Saturday Night Slaughter
Salt Lake City, Utah at the Delta Center

((Jeff walks into the Delta Center his bag slung over his shoulder. He's in his duster, black Lugz t-shirt, black jeans and steel toed Lugz. His face still holds an expression of shock from hearing about Amy's death. He turns the corner looking for his locker room and sees...))

Jeff: Amy?

((Amy is standing there, leaning against the wall. She is balanced on one foot, the other propped against the wall. She is wearing all black, the same she was wearing when she died, save for she now has a black skintight tank top on. Her stockings are on, clearly hiding the sickening cuts on her wrists. Her hair is pulled back in a tight simplistic ponytail, her head down. Her chains gleam..almost demonically, if you believed that sort of thing. she doesnt look up.))

Jeff: What the fuck...? Obake told me you were dead.

Amy: I was. They brought my happy ass back in the ambulance....I woke up to screaming lights and a tube down my throat cleaning all the shit I took that night. But it doesn't matter, does it?

Jeff: Doesn't matter? Doesn't matter?

((He storms over to her and stands over her.))

Jeff: You tried to kill yourself, succeeded, and you're telling me it doesn't fucking matter? Goddamn girl, what the fuck is wrong with you?

((Amy turns her head up, looking into his eyes. He can see a cold fire blazing in her eyes. Something that's never been there before. She speaks, her voice ice cold.))

Amy: You're so hopelessly inerred with this match against me that it drove me to death, bitch. Yeah. You heard me.

((She jabs a finger into his chest hard, her nail digging in.))

Amy: I died for your fool ass, Wylde. You want to know why it doesn't matter? Because I said it doesn't matter!

((Jeff stares at her. He reaches over and opens his locker room door dragging her inside not wanting to start...whatever this is gonna be in the hallway as he sees a few crewmembers walking by.))

Jeff: I suppose you did this for me too!

((He rips the stocking off her arm.))

Jeff: You really need to get your fucked up little head straight kiddo! This ain't a fucking game! I lost everything because of you. I lost my fucking family!

((Amy growls at him and lashes out, grabbing him by his dreads. She seems a lot more vicious))

Amy: You lost your family. Big fucking deal. Grow a dick. I lost my life but I got it back. You wanna keep whining or actually do something about it? Get off your whiny little ass and get them back.

((She shows him the multiple stitched closed cuts in her arm))

Amy: Yeah. I did do them for you. What'd you do, other than blame everyone else but yourself and cry to anyone who'd listen?

((He smacks her arm away and grabs her shoulders pushing her up against a wall.))

Jeff: And to think I actually felt bad when I heard you died! To think that I actually gave a shit about you! You know what? Do whatever the fuck you want Amy, I don't fucking care anymore!

((He grabs her arm and squeezes it making the cuts bleed again.))

Jeff: You want to slice yourself like a thanksgiving turkey? Go on ahead! You want to OD on pills and booze go right the fuck ahead! Do whatever the fuck you want!

((She winces as the stitches pop. her blood flows, but that same cold fire erupts. She rolls up onto her toes and headbutts him hard in the nose, forcing him back. She then runs her hand over the bloody cuts and wipes some of the blood on his face in a massive sign of anger))

Amy: Oh I will. You might want to start lessening your workload, baby. Otherwise I'll do it for you.

((She kisses his cheek mockingly then walks out, slamming the door. What he doesn't see is that behind him...his locker room is thrashed..broken painted walls...shattered mirror.))

Jeff: Fuckin' bitch...

((He turns and takes in the locker room.))

Jeff: Touche.

((He chuckles to himself and sets up the one unbroken chair in the whole room. He wipes the blood off of his face with a towel.))

Jeff: You'll get yours Amy, you'll fucking get yours.

((The blue HWC logo fades in the out as It's Going Down starts to play The Tiger is show riding in the parking lot on her bike then to Faygo and Wendell walk out the hall back stage. The stage and HWC-Tron are show as blue pyro works go off, the new Slaughter logo flashes for a few moments before showing Obake dressed to fight walking to ring to Chloe standing in the ring holding the Women's title up. Then onto Bulldozer choke slaming Ace-Man then Blood Dragon coming out and throwing Lumberjack threw the stage logo. The Slaughter logo comes up and flashes again this time spinning and flipping. It changes to the Finest besting up Smalls and Draven in his office to Mia standing on the ramp staring down Chaotica in the ring. It ends showing profiles of Seph and Soth, Amy, Rave and Enforcer. The Slaughter logo is showen one last time before fadeing out completely.)

(The Camera pans over the audience, ready and anxious for the show to begin, various signs such as "YOU'RE NEXT...Weeeeee!" and "Will ref Paddle on a pole match for food" decorate the large arena, the Slaughter music fades and the camera pans over to Eddie and Travis but as the camera zooms in for a close up the lights suddenly flicker then die, a slight buzz of confusion eminates from the crowd, Travis goes to speak but finds his Mic wont function, Eddie then tries but the result is the same. The crowd falls silent when the lights go out and as smoke begins to pour out onto the stage. The temerature seems to drop causing chills to run up many a spine, when a thick fog has covered the stage a voice punctuates the chilly silence, a voice that sounds both menacing yet somehow soothing and strong))

Voice: Desire...The lust that has claimed the minds of countless men and women, be it for power, money,or sex it will always bring you to the same conclusion my children, and that conclusion is failure, destruction of all goals and previously laid plans...all up in smoke. Though we never see it coming do we? This desire numbs our pain, blinds us from the obvious, mind set only on acheieving more power...lusting after it...eternally in pursuit of it until it consumes us entirely...then and only then do we become aware of the suffering we've inflicted, the dreams we've trampled in pursuit of our own selfish gains, once the light of "Desire" has faded from our eyes we become...aware. The HWC...HWC encourages such selfish acts, encourages humble men and women to climb higher and higher, pushing beyond and sometimes shattering their limits and self expectations..."Desire" is fueled by promises of Money...Power...and Ultimately that Leather strap gilded in gold that places one unfortunate on a pedestal above everyone else"And then once you claw your way from the bottom of the ladder to the top of the pedistal you find your throne to be quite unstable indeed...built on a hurried, shakey foundation with countless others seeking to tear you away from your hard earned is then that your days are numbered...and it is only a matter of time before you can no longer maintain your grip...only a matter of time until the foundation crumbles and you take the inevitable plunge back into obscurity...only a fading memory in the minds of your once Loyal fans. The Prophet knows well this horrid poison called "Desire" The Prophet can be your shelter, your guidence in your greatest time of need, Let The Prophet lead you down the nobel path...not Desire. Children of the HWC know this...My words are true, The Prophet would never lie to you...and most importantly of all The Prophet would never...never lead you astray.

((There is a long moment of silence as the crowd digests these words sitting in the cold darkness, then a whispered sentence leaves them in deeper confusion before the lights suddenly flicker to life))

Voice: "Soy la luz que indica usted!"

((The camera pans past confused and excited fans to Eddie and Travis whose Mic's now seem to be working))

Travis: What the hell was that?

Eddie: You're guess is as good as mine...Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Saturday Night Slaughter, we're going to go to a quick commercial break while we get some technical difficulties sorted out, we'll be right back!

Standard Match
Jericho vs Bulldozer

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall.

((Korn's "Here To Stay" begins to blast over the P.A. System while the lights dim. Red fire works begins to blast, and a red strobe light begins to flash at ligthing like speed. The Bulldozer walks from the back and begins to go down the ramp and walks through one huge fire work going off then he walks to the ring intimadatily.))

Fortello: Coming to the ring first, from Rock Hill, South Carolina, weighing 345 pounds, Bulldozer!

Eddie: Bulldozer has been on a tear as of late here in the HWC, living up to his name by literally Bulldozing his way through his opponents.

Travis: Who cares about all that?! As much as I'd love to talk about this match I don't think anyone can get over what we just saw! Amy's alive! My dear sweet Amy is alive and well!

Eddie: True enough Travis. The fans here are still buzzing over what we saw!

Fortello: And his opponent...

((The God that Failed by Metallica hits and the lights flicker, then go out. When they come back on, they have a sickly green glow. Standing at the entrance to the arena is Jericho Dylan. He's an intimidating figure in black and silver. A black cloak is thrown over his head, shrouding his long blonde hair and brown eyes. Fireworks go off, making the crowd jump as he makes his way to the ring.))

Fortello: From New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing 225 pounds, Jericho Dylan!

Eddie: The man who made a return in a big way at Sudden Death by nearly killing the Hardcore champion the Enforcer has a big order in Dozer. He's promised to destroy him in ten minutes!

Travis: How could Jeff say those horrible things to Amy?

Eddie: Travis, I realize you're obsessed with Amy, but we do have a match to call.

((Jericho and Dozer lock up and the bigger Dozer gets the advantage shoving Jericho back. Jericho charges in and Dozer stops him dead with a big boot. He pulls Jericho back up and backs him into the corner with right hands and then starts pounding the hell out of Jericho, fists and feet pounding Dylan down to the mat.))

Eddie: And Dozer continues his mean streak pounding Dylan down in the opening moments of this match!

Travis: Well like you said, he's been on a roll and is destroying Dylan!

((Dozer pulls Jericho back up and sends him across the ring and Jericho goes hard into the corner. He staggers out and Dozer nails him with a gorilla press back breaker dropping Jericho down hard. He yanks Dylan back up and drives a knee into his gut and Dylan drops back down. He then kicks Dylan in the back of the head a couple of times before pulling him back up by the hair and punching him once before sending him for the ride. He nearly decapitates Dylan with a huge clothesline turning him inside out. He stalks after Jericho who's rolling around on the mat before catching him and pulling him back to his feet. He unloads with a headbutt forcing Jericho to stagger backwards into the ropes.))

Travis: Doesn't look to me like Jericho's doing all that good of a job with the ten minute beating rule.

Eddie: The match just started, so don't get your hopes up yet.

Travis: My hopes are already up! Amy's alive!

Eddie: The way you're talking I don't think it's your hopes that are up!

((A DDT by Dozer leaves Dylan laying in a heap. Dozer rolls him over and covers. 1...2...kickout by Dylan! Dozer backs him to the ropes and whips him off again, this time bending over for a backdrop. However Jericho sees the setup and kicks Dozer in the chest standing him back up. Jericho then unloads with a series of chops backing Dozer to the ropes, each chop getting the familar cry of "Whoo!" from the crowd. Jericho sends Dozer off the ropes and nails him with a scintilating dropkick. However Dozer doesn't fall. A second dropkick from Jericho sends Dozer crashing to the mat. Dozer slowly regains his feet only to be met by a swinging neckbreaker from Jericho.))

Eddie: Now Dylan is getting back into this thing, after a slow start Jericho Dylan is in control of Dozer.

Travis: Did you see Dozer withstand that dropkick? The man is amazing.

Eddie: Inedeed he is but so is Jericho as he takes Dozer over with a snap suplex.

((Jericho floats over into a cover and gets a two count before Dozer kicks out. He's still a bit groggy and Jericho doesn't let up nailing Dozer over and over with right hands to the head as Dozer wobbles on his knees. After 12 shots Jericho lets go and Dozer falls onto his back. Jericho drops a knee into the gut of Dozer and mounts his chest and starts hammering his face again. The referee pulls him off, and Jericho backs up crouching down waiting for Dozer to get back up. As soon as he does Jericho charges across the ring and spears Dozer so hard that both men go falling from the ring. Jericho is the first to his feet and rams Dozer's head into the ring apron before rolling Dozer back in and heading to the top rope.))

Eddie: Dylan is up top and this thing could be over quick, he's signalling for Sin City! This thing may be over!

((Jericho leaps but Dozer rolls out of the way!))

Travis: Then again maybe not.

((Jericho staggers to his feet having had the wind knocked out of him. But Dozer is back up and drives his large knee into Jericho's face. He spins Dylan around and drops him with a reverse DDT. He pulls Dylan back up and whips him into a short arm clothesline. Jericho fights to his feet on rubber legs as Dozer wraps his hand around Jericho's throat and delivers a devestating chokeslam!))

Eddie: What a move! A huge chokeslam by Dozer to Jericho Dylan! Dylan may be out, he is not moving!

Travis: The former world champion has Dylan right where he wants him!

Eddie: But Dozer is making a rookie mistake and playing to the fans!

Travis: He can afford to Dylan ain't going anywhere! He can' even get up.

((Dozer finally goes over and covers Dylan. 1...2...kickout by Dylan! Dozer's wasted time pays off for Dylan as he kicks out. Dozer gets frustrated and pulls Dylan back up and he readies Jericho for the Demolition. Jericho starts fighting his way out driving his elbow into the side of Dozer's skull making him let go. With incredible speed Jericho leaps up and floors Dozer with and Enziguri!))

Eddie: Where did that come from. Jericho out of nowhere with a beautiful Enziguri! Dozer fell like a rock!

((Jericho pulls Dozer to his feet and whips him off the ropes nailing him with a sidewalk slam on the return trip. Jericho then nails Dozer with a Diamond Cutter and then slaps on a crossface. However they're close enough to the ropes that Dozer can grab the rope forcing Dylan to break the hold. He doesn't let up however and he manages to get Dozer over with a fallaway slam. Dozer is dizzy as he gets back to his feet and this time Dylan nails a perfect superkick that flattens Dozer. He mounts the nearest turnbuckle and nails a picture perfect moonsault onto Dozer. The cover...1...2...3!))

Fortello: Here is your winner, Jericho Dylan!

Eddie: Well after a shocking start to our show where we find out Amy is very much alive, Jericho Dylan slows the roll of Dozer picking up a huge win in his first match back.

Travis: What luck! He comes back and takes down a guy like Dozer. He's almost as lucky as I am.

Eddie: How are you lucky?

Travis: Amy's alive!

((Suddenly the arena lights go yellow and "Prayer" by Disturbed hits the PA. Armageddon walks out onto the stage, with the Tiger following a few steps behind him. She stays on the stage as Armageddon walks to the ring. Dylan backs up a few steps and Armageddon steps into the ring and looks down at the slowly recovering Dozer. Armageddon reaches down and grabs the rising Dozer and issues the Last Rites to the almost recovered Dozer!))

Eddie: HOLY CRAP! Armageddon just hit Dozer with the last rites! He just threw the man out of the ring with that devestating crucifix bomb of his!

Travis: And Dozer is not moving at all. And Dylan looks just as confused as we are!

Eddie: Right you are Travis, I'm just as confused as everyone else! Why did Armageddon do that?

((Armageddon turns to leave and as he heads back up the ramp Jericho suddenly breaks from the ring and charges after him, he grabs Armageddon as the man reaches the stage where Tiger is wating for him. He grabs Armageddon and spins him around so the two men are face to face. He seems to be demanding answers, pointing to the ring we can finally hear him.))

Jericho: what the hell was that all about?

((Armageddon doesn't answer, he just gives Jericho an enigmatic look. There's something in his eyes that makes Jericho drop to one knee, head lowered, like Tiger last week. Armageddon puts a hand on his head and uses a gesture to make him follow. Jericho gets up and follows Armageddon and Tiger backstage.))

Eddie: Last week it was Tiger and now Jericho? What kind of hold does Armageddon hold over these two? What is it about him that's drawing wrestlers to him, and are Tiger and Jericho going to be a factor in his triple threat match against, Blood Dragon and The Creeper later on tonight?

Travis: I guess we'll find out then, but right now we have to take a break!

((Slaughter goes to a commercial for Burger King. The Enforcer rips the door off and walks in. The BK shakes and people move out of his way.)

Enforcer (reaching the counter): I need an Xtreme Whopper.

BK Clerk: I'm sorry Mr. Enforcer sir, but we just sold our last one.

Enforcer: WHAT? To who?

((Clerk points to a middle aged man off to the side, about to take a bite when he looks up and sees the Enforcer looking at him. The Enforcer suddenly has a steel chair in his hand and runs over to the man. We cut to a picture of the Whopper.))

Announcer: Try the new BK Xtreme Whopper. Two kinds of cheese, four strips of bacon and an extreme taste (CLANG...the top bun falls off the burger), now for a limited time only.

(The scene cuts back to the Enforcer taking a huge bite out of the burger with a smile on his face and a dented chair in his hand. The guy is laying slumped on the floor.)

Enforcer: Now that's an extreme taste!

(Cut to the BK logo.)

Singers: At BK, you got it!))

Paddle on a Pole Match
Chloe vs Chaotica

Eddie: Well, folks, this is our first ever Paddle on a Pole match here in the HWC... You have to get the paddle off the pole and use it on your opponent to win.

Travis: Drool, drool.

Eddie: Shut up, Travis. It's between Chloe Jackson and Chaotica.

Travis: Eep... I still remember the LAST time I saw Chaotica!

((Eddie shakes his head and sighs as he watches Jean Fortello take her place in the ring. The last time anyone had seen Chaotica, she'd been chasing after Rancid. Then, just last week, she made her surprising return by attacking Isabella Mortis. A surprising turn of events to say the least. Chaotica's been rather preoccupied as of late... Bree Sharp's "Cheap and Evil Girl" cuts across the PA, announcing Chloe. The lights dim and red spotlights come on with a greyish cold mist rolls over the ground.Her theme starts as black lights flash at the stage entrance. Chloe comes out from behind the curtain and walks down to the ring.))

Eddie: Chloe didn't seem happy with Mia kissing Sephiroth last week...

Travis: No comment.

((Eddie wisely refrains from any wisecracks as "Broken" by 12 Stones blares across the speaker system. As her music kicks up Kimber appears at the top of the ramp, gazing out at the crowd for a moment she smiles as she starts to walk down the ramp, occasionally slapping hands with some of the fans along the way. Upon reaching ring side, Kimber jumps up on the ring apron then flips over the top rope landing on her feet.))

Eddie: And you have to wonder what everyone in the locker room is thinking now... The news today wasn't good.

Travis: We thought Amy was dead...but she's alive! Is she a ghost?!

((They both sit silent while Cha and Chloe trade blows in the ring. Somehow, without being noticed, Blood Dragon makes his way to ringside and stands there watching! Cha nails Chloe with a hiptoss and sends her flying across the ring. Chloe hits the side of the ring the pole's at, crashing hard. She cranes around to see the paddle hanging there and a wicked grin spreads across her lips. She mounts the ropes and tries to grab the paddle, but to no avail. Cha sprints across the ring, grabs Chloe by the hair and tosses her the other way. Then Cha herself climbs up and goes to grab the paddle, but Chloe is on her. Chloe grabs Kimbers hair and yanks her down, basically hanging her there. Chloe begins to kick Kimber in the chest, growling. Chloe then unhooks Chaotica, tossing her to the ground. Chloe gets up on the top turnbuckle, and waits..Chaotica gets up, and Chloe reaches out, grabbing her..WRATHSPIRE! Chaotica is out cold!))

Eddie: Chaotica is out cold! Chloe could win this match!

Travis: Amy's ghost could come down here and fix this!

((Chloe climbs up and grabs the paddle as the bell is rung, awarding Chloe the match! Chloe reaches down and smacks Chaotica in the back a couple times, then smacks her hard upside the head. Chloe then leaves the ring, as 'Cheap And Evil Girl' plays))

((Camera opens up back stage on Harley standing in the hall way alone as Tiger passes by, Harley sees her and calls out to her.))

Harley: Hey there Tiger, I hear you're following someone else now! What's a matter cant stand on your own feet?

((Tiger stops and turns no motion in her face.))

The Tiger: Ya would not say such things if ya knew who I serve.

Harley: Serve is it? It's sad, you have't been the same sense ya lost your belt to me. Maybe you should retire seems you just no longer have what it takes.

The Tiger: Is that so?

Harely: Yea.

The Tiger: Well retired or not, at least I know I can go threw life knowing I didn't lose to Faygo! Or how is it Smalls puts it,...... a Jobber!

Harley: You know I should kill you for such words!

The Tiger: Well if ya think ya still have what it takes, meet me in the ring next week for a hardcore match!

Harely: Your own, and I'll but a legal end to you once and for all, sense you seemed to have learned nother from last time.

The Tiger: Oh this ain't no normal hardcore match, try barbwire for the ring ropes, and we will see who's lost thier edge!

((Tiger grins and walks on down the hall. Harley is about to brust with anger when she calls back to her.))

Harley: When that match is over Tiger, SO WILL BE YOUR CAREER!!

((Scene fades to a commercail. Subways Jared can be seen eating a Sub at a picnic Table, he finishes his meal and stands up but as he does he drops his Sub wrapper on the ground, he bends down to pick it up like a good company spokesman, as he stands up he hears a loud roar his head snaps up and he screams as HWC's monster Obake spears him out of nowhere bending the unfortunate man almost in half. After a moment Obake stands up from behind the Picnic table, in each hand a foot long sub, a voice speaks as he takes a huge bite from each Sub and grins)

Voice: Move over Jared and say Hello to Subways newest Spokesman...Obake! Who shows us he goes to Subway to feed his monster appitite!

(Obake finishes and begins to walk off camera, he turns and looks over his shoulder and growls)

Obake: EAT FRESH...Or Else!

Standard Tag Match
Bottled Genius vs HWC's Finest

((Double X Minus by Five Pointe O plays followed by Outsmarted, the left and right of the entranceway flash green and red respectivly. Wendell Graham Bell walks out slowly from behind the left curtain, with abacus in hand, donning a white lab coat. Faygo Joe comes out from the right, pushing a wheelbarrow which contains Bridget Morgan. Faygo Joe dances around like an ass and then continues his walk to the ring, wheelbarrow in tow. Wendell takes a glance at Faygo Joe, then shakes his head and walks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Faygo Joe wheel's his barrow down the ramp and parks it next to the ring. He gives Bridget a loving kiss on the cheek before entering the ring and hopping around like a jackass until his opponents comes out. Wendell gets up and takes off his lab coat and throws it into his corner, still shaking his head at the sight of Faygo Joe.))

Eddie: This is Bottled Genius first tag match taking on HWC's Finest.

Travis: Both are losers, so why are we watching this?

((Jimi Hendrix's National Anthom plays as Patriot followed bt Ace-Man comes out caring the American flag. They both stand atop the stage for a moment and salute the flag before continuing on down to the ring. Patriot rolls up the flag and persents it to the ref before climbing into the ring with Ace.))

Eddie: And where we go. With Faygo being the World Champ they might be the next going for the Tag belts.

Travis: He is the sickest World champ I have ever seen.

((Ace and Wendell stand toe to toe in the ring till Ace raises his hand up for a test of strength. Wendell looks over the crowd as they cheer for ace and grins, he accepts the test and the two lock up. Wendell starts to win till Ace knees him in the mid section then suplex Wendell. Wendell gets up and throws Ace to the ropes, Wendell goes for closeline but stops short and gives Wendell a drop kick. Ace pulls Wendell to his feet but is met with a Mongolian Ear Chop. Ace staggers away till Wendell comes over and grabs him for headbutt. From there Wendell pulls Ace into a Brainbuster. Wendell covers Ace, 1..2.. Brack up by a kick in the head from Patriot.))

Eddie: Patriot is ready for action, he gets his chance now with a tag from Ace.

Travis: I hope someone rips thier masks off and humilate them.

((Wendell lunges at Patriot and the two tie up, Patriot throws Wendell hard to the corner. Patriot runs at him but is met with a boot to the face. Wendell comes at Patriot and hits a Swinging Neck Breaker. Wendell goes for a cover but is kicked off him. Patriot gets up to his feet and pulls Wendell into a Gorilla Press, Wendell slips behind him and kicks him to the ropes. Faygo pulls the top rope down as Patriot tumbles to the floor.))

Travis: Now thats team work.

Eddie: Oh please it was a dirty little trick as Faygo beat up on him on the out side.

((Faygo Pulls Patriot to his feet and starts beating away on im with lefts and rights. Patriot blocks one and hits Faygo hard enought knocking him back into the the announce table.))

Eddie: Whao!

Travis: Look out!

((Patriot grabs Faygo by the back of his hair and slams his head into the table, over and over and over till Faygo counters with an elbow to the chest of Patriot followed by a leg sweep knocking Patriot down just missing the steel steps.))

Travis: DAMN!

Eddie: What you mean damn, thought could of cracked his head open!?

Travis: I know, would of made the match better.

((Faygo pulls Ptraiot to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Wendell who has been battling out against Ace in the ring hits him with a Death Valley Driver. Faygo slides into the ring just as Wendell turns his attention to Patriot. The two start stomping away on him failing to see someones running towards the ring.))

Travis: What the hell!

Eddie: Who invited them back!

((The figures dressed in all balck leather slide into the ring behind Faygo and Wendell. They grab them and throw them over the ropes out of the ring. Ace climbs in to see the men standing over Patriot, Ace runs at them but is grabbed by the smaller one who hits him with a chop to the throw close line. The ref sees this and throws the match out but that doesnt stop them. Patriot is half pulled to his feet as he starts to get up, the bigger of the two pulls Patriot into a torture rack while the other pulls Ace up only to give him a spinning wheel kick to the jaw. The ref tries to stop but is only to be throws out landing on Faygo below. Smalls steps slowly from the back with a mic in hand. Patriot is throw down but pulled to his knees made to watch Smalls.))

Smalls: Well look what we have here, the Finest on their knees. Or as Patriot puts it, America on it's knees. Seems such a fitting possision at the hands of a couple of conqurers.

((The crowd starts to boo Smalls nearly drowning him out.))

Smalls: Hey, SHUT UP! No one asked what you people thought! This is what you deserve for coming into my office for no reason and attacking me and Draven. Draven, who is not in the hospital! You're both very luck I didn't decide to fire you! No I thought this was a much better way to deal with you. Show America how week thier "hero's" really are! So HWC's Finest meet the super "evil" for the supder good........ The BloodLust Slayerz!

((With that Smalls stands there looking very amuzed as Beowulf still holding the head of Patriot slams it down on the mat. Palimon kicks Ace hard in the ribs for leading Beowulf out, Palimon walsk up to Smalls as Beowul grabs the American flag from the ref and breaks the wooden pole. The whole arena is drowned out by the boos as they take thier leave.))

Eddie: I can't believe Smalls brought them back! They were better off gone!

Travis: It's kind of like old times, this just great! First Blood Dragon and nod BloodLust Slayerz.

Eddie: Makes me wonder who else will come back.

Travis: I know!

Eddie: Maybe Danny Lashly will return and take back the fed from Autumn and Smalls.

Travis: Don't even play like that! I can't even picture the HWC with out Smalls!

Last Man Standing
Mystic J vs Jeff Wylde

Jean Fortello: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a last man standing match!

((D12's "Revelation" hits and Mystic comes to the ring. He stops about six steps from the entrance way and raises balled fists to the air as pyros go off beside him. Before he can make his way to the ring Jeff Wylde comes up from behind driving a forearm into the back of the neck of Mystic. He then stomps Mystic on the ramp before pulling J up and giving him a DDT on the ramp. He then kicks Mystic down the ramp to the ring.))

Eddie: And a brutal attack to start the match by Jeff Wylde, and look at his eyes Travis. I don't think that man is sane right now. He looks crazed!

Travis: Well he just found out my Amy is alive! He thought she was dead, we all did. And then to top it off she trashed his locker room! He's lost it all right, you heard the things he said to her, you saw what he did!

Eddie: And I see what he's doing to Mystic J. He's brutalizing him.

((Wylde has gotten J down to the ring and rams J's head into the steel steps opening him up. He tosses J into the ring and does something no one expects. He mounts the top rope and waits for J to stagger to his feet before leaping off with a double axe handle right to the bloody head of Mystic. Wylde stays on him stomping away on Mystic, he looks like he's about to back off, but he bounces off the rope and leaps high into the air driving both knees into the back of J, causing J to scream out in pain. He then drags the bloody J over to the ropes and lays his neck across the middle rope and looks at the camera and screams.))

Jeff: This is for you Amy!

((Jeff then turns and runs across the ring, bounces off the ropes and delivers a 619 to the head of Mystic! However, since Jeff is bigger than Amy the move sends J sprawling back into the middle of the ring flat on his back.))

Eddie: HOLY SHIT! What a move by Wylde, he said that 619 was for Amy!

Travis: But he's nearly 300 pounds! He sent Mystic J right into the middle of the ring, and he's going outside.

((Jeff is reaching under the ring and pulls out a garbage can filled with hardcore toys. He also pulls out a table and sets it up next to the ramp. He then pulls out a fire extinguisher and tosses that and the garbage can in the ring. Mystic is just now staggering to his feet and as Wylde re enters the ring he grabs the extinguisher and sprays it in Mystic's face. He then grabs a stop sign from the can and bashes it into J's head. He then lays the sign down and delivers a piledriver onto it.))

Travis: DEAR GOD! Jeff Wylde is a maniac, he's trying to kill Mystic J!

Eddie: He's gone insane!

((Jeff goes back over to the can and pulls out a kendo stick, he reaches down and rips off Mystic's shirt and winds up whapping J over and over across the back with the stick. Ugly welts rise on the back of J as Wylde beats him. Mystic manages to crawl to the corner and tries to ward off more shots. Wylde tosses the nearly shattered cane off to the side and empties out the garbage can and runs across the ring screaming with the can over his head and brings it down on the midsection of J. He kicks it into J a couple of times and then drags him over to the ropes and lays his neck across the middle rope again. This time he pushes down on J's neck with his knee and pulls up on the ropes.))

Travis: J is turing blue.

Eddie: It looks more like a light purple to me.

((Wylde rolls out of the ring and grabs the time keepers chair, he rears back and swings slamming the steel chair into the face of J.))

Eddie: DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN! Jeff Wylde just unloaded that steel chair into the skull of Mystic J! J's face is covered in blood! This is just sick!

((Jeff slides back in the ring and goes to the other side and grabs the table he set up earlier and tosses it in the ring. J is totally out of it by this point. Jeff sets up the table in the ring and grabs J.))

Eddie: He's not gonna do what I think he's gonna do is he?

((He is. He manages to get the 400-plus pound J up for the Wylde Ride powerbomb! He drives J through the table and then backs to the corner as the referee starts to issue the ten count.))

Powell: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!

Fortello: Here is your winner "The Wyldeman" Jeff Wylde!

Eddie: The Wyldeman has let all the emotion of the past week loose on Mystic J and has beaten the man half to death!

Travis: That is one man who I DO NOT want to cross!

((Jeff has picked up the chair from earlier and is now stalking around J and kicking away the broken pieces of the table. When the debris is clear the referee tries to ward Jeff off from further abuse with the chair but simply gets pushed out of the ring for his trouble. Jeff raises the chair over his head and brings it down across the back of J who screams out. The chair comes down again across the back of J and J somehow tries to get to his feet. Jeff backs up and turns to the camera.))

Jeff: Pay attention Amy! This could be you!

((Jeff circles around Mystic as he manages to get to his knees only to get a chair to the head sending him back down to the mat unconcious. Jeff raises the chair above his head but before he can bring it down...))

Eddie: Wait, what's this? It's Mia Lang! She was supposed to meet new comer Isabella Mortis last week, before a returning Chaotica took Mortis out! What's she doing out here?

Travis: Who cares? This match has had everything, blood and babes! Look at Mia she's a little hottie!

Eddie: She's getting in the ring around the insane Jeff Wylde! He's still got that bloodstained chair!

((Mia slides into the ring and stands in front of Jeff and holds her hands out. He's started to swing the chair and stops short when he sees Mia standing in front of him her eyes pleading with him to stop. She starts talking to him but no one can hear what she's saying. Whatever it is it makes him lower the chair. He looks at Mia who's leading him towards the ropes. He pauses for a moment and drags his finger through Mystic's blood on the chair in a few quick slashing motions. He drops the chair on top of the unconcious Mystic and is walks to the ropes. He turns to charge back at J, but Mia grabs him and is screaming at him to stop. He finally stops and rolls out of the ring with Mia practially pushing him up the ramp as he walks backwards glaring at the unconcious form of J in the ring. We get a closeup of the the chair where we can see that the slashes Jeff made on the chair with his finger earlier have spelled out AMY in J's blood. Mia and Jeff disappear backstage as Slaughter goes to commercial.))

((A commercial for Blockbuster video comes on. The camera pans around the store passing the pre-owned video and DVD section, the new releases section, the action section, the comedies, the dramas, the foreign films, and the sports section. However when it gets to the animae section the shelves are empty. We cut to the checkout counter and we see Reno, Rude, Johnny, Harley and Mia arms weighed down with all the animae videos and DVD's.

Harley: Mia, is this really neccesary?

Mia: You can never have too much anime Ms. Quinn!

Announcer: Now at Blockbuster get, animae, action and so much more. Make it a Blockbuster night.

Reno: I think I just threw my back out!))

(Children of the Korn begins to play as Johnny Star walks out into the arena in a suit and tie. The crowd cheers as he makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand. He climbs in the ring as his music cuts off.)

Eddie: Why is Johnny coming out? He's not scheduled.

Travis: Maybe he's drunk and he's gonna flash the crowd!

Eddie: You'd like that wouldn't you?

Travis: Ye... hey!

Johnny: You're probably all wondering what I'm doing out here...Well I'm here tonight to ask Harley something...Harley I know you're back there...C'mon out sweety...I think you really want to hear this.

((Harley sits backstage watching the monitor.She gets up and heads through the halls past other superstars that are puzzeled by Johnny's apperance. Harley grabs a mic before walking out onto the stage, and makes her way to the ring. Johnny helps her in and smiles taking her to the middle of the ring.))

Harley: What's this all about Johnny? I mean why are we out here?

Johnny: Well...You know we've been together for 7 years now...We've been through hell and back again, through good times and bad...

Harley: What are you gettin' at?

Johnny: What I'm trying to say is that I know you've waited for this for a long time...And I've just haven't had the guts to ask you all this time...Harley Quinn...Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

((Harley stands there in shock as he opens a small box in his hand exposing the ring inside.She looks up to the crowd as Johnny gets on one knee, waiting for his answer.))

Harley: You...You want me to marry you? After 7 years, you finally ask me to be your wife? Why should I say...

((Smiles up at the crowd before looking down at Johnny who is sweating by this time.))

Harley: Why should I say yes! I do!!! You don't know how long I've been waitin' for this moment!


Travis: Well, that just killed the atmosphere.

((Johnny slips the ring on her left hand and stands up.The two of them embrace as the crowd errupts into a loud thunderus cheer. The two embrace ad kiss while the crowd roars in approval. All of a sudden Lightning effects strike the stage and a explosion of pyro is felt. "Fade t black" plays as the two lovers jump back and as they look up they see the Fallen One. Sephiroth du Lac. He pulls out a mic and motions for the music to cut. It does and the crowd thoroughly boes.))

Travis: Yes, thank god! Some action after all!

Eddie: What's he doing here?

Sephiroth: Touching. Very touching. It touches me right here. Oh sorry, no, that's indigestion.

((He laughs at his joke as the crowd boes and jeers.))

Sephiroth: Harley I must admit that this really is touching. But, I'm afraid it must be short-lived. I know, why don't I take a picture for posterity.

((Sephiroth holds his hands out mimicking a picture frame.))

Sephiroth: Now, don't move. I want to remember you just the way you are.

((At that moment Sothren runs out from the crowd with a baseball bat. He thoroughly smacks Johnny upside the head and attacks Harley thew sameway, but, Harley ducks Sothren misses, Harley throws Sothren in the ropes Sothren ducks under a clothesline and super kicks Harley in the face. He lifts Harley up and does the "Devil's Dance" putting her to the mat. Sephiroth roars with a hideous laughter as Sothren lifts Harley with the bat. Placing her in a choke hold with it. Sephiroth smiles as the crowd is in an uproar.))

Eddie: Oh my god! This is sick! Somebody stop 'em.

Travis: Don't call for help you idiot this is great!

Sephiroth: Sorry, Harley. This was the only way I could get your attention. You see I have been waiting for this day for far too long. I've been waiting and watching for my chance and it is now.

((He pulls out a sheet of paper.))

Seph: You know what this is, Harl? It's an executive order by Mr. Smalls for a match. A special match, a camelot pit fight match!

Travis: WHAT?!

Eddie: A came-what?

((The crowd roars in approval and cheers, remembering the many days in the LWF and XWF. Harley looks dazed almost out of it, blood pouring from her nose.))

Seph: You know what that is, Harley? A 20 foot razor sharp steel cage. Set ablaze with fire. No way out, no way in, no escape, Harley. Last person standing wins. And let me put it this way, Quinny. I NEVER LOSE!!!

Eddie: My god! That's just cruel. What kind of sick individual is this Sephiroth du lac?

Travis: You know for an atheist you sure say "My god" alot.

(The crowd roars louder then ever, some even reel back from the thought. The return of the Camelot Pit Fight... right here in the HWC.))

Seph: So, Quinn, you better get married real quick. Cause once I'm done with you, you'll be gettin' buried in the morning.

Travis: HAHAHA! Now that's funny!

((Seph and Soth laugh hideously as Harley just sits there helpless. Sothren throws her on the ground and stomps on her as Seph goes to walk out. He turns around with a grin and looks in the ring.))

Seph: Oh, and Harl! One more thing. YOU WILL... FEEL THE FALL! In Pace Requiescat.

((Sothren walks out and Sephiroth goes behind the curtain as the paramedics come out to aid Harley and Johnny))

Eddie: The audacity of Sephiroth du lac! Can you believe this. After the happiest day in Harley Quinn's life he beats the crap out of her and says that she has to fight him in the most deadly match ever concocted.

Travis: Serves her right! She buried him alive. Two weeks in that coffin would sure as hell make me mad!

Eddie: That's true!

Travis: Plus I don't owe her that money if she's dead! HAHA!

Eddie: Your a cold man, Travis. A cold man.

Hardcore Match
The Creeper vs Armageddon vs Blood Dragon

Jean Fortello: The following is a three way hardcore match, to the ring, The CREEPER!!!!

((Demonoid Phenomenon hits, the lights cut off, lightning shoots from the rafters, striking either side of the stage, and leaving two small fires. The camera moves over both fires, showing the entirely of the flaming areas. Then, the cameras back in their original position, in time with the music, the fires explode upward, as well as a random turnbuckle post. The fires on the stage return to smoldering, and the turnbuckle is doused completely, revealing The Creeper standing on the turnbuckle, right where the fire had been centered.))

Jean Fortello: And his opponent making his return to the HWC.....

((I Don't Give A F*** blares over the PA throughout the arena, as the crowd brust with cheers.))

Jean Fortello: BLOOD DRAGON!!!!!

((A blood red hue encompases the ramp and ring. Slowly but intensely Blood parts the curtain and steps out onto the stage and takes stock of his surroundings. Only when he is satisfied, will he then slowly work his way down to the ring.))

Travis: Where's Armageddon!

Eddie: Guess he's not coming or he left.

Travis: Don't say that! I know he's here, we saw him take Jericho.

((Creeper decides not to wait and goes under the ring for a weapon, he pulls out a lead pipe and runs at Blood. Seeing this Blood kicks Creeper in the throat once he is close enough.))

Travis: That had to hurt.

Eddie: Blood knows Hardcore matches all to well, so I think it's safe to say who the winner is going to be.

((The two start to wrestle for the pipe when Crepper throws Blood off the ramp and to the guard rail below. Creeper then leaps off to hit Blood below, Blood divers out of the way. Blood gets to his but is met with a blow to the back, he staggers off to the back stage area with Creeper close behind.))

Eddie: Where are they going??

Travis: Wait! Come back, we want to see the fight IN THE RING!!

((Blood rests against the wall by a table skattered with video equitment. Crepper takes a swing at Blood's head but he ducks. Blood spins around and hits Creeper in the left shoulder with a chair, the blow knocks him into the wall. Creeper swings again at Blood's head but Blood brinsg up the chair as a sheild. Creeper hits a low blow causing Blood to lower the chair. Creeper swings again connecting with Bloods skull that knocks him to the ground. Creeper sees the chair and tosses the pipe away, he picks up the chair and brings it down on Blood. Before the chair can slam into his body Blood kicks up with both feet sending the chair to connect with the skull of Creeper. Now Creeper is staggering away and Blood it to his feet. Blood comes up from behind and grabs him by the back ot the neck. He then slams Creeper's head into a locked door till he is busted open.))

Travis: Blood Dragon lives up to his name!

Eddie: First one to spill blood, Blood Dragon its yet done with his beating!

((Blood then sends Creeper tumbling threw a wall, Blood follows to finish him off. Surprising enough Creeper is slowly getting to his feet and grabs a half empty coffee pot. Blood reaches over and grabs him when Creeper smashes the glass pot against his head. Blood cries out as the hot coffee bruns his face, covering his face he wanders out of the room. Creeper leans against the wall resting a moment before presueing Blood. Blood wanders down the hall looking for a weapon when he finds a chair. Turning around ready to fend off Creeper he sees a few feet away Armageddon beating on Creeper. He gives Creeper a Gorilla Press Slam threw the door to the room of the wall the distroyed. Blood comes running at Armageddon with the chair, Blood takes a swing but Armageddon side steps him. Armageddon then quickly delivers a powerful closeline to Blood. This only stunns him as he gets to his feet but with out the chair.))

Armageddon: I don't need primative weapons to beat you!

((Blood gets up and rushes him to take him down Armageddon when Blood is back handed with a fist to the head. Armageddon picks up the chair and swings hard at Blood knocking him off his feet.))

Armageddon: But that won't stop me from using them against you!

((Blood tries to get up now spitting blood when the chair is brought down ontop of his skull, it brings him to his knees looking very much out of it. Another blow and Blood still wont go down, thought he still on his knees. A final blow harder then the last hitting the side of Blood's head knocks him onto his back.))

Eddie: Armageddon Is unhuman! Someone stop this mad man before he kills Blood!

Travis: Told you he would come!

Eddie: What are another one of his mindless followers?

Travis: Hell no! I just know good talent when I see it.

Eddie: That's right your Smalls' bicth!

((Armageddon raises the chair again with Blood laying at his feet motionless, he goes to swing he is stopped by The Tiger grabing ahold of the chair. Armageddon turns looking darkly angered by her action.))

Armageddon: How dare you!

The Tiger: Please master, he's had enough....... He knows better now. Let him live so that he can tell the others that ya are....... the hand of god.

Armageddon: I am not with out mercy, I will save my skills for a more worthy opponent. Let it be known that I am the rider of the pale green horse, like a corpse. I am rider known as death, and the grave that follows with the authority to use it. I am called many names but for now Blood Dragon I am mercy!

((The camera cuts to Eddie and Travis who look dumb struck, then switches back to Armageddon standing over Blood. He turns and walks away with Ttiger following behind him in his shadow. The camera fades out on Blood Dragon.))

(The transmission dies and as the scene fades.Copyright 2002, Hardcore Wrestling Corp.)