Saturday Night Slaughter
East Rutherford at the Continental Airlines Arena

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is shown riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is shown one last time before fading out completely.))

(The camera opens up in the back to reveal Blood Dragon standing alone, with a kendo stick clutched firmly in his hand. There is a deranged sort of smile on his face, as he looks up to greet the camera.)

Blood: Patriot, it's not too far off now. It's gonna be brutal, and it's gonna be bloody. I know you're fighting for America, but right now you need to think about fighting for your life instead. Tonight is the first meeting between the new and improved Bad News, and the Darkside. I'm all geared up looking for a fight, and unfortunately it has to be you I tear apart Patriot. I'll see you soon.....even if you don't see me first.

(Turning from the camera, Blood simply walks away, dragging the kendo stick behind him.)

Eddie: Strong words coming from Blood Dragon before the fight.

Travis: Yeah, I can't wait to see what that psycho has instore for the Patriot.

Eddie: He owes you one too, don't forget that. I'm sure he hasn't.

Travis: Why do you always have to remind me of things like that?

Back Alley brawl Match
Ace of Spades vs Bobcat

Eddie: Good evening folks! We're here at the sold out Continental Airlines Arena here in New Jersey! As always I'm Eddie Daniels, and...

Travis: I'm Travis Best! What do we have lined up for tonight? Anything that'll keep me awake?

Eddie: Well there are a few interesting matches tonight, and we have two title matches as well... A Ladder match for the IC Title between Mia and Seph, and the Hardcore I Quit match for the Hardcore Title between the Creeper and the Enforcer.

Travis: Say no more!!! I can't wait for that match between Seph and my sweet sweet Angel.

Eddie: Yeah... Don't you ever think about anything else?

Travis: Yes...Cleo, Chloe, Amy or any other little hottie that I see!

Eddie: I thought not!

Travis: What's that suppose to mean?

((A strobe light begins to flash and Ace's voice yells " YOU JUST GOT DEALT A BAD HAND...BITCH!" After the voice finishes echoing, "The Ace of Spades" begins to blast through the arena. As soon as Ace steps out onto the stage the fans erupt into cheers and "ACE OF SPADES" chants. Ace jogs to the ring and looks under the ring apron. He pulls out chairs, frying pans, tables, cookie sheets, kendo sticks and other weapons and tosses them into the ring. Ace walks around the ring and grabs a mic from the announcers table. He speaks into it and says " AS ALWAYS FOR THIS MATCH, I WILL BE DEALING FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE DECK!" Ace then rolls under the bottom rope and awaits his opponent.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 225lbs from Las Vegas Nevada, the Ace of Spades!

Eddie: The crowd really loves Ace!

Travis: Yeah... If you ask me it's going to be a quick match! Have you seen this guy BobCat?

Eddie: Yes I have, and I think this match is going to be very interesting...

Travis: Yeah whatever you say Eddie...I'll just keep my mind occupied with my sweet Angel Mia...

Eddie: I don't know what I'm going to do with you Travis!

Travis: I don't know either...

((The lights go out completely as "Thoughtless" begins to blast over the PA system. The Bobcat walks out from backstage and flames begins to burst from the sides of the walkway and he makes his way to the ring. Once he's in the ring he steps to the middle of the ringand flames burst from the four ringposts.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 335lbs, from Rock Hill South Carolina, The Bob Cat!

Travis: My money is on the big uy! He's finally going to put Ace in his place!

Eddie: How much you got riding on this match?

Travis: 1000 but that's none of your business!

((Bob Cat and Ace stand toe to toe, as the bell rings. The lock up as the match begins. ACe takes Bob Cat down with an arm-bar take down. Bob Cat lays on the mat as Ace picks up a 2X4 and starts hitting Bob Cat's back as he tries to get up. Ace tosses the 2X4 away and picks Bob Cat up and goes for a Super Kick to the throat sending Bob Cat back down to the mat once more. Ace goes for the pin...1...2...Bob Cat gets the shoulder up. Ace picks him up, but is surprised when Bob Cat uses a headbutt sending Ace backwards. Bob Cat picks up a chair and goes to hit Ace, but Ace catches him and takes the chair from him, tossing it aside. Ace smiles as he slips something on his right hand. It's a pair of brass knuckles. Ace hits Bob Cat and he hits the ground. Ace goes for the pin. 1...2...3!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner Ace of Spades!

(("Ace of Spades" begins to play as he heads backstage.))

Travis: Danm! He shouldn't have used those brass knucks!

Eddie: But remember Travis...This was a Back Alley Brawl and anything goes!

Travis: Yeah that's right! Bob Cat could have killed him!

Eddie: Whatever you say Travis! We'll be back after this!

(The camera cuts to Seph lacing up his boots. Getting ready for his Ladder match. Just then Livia bursts in unexpected.)

Seph: Livia, what are you doing here? I thought you were at the hotel.

Livia: Sir, I got a call at the Hotel... It was Chloe, sir. She needs to speak with you immediatly. She said it was urgent.

Seph: Well, did she say where she would be?

Livia: She said to meet her in her locker room. And to come alone.

Seph: Well, alright. I better get going. Thank you, Livia.

(Sephiroth steps out of the room as Livia smiles)

Livia: Your welcome, my love.

Eddie: What is she up to?

Travis: Who knows. For that matter who cares?

Cage Match
Die Zerstörer vs BloodLust Slayerz

((The camera pans the crowd, slowly at first, then with a rapidity that's astonishing in its intensity. They wonder what's going on, then something explodes. Everyone starts, then laughs at themselves when they see confetti floating down from the ceiling. "The Shortest Straw" plays on the PA,with blue and white lights flashing in the entrance way. After about 15 seconds Klaus and Hans step out. Klaus just stand with his arms folded, glaring at the fans, while Hans paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, his hands on his hips. Klaus rolls in under the bottom rope, Hans vaults to the top turnbuckle. Klaus and Hans flash the "crossed Hammers", their arms crossed at the wrists, their fists balled above their heads. They look up at the cage and start rattling the bars, checking its structural integrity.))

Eddie: Die Zerstorer making an impressive entrance here tonight...

Travis: Yawn-fest. When do we get to Mia?

Eddie: You and this thing with Mia! Get over it already! YEESH!

Travis: How dare you? I...

((He's cut off by Eddie whacking him over the head with his clipboard. Then Eddie sits back and relaxes, basking in the silence. The lights go out. Before the music plays a deep voice of Beowulf says "Summon The Drums of War." The beating of drums start as their theme does, followed by the crowd bursting into boos. The HWC-Tron shows scenes from battles some look like they are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS come running to the ring through it letting out a battle cry. They slide and or jump into the ring waving their weapons and trash talking the crowd feeding off their hatred. Beowulf gives the cage a little kick while Palimon studies it.))

Eddie: This looks to be an exciting match, eh, Travis? These men are trapped inside the confines of a steel cage!

Travis: Who cares? This is boring already!

Eddie: Don't make me thwack you again.

((Travis shuts up and watches the match. It starts off with Beowulf and Palimon double teaming Hans in an attempt to keep the agile man grounded and inside the cage. But they've forgotten Klaus is there too... He does a running chopblock and takes Palimon down. Beowulf turns on Klaus and sees only Palimon flat on his back.))

Eddie: Good strategy by Die Zerstorer... Cut and run. Don't let the BLS catch you.

Travis: I hate to admit it, but you're right.

((BLS look around and see Klaus on one side of the cage. They charge after him, not really seeing Hans anywhere. They won't either. Because once they went after Klaus, Hans went up the opposite side of the cage. He's nearly at the top when Beowulf sees him... He points and they charge, leaving Klaus on the steel mesh of the cage. They're too late to catch Hans anyway... At the same time, both members of Die Zerstorer hit the mat. The bell rings, signalling the end of the match. BLS look around in total confusion and see Hans on one side of the ring and Klaus on the other.))

Jean Fortello: Your winners, DIE ZERSTORER!

(The camera cuts to Seph again outside Chloe's room he steps inside slowly.)

Seph: Chloe? You here?

(The room is pitch black but just then Seph is thrown back by a loud clang to his forehead. Bulldozer and Smalls step out laughing chair in hand as they begin beating Seph senseless with the chairs. just then Sothren jumps Smalls and Bulldozer as Seph lie there bewildered but still in fairly good shape.)

Travis: Good thing Soth was there.

Eddie: Yeah, but was it a trap?

Travis: Duh!

Kendo Stick Match
Patriot vs BloodDragon

Eddie: What a night so far!

Travis: Yes it has! It has been boring! But only 1 or 2 more matches until I see my little Angel!

Eddie: You know she might hit you when she comes out here if you keep saying that!

Travis: I don't think she would do that!

Eddie: I wouldn't put it past her! We got a great match coming up next. Blood Dragon and the American Hero, the Patriot in a Kendo Stick match!

Travis: You mean old red, white and blue is going up against Blood Dragon? Oh boy we're going to see blood!

((As "Downfall" comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into complete darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching over the crowd bathing the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of ring where Blood is standing with arms raised and head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's now raised head in the shape of a Dragon.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 245lbs, from Melbourne Florida, Blood Dragon!

Travis: Yeah! Go Blood Dragon!

Eddie: You never learn do you?

Travis: Learn what?

Eddie: Never mind!

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completly to to black as Jimi Hendrix's verison of the "National Anthem" begins to blast in the arena. Red, white, and blue pyro go off, then as the lights go back on Patriot is standing on the stage waving Old Glory. He slautes it before continuing down to the ring to chants of "USA, USA, USA!!!"))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 280lbs from the Nations Capital Washington DC. accompanied by Miss America, the Patriot!

Travis: Miss America...What a dish! I wouldn't mind showing her my old glory!

Eddie: But I bet the Patriot would!

Travis: If Blood Dragon kills him, and then I'll have a chance right?

Eddie: ...

((Blood Dragon and Patriot look at each other, as the bell sounds. They lock up. Patriot goes for an arm bar drag down. Blood goes down to the mat as the Patriot goes for one of the Kendo sticks that lay in the ring. The Patriot starts to pound away on Blood as he tries to get up. Dragon stops the Kendo stick as it comes down for another strike. Patriot is surprised at this and its hit across the face with the Kendo stick that Blood took away from him. Blood turns the tables and kicks Patriot in the midsection and then starts to hit Patriot with the split Kendo stick in his hand. Blood smiles as the Patriot lays on the mat, as Dragon picks him up and goes for a snap suplex. Patriot hits the mat again and Blood goes for the pin. 1...2...Patriot gets the shoulder up.))

Travis: Why doesn't he die!

Eddie: He's not just fighting for his life in there, he's fighting for America!

Travis: I don't know who's worse, you or flag boy in there!

((Blood picks the Patriot up but is hit in the midsection with a couple of elbows and he lets go of Patriot. Patriot sees another Kendo stick and starts to beat on Blood. Blood gets to the corner and Patriot goes for a flying headbutt but misses as Blood moves out of the way. Patriot slides to the mat and Blood hits him a few more times with the Kendo stick that Patriot dropped splitting it in half. Blood drags Patriot to the middle of the ring and goes for the pin. 1...2...3!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner the Patriot!

Travis: I Lost again!This is not my night!

Eddie: No it's not! We'll be back after this!

((Camera opens up on Obake back stage talking with a few referees about the nights matches. The camera pans left over to the parking garage enternce as The Tiger comes into view. She storms in with a steel chair in her hands. Obake she's her coming and turns to confront her when Tiger swings the chair at Obake. Tiger hits Obake hard enought to knock him on his ass. Before he can get to his feet and lunge at her security swarm on the two doing the best to keep the two apart. Tiger is being pulled away as she shouts angry words to Obake. Obake, fighting against the five security guards holding him back, shouts the same.))


((Camera fades out on the face of Obake, eyes filled with rage still fighting against the security.))

Ladder Match for the IC Title
Sephiroth (c) vs Mia

Eddie: Our next match is a ladder match for the IC title, pitting Mia against Sephiroth!

Travis: How fair is that?! Little Mia going up against that sicko?! Normally, I think Mr. Smalls is a genius, but, does he want Mia to die in that ring?!

Eddie: Travis, Mia’s a big girl. She can take care of herself. You’ll change your tune if she wins.

Travis: Of course. I reserve the right to change my mind.

Eddie: Yeah. Change it into a paperweight. It’ll get more use that way.

((The lights go out and spotlights go over the crowd, but stops on the stage. All Grown Up begins to play as the screen above the entrance begins to show highlight reels of Mia in a few matches and her victories. Some other scenes show her in deep meditation, in training with Johnny, and her and Amy running around Tokyo. Mia walks out onto the stage and looks over the crowd. She takes a flying leap and begins to do backflips to the ring. She comes to a stop and does her usual anime pose. She climbs in the ring and up onto one of the ringposts and does another anime pose making the crowd cheer more! She jumps down and waits for her opponent! ))

Jean Fortello: Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, “The Otaku Angel” Mia Lang!!!!

((The lights dim as a "wall" screen with the HWC logo on it drops over the walkway. Thunder sounds repeatedly as "Fade to Black" begins to play, cutting the previous music short. Some of the sounds are matched with Lightning effects flashing the logo. Then the logo seems to disappear a few flashes revealing Sephiroth's silhouette. Then Lightning effects strike the stage as Pyro explodes, the lights raise and the wall lifts revealing Sephiroth. He walks to the ring slowly his long cape dragging behind, Livia not far behind, her eyes still bearing the blue glow. Once he reaches the ring he stands in the center and just raises his hand to the sky. Then the lights flicker on and off until they go out and Lightning effects strike the ring posts with a crackling sound. ))

Jean Fortello: And her opponent, the champion, Sephiroth Du Lac!!!!!

((The lights go normal, Mia already in motion hitting Sephiroth low with a tackle slightly below the waist. Sephiroth drops. Mia stands, and shoots a hard kick to Sephiroth’s kidneys. Sephiroth’s body curves around the kick, Mia darting out of the ring, to grab the ladder.))

Eddie: Mia taking control here.

Travis: See? What’d I tell you?

Eddie: You said Mia would die in the ring.

Travis: Hey! No fair using my words against me!

((Sephiroth gets to his feet quickly, and rolls under the bottom rope. As Mia turns, ladder in hand, Sephiroth kicks the ladder, braced horizontally over Mia’s midsection, hard into her stomach, sending her backward. ))


Eddie: I think he heard you, Travis. Maybe you should repeat yourself so he can be sure of what he heard. (Travis eeps.)

Travis: Uh, no. I’ll stay here, thanks.

Eddie: Are you going to stay under the desk? If so, make yourself useful. Clean the gum off the bottom of the desk.

Travis: With what?

Eddie: Your tongue. Nice to see you’ve decided to join us topside, Travis.

((Sephiroth takes the ladder in hand, and waits for Mia to stand. When she does, he rushes her, the ladder braced on his shoulder, held like a battering ram. Mia waits, then dropping Seph with a drop toehold, Seph’s forehead ricocheting off of the security barrier. Seph drops to his knee, Mia taking the ladder into the ring. Seph’s forehead is visibly bleeding as Seph staggers to his feet. The only expression on Seph’s face is one of apparent joy. ))

Eddie: What is with these Du Lac brothers? They seem to revel in blood!

Travis: Don’t you listen? They’re sickos!

Eddie: Travis, do I ever listen to you?

Travis: No.

Eddie: Do you see a pattern?

Travis: Yes. You’re going deaf.

Eddie: Did your brain fall out of your head earlier?

Travis: When?

Eddie: Nevermind. That’s enough of an answer.

((Seph takes his time getting in the ring, grabbing a chair on the way. As Mia nears the top of the ladder, Seph brings the chair down, across Mia’s back. Mia sags against the ladder, Seph pushing the ladder over his head, sending Mia crashing down toward the barrier. Seph sets up the ladder again, but, instead of climbing it, exits the ring, again, driving Mia face-first into the barrier. Seph rolls in under the bottom rope, Livia moving in the instant Sephiroth’s back is turned, stomping on Mia maliciously, then backing away as Seph turns to watch Mia, a strange, cruel, but still curious, look on his face.))

Eddie: Livia putting the boots to Mia. Any comments, Travis?

Travis: Oh boy! Two women fighting!

Eddie: Put the binoculars away, Travis.

((Seph is apparently waiting to see Mia’s reaction, still not even making a visible notice of the blood trickling down his face. Mia clambers to her feet groggily, shaking her head to clear the cobwebs. After a cold glare to Livia, Mia approaches the ring slowly, two fingers on her right temple. ))

Eddie: Mia still feeling the effects. At this rate, Sephiroth may end Mia’s career here. But the question remains: Why isn’t Sephiroth taking the time she’s down to get the title?

Travis: Easy. Because he enjoys beating on poor, defenseless women.

Eddie: Travis, she can beat you. So, does that make you less than a defenseless woman?

Travis: No. That makes me smart.

Eddie: Smart? How so?

Travis: Because I’d run.

((Mia steps into the ring, Seph meeting her with a harsh forearm shot. Seph sets Mia up for the Fallen Angel DDT, her feet only a few inches from the ladder. Mia apparently senses this as well, climbing the ladder with her legs, enough to vault over Seph’s back, then shoving him into the ladder. The ladder rocks, but eventually stills, still vertical. ))

Eddie: Impressive move by Mia. And it appears Mia is going to attempt to put this match away with the Otaku Assault.

Travis: Yeah! Go Mia!

((Mia goes for the Otaku Assault, Seph countering by sending the ladder into her, knocking her down. Mia lays on the ground, the ladder on top of her prone form. Seph climbs to the top turnbuckle himself, jumping off, to stomp the ladder into her with both feet. At the last second, Mia shoves the ladder up, the side of the ladder hitting Seph’s descending form, and knocking him backward slightly. Mia quickly gets to her feet, picking up the ladder, and bracing it, horizontally, over the middle rope, between the middle rope and the top rope, the ladder filling the space easily. ))

Eddie: It appears Mia intends to use the ladder to her advantage now.

Travis: If she hurts herself, I’ll go down there and give her mouth to mouth.

Eddie: Travis, you’re a pig, and an idiot.

Travis: HEY! I’m not a pig.

((Mia backs up, running at the pinned Sephiroth, dropkicking the ladder into Sephiroth, then rolling backward to her feet. Sephiroth sags against the ladder as a result, the ladder staying put, effectively pinning Sephiroth in the corner. Mia backs once more, to go for another dropkick, Seph’s head snapping up at the last moment, his face a rictus of odd enjoyment. The ladder is expelled from the corner by Seph’s shove, hitting Mia in the midsection, and dropping her to her hands and knees. Seph moves to the ladder, prying it from under Mia’s body, and setting it up within reach of the title. Seph begins climbing, Mia still motionless. As Seph nears the midway point of the ladder, Mia climbs to her feet, grabbing the now-forgotten chair in the ring, and smacking the bottom of the ladder with it, folding the ladder back together, Seph’s grip on it weighting it one way, and causing the ladder to fall on him. Mia, in a moment of inspiration, rests the chair, folded, against the top rope, the bottom of the chair on the ladder. Mia runs at the chair, backflipping, at the top of the chair, as her path would normally carry her into the guardrail again, and dropkicking the chair as she falls, the chair bouncing back, and sending Mia clear, the chair, on the ladder, driving the ladder itself hard into Seph’s body. Both combatants lay prone for several moments, while the referee begins his count.))

Eddie: What a move by Mia!

Travis: But they’re both down. Mia can’t win the title if the match is thrown out. (( Silence descends for a moment. ))

Eddie: Travis, are you growing a few brain cells?

Travis: Just read it off of the monitor.

Eddie: Ah. Makes more sense.

((At 7, Mia staggers to her feet, then falling back into a turnbuckle, resting there a moment, before walking from the corner. Mia sets the ladder up, again, and begins climbing, albeit slowly, because of the fuzziness in her mind. Seph gets to his feet as well, the wound on his forehead no longer bleeding, the blood dried on his face. Seph moves toward the ladder, simply falling into it, knocking the ladder over, and sending Mia crashing to the mat, hard. Once more, the count begins, both combatants down. ))

Travis: Mia almost had that! STAY DOWN, SEPHIROTH!

Eddie: Travis, get off of the desk! (Travis climbs down.) This is anybody’s match, folks.

((Sephiroth gets to his feet first, and, after looking at Mia, sets up the ladder, again, climbing it slowly. Mia stands, finally, her lighter frame giving her a quicker ascent, and soon, both stand, staring at the other, within arm’s reach of the title. Mia throws a few punches, Sephiroth taking them without even attempting to move, or fight back. Seemingly without warning, Sephiroth ducks slightly, setting Mia off-balance. ))

Eddie: This isn’t looking good for Mia. HOLY SHIT! FALLEN ANGEL DDT!

((Travis is heard giving a slight wail. ))


((Eddie slaps Travis.))

Eddie: Get a grip, man! You’d think you had lost money on whether he’d do that move. (( Silence. So invasive that crickets could almost be heard. )) You did, didn’t you, Travis?

Travis: Of course not! I bet on the winner, Eddie. Don’t you pay attention?

((Sephiroth gets to his feet, and looks at Mia, his shoulders shaking in silent mirth, as he ascends the ladder, watching Mia closely. ))

Eddie: At this point, it’s all elementary. I don’t think Mia’s even conscious.

Travis: Get up, Mia! For me!

Eddie: I don’t think anyone does anything for you, Travis.

Travis: Mia does! ((Eddie rolls his eyes.)) And I’ll be there to nurse her back to health.

((Sephiroth grabs the title, his eyes still on the barely-conscious form of Mia, in case she stands. The title comes free in Sephiroth’s hands, and Sephiroth falls to the ring below, clutching his title, his silent mirth now overwhelming him as he erupts in laughter, for a reason only he knows. The bell rings. ))

Jean Fortello: The winner of this match and STILL HWC Intercontinental champion, Sephiroth!

((The fans applaud the great showing by both competitors. Sephiroth rolls from the ring, walking back to the locker room area, Livia behind him, leaving Mia alone in the ring. Mia regains consciousness, and smiles at the fans, soaking up the applause. ))

Eddie: What a great match we’ve just witnessed here, folks! This night can only get better!

Hardcore I Quit Match for the Hardcore Title
Enforcer (c) vs Creeper

Eddie: Our main event is going to be one of the best matches of this year so far! Enforcer vs The Creeper for the Hardcore Title!

Travis: I loved the match before this...Mia looked hot tonight! Man I don't know what happened to her but man...I want a piece of that!

Eddie: Keep you mind on the match and out of your pants! It's about to start!

Travis: Yeah...Do you think both sides will keep their word about not letting their team mates help them?

Eddie: I don't know Travis...I have a feeling we'll be seeing the Dark Side out here...

(("Click, click Boom" begins to play as the Enforcer walks out onto the stage., and glares at the crowd. He pauses at the top of the ramp and focuses on the referee and steadily stalks to the ring never breaking eye contact until he's in the ring. He turns to face the entrance and waits for Creeper to show himself.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 300lbs, hailing from New York City, New York the Enforcer!

Travis: I have 20 bucks that says the Creeper will be tossed around like a little girl...

Eddie: I wouldn't put anything past the Creeper...He's a talented and disturbed young man but very skilled!

Travis: Yeah but the Enforcer has got the power to kill someone!

(("Demonoid Phenomenon" begins and the lights cut out. Lighting shoots from the rafters striking either side of the stage and leaves two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flamming areas.Then the camera turns back to it's orignal position,in time with the music, the fires explode upwards, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering and the turnbuckle is doused completely, revealing Creeper standing on the turnbuckle where the fire had been centered.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 250lbs, from the Second Tier of Hell, the Creeper!

Travis: The Creeper may look tough but he's not going to take the Hardcore Title away from the Enforcer!

Eddie: You just don't want to lose any more money do you?

Travis: No...

((The Enforcer and the Creeper almost seem to look each other in the eye trying to find the other's weakness. The bell sounds and they lock up. They break the hold and Enforcer slides out of the ring and heads under the ring to get a few "play things" for the match. He throws up stop signs, chairs, lead pipe, 2X4's kendo sticks,a ladder, trash cans and trash can lids. He gets back in the ring but doesn't see the Creeper with a kendo stick in his hands. He hits Enforcer on the back with the Kendo stick and it snaps right in two.Enforcer turns around and grabs him by the neck and does a choke slam to Creeper putting him to the mat. Enforcer grabs one of the chairs and starts beating Creeper with it. His body jumps with each hit.))

Travis: YEAH!! BEAT HIM!!!

Eddie: Travis, sit down! The Creeper is in a lot of trouble...Hopefully he can turn this match around...

Travis: I doubt it!!

((Creeper looks up at Enforcer as he holds the mic to his mouth.He wants to hear "I Quit" but it doesn't escape from Creepers lips. Enforcer throws down the mic and picks up Creeper again tossing his limp body into the corner, and sets a trash can on his chest.He starts stomping away on him until his body slumps to the floor. Enforcer grabs the groggy Creeper and holds him in mid air again going for another choke slam. To Enforcers surprise Creeper gathers enough strenght and beats him on his head and he is dropped to the floor to catch his breath. Enforcer grabs a 2X4 and goes to beat Creeper but he catches it and rips it out of Enforcers hands. Creeper starts to beat Enforcer with it and gets him to one knee. Creeper kicks Enforcer's knee and sends him right to the mat. He grabs the lead pipe and starts beating the Enforcer with it. Enforcer rolls around in pain and is soon bleeding from a cut on his forehead. Blood pours into his face almost blinding him and not seeing Creeper drop the lead pipe. Creeper raises him up and does a Superkick right into the bleeding face of the Enforcer.Creeper grabs the mic and waits to hear the words "I Quit", but they don't come.))

Travis: I knew this night was going to liven up!

Eddie: Enforcer is bleeding from a cut made by the lead pipe.But he's not giving up...

Travis: Well one of them has to die!!!

Eddie: You are horrible...You realize that don't you?

Travis: Yes I do...

((Creeper lifts Enforcer to his feetand goes for a snap suplex into a backbreaker but is reversed by Enforcer into a fallaway slam. Creeper hits the mat and Enforcer grabs another kendo stick and starts beating away on the Creeper. Creeper is now bleeding from his lower lip. The blood also flows from his nose. Creeper doesn't even seem to notice, and just keeps going. He grabs the Kendo stick and runs to the ropes and goes for a clothesline with the Kendo stick in his hands. He nearly takes Enforcers head off with it. Enforcer hits the mat again and Creeper grabs the mic. The words "I Quit" are still not said by Enforcer. Creeper goes to pick the Enforcer up but is hit with that could possibly be one half of a broken 2X4 and knocks the wind out of Creeper, sending him to his knees. Enforcer grabs him does a spinebuster to Creeper. Creeper is on the mat and is now beening beaten with a stop sign that is soon covered with splatters of blood. The Creeper's body shakes with each hit of the Stop sign that is made to him.))

Travis: That's what I'm talking about! Go Enforcer!!

Eddie: I hate to say it but Creeper is taking the worst beating I've ever seen.

Travis: He's getting what he deserves...

((The crowd in the arena erupts into cheers as someone runs through the crowd and into the ring! It's Seph and Soth! They've come to the Creepers rescue! They both have black baseballs bats in their hands, and they stand on either side of the Enforcer and crack him on either side of the head. Seph helps Creeper to his feet and hands him the mic as Soth puts Enforcer in a choke hold. Creeper shoves the mic into Enforcers face and hears the words he wants to hear.))

Enforcer:"I QUIT!"

((The bell rings and Soth drops Enforcer to the mat and laughs along with his brother and Creeper. The Ref walks back in the ring and hands the Hardcore Title to Creeper!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner and new Hardcore Champion The Creeper!

Travis: I don't believe this! I lost over 2000 bucks tonight! I hate my life!!!

Eddie: It's ok Travis...You'll have that plus more made tonight...It'll be alright...

Travis: Yeah that's right!

Eddie: That's all from us here at the HWC folks...Tune in next Saturday night for another night of Slaughter! As always I'm Eddie Daniels

Travis: And I'm Travis Best...Good night folks!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))