Saturday Night Slaughter
Chicago , Illinois at the Allstate Arena

((Travis Best is at the buffet table backstage with the words "Earlier Tonight" in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. The doors open behind him to reveal...))

Travis: Amy? Jeff?

((Amy turns around, wearing the same clothes she had been wearing on the flight: Black baggy jeans, black bra with the red fishnet top. her hair is combed back and tied off, her eyes rimmed in black. her lip piercing gleams in the light. She grins menacingly.))

Amy: Travis fuckin' Best! My favorite chew toy!

((Travis backs up a step as Amy grins at him. He then nabs the cameraman.))

Travis: You! Come here! (to Amy and Jeff) Can I get an interview? An exclusive?

Jeff: Sure, just one word of advice. You even look at Amy funny and I'll scoop our your eyes and skull fuck you.

Travis (gulping loudly): Yes sir.

((Amy just grins and pulls her trademark switchblade, popping it open. She lets it dance in her fingers, twirling as she leers at Travis, almost daring him to look at her as she listens. She shifts from one foot to the other, vibrating with energy that she used to have. She pops her neck then rotates her shoulders, restless.))

Travis: Well first off. Where in the hell have you two been? Rumours have been flying all over the place since Christmas Chaos. And what was the deal with that kiss anyway?

Jeff: The deal was we realized that there was more than brother/sister feelings between us, and we acted on them. And as for where we've been, we've been getting our lives back together. The last two months took a lot out of us and we needed to get our heads straight, the holiday season was the perfect time to take some time off.

((Amy grins wickedly and speaks, her voice derisive and mocking))

Amy: And he got his 'head' on straight..lemme tell you. There's feelings here, we acted on them, and now we're back. Very easy to understand. Or do you need me to paint a picture?

Jeff (smiling at Amy's comments): Very simple Travis. You want any further answers you wait until later on...because my little Hellcat and I are going to tell the whole world the answers to the questions they have. Now if you don't mind...

((He shoves Travis off to the side, and looks to Amy, he sees the look in her eyes at Travis and backs off a few steps....))

((Amy just grins and grabs Jeff by his shirt..and leads Jeff to a undisclosed locker room, terminating the interview in a way only she can do.))

Travis (looking back towards the camera): Well at least I'm one up on Eddie in the interview department.

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then to Faygo and Wendell walk out the hall back stage. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Mia standing on the ramp staring down Chaotica in the ring. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.))

Standard Match
Sage vs Cleo

((The arena goes dark, as Gold Lust begins to play. Gold lights begin to move over the crowd and comes to a stop on the back of the stage, as something rises up from the floor. It's a Egyptian sarcaphagus.The lid of the Sarcaphagus slides open and there stands the Pharoh Cleoptra. She opens her eyes and makes her way to the ring not hearing or noticing the crowds cheering for her as she makes her way to the ring and in her hands she carries the scepters of Upper and Lower Egypt. She climbs into the ring and removes the golden crown and hands the ref the crown along with the two scepters to put on the outside, and faces the entrance to wait for her opponent. But no music is heard. Suddenly Jean Fortello's voice breaks through))

Jean Fortello: Due to the rampant flu virus running through the US, SAGE cannot compete tonight! Winner by default...CLEOPATRA!!!!! ((Gold Lust kicks over the PA again and She stands there with a look of disgust as she wanted to prove herself, but cannot. She exits the ring and heads to the back))

Travis: That was a quick match.

Eddie: I don't think that can be counted as a match.

Travis: Cleo is suck a hotty.

Eddie: Lucky for her she's leaving the ring now.

((Only in America plays over the PA system as the crowd answers with loud cheers. Out steps Autumn Lewis with a mic in head. She waves to the crowd and makes her way down the ramp to the ring.))

Travis: This is going to be boring.

Eddie: You don't know that.

Travis: Oh no? Watch and I'll prove it to you.

Eddie: Care to make a wager on that?

Travis: No Commet!

((Autumn reaches the ring and climbs in as her music it cut. She waits a little longer as the crowd settles down for her to speak.))

Autumn: I have come out here tonight to announce to the world the coming of Oblivion. This will be the HWC's biggest pay per veiw. Oblivion will be our version of the super bowl. For years to come starting with this year, Oblivion will be the Pay per Veiw that starts the coming year off with a bang. And this year is no exception!

((The crowd once again bursts into the mad cheers, Autumn smiles and waits for them to calm before continue.))

Autumn: We've come a longway sense the reopen and I think it's time to celibrate. And I can think of no other way then....... 9 unforgetable matches, and...... 3 of the top bands in music today. 3 bands booked to play live at Oblivion between matches and some of the Superstars themes.

((More cheers come but Autumn just talks threw them.))

Autumn: The 3 bands I have booked for the huge Pay per View are....... Disturbed......... Saliva......... and Rammstein!

((Autumn is forced to stop by the over whelming cheers from the crowd. After a few moments of waiting Autumn does her best to talk over them to finish what she has to say.))

Autumn: In two weeks, the face of the Hardcore Wrestling Corparation will be forever changed after Oblivion. In just two weeks in Washington D.C. ....... we will see some fun. And not ever Martin Smalls could create a bigger show as Oblivion.

((Only in America kicks up agains and Autumn climbs out of the ring, the camera switches to Smalls office showing him standing with BloodLust Slayez and the HWC World Champion Bulldozer watching Autumn's announcement on a big screen tv in Smalls office. Smalls silently mocks Autumn's last works about him.))

Samlls: Who does she think she is!

Beowulf: The President?

Palimon: Shut up!

Smalls: No, he right. But it's just a name. She see was foolish enough to go off and do what ever it is she does, that's not important! What is is that I run the show. She's taking credit for all my work. I manged all teh best talent made all the best matches and put butts in those seats week after week! Oblivion will be no different then anyother Slaughter. I'm going to book some incredable matches here tonight. Autumn is right, after Oblivion HWC will be changed forever. Cause once again the iron grip of Martin Smalls will be over this fed once again. And this time there will be no chance of stopping it!

((Camera cuts back to the announcer table as Eddie and Travis exstange looks.))

Travis: Autumn maybe the one that makes Oblivion but as you saw right there it will be Smalls that will runs it.

Eddie: Say what ya will, the HWC still belong to Autumn Lewis and i don't think she's going to just give it to Smalls.

Travis: Weirder things have happened.

Eddie: Not in this world, maybe the one in your mind.

((The camera cuts to the back, where the fans can see Armageddon, Jericho Dylan and The Tiger. Armageddon shakes his finger in Jericho's face, then turns and walks away. As such, he doesn't see Jericho stick his tongue out at him. The fans scream with laughter at the grin on Jericho's face. Tiger gives him a high five, then they start talking strategy. Neither of them can see the looming shadow coming up behind them...))

Eddie: Wait a minute! Who's that behind...

((CLANG!!! A steel chair nails Jericho from behind, sending him reeling forward. Tiger turns partially, getting a chair shot to the forehead. Repeated shots from the chair send Tiger crashing to the floor. When she's down, the chair gets discarded in favor of something Jericho used some time ago on the Enforcer...))

Eddie: Is that...?

Travis: A kendo stick wrapped in razor wire?

Eddie: I don't see any wire, do you?

Travis: Nope.

((The kendo stick comes crashing down on his back, hitting him square on the scar. He howls in pain, grabbing at his back. The stick comes down on that arm, numbing his fingers and making him scream. Again and again, the kendo stick comes down, until Jericho is no longer moving. The camera pans up to reveal...))

Eddie and Travis: KASH FLAGG!!!

((The fans give a mix of cheers and boos. He sees the camera and sneers at it, then starts to walk away. Upon further reflection, however, he stops and comes back to Jericho. He brings his foot back, then lowers it to the floor. He grabs that steel chair again and brings it down as hard as he can on Jericho's neck... Jericho, despite being unconscious, flops around a bit, then lies still. Flagg tosses the chair down and walks away, laughing all the while.))

Standard Match
Mystic J vs Johnny Desperado

Eddie: What a night so far huh Travis?

Travis: My god where has Cleo been all of my life? She's beautiful!!!

Eddie: I take it you've forgotten all about your other little lovelies as you call them?

Travis: NO!! I just added Cleo to my list! Who's up next? Hopefully some fine little lady…

Eddie: Nope… Johnny Desperado and Mystic J. This is going to be an interesting match!

Travis: Why do you say that?

Eddie: These two are or were friends before this match at least. It's due to the fact that Mystic J has fallen in total love with Mia Lang, while Desperado had a crush on her…

Travis: So they're fighting over Mia? The sweet Otaku Angel?

Eddie: That's what I got from it…

Travis: And who can blame them? She's gorgeous!!!

Eddie: Yeah…Anyway onto our next match!

((The song "I don't Suck" begins to play as the crowd starts to cheer. Johnny Desperado comes out and lifts his balled fists into the air, as the crowd continues to cheer. He races down tot he ring, slides in and once again raises his fists to get the crowds reaction. He then jumps on one of the turnbuckles and points to various people in the audience.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 267lbs, from Raliegh/Durham North Carolina, Johnny Desperado!!!

Travis: My money is on Desperado! He is a man that is out for revenge and he's going to get it!

Eddie: I thought you said you were going to stop putting money on matches?

Travis: I changed my mind! Where's lover boy?

(("Bad Boy" begins to play as Mystic comes out and stops at the head of the entrance way. He then stops looking to the left side of the crowd, then to the right. He nods slightly before raising balled fists into the air while pyro's go off on both sides of Mystic. He makes his way to the ring and again raises his fists.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 433lbs, from Mystic Connecticut, Mystic J!

((The two of them just look at each other taking in every detail of the other. Mystic says something to Desperado but no one can hear what it is. Whatever it is, makes Desperado hit Mystic square in the jaw as the bell sounds. Mystic is taken back by the hit to the jaw, but uses an arm-bar taking Desperado down to the floor. Mystic starts to choke him but the ref breaks them up. Desperado slams his fists to the mat after he regains his breathe and grabs Mystic by the waist and goes into Multiple German Suplexes.))

Eddie: These two aren't going to stop until one of them is dead!

Travis: Just think Eddie, if Mystic dies Desperado will have a chance at Mia…Hell I'll have a chance at Mia!


((Desperado finally lets go and Mystic lays on the floor in pain. Desperado goes for a crotch slam, but Mystic counters it with a kick to the groin. Desperado falls to mat and Mystic picks him up and executes a brainbuster DDT.1..2.. Desperado gets the shoulder up! Mystic can't believe it! Mystic goes to grab Desperado but he counters it with a Belly to belly suplex sending Mystic to the ground. Desperado goes for the pin. 1…2...Mystic gets the shoulder up and tries to get up as Desperado stomps on him. Mystic grabs Desperado's foot as he comes down, and flips him onto his back. Mystic smiles as he picks Desperado up and puts him behind his shoulders and executes the 747. 1…2…3!))

Eddie: He did it! The 747 has been executed on Desperado!!!

Travis: Desperado is out cold! And I'm out 20 bucks!

Jean Fortello: And here is your winner Mystic J!

Eddie: It looks like Mystic and Mia will be celebrating tonight!

Travis: Wish I could be there?

Eddie: Yeah I bet! We'll be back after this!

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Reinforcements, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows The Tiger and Obake playing the game. Obake is using Tiger, and Tiger is using Obake. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

((Camera opens up in Martin Smalls office, there Smalls is seen standing and talking with someone wearing a refs shirt with his back to the camera. The look on Smalls face is anying but amuzement, infact his tone sounds harsh.))

Smalls: I'm doing you a favor here! Sense you pride your self on justic I'm going to let you referee the Tag Team match tonight. I can prove to be a fair guy, even after that little love tap you gave me!

((Smalls reaches back to rub the back of his head as the camera turns to show who Smalls is talking to. There standing dressed like a ref is none other the Patriot, mask and all. He eyes Smalls and shakes his head.))

Patriot: If you think this makes up for all your wrong do, fat chance Smalls! You just make sure you keep all your goons away from this match. And let me do my job!

((Patriot turns and walks out of the room. Once gone Smalls turns his head to a dark side of the room and speaks calmly.))

Smalls: You know what to do I take it?

((A figure steps from the dark conor and to Smalls side revealing it to be Palimon.))

Palimon: Fear not, everything will be taken care of with no...... interruptions.

Standard Match
Hans Kuhmann vs Jericho Dylan

Eddie: What does he mean no interruptions?

Travis: What do you think it means Eddie? Do I need to get you a dictionary?

Eddie: Anyways, this shall prove to be an interesting match tonight.

Travis: Hans is introuble now, Jericho is backed by Armageddon. A man that knows no mercy!

Eddie: Well Armageddon may have others scared one man that isn't going to back down is Kash Flagg.

Travis: Forget Flagg this match is Hans vs Jericho, I've seen this match before except Tiger was in it. Makes me wonder if that brainless wonder will show up and try to aid Jericho.

Eddie: I'm sure Jericho can aid him self.

Travis: How Jericho can still fight after that attack from Flagg is beyond me. If he was smart he would leave now cause Hans will finish the job Flagg started.

((The God that Failed by Metallica plays over the PA.))

Jean Fortello: First to the ring, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at 225....... JERICHO DYLAN!!!

((The lights flicker, then go out. When they come back on, they have a sickly green glow. Standing at the entrance to the arena, he's an intimidating figure in black and silver. A black cloak is thrown over his head, shrouding his long blonde hair and brown eyes. Fireworks go off, making the crowd jump as he makes his way to the ring. Jericho enters the ring and paces like a wild animal waiting for meat despit his injuries, his music fades and Walk Among Us hits.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent from Frankfurt, Germany weighing in at 218....... HANS KUHMANN!!!

((Blue and white lights flashing all around the arena. After about 15 seconds, Hans steps out, paces back and forth across the stage a couple of times, his hands on his hips, then power walks to the ring, climbs to the ring apron, then vaults to the top turnbuckle and flashes the "Crossed Hammers" sign. Hans comes down and faces Jericho. Jericho eyes him hard and lunges at him, Hans merly side steps him and trips him up sending him to the mat. Hans goes to pick him up and Jericho kicks him off and leaps to his feet.))

Travis: Rookie mistake there, Hans owns his ass here.

Eddie: The match just started Jericho could surprise us yet.

((Jericho grabs Hans as the met head on delivering a side walk slam to Hans. While down Jericho waist no time trying to lock the crippler crossface on Hans. Hans groans but refuses to tap, it's earlier in the match and he has the strength to pull him self over to the ropes and grab the bottom ropes as the ref pulls Jericho off him. Jericho steps away and waits for Hans to get to his feet while holding his hurt neck. Hans gets up after then Jericho thinks and catches him off guard with a Flying head scissors. Jericho holds his neck more crying out in pain, Hans sneers at him before climbing the turnbuckle. Hans sets up for a top rope leg drop on the neck of Jericho, when Jericho gets up and hits the top rope causing Hans to lose his balance and fall hard.))

Eddie: Quick thinking by Jericho, what I tell you?

Travis: It's just a matter of time, he's already hurt before he stepped into the ring

((Jericho pulls Hans to his feet and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker followed by a quick pin. 1...2..kick out. Jericho gives the ref a dirty look as he gets to his feet. He fails to see two men running to the ring not intill he is grabbed and thrown over the top rope landing hard on the mat below.))

Eddie: What the hell!

Travis: What are they doing here! This is not their match!

Eddie: Soth just threw Jericho over the top rope!

Travis: It's Hans they want for the cheap win costing Soth to lose his belt!

((The ref calls for the bell as both Seph and Soth start beating away on Hans. The crowd is own their feet by the time Klaus comes running to the ring to aid his tag team partern. Klaus manages to knock them off Hans with s few blows, Seph goes at Klaus while Soth tries to crush Hans windpipe with his own belt. The ref tries to break it up but it's hopeless. Then a voice comes screaming from the stage, it's Smalls with Beowulf by his side.))

Smalls: HEY HEY HEY!!!! Break it up!

((They all kinda stop cold in their tracks and looks at Smalls to see what he could posably want.))

Smalls: Now I know we all would love to see all of you kill each other on tv....... But here's not the place! I will not have choas in my fed! Kindred..... Die Zerstörer......... Your going to have to wait to tear each other apart. At least till Oblivion, and it will be The Kindred vs Die Zerstörer for the Tag team titles. Intill then if you so much as look at each other after today I will have you all banned from all shows for a month! Now get out of site! Beowulf would you be so kind to direct these gentlement back to their locker rooms.

Travis: Smalls is keeping true to his word.

Eddie: Does he have any power to do this, and where is Autumn to stop all this!

Travis: Some President she is huh!

((Beowulf comes down to the rings to separt the two as they glare at each other. Hans and Klaus walk away making gestures that the belt with be theirs. Armageddon with Tiger comes down to aid his fallen follower as Jericho get to his feet slowly. Armageddon gives Soth a hatefilled look then turns to Tiger and glares as she looks away from him.))

Eddie: We need to take a beark to straighten this out.

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

((Backstage Palimon approches the office door of Autumn Lewis, he steps slowly to it and takes a look around before waving to someone down the hall. A loud roar is heard from down teh hall growing louder till the sorce of the noise comes into view. Beowulf pulls up riding on The Tiger's V-Rod Harley and props it up against the office door keeping it from opening. Beowful shuts the engine off and throws the keys off somewhere to his side. the two take another look around and quickly run off. Banging and cursing can be heard comming from Autumn from behind the door.))

Tag Match with Specail Guest Ref.
Bad News vs Bottle Genuis

Eddie: We're back and Bottle Genius is already in the ring ready to go.

Travis: They looks like two nobodies compared to the might they are about to face.

((Click Click Boom hits and the song plays all the way up to the chorus. When the line "Click Click Boom" comes up a wall of pyro explodes on the word "Boom" and as it dies down, The Enforcer and Draven are standing there. Scott walks out from behind the curtian and leads his two monstrous charges down to ringside. Bad News paces around on the out side awaiting the specail gest ref to come. Click Click Boom fades while the National Anthom kicks up. Patriot walks out wearing the striped refs shirt and his mask.))

Travis: This has to be the strangest ref I have ever seen.

((Patriot climbs into the ring followed by Bad News. Draven stays on the out side while Faygo and Enforcer face off. The bell rings and Enfrocer locks up with Faygo, Enforcer starts off by giving Faygo a Double underhook suplex followed by a few stomps to the head by Enforcer till Patriot pushes him off Faygo. Enforcer steps away then back over to Faygo grabing him before he can make a tag. He throws him hard to the other side of the ring where Draven sucker punches him. Enforcer then picks him up and delivers a hard Samoan drop. Enforcer then tags in Draven, Patriot sees the tag and alows it. Draven stands waiting for Faygo to get to his feet, even when he does still he stands their waiting. Faygo eyes him uneasy and slowly moves back to his corner to tag in Wendell. The moment Faygo turns around Draven runs at him and nails a spear to the back of Faygo.))

Eddie: Bad News isn't worried about winning, all they want to do is end these two mens careers.

Travis: Can you blame them?

((Wendells sees this and leaps into the ring but is quickly stopped by Patriot. This gives both Draven and Enforcer a chance to beat on him. Draven drags Faygo back to their corner when two figures dark out from under the ring behind Patriot.))

Eddie: It's the BloodLust Slayerz! I knew Smalls had something up his sleave!

Travis: Now it gets intertesting.

((Beowulf slams his fist into the back of Patriots skull before picking him up and throwing him out of the ring. Wendell gets out of the way and tries to help Faygo, Wendell kicks Draven in the back causing him only to get mad. Suddenly Bodies by Drowning Pool kicks over the PA and Amy comes running down the ramp, boots hitting the floor easily. She slides in onto her feet quickly. She immediately lashes out with a dropkick to Genius's chest, knocking him clean across the ring. She follows after him, delivering massive boots to his midsection as Bad News watches, confused. Faygo tries to get into the ring to help his partner but Jeff Wylde comes from out of the crowd and slides under the bottom rope and spears Joe nearly cutting him in half. Bad News look at each other and shrug watching at Jeff and Amy start taking apart Bottled Genius. Jeff takes Faygo down with a massive chokeslam and then looks to Amy grinning.))

Travis: This must've been what they were telling me about earlier!

Eddie: They didn't mention anything about taking out Bottled Genius!

((Amy leaps up to the top rope and throws her arms wide. She leaps off and does a perfect Swanton Bomb, smashing down into Faygo's chest with a hard SLAM. She rolls to her feet and delivers a kick to Faygo's head then heads over to Genius, as she signals to Jeff. Together, they lift Genius onto the top rope. Amy positions him and yanks him the last second..SPINESHANK!!!!!))

Travis: I ain't looking! I value my eyes thank you!

((The Genius is no longer moving but Faygo still shows life. Jeff motions Amy outside the ring and then lifts Faygo into a powerbomb position. He lifts Faygo up into a powerbomb position, and then turns his back to the turnbuckle Amy has climbed. She leaps off straddling Faygo's face as Jeff drives Faygo down with the Wylde Ride, Amy landing with all her weight on Faygo's chest.))

Eddie: DEAR GOD! What the hell was that.

Travis: Still not looking!

((Amy rolls to her feet, screaming at the crowd and at anyone who will listen. She then signals for a mic, and hands it to Jeff, as she stands by him. her full lips are parted in exertion but it's a pleasured if she loves this so much. She rotates her shoulders and lets him talk))

Jeff: Did you miss us? We're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

((Huge pop, Bad News has left the ring, Jeff watches as Amy casually kicks the prone bodies of Faygo and the Genius out of the ring.))

Jeff: Now I know a lot of you have been wondering exactly what the hell has been going on with Amy and myself in the time since Christmas Chaos and now. And if you've been living under a rock... (he points to the HWC tron) Roll that beautiful bean footage....

((Amy lays there, almost unconscious. At the 5 count, Jeff stirs and throws an arm over Amy, covering. 1...2...Amy comes to her senses and kicks out on instinct. Jeff is utterly shocked for a second time that the little Hellcat has kicked out. Amy spits up blood, curling up tightly. Tears form at the edge of her eyes, as she rocks a bit in the extreme pain. She cannot even form an attack. Jeff slowly rises to his feet and he's grinning down at her. He walks in a circle around her and then reaches down pulling her to her feet by her hair. Again he takes two handfuls of hair. However instead of the headbutt everyone is expecting he leans in and kisses her! The arena falls into a hushed shock. Not even Travis has anything to say about this bizzare turn of events.))

Eddie: What the hell...?

((Amy kisses him back just as hard, totally caught off guard but enjoying it just as much. Her tongue dances with his, blood tasted from her lips and mouth. Amy then lets her head fall back limp, stil conscious but with no longer the power to hold it up. Jeff rolls from the ring and takes her to the back as the camera follows them but stops at the curtain. The crowd suddenly buzzes with excitement as a camera in the back follows them as Jeff is walking by with Amy in his arms past the shocked crew and wrestlers. He says nothing to any of them as he reaches the exit. He disappears outside the arena with Amy still in his arms. The camera follows them out after a moment and all we can see are the tailights of Jeff's Camaro as he pulls out of the parking lot.))

((Amy leans over and speaks into the mic, commentating)

Amy: Oh..he's got me down...I was ready to kick him in the jimmy..oh..look..HE KISSED ME!!! OH WHAT A KISS!! I bank 5 points on that alone!

((She laughs, a total mocking tone in her voice)

Jeff (laughs): Now, for all the internet rumor mongers. Amy and I DID NOT have this thing planned from the start. Only a total idiot would ruin their lives planning something like this. The reason I kissed Amy is because of the simple fact that I was in love with her, and I acted on it. I didn't care if it was in front of 20,000 people.

((As proof of this he grabs her and kisses her again, picking her up off the mat.)

((Amy indulges in the kiss, tongue action and all as she wraps her arms around him, grabbing his ass. when she breaks the kiss, she speaks into the mic, laughing softly)

Amy: Although I did get a kick out of the name Cradles And Coffins...that was flat hilarious! We're in love, and if you don't like it, oh fuckin' well!

Jeff: We're back to do two things, kick ass and take that order if need be. Hell, you've all known that Amy is not your typical woman. She ain't into all that feminine shit, she likes to hurt people and so do I, that's what we get paid for. So from here on out that's what we're gonna do, no matter who gets in our way. (he then turns to the commentary table and sees Travis trying not to look.) And Best...I hear one smart remark out of your mouth about Amy...

((Travis ducks under the table as Amy and Jeff leave to the back as Bodies plays over the PA.))

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

((Patriot is still in the ring his ref shirt bloodied up and stretched out, he pants as he speaks into the mic.))

Patriot: Smalls! You set me up, and I wont stand for it! America won't stand for it! America seeks justice, and I will have it one way or another!

((Smalls strolls out slowly from the back this time alone. He gazes at Patriot like he is a bug.))

Smalls: Oh is America so thrist for revenge? FINE! At Oblivion you too have a match, a Tag Team match against BloodLust Slayerz. But this is not normal Tag Match, it will be a Hardcore Tag Team match. I hope it's good enough for America...... CAUSE IT'S ALL YOUR GETTING!

((Patriot stands ever eyeing Smalls as he walks away and nods talking trash under his breath.))

World Title Match
Bulldozer (c) vs Sephiroth

Eddie: Main Event time here on Slaughter...

Travis: Yeah, and it's going to kick butt! We have the current HWC World Champion, The Bulldozer, facing off against the IC Champion in Sephiroth du Lac for the Title!

Eddie: This is going to be an interesting match-up, to say the very least. The Bulldozer will be alone here at ringside, and so will Sephiroth, apparently... He seems to have forbidden Sothren's presence.

Travis: That's about the only smart thing he's done.

((Eddie just rolls his eyes. The lights dim as a "wall" screen with the HWC logo on it drops over the walkway. Thunder sounds repeatedly as "Fade to Black" begins to play. Some of the sounds are matched with Lighting effects flashing the logo. Then the logo seems to disappear a few flashes revealing Sephiroth's siloette. Then Lightning effects strike the stage as Pyro explodes, the lights raise and the wall lifts revealing Sephiroth. He walks to the ring slowly his long cape dragging behind, Livia not far behind. Once he reaches the ring he stands in the center and just raises his hand to the sky. Then the lights flicker on and off until they go out and Lightning effects strike the ring posts with a crackling sound. The lights go normal and he stands waiting for the inevitable. Oddly enough, the fans cheer wildly as the referee takes the Intercontinental Championship belt from the challenger...))

Eddie: Despite his lack of politics, Sephiroth seems to be a fan favorite.

Travis: The people cheering that deluded freak are either drunk, nuts, or both.

((Again, Eddie rolls his eyes. But this time he sticks his tongue out at his broadcast partner. Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at lightning like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring in an intimidating manner. The HWC Heavyweight Championship belt hangs over one massive shoulder, gleaming in the light. The fans are eerily silent as he poses and flexes, cheering only when Sephiroth charges him from behind. The Bulldozer turns around and...))


Eddie: What a thunderous clothesline from the champion! He nearly took Seph's head off!

Travis: YES! What a way to start the match!

Eddie: Only you, Travis... Only you.

((Travis has no time to comment as Dozer turns toward Sephiroth, who's still reeling from that clothesline. The HWC's resident vampire ducks another clothesline and scoots behind the champ. When Dozer turns to see where he went, Seph hits him with a standing dropkick. Dozer stumbles backward and hits the ropes. Seph runs and nails him with a lariat. Dozer teeters... Then... BOOM!! He's OUTSIDE the ring!))

Eddie and Travis together: WHOA!!!

Eddie: That was phenomenal!

Travis: For once, I agree. Seph's stronger than he looks...

((Seph follows Dozer outside the ring and lays the boots to him. Dozer turns this way and that, finally escaping the assault. Seph watches him, then attacks, hitting him with a thunderous boot to the side. Dozer shouts in pain and grabs at his ribs. Seph reaches down to get Dozer into the ring, only to be caught in a DDT to the cold, unyielding cement floor. Dozer was playing possum!! The champ rolls in to break up the 10-count, then rolls back out to grab Seph, still out on the floor. He gets Seph into the ring and goes for a cover. 1... 2... Seph suddenly rolls him over into a Small Package! The ref gets into position. 1... 2... Dozer barely works his way out of that one.))

Eddie: Two close calls there... We nearly had a new World Champion.

Travis: Yeah. Both men showing their ring smarts to escape the pinning predicaments. I gotta give Sephiroth credit... He's no dummy!

Eddie: And I've been saying that for how long?

Travis: Oh, shut up.

((Back in the ring, Dozer gets to his feet, a little shaky after Seph's initial assault. Sephiroth isn't that much better off... Being DDT'ed to the concrete tends to have that effect on you. But neither man will back down now... Dozer goes for a spear, only to hit the cold steel of the ringpost. He shouts and grabs at his shoulder. Sephiroth, sensing imminent victory, goes to work on that injured joint. Armbar takedown, applying pressure to the shoulder. He lets up, only to clamp down with a modified chickenwing. Dozer screams in pain and appears to be on the verge of tapping when Seph releases the hold! The crowd is staring in disbelief at what they just saw. But it soon becomes clear why... Seph goes up top, still holding Dozer's arm. Twisting it around to put pressure on the shoulder, he flies off the top, landing a modified axe handle on it. Dozer drops, screaming in sheer agony. Seph drops down and locks in an armbar, increasing the already existing agony. The ref gets in close and asks Dozer if he submits. Dozer screams no. The ref asks again. Again, the answer is no. Then Seph hauls back and snaps the arm a few times before going back to the basic armbar. With extreme reluctance, evidenced in his eyes and general posture, Dozer's free hand comes down and slaps the mat. The ref stands and calls for the bell.))

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by submission, and the NEW HWC World Champion... SEPHIROTH DU LAC!

((When he hears the bell, Sephiroth lets go of the hold and stands, albeit rather unsteadily. The referee hands him the HWC World Title, then raises his hand in victory. Sothren comes out, smiling at his brother's victory. The camera cuts to the back and a shot of Martin Smalls. The HWC's Vice President has an outraged look on his face. He's screaming, but no sound seems to be coming out...))

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))