Saturday Night Slaughter
Columbus , Ohio at the Nationwide Arena

((The scene opens to Sephiroth and Sothren standing in the hall talking amongst each other when Chloe walks up. Chloe crosses her arms she is wearing her street clothes pair tight black leather pants and a tight black leather corsett her blonde hair is pulled back in a ponytail the tips dyed a bloodred))

Chloe: It is nice to actually see you Darling

((Looking at Seph. Sothren smiles at his brother.))

Soth: I better take the high road brother. I have to get ready anyway.

Seph: Alright brother, later.

((Seph turns to Chloe his face in an arrogant smirk.))

Seph: Good to see you too, my lovely.

((Chloe watches Soth walk out then turns back to Seph))

Chloe: You know when We started to both live in Vegas I thought maybe it would mean I would see you more But I see that Bitch Liv on your arm more then me. I mean I know with the up coming matches at the PPV and tonights matches you have been busy but you think I would get some time alone with you.

((Lays a palm on his chest))

Seph: Actually, you know I've been thinking and you know something your absolutely right. We haven't been spending time together. We dine alone we sit alone. We travel alone. It's like we're drifting apart. Chloe I don't want that...

((Gently rubs his chest))

Chloe: Nor do I Seph I love you and I hate sleeping in a empty bed most nights

Seph: I know. I went shopping today. I...uh... I wanted to get you something special.

((Looks at him and blinks))

Chloe: Really something that I can wear in public or just when we are alone.

((Chloe smiles. He just smiles and pulls out a small ring box looking deep in her eyes.))

Seph: Both...

((Looks at him and then the box then him))

Chloe: is that what i think itis Seph?

((He gets down on one knee and the crowd cheers loudly. Seph looks at her and smiles as he says...))

Seph: Chloe Jackson, Will you marry me?

((A tear rolls down her cheek as she nods))

Chloe: Yes Sephiroth I would be honnored to be your wife

((He stads and the crowd roars thunderously he opens the box revealing a beautiful diamond cluster engagement ring. He kisses her deeply))

Travis: Don't do it Seph! Your a stud!

((She wraps her arms arouns his neck as she returns the kiss with much passion and love she slips the ring on and then kisses him again))

Eddie: Shut up, Travis. For once your not ruining the moment. Well, it's official. Chloe and Seph are tying the knot!

Travis: No, somebody save that poor bastard!

Eddie: Poor Bastard? He's marrying Chloe.

Travis: Oh yeah! Go for it!

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then to Faygo and Wendell walk out the hall back stage. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Amy and Jeff beating on each other then kissing. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.))

Eddie: WELCOME TO SLAUGHTER!! We are live at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus , Ohio!

Travis: Another night of mayhem and blood cause Smalls is running the show!

Eddie: You say it like it's something to be proud of.

Travis: Cause it is, if you don't like blood and mass destrution then Eddie your in the wrong fed.

Eddie: Any fed with you is a bad fed. Anyways we are starting the night off with a table match, Soth vs Creeper!

Table Match
Sothren vs Creeper

Jean Fortello: The following is a Table Match, first to the ring....

((Demonoid Phenomenon by Rob Zombie hits, the lights cut off, lightning shoots from the rafters, striking either side of the stage, and leaving two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flaming areas. Then, the cameras back in their original position, in time with the music, the fires explode upward, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering, and the turnbuckle is doused completely, revealing The Creeper standing on the turnbuckle, right where the fire had been centered.))

Jean Fortello: From The Second Tier of Hell...... THE CREEPER!!!

((Creeper jumps down and starts pacing waiting for his opponet.))

Travis: Two freaks trying to put each other threw a table now..... boring is that!

Eddie: Both are raising stars here in the HWC, this match tonight shall be another test of that.

Jean Fortello: And his opponet..... SOTHREN DU LAC!!!

((Demonoid Phenomenon fades then Slither begins to play over the PA system. Pyro explodes in a huge wall of red flame on the stage and four columns of flame erupt from the ring posts. Sothren walks out as the lights turn a crimson red. He walks slowly down to the ring as flames burn on the stage.))

Travis: Someone call the fire department! Their are way too many pyro mainacs in this fed!

Eddie: Maybe if I'm lucky one of them will set you a fire.

((Before Soth can reach the ring Armageddon leaps out over the guard railling and grabs Soth by the throat.))

Eddie: The match hasn't even started and Armageddon has come out to jump Soth!

Travis: It's over for them both now! Armageddon will put them into the ground starting with Soth.

((Creeper runs from the ring to help Soth. Ceeper runs at Armageddon and hits a closeline that only manages to get him to drop Soth and make him mad. Arm responds with a closeline from hell that sends creeper crashing head first on the ramp. Soth tries a spear but Arm quickly turns it into an arm drag take down throwing him into the guard rail. Arm grabs Soth's leg and drags him to the ring.))

Eddie: Where is Armageddon taking Soth?

Travis: Maybe back to hell.

((Armageddon rolls Soth into the ring and slides in him self. Soth tries to get to his feet while Arm pulls him in a Gorilla Press Slam. The ref tires to get Arm out of the ring but he pushes him away. Soth starts laughing as Arm starts kicking him in the rips and gut. Soth tires to get to his feet rising only to his knees, Arm goes to pick Soth up again but Soth nails a low blow to Arm. Armageddon staggers a few steps away as Soth uses the ropes to get to feet. Arm turns around and comes at Soth, Soth tries to hit a super kick but misses and falls over still laughing.))

Travis: Soth is getting the beating of a life time and all he can do is laugh.

Eddie: Soth never claimed to be sane.

((Creeper gets to his feet and staggers to the ring. Before he slides in Creeper grabs a table by the ring sliding in the ring with it. Picking it up and comes at Arm, doesn't see it coming when Ceeper slams the table into his head. Soth gets up again and eyes what Creeper did, the two stand over Arm staring each other down.))

Eddie: The fire just got hotter in the ring.

Travis: Now Soth is going to kill Creeper for taking out Armageddon!

((The two stand nose to nose then together look down at Armageddon and starts stomping away on him. Creeper breaks away picking um the table, he sets it up in the corner and calls out Soth. Stoth stops and pulls him to his feet bringing him over to lay against the table. Creeper possisions him self on the turn buckle holding Arm to the table.))

Eddie: Oh No, he wouldn't!

Travis: Don't do it!

((Soth walks across the ring as the crowd cheers, Soth just grins standing there a moment. Soth's face turns to haterid as he comes at Arm and spears him threw the table. The body of Armageddon crumbles with the broken peices of the table. Creeper jumps down and raises his hand in victory, the two climb out of the ring and head back stage.))

Eddie: looks like the loser of this match is Armageddon.

Travis: What's with Creeper and Soth, don't tell me Soth gave Tiger up for...

Eddie: Don't even say it!

Travis: Well Tiger is like a guy.

Eddie: Creeper looks like he might have teamed up with the du Lac brothers.

((The HWC's Finest red, white, and blue F-150 pulls into the parking lot pulling to a complete stop. Patriot and Ace-Man get out of the truck with bags in hand. They both walk into the building without saying a word, just thinking of what happend to Miss America. As they continue down the hall they come to a locker room that says "HWC's Finest", and turn in. As they open the door they see Tiger waiting for them.))

Patriot: What in hell are you doing in here?!

The Tiger: Hello boys! What ya mean what am I doing here? Hell after breaking in Harley's place a few times getting here was no trouble.

Ace-Man: I know I do not fell like playing games, and after having his girlfriend kidnapped I am sure Patriot is not in the mood.

The Tiger: We're taging together and ya all have no trust for me? I have proven to be a hero to the fans, don't tell me America still have a thing against the Irish?

Ace-Man: What's up with this dman Irish thing?

Patriot: Never mind that, I have no problem for any American person who stands for American ways. My girlfriend has been taken away from me by the people I hate the most. Smalls has stepped into my way again and this time he has Miss America in his hands. Come to think of it the Slayerz had some words to say about you. They said you might just be on their side!

The Tiger: Palimon would say anything to play mind games with ya that would gain him win.

((Tiger stands and eyes the both of them))

The Tiger: Well boy there's a hostiage situation going on here and there's only one thing to do.

Patriot: And what is that?

((Tiger truns to her duffy bag and pulls the zipper to open it. She pulls from it a pare of red camo pants.))

The Tiger: America can't go into hostial waters with out a Special Ops!

((A quick grin covers Patriots face as he turns to Ace-Man and nods))

Ace-Man: It looks like America has learned the truth!

Patriot: Lets do this!

The Tiger: Boys lets go show them what America knows about warfare! And get back Miss America!

((Slaughter goes to a commercial for Burger King. The Enforcer rips the door off and walks in. The BK shakes and people move out of his way.)

Enforcer (reaching the counter): I need an Xtreme Whopper.

BK Clerk: I'm sorry Mr. Enforcer sir, but we just sold our last one.

Enforcer: WHAT? To who?

((Clerk points to a middle aged man off to the side, about to take a bite when he looks up and sees the Enforcer looking at him. The Enforcer suddenly has a steel chair in his hand and runs over to the man. We cut to a picture of the Whopper.))

Announcer: Try the new BK Xtreme Whopper. Two kinds of cheese, four strips of bacon and an extreme taste (CLANG...the top bun falls off the burger), now for a limited time only.

(The scene cuts back to the Enforcer taking a huge bite out of the burger with a smile on his face and a dented chair in his hand. The guy is laying slumped on the floor.)

Enforcer: Now that's an extreme taste!

(Cut to the BK logo.)

Singers: At BK, you got it!))

Hardcore Match
Mystic J vs Johnny Desperado

Travis: Who do we have up next?

Eddie: Mystic J and Johnny Deseperado in a Hardcore match!

Travis: They're still fighting over Mia?

Eddie: I think it's something more than that now. This is the second match between these two and Desperado wants a win!

Travis: Plus Mia by his side. But who can blame him?

Eddie: Yeah... Now onto the mat...

((Before Eddie can get out his last word "I Don't Suck" begins to play. Johnny Desperado comes out and raises his balled fists into the air for the crowd's reaction. He races down to the ring, slides in, and again raises his fists for the crowds reaction. He then jumps on a turnbuckle and points to various people in the audience.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighing in at 267lbs from Raliegh/Durham North Carolina, Johnny Desperado!

Eddie: I think if Desperado loses this match he might do something drastic!

Travis: Yeah and if he touches Mia, he won't just have to worry about Mystic but he'll have to worry about me!

Eddie: Wy don't you go up and tell him that?

Travis: No...I'll stay here and let Mystic handle it!

(("Bad Boy" begins to play as Mystic comes out and stops at the head of the enterance. Upon stopping he looks to the left side of the crowd and then to the right. He nods slightly,before rising balled fists into the air. Pyro's go off on both sides of Mystic. He gets into the ring and once again raises his fists for crowd response.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent,now making his way to the ring weighing in at 433lbs from Mystic Connecticut, Mystic J!

Travis: Here we go again!

Eddie: Both of these men are ready and willing to defend their honor. Here we go!

((The two of them stand face to face, tkaing in each other's size, making sure the other doesn't have the upper hand. The bell sounds and the match is underway. Johnny does an arm drag take down, putting Mystic to the mat. He chokes Mystic while he is down, but is soon hauled off by the ref! Mystic gets to his feet and grabs Desperado and goes for a suplex. He executes it, and Desperado is on the mat. Mystic climbs out of the ring, and starts tossing up trash can lids, trash cans, kendo sticks, baseball bat, table, a ladder, a chair and even a sledge hammer. Mystic grabs the chair and climbs in the ring with it. Desperado is slowly getting up, but is sent back down tot eh floor when Mystic hits him with the chair.))

Travis: Oh...That's going to hurt in the morning!

Eddie: Mystic's really giving it to him isn't he?

Travis: Yeah...He's fighting for Mia's love! So what do you expect?

((Desperado slowly sits up, but he doesn't Mystic behind him on the top rope going for a spear with the chair still in hand. He goes for the spear but misses when Desperado moves. Mystic hits the mat planting his face into the chair. Desperado goes for the pin. 1...2...Mystic gets the shoulder up! Desperado grabs Mystic and lifts him into the air with his hand around Mystic's neck and does a choke slam on Mystic. Desperado goes for the pin again! 1...2...Mystic gets his foot on the bottom rope.))

Eddie: Mystic isn't giving up is he?

Travis: Nope...I wouldn't either...I mean he's probably picturing how it would be if he ended losing Mia.

Eddie: You're hopless...Don't you have any other hobbies than watching the women around here?

Travis: No...

Eddie: I didn't think so!

Travis: Hey!

((Desperado lifts Mystic to his feet and tries for the mulitple suplexes, but Mystic uses a few headbutts, to get out of his grasp. Desperado lets go and kind of stumbles backwards and Mystic grabs a kendo stick that is laying by his feet. Mystic starts beating Desperado making him fall to the mat. The Kendo stick breaks in half and Mystic continues to beat Desperado until he's still.))

Eddie: Now that's deternination!

Travis: That's just sheer luck and stupidty!

Eddie: I think Mystic is going for it!

((Mystic picks up Desperado and smiles to himself as he places Desperado on his back. Mystic executes his 747 and sends Desperado to the mat. Mystic goes for the pin. 1...2...3!))

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner, Mystic J!

Eddie: That was something wasn't it?

Travis: Yeah, but the match I want to see is coming up next!

Eddie: Oh yes! The falls count anywhere match between Mia, Blood Dragon, and Quinn DeMarco!

Travis: My sweet Mia...Please let her live through this!

Eddie: We'll see who surivives after this!

((A commercial for Blockbuster video comes on. The camera pans around the store passing the pre-owned video and DVD section, the new releases section, the action section, the comedies, the dramas, the foreign films, and the sports section. However when it gets to the animae section the shelves are empty. We cut to the checkout counter and we see Reno, Rude, Johnny, Harley and Mia arms weighed down with all the animae videos and DVD's.

Harley: Mia, is this really neccesary?

Mia: You can never have too much anime Ms. Quinn!

Announcer: Now at Blockbuster get, animae, action and so much more. Make it a Blockbuster night.

Reno: I think I just threw my back out!))

(Children of the Korn begins to play as Johnny Star walks out into the arena in a suit and tie. The crowd cheers as he makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand. He climbs in the ring as his music cuts off.)

((A fight breaks out back stage between Mystic and Johnny D. Mystic has Johnny in a head lock while Johnny tries to slam him against the wall, when Obake steps in to break it up. He pulls the two apart and keeps them apart by standing between them, still they try to lunge at each other.))

Obake: Knock it off before I know bothing teeth in! You two are acting like children! And sense you both are two immuture to settle this, I'm ending it right now for you! I'm booking you both at Oblivion, a tag team match! Mystic, it will be you and Mia vs Johnny D and who ever he picks! After that I don't want to hear another thing about who gets Mia. She's a big girl she can decide for her self who she wants!

((Camera cuts to the ring where Matrin Smalls is standing with a mic. The crowd boos him loudly from the moment he came out durning break.))

Smalls: All I heard about is how big Oblivion is going to be. Well if you think Oblivion is big now.... wait and see what I....

((Smalls is cut off by the playing of Only in America by Brooks and Dunn, The crowd goes from booing to cheering as Autumn Lewis steps from the back and makes her way down the ramp. Smalls rolls his eyes and waits for her to enter the ring.))

Eddie: Smalls don't seem to be too happy about Autumn showing up.

Travis: Would you be glad if someone interupted you when you tried to speak?

Eddie: It's not like he has anything imporant to say.

Travis: We will never know now, now will we!

((Autumn climbs into the ring as her music fades. She goes right up to Smalls looking madder then every.))

Autumn: Last week someone parked a bike infront of my door, and I don't think it was Tiger!

Samlls: You never know, Tiger is mental....

Autumn: Smalls shut you mouth before I have to shut it for you!

Eddie: This is the second time tonight Smalls got told off. It's been coming to them.

Travis: She's not carful she might get choke slammed again!

Autumn: This crap between us have gone on long enough! I think if anyone is mental Smalls it's you! This is my show and my fed!

Smalls: Hey I have just as much booking rights as you or Obake! In fact it has been the matches I have booked that has made Slaughter as big as it is today. So as I see it Slaughter is MY show!

Autumn: You want a power struggle Smalls, I promise you you will not win! But for now I will play your game. Here and now I am booking the main event at Oblivion!

Travis: oh great Oblivion is going to suck now!

Autumn: At Oblivion Sephiroth will be defending his World Title against Enforcer...... and Dozer.

Smalls: So? A triple threat,..... what's so great about that?

Autumn: In a Triple Cage!

Eddie: OH My God! Seph vs Enforcer vs Dozer for the World Title in a Triple Cage Match!

Travis: As much as I stand with Smalls I have to admite that is pretty hard to top.

Eddie: There is a reason why Autumn runs this buiness so damn well!

Smalls: Triple Cage huh! That's okay, but I give the people what they want to see...

Autumn: Or think they want to see!

Smalls: Gaunlet Match! Kash Flagg vs The Tiger, Jericho, and Armageddon! One match after another!

Travis: I take that back Smalls is still the man!

Eddie: A Gaunlet Match with Kash Flagg! This will be his chance to settle the score, a match that will be remembered threw out the ages!

Autumn: You better becareful Smalls, one day all your sceaming and ploting will one day...... come back to knock you on your ass!

((Only in America kicks up as Autumn exits the ring and heads back stage. Smalls stays leaning on the ropes with a bothered look on his face.))

Falls Count Anywhere
DeMarco vs BloodDragon vs Mia

Travis: It is time for my lady to make her way to the ring!

Eddie: Not this again!

Travis: That's right baby, Mystic isn't around so Mia come on out!

((No Nagging begins as Mia comes out and sends out kisses to the crowd, and skips down to the ring. Once she is in the ring she jumps up onto the second rope on all four sides of the ring.))

Travis: How beautiful.

Eddie: This man has no life.

((As the music begins to pick up throughout the arena, a blood red hue encompasses the ramp and ring. Slowly but intensely Blood parts the curtain and steps out onto the stage and takes stock of his surroundings. When he is satisfied, he slowly works his way down to the ring.))

Travis: If Blood Dragon hurts her, I will, I will…

Eddie: You will do nothing.

((After the tinny pianoish opening of Andrew WK's Ready to Die, the King of Shootfighters emerges from behind the curtain and stares down the ramp. He starts walking down the ramp towards the ring, not paying any mind to the fans who are reaching out to touch him, nor to the ring announcer announcing him. He then enters the ring with all the other wrestlers.))

Eddie: Here we go with a falls count anywhere match!

Travis: Maybe they will make a stop by here so I can talk to Mia, oh Mia.

((The three circle one another in the ring until Mia and Blood Dragon both throw kicks at DeMarco, knocking him to the ground. As this happens Mia turns to Blood Dragon and connects with a quick dropkick, sending him over the ropes. As DeMarco rises Mia runs off the ropes and tackles him out of the ring also. With all three of them out of the ring they being to trade blows. Blood Dragon gains the upper hand and knocks both Mia and DeMarco to the ground. Dragon then reaches under the ring and grabs a chair banging it on the ground and rearing it back. DeMarco sees this as he gets up and ducks Dragons swing and with a shot to the gut sending Dragon to his knees. DeMarco backs up a tad and connects with a side kick right to Dragons head. After sending Dragon's head flying back into the chair DeMarco gets cocky and plays to the crowd.))

Eddie: Come on now don't play around!

Travis: Mia, take over, my Mia!

((As DeMarco has his back to the other two wrestlers Mia gets to her feet and connects with a twisting bulldog. Mia lifts DeMarco to his feet and the two brawl to the announcer's table where Travis sits mesmerized. Eddie has gotten up and backed to a safe location. Mia and DeMarco trade blows until Blood Dragon runs out of nowhere and grabs DeMarco. With DeMarco in hand Blood Dragons eyes light up and he hit's the Dragon Suplex right into the announcers table. Travis holds his coffee mug and stairs in amazement as the table collapses on impact. Then suddenly in a bold move Travis breaks the mug over Blood Dragon and DeMarco's bodies.))

Travis: That was for you my beautiful Mia!

Eddie: Oh my God, Travis has done the most stupid thing I have ever seen him do. Wait a second let me think…yep the most stupid thing he has ever done!

((With broken bits of a coffee mug on his body Dragon gets to his feet, ignoring Travis he turns to Mia. Mia's face is covered with determination as she charges Dragon and jumps into the air with a flying kick. Dragon side steps it and grabs Mia in mid air, setting up yet another Dragon suplex. As he lifts Mia she slips from his hands and connects with a low blow sending Dragon to his knees. In control Mia throws Dragon into the ring and then climbs in herself. Mia stands over Dragon connecting with punch after punch to his face, until Dragon suddenly grabs her first and throws her to the floor wrapping in a cross face. Dragon rears back yelling at her to quit.))

Travis: Don't hurt her!

Eddie: This is brutal, our announce table is broken, DeMarco is knocked out, and Dragon is about to rip Mia in half!

((Dragon continues to pull back until he just decides to let go. With a cocky grin Dragon calls for the end and lifts Mia to her feet. As he lifts her Mia suddenly hit's a spinning kick to Dragon's side. With Dragon dazed Mia jumps onto the top rope and right back off with the Otaku Assault right into a pin.))

Travis: The Otaku Assault!!

Eddie: One, two, three, yes a win to Mia

((Camera opens up back stage as Obake returns to his office, opening the door he finds Amy Jensen sitting in one of the chairs by Obake's desk. Not exspecting her to be there Obake pauses for a moment before walking behind his desk and taking a seat.))

Obake: What do you need Ms. Jensen?

Amy: There's word going around that I'm facing The Tiger at Oblivion for the Women's Title, and if not I want a peice of that gold if you can make that posable.

Obake: Word travels fast, yes you have a title match against Tiger. Good Luck.

Amy: Come Oblivion I will walk out the new Women's Champion.

((Amy stands and walks out of his office. After she leaves Blood Dragon rushed into the room and stands before Obake's desk.))

Blood: I want a match at Oblivion! I Want Draven in a Lumberjack Match!

Obake: First off calm your ass down! Second if you want a match, ask don't demand!

Blood: Okay,..... Can I have Draven in a Lumberjack Match at Oblivion?

Obake: You get Draven, but don't ever bardge in here again!

Blood: Got it, and thanks.

((Camera cuts to the announcers table.))

Eddie: Blood still holds a grudge against Draven, one that may get him killed.

Travis: Forget Draven, my Amy is going to be a Champ!

Eddie: Oh give it a rest!

((The green Oblivion logo comes into few as Meaning of Life by Disturbed starts playing.))

Announcer: Sunday Jan. 26 the face of HWC will be forever changed!

((The music gets louder as three different title belts fall into view before the Oblivion logo.))

Announcer: 3 Bands! 9 Matches, and a but load of pain! Halls brings you Oblivion live from the MCI Center in Washington D.C. Few will make it out many will be lost forever in Oblivion!))

((Fade to Black by Metallica hits as Sephiroth walks out with a mic in one hand and the World Title in the other. He makes his way down the ring and climbs in as his music fades.))

Seph: I have come out here to announce...

((Seph is cut off by the playing of Better The You, The Tiger walks out to the ring with a mic in hand, she climbs into the ring, seeing Seph she pushes him aside looking for someone.))

The Tiger: Hey, where's......

((Seph sighs))

Seph: Sothren is resting. He had a long night last night.

((Tiger crosses her arms and snorts.))

Seph: He had to make a few displays. It's hard to put mechanical parts on corpses.

The Tiger: sick fucker

Seph: Thank you it's nice to be noticed.

The Tiger: Oh yar here I was talk bout the only du Lac that mattered.... SOTH

Seph: How dare you? Sothren doesn't do a thing unless I tell him to. You'd be wise not to cross me little kitty. I'm the HWC Champion I am the master of this Corporation I am the King of the very world you embrace. At my whim I could npot only destroy you but I could take the very thing you love. My brother!

((Tiger chuckles rubbing her face))

The Tiger: First off sparky love is a power not even ya can mess with and second......

((Gets in his face))

The Tiger: Hows it feel to have my left overs!

((His eyes glow with a greenish light))

Seph: You know it feels good but um... how does it feel to know that no matter how close you get to myt brother. No matter how much he loves you and you love him that you will never be able to know the his true self. You will never be able to see the man within You can never know him as he truely is. And I will always be better than you and closer to him than you.

The Tiger: Better then me huh?

((Tiger rubs her face again in for a moment))

The Tiger: Hows it feel standing in shadow feeling like a bug knowing no matter what you do here in his fed I've done it first and better! I AM The Master of Pain! I AM The Dead Cat! And.. I AM BETTER THEN YOU!

Seph: Maybe you'd like to make a little match for the PPV a rematch for your IC title but why don't we make it interesting. Let's have a Falls count Anywhere match and have Sothren as the special guest referee. Or do you have the slight fear that Sothren is not as Loyal as you think?

((Tiger Sizes him up))

The Tiger: Dude **** you and your belts! I can tell ya where to shove them..... or I could do it my self self it's clearly yar head is already there. And if I wasn't tearing apart Kash at Oblivion I'd gladly show ya pain. But I got a better idea...... Hows bout I take you brother and have ya watch powerless to stop me!

((Seph begins to chuckle softly))

Seph: Please. My brother taken from me. Even if you accomplished this I could crush you both. I am the fallen one, the chosen one, the only one! You are just a has been and since you have so cleverly backed out of my challenge scared little Tiger. I bid you good day, wench! Leave me! Ha! What a fool?!

((Tiger grabs him spinning him around and delivers the Click Click Boom. Now standing over his body laid out of the mat Tiger speaks out again))

The Tiger: Yep your the fallen one BITCH!

((As Tiger stares down at Sephs fallen body and fails to see Kash Flagg run in behind with a chair. Tiger turns to go when Kash brings the chair down on the head of Tiger. Tiger drops like dead weight out cold. Kash grins sickly and drives the chair into the skull of Tiger over and over till the chair is badly bent up. By now Creeper and Chloe run out to the ring to help Seph. Kash sees them coming and drops the chair before slipping out of the ring and heading to the back. Creeper helps seph to his feet who is in alot better condition the Tiger. Chloe stares down at Tiger with hat filled eyes. With out word Chloe grabs Seph's World Title belt and slams it into the skull of Tiger busting her open. Chloe continues on beating her will the belt, Creeper tries to pull her off Tiger but only to almost get hit him self.))

Travis: Chloe's gone psyco! I like it! KILL HER!!

Eddie: We have to take a break and straighten this out!

((Show fades to a commercial for 1-800-CALL-ATT. Carrot top is standing in a gym dressed like the dork that he is.)

Carrot Top: When you need to make a collect call, just use--

(Suddenly Amy flies into the scene and hurricanranna's Carrot Top to the floor. He lies there unconcious.)

Amy: Shut the hell up! Nobody wants to hear you. (She turns to the camera) Now, listen up. You'd better use 1-800-CALL-ATT when you make a collect call. Dial down the center (close up of her hand) that's 1-800-CALL-ATT! It's free for you and cheap for them. If you don't I'll send him to your house.

(Camera pans over to reveal a growling Obake.)

Obake: Dial it and save...or else!))

Hardcore Title Match
Enforcer(c) vs Klaus

Eddie: Tonight is just a blood bath, Travis... Two hardcore matches in one night!

Travis: Yes! Blood!

Eddie: Only you.

((Travis doesn't have time to say anything else. "The Shortest Straw" plays on the PA,with blue and white lights flashing in the entrance way. After about 15 seconds of music, Klaus steps out, glaring at the fans, his arms folded, then power walks to the ring. He rolls in beneath the bottom rope, then makes a "Crossed Hammers" gesture with his fists,his arms crossed left over right at the wrists above his head,still glaring at the fans. They're eerily silent...))

Eddie: And there he is, Travis... The challenger tonight for The Enforcer's Hardcore title.

Travis: He's ready. But is The Enforcer?

((Saliva's "Click Click Boom!" echoes across the airwaves before Eddie can answer. The Enforcer walks out onto the stage, glares at the crowd as he pauses at the top of the ramp and then focuses on his opponent, in this case Klaus von Hammer, and steadily stalks to the ring never breaking eye contact until he's in the ring. The Hardcore title gleams across his shoulder. Another odd reaction from the fans... They're CHEERING! He looks around, startled, then grins viciously as he drops the title over the side. The bell rings, signalling the start of this match.))

Eddie: The champ looks focused here, Travis... Of course, he and Draven did add a few things to the arsenal for this match.

Travis: Like a few kendo sticks, some baseball bats and lots of razor wire. Scary stuff, that.

Eddie: He's using some of the things Jericho Dylan used on him at Sudden Death!

Travis: Yeah... That was really spooky. I think Dylan really was trying to kill him and... Wait! Klaus is on the outside rooting under the ring!

((Travis called it correctly... Klaus gets his hands on the Stop sign Draven put there earlier. But it doesn't work out the way he planned... Enforcer kicks it into his face! Klaus drops like a stone and Enforcer goes for an easy win. 1... 2... Klaus barely gets his shoulder up. Enforcer reaches under the ring and gets the kendo stick wrapped in razor wire. He holds it up and the crowd roars. Then he gets one without the razor wire. They roar for that one too. They don't care... They just want blood! So he alternates, leaving gashes in Klaus's back, as well as leaving welts on his ribcage. Klaus drops again, this time with one arm flopping rather limply. Again Enforcer goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3! The bell rings.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, and STILL HWC Hardcore Champion... THE ENFORCER!!

((The crowd cheers for the winner. Despite his lack of politics, they like him! He looks around, bewildered, then lifts his belt high in the air. Cheers abound for this young superstar. Camera cuts back stage Chris Murphy is standing out side the Finest's locker with both Ace-Man and Patriot. Both dressed and ready for their match with Tiger no where in sight.))

Chirs: I'm here this HWC's Finest just mere moments away from there 6 man tag match against BloodLust Slayerz and Bulldozer. I know their is growing grudge between you....

Patriot: Grudge Nothing! The Slayerz have committed a great wrong against America! One we won't stand for. America won't tolerate being bullied. Now is the time for war! A war they will not win!

Chris: I know American fand stands behind you and your war against Smalls, but where's partner? Where's The Tiger?

((The locker room door opens and out comes Tiger carrying a rolled up flag. She is dressed in red camo pants tucked into her steel toe boots and is wearing a red short sleeve shirt with a blue and white star on the left arm.))


((With that Tiger heads towards the ring with the Finest leading the way.))

((A commercial comes on for the HWC Slaughter game. Various scenes of the characters in the game are shown doing their signature moves.)

Announcer: HWC Slaughter! Play as the Tiger, The Enforcer, Harley Quinn, Amy, Sepheroth or Obake, or create your own wrestler and see if you have what it takes to win the HWC world title!

(The camera shows Harley as Reno and Rude play the game behind her.)

Harley: Come on, I dare ya!

Announcer: HWC Slaughter, now available for Playstation 2, XBOX and Nintendo Game Cube!

Harley: Do you have what it takes?))

6 Man Tag Match
The Finest & Tiger vs BloodLust Slayerz & Bulldozer

((The lights go out. Before the music plays a deep voice of Beowulf say "Summon The Drums of War." The beating of drums start as thier theme does, followed by the crwod brusting into boos. The HWC-Tron show scenes from battles some look like their are from LOTR and others of them leading the charge. As the music gets faster there is a large blast of red pyro going off like a cannon, before the smoke clears BLS with Bulldozer comes running to the ring threw it letting out a battle cry. They slide and or jump into the ring waying their weapons and trash talking the crowd feeding off their haterid. After a few moments BLS hand over their weapons to the ref and await the Finest.))

Travis: I love a good Slaughter, and after that beating Tiger took she doesn't have a prayer.

Eddie: Your sicker then you need to be, I bet you miss Faygo Joe.

Travis: What is that suppost to mean?

((The lights in the arena dim and then fade completely to black as Jimi Hendrix's version of the National Anthom begins to blast in the arena. As the light slowly flicker back on the Finest step out with The Tiger. They stand on the stage while Tiger waves the American flag, the crowd start chanting "USA!" They continue on to the ring and slide in, chaos breaks out intill the ref breaks it up after a minute of brawling from both sides. Patriot starts out face against Palimon, Patriot waists no time in taking it to Palimon. Patriot starts with an Eye Gouge to Palimon followed by a whip to the ropes. Palimon hangs on and kicks Patriot in the gut then hits a snap DDT on Patriot. Palimon pulls Patriot to his feet and throws him to the turn buckle where Beowulf and Dozer beat him with lefts and rights. Palimon sets Patriot up on the turn buckle to deliver a super plex when Patriot hits Palimon in the head a few times and pushes him off. Dozer and Beowulf tries to grab Patriot's legs but aren't quick enough before he lands a Flying Headbutt on Palimon.))

Eddie: Dear got that had to turn. I think Slayerz may have under estimated the skills of the Finest.

Travis: What skills? Slayerz will do what they do best and end the careers of this mask waring losers!

((Patriot gets up and locks Palimon in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Palimon cries out in pain while Patriot grins putting as much force on the lock as he can. The ref gets down and checks to see if he gives up when Dozer climbs in and kicks Patriot in the face a few times till he breaks the hold. The ref sees this and gets in Dozers way yelling at him to get out of the ring. While the ref is destracted Palimon gets to his feet and pulls Patriot up and delivers a Fallaway Slam. Palimon does for a quick pin....1, 2, and Patriot gets a shoulder up.))

Eddie: Patriot showing that no matter what beating he takes he won't go down.

Travis: Shows how smart Patriot realy is, doesn't know when he's beaten.

Eddie: The match isn't over yet.

((Palimon pulls Patriot up and and tags Dozer. Dozer grabs Palimon by the throat and lifts him for a choke slam when Patriot counters with a kick to the groind. Dozer holds him self while Palimon staggers over and tags Ace in.))

Eddie: Patriot just taged in Ace-Man, maybe tonight Ace-Man can be known as a giant killer and take down Dozer.

Travis: Or more likely Dozer will squish him like a bug!

((Ace-Man stands before him in a heroic pose while Dozer looks down at him and laughs. Dozer reaches down as if to crush Ace's skull when Ace hits a few chopes to the chest of Dozer. He is knocked back a step but nothing more. Dozer scoops Ace up onto his shoulders and spins with him before deliving a power bomb. Dozer goes for a pin, 1..2..kick out. Ace gets up and head butts Dozer dazing him before he can completly get to his feet. Ace the lands a super kick knocking Dozer back on his back. Ace goes for a pin, 1... and Dozer throws Ace off him.))

Eddie: Ace realy can't do much with a man this size.

Travis: Yea except run!

((Dozer gets up and comes at Ace with a close line, but Ace tags Patriot in and together they land a flying closeline off the top rope to Dozer. Before Dozer can get back up Patriot is stomping away on him in till Dozer knocks his feet out from under him. Dozer gets to his feet and picks up Patriot up by the head and delivers a giant swing throwing him in the BLS corner again. Dozer tags Beowulf in and he starts beating into the body of Patriot who answers back with a swinging neckbreaker. Patriot starts yelling at him something about Miss America while trying to choke him out, the ref forces him to break the hold. Patriot gets up and paces waiting for Beowulf to get up, the moment he does he is knocked right down again by a thrust kick to the throat.))

Eddie: Was that a legal move?

Travis: It is now, the ref is blind. YOU BLIND REF!!

Eddie: Take your prozac Travis!

Travis: WHO TOLD!

((Patriot has Beowulf to his feet and delivers a Double Belly-To-Back Suplex, Patriot goes for another when Beowulf slams his elbow in the side of his head. Beowulf slips out of his grip and grabs the back of Patriots head and starts slaming it into the turn buckle. Once Beowulf is done Patriot falls back on the mat. Beowuld bends over to pick him up and gets kick in the head by Patriot. Patriots rolls over and gets up charging at Beowulf who side steps him and trips him up. Beowulf picks him up and pulls him into a toture rack. As Patriot is crying out in pain Beowulf looks over at the Finest corner and talks trash.))

Eddie: Beowulf is trying to break Patriot in half, this match is going to get get someone killed!

Travis: I know it's great!

((At long last Bewoulf fine drops Patriot who just lays there. Beowulf goes for a cover, 1..2..3 NO A diving leap from Ace-Man break the pin. Beowulf looking pissed that his win was stolen from him puts Ace-Man in the toture rack. Patriot rolls over and begind to crawl to the corner as Tiger has her hand streched out ready for the tag. Patriot finaly makes it over and slaps Tiger. Beowulf sees the tag and drops Ace and comes at Tiger. Tiger climbs up on the turn buckle and delivers a moonsult Beowulf. Covering him she starts beating away on his face letting Ace get back behind the ropes. The ref breaks them up, Tiger only steps awat for a moment rubbing the part of her head that's bandaged up. Beowulf get to his knees and takes a a swing at Tiger who quickly puts him in a head lock.))

Eddie: It come be over here folks.

Travis: No She's not dead yet!

Eddie: Another bet? When will you learn!?

((Dozer calls out and points to Tiger, Her eyes narrow as she drops Beowulf.))

Eddie: What is she doing?

Travis: Something stupid!

((Beowulf sees Dozer's hand out and Tiger backing away, he doesn't think twice when he gets up and tags in Dozer. Dozer climbs in grinning darkly as Tiger motions for him to come on. Dozer comes at Tiger to grab her by the throat Tiger ducks under his arm spins around and hits him with a drop kick. The kick sends him to the ropes which his comes back off at Tiger. Palimon moves down the ropes and grabs Tiger arm, she turns and hits him hard enough to knock him off the side of the mat. Tiger turns back to face Dozer just as Dozer hits a big boot to the head of Tiger. Dozer picks her up in a bear hug submission hold and squeezes her. Tiger tries to battle back by blows to the head of Dozer and ever a head butt but Dozer doesn't lossen his grip. It isn't long till Tiger stops moving. The ref comes over and checks her, he grabs her hand and raises it once, it drops down. Again the ref grabs Tiger hand and raises it as it drops down again. The ref raises it for a thrid time and once again it drops. The ref calls for the bell.))

Jean Fortello: You winner by submission,.... BLOODLUST SLAYERZ AND BULLDOZER!!!

Travis: Face it the Finest have no skills and Tiger's a has been.

Eddie: She might of standed a chance is not for Kash and Chloe. I can't believe it, oh and here comes Smalls to gloat!

((The crowd answers to the win and Smalls arival with deafening boos. With Smalls is Miss America, as he heads to the ring he is nearly dragging her. Patriot sees this and tries to rush Smalls only to get grabed by Dozer and choked slammed. Palimon and Beowulf finished him off with the Slayerz Spear as Dozer beats on Ace-Man with the ring steps intill he no longer moves.))

Eddie: Now this is just sick and wrong!

Travis: It's what makes ratings.

((Once in the ring Smalls shoves Miss America to the fallen bodies of the Finest. After being handed a mic Smalls stands over the broken body of Patriot.))

Smalls: You can have you bitch back! By the way, ........ SEE YOU AT OBLIVION!!!

((The Slayrer, Dozer and Smalls leave while Miss America craddles the broken body of Patriot in tears.))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2003, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))