.1...2...3...Mia gets back in the ring at the count of 4, and goes after Natasha with an arm drag again and puts her to the mat going for the pin. 1...2... Natasha gets the shoulder up and Mia smacks the mat with a closed fist. She grabs Natasha and goes for another arm drag putting Natasha to the mat once more.))

Eddie: Mia isn't giving up is she?

Travis: Damn right she isn't...She can do it..

Eddie: I have no doubt she'll win!

Travis: That's my little Angel...She's been heaven blessed!

((Mia goes to the top rope and for the swanton bomb hitting Natasha with everything she got. Mia goes for the pin. 1...She's kicked in the ribs by Bull who gets out of the ring after the ref warns him. Natasha tosses Mia off and tries to bite Mia, as she rolls out of the way. Natasha's face hits the mat and she's bleeding from the nose. Mia gets to the top rop again and waits for Natasha to get to her feet and gets ready to go for her Otaku Assult but is knocked down again by Bull. Mia slumps over the ring post and slides down to the mat. Natasha sees this and goes for another Bronco Buster...Mia manges to get out of the way and kicks Natasha in the ass sending her shoulder into the ring post. Mia sees Bull tying to talk some sense into Natasha.))

Eddie: My god...Mia is taking it to Natasha!

Travis: This is the best match I've seen all night!

Eddie: That's true...Both of these women are giving it their all!

((Mia smiles and goes to the top and goes for the Otaku Assault. Bull hits the floor and Mia smiles to herself as Natasha gets to her feet as the crowd starts to cheer. No one notices Sephiroth jump in the ring with a black baseball bat in hand and gets behind Natasha hitting her in the back of the leg as Mia climbs into the ring.She climbs to the top rope and hits a senton top rope back flip and hits Natasha. She smiles up at him as he jumps out of the ring and Mia goes for the pin as the ref appears.1...2...3!))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner The Otaku Angel Mia Lang!

((All Grown Up begins to play as Mia climbs out of the ring and heads backstage.))

Eddie: My god what a match! But why did Sephiroth help her?

Travis: Maybe he wanted to!

Eddie: She was doing good without him...She beat Natasha...

Travis: God I wish Mia would do a bronco buster on me...

Eddie: Oh lord...We'll be back after this...

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

((A limbo pulls up in the parking lot, the door opens and out steps Autumn Lewis. There is a smile on her face as she steps away from the limo and closes the door. Looking around her smile fades catching sight of something behind her. The camera focuses on what she see, a dumpster few feet from the limo with the motionless body of Klaus hanging half way out of it with Hans crumbled laying against it. Both have been beaten badly. Autumn's eyes fill with anger as she storms off inside.))

Autumn: SMALLS!!!

((A camera opens on Blood Dragon sitting by him self before his match with the BloodLust Slayerz. His gaze is looking past the camera, and it is seems a bit lost. Bringing his gaze from whatever he was looking at, Blood stares into the camera. The look on his fae seems as if he is lost in thought.))

Blood: Tonight is a big night for Bad News. We can either walk out of Slaughter winners, and champions, or we can go the other way. Since the beginning of my career I've had a desire to get back at the BloodLust Slayerz for attacking me during my first match. Lately I've gotten the oppurtunity to pay them back just a portion of what I believed I owed them. Tonight I finish what Bad News, the Patriot, and myself have been toying with. After I leave the ring the BloodLust Slayerz will no longer be viewed as one of the most dominant tag teams in HWC history. They will no longer be a feared duo. After tonight the Slayerz become slain.

((Standing, Blood goes to push by the cameraman before another thought hits him. Turning and looking into the camera, Blood smiles almost evilly.))

Blood: Creeper, you are right. Since I challenged you to a match of your choosing I accept the terms for our match at Assault. However, whomever wins the match, whomever gets the pinfall will become the new HWC Hardcore champion. How does that sound to you? Oh, and before you go underestimating my beloved, realize that she is responsible for most of my training. She is the one that taught me to be who I am. And in case you've forgotten who I am I'll remind you. I'm the guy who's taken you to the limit twice now, and I'm the guy who's gonna take your title and any pride you may have in that shell you call a body. Talk to you soon.....

((Turning and walking down the hallway, Blood meets up with his fiance as they arrange for her to leave before his match.))

Eddie: Tonight's shaping up to be quite a night, Travis.

Travis: I can't wait till tonight's main event, Eddie!

((All of a sudden "In the End" begins to play as Sephiroth, Sothren, and Livia walk out on the stage area. The crowd jumps to their feet as they walk to the ring.))

Eddie: Well, here they are! The Kindred are here! They are the Tag Team Champions and tonight they'll defend their titles against Bad News.

Travis: It's going to be great!

((Sephiroth jumps on one turnbuckle and Sothren hops on the opposite both showboating for the crowd as a mixed reaction raises up from the arena. Sephiroth points to some signs in the audience. "Darkside forever", "Marry me, Sephiroth!", "Forget Saddam, get Chloe!". They finally leap off their perches and Sephiroth asks for the mic. Grabbing it from the ring staff he signals and the music stops as the crowd gets to a fever pitch.))

Seph: Enforcer! I heard about this special match... and I must admit it sounds like fun. I mean nothing would please me more than to put your face right into the cold steel of a cage and then beat you over and over again with a baseball bat, or a steel chair, or a sledge hammer. As a matter of fact, I don't need any weapons to destroy you Enforcer. But, I can understand... a cage to make sure no one can help me. Weapons hanging all over so you can fight me off. So you can try to beat me. But, I don't need such frivolities. You know something Enforcer. I think your afraid. Your afraid to face me one on one. So you grab some weapons set up a barrier to block out any of my alliances and hope you can swing those weapons well enough to destroy me. Well, Enforcer, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt! You want your match at Assault?! You got it!!!

((The crowd roars with approval as Sephiroth stops and smiles.))

Eddie: My god! Seph agreed.

Travis: Rethink it Seph!

Eddie: It's going to be hell, living hell.

Seph: You know, Enforcer, time is running out for you! Your living on borrowed time and come PPV time, Time will be up for you. Now, I know many of you are wondering what's going to happen to the darkside now that a traitor was found. Well, let me just answer that by bringing out the newest member of the Darkside! Let me present to you... Cleopatra!!!

(("Gold-lust" plays as Cleopatra walks out in her ring attire holding a black rose. Seph just smiles as she walks to the ring, Sothren holds open the ropes for her as Livia claps. Sephiroth smiles arrogantly and hugs her like an old friend.))

Seph: You see, Enforcer? You see, Smalls? Do you all see the greatness the darkside has to offer, ever-evolving, forever immortal. Like the spirit of Cleopatra herself. We will not go away! The darkside has always been there. And it will always be there, TRAITOR OR NO TRAITOR! And further more...

(("Only in America" by Brooks and Dunn plays as President Autumn Lewis walks out with a mic ready to address Sephiroth as the crowd cheers for the HWC Prez.))

Autumn: Seph, you've been lied to!

((Sephiroth looks confused as does all in the ring.))

Autumn: Chloe had nothing to do with the set up. The traitor is in the ring with you right now!

((Sephiroth looks at all three of his allies. Staring first at Cleo and then at Sothren and then at Livia.))

Autumn: I have the proof right here! Play it!

((The security camera footage plays showing the outside of Smalls office door and walking out the door is first Bulldozer, then Smalls and finally the small form of a woman, stopping out side the door as Smalls turns to face her. The camera stops and zooms in... the traitor is LIVIA! Sephiroth stares in amazement his teeth clenched in hate. Smalls voice is heard as the tape plays.))

Smalls It's just a matter of time Livia, before each and everyone of them fall to my feet.

((The tape ends and Livia backs up getting ready to turn and run but, Sothren grabs the back of her hair and pulls her back pulling her close and looking in her eyes. Sothren drops her in a reverse DDT. Livia crawls on her knees as Cleo grabs her leg. Cleo pulls her to the center of the ring kicking and screaming and grabs her legs performing the Groin Leg Drop. Livia lies in pain as Seph orders Sothren to pick her up. Cleo clears the ring as Sothren lifts Livia to her feet. He throws her to the ropes as Sephiroth readys himself. Sothren grabs her and lift s s Seph jumps. They drop her in the horrifying "Black Embrace". The poor girl is unmoving as Sephiroth stares at her menacingly.))

Travis: Holy shit! Seph has lost it!

Eddie: The real traitor has been found and Seph is not happy.

Travis: Not happy? He's gone insane. Poor Livia!

Eddie: Poor Livia?! She betrayed him, Travis!

Travis: So, what?! She looks good to me!

Eddie: God give me strength.

((Sothren lifts the limp body up over his shoulder. and the Darkside leaves together as "Always" by Saliva plays. and the camera cuts to commercial))

((Camera opens up on someone putting on a pare of Nike's, the camera follows them around only showing the shoes. It goes from the person walking then suddenly running. It then cuts to the same someone doing a kick flip on a skate board and then kicking someone in the balls followed by stomping some bald head thug's head. The camera pans up showing Amy standing over the broken guy holding her skate board.)

Amy: Hey just do it...... No not that prev..

(Amy the kicks the camera and the scene goes black.))

Handicap Match
Blood Dragon vs BloodLust Slayerz

Eddie: And now it's time for our next match.

Travis: This match is genius, Eddie! Another great match brought to you by Martin Smalls.

Eddie: Is it possible to have your lips surgically removed from Martin Smalls' ass?!

((The lights go out. Before the music plays a deep voice of Beowulf say "Summon The Drums of War." The beating of drums start as thier theme does, followed by the crwod brusting into boos. The HWC-Tron show scenes from battles some look like their are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring threw it letting out a battle cry. They slide into the ring waying their weapons and trash talking the crowd feeding off their hatred.))

Eddie: They are the warmongers of the HWC, Travis. But, they are the most dangerous wrestlers to date.

Travis: To date? What are they abussive in relationships? Better warn Tiger.

Eddie: Just shut up, Travis!

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring where Blood Dragon is standing behind the two bloodlust slayerz. Blood Dragon jumps the two from behind as the lights raise and the bell starts the match.))

Travis: What a cheap shot! Can you believe that cheater Blood Dragon, Eddie?

Eddie: Are you serious?

Travis: Always, Eddie. Always.

((Quickly going for the win Blood Dragon does a quick Dragon Suplex on Palimon but Beowulf kicks Blood dragon in the chest before the ref can get down to count. Beowulf and Palimon begin their massive beat down on Blood Dragon kicking him repeatedly down on the ground. Blood Dragon being dragged to his feet by Beowulf who nails a knee to the midsection knocking the wind out of Dragon. Dragon staggers holding his stomach right into Palimon who nails him with a hard hand chop to the chest. Dragon staggering back to Beowulf who lifts him up and drops him in a powerslam.))

Eddie: Ouch! Blood Dragon getting the beating of his life and Smalls must be loving this!

Travis: Oh yeah! He's probably cheering his ass off!

((Palimon lifting Dragon to his feet but Dragon nails Palimon between the legs and tries to surprise Beowulf with a kick to the midsection. But, Beowulf grabs his foot laughing. Dragon goes for an Ensuguri kck but misses and Beowulf sticks his tongue out at him. But, Dragon jumps the other way and nails a reverse Ensuguri. Beowulf falls down and Blood Dragon goes for the Dragon's Rage... but Palimon leaps up to the top rope and lands on both Beowulf and Blood Dragon. Blood Dragon has been crushed by the weight and Beowulf and Palimon raise Dragon to his feet. Palimon sends him into the ropes. and Palimon makes a charge at him with Beowulf close behind. Blood Dragon leapfrogs over Palimon but Beowulf catches him in mid air and pulls a belly to belly suplex throwing Blood Dragon out of the ring. Palimon charges out of the ring by accident slowly getting to his feet. The referee is focused on Beowulf and Blood Dragon on the other side of the ring. Palimon now to his feet but one of the fans in a Bass Fishing Hat punches Palimon dead in the face with a pair of brass knuckles. The fan removes the hat revealing Pitbull!!!))

Travis: What the hell!? Where did he come from?!

Eddie: Blame his mother, Travis. Looks like the odds are even now!

((Beowulf tosses Blood Dragon in like a child and then goes to climb in the ring. Beowulf lifting Blood Dragon for a pumphandle slam but wait Blood Dragon reverses the manuever and locks in the Dragon's Rage. Beowulf tries to fight it but at length taps out. The bell sounds and the winner is BLOOD DRAGON! Pitbull jumps out of the stands and hugs Blood Dragon as they celebrate out of the ring leaving the Bloodlust Slayerz lying in pain.))

Eddie: My god! What a victory!

Travis: Cheaters! Cheaters all of you!

Eddie: Give it a rest, Travis

((Stepping through the curtain after his match, Blood is stopped in hs tracks by a voice yelling his name. Running to greet the voice, that he instantly recgonizes as his fiances, Blood finally catches up to her in the hallway leading to the entry way. Her appearance is enough to let him know something is wrong. Her hair is disheveled, and her right eye is puffy to the point that by tomorrow it will be blackened. There is also a trickle of blood coming from her nose. Taking her in his arms, Blood tries to comfort her if only to find out why she risked coming back to the arena. All he can get out of her however, is "He took her..."))

Blood: What do you mean took her?

Zoe: He took her, he took her....

Blood: Zoe, are you talking about Nadine? Who took her?

((Instantly his mind races. Someone took his child. Names fly through his head. It could be anyone in the HWC. Jeff Wylde, Martin Smalls, anyone from the Darkside....the only thing he knew for sure was that is wasn't the Slayerz. Looking around as the panic and anger begin to set in, Blood finds one of the road crew and grabs him by the throat.))

Blood: Listen to me very closely. After, and I do mean after, Draven and Enforcer are done with their match tell them that someone kidnapped Nadine, and that I went back to the hotel. Tell them to come prepared to restrain me, bail me out, or get out of my way because if I find out who did this I'm going to kill them with my bare hands and bath in their blood. Do not let them leave without knowing what I just told you.

((Taking Zoe's hand in his own, the couple rush to the parking lot of the arena. Jumping into the back of the cab Zoe showed up in, they race towards the hotel.))

((Mia is walking through the halls after her match and is smiling to herself carrying the black rose in hand. She spots Cleo standing by the Kindred's locker room as the sound of screams comes from inside.))

Cleo: I wouldn't go in there just yet...

Mia: Yeah I saw what happened...That is so harsh...But I was going to give Seph my answer...

Cleo: Like I said he's a little upset...

((The sound of smashing glass, objects breaking and the sound of scratching at the door is all that can be heard. Cleo has a smile on her face as she looks back at the door.))

Mia: A little? I guess my answer will have to wait...Wait a minute...

((She digs for a piece of paper in her bag, and takes out a pen and scribbles something on the paper and folds it up. She hands it to Cleo and smiles.))

Cleo: What's this?

Mia: Can you please give this to him when he comes out to get ready for his match...It's my answer...I'll talk to you later Cleo...

Cleo: Bye...

((Cleo watches her walk off and around the corner, and opens the piece of paper and smiles looking at the message.Cleo walks away with the message still in hand and heads for Creeper's locker room.))

Eddie: I wonder what she's so happy about?

Travis: Maybe she accepted!

Eddie: Why would someone that sweet want to join with the Darkside?

Travis: Ohhhhh....She's going bad Eddie! I like 'em that way!

Eddie: Figures...We'll be back after this!

((A commercial for Blockbuster video comes on. The camera pans around the store passing the pre-owned video and DVD section, the new releases section, the action section, the comedies, the dramas, the foreign films, and the sports section. However when it gets to the animae section the shelves are empty. We cut to the checkout counter and we see Reno, Rude, Johnny, Harley and Mia arms weighed down with all the animae videos and DVD's.

Harley: Mia, is this really neccesary?

Mia: You can never have too much anime Ms. Quinn!

Announcer: Now at Blockbuster get, animae, action and so much more. Make it a Blockbuster night.

Reno: I think I just threw my back out!))

(Children of the Korn begins to play as Johnny Star walks out into the arena in a suit and tie. The crowd cheers as he makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand. He climbs in the ring as his music cuts off.)

Hardcore Match
Green Haired Frog vs Creeper

Travis: Here we go with Green Haired Frog against the Creeper!

Eddie: You sound excited about this, what’s wrong?

Travis: Nothings wrong I just finally get a chance to sleep!

The lights dim and Tainted Love begins to blast as Green Haired Frog suddenly appears on the ramp, he then runs to the ring and slides in.

Eddie: It looks like Frog is ready to roll tonight against a member of the Darkside, Creeper!

((Demonoid Phenomenon hits and the lights cut off, lightning shoots from the rafters, striking either side of the stage, and leaving two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flaming areas. Then, the cameras back in their original position, in time with the music, the fires explode upward, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering, and the turnbuckle is doused completely, revealing The Creeper standing on the turnbuckle, right where the fire had been centered. With both Creeper and Green Haired Frog in the ring the match begins, the bell sounding through the arena. Creeper circles Frog and then suddenly leaps upon him, hitting hit after hit. In control Creeper lifts Frog in a vertical press, Frog rolling out of Creepers hands and towards the corner. Creeper turns to face Frog, who leaps into the air on the turnbuckle then hitting a missile drop kick. Frog then waits behind Creeper who gets to his feet and is sent right back down with a bulldog.))

Eddie: Well it looks like Frog is getting the upper hand!

Travis: How in the hell can a man jump around like that?

Eddie: I guess that’s why he calls himself a frog!

((Frog turns to Creeper and lifts him up in a scoop, holding him in the air. With a cocky grin Frog slams Creeper onto the ground. Frog then climbs on the turnbuckle in a perching wait. As Creeper gets to his feet Frog leaps off the turnbuckle with a cross body, Creeper catches him in mid-air. With Frog in his grasp Creeper lifts him in yet another vertical press and throws him up into an impact DDT.))

Eddie: Oh my god, that was insane!

Travis: What happened, I kind of dozed off.

((With Frog dazed Creeper lifts him to his feet and then climbs to the top rope. Creeper then jumps off the top rope and Frog suddenly connects with a hard Super Kick. Creeper flies to the ground as Frog stumbles to gain his balance. In the time Frog regains control of himself Creeper is already getting to his feet, they then both charge one another, grappling up. Creeper gains the upper hand and lifts Frog in a choke slam, sending him right into the ground. Creeper calls for the end and picks Frog up in a chokehold then kicking out the other guy's knees, dropping him to a sitting position on the ground. Then jumping into the air, extending the man over his head at the same time, and dropping him to the ground at the same time he hits.))

Eddie: Epiphany, and the cover!

As Creeper covers he gets the 1...2...3!

Eddie: He did it, the Darkside member Creeper has done it again!

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

((Autumn steps out of her office as she is aproched quickly by Smalls.))

Smalls: What is this about HWC's Finest getting a title shot before BloodLust Slayerz. That match was promised to me!

Autumn: I am a woman of my word Martin.... unlike some around here.

Smalls: Yea I know that Obake is a lying sack of....

Autumn: SMALLS! I was talking about you!

Smalls: Me? I didn't do anything, your the one that gave my match to the Finest.

Autumn: Smalls save it I'm not buying. The Tag Titles will be defended at Assault putting HWC's Finest... (Smalls tries to interupt) AGAINST BloodLust Slayerz .... AND the winner of the Main Event. Try not to look so down, you got what you wanted.

((Autumn smiles walking off knowing she up Smalls once while Smalls is left looking annoyed.))

Tag Team title Match
The Kindred (c) vs Bad News

Eddie: This is going to be a very intense matchup. We have two teams of two, both made up of accomplished singles, and tag, wrestlers. As if that wasn’t enough fuel for this fight, Enforcer took Sephiroth’s title at Oblivion, and then both Sephiroth and Sothren involved themselves in the match between Enforcer and The Creeper, for the Hardcore title.

Travis: I think Sephiroth is angry at Enforcer for claiming that Sephiroth has lost his touch.

Eddie: You’re kind of quiet this week. Did Jeff, by chance, knock some sense into you?

Travis: Is Jeff here tonight?

Eddie: I don’t think so, Travis.

Travis: Jeff is a wuss! I barely felt that punch!

Eddie: Oh? I think I heard he was on his way here. You can come out from under the table at any time, Travis.

Travis: I will, in a minute. I dropped my pen.

Eddie: You mean the pen that’s on the table?

Travis: There it is! Must be a jumping pen.

Eddie: Yeah. And you’re a moron.

Jean Fortello: This next match is set for one fall! Introducing first, the challengers, weighing in at a combined weight of 590 pounds. . . . BAD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

((Click Click Boom hits”, and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, The Enforcer and Draven are standing there. Scott walks out from behind the curtain and leads his two monstrous charges down to ringside.))

Eddie: Enforcer and Draven looking in spectacular form tonight.

Travis: Forget those two! You sure Jeff’s coming?

Eddie: (Eddie laughs.) I don’t know, Travis. You’ll have to wait and see.

Jean Fortello: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 492 pounds, they are the reigning HWC tag team champions. . . . . . THE KINDRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

((The lights go out and “In The End” starts to play. The two brothers step out as a spotlight turns on behind them, the belts gleaming over their shoulders. Their silhouettes show against the bright light. Blue lightning effects strike the stage and red flames burst up in a huge explosion. The lights raise and the two make they're way in the ring. Once inside they both raise they're arms and drop them at the same time causing a massive explosion of purple flames, the referee keeping Enforcer and Draven back, then moving to take the tag titles. The referee holds the belts aloft, then hands them to a ring attendant, the bell ringing.))

Eddie: Enforcer starting out in the ring for the challengers, the brothers Du Lac appearing to be discussing who will start for them.

((The Enforcer charges Sephiroth from behind, while Sothren steps through the ropes. At the last second, Sephiroth steps to the side, slamming Enforcer headfirst into the turnbuckle. Sephiroth drapes Enforcer in the corner, beginning to rifle off punches like a piston. Sephiroth pulls Enforcer out of the corner, like he’s going to sling Enforcer across the ring, then pulls Enforcer back, dropping into a drop toehold, Enforcer’s jaw bouncing off of the top turnbuckle. Enforcer staggers back, Sephiroth doing a sort of low spin, sending out his trailing leg, tripping up Enforcer, dropping Enforcer back, to the mat.))

Eddie: Enforcer already on the wrong end of a vicious assault by Sephiroth.

Travis: Yeah! Sephiroth and Sothren aren’t champions because they can’t back up their words!

((Sephiroth puts Enforcer in a front headlock, moving backward, and tagging Sothren. Sephiroth then moves Enforcer as though he’s going for a backslide, but simply hoists him into the air slightly, moving Enforcer to face Soth. Soth comes off of the top turnbuckle, hitting Enforcer with a missile dropkick in the face. Seph drops Enforcer, who drops to a knee, clutching his face. Soth picks him up, going for a DDT. Enforcer, with a loud scream of triumph, tosses Soth backward, Soth’s body curving around the turnbuckle. Soth drops facedown on the mat, Enforcer taking a moment to finish clearing the cobwebs. Soth gets to his hands and knees, Enforcer kicking Soth in the kidneys like a football. Soth lifts from the ground, his body spinning slightly in midair. Soth lands heavily outside the ring, Draven moving as though he intends to go into the ring, drawing the referee’s attention. Enforcer exits the ring, grabbing several of the stairs, and slamming them down, hard, on Soth’s fallen form, then rolling back into the ring.))

Eddie: Enforcer and Draven using the rules to their advantage.

Travis: They’re both filthy cheaters! Go Soth!

Eddie: Look, there’s Jeff!

Travis: Where?! (Eddie laughs.)You’re an asshole, Eddie!

Eddie: And yet, it’s still funny!

((Enforcer snaps off a shot to Seph, on the apron. Seph moves to go after Enforcer, Enforcer going outside the ring again, Draven having already begun moving. The two men begin to pummel Soth mercilessly, then sliding him into the ring. Enforcer follows, picking Soth up, and bringing his forearm crashing down on Soth’s shoulders. Soth hits the ground hard, his head recoiling slightly. Enforcer stomps on Soth’s head, Soth turning over as a result.))

Eddie: What the-?! Sothren’s laughing!

Travis: Told you he was a weirdo!

Eddie: He’s done that before, though, Travis.

((Sothren rolls out of the ring, standing outside the ring, taking several breaths, still laughing. Enforcer gets close, grabbing Sothren’s hair, picking him up. Sothren reaches up, grabbing the back of Enforcer’s head, dropping from the apron, bringing Enforcer’s neck down across the top rope, the rope snapping Enforcer onto his back. Sothren slides under the bottom rope, dropping an elbow onto Enforcer’s solar plexus, in an attempt to drive the wind from him. Enforcer rolls to the side, then to his feet, in a low crouch. Enforcer explodes into motion, hitting Sothren hard, again. The force knocks Sothren backward, rolling backwards to the corner. Seph makes a tag. Enforcer charges at Seph, who drops to the apron, holding the top rope, sending Enforcer sprawling to the ground. Seph waits on Enforcer, and, as Enforcer gets to his feet, hits a spinning front kick to Enforcer’s face, his aim poor, his shin hitting Enforcer in the face, dropping him. Soth feigns a greater injury, drawing the referee’s attention further, Seph going to grab a chair, waiting on Enforcer to sit up, then cracking Enforcer in the head with the chair.))

Eddie: Sephiroth showing he can play dirty, too. It appears that Enforcer’s out of it. Draven’s still trying to get Enforcer to make the tag, although he can’t- Wait, Draven’s going to help!

Travis: Bout time Draven did something. Giant hunk of dead weight.

((Draven hits Sephiroth from behind, Soth already moving, driving Draven’s head into a turnbuckle post. Sephiroth turns to look at Draven, Soth putting the boots to him, then back to Enforcer. To everyone’s surprise, Enforcer is already standing, waiting on Seph. Seph is the only one that appears unfazed by this, but still can’t react fast enough to stop a hellacious clothesline. Soth, meanwhile, has driven Draven’s head into the turnbuckle so many times that Draven’s forehead is bleeding profusely. Soth lets Draven fall to the ground, Scott punching Soth in the back. Soth wheels on Scott, who begins to run. Soth nears a turnbuckle, Enforcer coming from behind him and driving his head into the turnbuckle post. Enforcer returns to Seph, who is now barely standing. Enforcer picks Seph up, for a powerbomb, his back to a turnbuckle post, Seph rifling off several hard rights, Enforcer dropping backwards, Seph toppling forward, hitting his head on the turnbuckle post. Scott getting on the apron, to prevent his boys from being counted out. Draven gets to his feet about the same time as Soth does, moving forward, and picking Soth up, into a shouldermount position.))

Eddie: MASTER PLAN ON THE FLOOR! Draven looks like he might have used up the last of his energy on that move, though.

Travis: Draven’s an idiot! Seph was the legal man! He should have finished Seph!

Eddie: With the blood covering Draven’s face, I’m sure that was the intent, he just couldn’t see well enough.

Travis: No, it’s just a byproduct of having the IQ of a rock.

((Draven slowly pulls himself to his feet, grabbing the apron. Soth appears to be out cold, Enforcer pulling Seph to his feet, and rolling him limply under the bottom rope. Enforcer climbs into the ring, covering Seph. The ref turns, beginning the count. 1. . . . 2. . . . . . Th- kickout!))

Eddie: Seph just barely kicked out of that one!! And it looks like Soth is starting to get up again.

Travis: Yeah. Seph and Soth are like the energizer bunny. They never stop.

((Eddie taps Travis on the far shoulder, and does his best Jeff impression.))

Eddie: Boo, Travis!

Travis: AAAAAHH! DAMN YOU, EDDIE! I think I just wet myself.

((Eddie is heard laughing. Enforcer waits on Sephiroth, who slowly gets to his feet. Soth, however, is already in the ring, and, as Enforcer begins moving, Sothren hits a drop toehold, Seph dropping to a knee. Enforcer’s head ricochets from the impact, and he falls, limply, but heavily, to the ground.))

Eddie: Great move by The Kindred. This might end the match, right here. What is this?

((Scott gets onto the apron, drawing attention, just trying to give Enforcer time to get up. The BLS come into the ring, from out of the back, dumping Sothren out of the ring, then moving up behind Sephiroth. Behind the referee, Beowulf lifts Sephiroth into the air.))

Eddie: SLAYERZ SPEAR!!!! Holy shit! What the hell are those two doing out here?

Travis: Their jobs! Like you should be doing!

Eddie: Why on earth are they helping Bad News. This has to be the plan Smalls was talking about, but why.

Travis: Shut up aand watch the match.

((Beowulf and Palimon duck out of the ring, the referee turning, again, both Beowulf and Palimon redirecting their attention to Sothren. On the way, Palimon hip-checks Livia into the guardrail hard, dropping her. Sothren slowly gets to his feet. Meanwhile, the referee is counting. 1. . . . 2. . . . 3!!!))

Jean Fortello: The winners of this match, and NEW HWC Tag Team champions, Bad News!

((From seemingly out of nowhere, Cleo is assaulting Palimon from behind. Palimon turns, grabbing Cleo by her hair, nudging his partner. Both turn to look at Cleo, Beowulf lifting her into the air after a hard knee.))

Eddie: Where’re the rest of the Darkside?!

((As if in answer to his question a camera cuts on in the back, showing a locker room labeled only “The Creeper”, with a forklift in front of it. Behind the door can be heard loud sounds of growling, and someone pounding on the door, making dents in the door. The room falls silent.))

Eddie: The BLS have apparently locked The Creeper in his locker room, which means the Darkside is at a disadvantage here. After this hard-fought...

((Eddie is cut off by a large gout of flame behind Palimon as he moves to jump for the Slayerz Spear, on Cleo. The flame dies, The Creeper standing behind Palimon, his hair moving as though by some unseen, unfelt, wind. With a simple shove, The Creeper pushes Palimon from the top turnbuckle, to crash, face-first, into the guardrail. The Creeper’s head snaps to Beowulf, walking toward him with a purpose, his body covered in the same dark hair, almost black fur, his body tensing sporadically. Beowulf attacks, only to get punched, repeatedly, from the back of the head, by Cleo. The Creeper sees the discarded stairs, grabbing them, and bringing them crashing down on the back of Beowulf’s head. The Creeper just wraps his hand in the back of Cleo’s shirt, preventing her from chasing after the BLS, whispering something in her ear. Cleo seems to calm, as the BLS walk up the ramp, watching the two standing members of the Darkside. The Creeper speaks, his voice echoing throughout the building.))

Creeper: There’s a reason we’re not going up there, boys.

((The Creeper points, a wide smile across his face, as Blood Dragon comes out of the rampway, getting one final bit of revenge on the BLS. The Creeper and Cleo move to check on the other two members of the Darkside, helping them to their feet. The BLS splits, and bolts, unable to counter Blood on one side, and the remaining members of Bad News, coming up the ramp toward them, the Darkside in the ring. Blood makes his way into the ring, standing less than an inch in front of him, both of them glaring coldly at the other, neither man blinking, this, in itself, a test of wills. In the end, the simple fact that The Creeper stands surrounded by the rest of the Darkside sways Blood to move. Blood walks up the ramp, joining the celebration.))

Eddie: Great save by The Creeper, and Cleo. Was that we just saw in the ring an acceptance of The Creeper’s match?

((From behind the announce position, a shadow steps into the light, tapping Travis on the far shoulder.))

Jeff: Boo, Travis.

Travis: Ha ha, very funny, Eddie! I’m not falling for that again!

Eddie: (Eddie shrugs.) Whatever, Travis.

((Travis turns, seeing Jeff, and wetting himself. Jeff cracks a smile, and disappears into the back.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))