Saturday Night Slaughter
Albany, New York at the Pepsi Arena

((Blood Dragon and Zoe are standing in the parking lot of the Pepsi Arena. Zoe is shivering slightly and Blood is pacing back and forth looking at his watch, a small graphic in the lower left hand corner of the screen reads "Earlier Tonight".))

Blood: Where are they?

Zoe: They said they'd be here, just calm down.

Blood: I am calm. (looks at his watch) Where are they?

((Just then an SUV tears into the parking lot and with a suicidal lurch perfectly turns into a parking space. The doors open to reveal The Enforcer, Draven Masters, PitBull and Scott Mercer. PitBull emerges from the drivers side door.))

Enforcer: That is the LAST time I let you drive my truck!

Pit: What, what did I do?

Draven: Aside from scare the shit out of us?

Blood: There you guys are!

Enforcer: We would have been here sooner but Pit wanted to try and do warp factor 12 and we got pulled over by the cops.

Scott: I hate cold weather cities.

Draven: It's the winter Scott, it's cold all over the place.

Scott: I still hate it. Let's go inside.

Zoe: I second that.

((They enter into the arena talking amongst themselves when Chris Murphy comes running up with a camera crew in tow.))

Chris: I was wondering guys if I could get a word?

Scott: You want answers don't ya Murphy?

Chris: Well, yeah. Everyone does, why did Blood Dragon join Bad News? Why is PitBull back? The fans have a right to know.

Scott: You know something? You're right. And they'll get the answers...later tonight. First things first, Blood Dragon has a table match to get ready for against Bulldozer.

((He turns and follows the rest of Bad News into their locker room.))

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then Ace nearly running over Creeper. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.))

(("Click Click Boom" hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, The Enforcer, Draven, Blood Dragon and PitBull are all standing there arms folded across their chests. Scott and Zoe walk out from behind the curtian and lead their men down to the ring. The Enforcer has the Hardcore title belt over his left shoulder and the World title over his right. Scott is the first into the ring, followed by the Enforcer, Draven, Pit (who rolls into the ring), and Blood (who holds the ropes for Zoe). They're all wearing the new Bad News t-shirts which features a picture of all of them on the front, and the words "Now badder than ever!" The Enforcer mounts a turnbuclke holding up both belts to an immense pop, Blood, Draven and Pit mount the other turnbuckles and throw thier hands up as Scott gets a mic and Zoe paces back and forth clapping. Finally the cheers die down and Scott finally speaks.))

Scott: Albany New York, how the hell are you?

((Huge cheap pop.))

Travis: Suck up.

Eddie: Shut up.

Scott: No, no, no! I said HOW THE HELL ARE YOU?

((Louder pop.))

Scott: I thought so. So let me guess, you all want to know why? Right? It seems that after every PPV, the question on every fans mind is why? Why did Blood Dragon join Bad News? Why did PitBull come back? And how in the hell does it feel for the Enforcer to win the world title?


Scott: Well let's find out shall we?

((He hands the Enforcer the mic.))

Enforcer: One question I've been asked a lot is was I scared? Hell fuckin' yeah! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. Just lookin' at that thing scared me, but when I was in it, looking from Seph to Bulldozer, the only thing I was thinking was "They're standing in my way of the world title, I can't have that!". The second question I was asked is, did I regret this?

((He points to the Tron. A scene from the match comes up.))

(Enforcer lets out a yell of rage and nails a jackhammer powerbomb, driving Dozer RIGHT THROUGH THE FLOOR OF THE CAGE! Dozer crashes through the floor and drops to the next floor, right on the spot where he had hit before...and CRASHES THROUGH TO THE RING BELOW!!! He hits the mat with a sickening THUD, and the crowd breaks into a HOLY SHIT chant!


Enforcer: No, I don't feel bad. Why not? Cause you all know damn well that if Dozer had the chance he woulda done the same thing to me! So I did what I had to do. I did what anyone would have done in the same situation. It was either him or me. Now about this...

((Again the Tron jumps to life with another piece of footage from the match.))

((Seph catches Enforcer with a stiff shot, and Enforcer sways backwards, which draws a gasp from the fans, but regains his balance.))

Enforcer: There I was scared. Looking 40 feet down to the ground with nothing to break my fall except the floor! And as for this...

((Tron again.))

((Travis: This is without a doubt the most insane thing I have ever seen!

Eddie: They don't care! They both want it! But who wants it the most?! Seph staggers Enforcer with a hard kick.....he MISSES with a superkick.....and Enforcer grabs him by the throat....Oh dear God he's not!

Travis: Oh yes he is! NAIL IT ENFORCER!


Travis: And now Enforcer is all by himself on top of the cage!

Eddie: Enforcer inching towards the careful step at a time....he's almost there.....HE GOT IT!!! ENFORCER WINS THE MATCH!!!!))

Enforcer: Again, I don't feel bad about that. Seph would have done the same thing to me if our positions were reversed. He was trying to kick me off the cage. So again it was either him or me. And as for the last question. It feels damn good to be the HWC world champion!

((More cheap heat. Handing the microphone off Blood Dragon, Enforcer steps back both belts propped up on his shoulders once again.))

Eddie: Looks like we're about to get another question answered.

Travis: You think he remembers me breaking that glass on him?

Eddie: For your sake, I hope not.

Blood: It seems this week has been filled with questions for everyone. Everyone has been asking Enforcer how it felt to win. Everyone's been asking Pit why he came back. Everyone's been asking Draven why he pisses himself when he drinks.

((Ducking a cheap slap to the back of the head, Blood smirks over at Draven, who smiles before giving him the finger.))

Blood: I know, that was a low blow, but who am I to pass up oppurtunity?

((Coming up to stand next to him, Zoe takes the mic from his hand.))

Zoe: You guys are like children. What he's trying to get to is that for the last week everyone has been asking him why he would join forces with Bad News. So what about it? Why did you join forces with these two hoodlums?

Enforcer and Draven: Hoodlums?

((Taking the mic back, Blood paces the ring once or twice. Finally he stops and looks back out to the crowd.))

Blood: Well, Albany.

((After the pop dies down he continues.))

Blood: I got to thinking not too long before my last Slaughter match. Since I've been back I've been on my own. I've had to watch my own back, and take care of myself. Then I sat down and thought about everyone I've faced since I've been back. Everyone one of them, with the exception of The Creeper, had someone watching from the sidelines. Someone who could stick their nose in my business if they saw fit. That got me thinking. How would I ever accomplish my goals if I couldn't finish a match without someone sticking their nose in my business. That would leave me with alot of noses to break, and alot of unfinished goals. So what I did was, I got smart. Who better than to team with than the two guys in this business whose attitude rivals only my own. You stick your nose in their business, and you'll be lucky if it's still there when they get done with you.

((The crowd cheers some more, and Blood steps back offering the mic up to the next in line. Pit takes up the mic as the audience starts barking in response to the returned Pit.))

Travis: Why are they booing him?

Eddie: They're barking you idiot.

Travis: Have the people here in Albany had their shots?

Eddie: You're impossible.

Pit: So, let me guess, you all want to know why I'm back and teamed up with the worlds biggest frat boys?

((A cheer goes up. The Enforcer gives Pit a good natured shot in the arm.))

Pit: Well let's just say that the old saying "you can't go home again" just ain't true! It's good to be back home! However, it is sad to see how some of the mighty have fallen. I go away for awhile and everything goes to hell. Everything changed. All the stables are gone, the Sickness, the Black List, both gone. Titles have changed hands so many times it's not even funny. The titles have bounced around more times than a damn pinball. Half the roster is sleeping with the other half of the roster, and Lewis and Smalls are still at each other's throats. At least one thing hasn't changed and that's the level of competition. But as to why I came back. Once the wrestling bug bites you, and you've had a taste of the life, it's hard to leave it behind, it's hard to turn on your back on doing something you love, and it's hard to turn down a wad of cash being shoved in your face. And I'll be honest, Scott did offer me a lot of money to come back and be the insurance p! olicy for the News. Why? Because I belong here in the HWC, and second because these guys are the most single destructive force in the HWC, and who better to throw your lot in with than the winning team. I'd rather be standing at the top of the mountain, than buried underneath it, and this ((he guestures around the ring to the four men and one woman with him) is the top!

(("Click Click Boom" kicks back in as Pit finishes speaking, and Blood, Enforcer, Draven and Pit once again mount the turnbuckles to cheers from the crowd before getting ready to head out of the ring. But just before they step out the lights dim low and the Tron flickers to life showing a dimly lit room. Several women stand dressed in flowing white gowns the room is dimly lit by Flickering Candles Just then from one side steps Sephiroth his eyes seemingly showing both rage and delight as Enforcer and the others stand shocked in the ring.))

Seph: Destruction! (Chuckles slightly) What would you fools know about destruction? What would you know about bringing pain and suffering to the masses? Just because you have my belt doesn’t mean you are superior to me and it certainly doesn’t make you a force to be reckoned with.

Enforcer: What do you mean your…?

Seph: Can it, numb nuts!

((The crowd roars outrageously as Enforcer looks shocked.))

Seph: Your no more a force to contend with than Smalls in a wrestling match! You think this loose confederation of egos is going to help you? A group is only as strong as it’s weakest link! And once the chain is broken it’s hard to forge into that bond again. The chain I see before me now is weak. Much like it’s leader! Don’t get me wrong you did well enough winning that title. But when you planted me in that ground I realized what had happened. I had weakened I had become like you a mere shell of a man. The glory, my arrogance. I didn’t lose to you, Enforcer. I lost to myself. But then an epiphany crossed my mind! Lightning struck my brain and I realized what it was I had to do. So, in a week I forged a chain of my own, Enforcer. Forged in the Heart of the very darkness that forged me. And though I couldn’t be there to see your glory I’m glad your there to see mine! Ladies and Gentlemen I give to you the epitome of evil. The champions of darkness… the DARKSIDE!!!!!!

((All of a sudden five people jump from the ringside and attack Enforcer, Blood Dragon, Pitbull, and Draven. The lights raise revealing Sephiroth, Sothren, Creeper, Chloe, and Livia beating on the Enforcer and his crew. Scott and Zoe rush out of the ring and after awhile Sephiroth and his crew clear the ring. “Always” by Saliva blasts through the PA as the newly formed Darkside celebrate in the ring.))

Eddie: My god! The Darkside is here!

Travis: And Enforcer better celebrate now because if Seph’s got support then Enforcer could be in trouble.

Standard Match
Green Haired Frog vs Hardcore Alex

Jean Fortello: The following match is set for one fall. First to the ring…

(( From the Church to the Palace by Snoop Dogg hits, the lights dim and a strobe light is activated on the stage. Hardcore moonwalks out, starts six stepping, and windmills up onto his head then jumps to a standing position. He stares into the crowd, then cripwalks halfway down to the ring, then walks the rest of the way, slappin a few hands on the way. ))

Jean Fortello: From Syracuse, New York, Hardcore Alex!!!

Eddie: These two young men debuting in a match here tonight, on Slaughter. I don’t have any idea what to expect.

Travis: I do. Something as painful as having teeth pulled. And about twice as noisy.

Eddie: And I was almost looking forward to your idiotic betting.

Jean Fortello: And his opponent…… Green Haired Frog!!!!

(( From the Church to the Palace fades, replaced by Tainted Love, the lights dim and the music flares up. Suddenly, Frog appears on the ramp, he runs to the ring and slides in. As Frog enters the ring, Alex starts putting the boots to him. Alex picks Frog up, attempting a belly to belly. Frog counters with a headbutt, staggering Alex, then following it up with a DDT. Frog gets up, stomping hard on Alex’s stomach, then going to the top turnbuckle. ))

Eddie: Frog could win it right here.

Travis: He’s not smart enough for that, Eddie.

Eddie: I’ll tell him that after the match, Travis. (Travis quiets, Eddie laughing. ) Someone mark thisday on a calendar! Travis is actually quiet!

Travis: Shut up, Eddie!

((Alex gets up, and gets hit by a missile dropkick from the turnbuckle. Frog goes for a leg drop. Alex moves, rolling to his feet. However, Frog almost beats him to a standing position. Alex attempts a clothesline. Frog ducks, countering with a superkick, looking at the fans a moment, then hitting the top turnbuckle again. ))

Eddie: POND HOP!!

(( Frog goes for the pin. 1…. 2….. 3! Frog celebrates for several moments before leaving the ring. ))

Eddie: See? That wasn’t so bad, now, was it, Travis?

Travis: No. It was worse. Anyone have any aspirin? My head hurts from watching that.

Eddie: Travis, you’re an idiot.

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Reinforcements, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows The Tiger and Obake playing the game. Obake is using Tiger, and Tiger is using Obake. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

Standard Match
Sage vs Streetwize

Eddie: Well another night and more awesome matches!

Travis: Yeah whatever you say! No Mia, no Amy!! Poor Mia! Having her heart broke like that! I could have comforted her!

Eddie: I figured as much…

Travis: She didn’t have to go to Japan!!! I was here for her!

Eddie: Keep dreaming! We have a match up next lover boy! Our new comer Streetwize will step in the ring with Sage!

Travis: Yippie!

((The lights dim to black and red pyros shoot off from the stage. “Poem” begins to play loudly on the PA system as Sage steps out onto the stage to a mixed reaction. Sage walks down the ramp and climbs in the ring. Sage goes to the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 232lbs, from Richmond Virginia, Sage!

((A note is handed to Jean and she nods as she looks at the crowd.))

Jean Fortello: Due to an illness Streetwize is unable to be here tonight! Your winner by default is Sage!

((The crowd cheers and boos as Sage looks around a little disappointed. But he raises his hands in victory and climbs out of the ring. He makes his way back stage as his music begins to play.))

Eddie: That was quick!

Travis: Thank god!!!

Eddie: Travis you really need a hobby! We’ll be back after this!

((A commercial for Blockbuster video comes on. The camera pans around the store passing the pre-owned video and DVD section, the new releases section, the action section, the comedies, the dramas, the foreign films, and the sports section. However when it gets to the animae section the shelves are empty. We cut to the checkout counter and we see Reno, Rude, Johnny, Harley and Mia arms weighed down with all the animae videos and DVD's.

Harley: Mia, is this really neccesary?

Mia: You can never have too much anime Ms. Quinn!

Announcer: Now at Blockbuster get, animae, action and so much more. Make it a Blockbuster night.

Reno: I think I just threw my back out!))

(Children of the Korn begins to play as Johnny Star walks out into the arena in a suit and tie. The crowd cheers as he makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand. He climbs in the ring as his music cuts off.)

((The classic Motorhead song “The Ace Of Spades” begins to blast through the arena and the fan erupt with cheering. Ace appears on the entrance ramp and hushes the crowd. He doesn’t travel any further than the entrance stage.))

Ace: I promised you all an explanation. I promised you all I would tell you why I did what I did at the PPV. So tell me this, do you really want to know?

((The fans all yell in unison “HELL YEAH!!”))

Ace: Unanimous answer, but it vaguely reminds me of someone else’s trademark….anyway….I did what I did because I had no choice. I couldn’t just come back to the ring. I needed to make an impact. I needed to make sure everyone knows I am the man who is on top. I am the best in the business, and damn it, I wont let anyone steal my show ever again! Saturday Slaughter?…ERRR!!!…Try Saturday Night Spades!!

((The fans chant Ace-Of-Spades!))

Ace: And why have I chosen to be more hardcore? Why am I no longer the loveable lug I used to be? Well, these half-assed people walking around my arena, playing in my ring need to be taught how to get big…Ace Of Spades style. And one last thing, before I finish getting ready for later on tonight, Creeper, if you’re listening, your time of reckoning is coming heh heh heh, and all you can do…is live with it.

((Ace’s music hits and Ace returns to the backstage area.))

Paddle on a Pole Match
Chleo vs Cloe

Eddie: I am ashamed to say I have to sit next to you for this match.

Travis: The moment I've been waiting for all night! Paddle on a pole!

((In the ring the crew is making the last adjustments to the paddle on the pole.))

Eddie: You're not going to control yourself are you?

Travis: Hell no! If only I could be that paddle!

Eddie: And just in case you were wondering fans, the only way to win this match is for one of the participants to climb to the top rope, grab that paddle hanging up there, and then...well...

Travis: What mumblemouth is trying to say folks is the looser gets a spanking in the ring!

Eddie: Yeah, what the walking hormone said.

((The arena goes dark, as "Gold Lust" begins to play. Gold lights begin to move over the crowd and comes to a stop on the back of the stage, as something rises up from the floor. It's a Egyptian sarcaphagus.The lid of the Sarcaphagus slides open and there stands the Pharoh Cleoptra.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen this is a paddle on a pole match. Coming to the ring first, weighing 150 pounds, Cleopatra!

((She opens her eyes and makes her way to the ring not hearing or noticing the crowds cheering for her as she makes her way to the ring and in her hands she carries the scepters of Upper and Lower Egypt. She climbs into the ring and removes the golden crown and hands the ref the crown along with the two scepters to put on the outside, and faces the entrance to wait for her opponent.))

Eddie: That dripping sound you hear folks is Travis drooling over Cleopatra.

Travis: I'll be her slave any day.

(("Cheap and Evil Girl" by Bree Sharp blasts over the PA as the lights dim and red spotlights come on and a greyish cold mist rolls over the ground. Black lights flash at the stage entrance. Chloe and Seph come out from behind the curtain and walk down to the ring.))

Fortello: And her opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Sephiroth du Lac, from Allentown, PA, weighing 125 pounds, Chloe Jackson!

Eddie: Soon to be Mrs. Sephiroth du Lac. Here comes Chloe with the man she plans to marry.

Travis: Why is she marrying Seph? Why not me?

Eddie: Why don't you go over there and ask him?

Travis: I...uh...can't. I have a match to call.

Eddie: Riiiiiiight.

((Chloe runs across the ring and instantly snags Cleo in a headscissors takedown. Cleo goes tumbling out of the ring right by Eddie and Travis. She stalks around the outside of the ring before rolling back in. Chloe goes charging in again, but Cleo is ready for her and dropkicks the former women's champion. She risks a glance toward the paddle and then kicks a rising Chloe in the head. Chloe staggers around and Cleo runs in from behind bulldogging Chloe to the mat. She pulls Chloe up by her hair and backs her into the corner.))

Eddie: Chloe showing a bit of ring rust, but then again she hasn't wrestled since she lost the Women's title to Tiger, who just lost it to Amy Jensen at Oblivion in a hell of a match!

Travis: That was one hell of a match, and Cleo is chopping the hell out of Chloe!

((Indeed that is what's happening, and Cleo then tries to send Chloe across the ring, but Chloe reverses and Cleo goes hard into the opposite corner where the paddle is. The weapon shakes upon Cleo's impact with the turnbuclke, but stays in place. Chloe comes charging across the ring and nails Cleo with a clothesline in the corner, before Cleo can fall to the mat Chloe grabs her and DDT's her to the mat much to the delight of Seph who grins from his position at ringside. She yanks Cleo back up and tries to take her over with a suplex, but Cleo blocks and it's Chloe who goes over and down. Cleo whips Chloe into the ropes and tries for a clothelsine, but Chloe ducks, bounces off the opposite side and nails Cleo with a spinning heel kick. She then stomps Cleo a few times and then goes after the paddle.))

Travis: Someone's gonna get spanked right now!

Eddie: Down hondo!

((However, before Chloe can get the paddle, Cleo recovers and grabs the back of Chloe's pants yanking her off the top rope and dropping her to the mat. Chloe holds the back of her head after impact but Cleo stays on the attack, backing up a few steps and waiting for Chloe to get to her feet. Seph is looking concerned yelling for Chloe to get up. Once Chloe is up, Cleo hits an axe kick sending her face first to the mat.))

Travis: Not the face! Not the face!

((Cleo pulls Chloe back up and tosses her across the ring with a head and leg suplex. She then grabs Chloe and sticks her head between her legs either for a piledriver or powerbomb, but neither one happens as Chloe backflips her way out of the move! Cleo gets back to her feet and is slapped in the face by Chloe. Chloe then lifts a knee into Cleo's midsection and follows that up with a swinging neckbreaker. She turns to head for the paddle again but Cleo grabs her foot and trips her up.))

Travis: I want to see a spanking! Come on, someone get that paddle!

((Eddie grabs a glass of water and splashes it in Travis's face.))

Travis: Thanks, I needed that.

Eddie: I know.

((Chloe tries to kick Cleo off, but Cleo grabs the other leg and standing up she flips over Chloe pulling her hamstring. Chloe uses the ropes to pull herself up and Cleo comes in with a superkick. Chloe goes stumbling backwards and into the ropes, she bounces off and Cleo nails her with a belly-to-belly suplex. Chloe is crumpled up in the corner and Cleo is now looking over at the paddle and then back to Chloe who is now laying flat on her back with the referee checking to see if she's okay. Seph runs around the ring and is also checking on Chloe. Cleo looks over to the paddle again and back at Chloe and then heads over to the paddle.))

Travis: Chloe's gonna get spanked!

((She starts climbing, and Seph leans into the ring and kisses Chloe, a moment later Chloe gets back to her feet!))

Eddie: Maybe not! She just got back up! That kiss from Seph got her back on her feet!

((Chloe runs across the ring and grabs Cleo's leg as her fingers brush the end of the paddle. Cleo tries to kick Chloe off of her, but Chloe avoids the kick and hits a low blow on Cleo. The pole is the only thing keeping Cleo from falling off the top rope as Chloe climbs up after her.))

Eddie: This doesn't look good.

((Travis has his head nearly on the broadcast table and is trying to look up Cleo's skirt.))

Traivs: Looks good from where I'm sitting!

((Eddie hits Travis in the head with his clipboard. On the top rope, Cleo gets her head rammed into the pole before Chloe grins to the audience. She hooks Cleo up and...))

Eddie: WRAITHSPIRE! WRAITHSPIRE! Chloe just took Cleo down with the Wraithspire! Cleo is not moving!

((Chloe looks at the paddle and then heads up after it, the crowd going nuts. She grabs it and heads back down to Cleo, Cleo is barely moving at this point, but Chloe easily kicks her onto her stomach, and places her boot in the small of Cleo's back. She raises the paddle and the crowd is going nuts.))


Eddie: Do I have to turn the hose on you?

((Chloe brings the paddle down with a solid THWACK!))

Travis: YES! YES! YES! YES!

((Eddie dumps a pitcher of water on Travis. Cleo squirms out from under Chloe and tries to escape. Seph cuts her off as she does and Cleo then backs into Chloe, still holding the paddle. Chloe wiggles her finger at Cleo.))

Chloe: Uh-uh-uh!

((Seph slides into the ring and grabs Cleo and places her over his knee, Chloe grins at her intended and swings.))


((The bell rings as Seph lets Cleo go, she scampers out of the ring holding her sore rear end.))

Fortello: Here is your winner, Chloe Jackson.

((Chloe tosses the paddle aside and is wrapped into Seph's arms and they share a kiss before heading out of the ring.))

Travis: That was the highlight of my night!

Eddie: Well while Travis cools down after that match, we'll be right back with the returning Ace of Spades taking on the Creeper in a Hardcore match.

Travis: First babes and then blood! What a night!

Eddie: Also still to come, our main event, the newest member of Bad News, Blood Dragon taking on Bulldozer in a table match! Stay with us we'll be right back!

((The shot fades in on the eight ball on a pool table. The shot pulls back to reveal Jeff Wylde, he leans down over the table and sinks the eight ball. The shot pulls back further to reveal he's playing pool with Terry Bradshaw.)

Jeff: Yes! I win again. (Bradshaw groans) I wish everything were that easy.

Terry: Yeah, like 10-10-220.

Guy at next table #1: Yeah, I use that all the time. All my calls up to 20 minutes are only 99 cents.

Terry: And just seven cents a minute after that.

Guy at next table #2: That sounds like a good deal. How do I sign up for that?

Jeff: That's the best part! You don't have to sign up.

Terry: Yeah, just dial 10-10-220, then one, then the number.

Jeff: So what do you say Bradshaw? Another game?

Terry: No. But I'll play ya at checkers!

Jeff: You're on!

(Cuts to 10-10-220 logo with Jeff and Bradshaw playing checkers in the background.)

Announcer: Dial 10-10-220.))

Hardcore Match
Ace of Spades vs The Creeper

Travis: Hardcore Time! Eddie! Hardcore!

Eddie: Yes so we know as so do the fans. This is Ace of Spades return to the ring, I don't know what happened to him but he sure isn't the same.

Jean Fortello: The following is a Hardcore Match, to the ring.....

((A stroble light begins to flash and Ace's voice yells You Just Got Dealt A Bad Hand....BITCH!!))

Jean Fortello: ...from Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 225 lbs... ACE OF SPADES!!!

((After his voice finishes echoing, The Ace Of Spades by Motorhead begins to blast through the arena. As soon as Ace steps out onto the stage the fans erupt with cheering and "Ace-Of-Spades" chants. Ace jogs down to the ring and looks under the ring apron. He pulls chairs, frying pans, tables, cookie sheets, kendo sticks and other weapons and tosses them into the ring. Ace walks around the ring and grabs a mic from the announcers table. He speaks into the mic and says "As always, for this match I will be dealing from the bottom of the deck!" Ace then rolls under the bottom rope and awaits his opponents arrival.))

Jean Fortello: And his oppoent from The Second Tier of Hell weighing in at 250 lbs. ....THE CREEPER!!!

((Demonoid Phenomenon plays, the lights cut off, lightning shoots from the rafters, striking either side of the stage, and leaving two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flaming areas. Then, the cameras back in their original position, in time with the music, the fires explode upward, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering, and the turnbuckle is doused completely, revealing The Creeper standing on the turnbuckle, right where the fire had been centered, with a chair! Before the bell can ring Creeper leaps off the turnbuckle slaming the chair into the surprised face of Ace.))

Travis: I don't think Ace was expecting that!

Eddie: I don't think anyone was.

((Creeper beats on the ribs of Ace with the chair till Ace reaches out and grabs a kendo stick beating it into the knee of Creeper. Creeper cringes long enough for Ace to hit him a second time, this time behind his knee cap bring him down to won knee. Creeper cringes but raises the chair to slam it again into the face of Ace, Ace manages to get his feet up and kicks the chair sending it into the face of Creeper. The impact causes Creeper to fall back while Ace rolls over and gets to his feet. Ace grabs the chair and sets it over the face of Creeper then heads for the turnbuckle.))

Eddie: He wouldn't!

Travis: HE WOULD!

((Up on the turnbuckle Ace crossed him self then leaps off with a leg drop, Creeper rolls out of the way avoiding Ace's leg drop. Ace lands hard on the chair and rolls over in pain holding his leg. Creeper slides out of the ring pulling out the table with him.))

Eddie: What is he doing.

Travis: Well I doubt highly he is setting it up for tea time.

Eddie: You never know with him.

((Ace starts to stir, while out side the ring Creeper sets up the table next to the ring. Creeper then slides back into the ring and pulls Ace to his feet. Ace lays blow after blow into the mid section of Creeper, but still he doesn't losing his grip. Creeper knees Ace in the gut to stun him before stepping away for a super kick. Ace surprises him with a power closeline. Ace grabs a baseball bat wrapped with barbwire and swings down at Creeper, Creeper rolls and gets to his feet hitting the ropes. Coming back at Ace, Ace takes another swing but Creeper ducks and springs off back off the ropes. Ace fails to turn in time and is floored by a flying axe handle to the back of the head. Creeper rolls over and covers Ace, 1...2.. Ace gets the shoulder up. Creeper grabs a frying pan and hits Ace in the head with it keeping him down.))

Travis: I heard that one.

Eddie: That was a sickening thud, it looks like its over!

((1..2..3NO Ace gets another shoulder up!))

Eddie: I don't think Ace knows where he is

Travis: He is just holding off his fate. COME ON CREEPER LETS SEE SOME BLOOD!

((Creeper swings to hit Ace again but Ace blocks the blow with his hands. Creeper goes for another cover, 1..2... Ace switches it up by rolling Creeper into a small package,1..2 Creeper kicks out. Ace lays there as Creeper gets to his feet. Creeper pulls Ace to his feet landing a few hard chot to the chest of Ace before throwing him to the ropes, coming back Creeper lands a power slam slaming the back of Ace into the barbwire of the bat. Ace cries out in pain as his back bleeds freely now.))

Eddie: Ace is going to need medical attention now.

Travis: Ace just doesn't have what it takes to best Creeper.

((Creeper start stomping away on Ace making the cuts worse on his back before pulling him to his feet again. Creeper whips him hard to the turnbuckle as Ace slumps against it. Creeper runs at him and rams his shoulder into the chest of Ace. Creeper picks Ace up propping him up on the turnbuckle, climbing up with him Creeper pulls him up in his shoulders for a power bomb.))

Eddie: Oh dear go no, that will kill him!

Travis: That's the point of hardcore matches.

((Creeper faces the table set up out side the ring below, Creeper goes to send Ace threw the table with a powerbomb but Ace pulls out a tazer and shocks the neck of Creeper. Creeper falls forward with Ace turning the power bomb into a hurricanarana. Creeper crashes into the table below while Ace lands hard next to it.))

Travis: That's not fair!

Eddie: All is fair in hardcore matches.

Travis: No that's love and war.

Eddie: Speaking of love and war next Slaughter is St. Valentine's Slaughter!

Travis: Nothing but matches that bring true heart ache and blood.

((Bother Ace and Creeper do not move for some time. Ace slowly rolls onto his back while Creeper pushes some of the rumble of the table off him. Ace gets to his feet and staggers over to Creeper then drops covering Creeper. 1....2....3! The bell rings and the ref helps Ace up and raises his hand.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner....ACE OF SPADES!!!

Travis: He won by pure luck!

Eddie: You lost money again didn't you? How do you pay for your house when ya blow your money on betting?

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

((The camera cuts over to a young man in a delivery company uniform. He has a small stack of slender boxes laid across his arms. He goes to Autumn Lewis's office and knocks using his foot. The door opens to reveal the President of the HWC.))

Autumn: "Yes?"

Delivery Boy: "Deliveries for Mia Lang, the Brothers du Lac, Amy Jensen, Chloe Jackson-du Lac and Jeff Wylde."

Autumn: "From who?"

Delivery Boy: "From one Jericho Dylan, ma'am."

((The crowd cheers a bit at the mention of his name. Autumn quirks an eyebrow, then motions for him to come in. He sets the boxes down on a chair.))

Autumn: "So what's in those anyway?"

Delivery Boy: "According to Mr. Dylan, the new prototypes of the Sub-Zero Zodiac Laptop from Simalcron Computers. Each one is customized for its intended user."

Autumn: "I'll make sure they get to the right people. Thank you."

Delivery Boy: "It was my pleasure, ma'am."

((The delivery boy walks out, leaving Autumn with six customized, therefore extremely EXPENSIVE, laptops in her office. The camera cuts back to ringside, revealing Eddie Daniels and Travis Best.))

Table Match
Bulldozer vs BloodDragon

Eddie: Table match!

Travis: YES!

((Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at lightning like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring intimidatingly. But he seems to be moving rather sluggishly... Little wonder. He hasn't fully recovered from Oblivion. He's favoring his left leg a bit...))

Eddie: Dozer still not in good shape after Oblivion...

Travis: But he's better off than Jericho Dylan. Poor guy.

Eddie: I know. I hope he gets better soon...

Travis: Amen.

((As Downfall comes over the speakers, the arena pitches into darkness. Two or three blood red spotlights start searching through the crowd bathing all the fans in the deep red light. When they finally come together it is in the center of the ring, where Blood is standing with his arms raised, and his head lowered as if in prayer. Suddenly red pyro shoots off from the four ringposts to meet above Blood's, now raised, head in the shape of a red Dragon.))

Eddie: Another man still feeling the effects from the Pay Per View... Blood Dragon.

Travis: Barely, though. I mean, did you see what he did!?

((The bell rings, silencing the announcers. Good thing too... Travis was getting annoying. Blood goes on the offensive right away, hammering Dozer with lefts and rights. Dozer fires back but is unable to connect on all punches. And the ones that do land have no noticeable effect. Blood hits Dozer with a standing dropkick, making him stagger backward. One hand flies to his back, telling Blood Dozer's back is hurting. But surprise, surprise... Blood doesn't go for the back. No, he goes for the slightly favored left leg, taking the big man down with a Chopblock. Dozer falls hard, grabbing at his back again. NOW Blood goes for the back... He's kicking at it, getting in a good share of kicks. But Dozer can and does get away. Blood hits Dozer with a short-arm DDT. Dozer's down on the mat... Blood goes searching and finds a table! The crowd erupts as he brings it into the ring and sets it up. He hoists Dozer into position... then changes his mind.))

Eddie: What?

Travis: I think he wants to punish Dozer some more!

((That he does... Blood gives Dozer several stiff right hands, open of course, then Irish whips him into a corner. When Dozer stumbles out, he gets hit with a scoop slam onto the mat beside the table. Blood then goes up top, something out of character with this former GWF superstar... He nails a flying headbutt! Then he gets Dozer to his feet yet again. Dozer can barely stand...))

Eddie: For God's sake, Blood...

Travis: Put the poor bastard out of his misery!

((Blood hoists Dozer onto one shoulder, then executes a running powerslam. Dozer goes through the table and to the mat below. The bell rings, but Blood doesn't hear it. He's looking down at Dozer, watching him. Dozer has passed out... But his back doesn't seem to be damaged. Blood watches an EMT check for a back injury and seems to smile when there's none to be found. Only then does he go backstage.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))