Saturday Night Slaughter
Notre Dame, Indiana at the Notre Dame Stadium

Lights of blue and white exploid knowing the Salughter logo on the HWC-Tron. More pyro tecnics go off as the camera pans over the crowd showing a shold out arena. The place is packed and everyone is screaming to be on tv. The camera stops to show a few of the signs, ones that read 'Andrew 3:16!', 'Myzteik sucks!', and 'I'm with stupid!' The camera then cuts to the announcers table, sitting there is Eddie Danniels and Travis Best.

Eddie: Welmcome everyone to Slaughter live from the Notre Dame Stadium in Notre Dame Indiana. We got a great show to night.

Travis: It better be!

Eddie: What is taht sapost to mean.

Travis: Come on Eddy was I the only one wake last week, last week show totaly stunk.

Eddie: It wasn't that bad.

Travis: I don't know what show you were watching, but I was here watching Slaughter.

Eddie: Anyways, tonight promises to be better with the Main Event. A six man tag match.

Travis: I can't wait someone is surely going to end up getting killed in that match with Obake in it.

Eddy: Your forgetting Dozer, Ace, Payne, Tiger, and Chaotic. They are all as equaly good in the ring.

Travis: Are you dence, Ace is a joke, Tiger to brainless to know where she is and Chaotica like Dozer put it is a bitch. The big man is going to dominate.

Eddie: There are plenty of good matches in store tonight. Lets start it off with The Spider Vs. "Hollywood" Johnny Rave.

Standard Match
The Spider Vs. "Hollywood" Johnny Rave

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 232 pounds, standing at 6'1", and coming from San Diego, California…."Hollywood" Johnny Rave!!!

[The lights fade slightly as the opening starins of 'The Beautiful People' play. White strobes swing towards the entrance as the guitar kicks in. An explosion of pyro erupts all the way down the aisle and 'Hollywood' Johnny Rave strides to the ring. The fans give Rave a warm welcome as he enters the ring]

Ring Announcer: And his opponent, standing at an astounding 6'8" and weighing in at a whopping 375 pounds…The Spider!!!

[Mary, Mary by Chumbawba plays and the ramp leading to the ring ignites in flames. Walking down a path in the center, The Spider walks slowly to the ring, the fans give him a mixed reaction.]

Eddie: This could be a great match!

Travis: Could be, and actually being are two different things.

[The 2 men lock up in the center of the ring; Spider being the bigger of the two winds up pushing Rave to the floor. Rave quickly gets back to his feet and dropkicks The Spider in the knees.]

Eddie: Johnny is showing how smart he is by taking out the big man's legs.

Travis: I don't want to agree with you, but I have to.

[Rave continues the attack on Spider's legs, and Spider drops to his knees. Rave begins to punch Spider in the face. The cut on Spider's face opens and the blood begins to gush out.]

Eddie: What a bloody mess!!!

Travis: When did you become British? You're like Madonna!!

[Spider manages to shove Rave away and rises back to his feet. Rave springs off the ropes and leaps in the air for a cross body block but Spider catches him. Spider drops Rave with a power slam. Spider begins to stomp away at Rave and rave can't fight back. The Spider picks Rave up off the ground by his throat, and delivers a giant chokeslam.]

Eddie: This isn't fairing well for 'Hollywood'!

Travis: This isn't fairing well for anybody! It's total snooze-fest!

[Rave is motionless on the floor, and Spider leaves the ring to get a chair. One the steel chair is hand Spider re-enters the ring. The referee is telling Spider that if he uses the chair he will disqualify him]

Eddie: Out top-notch official is taking action! Spider just the threw the chair away.

Travis: Yeah and they delay gave Rave enough time to recover!

[Rave charges recklessly at Spider and is met with a giant Clothesline from Hell. Spider turns Rave over onto his stomach and locks on the Camel Clutch]

Eddie: Spider has this one in the bag! Johnny has to tap out, that move is too painful to withstand!

[The ref asks Rave is he gives up and Rave declines. Spider pulls back on Rave and applies more pressure. Rave screams in pain, and yells "I give up", and the ref calls for the bell. The fans give a mixed reaction, some cheer for the Gothic Hero, others boo because he defeated one of their favorite wrestlers.]

Eddie: That's it! Johnny Rave tapped out. The Spider is our winner!

Travis: And people look up to that loser. I'm sure our next match will be better, because it sure can't be worse.

((The scene cuts to the back stage area, it's in Beach's office. Beach is sitting in a corner and rocking back and forht Chris Murphy is seen sitting in a chair next to him. Mr. Murphy seams to be trying to do an interview with Beach. Beach is in a mess. His usually clean cut hair is in tangles and unkempt and his facial hair is scragley. His suit is the same one that he was wearing so long ago on the first Slaughter. As the camera pears into his eyes you can see that there is nothing there as he stares out blankly.))

Murphy: Hello everyone, I'm here with CEO Beach trying to get some answers as to what had happened on last weeks Slaughter with the cloaked man. Well, Beach, what was the deal with the cloaked and cowled man last week. You are the one who saw him without the mask on.

((Beach rocks back and forth as he holds his knees to his chest.))

Beach: Son of Zion, he is coming, coming now to the HWC. He's coming save yourselves, he's on his way.

((Chris Murphy looks a bit puzzled at this.))

Murphy: Would you care to elaborate.

((Beach's eyes spread wide.))

Beach: Don't you understand you fool?

((Beach begins to shake violently.))

Beach: He is coming. A man like no other. A man outcast and down troden. He is coming to the HWC.

((Murphy is still puzzled.))

Murphy: Who exactlly is he?

((Beach stops shaking for the first time since the camera has come on. His look is filled with fear but a semblence of sanity is there again as he speaks in a very straight tone.))

Beach: He has a thousand faces, He can be anyone and anything He wants to be. He is the soul taker and the spirit breaker. He is not the begining nor the end For, he always has been and always will be. He is the placid face of death and with him comes Hell. Only death and damnation follow Him. You must understand, the HWC as we all know it is over with. The Son of Zion is coming and with him comes Hellfire.

((With that the door bursts open and the lights begin to flicker. The cloaked man stands there in the doorway. Beach shouts out in fear and Murphy is paralized for the same reason. The man walks in the door and speaks in a voice that demands respect.))

Man: Mr. Murphy I recomend you leave right now.

((With that Murphy bolts for the door and is gone. The man aproaches Beach and stands over him as Beach slumps down to the floor and cowers in fear.))

Beach: No, no, nooooooooooooo.............

((With that the camera cuts back to the announce table.))

Eddie: Folks I honestly have no clue what that is about.

Travis: I know I've never seen Beach cower in fornt of anyone. Now he's a sniveling baby. The HWC is faling apart.

Eddie: Who ever that is he's obviously a very intimidating man to have sent Beach into a hysterical fit like that.

HWC Junior Title Match
Skorpeonqween vs. MyZteik

Eddie: Well ladies and gentlemen this is our first match of the night and it is for the HWC Junior Title!

Travis: This match pits Myzteik against the SkorpeonQween. Now I ask you Eddie what the hell kinda name is Myzteik? Especially for a guy for crying out loud!

Eddie: Well do you have a pick on who wins this one Travis?

Travis thinks for a minute then grins as if he's just come up with the theory of relativity.

Travis: I say it's gonna be a double disqualification

Eddie: Fair enough, I think that Myzteik will pull the win off on this one. For the simple fact that nobody has seen or heard anything from the SkorpeonQween

Eddie is cut off by the sounds of Myzteik's intro music, he walks down the ramp holding the belt high above his head and is all smiles as he walks up the steel steps and between the ropes. He kisses the belt then hands it to the referee, moving to the corner of the ring he waits patiently as SkorpeonQween's music kicks up. After about thirty seconds there is still no sign of the woman

Travis: I knew it! She aint gonna show! Myzteik's too much for her

Eddie: Oh get off your soap box for crying out loud! She'll show up, I think.

The referee waits another minute or two and then begins to administer the ten count.

Referee: One....two....three....four....

Myzteik begins to pace back and forth in the ring, a cocky grin spreading across his lips as he realizes that the belt is still his

Eddie: Wait a minute! Who's that!?

Travis: Good lord! It's Chaotica, and she's headed right for Myzteik. Myzteik look out!

Travis yells at Myzteik, as Chaotica does a baseball slide under the bottom rope she gets to her feet and as Myzteik turns around she nails him with a forearm shot to the face that sends him staggering backwards.As he stands there stunned she ducks behind him and after pinning his arms behind his back she lifts him up off the ground.


Travis: What the hell is she doing in there in the first place? this isnt her match? Referee get her out of there!

As Myzteik taps out of the move the referee tells her to let go back Chaotica shakes her head no and cinches the hold even tighter. Then suddenly at the last second she slams Myzteik face down into the canvas. The referee calls for the bell and announces Myzteik the winner as a result of a DQ. Chaotica doesn't care at this point, getting to her feet she rolls him over and stands over him.

Chaotica: You want to challenge me and run your mouth Myzteik? Well this woman's gonna show you just how little you really know

With that Chaotica steps through the ropes and hops down before walking up the ramp, stopping at the top she blows Myzteik a kiss before disappearing behind the curtain

Eddie: Well I think we need to go to a commercial break while we get this cleaned up

Travis: Yeah we do, that woman is an animal!

((Camera cuts to a Oxyclean- commercial.))

"Clean that blood off your shirt in minutes! only 19.95 a canister! Call now for a second can at only 1 dollar!"

((Only In America by Brooks and Dunn plays over the P.A. and out walks Autumn Lewis from the back. With a mic in one hand she waves with the other making her way to the ring. There's a troubling look on her face. She climbs into the ring and ajest her black cowboy hat as the music fades. Autumn listens to the cheers before speaking.))

Autumn: I am out here to descuse a few problems the HWC has been faced with as of late. One is about Beach. Inlight of his recent acttion it has been declaired by the board and my self that he is unfit to run the Hardcore Wrestling Corperation. So I.....

((Where there was once cheer has now turned to boos. Autumn pauses hoping they will die down.))

Autumn: So I will be taking control till further notice. There is another issue far more imporant then the mental state of Beach. As of this after noon someone broke into Beaches office and stole the HWC World Title Belt. Building security is sreaching the every room every locker and every wrestler till the belt is found. This will continue on till it is found and the theif will be pentalize acording to the fullest astent of the law. I will see to it my self that the chaos of the past years in the HWC is put to and end right here and now. Thank you.

Travis: I can't believe this!

Eddie: I know its sad to see a respected man like Beach lose it.

Travis: I'm not worried about that now we get told what to do by a country girl. She should be bring my coffee not telling me what to do!

Eddie: Lets just go to the next match.

Stadard Match
Neurosis Vs. Mike "The Dragon" Stevens

Travis: Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Saturday night Slaughter, brought to you by the new and improved HWC.

Eddie: It tastes more like fresh peanuts

Travis: What did you just say?

Eddie: You said "New and Improved" so I said.

Travis: Shut up Eddie.

Eddie: But.

Travis: Zip it!

Eddie: .

Travis: Good.Now onto the next match which pits the dark and brooding Neurosis against the high flying Mike "The Dragon" Stevens, both of these men have had strong words to say about each other.confrontation in the ring will be in my opinion nothing but explosive!

Eddie: Agreed.But my money for tonight would have to be on Neurosis.the man is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and I get the feeling that once he does erupt it will by far exceed his actions against Payne last week.

Travis: Indeed, but as intense as that match was last week folks look for things to heat up down the road as everyone.our next two competitors included will be pushing their bodies to the limit to obtain the HWC highest Honor.the World Title!

((The lights slowly dim the crowd has to squint through the low lighting at the stage to see what's going on, suddenly "The Wrist" by Mushroom head begins to play over the PA system, the crowd begins to boo intensely as Neurosis steps out from behind the curtain, his face clad by a mask that appears to bare resemblance to an executioners hood, in his left hand is a wicked looking curved dagger. Slowly but methodically Neurosis makes his way down to the ring, ignoring the crowds boo's completely he is focused on one thing and one thing only.the ring, his eyes narrow as if seeing invisible specters inside the squared circle.he closes his eyes for a second and re opens them, then he climbs into the ring moving to the center he holds the dagger up in the air.the crowds boo's intensify.))

Eddie: He can't seriously think he's going to use that in the ring can he?

Travis: Certainly not.this is not a sanctioned hardcore match; the referee is relieving Neurosis of his dagger and placing it just outside the ring.out of the reach of Neurosis.

Eddie: Somehow I feel a little safer now but I seriously doubt Neurosis needs a sharp object to draw blood.he and Payne managed to bust each other open quite nicely last week with out the aid of any weapons.

Travis: How could I forget? Neurosis folds his hands and waits in the middle of the ring for his opponent

Eddie: He wont have to wait long because here comes The Dragon!

((The Dragons theme plays over the PA system as he emerges from behind the curtain, the crowd boo's him as well but not so loud that a few cheers can't be heard over the roar of disapproval.))

Travis: I guess Mike Stevens is the lesser of two evils according to the crowd.

Eddie: Well at least he doesn't have any sharp objects.

((The Dragon walks slowly down the ramp his eyes locked on Neurosis the whole time, Neurosis stares back un blinking as The Dragon makes his way through the ropes, the two men meet in the middle of the ring staring each other down.try as he might the ref cannot pry the two men apart, with a shrug he motions for the bell to be rung.))

Travis: And there's the bell.this match is underway!

Eddie: Can you feel the tension between these two?

((The Dragons mouth moves as he appears to trash talk Neurosis who takes The Dragons words in stride seemingly unfazed, He leans in and whispers something in The Dragons ear..the Dragon takes a step back eyes wide and then raises a hand throwing a punch at the dark Neurosis, Neurosis blocks the punch and shoves The Dragon back a few steps, moving forward to close the gap as The Dragon gets right back into his face.))

Travis: Gotta wonder what Neurosis said to the Dragon to warrant a response like that from him.

Eddie: We'll never know

((The Dragon attempts to shove Neurosis back a step but Neurosis shoves the mans arms away and gives him another forceful shove, this time The Dragon Bounces off the ropes, suddenly the 6 foot 2 Neurosis explodes into action with a clothesline! Literally leveling The Dragon and knocking him over the top rope!))

Travis: Oh my god did you see that!?

Eddie: He knocked The Dragon ass over elbows!

((The crowd applauds the move as The Dragon gets to his feet and shakes the cobwebs out of his head, with an angry glare he leaps up onto the ring apron just as Neurosis charges trying to knock him off, The Dragon ducks and grabs his opponents head, dropping to the outside he rams the throat of Neurosis against the top rope, Neurosis grabs his throat and turns away. The Dragon leaps atop the apron and climbs the turnbuckle, Neurosis turns around in time as The Dragon leaps off and executes a perfect Hurricarana sending Neurosis rolling into the opposite corner, the crowd cheers.))

Travis: Amazing! A beautifully executed Hurricarana by The Dragon!

Eddie: It's moves like that that have given The Dragon the honor of being a former HWC European Champion!

((Neurosis gets to his feet quickly just as The Dragon charges seeking to batter him into the corner, at the last second Neurosis dodges and The Dragon finds himself flying into the corner. Wasting no time Neurosis sets him up for a neck breaker and sends The Dragon crashing to the mat clutching his neck in pain. Leaning down he yanks The Dragon up by the hair.))

Travis: And Neurosis takes control of the match up!

((Neurosis embraces The Dragon wrapping his arms around him, suddenly he lifts him up and tosses him over his head with a huge belly to belly suplex! The Dragon cries out as he hits the mat hard and the crowd begrudgingly cheers. Still on top of the situation Neurosis again picks up The Dragon up.carrying him over to the turnbuckle he hangs him upside down on it, standing for a moment watching The Dragon struggle as the blood begins to rush to his head, then Neurosis runs back to the opposite corner of the ring.))

Eddie: He wouldn't!

Travis: He's going to!

((Neurosis runs from the opposite corner and baseball slides feet first into The Dragons head, The Dragon slumps down off the turnbuckle and lands in a h eap on the ground. Neurosis stands up and dusts himself off accompanied by the boo's of the crowd. He leans down and picks up a now bloody Dragon, but to his shock the Dragon slams his face into the face of Neurosis who staggers backwards.))

Eddie: Amazing! The Dragon comes back out of nowhere!

((The Dragon delivers a stiff spin kick that staggers Neurosis, jumping into the air he delivers another kick the takes the man down to the mat, stomping Neurosis in the ribs several times he grabs his arm and locks on an arm bar.))

Travis: Neruosis crying out in pain! The ref is asking him if he wants to tap but he's shaking his head!

Eddie: He busted The Dragon open and now he's going to get his arm ripped off as payback!

((Neurosis reaches for the ropes and quickly grabs them, the ref forces The Dragon to break the hold, he does so reluctantly after a few more moments of pain, dragging Neurosis to the center of the ring he runs to the top turnbuckle, facing the crowd he flips backwards into a perfect moonsault, landing on Neurosis he goes for the pin.))

Travis: One.two.thr..No! Neurosis gets the shoulder up!

Eddie: Both these men want this win no question about it.what matters here is who wants it more?

((The Dragon picks Neurosis up and delivers several stiff kicks and chops, then pulling back his arm he delivers an elbow into the face of Neurosis causing him to cry out and grab his face, running up to the turnbuckle again he perches atop and leaps off the top for another Hurricarana.))

Travis: This could put Neurosis away!

((Suddenly to the crowds shock Neurosis grabs onto The Dragon as the mans legs latch onto his neck, holding the man up in surprising show of strength he suddenly powerbombs him into the turnbuckle, The Dragon hits the mat hard, Neurosis picks up the fallen Dragon and hefts him into the air, positioning his neck on his shoulder.))

Eddie: He calls this the "Neurotic Indulgence"

Travis: Good god this could break the Dragons neck!

((Neurosis holds the Dragon up in the air for several moments before suddenly jumping up in the air and sitting down, the Dragons neck jolts against the shoulder of Neurosis before slumping to the mat, Neurosis rolls and pins The Dragon.))

Eddie: One.Two.Three! Your winner is Neurosis!

Travis: Now lets see if his opponent the Dragon is still alive after a move like that!

((Neurosis stands and gazes down at his opponent for a moment before climbing through the ropes and making his way back up the ramp, Mushroomhead begins to play and the crowd boo's intensely as Neurosis makes his way through the curtain.))

Eddie: Folks we'll be right back after these messages.The Dragon is now awake in the ring and he seems to be moving ok for which we're thankful for.

((Camera cuts to a General Hospital- commercial.))

"If you're head is bloody, we're your buddy!"

{Chris Murphy is standing outside of The Ace Of Spades locker room.}

Chris Murphy: Ladies and gentleman, I am outside The A..

{The door swings open and Ace jumps out wearing the Ace-Man costume. He looks at Chris Murphy and then the camera}

Ace-Man: No need to finish your statement Mr. Murphy, I used my Ace-Powers and read your mind. You were going to say you were outside of my locker room and were waiting for an interview.

Chris.: Well that is what I was going to say but it doesn't take any special powers to figure that out.

Ace-Man: Hmph, how dare you insult the man who is here to save the lives of many? I am hear to rid the HWC of evil!

Chris: Sorry Ace-Man. But what I really need to know is if you are ready for your upcoming 6-Man tag match.

Ace-Man: Of course I am ready. I was born ready. Tonight my "war on crime" will hit its peek. When the villains The Tiger, Obake, and Chaotica enter my "base of operations".

Chris: And your partners, any last words for them?

Ace-man: I say this about them, we will be a cohesive unit, and we will be the Dynamic Trio.

Chris: And Ace-Man, many people are saying you are, well no offence, going bonkers. Any comments on that?

Ace-Man: No Mr. Murphy, I have no comments on that. The people who say that I am "bonkers" probably belong to the Brotherhood of Evil Wrestlers. And I vow to take out the evil-doers.

Chris: Thanks for your time Ace-Man, and I for one appreciate your cleaning up of the villains. The HWC is a much safer place!

Ace-Man: You are very welcome!

{Ace man goes back into his locker room and slams the door}

Chris Murphy: Well folks, those were some pretty interesting words. Lets go to the ring for our next match.

Standard Match
SmackDaddy Vs. Hollywood Harley

{Hollywood Harley stands already in the ring ready and waiting for Smack to show his face.}

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring, from Little Rock, Arkansas, weighing in at 236 pounds and standing at 6’3”…SMACK-DADDY!!!

{Misfits pounds over the P.A. and SmackDaddy walks out of the curtain. He comes out to a chorus of boo's and fans throwing garbage at him he gives the finger and walks down not letting anything phase him. He waist no time climbing into the ring as his music ends.}

Eddie: The fans really hate this guy!

Travis: Oh really, I thought they loved him.

{Harley holds out hand over Smack showing him he wants to do a test of strength. Smack reaches out but at the last second knees Harley in the balls.}

Travis: As a man, I can assure you that hurts a helluva lot!

Eddie: You’re a man, I hadn’t noticed.

Travis: Watch yourself pal, or we’ll wind up in that ring!

{As Harley drops in pain Smack springs off the ropes kicking him in the face. Trying to make this quick Smack goes for a pin...1..... kick out. Harley throws Smack off him, the two get to their feet and go blow for blow. Harley takes a swing while Smack ducks and moved behind Harley. Smack locks in arms around Harley trying to give him a bear hug but it isn't enough. Harley swings his arm back trying to hit Smack in the back of his head when Smack delivers a belly to back suplex. While Harley is down Smack grabs his foot locking in an ankle lock, but it isn't long till Harley manages to pull him self to the ropes.}

Eddie: It was a good move for Harley to grab the ropes. The ankle lock is one of the most painful holds!

Travis: I know, that’s what your mother said last night!

Eddie: What the hell does that mean? You wrestled my mother? I bet she kicked your ass.

{The ref tries to break Smack's hold but he refuses, not until Harley flips over and kicks Smack in the face. Harley gets to his feet limping slightly, Smack holds his face heading to the other side of the ring. He goes to climb out when Harley grabs him pulling him back in. Turning around Smack kicks him in the gut causing Harley to bend over in pain. Smack then grabs him nailing a pile diver on Harley. Harley lands hard on his head and Smack goes for the pin.....1......2.......3. Smack leaps to his feet and lets out a victory cry, he looks down at Harley and kicks him in the rings before climbing out of the ring.}

Eddie: Here is our winner, SmackDaddy.

Travis: Harley really didn’t stand a chance. He’d have a better shot at beating your mother.

Eddie: Why are you so obsessed with my mother? You have a crush on her don’t you. Freak!

Travis: Let’s cut to a commercial.

Eddie: Yes lets do that; it’s the best idea you’ve had in years.

((Camera cuts to a Mountain Dew- commercial.))

"Be X-Tream! Do The Dew!"

Eddy: And we're back. All the wrestlers from the back are out here tonight and what a night it is.

Travis: It's starting to look like a zoo in that ring.

Eddy: Tonight like promised is the 4th of July edtion of Slaughter.

Travis: I wonder what moron will lose an eye cause of the fireworks.

Eddy: Such heart for your fellow Americans. Just stand for the National Anthom.

((Joining the roster of wrestlers in the arena is Sheryl Crow. Hired by Autumn to sing the Anthom. Autumn ask for everyone to be silent and stand before she starts. Even all the wrestlers seem to be getting along for once, their hats or hoods are off as they wait. When everything starts Sheryl begins, her voice is strong yet sweet.))

Sheryl Crow: O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

((At the end everyone threw out the arena breaks into loud cheers. In the night sky above them fire works go off colors that of the flag. The crowd and wrestlers look on enjoying the beloved hoiday of their country. Things continue on going for a bit long with fireworks going off above them, even some of the wrestlers meet and talk with Sheryl Crow. Things start to turn back when Dozer pushes his way threw to see her. It is unclear who threw the first punch before it isn't long will a fight breaks out between all the wrestlers out there. A ref gets Sheryl out of the ring and to safty while a brawl for ground of the ring rages on.))

Eddy: Things have just gotten ugly in the ring, so much for the American Spirit.

Travis: Ugly? I'll say have of the wrestlers we have need face lifts or a new body.

((Tiger get's tossed over the ropes by SmackDaddy, The Dragon, and Neurosis. Going down she grabs ahold of Dragon pulling him over as well, once hitting the ground she gets ontop of him and starts beating in to him. In the ring a dog pile happens on Obake trying to take him down, but it isn't enough. He throws those on him out of the ring and clears the ring of those left in it.))

Travis: If you ask me I think Obake is using stariods.

Eddy: The man works out for a living. Not even half the roster could remove him from the ring.

Chair Match
"Sweet" Steve LaSalle vs. Katanya

Eddy: Next we have the up and coming Katanya facing against "Sweet" Steve LaSalle. What a match that will be.

Travis: I tell you with all the woman wrestlers the HWC now has I'm hoping that Commissioner Black sets up a Bra and Panties match.

Eddy: Is that all you think about?

Travis: I know I think for then you do!

Eddy: For now lets think about the match we have before us.

((The lights in the arena dim slowly as a hoarse, demonic moan echoes out into the crowd. Misty white lights flicker and flashes viscously against the obscurity. Katanya slowly steps out from behind the curtain to the center of the ramp. While the echo begins to die, she jumps into the air and crashes down hard onto the ground. Her feet hit the metal of the ramp, silver pyros explode on both sides of the HWC-Tron. "Brackish" by Kittie begins to blast violently out of the PA system. The screen on the HWC-Tron flashes black and white pictures of Katanya in different emotional states: happy, sad, angry, and confused. Katanya thrashes her body to the beat, pumping up the crowd. She runs down the ramp and slides into the center of the ring. She gets to her feet once more and continues to rile up the audience as she moves her body to the music. As it slowly fades, Katanya waits for LaSalle.))

Eddy: Wow what an enterance!

Travis: I would like her to do that again coming into my hotel room tonight.

Eddy: Your hotel room. I think she has more imporant things then that to do.

((Money by Pink Floyd hits and out comes LaSalle running full force to the ring. He has a look of death for Kat in his eyes. But just as steps off the ramp a figure leaps over the baricade and clock the passing LaSalle with a steal chair. The impact causes LaSalle to crumble to the floor.))

Travis: Now this is my kind of match. HIT HIM AGAIN!

Eddy: Some crazyed fan just cracked LaSalle's head open! If Kat knows what's good for her she will run.

((The figure turns from LaSalle and heads to the ring, Kat watches in horror and steps back when the figure enters the ring. The lights come up showing the attacker is Brett Bruiser.))

Travis: That's no fan that's Brett! BRETT BRUISER BACK!

Eddy: GOOD GOD!! Brett Bruiser has made a return and he has left his mark on the broken body of LaSalle!

((Chair still in hand he stalks Kat. About a foot away he points to the blood on the chair then her then behind him signaling for her to leave. Kat slides out of the ring her eyes never leaving Bretts for fear of attack when her back is turned. The EMT's rush out to help LaSalle while Brett stands in the middle of the ring. The crowd goes wild with the return of Brett, he looks them over and then raises the chair over his head. The cheers grow louder.))

Travis: That's what we need more of the stars getting rid of these wanna be wrestlers stealing their spotlight.

Eddy: I dout that's why Brett has returned, but he is back. Who knows who or when he will strike next.

((He then throws down the chair leaving it in the ring and with out one word said he leaves the ring the way he came threw the crowd. Camera cuts to Autumns office. Stretching his feet out on the desk Martin Smalls regards the room, looking down amidst the scattered papers he looks at the small gold name plate one the desk, picking it up and regarding it for a second he tosses it over his shoulder, the nameplate falls to the floor and lands face up, the nameplate reads in gold lettering "President Lewis" Smalls chuckles and begins to flip through some papers, he comes across the release forms Lewis signed for The Tiger and begins to flip through them...Suddenly the door opens and he looks up with a smug grin upon seeing who enters. Carrying a small stack of fat folders with her Autumn looks up seeing Smalls in her office. Shock quickly turns to anger as she slams the folders on the desk.))

Autumn: What in the sam hill are you doing in my office?! Get out before I call security!!

((Smalls looks up and shakes his finger disaprovingly))

Smalls: DO you mind? I'm trying to read here...oh and don't worry about security...I don't know what you pay em but i gave em enough of a kickback to let me come in know this thing with The Tiger...I wouldn't call it the best business move you could have made...but hey I'm just a lowly Multi Millionaire what do i know about business?"

((Autumn leans over the desk her voice ferm and threating.))

Autumn: You may know alot but you don't know it all or you would see why I went out of my way to get Tiger. Or would you like to see first hand how "hardcore" Tiger back be when she uses your face as a punching back. You have the choice leave now or forever watch your back, cause you wont hear her coming!

((Smalls Stands up and leans on the desk, his face inches away From her face, so close she can smell the mint on his breath, he speaks in a voice low and threatning, a tone that matches her own at first and then his face perks into a smile))

Smalls: Ahh Ahh Ahh President Lewis...before you open your mouth and spew a wad of "Power Trip" in my face...lemme tell you let me tell you a fact! You may not know it yet but i have put enough Money into this place to one day if i want carve myself a substantial chunk of this company out for my this point I see fit to let you run things yourself! But what you don't know and wouldn't find out by looking at the paper work is that over half the the HWC's funding comes from a small corporation Named Smalls Inc. Which happens to be MY company President Lewis...I don't need to tell you what would happen if i suddenly decided to cut my funding on this little "Project" of yours now do I?"

Autumn stands up and smirks crossing her arms

Autumn: Fine if you want to play like that, I now put Tiger in your hands.

((Smalls looks up at her, for one moment his eyes flicker with fear.))

Smalls: Y-You mean...You want me to face The Tiger in the ring next week!?

Autumn: Why not..... if you can win you get control over her.

((Smalls takes a deep calming breath, obviously the thought of facing The Tiger the last thing he had in mind, But the moment President Lewis mentions the Stipulation his eyes take on a calcuating Grin))

Smalls: There's nothing more you'd like to see then me getting my ass Kicked by your little sideshow circus freak isn't there? SO i'll tell you what...I'll give you what you want, I'll face your Tiger because i'm a business man pure and simple...but there's one final stipulation...and I get to name it..."

((Autumn think for a moment but knows not much can take down Tiger.))

Autumn: Okay Smalls you get your stipulation.

((Smalls Grins, something Lewis realizes he should not be doing in a situation like this.))

Smalls: Fine...There'll be a special guest referee in my match, and i get to pick him, if you think thats fair enough then shake my hand and we can seal the deal..."

((he holds out his hand to her from across her own desk and Autumn shakes his hand without a doubt in her mind))

Autumn: I am a woman of my word...... I do hope you have a good insurence plan. Your going to need it after next week. Oh and by the way Smalls, if i find out that it was you that took the belt....... Tiger will be the least of your worries.

((Smalls chuckles to himself as he heads across the luxurious office and opens the door, his chuckle is immdiately cut off into a muffled "Meeep" as he comes face to face with none other then the Tiger herself who apparently heard the whole conversation from behind the door...she gazes into the eyes of Martin and flashes him a smile showing off her sharp teeth, she holds Martins gaze and watches him tremble for a moment before stepping aside and allowing him to pass. Smalls scurries by her thier eyes locked, niether one blinking, The Tigers smile broadens as she raises a hand and makes a slow throat cutting gesture across her throat directed at Smalls...this breaks whatever trance Martin was in as he turns and walks at a brisk pace down the hallway trying with every single bit of his courage not to break into a run. Tiger watches till he is out of sight chuckles softly, she then turns and looks at Autumn. Arms still crossed she speaks to Tiger.))

Autumn: Do what you do best and make Payne an exsample to Smalls. If he didn't wet him self just now he will later tonight.

((Tiger nods and walks out to her match.))

Eddie: Looks like Smalls got more then he can handle.

Travis: Are you kinding?! Finally someone is going to do something about Tiger, and it takes a man like Smalls to do it.

Eddie: He's going to get killed! Anyways it's now time for thh main event.

Main Event- Six Man Tag Match
Chaotica, Tiger, Obake Vs. Dozer, Payne, and Ace of Spades

((Camera switches to the ring, where the ring announcer is standing.))

ANNOUNCER: The following Main Event is a six-person tag match. Introducing first, The team of Bulldozer, Payne, and the Ace Of Spades!

(("Ace Of Spades" by Motorhead hits on the PA, and the three step out, to a very mixed reaction as the three start for the ring.))

Eddie: Well, this is certainly a mixed bag of competitors we have for this match. But I don't really see where one team or the other has a definite advantage.

Travis: ((snorts)) Oh, come on, Daniels! IT's gotta be these three guys right here! Obake has been saddled with a newbie and a washed up mental case! It's no contest!

Eddie: Wait a minute.....IT"S THE TIGER!!!!

((The Tiger charges out of the entranceway and plows into Bulldozer, pounding, clawing, and even biting at her hated oponnent. Ace and Payne are startled for a moment, but then they go to their partner's aid, beating the raving Tiger, who seems unaffected by their blows. At that point, Obake and Chaotica run to the defense of Tiger. Chaotica, wielding a steel chair, whacks Payne across the back, while Obake plows into Ace, and the two teams brawl down the ramp and around the ring.))

Travis: Yeah! This is my kind of main event! COME ON! LET"S SEE SOME BLOOD!!!

Eddie: Have I told you lately how disgusting you are?

Travis: Flattery will get you nowhere, Eddie boy!

((Payne ducks another swing of Chaotica's chair and executes a drop toehold, causing Chaotica to land flat on her face on the floor next to the ring. Bulldozer has managed to escape fron Tiger for the moment, via a thumb to the eye, and climbs into the ring. Obake reverses an attempted irish whip by Ace, and ace slams into the security railing and slumps to the floor. Obake rolls into the ring, and the referee signals for the bell, officially starting the match.Dozer, still shaking off the effects of Tiger's attack, circles Obake cautiously. Obake, also circling, does a couple of fake lunges, and Dozer starts to recoil backwards from a blow that doesn't come. Obake takes advantage of this and delivers a stiff kick to Dozer's midsection, doubling the big man over. Obake grabs Dozer in a front facelock, hoists him into the air, and delivers a textbook standing suplex.))

Eddie: Obake looking solid thus far against the veteran Bulldozer. He takes Dozer to his corner, and tags in Chaotica...But wait! Tiger grabs Chaotica's shoulder as she steps in. Tiger wants a piece of Dozer!

Travis: No she doesn't, she just wants a towel to wipe the drool off her chin! you know that crazy people drool alot!

Eddie: That must explain why you were drooling so much when you saw Skorpeonqween for the first time.

Travis: Shut your face, Daniels!

((CHaotica and Obake, who is still holding Dozeer, look at Tiger, who is insisting that she be tagged in. CHaotica looks at Obake, who just shrugs. Chaotica also shrugs, and tags in the Tiger, to a chorus of boos from the fans. Obake lifts Dozer's arm, and Tiger kicks Dozer in the ribs just as Obake steps to the ring apron. Tiger goes to whip Dozerinto the ropes, but the big man reverses and attempts a clothesline, but Tiger ducks and whirls around, ready. Che catches Dozer as he rebounds off the ropes and delivers a hard spinebuster, then starts pounding on him, as the boos of the crowd become almost deafening. Tiger ignores this and continues to pound on Dozer, who is trying in vain to cover his face. The referee is forced to pull Tiger off the now bleeding Dozer.))

Travis: Psycho Woman has snapped! I told you she was nuts!

Eddie: She has indeed snapped....if she's not careful, she's going to get herself disqualified.

((The referee has managed to get Tiger to calm down somewhat, giving Dozer the chance to get to his corner. The referee turns, and Dozer tags in Ace, who steps in and starts toward Tiger. Tiger meets him halfway, and the two grapple. Ace goes into a standing side headlock. Tiger shoves him off and into the corner. Ace turns to see Tiger charging in, and quickly moves, allowing Tiger to plow hard shoulder-first into the ring post.))

Eddie: Holy smokes! That's a good way to break a collar bone! Tiger must wracked with pain!

Travis: Speaking of Payne, Ace is making a tag to him! Uh oh, double team time! YEAH!!! KICK HER PSYCHO ASS!!!

Eddie: One of these days, Best, so help me.....

Travis: What?

Eddie: Never mind.

((Ace and Payne grab Tiger by the arms, whip her into the ropes, and execute a double back drop. Ace gets in a parting stomp before he steps to the ring apron. Payne then starts to climb the turnbuckles as Tiger gets groggily to her feet. Payne attempts his trademark spear from the top, but Tiger ducks, and Payne hits the mat HARD, knocking the wind out of him. He lays gasping for air as Tiger tags in Chaotica, who immediately picks Payne up and executes a hard jumping martial arts kick. Payne crumples and falls to the mat. Chaotica begins climbing the Payne pulls himself slowly to his feet.))

Eddie: It looks like Chaotica is about to fly!

Travis: Well, duh! She's not up there for the view!

Eddie: Chaotica leaps...Wow! What a corkscrew moonsault! She's going for the cover!1....2....No! Payne just barely got the shoulder up!

Travis: Payne really need to tag! COME ON PAYNE!!!! DON"T LET THAT WOMAN BEAT YOU!!! TAG IN DOZER!!!

Eddie: Wait a comes Smalls!

((Smalls distracts the referee as Chaotica is about to get Payne in a rolling Boston Crab. Dozer takes advantage of the distraction and steps into the ring and nails Chaotica with a HARD clothesline from behind. Chaotica hits the mat hard, face down. Dozer quickly ducks back out of the ring just as the referee turns around and sees that he obviously missed something.))

Eddie: Damn that cheating Bulldozer!!! She might have beat Payne!

Travis: Oh, quit your whining! It's not cheating unless the ref sees it!

Eddie: Both competitors desperately need a tag...who's gonna make it first?!

Travis: COME ON PAYNE!!!

((Payne reaches his corner a moment before Chaotica reaches hers. Payne makes the tag to Dozer, who readily steps in, and starts toward Chaotica, who has just tagged in Obake, to a few cheers. Dozer hesitates, seeing the look of animal rage on Obake's face. Obake charges Dozer, nailing him with a flying shoulder tackle. Dozer falls backwards and bounces off the ropes, right inro Onake's arms. Obake hoists Dozer up, as oif for a suplex, then lets him bounce off the top rope. Dozer rebounds, and Obake uses that momentum to deliver a HARD suplex. Obake then moves into the corner, and goes into his trademark crouch, his eyes burning, as he waits for Dozer to get to his feet, to the cheers of the crowd.))

Eddie: Oh boy, it looks like Dozer's in trouble!


((Dozer, getting shakily to his feet, turns around, just in time for Obake to explode out of the corner and spear Dozer halfway across the ring! Obake then stands and shouts, "THAT"S IT!!!" as the crowd cheers more. He starts to pick Dozer up, and hooks him, preparing to hoist him into the air for his patented jackhammer. But before he can, Payne comes charging into the ring and chock blocks Obake's knee, and Obake crumples, latting go of Dozer. Chaotica hops to the top turnbuckle and hits a flying hurricanrana on Payne. Ace enters the fray, and nails Chaotica with a superkick just as she is getting back to her feet. Tiger rushes into the ring and dropkicks Ace, who flies backwards into his corner.))

Eddie: It's breaking down! The referee has lost control!

Travis: YES!! I LOVE IT!!! WHOO HOO!!!

Eddie: You are sick, do you know that? Hold on, what's Smalls doing?

((Smalls has gone around to where Payne is laying in the ring, and slips something to him. In the midst of the chaos in the ring, the referee doesnt' see it. Obake does, however, and grabs Smalls by the hair, to the wild cheers of the crowd. He plants a fist to Smalls' head, and Smalls crumples. falling to the floor. Obake then turns, just in time to get a facefull of white powder from Payne. The referee sees this, and calls for the bell!))

Eddie: Payne got his team disqualified! Obake, Chaotica, and Tiger win!!!

Travis: ((groans)) Another hundred down the drain....DAMMIT PAYNE!!!!

Eddie: The match is officially over, but nobody seems to care!

((Obake, his vision blurred, lunges at Payne, but Payne dives out of the way, and Obake instead nails Ace with a scintillating spear! Chaotica rolls out of the ring and graps a folding metal chair and slides it into the ring, where Dozer and Payne are double-teaming Tiger. she climbs to the top rope with the chair, and leaps, leading with the chair, and catches Dozer right in the head!!! Dozer Collapses in a heap, knocked out cold. Payne sees this, and Tiger takes advantage of his momentary confusion and headbutts Payne right in the nose, and blood immediately starts flowing. Obake, meanwhile, hoists Ace into the air, holds him there a moment, and nails a POWERFUL jackhammer, as Chaotica bounces off the ropes and leaps, clobbering Payne with the chair. Payne falls on his face and doesn't move.))

Eddie: Oh my god! They not only lost the battle, but it llooks like they lost the war too! It looks like the aftermath of a plane crash...what's the matter with you?

Travis: ((beating his head on the desk)) Why? Why? Why? Smalls told me they would win! I'm ruined!

Eddie: You aren't the only one...Dozer, Ace and Smalls have been destroyed!

((Obake, Chaotica, and Tiger stand over their thoroughly beaten oponnents. The arena lighst go out leaving everyone in total darkness. And eerie distorted laugh is heard but no one has a clue where it is coming from. A light comes from aroudn the HWC-Tron as it comes alive, an out line of a man in some room is all that anyone can see. The laugh continues on then stops suddenly followed but a long silents. When the voice is heard again it is deep and destorted.))

Man: The HWC is in the palm of my hand as I speak. I will be blunt for those that do not understand. I have the belt Autumn seeks but I am not going to give it back just yet. I have plans for it and some demands that need to be met first. Once they are met and only then I will personaly hand the belt over to its rightfull holder. First this insane confusing world tourny that the twisted mind of Beach made needs to end..... NOW! Second, a more simpler tourny needs to be put in action starting next Slaughter. Four, four way matches..... two every slaughter leading up to the PPV. The winner of each four way match will go on to face off against each other in one last four way at the PPV. That is how a true champion is decided. And when the finally pin fall happens...1......2......3. I will hand over the belt crowning the very first New HWC World Champion. If you ignore my demans I promise you seach all you want but you will never see the belt. I will be watching.

((The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.))