Saturday Night Slaughter
Rapid City , South Dakota at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then to Faygo and Wendell walk out the hall back stage. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Mia standing on the ramp staring down Chaotica in the ring. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.))

Standard Match
Quinn DeMarco vs Rhyno

Eddie: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Slaughter! We have an exciting night here in South Dakota at the sold out Rushmore Plaza Civic Center.

Travis: You’re right Eddie! We have a Hardcore Title match as our main event!

Eddie: You just love to see blood don’t you?

Travis: Yes I do! As long as it’s not my own!

Eddie: You’re hopeless! Anyway our first match here tonight is between the “King of Shoot fighters” Quinn DeMarco and Rhynno!

Travis: I thought the Rhynno was an endangered species?

Eddie: Not that kind of Rhynno! He’s the one that is going to put DeMarco in his place!

Travis: Yeah we’ll see…I bet you 20 bucks that DeMarco wipes the floor with Rhyno!

Eddie: You never learn do you? After what happened at Christmas Chaos…I mean we seen something we’ve never seen before!

Travis: Yeah! The beautiful Harley Quinn, I mean Harley Star was almost killed! I think we have an update about her condition…

Eddie: Until we get that update here we go with our first match of the night!

((Ready to Die by Andrew WK begins to play as the King of Shoot Fighters emerges from behind the curtain and stares down the ramp. He starts walking down the ramp towards the ring, not paying any mind to the fans who want to touch him just at least one. He turns his green eyes to the entrance and waits for his opponent to show up!))

Jean Fortello: Making his way to the ring at this time weighting in 265lbs from Key West, Florida! “King of the Shoot Fighters” Quinn DeMarco!

Eddie: Quinn DeMarco is calm and collected and is ready to face Rhynno!

Travis: I don’t Eddie! Rhynno is back there and he’s ready to kick DeMarco’s ass all over the ring! I got money riding on this! He’s got to win!

((The lights go out as “Dig” starts on the P.A as multi-colored strobes flashing all over the arena, in time to the beat. As the main body of the song kicks in, Rhynno appears and begins to thrash insanely to the music. He sprints to the ring and slides under the bottom rope.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent weighing in at 195 lbs, from Los Angeles California, Rhynno!

((DeMarco and Rhynno size each other up, almost looking each other in the eye, with the intent to do a lot of damage as the bell sounds. The match is under way! DeMarco takes Rhynno down with an arm drag and goes for an early pin. 1…2.. And the kick out by Rhynno! Rhynno uses a series of punches and takes DeMarco to the corner! Rhynno uses multiple head butts knocking the wind out of DeMarco! DeMarco comes to and sees Rhynno above him in corner sitting on the top rope getting ready to drop an elbow! DeMarco moves out of the way and kicks the ropes making Rhynno fall!))

Eddie: That’s got to hurt!

Travis: I even felt that…C’mon DeMarco!!! Kill that little punk!

((Rhynno hits the floor and DeMarco goes the pin! 1…2…And the shoulder is up! DeMarco goes for his figure 4 leg lock but Rhynno won’t submit! The ref breaks them apart after a few minutes and Rhynno hoists himself back to his feet using the ropes, as DeMarco goes for the axe kick but misses! Rhynno gets behind DeMarco and uses a drop kick that makes DeMarco stagger. Rhynno goes to the top rope and goes for the Injector! He hits it! The Injector has been hit!!! Rhynno goes for the pin! 1…2…3…!))

Jean Fortello: Here is your winner Rhynno!!!

Travis: God damn it! I lost another 20 bucks!!!

Eddie: Well that’s what you get when you bet for the wrong side…We’ll be back after this!

((The Cushion is seen sitting in the locker room, Mavrick walks up and sits next to him setting a coolier down at his feet. He bends down to open it as Cushion watches him.)

Cushion: What you got there cowboy?

Mavrick: Some ice cold Diet Pepsis. Want one?

Cushion: Well I make it a point not to touch anything diet but yea okay.

(Mavrick pulls one out of the coolier and hands it to Cushion. Cushion opens it and starts to chug.)

Mavrick: Why's that scared it will suck the fat out of you? Hold that though I have to get my bag.

(Mavrick walks out to get his duffle bag. Cushion finishes the Diet Pepsi and lets out a satified sigh. He then stands and walks away ro put the can in the trash. A fan wanders in, he looks like Cushion but much much thinner. He sees the Pepsis and sits down where Cushion was, he grabs a can and starts to drink. Mavrick returns and drops his bag and his jaw at the sight of the very thin Cushion. The fan doesn't notice him.)

Mavrick: You weren't kidding.... no more Diet Pepsis for you!))

((Tiger sits in her locker room watching the show on a small monitor with the Women's Title in her lap. All of a sudden there is a knock at her door. She opens the door and there stands Seph.))

The Tiger: What the hell do you want?

Seph: May I have a moment of your time?

((Tiger sighs and turns away from him, walking back into the room. Seph walks in behind her.))

Seph: Listen I know you’re busy but I’m here to offer you the opportunity. This a very big opportunity!

The Tiger: Yar coming to sacrafise yar self to my Gods?

Seph: Um no...

The Tiger: Then talk fast of ya will learn why I'm the Dead Cat!

Seph: I want you to join my group. We need a soul of your burtal ability. With you on our side no one could stand in our way to stop us, and you would be at the top again with the World Title in your hands.

The Tiger: So.... ya want me to abandon my god to be as curpted and messed up as ya are.

Seph: Well...

The Tiger: Listen here living dead blood sucker, Armageddon don't own me and I ain't falling into trap where ya can. Ya I know everyone wants a peice of me, but ya can burn in hell for yar efforts. Better yet, I believe Faygo Joe as a nice corps of yar style ya can have an all nice fling with.

((Seph gives her a dark look as Tiger starts laughing. Tiger then grabs and shoves him out of the room and slams the door in his face. Camera opens up in Martin Smalls office, he watches Slaughter on a big tv. He smiles big and laughs watching Tiger and Seph, he is sitting on a black leather couch with the Hardcore title in his lap when a knock comes at his door. The door opens before he can tell them to enter. Enforcer stands there looming down on Smalls who seems more amused then ever.))

Smalls Well Enforcer what can I do for you?

Enforcer: You know damn right why I'm here. That's my belt!

Smalls: Oh you want your belt...

Enforcer: Yea!

Smalls: TOUGH! You want this belt after droping it and walking off to go pout. You can earn it again... in the ring. Like a man! Now get out of my sights before I remove you from the match!

Enforcer: This is not over Martin!

((Smalls gets up from the sofa and moves quickly to Enforcer still holding on to the Hardcore title. He gets in Enforcer's face no longer smiling.))

Smalls: It's Mr. Smalls to you! And it's over when I say it is over!

((Enforcer stares him down a moment then turns and leaves the room slamming the door behind him.))

Standard Match
Jericho vs Mia

((The God That Failed by Metallica begins to play.The lights flicker, then go out. When they come back on, they have a sickly green glow. Standing at the entrance to the arena, he's an intimidating figure in black and silver. A black cloak is thrown over his head, shrouding his long blonde hair and brown eyes. Fireworks go off, making the crowd jump as he makes his way to the ring.))

Jean Fortello: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Currently making his way to the ring, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing 225 pounds, The Soulveyer, Jericho Dylan!

Eddie: Folks, I'm not too sure what the idea was behind the booking of this match was, but I have to say that I don't like it one bit!

Travis: Oh quit your whining! Mia has a pretty good chance at beating this weirdo! After all, she was trained by Harley Quinn, err, that is, Harley Starr!

Eddie: Well, you make a good point there, Travis. Travis: Besides, she's a little cutie!

Eddie: (shaking his head) Why did I dare to hope?

((The God That Failed fades out. No Nagging begins, and Mia steps out, and to everyone's surprise, she is followed a few seconds later by Reno & Rude! Jericho glares at them in disbelief as they make their way towards the ring, with Mia blowing kisses to the fans.))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, accompanied tonight by members of the Mafioso, from Tokyo Japan, weighing 135 pounds, the Otaku Angel, Mia Lang!

Eddie: Wait a minute! What in the world are Reno and Rude doing out here with Mia?

Travis: Well, like I said, she is a protégé of Harley Qui- err, Harley Starr. And those are Harley's boys. Maybe Harley is just protecting an investment. People like her do that, you know!

((Jericho, still glaring at Reno & Rude, bends down to make a last-second adjustment to his knee brace. Mia climbs into the ring, then jumps up on a turnbuckle. Jericho, still looking outraged, walks over and pulls Mia down and spins her around. He gestures at Reno & Rude, who have taken up positions on either side of the ring. Mia says something, and Jericho grabs her by the throat. Mia's hands come up and grab his arm, but Jericho is in a rage, and he simply pushes her back into the corner. The referee makes a futile attempt to pull Jericho away and is shoved backwards. Mia takes advantage of this distraction and drives a knee solidly into Jericho's groin. Jericho groans loudly and staggers backwards, then doubles over.))

Travis: Damn! Right in the mommy-daddy button! He's gonna feel that in the morning!

Eddie: And Mia's not done yet either...Spinning Savate kick! Jericho's in trouble here!

Travis: And now she's heading for the top already!

((Mia perches on the top turnbuckle and leaps, going for a flying head scissors, but Jericho caches her in mid air and delivers a hard sidewalk slam. Mia's head bounces off the canvas, and she is momentarily stunned. Jericho clamps on a reverse chinlock, pushing his knee into Mia's back while pulling back, putting excruciating pressure on Mia's neck and back. Mia screams out in pain. The referee checks to se if she wants to submit, but Mia violently shakes her head no. After a moment, Jericho gives up on the hold and pulls Mia to her feet. He whips her into the ropes and nails a swinging neckbreaker. He goes for the cover...1...2...Kickout!!!!))

Travis: She kicked out! I can barely believe it!

Eddie: Neither can Jericho! His eyes look like they're about to pop out!

Travis: I think something of Mia's popped out too!

Eddie: Do you think about anything besides sex?

Travis: Ummmm.....not much, no!

Eddie: ((Shaking his head and groaning)) Why did I even bother to ask?

((Jericho, after regaining his composure, pulls Mia to her feet again and whips her into the ropes. He tries to grab her for another neckbreaker, but Mia ducks, hits the opposite ropes, and hits a cross body block, which knocks Jericho flat on his back. She jumps up, hits the ropes again, and nails a Rolling Thunder. She quickly flips over and goes for the cover...1...2...kickout! Jericho gets slowly to his feet as Mia hits the ropes again. Jericho ducks, Mia leapfrogs over him, hits the opposite ropes, Jericho drops flat, Mia hops over, hits the ropes and goes for an Asai moonsault, but Jericho rolls out of the ring....right beside Rude. Jericho shoves him away, and Reno backs up, his hands held up. Jericho turns back towards the ring just in time to catch a baseball slide from Mia. Jericho flies into the security railing and slumps to the floor. The referee begins the 10-count as Mia climbs the turnbuckle.))

Eddie: Oh no! She's not! Please tell me she's not!

Travis: Oh yes she is! GO FOR IT MIA HONEY!!!!

Eddie: Mia strikes a pose.....SWANTON BOMB TO THE FLOOR!!!! DEAR GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!

Travis: Shit a brick! They're both broken in half!

((the crowd goes nuts for the high spot. Mia rolls off of Jericho, clutching at her back. Jericho is barely moving at all. Reno comes over and helps Mia into the ring as the referee is counting...5.....6....7....Jericho pulls himself painfully to his feet, clearly favoring his knee. He barely beats the 10-count as he rolls into the ring. Mia, still clutching at her back, climbs the turnbuckle again. Just as she is about to leap, Jericho reaches out and shakes the top rope, causing Mia to lose her balance and fall forward off the turnbuckle and into the ring. Jericho Picks her up, whips her into the ropes, and nails an enziguri kick. Mia crumples, and Jericho now climbs to the top, being careful of his bad knee.))

Eddie: What's HE going to do now?

Travis: He's going to build up his frequent flier miles!

Eddie: He's signaling for the Sin City......Jericho leaps....MIA MOVED!!! MIA MOVED!!!! Jericho got nothing but canvas!!! And landed right on that bad knee!

Travis: This is looking bad for Jericho, because Mia's heading for the top again!

Eddie: Mia's perched on the top as Jericho gets to his feet again........Here she goes....OTAKU ASSAULT!!! She got all of it!!! She goes for the pin....1....2....3!!!!!! MIA WINS!!!! MIA WINS!!!!

(("No Nagging" plays as Mia leaps to her feet, and the referee raises her hand in victory. Reno & Rude climb into the ring to congratulate Mia. Jericho slowly rolls out of the ring, clutching his knee as the scene fades to commercial.))

((Camera opens up on a city street. The Tiger waits at a stop light for it to turn green sitting on her V-Rod, when a nerdy looking guy pulls up check to her on a scooter bike.)

Nerd: Wanna race?

The Tiger: You call that a bike! Come with me boy!

(Tiger grabs him and pulls him off the scooter, she drapes his body over the small back seat. The light turns green and she pulls off. Camera cuts opening up on a Harley Davidson shop as Tiger drags him threw the door. Once inside Tiger throws him to the floor as two big biker looking clerks watch.)

The Tiger: Total make over boys.

(The clerks leap over the counter and grabs off the nerd screaming.)

The Tiger: The only bike worth riding is a Harley Davidson. Remember that....... cause next time I won't be so nice about it!

(Camera cuts to out side the shop the clerks and the now biker dressed nerd wave to Tiger as she rides off into the sun set.))

Table Match
Creeper vs Mystic J

Eddie: It’s been a good night so far hasn’t it Travis?

Travis: Well sort of…I mean we just seen Mia and she looked really hot in that little outfit of hers… How old is she anyway?

Eddie: My god you never stop do you?

Travis: It’s obvious that she wants me…Didn’t you see the way she looked at me?

Eddie: No I didn’t notice!!! Let’s get to our next match between Mystic J and The Creeper!

Travis: I thought Mystic J was dead?The bell sounds and The Creeper uses a fury of punches on Mystic J., sending him to the ground. The creeper goes for a kick to the groin but Mystic J rolls out of the way just as Creepers foot comes down. Mystic J gets behind Creeper and uses an arm drag taking him down, and sets the table up. He gets Creeper on his shoulders and goes for a power bomb, but the table doesn’t break!))

Travis: Oh my god!!! I might be right for once!!

Eddie: If you are I’m going to be really scared!

((Creeper gets to his feet and grabs Mystic J as he gets to the top rope and goes for the swinging DDT. He hits it and sends Mystic J to the floor in pain. The Creeper gives an eerie smile and looks at Mystic J who is just laying on the floor. Mystic J slowly gets up and comes to looking for Creeper anywhere in front of him. Creeper is behind him and is ready to pull off a vertical press, but Mystic J moves just in time Creeper comes down. Mystic J sets up a table and places Creeper on it, and gets on the top rope to pull off a spear to send Creeper and the table to the ground. Mystic J flies through the air as Creeper moves out of the way and rolls off the table, as Mystic J slams himself through the table!))

Jean Fortello: And your winner is The Creeper!!!

Travis: I was right…

Eddie: I know…And I’m really scared!!

Travis: I won my money back!!

Eddie: What’s this world coming to? Well that’s the end of the match folks…And as we promised we do have an update on Harley’s condition…She is out of the hospital and is on her way home. But she has put her notice into Autumn Lewis and is officially retired…Harley will be missed by all of us and we wish her the best of the luck with whatever she does.

Travis: Oh Harley!! Why did you have to leave me?

Eddie: We’ll be back after this folks! It’s ok Travis…Mia’s still here…

Travis: That’s right!! She is Harley’s protégé!!!

Eddie: I need a long vacation!!

Travis: What’s that suppose to mean?

Eddie: Nothing…We’ll be back after this…

((Show fades to a commercial for 1-800-CALL-ATT. Carrot top is standing in a gym dressed like the dork that he is.)

Carrot Top: When you need to make a collect call, just use--

(Suddenly Amy flies into the scene and hurricanranna's Carrot Top to the floor. He lies there unconcious.)

Amy: Shut the hell up! Nobody wants to hear you. (She turns to the camera) Now, listen up. You'd better use 1-800-CALL-ATT when you make a collect call. Dial down the center (close up of her hand) that's 1-800-CALL-ATT! It's free for you and cheap for them. If you don't I'll send him to your house.

(Camera pans over to reveal a growling Obake.)

Obake: Dial it and save...or else!))

Tag Team Titles Match
The Kindred vs Bottle Genuis

Eddie: Now we have the tag team titles match The Kindred against the Bottled Genius!

Travis: Faygo and Wendell are going to kick major ass!

Eddie: Here we go again, Travis going for the jokes!

((As the theme music hits, the left and right of the entranceway flash green and red respectively. Wendell Graham Bell walks out slowly from behind the left curtain, with abacus in hand, donning a white lab coat. Faygo Joe comes out from the right, pushing a wheelbarrow, which contains Bridget Morgan. Faygo Joe dances around like an ass and then continues his walk to the ring, wheelbarrow in tow. Wendell takes a glance at Faygo Joe, then shakes his head and walks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Faygo Joe wheel's his barrow down the ramp and parks it next to the ring. He gives Bridget a loving kiss on the cheek before entering the ring and hopping around like a jackass until his opponents comes out. Wendell gets up and takes off his lab coat and throws it into his corner, still shaking his head at the sight of Faygo Joe.))

Travis: The top of the fed in the ring right now!

Eddie: Idiot…

Travis: What did you say?

Eddie: Nothing…

((The lights go out and the music starts to play. The Kindred step out as a spotlight turns on behind them. They're silhouettes show against the bright light. Blue lightning effects strike the stage and red flames burst up in a huge explosion. The lights raise and the two make they're way in the ring. Once inside they both raise they're arms and drop them at the same time causing a massive explosion of purple flames. Sothren and Wendell stand face to face in the middle of the ring as the bell sounds. Sothern gets the quick upper hand with an open hand punch to the gut sending Wendell to the ground. Sothern then begins to stomp Wendell and then turns to Sephiroth, tagging him in. ))

Eddie: What did I tell you, the Kindred are tearing them up!

Travis: This won’t last long the Bottled Genius are going to show them what a former champion and a genius can do!

(( Sephiroth climbs into the ring and lifts Wendell to his feet. Wendell regains his composure and takes a swing, Sephiroth catching the punch and delivering a quick thrust kick to the chin. With Wendell down Sephiroth locks on the million dollar dream bearing down hard. The referee begins to check for a tap out, Wendell not giving in.))

Eddie: Yep, that’s right the Kindred are still on top.

Travis: Shut up, I know what I am talking about. I am the Best!

Eddie: Not this again.

(( As Sephiroth lets the move go Wendell quickly rolls and tags in the crazed Faygo Joe. Joe jumps the ropes at Sephiroth with a missile drop kick, Spehiroth rolling right back up and throws another kick. Joe catches this one and looks toward the crowd as Sephiroth hops on one foot. ))

Travis: Yes, this is it!

((Before Faygo can do a thing Sephiroth connects with the Reverse Insiguri Kick. Sephiroth then begins to pound on the down Faygo, Wendell jumping into the ring and getting stopped by ref. As the ref is distracted by Wendell Sothern and Sephiroth look at one another and smile. Sothren sets Faygo up for a 3D but instead Sephiroth pulls a jump spinning Fallen Angel DDT. ))

Eddie: There it is, BLACK EMBRACE!

((The ref turns back around to see Sephiroth covering Faygo and goes for the pin…1...2...3!!))

Jean Fortello: Here are your winners! The Kindred!

Travis: Don’t say a word!

Eddie: I wasn’t going to say anything!

((Prayer hits as the golden light engulfs the arena Armageddon steps from the back and walks to the ring with a mick in his hand. He climbs into the ring as the music gets cuts.))

Amrageddon: This war between heaven and hell has just started when many think this, Kash Flagg has ended it with a lucky blow. He knows not who he has struck a blow again. God will not stand for this, and God will deliver his might onto those against me and my followers. A warning to this Kash.....

((The lights go off, except for one single solitary light focusing on Armageddon in the ring. The HWCtron comes alive with the image of two candles flickering on either side of a hooded man. The eerie sounds of a old organ plays in the background ala Phantom of the Opera. The camera closes in on the hooded figure.))

Hooded Figure: Ahhh, this is a familiar place indeed. I spent many a night in the ring you now stand in, imposter. Since I left, I had contented myself with the comforts of a quiet peaceful night. But you changed all that, imposter. It changed when your…”pet” attacked and injured my brother. You brought me back into a world I should never be in. A world where I’ve done many, many unspeakable things in.

((The hooded figure sits down…his hood is let down, but his face remains in shadows. The sounds of wolves suddenly are heard. The dark figure laughs.))

Hooded Figure: The children of the night, how they call for me. You see, Armageddon, you opened up a doorway that should have been left shut and boarded up. But it’s too late now…the Pandora’s Box has been opened, the demons past has been revealed, and your life and the lives of your “pets” are in jeopardy. The magical boat ride you’ve had is now nearing a bad twist….and you have no one to blame but yourself…

((The camera zooms in tight as the eerie face of Kash Flagg, his dark demonic face lit up only by the flames of the candles))

Kash: The time is coming closer, Armageddon….are you ready for what awaits?

((The candles go out and all there is is darkness.))

Kash: Not a speck of light is showing…so the danger must be growing…

Eddie: Kash is a bold man standing up to the menicing Armageddon.

Travis: If not careful Armageddon is going to send him to his god.

Hardcore Title Match
Enforcer vs Blood Dragon vs Patriot

Travis: It's Hardcore time Eddie!

Eddie: Tonights main event, is a three way for the Hardcore Title. Another one of Smalls creations.

Travis: The man is god.

Eddie: More like satan. This match puts Enforcer, Patriot, and Blood Dragon against each other in one ring with weapons.

Travis: A grand end to tonight.

Jean Fortello: First to the ring....

((I Don't Give A Fuck by Hed Pe plays over the PA as a blood red hue encompases the ramp and ring.))

Jean Fortello: Blood Dragon!!!

((Slowly but intensely Blood parts the curtain and steps out onto the stage and takes stock of his surroundings. Only when he is satisfied, will he then slowly work his way down to the ring. Climbing in his music fades and he waits for the other, all around him hardcore weapons are scattered around the ring.))

Jean Fortello: His opponent, from New York City..... The Enforcer!!!

((Click Click Boom hits and the camera cuts back stage showing Enforcer heading to the stage. Before he can get there he runs into Patriot who is blocking his way. The two exstange words till Enforcer tries to move Patriot, Patriot answers back with slamming a chair into the head of Enforcer.))

Travis: Looks like the match has already started.

Eddie: And Patriot is determin to win.

((Blood watches a moment then climbs out of the ring running back stage to meet with the fight. Back stage after beating on Enforcer a few times with the chair Patriot covers him and a ref runs over and pins him. 1..2.. Blood comes out of now where and dives on the two to break up the count. Patriot elbows him in the head to get him off him while Enforcer pushes them off. Enforcer gets up and staggers away abit looking for a weapon. Blood gets up and runs at Enforcer, Enforcer then side steps Blood grabs him by the back of the head and slams him face first into the wall. Patriot swings the chair again at Enforcer, Enforcer ducks as the chair connects with the head of Blood. Blood crumbles as Enforcer kicks Patriot in the gut causing him to drop the chair. Grabbing Patriot by the neck Enforcer throws him into a ladder proped up against the wall. Enforcer turns to Blood and rolls him over for the pin. 1...kick out. Enforcer gets up pulling Blood to his feet, after slamming his head a few times against the wall Enforcer pulls him up and delievers Samoan drop right on the chair.))

Eddie: Enforcer just broke the back of Blood Dragon!

Travis: He's going to prove to Smalls and everyone that he is the most hardcore person in this fed.

Eddie: He's doing a great job of it.

((Enforcer grabs a leg of Blood and starts to drag him out from back stage to the ring. Once to the ramp and half way down, Patriot comes running down to catch up with them. He holds seomthung behind his back, Enforcer drops Blood and turns to face him. Patriot brings around a fire exstinguisher and fires the foam into the eyes of Enforcer. Patriot then takes down Enforcer with a big boot followed by a pin. 1.. and kick out by Enforcer. Enforcer rolls off the ramp and blindly staggers to the ring. Patriot goes after him and throws him into the ring steps. Patriot pulls Enforcer to his feet and tries to pull him into a Gorilla Press. From behind Dragon has come around and grabbed the fire exstinguisher coming up behind Patriot.))

Eddie: LOOK OUT!!

Travis: This is going to hurt!

((Just as Dragon raises it to bring it down on Patriots head, out of the crowd come Ace-Man he leaps onto the guard rail and jumps down on Dragon knocking him down. Patriot looks behind him seeing what just might have happened when the ring steps is slamed into the back of Patriot. Ace comes are and tries to stand up to Enforcer till Enforcer slams the steps in his head.))

Eddie: What's Ace-Man doing here!?

Travis: Don't know but he's out now!

((After seeing what Enforcer did to Ace, Patriot comes back and closelines Enforcer nearly taking his head off. Patriot gets down and doesn't bother with the pin but starts beating away on Enforcer. Suddenly Palimon and Beowulf come running down the ramp.))

Eddie: What are they doing here! This is not their match!

Travis: All fair in war and hardcore matches!

((Palimon pulls Patriot off and quickly delivers a snapmare. Beowulf picks Patriot up putting him in a torture rack, Patriot cries out in pain while Palimon grabs the ring steps and beats them into the fallen body of Ace-Man. Enforcer gets slowly to his feet and sees the BloodLust Slayerz, he grabs Palimon and starts yelling about interfering in his match. Beowulf throws the body of Patriot at Enforcer knocking him down.))

Eddie: BloodLust Slayerz have taken out Patriot and Enforcer. This is no doubt the work of Martin Smalls again!

Travis: Hey never mess with the man that runs this show.

((Palimon and Beowulf start stomping away on Ace-Man when the see Blood get to his feet. The two look at each other then grabs Blood delivering a double choke slam. The crowd cries out in an up roar as Draven climbs out of the crowd behind them armed with a chair. He waist no time taking Palimon out, Beowulf turns seeing him but before he can grab him Draven slams the chair hard into his head bring him to his knees before falling to the floor. Draven helps the struggling Enforcer to his feet. Enforcer pins Blood laying out in front of him not seeing Patriot laying out cold behind him. 1...2...3.))

Jean Fortello: Your winner and Hardcore Champion..... ENFORCER!!!

Eddie: He did it! Enforcer defined the odd Smalls put before him!!

Travis: Only with the help of Draven.

((Draven hand him the Hardcore belt and raises his hand.))

((Camera goes backstage to where Executioner, Sephiroth and Sothren are in their locker room. Sephiroth is pacing the floor extremely agitated, Executioner is sipping at a cup of coffee very calm and relaxed, Sothren sits on a table sharpening a knife. Sephiroth picks up a vase and throws it across the room shattering it into tiny bits. Sothren flinches as the Executioner still sips at his coffee.))

Seph: I just feel like I have to hit something!!!!

((Turns to the Executioner and punches him dead square in the face. Executioner calmly puts his coffee down and stands up towering over him like a child, then falls face first to the floor.))

Seph: Sorry about that Ex!

((Sothren just looks down at Ex and then at his brother))

Soth: You need to calm down brother!

Seph: Calm down! Calm down! The audacity of that woman! I offer her the opportunity of a lifetime to be a part of a chosen few, and she rejects me! No one rejects me! NO ONE!!!

Soth: I realize that brother but you have to calm down!

Seph: Sothren… I am calm!

Soth: Brother your not calm…You’re acting like a lunatic!

Seph: You’re calling me a lunatic! Who’s the serial killer here?

Soth: I see your point! I wish she was on our team though.

Seph: You and me both! That woman!!

((Sothren looks down at the ground almost like in sorrow. ))

Seph: You like her don’t you?

Soth: Like? What do you mean like?

Seph: Oh my god you do! God help us all!

((All of a sudden there is a knock at the door that draws the attention of both brothers. Seph goes to open it and sees Martin Smalls standing outside. Smalls steps inside.))

Smalls: Seph just the guy I wanted to see! Listen, I saw what that Tiger did to you…It’s just uncalled for! Listen you can’t tame that Wild Cat no matter what!

((Seph has a dark on his face and smiles evilly.))

Seph: Perhaps there is a way…I want a match this coming Slaughter , a title match!

Smalls: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! A title match against Tiger? That’s kind of like suicide right?

Seph: Hear me out Martin, she wins the title, she gets my IC belt! She doesn’t get the belt, then-uh…

((Leans in and whispers something into Martin’s ear. Smalls begins to laugh, and starts nodding.))

Smalls: Alright Seph I’ll set everything up! ((Smalls leaves the room. As he does the Executioner slowly gets up, and looks at the two brothers…))

Exe: What’d I miss?

Eddie: What an idiot!

Travis: Could be worse.

Eddie: Your right I just thought of something worse.

Travis: What?

Eddie: My job. That’s all for tonight. See you next week.

(The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.)