Saturday Night Slaughter
Lincoln , Nebraska at the Pershing Auditorium

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then to Faygo and Wendell walk out the hall back stage. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Mia standing on the ramp staring down Chaotica in the ring. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely. The camera opens up in the arena with blue and white pyro going off with screaming and cheering fans waving signs that read. "Kash Flagg for Prez!", "Enforce the Bad News" and "Bring on the Blood!" The camera, after panning around the arena turn on the announce table where Eddie Danniels and Travis Best are sitting.))

Eddie: We are live and sold out at the Pershing Auditorium in Nedraska.

Travis: Wow sold out! Everyone one and their cousin is here some of them as dates.

Eddie: I don't think they do that here.

Travis: How would you know? Are you from Nebraska?

Eddie: No, are you?

Travis: That's becide the point.

Eddie: Anyways we have been given word that Kash Flagg is somewhere in the arena tonight.

Travis: Wonder what he has got up his sleeve tonight?

Eddie: Guess we will have to wait and see.

Travis: Well I hope he's not after me, I think I owe him some money.

Eddie: Well I'm not baling you out this time.

Travis: Whoa whats this?

Eddie: Is that one of Smalls limos?

Travis: Looks like it, only Smalls knowns how to travel in style.

((The HWC-Tron shows a black limo pulling into the parking lot. It slows to a stop as the side door opens. After a moment out steps Autumn Lewis wearing a white cow boy hat with a blue botton down shirt and blue jeans. She stands by the limo for a moment and looks around smiling before closing the door and walking off.))

Eddie: President Lewis has returned at last!

Travis: Oh luck us! More "I am woman here me roar" crap to deal with.

Eddie: She proably got word of Smalls doings and came back to set things straight.

Travis: We return or not I refuse to let her ruin my night. As hot as she is, her little power trip kills it for me.

Eddie: Power trip? It's called doing her job, something you wouldn't know about! But anyways, tonight Blood Dragon takes on Draven in a no DQ match.

Travis: Bet he's still sore Draven costed him the Hardcore Title.

Eddie: And the evening Main Event puts The Tiger against Sethiroth for the IC Title. Seph made his match with Smalls last week.

Travis: Smalls always matches the best matches.

Eddie: More like signing away his soul to a snake.

Travis: One of these days Eddie, all your Smalls trash talk is going to get you hurt.

Eddie: I'm not scared of him like you are of have the roster we have.

Travis: Just keep it up.

Eddie: We have to take a short break and will be back with our first match of the night.

((Fade in on a commercial for HWC Aggression: The CD. Jam hits from The Misfits, or Bree Sharp, or Kittie as you walk down the halls of wherever you like to go! Or choose your own theme from the CD and be a legendary wrestler in your own mind! 1-800-HardWear today!))

Standard Match
Johnny Desperado vs Sage

Eddie: Welcome back folks!

Travis: This night has been a waste of time!

Eddie: How do you know its going to be a bad night?

Travis: It is! Trust me! Who’s the next victim?

Eddie: Johnny Desperado and Sage!

Travis: Great! More new comers! Is this night ever going to end?

Eddie: I hope so! Two weeks without you is going to be peaceful bliss!

Travis: Hey!

((The lights dim as black and red pyro shoot off from the stage. The song Poem begins to play as Sage steps out onto the stage and the crowd cheers while some boo. Sage walks down the ramp with Amanda Hall and Scott Shane following behind, as Sage climbs into the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Coming to the ring at this time weighing in at 232lbs, from Richmond Virginia, escorted by Amanda Hall and Scott Shane, Sage!

Eddie: This is one of our new comers here in the HWC! It’s also his first match tonight!

Travis: He’s going to get killed! Why do they give us these matches?

Eddie: Why don’t you ask President Lewis?

Travis: I.. Uh…Ummm….Go Sage!

((Johnny Desperado comes out to “I Don’t Suck” and lifts balled fists into the air for the crowds reaction! He runs down to the ring, slides in and again raises his fists. He then jumps onto a turnbuckle and points to various members of the audience.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 267lbs from Raliegh/Durham, North Carolina, Johnny Desperado!

((Johnny Desperado and Sage look at each other almost eye to eye. They stare each other taking in each other’s size and possible weaknesses. The bell sounds and the match is underway. Johnny takes Sage down using an arm drag, and arm bar. Johnny gets to his feet and begins to stomp on Sage’s ribs and looks back at Amanda and Scott and smiles evilly. Before Johnny gets the next stomp in Sage catches his foot and wraps his arm around Johnny’s leg and pulls him to the floor and goes for the pin. 1…And Johnny gets his shoulder up! Sage grabs Johnny and puts Johnny to the floor with a DDT. Sage goes to the top rope and goes for a corkscrew leg drop but Johnny moves just as Sage comes down!))

Travis: That’s it Johnny kill Sage!! I know you can do it!!!

Eddie: I don’t understand you Travis…A few minutes ago you were cheering on Sage! What happened?

Travis: I don’t know!! I know Johnny Desperado is going to win it that’s why!

((Johnny picks Sage up and wraps his arms around Sages waist and puts Sage through multiple German Suplexes. Sage lays still on the ground and Johnny goes for the pin. 1…2…And Sage gets the shoulder up!!! Johnny can’t believe it!! Johnny grabs him, lifting him up and goes to a choke slam but Sage kicks Johnny in the mid section causing Johnny to drop him. Sage runs to the rope and bounces off the ropes and does a scissors kick to Johnny dropping him to the mat. Sage goes for the pin,1…2..And Johnny gets the shoulder up again!))

Travis: Would somebody kill someone so this will end?!!!

Eddie: This is going to be a close call!

Travis: C’mon Johnny!!! Beat him down!!!

((Johnny tosses Sage off and does a Choke breaker sending Sage to the ground. Sage lays there for a minute and tries to get up but Johnny does a crotch slam and Sage holds himself as he rolls around on the ground. Johnny grabs Sage and goes for a belly to belly suplex but gets head butted by Sage! Sage drops from his grip and goes for Enlightment. Johnny at the last minute struggles out of it. Johnny goes for a swinging neckbreaker but Sage ducks and delivers a kick to the midsection. Sage drops a scissor kick sending Johnny down. Sage leaping to the top rope. He goes for an springboard moonsault but Johnny moves out of the way just in time. Sage slow to his feet Johnny goes for The Desperado but Sage reverses and rolls him up 1…2… and a kick out.))

Eddie: These two promising young athletes pulling out all the stops.

Travis: Yeah, but can’t we skip this and go to the real talent?

Eddie: Why? You got money on someone else.

Travis: That’s none of your damn business and I’ll thank you to keep your comments to yourself.

((Both men to their feet as Johnny goes for a punch but Sage reverses and gets his opponent in the Enlightenment. Sage covers 1…2…3. Sage wins as Johnny rolls out of the ring.))

Travis: Finally.

Eddie: A great match. These two superstar’s have done extremely well tonight.

Travis: Real superstars now?

Eddie: If your good.

Travis: We have word that Mystic is in the back...

Eddie: Uh-oh, this doesn't sound good...

Travis: Mystic, you and Executioner square-off tonight, we just wanna know your thoughts.

((On the HWC-Tron appears a large man wearing a black T-Shirt that says "Fear Is Just A 4-Letter Word" in silver letters. His face appears unshaven, with his blonde hair waving in his face. He holds a microphone up to his mouth and speaks.))

Mystic: Travis, Eddie, HWC, you are all witnessing the rebirth of the legend that is Mystic. For years on end, Mystic's been whooping ass in place after place, and has decided to make HWC a place he wants to call home. When I came in here the first time, I admit, I wasn't prepared for what I had to face... and I slipped up, but this time, I'm not so gullible. Tonight, Mystic is fighing Executioner and I'm ready to rock and roll!

Eddie: Mystic, we've heard rumors that you and Mia Lang are... how should I say this... together. Are these rumors true?

((Just as Mystic is about to say something, Mia appears beside him and takes the mic from him, shaking her index finger in his face. She walks away and Mystic looks at the camera and smiles, nodding in the affirmative. Mystic then walks away with Mia, standing shoulder-to-shoulder as they walk down the hallway, cutting off the promo.))

Eddie: I take that nod as a yes, Travis! They are together!

Travis: (sobbing) NO! My dreams... shattered... damn that Mystic... he's so damn lucky...

Eddie: Maybe you can try with someone else, someone out there might like you... I think...

Travis: What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

((Camera opens up on someone putting on a pare of Nike's, the camera follows them around only showing the shoes. It goes from the person walking then suddenly running. It then cuts to the same someone doing a kick flip on a skate board and then kicking someone in the balls followed by stomping some bald head thug's head. The camera pans up showing Amy standing over the broken guy holding her skate board.)

Amy: Hey just do it...... No not that prev..

(Amy the kicks the camera and the scene goes black.))

Standard Match
The Executioner vs Mystic J

Travis: What’s up next?

Eddie: A match between the Executioner, and Mystic J!

Travis: This should be good! Did you get a look at the Executioner? My money is on that guy!

((Eddie just shakes his head, and sighs as the arena goes black, and Redeemer begins to play. Smoke starts to rise and blue lights begin to flicker off and on, as the Executioner appears making his way to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 287lbs, from Death Valley California, the Executioner!

((“Redeemer” fades as Bad Boy begins to play. Mystic J comes out and stands at the top of the entranceway, and looks to the left, and to the right. He nods slightly before raising balled fists while pyro’s go off, making his way to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent, weighing in at 433lbs, from Mystic Connecticut, Mystic J!

Travis: This loser again? They put Mystic J in a match, but they didn’t give any of my ladies a match? What a gip!

Eddie: Just think after tonight we’ll have a two week vacation!

Travis: Oh no! I won’t be able to see all my little beauties!

Eddie: Unless you become a stalker!

Travis: Hmmmm…

((Eddie sighs and rolls his eyes, as Mystic J looks down at the Executioner and smiles. The bell sounds and the match begins. The Executioner takes Mystic J down with an arm drag, and goes for a punch but, Mystic moves out of the way causing Exe to hit his hand against the floor. Mystic stands in a corner and waits for Exe to get up and goes for the spear as Exe gets to his feet! Mystic bounces off of Exe and hits the floor himself. Exe goes for the pin. 1… Mystic gets his shoulder up, and Exe grabs him and does a choke slam.))

Eddie: My god! The Executioner just lifted Mystic J and coke slammed him! That’s impossible!

Travis: Don’t you know anything? Nothing is impossible around here!

((The Executioner goes for the pin again. 1…2…Mystic gets the shoulder up! Exe goes for a brain buster but Mystic flips out of it and lands on his feet and delivers a head butt to the back of the Executioner. Exe falls to his knees and Mystic begins to kick away at Exe’s knees. Exe falls to the floor and Mystic goes to the top rope executing a spear onto Exe! Mystic goes for the pin. 1…2…Exe gets the shoulder up. Mystic raises Exe up and put him on the shoulders.))

Eddie: This is it! Mystic’s going for his 747!

Travis: No! I’m going to lose money! C’mon Exe get out of that!

((Mystic J smiles and looks at the crowd as he pulls off his 747! He goes for the pin! 1...2…3!)) Eddie: He did it! I know he could do it!

Travis: So he won the match! How come I never win?

Eddie: No luck and sheer stupidty!

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner, Mystic J!!!

Eddie: We’ll be back after this!

((The AOL simbol pops up and then cuts showing Creeper sitting in front of a compture looking fusstrated.))

Anouncer: New AOL 69.0 working more faster then before so hackers can get in and out with out you ever knowing. With AOL 69.0 getting on is now easier then before, but staying on for more then 5 seconds is impossable. Down load New AOL 69.0 keeps you in contact with people who only want to show you their wang size even if your not female.

AOL: You have Porn!

Announcer: And if you get AOL 69.0 you email box with be filled with junk mail that you could care less but can never get rid of no matter how hard you try.

AOL: You have Hate Mail.

Annoucer: Down load now cause soon it will be the only internet provider out there, after we heartless take over all other companys. Resistence is useless DOWN LOAD NOW.

Creeper: AOL? Try A-O-Hell!

(Creeper then stand clam in front of the computer and pushes it out the open window it sits in front of. He sticks his head out and watches as it smashes below.)

Creeper: Process that Bitch!))

((Camer open up in Martin Smalls office, he appears to be in a good mood as he talks with a man just off to the side out of veiw.))

Smalls: Everything is working out perfectly. BloodLust Slayerz are taking care of The Finest and even now handing the black sheep of Bad News. Even with Autumn's return isn't even enough to put a damper on things. And best of all that fool Seph os doing all my dirty work for me. He is an pawn to play, he was more then happy to take out Harley and now he will take care of my Tiger problem. By the time he realizes what's realy going on it will be far to late to stop things. And the best part about it with the return of Kash Flagg everyone else is busy keeping up with this maniac! It's fool proof! And now with you we are unstopable. I did my part of the bargen, now all you have to do is take care of Seph before he gets wise to whats really going on.

((The camera pans over to the man Smalls is taking to. And there standing before him with the World title around his waist is the giant known as Bulldozer. He looks down on Smalls and chuckles with a dark grin.))

Dozer: This Chrismas will be the last Sephiroth ever sees!

((Smalls nods as Dozer cracks his knuckles and turns leaving the room. Smalls stands alone smiling big watching as Dozer leaves.))

Hardcore Match
Creeper vs Rhyno

Travis: Here it is, the match of the night!

Eddie: Travis Best giving new wrestlers complements!

Travis: Sarcasm you idiot, I would rather be at home right now matching my collection of videos…good videos!

Eddie: That was something that I really didn’t need to know, on with the match.

The lights go out. "Dig" Starts on the Pa, with multi- colored strobes flashing all over the arena, in time to the beat. As the main body of the song kicks in, Rhynno steps out, thrashing insanely to the music. He then sprints to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. He then springs up and thrashes around some more.

The music hits, the lights cut off, lightning shoots from the rafters, striking either side of the stage, and leaving two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flaming areas. Then, the cameras back in their original position, in time with the music, the fires explode upward, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering, and the turnbuckle is doused completely, revealing The Creeper standing on the turnbuckle, right where the fire had been centered.

Eddie: Well they are in the ring; time to see who is the best of the new bunch! You might have had a match or two but they aren’t full pledged HWC vets yet, they are far off from that.

Travis: HWC veterans you say, we have like three old school wrestlers left! And they are all losers anyway!

(( The Creeper begins to circle Rhynno in the ring as the bell sounds. Without so much as a twitch Creeper dives past Rhynno and out of the ring, turning and throwing various items out from under the ring into it. Rhynno grabs a trashcan as Creeper slides back in the ring, Rhynno then smashing him in the back. Creeper rolls out of the way as Rhynno takes another shot, the ring sending the can back in his head. ))

Travis: Idiot!

Eddie: That was an honest mistake, what could he do!

Travis: Not be an idiot!

(( Creeper jumps back to his feet with a broom stick in hand and brakes it over Rhynno’s head. Creeper then climbs on top of the ring post waiting for Rhynno to get to his feet, the broken stick in his hand. As Rhynno stumbles to his feet Creeper takes off and swings at his head, Rhynno falls into the ropes and Creeper hit’s the ground. ))

Travis: Yep, there it was again!

Eddie: There what was again?

Travis: Idiots in action, hey we could make a movie!

Eddie: You are so going to get your ass kicked, I can’t wait.

(( Rhynno picks Creeper up and hit’s a brutal neck breaker onto the beaten trashcan. Rhynno then looks at the turnbuckle insanely and places another trash can atop Creeper, climbing onto the turnbuckle. Rhynno then jumps into the air hitting a twisting Swanton bomb, crushing the trashcan and Creeper in the process. After that brutal process they both lay taking in deep breaths. ))

Eddie: What a move, Rhynno is really showing what he is made of!

Travis: ZzZzZz…oh, did I miss something.

(( The ref checks on Creeper as Rhynno gets to his feet and grabs a kendo stick. Rhynno waits in the corner as Creeper stumbles to his feet, holding something behind his back. With a charge Rhynno swings at Creeper, who suddenly hits the chair he had behind his back into Rhynno’s face. As Rhynno hit’s the ground Creeper begins to pound him with the chair relentlessly. Creeper then lays the chair on top of Rhynno and begins to scream, ‘Payback!.’ ))

Eddie: I guess Creeper is going to show Rhynno that he is just as hardcore as Rhynno is!

(( Creeper slowly climbs onto the turnbuckle, facing the crowd and points to the sky. As Creeper tries to gain his balance, with the little strength he has left, Rhynno gets to his feet and grabs Creeper from behind. Rhynno then proceeds to lift Creeper strait above him in a reverse brain buster position. A crazed look covers Creeper’s face as he twists out of the move and locks Rhynno in a chokehold. Creeper then kicks out Rhynno’s knees, dropping him to a sitting position on the ground, then jumping into the air, extending the man over his head at the same time, and dropping him to the ground at the same time he hits. ))

Eddie: There it is Epiphany, ONE, TWO, THREE!!!

Jean Fortello: You Winner.... CREEPER!!!

Eddie: Creeper has exploided into this fed, and I don't think Rhyno is none too happy about this win.

Travis: Two wins don't mean nothing Eddie.

Eddie: What a night so far!

Travis: You know what would make this night complete?

Eddie: I’m scared to ask Travis, but what?

Travis: If Mia comes out dressed in nothing but a Santa Clause hat, and a red satin bikini!

Eddie: I don’t think that’s going to happen! Folks we have word from our audio crew that they have received something special just a few minutes ago!

((No Nagging begins to play as Mia appears and makes her way to the ring. She gets in the ring and looks around at the crowd with a mic in hand.))

Travis: Well one part of my fantasy came true!

Eddie: What’s Mia doing here? She doesn’t have a match tonight!

Mia: I’m sorry to come out here tonight, but my employer Mrs. Harley Quinn, I mean Star has asked me to do her a favor! Since she couldn’t be here in person she’s made a tape. I hope you guys are ready! Role the tape!

((The screen above the enterance soon fades in what looks like Harley’s office. She sits on the edge of her desk and smiles.))

Harley: Hello to all my fans out there…I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there in person, but due to my injuries I can’t. The reason no one has seen me anywhere near the HWC is because it is now offical, that I am retired! That’s right the Jersey Devil Diva is no longer goin’ to be steppin’ in that ring, to entertain you… I know a lot of my fans are disappointed and in shock to see me…

((There is suddenly a knock at the door and Johnny walks in with Reno and Rude. She sighs and shakes her hea, as they come in the room followed by Bliskin!))

Harley: What in the hell is he doin’ here?

Bliskin: I’m sorry to interrupt whatever you’re doing! But I have a warrant for your arrest along with Reno and Rude!

Harley: You can’t prove anythin’!

Bliskin: Oh but I can! We know you and your counterparts Reno and Rude commited murder! We have Dna, a bent license plate, tire treads marks in the snow where the body was found! Plus a witness!

Harley: That still doesn’t prove anythin’! My car could have been stolen!

Bliskin: Nice try Quinn!Take these three away!

Reno: Hey we didn’t do anythin’!

Rude: Yeah! Help us Johnny!

Harley: Get my lawyer Johnny!

Bliskin: Trust me Quinn you’ll be going away for a long time!

((The police haul Harley, Reno, and Rude away leaving Johnny by himself with the camera.))

Johnny: Well- uh…It seems that Harley, Reno and Rude have been hauled away for something they may or may not have done! We’ll keep you, the fans updated on this little situation! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

((The screen goes black and the camera goes back on Mia.))

Mia: There you have it folks! Not only is the Harvelous one retired but she has been accused of murder! So if you want to see justice done write to the Jersey Shore congress! Thank you for your time!

((Eddie and Travis both sit in shock as Mia’s music kicks up again and she disappears back stage again.))

Travis: Oh my god! Harley is going to become a jailbird!

Eddie: That’s some retirement!We’ll keep you folks out in the audience and at home updated on this event as it unfolds.

Travis: We need a break.

((Camera opens in a complete white room, whispers are heard in the back ground. The whispers grow loudly turning to shouts and cheers, sounds of stomping feet are also hearded. Bulldozer, Kash Flagg, Ace od Spades and are shown dressed in street clothes and come running for their lives, theu look behind them before running out of site. Not far behind them comes dozens and dozens of screaming fans. One stops and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, the guy appearnce is very close to Kash's. The camera goes a close up on the bottle it reads, "Obsession")

Announcer: Obsession, by Kalvin Clone.))

Draven vs Blood Dragon

Eddie: Well folks, this next match promises to be a wild affair, with Blood Dragon looking to exact some revenge on Bad News, and he's got a chance tonight, against Draven Masters!

Travis: Oh gimmie a break! All Blood Dragon has been doing is whining about how no one takes him seriously. I hope Draven stomps the hell out of him!

Eddie: You are not a nice person.

Travis: And it took you this long to figure that out?

((As "I don't Give a Fuck" by Hed Pe begins to pick up throughout the arena, a blood red hue encompasses the ramp and ring. Slowly but intensely Blood parts the curtain and steps out onto the stage and takes stock of his surroundings. Only when he is satisfied, will he then slowly work his way down to the ring. ))

Jean: The following is a No Disqualification match, set for one fall. Currently making his way to the ring, from Melbourne, Florida, weighing in at 245 pounds, Blood Dragon!

Eddie: Blood Dragon looks like he's ready to get some well-deserved payback tonight!

Travis: Or maybe a well-deserved ass kicking!

Eddie: Wait a minute! Here come Draven & Enforcer! They don't want to wait!

((Draven & Enforcer come rushing out from behind the curtain and clobber Blood Dragon from behind. Blood goes down and tumbles down the ramp. Scott Mercer comes strolling down behind them, toting a steel chair. As Blood comes to a stop next to the ring, Draven gets a run at him and kicks him hard in the ribs, actually lifting him a few inches off the floor. Enforcer steps up, and they both haul Blood to his feet, then ram him into the ring post. Blood collapses, and Draven climbs into the ring. Enforcer "helps" Blood to his feet and roughly shoves him into the ring, and the referee calls for the bell to start the match.))

Eddie: Well, this is starting to look really bad for Blood Dragon. Counting Scott Mercer, it's three-on-one!

Travis: Well ain't that just too bad! things like that can happen in a no DQ match, you know!

Eddie: That doesn't make it right, though! Draven is bad enough all by himself! Add Enforcer to the mix, and it's looking like a short night for Blood Dragon!

((Blood Dragon hauls himself to his feet, and Draven grabs him by the throat and tosses him into the corner, then proceeds to pummel Blood with hard lefts and rights. The referee can only watch helplessly as Draven rams his forearm into Blood's throat repeatedly. Draven steps back, and Blood collapses, clutching at his throat. Draven goes for a pin, but just barely gets 2. Draven picks Blood up and puts him in the corner again and starts pummeling, but Blood suddenly grabs Draven by the shirt, turns him around into the corner, and does some pummeling of his own. He then goes to whip Draven across the ring, Draven reverses, and Blood goes sailing onto the opposite corner. Draven charges in, but Blood moves, and Draven spears the ring post!))

Eddie: Good lord! Draven might have separated his shoulder there!

Travis: I think the ring moved! And Blood is getting ready for some offense!

((Draven staggers back out of the corner, grabbing at his shoulder. Blood steps behind him and hooks on a Cobra Clutch. But, instead of waiting for a submission, he turns it into a back suplex! Draven hits the mat hard, and Blood goes for a quick cover. 1....2....kickout by Draven! At ringside, Enforcer and Scott breathe big sighs of relief. Scott leans over and whispers something to Enforcer, who nods. Scott then steps up onto the ring apron and starts yelling at the referee.))

Eddie: Wait a minute, there's something shady going on here! And what is Enforcer up to?

Travis: He's grabbing a folding chair, that's what he's doing!

((Blood sees Scott on the ring apron, comes over, and grabs him by the shirt. Just as he's about to slug Scott, Enforcer slips into the ring and drills Blood from behind with the chair, right between the shoulder blades. The referee sees this, but can do nothing about it. Blood yells in pain and grabs at his back. Draven, now back on his feet, gestures at the chair. Enforcer sets it up in the middle of the ring while Draven grabs Blood. Enforcer comes over, and they both whip Blood into the ropes. Blood bounces off, ducks, bounces off the opposite ropes and, using the chair as a step, nails both Draven & Enforcer with a double clothes line! The crowd cheers loudly as Draven & Enforcer both go down.))

Eddie: What a move! Some quick thinking by Blood Dragon has gotten him right back into this match!

Travis: It's not over yet, Eddie! Bad News still has a few tricks up their sleeves!

Eddie: Enforcer rolling out of the ring...Blood going to the top rope! Draven getting to his feet...missile dropkick by Blood! Draven goes right back down! Cover by Blood....1....2....No! Draven kicked out! And Enforcer's up again!

((Blood picks Draven up and locks in a Full Nelson. He's about to go for the Dragon suplex when Enforcer comes in and chock-block's Blood's knee. Blood's leg collapses, and he goes down, releasing his hold on Draven. Draven gets to his feet, signaling to Enforcer. Enforcer picks BLood up, whips him into the ropes, and the two nail the Headline!))

Eddie: Dear god almighty! A devastating move, and this looks like it for Blood.....Draven makes the cover....1....2....thr-NO!!!!! BLOOD GOT THE SHOULDER UP!!!!

Travis: How in the high holy hell did he get his shoulder up after that?!

Eddie: Blood must be running on pure instinct....wait a minute, here come the BloodLust Slayerz!

((BLS hit the ring and blind side Bad News. Beowulf hits a hangman's neckbreaker on Enforcer, while Pallimon nails an inverted DDT on Draven. Then they both turn to Enforcer, whipping him across the ring. He bounces, and BLS catch him and double back drop him right out of the ring, right on top of Scott Mercer! Beowulf then turns and hauls Draven onto his shoulders as Pallimon climbs to the to the top rope.))

Eddie: It looks like it's going to be.......SLAYERZ SPEAR! They nearly broke Draven in half! And now they're leaving!

Travis: Well, I guess that's what happens when you turn your back on Martin Smalls! Blood is getting to his feet....Draven is just barely moving....Blood locks in the Dragon's Rage! He's got it cinched in tight!

Travis: That'll just about do it, then!

Eddie: The referee is checking Draven....And calling for the bell! Blood Dragon pulled it out!

Travis: Yeah yeah! With a big time assist from the BloodLust Slayerz! Eddie: Blood Dragon didn't ask them to come out. In fact, I don't think he likes them very much!

Jean Fortello: The winner as a result of a submission, Blood Dragon!

((The scene fades with Blood Dragon staring up the ramp at BLS, who just smirk at him and walk out. Camera cuts to backstage with Armageddon and Jericho heading to Armageddon's locker room as they look for The Tiger. Armageddon stands before the door and waits for jericho to open it, Jericho steps just past him and opens the door with out entering. Armageddon smells something burning wondering what Tiger is doing in there. Once the door is open and he steps in he his the room a reck. Lying on the floor before him with broken peices of what looked to be once a coffee table over the broken body of The Tiger. Armageddon's face hardens whe he sees a burning dollar sign on the wall across from him. He stares at it his eyes bruning of hate much like the sign before him.))

Armageddon: Kash Flagg!

((Jericho stends to his left and looks up at him. Armageddon's eyes stay locked on the sign.))

Armageddon: Put the fire out and get Tiger up for her match...... We have a war to prepare for!

((Armageddon turns and storms out of the room as Jericho goes over to Tiger and helps her up.))

Travis: Did you see that!

Eddie: Kash has just made a strong statement to Armageddon tonight. You and I both know Kash is not to be taken lightly, but I think Armageddon and his followers have just learned that.

Travis: I wonder what Smalls plans on doing about it.

Eddie: If Smalls is as smart as you believe him to be he will stay out of Kash's way or suffer the same fate as Tiger and of knows who else. But I'll tell you this, Kash Flagg has returned and no one is same from him!

((Camera cuts to a commercial.)

Now out!...HWC Slaughter: The video Game, for X Box, PS2 and Nintendo Game Cube! prepare to get Slaughtered! Play as The Tiger, Anyone from the Black List or Reinforcements, or choose any of the roster and go through the highly developed Season Mode and gain gold!

(The scene cuts to a living room. It shows The Tiger and Obake playing the game. Obake is using Tiger, and Tiger is using Obake. Suddenly a wrestling match breaks out right there in the living room!)

Announcer: So real you'll want to do it in real life! Only 49.95!))

((Mia walks down the hall of the arena and stops in front of Lewis's office. She knocks on the door and waits for someone to answer her. Autumn sits at her desk as she goes threw some papers. She briefly looks up hearing the knock and looks back down at her paper work.))

Autumn: Come in.

((Mia walks in and stands in front of the desk with a smile.))

Mia: I'm sorry to disturb you President Lewis but I need to talk to you...

Autumn: Oh? What about?

Mia: Have you seen what happened to Harley or not...

Autumn: Sadly no, I have been way to busy, this fed doesn't run it's self.

Mia: I see...Well let's just say Harley won't be coming back for a long time...

Autumn: I'm sorry to hear that. She was very good, one of my better talents signed.

Mia: I know...But the reason I'm here is that, well since she's been detained, I sort of need a...Well how can I put this...

((Mia searches for the words to tell Autumn what is on her mind, but struggles. Autumn looks away from her work and at Mia who looks nervous.))

Autumn: What is it Mia?

Mia: What I'm trying to say is that I sort of need a role model...You know one that knows about the business...I mean Johnny is a great guy and all, but...

((Autumn stops and smiles at this and nods.))

Autumn: Martin had his Black List and his Slayerz... and I got Mia

Mia: I mean if you need anything done I'm willing to help...But I would like to have someone there in my corner if I needed them...

((Autumn rises from her desk and walks around to stand before Mia))

Autumn: I understand these are dangerous times in this fed, and I for one think it's time to place some order before someone brings this fed down again. You won't be alone Mia.

((Mia smiles slightly and looks at Autumn with her big doe like brown eyes.))

Mia: You really mean it?

Autumn: Unlike Mr. VP Smalls I look out for my talent

Mia: That's why I didn't run to him! He put Harley through Hell and back, and I know he'd do the same thing to me...You're the only one I can really trust...

Autumn: You came to the right person. Smalls has been spreading his lies and corruption threw this fed.

((She looks down at the floor and sighs. She looks back up at Autumn and around the office, before looking at her watch.))

Mia: I have to get going...I have a flight to catch...Thanks for talking with me President Lewis...

((Autumn extends her hand to Mia.))

Autumn: Leave everything to me and you wont stand alone in that ring. Have a good flight

((Mia takes her hand and smiles, shaking it before turning away and walks out of the office.))

IC Title Match
Sephiroth(c) vs The Tiger

Eddie: This is an interesting match we have here... This came about after Sephiroth and the Tiger had a confrontation last week on Slaughter.

Travis: We have a dead man and a freak job fighting for the IC Title? We were better off with Jericho Dylan as champ!

Eddie: I just hope Tiger is up to it after that attack from Kash Flagg

Travis: If we are lucky, the mad man will show uo and make this match really interesting.

Eddie: Your idea of interesting would be if Kash set Tiger afire.

((Travis sticks his tongue out at Eddie as he turns to the ring. "Better Than You" by Metallica blasts over the speakers, causing the fans to go into a near-riotlike state. Once her music hits, white and green lights flash to the beat. She steps out onto the stage and shows her left side at first flexing her left arm showing her muscles and her tribal tattoo that goes from her shoulder to her wrist. She then makes her way down the ramp and to the ring. Reaching the ring she climbs up the turn buckle on the outside and throws both fists up in the air elbows bent a bit. The Women's Championship belt sits snugly around her waist, gleaming brightly in the lights of the arena. She poses for the fans on the turnbuckle, then hops down waiting for her opponent.))

Eddie: The fans completely behind The Tiger tonight, Travis.

Travis: Only good thing about it is that psychotic freak Armageddon is nowhere around.

((Eddie just shakes his head and waits for the arrival of the champion. The lights dim as a "wall" screen with the HWC logo on it drops over the walkway. Thunder sounds repeatedly as "Fade to Black" begins to play. Some of the sounds are matched with Lighting effects flashing the logo. Then the logo seems to disappear a few flashes revealing Sephiroth's siloette. Then Lightning effects strike the stage as Pyro explodes, the lights raise and the wall lifts revealing Sephiroth. He walks to the ring slowly his long cape dragging behind, Livia not far behind. Once he reaches the ring he stands in the center and just raises his hand to the sky. Then the lights flicker on and off until they go out and Lightning effects strike the ring posts with a crackling sound. The lights become normal and Livia steps out of the ring, carrying the IC Title belt. The bell sounds, and this match is officially underway! Tiger comes across with a forearm to the throat and makes Sephiroth stagger backward. But he comes back and nails her with an open right hand across the face. She growls and nails him in the knee with her foot. The crowd gasps when he falls backward.))

Travis: The Tiger is really taking it to Sephiroth here, Eddie... I think it's safe to say I was wrong about her.

Eddie: Mark that one in the record books, folks... Travis Best admitting he was WRONG!

((They share a rare laugh and go back to the match at hand. Sephiroth is back on his feet and snarling at Tiger. Tiger flips him off and gives him a cheeky, rather gamin, grin. He gets enraged and charges her, only to fly clean over the top rope she suddenly pulled down. Livia glares at Tiger as she helps her fallen master to his feet. Sephiroth shakes out the cobwebs before rolling back into the ring. Tiger waits until he's standing, then charges, taking him down with a nasty Spear. He folds in half and rolls around, grabbing his ribs. She capitalizes with several brutal forearm shots to the ribs that make him grunt in pain every time. But he grabs her ankle and trips her up, making her bang her face off the mat. Leaping to his feet, he starts kicking her in the ribs, making her cry out every time. Livia watches from the outside, grinning ferally all the while. Unbeknownst to Livia, someone is sneaking down to ringside. Nobody realizes who it is until Jarred Dylan swings her over his shoulder and takes her backstage! The crowd cheers loudly, as it is now a fair match. Sephiroth leans over the top rope, yelling at Jarred to bring her back. Tiger rolls him up and gets a 2 count for her efforts. Sephiroth roars and nails her with a standing dropkick. She drops like a stone. He covers her rather arrogantly but only gets a 2 count. Getting frustrated rather easily, he hits her with an enziguri. But again, he only gets a 2 count.))

Eddie: He'll have to hit her with the Fallen Angel DDT to keep her down.

Travis: Yup. That's the only way.

((Almost as if he heard them, Sephiroth goes for the Fallen Angel DDT. But, to everyone's surprise, Tiger REVERSES IT! She hit him with his own finishing maneuver! She goes for a pin, but he kicks out and sends her flying across the ring!!! The crowd can be heard over the announcers' headsets...))

Crowd: HOLY SHIT!!!

Eddie: I echo that sentiment whole-heartedly.

Travis: So do I!! That was INCREDIBLE!!

((Tiger gets up and snarls something about not going down. Seph looks at her as his face lightens into a grin before sliding out of the ring. Tiger stands watching him not sure what Seph is doing.))

Travis: What's Seph up to.

Eddie: Looks like he's getting something from under the ring.

((Seph pulls out a chair from under the ring and slides back in. Tiger narrows her eyes with Seph stalking forward in till the ref steps in his way taking the chair from him. Tiger rushes Seph knocking him into the ropes breating on him. Tiger then whips him across the ring but Seph reverses it throwing Tiger into the ref, Tiger knocks into and down the ref before he can get rid of the chair. The ref is unhurt only stunned while Tiger lays over him trying to get to her feet. Seph walks over and picks up the chair, he waits ready for Tiger to get up.))

Travis: It's all over now!

Eddie: Seph is stalking Tiger with that steal chair and she has no of serviving.

Travis: The hunter has just becomed the hunted.

((With the ref still down only stirring Tiger gets to her feet and turns around, she comes face to face with Seph with the chair. Tiger takes a step back as Seph stands his ground, she watches and waits for his attack. After a momemt of standing their, Seph lowers his guard and looks over the crowd grinning. Seph sees the ref start to gte up, he takes the chair and slams it hard against his own head then toss it to Tiger. Toger catches it looking at Seph in confussion, seph then lets him self fall back like dead weight just as the ref turns around. Ref calls for the bell seeing Seph down and Tiger with a chair.))

Eddie: Seph just cheated The Tiger out of her victory.

Travis: Well he knew he didn't have the brawn for his so he out smarted her, something Tiger can't out do.

Jean Fortello: Your winner as a result of DQ and still IC Champion, SEPHIROTH!!!

((Tiger Watching in shock as she realizes the trap she feel into. The ref helps Seph up and raises his hand, Tiger runs at Seph with the hair but Seph slides out of teh ring quickly. Seph staggers up the ramp holding his head with one had and raising the IC belt with the other. Tiger angerly paces in the ring with the chair as the ref tries to calm her down.))

Eddie: Seph has just made a very dangerous enemy in the HWC.

Travis: Enemy nothing, all around Seph is better then Tiger.

Eddie: Wait Seph stepped back out onto stage and he has a mic.

Travis: Bet he's going to rub Tiger's loss in her face.

Seph: Tiger! Hey Tiger! As result of your loss against me you have to go out on a date...... With Soth!

((Tiger stares at him rubbing her face and shakes her head.))

Seph: You have no choice in ther matter, I got Smalls to give me a special stipulation for this match. You have no choice but to follow it threw. You maybe a free agent but you still wrestle here in the HWC but if you don't follow threw..... you will be fined and saspended it. My sugestion to you, better find something nicer to wear and don't keep my brother waiting. Oh and Tiger...... have a nice night!

Eddie: I should have known.... We have seen the hady work of Martin Smalls again!

Travis: Genuiss! Pure genuiss! Smalls found the best way to take out Tiger.

Eddie: I serously Tiger will let this end now! Smalls and Seph better sleep with one eye open cause they will find more then Tiger after them!

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))